What is the relevance of Old Age Homes in India? Many factors have contributed to the alienation of the elders. Migration of young couples from the rural areas to cities in search of better employment opportunities to fend for themselves. Elders who have been in control of the household for a long time are unwilling to give up the responsiblity to their children. Youngsters on their part are sometimes resentful of the attitude of their parents. Many youngsters have moved to places far away from their native homes and in the recent past to many countries abroad. So even if they want to they cannot accomodate their parents in their own homes. Elders are sometimes too incapaciated or unwell to look after themselves or get medical care especially in an emergency. All these have made the old age homes seem more relevant in the Indian context than ever before. What are the types of Old Age Homes in India? There are two types of Old Age Homes in India. One is the "Free" type which cares for the destitute old people who have no one else to care for them. They are given shelter, food, clothing and medical care. The second type is the "Paid" home where care is provided for a fee. Nowadays, such "Retirement" homes have become very popular in India and they are well worth considering. The 'Old Age Homes' Are On Increase In India Which Is Definitely A Question Tag On The Traditional And Cultural Values Of Typical Indian Family!

Old Age Homes

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What is the relevance of Old Age Homes in India?Many factors have contributed to the alienation of the elders. Migration of young couples from the rural areas to cities in search of better employment opportunities to fend for themselves. Elders who have been in control of the household for a long time are unwilling to give up the responsiblity to their children. Youngsters on their part are sometimes resentful of the attitude of their parents. Many youngsters have moved to places far away from their native homes and in the recent past to many countries abroad. So even if they want to they cannot accomodate their parents in their own homes. Elders are sometimes too incapaciated or unwell to look after themselves or get medical care especially in an emergency.All these have made the old age homes seem more relevant in the Indian context than ever before.

What are the types of Old Age Homes in India?There are two types of Old Age Homes in India. One is the "Free" type which cares for the destitute old people who have no one else to care for them. They are given shelter, food, clothing and medical care.The second type is the "Paid" home where care is provided for a fee. Nowadays, such "Retirement" homes have become very popular in India and they are well worth considering.

The 'Old Age Homes' Are On Increase In India Which Is Definitely A Question Tag On The Traditional And Cultural Values Of Typical Indian Family!

? The Old Age Homes In India Things Are Different In Western Countries! Old Parents Role In A Traditional Indian family! Things Have Changed Today! Where The Things Are Going Wrong? Still There Is a Ray Of Hope!!The Old Age Homes In India

In India the Old Age Homes are increasing in number day by day! Yes, these are helpful for the elder people and the inmates are taken care of, by the concerned authorities by looking after their all needs very well!

But my concern and point of discussion is that, why at the first place these Old Age Homes are getting increased in the country like India, where we have altogether different culture and traditional values when compared to Western countries!Things Are Different In Western Countries!In most of the Western countries the culture is different! The children become independent and they leave home once they attain the maturity to have their own life leaving the parents at their places and Government looks after these people!

But in India we have a tradition and culture where by the children are not treated as a grown up ones and their all needs are taken care of till the time they complete their studies and start earning! For this the parents leave no stone unturned in their lives and they make lot of sacrifices to make their children successful adults in their lives!Old Parents Role In A Traditional Indian family!

Inmates Of An Indian Old Age Home!! (Google Image)

Generally the girl child after finishing her education and becoming a responsible citizen leaves her parents place for her in laws place after her marriage where she takes care of the boys family including the parents of the boy! Similarly when the boy becomes responsible adult he gets married to a suitable girl and she enters the boys home and takes care of the family along with the parents!

Here though the parents are no more active physically as they were because of their old age, but their respect, dignity and regards in the family is maintained and they act as decision makers in all important events happening in the family! That is what the role of old parents they have in a typical Indian home!Things Have Changed Today!But unfortunately today we can see many old people coming from good back ground and who have their own children, living in these Old Age Homes!

They are capable of paying the expenses to the Old Age Homes as they have no dearth on money!Where The Things Are Going Wrong?What a pathetic scene, in spite of having money with them, grown up children with them these people are living a mechanical lives at the mercy of others! Where is the fault? Who are at fault? Have the parents got failed to make their children understand about the intimate relationship between the offspring and parents? Have the children forgotten the fact that it is their duty to look after their parents who have sacrificed their entire life for their upbringing? Are the Social values which have changed so fast, that money and power has taken priority over love affection and moral values in the country

This is a serious problem in modern India today.Still There Is a Ray Of Hope!!But instead of playing the blame game, still I feel this problem can be solved by todays young parents by highlighting this issue to todays children and make them to understand about the pathetic situation prevailing in the Society (as today most of us have one or two children in a nuclear family and this can be detrimental for parents at their old age)!

And these Children must be made to understand about the moral values and responsibilities toward their parents and they are made to learn to respect and regard these values and they should be clearly told that one reaps as one sow!Advantages of Old age Homes1.Old age homes are meant for senior citizens who are unable to stay with their families or are destitute. These old age homes have special medical facilities for senior citizens such as mobile health care systems, ambulances, nurses and provision of well-balanced meals. So they can live a healthy life.2.Good services and good behaviour of the staff, food beingpalatable and wholesome are the main advantage of old age homes.3.Apart from food, shelter and medical amenities, old age homes also provide yoga classes to senior citizens. Old age homes also provide access to telephones and other forms of communication so that residents may keep in touch with their loved ones.4.The entertainment and library facilities are also available for the sole purpose of the senior citizens.5.For older people who have nowhere to go and no one to support them, old age homes provide a safe haven. These homes also create a family like atmosphere among the residents. Senior citizens experience a sense of security and friendship when they share their joys and sorrows with each other.6.In old age homes, old people have a lot of free time, so they can utilize it creatively.7.They usually do not have to work in an old age home to earn and do not have lot of duties to perform.8.They can also pursue any hobbies in a very peaceful atmosphere.9.- They don't have big expectations.They do not have to spend money a lot.10.They have the freedom to pursue and participate in religious activities.11.- Old people live peacefully and slowly.Old people can live peacefully and healthily in an old age home.12.Old age homes provides the much needed comfort, solace and companionship of age- mates and the freedom to pursue their ownactivities without constraints.You might have loads of advantages to dispose off your parents but if they had imagined the advantages to let you grow up in the streets, then they would not be in oldage homes. Cherish them, they are invaluable. Take care of them you would be blessed. That is what love is all about.Now a days"Old Age Homes"are increasing day by day in our society. In some Societies old people live with their children when they can no longer live by themselves.In other societies, the elderly live in special residences where they are looked after by professional caregivers like old age homes.

Today people have become so busy that they are unable to spend proper time with their family and are unable to give time to their old parents who are with them. So, according to you which is better,whether old people living with their children and grand children or whether moving them to a oldage home or a special residences??Share your thoughts on this........Which System do you think is better?