mm "LIVE A N D L E T LIVE,** And while we live, let us Live. W E, the undersigned, mechanics of this Vicinity, are -desirou* of making a living by hard labor at our trade. Therefore we hereby agree and pledge ounotdves to each other, that we will not furnish and set a new born aboe for a lew sum than two shillings, and fix pence. A. J. GILBERT, LOVELESS * CALKING. J. B. LOWER, WM. HILL. JOHN GIBBS, OKS NI8 DILLON 03IIKA, TII03. BROWN, BOB BET COLE. Corning Union School. ANNUAL MEETING. N O T I C E i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h e Annu- al Meeting for the election of officer* in District No. 9 in the Town of Painted Post": for raising a Tux for the support of the school th* eu»uing year, and for UM) transaction of such other business a* the meeting mav deem neccaaary—will be held ayhe school houac in said District on Monday the 30th of Sept. lust, at 7 o'clock,, P. M Dated tliia 13th ^av of Sept. 1850 AL ANSON EDWARDS,*) NATHAN TIDD, STEPHEN STANLEY. > Trustee*. William A. Steere, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, RESPECTFULLY propose* to the citijens of 'Corning and vicinity, *^o commence a » -nurse of instruction on the PIANO, as soon as a suitable number of Pupil* are obtained at the follow fog T lilt MS Sniffle Pupil .... ' . , *<" 00, Classes ol two,.„..„..' ti 50 Classes of three, or more S 00 The Pianos on which the scholars practice will be kipt in good tuuu during their periods of tuition, with- out extra cliurge. Xo reduction will be made lor ab aence, except in cases of protracted sickness, Mr. Steere* method of, instruction is at once easy; attractive and th iiiiajii i iTiuj duly plan sanctioned by good teachers, and the only course that can make cor- rect and hiillinnt inusieiags Mr. Steer* will tune and o on shor. notice.. Iiffi'.itnee* --Mr W J. Arnold, Dr. 8 Stanley, and Marcus M. Wheelock. Cording, Sept, 3, ltf.~0. nlfitf otherwise repair Pianos, •Another Scientific PEPSIN ! H'oiidu: FWkl. !»• O il G, Bepaw PROSPECTUS OF THE ** Fountain of Temperance. T HE Subscribers propose to commence the publication of a small Bead-Monthly sheet, bearing the above title, at« orning. fUcubeu Co., N. % ., on, or about the 1st of October,'185a, if the requisite bumber of Subscribers can be obtained. It will be'devoted to the furtherance of PURR TEM- PERANCE PRINCIPLES, to the reclaiming of those who have already fallen under the iron sway of the tyrant Alcohol, to the instilling of pure moral and Temperance principles in the minds of the young, and Will be designed to take an active part u\ the great struggle which is now point? on, betwoen'oioralily and vice. In order to render it attractive for families, a portion of each number wll be devoted to moral Lit- erature, Ac., Ac. In point of size, it will inr small, but should we meet with that encouragement hoped for, it u.iii h « » n i >f ^ B « ekeaimatancej rft'i'iire, Wi'lt^c Friends of Temperance, lend us a hand, and assist in establishing a Temperance Paper in this section of the Country ? TERMS :—Fifty cents per vear, in advance, or up- on the receipt of the first number, I). R LOCKE. Corning, Sept 14.1850. O.P.MARTIN. August Report Mutual Life Insu- ranec Co , of Hartford Conn., the largest in the World ! This institution has issued during the mouth of August 1850, Four Hundred and thirty eight new j %{ ^.f^-h ha* l, imf been the special wonder of th. Policies, viz: | ry <r>he curdling of milk it the first process of d (\F the Connecticut The only True iygcstivc ASTJilC JUICE! A great Dy«- sia Curer, prepared from RENNET.or the fourth Stomach of the Ox. after directions »d BABON L1EBIG. the great l'lusiologieal < heniist, bv J. S HOUGH''ON,'M D.'No. 11, North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constitution, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. 13"*"* Haifa teaspoimful of this Fluid jafassd in wa ter, v ill til'-es\ %w ttaantdv>.v V i v e -pMuiulK of. ha about two hours, out of the stomach. Digestion. Digestion is chiefly performed in the stomach hy the aid ol" a fluid which freely exudes from* the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of hea+lli. Called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the great solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving', and Stimulating Agent of the stomach and intestines, Without it there will be no digest ion,- no conversion offood into blood, Wm B+ 1 the- body : hut rather n ii-ml, iorpTiffT painful and destructive condition of th*) whole digu* live apparatus.- «A weak, half deal, or injured stomach produces no good Gastric Juice, ami hence the dieeaao, distress and debility w hich ensue. and Rennet. T - Notice, * Office New York A Eric 11 il lload Co ) New York. Sept J*. 1S30: S IE StookholJer* of the New York & Erie Rail Rood Company, are hereby notified that the annual election tor Directors ef this i oinpany wil) he-held at the office of the C mpnuy No *5 Wall st. on Tuesday the Hth day of October next Item 10 o'clock A. II., to 3 o'clock P. M The Transfer Books will he closed from the Wth of September till the day after the election. Bv o'der of the Directors, n74w N\TH vNIEL MAKSH. Bee';* A L B A X Y A ~B U FFA I.OTNEW YORE ft I111E CAYUGA A SUSUUEHANNA HAIL BO ADS, SENECA A OAYUGA LAKE3. Everybody's Market Line! npiIE suhsciiliets are prepared |o receive .IL freight of all kinds at, the following points: Buffalo. Atticft, Batavia, Bercen, - Bochester, Catiandaigua, Oeuev'a, Dresden, Ovid, hodi, Landing, Jell'erson, Havana, Millport, Hoiseheads, Corning, Eliuka, Am Ithaca. Candor, Union, Binghsmton. (IriJutBetid, F L O C R, FEED, P R O V I S I O N, AND GROCERY STORE. P ACE 4 fc PIBKCE. havin flames « itii little M.eit'.e;-,, *i|.! Abe opposth . ..£ escaped the ntoru siuging thaw Sltadrack. and Abedneco ot old, did, would respectful ly inform tbs riiiaerwof Corning aeil the surroan ling eouiitry that they are reestablished in their new store. No IT V Independence Line, and neatly Hatch's Wijrtjii). W e cutdially i;ivitc all,"botli good end bad, to give us aenU, at we fool assirrod that we Can supply your vvauts kl cheap a* any other tstablishmtut in Steuben county having our {tasent stock paid for aud suQicie credit to UDrdtoas nirfe. Our motto is "pav " Uierofore, bank bill* will he cheerfully accepted, while gold and silver will not be refused S B —The Oftlce of the Corn'tue Jonrnal may be found in the upper story of our store ; therefore, both body and mind may be refreshed uuder the same roof, and at the same lime. 4v5 Corning. June 18. l?.%0. \ LL Me i"V w. s>i propri door to th SLOAN'S COLUMN. dicines and Books advertised hy an. are sold whoieaelo and retail, at th'« tor's prices, at S'ont's M">lecine Dtp*. n«Tt ,L\ H Hotel, Terrace st, opposite the te. luiiiatton of the Niagara FstU Railroad. Bvifa'o, N. Y fftsn soAbv Wat T*ss>t.L, Corning; Wm Og- den. Eln/rii ;P Fryer, Jefferson; Hinmau A Benson. Havana/ and * . Lmeohi, IL.rse Head*; John H Hill WllUua Beach. Addison; W. C MrfUuton, Paint- ed P/at. Factory villot Iianesboro, Spring Port, Deposit, A Re d de r' Ferry,, Hancock, .Every day In the weoA, (Sundays excepted,i and enn- tiuue with regularity throaghout the oeoaon They will forward the same to the N YORK MARKET. where it will receive the (icrsonal attention of experi- !<1 Saie.smen, who will attend to thu selling of the Important News from Corning. A N E W HARDWAUE. TIN * STOVE STORE 'TMIE sub*cril>er \* now receiving and will * keep constantly on hand a now and Well-selected sloc^of ShetTHTFu^varer Farmeri r and Meohnalet* Tools j Cooking, Box. and Parlor Stoves, which he of- ters for sale to the inhabitants of this villaeo and vicin ity (at Shanty No. 9, next to Hatch's Wigwam, and directly opposite the Printing OfHcej as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. ••• May tw al*>- found at mv etore at u^siitmeutof TIN WARE, at low prices, which I will exchange for Butter, Cheese, Pork, Raga, Dried Fruit, and most kinds of farmers' produce. JOBBING in Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron, done nt short noMrn in a neat and svorkmanlike manner.. WM HART. Corning, June 1% 18.i0. 4v5tf Sloan's Family Ointment, Is mild, tafe, thoivifH. and the frttlttt rp'trnul Remrdjf ever n» d. It ti camp >srd of Vttc'ahU Ex tnic'*, and powtti poKf.r nn-qalled in the a*n,ii* i>f M'-hcute for tht ear/- if liijl-imma'ory 0u—ist* It is universally acknowledged to be an infallible remedy in every case where it has been faithfully applied on the human system for promoting lusensibl'e Perspiration, and is invaluable iu all diseases of the flesh Obstinate Ulcers, old Sores. Cbillblaius, Sore I'hroat. Burns. «'uts. Cutaueous Eruptions, Sore Nip- ples. Sore Mreasts, Dixeases of the Eye, A«u« in the Face. Rheumatic Paios, Contracted Cords. Pain iu the Side back, and other ^arts of the system. Boils, Scald Heed, BrtMses, Fresh Wounds, Pties, sndovery kind of sore containing the least particle of IoBsniation are permanently cured by this great remedy. Healing Virtues. ttl rimes a rood \ ^ ** * f^f* anrhenttcatedhorp, as wettn|~a1tovcFt|ie Rijs^BsMatm^jta jrort Wturn tlie proceeds in bfl!>kai>l*.i,"u*i«U, j either of the above peJhts, to the following persons; b'lff'lo. Storehouse of Henry Daw; AHtcn, Store- house of Thomas Syford : Botavia, Sforehouse of Lu- cius A. Smith ; l}?f<r'it. Storehouse of Daniel MePlier- son ; Rix-hi'strr, Store of Fairbanks & Eldridae ; Can if.ilitigHn, OiHoo of Walter Corcoran; Genevo, C. havvrenco; HrttAtm. Storehouse of Whitney A Mon- ell ; OriS, Fergersou A Sprague ; L"di; Dundee L'liidtn?, Storehou m of Tnthill ft Co ; Jvftrxon, Qt' fine "f V,J[L^^!II!lJlLL'i!fJl i '''' ! 1 , "T""SL QfiM^g^J P* Total Policies issued in August, •' " " in July, •• " •* in June, in May, In April, in March, in Feb'y, in Jan'y 433 4\M 416 CfiSUl Pepsin is the chief element, or great Digesting Prin- ciple of tins Gastric Juice II is found iu great iihim dance in the solid p:trts of the human stomach after death, and sometimescuuses the stomach to digest it- self, or eat itself up It H nlso found iu the stotnseii of animals, SB the ox. calf fte It is the material used by farmers in making cheese, called Rennet the effect dai- ires- Telf E57 I t'on. Rennet possesses astonishing p<iwer j mach of a calf will enrdte nearly one thou* I its own TI nd V. PIie 1 j>.« ; AJ77!J>t>ri7~Wore Of J. &to\l\ H>'teHtad*, Office of Jv—A. Ferrell *- CWm>H?,~-i*U>re ^f- Win. J.-f- Coraiua^ J4we--P* t.•*.">»>. Arnold ; Elmir•••, Storehouse of Thurman & Inghrani; Ftirtorynlfr, Store of Charles H Shennrd ; Spring Port, at the Stor<" of—•*• ; Redder'I Ferry Aurora. Store of H ft G P. Morgan : Ithacu. Store of P. H. Drake; OaMtdor, Store Of S. Barager; thttm, Office of Nathaniel Ells; f/mon. Store of C. N. Wiieelor; liiitghamton. Office of James Sisk ; Great B''nd. Store of F. Chnrchill; Jjint terV, Office of F. A.Ward; Di'tntit. r*tore of Ensign & Dean; Handock, Store of Allison A Reeves JAMES SISK Bi ah am I <m. WM. WHITNEY. Dresden. GEO P. MONET,L. » July, 1850. NATHANIEL BLLS. Ow#-> \ot.\rs.—Buffalo. Henry Daw ; Attica, Thos. Sv ford: Btttavia, Lucius A Smjfjl ; Bergen, Daniel Mc Total new Policies in 1830, 4,o:w 1'.177 Oue p of water. aca.t will cur.Ue nearly one thousand tim.es j f,, r ,i. Butav'm. Lucius A Smith; Bergen, Dame W*M«l44.^ ,U*ilfc_4tw»^ art ol fepsm oissolvod m sixty thousand parts daiirna. \V r alt«S|Corcoraii ; Geneva. C Lawn Corninj . Boat Pumps an«l repaired »t S!i ntv No. 9, WM IUUT. June 18. 1850 Stat*, nud indeed the whole western states, that Sloan's Medicines have obtained a wide spread celebrity and reputation, to which they are jusilv entitled by their imhmt virtue*" and powers. W e are not among those who are prune to endorse every patent humbug that comes along, tuid in this instance have delayed our j endorsement until we have been able to make assurance doubly sure, not only by testing them personally our ATADE j.»e- and a supply alwayson band Larhteel "nil from-the testimony of a numerous pArtion -nf the eoiiiwuwMyfvtin^:areiuui April 13, 1850. KL VNTHORNS, a uew mt\ superior txilfo, at Shantv No 8. WM HART «*ng. J / l a n e 18, 18">0 ILK PANS and Pails cheup nt Shun- "TrNoTTf.-" -™- = WM Wim A MES' Iron and Casi Stt-cl .shovels and 1 \ Spades, and Cast Steel Trowei Tempered Hoes. at Shanty No. N"o 9. WM. HA«T. Corning, June 18, 1850. " Tin Sprained Limbs. Can be relieved of pain and all inflamation, and cured immediately by a free use of Sloan's Oinlmeut. REMOVAL Or TKtt New York Clothing Store. W E beg lenre to inform our friends fhO public generally that we have remev* well-kii( f wo establishment OppotHhrtkt Clin Ion Hduse, Market 5l. k and would respectfully solicit a continoanee of the pe- tronaare which we have hitherto so lorely enjoyed. We shall keep on hand a large and extensive itetjl of all kinds of Gentlemen's and Boys' i LOTHING* made up iu the latest Styles and Fashions, aha ttMne- tiiciuied in a workmanlike manner, which ihey will sell cheaper tran they have ever been offered Defer* in this market. Whoever wants to convince I of the truth of the above, is requested to give Ult before purchasing elsewhere. t- W e will also keep on hand a large assortment of Boots Bosoms, Caps. Cellars, Cravats, Drswers, Gloves, Hats, " Handkerchiefs, OverulJs, Scarfs, BrnaiTclotli MtrtK Wrappers, Socks. Stocking*. Susnenaera, Trunka, Umbrellas, Undershirt* and Trimmings witt Is* -««<; >» for SS t FOR BURNS. in a few minutes, andJtcaja rapidly, without leaving • scar. SORE LTP3 AND CHAPPED HA*NDS. A few applications of Shvan's Ointment wiil com- pletely ctlre the worst ease*. v 548 stomachs prod'- *^**"plied, w e tjuotc *Whr>!e number of Policies iwued Officfl. 170 Main St., Hartford. Tlie Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance was organized in' DecentlyiV~TSTC"B"mrT>; come The Largest In the World/ Tlie Large number ceutiibuttng to the 4'uuds of the Institution, sflorda abandoot fecurtty to the insured; sod ample protection to the Company, from airembar- rassiueiits slid dangers arising "from HuetilHtions in the »v«rage rate of mortality so hazardous u> iu-stitutious of limited numbers Being founded u[«in the mutual ^vFtem all surplus of premiums above life actual e»$t of insurance, is returned to the members in credits of H.imal dividends. Each person insured becomes a stockholder, has ft vote and direct voice in the man- agement of the affairs of the company, and is entitled to the surplus, or profits, without being personally lia- j t ' v '.' lite beyond the annual premium for the continuauce of *"" his pofWy. The funds cannot, as in joint stock cornea- Maron Li Chemistry, i .ai'nii.i to the II digest meat, and o;ln r fend." Diseased produce no cood Gastric Juice, Rennet or h:it tins \v*at»t may be pcrlectly sup- tiillov.ing Scientific Evidence ! big, in his cehb-ited work \v the Ovid. Fer-er. Lamling Tut") vena. J. F. Phel A. Ferrell • Coram in in ft lnghram anan- ronce; Jprasrue j Loili, ; Dundee Jefferson. E, O. Norton ; Ha- Melport, J Stoll; llorseheads. J. Wm. J. Arnold: El ultra, Thur- (i.istrie -lui elebrnted wu tiflelal riif. stl •. tnav he it-Mdil •n it y Animal ••• .- d SjjrtnwjKirt, ft (i. P Morstan t TIT iiil; FftCtory vtlle. Charles II. - Sheperd Rodder's Ferry, ; Aurora, II. Ithaca. P. H. Drake j Candor. S. Bar- ntiin. c. :v Laneshom , ttitlTenclr" arums artieli will he s'lftened. cieniged. same maimer as they would he in ibe huiuau stomach.' Dr. Pi.-reirs, in his lanious treatise on " feed ami Diet.' 1 published by Fowler ft Wells. New York, patre ^»l, state* the same great fa of preparation. There are tew higher authorities than Or. Pereir.i. Dr. ''HIIIIN' in his valuablo writings on the " Phyaiol- oey of Idgesiion." observes that " a dimiuiitioti of the d»fe quantity of the Gastric Juice is a i romitietit and all prevaling cause oi D\ spepsin ;" and he states that •' a distinifiiished profosor of medicine iu London, .who was severely afflicted with this complaint, finding ry thing- else to foil, had recourse to the Gastric I nice, obtained from the stomach of living animals, which proved ronjplotelv successful " Dr. (iniha ^HARCOAL Wanted at Hart's V.^ Shop, shanty No. 9. June 18. 1850. CANANDAIGUA A CORNING RAILROAD. Notice i S UBSCRIBERS to the capital stock of (be Caiiandaisrua and Corning Railroad Company are hereby notified that a payment of live dollars on each share js required to be made by the fifteenth jjayi > S O R E A N D I N F L A M E D EYES Sloan's Ointment is a great remedy for sore or in- flamed eyes; it removes the inilomatiou' and heels them at once. SCALD HEAD. Every case of this troublesome complaint can be cured with Sloan's Ointment, if the directions are strict- ly followed. s. Cassiuieres, sold at Whole.ale prices. A complete Suit to be had At the New York Clothing Store of . - J. ft S GOLDSTEtK, Market St., opposite tlie linton Hones. Corning, June I. 1850. u\ TN full blast, where the people of August next Stockholders residing in Yates and Steuben counties to pay to W. M Ot.tvEn. Esq.,at the Yates County Hank. All others to pay to the Treasu- rer iu Canam'ai-rua. By order of the Board of Directors 4v!)w4 N. GORHAM, See Se Trea*. Fire! Fire! Fire I loc-i be absorbed by paving dividends to -t ' - ' '•"••• ( '.'' ! "' ; "'V»' ,| l'<'r.yl tl e lan.ons works ou •• \ ege at the pleasure ,,f t* e inanasers, to the prch-Bccs and »«•»!.< I>trt. sn\ s : •• it ts a wmia insecurity of policy holders; but when the surplus. ;xv. that the stomachs ol animal: from an increased rate of premiums as charged by ! >*p«1 to tbe'JBnid the prop stock companies, are no longer needed for the safety snd rierpetuitv of the InstitntiofirirM refqmhxt to those f..*i whom it'was received. dfoestlve jrrwess ' JAMliS flOODWlN, Preset! n ' ' ><*."«» ».grem work, (he "< :c-iu-,!ry ..! M.... KBKSKZKN Ftownr, V: Pre'st Gup Wtester; Great Bond. 6*. BIU F. A Ward ; Deposit, Ensign ft tfftsmrrc rtwews. •— "4v-i()mn"~ OF; CAPT JAMES SISK will soperUitend the business throughout, the whole Line, and receive all or- ders for Groceries. Fruit, Fish. O.yters, ftc. &c„ which will be forwarded ro either of the above-"hamod points. 7JltT<TA~UE" ^ALE.—Sly venter" Smit h and Sally, his wife, of "Erwin. in the county of Steuben, have duly mortgaged to Ilenpy W. Sage ft Chautieey P. Williams, of Ithaca -'Atl that certain tract or parcel of land rftrorto fo th? innrp af g.rvi/in county o' Steuben, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at the south- east comer of lot No. 4, in tho fir*t allotment of said township. (Arthur Erwiu's land ;) from thence running north eighty-seven degrees thirty minutes west along the south bounds of said, lot No. 4, four hundred SLOAN'S CELEBRATED r Medicines for Horses and Cattle. rr o r i ti w gneri insurance Company Cupitul,*>\o0,Q0Q. ^urjjlun, SiCO.QOO. rWHIE aliove Company, located at Oswego. N. Y., | B will insure against loss by Fire, Buildings. Mcr-' chaudise, Household Furniture, ftc, at as reasonable rates as any other good company. i NATHAN TIDD. Acnt, \ At Coming. Corning, March 25,18^0. 150 , r . can b« supplied as usual, having bad a trood kemi "~ L. DAVENPDH.TV" Coming. June 4,1*50. 4*3 New Fork Lire Inssrsnee fm^Lvf* {Formerly the NavHlut.) Prineipnt Office, 68 WmA Street, New Yutk. T HIS Company has been in successful operation for the last five years, and his loaned between the months of April t'»4<». Start January, 1850, one thousand and sixty nine new Policies, th* premi- ums ou the same amounting to *i-.'v , ,«43 Off. Tb* Trustees have declared a dividend of forty per cent. for the last 8} mouths, for w Inch certificates are issoed to the assured. Its accumulated Fund of more than "SSIT.WJl) is securely invested, according to law, afford* ing the most ample indemnity to the assured. Tb* Charter is from the state of New York, tad the sec* ritics under tlie strict inspection of the Comptroller the state. Pamphlets illustrntine- the principles of Life Tnanr- aiic-e. forms of application, and other blanks, may b* OTntment and Condition Powders. The Ointment is rapidly superseding all other oint- •TBentH and"""Bhtmwtfts"Tor BBS Imro'uTTwslrOanrtil" No medicine in use has accomplished so many extraordinary cures, and gives so universal satisfaction in every variety JBjjjSt&gB "I* rft.wsso nr ibat h s . had se i h.'J -at the prhirfp'af wffii.w;-irr--piy-TiMls-agent* extensive and rapid a sate s* Sloan's Monvis V m - i n « P,~.;j~t MT,,I,„»M «„.l t*Z~Mtt**m 0.,„A..,* MORRIS 1 ItA.NKtIS, I re»lti*nt. SrKKCKK 8 BBftEivicT, Vie* Prtt't. J. B. GHAVES. Medical ExaminMr. V\M.F.DoDGi,A r ««,p r,,s * & * Amt • ( ^ ^ • • ^ H e ^ W l r S r W M e foe*; hi phywotrt it the Rtomachs of animal?', macerated lu Water, impart to tbeLilnid the property of dissolving .various articles of food, and of effoctiii'g vt kind .if artifie a 1 di- gestion of thect in no wise diti'.-rcul IVoin the natural S MABSTT Office. Luke st. \\. N Herrington R Phrlp*. Sec'y. Office oyer' tins Post Agent, E'mtni, Examining Physician, Mrs. Grey's New Book I 'EVKU before PtthHsbM, Hrncinflic; tl Or The Contrast. T B; PETERSON. No W Chestnut fA. Piiil,'idet;d< ; a. puhjWies this* day, HYA- C I N T H S : or, the Contrast By Mrs. OBEY. Com- plete in one I'ne octavo vohlme, of 1«0 pages, printed on "be ftnett white psper, price IS cents "Tliis is a new Novel, by one of the most popular female writers of fiction, and one Who stwaye itseul- rstc* rrineiples of rirlite. The book We can recotri- ttiend as worthy in every way of her reputation.—La- dies' National Msgnzine- T. B. Peterson also publishes the foflowmg work* of Mrs. Grey, all in uuifonn style, eifher of which cau be had separately, price 2J cts, or nnj^FiyrTBvill be -»'«t or given to any one for One Dollar. Lena I'aineron : or die Four Sisters. The Belle of the Family. Sybil Lcnnard—A record of Woman's Life. The Duke and the Cousin. The LitUe Wife. The Manoenvcrino' Motlier. The Baronet's Daughter. < . The Young Prima Donna. Harry Monk Tlie old Dower House. Hyacintbo; or, the Contrast. A!iee Seymour. _ _ News A«enu, Booksellers, snd all other* will he supplied at the very lowest rales. Adulters off orders (post pnidi to T.B.PETERSON, No. M Ghestnu^Sj Phil-«l«fpb**. CHAMBERLIN'S North River Lodging House. A ND Readme Saloon. (Lwt^llalhft- ways Hotel-j Nos 244* 247 Woshington street, N e w York. In the imnwtdiate vicinity of the New- York and Erie Railroad, the Hudson River R. R., nnd the * Ibany, Newark, and New Brvnaw'ick Steam- boat Landings. ' , , ry THE B A R is furtishefl with the best ot Li- quors and Cigars. WM S. CH AMBR RLtN. Late with E. ft J. P. Cbamberlfn, Wm. S. i T. Chamberlin, C <OMMISION Dealers in Cattle, Sheep, J ttc. ( at Hudson Biver Bull*Head, Not. 70 and 7 2 Robinson Street, N. Y. I de«coycry «f Pepsin forms a new era m the ehemieal i history of Digestion From recent experiments we 1 know linu tiiod is dlsrtolved as rapidly in An ftrtifieinl [ digestive fluid, prepared from Pi-psia, as it fa in the t uatural Onstric Juice itself" J Prof. Diinftiaoti of the Jefferson Crtllegfl. Phil in his I rreat work on Human Phvsiology, devotee mere than i hrty pa'ijes to an examination of this subjjftet H's ex- - periments with Dr Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, j obtained from the living human suunaeh and from aui I uials, are well known. •• la sll ea^es," he says, " digea- i tion oecnrred as perfectly in the artific'ml as iu the natu al digestions. As a Dfspeima Cure*. - Dr. Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the most marvellous cffVcts, curing rases of DeWfiry, I Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Con- sumption, supposed to he on thf very verge of the grave, [t is impossible to »ive the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement—hut authenticated certificates have been given of more than Two Hun- dred R<»m«rfcahle Cures, in Philadelphia. New York, and Boston aJone. There were nearly all desperate cases, ttnd the cures Were not only rapid and wonderful but permanent. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and particularly use- ful for tendency to bilious disorder. Liver Complaint Fever and Aguo. or badly treat**d Fever and Ague. and the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs upon the Digestive onotns after a long sickness. Also, for excess hi eating, ami tin* too free use of ar- dent spirits It almost reconciles Health with Intem- peraucc- Oi4 Stomach Complaints. There 1* no ft am of oht Sfnmaeh fVmrrrl.-titits whb'h it does not term ta reach and retntivo at once. No mat'erhowbad they may be, it G-IYRS INSTANT RELIEF** A simile dose removes all the unpleas- ant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a. short time, to make these effects permanent. Purity of BlooiamLsigwr of body T 4bllow at once, - It is partie- ularly cveeHenl in cases ol'-Nausr-a, Vomiting, Cramps, SorB»e»si of tbto p|l of the Btomneh, »M#trosii fog. few, eald, state of tfo; Bdoodv Heavme«», of the rSpirits, Despondeoey, Emitciatfon, Weakness, tendency to IiMtanity, Suicitle, Ac. Prfee ono Dollar per bottle. One hotUa will often effect a lastint: core. PRPSIN IN POWDERS, JtW Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. JF$ For eowvenience of sending to alt Hafts of the cown- try, flm Digestiye Matter or the Pepwn b» put np in the form of Powders, with directions to lie dissolved in wator or syrup, by the patient. These powders con- tain jast the same matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for the sfttne price, and wHl b« sent by mail, Free of Postage, for one Dollar, sent fpost o%\t\ to Dr J. g. Hoog&mn,^i*o. 11 North Eiglith st, Phil. Pa. Six packages for five dollars. . Every package and bottle bears tire written sfonature of j . 8 HOUGH- TON, M. D.. Sole Propreior, Sold by agents in fvery town in the United States. and by respectable d«al»r# tn Stedieines genemlly. RUINS OF CORNING* r f"*IIE public is informed that notwith- standing the extensive conflagration iu tlie city of | Corning, the well-known ! NEW YOBK BRANCH CLOTHING STORE I has been,'i»S' »p from the ruins, complete, and is now twenty five chains and fifty links to the south-west cor j re-established on the old principle of selling alt articles i than tan be pur- in tlie clothing lii f chaseft eTsewTii rhe subscribers invite their friends nnd the public ! generally, to call and examine their Clothing, which is 1 made up iu the best manner and latest styles and fash- I ions. Also, their extensive assortment of Goods in the ' rui-nif,iiug department, where may always be found, "the- cat »: uerol the name; tiieuce south two degrees and thirt mfn^ttes w-est slontr rhc east honn^s of the town of A dison one hundred and four chains and eighty links to j the north corner of lot No. 7 of the said first allotment; thence south etabty-tevcti degrees thirty minutes onst along .the north bounds of lot No 7. and lot No. 8, and lot No. 9, of the said first allotment, two hundred and forty nine chains and fifty nine links to the south-west cort"ieF7iF"Pattersiin's too: thence north two degrees'" and thirty minutes west along tlie west bounds of Pat- terson's and Evans* land, thirty eight chains and thirty- eight links to the north west cen-ner of the said KveW land j thence the same course five efoitts to a comer; thence, south eighty-seven degrees and thirty rntuutes east, parallel to the south line of lots No. 7, 8, and 9, to the channel of the river Tioga; thence down the chan- nel of said river, its several course's to the mouth of the river Conhneton ; thence op the mid channel of thc- stiid river Couhocton, its several courses to the west bounds of lot No. I of the said first allotment; thence south twe degrees and thirty minutes west ateus- tho east bounds of said lot No. 4, to the place of beginning, containing three thousand six hundred and ninety acres, be the 'name more or less. A Iw ail that other piece or parcel of land called "Apple Island," situated on the Tioga river, containing about thirty acres of land, be the same more or less, excepting and reserv- ing from tho said tracts or parcels of land aliove de- scribed, two thousand five hundred acres of lanfl situ- ated on the west end of said tract, sold and conveyed by Hiram W. Bostwlck and Mary, his wife, nud Syl- vester Smith and Sally his wife, to John Bard jn trust for Charles Morrison, by deed bearing date of 8th of October, 1842 ; and one acre of land heretofore con- veyed by, sai.l Hiram W . Bostwlck and Sylvester Smith to Ira P. Rennett: also, exceptiiie a parcel of land containing sixty four and one-foncth acres, sold by said Sylvester Smith to. John C. Cameron : also, ex- cepting a certain piece of land, betrrs three-fourths of an acre, heretofore sold to William Cripper: also, ex eepting one other pan*! of hind, being two acres heretofore sold to C. J. Cfaatlfoid: also, excepting six village lots, sold respectively, to Ahiel Eastcrbrooks, William Htlf. trw worst. Isaac N. Southerly, and John ft knot, containing about one un.l three fourths acres: i »h«>, aliont two and one half acres, exchanged with A- j H Erwm5\a.lso, abfiot forty acres, soid m Robert I Ward and Henry AVard, ten scree sold 10 WtHi»» j Brown, and one aero sold to Wil bam Cripper—the j " preim-M-rt n fort gaged being one thousand ninety six ' [ and three-fourths acres, be the flame more or IeMj!^^ espc i Jt oots. Bosoms and Caps, Scarfs, Undershirts. Cravats, Oloyes, Collars, and Huts; Handkerchiefs. Overall*, and Drawers, Shoes. Stocking's, and Suspenders, With Trunks and Umbrella*, _And..moy he a Shirt, Andone or two other things cheaper than dirt. Examine our stock, geoits, you who would buy. Every part and each seam, we invite you to try j Hold them up to the light and see if "a gleam Comes through IIH» cracks of the opening seam; If there does, don't you buy. for just let us say, Such clothes will not lost yea one single day. Now gentlemen ail, Come one and come all— Don't spend all your cash In purchasing trash And second hand slops At cheap clothing shops. Where the seams ghastly er\n, L'ke the grim monster ''"sin"— If you do. you're "took in.'.'' - , BENJAMIN ft NEWMAN, Market St. 3 doors west of the Bank. Comjng, June W, 1850. y48 kinds, sprains, bruises, cracked heels, ringbone, wind galls, poll evil, callous, spavins, sweeny, fistula, strains', lameness, sand cracks, foundered feet, scratches or grease, mange, and'horn distemper The Condition Powder will remove all inflaroation and fever, purify the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water, and strengthen every part of the body: It has proved a sovreign..remedy "for jfte Tolfovy'lag. dis- eases ; Founder. Distemper, Hide honrid, loss of appetite, inward strains, yellow water, inflamation ot the eyes, fatigue from exercise; also, tcommonly called stilf ccnnpluint.. which proves so fatal.to so many valuarde horses in this country. It is also a sale and certain remedy for coughs and colds which generate so litany fatal diseases. These remedies never injure, and always core if die or rartnerporticuiars, and a multitude ot cer- tificates of remarkable cures, e-et Pamphlets of agents. XV. B SLOAN. Grand Depot, 40 Lake-street Chicago, ttl. January, 1S50. Coming. 147yf Steam Planing «k saw Mills Exclusion of all other Remedies. W e jvoald call atteriuon to Sloan's column of new advertisements. The medeclnes advertised have been extensively naed, and foe good effect is borne testimo- ny to by thousands who have been benefttted^by their use The medethics are very popular in this* section, and are coming into use, to the exclusion of all other remedies of the kind, Sloan cannot hut succeed, for be paysTlie Prfoter liberally*: promptly.— [Wmhtka Democrat, Wil,, May 21, 1850, AT GIBBON, Uead of Chemung C^itiit Feeder, one mile bit** Corning * above place to supply tlie trade with dreseed and rough dumber in every variety Lumber plaooa to order with dispatch and in tho best manner. ti*a*> her to be planed is taken from Corning free of chirgak Clapboards, Ceiling, Flooring and Loth on hanot Pickets. Paling. Ac, on hand and supplied to order. _ _ f-r- • : GlBmXAJmjLBB* Gibson, June SOtb, 1850. 4t Excellent Remedy* We have used for several mouths past. S/oan'* Family QiWwnt, for tho various cuts, burns and bruises to which a family, especially of small children is constantly liable, and have invariably found it to be An excellent remedy.—R.ekford Free. Prut, Feb. 24£&. 1849. Sttr&lcal Instruments. > -TPllE subscriber is fulfy supplied witn all •*• the instruments necessary to the practice of Soar* gery. Medicine, and Dentistry, "as well for hisownpmc* tuo as for sale. He has Jarvis' Surgical Adjuster, Amputating Snd Trepanning ' KWI. Stomach Pump* Enema Pomps, Cupping Instruments, Tonsil Ittstrtt- menfs. Turnkeys and Forceps, Pocket and Dissecting Case*, Ac., ftc. Appication for professional araistone* Jarvis' Adjuster. T HIS In<»f.niment recently inirorlaeed in \ tionery, ftc, Ac t!,iac(i/-ti..nf 1 f sU.i. .*«..,..*-.. I- t,,. £>_ *1__ i_ _ . * . L Al^L a Ittlvn* Something New. Wholesale, Grocery, Liquor and Provision e^e» m m. m •«. :BH3 at Oppotit* thr C0f*i»g Found-y, Coming, A'. Y. T HE subscribers have opened n full and complete assortment of Choice Fnmily Grorerie*, comprising all qaaliliesof Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Mo- (iasses. Syrups, Pepper, Spices, Ginger, Rice. Solera- | tu*. OiK Soaps. Candles; Raisins, Figo. Prunes, and (other dried Fruits; Oranges, Lemons, Nut*, Confcc- eith.r in Medicine or Surgery w ill be promptly attend' ed to. [46] J. B. GRAVES. %L D. this section of tho connttT. t» by for the best in-1 .. T A ' W « • ' W1M * *** *«*efl selected stoek of Liquors, strument in use, for setting bones and reducing dW*. '• ". "* ei - A l** Porter, ami Segara, all of which will be cations. By it* use. the necessity of having four Or I <lo sL* t f V . CT *' * n * l ' , l advance from New York Prices, five mc0,M>pnU, is done away wUh^ tmd snv dislocn- ! y e invite the particular attention of Dealers, Ltmd- (ion can be reduced, or tmsew set with very little pain. •°™". *nd Gonsumers in general, as we feel confident Contracted-limbs enn he strniifbtenod.—Call end see.— w r * LC * n - ,n *keA an oljact to theavt* hny. We An examination of the instrument Is solicited. •'** keep constantly on hand Fish and Provisions of AT J. B GftAVKS, M. D. !" ".""'*• Moekeral. Shad, Ctidflsh. Flour Pork. Hums, I —r——r- 4—— i Lard, Mutter. Cheese, Ac. Ac. C. D. SILL A Co, THE i Corning. Feb. II, 18j«». more or J » . . The mortgage i# dated the tenth day of September, j Merchants' Mutual Insurance Co. Bf A™ 1 I84» r and is recorded with tho power of sale therein I nwlrr ^lcontainet'> tn fhe ottce of rt>e CleA-nf--iTm- county of "*' "•' —\, in Book nineteen of Morwages,on pntre 31,"*, 11 /'«*,*7 ° the-twelfth dav of Septcml>er, 184!l, at six o*-1 J-: * * S " I « "Flu. „mnnn> t.n^, .!.,„ •I,.,...,.,. S. . » . « I 1*101* Hpstem. Canandaigua and Corning R. R. NOTICE I S UBSCRIBERS to the Capital stock, of tlie Canandaijrna and Corning Rail Road Co., are hereby notified that a payment of ten dollars on c«ch share is required to lie made bv the first day of Octo- ber next Stockholders residing in Yates and Stem ben Counties will pay to Wm. M, Oti>*r Bwal,, at the Yatna County Bank. By order of thn bonrd of director*. N. GORHAM, gtc'y and TWr. Canandaigua, August 26th, 1850. Election Notice. S T A T E O F N E W YORK. Secretary's Office, ) Albany, Attgust 1-1, 18M. > Tn th* Sheriff of the Count*, »/ &fmt>e*t—Sir— Notice is hereby given that at the General Election to be held In this State on the Tuesday weened ing the first Monday of November next, the following olKrert are to be elected, to witi A Go ernor In the pls.-e of HamBtoo ^hfoh*4»hw4^00 1 « r ^£ft i 4 i fjj(;g^ tenant Oovernor in p4a*J. ef ^ g g VV Paicrsrmi • ^ mw , Tnd ^ «J », H C Canal Commissioner ia ptaee of Jacob Hmds; an In spector of State PHaona In Ihe plac* of David D. Hpen Smuben Ac, on efock. P M. Tlie amonut now duo thereon in two tbfiunottd one hundred and twenty two dollars; and default has been made in the payment thereof, and iho ftirthcr sum of two thousand dollars will become due the WO* on the tenth day of Reptfmher next, and no proceedings have been had at law for the collection of any of the «d»l monies By virtue r>f a power of sale contained in sfttd mortgage, tht snid mortgaged prem- isefl will be sold at public auction, at the Clinton House in the village of Corning, in the*county of Steubeu.on the 1st day of November next at I o'clock, P. M Da- ted July 30, 1-50. 4vtl H E N R Y W . ^AGE. CHAUNCEY P. W1LLTAMS, T>A*A kTirr.%*! Afty* M'trtgtig***. OF BUFFALO. 4 *ff^AHTAL. *IRO,iion. 8 P ICKLES, CntHup^. Tresetved Fruits, Jellies; fte., at the Comma: WhmVsnfo Grocery and Liijoor Store. C. D. SILL A CO. P UIiE Oround Coffee, Pepper, gpiee, Cin- namon, Mustard, ftc, at I C D, SILL A COS. is sunk-and in no case can the loured bncomj>clled OTEUBEN pMCked Mnss Porlt ftnd Smok- ie «n«mnin»-of tlie Premium Note.— , ?*k , y uat « Mutual Insurance .is new, and at* ' inducement to insure snporier to all other compnnie*. v4.lif ] BERl c r N # P E W , Agent at Corning. ecu led hv Ro;tl and -Mocks Ri«ks taken on tho Premium or on the Cash System. The only Mu- tual Company in the world weose capital stock is se- cured. The insured cannot be called upon to pay the amount of the Premium Note until tbe whole Capital to pav This I more than, atnre of rhe* A superior artiefo at g, D StLL h COS, Valuable Property for Sale. T HE subsciher offers for 1 »le his House nnd Lot, situated on ti WS5 RE *A 8 H S^ 3 !^ hH * Mlmy tsa^R^Btt baa and bosrcLwittioutany .just conse or provo-] \ l(sn On n there in on exr cation, this is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting hor on mv account, as \ will pav no d**bts of her con- tracting, after this d*»«. L t T H E R DIH ll L E. Linley, Sept 2,1*30. BlSwS* P AINTS AND"0IL8,nIl kindsnrrTqtinU- ties constantly on hand and for sale attlw lowest market prh'el by J B GRAVES. C AMEHENfci'AND BURNING FLUID, a fresh article just received from the: manofactrtfOfii and for salolpy « J. R, GRAVES, Aug. *8, eer ,• a Clerk of the Conrt of Appeals In rdnre of gbos. fl Benton; a Representative in tbe 3M Comrr.-s* ol the TJnhed Steta* Ibr ttw thirtieth district (a place of David Ramsay, Jr. County Officers fobs elected for said County—Three Members of Aaaembly t a County CWb in phve of Panl C. Ctsib ; a Superintendent of rho Poor m ptae. of James Alley ; * District Attorney in place of Alfred P Ferns , oil of whose terms of office will expire on the last dsv of Dee*eob*r next. The .lectors thronaboui the State am also to rot. for or againot th* Repeal of the act antitW •• An or -•tshlishing Free Schools throughout the State,' pa eed March M. 1849. and an act entitled " An act t. mend the set entitled on octeauhlisliing FrceScBOol t»w**j5S tb* Suta," passed April 11. 1M9 i -.., Vonra,roepectfolly, CHWTOPHER MOHGAJf. Secretary of State. PHERtFF'8 OFFICIC. Bath Steuben Co. > Anamst 94. IBM. f .... i, in, cwasw BKEO ICINESJustre tfOBE, A^t received and Rw sale by •OPE, ROPE, Tow and Stern lines for sale at the »»y Be*t Boston rope, Row, lowest prices J. B. GRAVES. G J LASS. SASH AND PUJTY, all sizes IT and qaalilies furnished at short notice bv J I GHAVK8. a*d tot, ihuttwd on llw corner of l^irst and Che triune" Sis., in fhevltlign of Cornim?, FOR SALE AT one tff the h*st in the vtt- celletil boii-e, a imod barn. sli»<d«. A c , and the garden is in » high statu eif f uftivti. tfon. and contains a great yariety of Pruit and Orn«* mental Trees, The premises will be sold at a very low ratr- for e*sh. For fwrther p,irticuhu-s < u.piin; of tlie proprietor on the premises GEO- W. NEWTOm Corning, Awf, I, -WKk tv\9 and Notice. Sttnhen Connlf, »#.«•(-•'•• P UR8UANT to an order of David Mr •t**t*r, Surrogate of Steuben County, notice Is •erehy given to all perstms who hivo claim* against dWaiiot Cooper, late of the town of Painted Post iu *ld*S**tFi doceoroed, to exhibit ihe same with the ••*W*4*s aierouf, to Joshna B. Grmres. at Lis reshleucc ii ibe village of Coming in the said County, on or be- *• *• l7 * <*y of January next Dated July liih, '*-* J'OSRU/fB GRAVES. _ ***Wle Admini*f.rnt->r. Pat#nt MedicineT, PerfumeryAc \ LARGE stock of the best and JQW . J?**}?££ l T'* w »" J?*, fer sale at th* Jotim s) o*Ve, at wholesale nr retail Corafof. 3vm 17,1»W. "EAGLE BLOCK'' Hat flopped her wings, jiew away VANtSHED IN SMOKE! HE jtubtTcriber has saved a portion of his Cheap Goods from the grent Are. and 1* re pbmtsliing his stock from the. citv by Bxpress, He Itas opened his store on the earner directly opposite of the^Cninttm House The old eusmmors of the • Eagle,' and the community in ireneral are respectfully invited to call at the new Store and examine the, goods, which are cheaper than ever, and give a • boost' in tone of need. GEO. W, DYRR, C<irning, Mar 91, 18S0. WM. J. ARNOLD will be found at tho -New Ea sle Store, where he will he ready to attend lo his old lirtsiness matteK and on hand to help Dyer wail upon tbe rush of customers to more new s-nnda. ~^E^\M^"MWARDi f nrst.SR ix Watches, Clocks and -Jewelry, KEYS, Chains, Rintrs, pins, Brides, Brscrlcts. Clasps, Gold and Silver Pencils.Ear- \Q wire* and Hoojis, Hair Pins. Lovketa, Knives. Scissors. Rsxor*. Spectacles Silver and German Silver Spoons and Fork* Butter knives. Steel pens. Tablets, r "omb*,Twra*er«.Tl,itrnhl*s,S"lk pnraesand Trimmim**. iteads. Violin strlnirs, Needles, Ac , Ac . together with i large assortment of foncy articles, too numerous m uention. H* will pay particular attention to repairing Vatcbes. Clocks, Jewelry snd mnajcol iostrumsnu of .sll kinds. * •* . . Corninf, J a r y « , ! • » 4-\Ht Mrs. Wells, Tailoress, M AY be frnind, for the present,,nt the' Dwelling House of DEXU n Dvvis, Ksq, on Corr . Jm IS, M30, r4S Coming against California. New jK^»sf* Diteommll 4»A«» fir Gold Du*t, and n • ru*torn chaifr* at the •CORN I NO CLOTHING STORE" r |HiE undersirrned huvin • escaped un- * scathed from iho late conflagration raise again their da» at the bead of * Independence Sow,' wltere they will sell goods ami lake their pay in Bank Biils. when the efoth-a are bought ' Pay Down' is-the sys- tem on which their business will hereafter be done.'as by It we shall neither get our fingers • burned,* nor of- fend others hy asking them for old debts. No. 44 is gone and hs glory deported ; we'll monrn for it no more, bet start again with No. 1, Square orner. first floor, whore we shall rag o»l on the old plan with new ciods of evory description belonging to the clothing department. GEO THOMPSON A • O. Pm'td nt Caning, a few day* aftsr the great Jhe. , I*. B-— Ol". Tlf»»tes>»S hi Insurance A gent lor three or foar of tho best < ompaim-s. * 'UTTER, A few Firkins choice, at C D. SILL A CO 6. ftP RILL A r OS. Philadelphia P*)rtei at C. D. SILL A COS,' s "T\RIED PLUMS at "\ MBER Ale and F RESH Onmnes. Lemon-*, Prunes. Rais- ins, Figs, etc., at C. D. SILL A CO'S. C ANDIES.—A large assortment hv the jmnnd or by the box. at C. J>-J31LL A CO'S^ t ^ANDLES.—Sjiernf, Adamantine, Prese- J ed and common Tolfow, at C. R. CILL A COS. UOAPH ' ' by the box or poawh at H. R. Jones. DEALER IN DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. H ARDWARE, Crockery and CUs«ware> Boots and Shoes, Hats. Caps. Bonnets. Brooaa* Axes, Nails, Pork, Salmon. Slmd, Codfisb i also cboic* Brandy, Ram. Gin. and Wine, at his new store, cornet of Bridge and Jones sts. No, 1, Jones Block, for rewlv pay only. Please giro me a eatl. N. B. I have a splendid Hall, 40 by W fcet, • I will rent to those wish ing to give Parties, Concerts. Ac , on reasonable retis* Addison, December 41^4|4fl. I -• -"*•—-j II liiini lews I Sews! News! T IE great thirst for Literature up has induced the snhseriber to open an i "" ry opposite tbe > linton House, where his for and customers can be accommodated tram tb* Daily and W e e k l y Papers, Periodical* Ac AH theJoading PerimHcsis of the day, Magasinee» nished at tbe Pablishers* prices, ireenf t^mfsge. A large aasortttient of Novelettes, ltoinsocea, Ac, which will be sold cheap, wl ulssfo awi retail.- fMJea* I'.Ctorial Work*. Litkograp*. 4>e. The roost popular sheet music for tbe Piano Forfct, and Gaitar; and Instructivn Books for various Martial liKiniineiits. Gotley s Ls.i\ s Bisik Graham's s Sartain's Union Magazine. Harper's lf«ar sine, each turn •••he'd b y Mail at 9% 'SO per year, nt id> VSIKC or twenty fiw cents singk >C.>s. Book*, Ifaf*. sines, Morie. A c neatly beuud. Any work* fo«»d hi New York fwnM»fl at rhy prfora, Grden by mail, post mud, will receive aieaipl tt> * BOBWKLL. teution orning, June 31 IJ 1 •5ft, 4v3 Bar an) Kane*/—a lar^e lo:- C. D BILL A< OS. * CHALLMt* TO TttS WORLD L! Something new in Corning. r I MIE »-utihc»iber hiving had fft'ea esperi «I ence In SASH. BLIN'D. AND DOOR MAKING, will commence their Mannfoetare at Mollory and Ly- ons' Cabinet and Chair Factory, a fc*W rods above the NY. A Erie Depot, where be will k*"ep constantly on hand, an assortment of SASH, that be wiH sell as CHEAPas can-be bomhi hi the state, for "'ASH - The workmanship he will challenge (he world to best- plenie rail and examine for yourselves before pur cbosinff elsewhere. BLINDS A DOOTIS MADE TO ORDER. J. H.CANFlELD. Comieg,*Ang. 7, IS.™. v4ol4tf. < ioipiujr at \t kolfsaie. /. F. KIRB Y , r Co.. Manvfaetnrm *md WMttmU Dealtii tn Ready Made Clothing, if t'edmr Sa% NEW YORK. T^TOULD call the attention of Country 1 1 Merchants and Clothiers to their ex teas'v« aa» sort men t of Ready Mode Clothing now open for ba* »p<:rtitin. A* they manufacture expressly for the Norther* trade, and have made that frude' their stii.lv, they foe) assnred that their Spribg an • Summer stnrk «vnfl the v irwa of Northern and Western dealers la j respect. Country Dealers ttre cordially Ihtltetl fft rati when in ihe eltv, nnd examine onr aworttnetot, t will try and make it to their inttroi m make th chases of no. 1 ISA AC F- K I R B T , L E O N A R D A . K I R B T . New York. Feb.. »»*"• . mi <, » M7yl ( 1A PT, XRl T S f,'hit \Pj{ rV" J by the late fire, left town Petri- i'-i !••! ••».}•• ii.- a man of better pi iucfpte* Stay* to help build up the burned district. Thi. Is ihe taj* anmnd tlui " t.ORNlNG CLOTHINO STOSJB." w* Removal Of th* Hso'ssd/s Grocery, Promtten 8t Liquor Stare T HE subscribers, in C'>nstjquenr* of the rceeet flr«, hare removed to the building oppo- site the Cornine Foundry, where they offer to their old cusmmrra and new ones, a new and complete stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquor, embracing everything pertaining to their trade, at great bargains, o. p. sin a co. Coratof, May St IfSO. * . iri F ISW.—^Dry And PiekSed Cod, Mackerel, Shad, Salmon and Horrtmr, at ft D. CltLA'CS. C CRACKERS.—Bmter nod Sugar Cnick- / erw, Scday Maple and Cream Btocnit by the bht. or ponod, at ©* D- SILL * • OS. Piano Fortes. , JUST RECEIVED, from Bos mn and for ante at my hoss*, three of jeroi«rGifb«srt's splendid Piano Fortes whole Iron Frames. Warranted not to spring oat of simp* like ttw old-fashioned half iron frames. Containing the light, the brilliant, the accurate, and the stilt touch of the key*, not equalled by any in the United States, b\ means of his lare piient springs in the action. Cases made of tho l*e»t mahogany or meewnod. dri ed in a dry house three years. The best quality of ivo ry used for keys, warranted not to turn yellow Strinir- imported by the. quantity from France, by himself Mr Gilbert employ* encer 100 meu and turn* out ten piano* per week His buildings cover oror one fourth of *• acre of ground in Boston I con receive to order. Pianos during the winter.Price j manner, and warranted^•ntiraly tes-pebnfi snd quality to suit the purchaser, 'if not on hsnd) in 5r dain|.n*aa. «• eotern Men 0*4 the days G W HATHAWAY Cordlnaj. F o r . 1, t » « . 88 n bxdly •mgsd the nest day * for. Looking trlasets* 73 L. UNDERIHLL A CO. offer la sale, W The largest stock, •!ei0,}nosva* 3d The largest siies. i:>» bv «« im-bes ) .Td. Tfca law*- »»t prices—coll and see. Th«*s# are flner I style* than ever before offered tu fhi» market below the usual prtee*. N. II. Those who buy to sell *gam w ill be ant at the wholesale prices. , s. EIRE AND THIRT PROOF IKON SAFES, ft* Merchants' Ranks', and Jewel. Ici-s •**. Tlie »* r n fact urea snd ha* Rand a lorge Safe* of tbe most atructton, which much lower rates than any other man ale. are mode of the stromyet maleriefo. Books 1 Books! THE gnbi-erihe'r h--s just received » and <-enersl sssCtlnVnt of Miseellaneow and general assortfbe School Books. Fancy dutffotiory sad Wtsdow P»»ef « « ft n e r i s Be«ik- w riiifor Fs per,'VaJ. TBflSELl , m pnes* iliv are invited to call and examine tfcei it. C- H-IVO * Co., M.leagawts; Jobs Caebaaf* K-q . or at die man factorv i 1 l.u-4 Detector Loch of'fhe ronsbVrlo*). tltbcr makers' Safes require*, Mai s*w Stft m •f \* furni.hed St th* slioneel »«fo*, CoTDar of Stsjotb** and W i w om, AMisJMPi Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 12/Corning NY...NI8 DILLON 03IIKA, TII03. BROWN, BOB BET COLE. Corning Union School. N ANNUAL MEETING. OTICE is hereby given that the Annu

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 12/Corning NY...NI8 DILLON 03IIKA, TII03. BROWN, BOB BET COLE. Corning Union School. N ANNUAL MEETING. OTICE is hereby given that the Annu


" L I V E A N D L E T LIVE,** And while we live, let us Live.

WE, the undersigned, mechanics of this Vicinity, are -desirou* of making a living by

hard labor at our trade. Therefore w e hereby agree and pledge ounotdves to

each other, that w e will not furnish and set a new b o r n aboe for a lew sum than two shillings, and fix pence .

A . J. G I L B E R T , L O V E L E S S * C A L K I N G . J. B. L O W E R , W M . H I L L . J O H N G I B B S , O K S N I 8 D I L L O N 0 3 I I K A , T I I 0 3 . B R O W N , B O B B E T C O L E .

Corning Union School. A N N U A L M E E T I N G .

NO T I C E i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h e A n n u ­al Meeting for the election of officer* in District

N o . 9 in the T o w n of Painted Post": for raising a Tux for the support of the school th* eu»uing year, and for UM) transaction of such other business a* the meeting mav deem neccaaary—will be held a y h e school houac in said District on Monday the 30th of Sept. lust, at 7 o'clock,, P. M

Dated tliia 13th ^av of Sept. 1850 A L A N S O N E D W A R D S , * ) N A T H A N TIDD, S T E P H E N S T A N L E Y . >

• Trustee*.

William A. Steere, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC,

RESPECTFULLY propose* to the cit ijens of 'Corning and vicinity, *^o

commence a » -nurse of instruction on the PIANO, as soon as a suitable number of Pupil* are obtained at the follow fog

T l i l t MS Sniffle Pupil . . . . ' . , *<" 00, Classes ol t w o , . „ . . „ . . ' ti 50 Classes of three, or more S 00

The Pianos on which the scholars practice will be k ipt in good tuuu during their periods of tuition, with­out extra cliurge. Xo reduction will be made lor ab aence, except in cases of protracted sickness,

Mr. S t e e r e * method of, instruction is at once easy; attractive and th iiiiajii i iTiuj duly plan sanctioned by good teachers, and the only course that can make cor­rect and hiillinnt inusieiags

Mr. Steer* will tune and o on shor. notice..

Iiffi'.itnee* - - M r W J. Arnold, Dr. 8 Stanley, and Marcus M. Whee lock .

Cording, Sept , 3, ltf.~0. nlfitf

otherwise repair Pianos,

•Another Scientific PEPSIN !






** Fountain of Temperance.

THE Subscribers propose to commence the publication of a small Bead-Monthly sheet,

bearing the above title, at« o r n i n g . f U c u b e u C o . , N . % . , on, or about the 1st of October,'185a, if the requisite bumber of Subscribers can be obtained. It wi l l be'devoted to the furtherance of PURR TEM­PERANCE PRINCIPLES, to the reclaiming of those w h o have already fallen under the iron sway of the tyrant Alcohol, to the instilling of pure moral and Temperance principles in the minds of the young, and Will be designed to take an active part u\ the great struggle which is now point? on, betwoen'oioralily and vice. In order to render it attractive for families, a portion of each number w l l be devoted to moral Lit­erature, Ac. , Ac. In point of size, it will inr small, but should w e meet with that encouragement hoped for, it u.iii h « » n i > f ^ B« ekeaimatancej rft'i'iire, W i ' l t ^ c Friends of Temperance, lend us a hand, and assist in establishing a Temperance Paper in this section of the Country ?

T E R M S :—Fifty cents per vear, in advance, or up­on the receipt of the first number,

I). R L O C K E . Corning, S e p t 14.1850. O . P . M A R T I N .

August Report Mutual Life Insu-

ranec Co , of Hartford Conn., the largest in the World ! This institution has issued during the mouth of August 1850, Four Hundred and thirty eight new j %{ ^.f^-h ha* l , i m f been the special wonder of th. Policies, v iz: | r y <r>he curdling of milk it the first process of d

(\F the Connecticut

The only True iygcstivc ASTJilC J U I C E ! A great Dy«-

sia Curer, prepared from R E N N E T . o r the fourth Stomach of the Ox. after directions »d B A B O N L1EBIG. the great l ' lusiologieal < heniist, bv J. S H O U G H ' ' O N , ' M D . ' N o . 11, North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Pa.

This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constitution, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice.

13"*"* H a i f a teaspoimful of this Fluid jafassd in w a ter, v ill til'-es\ %w ttaantdv>.v Vive -pMuiulK of. ha about two hours, out of the stomach.

Digestion. Digestion is chiefly performed in the stomach hy the

aid ol" a fluid which freely exudes from* the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of hea+lli. Called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the great solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving', and Stimulating Agent of the stomach and intestines, Without it there will be no digest i o n , - no conversion offood into blood,

Wm B+1 the- body : hut rather n ii-ml, iorpTiffT painful and destructive condition of th*) whole digu* live apparatus.- «A weak, half deal , or injured stomach produces no good Gastric Juice, ami hence the dieeaao, distress and debility w hich ensue.

and Rennet.


- Notice, * Office New York A Eric 11 il lload Co )

New York. Sept J*. 1S30: S

IE StookholJer* of the New York & Erie Rail Rood Company, are hereby notified

that the annual election tor Directors ef this i oinpany wil) he-held at the office of the C mpnuy No *5 Wall st. on Tuesday the Hth day of October next Item 10 o'clock A. II., to 3 o'clock P. M The Transfer Books will he closed from the Wth of September till the day after the election.

Bv o'der of the Directors, n74w N \ T H v N I E L M A K S H . Bee';*

A L B A X Y A ~B U F F A I . O T N E W Y O R E ft I 1 1 1 E C A Y U G A A S U S U U E H A N N A H A I L BO A D S ,

S E N E C A A O A Y U G A L A K E 3 .

Everybody's Market L ine ! n p i I E suhsciiliets are prepared | o receive .IL freight of all kinds at, the following points:

Buffalo. Atticft, Batavia, Bercen, -Bochester, Catiandaigua, Oeuev'a, Dresden, Ovid, hodi,

Landing, Jell'erson, Havana, Millport, Hoiseheads, Corning, Eliuka,

Am Ithaca. Candor,

Union, Binghsmton. (IriJutBetid,

F L O C R, F E E D , P R O V I S I O N, A N D

G R O C E R Y S T O R E .

PACE 4fc PIBKCE. havin flames « itii little

M.eit'.e;-,, *i|.! Abe


. ..£ escaped the ntoru siuging thaw Sltadrack.

and Abedneco ot old, did, would respectful ly inform tbs riiiaerwof Corning aeil the surroan ling eouiitry that they are reestablished in their new store. No ITV Independence L i n e , and neatly Hatch's Wijr t j i i ) .

W e cutdially i;ivitc all,"botli good end bad, to give us aenU, at w e fool assirrod that w e Can supply your vvauts kl cheap a* any other tstablishmtut in Steuben county having our {tasent stock paid for aud suQicie credit to UDrdtoas nirfe. Our motto is "pav " Uierofore, bank bill* will he cheerfully accepted, while gold and silver will not be refused

S B —The Oftlce of the Corn'tue Jonrnal may be found in the upper story of our store ; therefore, both body and mind may be refreshed uuder the same roof, and at the same lime. 4v5

Corning. June 18. l?.%0.

\ LL Me i"V w . s>i propri door to th

SLOAN'S COLUMN. dicines and Books advertised hy an. are sold whoieaelo and retail, at th'«

tor's prices, at S'ont's M">lecine Dtp*. n«Tt ,L\ H Hotel, Terrace s t , opposite the te.

luiiiatton of the Niagara Fs tU Railroad. Bvifa'o, N . Y fftsn s o A b v W a t T*ss> t .L , Corning; W m Og-

den. Eln/rii ; P Fryer, Jefferson; Hinmau A Benson. H a v a n a / and * . Lmeohi, IL.rse Head*; John H Hill W l l U u a Beach. Addison; W . C MrfUuton, Paint­ed P/at.

Factory villot Iianesboro, Spring Port, Deposit, A Re d de r' • Ferry , , Hancock,

.Every day In the weoA, (Sundays excepted,i and enn-tiuue with regularity throaghout the oeoaon They will forward the same to the N Y O R K M A R K E T . where it will receive the (icrsonal attention of experi-

!<1 Saie.smen, who will attend to thu selling of the

Important News from Corning. A N E W H A R D W A U E . T I N * S T O V E S T O R E

'TMIE sub*cril>er \* now receiving and will * keep constantly on hand a now and Well-selected

s l o c ^ o f ShetTHTFu^varer Farmeri r and Meohnalet* Tools j Cooking, Box. and Parlor Stoves, which he of-ters for sale to the inhabitants of this villaeo and vicin ity (at Shanty No. 9, next to Hatch's W i g w a m , and directly opposite the Printing OfHcej as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. ••• May t w al*>- found at mv etore at

u^siitmeutof T I N W A R E , at l ow prices, which I will exchange for Butter, Cheese, Pork, Raga, Dried Fruit, and most kinds of farmers' produce.

JOBBING in Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron, done nt short noMrn in a neat and svorkmanlike manner.. W M H A R T .

Corning, June 1% 18.i0. 4v5tf

Sloan's Family Ointment, Is mild, tafe, thoivifH. and the frttlttt rp'trnul

Remrdjf ever n» d. It ti camp >srd of Vttc'ahU Ex tnic'*, and powtti poKf.r nn-qalled in the a*n,ii* i>f M'-hcute for tht ear/- if liijl-imma'ory 0u—ist*

It is universally acknowledged to be an infallible remedy in every case where it has been faithfully applied on the human system for promoting lusensibl'e Perspiration, and is invaluable iu all diseases of the flesh Obstinate Ulcers, old Sores. Cbillblaius, Sore I'hroat. Burns. «'uts. Cutaueous Eruptions, Sore Nip­ples. Sore Mreasts, Dixeases of the E y e , A«u« in the Face . Rheumatic Paios, Contracted Cords. Pain iu the Side back, and other ^arts of the system. Boils, Scald Heed, BrtMses, Fresh Wounds , Pties, s n d o v e r y kind of sore containing the least particle of IoBsniation are permanently cured by this great remedy.

Healing Virtues. ttl rimes a rood \ ^ ** * f^f* anrhenttcatedhorp, as wettn|~a1tovcFt|ie

Rijs^BsMatm^jta jrort Wturn tlie proceeds in bfl!>kai>l*.i,"u*i«U, j either of the above peJhts, to the following persons;

b'lff'lo. Storehouse of Henry D a w ; AHtcn, Store-house of Thomas Syford : Botavia, Sforehouse of Lu­cius A. Smith ; l}?f<r'it. Storehouse of Daniel MePlier-son ; Rix-hi'strr, Store of Fairbanks & Eldridae ; Can if.ilitigHn, OiHoo of Walter Corcoran; Genevo, C. havvrenco; HrttAtm. Storehouse of Whi tney A Mon-ell ; OriS, Fergersou A Sprague ; L"di; Dundee L'liidtn?, Storehoum of Tnthill ft Co ; Jvftrxon, Qt' fine "f V,J[L^^!II!lJlLL'i!fJl i'''' ! 1,"T""SL Q f i M ^ g ^ J


Total Policies issued in August, •' " " in July, •• " •* in June,

in May, In April, in March, in Feb'y, in Jan'y

433 4\M 416


Pepsin is the chief element, or great Digesting Prin­ciple of tins Gastric Juice II is found iu great iihim dance in the solid p:trts of the human stomach after death, and sometimescuuses the stomach to digest it­self, or eat itself up It H nlso found iu the stotnseii of animals, SB the ox. calf fte It is the material used by farmers in making cheese, called R e n n e t the effect


€ Telf E57

I t'on. Rennet possesses astonishing p<iwer j mach of a calf will enrdte nearly one thou* I its own

TI nd

V. PIie 1 j>.« ; AJ77!J>t>ri7~Wore Of J. &to\l\ H>'teHtad*, Office of Jv—A. Ferrell *- CWm>H?,~-i*U>re ^f- Win . J.-f- Coraiua^ J4we--P* t.•*.">»>. Arnold ; Elmir•••, Storehouse of Thurman & Inghrani; Ftirtorynlfr, Store of Charles H Shennrd ; Spring Port, at the Stor<" of—•*• ; Redder'I Ferry Aurora. Store of H ft G P. Morgan : Ithacu. Store of P. H. Drake; OaMtdor, Store Of S. Barager; thttm, Office of Nathaniel E l l s ; f/mon. Store of C. N. Wi iee lor ; liiitghamton. Office of James Sisk ; Great B''nd. Store of F . Chnrchill; Jjint terV, Office of F . A . W a r d ; Di'tntit. r*tore of Ensign & D e a n ; Handock, Store of Allison A R e e v e s

J A M E S S I S K Bi ah am I <m. W M . W H I T N E Y . Dresden. G E O P. M O N E T , L . »

July, 1850. N A T H A N I E L B L L S . Ow#-> \ot . \rs .—Buffalo . Henry D a w ; Attica, Thos. Sv

ford: Btttavia, Lucius A Smjfjl ; Bergen, Daniel Mc

Total n e w Policies in 1830, 4,o:w


Oue p of water.

aca . t will cur.Ue nearly one thousand tim.es j f,,r,i. Butav'm. Lucius A Smith; Bergen, Dame W*M«l44.^ ,U*i l fc_4tw»^ art ol f e p s m oissolvod m sixty thousand parts daiirna. \Vralt«S|Corcoraii ; Geneva. C Lawn


. Boat Pumps an«l repaired »t S!i ntv No. 9,

W M I U U T . June 18. 1850

Stat*, nud indeed the whole western states, that Sloan's Medicines have obtained a w i d e spread celebrity and reputation, to which they are jusilv entitled by their • imhmt virtue*" and powers. W e are not among those w h o are prune to endorse every patent humbug that comes along, tuid in this instance have delayed our

j endorsement until we have been able to make assurance doubly sure, not only by testing them personally our

ATADE j . » e - and a supply a lwayson band

Larhteel "nil from-the testimony of a numerous pArtion -nf the eoiiiwuwMyfvtin^:areiuui April 13, 1850.

K L VNTHORNS, a uew mt\ superior t x i l f o , at Shantv No 8. W M H A R T «*ng. J / lane 18, 18">0

ILK P A N S and Pails cheup nt Shun-"TrNoTTf.-" -™- = WM Wim

A MES' Iron and Casi Stt-cl .shovels and 1 \ Spades, and Cast Steel Trowei Tempered Hoes. at Shanty No. N"o 9. W M . H A « T .

Corning, June 18, 1850. "


Sprained Limbs. Can be relieved of pain and all inflamation, and cured

immediately by a free use of Sloan's Oinlmeut.


N e w York Clothing Store.

WE beg lenre to inform our friends fhO public generally that w e have remev*

well-kii( fwo establishment

OppotHhrtkt Clin Ion Hduse, Market 5l.k

and would respectfully solicit a continoanee of the pe-tronaare which w e have hitherto so lorely enjoyed.

W e shall keep on hand a large and extens ive itetjl of all kinds of Gentlemen's and Boys' i L O T H I N G * made up iu the latest Sty les and Fashions, aha ttMne-tiiciuied in a workmanlike manner, wh ich ihey wi l l sell cheaper tran they have ever been offered Defer* in this market. Whoever wants to convince I of the truth of the above, is requested to g ive U l t before purchasing e lsewhere.

t -W e wi l l also keep on hand a large assortment of Boots Bosoms, Caps. Cellars, Cravats, Drswers ,

Gloves, Hats,

" Handkerchiefs, OverulJs, Scarfs,


MtrtK Wrappers ,

Socks. Stocking*. Susnenaera, Trunka, Umbrellas, U n d e r s h i r t *

and Trimmings w i t t Is* -««<; >»

for S S t

F O R B U R N S .

in a few minutes, andJtcaja rapidly, without leaving • scar.

S O R E LTP3 A N D C H A P P E D HA*NDS. A f ew applications of Shvan's Ointment wiil com­

pletely ctlre the worst ease*.

v 548 stomachs prod'-

*^**"plied, w e tjuotc

*Whr>!e number of Policies iwued Officfl. 170 Main St., Hartford. Tl ie Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance

was organized in' DecentlyiV~TSTC"B"mrT>; come

The Largest In the World/ Tlie Large number ceutiibuttng to the 4'uuds of the

Institution, sflorda abandoot fecurtty to the insured; sod ample protection to the Company, from airembar-rassiueiits slid dangers arising "from HuetilHtions in the »v«rage rate of mortality so hazardous u> iu-stitutious of limited numbers Being founded u[«in the mutual ^vFtem all surplus of premiums above life actual e»$t of insurance, is returned to the members in credits of H.imal dividends. Each person insured becomes a stockholder, has ft vote and direct voice in the man­agement of the affairs of the company, and is entitled to the surplus, or profits, without being personally lia- j t'v'.' lite beyond the annual premium for the continuauce of *"" his pofWy. The funds cannot, as in joint stock cornea-

Maron Li Chemistry, i

.ai'nii.i to the

II digest meat, and o;ln r fend." Diseased produce no cood Gastric Juice, Rennet or

h:it tins \v*at»t may be pcrlectly sup-tiillov.ing

Scientific Evidence !

big, in his c e h b - i t e d work

\v the

Ovid. Fer-er . Lamling Tut") vena. J. F. Phel A. Ferrell • Coram in in ft lnghram


Jprasrue j Loili, ; Dundee Jefferson. E , O. Norton ; Ha-

Melport, J Stoll; llorseheads. J. W m . J. Arno ld: El ultra, Thur-

(i.istrie -lui

elebrnted wu tiflelal riif. stl •. tnav he it-Mdil

•n i t


Animal • • • . -


SjjrtnwjKirt, ft (i. P Morstan

t T I T iiil;

FftCtory vtlle. Charles II. - Sheperd Rodder's Ferry, ; Aurora, II. Ithaca. P. H. Drake j Candor. S. Bar-

ntiin. c. :v Laneshom , ttitlTenclr"

arums artieli will he s'lftened. cieniged. same maimer as they would he in ibe huiuau stomach.'

Dr. Pi.-reirs, in his lanious treatise on " feed ami Diet.'1 published by Fowler ft Wel l s . N e w York, patre »̂l, state* the same great fa

of preparation. There are tew higher authorities than Or. Pereir.i.

Dr. ''HIIIIN' in his valuablo writings on the " Phyaiol-oey of Idgesiion." observes that " a dimiuiitioti of the d»fe quantity of the Gastric Juice is a i romitietit and all prevaling cause oi D\ spepsin ;" and he states that •' a distinifiiished profosor of medicine iu London,

. w h o was severely afflicted with this complaint, finding ry thing- else to foil, had recourse to the Gastric

I nice, obtained from the stomach of living animals, which proved ronjplotelv successful "

Dr. (iniha

^ H A R C O A L Wanted at Hart's V . ^ Shop, shanty No. 9. June 18. 1850.

C A N A N D A I G U A A C O R N I N G R A I L R O A D .

N o t i c e i

SUBSCRIBERS to the capital stock of (be Caiiandaisrua and Corning Railroad Company

are hereby notified that a payment of live dollars on each share js required to be made by the fifteenth jjayi

> S O R E A N D I N F L A M E D E Y E S Sloan's Ointment is a great remedy for sore or in­

flamed e y e s ; it removes the inilomatiou' and heels them at once.

S C A L D H E A D . E v e r y case of this troublesome complaint can be

cured with Sloan's Ointment, if the directions are strict­ly followed.

s. Cassiuieres, sold at W h o l e . a l e prices.

A c o m p l e t e S u i t to b e h a d At the N e w York Clothing Store of

. - J. ft S G O L D S T E t K , Market St., opposite tlie linton Hones .

Corning, June I. 1850. u \

T N full blast, where the people

of August next Stockholders residing in Yates and Steuben counties to pay to W . M Ot.tvEn. Esq.,at the Yates County Hank. All others to pay to the Treasu­rer iu Canam'ai-rua.

B y order of the Board of Directors 4v!)w4 N. G O R H A M , See Se Trea*.

Fire! Fire! Fire I

loc-i be absorbed by paving dividends to -t ' - ' • '•"•••('.''!"';"'V»',|l'<'r.yl tl e lan.ons works ou •• \ ege at the pleasure ,,f t* e inanasers, to the prch-Bccs and »«•»!.< I>trt. sn\ s : •• it ts a wmia insecurity of policy holders; but w h e n the surplus. ;xv. that the stomachs ol animal: from an increased rate of premiums as charged by ! >*p«1 to tbe'JBnid the prop stock companies, are no longer needed for the safety snd rierpetuitv of the InstitntiofirirM refqmhxt to those f . .*i whom it'was received. dfoestlve jrrwess '

J A M l i S f l O O D W l N , P r e s e t ! n ' ' ><*."«» ».grem work, (he "< :c-iu-,!ry ..! M.... K B K S K Z K N F t o w n r , V: Pre'st


W t e s t e r ; Great Bond. 6*. BIU F. A Ward ; Deposit, Ensign ft tfftsmrrc rtwews. •— "4v-i()mn"~

O F ; C A P T J A M E S SISK will soperUitend the business throughout, the whole Line, and receive all or­ders for Groceries. Fruit, Fish. O.yters, ftc. &c„ which will be forwarded ro either of the above-"hamod points.

7JltT<TA~UE" ̂ ALE.—Sly venter" Smit h and Sally, his wife, of "Erwin. in the county of

Steuben, have duly mortgaged to Ilenpy W . Sage ft Chautieey P. Williams, of Ithaca -'Atl that certain tract or parcel of land rftrorto fo th? innrp af g.rvi/in county o' Steuben, and State of N e w York, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at the south­east comer of lot No. 4, in tho fir*t allotment of said township. (Arthur Erwiu's land ;) from thence running north eighty-seven degrees thirty minutes west along the south bounds of said, lot No . 4, four hundred

S L O A N ' S C E L E B R A T E D r

Medicines for Horses and Cattle.

rr o r i ti w g n e r i i n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y

Cupitul,*>\o0,Q0Q. ^urjjlun, SiCO.QOO.

r W H I E aliove Company, located at Oswego. N. Y., | B will insure against loss by Fire, Buildings. Mcr-'

chaudise, Household Furniture, ftc, at as reasonable rates as any other good company. i

N A T H A N T I D D . Acnt, \ At Coming.

Corning, March 25,18^0. 150

, r . can b« supplied as usual, having bad a trood kemi "~

L. D A V E N P D H . T V " Coming. June 4,1*50. 4*3

New Fork Lire Inssrsnee fm^Lvf* {Formerly the NavHlut.) Prineipnt Office, 68 WmA

Street, New Yutk.

THIS Company has been in successful operation for the last five years, and h i s loaned

between the months of April t'»4<». Start January, 1850, one thousand and sixty nine n e w Policies, th* premi­ums ou the same amounting to *i-.'v,,«43 Off. T b * Trustees have declared a dividend of forty per cent. for the last 8} mouths, for w Inch certificates are issoed to the assured. Its accumulated Fund of more than

"SSIT.WJl) is securely invested, according to law, afford* ing the most ample indemnity to the assured. T b * Charter is from the state of N e w York, t a d the s e c * ritics under tlie strict inspection of the Comptroller • the state.

Pamphlets illustrntine- the principles o f Life Tnanr-aiic-e. forms of application, and other blanks, m a y b *

OTntment and Condition Powders. The Ointment is rapidly superseding all other oint-

•TBentH and"""Bhtmwtfts"Tor BBS Imro'uTTwslrOanrtil"

No medicine in use has accomplished so many extraordinary cures, and gives so universal satisfaction in every variety JBjjjSt&gB "I* rft.wsso nr ibat h s . had se i h.'J -at the prhirfp'af wffii.w;-irr--piy-TiMls-agent* extensive and rapid a sate s* Sloan's M o n v i s V m - i n « P,~.;j~t M T , , I , „ » M « „ . l t*Z~Mtt**m 0.,„A..,* MORRIS 1 ItA.NKtIS, I re»lti*nt.

SrKKCKK 8 BBftEivicT, Vie* Prtt't. J. B . G H A V E S . Medical ExaminMr. V \ M . F . D o D G i , A r « « , p r , , s * &*Amt

• ( ^ ^ • • ^ H e ^ W l r S r W M e foe*; hi phywotrt it the Rtomachs of animal?', macerated lu Water,

impart to tbeLilnid the property of dissolving .various articles of food, and of effoctiii'g vt kind .if artifie a 1 di­gestion of thect in no wise diti'.-rcul IVoin the natural

S MABSTT Office. Luke st.

\\. N Herrington

R Phrlp*. Sec'y. Office oyer' tins Post Agent, E'mtni,

Examining Physician,

Mrs. Grey's New Book I ' E V K U b e f o r e P t t h H s b M , H r n c i n f l i c ;

t l Or The Contrast. T B; P E T E R S O N . No W Chestnut fA. Piiil,'idet;d<;a. puhjWies this* day, HYA­C I N T H S : or, the Contrast B y Mrs. O B E Y . Com­plete in one I'ne octavo vohlme, of 1«0 pages, printed on "be ftnett white psper, price I S cents

"Tliis is a new Novel, by one of the most popular female writers of fiction, and one Who s twaye itseul-rstc* rrineiples of rirlite. The book We can recotri-ttiend as worthy in every way of her reputation.—La­dies' National Msgnzine-

T. B. Peterson also publishes the foflowmg work* of Mrs. Grey, all in uuifonn style, eifher of which cau be had separately, price 2 J cts, or nnj^FiyrTBvill be -»'«t or given to any one for One Dollar.

Lena I'aineron : or die Four Sisters. The Belle of the Family. Sybil Lcnnard—A record of W o m a n ' s Life. T h e Duke and the Cousin. The LitUe Wife . T h e Manoenvcrino' Motlier. The Baronet's Daughter. <

. The Young Prima Donna. Harry Monk Tlie old D o w e r House. Hyac intbo; or, the Contrast. A!iee Seymour. _ _ N e w s A « e n u , Booksellers, snd all other* will he

supplied at the very lowest rales. Adulters off orders (post pnidi to T . B . P E T E R S O N ,

N o . M Ghestnu^Sj Phil-«l«fpb**.

CHAMBERLIN'S North River Lodging House.

AND Readme Saloon. (Lwt^l lalhft-w a y s Hotel-j Nos 2 4 4 * 247 Woshington street,

N e w York. In the imnwtdiate vicinity of the New-York and Erie Railroad, the Hudson River R . R., nnd the * Ibany, Newark, and N e w Brvnaw'ick Steam­boat Landings. ' , ,

r y T H E B A R is furtishefl with the best ot Li­quors and Cigars. W M S. CH A M B R R L t N .

Late with E . ft J . P. Cbamberlfn,

Wm. S. i T. Chamberlin,

C<OMMISION Dealers in Cattle, Sheep, J ttc.( at Hudson Biver B u l l * H e a d , Not . 70 and

7 2 Robinson Street, N . Y.

I de«coycry «f Pepsin forms a n e w era m the ehemieal i history of Digestion From recent experiments w e 1 know linu tiiod is dlsrtolved as rapidly in An ftrtifieinl [ digestive fluid, prepared from Pi-psia, as it fa in the t uatural Onstric Juice itself" J Prof. Diinftiaoti of the Jefferson Crtllegfl. Phil in h i s I rreat work on Human Phvsiology, devotee mere than i hrty pa'ijes to an examination of this subjjftet H's ex-- periments with Dr Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, j obtained from the living human suunaeh and from aui I uials, are well known. •• l a sll ea^es," he says, " digea-i tion oecnrred as perfectly in the artific'ml as iu the

natu al digestions.

As a Dfspeima Cure*. -Dr. Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced

the most marvellous cffVcts, curing rases of DeWfiry, I Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Con­sumption, supposed to he on thf very verge of the grave, [t i s impossible to »ive the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement—hut authenticated certificates have been given of more than T w o Hun­dred R<»m«rfcahle Cures, in Philadelphia. N e w York, and Boston aJone. There were nearly all desperate cases, ttnd the cures Were not only rapid and wonderful but permanent.

It is a great Nervous Antidote, and particularly use­ful for tendency to bilious disorder. Liver Complaint Fever and Aguo. or badly treat**d F e v e r and Ague. and the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs upon the Digestive onotns after a long sickness. Also, for e x c e s s hi eating, ami tin* too free use of ar­dent spirits It almost reconciles Health with Intem-peraucc-

Oi4 Stomach Complaints. There 1* no ft am of oht Sfnmaeh fVmrrrl.-titits whb'h

it does not term ta reach and retntivo at once. N o m a t ' e r h o w b a d they may be, it G-IYRS I N S T A N T R E L I E F * * A simile dose removes all the unpleas­ant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a. short time, to make these effects permanent. Purity of Bloo iamLsigwr of bodyT4bllow at once, - It is partie-ularly cveeHenl in cases ol'-Nausr-a, Vomiting, Cramps, SorB»e»si of tbto p | l of the Btomneh, »M#trosii fog. few, eald, state of tfo; Bdoodv Heavme«», of the rSpirits, Despondeoey, Emitciatfon, W e a k n e s s , tendency to IiMtanity, Suicitle, Ac.

Prfee ono Dollar per bottle. One hotUa will often effect a lastint: core.

PRPSIN IN POWDERS, JtW Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. JF$

For eowvenience of sending to alt Hafts of the cown-try, flm Digestiye Matter o r the Pepwn b» put np in the form of Powders, with directions to lie dissolved in wator or syrup, by the patient. These powders con­tain jast the same matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for the sfttne price, and wHl b« sent by mail, F r e e of Postage, for one Dollar, sent fpost o%\t\ to Dr J. g. Hoog&mn,^i*o. 11 North Eiglith s t , Phil. Pa.

S i x packages for five dollars. . E v e r y package and bottle bears tire written sfonature o f j . 8 HOUGH­T O N , M. D.. Sole Propreior ,

Sold by agents in fvery town in the United States. and by respectable d«al»r# tn Stedieines genemlly.

RUINS OF CORNING* r f " * I I E p u b l i c i s i n f o r m e d t h a t n o t w i t h ­

standing the extensive conflagration iu tlie city of | Corning, the well-known ! N E W Y O B K B R A N C H C L O T H I N G S T O R E I has been,'i»S' »p from the ruins, complete, and is now

twenty five chains and fifty links to the south-west cor j re-established on the old principle o f selling alt articles i than tan be pur-in tlie clothing lii

f chaseft eTsewTii rhe subscribers invite their friends nnd the public

! generally, to call and examine their Clothing, which is 1 made up iu the best manner and latest styles and fash-I ions. Also, their extensive assortment of Goods in the ' rui-nif,iiug department, where may always be found,

"the- cat

» : uerol the name; tiieuce south two degrees and thirt mfn^ttes w-est slontr rhc east honn^s o f the town of A dison one hundred and four chains and eighty links to j the north corner of lot No. 7 of the said first allotment; thence south etabty-tevcti degrees thirty minutes onst along .the north bounds of lot No 7. and lot No. 8, and lot No. 9, of the said first allotment, two hundred and forty nine chains and fifty nine links to the south-west cort"ieF7iF"Pattersiin's too: thence north t w o degrees'" and thirty minutes west along tlie w e s t bounds of Pat­terson's and Evans* land, thirty eight chains and thirty-eight links to the north west cen-ner of the said K v e W land j thence the same course five efoitts to a c o m e r ; thence, south eighty-seven degrees and thirty rntuutes east, parallel to the south line of lots No. 7, 8, and 9, to the channel of the river Tioga; thence down the chan­nel of said river, its several course's to the mouth of the river Conhneton ; thence op the mid channel of thc-stiid river Couhocton, its several courses to the west bounds of lot No. I of the said first allotment; thence south t w e degrees and thirty minutes west ateus- tho east bounds of said lot No. 4, to the place of beginning, containing three thousand six hundred and ninety acres, be the 'name more or less. A Iw ail that other piece or parcel of land called "Apple Island," situated on the Tioga river, containing about thirty acres of land, be the same more or less, except ing and reserv­ing from tho said tracts or parcels of land aliove de­scribed, two thousand five hundred acres of lanfl situ­ated on the west end of said tract, sold and conveyed by Hiram W . Bostwlck and Mary, his wife, nud Syl­vester Smith and Sally his wife, to John Bard jn trust for Charles Morrison, by deed bearing date of 8th of October, 1842 ; and one acre of land heretofore con­veyed by, sai.l Hiram W . Bostwlck and Sylvester Smith to Ira P. Rennett: also, except i i ie a parcel of land containing sixty four and one-foncth acres, sold by said Sylvester Smith to. John C. Cameron : also, ex­c e p t i n g a certain piece of land, betrrs three-fourths of an acre, heretofore sold to Wi l l iam Cripper: also, e x eepting one other p a n * ! of hind, being two acres heretofore sold to C. J. Cfaatlfoid: also, excepting six village lots, sold respectively, to Ahiel Eastcrbrooks, Wi l l i am Htlf. trw worst. Isaac N. Southerly, and John ft knot, containing about one un.l three fourths acres:

i »h«>, aliont t w o and one half acres, exchanged with A-j H Erwm5\a. lso , abfiot forty acres, soid m Robert I W a r d and Henry AVard, ten scree sold 1 0 W t H i » » j Brown, and one aero sold to W i l bam Cripper—the j " preim-M-rt n fort gaged being one thousand ninety six ' [ and three-fourths acres, be the flame more or IeMj!^^



Jt oots. Bosoms and Caps,

Scarfs, Undershirts. Cravats, Oloyes, Collars, and Huts; Handkerchiefs. Overall*, and Drawers, Shoes. Stocking's, and Suspenders, W i t h Trunks and Umbrella*,

_And..moy he a Shirt, Andone or two other things cheaper than dirt. Examine our stock, geoits, you who would buy. Every part and each seam, w e invite you to try j Hold them up to the light and see if "a gleam Comes through IIH» cracks of the opening s e a m ; If there does, don't you buy. for just let us say, Such clothes will not lost yea one single day.

N o w gentlemen ail, Come one and come all— Don't spend all your cash In purchasing trash And second hand slops At cheap clothing shops. W h e r e the seams ghastly er\n, L'ke the grim monster ''"sin"— If you do. you're "took in.'.'' - ,

B E N J A M I N ft N E W M A N , Market S t . 3 doors west of the Bank.

Comjng, June W, 1850. y48

kinds, sprains, bruises, cracked heels , ringbone, wind galls , poll evil, callous, spavins, sweeny , fistula, strains', lameness, sand cracks, foundered feet, scratches or grease, mange, and'horn distemper

The Condition Powder wi l l remove all inflaroation and fever, purify the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water, and strengthen every part of the b o d y : It has proved a sovreign..remedy "for jfte Tolfovy'lag. dis­eases ;

Founder. Distemper, Hide honrid, loss of appetite, inward strains, yel low water, inflamation ot the eyes, fatigue from exerc ise ; also, tcommonly called stilf ccnnpluint.. which proves so fatal.to so many valuarde horses in this country. It is also a sale and certain remedy for coughs and colds which generate so litany fatal diseases.

These remedies never injure, and always core if die

or rartnerporticuiars, and a multitude ot cer­tificates of remarkable cures, e-et Pamphlets of agents.

XV. B S L O A N . Grand Depot, 40 Lake-street Chicago, ttl.

January, 1S50. Coming.

1 4 7 y f

Steam Planing «k s a w Mills

Exclusion of all other Remedies. W e jvoald call atteriuon to Sloan's column of n e w

advertisements. The medeclnes advertised have been extensively naed, and foe good effect is borne testimo­ny to by thousands w h o have b e e n benefttted^by their use The medethics are very popular in this* section, and are coming into use, to the exclusion of all other remedies of the kind, Sloan cannot hut succeed, for be paysTlie Prfoter liberally*: p r o m p t l y . — [ W m h t k a Democrat, Wil,, May 21, 1850,

AT GIBBON, Uead of Chemung C^itiit Feeder, one mile bit**


* above place to supply tlie trade with dreseed and rough dumber in every variety Lumber plaooa to order with dispatch and in tho best manner. ti*a*> her to be planed is taken from Corning free o f chirgak

Clapboards, Ceiling, Flooring and Loth o n hanot Pickets. Paling. A c , on hand and supplied to order.

_ _ f-r- • : GlBmXAJmjLBB* Gibson, June SOtb, 1850.


Excellent Remedy* W e have used for several mouths past. S/oan'*

Family QiWwnt, for tho various cuts, burns and bruises to which a family, especial ly of small children is constantly liable, and have invariably found it to be An excellent remedy.—R.ekford Free. Prut, Feb. 24£&. 1849.

Sttr&lcal Instruments. > -TPllE subscriber is fulfy supplied witn all

•*• the instruments necessary to the practice of Soar* gery. Medicine, and Dentistry, "as well for h i s o w n p m c * tuo as for sale. H e has Jarvis' Surgical Adjuster, Amputating Snd Trepanning ' KWI. Stomach P u m p * Enema Pomps, Cupping Instruments, Tonsil Ittstrtt-menfs. Turnkeys and Forceps, Pocket and Dissecting Case*, Ac., ftc. Appication for professional araistone*

Jarvis' Adjuster. THIS In<»f.niment recently inirorlaeed in \ tionery, ftc, Ac

t ! , i a c ( i / - t i . . n f 1 f sU.i. . *« . . , . . * - . . I - t , , . £>_ *1__ i_ _ . * . L A l ^ L a Ittlvn*

Something New. Wholesale, Grocery, Liquor and Provision

e^e» m m. m • « . : B H 3 at

Oppotit* thr C0f*i»g Found-y, Coming, A'. Y.

TH E subscribers have opened n full and complete assortment of C h o i c e F n m i l y G r o r e r i e * ,

comprising all qaaliliesof Teas , Coffees, Sugars, Mo-(iasses. Syrups, Pepper, Spices, Ginger, Rice . Solera-| tu*. O i K Soaps. Candles; Raisins, Figo. Prunes, and (other dried Fruits; Oranges, Lemons, Nut*, Confcc-

eith.r in Medicine or Surgery w ill be promptly attend' ed to. [46] J. B. G R A V E S . %L D .

this section of tho connttT. t» by for the best in-1 . . TA ' W « • 'W1M* *** *«*efl selected stoek of Liquors,

strument in use, for setting bones and reducing dW*. '• " . "* e i- A l * * Porter, ami Segara, all of wh ich will be cations. By it* use. the necessity of having four Or I < l o sL* t f V.CT*' *n*l',l advance from N e w York Prices, five mc0,M>pnU, is done a w a y wUh^ tmd snv dislocn- ! y e invite the particular attention of Dealers, Ltmd-(ion can be reduced, or tmsew set with very little pain. •°™". *nd Gonsumers in general , a s w e feel confident Contracted-limbs enn h e strniifbtenod.—Call end see .— w

r * L C * n - , n *keA an o l jac t to theavt* hny. W e An examination of the instrument Is solicited. • '** keep constantly on hand F i s h and Provisions of

AT J. B GftAVKS, M. D. ! " ".""'*• Moekeral. Shad, Ctidflsh. Flour Pork. Hums, I —r——r- 4—— i Lard, Mutter. Cheese, A c . Ac . C. D. S I L L A Co,

T H E i Corning. Feb . II, 18j«». more or J » . .

The mortgage i# dated the tenth day of September, j Merchants' Mutual Insurance Co. Bf A™ 1 I84»r and is recorded with tho p o w e r of sale therein I n w l r r ^ l c o n t a i n e t ' > tn fhe ottce of rt>e CleA-nf--iTm- county o f

"*' "•' —\, in Book nineteen of Morwages ,on pntre 31,"*, 11 / ' « * , * 7 ° the-twelfth dav of Septcml>er, 184!l, at six o*-1 J - : * * S " I « "Flu. „ m n n n > t.n^, . ! . , „ • I , . , . . . , . , . S. . » . « I 1*101* H p s t e m .

Canandaigua and Corning R. R. N O T I C E I

SUBSCRIBERS to the Capital stock, of tlie Canandaijrna and Corning Rail Road Co., are

hereby notified that a payment of ten dollars on c«ch share is required to lie made bv the first day of Octo­ber next Stockholders residing in Yates and Stem ben Counties will pay to W m . M, Oti>*r Bwal,, at the Yatna County Bank.

B y order of thn bonrd of director*. N. G O R H A M , g t c ' y and T W r .

Canandaigua, August 26th, 1850.

Election Notice. S T A T E O F N E W YORK. Secretary's Office, )

Albany, Attgust 1-1, 18M. > Tn th* Sheriff of the Count*, »/ &fmt>e*t—Sir—

Notice is hereby g iven that at the General Election to be held In this State on the Tuesday weened ing the first Monday of November next, the following olKrert are to be elected, to wit i

A Go ernor In the pls.-e of HamBtoo ^ h f o h * 4 » h w 4 ^ 0 0 1 « r ^ £ f t i 4 i f j j ( ; g ^ tenant Oovernor in p4a*J. ef ^ g g VV Paicrsrmi • ^ m w , T n d ^ « J » , H C Canal Commissioner ia ptaee of Jacob H m d s ; an In spector of State PHaona In Ihe plac* of David D. Hpen

S m u b e n A c , on efock. P M. Tlie amonut now duo thereon in two tbfiunottd one hundred and twenty t w o dollars; and default has been made in the payment thereof, and iho ftirthcr sum of two thousand dollars will become due the WO* on the tenth day of Reptfmher next, and no proceedings have been had at law for the collection of any of the «d»l monies B y virtue r>f a power of sale contained in sfttd mortgage, th t snid mortgaged prem-isefl w i l l be sold at public auction, at the Clinton House in the village of Corning, in the*county of Steubeu.on the 1st day of November next at I o'clock, P. M Da­ted July 30, 1-50.

4 v t l H E N R Y W . ^ A G E . C H A U N C E Y P. W 1 L L T A M S ,

T>A*A kTirr.%*! Afty* M'trtgtig***.

OF BUFFALO. 4 * f f ^ A H T A L . *IRO,iion. 8 PICKLES, CntHup^. Tresetved Fruits,

Jellies; fte., at the Comma: WhmVsnfo Grocery and Liijoor Store. C. D. S I L L A CO.

PUIiE Oround Coffee, Pepper, gpiee, Cin-namon, Mustard, ftc, at

I C D , S I L L A C O S .

is s u n k - a n d in no case can the l o u r e d bncomj>clled O T E U B E N pMCked M n s s P o r l t ftnd S m o k -ie «n«mnin»-of tlie Premium Note.— , ?*k , y u a t « Mutual Insurance .is new, and at* '

inducement to insure snporier to all other compnnie*. v4.lif ] B E R l c r N # P E W , Agent at Corning.

ecu led hv Ro;tl and -Mocks Ri«ks taken on tho Premium

or on the Cash System. The only Mu­tual Company in the world weose capital stock is se­cured. The insured cannot be called upon to pay the amount of the Premium Note until tbe whole Capital

to pav This I

more than, atnre of rhe* A superior artiefo at

g, D StLL h COS,

Valuable Property for Sale.

TH E subsciher offers for 1 »le his House nnd Lot, situated on ti

WS5RE*A8 H S^3!^hH*Mlmy tsa^R^Btt baa and bosrcLwittioutany .just conse or provo-] \l(sn On n there in on exr cation, this is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting

hor on mv account, as \ will pav no d**bts o f her con­tracting, after this d*»«. L t T H E R DIH ll L E.

Linley, S e p t 2,1*30. BlSwS*

PAINTS AND"0IL8,nIl kindsnrrTqtinU-ties constantly on hand and for sale at t lw lowest

market prh'el by J B G R A V E S .

CAMEHENfci'AND BURNING FLUID, a fresh article just received from the: manofactrtfOfii

and for salolpy « J. R, G R A V E S , Aug . *8,

eer ,• a Clerk of the Conrt o f Appeals In rdnre of gbos. fl Benton; a Representative in tbe 3 M Comrr.-s* ol the TJnhed Steta* Ibr ttw thirtieth district (a place of David Ramsay, Jr.

County Officers fobs elected for said County—Three Members of Aaaembly t a County C W b in phve of Panl C. Ctsib ; a Superintendent of rho Poor m ptae. of James Alley ; * District Attorney in place of Alfred P Ferns , oil of whose terms of office wil l expire on the last dsv of Dee*eob*r next.

T h e . lectors thronaboui the State a m also to rot. for or againot th* Repeal of the act a n t i t W •• An or -•tshlishing F r e e Schools throughout the State,' pa eed March M. 1849. and an act entitled " An act t. • mend the set entitled on octeauhlisl i ing FrceScBOol t » w * * j 5 S tb* S u t a , " passed April 11. 1M9

i - . . , Vonra,roepectfolly, C H W T O P H E R MOHGAJf.

Secretary of State. P H E R t F F ' 8 OFFICIC. Bath Steuben Co. >

Anamst 94. IBM. f

— . . . . i , i n ,

cwasw BKEO ICINESJustre tfOBE, A^t

received and Rw sale by

•OPE, ROPE, T o w and Stern lines for sale at the


Be*t Boston rope, Row, lowest prices

J. B. G R A V E S .

GJ LASS. SASH AND P U J T Y , all sizes IT and qaalilies furnished at short notice bv

J I G H A V K 8 .

a*d t o t , ihuttwd on llw corner of l^irst and Che triune" Sis., in fhevlt l ign of Cornim?, F O R S A L E AT

one tff the h*st in the vtt-celletil boii-e, a imod barn.

sli»<d«. A c , and the garden is in » high statu eif f uftivti. tfon. and contains a great yariety of Pruit and Orn«* mental Trees, The premises w i l l be sold at a very l ow ratr- for e*sh. For fwrther p,irticuhu-s < u.piin; of tlie proprietor on the premises

G E O - W . N E W T O m Corning, Awf, I , -WKk tv\9


Notice. Sttnhen Connlf, » # . « • ( - • ' • •

PUR8UANT to an order of David Mr •t**t*r, Surrogate of Steuben County, notice Is

•erehy g iven to all perstms who hivo claim* against dWaiiot Cooper, late of the town of Painted Post iu * l d * S * * t F i doceoroed, to exhibit ihe same with the ••*W*4*s aierouf, to Joshna B. Grmres. at Lis reshleucc ii ibe village of Coming in the said County, on or be-* • * • l 7 * <*y of January next Dated July l i i h , ' * - * J ' O S R U / f B G R A V E S .

_ ***Wle Admini*f.rnt->r.

Pat#nt MedicineT, PerfumeryAc

\LARGE stock of the best and JQW

. J?**}?££lT'*w»" J?*, fer sale at th* Jotim s) o*Ve, at wholesale nr retail

Corafof. 3vm 17,1»W.

" E A G L E B L O C K ' ' Hat flopped her wings, jiew away

VANtSHED IN SMOKE! H E jtubtTcriber has saved a portion of

his Cheap Goods from the grent Are. and 1* re pbmtsliing h i s stock from the. citv by Bxpress , H e Itas opened his store on the earner directly opposite of the^Cninttm House The old eusmmors of the • Eagle,' and the community in ireneral are respectfully invited to call at the new Store and e x a m i n e the, goods, which are cheaper than ever, and give a • boost' in tone of need. G E O . W, D Y R R ,

C<irning, Mar 91, 18S0. W M . J. A R N O L D will be found at tho - N e w E a

s le Store, where he will he ready to attend lo his old lirtsiness matteK and on hand to help Dyer wail upon tbe rush of customers to more n e w s-nnda.

~ ^ E ^ \ M ^ " M W A R D i f nrst.SR ix

Watches, Clocks and -Jewelry, KEYS, Chains, Rintrs, pins, Brides,

Brscrlcts. Clasps, Gold and Silver Pencils.Ear-\Q wire* and Hoojis, Hair Pins. Lovketa, Knives.

Scissors. Rsxor*. Spectacles Si lver and German Silver Spoons and Fork* Butter knives. Steel pens. Tablets, r"omb*,Twra*er«.Tl,itrnhl*s,S"lk pnraesand Trimmim**. iteads. Violin strlnirs, Needles, Ac , Ac . together with i large assortment of foncy articles, too numerous m uention. H* will pay particular attention to repairing Vatcbes. Clocks, Jewelry snd mnajcol iostrumsnu of

.sll kinds. * •* . . Corninf, J a r y « , ! • » 4-\Ht

Mrs. Wells, Tailoress,

MAY be frnind, for the present,,nt t he ' Dwel l ing House of D E X U n Dvvis, K s q , on

Corr . Jm IS, M30, r4S

Coming against California. New j K ^ » s f * Diteommll 4»A«» fir Gold Du*t,

and n • ru*torn chaifr* at the

•CORN I NO CLOTHING STORE" r | H i E undersirrned huvin • escaped un-

* scathed from iho late conflagration raise again their da» at the bead of * Independence S o w , ' wltere they will sell goods ami lake their pay in Bank Biils. when the efoth-a are bought ' Pay D o w n ' is-the sys­tem on which their business will hereafter be done.'as by It w e shall neither get our fingers • burned,* nor of­fend others hy asking them for old debts. No . 44 is gone and h s glory deported ; we ' l l monrn for it n o more, bet start again with No. 1, Square orner. first floor, whore w e shall rag o»l on the old plan with n e w c i o d s of evory description belonging to the clothing department. G E O T H O M P S O N A • O.

Pm'td nt Caning, a few day* aftsr the great Jhe. ,

I*. B-— O l " . Tlf»»tes>»S hi Insurance A gent lor three or foar of tho best < ompaim-s. *

'UTTER, A few Firkins choice, at C D. SILL A CO 6.

ftP RILL A r O S . Philadelphia P*)rtei at


s " T \ R I E D PLUMS at

" \ MBER Ale and

FRESH Onmnes. Lemon-*, Prunes. Rais­ins, Figs, etc., at C. D. SILL A CO'S.

CANDIES.—A large assortment hv the jmnnd or by the box. at C. J>-J31LL A CO'S^

t^ANDLES.—Sjiernf, Adamantine, Prese-J ed and common Tolfow, at

C. R. CILL A COS. U O A P H ' ' by the box or poawh at


HARDWARE, Crockery and CUs«ware> Boots and Shoes, Hats. Caps. Bonnets. Brooaa*

Axes, Nails, Pork, Salmon. Slmd, Codfisb i also cboic* Brandy, Ram. Gin. and Wine, at his n e w store, cornet of Bridge and Jones sts. N o , 1, Jones Block, for rewlv pay only. Please giro me a eatl.

N. B. I have a splendid Hall, 40 by W fcet, • I wi l l rent to those wish ing to g ive Parties, Concerts. A c , on reasonable r e t i s *

Addison, December 41^4|4fl. — I - • — — - " * • — - j II l i i ini

lews I Sews! News!

TI E great thirst for Literature u p has induced the snhseriber to open an i ""

ry opposite tbe > linton House, where his for and customers can b e accommodated tram t b * D a i l y a n d W e e k l y P a p e r s , P e r i o d i c a l * A c AH theJoading PerimHcsis of the day, Magasinee»

nished at tbe Pablishers* prices, ireenf t^mfsge. A large aasortttient of Novelettes, ltoinsocea, A c ,

which will be sold cheap, wl ulssfo awi retail.- fMJea* I'.Ctorial Work*. Litkograp*. 4>e.

The roost popular sheet music for tbe Piano Forfct, and Gaitar; and Instructivn Books for various Martial liKiniineiits. Gotley s Ls. i \ s Bisik Graham's s Sartain's Union Magazine. Harper's l f«ar s ine , each turn •••he'd b y Mail at 9% 'SO per year, nt id> VSIKC or twenty fiw cents s ingk >C.>s. Book*, I f a f * . sines, Morie. A c neatly beuud. Any work* fo«»d hi N e w York fwnM»f l at r h y prfora,

G r d e n by mail, post mud, wil l receive a i ea ip l tt> * B O B W K L L . teution

• orning, June 31 I J

1 •5ft, 4v3

Bar an) Kane*/—a lar^e lo:-C. D BILL A< OS.

* CHALLMt* TO TttS W O R L D L! Something new in Corning.

r I MIE »-utihc»iber hiving had fft'ea esperi «I ence In SASH. BLIN'D. A N D DOOR M A K I N G ,

will commence their Mannfoetare at Mollory and Ly­ons' Cabinet and Chair Factory, a fc*W rods above the N Y . A Erie Depot, where be will k*"ep constantly on hand, an assortment of S A S H , that be wiH sell as C H E A P a s can-be bomhi hi the state, for " ' A S H -The workmanship he will challenge (he world to best-

plenie rail and examine for yourselves before pur cbosinff e lsewhere.

B L I N D S A DOOTIS M A D E TO O R D E R . J. H . C A N F l E L D .

Comieg,*Ang. 7, IS.™. v4ol4tf.

< ioipiujr at \t kolfsaie. / . F. KIRB Y , r Co.. Manvfaetnrm *md WMttmU

Dealtii tn Ready Made Clothing, if t'edmr Sa% N E W Y O R K .

T ^ T O U L D call the attention of Country 1 1 Merchants and Clothiers to their ex teas 'v« aa»

sort men t of Ready Mode Clothing n o w open for ba* »p<:rtitin.

A* they manufacture expressly for the Norther* trade, and have made that frude' their stii.lv, they foe) assnred that their Spribg an • Summer stnrk «vnf l the v i rwa of Northern and Western dealers la

j respect. Country Dealers ttre cordially Ihtltetl fft rati

when in ihe eltv, nnd examine onr aworttnetot, t will try and make it to their in t tro i m make t h chases of no. 1 ISA AC F- K I R B T ,

L E O N A R D A. K I R B T . N e w York. Feb. . »»*"• .mi <, » M 7 y l

(1A PT, XRlTS f, 'hi t \Pj{ rV" J by the late fire, left town

Petri- i'-i !••! ••».}•• ii.- a man of better pi iucfpte* Stay* to help build up the burned district. Th i . Is ihe t a j * anmnd tlui " t . O R N l N G C L O T H I N O STOSJB."


R e m o v a l Of th* Hso'ssd/s Grocery, Promtten 8t Liquor Stare

THE subscribers, in C'>nstjquenr* of the rceeet flr«, hare removed to the building oppo­

site the Cornine Foundry, where they offer to their old cusmmrra and new ones, a new and complete stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquor, embracing everything pertaining to their trade, at great bargains,

o. p. sin a co. Coratof, May St IfSO. * . iri

FISW.—^Dry And PiekSed Cod, Mackerel, Shad, Salmon and Horrtmr, at

ft D. C l t L A ' C S .

CCRACKERS.—Bmter nod Sugar Cnick-/ erw, Scday Maple and Cream Btocnit by the bht.

or ponod, at ©* D- SILL * • OS.

P i a n o F o r t e s . , JUST RECEIVED, from Bos

mn and for ante at my hoss* , three of jeroi«rGifb«srt's splendid Piano Fortes who le Iron

Frames. Warranted not to spring oat of s imp* like ttw old-fashioned half iron frames. Containing the light, the brilliant, the accurate, and the stilt touch of the key*, not equalled by any in the United States, b \ means of his lare piient springs in the action.

Cases made of tho l*e»t mahogany or meewnod. dri ed in a dry house three years. The best quality of ivo ry used for keys, warranted not to turn yel low Strinir-imported by the. quantity from France, by himself Mr Gilbert employ* encer 100 meu and turn* out ten piano* per week His buildings cover oror one fourth of *• acre of ground in Boston

I con receive to order. Pianos during the winter.Price j manner, and warranted^•ntiraly tes-pebnfi snd quality to suit the purchaser, 'if not on hsnd) in 5r dain|.n*aa. «• eotern M e n 0*4 the days G W H A T H A W A Y

Cordlnaj. F o r . 1, t » « . 8 8

n bxdly •mgsd the n e s t day *

for. Looking trlasets*

7 3 L. U N D E R I H L L A CO. offer • l a sale, W T h e largest stock, •!ei0,}nosva*

3d The largest s i i e s . i:>» bv «« im-bes ) .Td. Tfca law*-»»t prices—coll and see. Th«*s# are flner I style* than ever before offered tu fhi» market below the usual prtee*.

N. II. Those who buy to sell *gam w ill be ant at the wholesale prices. , s.

EIRE AND THIRT P R O O F I K O N S A F E S , ft* Merchants' Ranks', and J e w e l . Ici-s •**. Tlie »*r

n fact urea snd ha* Rand a lorge Safe* of tbe most atructton, which

much lower rates than any other man ale . are mode of the stromyet maleriefo.

Books 1 Books! T H E gnbi-erihe'r h--s just received

» and <-enersl sssCtlnVnt of Miseellaneow and general assortfbe School Books. Fancy dutffotiory s a d W t s d o w P»»ef « «

ft n e r i s Be«ik-

w riiifor Fs per,'VaJ. TBflSELl

, m pnes* iliv are invited to call and examine tfcei

i t . C- H - I V O * Co. , M.leagawts; J o b s Caebaaf* K-q . or at die man <« factorv

i 1 l.u-4 Detector Loch of'fhe ronsbVrlo*). t l tbcr makers' Safes require*, Mai s * w S t f t m

•f \* furni.hed St th* slioneel » « f o * ,

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