. •«< THE TELEGRAM, MARCH 10, 1918. Die 3 C 3 C 3 C JELMIRA'S PRINCIPAL BUSINESS HOUSES I . W you want to know the place to go, It will pay you to glance through these "convenience columns." ID 1 3 C 3 C 3 C •El ARCHITECTS H. M. HASKELL. Registered Architect. 612-S20 Hulett BlclK.. Office telephone 1?.J7, phone. 32S3-W. Klmjira. N. Y. Residence tele- AUTOMOBILE GARAGE AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES— STORAGE; All makes of cars remodeled and re- built. Gas engine repairs! a specially. Klmira Motor Car Co.. 106J-10S-110 East , Church- street.. Klmira, J* Y- 'Phone 1011-J. MEAT MARKET IT. A. WINKEL. Retail Dealer in Meats. Vegetables and Cheese. .Fernd.ell Pro- ducts. Two 'Phones. G25-527 L a k o St. PHOTO ENGRAVING I P YOT." H A V E NEVER used engravings made by the Telegram Engraving De- partment, you don't know how easy it. is to make attractive printing. Our prices will save you money. Write us Telegram Printing Co.. Klmira, X. Y. . Engraving Dept. OH! WHAT A CURSE. BOILER AND IRON WORKS MIRA BOILER and Iron Works. Dick- son St.. OPP. D.. L and W. station, rging. Blncfcsmithir.ic. BOilers. Tanks and Stills. Plate anvl Sheet. Iron Works. Boiler Repairing promptly attended to. We buy old boilers, engines of any male, also repair and ?ell same. Klmira. X. Y. STONEWARE Old Magazines. Ship me all the BREWERIES T. BRIGGS <fc CO.. Ales and Lag-^r bottled for private-use at the brewery and de- livered. Stonevynrc, Flower Pots and Spec- ialties. I want a man in every town or city to sell and handle my goods: 50 per cent, profit. A. A. WALTER. Prop. 312 Carroll St. Elmira, N.. Y. me all Old Magazines. Old Rubbers and Metals you can pick up. Cash paid for them.* STEAM DYEING AND FRENCH CLEANING WELTOX'S DYE WORKS. 319 Carroll street. Elmira, X. Y. Ladies' and gen- tlemen's clothing cleaned by the new chemical process. First class work only. MAYORS OF YORK STATE CITIES TAKE.THEMSELVES TOO SERIOUSLY. Albany, N. Y., March 0.—The state conference of mayors went on record at a special war meeting; here as fav- oring municipal ownership of public utilities. At the afternoon, sessions utilities. At the afternoon session res- olutions were adopted unanimously, upon motion of Mayor John Fitzgib- bon, of Oswego, urging upon the gov- ernor and the legislature the speedy enactment of- a measure "which will permit any municipality in the state, after a vote of its people, to own, eon- stmct, acquire, purchase, maintain and operate gas, electric light, heat and power plants and railways within its corporate limits * * :: ' upon . the payment of just compensation to the private owners thereof." Governor Whitman. SU;>te pood Commissioner .John Mitchell ami Adjutant General Sherrill spoke at the afternoon meet- v \ l\ 2c « word 0 Weekly Co booi»o Weekly and Sunday must be in ednesday CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITIONS = EXCEPTlONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE, ing. \ FOR SALK—Pool and Bililard table cheap. \\\ 1'. Engel; Wnylarid, X. V. 3-10-tf FEMALE HELP WANTED. HORSE FOK SALE—Call Sunday. Richard Connelly. 1104 Hall St.. Elmira, N. Y. FOR SALE—?>0 empty liilcr.v, ready for use. ion. Pa. egg crate** with 29 Dean St.. Scfan- --24-5t. I'Oll SALE—Bay borne .". years old; weight 1100 lbs. Thomas Flood. Penn Van, N. i. It. D. ?,. FOR SALE—'.J5 II. V. engine, kerosene burn- j cr, nearly new. Address. J. D. Chisholm. ] Cameron Mills, X. V. | WANTED—Woman for housework. Apply to Domestic Supt., Klmira College. Klmira, X. Y.~" 3-JO-tf W A N T E D - A n experienced milliner and saleslady at Fink'?, 82 Main St., Wells- ville, N\ Y. MIDDLE.AGE Women Wanted for kitchen work ;tt the River View hotel, 1J State St., Corning:, X. V. _^ FIVE Bright Capable Ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; ,$2R to. Ti'" per week: railroad fare paid. Goodrich D.iig Company, Dept. 575, Omaha. Nebr. •w-3-3-51 TO HOUSEWIVES: Aluminum ware easily and thoroughly cleaned; receipt 10c. J. W. Knoitse. Ronton. Pa. . 3-3-2t CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS THURSTON & HASKELL. Contractors. 112 West First street. Prices given on building:. COAL AND WOOD CHEMUNG COAL COMPANY, agents D.. L. and W. "Scranton" anthracite Hard and soft wood .and soft coal. Offices 299 E. Washington Ave., and 110 Baldwin St. 'Phone 400. TAILORS C. BUHMAXX, Tailor—Cleaning, repair- ing and pressing. 208 State St., El- mira. X. Y. Bell 'phone 17G9-W. UPHOLSTERER: GRAXER, the Upholsterer and Finisher. 211 Baldwin St. All kinds of Uphol- stering. Finishing and Repairing. Esti- mates given. DRUG STORES GERITY-BARKMAX DRUG Wholesale and Retail. 21S street. STORE— E. Water GROCERY STORES T. J. CONNELLY. Cash Grocer. Xos. 1C-! and 106 East Water street!. Elmira. X. Y. Send or call for price lilst. WINES AND LIQUORS FRED FERRIS. Wholesale and Retail Wine and Liquor Merchant. Goods free and in bond. 201 Railroad Ave., El- mira. X. Y. JOHN M. COXXELLY. Elmira's Leading Wholesale Liquor Dealer. Pure wines and liquors for family trade a specialty. State street, next to post-o(Tlce. GENERAL CONTRACTOR C. T. SPAULDIXG. 600 Broadway. El- mira. X. Y. Special attention given to Carving Cabinet Work and Interior Finish of all kinds. 'Phone} S61-W. JUNK DEALER SCRAP IRON". Old Rubier. Metal. Woolen 'and Cotton Rags. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. We buy arid sell; all kinds of l>ottles. Call or write. Will send team. Klmira Iron and Metal Co., 911 John St. "Phone 2134. P. O. Box 134. ARCHITECTS LIVERY AND TAXIS O'DEA BROTHERS. Palace Livery and Hack Stables. Also taxicab service 427 Caroir Street. 'Phone :05. MACHINE SHOPS CHARLES THOMAS. Machinist. Forging and Tool Dressing. Special Machinery Built. 601 Baldwin St.. Elmira. X. Y. CUSTOM SHIRTS Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Mrs. M. J. Briggs (Formerly Cutter for E. II. Col burn) 500 College Ave.. Elmira, N. Y. Phone 2G5S-W. INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE Established !S53 SWAN & SONS Corner Lake and Water Sts., Elmira. N. Y. FRED D. HERRIGK INSURANCE OFFICES Removed to 169 State" Street (Ground Floor) HOTEL LANGWELL BUILDING Elmira. N. Y. J. H. PIERCE. H. H. BICKFORD Pierce & Bickford, Architects. 118-120 Lake Street,/ Elmira, N. Y., 'Phone 1091-W. lOiimra's experience with municipal ownership of the water .system will prevent nny more municipal owner- ship in Elmira. We know what water cost us when a corporation supplied it, but vye do .not know what it is costing us now. In the lhvht of experience the past three year:;, Elmira, would gladly turn over its water plant to the utili- ties company, and have the big mort- gage removed from our homes. Be- sides, we had efficient management under the old way. Now," what do we have? Very little efficiency almost no disposition to serve the community in a way for the good of the city. Just read and ponder over this tale of water board inefficiency! The distressing conditions now pre- vailing among about sixty families In John street and the immediate vicin- ity, owing to a water main having been frozen nearly four weeks ago, thereby depriving them of city water, was brought to the attention of the board of aldermen at the regular meet- ing Monday night, by Alderman Pow- ers, of the second ward. A petition, containing the names of several of the residents of the locality, praying for relief, was then submitted to the coun- cil by Alderman Pow'ers. and was re- ferred to the special committee of the council appointed to confer with the water commissioners on other import- ant matters. The petition is as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council: Nearly three score families residing in the eastern section of the 'city on John street, between Sullivan and Judson streets, and intersecting streets, have been without city. Water tor almost four weeks, due to the main service pipes be- ing frozen. Appeals by the water con- sumers to the water board have made with the vague reply that nothing can be done at the present time and that the consumers must wait until the warm weather remedies the present conditions. No effort has been made, by the water commissioners to thaw out the service. Many of the water consumers have air ready paid two or three times for thaw- ing out the service pipes and with the approach of moderate weather the sani- tary conditions are becoming more and more intolerable. We, the undersigned consumers respectfully and earnestly peti- tion your honorable body to afford us some measure of immediate relief. (Signed) Abram Schrila. J. Botnick, Mrs. P. Bretstein. Jacob Yager. Mrs. J. | Rathsein, William Buekholz, Aaron Yud- korsky, Elick Botnick, Theodore Rosen- eranz. , FOK SALE—Cash rectnter*. show «**/•• •oda fountain* reasonable*. Hample. 203 Penna. Ave.. Klmira. X. V. 11-26-tf FOK SALE—Collie puppies, « weeks old, sable and white: price $6. James F. Go.undry, Ft. D. 4. Perm Yan. N\ Y. SPECIAL 100 'Good Harness Si/.e Bond En- velopes printed postpaid. -"> cents: sample free. Walter G. Collins, It. D. 3, CohQC- t'on. X. V. FOK SALE—Eight room house. all im- provement.*, good burn, fruit; hennery for 200 chickens. II. A. Ko«s, U09 Cayuta avenue. Waverly. X. Y. . . 3-10-»t FOK SALE—Garage. 50x9J, two stories on main slreel in Endl*ott. X. Y.. -which rents for' $3,000 a year. Address Van P a t t e r s <::<!•;«;:'.-. E n d l c o l t ; X. Y. l-27-10t LADIES—Fascinating home buslne** tinting postcards, pictures, photos. etc.] s ^^ e time for profit: J6 on 100; samples JOc (stamps.,) Particulars free Artint ««»• Station A, Brooklyn. X. V. MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED-A porter. Apply to Domestic Supt., Elmira college. Blmira, X. Y. 3-10-tf MEN Sell War Gardens; big leader; weekly 'pay; permanent. Guaranty Nursery Co.. Rochester, X. Y. WANTED—Young man to drive milk deliv- ery wagon and help milk. Thomas Bros'., Waterloo. X'. Y. FOK SALE—Summer hoarding house, btore, dancing pavilion at lake, eighteen miles from Scranton: bargain: cheap. Address M. M.. care Telegram, Scranton. Pa. w-3-10-2t FOR SALE—House and shop, 1 acre land. slock and tools. Good trade. Fine chance for ;) garage. Inquire of owner. F. Hol- lingsworth. P. O. Box &-'. Lakeville. N. Y. 2-24-3t LUMBER OF ALL KINDS from dismantled freight ear» at half price of new. AUo kindling wood cut any length. Geo. w. .Tennlngs. Tioga and Steuben Sts.. Corn- lag. X. Y. 2-14-tf FOR SALEi—5 cottage nite« in grove. 13 acres or vineyard on west side of Lake Keuka, l miles from Hammondsport, «old cheap, if sold at once. Inquire of Mrs. D. M. Layton, Hammondsport. N. Y. 3-10-2t* BARGAINS.—High class remale alrdale <hi« in season; male Manchester pup eligible.. male collie pup, SS: mule Ian terrier. JC; pretty fox terrier pup.--. Registered fe- male .collie, perfect markings. J10: hand- some black male corker. Young coon hound. Sl.">. Shadydell Kennels. \ork. Pa. MEN—SeU my uporty poses; "Snapped Un- awares." Rich, samples. 10c. Alice Cum- mlngs, 277 West 134th Street. New York City. WANTED—Paper cutter, cylinder pressman. job pressman, book binder's apprentice and ruler; steady position. At-hh,y Print- ing Co.. .Erie, Pa. 3-3-6t 1 WANTED—Barber, first class only, good salary, liberal commission; best . job in state. F, 71. Escheaburg. Jthuca Hotel Barber Shop, Ithaca. X. V. WANTED—Operator for Lanston monotype casting machine, also keyboard operator; state age and experience; steady -position. A-shby Printing Co.. Erie. Pa. 3-3-6t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE—Lunch room in Bath, N. Y.. good business, fine opportunity; reason for n*llfng—have other business. Peter Butler. Bath. X. Y. CIGAR on a<- 35.000 White STORE and Pool rout ; se St it of being h 11 reasonable. .. Poughkecp: Parlor I the Wm. ie. X. (up dra Reia Y. to date) ft. s, City ^9 So. FOK SALE-Ea rm of 76 **„ '• I V.: federal telephone ff -, r 4 °, m Sff v P. Struble. Sayre, P1. N °' » 2 ' Q BARBER SHOP For Sale—2 chair shop in live, licensed town; 2 barbers; expenses li>;lit; business good for $120 a month over all expenses; price J300 cash; Immediate possession.' Box-361, Bolivar, X. Y. FOK SALE—Absolutely the best located and patronized (3 table pool room in city of 18.000; wonderful opportunity for live man; present owner retiring: cash*or time payments. 67 Elm St., Geneva, X. Y. WANTED—An Idea! Who can think of some Hlmple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys. Dept. 1G3. Wash.. D. C. W-3-5-SU FOK SALE—My farm of Stock and tools. er •? l ""'s. one inn. ."" "««» *ta •r«ga village on stat? Z£*« <W nan. Ark por t,,N. Y J1 JR <> £?% J - J^St FOR. SALE-To seuire^tTr •ores of the late Ezra GliaLvT 8 « * o Urbana. Steuben couS^J•.*• & Umber. Inquire of E. C r'u 6 «*" «i tor. Cjrotor.. X. Y. 7 G1 «««on. n ^| FARMS for scrlption., aiany with full 7. " ment, including stork ™1 Urn » xn.vis for bP rlng occapan^T scrlption. Many withfuU SiSP' *• « -lock, tool, ,L m '^> X e W :ew catalogue' iW^nt^S^'m Whltaker & Bogardus, Inc., ^ ^ »-l«^t' WANTED Quickly hired man, singl* or mar- ried man with small family to work by the year on farm. .Write for information to R. J. Mills, R. F. D. 5, Lyons, N. Y. WANTED—Good steady boy, sixteen or eighteen years old to work on grain and fruit farm; one with farm experience pre- ferred. M. E. Sperry. Ludlowvllle. X. Y. FOR SALE or Let—Palver House. Raveim, X. Y.i only hotel license in town; beau- tiful brick hotel: 25 fine rooms, steam heat, electric lights, handsome bar and fixtures; a big money maker for live wire; act quickly. Inquire A. B. Lerner. SO H. x Pearl. Albany, X. Y. 3-3-2t WE CAN PROVE to the satisfaction of merchants, doctors and all other lines of business, that your accounts and note.;-; can be turned into cash. We do not handle your accounts, money Is paid direct to you. Write us. Information free. M. & P. Reporting Agency, Albany, X. Y. 2-17-4t FOR SALE—In Sayre, Pa., largest and best mechanically equipped garage in the city, large stock, tires, tubes, oils, accessories; steam heat; 30 car storage doing very large business; must be sold Quickly own- er called to military service, an excellent opportunity. Garage, care Telegram. El- mira, X. Y. 3-10-2t HOTELS, Restaurants, Bakerys, Laun- dries, Garages, Stores and Business Opportunities of every description for sale, everywhere; many bargains now. Send 3c postage for latest descriptive bulletin. To buy or sell a business write us. Dennin Agency, Albany, X. Y. 2-24-4t FOR SALE-rarm 229 acres^TT 'Three big barns. Urge h S J ^ J * ft* iiigs: rural delivery t «w ° tT hvi *- school: must sell at skcrince n H atw other business. A. »Sf!&fegJ 70 ACRE Farm For S*3*7to*~7ZZr- falla. silo, excellent WtT^' 1 - d2 r" o o •ash. balance equipment, field Centre road; owner leaving" t J u " t ^ | ^ j » | :e mortgage; 8t( J!' »^M FOK acre SALE—Farm 31 acres, ajTtnuiT"" s alfalfa, 5 wheat. OneitTarift you can buy In s t a t e ; modern T fUai silo and chicken houses; house 2£Sl ?* in good conditioa; price «OM> *% H Frank Slreeter. Cato, N Y ' °' 0ws « FOR ha: modern SALE—Village farm, 9 ao-TT: electric lights, hot fetf^gS modern conveniences, good timl.7~i. !? other fruit, barn and hra £ ^ truck or poultry farm Knowlcsville, X. Y. A- Miller. K FARMS-Fully equipped I value of imDrovemen*. NEW JERSEY FARMS. J. C. WILLIAMSON, GENERAL CONTRACTOE OFFICE . SHOP AND YARDS, 756-762 Baldwin St., Elmira, N. Y. MONTOUR FALLS HAMILTON & SMITH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AND RENT. 159 Lake St., Elmira, N. Y. HAVEN'S PLUMBING CO. General Plumbing and Heating STEAM AND HOT WATER Estimates ' Cheerfully Given 308 Railroad Avenue, Elmira, N. Y. Bell Phone 1194 - Bell Phono 641 JOSEPH L. McINERNY Automobile Repairing, Carriage Mak- ing and Repairing—All Makes of Automobile Springs Carried in Sto.ck T. M. McINERNY Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing 311-317 State St., Elmira, N. Y. NEW GOLFER'S LIABILITY POLICIES One Year, $4; Three Years. $10. Limits of $5,000 and $10,000. J. B. COYK'ENOALL, Robinson Building. Elmira, N. Y. mmwm •<**.-.-i.." ;;•.'.«•.• v •"* •'•'J * £ ' ,-V EHOME 3.33 G<> 322-332 "Twice Screened COKE - Coal - WOOD CHARCOAL 9$ RAWS0N ELMIRA, N. Y. BARGAINS IN PLANTS and FLOWERS EVERBEARING STRAWBERRIES. Set out ;i bed of everbearing straw- berry plants this spring in your nar- >.b-n. and you can pick luscious ripe borrios from June until froe/.ing weather. On receipt of your address ;m<l a postage stamp I will forward you information about, these wonder- ful plants, and how to beautify home grounds with rare . seeds that colored flowers all .T. A. Benjamin, PitWford, N. Y. your some new and ]>roduce grorsreous summer. Address, Kajit avenue road, CITIZENS' CAUCUS AT FIRE ROOMS TOMORROW NIGHT TO NOMINATE OFFICERS. Montour Falls, March 9.—Monday evening-, at 7:30 o'clock, a citizens' caucus will be held at the fire rooms, Montour Kalis, for the purpose of nominating village officers to be voted upon at the coming village election and to transact such other business as may come before said' meeting. The peoples' caucus was held at the fire rooms Tuesday evening with the following result: For president—E. D. Skinner; for trustees—J. B. Stoddard, James Towart; for assessors—G. S. Meelcs, B: C. DuBois, A. G. Clark; for treasurer—C. M. Weed; for collec- tor—E. IJ. Cramer. The following committee was appointed: A. II. Stoddard, C. W. Fletcher,. J. T. McKeg. P. A. Hatch presided at the meeting; secretary, A. G. Clark: tellers. .Lewis ! Van Sice, C. W. Fletcher. MONTOUR MENTIONS. —Dorothy Brown and Marco Calla- han spent the week end with Hazel Gardner of Elmira. .^ —A reception was held at the Che- quaga club last evening. Rcilly's or- chestra supplied music. —Miss Eeonta Dunham and Francis Dunham, of Geneva, spent over Sun- day with their aunt, Miss Mary Dun- ham. t Corporate meeting will be held at the Baptist church next Tuesday eve- ning at 7:30. At 6:30 supper will be served. —Lewis Price took a vacation Mon- day and Tuesday. He and bis family moved to their fine now home at Tur- ner park. -—Emil Hanke, principal of the Cook academy, has been for several months educational director at Camp Beaure- guard, Louisiana, v —Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rumsey, of "Walling-ford. Conn., arc spending three weeks at the home of his—parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rumsey. —Hobart Frost has enlisted in the U. S. coast artillery and has gone to Fort Slocum. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Frost, of Watkins. —Mrs. A. L. Bostwick and son, Da- vid, of Frankfort, N. Y., -and Mrs. George N. Maxwell, of Lodi, attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. James LaTour- rette. —The death of Mrs. James LaTour- rette occurred at her home on Henry street, Monday morning, at the age of forty-eight years. The fUneral was held at the family home Wednesday afternoon a t 3 o'clock' and was in charge of Fern Chapter Order of East- ern Star, of which she was one of the most beloved members. The officiat- ing clergyman was district superin- tendent. Rev. Eli Pittman, of Elmira, assisted by Rev. E. L. Eaton. She is survived by her husband and two brothers. George and E. L. Cramer of Montour Falls. BURLINGTON* County New Jcrisey .Farm*, splendidly productive easily worked soil: hlth prices in nearly !i»<":il m a r k e t s ; UM- Hurpansed shlpplnR facilities to New York nnr! Philadelphia; >;<><•<! home surround- inirs: ROOII schools; K<>O«I roads'. Homo farms, commercial farms, large and small. list. free. Albert Dresser. Burlington. N. J. DISTRICT MANAGER for Old Industrial life company, paying also for all nick and accidents weekly. Columbian Pro- tectke. 150 Nassau St.. New York. 8-27-tt HELP WANTED. POULTRY AND EGGS. EGGS FOR HATCHING from Parks •„ barred rocks. 220 egg strain, Sl.'.t) per 15. K. .J. McGann, so.1 Charles St., El- mira. N. V. Phone 2?65-R. FOK SAI.K—Dtt.vj-old chicks, S. C. wliite 4eR- lioins, l'Jc each; R. r. RtMls. 15c each; Pekln ducklfngr». 2."><: pstcii: $22..',0 per 100: good stock. Send for catalogue. Nuuda .Poultry Farm. Xumhi. X. V.: 3-3-&t OLD MONEY WANTED. WANTED—First cla*is> box loom weavers. 3 and 4 looms each according to abilltv. good wages, steady employment, address Hallard Silk Co., Inc. 33 Milford St., • liinghamton, N. Y. 3-3-4t THOUSANDS Clerk* i»t Washington Wanted Immediately by U. S. government; $100 month and up- Men-women 18 or over: 7 hour day. 30 days' vacation with pay; easy, pleasant work; common education sufficient; your country needs you; help her and live in 'Washington during t,\iese stirring war-times. Write without delay for free list po.ittions open. Franklin In- stitute, Dept. 300 C. Rochester. N. Y. w-3-3-6t FOR SALE or Rent—The Enterprise Steam Laundry, all fully equipped with all mod- ern machinery. large two-story building, 24x70. fine living rooms, up-stalrs. city water, fine sewage, toilets, good collar. lot» of work In summer from Letch worth . State Park; can be bought for $1800: part cash or rental. The whole thing for $20 per month. Knprineer gone to war. Ira w. Skicner. Real Estate Agent. Castile. X. v. A FIRST CLASS partnership busmen* op- port unity'is offered for a competent work- man in the plumbing.. tinning and heating business as connected with a good hard- ware store and located in a hustling cen- tral Xew-York village of 1.200 population in rich dairy section. Capital required from J3.000 to $0,000 and not figured at war prices.' Only one other smaller store of kind - here. Middle-aged man pre- ferred. Write Vred D. Smith. Sherburne. Chenango county. X. V. NEW YORK farms for vaiue oi improvements "u page circular full of photos ind accu' rate information. Absolute Guamtw under State and Federal Laws. N«r fist ready for mailing. F. £. Hotchlds, 2-21-Jt Mexico, N. Y. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS—Owl Solf-shining stove polish makes everlasting customers. Schuler. 425 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. 3-3-14t WANTED—Agents. Absolutely best neller out; live agents wanted everywhere: un- limited field, particulars fr^e. Victor Supply Co.. Box 774. Buffalo. N. Y. 2-24-3t g2 TO $.">0O E A C H p a i d for hundreds of coins dated before 1895. Keep ALI> Old Money. Send TKN cents for our -Xew Illustrated Coin Value book; sjzc 4x0. You may have • coins worth a large premium. Get posted at once. Clarke Coin Co.. Box l."s. Le- Roy. X. Y. w-::-:t-r,t FLORIDA LANDS. FLORIDA—We will build your borne on' rich farm near Jacksonville at only S5 per month. Write .lax Heights Co.. Jackson- ville. Fla. w-3-3-2t HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE—Twelre hand-made inch and inch and one-eighth and Inch and one- quarter grocery, delivery and baggage wagons' with platform springs made by me and guaranteed for one year. Fred Moore, 209 East Market street, Corning, N. Y. 3-3-6t SELL A REPEATER! Grito Launry Tab- lets always repa.t! Wash clothes without rubbing; big profit; exclusive territory. Write for free sample and particulars. Grito Soap and Mfg. Co.. Dept. "D." Rochester. X. Y. 2-17-4t FOR SALE or Rent—Farm of 136 acre*, IVi miles northeast of Lebanon. Write Geo. WIssick, Cropseyvill'e, N. Y. FOR SALE—Or Rent, 218-acre farm three miles west of Jasper on Greenwood road. G. A. Hardy. Caninteo, X. Y. Real Estate For Sale, N. Y. State VERY DESIRABLE Lot*, Brooklyn, N^ V . ; 5c fare to New York city hall; 80x100. easily worth $2,500; sacrificed at $1.G00; easy terms. Owner 310 Security Build- ing. Newark. N. J. __; FOR SALE—«0 acres of land, coatistiu,/ 20 acres of bearing vineyard; 15 «m Z timber and wood land, th$ rest plow ud pasture land; house and barn, U jjn. from Pleasant Valley railroad JUUM- 2'.i miles from Hammondsport; on «! count of the scarcity of labor I win K \\ this property for less than the ban lud is worth and on easy terms; or will trade for an a u t o m o b l K ; this place ,will paj-for Itself In one good year; here is k barnit for the right man. A. H. Beekman. Ham- mondsport. X. Y. j.j.2l FARM FOR SALE—12S acres, half way W- tween Addison and Ratfcbono, N. T, ct highway; new house cost me 1J.0M; ban, . $1,200; house cement foundation and «- ment cellar, furnace, running; jprinr wilt- to house, barn and cow pasture; .'cement wall and floor In barn, splendid farm f* sheep, about 20 acres woodland; how wired for electricity; team horses, coit mi $450; wagons, buggies and all farm, tools, •will sell for $6,500; $3,000 cain; Tnortjap for balance with 10 'year limit Reason for selling, ill"\ healta of Mr. Dewey, and his two sons bdnr drafted. Inquire of Frank Dewey, on farm, or Captain H. A. C Schwaru, City Court. Buffalo. N. Y. •'• -.-,•••'• 1-27-Tt i SITUATIONS WANTED, R E I T N E D WIDOW, good cook, weold Hkt to take care of bachelor apartment or widower's home. Address "Widow," TeK- \ gram Office, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. • PERSONAL ..... /.s.i.r.^-' -'' MARRIAGE Paper Eree. The best U exW- once. Eastern Agency 11. Bridgeport. Osu. •'•'.. w-W-l-tt I % O K i a el & s v s p. g.S a. r £ O »s# »^— * 1/1 5 . 5 80 TEACHERS WANTED. TEACHERS WANTED for schools, all kinds, now and for September. National Teachers" Agency. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—Rural, grade, and high school teachers Immediately. Free registration, good salaries. Write Oswego Teachers' Agency. Oswego, N. Y. l-6-24t WANTED. FARMS WANTED. I HAVE Cash Buyers- for saleable farms. Will deal with owners only. Give full .description, location and cash price. James P. White, Xcw Franklin. Mo. 2-10-5t WANTED—Farm of 100 acreH or more: state what you have ami where, also "distance to school, church and market, and lowest cash price with and without stock and implements. Address Lock Box. 51. Athens. Pa. WANTED—50 M to 75 M native bawswood, either dry or green. Address The W. W. Babcock Co.. Bath, N. Y. 3-3-2t FOR RENT. FOR BENT—Furnished. beautiful home overlooking Seneca lake; unusual oppor- tunity to spend summer in healthful sur- roundings; 2 acres ground, fruit, flowers, trees, accessible to railroad and trolley. Address Lock Box 793. Watkins. N. Y. FOR RENT—Hotel with bar room, old li- censed house. I'p to date hi equipment. Doing good business; centrally located in Scranton, Pa.; good mixer and live wire can make money: must see the place' to be appreciated. Write A. J. McIIugh. 124 Penn Ave.. Scranton, Pa. NIGHT LOSSES CURED lXHEDIkWi. Particulars sent sealed. , Box l^.Sacn,- m«nlo. Pa. S-l«4t LET MADAM KOSM08 help yon by tWaf your life prediction. Send blrthdate t«d 10 cents. D. L. Kosmos, Dept. A»S, Louis- ville. Ky. : w-J-W-St*o.w. YOUR FUTURE Foretold; send dlsx, aft, blrthdate for truthful, reliable, eonvfot- ing trial readings. Dr. Chrlstensen, BM 732. Toledo. Ohio. •a pa © ^. Y O U R F U T U R E Foretold.; Qoestions »»»»«• cd free: send dime, ..age. blrthdate iof trial reading. Mme. Starr,.$11 Michfcu Street, Toledo, Ohio. ;..• •. •_ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. WANTED—To trade wagons for lumber. Agents wanted In every town to sell our waarons. Send for catalogue. The Hay- wood Company, East Syracuse, N. Y. 2-17-4t PHOTO FINISHING. ^ SPECIAL OFFER—Will develop film and make six prints for two dimes. Wilbur Sharpless. Photographer, "Box D," Orange- vllle. Pa. - --— PET STOCK. 90 VARIETIES Poultry, Eggs. Pigeons, dogs, Belgian hares, guinea pigs, squir- rels, parrots, etc.;, wondrous bargain list free. Bergey's Pet Farm, Telford. Pa. 3-3-St COCKER SPANIELS. REGISTERED STOCK—Golden Reds and Blacks, if you want some good ones I have thein. Handsome, intelligent, affec- tionate; no dog as safe' for the child; price moderate considering breeding. 'Die Lakewelder Kennels. Cortland, X. V. TOBACCO HABIT. TOBACCO or Snuff Habit Cured or no pay; $1.00 if cured; remedy sent on trial. Superba Co., TJ., Baltimore, Md. w-3-3-2t WANTED SHORT STORIES. FOR SALE—Farm wagons, coal and damp wagons and log trucks or will trade for lumber. Send for catalogue. The Hay- wood Company. East Syracuse, X. Y. 2-17-U SALE or Exchange;—80 acres general crop and dairy farm; 10 acres timber; potato soil; all machine worked; fruit; good water supply: good set buildings; school, etc.. near. Will exchange for small coun- try store, about $1500 stock. Stamp. Box 92. Worcester. X. Y. , 3-3-2t WANTED—Stories, articles, poems for new magazine: we pay on acceptance; hand- written MSS. acceptable. Send MSS. to Woman's Nat'l Magazine, 113 A, Wash. D. C. SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMAN—For general mercantile trade in New York to sell a new proposition of merit. Vacancy now. Attractive com- mission contract. $35 weekly for ex- penses. Miles F. Blxler Co.. Wholesale Jewelers. 1S310 Carl in Bldg.. Cleveland, O. WANTED—3 Salesmen for Specialty Work with retail merchants; experience not ab- solutely necessary if aggressive and have good ability; no heavy samples: work is pleasant and more than ordinarily profit- able. Address E. P., Box 402, Iowa City. Iowa. FOR SALE or Exchange—Blacksmith busi- ness, shop, stock, tools, basement barn, hennery, 9-room house. 9C-foot frontage. % acre. $5,700. All improvements; excel- lent opening for garage; will take house- in Rochester. Inquire owner, Charles Bar.hmo.nn, village blacksmith. Church- ville. X. Y. LADIES—Our Monthly Capsules «w* appoint; surely relieves longest. .*•*«• stlnate cases In three ! • • « » • « « « * * strength $2 with this'ad. Horn* Hew* Co., Box C03, Rochester, N. Y* MARRY—Thousands congenial ***?•"*? from $1,000 to $50,000 sceWng <*rto •%> rlage; descriptions, photos. £*£*£ free. Sealed. Either sex. Send ao « g * Address Standard Cor, Clob, Gnu^htt 111 \l4M MEN-Stay vigorous «t'70. WJust r^J now. not what you were to. what .cow; In this life; you don't slow down too »on. " _ desire the vigor, o f # « £ . ^ J f | Famous New" Man""TaWVj; » j g g with this ad. Home Remedy Co, B*™ Rochester MACHINERY. MEDICAL. LADIES—When delayed or irregular, use Triumph Pills; always dependable. "Re- lief" and partlcluars free. X"ot sold at drug stores. Write National Medical In- stitute. Milwaukee. Wis. l-27-10t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOJR, SALE Complete printing plant, four presses, paper cutter, etc., including No. 5 new model' Linotype. Sacrifice to close estate. Dr. Mac- Knight, Binghamton, N. Y. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. Let the Telegram make your cuts. Best workmen, best facilities, prompt i service. MALE HELP WANTED. TELEGRAPHY AND STATION WORK TAUGHT FREE.POSI- TIOXS GUARANTEED. .RAIL- WAY TRAIX1NG SCHOOL. SNYDER BUILDING. ELMIRA. N. Y. CATALOGUE FREE. L. J. BA1RD, MANAGER. HELP WANTED. Wanted at once, exper- ienced broad silk weavers. We offer good, steady work on Crompton & Knowles looms. Weavers now earn- ing excellent wages. Heights car direct to mill. John N. Stearns & Co., W. Thurston St., Elmira, N. ALL KINDS of New and Used Wood Work- ing Mai hinery on hand, for prompt ship- ment, at lowest prices. -Saw mills, veneer mills, cheese box machinery, iron lathes, drills, shapers and hack saws, belting and pulleys. Send postal card for list with prices. D. E. Rowlingson, Box 265, Utica, X. Y. 3-3-5t . FOR EXCHANGE OR RENT~ FARM of 130 acres will exchange for city property or rent 8 mllesf rom Elmira. A. Duruz. 205 Harmon St.. Elmira. X. Y. N. Y. LADIES-When delayed ^V'T^S'ST for Nurse Holmes's P^fj^fflSB lr sealed: new. successful, Wte&Sfr painless home treatment whfcj* everywhere can use *"**'^^Jo. whatever. Address Paraeon.PW 12.'.8 East Gist St.. Cleveland, ^ MATRIMONIAL RANCHMAN, 52. worth ^ ^ Q ^ marrv. E-Box 35, League, ^oledaj^. GET MARRIED-Best Mabrfme-to^g published. FREE for stamp. %$%£ « Toledo, Ohio &ed*k GET MARRIED—Many ^ J S & p M siring early marriage. Addre* ^ ^ Box 102, Roslere, N. *, aseaei* GREENHOUSES. FOK SALE—A "-room house, % acre land, cooper shop and greenhouse, size 72x20, heated by hot water; price right and terms reasonable; reason for selling, old age. W. S. and C. E. Housel Agency, Bergen, N. Y. 3-10.-21 FEMALE HELP WANTED. Y. Middle aged,.y.oung women and girls can get work at once—always, steady em- ployment, best of wages, depending on the ability of the operator. Learners given' every at- tention. Address or apply to El- mira Knitting. Mills, Elmira Heights, N. Y. -j MARRY—Marriage directory with photos and descriptions free. Pay when married. The Exchange. Dept. 128. Kansas City, Mo, ELDERLY Wealthy •<&$& bered. desires marriage, w* Box 1749, Los 'Angeles. Ca< Belt <** P.O. raws*-*"*?*; I DARE YOU AK $S0 000. lonely, will ^g^SgjW* ticulars. Address Mr. Hyae, ^^ St.. San Francisco, Cam.- __ ^ A MIDDLE-AGED X** n fJST* r*% would like to correspond gg^rfi* lady in view of matrlmo«^JgS *• Box 274. Susquehanna, S0«l o ,.!».« Pa. 'Jj,-~-~~ZT£Z*Z MARRY AT O N C B ^ K ^ i S S * « > I will send you hundreds <to«w ^g« wishing A REFINED W - U - C - i y S ' S ^ bered and means. o0 5ears flJ ^ ences; wishes to meet a ar«J^ bered. some means nearjg^-ggj matrimony; ^^SSliA^SSSS Address N. Y. W. H-. c * " Uirh p«r.r «lr rifl. ^ "S"^ "T> I . - . . . . . , : . ' . . . . mms®M . . ••-" .- '•'•'. 1 i ^^ ^ ^ MARRY—Tree |*JS5 ons New i**«^- —— ^i^^$mm ried. Mo. v: : o c £-* M ^, "«3 <n ^ 1 °A U. ^1 3 U D J- •< «j f* ed in t wis j! « "5 ^ 00 2 c i5'C JQ -C 1 B h V > «! C s *: C-b o,^> a : ofi 'fj •81 h i'l' : 60-O .C 'o 00 V ha g u t* "0 c < is c o £ o •* V s 4J ^^, o —" II «5 c 3 4-1 V k. .00 IS 3 •« C ct c o o c ex a ."* 1c --* •4-1 c o (J "O -a. S ' O --. V u. .— ss -ej CO O 00 3 o -g (J -a o a—- a—. o c .** •»5 V _c o H3 c c ^5 o ,<tM U5 >- v -c "S s o 1 <o 3 -C "o c i_ "*o 3 O CJ * -b o hi a -a "a - "2 ( < A .. J ^ * < t i < < 4 Jt ( < c . ^; '< 7- . Hi Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Elmira NY Morning Telegram/Elmira NY...Whitman. SU;>te pood Commissioner ... Sherrill spoke at the afternoon meet-v

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Die 3 C 3 C 3 C


I .

W you want to know t h e place t o go, It will pay you t o glance through t h e s e "convenience co lumns . "

ID1 3 C 3 C 3 C •El


H. M. HASKELL. Registered Architect. 612-S20 Hulet t BlclK.. Office telephone 1?.J7, phone. 32S3-W.

Klmjira. N. Y. Residence tele-


AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES— STORAGE; All makes of cars remodeled and re­built. Gas engine repairs! a specially. Klmira Motor Car Co.. 106J-10S-110 East

, Church- s treet . . Klmira, J* Y- 'Phone 1011-J.

MEAT MARKET IT. A. WINKEL. Retail Dealer in Meats.

Vegetables and Cheese. .Fernd.ell Pro­ducts. Two 'Phones. G25-527 Lako St.

PHOTO ENGRAVING I P YOT." H A V E N E V E R u s e d e n g r a v i n g s

m a d e by t h e T e l e g r a m E n g r a v i n g D e ­p a r t m e n t , y o u don ' t k n o w h o w e a s y it. i s to m a k e a t t r a c t i v e p r i n t i n g . Our p r i c e s wi l l s a v e y o u m o n e y . W r i t e u s T e l e g r a m P r i n t i n g Co. . K l m i r a , X . Y.

. E n g r a v i n g D e p t .


BOILER AND IRON WORKS MIRA BOILER and Iron Works. Dick­son St.. O P P . D.. L and W. station, rging. Blncfcsmithir.ic. BOilers. Tanks

and Stills. Plate anvl Sheet. Iron Works. Boiler Repairing promptly attended to. We buy old boilers, engines of any male , also repair and ?ell same. Klmira. X. Y.


Old Magazines.

Ship me all the

BREWERIES T. BRIGGS <fc CO.. Ales and Lag-^r bottled

for private-use a t the brewery and de­livered.

Stonevynrc, Flower Pots and Spec­

ialties. I want a man in

every town or city to sell and handle my goods: 50 per cent, profit.

A. A. WALTER. Prop. 312 Carroll St. Elmira, N.. Y.

me all Old Magazines. Old Rubbers and Metals you can pick up. Cash paid for them.*


WELTOX'S DYE WORKS. 319 Carroll street . Elmira, X. Y. Ladies ' and gen­tlemen's clothing cleaned by the new chemical process. First class work only.



Albany, N . Y., March 0.—The s t a t e conference of m a y o r s w e n t on record a t a special w a r meeting; here a s fav­or ing munic ipa l owner sh ip of public uti l i t ies. A t the a f te rnoon , sess ions ut i l i t ies . At the a f te rnoon session res ­o lu t ions were adop ted unan imous ly , upon mot ion of Mayor J o h n F i t zg ib -bon, of Oswego, u rg ing upon the gov­e rno r and the leg is la ture the speedy e n a c t m e n t of- a m e a s u r e "which will pe rmi t any munic ipa l i ty in the s t a t e , a f te r a vote of i ts people, to own, eon-s t m c t , acqu i re , pu rchase , ma in t a in a n d ope ra t e gas , e lec t r ic light, hea t and power p l a n t s and r a i lways wi th in its co rpora t e l imi ts * * ::' upon . the p a y m e n t of j u s t compensa t ion to the pr iva te owne r s thereof." Governor Whi tman . SU;>te pood Commissioner .John Mitchell ami Adju tan t General Sherr i l l spoke a t the af ternoon mee t -


\ l\ 2c « word

0 Weekly CoB£

b o o i » o

Weekly and Sunday must be in




i n g . \

FOR SALK—Pool and Bi l i lard table cheap . \ \ \ 1'. Engel; Wnylarid, X. V. 3-10-tf •


H O R S E FOK SALE—Cal l Sunday . R i c h a r d Connelly. 1104 Hall St.. Elmira , N. Y.

FOR SALE—?>0 e m p t y liilcr.v, ready for use. ion. Pa.

e g g crate** w i t h 29 Dean St.. S c f a n -

- -24-5t .

I 'Oll S A L E — B a y borne .". years o ld ; w e i g h t 1100 lbs. T h o m a s Flood. Penn Van, N. i . It. D. ?,.

FOR SALE—'.J5 II. V. e n g i n e , kerosene burn- j cr, nearly new. A d d r e s s . J . D. Chisho lm. ] Cameron Mills, X. V. |

W A N T E D — W o m a n for housework . Apply to Domest i c Supt., Klmira College. Klmira, X. Y.~" 3-JO-tf

W A N T E D - An exper ienced mi l l iner and sa le s lady a t Fink'?, 82 Main St., Wel l s -ville, N\ Y.

M I D D L E . A G E W o m e n W a n t e d for k i t c h e n work ;tt the River View hotel , 1 J State St., Corning:, X. V. _ ^

F I V E B r i g h t Capable Ladies t o trave l , demons tra te and sell d e a l e r s ; ,$2R to. Ti'" per w e e k : rai lroad fare paid. Goodrich D. i ig Company, Dept . 575, O m a h a . Nebr.


TO H O U S E W I V E S : A l u m i n u m ware eas i ly and thoroughly c l e a n e d ; receipt 10c. J. W. Knoitse. Ronton. Pa . . • 3-3-2t


112 West First street. Prices given on building:.


D.. L. and W. "Scranton" an th rac i t e Hard and soft wood .and soft coal. Offices 299 E. Washington Ave., and 110 Baldwin St. 'Phone 400.


C. BUHMAXX, Tailor—Cleaning, repair­ing and pressing. 208 State St., El­mira. X. Y. Bell 'phone 17G9-W.

UPHOLSTERER: GRAXER, the Upholsterer and Finisher.

211 Baldwin St. All kinds of Uphol­stering. Finishing and Repairing. Est i ­mates given.


Wholesale and Retail. 21S street.

S T O R E — E . W a t e r

GROCERY S T O R E S T. J. CONNELLY. Cash Grocer. Xos. 1C-!

and 106 Eas t Water street!. Elmira. X. Y. Send or call for price lilst.

W I N E S AND LIQUORS FRED FERRIS. Wholesale and Retail

Wine and Liquor Merchant. Goods free and in bond. 201 Railroad Ave., El­mira. X. Y.

JOHN M. COXXELLY. Elmira 's Leading Wholesale Liquor Dealer. Pure wines and liquors for family trade a specialty. State street, next to post-o(Tlce.


mira. X. Y. Special attention given to Carving Cabinet Work and Interior Finish of all kinds. 'Phone} S61-W.

JUNK DEALER SCRAP IRON". Old Rubier . Metal. Woolen

'and Cotton Rags. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. We buy arid sell; all kinds of l>ottles. Call or write. Will send team. Klmira Iron and Metal Co., 911 John St. "Phone 2134. P. O. Box 134.



Hack Stables. Also taxicab service 427 Caroir Street. 'Phone :05.


and Tool Dressing. Special Machinery Built. 601 Baldwin St.. Elmira. X. Y.

CUSTOM SHIRTS Perfect Fit Guaranteed.

Mrs. M. J. Briggs (Former ly Cu t t e r for E. II . Col burn)

500 College Ave.. Elmira, N. Y. Phone 2G5S-W.


FIRE INSURANCE Established !S53

SWAN & SONS Corner Lake and Water Sts.,

Elmira. N. Y.

FRED D. HERRIGK INSURANCE OFFICES Removed to 169 State" S t ree t

(Ground Floor)


J. H. PIERCE. H. H. BICKFORD Pierce & Bickford, Architects.

118-120 Lake Street , / Elmira, N. Y.,

'Phone 1091-W.

lOiimra's exper ience with munic ipa l owner sh ip of the w a t e r .system will p reven t nny more munic ipa l o w n e r ­sh ip in Elmira . We know w h a t w a t e r cost us when a corpora t ion suppl ied it, but vye do .not know w h a t it is cos t ing us now. In the lhvht of exper ience t h e pas t th ree year:;, Elmira, would gladly tu rn over i ts w a t e r p l an t to t h e ut i l i ­t ies company , and have the big m o r t ­gage removed from o u r homes . Be­sides, we had efficient m a n a g e m e n t under the old way.

Now," w h a t do we h a v e ? Very l i t t le efficiency almost no disposi t ion to serve t h e c o m m u n i t y in a way for the good of t h e city.

J u s t r ead and ponder over th i s tale of w a t e r board inefficiency!

The d i s t r e s s ing condi t ions now pre ­vai l ing a m o n g a b o u t s ix ty families In J o h n s t r ee t and the immed ia t e v ic in­ity, owing to a w a t e r ma in hav ing been frozen nea r ly four w e e k s ago, thereby depr iv ing t h e m of city wa te r , w a s b rough t to the a t t e n t i o n of the board of a lde rmen a t the r egu la r mee t ­ing Monday night , by Alderman P o w ­ers , of the second ward . A pet i t ion, con ta in ing the n a m e s of severa l of the res iden ts of the locality, p r a y i n g for relief, w a s then submi t t ed to the c o u n ­cil by Alde rman Pow'ers. and w a s r e ­ferred to the special commi t t ee of the council appo in ted to confer wi th the w a t e r commiss ione r s on o the r impor t ­a n t m a t t e r s . The pet i t ion is a s fol­lows:

To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council:

Nearly three score families residing in the eastern section of the 'city on John street, between Sullivan and Judson streets, and intersecting streets , have been without city. Water tor almost four weeks, due to the main service pipes be­ing frozen. Appeals by the water con­sumers to the water board have made with the vague reply that nothing can be done at the present time and tha t the consumers must wait until the warm weather remedies the present conditions. No effort has been made, by the water commissioners to thaw out the service. Many of the water consumers have air ready paid two or three times for thaw­ing out the service pipes and with the approach of moderate weather the sani­tary conditions are becoming more and more intolerable. We, the undersigned consumers respectfully and earnestly pet i ­tion your honorable body to afford us some measure of immediate relief.

(Signed) Abram Schrila. J. Botnick, Mrs. P. Bretstein. Jacob Yager. Mrs. J.

| Rathsein, William Buekholz, Aaron Yud-korsky, Elick Botnick, Theodore Rosen-eranz. ,

— • • •

FOK S A L E — C a s h rectnter*. s h o w «**/•• •oda fountain* reasonable*. H a m p l e . 203 Penna . Ave. . Klmira. X. V. 11-26-tf

FOK SALE—Col l i e puppies , « w e e k s old, sable and w h i t e : price $6. J a m e s F. Go.undry, Ft. D. 4. Perm Yan. N\ Y.

S P E C I A L 100 'Good H a r n e s s Si/.e Bond En­ve lopes printed postpaid . -"> c e n t s : s a m p l e free. Walter G. Collins, It. D. 3, CohQC-t'on. X. V.

FOK S A L E — E i g h t room house . a l l i m ­provement.*, good burn, fruit ; hennery for 200 ch ickens . II. A. Ko«s, U09 Cayuta avenue . Waverly. X. Y. . . 3-10-»t

FOK S A L E — G a r a g e . 50x9J, t w o stories on main s lreel in Endl*ott . X. Y.. -which rents for' $3,000 a year. Address Van P a t t e r s <::<!•;«;:'.-. Endlcolt ; X. Y. l -27 -10t

L A D I E S — F a s c i n a t i n g h o m e buslne** t i n t i n g postcards , pictures , photos . etc.] s ^ ^ e

t ime for profit: J6 on 100; s a m p l e s JOc (stamps.,) Par t i cu lars free Art int « « » • S ta t ion A, Brooklyn . X. V.

MALE HELP WANTED. W A N T E D - A porter . A p p l y t o D o m e s t i c

Supt. , E l m i r a co l lege . B lmira , X. Y. 3-10-tf

M E N Sell War G a r d e n s ; b ig l e a d e r ; w e e k l y ' p a y ; permanent . Guaranty N u r s e r y Co..

Rochester , X. Y.

W A N T E D — Y o u n g m a n to dr ive mi lk de l iv ­ery w a g o n a n d help mi lk . T h o m a s Bros'., Water loo . X'. Y.

FOK S A L E — S u m m e r hoarding house , btore, danc ing pavil ion at lake, e i g h t e e n mi les from Scranton: barga in : cheap . Address M. M.. care Te l egram, Scranton. Pa.


F O R S A L E — H o u s e and shop , 1 acre land. s lock and tools. Good trade. F ine c h a n c e for ;) garage . Inquire of owner. F. Ho l -l ingsworth . P. O. Box &-'. Lakevi l l e . N. Y.


L U M B E R O F A L L K I N D S from d i s m a n t l e d fre ight ear» at half price of new. AUo kindl ing wood cut any l ength . Geo. w . .Tennlngs. T ioga and Steuben Sts . . Corn-lag. X. Y. 2-14-tf

FOR SALEi—5 c o t t a g e nite« in grove . 13 acres or vineyard on west s ide of Lake Keuka, l mi les from H a m m o n d s p o r t , «old cheap , if sold at once. Inquire of Mrs. D. M. Layton, H a m m o n d s p o r t . N. Y.


B A R G A I N S . — H i g h c lass remale a l rda le <hi« in s eason; male Manches ter pup el igible. . male coll ie pup, SS: mule Ian terrier. JC; pretty fox terrier pup.--. Regis tered fe­m a l e .col l ie , perfect mark ings . J10: hand­some black male corker . Young coon hound. Sl.">. Shadydel l Kennels . \ o r k . Pa.

M E N — S e U m y uporty p o s e s ; "Snapped U n ­a w a r e s . " Rich, s a m p l e s . 10c. Al ice Cum-mlngs , 277 W e s t 134th Street . N e w York City.

W A N T E D — P a p e r cut ter , cy l inder p r e s s m a n . job pressman, book binder's apprent ice and ruler; s t eady posi t ion. At-hh,y Pr in t ­ing Co.. .Erie, Pa . 3-3-6t

1 W A N T E D — B a r b e r , first c l a s s o n l y , g o o d

salary, liberal c o m m i s s i o n ; best . j ob in s ta te . F, 71. Escheaburg . Jthuca Hotel Barber Shop, I thaca . X. V.

W A N T E D — O p e r a t o r for Lanston m o n o t y p e c a s t i n g mach ine , a lso keyboard operator ; s t a t e a g e and exper i ence ; s t eady -position. A-shby Pr in t ing Co.. Erie. Pa. 3-3-6t

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. F O R S A L E — L u n c h room in B a t h , N . Y..

good business , fine oppor tun i ty ; reason for n*l l fng—have other business . Pe ter But ler . B a t h . X. Y.

CIGAR on a<-35.000 White

S T O R E and Pool rout ; se


it of being h 11 reasonable. .. P o u g h k e c p :

Par lor I the

W m . ie. X.

(up dra

Reia Y.

to date ) ft. s,

City ^9 So.

FOK S A L E - E a r m of 76 **„

'• I V.: federal telephone ff -,r4°,m S f f v

P. Struble. Sayre, P 1 . N ° ' » 2 ' Q

B A R B E R S H O P F o r Sa le—2 cha ir shop in live, l icensed t o w n ; 2 barbers; expenses li>;lit; business good for $120 a m o n t h over all e x p e n s e s ; price J300 c a s h ; Immediate posses s ion . ' B o x - 3 6 1 , Bol ivar , X. Y.

FOK S A L E — A b s o l u t e l y t h e best located and patronized (3 table pool room in c i ty of 18.000; wonderful opportuni ty for live m a n ; present owner re t i r ing: cash*or t ime p a y m e n t s . 67 E l m St., Geneva, X. Y.

W A N T E D — A n I d e a ! W h o can th ink of s o m e Hlmple t h i n g to p a t e n t ? Protec t your ideas, they m a y br ing you w e a l t h . Wri te for "Needed Invent ions" and "How to Get Your P a t e n t and Your Money." Randolph & Co., P a t e n t At torneys . Dept . 1G3. Wash. . D. C. W-3-5-SU

FOK SALE—My farm of Stock and tools. er • •? l""'s . one i n n . ."" "««» *ta •r«ga vi l lage on s t a t ? Z £ * « < W nan. A r k p o r t , , N . YJ1JR<>£?% J- J ^ S t

FOR. S A L E - T o s e u i r e ^ t T r — •ores of the late Ezra G l i a L v T 8 « * o Urbana. Steuben c o u S ^ J • . * • & Umber. Inquire of E. C r'u 6 «*" «i tor. Cjrotor.. X. Y. 7 G1«««on. n ^ |

FARMS for scrlption. , aiany with full 7. " ment, including stork ™1 Urn»

xn.vis for b P r lng o c c a p a n ^ T scrlption. Many wi th fuU S i S P ' *•

« -lock, tool, , L m ' ^ > X e W :ew catalogue' iW^nt^S^'m Whltaker & Bogardus, Inc., ^ ^


W A N T E D Quickly hired m a n , s i n g l * or m a r ­ried m a n w i t h s m a l l fami ly to work by the year on farm. .Write for in format ion to R. J. Mills, R. F. D. 5, Lyons, N. Y.

W A N T E D — G o o d s t e a d y boy, s i x t een or e i g h t e e n years old to work on gra in and fruit f a r m ; one wi th farm exper ience pre­ferred. M. E . Sperry. Ludlowvl l le . X. Y.

F O R S A L E or L e t — P a l v e r H o u s e . R a v e i m , X. Y.i only hotel l icense in t o w n ; beau­tiful brick h o t e l : 25 fine rooms, s t eam heat , e lec tr ic l ights , h a n d s o m e bar and fixtures; a big m o n e y m a k e r for l ive w ire ; ac t quickly . Inquire A. B. Lerner. SO H.

x Pearl . Albany, X. Y. 3-3-2t

W E CAN P R O V E to t h e sa t i s fac t ion of m e r c h a n t s , doctors and all o ther l ines of business , that your a c c o u n t s and note.;-; can be turned into cash . We do not handle your accounts , money Is paid direct to you. Wri te us. In format ion free. M. & P. Repor t ing Agency , Albany, X. Y.


F O R S A L E — I n Sayre , P a . , l arges t and best m e c h a n i c a l l y equipped g a r a g e in the city, large s tock, tires, tubes, oils, a cce s sor i e s ; s t e a m h e a t ; 30 car s torage do ing very large bus iness ; m u s t be sold Quickly o w n ­er ca l led to mi l i tary service , an exce l l ent opportuni ty . Garage , care T e l e g r a m . El­mira, X. Y. 3-10-2t

HOTELS, Restaurants , Bakerys, Laun­dries, Garages, Stores and Business Opportunities of every description for sale, everywhere; many bargains now. Send 3c postage for latest descriptive bulletin. To buy or sell a business write us. Dennin Agency, Albany, X. Y.


FOR S A L E - r a r m 229 a c r e s ^ T T 'Three big barns. Urge h S J ^ J * ft*

i i igs: rural de l ivery t « w °tT hvi*-school : must sell at skcrince n H atw

other business. A. » S f ! & f e g J

70 A C R E Farm For S*3*7to*~7ZZr-fal la . silo, excellent W t T ^ ' 1 -

d2 r" o o

• a s h . balance equipment, field Centre

road; owner leaving" t J u " t ^ | ^ j » | :e mortgage; 8t(J!' »̂M

FOK acre

SALE—Farm 31 acres, ajTtnuiT"" s alfalfa, 5 wheat. O n e i t T a r i f t

you can buy In state; modern TfUai

silo and chicken houses; house 2£Sl ?* in good conditioa; price «OM> *%H

Frank Slreeter. Cato, N Y ' °' 0ws«

FOR ha: modern

SALE—Village farm, 9 a o - T T : electric lights, hot fetf^gS

modern conveniences, good timl.7~i. !? other fruit, barn and hra £ ™ ^ truck or poultry farm Knowlcsvi l le , X. Y. A- Miller.

K FARMS-Ful ly equipped I value of imDrovemen*. >»




756-762 Baldwin St., Elmira, N. Y.




159 Lake St., Elmira, N. Y.

HAVEN'S PLUMBING CO. General Plumbing and Heating

STEAM AND HOT WATER Es t ima te s ' Cheerfully Given

308 Railroad Avenue, Elmira, N. Y. Bell Phone 1194

- Bell Phono 641

JOSEPH L. McINERNY Automobile Repairing, Carriage Mak­

ing and Repairing—All Makes of Automobile Springs Carried

in Sto.ck

T. M. McINERNY Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing 311-317 State St., Elmira, N. Y.

NEW GOLFER'S LIABILITY POLICIES One Y e a r , $4; T h r e e Y e a r s . $10.

Limits of $5,000 and $10,000. J. B. COYK'ENOALL,

R o b i n s o n Bu i ld ing . E l m i r a , N. Y.

mmwm •<**.-.-i. ." ;;•.'.«•.• v •"* •'•'J * £ ' , - V

EHOME 3.33

G<> 322-332

"Twice Screened COKE - Coal - WOOD







Set out ;i bed of everbear ing s t r a w -berry p lan ts th is sp r ing in your n a r ->.b-n. and you can pick luscious r ipe borrios from J u n e unti l froe/.ing weather . On receipt of your add re s s ;m<l a postage s t a m p I will fo rward you information about, these wonder ­ful plants , and how to beautify home g rounds with r a re . seeds tha t colored flowers all .T. A. Benjamin, PitWford, N. Y.

your some new and

]>roduce grorsreous summer . Address ,

Kajit a v e n u e road,



Montour Falls , March 9.—Monday evening-, a t 7:30 o'clock, a c i t izens ' c aucus will be held a t the fire rooms, Montour Kalis, for the purpose of n o m i n a t i n g vil lage officers to be voted upon a t the coming vil lage election and to t r a n s a c t such o the r b u s i n e s s a s m a y come before sa id ' mee t ing . T h e peoples ' c a u c u s w a s held a t t he fire rooms T u e s d a y even ing wi th the following re su l t : F o r p re s iden t—E. D. Sk inne r ; for t r u s t ee s—J . B. S toddard , J a m e s T o w a r t ; for assessors—G. S. Meelcs, B: C. DuBois , A. G. Cla rk ; for t r e a s u r e r — C . M. W e e d ; for collec­tor—E. IJ . Cramer . T h e following commi t t ee w a s appo in t ed : A. II. S toddard , C. W . Fletcher, . J. T. McKeg. P. A. H a t c h pres ided a t the m e e t i n g ; sec re ta ry , A. G. C la rk : tel lers. .Lewis

! Van Sice, C. W . Fle tcher .

M O N T O U R M E N T I O N S . —Doro thy Brown a n d Marco Cal la­

han spen t t he week end wi th Hazel G a r d n e r of E l m i r a . .̂

—A recept ion w a s held a t t he Che-q u a g a club las t evening . Rci l ly 's o r ­c h e s t r a suppl ied mus ic .

—Miss Eeon ta D u n h a m and F r a n c i s D u n h a m , of Geneva, s p e n t over S u n ­day wi th t h e i r a u n t , Miss M a r y D u n ­ham. t

— Corpora te m e e t i n g will be held a t the B a p t i s t church n e x t T u e s d a y e v e ­n ing a t 7:30. A t 6:30 s u p p e r will be served.

—Lewis P r i ce took a vaca t ion Mon­day a n d T u e s d a y . H e and bis family moved to the i r fine now home a t T u r ­ner pa rk .

-—Emil H a n k e , pr inc ipa l of the Cook academy, h a s been for seve ra l m o n t h s educa t iona l d i rec tor a t C a m p B e a u r e -guard , Louis iana , v

—Mr. a n d Mrs . Glenn R u m s e y , of "Walling-ford. Conn., a r c s p e n d i n g t h r e e weeks a t t he home of his—parents, Mr. and Mrs . S. H . R u m s e y .

— H o b a r t F r o s t h a s enl is ted in t h e U. S. coas t a r t i l l e ry a n d h a s gone to F o r t Slocum. H e is a son of Mr. a n d Mrs. J . P . Fros t , of W a t k i n s .

—Mrs . A. L. Bos twick a n d son, D a ­vid, of F r a n k f o r t , N . Y., -and Mrs . George N . Maxwell , of Lodi, a t t e n d ­ed the funera l of Mrs . J a m e s L a T o u r -re t t e .

— T h e dea th of Mrs . J a m e s L a T o u r -r e t t e occur red a t he r home on H e n r y s t ree t , Monday morn ing , a t t h e a g e of fo r ty -e igh t y e a r s . T h e fUneral w a s held a t t he family home W e d n e s d a y a f te rnoon a t 3 o'clock' and w a s in cha rge of F e r n C h a p t e r Order of E a s t ­ern S ta r , of which she w a s one of the m o s t beloved m e m b e r s . T h e officiat­ing c l e rgyman w a s d i s t r i c t s u p e r i n ­tendent . Rev. Eli P i t tman , of E lmi ra , ass i s ted by Rev. E. L. Ea ton . She is surv ived by h e r h u s b a n d a n d two bro the r s . George a n d E. L . C r a m e r of Montour Fa l l s .

BURLINGTON* County N e w Jcrisey .Farm*, sp lendidly product ive eas i ly worked so i l : h l t h prices in n e a r l y !i»<":il m a r k e t s ; UM-Hurpansed shlpplnR faci l i t ies to N e w York nnr! P h i l a d e l p h i a ; >;<><•<! home surround-inirs: ROOII s c h o o l s ; K<>O«I roads'. H o m o farms, commerc ia l farms, large and smal l . l ist . free. Albert Dresser. Bur l ington . N. J.

D I S T R I C T M A N A G E R for Old Industr ia l life company , p a y i n g also for al l nick and acc ident s week ly . Columbian Pro-t e c t k e . 150 N a s s a u St.. New York.



POULTRY AND EGGS. E G G S F O R H A T C H I N G f r o m P a r k s •„ b a r r e d r o c k s . 220 e g g s t r a i n , Sl.'.t) per

15. K. .J. M c G a n n , so.1 C h a r l e s S t . , E l ­m i r a . N . V. P h o n e 2?65-R.

FOK SAI.K—Dtt.vj-old c h i c k s , S. C. wl i i te 4eR-l ioins, l'Jc e a c h ; R. r. RtMls. 15c e a c h ; Pek ln ducklfngr». • 2."><: pstcii: $22..',0 per 100: good stock. Send for ca ta logue . N u u d a

.Pou l try Farm. Xumhi. X. V.: 3-3-&t


W A N T E D — F i r s t cla*is> box loom w e a v e r s . 3 and 4 looms each accord ing to abi l l tv . good wages , s t e a d y e m p l o y m e n t , address Hallard Si lk Co., Inc. 33 Milford St.,

• l i i n g h a m t o n , N. Y. 3-3-4t

T H O U S A N D S Clerk* i»t W a s h i n g t o n W a n t e d Immedia te ly by U. S. g o v e r n m e n t ; $100 m o n t h and up- M e n - w o m e n 18 or o v e r : 7 hour day. 30 days ' vacat ion w i t h p a y ; easy , p l easant w o r k ; c o m m o n educat ion sufficient; your country needs you; help her and live in 'Washington during t,\iese s t irr ing w a r - t i m e s . Write wi thout de lay for free l ist po.ittions open. Frankl in In­st i tute , Dept . 300 C. Rochester . N. Y.


FOR S A L E or R e n t — T h e Enterpr i se S t e a m Laundry, all fully equipped w i t h all m o d ­ern machinery . large t w o - s t o r y bui lding, 24x70. fine l iv ing r o o m s , up-s ta lrs . city water , fine s e w a g e , toi lets , good collar. lot» of work In s u m m e r from Letch worth

. S tate P a r k ; can be bought for $1800: part cash or rental . T h e whole t h i n g for $20 per month . Knprineer gone to war. Ira w . Sk icner . Real Es ta te Agent . Casti le . X. v.

A F I R S T CLASS partnership busmen* o p -port u n i t y ' i s offered for a c o m p e t e n t work­man in the p lumbing . . t inn ing and h e a t i n g bus iness as connec ted w i t h a good hard­ware store and located in a hus t l ing c e n ­tral X e w - Y o r k v i l lage of 1.200 populat ion in rich dairy sect ion . Capital required from J3.000 to $0,000 and not figured a t war pr ices . ' Only one other s m a l l e r s tore of kind - here. Middle -aged m a n pre­ferred. Wri te Vred D. Smi th . Sherburne. Chenango county . X. V.

NEW YORK farms for vaiue oi improvements "u page circular full of photos ind accu' rate information. Absolute Guamtw under State and Federal Laws. N«r fist ready for mailing. F. £. Hotchlds,

2-21-Jt Mexico, N. Y.


AGENTS WANTED. A G E N T S — O w l So l f - sh in ing s t o v e pol ish

m a k e s ever las t ing cus tomers . Schuler . 425 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa . 3-3-14t

W A N T E D — A g e n t s . Abso lute ly b e s t neller o u t ; l ive a g e n t s w a n t e d e v e r y w h e r e : un­l imi ted field, part icu lars fr^e. Victor Supply Co.. B o x 774. Buffalo. N. Y.


g2 TO $.">0O EACH paid for hundreds of co ins dated before 1895. Keep ALI> Old Money. Send TKN cents for our -Xew I l lustrated Coin Value book; sjzc 4x0. You m a y h a v e

• coins worth a large premium. Get posted at once. Clarke Coin Co.. Box l."s. L e -Roy. X. Y. w-::-:t-r,t

FLORIDA LANDS. F L O R I D A — W e wil l build your borne on'

rich farm near Jacksonv i l l e a t only S5 per m o n t h . Write . lax H e i g h t s Co.. J a c k s o n ­ville. Fla. w - 3 - 3 - 2 t

HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR S A L E — T w e l r e h a n d - m a d e inch a n d

inch and o n e - e i g h t h and Inch and one-quarter grocery, de l ivery and b a g g a g e wagons' w i th p la t form spr ings m a d e by m e and guaranteed for one year. Fred Moore, 209 E a s t Market street , Corning, N. Y. 3-3-6t

S E L L A R E P E A T E R ! Grito L a u n r y T a b ­lets a l w a y s repa.t! W a s h c l o t h e s w i t h o u t rubbing; b ig profit; exc lus ive territory. Wri te for free s a m p l e a n d part icu lars . Grito Soap and Mfg. Co.. Dept . " D . " Rochester . X. Y. 2-17-4t

F O R S A L E or R e n t — F a r m of 136 acre*, IVi m i l e s nor theas t of Lebanon. Wri te Geo. WIssick, Cropseyvill'e, N. Y.

F O R S A L E — O r R e n t , 218-acre f a r m three mi les wes t of J a s p e r on Greenwood road. G. A. H a r d y . Caninteo, X. Y.

Real Estate For Sale, N. Y. State V E R Y D E S I R A B L E Lot*, B r o o k l y n , N^ V. ;

5c fare to N e w York c i ty ha l l ; 80x100. eas i ly w o r t h $2,500; sacrif iced a t $1.G00; easy t erms . Owner 310 Securi ty B u i l d ­ing. N e w a r k . N. J. __;

F O R SALE—«0 acres of land, coatistiu,/ 20 acres of bearing vineyard; 15 « m Z t imber and wood land, th$ rest plow ud pasture land; house and barn, U jjn. from Pleasant Valley railroad JUUM-2'.i mi les from Hammondsport; on «! count of the scarcity of labor I win K\\ this property for less than the ban lud is worth and on easy terms; or will trade for an automoblK; this place ,will paj-for Itself In one good year; here is k barnit for the right man. A. H. Beekman. Ham­mondsport . X. Y. j.j.2l

F A R M F O R SALE—12S acres, half way W-tween Addison and Ratfcbono, N. T, ct h i g h w a y ; new house cost me 1J.0M; ban,

. $1,200; house cement foundation and «-m e n t cellar, furnace, running; jprinr wilt-to house, barn and cow pasture; .'cement wal l and floor In barn, splendid farm f* sheep , about 20 acres woodland; how wired for electricity; team horses, coit mi $450; wagons , buggies and all farm, tools, •will sell for $6,500; $3,000 cain; Tnortjap for balance with 10 'year limit Reason for selling, ill"\ healta of Mr. Dewey, and his two sons bdnr drafted. Inquire of Frank Dewey, on farm, or Captain H. A. C Schwaru, City Court. Buffalo. N. Y. •'• • -.-,•••'• 1-27-Tt


SITUATIONS WANTED, R E I T N E D WIDOW, good cook, weold Hkt

to t a k e care of bachelor apartment or widower's home. Address "Widow," TeK- \ gram Office, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. •

PERSONAL ..... / . s . i . r . ^ - ' • - ' '

M A R R I A G E Paper Eree. The best U exW-once. Eastern Agency 11. Bridgeport. Osu.

•'•'.. w-W-l-tt

I %


i a

el &

s ^«

v s p. g.S a. r

£ O

»s# » ^ — * ^»

1/1 5 . 5 80 —

TEACHERS WANTED. T E A C H E R S W A N T E D for schoo l s , a l l

kinds, now and for September . Nat iona l Teachers" A g e n c y . Ph i lade lph ia , Pa .

W A N T E D — R u r a l , grade , a n d h i g h schoo l t eachers Immedia te ly . Free regis trat ion, good sa lar ies . Wri te O s w e g o Teachers ' Agency . Oswego , N. Y. l - 6 - 2 4 t


FARMS WANTED. I H A V E Cash Buyers- for sa leable farms.

Wil l deal w i t h owners only. Give full .description, locat ion and cash price. J a m e s P. White , Xcw Frankl in . Mo. 2-10-5t

W A N T E D — F a r m of 100 acreH or m o r e : s t a t e w h a t you have ami where , a l so "distance to school , church and market , and lowest cash price wi th and wi thout s tock and i m p l e m e n t s . Address Lock B o x . 51. Athens . Pa .

W A N T E D — 5 0 M to 75 M n a t i v e bawswood, e i ther dry or green. Address T h e W. W. B a b c o c k Co.. B a t h , N. Y. 3-3-2t

FOR RENT. F O R B E N T — F u r n i s h e d . beaut i fu l h o m e

o v e r l o o k i n g Seneca l a k e ; unusual oppor­tuni ty to spend s u m m e r in hea l th fu l sur­r o u n d i n g s ; 2 acres ground, fruit, flowers, trees, access ib le to rai lroad and trol ley. Address Lock Box 793. Watk ins . N. Y.

F O R R E N T — H o t e l w i th bar room, old l i ­censed house. I'p to date hi equ ipment . D o i n g good bus iness ; centra l ly located in Scranton, P a . ; good mixer and live wire can m a k e m o n e y : m u s t see the place' to be apprec ia ted . Write A. J. McIIugh. 124 P e n n Ave. . Scranton, P a .

NIGHT LOSSES CURED lXHEDIkWi. Particulars sent sealed. , Box l̂ .Sacn,-m«nlo . Pa . S-l«4t

L E T MADAM KOSM08 help yon by tWaf your life prediction. Send blrthdate t«d 10 cents . D. L. Kosmos, Dept. A»S, Louis­ville. Ky. : w-J-W-St*o.w.

YOUR F U T U R E Foretold; send dlsx, aft, b lr thdate for truthful, reliable, eonvfot-ing trial readings. Dr. Chrlstensen, BM 732. Toledo. Ohio.


pa ©

^ .

YOUR F U T U R E Foretold.; Qoestions »»»»«• cd free: send dime, ..age. blrthdate iof trial reading. Mme. Starr,.$11 Michfcu Street, Toledo, Ohio. ;..• •. • • _


W A N T E D — T o trade w a g o n s for lumber . A g e n t s w a n t e d In every t o w n to sell our waarons. Send for c a t a l o g u e . T h e H a y ­w o o d Company, E a s t Syracuse , N. Y.


PHOTO FINISHING. ^ S P E C I A L O F F E R — W i l l deve lop film and

m a k e six prints for two d imes . Wilbur Sharpless . Photographer , "Box D ," Orange-vl l le . Pa . - --—

PET STOCK. 90 V A R I E T I E S Poul try , E g g s . P igeons ,

dogs , B e l g i a n hares , gu inea pigs, squir­rels , parrots, e t c . ; , wondrous bargain list free. B e r g e y ' s P e t F a r m , Telford. Pa.



Blacks , i f you w a n t some good ones I h a v e the in . H a n d s o m e , inte l l igent , affec­t i ona te ; no dog as safe' for the c h i l d ; price moderate cons ider ing breeding. 'Die L a k e w e l d e r Kennels . Cortland, X. V.

TOBACCO HABIT. TOBACCO or Snuff H a b i t Cured or n o p a y ;

$1.00 if c u r e d ; r e m e d y s e n t on trial . Superba Co., TJ. , Ba l t imore , Md.

w-3 -3 -2 t


F O R S A L E — F a r m w a g o n s , coal and d a m p w a g o n s a n d log trucks or wil l trade for lumber. Send for ca ta logue . T h e H a y ­wood Company. E a s t Syracuse , X. Y.

2 - 1 7 - U

S A L E or Exchange;—80 a c r e s genera l crop and dairy f a r m ; 10 acres t i m b e r ; po ta to soi l ; all m a c h i n e w o r k e d ; fruit ; good w a t e r s u p p l y : good set bu i ld ings ; school , etc . . near. Will e x c h a n g e for smal l coun­try store, about $1500 s tock . S t a m p . Box 92. Worcester . X. Y. , 3-3-2t

W A N T E D — S t o r i e s , ar t i c les , p o e m s for new m a g a z i n e : we pay on a c c e p t a n c e ; h a n d ­wr i t t en MSS. acceptable . Send MSS. to W o m a n ' s Nat'l Magazine , 113 A, Wash . D. C.

SALESMEN WANTED. S A L E S M A N — F o r genera l mercant i l e t r a d e

in N e w York to sell a new proposit ion of meri t . V a c a n c y now. A t t r a c t i v e c o m ­miss ion contract . $35 w e e k l y for e x ­penses . Miles F. Blx ler Co.. W h o l e s a l e Jewelers . 1S310 Carl in Bldg . . Cleveland, O.

W A N T E D — 3 S a l e s m e n for Spec ia l ty Work wi th retail m e r c h a n t s ; exper ience not a b ­so lute ly necessary if a g g r e s s i v e and have good ab i l i ty ; no heavy s a m p l e s : work is p l e a s a n t and more than ordinari ly profit­able . Address E. P., B o x 402, I o w a City. Iowa.

FOR S A L E or E x c h a n g e — B l a c k s m i t h bus i ­ness, shop, stock, tools, b a s e m e n t barn, hennery , 9-room house . 9C-foot frontage . % acre. $5,700. All i m p r o v e m e n t s ; exce l ­lent open ing for g a r a g e ; wi l l t a k e house-in Roches ter . Inquire owner, Charles Bar.hmo.nn, v i l lage b l a c k s m i t h . Church-vil le . X. Y.

L A D I E S — O u r Monthly Capsules « w * appoint ; surely relieves longest. .* •*«• s t lnate cases In three ! • • « » • « « « * * s t rength $2 with this'ad. Horn* Hew* Co., Box C03, Rochester, N. Y*

MARRY—Thousands congenial ***?•"*? from $1,000 to $50,000 sceWng <*rto•%> r lage ; descriptions, photos. £ * £ * £ free. Sealed. Either sex. Send ao « g * Address Standard Cor, Clob, Gnu^htt 111 \l4M

M E N - S t a y vigorous «t '70 . WJust r ^ J now. not what you were to. what .cow; In this l ife; you

don't slow down too »on. " _ desire the vigor, o f # « £ . ^ J f |

F a m o u s New" Man""TaWVj; » j g g • w i t h this ad. Home Remedy Co, B * ™ Rochester


MEDICAL. L A D I E S — W h e n d e l a y e d or irregular, u se

Tr iumph P i l l s ; a l w a y s dependable . "Re­lief" and part lc luars free. X"ot sold at drug stores . Wri te Nat iona l Medical I n ­s t i tute . Mi lwaukee . Wis . l -27-10t


FOJR, SALE Complete printing plant,

four presses, paper cutter, etc., including No. 5 new model' Linotype. Sacrifice to close estate. Dr. Mac-Knight, Binghamton, N. Y.


Let the Telegram make your cuts. Best workmen, best facilities, prompt

i service.


T E L E G R A P H Y A N D STATION W O R K T A U G H T F R E E . P O S I -T I O X S G U A R A N T E E D . . R A I L ­W A Y T R A I X 1 N G SCHOOL. S N Y D E R B U I L D I N G . ELMIRA. N. Y. CATALOGUE F R E E . L. J. B A 1 R D , M A N A G E R .


Wanted at once, exper­ienced broad silk weavers. We offer good, steady work on Crompton & Knowles looms. Weavers now earn­ing excellent wages. Heights car direct to mill. John N. Stearns & Co., W. Thurston St., Elmira, N.

A L L K I N D S of N e w a n d U s e d Wood W o r k ­ing Mai hinery on hand, for prompt s h i p ­ment , a t lowes t prices . - S a w mil ls , veneer mil ls , cheese box mach inery , iron la thes , drills , shapers and hack s a w s , be l t ing a n d pul leys . Send postal card for list w i t h prices . D. E. Rowl ingson , B o x 265, Utica, X. Y. 3-3-5t .

FOR EXCHANGE OR R E N T ~ F A R M of 130 acres wil l e x c h a n g e for c i ty

property or rent 8 m l l e s f rom Elmira . A. Duruz. 205 H a r m o n St.. Elmira . X. Y.

N. Y.

L A D I E S - W h e n delayed ^ V ' T ^ S ' S T for Nurse Holmes's P ^ f j ^ f f l S B lr sea led: new. successful, Wte&Sfr painless home treatment whfcj• * everywhere can use * " * * ' ^ ^ J o . whatever . Address P a r a e o n . P W 12.'.8 Eas t Gist St.. Cleveland, ^

MATRIMONIAL R A N C H M A N , 52. worth ^ ^ Q ^

marrv. E-Box 35, League, ^ o l e d a j ^ .

G E T M A R R I E D - B e s t Mabrfme- to^g published. F R E E for stamp. %$%£


Toledo, Ohio

&ed*k GET MARRIED—Many ^ J S & p M s ir ing early marriage. Addre* ^ ^ Box 102, Roslere, N. *,


GREENHOUSES. FOK S A L E — A "-room house , % acre land ,

cooper shop and greenhouse , s ize 72x20, hea ted by hot w a t e r ; pr i ce r ight and t e r m s reasonab le ; reason for se l l ing, old age . W. S. and C. E. House l A g e n c y , Bergen , N. Y. 3-10.-21



Middle aged,.y.oung women and girls can get work at once—always, steady em­ployment, best of wages, depending on the ability of the operator.

Learners given' every at­tention.

Address or apply to El­mira Knitting. Mills, Elmira Heights, N. Y. • -j M A R R Y — M a r r i a g e d irectory w i t h p h o t o s

and descr ipt ions free. P a y w h e n married . T h e E x c h a n g e . Dept . 128. K a n s a s City, Mo,

E L D E R L Y Wealthy •<&$& bered. desires marriage, w* Box 1749, Los 'Angeles. Ca<

Belt <** P.O.

raws*-*"*?*; I D A R E YOU A K $S0 000. lonely, will ^ g ^ S g j W * ticulars. Address Mr. Hyae, ^ ^ St.. San Francisco, Cam.- __ ^

A MIDDLE-AGED X**nfJST* r*% would like to correspond g g ^ r f i * lady in v iew of m a t r l m o « ^ J g S *• B o x 274. Susquehanna, S0«lo ,.!».«

Pa. 'Jj,-~-~~ZT£Z*Z MARRY AT O N C B ^ K ^ i S S * « >

I will send you hundreds <to«w ^ g «

wi sh ing

A REFINED W - U - C - i y S ' S ^ bered and means. o0 5ears flJ^ e n c e s ; wishes to meet a a r « J ^ bered. some means n e a r j g ^ - g g j

matrimony; ^^SSliA^SSSS Address N. Y.

W. H-. c * "

Uirh p«r.r «lr rifl. ̂ " S " ^ " T >

I . - . . . • . . , : • . • ' . . . . mms®M • • . . • • • - " .- '•'•'. 1 i ^ ^ ^ ^

MARRY—Tree |*JS5 ons New

i**«^-—— ^i^^$mm ried. Mo.


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