IPAGE SIX ITHACA DAILY NEWS, SATURDi)<Y EVENING, FEBRUARY 6, 1915. BEAVER BOARD > ' : l wmmmMB/mmmwB/MMMMM,. r si* * * Artistic, Durable and Economical Walls and Ceilings Can be Made of PEAVER BOARD I T is made entirely of selected woods, reduced to fibrous form and pressed into panels of uniform thickness, with pebbled surface that allows wide scope to decoration with flat oil-paint in tinting, stenciling, hand-painting, etc BEAVER BOARD keeps out heat and cold, deadens sound, retardsfiicjcabto strains and vibra- a s, is quickly and easily put up, costs less than and plaster, does- not crack or deteriorate, is tions, lath valuable for a thousand building, remodeling or household uses. unirar is. MING IMEI Musical Comedy at Lyceum Proves Excellent Entertain- ment—Costuming by Luclle the Last Word Good Voices and Catchy Airs. V | Uneeda Biscuit Tempt the appetite, i please the taste and nourish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh— S cents in the moisture- proof package. We can furnish sizes to meet your needs with full information and directions APPLY TO DRISCOLL BROS. & COMPANY Building Supplies PURITY. FRESHNESS AND ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS ,01] Are factors that add their a'.iraetivenesr, to the low prices that will find at the Stewart Avenue Grocer}. Try our Fresh Fruit and Canned Fruit and Vegetables. They are as fresh ar. an eastern breeze Thin Skin and Juir> Florida Grape Fruit, 5c, fi for 25c; 7c, 4 for 25c, and 8c. 1 for P.Oc. Florida Oranges are sweet as honey, large sizes 40 50c. dozen. California Navel Oranges, all sizes, 20-2-5-3tMOe. dozen. Messina and California Lejnons, 20-25c. dozen. > , Bananas. e;ood ones of course, 15-20c. dozer. i in Hunt's California Fruits. We are making special prices all tho best selected, ripe fruits pura sugar syrup. of Sliced and Halved Peaches, Sliced and Halved Apricots, White and Black Cherries, Egg and Green Gage Plums, Pears and lx>gan Berries, as- sorted dozen lots at $2.50. H\int's California Fruits in large y- or so-called size 10-lb. or so-called gallon cans, 50-75c We are selling good Peas, Corn, Tomatoes. Pumpkin White and Green Beans at 3 for 25c; 95c. Regular size cans; (j oze " n An abundance of Fresh Vegetables every day. Have you tried CHIT New Norway Mackerel, good size ones. 10c, 3 for 25c Extra large white fat ones at 18c. pound. Van Camp's Ketchup, 3 26c. toots, for 50c Goods Delivered Anywhere Walter F. Larkin The Stewart Avenue Grocer Both Phones e»o<»o»»e»»e»»o»so»»e»»»»»etn»»»o»oo»»»»o»»e<»»ooooee»e Buy Coal With as much care as you would purchase an Automobile. Get the best. We sell Clean Scranton Coal "Lady Luxury," one of the cleanest, brightest musical comedies seen hers in many 'moons, was given a cordial reception at two performances yester- day at the Lyceum theater. The "entire cast was excellent, not excepting the .chorus, which was the comeliest and hest-dresstd aggrega tion over offered In musical comedy The"—gowns by Lady /Duff Gordon (Lucile), if you please, were the last word in creations. Not only were they down to the minute but were even: a few minutes in tomorrow. Rida Johnson Young wrote the book and lyrics and William Schroeder tne melodies. Both have been heard here' in these capacities. The honors go to Mr. Schroeder because the book is' not unusually funny, although there are numerous laughs which grow outf of situations rather than lines. t Miss Florence Webber as the lady' luxuruy is petite and pretty. She has personality and charm and a voice j which is more than equal to the score. | She has ability as a comedienne anai displayed it. winsomely in a scene with) Forrest Huff. j There are sixteen musical numbers,! all catchy and just about the right' sort to carry a slender plot. Mr. Schroeder has gives' much melody t> this show. The company contains several very good vocalists who make these melcdies delightful. A duet be tween Miss Webber and Forrest Huff, 1 "Written in the, Book of Destiny," re- colled Mr. Huff's well remembered "Letter Song" in "The Chocolate Scl-; dier." Arthur Albro, who "^s featured \\\\ "Gypsy Love" several years ago, has a voice of considerable power, and in "Kiss Me once More," and an operatic travesty, he showed much remarkable endurance in sustaining notes. | Joseph Herbert, veteran of many musical shows, got all the fun possi- ble out of the role of a gouty, irascible old man. Young Donald MacDonald, who has been seen here several times, still has his dancing legs with him. He did some clever acrobatic dancing with Miss Emilie Lea, and Miss Lea did a futurist dance which was more than ordinary. Lady Luxury is Miss Eloise Van Cuyler, an American heire»» whose fortune has been held in trust for her until she shall be 21 years of age. Up to that time she has been a de- mure miss, dressing in Quaker garb at the bebest of ber old-fashioned uncle. When her 21st birthday ar- rived she resolved to break loose and be modern. She invited a host of people to a reception, adopted a sporty Englishwoman as a chaperon and blos- somed forth in a Lucile gown that was modish to a degree. Her uncle did not approve of it all, but her money was her own and he could not v ENADECLQSES WEEK OF GAIETY . Elaborate Decorations Convert Armory Into Japanese Gar- den for Crowning Event of Annual Festivities — Box Dances Eliminate Crowding Round, thin, with a delightful flavor —appropriate for luncheon, tea and dinner, xo cents. The Junior Promenade In the armory last night fully lived up to its reputation ae the crowning event of the week of gaiety. The abtend- 1 ance at the dance was slightly larger than that of last year, but over- crowding of the floor was eliminated ZuZtf Prince of appetizers! Makes daily trips from Ginger-Snap Land to waiting mouths every- where. Say Zu Zu to the grocer man, 5 cents. Offlce For Beat Colonial Bldg. Special on Bouquet Coffee| Lb. s2o 8 IDs. tor 8S0 Fresh Eggs DOS. 36c atocoes per lb. Be Salt Salmon lib. 10 C Mackerel James Lynch Coal Co. Inc | "ii»s»s»o»e»o»»»s»ss»o»»»o»»»»»»»»»oo0e«»»»»o«»o»»»»»»# Buy biscuit baked by NATLQNAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name w. GQRNELLIAN HELD UP IN SWUKE CITY Hays Matson '14, Relieved of Watch and $1 Under Arc Lamp in Early Evening. indirect lighting system used in con- nection with the brilliant decorations made the armory appear as tf'it had been taken from some Japanese gar- den. The three sets of lights, which were arranged so that almost any color effect desired could be produced, together with the lattice work over the boxes, transformed the building into one of the most beautiful scenes in which the Prom has ever been held. The dance started a little after 9:30 o'clock and from then until al- most daylight the couples circled the hall. The music for the one-steps was furnished by Conway's Band, while the numbers for the waltzes were ren- dered by an orchestra from Syracuse. Orchestra Plays For Supper. A new feature added to the Prom this year was the introduction in the dining hall of an orchestra quintet, composed of undergraduates who en- tertained the box occupants while eating toy playing the latest popular airs. The supper dances were so ar- ranged that the box occu/pants had four dances during which to eat. The use of the box dances proved more necessaf> last night than la the cotillion Wednesday and to facilitate greater comfort during the dance in- stead of the usual one box dance two dances were set aside for this pur- pose for each party. And Then Back to School. As the end of the week when the guests are destined to leave arrives, the variety of entertainments still keeps up, although the number has dwindled from ten individual affairs last Thursday to the four which are on the program for today. The first on today's program event was the Kappa Beta Phi breakfast, held at noon in the Dutch Kitchen. At 2:30 p. m. the Cornell varisity bas- ketball team met Pennsylvania in the armory. The concert terminating the regular Junior Week events will be given by the University Orchestra at 4 o'clock in Bailey HalL M m LEAVES THE H O T TO STUDY IN THOMAS AVIATION SCHOOL 10c 8 for 25c India Relish In Bulk, qt 25c We Have Sight Telephones and We Like to Use Them Call and 8 M Our Dsmontitratton of Keitoga'* Foods Toasted *ice Flakes Minute Brew Toasted Bios BJswwlt Caramel Cereal Sterilized Wheat Bom Oranola JLaxativo Btooult Zwieback Protoee (Vegetable Meat) Broee Drink and taste those article* of Food and lot the Demonstrator tell you their good qualities and benefit*. Entire Wheat Flour, sack 36c Wheatsworth Flour, sack ..2Bc 5 lb. sacks Gold Medal, sack 26c 6 lb. sacks "Dulutb, sack 30c Honey, per box .., ^,—H»~~ - 15c Onion'Salad, per box . 6c fswlss ,**. Cheese U>. 2so 6 lbs. or over >•. . .» V Arbuckle Coffee Lb. 17c 2 lb. can Tomatoes 7c 4 for 28o •;>* Walnut Meats Lb. 40c and 60c Fancy Prunes 10c, 3 tor -. 25c Fancy (Prunes 15c, 2 for .,.^ .... 25c Fancy fcmnes 20c, box lot t*'/2© ATWATER'S The Store With Everything To Eat Either Phone 996 Colonial Building Vest 10s Can Tomatoes Is the City '• M% .*4* ,. Lake View Butter Per lb, \\ White Star Flour Sack ti.-Mr R«x Floor Sack $1.15 A Our SljQO Packages Toilet Paper I Alcohol Stoves We have Alcohol Stoves in Stock, both the solid and liquid Alcohol for Fuel Let us show you. i Policy and Service Guarantee on National and King Cars by the Ithaca Garage E. H. CONDITT - Proprietor First.—It is my intention to give every purchaser of a car fair and businesBlike treatment. Should any customer not receive such treatment, I ask in good JjJ/tth to be so advised. Second—1 will mah<^ all necessary adjuEtnwnts without charge for one month after deltvery of car, provided same has not been tampered with or injured through accident. w. j. MCCORMICK | Dealer in D. L. &. W. Scranton Coal XT IS THE BEST HARD AND SOFT WOOD 602 West Seneca Street. Both Phones j Uptown Office, T. D. SULLIVAN, 204 E. State St. 1 help it. There was a Russian dancer^with a casket of jewels—trophies of the love chase—and a tenor with a s'milar casket containing a throat spray. These got mixed up in trim comic opera style and a dashing young man from Texas also was mixed up in the disappearance of tfce jewels. Uncle, in order to stop the reckless expenditure of money, decided to dis- appear mysteriously and create the impression that he had absconded with his niece's money. In reality went no further than a secret cabinet. back of an old painting. Most of the fun arose from his plight of having no food or drink in this hiding place for five days. In the end Lady Luxury decided to give up all her frivolity and become the 'wife of the Texan and the chatelain« of his ranch. SYRACUSE CLUB BUYS BILLIARD TABLE HERE ~/ The Cornell Alumni News, under date of Fefb. 4, contains the following story, which is of interest to many undergraduates as well as residents of Ithaca: '"14, LUB. — 'Stub sends the following story about a classmate which he clipped from a Salt l^ake City newspaper: 'In the bright light of an arc lamp and in fu^l view from the street, three men held up <\ H. Matson of the Prescott apart- ments in Bast South Temple Street at 8:30 last evening. A fl bill and a watch and chain were taken from him! the-s© V. C. Harnngton, aged 30 years, yes- terday afternoon entered the Thomas Brothers School of Aviation here, and will begin his studies for a pilot of aircraft the first of next weak. Har- rington, who has served in the United States navy for twelve years and held the office of master of arms on Chamberlain! the II. S. S, Battleship Florida for a number of years, is looked upon as being one of the most likely pupils that has entered the school in some time. He expects to fit himself to meet the^ requirements of an army aviator. The Thomas plant at the Inlet is one of the busiest places in Ithaca days. Work is progressing while a valuable ring and other jew-; rapidly on the new military tractor elry was overlooked by the robbers in and a final test of the machine is ex- their great haste. Matson describes pected to take place in a few days, the men as being well dressed, but The five students, in addition to Mr. apparently under the influence of Harrington, are daily receiving in liquor.' The moral of the story, structiou and gaining experience with Members of tho Citizens' Cltrb, an exclusive social organization of Syra- cuse were so Impressed with the English game of billiards after the exhibition given by Melbourne Inman and Willie Hoppo in Syracuse Tues- day and Wednesday of this week, be- fore their engagements in Ithaca, that they have purchased the English bil- liard table which was used yesterday in their matches at the Monarch Bil- liard Parlor in this city. The table was taken down and shipped today. tmimimmmm+mmHMmmmnmmmmtmMi Before ths quantities of new goods swamp us. Absolutely the finest l!ne of medtmn priced goods we have ever been able to get together. Wo-bought, for a big year and cheaper them ever before and are making prices accordingly F. H. WARNER 322 W State St. CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF 'Stuib' says, is Ijeave your dollar bills, the small glider used for that pur- at home.' " I pose. Both Mr. Chamberlain and (Mr. Mat-| son are members of Delta Chi frater- nity and were well known in town and gown. Both were graduated last June. Mr. Matson was head cheerleader and manager of the Cornell Masque last year and one of the most popular men in the university. Mr. Chamber- lain was manager of the Musical Clubs and was liked by all who knew Mm. He was familiarly known as '^Merry Sunshine" and "Strfbby." Severe Blood Troubles Vanish i %g^S^^V»*Al*«te*SB¥#i»^^ Rpt: .' i-~- I M.oWrn Diy-Clcarmg K Pre, ,n o Wui KS OPIGINATOPS'/GGOD CLEANINC -, T H A T C L E A N S CLEAN \ *'i BOTH FH I "if '• ] ^_ A •: 1 • t M- • r \ , at i. OIJJ AJUNC, l Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or twojv applications of Danderlne rubbed well Into the scalp with the finger tips. Q«t a 25 cent bottle of Danderlne at any drug store and save your hair. After a few appHcabtons yon can't find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and the soalp will never itch. $100 REWARD $100 /. Ti« readers of thU paper will be pleaa- ed to learn that there !• at least one dreaded dleease that actence haa been able to cure in ail Its etacee, and that la Catarrh. HaU'a Catarrh Cure la the only poaiUve onre known to the medical frater- ni<y. Catarrh being a conatftutloaal dla- •ase, require* a constitutional treatment. Halra Catarrh Cure la taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucoua •urfaoea of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength eby building up the constitution apt! aaetatlne nature In do- ing Its workr The proprietors have so ROBIN HOOD LAST LYCEUM ATTRACTION UNTIL FEB. 22 ••Robin Hood," which will be pre- sented tonight at the Lyceum The- ater. 1B the last attraction until the grand opera season, Fab. 29, 33 and 24. The cast- whlctr*ls presenting this opera here today Is the beet which can be procured. Several of the mem- bers have won well merited claim to fame. The seat sale promises a ca- pacity house, although- there are a few desirable seats whloh may be obtained at the box office this evening GIVES OTHERS ADVICE ON CHILDREN'S TEETH With Magic Effect, Great Rem- edy Makes Disease Disappear. i C. J. Rumsey 4 Co. = ' -A J | "Victor Book Of the Opera" 480 Pages, 600 TJlustrations, 1,000 Records, 300 Translations, 100 Grand Operas. Priee $1.00. With this book anyone may now enjoy that close intimacy with all the music of all the operas which heretofore has only been possible after years of close attention and diligent study. Get a copy before the Grand Opera Season opens at the Lyceum, Feb. 22nd. Hickey*s Lyceum Musk Store i • % % Yes, fashions are constantly ©hanging; )j| Our ideas are changing, too, fS And by keeping in touch with the biest to style, |g We are able to give them to you. Always Up-to-the-Minute Now It's Spring Garments The Styles of these Garments are very different from other Seasons. The Jackets are shorter, but jaunty. The Skirts have plenty of fullness and are very graceful. We are now showing new Garments of all kinds for Spring. muoh faith m Ita curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It falls to cure, lead tor list CHENBT * CO, Toledo, Drusflsts, TN, of testimonials. Address i w. 3. Ohio Sold by all Tak* "all' •alien. a Family PUls toy oonatl- The selections rendered by conaer* vniory students last night in Foster Memorial Hall in the Parents-Teach- ers' Association of the Central fiohool were rery enjoyable. A few remarks by IT John \i. Crawford made the mothers present feel that too little attention is being given to children's teeth, inasmuch as the child's health depends largely on the condition of the teetli. At almost say drag store yoa may eb- t»tn B. B. S., the famous blood purifier, and yon then have the rerltable wlsard that makes all blood troubles vanish- Tour stomach takes kindly to B. 8. B.. It raahea Into yonr blood, Is a pnrttylnr wave, makea the llyer, kidneys, bladder and skin work In harmony; stops aeoninnlaMons that have caused rheumatism, catarrh, swollen glands, aore throat and akin eruptions. JTnst as feed makes blood, so does B. B. H. follow the process of digestion to sthnn- letajastoral seerttlons to protect mi against heVaTgfas of dtreass gsrma W* are well 'Ware of the fact that those germs are -if to be latent within us to break forth i violent emotions Of the aVln whenever c aystiBi is tea low •late of resistance. . to both prevent these smptioas < > rid of them that Nature gave us ' » THE STYLE SHOP L. A, J. PRITOHABD mme****t4m4Mm4t*M*4^ MM ottfrQOOO»**0»» f > (l>tttttt ' > * <l ' tttt ' yf ' T ' ?t1t * ftni1flltntt ' •ystatn nd It is to get rid of them that Nature gave as < - u an sliy as B. It B. It la purely " MA* I, -gttsble, eoatalas no mercery, and yet It oreomss those ssriens troubles for which »rcury has been employed for ages. Ta •ry commnaUy are people who know this < be true. They owe to 8. 8. S. thel* rovery. Oct a bottle today. Refuse all betl totes. Read the folder araoad the nils that tells of the wonderful work •!n| doae by the medical department ta tislstiag users of B. 8. B. For a special book ea blood troubles address The Swift ftpeelne Co.. 01 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, ate. ITHACA SAVINGS BANK .NortA iioga street, Uorner beneca fcitreet Incorporated 1868 Jan, 1. 1HB, Resources DepoaltB Par Surplus a $4,237,570.11 $8,892,399.97 $345,170.14 t WTlSlST at the rate of »Va per cent, per annum was credited t to depositor! Jan. 1, 1918. tor the ite months ending Dec. 81, 1114, T Deposits in Savings) Banks are ewitrp*. from taiatton. X Money to loan on mortgages. 4 ' 1_J L . . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 12/Ithaca NY Daily...luxuruy is petite and pretty. She has personality and charm and a voice j which is more than equal to the score. | She

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 12/Ithaca NY Daily...luxuruy is petite and pretty. She has personality and charm and a voice j which is more than equal to the score. | She




' : • l

wmmmMB/mmmwB/MMMMM,. r

s i * * *

Artistic, Durable and Economical Walls and Ceilings Can be

Made of PEAVER B O A R D

IT is made entirely of selected woods, reduced to fibrous form and pressed into panels of uniform

thickness, with pebbled surface that allows wide scope to decoration with flat oil-paint in tinting, stenciling, hand-painting, etc

BEAVER BOARD keeps out heat and cold, deadens sound, retards fiic jcabto strains and vibra-


s, is quickly and easily put up, costs less than and plaster, does- not crack or deteriorate, is

tions, lath valuable for a thousand building, remodeling or household uses.

unirar is. MING IMEI

Musical Comedy at Lyceum Proves Excellent Entertain­ment—Costuming by Luclle the Last Word — Good Voices and Catchy Airs.

V | Uneeda Biscuit

T e m p t t h e a p p e t i t e , i p l e a s e t h e t a s t e and

n o u r i s h t h e b o d y . Crisp, c lean and fresh— S cents in the mois ture-proof package.

We can furnish sizes to meet your needs

with full information and directions



Building Supplies


,01] Are factors that add their a'.iraetivenesr, to the low prices that will find at the Stewart Avenue Grocer}.

Try our Fresh Fruit and Canned Fruit and Vegetables. They are as fresh ar. an eastern breeze

Thin Skin and Juir> Florida Grape Fruit, 5 c , fi for 25c; 7 c , 4 for 2 5 c , and 8 c . 1 for P.Oc.

Florida Oranges are sweet as honey, large s izes 40 50c. dozen. California Navel Oranges, all s izes, 20-2-5-3tMOe. dozen. Messina and California Lejnons, 20-25c. dozen. >, Bananas. e;ood ones of course, 15-20c. dozer. i


Hunt 's California Fruits.

W e are making special prices all tho best selected, ripe fruits pura sugar syrup. of Sl iced and Halved Peaches, Sliced and Halved Apricots, White and Black Cherries, Egg and Green Gage Plums, Pears and lx>gan Berries, as­sorted dozen lots at $2.50.

H\int's California Fruits in large

y-or so-called size 10-lb. or so-called gallon cans,

50-75c We are selling good Peas , Corn, Tomatoes . Pumpkin White and Green Beans at 3 for 2 5 c ; 95c.

Regular size cans; ( j o z e " n

An abundance of Fresh Vegetables every day.

Have you tried CHIT New Norway Mackerel, good size ones. 10c , 3 for 25c Extra large white fat ones at 18c. pound.

Van Camp's Ketchup, 3 26c. toots, for 50c

Goods Delivered Anywhere Walter F. Larkin

The Stewart Avenue Grocer

Both Phones


Buy Coal With as much care as you would purchase an Automobile. Get the best. We sell

Clean Scranton Coal

"Lady Luxury," one of the cleanest, brightest musical c o m e d i e s s een hers in many 'moons, was given a cordial reception at two performances yester­day at the Lyceum t h e a t e r .

The "entire cas t w a s excellent, not excepting the .chorus, which was the comeliest and hest -dress td aggrega tion over offered In musical comedy The"—gowns by Lady /Duff Gordon (Lucile), if you please , were the last word in creations. Not only were they down to the minute but were even: a few minutes in tomorrow.

Rida Johnson Young wrote the book and lyrics and Wi l l iam Schroeder tne melodies. Both have been heard here ' in these capacit ies . T h e honors go to Mr. Schroeder because the book i s ' not unusually funny, although there are numerous laughs which grow outf of situations rather than lines. t

Miss Florence Webber as the lady' luxuruy is petite and pretty. She has personality and charm and a voice j which is more than equal to the score. | She has ability as a comedienne anai displayed it. winsomely in a scene with) Forrest Huff. j

There are s ixteen musical numbers,! all catchy and just about the right' sort to carry a s lender plot. Mr. Schroeder has gives' much melody t> this show. The company contains several very good vocal is ts who make these melcdies delightful. A duet be tween Miss Webber and Forrest Huff,1

"Written in the, Book of Destiny," re-colled Mr. Huff's well remembered "Letter Song" in "The Chocolate Scl-; dier."

Arthur Albro, who "^s featured \\\\ "Gypsy Love" several years ago, has a voice of considerable power, and in "Kiss Me o n c e More," and an operatic travesty, he showed much remarkable endurance in susta in ing notes. |

Joseph Herbert, veteran of many musical shows, got all the fun possi­ble out of the role of a gouty, irascible old man. Young Donald MacDonald, who has been seen here several times, still has his dancing legs with him. He did some c lever acrobatic dancing with Miss Emilie Lea , and Miss Lea did a futurist dance which was more than ordinary.

Lady Luxury is Miss Eloise Van Cuyler, an American heire»» whose fortune has been held in trust for her until she shall b e 21 years of age. Up to that t ime she has been a de­mure miss, dress ing in Quaker garb at the bebest of b e r old-fashioned uncle. When her 21st birthday ar­rived she resolved to break loose and be modern. S h e invited a host of people to a reception, adopted a sporty Englishwoman as a chaperon and blos­somed forth in a Lucile gown that was modish to a degree. Her uncle did not approve of it all, but her money was her own and he could not




Elaborate Decorations Convert Armory Into Japanese Gar­den for Crowning Event of Annual Festivities — Box Dances Eliminate Crowding

Round, thin, with a delightful flavor — a p p r o p r i a t e for luncheon, t e a a n d dinner, xo cents.

The Junior Promenade In the armory last night fully lived up to its reputation ae the crowning event of the week of gaiety. The abtend-

1 ance at the dance was slightly larger than that of last year, but over­crowding of the floor was eliminated

ZuZtf Prince o f appetizers! Makes daily trips from G i n g e r - S n a p Land to waiting m o u t h s every­where . Say Zu Zu to the grocer m a n , 5 cents .


For B e a t

Colonial Bldg.

Special on

Bouquet Coffee|

Lb. s2o

8 IDs. tor 8S0

Fresh Eggs

DOS. 36c


per lb. Be

Salt Salmon l ib . 10C


James Lynch Coal Co. Inc | "ii»s»s»o»e»o»»»s»ss»o»»»o»»»»»»»»»oo0e«»»»»o«»o»»»»»»#

Buy biscuit baked by


COMPANY Always look for that name



Hays Matson '14, Relieved of Watch and $1 Under Arc Lamp in Early Evening.

indirect l ighting system u s e d i n con­nection with the brilliant decorat ions made the armory appear a s t f ' i t had been taken from some Japanese gar­den. T h e three s e t s of l ights , which were arranged so that a lmos t any color effect desired could be produced, together with the latt ice work over the boxes , transformed the building into o n e of t h e most beautiful s c e n e s in which the Prom has ever been held.

The dance started a l i t t le after 9:30 o'clock and from then unti l al­most daylight the couples c irc led the hall. T h e music for t h e one-s teps was furnished by Conway's Band, whi le the numbers for the waltzes were ren­dered by a n orchestra from Syracuse .

Orchestra Plays For Supper. A n e w feature added to the Prom

this year was the introduction in the dining hall of an orchestra quintet, composed of undergraduates who en­tertained the box occupants whi le eat ing toy playing the la tes t popular airs. The supper dances w e r e so ar­ranged that the box occu/pants had four dances during which to eat .

The use of the box dances proved more n e c e s s a f > last night than l a the cotillion Wednesday and t o facil itate greater comfort during the dance in­stead of the usual o n e box dance two dances were set as ide for this pur­pose for each party.

And Then Back to School.

As the end of the week w h e n the guests are destined to l eave arrives, the variety of enterta inments still keeps up, although the number has dwindled from ten individual affairs last Thursday to the four which are on the program for today.

The first on today's program event was the Kappa Beta Phi breakfast, held at noon in the Dutch Kitchen. At 2:30 p. m. the Cornell varis i ty bas ­ketball team met Pennsy lvania in the armory. The concert terminat ing the regular Junior Week e v e n t s will be given by the University Orchestra at 4 o'clock in Bailey HalL

M m •


10c 8 for 25c

India Rel ish In Bulk, q t 25c

We Have Sight

Telephones and We

Like to Use Them Call and 8 M

Our Dsmontitratton of

Keitoga'* Foods

Toasted * i c e F lakes Minute Brew Toasted B i o s BJswwlt Caramel Cereal Steri l ized Wheat B o m Oranola

JLaxativo Btooult Zwieback Protoee (Vegetable Meat) Broee

Drink and tas te those article* of Food and lot the Demonstrator tell you the ir good qualities and benefit*.

Ent ire W h e a t Flour, sack 36c

Wheatsworth Flour, sack . .2Bc

5 lb . s a c k s Gold Medal, s a c k 26c 6 lb. sacks "Dulutb, sack 30c

Honey , per box . . , ^ , — H » ~ ~ - • 15c O n i o n ' S a l a d , per box . 6c

fswlss ,**. Cheese

U>. 2so 6 lbs. or over

>•. . .»

V Arbuckle Coffee

Lb. 17c

2 lb. can Tomatoes

7c 4 for 28o


Walnut Meats Lb. 40c and


Fancy Prunes 10c, 3 tor - . 25c Fancy (Prunes 15c, 2 for . , .^ . . . . 25c Fancy fcmnes 20c, box lot t*'/2©


The Store With Everything To Eat

Either Phone 996 Colonial Building

Vest 10s Can

Tomatoes Is the City

'• M%

.*4* ,. Lake View Butter

Per lb, \\

White Star Flour

Sack ti.-Mr

R«x Floor Sack $1.15


Our SljQO Packages

Toilet Paper

I Alcohol Stoves We have Alcohol Stoves in Stock, both the solid and liquid Alcohol for Fuel

Let us show you.


Policy and Service Guarantee on National and King Cars by the Ithaca Garage

E. H. CONDITT - Proprietor First.—It is my intention to g ive every purchaser of a car fair

and businesBlike treatment. Should any customer not rece ive such treatment, I ask in good JjJ/tth to be so advised.

Second—1 will mah<^ all necessary adjuEtnwnts without charge for o n e month after deltvery of car, provided same has not been tampered with or injured through accident.

w. j. MCCORMICK | Dealer in

D. L. &. W. Scranton Coal XT IS T H E BEST

HARD AND SOFT WOOD 602 West Seneca Street. Both Phones j

Uptown Office, T. D. SULLIVAN, 204 E. State St. 1

help it. There was a Russ ian dancer^with a

casket of jewels—trophies of the love chase—and a tenor with a s'milar casket containing a throat spray. These got mixed up in trim comic opera style and a dashing young man from Texas a lso w a s mixed up in the disappearance of tfce jewels.

Uncle, in order to stop the reckless expenditure of money, decided to dis­appear mysteriously and create the impression that he had absconded with his niece's money . In reality h» went no further than a secret cabinet. back of an old painting. Most of the fun arose from his pl ight of having no food or drink in th i s hiding place for five days. In the end Lady Luxury decided to g ive up all her frivolity and become the 'wife of the Texan and the chatelain« of h is ranch.



The Cornell Alumni News, under date of Fefb. 4, contains the following story, which is of interest to many undergraduates as well as residents of Ithaca:

'"14, LUB. — 'Stub sends the following story about a c lassmate which he clipped from a Salt l^ake City newspaper: 'In the bright light of an arc lamp and in fu^l view from the street, three men h e l d up <\ H. Matson of the Prescott apart­ments in Bast South Temple Street at 8:30 last evening. A f l bill and a watch and chain were taken from him! the-s©

V. C. Harnngton, aged 30 years , yes­terday afternoon entered the Thomas Brothers School of Aviat ion here, and will begin his studies for a pilot of aircraft the first of next weak. Har­rington, who has served in the United Sta tes navy for twelve years and held the office of master of arms on

Chamberlain! the II. S. S, Battleship Florida for a number of years, is looked upon as being one of the most l ikely pupils that has entered the school in some time. He expects to fit himself to mee t the^ requirements of an army aviator.

The Thomas plant at t h e Inlet is one of the busiest places in Ithaca

days. Work is progressing while a valuable ring and other jew-; rapidly on the new mil i tary tractor elry was overlooked by the robbers in and a final test of the mach ine is ex-their great haste. Matson describes pected to take place in a few days, the men a s being well dressed, but The five students, in addition to Mr. apparently under the influence of Harrington, are daily rece iv ing i n liquor.' The moral of the story, structiou and gaining exper ience with

Members of tho Citizens' Cltrb, an exclusive soc ia l organization of Syra­cuse were so Impressed with the English g a m e of bill iards after the exhibition g iven by Melbourne Inman and Willie Hoppo in Syracuse Tues­day and W e d n e s d a y of this week, be­fore their engagements in Ithaca, that they have purchased the English bil­liard table wh ich w a s used yesterday in their matches at the Monarch Bil­liard Parlor in th i s city. The table was taken down and shipped today.


Before ths quantities of new goods s w a m p us. Absolutely the finest l!ne of medtmn priced goods w e h a v e ever

been able to get together. Wo-bought, for a big year and cheaper them ever before and are

making prices accordingly

F. H. WARNER 322 W State St.


'Stuib' says, i s I jeave your dollar bi l ls , the small glider used for that pur-at home.' " I pose.

Both Mr. Chamberlain and (Mr. Mat-| son are members of Delta Chi frater­nity and were well known in town and gown. Both were graduated last June.

Mr. Matson w a s head cheerleader and manager of the Cornell Masque last year and one of the most popular men in the university. Mr. Chamber­lain w a s manager of the Musical Clubs and w a s liked by all w h o knew Mm. H e w a s familiarly known as '^Merry Sunshine" and "Strfbby."

Severe Blood Troubles Vanish

i % g ^ S ^ ^ V » * A l * « t e * S B ¥ # i » ^ ^

Rpt: .'


I M.oWrn Diy-Clcarmg K Pre, ,n o Wui KS


-, T H A T C L E A N S C L E A N \ * ' i BOTH FH I "if '• ]

^_ A •: 1 • t M- • r \ , at i. • O I J J A J U N C , • l

Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or twojv applications of Danderlne rubbed well Into the scalp with the finger tips. Q«t a 25 cent bottle of Danderlne at any drug store and save your hair. After a few appHcabtons yon can't find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and the soalp will never itch.

$100 REWARD $100 / . Ti« readers of thU paper will be pleaa-

ed to learn that there !• at least one dreaded dleease that actence haa been able to cure in ail Its etacee, and that la Catarrh. HaU'a Catarrh Cure la the only poaiUve onre known to the medical frater-ni<y. Catarrh being a conatftutloaal dla-•ase, require* a constitutional treatment. Halra Catarrh Cure la taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucoua •urfaoea of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength eby building up the constitution apt! aaetatlne nature In do­ing Its workr The proprietors have so


••Robin Hood," which will be pre­sented tonight at the Lyceum The­ater. 1B the last attraction until the grand opera season, Fab. 29, 33 and 24. The cast- whlctr*ls presenting this opera here today Is the beet which can be procured. Several of the mem­bers have won well merited claim to fame. The seat sale promises a ca­pacity house, although- there are a few desirable seats whloh may be obtained at the box office this evening


W i t h Magic Effect, Great Rem­edy Makes Disease


i C. J. Rumsey 4 Co. = — ' -A J

| "Victor Book Of the Opera"

480 Pages, 600 TJlustrations, 1,000 Records, 300 Translations, 100 Grand Operas. Priee $1.00.

With this book anyone may now enjoy that close intimacy with all the music of all the operas which heretofore has only been possible after years of close attention and diligent study.

Get a copy before the Grand Opera Season opens

at the Lyceum, Feb. 22nd.

Hickey*s Lyceum Musk Store i •

% % Yes , fashions are constant ly ©hanging;

)j| Our ideas are changing, too,

fS A n d by keep ing in touch with t h e biest to s ty le ,

|g W e a r e able to g ive them t o you .

Always Up-to-the-Minute

Now It's Spring Garments The Styles of these Garments are very different

from other Seasons. The Jackets are shorter, but jaunty. The Skirts have plenty of fullness and are very

graceful. We are now showing new Garments of all kinds

for Spring.

muoh faith m Ita curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It falls to cure, lead tor list

CHENBT * CO, Toledo,

Drusflsts, TN,

of testimonials. Address i w. 3.

Ohio Sold by all Tak* "all'

•alien. a Family PUls toy oonatl-

The selections rendered by conaer* vniory students last night in Foster Memorial Hall in the Parents-Teach­ers' Association of the Central fiohool were rery enjoyable. A few remarks by IT John \i. Crawford made the mothers present feel that too little attention is being given to children's teeth, inasmuch as the child's health depends largely on the condition of the teetli.

At almost say drag store yoa may eb-t»tn B. B. S., the famous blood purifier, and yon then have the rerltable wlsard that makes all blood troubles vanish- Tour stomach takes kindly to B. 8. B.. It raahea Into yonr blood, Is a pnrttylnr wave, makea the llyer, kidneys, bladder and skin work In harmony; stops aeoninnlaMons that have caused rheumatism, catarrh, swollen glands, aore throat and akin eruptions.

JTnst as feed makes blood, so does B. B. H. follow the process of digestion to sthnn-letajastoral seerttlons to protect mi against heVaTgfas of dtreass gsrma W* are well 'Ware of the fact that those germs are -if to be latent within us to break forth i violent emotions Of the aVln whenever c aystiBi is tea low •late of resistance. .

to both prevent these smptioas < > rid of them that Nature gave us ' »



M M o t t f r Q O O O » * * 0 » » f > ( l > t t t t t t ' > * < l ' t t t t ' y f ' T ' ? t 1 t * f t n i 1 f l l t n t t '

•ystatn nd It is • to get rid of them that Nature gave as < •

- u an sliy as B. It B. It la purely " M A * I , -gttsble, eoatalas no mercery, and yet It

oreomss those ssriens troubles for which »rcury has been employed for ages. Ta •ry commnaUy are people who know this

< be true. They owe to 8. 8. S. thel* rovery. Oct a bottle today. Refuse all betl totes. Read the folder araoad the

nils that tells of the wonderful work •!n| doae by the medical department ta

tislstiag users of B. 8. B. For a special book ea blood troubles address The Swift ftpeelne Co.. 01 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, ate.

ITHACA SAVINGS BANK .NortA i ioga street, Uorner beneca fcitreet

Incorporated 1868 Jan, 1. 1HB,

Resources DepoaltB Par Surplus a $4,237,570.11 $8,892,399.97 $345,170.14 t W T l S l S T at the rate of »Va per cent, per annum was credited t to depositor! Jan. 1, 1918. tor the ite months ending Dec. 81, 1114, T Deposits in Savings) Banks are ewitrp*. from taiatton. X Money to loan on mortgages.

• 4 '

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