fnppppr : ' •'• J T5'WHB| 'W»"H|}Wy.>< NEW. YORK. HERALD. THURSDAY, APRIL It, J895.--EIGHTEEN PAGES. 15 t one If MDW 08flf_S~o LARGE A3T0 SMALL LOrT- TO BSJ-T PERFECTLY. EQUIPPED MA-.UFACTUBIXG BUILD-XL. 1.941 toLlkSB Park a*.. - „ , _ _ __ jriLvo THE txxSS BLOCK ON PARK V». 17 acess-bfc: good iUM every wltHre: steam h«at. liar*, ekctrie lignts. auIoo;atie sprinkler I W * ;v;»ply t_> . > R A N K RiH-SEVSLT._L____j_____ni _-#l PEARL WfZ within 28 feti or Beek_nan «., Star* ana Aniseed Bast—en-: also one light I/»ft: to rent on reasonable terms on tans .ease; »ise 25x100: _ , especially adapted far '^j*!?. h _'?*___._ ___ BRYAN L. KEN-NELLY. 06 Liberty st. « P R C H RT._NEAR KRANKLIX ST. #RA>KI.1\ ST . M:.\K BEf»Al»Jk AV, SuENEB BROOME AND MERCER STS. ___ CORNER BLEECKER AND ELIZABETH STS. Jlaew buildings; stee.n_ beat; high speed elevators. m f T Pl ™jo1_X*T, WILLIAMS. 54 Franklin at. r A few choice Office* to rent, at prices to aolt tine*. i new aife* building. Trad^ra* Exchange. M and 8-i I at. ctoae to "I- * road and ferries; Imlldlng* new tlwroagbiy modern: steel frame, mosaic Ufa, Me stair*, hardwood Ini-h. sanitary plumbing. •d elevator, electric light, steam beat, Janitor a »ice. all Included, no extran and no jdarfc room*, wire of Janitor, or of ELMER B, SMITH. Agent. 1 Liberty at.. _Xew York. EXCli___XT I_C*'ATIOX FOR FUtST CLASS I3C-- FMIIT," CAriDY AM! 6SEAM STORE. Xo. 40 E g g -M-th at., aear Madison av 13_h st, near 6th a v. SE Xew seven atory Building: beat modern> constrac- _loa: two 150 Mm power i«iil«rs: good light; to rent la separate floors or entire building. ' CLABK.-QX CMWL. 30 West 14th at. , A.- First, "laird and r l r t h L o f t s . « * * & - _ _ , 4 c - NEW BUM;.. GT. JONES ST. A LAFAYETTE F-L p_»s*-_c,-r and freight elevators; it -n t * very modera t e. Ptraa of !•• J, CARPBXTRB. 41 Liberty st. A.- A.—A ine*mABut tnonE, 2_xS6>, strata heat, moderate rear, la the centre of toe publishers' district, _.„___. __,_ XO. 9 E. 1TTH ST., BET. 3TU AV. AND I M O X S<*. MORRIS E. STERNE, 0 EAST 14TH ST. A. -To' I _ie—pint six LW»~ av. A «ad dttFst., for timber bwalnesa. st-me yanl. *«•. lirni I . J. CARPENTER. 1.1 HI Sd a v.. 41 Liberty at. ~A Tit leawfor iDantifaetnrlnit i»iii*iioaea] Lofts. '£> v«2: well lighted, aultablw am- rmalaeaa; Immediate p-»».-!*ion If n- Mtir.-ii. cheap Mat. Imgulre 11T M»o- ,1o<ii:al al. ____________ A.--Etae Ofiie to let. aultwble for real estate, tn- .irsn't* Hniker or 'awyer. at H Liberty St.. tlrst floor: eat SMIk In-•luilluK l»-«t. Janitor and large outside _BRYAX L. K E N N E L L Y . «Mt L i b e r t y at. "st. and NorTh"River".— Three' story uricK . a«':or>' Building: anllitde for any i>ii*lnes«; 3*.6xlOO, aith stable, to tease: very reaaoaable rent. JOHN p. KIBWAX. H41 Stltav.. 51st at. *0 -BT FOR BUSIMESi^PUllPOItBS. LOFTS, Wffff "POWER, CORN Kit rtLEECKER AND ELIZABETH STS. ' HUDSOV ST.. NEAK HIANKLIX ST. . X«sw building*. s;eaia heat; blKb speed etctatMs; M—tacy pluuitpiai. ait*. . _ _ \_ _>«_! T. WILLIAMS. U Fratjklla at. "UWf», wtth _ or ifffSaS atcam i«ower; will divide m n floor »[•;*.« *ai !«/»<• torlly; near Ganaavoort Ma*' ket and 9th av. elevated station. ._„ _ _Aj^KfWJ'tn^LL 157 Broadway. LOOK"at tiie Store sotitliwesf eoriwr Columbus av. and S2rt at.: » rnr* location for moat aay uoalaeaa; mie show windows.- -J/* station. „ „ , „ _ . . , _ . . XV. II. TAYLOR %" f c SONS, 510 5th av. LOW. nreuroof t>midio«; wne-uaU IJOU. stae to iwt trtmi l<v safe deep: power, beat and elevator: low 12S to 182 Mott reat. at. LOFTS: ZMO or 4.000 feet; perfcetly light- power; heat: elevator; new buildings. 125 Worth. MM Elm. LOFTS, at low rent; Warren St., near Broadway. l>. BIRHSALL A CO.. IIS Broadway. LOFTS—LIberty Bnilding, Weal st. and <><iar. »W to $30 monthly. Apply 32 Nassau st. LOFTS-One 100x50. all arotind. WESTING, 4-1© Weat Alat room 801. one 5«H5<|; heat, power; light JLMlJtT rAW !L8lF!i OWELLIXG H O I S E S T O L E T . Furnished. VERY des'rable House to rent: fatly and clegsatly niraislted; in perfect order. ^2 Weat B8d at. 22D. 312 Weat— House to let; Furniture for sale, to responsible party reasonable tarmaj rent fl.lW- ii . ii - Lufnrnlabed. A.-FLAXAGAN & SOX. 1.544 Broadway, ne*r *Sth. ©ffeit the following desirable Hooaea:--- 54th, nea 51»t, IMIi. 47th, •Kith. 45th, tSth. r B'way. Il,fl00|44th, near B'way, ft.eot{ r B w a y . Il,500|43«l, near B'way, ff.$5 r B'way, Il.2lWf«Sth, uear B'way. JJ.-rO" iL800{34th, near B'way; *l,u00i2»tb_ near 6th. f2,00O!25th, near ?th. |l.200!21st, near ttth, near near near B'way near B'way, near 5th. near B'way 6 SCITE OF THREE OFFICES, FBOXTIXO OX BROADWAY. TO LET: RIOHX EO RBXT. « J. E. HAY, f Wall st. MAXCFACTURIXG.—Ground Floor. Lofts, to- gether, separate: 1»7 Wooster. near Bleeeker. FRED S. MYERS. B5S Broadway. NO. y3 JOHN ST. Third and fourth Lofta to let, si— 22iT8 feet; light and well ventilated: suitable for oiBcea or atorage: very low rent Applv to J HORACE g, ELY A CO.. «H Cedar at. FHYSICIAX'S Office and Suite of Rooms, occu- pied by a physician thirteen years: a very desirable Wtion. Addreaa M. «:, box 229 Herald Main office. SOUTHWEST corner of lOlat at, and Columbus av.— Six atory flreproof Buildlne, lighted by electrleity; freight and passenger elevatois: also a ROOF GAR- DEN on the top of the building, which will W a great advertisement card; will finish to suit tenant, sp.end:d opportunity for a lar«re dry goods or cloth- ing liouse. there ielng none nearer than 125th st., north, and 42d at., south. Apply to owner, on prem- lscs. 0 to 10 A. M. ' STORES AND HL'ILDIXGS. atlOHth a v., near 21st st fttOO 211 8th av., near 21«t st ., , .... POO 434 Sth av., near 32d st .L900 . _. .. 381 «th av.. near 23<1 st .*» ...... , , , , . . .5,000 location on the weat'aide: wide street: handsome four ISO West 23d St., near 6th av...i. 1.-200 J story, 21 foot Residence: only *1,800. 45 Weat 2Snh St.. near Broadway. ,...1,200 WILLIAM J. BOOMK. 410 f»th av.. near 25th st. BTOHE, ALSO LOFT, to let, at P0 Walker st.: good location: steam heat and power if r«-quired. Inquire of engineer on prem- ises. STORE AND BASEMENT TO LET. 143 West »5th s>t . close-to Broidway. size 25x100; rent*! 91,500. F1TJ4S1MONS A SMITH, 1.417 Broadway.. A Bargain That is a WargSin. I Wlaa to rent for a client of mine a Hoflae, 4§§ atory, 16 foot, brand new, in one of the best uptown atreeta; will rent at a great sacrifice, p-^—j-, 1 tftimtr 8Sth at. and Columbus a v. Open evenings and Sunday. * AvvT 4Mb St. never rented; «x* posed, sunny rear; rent leaaoaable for character of •;- 'i HBXEY D. WIXAXS A MAY, | 5th av.. corner 53d at. A-* REDUCED REXTAL, MAKE OFFER T* Handsome four story Uesidence, 087 LEXINGTON AV., NrlAR 72D ST. Cabinet trim, mirrors, Ac; caretaker on premlaea. JOSEPH TOCH, 057 3D AV.. 3SEAR 57TH ST., A! 4 «ory 20 foot Dwelling, near ¥83 »t. station, in perfect order, decoiated and gas ttxtnrea; w i l l rent for $1,600 to responsible tenant. Apply t o . ^ . L. J. PHILLIPS & CO.. , [ , corner 72d st. and Columbus av. Aj—Rent $1,000:' three story high stoop Dwelltnjj, 18.9x50; lot 123; 313 East 6Sth at.; street of private residences; possession at once. _ ,^' Firm L. J. CAIH'EXTER. 1.181 Sd av. (open eve. 8-0). Ai" a reasonable rent—Large tour story and base- ment Dwelling, Washington s*iuare West; immediate possession: tine order. ; WM. A. WHITE & SONS. 409 Broadway. A,—24H Clinton St.— Three story high stoop Dwell- ing} accommodates three families; rent $900. Firm U J CARPKXTER. 41 Liberty St.. 1.181 3d av. AJ—216 East «8th st.—Beautiful new three story hijrh stoop Dwelling; cabinet trim; exposedplumb- inu; porcelain bathtub: possession: rent $1,200. _ ^ Firm L. J. CARPENTER. 1.181 3d av. topen ev.. 8-9>. A!!:—On West SBth st„ near Riverside Drive; ni»e*t ^^FUR'SJSHED BOOMS T O L E T , nf^lOS^West 43dT^Pver~ialcely furnished small Rooms: closets, bath: vary desirable: references. STH AY., 413. nearElst at.—Elegantly furntslied float or back Parlor. %ttb bathroom: breakfast If desired. g »TH ST.. 25 West.—Large front Room, two otoers If deslretl; gentlemau: reterence; private family. 10TH ST., 54 "West.—Nice second story front ball Rjy>m._b«tb^ flrst class arivate house: gentlemen. HTH ST., 115 \VesL—Otfice and reception Room, parlor floor; also otheraqnare Rooms; owner; refer- encea. . t _. i4Tii ST.. 354 West..4^A. to $6: single and douule _o_n____Oj__f'»rnlahaB: all Improvements. 16TH ST.. 218 East.^FurnlshedRooms, for gentle- nieu; private family: raterence. lixri, lto _ust ankw square).—in iinail, sele<t dwollinu'. twoneatlv furadsh.ed Rooms; superior accom- modations: gentlemen. I 18TH. 118 East.-E^ en suite: Board notion g a n tly rurnisneu. siugi}' and 18TH, 28 West.—Daintily furnished Rooms, single or en suite; references. ; 18TH ST.. 236 East.—line large and one small nice- ly furnished front Boonj; to permanent parties. ItlTH ST.. 50 Weat.2-.Rack Parlor, private batn; other pleasant Rooms.-large and small; reasonable; trnnsiejita. | 21ST. 143 East <Qrah|frcy Park).—4CIe*ant Suite of Rot>ms, with bath; also-single Rooms; breakfast; ref- erences. > L itlST ST., IV Kaat.—iticely turuisued rtooius: ruu- nlug water: location atn! Mppointments first class 2_D ST., 45 East, betWeT-iTBroadway and 4ta av.— Handsome, laige, front Rooms; furnished; rcfer- encea. f 22D ST., 12 West.—Measant large and small fur- nlahed Rooms; permanent or transient. 28D ST., 210 West-f-Well furnisbetl Rooms; all conveniences; house and location first claaa; no moving. 23D, 261 West.—Desirable furnished Rooms; ail imnrovementa; location central; Board optional; references given and required. E 231) ST Cooks. _c. A Scotch woman as tlrst class cook ami laundress by day, week or month; large family i«-eferred. 229 West 27th st. ' A steady woman as first i-lan cook and baker In small family; city or countrv; good reference. 23t» West 16th st. (Kelly's bell). . AS first class English cook, washer, Ironer: good baker; willing, obliging. 334 West 40th (Hermans bellt. _________________ A competent woman cook hv the day. week «? month; city or eon-try; goo J reference. 258 Weat 47th st. (ring twice.t ^JglTI£TlOJS§^ i <liai«iLormnirls. Ac. m YOt'NO Swedish girl as tlrst claaa chambermaid; < city reference. CalL two days. 222 East 27th at.. basement. •' ""YOUNG" American-Swedish irtrl to do upstairs willin* and obliging.. Xo cards, 569 Walton av YOUNG girl, lately landed, as chambermaid; WIS'' lag and obliging. Mrs. Boyle, 400 Hudson st. « A respectable German sirl to do plain cooklUK. washing; and Ironing: American family preferred. Marie llelnietsh. lig> East 3d st., room 16. A young girt as good plain cook in a private tam- ily; can give best reference. 1,685 2d av.. Tally; no cftrda : i . A competent young woman as first class cook in pri- vate family: two years' best city references. 986 6th av. (In laundry). A young girl as good plain cook and laundress: good references. Xo cards. 431 Weat 56th at., one flight, back. | , A respectable glr as cook and laundress in private family; first class city reference. 208 East 41st st. (Conton's bell.). AS. experienced cook in good Christian, family or housework in small, quiet family; reference. M., 610 2d av. ; _____ A younjr Swedisli girl as Urst class cook; city or country: wages $25. 417 3d av. (Maatttng s aau). A strong girl as cook In private family; city refer- ences. Address 312 EaRt 90th st. __ 25 West. Rooms; reasonable: ge entl ( =5T est location >u city; sunny lemen only. Inquire store. A-—Offices ami Stuilios at 49 and 31 West 23th at., |10 to $25. Janitor, or __ j _ THOMAS A ECKERSON. 85 West 30tfi at. TTSiiidiiig' to rest at Sit. 310 v?es* 5»tu at."; $l t 500 THOMAS A ECKEESt>X,_ 35 West 30th at. jT.-^O—cW 7o'T»it,~l,_ia~Broadwaj-' |a.ni tor. or SAW to $23. THOMAS A ECKKBSOX. 35 West 80th at. A.- onset «»ili«e, northejsi corner 30tM st. and iin^l* :•• $1._IIU tear. Tll»»«.\S * »KERSOX. a 5 W w t 30th St. ,i. t-Kir H<»irs. l.'»\-.w. tin [ii'xii hnildintc, lss West list., twrr Broad"av and **f*'* station; well lighted. ream |<iwer: __vat«r. Apply preniiws. ADJOINING Casino, 118 West 39th at., a large tore ami Basement: any business; low rent, .lani- or OBKEN BU«»s.. 130 Fulton at., corner Nassau. Ini tndrahte Loft, with nam excellent light. "evatar. artted: 75 front, 40 deep. 545- DrsEXBURY. 89 Leonard. A »erv Iteaie sower, 154I> Weat SSr! I T 71 Br>>a.iw IT. .orner Rector st. Large basement tun*, now .x-i-iip >-<l as wine and billiard room*. Ap- to_aa<»nt of bolldine. room 127._ _ l¥r_re S t o r e . 22x*.«». 233 Tib av., suitable butcher ny Ntn.;iic».: divided to suit tenant. M. SIRE, 173 idwH.v. -Light lyttfis. near 6th av.: free"to May 1:"power _ *ti;mi. ht it. elevator: no reasonable offer re- •ed. Engineer. 134 Weat 27th_»t. AT LOW RKJPf.—Par* row, earpat Pearl, First iT^if?. SOx*0: l-sirgain: verv lieK: 18 wimlows; com- t t w i o n t<> a g e n t s . PRATT. 173 Park row. A t-irgc. ••:•.*!.••I-! i: five story Wat-ebonae to lease TVtter st.. near En«d: rent very low. E. A. •|K<if.\NK * i'«CVl7« Broadwav. >r«-*, Li»Oa,'Xi_c«a) and Studios let STORE. Basement and Sub-cellar, Liberty St., near Broadway; suitable for any business; also first Loft; rent low. Apply 32 Nassau at., room 801. STORE. _1S East 50th St.; rent *25; ;>ossesslon at once. B. O'HARA. 1.145 2d av. STORE, 208 West 14th St., 30x55; suitable for wholesBle_or^ retail: rent_very reasonable. "SPACE in beat" store in As tor Hliuse, X^O. 6, oppo- sltePostj>fflce: finest business location. STORE. 14th St.. near Union square, suiting any business, cheap rent. Inquire 107 East 13th st. TOLET—Machine Shop, aith iroa foundry complete; capacity of lion foundry is fitted to make castings as large as ten tons; machine shop is 90x40, three floors ano basement :g,»d light: tcgethcr withadiecnt pat- tern shop, smith shop, boiler and engine rooms, stor- *Rt •A~~RuUdri«>. i desirable '.•»• FO .soM BROTHERS. S26 Broadway. A w»tT""ceotral\Sta"bkC20th-sir," near «ti av.; »50. TIM A CO.. 5S-60 Weat 34th st. I Corner Store, suitable for saloon, near Ganse- rt Market and elevated station. ANDREW POWELL. 157 Broadway. A good Floor for classes, milliner, decorator or tiier renned business: central. B E it M I A R f>. 32 West 30th. AT 146 W e s t 23<l at., two or" three Romss; desir- lihle for residence or light business. |S. B. GOODALE. « West l"4th. Jlth A v. Hotel. A large Slugle Store? in »-x.c)lent l.uslneis location, 436 7th av.. rw.» dftors from 34th at. D_.FFJt CONGER. 1.474 3d av. ALARG'K. EIF^J»NTWOR1. "*" _ 1.434 3.1 a v.. between Slat ami fjM sta. ""AT 268 VeatTStih at.-'-f^iiieT Pari7 nine rooms, for lay light business or ilxvellitie: $65. ^lAJI^B""ROOMFTFlET. " 28x43, ceiling 14.6 high. Xaaaau at... between Pine and Cedar, opposite entrance to Equitable Building. Inquire at Third National Bank, 26 Nassau st. BROADWAY, I,l_i2, NEXT DELMONTCO'S. low occupied by COMMERCIAL CARLE, to let. slth very large room In rear If desired, with glass iky light; also Lofts In same building. REDFERN, LADIES' TAILOR. 1.132 BROADWAY. BROADWAY, near 46th St.-Three story Building: low vacant: will alter for business if desired: $1,800. J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT. 1.517 Broadway. age sheds aud everything appertaining to the manufac- ture of Iron ami brass machinery of all kinds: first class plant for manufacture of electrical machinery: the above is situated on Erie. lit!) and 12th sts,, Jer- sey CIO : convenient to all ferries and railroad depots; will la- icMed low to a good tenant. JOHN CRAVEN A SOX. 107 Newark av.. Jersey City. TWOXofTsI in new building, suitable for any busi- ness: light on all sides: elevator; power if desired. 407 fcast 23d st. TO RENT—Entire Buildlnp. 122 East 13th at., four floors and basement: 25xlCtJ; elevator; excellent as a store or warehouse, or can be used for light manufac- turing. Address, for terms, ALFRED DOLGE & SOX, 112 East 13th st. TWO Buildings, Nos. 36 AND 38 BURLING SLIP, separate or together, each 22x44. five story and base- ment, to let for a term of years, KKNT V FHV LOW For further particulars apply to THOS. C. DUNN. 15 Wall ft. or 21K Canal st. , THREE light Lofts at OS South 5th av.; easy stairs: electric elevator: heat location to advertise your huai- nesa without cost: 100.000 jiersons travel dally on the elevated road and pass the place. Apply A.-•, RIGNY. 2 West C?lh st. < TO lease" on north side of 33d St.. between Hotel Waldorf and Broadway, three story brown stone House, suitable for business. J. ROMA1NE BROWN. A CO., 39 West 33d at. _ _ THREE Lofts, splendidly lighted, with steam power, steam heat and elevator, together or separate- ly; total floor space, 20.000 square feet. J _ j . A W. LYALL. 540 West 23d at. "TEMPLE COURT. Fireproof office building. RULAND A WHITI1W, Agents. on premises. 5 to 9 Beekman at. DANIEL T. McGl IRE. 171 Broadway. A three story box stoop House to rent on West 95th THOMAS & ECKERSON, 35 West 30th st. st. tHIRD Floor, 133x32, win) L; steam po/ver. steam heat. stcHiu elevator: excellent light: corner 5th and Lewis sis., East River. Apply toll. T. BARTLETT, 200 Lewis st. JO t.M—-stores, northeast ceroer 42tl st. and 5th av.; divided to suit; transient and staple trade on this commanding corner. Apply to CHAS. A. >EY.Vlot R & CO.. 5th av. and 42d st. TO LET--S«'ci>nd Floor and Offices. No. 12 West 28th at., between Broadway aud 5th av. JAMES BIRCHETT. 62 Walt st. TO LET—13 Broadway; all above basement, gether or separate. JAMES BIRCHETT. 62 Wall st. to- TO LET—Splendid comer Store, H44 1st av.. 26_t 8t>, suitable for any business: low rent; long lease. KOEHLER, 112 Broad st. TO LET—Store and Basement and Floors for busi- ness purposes on 18th st.. between Broadway and 5th av. Apply at 6 East 18thjjt. ^ _, UXFURNISHED back Parlor, with extension; suit- able for light business; reasonable to permanent tenant. 58 West 18th. TO LET—Offices "from. $200 up in Nos. 135 and 137 Broadway, corner Cedar st.: send for plans. STREETON A LOWRY. 149 Broadway. To LET—Three light Lofts, corner of William and Maiden lane; low rent. STREETON & LOWRY, 149 Broadway. | ________ ""TO LET—Small Building, No. 91 Murray at., near Greenwich: will l>e altered to suit tenant; low rent. Apply to STREETON A LOWRY. 149 Broadway. A\— Houses, unfurnished and furnished, in desirable locations; rents $1,500 to $6,000. | FOLSOM BROTHERS. 820 Broadway. Aa 1 A'BAC ti >feitutee story House, 22 teet front, 2t_ Waverley place: rent $700. i POUSOM BROTHERS. 826 Broadway. A: co«.ey toi-ee story and U;semeut House, Hlv West 113th St.. near Broadway cable road; possession May 1. i A. HEM MEL, owner. 7t)0 Columbus av. A desirable four story high stoop House to let. un- furnished, on 19th St., l»etween 5th and 6th avs. H. R. DREW & CO.. 1 West 27th st. Ai four story, $1,230: another. West 04th. $l.45o: others. P. S. TREACY. 101 Boulevard (cable trans- f e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AJT 316 West 35th st.—Desirable three story high srono brick Dwelling. 11 rooms and bath: $780: all Imifrovements. HULBERT PECK, 268 West 34tb. A: handsome three story and basement Dwelling; modern and desirable; 70 East 90th St.; rent $1,300. DUFF & CONGER. 1.474 3d av. A; small four story brick House. 141 East 3"d st.; 10 roonis. In complete order; all improvements; rent $750 per year. Apply on premises. ______ A three story House. 17 rooms, bathroom; good lo cation: rent $1.300. 120 Waverley place. A chance".—38th St., near Broadway. 20 room House, __.__• FLANAGAN & SON. 1,544 Bway, near 45th. CORNIER Cottage, 163tu st. and Sheridan av.: good location: t"n rooms; .all Improvements; rent $26. Mrs. MARSH. premises. t?pT>lCE~t.)irec story and basement House, 10 rooms and bath; $1,200; No. 1.181 Madison av.; caretaker on premises. Sj—H. & CONGER. 1.474 3<1 av. DWELLINGS TO LET, UNFURNISHED. 22dst..n.8thnv.,4 s.$l,500l20th st..n.0th av..3s.$1.300 24thst..n.5thav.,3s. 1.500122d st.,n.6th av.,3s. 1.600 22d at..n.5th av .... 2,800!18th st.,n.2d av., 3s. 1.200 24thst.,u.7thav.,3s. 1,350125th st.,n.7th av.,4s. 1,000 30thst.,n.4tbav.,3s. 1,200139th St., n. Lex. av. 1,100 21st st.,n.B'way.5s. 2,500 57th st.. n.8th av.,4s 2,800 S. ft. GOODALE & SON. B W.24th St.. 5th Av.Hotel. DiV\ ELLJXG HOUSES TO RENT. ,__ 149 East 78th st., 3 and b. brown atone $1,000 218 East 46th st., 3 and b. brown stone 850 332 East 72d St., 3 and b. brown stone 900 214 East 72d at., 3 and b. brown stone 1,100 J.016 Lexington av.. 3 and b. brown stone..,. 1,300 ~23D ST.. 453lVest.-^B andsomcly furnished second Floor, separately or togfcthcr. in private family. 23D. 121 East, near Atii av.—Large, elegant, well lighted Rooms for humneas or domestic purposes. 23D ST., 211 WestT*Well furnished large stp_re Room; conveniences: large hall Room: closet. 25TH ST., 124 East, "near Madison square.—-Newly and handsomely furnislled square Room; terms mod- erate. frftf, 4i» west (W second story front, l>a tendance: •-•ensonalde. on).—Handsomely furnisued choice of others; hotel at- 27TH .ST.. 32 West.iXeatly and comfortably fur- nlslied too floor RoomA large and small; Board op- tional. 28TH ST.. 110 East.—Neatly furnished medium square and hall Room: moderate prices. -sTH, .6 West. l>etwecn Broadway and 6th.—En suite, single: S2 50 upward:, n«'ar theatres, hotels. 28TH ST., 110 ___st.J|iewly furnished large Rooms; all conveniences: terms moderate. As nrst claw order or meat cook; .Mrs. Moore. HT East 84th st.. rear. best references. 28TH. 3d East.—Largsj and siuail Rooms, ne*ly and neatly furnished: siiuug back Parlor, with extension. 2STH S'l.. 20 East, lift een 5tli and Madison avs.— I^rgo and sjnnll furnisfceil Kiioms.__ " 28TH7"38~"EaatI—XiotBTv furnished siiuare and' hall Room to let, second float: no May moving. itlTl-. 12. l>etweeu dtti aud Madison.—Desirable Parlor and second floor Rooms; $5, $10 weekly; con- veniences: gentlemen. 29TH~ST., _0~East.-ixicely furnished Apartment; private liath. piano; Hth«r Rooms; running water; Breakfast; reasons ble. 30liT M . . 19 WestJ—i-'urnislieu Rooms to let to gentlemen only: references. 30TH ST., Ii' West.-iilanusomeiy furnished Suite, privat e l)ath; al si^s i ugje 1 _>oi n s^ ' 31S't' ST.. V West.—Spacious\ Parlor Moor, fur- nished or unfurnished; -thcr desirable Rooms; sultos or singly. ¥ } i&_D~sI'., 34 \VcstT_pi)csiiatd/ suites; also hall Rooms: excellent service; breakfast uud dinner op- tional: gentlemen only. F. MLAUGHLIX- 1.252 3d av. THOS. ^"FIOR R E N * - MRK A¥. BET.flOTHA WL •No.] 7 0 3 , a verv handsomely decorated four story base- ment and brown stone House: rent $2,100. J R HAY. 7 Wall at. and 703 Park av. I* OK RK.yjv :t7 West 24th st.. four story high stoop (in: BROTHERS. 70 William fct. Dwelling, $2,000. COU l L8 m ^.ST^TH ST.. 14 ROOMS. 211 W iSf So^^xJ 0 ^ __ APPLY AT OFFICE OF RHINELANDER ES- TATE. 155 WEST 14TH ST. HOUSES TO LET. 319 EAST 86TH ST.. 14 ROOMS. 327 EAST 87TH ST.. 10 ROOMS. ALL IMPROVEMENTS. __, APPLY AT OFFICE OF RHINELANDER ___• TATE. 155 WEST 14TH ST.. OR 255 EAST 86TH ST. HANDSOME brown stoue Dwelling. No. 244 East 61st St.; tiossession May 1; rent moderate. ________ B. O'HARA. 1,145 2d av. ~~HOTsE. stable and gardener's cottage; Mott av. and MM st. WM. E. DILLER. 284 Columbus av. Broadway, No. 1148, near 2tJth St. A LARGE FLUOR To LEASE; ..i-i> n{tir..» and Studios. Inquire of HUNTER. Optician. Ro"l_ERs ; "offi'ces to let, 18 New at., adjoining »rk Exchange: entire Floor, with unexcelled light, »»: elevator, steam beat. Ac. E. A. CRUIK- HANK A Cti.. 176 Broadway. BROADWAY. 839.- Excellent light Oltk«a_ cheap t; every convenience; also Desk Room, $10 per th. Janitor. !(D1K_E[_ ©TdD[R_! •9 Uheaat corner Amsterdam av. and 85th at.: splen- " location; will make reasonable concession .u right il of lai.-iinens ino lupi >n. Particulars of jWHOX A HOBEaS, 284 lolumhus av.. near T3d st. i'lll KCtl ilS^UlltS lt«>t »£. 4th av. ant) 23d st. TWO STORES TO LET. Desirable Offices for societies. architects, lawyers, estates. Ac Str.dloa. wltii proper tight. Building fireproof. [E^ators. steam teat, gas and electric light, and IMattur acrvlcw wttliout extra charge, A twdv on f______*gj j s e a _n>R\ER ..-1 Madison a v.-First F.oor. adaptetl for ales* tailor, dressmaker, milliner or other busln-ss: •^top Fbit>r. suitable for artist, arranged for house- pins: Meant beat, bath and ad improvements. 32 at 3*th st. -'HK.\P. hurge Store, with basement; established jiwrn business now running: suitable any business. » West 1»«h. - , rF_U' STOBff^Good place cigars, atattonery. m, fajary soods; any business: only $30. 754 Lex- ion av. COK.VKR 7th av. and 54th at,-St<w« and Ollar; I location for «Irugflst. baker, butcher or grocer: eat low. Apudv l._in. Broadway. i^lRXKE 125th st. and 2d av.—New. Iwndsonie ps:>dU»is; s t o r e p a t e g l a s s ; o n l y $15; suitable anv slur--*. _ •• ff/i J 'Mii|H' iV i nmur 107th " ' " rltaii J i^awrlasiinu" VsrUfcj Alley: MM --location market, saloon, lottied hintmrs. i*'t::NElc I^'ifta 26 I'linton place. ' S.' ET"~corner ••-.•• c ;>*«« _____ _g « : re*i>e st. L. A. I>UTERNET. CotiNM; i-»«.i. st. and 1st av.—uoou ousi..*-** io- jg_j_ ha.mlranw Store. _________ for any _______ CORNER Store. I23;h st.. 2*1 av.. suitable any bual- •minhtoDw w w I > I id Lou: reasoonbb-. -SIR A BLE CORNEH LOFT, *n Broadway, a. w. cor. 18th st. iHxe alMMt 75x100; pas*-uger and freight elevator; " heat: immediate possession. Apply to & LDIN 9 56 AND 58 FIXE ST.. THROUGH TO 26 AND 28 CEDAR ST. A few offices remaining in this newly constructed building and containing all modern Improvements, can be nad at rents rat ging from $150 aud upward. Elevator service and light at night. FOR PLAN'S AXD FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY T O T H E AGENT. GEO. R. READ, ^ 9 PINE ST. 1st Loft, BOj-fi®, $800 per* annum. 180 Fulton st.: splendid light and alr;opposlte St. Paul 'a Church yard. A i-oiy on premises. STH AV,, 517, adjoining corner 36th at.-Entire Building. 19x74: beet business section of avenue; price $2,400; possession May 1: any business but Honors. WM. A WHITE & SONS, 409 Broadway. ~~» tjuristo niter St.—Handsome Store and tliree Rooms: steam beat; rent $40; immediate possession. See janitor. 12 Stone St. Store and Basement, 23x18. to rent for a term of years. 32 Gansevoort St. Lofta, 2tx85, new building, with cl-v.itor, to r,>nt. 63 \A/est 4th St., WASHINGTON' SQUARE SOUTH. four story Building o rent. Will alter to suit tenant. STRONG & IRELAND, L 60 LIBERTY ST. _____ 19TI1 ST., 126"Wt>st~-Workshop, with basement. 25x30; good light: low rent; near t>th av. _7TH ST.. near Broadway, large attractive House, on long lease, at moderate rent. J. ROMA1XK BROWN A CO.. No. 59 West 33d at. 2iTH, S West, near Broadway.—Entire basement Store, suitable for laandry or florist. Inquire on preoil»e!i. LARGE House ami Grounds. Mott av. and Itiotu st.; good location, at entrance to Fleetwood Park; all im- projvements; rent low. Inquire Mrs. MARSH, prem- ises. , LARGE list desirable three and four story Dwell- ings, vicinity our office. $480 to $1,700. CHAS. S. KOHL—R & JBRO. 9o6 Cdlumhus av,. 104th, MORRIS Heights, station above Hlghbridge— Houscs, rent $32 upward, sell $4,500 upward. ANDREW POWELL, 15? Broadway. TO LET-The n. w. corner of Lexington av. ami 61st st., a very desirable Dwelling to a private family at moderate rent. . _ A.JII. JIULLER & SON, 24 Pine St. . TO LET—A superior modern four story nign SUMMI DHielliug: dining room and butler's pantry extension: nil modern improvements; hardwood cabinet finish; KaJ __> E s s t 64tl> »t. JAMKjs _______*_____ 62 Wall st. TO LET—Two story and basement brick Dwelling House, ten rooms, with improvements, 340 Eaat 84th at. inquire WM. H. HOLLISTER. 1:481 3d av.. THREE story and basement Houses. 10 rooms and bath; 71 aud .9 West 126th St.; rents $950. | DUFF & CONGER, 1,474 3d av. TO LET—Suitable for doctor or dentist, three story brown stone Hous*. 1.376 Lexington av. TO LET—Tmee story brown stone. Lexington av.. between_«_tl and 93d: ren_$840. Owner. L413._ T^>"LET-_02 West 39t¥ st House: first class. have Four story high stoop Apply to janitor. private Holisf-s we are renting at reduced rents. MOORE A WE hav •leases we O" CONN EI ai EAST several three and i renting at rc_ LL. 349 Columbus a v. four story- near 76th st. 73TH.—Fine brown stone Dwelling; rent only $}.500. SPENCER C, DOTY, jjg Nassau st. 34TH s'l'.. Weat, near Broauway.—Browi stcue I louse, English basement. _______ A, G. H EG EM AN A CO.. 1,321 Broadway. " 4*l'i4 ST.. west of Broadway.— Beautiful three story House; rental $1,400. BLAKELY. 1.570 Broadway. & fee um 120TH.—Three story brown stone; |M>r- reduced rent. KETCHAM, 58 W r est 125th st. -Medium sized, four 79 Maiden lane, up 48 CENTRE^^T^ ~ very light; steady purer; will Mvide: slae RUSSELL"24 .\ew Coaintxrs at. First Loft, 22x70. 34 WATER ST.. four story brick Warehouse. COUDERT BROTHERS. 70 William »t. M_|RABLlS CO WITH A. J. EL1AS. 1.119 3D iN EH BASEMEXT, ' ' ITEAM ELEVATOR. -niX"'») FEANKUN/ST.. NEAR BEOADWAY. JOHXfT WIU.lAM.s,_34J_ran___B_at. I-.DESK Room"on gioiind iiwr la Trinity BuiWiaa. "iTT I_r* ,| ' ,rnT - \*' let/from May 1; suitable for real !•*«»*« agent laidirance. builder. Ac. Addreaa, by ill. P. T." 103 fieraId Downtown B-anch.^^ bkl'G Store toAet. e-tabitahed baslneaa; good loea- HRi r.'^Li^J* ,t '._5 8rt •**• *«•*»!*»* *»- Apply to «Q*lAlN. 328 Wt>st 125th at. ^DESK Room t/» l e t , store floor. Apply at 27 South J^JAXT r Sfac_»,''''aear Gansevoort Market and ftth eievated station; rents reasonable. ANDREW POWELL. 157 Broadway. jLEGANT advertising warner. 3th av.. 4_d ».'. theast; desirable Spaca' tn» .let,, 1 uquire Oxygen EatST—>i< Want MtA aL-J-Mwa essay _»t> t, occupied as blacksmith shop, Ac.: $1,500. W l D E R T BKOTHEES. 70 William st. flRsT Floor and Ba«n-u)ent, with steam power. *sm beat, good light; corner 5th and l_>nis sts., _LRIv»r. WFW. BARTLETT. TM l_>wis at. FOR RKXT—112 West 18th at.—Two atorv brick T__jyjf__ 't'l PERT BROTHERS, 70 Willlam at. *R RENT—11 Barclay st. Store. BaseoVnt and '"•liar. «XH T DEETJWtrTH_iB*. To William st i __T*^_5B^--^rna_d Ftoor. lofts, together, aepar- sW__JOxlou:_powerJ,f desire-. ajO^TajT34th______ .GRAND ST.. 13T. NEAR BBOADWAT^ Uebt Lotta; low rent: keys tsirher shoo. OWNER, 100 Eaat 69th st. lANDtK>-aT_ !»•: suit any mv. Stare, ftaat class business io~ i; only $30. Apply T59 Lex. , l_^__\_l'^a_ J ^l. , t ,to - WUb •^a^w 1 ^*—^J a\^%J " N at dPEMsl EWps 50 Harrison st.—To let—Substantial tfuiiang, stories and cellar; good location, and suitable for any mercantile business: rent $1,859. rf. V. MEADE A CO., 422 8th av. 5oTH. near 5th av.--phy8iclan's~0flce to rent, lurnished; also sleeping apartment, with meals if desired. Address OWNER, box 316 Herald. 83 Pearl at., through to Stone, three LoftaT *~~"~~ COUDBRT BROTHERS. 70 William st. ST South at., corner Burling slip, six story Building. _ COUDERT BROTHERS, 70 William st. 108 Broad St.. corner Water—Very light Offices to let. $10 up. Apply Janitor, on premlaea. ""174-182 YiYMTf H~ST.-£irge"and small Lofts, with power, elevator, beat; fine llgot: low rent. Apply to BRUSSEL ESTATE. 182 Worth "it. 309. 311 EAST 39TH ST.-Four atory Factory Build- ing, part or entire, low rent. Applv on premises, or to BBI'SSELT, ysTATE t<r» WoWb at. 3ti5 Bowery. -Second and third I^oft; light Base- ment: 1.252 2d av.. near 66th at.: only $10. 838 9TH AV.—Desirable Store, Basement and two Flats; $1.2»N>. COtiPEET BROTHEES. TO William at 2.482 2D AV.—Store and Lodging House, near Har- lem Elver Park. P. PHOEN1 X IXGRAHAM & CO.. Ill Broadway. DWELLING HOISKS TO LIST. Furnished. ASSORTMENT of fine Houses, furnished and un- furnished, all locations; also country Houses. BERXHARD. 32 West SOth. o*iae to rent, furnianeU; St.; rent $1,609. W&V ST.. 5th aud Oth avs. el >ry Dwelling. Apply Office. _________ S I hi AST 531> S'1'7—A four story uigh stoop House to let J unfurnished, in good order. H. R DREW & CO.. 1 West 27th St. 38 EAST 25TH ST.. uear Madison square.— A rour story, English basement House to let. unfurnished; immediate possession. H. R. DREW A CO.. 1 West 27th St. i 73ET ST^ 'VVEST BETWEEX CENTRAL PARK AND COLUMBUS AV Desirable four story Ho use-; fully decorated: steam beat, and electric light. CLARK ESTATE. 25 West 23d st, 7iTil~ST.. 108 West.— Handosjme four story House, 20 feet wide; butler's i»ntry extension: newly deco- rated ; fine order: rent $2,000. Permits from W. B. TAYLOR A SONS. 510 5th av, _____ 88TH ST., near Boulevard.—To rent from May J, fiuo three story Dwelling: rent $1,400. "n J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT. 1,517 Broadway. 32D ST., 14 Weat.-___.oor suitable for physician; furnished andjinfurnlajbed Rooms: references. 331> ST.. 42 West."—Sewly furnished Parlor'Floor, with private hath: otjfcer Rooms. 34TH ST.. "141 Wes|, near Broadway.—Handsome Rooms, large, tmall; private bath; Offices; gentle- men: modern house. 35TH ST.. 68 West.-fOffere be»utlful. homelike ac- commodations to strangers in city; every convenience; prices moderate. _| > 35TlT~ST.. 154 West.t-Large, steam heati»d, newly furnished double Parlors to_le_t__ Apply janitor, 35'fTf ST., 56 Wcst,*-Handsome.y furnished large front Room: also hail Room: $3. 36TH ST., 130 West, apposite Hote* Marlborough.— Second story front Bjoom, handsomely furnished; gentlemen only. _j 30TH ST., 230 East—Private house; nicely fur- nished, neat Rooms; awery convenience; terms rea- sona bis. 1 37TH ST.. 54 West.J-Elegantly furnished Rooms, en suite or singly; baek Parlor for physician; ref- erences. 38TH. 112 West.--A* very desirable alcove Room; also small Room; geutlfmenonly; private family; ret- erences, 39TH ST.. 11 West.—Large buck l'arlor, with tsvo room extension, for ope or two doctors, or entire Floor for select c 1 uh; yaterer in tho house, 39TH. 228 West—Choice of Rooms: also Parlors and Basement; newly Btted; first class; reasonable; references. 30TH ST., "5 West .^Handsomely rurnlshed Rooms, singly or en suite; privptedtaths: Parlor, suitable for doctor or dentist; refejtaccs retpiired. 39TH ST.. lOWest.— Uaudsomcly furnished Rooms for gentlemen: prlvata<>atli: wltii or without Board. 42lX"_i'7 WestT^I'irsI class large'trud small Rooms; summer prices: day, w y k or montii. 431), 137 West.—Eargp and small Rooms, furnisued; Office for physician of dentlBt, furnished or unfur- nlsbed. •_ 431) ST., 26 West.—'l|*o or three connecting Rooms; private bath If desired; new open plumbing. 431) ST., 108 WK.sf.-DOCTOR OR DENTIST— PARLOR FLOOR: MAY 1. 44TH ST., 215 Westv—Newly furnished alcove aud a square Room; sunny and attractive: references. 45TH. No 9 West.—Richly decorated and hand- somely^ furnished Rooaffor bachelor, with.owttar. 48TH ST.. io'o West.—l'arlor lloor, two large Rooms for do_tj)r_or^^h , mjst:jp^vate_i)oii_^e. 5 TH ST.. 160 West, near Broadway.—I~irge and small Rooms; running water; ladies or gentlemen; home comforts. , 51 ST. 51 West-Bark Parlor to rent, furnished; suitable fo. docto__or dentist; also other Rooms, 62D ST., 101 East, npar Park.—Elegant, newly fur- nlshed Boom, a-ith or without Board: references. 06TH. 134 East.—Pumislied Rooms: gentleman. coaple; refined family; Board If desired; references required. Y'OUNG Swedish »-lrl as cook in small speaks English: will do washing If required, lnmbus av. (Reilly's bell). 70TH ST.. 38 East.-j private liouse: choice I 71S'f, 135 West. —Pi somely furnished Ro« bath; gentlemen. .1 Handsomely decorated Rooms; ______ references, [vate family would rent hand- In, with or without private wder; I13TH. XO. 253 West.—Three story, basement; nine rooms ami bath: all Improvements; newly decorated: liossession immediately; rent $900; keys at 7 West 113th st. Also Xo. 10 West llltii st.. three story aud basement, 18 feet front, 10 rooms: butler's pan- try!; first class condition: rent $1,000. Apply on premises, or WM. B. FRANKE. 35 Mount Morriaav.. coHner 124th st. m 7TH ST.. 132 West. Tnroe story, Stone; good Immediate possession; $800 _ PALMER. 985 Oth av. "264 ami _a« West S9th st.—Faur sttn««. American tment Dwellings; will be decorated to suit tea- ants; moderate rent. , ___, __ .. K. C. SIMOXSOX. 146 Broadway. West 130th st.—Beautiful new three story brown atone front; handsome gas fixtures and decorated ii_ouglioiit. Inquire on premises, or of WM. POS- Tr|R^ 342 West 121st st. - brown stone: perfect . 58 West 125tb at. 124 LENOX AV—Four story order: reduced_ren__.• KETCHAM West 3 4 6 ""West 5 l s t St., a pretty little, three atory Brown Stone, in rood nelgnborbood. for $950. -^57 ..... West End av.. near S7th St.—Four story _.. basement private Dwelling; newly decoiated and in l>erfect order: rent $1,900. Aiiply. to caretaker, ou premises, or g. C. SIMOXSOX. 146 Broadway. _550 PEE ANNUM. Three story Queen Anne Dwelling, nine room and i; 9 Henderson place, Eaat 86th St., near East "iv SrH* imiitot' or J, EDGAE LEAYCEAFT, l.BH Broadway. 82D. 31 West.—For jrentlemen, in handsome pri- vate residence, elegantly furnished large aud small Rooms, bath. I 83D, 13. West tparlar lbior, east).-Parlor and Bed- room In well appointed flat; all conveniences; mod- erate^ ¥ 91 ST ST., "52 West .-^Handsome second Fhsir. pri~ vate bath: will sepaaate; others very moderate; small $12 month, t 95TH; 117 West.—B_Jck Parlor and reception Room, suitable for physician _ or dentist's office; has been occupied by physician for past four years; Board. A-—Handsomely fu _shed large aud small Rooms, all improvements, for gentlemen only; excellent ser- vice: first class restaurant attached. MAIjJOXETTE. 53 West 35th st. GRAMERCV PAi.K, 23.— Gentlemen only; large, handsomely furnished Rooms, with private bath: ___s_lte or single: tifeakfast. HANDSOMEL-^l'urpshed Be<:room, Sitting Room and bath, for one or iiro gentlemen; modeiate. 642 Lexington av. IRVING PLACE. 29. near Uuloii stiuare. -Large Room, second floor, front; private bath; other Rooms: reasonable. liEXINirroN AV., _kll.—Two large," comfortably furnlshcil Rooms in ptfvate family; gentlemen only; reference reoiii»ed. _[ LE-TIXGTON AV.._t^JS_ 25th st.-^eeimd story front Room; folding bad; another, large, $5; gentle- men preferred. MURRAY HILI "YOUNG woman as com'>etent cook and laundress; private family; references. 209 West 13th st. Chambermaids. _c. A neat, willing voting girl to do chamberwork and waiting in private family; best personal city refer- ences. 348 West 49th St., two doors east of 9th av. (ring fifth hell). A respectable voung girl to do upstairs work and waiting: willing and obliging: in a small family: srood c'tv references. Tracy, 807 Oth av., between 53<1 and 54th sts. A young girl to do chamberwork, waiting or light housework in shiull family: bestclty reference. 449 West 40th st., first Boor (Mr. Hashlon's bell). A girl to do upstairs work and assist with wash- ing: best city reference: present employer giving up housekeeping: private family. Apply 83 West 86th st., Mrs. Loudoun, from 10 to 12 o clock. Thursday. A . near Union League Club.—Hand- somely furnished spaclpus Floor, with bath; also Bed- room, with private bath; other superior Rooms. K., 407 Herald. MADISON AV., 1 front Room, for one brea ______ ROOMS to let by Cortlwndt St.: $3 50 a I.arge. elegautly furnished two bachelors; private bath; week at Trenton Hotel, 73 _ upward. I t l E ( r AMPBEl_L. 1 West 42d. between 5th and Oth avs.—Convenient to all theatres: elegant Apart- ments, single or en spite, with or without private baths; Special rate:; by week; transient, $1 up. I X F I H N I S I I E D ROOMS T O L E T . 17T1I ST.. near 5th" av. -Handsome second Floor and Basement to let; desirable for light business and residence. S. B. GOODALE & SQX. C W. 24th, r.th Av. Hotel. -3D ST.. 121 East, near 4th av.-Elegant building^ lienutiftlj Rooms. 48TTI, 109 West—j|tcond floor conne<-tiug alcove rents l o w fj l^l o, lUi* ,»^»L.—_p»-uuu iitMM ct.uuri'tiu); nnwr Rooms. carj>etetl, withpnt board; private house; refer- ences required, __ East 31st st. house. AX elegant three story H _ne location: 335 West S>fh i FURNISHED Haas*. West 17th St.: reduction for omrner Address NEAR PARK. 251 Columbus av. 1RJ_1-Ni tenaat desires _ to sublet four story, i. room House. 45th st.. near Broadwav; excelleni block; farnisbed $2,209. unfurnished $2,0»'i): unusual oppur- tnnlty. .4J*HFt>ItTHjk CJUt._1.509 Brtstdw-yT TO LET-Fnruisi)«l." No. d2 Riverside Drive; beau- tifully located, near Slat; occupied past three years by owner. Address, tor particulars ami for annoint- nsent to examine. OWXKE. Past office box 940. . 45TH ST.".". west of Broadway—Fully" furnished rented for price house •nfarntshe/t. BLAKELY. 1.570 Broadway. tianusome three story House, hardwood, orated throughout; convenient to 6 t h a v . " L . " ____________ * T -; , , . ,. '' • ] 1(800 Yearly—212 East Il4th. elegant aaodarn Dwelling; all Improvements. T HOGAX A CAMPBELL, 2075 3d av. _________ __ _________ For rent—Very elegant Houses, above and below 50th st.. near Park and 5th avs. JAMES R. HAY, T Wall at. and 101 West 53th at, -Spa „•"" : i " ' , ; • • ••••;•,;•_••• • ::•• •• •• i m I •" i.i :_.;,'— FIRXISHED ROOMS TO LIST. •• "if— E l e g a n t l y furnished front and bark Parlora; hot, cold water: other nice Rooms: German family, references exchanged. 302 2d av., between 17th, 18th sta. i ^ ' '' ll.—36 Weat 34tu.—rflegant Rooms, parlor floor, suit- alde physician,, dentist or other business; bachelor's R<M>ms. •' ' ^ 44.—Upaetous l'arlor Floor; awltaSsi for 3D ST doctor, dentist, , cbflen' - tawiw; all coaveniences; other -Second Floor to let. Owner, In AN - elegaut suite of uufurnishetl~Rwims. suitable for bachelor's apartment: near the New York Clnb, Address A. C..j409 Herald. ^__ LEXINGTON AV.. 795. near 62d st—Two large Rooms, bath, first flpor; all conveniences; private house. ¥ ' SITUATIONS ^ANTJB^PBMAI^B^ Cooks. _c. A lady going nbroaE desires to find situations for three girls whom she can highly recoinmund as osik, laundress and ehambermabl, and waitress and eliam- Is-rmaid; u<» objection to country- Call two days, 21 West 74th st, ; AS tlKsrough, competent cook In private family; un- derstands all branches <of English, French and Ameri- can cooking: first claaa baker: best city references. Xo cards. 456 4th nv. {ring twice). AS cook and to assist with washing In small private family; understands all kinds of meats, soups, poultry, game; excellent bread and biscuit baker; best city ref- erence. 972 8th av. A respectable woman as fiist class COOK: under- stands American and; Jewish cooking: two years' reference from last plpce. 222 West 37th st. A respectable girl as cook and laundress in a pri- vate family; first cla«| city reference. 208 East 41st st. (Conton's bell, j. ____ AX experienced girl as cook: will (JkTsome washing; rood reference. Address D. P., 198 Herald 23d St. Branch. A moot resf»et-table | cook, washer and lit dress, by letter. IndB young girl as chambermaid or to take care of growing child; good reference. 212 West 62d st. A respectable young girl as upstairs girl and help with waiting in private family; willing and nhliglng. X o ______ 233 East 45th st.,firstfloor. A lady would like to find a position for iter nurse as chambermaid and assist with children. 146 West 48th st. " A»young girl as chambermaid and waitress. Ap- ply at present employer's, 125 West 75th st., between 10 and 1. A neat young girl as chambermaid and waitress; good reference. Apply 208 West 60th St.,Mrs. Flne- gan's bolj^ A young girl as chambermaid and waitress in small private tamily or to do light housework; best refer- ence. 112 East 47th st. (Delany's bell). A young girl as chambermaid and waitress; city reference. 244 East 30th st.. one flight, front. A neat young girl as chambermaid and waitress; best city references. 419 West 56th St., store. AS first class chambermaid in private family; per- sonal r e f e r e n c e . ______________ 5 4 t h st.. third floor A German as chamWrmald and seamstress; best city reference. 238 West 33d st, A young girl, lately landed, as chambermaid or l i g h t ______________ i" ll ____; Dunn, 216 West 62d st. """A voung girl as chamtiermaid and plain sewing, (all from 1 0 to I S a t __________ ___w st. AS chambermaid and waitress in private family. M iss Ku'nzinann, 1,181 2d av. ~~A young girl as eliambcrinald and do plain sewing or care children; best city reference. 388 East 66th st. CHAMBERMAID or parlormaid: disengaged May l; first class personal reference from present employer. Call or address Hotel Renaissance. 8 West 43d st. CHAMBERMAID and waitress in" private family. 50 West 76th st. (present employer's), between 9 and 12. CHAMBERMAID and to assist with laundrv work: willing to go to the country: city reference. 313 East* OOth st.. three flights, hack. by neat willing girl: 11. T. R., Herald CHAMBERMAID and nnrse, good sewer; best city reference. _d St. r Branch. COMPETENT girl as chainl>ermald and laundress: Itest city references. Address Chambermaid, 1,338 3d a v. * ' EXPJ_UEX~C_i chambermaid and waitress; two vears' reference last employer. Call or address 112 West 70th at. _____________ FIRST class churuberuiaid and sew, or wait on lady; excellent city reference. B. V. M., 207 Herald 23d St. Branch. GIRL to do chamberwork and waiting or plain sewing: no objection boarding bouse: city refer- ence. ,247 East 37th (ring three times). GIRL as chambermaid ami waitress in private family; refereoce. 882 Islington av.. 06th. ~~!NEAT girTfor chamberuork and waiting in a small private family: iiersonal"references. Address L. M., 110 Herald, for two days. •ot est ant woman as good plain jtr: best cltv refereaeea. Ad- Irioas. ______ av. hoarding house, ;oo«l references. A s g o o d co«>k ami plain laundress dtv _ country: moderate wages; M. E.. 251 West 18th at. A Swedish girl as'S—, or cook, wash and iron in •mall Aiaer'eau fauU%. 32C East 3lst at. i •• XEAT, willing Irish girl as chambermaid and wait- ress; good reference. Kerrigan, 1,793 3d av., near 99th St. _______ NEAT girl for diaitiberniaid and waitress: plain private family tall at 319 Weat 82d st.. Kennedy__ NORTH German girl as first class chambermaid: ltest references; n*ages $18. Address Imbacu, 249 East 56th st. RESPECTABLE Swedish girl as chambermaid ami waitress In American family; good reference; country preferred. Address, by mail, Swedish, box 14, 1.242 Broadway. RESPECTABLE girl, lately landed, as chambermaid ami waitress In small private family; willing ami obliging. 407 West 53d st. YOUNG Swedish girl as ch-imberuialti. assist with waiting, or as 'chambermaid and seamstress: best city references. 215 East 95th at., care Mrs. ________ YOUNG girl as chambermaid and a-altress or to do housework in small family; good reference. 337 West 49th st. (Gunn's bell). YOUNG girl, not long In country, as chambermaid and waitress or to do light housework in tmall private family. Wallace. 201 West 67th st. YOUNG girl as chambermaid and waitress in pri- vate family who ro to the country iu summer; best city references, 256 West 31st st. (first beli*. Y'OUXC girl as chambermaid and waXtress or mind children in small private family; good reference. 5oo Wtst 49th St., oDe_JUghL_LyjH_. YOUXG girf as chambermaid and waltrt-sa In prl" vate family; best city reference. 495 9tb av. (Leaa- hai_* bel_l_ ^ i YOUXG girl, IT, lately landed, as' c _ m henna Id or take <are <>f children. Call or address 1,073 2d av., mar 57th st. (Henley's belli. _______ YOUNG girl as chambermaid and assist washing: city or country; good references. Crane's bell, 227 East 28th st. YOUNG Xorwegian girl as chambermaid and walt- ress. Mrs. Jose C. Dlax, 160 Weat 96th st. YOUXG girl as chambermaid or waitress In boarding house. 24 East 54th st. YOUNG girl aa chambermaid or honaeworker: three years' reference, 065 3d ay. trina bell three times', YOUNG girl, willing and obliging, to do upstairs work. 155 Lenin-ton av. . YOUNG girl aa cl_uni_rrpaid: willing to aaalat washing; refcrencea. 1.418 2d av„ sacood floor. Dressmaker* and Seamstresses. A—A.-DRESSMAKER. ELEGANT CCTTEB pad fitter, $2 a day. or at borne; perfect fit guaram_fd: velvet, silk or cloth suits made in one week for $30. faucy waists, c;iats ami Itall gowns a specialty. ^ 44J_AST_ 10TH ST.. NEAR mtOAHvlA?. A dressmaker, elegant fitter and designer {tailor made costumes, eveidng gowns, jackets. 'Wfsps. fahcy waists made on short notice: $2 50 _*erday or at home, reasonable. A. K , 252 Herald 230 St. Branch, __________ A.—A—A—Dressmaker, late with Mme. Connelly: the latest designs in street and evening gowns; new flare skirts, fancy waists, coats, capes; at home, by day: references. 104 West 45th st, A first class cutter and fitter wishes a position in a good bouse; sa.arv not less than $30 per week: no objections to leave the city; highest references. Address L. C . 410 Herald. > A young ls<ly, conqietent cutter and titter, having been a fitter in some of the large bouses In the city, will make arrangements to go out by the day. 2o4 E a s t ,'Mlth. st. A.—A.—An experienced dressmaker: suits, handsome silk waists made home. $5; out $2 50. Dressmaker. 117 West 56th st. s. $12; by day. A first class German cook In a fine private family; has good city reference. 86 Maedougal st. A Swedish girl as cook in private family; city or country. 459 West 30th st.: Askebom. COMPETENT person as cook; city, country: best city references; iady can be seen. 143 West 49th st. COMPETENT Swedish girl as cook and laundress In small family; references. 303 West 41st st. COOK—By reliable young woman as first class cook lu private family: city or country: best city ref- erence. P. P.. box 353 Herald. COOK, by the day or week: first class in all branches; best city reference. Addreaa C. C, 1.129 _d av.. between 59th and 60th sts.. one flight up. front. FIRST class Swedish cook: all branches; excelleut references: moderate terms by day or week. Address H. P.. 511 Amsterdam a v. FIRST class cook: hotel or institution preferred; best references. 34 West 13th st. ________ FREXCH^Tuiple. the wife first class cook, the hus- band as butler, in private family; no oblectloh to country; two years' references. D. S., 116 West 26th st.. ground floor. FRENCH girl as cook in private family: no wash- ing: city references. M., 116 West 26th st., ground floor. . HIGHLY competent young womsn as first class cook: do some washing: city or country; highest ref- erences. 330 West 56th st. (present employer s.). . JEWISH girl (German), just landed, as cook with refined Jewish family. Miss F. Brock. 342 East 6th st. 'ring first hell>> PROTESTANT girl as reliable cook or bouseworker: clean: reference. Address for two days, 831 East 29th st.. basement, RESPECTABLE, middle aged German woman as plain cook and laundress in small private family, or go housecleanlng and washing by the day or week; good reference. 203 West 19th st, RESPECTABLE girl as plain cook; no objection to the countrv for the summer; best city reference. 441 West 45tl_st._ RESPECTABI_ womah as good cook, washer and ironer; country preferred; good baker; reference. 224 West 28th st, RESPECTABLE woman as excellent cook in a board- ing house: has first class city reference. 521 West 48th st,,firstfloor, THOROUGH cook: competent In all the branches English and French dishes; by day or week; highest reference. 1,322 Broadway, Herald square, second belL , TWO nc>t voun? girls: one to cook and do coarse washing: the other as chambermaid and waitress: best city reference. 558 Lexington av. (McCarthy's bell). TWO sisters, one excellent cook, other superior laundress ami chambermaid: also butler, A c ; o r would do work of family: cltv or country: best city references. Address Lewis, 637 Halsey st,. Brooklyn, TWO girls, together, one an good cook and first class laundress: other as chambermaid and waitress: city or country: good reference. M. K.. 3Q8 West 10th s-t. TWO Norwegian girls, one as plain cook, other as chambermaid and waitress. 1,635 Madison av., Jan- ltor. "Two first class girls, sisters, thorough cook, also chambermaid, waitress, where pood waees is paid; best city reference. Murphy., 247 West 61st st. TWO girls for plsln cooking in small private fam- ily. Weil. 427 East 83d st. WOMAN, cook and laundress; no objection to Iwiarding house; reference. 131 West 19th st., second floor, back. YOUNG Jewish woman: can do good cooking: by day with niae family: assist with plain washing. Xo cards. Mrs. H. JL_ 1.491 1st av.. second floor, hack. YOUNG girl as cook and laundress in private fam- ily; good city reference. Call 1,055 3d av.; ring fourth bell. family: 731 Co- A—A competent French dressmnker: perfect litter: elegant style; highly recommended; by day- private families. By letter, _me. Mene, 262 Weat 37th. A competent French seamstress; would wait on lady. 470 Lexington av.. near 46th st. (present em- ployee's). , AS seamstress In famllF: first class reference. 1,073 Tark av., 88th St., third floor. COLORED girl as seamstress or to do day's work in a flat. Call or address 309 West 40th St.. third floor. front. COMPETENT dressmaker, first class cutter and fit- ter: city or country; by day or week. A. C. Tary's bell. 11» West 20th. COMPETENT dressmaker: by the day or week: reasonable. Address Dressmaker, 422 Columbus av, DRESSMAKER.—Artistic and first class fitted cos- tumes, from $8, by two experienced sisters, from London: English tea gowns, walking and travelling costumes: French haH. evening, reception and wed- ding dresses in the latest styles: we havef the l>e_t city references for style and fitting: by the day or at home preferred. 112 WEST aVTH ST.. T n DOORS FROM SIMPSON'. CRAWFORD'S. Oth a- DRESSMAKER, artistic designer, cutter and fitter, will make at reasonable prices dinner, visiting, ball and reception gowns: capes, coats, tailor made suits, men's work; newest fashions: by dav, home pre- ferred: call and judge: no letters. 686 6th av., be- teween 39th and 40th sta.. first floor. DRESSMAKER. French, late from Worth, Paris: Peter Robinson. I>ondon; Dunston. New York; perfect fit guaranteed and style: moderate price; by dav or home. Mme. Vlctorlne, 136 East 40th at., near Lex- _______ av. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements bv dav; eoni- petent cutter and fitter: terms *1 75 per day; city references. Address G.. 116 Herald 23d St. Branch. DRESSMAKER, stylish fitter, wants customers by day or at home; first class references. M. Deadv, 130 East 29th st. DRESSMAKER, experienced: latest atvles; perfect fitter, designer: remodels artistically ;by day or home. 119 Lexington av. DRESSMAKER"; thoroughlv experienced: latest styles: terms reasonable; by the day; lunch only. 263 f West 54th st, ^ ' DRESSMAKER, first class cutter snd fitter: all the latest stvles: will go out by the day or take work home. P.. 207 Herald. DRESSMAKER, thoroughly competent, wishes few more engagements: $2 per day: l>est reference. C. ___.-_____________.__ 1 DRESSMAKER wishes work by theday. or would go as seamstress for two months': will lie found willing and obliging; references. Address 137 East 29th st. DRESSMAKER, perfect fit. G. G., $1 25 a day; cuttlug. 410 Herald. making; DRESSMAKING: smart sCwer: verv good references: 111.25 net- day. 2'« Fust 48th st. fit: DRESSMAKER by the day: ltest reference; good fitter: skirt hand. Padder. 153 East 43d. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes a few more private customers: waists a sneclaltv* new ma^'lal only; will go out by the day. Snyder," 216 West 22d. FIRST calss dressmaker wishes to go but by th>- day; first class reference or work can be seen. 982 8th av.. one flight up. FIRST class dressmaker, misses' and children's clothing a 8!>ecialty. wishes engagements by the day: highest references, - 136 West 52d at. LADIES' fine summer dresses made reasonah'e: ex- oulalte fit. style guaranteed: misses' street and even- ing gowns: a thorough dressmaker: by day. 1,322 Broadwav (second l>ell). LADIES' tailor, designer for largeTionse; private customers evenings. Address Tailor, 288-Herald Downtown Branch^ MIDDLE aged lady s»s dressmaker ln~"jewlsh fam- lly; al«o to assist the lady of the liouse. A. G., 240 Fast 79t.h st. ' REFINED Swedish" girl as seamstress or lady's maid: good reference. Address Marie L.. 218 Eaat 45th st. RESPFCTABLEGenPaiTgiri as seamstress snd as- slst with chamberwork: can give reference. Inquire 215 EnPt 121st st.. Harlem. SEAMSTRESS by the dav or week; first class iu all kinds of sewing: reference. M, M., 323 Herald. VIENNA dresBinnker for fine children's dresses and the most stylish silk waists; home or by day. Mrs. Fuchs. 247 East 55th st. General Housework. Jkc. A girl to do housework In a private famllv: good plain cook and laundress; first class reference from last employer. No cards. 163 West 20th st. (ring first bell). " A colored girl to do light housework or chamber- work in flat, or care for gentleman's apartments: good city reference: no objection to leaving cltv. Address 397 7th av. (hell 9). AMERICAN woman, understanding domestic work (packing a specialty), desires engagement by day in private families; first class references. Care of Byrnes, 161 East 91st st, A respectable young girl to do housework or pluiu cooking in a small private family: good reference. 237 East 106th St., between 2d and 3d avs. (ring Gau- non's bell). A youn, family; (McMahon's l>ell) ? ; girl to do general housework in private >est clly reference. 213 East 56tb st. A conqietent girl to do housework: good cook and laundress; best city reference; city or country. 213 East 84th st. iDnrkln's bell). AS general bouseworker in private family: good plain cook and laundress; city or country; best refer- ence. 312 West 24th st. A young girl to do housework or as chambermaid and waitress: is willing and obliging: best city rcf- erence. 386 8th av. (ring McKey's A young girl (North Germani. willing to work, to do general housework and plain cooking In small Ameri- can family. Krohn, 525 6th av.. first floor. A respectable girl, lately landed, to do l i g h t twuse"- work. Call after 12 o'clock, 301 West 128th Bt., second floor. A young girl to do housework in small prlvatc family- willing and obliging: last employer can be seen, 304 East 31st st, (ring twice), A young colored girl to do general housework, th St.. " West 29tl fourtli floor. 221 A young girl to do housework in a small private tain lly: personal reference. 241 West 30th st. (ring twice). A German Protestant girl to do general bou-ework in country. Address 24 Rivlngton St.. bakery. AN experienced girl, lately landed, as bouseworker In small private family: reference. 427 West 32d st. A young girl to do housework In flat; reference; 222 West SOth st. (Wallace's bell). A young girl to do general housework: willing and obliging ;_£ood references. 206 West 26th at. (X)LOREDjgiri to do general houseworkTn flat. Cail two days. 343 West 36th St., top floor. COMPETENT young girl to do general housework; ltest references, 102 West 81st St.. ground floor. GERM AN girl to do general housework in flat:" small adult family: wages $12. Apply 308 East 84th st. (ring upstairs bell). GERMAN girl In a small Jewish family In flat. East 761 h st. "_o5 GERMAN -AMERICAN' girl (16). to do light house- work or mind children. Drumm. 443 East Tlst at. GIRL to do housework or as good cook and laundress in smalt flr.'t class family; personal reference. 317 East 27th st. GIRL to do general housework; city reference. West 67th st. (fourth bell). 219 GIRL fo: general housework in private family. 106 East 118th st. t Mr A be*' bell). , no cooking; refer- GIRL f»r_g«neral housework ences. 122 East 90th st. GOOD, strong girl to do general housework; Minds German cooking. 198 East 76th st. undo GOOD girl for generat housework; reference. Call to-day. 155 East llSthjlt; HOUSEWORK, in a email plain family: gooo bread maker: tan Iron shirts: honest, sober and steady: city or country. 13 Carmine st. (eaat bell). NEAT young girl, lately landed, to do housework: willing and obliging; city or country. Call Thurs- day. 107 East 53d st. . N_AT, smart girl to do housework in private famllv: willing and obliging; good reference. 309 East 70th st. "NORWEGIAN girl to do general housework In pri- vate family. Hendrlckson. 161^ West 10th at. RESPECTABLE girl, lately landed. to~do general housework lu small private family; willing ami obliging. 407 West 53d st. ^ RESPECTABLE girt rfs general houseworker In flat: good washer: plain cook; best city references. No cards. 388 West 52d )two bells). SWEDISH girl la private family; best city refer" eacea. 13 Weat 58th at. "TWO Menus i o g o together; one to do general bouse" work, the oth« r as child's nurse. 416 Weat 56tb St., care of Ouigleyj TWO French girls for housework! laundry or restaurant: town or country; reference If required. 49 West Sd s t . WILLING girl public or private; floor, baek es bouseworker or chambermaid references. 131 Weat 19tb. secon: YOUNG American girl to do light housework: good washer and ironer; best reference. 319 East 56th st. Xo cards. YOUNG girl to do housework: willing to assit with children; good reference. 230 West 18th St.. rear. YOUXGgirl, lately landed.in ktuall private taaiiTv. Iff) WjatWth st.. basement. YOUXG girl, lately landed. Protestant, to good pri- vate family. A, Smith. 313 West 48th st. YOUXG German eirl to do general housework in a small family. . Jo Wv. t 127th st. YOUX conntry: Y<M T SG girt for general housework; beat reference 515 East 59th St.. first floor. UXG woman ss general houaeworker; elty~or ry: exccUent reference. 159 West 33d at. Lnundri-Mf-, A young girl. French-»wt«s. ju*t arrived, as la»in n I care of Mrs dress In Addiess Miss Gent II 27tb st. Xo cards a private family; does not apeak Knaltslv Verrs, -HAiW'eat A first claaa'lanndraoa. with hoot city 1*t 5is. m 1 __ '__ jffl m I m m m i % i - a :- 1 ••-. ' 1 - i Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 14/New York NY... · i new aife* building. Trad^ra* Exchange. M and 8-i I at. ctoae to "I- * road and ferries; Imlldlng* new tlwroagbiy modern:

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 14/New York NY... · i new aife* building. Trad^ra* Exchange. M and 8-i I at. ctoae to "I- * road and ferries; Imlldlng* new tlwroagbiy modern:

fnppppr :' •'•JT5'WHB| 'W»"H|}Wy.><


t one

I f MDW 08flf_S~o LARGE A3T0 SMALL L O r T - TO B S J - T

P E R F E C T L Y . E Q U I P P E D M A - . U F A C T U B I X G B U I L D - X L .

1.941 toLlkSB Park a*.. - „ , _ _ _ _ jriLvo THE txxSS BLOCK ON PARK V». 17 acess-bfc: good i U M every wltHre: s t eam h«at. liar*, e k c t r i e l ignts . auIoo;atie sprinkler I W * ;v;»ply t_> .>RANK RiH-SEVSLT._L____j_____ni

_-#l P E A R L WfZ with in 28 f e t i or Beek_nan « . ,

Star* ana Aniseed Bast—en-: also one light I/»ft:

to rent on reasonable terms on tans .ease; »ise 25x100: _ ,

especial ly adapted far ' ^ j * ! ? . h _ ' ? * _ _ _ . _ ___ BRYAN L. KEN-NELLY. 0 6 Liberty s t .

« P R C H RT._NEAR KRANKLIX ST. # R A > K I . 1 \ ST . M:.\K BEf»Al»Jk AV, S u E N E B BROOME AND MERCER STS. _ _ _ CORNER B L E E C K E R AND ELIZABETH STS. J l a e w buildings; stee.n_ beat; high speed elevators.

m f T P l ™ j o 1 _ X * T , WILLIAMS. 54 Franklin at. r A few choice Office* to rent, a t prices t o aolt t i n e * .

i new a i f e* building. Trad^ra* Exchange. M and 8-i I a t . ctoae to "I- * road and ferries; Imlldlng* new

tlwroagbiy modern: s tee l frame, mosaic U f a , Me stair*, hardwood I n i - h . sanitary plumbing.

•d elevator, e lectr ic l ight, s team beat, Janitor a »ice. all Included, no extran and no jdarfc room*, wire of Janitor, or of ELMER B, SMITH. Agent . 1 Liberty at.. _Xew York.

E X C l i _ _ _ X T I_C*'ATIOX FOR F U t S T CLASS



Xo. 40 Egg -M-th at., aear Madison av

13_h s t , nea r 6th a v.


Xew seven atory Building: beat modern> constrac-_ l o a : t w o 150 M m power i«iil«rs: good l ight ; t o rent l a separate floors or entire building. ' CLABK.-QX C M W L . 30 West 14th at .

, A . - First , "laird and r l r t h Lofts . « * * & - _ _ , 4 c -NEW B U M ; . . GT. JONES ST. A L A F A Y E T T E F-L

p_»s*-_c,-r and freight e levators; it -n t * very modera t e.

Ptraa of !•• J , C A R P B X T R B . 41 Liberty s t .

A.- A.—A ine*mABut tnonE, 2_xS6>, strata heat, moderate rear, la the centre of

toe publishers' district , _ . „ _ _ _ . __,_ XO. 9 E. 1TTH ST. , BET. 3 T U AV. AND I M O X S<*.


A. -To' I _ie—pint six LW»~ av. A «ad dttFst., for timber bwalnesa. st-me yanl . *«•.

l i r n i I . J. CARPENTER. 1.1 HI Sd a v. . 41 Liberty at. ~ A — Tit l e a w f o r iDantifaetnrlnit i»iii*iioaea] Lofts . '£> v«2: well l ighted, aultablw am- rmalaeaa; Immediate p-»».-!*ion If n- Mtir.-ii. cheap Mat. Imgulre 11T M»o-,1o<ii:al al. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A.--Etae O f i i e to l e t . aultwble for real e s ta te , tn-.irsn't* Hniker or 'awyer . a t H Liberty St.. tlrst floor: eat SMIk In-•luilluK l»-«t. Janitor and large outs ide

_ B R Y A X L. K E N NELLY. «Mt Liberty at. H « "st. and NorTh"River".— Three' story uricK

. a«':or>' Building: anl l i tde for any i>ii*lnes«; 3*.6xlOO, a i th stable, to tease: very reaaoaable rent.

JOHN p. KIBWAX. H41 S t l t a v . . 51st at.

* 0 - B T FOR BUSIMESi^PUl lPOItBS. LOFTS, W f f f f " P O W E R ,

CORN Kit r tLEECKER A N D E L I Z A B E T H STS. ' HUDSOV S T . . NEAK H I A N K L I X ST. . X«sw building*. s;eaia heat; blKb speed e t c t a t M s ;

M—tacy pluuitpiai. ait*. . _ _ \ _ _ > « _ ! T. WILLIAMS. U Fratjklla at.

"UWf», wt th _ or i f f f S a S atcam i«ower; wi l l d iv ide m n floor »[•;*.« *ai !«/»<• torlly; near Ganaavoort Ma*' ke t and 9 t h av . e l evated s tat ion . . _ „ _

_ A j ^ K f W J ' t n ^ L L 157 Broadway. LOOK"at tiie Store so t i t l iwes f eoriwr Columbus av.

and S2rt at . : » rnr* location for moat aay uoalaeaa; mie show windows.- - J / * s tat ion . „ „ , „ _ . . , _ . .

XV. II. TAYLOR %"fc SONS, 510 5th av. L O W . nreuroof t>midio«; wne-uaU IJOU. stae to iwt

trtmi l<v safe deep: power, beat and elevator: low 12S to 182 Mott reat. at.

LOFTS: ZMO or 4.000 feet ; perfcetly l ight- power; hea t : e levator; new buildings. 125 Worth. MM Elm.

LOFTS, a t low rent; Warren St., near Broadway. l>. BIRHSALL A CO.. I I S Broadway.

LOFTS—LIberty Bnilding, Weal s t . and <><iar. » W t o $30 monthly. Apply 32 Nassau s t .

L O F T S - O n e 100x50. all arotind. WESTING, 4-1© Weat Alat

room 801. one 5«H5<|; heat, power; light

JLMlJtT rAW !L8lF!i

O W E L L I X G H O I S E S T O L E T .

F u r n i s h e d . V E R Y des'rable House to rent: fatly and c l e g s a t l y

niraislted; in perfect order. ^2 Weat B8d at. 22D. 312 W e a t — House to l e t ; Furni ture for s a l e ,

to responsible party reasonable tarmaj rent f l . l W -i i . i i -

L u f n r n l a b e d . A.-FLAXAGAN & SOX. 1.544 Broadway, ne*r *Sth.

©ffeit the following desirable Hooaea:---54th, nea 51»t, IMIi. 47th, •Kith. 45th, tSth.

r B 'way . I l , f l00 |44th , near B ' w a y , f t .eot{ r B w a y . Il ,500|43«l, near B 'way , f f . $ 5 r B ' w a y , Il.2lWf«Sth, uear B ' w a y . JJ.-rO"

iL800{34th , near B'way; *l ,u00i2»tb_ near 6th. f2,00O!25th, near ? th . | l . 2 0 0 ! 2 1 s t , near ttth,

near near near B 'way near B ' w a y ,

near 5 th . near B 'way


S C I T E OF T H R E E O F F I C E S , F B O X T I X O O X B R O A D W A Y . TO L E T : RIOHX EO R B X T . «

J. E. H A Y , f Wall s t . MAXCFACTURIXG.—Ground Floor. Lofts , to ­

gether, separate: 1»7 Wooster. near Bleeeker. F R E D S. MYERS. B5S Broadway.

NO. y 3 J O H N ST. Third and fourth Lofta to let , si— 22iT8 f e e t ; l ight

and well vent i la ted: suitable for oiBcea or atorage: very low rent Applv to

J HORACE g, ELY A CO.. «H Cedar at. F H Y S I C I A X ' S Office and Suite of Rooms, occu­

pied by a physician thirteen years: a very desirable W t i o n . Addreaa M. «:, box 229 Herald Main office.

SOUTHWEST corner of lOlat at, and Columbus av.—

Six atory flreproof Buildlne, l ighted by e lec tr le i ty ; freight and passenger e l eva to i s : a lso a ROOF GAR­DEN on the top of the building, which wi l l W a great advert isement card; wil l finish to suit tenant , sp.end:d opportunity for a lar«re dry goods or cloth­ing liouse. there i e l n g none nearer than 125th st . , north, and 42d at., south. Apply to owner, on prem-lscs. 0 to 10 A. M. '

STORES A N D HL'ILDIXGS. atlOHth a v., near 21st st fttOO 211 8th av . , near 21«t st . , , . . . . POO 434 Sth av. , near 32d st . L 9 0 0 . _ . . . 381 «th av . . near 23<1 st . * » . . . . . . , , , , . . .5 ,000 location on the weat'aide: wide s t ree t : handsome four ISO West 23d St., near 6th a v . . . i . 1.-200 J story, 21 foot Res idence: only *1,800. 45 Weat 2Snh St.. near Broadway. , . . . 1 , 2 0 0

WILLIAM J. BOOMK. 410 f»th av . . near 25th s t .

B T O H E , ALSO LOFT, to le t , at P0 Walker s t . : good locat ion: s t e a m heat and power if r«-quired. Inquire of engineer on prem­ises .

STORE A N D B A S E M E N T TO L E T . 143 West »5th s>t . c lose- to B r o i d w a y .

s ize 25x100; rent*! 91,500. F1TJ4S1MONS A SMITH, 1.417 Broadway. .

A Bargain Tha t is a WargSin. I Wlaa to rent for a client of mine a Hoflae, 4§§

atory, 16 foot, brand new, in one of the best uptown atreeta; will rent at a great sacrifice, p-^—j-,

1 tftimtr 8Sth at. and Columbus a v. Open evenings and Sunday. *

AvvT 4Mb St. never rented; «x*

posed, sunny rear; rent leaaoaable for character of •;- 'i H B X E Y D . W I X A X S A MAY,

| 5 th av . . corner 53d at. A-* R E D U C E D R E X T A L , M A K E O F F E R T*

H a n d s o m e four story Uesidence, 087 L E X I N G T O N AV. , NrlAR 7 2 D ST.

Cabinet tr im, mirrors, A c ; caretaker on premlaea. J O S E P H TOCH, 057 3 D AV.. 3SEAR 5 7 T H S T . , A! 4 « o r y 20 foot Dwel l ing , near ¥83 »t. s ta t ion , in

perfect order, decoiated and gas ttxtnrea; wi l l rent for $1,600 to responsible tenant. Apply t o . ^ .

L. J . P H I L L I P S & CO.. , [ , corner 72d s t . and Columbus av.

Aj—Rent $1,000:' three story high stoop Dwelltnjj, 18.9x50; lot 123; 313 E a s t 6Sth a t . ; s treet of pr ivate residences; possession a t once. _ ,^' F irm L. J. CAIH'EXTER. 1.181 Sd av. (open eve . 8-0).

Ai" a reasonable rent—Large tour story and base-ment Dwel l ing , Washington s*iuare W e s t ; immediate possession: tine order.

; WM. A. W H I T E & SONS. 409 Broadway. A,—24H Clinton St.— Three story high s toop D w e l l ­

ing} accommodates three fami l i e s ; rent $900. Firm U J CARPKXTER. 41 Liberty St. . 1.181 3d av .

AJ—216 Eas t «8th s t .—Beaut i fu l new three story hijrh s toop D w e l l i n g ; cabinet t r i m ; e x p o s e d p l u m b -inu; porcelain bathtub: possess ion: rent $1,200. _ ^ Firm L. J. C A R P E N T E R . 1.181 3d av. topen ev. . 8-9>.

A! ! :— On West SBth s t „ near Riverside Drive; ni»e*t

^ ^ F U R ' S J S H E D B O O M S T O L E T , n f ^ l O S ^ W e s t 43dT^Pver~ialcely furnished smal l Rooms: c losets , bath: vary desirable: references.

S T H AY. , 413. n e a r E l s t at .—Elegantly furntslied f l oa t or back Parlor. % t t b bathroom: breakfast If desired. g

»TH ST. . 25 West.—Large front Room, t w o otoers If deslretl; gent l emau: reterence; private fami ly .

10TH S T . , 54 "West.—Nice second story front ball Rjy>m._b«tb^ flrst c lass ar iva te house: gent lemen.

H T H ST. , 115 \VesL—Otfice and reception Room, parlor floor; a l so o t h e r a q n a r e Rooms; owner; refer-encea. . t _.

i 4 T i i ST. . 354 West..4^A. to $6: single and douule _o_n____Oj__f '»rnlahaB: all Improvements.

16TH ST. . 218 E a s t . ^ F u r n l s h e d R o o m s , for gent le -nieu; private f a m i l y : raterence.

l i x r i , l t o _us t a n k w square).—in i inai l , sele<t dwollinu'. t w o n e a t l v furadsh.ed Rooms; superior accom­modations: gentlemen. I

18TH. 118 E a s t . - E ^ en s u i t e : Board notion

g a n tly rurnisneu. siugi}' and

18TH, 28 West .—Daint i ly furnished Rooms, s ingle or en su i t e ; references. ;

18TH S T . . 236 East .—line large and one small nice-ly furnished front Boonj; to permanent parties .

ItlTH S T . . 50 Weat.2-.Rack Parlor, pr ivate b a t n ; other pleasant Rooms . - large and smal l ; reasonable; trnnsiejita. |

21ST. 143 East <Qrah|frcy Park).—4CIe*ant Sui te of Rot>ms, w i t h bath; a lso-s ingle Rooms; breakfast ; ref-erences. > L i t lST S T . , IV Kaat.—iticely turuisued rtooius: ruu-nlug w a t e r : location atn! Mppointments first c lass

2_D S T . , 45 East , betWeT-iTBroadway and 4ta av.— Handsome, la ige , front Rooms; furnished; rcfer-encea. f

22D ST. , 12 West .—Measant large and smal l fur-nlahed Rooms; permanent or transient .

28D ST. , 210 West - f -Wel l furnisbetl Rooms; a l l conveniences; house and locat ion first claaa; no moving.

23D, 261 West .—Desirable furnished Rooms; ai l imnrovementa; location central ; B o a r d opt ional ; references g iven and required. E

231) ST

C o o k s . _ c . A Scotch woman a s tlrst c lass cook ami laundress

by day, week or month; large family i«-eferred. 229 West 27th s t . '

A s teady woman a s first i - lan cook and baker In small family; c i ty or countrv; good reference. 23t» West 16th st . (Kel ly 's bell). .

AS first c lass English cook, washer, Ironer: good baker; wil l ing, obliging. 334 West 40th ( H e r m a n s bellt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A competent woman a» cook hv the day. week «? month; c i ty or e o n - t r y ; goo J reference. 258 Weat 47th st. (ring twice . t

^JglTI£TlOJS§^ i < l i a i « i L o r m n i r l s . Ac. m

YOt'NO S w e d i s h girl a s tlrst claaa chambermaid; < c i ty reference. CalL t w o days . 222 East 27th at . . basement. •' ""YOUNG" American-Swedish irtrl to do upstairs wi l l in* and obliging.. Xo cards, 569 Walton av

YOUNG girl , la te ly landed, as chambermaid; WIS'' lag and obliging. Mrs. Boyle , 400 Hudson s t . «

A respectable German sirl to do plain cooklUK. washing; and Ironing: American family preferred. Marie l l e ln ie tsh . lig> East 3d s t . , room 16.

A young girt a s good plain cook in a private tam-i ly; can g ive best reference. 1,685 2d av . . T a l l y ; no cftrda: i .

A competent young woman a s first c lass cook in pri­vate fami ly: two years' best c i ty references. 986 6th av. (In laundry).

A young girl a s good plain cook and laundress: good references. Xo cards. 431 Weat 56th at. , one flight, back. | ,

A respectable glr a s cook and laundress in pr ivate fami ly ; first c la s s c i ty reference. 208 East 41st s t . (Conton's bell . ) .

AS. experienced cook in good Christian, family or housework in smal l , qu ie t fami ly ; reference. M., 610 2d av. ; _ _ _ _ _

A younjr Swedisli girl as Urst c lass cook; city or country: w a g e s $25. 417 3d av. (Maatttng s aau) .

A strong g ir l as cook In private fami ly ; c i ty refer­ences. Address 312 EaRt 90th s t . _ _

25 West . Rooms; reasonable: ge entl(


est location >u c i ty ; sunny lemen only. Inquire store.

A-—Offices ami Stuilios at 49 and 31 West 23th at . , |10 to $25. Janitor, or __ j

_ THOMAS A ECKERSON. 8 5 West 30tfi at. TTSiiidiiig' to rest a t S i t . 310 v?es* 5»tu at."; $ l t 5 0 0

THOMAS A ECKEESt>X,_ 35 W e s t 30th at. jT.-^O—cW 7 o ' T » i t , ~ l , _ i a ~ B r o a d w a j - '

|a.ni tor. or SAW to $23.

THOMAS A ECKKBSOX. 35 West 80th at. A . - • onset «»ili«e, northejsi corner 30tM st . and

i i n ^ l * :•• $1._IIU tear. T l l » » « . \ S * » K E R S O X . a5 W w t 30th St.

,i. t-Kir H<»irs. l.'»\-.w. tin [ii'xii hnildintc, l s s West l i s t . , twrr Broad"av and **f*'* s tat ion; well l ighted.

ream |<iwer: _ _ v a t « r . Apply preni iws . ADJOINING Casino, 118 West 39th at. , a large

tore ami Basement: any business; low rent, .lani-or OBKEN BU«»s.. 130 Fulton at . , corner Nassau. Ini

tndrahte Loft, with n a m excel lent l ight . "evatar. a r t t e d : 75 front, 40 deep. 545-

D r s E X B U R Y . 89 Leonard.

A »erv Iteaie sower,

154I> Weat SSr! IT 71 Br>>a.iw IT. .orner Rector s t . Large basement tun*, now .x-i-iip >-<l as wine and billiard room*. Ap-

to_aa<»nt of bolldine. room 1 2 7 . _ _ l¥r_re Store. 22x*.«». 233 Tib av. , suitable butcher

ny Ntn.;iic».: divided to suit tenant . M. SIRE, 173 idwH.v.

-Light lyttfis. near 6th av . : free"to May 1:"power _ *ti;mi. ht it . e levator: no reasonable offer re-•ed. Engineer. 134 Weat 27th_»t. AT LOW RKJPf.—Par* row, earpat Pearl, First

iT^if?. SOx*0: l-sirgain: verv l i e K : 18 wimlows; com-ttwion t<> agents . PRATT. 173 Park row.

A t-irgc. ••:•.*!.••I-! i: five story Wat-ebonae t o lease TVtter s t . . near E n « d : rent very low. E. A. • | K < i f . \ N K * i '«CVl7« Broadwav.

>r«-*, Li»Oa,'Xi_c«a) and Studios let

STORE. Basement and Sub-cellar, Liberty St., near Broadway; sui table for any business; a l so first Loft; rent low. Apply 32 Nassau at. , room 801.

STORE. _1S East 50th St.; rent *25; ;>ossesslon a t once. B. O'HARA. 1.145 2d av.

STORE, 208 West 14th St., 30x55; su i table for wholesBle_or^ retai l : rent_very reasonable.

"SPACE in beat" store in As tor Hliuse, X̂ O. 6, oppo-sltePostj>ff lce: finest business location.

S T O R E . 14th St.. near Union square, su i t ing any business, cheap rent. Inquire 107 Eas t 13th s t .

TOLET—Machine Shop, a i t h iroa foundry complete; capacity of lion foundry is fitted to make cas t ings a s large as ten tons; machine shop is 90x40, three floors ano basement : g , » d l ight: t cgethcr w i t h a d i e c n t pat­tern shop, smith shop, boiler and engine rooms, stor-

*Rt •A~~RuUdri«>. i desirable '.•»•

FO .soM BROTHERS. S26 Broadway. A w»tT""ceotral\Sta"bkC20th-sir," near « t i a v . ; »50.

TIM A CO.. 5S-60 Weat 34th s t . I Corner Store, sui table for saloon, near Ganse-

rt Market and elevated stat ion. ANDREW POWELL. 157 Broadway.

A good Floor for c lasses , mil l iner, decorator or tiier renned business: central.

B E it M I A R f>. 32 West 30th. AT 146 West 23<l at. , t w o or" three Romss ; desir-

l ih le for residence or light business . |S. B. GOODALE. « West l"4th. J l t h A v. Hote l .

A large Slugle Store? in »-x.c)lent l .uslneis location, 436 7th av. . rw.» dftors from 34th at.

D _ . F F J t CONGER. 1.474 3d av .

ALARG'K. EIF^J»NTWOR1. "*" _ 1.434 3.1 a v.. between Slat ami fjM sta. ""AT 268 VeatTSt ih at.-'-f^iiieT P a r i 7 nine rooms, for lay light business or ilxvellitie: $65.

^lAJI^B""ROOMFTFlET. " 2 8 x 4 3 , cei l ing 14.6 h igh .

Xaaaau at... between Pine and Cedar, opposite entrance to Equitable Building.

Inquire a t Third National Bank, 26 Nassau st .

B R O A D W A Y , I,l_i2, N E X T DELMONTCO'S.

low occupied by COMMERCIAL CARLE, to let . s l th very large room In rear If desired, w i t h g la s s iky light; also Lofts In same building.

R E D F E R N , L A D I E S ' TAILOR. 1.132 B R O A D W A Y .

BROADWAY, near 46th S t . - T h r e e story Bui lding: low vacant: wi l l a l ter for business if desired: $1,800.

J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT. 1.517 Broadway.

age sheds aud everything appertaining to the manufac­ture of Iron ami brass machinery of all kinds: first c lass plant for manufacture of e lectrical machinery: the above is s i tuated on Erie. l i t ! ) and 12th s t s , , Jer­sey CIO : convenient to all ferries and railroad depots; wil l la- i cMed low to a good tenant. JOHN CRAVEN A SOX. 107 Newark av. . Jersey City.

TWOXofTsI in new building, suitable for any busi­n e s s : light on all s ides: e levator; power if desired. 407 fcast 23d st .

TO RENT—Entire Buildlnp. 122 Eas t 13th at . , four floors and basement: 25xlCtJ; e levator; excel lent as a store or warehouse, or can be used for l ight manufac­turing. Address, for terms,

A L F R E D DOLGE & SOX, 112 East 13th s t .

TWO Buildings, Nos. 3 6 A N D 3 8 BURLING SLIP, separate or together, each 22x44. five story and base­ment, to let for a term of years, KKNT V FHV LOW For further particulars apply to T H O S . C. D U N N . 15 Wal l f t . or 21K Canal s t . ,

T H R E E light Lofts at OS South 5th av . ; easy s ta ir s : e lectr ic e levator: heat location to advertise your huai-nesa without cost: 100.000 jiersons travel dal ly on the e levated road and pass the place. Apply A.-•, RIGNY. 2 W e s t C?lh st. <

TO lease" on north s ide of 33d St. . between Hote l Waldorf and Broadway, three story brown stone House, suitable for business. J. ROMA1NE BROWN. A CO., 39 West 33d at. _ _

T H R E E Lofts , splendidly l ighted, wi th s team power, s team heat and elevator, together or separate­ly; total floor space, 20.000 square feet. J _ j . A W. LYALL. 540 West 23d at.

"TEMPLE COURT. Fireproof office building.

R U L A N D A W H I T I 1 W , Agents . on premises . 5 to 9 Beekman at.

DANIEL T. McGl IRE. 171 Broadway. A three story box s toop House t o rent on W e s t 95th

T H O M A S & E C K E R S O N , 35 W e s t 30th s t . st .

t H I R D Floor, 133x32, win) L; s t e a m po/ver. s t eam heat. stcHiu elevator: excellent l ight: corner 5th and L e w i s s i s . , East River. Apply t o l l . T. B A R T L E T T , 200 Lewis st.

J O t .M—-stores , northeast ceroer 42tl s t . and 5 th a v . ; divided to su i t ; transient and staple trade on this commanding corner. Apply t o

CHAS. A. >EY.Vlot R & CO.. 5th av. and 42d st . TO LET--S«'ci>nd Floor a n d Offices. No. 12 West 28th

at . , be tween Broadway aud 5th av. JAMES BIRCHETT. 62 Walt s t .

TO LET—13 Broadway; al l above basement, gether or separate .

JAMES BIRCHETT. 62 Wall s t .


TO LET—Splendid comer Store, H44 1st a v . . 26_t 8t>, sui table for any business: low rent; long lease.

KOEHLER, 112 Broad s t . TO LET—Store and Basement and Floors for busi­

ness purposes on 18th s t . . between Broadway and 5th av. Apply at 6 East 18thj j t . ^ _,

U X F U R N I S H E D back Parlor, w i t h extens ion; suit ­able for l ight business; reasonable to permanent tenant . 58 West 18th.

TO LET—Offices "from. $200 up in Nos. 135 and 137 Broadway, corner Cedar s t . : send for plans.

STREETON A LOWRY. 149 Broadway. T o LET—Three l ight Lofts , corner of Wi l l iam and

Maiden lane; low rent. STREETON & LOWRY, 149 Broadway. | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ""TO LET—Small Building, No. 91 Murray at. , near Greenwich: wil l l>e altered to sui t t enant ; low rent. Apply to S T R E E T O N A LOWRY. 149 Broadway.

A\— Houses, unfurnished and furnished, in desirable locat ions; rents $1,500 to $6,000.

| FOLSOM B R O T H E R S . 820 Broadway. Aa1 A'BAC t i > fei tutee story House, 22 teet front, 2 t_

Waverley place: rent $700. i POUSOM B R O T H E R S . 826 Broadway.

A: co«.ey toi-ee story and U;semeut House, Hlv West 113th St.. near Broadway cable road; possession May 1. i A. HEM MEL, owner. 7t)0 Columbus av.

A desirable four story high stoop House to let . un­furnished, on 19th St., l»etween 5th and 6th avs.

H. R. D R E W & CO.. 1 West 27th s t . Ai four story, $1,230: another. West 04th. $ l . 4 5 o :

others. P. S. TREACY. 101 Boulevard (cable trans­f e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

AJT 316 West 35th st .—Desirable three story high srono brick Dwel l ing . 11 rooms and bath: $780: all Imifrovements. H U L B E R T PECK, 268 W e s t 34tb.

A: handsome three s tory and basement Dwe l l ing ; modern and desirable; 70 East 90th St .; rent $1,300.

• D U F F & CONGER. 1.474 3d av. A; smal l four story brick House. 141 East 3"d s t . ; 10

roonis. In complete order; a l l improvements; rent $750 per year. Apply on premises. _ _ _ _ _ _

A three story House . 17 rooms, bathroom; good lo cat ion: rent $1 .300 . 120 Waverley place.

A chance".—38th St., near Broadway. 20 room House, _ _ . _ _ • F L A N A G A N & SON. 1,544 B w a y , near 45th.

CORNIER Cottage, 163tu st . and Sheridan av . : good location: t"n rooms; .all Improvements; rent $26. Mrs. MARSH. premises.

t?pT>lCE~t.)irec story and basement House, 10 rooms and bath; $1,200; No. 1.181 Madison a v . ; caretaker on premises. Sj—H. & CONGER. 1.474 3<1 av.

D W E L L I N G S TO L E T , U N F U R N I S H E D . 2 2 d s t . . n . 8 t h n v . , 4 s .$ l ,500l20th s t . .n .0 th av. .3s .$1.300 2 4 t h s t . . n . 5 t h a v . , 3 s . 1.500122d s t . ,n .6 th a v . , 3 s . 1.600 22d at . .n .5th a v . . . . 2,800!18th s t . ,n .2d av. , 3s. 1.200 2 4 t h s t . , u . 7 t h a v . , 3 s . 1,350125th s t . ,n .7 th av . ,4s . 1,000 3 0 t h s t . , n . 4 t b a v . , 3 s . 1,200139th St., n. Lex. av. 1,100 21st s t . , n . B ' w a y . 5 s . 2,500 57th s t . . n.8th av . , 4 s 2,800 S. ft. GOODALE & SON. B W.24th St.. 5th Av .Hote l .

DiV\ ELLJXG H O U S E S TO RENT. ,__ 149 E a s t 78th s t . , 3 and b. brown atone $1,000 218 East 46th s t . , 3 and b. brown stone 850 332 Eas t 72d St., 3 and b. brown stone 900 214 East 72d at. , 3 and b. brown s tone 1,100 J.016 Lexington av . . 3 and b. brown s t o n e . . , . 1,300

~23D S T . . 4 5 3 l V e s t . - ^ B andsomcly furnished second Floor, separately or togfcthcr. in private family.

23D. 121 East , near Atii av.—Large, e legant , wel l l ighted Rooms for humneas or domest ic purposes.

23D ST. , 211 Wes tT*Wel l furnished large s tp_re Room; conveniences: large hall Room: c loset .

25TH ST. , 124 East , "near Madison square.—-Newly and handsomely furnislled square Room; terms mod­erate.

f r f t f , 4i» wes t (W second story front, l>a tendance: •-•ensonalde.

on).—Handsomely furnisued choice of others; hotel a t -

27TH .ST.. 32 W e s t . i X e a t l y and comfortably fur-nlslied too floor RoomA large and smal l ; Board op­tional .

28TH ST. . 110 East .—Neat ly furnished medium square and hall Room: moderate prices.

- s T H , .6 West. l>etwecn Broadway and 6th.—En suite, s ingle: S2 50 upward:, n«'ar theatres , hotels.

28TH ST., 110 ___st .J | i ewly furnished large Rooms; al l conveniences: terms moderate.

A s nrst c l a w order or meat cook; .Mrs. Moore. HT Eas t 84th s t . . rear.

best references.

28TH. 3d East.—Largsj and siuail Rooms, n e * l y and neatly furnished: siiuug back Parlor, w i th extension.

2STH S'l.. 20 East , lift een 5tli and Madison avs.— I^rgo and sjnnll furnisfceil Ki ioms.__ " 28TH7"38~"EaatI—XiotBTv furnished siiuare and' hal l Room to let , second float: no May moving.

i t lT l - . 12. l>etweeu dtti aud Madison.—Desirable Parlor and second floor Rooms; $5, $10 weekly; con­veniences: gentlemen.

29TH~ST. , _ 0 ~ E a s t . - i x i c e l y furnished Apartment; pr ivate liath. piano; Hth«r Rooms; running water ; Breakfast ; reasons ble.

3 0 l i T M . . 19 WestJ—i-'urnislieu Rooms to let to gent lemen only: references.

30TH ST. , Ii' W e s t . - i i l a n u s o m e i y furnished Sui te , privat e l)ath; al si^s i ugje 1 _>oi n s^ '

31S't' ST. . V West .—Spac ious \ Parlor Moor, fur­nished or unfurnished; - t h c r desirable Rooms; su l tos or s ingly. ¥ } i&_D~sI ' . , 34 \VcstT_pi)csiiatd/ s u i t e s ; also hall

Rooms: excel lent service; breakfast uud dinner op­tional: gentlemen only.

F . M L A U G H L I X - 1.252 3d av. THOS. ^"FIOR R E N * -

MRK A¥. BET. flOTH A WL •No.] 703, a verv handsomely decorated four story base­ment and brown stone House: rent $2,100.

J R HAY. 7 Wall at. and 703 Park av. I* OK RK.yjv :t7 West 24th s t . . four story high stoop

( i n : BROTHERS. 70 Wi l l iam fct. Dwel l ing , $2,000.

COU l * ° L 8 m ^ . S T ^ T H ST. . 14 ROOMS. 211 WiSf S o ^ ^ x J 0 ^ __ A P P L Y AT O F F I C E OF R H I N E L A N D E R ES­

T A T E . 155 W E S T 14TH ST. H O U S E S TO LET.

319 E A S T 86TH ST. . 14 ROOMS. 327 E A S T 87TH ST. . 10 ROOMS.


T A T E . 155 W E S T 14TH S T . . OR 255 EAST 86TH ST. H A N D S O M E brown stoue Dwel l ing . No. 244 East

61st St.; tiossession May 1; rent moderate. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B. O'HARA. 1,145 2d av.

~ ~ H O T s E . stable and gardener's cot tage; Mott av. and MM st. WM. E. DILLER. 284 Columbus av.

Broadway, No. 1148, n e a r 2tJth St. A LARGE FLUOR T o L E A S E ;

..i-i> n{tir..» and Studios . Inquire of H U N T E R . Optician.

Ro"l_ERs ; "offi'ces to let , 18 New at . , adjoining »rk Exchange: ent ire Floor, w i t h unexcel led l ight , »»: elevator, s t e a m beat. Ac. E . A. CRUIK-

HANK A Cti.. 176 Broadway. BROADWAY. 8 3 9 . - Excel lent l ight Oltk«a_ cheap

t ; every convenience; a lso Desk Room, $10 per th. Janitor.

!(D1K_E[_ ©TdD[R_! •9 Uheaat corner Amsterdam av. and 85th a t . : splen-" location; wil l make reasonable concession .u right il of lai.-iinens ino lupi >n. Particulars of jWHOX A HOBEaS, 284 lo lumhus av . . near T3d s t .

i ' l l l KCtl i l S ^ U l l t S lt«>t »£. 4th av. ant) 23d s t .

TWO STORES TO LET. Desirable Offices for soc ie t ies .

archi tects , lawyers , e s t a t e s . A c Str.dloa. wltii proper tight.

Building fireproof. [ E ^ a t o r s . s t e a m teat, gas and electr ic l ight , and IMattur acrvlcw wttliout extra charge,

A twdv on f______*gj j s e a _ n > R \ E R ..-1 Madison a v . - F i r s t F.oor. adaptetl for

ales* tailor, dressmaker, milliner or other bus ln - s s : •^top Fbit>r. suitable for art i s t , arranged for house-

pins: Meant beat , bath and a d improvements. 32 at 3*th st . -'HK.\P. hurge Store, w i th basement; establ ished jiwrn business now running: suitable any business. » West 1»«h. - • ,

r F _ U ' STOBff^Good place cigars, atattonery. m, fajary soods; any business: only $30. 754 Lex-ion av.

C O K . V K R 7th av. and 54th a t , -S t<w« and O l l a r ; I locat ion for «Irugflst. baker, butcher or grocer:

eat low. Apudv l ._in. Broadway.

i^ lRXKE 125th s t . and 2d av .—New. Iwndsonie ps:>dU»is; s tore p a t e g l a s s ; only $15; sui table anv

slur--*. _ •• ff/iJ'Mii|H' i V i nmur 107th "'" rltaii J i^awrlasiinu" VsrUfcj Al ley: M M --location market, saloon, l o t t i ed

hintmrs. i*'t::NElc I^'ifta 26 I'linton place. ' S . ' ET"~corner ••-.•• c ;>*«« _____ _g «:re*i>e st . L. A. I>UTERNET. C o t i N M ; i-»«.i. s t . and 1st av .—uoou ousi..*-** io-

j g _ j _ ha.mlranw Store. _________ for any _ _ _ _ _ _ _

CORNER Store. I23;h s t . . 2*1 av . . suitable any bual-•minhtoDw w w I > I id Lou: reasoonbb-.

- S I R A BLE C O R N E H LOFT, *n Broadway , a. w . cor. 18th st. iHxe alMMt 75x100; pas*-uger and freight e l evator ;

• " heat: immediate possession. Apply to

& LDIN 9 56 A N D 58 F I X E ST. . T H R O U G H TO 26 A N D 28

C E D A R ST. A f ew offices remaining in this newly constructed

bui lding and conta in ing a l l modern Improvements , can be nad at rents rat ging from $150 aud upward. Elevator service and l ight at night .


GEO. R. R E A D , ^ 9 P I N E ST.

1st Loft, BOj-fi®, $800 per* a n n u m . 180 Fulton s t . : splendid l ight and alr;opposlte St . Paul 'a Church yard. A i-oiy on premises.

STH AV,, 517, adjoining corner 36th a t . - E n t i r e Building. 19x74: beet business sect ion of avenue; price $2,400; possession May 1: any business but Honors.

WM. A W H I T E & SONS, 409 Broadway. ~~» tjuristo niter St .—Handsome Store and tliree Rooms: s t eam beat ; rent $40; immediate possession. See janitor.

12 Stone St. Store and Basement , 23x18. to rent for a term of


32 Gansevoor t St. Lofta, 2tx85, new building, with cl-v.itor, to r,>nt.

6 3 \A/est 4 th St., WASHINGTON' SQUARE SOUTH.

four story Building o rent. Wil l a l ter to suit tenant .

STRONG & I R E L A N D , L 60 L I B E R T Y ST. _ _ _ _ _

19TI1 ST. , 126"Wt>st~-Workshop, w i t h basement . 25x30; good l ight : low rent; near t>th av.

_7TH ST. . near Broadway, large a t trac t ive House , on long lease , a t moderate rent. J . ROMA1XK BROWN A CO.. No. 59 W e s t 33d at.

2 i T H , S West , near Broadway.—Entire basement Store, sui table for laandry or florist. Inquire on preoil»e!i.

LARGE House ami Grounds. Mott av. and Itiotu s t . ; good location, a t entrance to F lee twood Park; a l l im-projvements; rent low. Inquire Mrs. MARSH, prem­ises . ,

LARGE l ist desirable three and four story Dwel l ­ings, v ic ini ty our office. $480 to $1,700. CHAS. S. KOHL—R & JBRO. 9o6 Cdlumhus av , . 104th,

MORRIS Heights , s ta t ion above Hlghbridge— Houscs , rent $32 upward, sel l $4,500 upward.

A N D R E W POWELL, 15? Broadway. TO L E T - T h e n. w. corner of Lexington av. ami

61st s t . , a very desirable Dwel l ing to a private family a t moderate rent. .

_ A.JII. J I U L L E R & SON, 24 Pine St. . TO LET—A superior modern four story nign SUMMI

DHielliug: dining room and butler's pantry extens ion: nil modern improvements; hardwood cabinet finish; KaJ __> E s s t 64tl> »t. JAMKjs _______*_____ 62 Wall st .

TO LET—Two story and basement brick Dwel l ing House , ten rooms, w i th improvements , 340 Eaat 84th at. inquire WM. H. HOLLISTER. 1:481 3d a v . .

T H R E E story and basement Houses . 10 rooms and bath; 71 aud . 9 West 126th St.; rents $950.

| D U F F & CONGER, 1,474 3d av. TO LET—Suitable for doctor or dent is t , three story

brown stone Hous*. 1.376 Lexington av. TO LET—Tmee story brown stone. Lexington av. .

between_«_tl and 93d: r e n _ $ 8 4 0 . Owner. L 4 1 3 . _ T^>"LET-_02 W e s t 3 9 t ¥ st

House : first c lass . have

Four story high stoop Apply to janitor.

private Holisf-s we are renting at reduced rents. MOORE A

W E hav • l e a s e s we O" CONN EI


several three and i renting at rc_

LL. 349 Columbus a v.

four story-

near 76th s t . 73TH.—Fine brown stone Dwel l ing; rent

only $}.500. SPENCER C, DOTY, jjg Nassau s t . 34TH s'l'.. Weat, near Broauway .—Browi s tcue

I louse, Engl i sh basement. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A, G. H EG EM AN A CO.. 1,321 Broadway.

" 4*l'i4 S T . . west of Broadway.— Beautiful three story House; rental $1,400. BLAKELY. 1.570 Broadway.

& fee um 120TH.—Three story brown s tone; |M>r-

reduced rent. KETCHAM, 58 Wrest 125th s t .

-Medium sized, four 79 Maiden lane, up

4 8 C E N T R E ^ ^ T ^ ~ very light; steady purer; willMvide: slae

RUSSELL"24 .\ew Coaintxrs at. Fir s t Loft, 22x70.

34 WATER ST. . four story brick Warehouse. COUDERT BROTHERS. 70 Wi l l iam »t.

M _ | R A B L l S CO W I T H

A. J. EL1AS. 1.119 3 D i N EH B A S E M E X T , ' ' ITEAM ELEVATOR.

-niX"'») F E A N K U N / S T . . NEAR B E O A D W A Y .

JOHXfT WIU.lAM.s,_34J_ran___B_at. I-.DESK Room"on gioiind i i w r la Trinity BuiWiaa. "iTT I _ r * , | ' , r n T - \ * ' l e t / f r o m May 1; sui table for real !•*«»*« a g e n t laidirance. builder. Ac. Addreaa, by

i l l . P . T." 103 fieraId Downtown B - a n c h . ^ ^

b k l ' G Store toAet. e-tabitahed baslneaa; good loea-HRi r . ' ^ L i ^ J * , t ' ._58r t •**• *«•*»!*»* *»- Apply to «Q*lAlN. 328 Wt>st 125th at. ^DESK Room t/» let , store floor. Apply a t 27 South

J^JAXT rSfac_»,'' ' 'aear Gansevoort Market and ftth • e ievated s t a t i o n ; rents reasonable.

A N D R E W POWELL. 157 Broadway. jLEGANT advert i s ing warner. 3 t h av . . 4_d ».'. theast; des irable Spaca' tn» .let, , 1 uquire Oxygen

EatST—>i< Want MtA aL-J-Mwa essay _ » t > t , occupied as blacksmith shop, A c . : $1,500.

W l D E R T BKOTHEES. 7 0 Wil l iam st . f l R s T Floor and Ba«n-u)ent, w i t h s t eam power. *sm beat, good l ight ; corner 5th and l_>nis s t s . , _LRIv»r. WFW. B A R T L E T T . TM l_>wis at.

FOR RKXT—112 West 18th at .—Two atorv brick T _ _ j y j f _ _ ' t ' l P E R T BROTHERS, 70 Wil l lam at.

*R RENT—11 Barclay s t . Store. BaseoVnt and '"•liar. « X H T D E E T J W t r T H _ i B * . To Wil l iam st

i _ _ T * ^ _ 5 B ^ - - ^ r n a _ d Ftoor. lo f t s , together, aepar-sW__JOxlou:_powerJ,f des i re - . a jO^TajT34th______

. G R A N D S T . . 13T. N E A R B B O A D W A T ^ U e b t Lotta; low rent: keys l« tsirher shoo.

O W N E R , 100 Eaat 69th st . lANDtK>-aT_

! » • : suit any mv.

Stare, ftaat class business io~ i; only $30. Apply T59 Lex.

, l _ ^ _ _ \ _ l ' ^ a _ J ^ l . , t , t o - W U b

•^a^w1 ^*—^J a\^%J " • N a t dPEMsl EWps

50 Harrison st .—To let—Substantial t f u i i a n g , s tor ies and cel lar; good location, and suitable for any mercanti le business: rent $1,859.

rf. V. M E A D E A CO., 422 8th av . 5oTH. near 5th a v . - - p h y 8 i c l a n ' s ~ 0 f l c e t o rent,

lurnished; also s leeping apartment , w i t h mea l s if desired. Address O W N E R , box 316 Herald.

83 Pearl at . , through to Stone, three LoftaT *~~"~~ COUDBRT BROTHERS. 70 Wi l l i am st .

ST South at. , corner Burl ing sl ip, s i x story Building. _ COUDERT BROTHERS, 70 Wi l l iam st .

108 Broad St. . corner Water—Very l ight Offices t o le t . $10 up. Apply Janitor, on premlaea. ""174-182 YiYMTf H ~ S T . - £ i r g e " a n d small Lofts , w i th power, e levator , beat; fine l l g o t : low rent. Apply to B R U S S E L E S T A T E . 182 Worth "it.

309. 311 E A S T 39TH S T . - F o u r atory Factory Build­ing, part or ent ire , low rent. Applv on premises, or to BBI'SSELT, y s T A T E t<r» WoWb at.

3ti5 Bowery. -Second and third I^oft; l ight Base-ment : 1.252 2d av . . near 66th at . : only $10.

838 9 T H AV.— Desirable Store, Basement and t w o F l a t s ; $1.2»N>.

C O t i P E E T BROTHEES. TO Wi l l i am a t 2.482 2 D AV.—Store and Lodging House, near Har­

l em Elver Park. P . P H O E N 1 X IXGRAHAM & CO.. I l l Broadway.

D W E L L I N G H O I S K S T O L I S T .

F u r n i s h e d .

ASSORTMENT of fine Houses, furnished and un­furnished, a l l locat ions; a lso country Houses.

B E R X H A R D . 32 West SOth. o*iae to rent, furnianeU; St . ; rent $1,609.

W&V ST. . 5th aud Oth avs . el >ry Dwelling. Apply Office.

_________ S I hi AST 531> S'1'7— A four story uigh stoop House to

let J unfurnished, in good order. H. R DREW & CO.. 1 West 27th St.

38 EAST 25TH ST. . uear Madison square.— A rour story, English basement House to le t . unfurnished; immediate possession.

H. R. DREW A CO.. 1 West 27th St.


Desirable four story Ho use- ; fully decorated: s team beat , and electr ic l ight . CLARK E S T A T E . 25 W e s t 23d s t ,

7 i T i l ~ S T . . 108 West.— Handosjme four story House, 20 fee t w i d e ; butler's i » n t r y extens ion: newly deco­rated ; fine order: rent $2,000. Permi t s from W. B. TAYLOR A SONS. 510 5th av, _____

88TH ST. , near Boulevard.— To rent from May J, fiuo three story Dwel l ing: rent $1,400. " n J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT. 1,517 Broadway.

32D ST. , 14 Weat.-___.oor sui table for physic ian; furnished andjinfurnlajbed Rooms: references.

331> ST.. 42 West."—Sewly furnished Parlor'Floor, with private hath: otjfcer Rooms.

34TH ST.. "141 W e s | , near Broadway.—Handsome Rooms, large, tma l l ; pr iva te bath; Offices; gentle-men: modern house.

35TH ST. . 68 West.-fOffere be»utl ful . homelike ac­commodations to strangers in c i ty ; every convenience; prices moderate. _| >

35TlT~ST.. 154 West . t -Large , s team heati»d, newly furnished double Parlors to_le_t__ Apply janitor,

35'fTf ST. , 56 Wcst ,* -Handsome.y furnished large front Room: also hail Room: $3.

36TH ST. , 130 West , apposite Hote* Marlborough.— Second story front Bjoom, handsomely furnished; gent l emen only. _j

30TH ST. , 230 E a s t — P r i v a t e house; nicely fur­nished, neat Rooms; awery convenience; terms rea-sona bis . 1

37TH ST. . 54 West .J -E legant ly furnished Rooms, en su i te or s ing ly ; baek Parlor for phys ic ian; ref-erences .

38TH. 112 West.--A* very desirable alcove Room; a lso smal l Room; g e u t l f m e n o n l y ; private family; ret-erences,

39TH ST. . 11 West .—Large buck l'arlor, w i t h tsvo room extension, for ope or two doctors, or entire Floor for se lect c 1 uh; yaterer in tho house,

39TH. 228 W e s t — C h o i c e of Rooms: also Parlors and Basement ; newly Bt ted; first c la s s ; reasonable; references.

30TH ST. , "5 West .^Handsome ly rurnlshed Rooms, singly or en su i te ; privptedtaths: Parlor, sui table for doctor or dent i s t ; re fe j taccs retpiired.

39TH ST. . l O W e s t . — Uaudsomcly furnished Rooms for gent lemen: prlvata<>atli: wltii or without Board.

42lX"_i'7 WestT^I'irsI c lass large'trud small Rooms; summer prices: day, w y k or montii.

431), 137 West.—Eargp and small Rooms, furnisued; Office for physic ian of dentlBt, furnished or unfur-nlsbed. •_

431) ST. , 26 West .—'l |*o or three connecting Rooms; pr ivate bath If desired; new open plumbing.

431) ST. , 108 W K . s f . - D O C T O R OR DENTIST— PARLOR FLOOR: MAY 1.

44TH ST. , 215 Westv—Newly furnished alcove aud a square Room; s u n n y and a t t r a c t i v e : references.

45TH. No 9 West.—Richly decorated and hand­somely^ furnished Rooaf for bachelor, with.owttar.

48TH ST. . io'o West.—l'arlor lloor, t w o large Rooms for do_tj)r_or^^h,mjst:jp^vate_i)oii_^e.

5 T H ST.. 160 West , near Broadway.—I~irge and small Rooms; running water; ladies or gent lemen; home comforts. • ,

51 ST. 51 W e s t - B a r k Parlor to rent, furnished; suitable fo. docto__or dent i s t ; also other Rooms,

62D ST. , 101 East , npar Park.—Elegant, newly fur-nlshed Boom, a-ith or without Board: references.

06TH. 134 East .—Pumisl ied Rooms: gentleman. coaple; refined f a m i l y ; Board If desired; references required.

Y'OUNG Swedish »-lrl as cook in smal l speaks Engl i sh: wi l l do washing If required, lnmbus av. (Rei l ly's bell) .

70TH ST. . 38 E a s t . - j private liouse: choice I

71S'f, 135 West . —Pi somely furnished Ro« bath; gentlemen. . 1

Handsomely decorated Rooms; _ _ _ _ _ _ references, [vate family would rent hand-In, w i th or wi thout private


I13TH. XO. 253 West .—Three story, basement; nine rooms ami bath: al l Improvements; newly decorated: liossession immediate ly ; rent $900; keys at 7 W e s t 113th s t . Also Xo. 10 West l l l t i i s t . . three story aud basement, 18 feet front, 10 rooms: butler's pan­try!; first c lass condit ion: rent $1,000. Apply on premises, or WM. B. F R A N K E . 35 Mount Morr iaav . . coHner 124th s t . m

7TH S T . . 132 West . Tnroe story, Stone; good Immediate possession; $800 _

PALMER. 985 Oth av. "264 ami _a« West S9th st .—Faur sttn««. American

tment D w e l l i n g s ; w i l l be decorated to su i t tea-ants ; moderate rent. , ___, __ . .

K. C. SIMOXSOX. 146 Broadway. W e s t 130th s t .—Beaut i ful n e w three story brown

atone front; handsome g a s fixtures and decorated ii_ouglioiit. Inquire on premises, or of WM. POS-Tr|R^ 342 West 121st s t . -

brown s tone: perfect . 58 West 125tb at.

124 L E N O X A V — F o u r story order: reduced_ren__.• K E T C H A M

West 346 ""West 5 l s t St., a pretty little, three atory Brown Stone, in rood nelgnborbood. for $950. - ^ 5 7 ..... W e s t End av. . near S7th St.—Four story _.. basement private Dwel l ing ; newly decoiated and in l>erfect order: rent $1,900. Aiiply. t o caretaker, ou premises, or g . C. SIMOXSOX. 146 Broadway.

_550 P E E A N N U M . Three story Queen Anne Dwel l ing , nine room and

i; 9 Henderson place , Eaat 86th St., near E a s t "iv SrH* imiitot' or

J, E D G A E L E A Y C E A F T , l . B H Broadway.

82D. 31 West .—For jrent lemen, in handsome pri­vate residence, e legant ly furnished large aud smal l Rooms, bath. I

83D, 13. West tparlar lbior, e a s t ) . - P a r l o r and Bed­room In we l l appointed flat; a l l conveniences; mod­erate^ ¥

91 ST ST. , "52 West . -^Handsome second Fhsir . pri~ vate bath: wi l l sepaaate; others very moderate; small $12 month, t

9 5 T H ; 117 West.—B_Jck Parlor and reception Room, sui table for physician _ or dent i s t ' s office; has been occupied by phys ic ian f o r past four years ; Board.

A-—Handsomely fu _ s h e d large aud small Rooms, all improvements, for gent lemen only; excel lent ser­v i ce : first c lass restaurant at tached.

MAIjJOXETTE. 53 West 35th s t . GRAMERCV P A i . K , 23.— Gent lemen only; large,

handsomely furnished Rooms, w i th private ba th: ___s_ l te or s ing le : t ifeakfast.

H A N D S O M E L - ^ l ' u r p s h e d Be<:room, Si t t ing Room and bath, for one or i i r o gent lemen; modeiate . 642 Lexington av.

IRVING PLACE. 29. near Uuloii stiuare. -Large Room, second floor, front; private bath; other Rooms: reasonable.

l i E X I N i r r o N AV., _kll .—Two large," comfortably furnlshcil Rooms in ptfvate family; gent lemen only; reference reoiii»ed. _[

LE-TIXGTON A V . . _ t ^ J S _ 25th s t . - ^ e e i m d story front Room; folding bad; another, large, $5 ; gent le ­men preferred. •


"YOUNG woman as com'>etent cook and laundress; private fami ly ; references. 209 W e s t 13th st .

C h a m b e r m a i d s . _ c . A neat, wi l l ing voting girl to do chamberwork and

wai t ing in private family; best personal c i ty refer­ences. 348 West 49th St., two doors east of 9th av. (ring fifth hell) .

A respectable voung girl to do upstairs work and wai t ing: wi l l ing and obliging: in a smal l fami ly: srood c'tv references. Tracy, 807 Oth av . , be tween 53<1 and 54th s t s .

A young girl to do chamberwork, wai t ing or l ight

housework in shiull fami ly: b e s t c l t y reference. 449 West 40th s t . , first Boor (Mr. Hashlon's bell).

A girl to do upstairs work and assist w i th w a s h ­ing: best c i ty reference: present employer g iv ing up housekeeping: private fami ly . Apply 83 W e s t 86th s t . , Mrs. Loudoun, from 10 to 12 o clock. Thursday.


. near Union League Club.—Hand-somely furnished spaclpus Floor, w i th bath; a lso Bed­room, with private bath; other superior Rooms. K., 407 Herald.

MADISON AV. , 1 front Room, for one brea ______

ROOMS to let by Cortlwndt St.: $3 50 a

— I.arge. e legaut ly furnished two bachelors; private bath;

week a t Trenton Hotel , 73 _ upward.

I t l E ( rAMPBEl_L. 1 West 42d. between 5th and Oth avs.—Convenient to all theatres : e legant Apart­ments , s ingle or en spi te , w i t h or without private baths; Special rate:; by week; transient , $1 up.

I X F I H N I S I I E D R O O M S T O L E T . 17T1I ST. . near 5th" av. -Handsome second Floor

and Basement to l e t ; desirable for l ight business and residence. S. B. GOODALE & SQX. C W. 24th, r.th Av. Hote l .

- 3 D ST. . 121 East , near 4th a v . - E l e g a n t building^ lienutiftlj Rooms.

48TTI, 109 West—j| tcond floor conne<-tiug alcove rents low fj

l ^ l o , lUi* , »^»L.—_p»-uuu iitMM ct .uuri ' t iu) ; n n w r Rooms. carj>etetl, withpnt board; private house; refer­ences required,

_ _ East 31st s t . house.

AX e legant three story H _ne locat ion: 335 West S>fh i

F U R N I S H E D Haas*. West 17th St . : reduction for omrner Address N E A R P A R K . 251 Columbus av. 1 R J _ 1 - N i tenaat desires _ to sublet four story, i .

room House. 45th s t . . near Broadwav; exce l len i block; farnisbed $2,209. unfurnished $2,0»'i): unusual oppur-tnnlty. .4J*HFt>ItTHjk CJUt._1.509 Brtstdw-yT

TO LET-Fnruisi)«l ." No. d2 Riverside Drive; beau­tifully located, near S l a t ; occupied past three years by owner. Address, tor particulars ami for annoint-nsent t o examine. O W X K E . Past office box 940. .

45TH ST.".". west of Broadway—Fully" furnished rented for price house •nfarntshe/t.

BLAKELY. 1.570 Broadway.

t ianusome three story House, hardwood, orated throughout; convenient to 6 th av. " L . "

____________ * T - ; , , . ,. '' • ] 1(800 Y e a r l y — 2 1 2 E a s t I l 4 t h . e legant aaodarn

Dwel l ing; all Improvements. T HOGAX A CAMPBELL, 2 0 7 5 3d av .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

For rent—Very e l egant Houses, above and below 50th s t . . near Park and 5 th avs .

J A M E S R. H A Y , T Wall at. and 101 W e s t 53th at , -Spa „ • " " : i " ' , ; • • ••••;•,;•_••• • ::•• •• •• • i m I •" i . i : _ . ; , '—

F I R X I S H E D R O O M S T O L I S T .

•• "if— Elegant ly furnished front and bark Parlora; hot, cold w a t e r : o ther n i ce Rooms: German f a m i l y , references exchanged. 302 2d av . , between 17th, 18th sta. i ^ ' '' ll.—36 Weat 34tu.—rflegant Rooms, parlor floor, su i t -alde physician,, dentist or other business; bachelor's R<M>ms. •' ' ^

44.—Upaetous l'arlor Floor; awltaSsi for 3 D S T doctor, dent i s t ,

, cbflen' -tawiw; all coaveniences; other

-Second Floor to le t . Owner, In

A N - e l e g a u t sui te of uufurnishetl~Rwims. sui table for bachelor's apartment : near the New York Clnb, Address A. C..j409 Herald. ^ _ _

L E X I N G T O N AV. . 795. near 62d s t — T w o large Rooms, bath, first flpor; all conveniences; private house. ¥

' S I T U A T I O N S ^ A N T J B ^ P B M A I ^ B ^

C o o k s . _ c . A lady going nbroaE des ires to find s i tuat ions for

three girls whom she can highly recoinmund as os ik , laundress and ehambermabl, and wai tress and eliam-Is-rmaid; u<» objection t o country- Call two days , 21 West 74th s t , ;

AS tlKsrough, competent cook In private fami ly ; un­derstands al l branches <of English, French and Ameri­can cooking: first claaa baker: best c i ty references. Xo cards. 456 4th nv. {ring twice) .

AS cook and to a s s i s t with washing In smal l private fami ly; understands all kinds of meats , soups, poultry, game; excel lent bread and biscuit baker; best c i ty ref-erence. 972 8th av.

A respectable woman as fiist c lass COOK: under­s tands American and; Jewish cooking: two years' reference from last plpce. 222 West 37th s t .

A respectable girl a s cook and laundress in a pri­va te fami ly ; first c l a « | c i ty reference. 208 E a s t 41st s t . (Conton's bell , j . _ _ _ _

AX experienced girl a s cook: wil l (JkTsome washing; rood reference. Address D . P. , 198 Herald 23d St . Branch. •

A moot resf»et-table | cook, washer and l i t dress, by le t ter . IndB

young girl as chambermaid or to take care of

growing child; good reference. 212 West 62d st . A respectable young girl as upstairs girl and help

wi th wai t ing in private fami ly; wi l l ing and nhliglng. Xo ______ 233 East 45th s t . , first floor.

A lady would l ike to find a posit ion for iter nurse as chambermaid and ass i s t w i t h children. 146 W e s t 48th s t . "

A»young girl as chambermaid and wai tress . Ap­ply at present employer's , 125 West 75th s t . , be tween 10 and 1.

A neat young girl a s chambermaid and wa i t re s s ; good reference. Apply 208 West 60th St. ,Mrs. F lne-gan's bolj^

A young girl a s chambermaid and wai tress in smal l private tamily or to do l ight housework; best refer-ence. 112 East 47th s t . (Delany's bell) .

A young girl as chambermaid and wai tres s ; c i ty reference. 244 E a s t 30th s t . . one flight, front.

A neat young girl as chambermaid and wa i t re s s ; best c i ty references. 419 West 56th St., store.

AS first c la s s chambermaid in private f a m i l y ; per-sonal reference. ______________ 54th s t . . third floor

A German as chamWrmald and seamstress ; best c i ty reference. 238 West 33d s t ,

A young girl, late ly landed, a s chambermaid or l ight ______________ i" l l ____; Dunn, 216 West 62d st . """A voung girl a s chamtiermaid and plain sewing, ( a l l from 10 to I S a t __________ ___w s t .

AS chambermaid and wai tress in private family . M iss Ku'nzinann, 1,181 2d av. ~~A young girl a s eliambcrinald and do plain sewing or care children; best c i ty reference. 388 East 66th s t .

C H A M B E R M A I D or parlormaid: disengaged May l ; first c lass personal reference from present employer. Call or address Hote l Renaissance. 8 West 43d st .

C H A M B E R M A I D and waitress in" private family . 50 West 76th s t . (present employer's) , between 9 and 12.

CHAMBERMAID and to ass i s t wi th laundrv work: wi l l ing to go to the country: city reference. 313 Eas t* OOth s t . . three flights, hack.

by neat wi l l ing girl: 11. T. R., Herald

C H A M B E R M A I D and nnrse, good sewer; best c i ty reference. _ d St. r Branch.

C O M P E T E N T girl as chainl>ermald and laundress: Itest c i ty references. Address Chambermaid, 1,338 3 d a v. * '

EXPJ_UEX~C_i chambermaid and wai tres s ; two vears ' reference last employer. Call or address 112 West 70th at. _____________

F I R S T c lass churuberuiaid and sew, or wa i t on lady; excel lent c i ty reference. B . V. M., 207 Herald 23d St. Branch.

G I R L to do chamberwork and wai t ing or plain s e w i n g : no objection boarding bouse: c i ty refer-ence. ,247 East 37th (ring three t imes) .

GIRL as chambermaid ami wai tress in private fami ly; refereoce. 882 I s l i n g t o n av . . 06th. ~~!NEAT girTfor chamberuork and wai t ing in a smal l private fami ly: iiersonal"references. Address L. M., 110 Herald, for t w o days.

•ot est ant woman as good plain jtr: best c l tv refereaeea. Ad-Irioas. ______ av.

hoarding house, ;oo«l references.

A s good co«>k ami plain laundress d t v _ country: moderate w a g e s ; M. E . . 251 West 18th a t .

A Swedish girl a s ' S — , or cook, wash and iron in •mall Aiaer'eau fauU%. 32C East 3lst at.


• •

XEAT, wi l l ing Irish girl a s chambermaid and wai t ­ress; good reference. Kerrigan, 1,793 3d a v . , near 99th St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

N E A T girl for diaitiberniaid and w a i t r e s s : plain private family t a l l a t 319 Weat 82d s t . . Kennedy__

NORTH German girl a s first c lass chambermaid: ltest references; n*ages $18. Address Imbacu, 249 East 56th s t .

RESPECTABLE Swedish girl a s chambermaid ami wa i t re s s In American fami ly; good reference; country preferred. Address, by mai l , Swedish, box 14, 1.242 Broadway.

RESPECTABLE girl, late ly landed, as chambermaid ami waitress In small private family; will ing ami obliging. 407 W e s t 53d st .

YOUNG Swedish girl a s ch-imberuialti. ass i s t with wai t ing , or a s 'chambermaid and seamstress : best c i ty references. 215 East 95th at . , care Mrs. ________

YOUNG girl a s chambermaid and a-altress or to do housework in smal l fami ly ; good reference. 337 West 49th st . (Gunn's bell) .

YOUNG girl , not long In country, a s chambermaid and wai tress or to do light housework in tmall private family . Wallace. 201 West 67th s t .

YOUNG girl as chambermaid and wai tres s in pri­va te family who r o to the country iu summer; best c i ty references, 256 West 31st s t . (first beli*.

Y'OUXC girl a s chambermaid and waXtress or mind children in smal l private fami ly; good reference. 5oo W t s t 49th St., oDe_JUghL_LyjH_.

YOUXG g i r f a s chambermaid and waltrt-sa In prl" v a t e fami ly ; best c i ty reference. 495 9 tb av. (Leaa-hai_* bel_l_ ^ i

YOUXG girl, IT, la te ly landed, as' c _ m henna Id or take <are <>f children. Call or address 1,073 2d av . , m a r 57th s t . (Henley 's bell i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

YOUNG girl a s chambermaid and ass i s t washing: c i ty or country; good references. Crane's bell, 227 Eas t 28th s t .

YOUNG Xorwegian girl a s chambermaid and walt -ress. Mrs. Jose C. Dlax, 160 Weat 96th s t .

YOUXG girl a s chambermaid or wai tress In boarding house. 24 East 54th s t .

YOUNG gir l aa chambermaid or honaeworker: three years' reference, 065 3 d ay . trina bell three t imes ' ,

YOUNG girl , w i l l ing and obliging, to do upstairs work. 155 Lenin- ton av. .

YOUNG girl aa cl_uni_rrpaid: w i l l ing t o aaalat washing; refcrencea. 1.418 2d a v „ sacood floor.

D r e s s m a k e r * a n d S e a m s t r e s s e s .

A — A . - D R E S S M A K E R . ELEGANT C C T T E B pad fitter, $2 a day. or at borne; perfect fit g u a r a m _ f d : ve lve t , silk or cloth sui ts made in one week for $30 . faucy wa i s t s , c;iats ami Itall gowns a special ty . ^ 44J_AST_ 10TH ST. . NEAR m t O A H v l A ? .

A dressmaker, e l egant fitter and des igner { t a i l o r made cos tumes , eve idng gowns , jackets . 'Wfsps. fahcy w a i s t s made on short not ice : $2 50 _*erday or at home, reasonable. A. K , 252 Herald 230 St . Branch, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A . — A — A — D r e s s m a k e r , l a te wi th Mme. Connelly: the la tes t des igns in s treet and evening gowns; new flare skirts , fancy wa i s t s , coats , c a p e s ; a t home, by day: references. 104 West 45th st ,

A first c lass cut ter and fitter wishes a position in a good bouse; sa.arv not less than $30 per week: no objections to leave the c i t y ; highest references. Address L. C . 410 Herald. >

A young ls<ly, conqietent cutter and titter, having been a fitter in some o f the large bouses In the c i ty , wi l l make arrangements to go out by the day. 2o4 East ,'Mlth. st .

A.—A.—An experienced dressmaker: suits , handsome silk w a i s t s made home. $ 5 ; out $2 50. Dressmaker. 117 West 56th s t .

s. $12; by day.

A first c lass German cook In a fine private fami ly; has good city reference. 86 Maedougal s t .

A Swedish girl a s cook in pr ivate fami ly ; c i t y or country. 459 W e s t 30th s t . : Askebom.

COMPETENT person as cook; c i ty , country: best c i ty references; iady can be seen. 143 West 49th s t .

COMPETENT Swedish girl as cook and laundress In small fami ly; references. 303 W e s t 41st s t .

COOK—By reliable young woman a s first c lass cook lu private fami ly : c i ty or country: best c i ty ref-erence. P . P . . box 353 Herald.

COOK, by the day or week: first c lass in al l branches; best c i ty reference. Addreaa C. C , 1.129 _d av. . between 59th and 60th s t s . . one flight up. front.

F I R S T c lass Swedish cook: al l branches; exce l leut references: moderate terms by day or week. Address H. P . . 511 Amsterdam a v.

F I R S T c lass cook: hotel or ins t i tut ion preferred; best references. 34 W e s t 13th s t . ________

FREXCH^Tuiple . the w i f e first c lass cook, the hus­band as butler, in private fami ly; no oblect loh to country; t w o years ' references. D . S., 116 W e s t 26th s t . . ground floor.

F R E N C H girl a s cook in pr ivate f a m i l y : no wash­ing: c i ty references. M., 116 W e s t 26th s t . , ground floor. .

HIGHLY competent young w o m s n as first c lass cook: do some wash ing: c i ty or country; highest ref-erences. 330 West 56th s t . (present employer s.). .

JEWISH girl (German), just landed, as cook wi th refined Jewish family. Miss F. Brock. 342 E a s t 6 th st. 'ring first hell>>

P R O T E S T A N T girl as reliable cook or bouseworker: c lean: reference. Address for t w o days , 831 E a s t 29th s t . . basement,

R E S P E C T A B L E , middle aged German woman as plain cook and laundress in smal l private fami ly , or go housecleanlng and washing by the day or week; good reference. 203 West 19th st ,

R E S P E C T A B L E girl as plain cook; no objection t o the countrv for the summer; best c i ty reference. 441 W e s t 4 5 t l _ s t . _

R E S P E C T A B I _ womah as good cook, washer and ironer; country preferred; good baker; reference. 224 West 28th s t ,

R E S P E C T A B L E woman as excel lent cook in a board­ing house: has first c lass c i t y reference. 521 West 48th s t , , first floor,

T H O R O U G H cook: competent In all the branches English and French dishes; by day or week; highest reference. 1,322 Broadway, Herald square, second belL ,

T W O nc>t voun? gir ls : one to cook and do coarse wash ing: the other as chambermaid and wai tress : best c i ty reference. 558 Lexington av. (McCarthy's bell).

TWO sis ters , one excel lent cook, other superior laundress ami chambermaid: also butler, A c ; or would do work of fami ly : c l tv or country: best c i ty references. Address Lewis , 637 Halsey s t , . Brooklyn,

T W O girls, together, one an good cook and first c lass laundress: other as chambermaid and wai tress : c i ty or country: good reference. M. K.. 3Q8 W e s t 10th s-t.

TWO Norwegian girls , one as plain cook, other a s chambermaid and wai tress . 1,635 Madison av . , Jan-ltor. " T w o first c lass girls , s i s ters , thorough cook, also chambermaid, wai tress , where pood w a e e s i s paid; best c i ty reference. Murphy., 247 West 61st s t .

T W O girls for p l s ln cooking in smal l private fam-ily. Wei l . 427 East 83d st .

WOMAN, cook and laundress; no objection t o Iwiarding house; reference. 131 W e s t 19th s t . , second floor, back.

YOUNG Jewish woman: can do good cooking: by day w i t h niae fami ly : ass i s t w i th plain washing. Xo cards. Mrs. H . JL_ 1.491 1st av . . second floor, hack.

YOUNG girl as cook and laundress in private fam­i ly; good c i ty reference. Call 1,055 3d av . ; ring fourth bell.

fami ly : 731 Co-

A — A competent French dressmnker: perfect l i t ter: e legant s ty le ; highly recommended; by day- pr ivate famil ies . B y let ter , _ m e . Mene, 262 Weat 37th.

A competent French seamstress ; would wa i t on lady. 470 Lexington av. . near 46th s t . (present em­ployee's). ,

AS seamstress In famllF: first c lass reference. 1,073 Tark a v . , 88th St. , third floor.

COLORED girl a s seamstress or t o do day ' s work in a flat. Call or address 309 West 40th St.. third floor. front.

C O M P E T E N T dressmaker, first c lass cut ter and fit­ter: c i ty or country; by day or week. A. C. Tary ' s bell. 11» West 20th.

C O M P E T E N T dressmaker: by the day or week: reasonable. Address Dressmaker, 422 Columbus av ,

D R E S S M A K E R . — A r t i s t i c and first c lass fitted cos­tumes , from $8, by t w o experienced s i s ters , from London: English tea gowns , walk ing and travel l ing cos tumes: French haH. evening, reception and wed­d ing dresses in the la tes t s t y l e s : w e havef the l>e_t c i ty references for s ty l e and fitting: by the day or a t home preferred. 112 W E S T aVTH ST. . T n DOORS FROM SIMPSON'. C R A W F O R D ' S . Oth a-

DRESSMAKER, art i s t ic designer, cutter and fitter, wil l make at reasonable prices dinner, v is i t ing, ball and reception gowns: capes , coats , tailor made suits , men's work; newest fashions: by dav, home pre­ferred: cal l and judge: no let ters . 686 6th av . , be-teween 39th and 40th sta. . first floor.

DRESSMAKER. French, l a t e from Worth, Par i s : Peter Robinson. I>ondon; Dunston. New York; perfect fit guaranteed and s t y l e : moderate price; by dav or home. Mme. Vlctorlne, 136 East 40th at. , near Lex-_______ av .

D R E S S M A K E R wishes engagements bv dav; eoni-petent cutter and fitter: terms *1 75 per day; c i ty references. Address G.. 116 Herald 23d St. Branch.

D R E S S M A K E R , styl ish fitter, wants customers by day or a t home; first c lass references. M. Deadv, 130 East 29th s t .

D R E S S M A K E R , experienced: l a t e s t a tv le s ; perfect fitter, designer: remodels art i s t ica l ly ;by day or home. 119 Lexington av.

DRESSMAKER"; thoroughlv experienced: l a t e s t • s t y l e s : terms reasonable; by the day; lunch only. 263

f West 54th st , ^ ' D R E S S M A K E R , first c lass cut ter s n d fitter: a l l

the la tes t s t v l e s : w i l l go out by the day or take work home. P . . 207 Herald.

D R E S S M A K E R , thoroughly competent , wishes few more engagements : $2 per day: l>est reference. C. ___.-_____________.__1 •

DRESSMAKER wishes work by t h e d a y . or would go a s seamstress for two months': wil l lie found wi l l ing and obl ig ing; references. Address 137 East 29th s t .

D R E S S M A K E R , perfect fit. G. G.,

$1 25 a d a y ; cut t lug . 410 Herald.

making; •

D R E S S M A K I N G : smart sCwer: verv good references: 111.25 net- day. 2 ' « Fust 48th s t .


D R E S S M A K E R by the d a y : ltest reference; good fitter: skirt hand. Padder. 153 East 43d.

E X P E R I E N C E D dressmaker wishes a few more private customers: w a i s t s a snec la l tv* new m a ^ ' l a l only; wi l l go out by the day. Snyder," 216 West 22d.

F I R S T ca l s s dressmaker wi shes to go but by th>-day; first c lass reference or work can be seen. 982 8th av . . one flight up.

F I R S T c lass dressmaker, misses ' and chi ldren's c lothing a 8!>ecialty. w i shes engagements by the d a y : highest references, - 136 West 52d at.

L A D I E S ' fine summer dresses made reasonah'e: ex-oula l te fit. s t y l e guaranteed: misses ' s treet and even­ing gowns: a thorough dressmaker: by day. 1,322 Broadwav (second l>ell).

LADIES' tailor, designer for largeTionse; private customers evenings. Address Tailor, 2 8 8 - H e r a l d Downtown Branch^

MIDDLE aged lady s»s dressmaker ln~"jewlsh fam-l ly; al«o to ass i s t the lady o f the liouse. A. G., 240 Fas t 79t.h st . '

R E F I N E D Swedish" girl as seamstres s or lady's ma id : good reference. Address Marie L. . 218 Eaat 45th s t .

R E S P F C T A B L E G e n P a i T g i r i a s seamstress snd as-s ls t wi th chamberwork: can g ive reference. Inquire 215 EnPt 121st s t . . Har lem.

S E A M S T R E S S by the dav or week; first c lass iu all kinds of s e w i n g : reference. M, M., 323 Herald.

VIENNA dresBinnker for fine chi ldren's dresses and the most s ty l i sh si lk w a i s t s ; home or by day. Mrs. Fuchs . 247 E a s t 55th s t .

G e n e r a l H o u s e w o r k . Jkc. A girl to do housework In a private famllv: good

plain cook and laundress; first c lass reference from last employer. No cards. 163 West 20th s t . (ring first bell) . "

A colored girl to do light housework or chamber-work in flat, or care for gent leman's apartments: good c i ty reference: no objection to leaving c l tv . Address 397 7th av. (hell 9).

AMERICAN woman, understanding domest ic work (packing a specia l ty) , desires engagement by day in pr ivate f a m i l i e s ; first c lass references. Care of Byrnes, 161 East 91st s t ,

A respectable young girl to do housework or pluiu cooking in a small private family: good reference. 237 East 106th St., between 2d and 3d avs . (ring Gau-non's bell) .

A youn, fami ly ; (McMahon's l>ell)

?; girl to do general housework in private >est clly reference. 213 East 56tb st.

A conqietent girl to do housework: good cook and laundress; best c i ty reference; c i ty or country. 213 Eas t 84th s t . iDnrkln's bell).

AS general bouseworker in private fami ly : good plain cook and laundress; c i ty or country; best refer-ence. 312 W e s t 24th s t .

A young girl to do housework or as chambermaid and wa i t re s s : is wi l l ing and obl ig ing: best c i ty rcf-erence. 386 8th av. (ring McKey's

A young girl (North Germani. wi l l ing to work, to do general housework and plain cooking In small Ameri­can family. Krohn, 525 6th av . . first floor.

A respectable girl, late ly landed, to do l ight twuse"-work. Call af ter 12 o'clock, 301 West 128th Bt., second floor.

A young girl t o do housework in smal l pr lvatc family- wi l l ing and obl iging: las t employer can be seen, 304 Eas t 31st s t , (ring twice ) ,

A young colored girl to do general housework, th St.. " West 29tl fourtli floor.


A young girl to do housework in a smal l private tain l ly: personal reference. 241 West 30th s t . (ring twice) .

A German Protestant girl to do general bou-ework in country. Address 24 Rivlngton St.. bakery.

AN experienced girl, late ly landed, a s bouseworker In small private fami ly: reference. 427 West 32d st .

A young girl to do housework In flat; reference; 222 West SOth s t . (Wal lace ' s bell) .

A young girl to do general housework: wi l l ing and obliging ;_£ood references. 206 W e s t 26th at.

(X)LOREDjgiri to do general houseworkTn flat. Cail t w o days . 343 West 36th St., top floor.

COMPETENT young girl to do general housework; ltest references, 102 West 81st St.. ground floor.

GERM AN girl to do general housework in flat:" smal l adult fami ly: w a g e s $12. Apply 308 East 84th s t . (ring upstairs bell).

GERMAN girl In a small Jewi sh family In flat. East 761 h st.


GERMAN -AMERICAN' girl (16). to do l ight house­work or mind children. Drumm. 443 East Tlst at.

GIRL t o do housework or a s good cook and laundress in smalt flr.'t c lass fami ly ; personal reference. 317 East 27th s t .

GIRL to do general housework; c i t y reference. W e s t 67th st . (fourth bell).


GIRL fo: general housework in private family . 106 Eas t 118th s t . t Mr A be*' bell). ,

no cooking; refer-GIRL f»r_g«neral housework ences . 122 East 90th s t .

GOOD, strong girl to do general housework; Minds German cooking. 198 East 76th s t .


GOOD girl for generat housework; reference. Call to-day. 155 East l l S t h j l t ;

H O U S E W O R K , in a emai l plain f a m i l y : gooo bread maker: t a n Iron shirts : honest, sober and s t e a d y : c i t y or country. 13 Carmine s t . (eaat bel l ) .

NEAT young girl , late ly landed, to do housework: wi l l ing and obliging; c i ty or country. Call Thurs­day. 107 East 53d st . .

N _ A T , s m a r t girl to do housework in private f a m l l v : wi l l ing and obl ig ing; good reference. 309 East 70th s t . "NORWEGIAN girl to do general housework In pri­va te family . Hendrlckson. 161^ West 10th at.

RESPECTABLE girl , l a t e l y landed. to~do general housework lu smal l private fami ly; wi l l ing ami obliging. 407 West 53d st . ^

R E S P E C T A B L E girt rfs general houseworker In flat: good washer: plain cook; best c i ty references. No cards. 388 W e s t 52d ) t w o bel ls) .

SWEDISH girl la private fami ly ; best c i ty refer" eacea. 13 Weat 58th at. " T W O M e n u s i o go together; one to do general bouse" work, the oth« r a s child's nurse. 416 Weat 56tb St., care of Ouigleyj

T W O French girls for housework! laundry or restaurant: town or country; reference If required. 49 West Sd s t .

WILLING girl public or pr ivate ; floor, baek

e s bouseworker or chambermaid references. 131 Weat 19tb. s e c o n :

YOUNG American girl to do light housework: good washer and ironer; best reference. 319 East 56th s t . X o cards.

YOUNG girl t o do housework: wi l l ing to assit wi th children; good reference. 230 West 18th St. . rear.

Y O U X G g i r l , l a te ly l a n d e d . i n ktuall pr ivate taaiiTv. Iff) W j a t W t h s t . . basement .

YOUXG girl, late ly landed. Protestant , to good pri­vate family . A, Smith . 313 West 48th s t .

YOUXG German eirl to do general housework in a small fami ly . . Jo Wv. t 127th s t .

YOUX conn t r y :

Y<MTSG girt for general housework; beat reference 515 East 59th St.. first floor.

UXG woman s s general houaeworker; e l ty~or r y : exccUent reference. 159 W e s t 33d at .

L n u n d r i - M f - , A young girl . French-»wt«s. ju*t arrived, as la»in

n I care of Mrs

dress In Addiess Miss Gent II 27tb s t . Xo c a r d s

a private fami ly ; does not apeak Knaltslv Verrs, -HAiW'eat

A first claaa'lanndraoa. w i t h hoot c i ty 1*t 5 i s .



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