* *t 'mm m Mmm mmmmmm ^ mF ._jn : 1 i» w . t i IMS *Jie_M_o< g**»»—Ms* >•»•»* ' t« notice? the sad ( t w n t m i l t i which h*«' •*** sent to us ay she honorable Senate. K tell* •* Z< pure * * » " kM»M^ <S I h r a b - t h a t a * i » e b e a d b ,„ ( , a*«.l to th i n k - 1ftat a life of vi n « « « ***»**"**!?. k*J held on in aoWoken he slik and «*• f ui««»* t» »«***" „ 4 hale old age, haa ,:uw. m tbe midst ef wblw toils, .inti^t -that the .pir.t which «!*2*S5KhlS jiwt-4 it te .11 that th* culwate.1 iMtlaew of » «*»«" >,* nalur. p m i n j to h. good,an* Wn >**«*•**• •ongeuial d*Min>«a which are tt » lo # lde ii?,J"_ „i-u B » ^mortality. It tell* «». tan, that, "****• «22£| ;h.*« hall*; end ta* our rtwagfct faculties, »od «nb«rk u»K later.*. wh.cn M M ledssaaad thea. rflacts, there . aa snaeea r\»wer amongst ua, •» »*•»" I****"** •" the power* of man aw bu> »« a stcbble and ashes— who < tit silently to touch either the atlvered crewn of •Af or the Aral and conndoal brew of earlier manhood, a_l, instantly sod equally, they rslU-tbe eloquent Mogee *• »«•* »«M* 'he ketelng bosom M ttill. Mr. •.seeker, were it not that the notices appropriate to ti a» melancholy occasion * moat of aeceeeity *,be brief, l * >ul l gladly sp ak of tha deceased Senator (< olon* I 0,v »••} mora largely tnan i shall now allow my sell to ja I would am *X of him with the privilege of one who „r tidily thirty years has enjoyed his friendship ; w h o tistwa associated with bias in professional and in is- leg illative labor* ; and who, in any eitbrt tot the issj-rovement of the laws and institution* of his State. Mid lor the advancement of whatever was thought*. iwoJoette to the psrmanet prosperity of hia fallow __ teas—always relying upon him aa amongst the ( s xrmoa--iiet»r relied upon him in vain. moat of the -members of this House, he was probably i. * •. oaly in his publio station. To thoae dia> uaguishod Senators whose nearer acquaintance his waa m hoj'py as to eajoy, (aa<l he could not at joy that with- ¥'•• •-. -Tii.g »!•« tii.-ii alf. ctiait,) it wouhl be superfla- •u> to enlarge npon the traita ot that modeat anil bland tut at the same time sfrong, energetic, inflnential cha- racter. which marked him in his individual and social aa «- aaiin hiajomctai rei* ions to men and things. r <oA few opportunities may have occurrtxlto turn hereWTthe developmeut of all hia qualities, yet 1 b«Hava IBS- nis quick and accurate power of observation—the afesftasMMtf his panetmjioa—the aoundnessof his A— i oerata J idgment— he constant santhine of hia cheerfai •- . olen.-e-his teiene p.tionce under trials and vexa- r . - in, »isB|>le.he*rt. J truth th« tmna^r.nt honesty, of hi* dsMrosaud purposes—the boldness of his asseition oi iha right—the enduring firmness of hia resolution— the clear integrity and the high toned honor of his d-ily •n pu'Utr-—these, 1 believe, hare not be«.| without their * . . ••ars here But i will not attempt tugroup all the i istgfand clear and beautifo! qualities of niind andheat •hiicoaatitatodin him ability in action and in council, v. i invested him with a moral iiula.-i.i-e, (of greater n i t tuan all talent,) which added i*s just force to every , tf>rt of hia inteli. ciual strength. Sweetness ci djspoM- tson and power of iutellect were in hlmbbnde«l in that u ,'(,>' and harmonious union, without which neither ceh re oi distinguished value to the posiesaor or vothe world. Il,i aterlmg character, noob'rasive and unsmbitiou* of daily dUatinction, was oae of those reaerved moral re- t,ureas of which this nation Has many—though few, it a y mor- marktd *nd aurethan he, on whlcl*, in the tea mg times of trial that call for the better power a of a -be m g it drs«, with a confidence that need not tui er. for thr esmsMi vation of all that may be in peril. I am aot aware that he ever male a profession of Cbrla- luiuty accoidiug to ske forms of any church; but his lit.; w as a continual profession of truth and divine excel lence of its preceptt. Hia respects for its solemnities a 11 love of its warship, hia ready aid in the promotion of its intetesu.his humble and conscientious perfoinwnce .. the duties it enjoir>s,his untiring exhibition of all the chiritieaof life wuich-it inculcates, are evidence, that r he postponed a more prrciae demonstration, it was . the very sprit of Christianity which wrought in his Imitem and regulated nis actions. The history of our St.it* will not be without its testimonies to his character aiul services , and it is there where he was best known that km leas will be most truly appreciated and deeply .,<i,.i Though born in the a. j>i;.ug Sti.taof Con- i. ticut, he early selected Rhode Island for education arvi ciiixanakiff grle giadastea with honor from the col- I ^e which is now Brown University, at Providence, A I after cemptetinsj his preparatory study oi the law in rti -•• of Jtufge tii! I r U at Norwich, he commenced » t.rjctke whictt soon became extensive in both States, aii i male hia peimaoent re'id* nee in Rhode Island. He w- - tiret breaght into public life by an election to the 1 4 slatttre of that State ; and sucn waa the estimation in vhichhe was held by the citizens of hia immediate c »nmuiiity,tka' at thirty four succetsive elections thy c • ... i*l to r, tu i. km a * their rtpreseatative. During this period he waa a ptemiaent and active participator in . I the important transactions of the body, and his last e;f »rt there waa in behalf of the then doubtful and ob at cted,but now triumphant eauseoftemperaacerefordnt ...< thence again to private life,he occupied himself in the honorable pursuit of his profession, in the pros, cu- II.MI of important ;»u > ie works, in kind attention to the lit, <es a of others, and in the affectionate officrs that en- ,l-are«] him to a happy home, uniil, in 1*W without his o% ii ohi.itatiou or effort, he was elected by the legisla- ting to a seat in" the Senate of the United States, for the term commencing in M a t c h , le*3». It is gratifying to tlu citizens of hia State to perceive that, in that body ot tii-'inguiahed men with whom he became thus associa- te!, a j ait appreciation of his worth has been manifesteJ, t ,>h by the assignment to htm of importent [o;i hiuui in relation to the pjiblic business, and by tha kindeit peisooal demonstrations of reanectful regard. I i the IIM harge of every Senatorial duty he was vigtlaut an.I constant, ar*i unsparing of himself, until his labors w era interrnpted at the present session by the" first and c.n.y Jiaease th.it, v. r in his life reduced him to his bed; ,ai. J this has now prove I iatal. On Saturday last, at i,.' tu, at the age of aixty-seveu yeara, in tha full posit-a- IKI.I of 'melon 1. d faculties, with patient and ever cheer i .1 resignation,and with humble hope, he died. The u« t h o f a S a iter f so muchfintel a tu .1 superior.»y and moral worth is an event for tno wiile and deep regret of it*.-nation. The abrupt I •»* of their Img loved and haiMtya 1 fullow ci'iten will be felt and deplored hy the cit 1 . . u , of his own State with a still keener and deeper gttei. B it. air, there is a circle to which this all unanticipated blow haa carried bittern* • , and agony which it were a* vain as it wo aid be obtrusive th attempt to depict. The >,j row s i n the hearts of that circle are too new and too «.rrt<l tor any comment here, except to refer to the fact th 4 there are such to sulf r. To the widowed survivor. . ! the bereaved sons an j daughters, 1 can trust my«elf ,.1) to say, that, in all «incantj »i true »j mpathy and , t v»e corutii i.,l them to that Power which alone i out! d*al the blow, and ak>ne can imptrt tkecon&ola- ti HIS hich may con vert it into mercy. »a ^ir. T. then submm-ithe followiug resolations,which w > rv aaanimoutly a<loptrd :— Kf*olv«»!. That 'b« ,1-ini received with ds/p t*nutnaiy tlie eoKSBUttualiou fnm the «sa>M »u:iou 'fi u : lie dr..iti of the ituu. > « nt*f 1 t •. i w*s DIIOM, a Seaator fiom the State ot K.r>< tit laiauo. Heaolved That, i i t: hen of sincere tad h.gh respect for the rarniaiy of the etc* used, this Home wi 1 it.-ad his fnaeralob- 1'tios to-mono*. *: thr n u ^ i - . i it .I t*j thr Seuate. and witi wear era t e asassj the I ft a.--<« aa laontniug t ,•, thirty days; •»d aa a further as 'koinn'* t, !•-,-• v.M1, That ii= 11.>u e d > now v'u.rr. j The resolutionshati.ig been agreed 11, fie llou^e ad j 'iri,e4. sammmammmmmammmaaffaaammvya^^ na> >> o o « g-wtHrXsaaastl v^ssiei wSSk tM»#«»*tft« tnea, ref me ir>-d«y lor ialte any paper ¥01 cf the city bsik s i-:v.chan.g» on Xtw Ymk w «*Utng aif|, and if the u l«s4tt™"arfaiaf«n?nt got» into full effect. kM trtrtoa Week wiltst>e tlua rate cunstdembly reduced. Thn roust Beeesmnir *** *o» f°* lfcl * bttnk9 will no? dare to disconat much for fear of iuits on iheir is- •or*, as well as tear of compulsory measures on the *eore of resumption. Our currency wilf therefore b •* otr e scarce and more tralaable. The Bank of Penney varna ia »ot open and the 8 ate interest is not paid—at least not the American h ilJera of the stock, taoQgh rumor says that the packet which satla today from your city carries out the amount requisite to meet the interest on the stock held in Europe—the Bapk ot Pennsylvania having purchafted bilk on England for the piirpuae previous to failure. The balance of the interest fund in the keeping of the bank it ia said ia composed al- most entirely of Gintrd Bank notes and the relief ift-uei* of the ^tate. Itather a poor show this for the payment of the interest within the current year, without a retroit to loans, which is not very pro- babe. Governor Potter yesterday made a requisition upon such of the banks of the city and county as have not eoraplteriwiib. the law, to pay the balance of the 5 per cent loan requited under their garter, •sccording to the act of assembly, to aid in meetinjr the balance of the interest due 1st February. As there are are but a small amount coniiBj/ from the bittilu,it is not likely that they will soon have to pay —there not being enough to enable the State to pay the interest. At an adjourned meeting 0* the delegates from thefeverahoaak*, held last evening, at the Philadel- phia Bank, 1 learn that the arrangements between the city and County banks, as to the issue oi notes, A:c , are nearly completed, and that in the mean- time the paper of all these institutu nt will be receiv- ed on depotite or in payment of debts by each of he bsnks. The Giraril, the Pennsylvanm, the Uni- ted States, and the Schuylkill Banks, ot course, are not included. All tae others have come into the arrangement, and have deposited the requisite amount of security- All the trustees have ne: yet been named, nor will the banks itnmtd.ately pay oat iheir own notes, lor the reason that one or two of the banks, having destroyed all their old ones, re- quire a little time to prepare new. All these ar- ranuemeiits have retereace to a full resumption of specie payments on the lot of Auguat next. Ano- ther meeting ia to be held this afternoon. The mo- t,on to app.nnt a receiver lor the Bank of Penn. sylvania to-day being resisted by the bank, was fur- ther deferred until to-morrow. The transactions in stocks to-day were to a me- dium amount at an improvement in prices. State rives sold at SO; Pennsylvania Bank nutes 2U per cent'discount; U..S- Bank-16, Cnrard 30. A resolution has been introduced into the Legis- lature, requiring the banks to pay coin foi their is- sues instauter. ^]jr- K-'Utts o»saa~ Ar« tumiiinj* to pircra all over >he country. The Bankrupt Law shouW include cor "Orations and then we should h ave a sonnd currency.— The jrooxl would stand, while the poor ones would cea*«* I«I remain aa an incubus upon the country. Sherman's L<> xrages regulate all the ph vsical bodiea, cars couahs. cold and headaches. Hot thev cannot restore strength to the rotten banks as they <!o s'onntfness and hei*wb »• the consumptive. The Doctor's warehouse is at lfifl Nassau street—Agents. •» South Third street, Philadelphia, and No. 8 State street, Boston. w hxr«BTS ee TMR imr.t! L'.IITKO Si »n * l»«. MM'S I 141.it* (ft?- llM»i«F.o»Di8irdiiM»niM in buy ins; Uorehoucd Candy. This caution ia asjeeasaty, now that this mar- ket is so aluttcd with spurious and counterfeit articles under this name, which are compourd of villainous drugs and must he unhealthy and pernicious. Hawes Hygeine Horehound Candy is warrant' A to be innocent and aafe, while its curative powers are attested by a multitude who have Obtained relief from cot'gh, sere throat, hoarseness, and other effects of exposure. Be sure to obtain the real Hrgeine Horehound Candv, at 432 Broadway, corner of Howard ft. The Washington Globe status that news has been received in Kentucky by Gea Combs, from the United States Consul at Chihuahua, that ha had had aa interview with hia ton (a prisoner with ninety others) at that place, (six hundred miles 1 n tbetr march from Santa Fe towards Mexico,) and that he was ia good health; and that a letter has been reeeiwd by Gen. Combs from he Minis- ter of the United States at Mexico, informing Gen. Combs that assurances had been given by ihe Mex- ican Secretary of War (Gen Tornel) to Mr May- er, the United States Secretary of Legation, that, as far as was in his power, every indulgence should be extended to his .-t-n. BsUil aware. f Ifcinrreaposdenee of the Herald] iitivrtMOHE, Feb. f, 1S-12. Nik h o s t o * : — ^mce the late excitement touching the currtney t Ink*, sti in plaster iea, fires, rows, fights, Arc .mat- ter, h»v-- beeu rather stale. Thn bank failures in Ihiiadelphia seem to afiord tiie most prolific topics ' 1 tivcr-atiiiu jaat at this time. Soma of our broker* and shiver* have had their ingcrs froated the "darudeet." not oaty in purchasing foreign In a i s , b a t by dipping t .0 deeply into the Railroad orders, which, ia e msequeuce of a bill that has 1 -ed hoik branches ot t te City Couneit, authori- '* <* tha issue of ;»jOl.tt K) City bonds for the fand- i«g of that amount, have improved already te 13 p* ©eat, with avery prospect of getting better The Western Mechanics' Savings latlitntioa has had aa application of a galvanic bittery since the run, and keen revived again intones/ life. The 1 "• -apeak* Liaak has sustained itself beyond the 1. >t sanguiaw sxpecutisaa ot tbo people. The Vn 1 ieut, J. S. Gettisgs, has, I must say ia justice him, sustained himself and the bank thus far, both nobly and honorably. Much sympathy ia f.lt for the institution, and eonfifence in it is fast being restored- A repntt was currently circulated acta yester- day, that furion* depredations had been committed the day previous, by a mob in Hagerstown, Md. Lator laiclhgeace aiatea that the ru.uor is entirely withoat I .undot,t> 1 Amusements are beginning to took up a little. Mwa Clifton and rlari.ii, will open the llolhday »*»"«** Theatre t..-tun ro., nigbt, with the comedy «»• 'The Ri aU ' They bare bought on an ex- csilent stock company fr.wn I'hilaaeJphia Oar c tieens bail t hi - aanetineemear with itreat plea »are. Burton ia first ra'e, and Miss C. is first rsie.er. >l.-a .•usbmaii haa an engagement at the Front street. She will do, hut the »ioek company tbt re M mifcrable., and Ike h >u-e badly anstaiaed—aa well though as the e» j.« deserves 1 wonld advise ^V emyss toeagags the • Kumgnmlio Ovnrds." Oempster, the vneaiist, has asaoaaced a concert a* 'he Aaaembly Keoma lor Wednesday next, and v> , icheil, the celebrasd .1 uiiic, ia perfoimin^ at the Mnaanm l>»vid Panl Hrotrn, K-q. of Phil.Jtlphia, ia to sectare this evening befaic lb* Maicautile Library A">'-«;;siti>-n. a. EtchanR-ea are ye' nlsatttcd 1 quota o n N e w >t<rk at 4 prtu. uis; V rjniit ti ili.cuut; Phil - delphia, 2 . a 3 di«c>iant 1 loaf eon iaae* vt ithout ."««• 1 he ncsthsr this moratniagai> like snm- »«'• Vonrs, Twiar grJ^FscTS WORTH KJSOWIRO.—A positive stay for the hau tailing out—or to restore it ia bald places. A certain cure for all Rheumatism and swelled Limbs —no exceptions. A certain and positive cure for the Tiles in all cases. A warranted cure for all Bruises, Scalds and other sores, and soi e 1 y es A positive cure for the Salt Rheum. A ueauuful Dye for the Hair—will not color the «kin. Warranted. A certain cure for Coras. , Each of these to be had at 71 Maiden lane, and such prooisvf these facts as will convince all who will call or send for them, gratis. The public if»y rest assured there is no fancy in these KKaeitious. /x^-., JrJ- ALL MAV Tav IT Far.L or CHARCE—The Compound of Oranr'jean is employed with great success in the radical cure ot all diseases ot the hair, baid heads, tie. It is abo a powerful deaolvent, and admirably decomposes tne fcubsiance which causes the hair to turn gray. -- During the ten years which I have resided in America, 1 have observed, and my profession compels me to deprecate the erroneous applications resorted to in the treatment of the hair. 1 will make a itetement in the case of children } they resemble the tinder plant, wnich increases in strength and beauty, according to tbe degree of care or cultivation it receives in early growtu- Thecuttouioi washing the heals ot children in cold water, with whiskey, brai.dy, eau de-colngne, mm, &c., is most injurious to the hair. Tiiey r,quire the occasional aso 01 some generous compositiuu, in preference to a; plications of such corrosive and spiritu- ous liquids. Water, the mildest, and perhaps the least likely to anVct tbe hair,is very injurious. It dries the hair, and turns it red ; it mades it coarse, and causes it to fall, and likewise destroys the roots . lastly, it creates 1 i.n'.uiitic \ an;* , in a word, water,and all spirituous liquids, are extremely destructive to the hair. 1 think 1 may state with certainty, that out of a htm drea families, ninety five are in the habit of employing one or more of these > pints. But do we not frequently meet with young persons of eighteen or twenty years, and even prior to this age, who, msteal of possessing the full and glossy tinglets adapted to youth, have, by these injurious applications reduced their hair to pale color, wnich is tn« surest evidence of decay ? And why should a bountiful and indulgent nature have deprived the in- habitants ot this country of so beautiful aud valuable an oruameut 1 Is it natural then, at this early period ot their existence, they should be compelled to have re- course to artificial expedients 1 How much (lieud and dismay must they net eapei lence at the thought of wear- ing a iv ig or of dyeing the hair ! Oi dy eing the hair '.— L'udculitediy this is your on)) remedy, unless you have the good fortune to meet with an artist, who by his close imitation oi nature, is enabled to deceive th«"tiost pier cing eye ; if not, you w H be compelled to make use of whatever the most infamous (packet y Can invent. Be lore you resolve to dye the hair, in imitation of those dark eye brows, reflect that all these powders and li- quids contain the most injurious substance*'. But these cruel inventions, though applied with the stricteatcare,are inevitably discovered .-y tbeditienui shades they present. To apply this infernal composition. we must, once a month, call in the assistance of an asttpt ot t his dreadful art. By omitting to do this, the h ir, in- stead of retaining its glossy tinge, assumes the most in d«scribsblecolors, red, blue,violet, green, mid in some cases the color of the flame of burning spirits. The con- sequences have now unfolddethemsehes. The disease of gray hair is brought on by a few causes ; tea'', or sud- den fright, grief, and fractures of the skull, which are someumea covered with gray hair. I could cite many examples in proof af this statement, il a truth so well known required any. Tkere are few persons who have aot seen,or beard the tact, that the hair has been chan- ged from black to white ia the course of one night and that it has been caused by sudden fi ight. In the third exception, the fall is produced by a variety >f causes, most of which can be guarded against ; by in- temperance and ixcesa of all kinds—by severe study to a late hour—by the use of so,p and water, and all spirituous liquids—by wealing caps—and by frequent application of tbe curling irons—by neg- lecting to cut the hair, and thus weakening the roots— also, by those diseases which effect the vet dual column, the ttomwsi.nr "he i>r»*n—and lastly, by too frequent a use oi the brush. Partien ar attention should he paid to tie cnoic oithis article. The hard brush, usually preferred, lain reality suited to very few. It certainly cl.-ar* the head of a large portion of dandrifT, but in what manner? it forces it from the skin b fore it has arrived at a proper hea<r> the violence of the remedy produces a fresh irritation, which increases the loss of the hair, and fatigues tbe roots. The truth cf this is evident, from the fact, that after clearing the head of the daadritf hy the use of tha hard brush, au increased quantity ia sura to spring up in the course of two or three days. * * » » lean convince tho«e that are desirous of consulting me, that this can, in most cases, he avoided. Private room for la.li.-s, .Vo. 1 Barclay street. Pfivate room the gtntl»-m*ii, No. IJ Barclay street, Astor House. I»hl n.ti Ipltl*. >Cetie<poa*teace of the Herald.) I'mi vi.n 1wi, Feb. 1,1K42. j: r\-,i*i*w»t aisftttdsag-atato ktfmmt psnd tofbrWgn nnsf nee* to ..-fmtrieaa Uatdtn cf Soet— Bank rhted —'tttsjissisvissm of sssS (»..>.•.." n< M —SlMks, AT. |* ..-.•. ta a delightful d*y, sad'' c«n-iiier t\> y mure buiiaetwjoiiiig thaii yesterday; m 'th* h ian. nl c;r cleatlmw iacvstnperaiive quiet 1 all Ubsjnf ofT n*ai ci'y t a,;i,-, wjtn tk- 'Xivption«i:' ! be four brukeu baakf, are «t a cav-oaat of firan 6 tn 1 -per cent Aa it is *-.MJ»I-*0 ,»d tint nii '""y bin it* «#Vr to laomiw w-i; t- ' iaceive : *<• i.o"-» !>• any <n* tbe eewMrf beaka M iHye tNrt gn Tiencj- fv rhsrior r-tif np- -r h*t* n 1 " * i 80r- Si LKKOlO E » « l . i a H t"*«« vv.xii*. — flit.ill Si ArCUlt- rious wilUell ibis (Wednesday). Thursday, and Friday evenings, at half past 6 o'clock, in ther large sales roomr, 304 Broadway, corner of Duaoe street, by catalogue, a at 1 n.iid collection of engravings, just imported from Loudon, by Mr. Hay ward—cansisting of the I) -putate of the Israelites from Kxypt, do. Crossing the lied Sea, Opening the Sixth seal, Bolton Abbey in the olden time, Shipwreck oi St.- Michael'i Mount, Distinguished Mem- her of the Humane Society, Destruction of Jerusalem, Pope lions 7.h, engraved dy Cousins, tieotle SheppcrJ, l^sily Uaveraud inlld Cooutes»U>wer and do , Suiiday, rVt Lsmh, First Csr Ring, Sunshine of Live, r ire at the Towers! Loixton Pom aits of U >ieen Victoria, Duke of Wellington, Sir R. Peel, Sir W.Scott, Rl Burn*, and a areat^variety of other favorite tngravings, many of H'hi< h ar 4 uo w in the market, but too nilmeroua to par- ucnlorssss, The whole will neon public view,andcata- Wgnsa teaif ,sn the morning of s.le. {!t?- ^iseorisoCeeoii. asm Ma ISLES - T h e s e t w o dis eaaaa t n v w »Uy follow tacn other, and both require all the care and attention that art can supply. From the .•»<•»«•' whoomngcsoghthetraui of m«ny diseases is «**! jo war theprospeetsof etsly life, hy laying the toandatiun of earl, and rapid coinnrnptioc.' In both at ^£*!*afe**«rtb*^»ff«ema Jt fry or pulmon* | : »lilS?ifiSlAi2L^ »M«he.l_tho lttngS kept pliant,the bowels anient, and M hoarseness, which «Sj, if neglected, hteome ftatod- -carefully guarded j against. |. oeerv smse, PeoaaS H*rrhr.und CaSdy haa h-en tmm ••• *am, speedy and ettioacions remetfv , as • •wirinf ell irritatioa and feverish symptoms, and V . its t s f t H s and miM aperatMa, producing , , v ^ alk-via- tism fiem all thedanfet'eusramaiMa of the aw fed dis Sit*?-THPl^i?* 1 •*•*•"•» •«*•*«• and iSsaher'a, m f>brk •«. Philadelphia 1 Curnik Co, 13 Exchange nUc* V V V^eMMaTi y 'SnhsM>n,'' left Bahfeore street, Baltf." ^ > MOXKV MAHKI I . t ueatlny. F e b , l — « P . M . There was an increased dispositiou to sell stocks stj the Board this morning, and rates in consequence gave way hsmvily. Delaware and Hudson, 1 per cent; In- diana a's, I per cent; Illinois 'i'-, | J per cent ; Mohawk Rail Rosd, 1J , Long Island, i ; Harlem rose ,. It is un- derstood, that Mr. Brooks, _who has long been the pre siding officer of this institution, has resigned. Sales of New York State 6'a, ISSOand 1861,, sold at79, a fall of 9 per cent. Sales of bills on Philadelphia, Jl; Baltimore, 4 per cent •, Mobile, 6 per cent. The following gentlemen have been appointed re reivers to the Morris Canal and Banking Company:— D. 8. Gregory, Esq., E. D. B. Ogden, S. J Britton. The St. Nicholas, for Havre, carries out 1*3,000 in spe- cie. Money is very tight, and the government financ* a daily becoming worse. The government drafts are dis- honored at»he Bank of Commerce, in common with all other claims upon it. Even the salaries at the Custom House due to day, remain unpaid, the money appropria- ted to that purpose having been used to protect some Treasury notes, that otherwise would have been pro- tested. Another specimen of government finance, will be found in a some Florida operations. It appears that the government is paying out in Florida, for liabilitiea, or near $390,000 due in that quarter, Merchants'Bank 1 of Boston notes. That institution it will be remem- bered, was constituted a fiscal agent, at the same time of the Bank of Commerce in thiscity. The opera- tion of paying out its notes in Florida, is probably togivetheBankthirtytoforty days time, as they will comeback directly upon it. While the government is in this disgraceful position, Congress is spending its time listening to the vagaries of a monomania. The following ia a statement of the Bank of Louis- ville : BANK or LOVISVILLK. KV Jan. 1810. iM'i. Loan'. Specie, Circulation, D«iHMits, 1,4. s 39* iat.853 3MJSSS 97.19* i.m.Taa 160,114 337.01S So,61.' Jnrr'if. 3* 2S9 41,189 Dtcr' 99,«i« n,ss>3 We yesterday mentioned the seiiuru of the assets of the United Btatea Bank at New Orleans. It appears the atttachment was made under a fi. fa., issued fiomthe United States Court at Philadelphia, directed to the Marshal of New Orleans District. All the assets assigned by the Bank of United States were seized, to satisly a judgment in favor of the Government for $951,000, most of which assets were in the vaults of the Merchants'Bank,for safe keeping; and an attachment was issued, under process from the Commercial Court of New Orleans, on a suit entered by the United States, for the sem of nearly two millions of dollars. Under the fi. fa. the Marshal threatened to seize, the assete be- longing to the Merchants' Bank. O.i application, however, to the United States Court, Judge McCaleb at once gianted an injunction to stay all proceedings against the Merchant's Bank uuder the fi. fa.; and Judge Watts issued a similar injunction under the at- tach i ent. In the meantime the assets assigned by the Bank of United States were taken»by the Marshal, and lire now in his charge, and the Meichanta' Bank and all her business and assets remain in her own possession, and her business goes on as yet. The question as re gards the asaets assigned to trustees by the Bank of the United States, will of course undergo the usual and regular judicial investigation. A very numerous meeting of the citizens of Mont- gomery County, Illinois, was recently held, E. Whit- ten, E>q- in the chair, to take into consideration the financial condition of the country. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. A. kitchell, H Rouutxee, F. H. Hereford, W. KucheU andC. B. Blockbuiger, when the following resolutions were unanimously passed :— 1. That we will hereafter support no man for National or Stateothce, who is in favoroi a Nntional debt—or of "increasing our own State indebtedness—or of issuing any more State bonds lor any purpose whatever-or of taxing the people at tais times sing.e cent j or tht payntm of tnteiifsl or pittlcipat on Iht vartou$ demand* note ai'ai'iit the Stair,or at any oi Kir It mt far fe payment >'/ demand* Imtktr than the peopl? Kavt received an adequate and. aiwitie consideration. •i. That we will not support any candidate for olfic», State ot National, who will not declare himself in favor oi com filing all banking institutions to au immediate and continued payment, on demand, ot their not'is in gold and silver coin. These resolutions conUin the spirit of the repudiating doctrines that are ao fast, and so rapidly spreading throughout the west and south. Lord Askburton will find it difficult to meet this disposition among the people, The Bank of Pennsylvania, it appears, has been closed under an injunction, issued at the suit of the Governor, on behalf if the S'ate, as one of the depositors. The mo- ney deposited was said to be funds appropriated to the payment of the interest due to day, and which had been more tharihalf used »y the institution, to me t its own necessities; andcunseqnen'.ly the State has tailed. The whole affair is a very mystetious one. It appears the Governor was in the bank, and in daily correspoti lence with it before this explosion took place; and that the bank actually closed its doors on a notice from the Gj- veruor, before the injunction was issue!, th.reby thow ing a secret understanding.. Similar tiansaetions took place in relation to the United Stales Bank, in ths fall of 1839. It is highly improbable that if the 11 ink of Penn sylvania had the cash en hand to pay out to the holder efjState stock,the othet hank* would have discredited il^butif it waa to pay out its own irredeemable pape*, and thus flood the city, they would, of course, try to prevent it; The following is the last return of the Bank of Pennsylvania made public. BANK or Pestssvwawis, J\n. If40. LimhilUU*. 3 393 998 Capital. 93 344 Contingent, 370,491 Circulation, 90,000 Discounts, &c 906,333 Interest, 13.SI0 State Sock, naoHo Due State. 313 393 ' Batiks 163,01* Deposites. tU source: Loans, Bonds, Real Estate, O.her Loans, State Stocks, Expense, sic, Due from Bank, Bank Notes, Specie, 2.0OO.OOO 300,1100 6»*,3ia 93,093 i7iJ32 93.100 37 098 900,457 799,133 $4,066,047 6,'i r >0 3,750 05» 9H Si w Uis 1,604 $9,500,000 l,il KIOTO) 993.210 ll,9JO 16800 95,a>e 66 900 609 000 $4,666,0*7 Since this return waa made, the concern has largely increased Ha State stock, and has absorbed $1,400 000 ot its active means in U. 8. Bank post notes, on which a loss of fully 61 per cent, will be sustained. The stock of the Bank has been held as follows Whole number of shares, Held*by State, ,; l>y Females, '* by Executors, " by Guardians, •' by Trustees, 'J by Benevolent Institution!, - other individuals, These stockholders are mostly residents of Ohio and Massachusetts, and they will sustaiu an entire loss. The State is a loser to the amount ot $1,600,000 at least, and in all prcbability will lose its deposits. Some of the other Philadelphia institutioni are as badly situated, and must inevitably stop sooner or later. The bankrupt law goea into .operation to-day ; in all directions ws hear of assignments, failures, and suspen- sions in preparation for the event. Philadelphia, Balti- more, New Orleans, Louisville, Nashville, and.iu short, all quarters of the Union furnish their quota of stoppage In this city an immense number of assignments have been ma ie prior te the operation of the law, in order to se cure preferred debts, and then trust luck to get a dis- charge. The mast of hank assets are rapidly melting away belore this operation, and thn close of tho year wiU present a frightful havoc in bank property. In Jan 1*41, the aggregate Bank loans in the Union was $460,- sooooo. At the csmmeaeement of the present y e r it was not tar from $400,00s,000, at its close it will be" redae. edto 96iJ>0OJMM. Many practical men estimat- the effect of the law upon bank asset* at fully 60 per cent. There- fore, a great numb, r of the weakest institutions must stop altogether. The great ihrtuulty is, that Bank re pets are sued*«e ••Mam that the public are m able t> udge of the petition of any institution. Henoe their as aire toavoid all- Th* only way is for the strong banks to volunteer statements of their own affairs, in order to retain the coonJeucs el theii stockholders. The state of sffairs will etfectralty prevent any move- ments of taw banks to war la encoiu aging imports o' fe r ign goods, * hereby adetaand for i p v i e will be creat- ed ; sad tae jweepact now is, that the close of the year wilt eahibft an •«%«*• »f imports in specie. Tne lel- Wiu* ia an et&ciaj h U . s f lh« imports and ex | o i l * of tb»' las* j WW :-r i > Ml.T.U.» IN t»lK l>3S 44 510 USS'O 1 0T6.IM* 4 4-0 91« $tT.i47an $ m \i6 1.KM US US9-J i.u 3 978 074 47-2.941 :is»s.'. IS40. IM.'t 9Ji tlu3l 8,«8J,*l3 2,83^ 0^3 1.468 300 1 6;i,M v i 1941. . i3t.ri' 974 S S t OSS 316 S.401 *90 4,908,183 2S42.738 S4I <l«3 6,?34,4«3 3 808 041 9TS7U 9,3*9 31S 10.0)0 044 Miove, tJ,747.lt« S,Sa>t7« 8.8W13 4 9Q9 49I J4,iS9,{i70 JI3.4S6 — " 4,181.547 - - S.lll SS» the year closing October 1st. The demand as then at its height at this point ; and, pre- 000 left after that period. The demand haa d, and from the low state of exchange, and the contraction of the currency, with theprtpa- reiume, it is highly probable that the current set this way. Affairs are thns in a fair train, s of Ohio are to restme on the 4th of Match ne\t;thS banks of Michigan immediately, those of Penn- lylvanil on the 4th of August next, and the other insti- tutions that are able to do so, will shortly follow, and those that are unable will go out of existence, while the specie nwdium of circulation will increase. The following is a table of the movement of specie in States up to the 1st of October, 1841, from the the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance luiion of the Senate :— ii descensus averoi, lira Iuni r<-f- * e hoc opus, hie labor est !** n "-xroBTpr THK Ikitioes MKTAIS.KKOM OCT. t, ikM TO OCT. 184i. Impart. Erp-rt. Ere. Iinr- Eire. F.rp. 5 IftSJMa S'3,673 4 S9I 915 134,SS8 174 14441239 20 223 9Ji lion, 9 835 941 991,291 8,b64 631 131,873.803 104 304 218 27 3t8.S83 ' ' U i o , >«% f«r FaibMktuhw; i ,»,l«ii.«l W#*-t. * « l " ; <jnW«r,fW Portl(u4; Un a:» f-rde; W«oH<ary. tor Ww- 7 a; iTHi<ci#. dis;i Lasirtl. ' askaw, and Riwraid, r«* Pia»i- t. n .?i J ***C«d«»s»i- i r.» Warren. )a»fa-«*rr Byrene. In villi BMosas roiat fw f, r t \di«i» Riei,/.. O.nire t* H< of» « New Van u>r rt id»»re. In port PU.*. for Phi »4. < J .Id B cvolu C Silver Silier <• Am. coisjebut. 13,308,4*7 13 30S.1S7 181501,510 133.759 910 810J0U57 13 308,487 Anoma&Tii ConvaoK or THB U.IITKO STATICS, r a o n 1*W li.Md. Silver, I Copper, I Branch iainta. TO J * S . 1ST 1842. Prices. 5 77*^99 1«4 957 949 SS870 743 •i.r.seMii Total coin Deduct Alport of ArflfeifSiu coma -e^ti. 1'dfne. 27 t-31310 j 1.6-3,611 931 504 -1416 693 2,740,930 $8« 187 631 12,308 4-.T •»74,979,144 Fiom these data we may form the following estimate ef the guaatityof precious metals now in the United States. The'imports date from the year 1990 , at that time till official reports of the Banks showed that they had on hand '£90,000,000." We may therefore assume that the amiant in tha country at that time, was $30,000,000. The rape supplied from the United States mines, is esti- m * tP T * ,0 ' 0W ' 000 > accor, Hl»eI to the latest rete.ms. The amoun| will then stand thus : On hajp in ls-20, f.-Wl.Oe^OOO Excessfof import since that period, 81,040,087 Amerii expl l.stiiiu Total, un coin and bullion led, ed supply from mines, 13.308,487 10,000 000 $111,050 (*7 a3CS4rl7 It a m o u n t in the country, $107,741,600 Thiiaraount of specie, assisted by sound individual mercantile papei is amply sufficient to transact all the business of the Union. A very large portion of it'« now hearded, stuffed into stockings and butted iu the R ro " n » A natural result of the want of confi lence occa- sion, dfcy the atrocities that have been developed among financiers during the paat few years. Sweep the banks and thf whole host of fraudulent bonowera fiom exist- ence, and the specie will pour into the channels of cir ciilutism, and acquire an activity that will restore trade to Die fcighest state of prosperity, without danger ol re- vulsioL * * Salsa at tae Stock Exchange. 25 share* Muhawk R H UAtKtl 8HIPG*KKK;K Horn Liverpool —4^.»sgs*ra A v ill please sand iheir permits on board, at Orleans wnarf, foot or Walt street Ail roods not permitted ia five days must UDavordibiy he sent toj^ublie store _ rvHs-Ar* t)RV 0»HM>8 ! :-ArNoT~eS .Cahsrine at rest — V> BKOWN-&. UKQUHART have just received, at th«ir store, seveial lors of dctirable New tiouds, which iltey offer at exiraordtuary low tiricea. ' Uood Mousscline At L'aiue. new s'y Us, is ad, 9s and 9* 6d, Freuch do warranted all woul, •_ 6tl.iiJ 3s. Some very prttty small patteias, inbiue, r iuli aed lilac,sui- table for cluldreu, 2s 6d p»r yard. Mi uruirg de Lames, neat siylea, 2s per yard. SILKS.— Several lh'u 'and yards ol figured, chiuie aidplain silks, being part of a bankrupt stock, stlling cssttsStralus u der original cist '. '.'. Broclie Shawls caclunere shuw «.si!k>hawla, damask sat in shawls, and velvet loig and point sfiawla—the belt assortment to lie loiuitt at auy retail store in New r. ik. aid very cheap ! An entirely new asso.tniculol stnlliug calicoes, fsst colors and tuperiurs ylis lloimstlcs of all kinds, at greatly reduced priees. We also offer all our WTinter Oooss at cost, being desirous to tliat them off. to m ,ke ronm for the i ew Spring stork. BltOWN stt^RQlfHARl'd _ One frice Storr, N o 50 0 tha rine s t, _fs3t» L___r___L_2____ M -MORAND *.— -lav.ig *eeu cap.am oe.nue s »i«ie._i.t m y. ii r paper of the _th, about the sailing from New Or leans, and from the Bar between He t»-t/>u and the I rentou, and also se< io< he is not yet satisfied, I will now try to satisfy him by stating all the particulars to one hour. The • rentou left Orleans on the 4th, the tiaston i.n Ihe 7th. When down to the Bar feund it foggy,and also ibun'l the Trenton there. On the morning of the lltli from 9 to 11, was forced out on the bar, with a stronj; wind from N. W., and iben.as l thought, saw the Trenton also bjund out—since th«n understood from r> e captain of the (i.;t on and his males, and from on hoard the i remou alto, that tneTrentoB w;is ou he bar between 1 and 2 P M ; and at 4 r. M the Gaston was aground on the bar. and then the Trenton wasOut of sight at sea say 4 hours dif- ference in leaviug ihe bar—still il » as blowingstiong When ihe Oaslon was 53 hours out she was near in under Matatu&ii onthefthwas all day iu compear vi ilh the Trenton, or in smhtof her an>l sa* no 'i.ore of henill after we had been hue abjut 17 hours; then she u aie herappevance. It mattcis "riotwheti-er it had bean I hour ..r I" to ne; all sufficient if this statemeat does not #ii well, assweryour own hereafter ft If K. LATHAM. MaaW Hi 2ll *7i00lhdima Bouds Si S *jw«) do 2ti $B0 0 * do ihw 211 $luoO $7000 $2000 $30(0 tioou $voo $4000 $sata $2il(0 $2000 $1000 S.ooo SlOfOf «1300f $2000 do d. »ij 'do F'9 21 V 6 Per Cent. 1862 78 V 5) PerLen', '45 90 V 6'a. 1960 78) do 78 lioois Bom's, 2t *r> go} do alO 20 do S1V 201 •to thw sol do 201 do *»[ do 20 »hires MohankRR 55 54 531 107 25 871 t-2 «5 91 94 91 l B^uk ol N Yotk toLalay tteflank 2> do 11 Bink of Coin (full) 12 D< 1 t& Hudson 25 d i -.") 140 do 25 do 1'10 25 do e.20 *L>i 25 Farmers'Lo»u 24t 22> Harlem Railroad 7. 1(10 do HO 8 500 Long Island RR liso 53, 5 0 do sio 53 100 do S3) IN do ti60 53) 50 Catcrson Railroad s30 47 Second Board t4mcs e!8 7 ?! 91 53 fiO Long Island 50 do IvO do 100 d > 150 do t-I0 51 sl5 53 160 53', 160 .'3 13 SS 2i H»slf m R R 25 | do 25 do so a> 95 I do lob Lie; I I md State of Trade. Asms —A sale ef about 40 barrels of pots in repotted at a little leg* than $7 50 barrels of pearls have been dis posetlof since our last at *a7o. Hollers generally,how- everjnsk $6 COTTON—The sales yesterday amounted toSOwrialrs Ktotra—Canal Hour is firm at $6.12^ fof common brands, and sales are made at that price—> Michigan an I Troy are wanted iu good or4er at $8 j e r >>arrsj|. There is no change in other descriptions of rlou #( . .'._• ! ! ._ ..." Harried. Olthe idth ult.by the Rev. Mr. Starr, MR MICHSKI M ('•P 0 ?' to Miss ELIZA, daughUr of Michael Rt^ney, V. i cm all of this city. Died. Osftlie 31st ultimo, aged32 years, Mrs. ELISABETH G HIDBABT. and child, wife of Benjamin G. Huddart, per- formtr. of Stockton, England, and late of Baltimore. Osfthe 1st instant, after a protracted illness, HSKBI Mi fJkoin. aged 32 years. Hsfrelativi s and friends, in particular the gliders, are retpactfully invited to attenii bis funeral tomorrow after temeon. at t w o o'clock, from his late resilience No. 41 Orjfai 1 street, (rear.) Weekly Report of Interment* in thsCity and Comity of New York.fi on the 22J daytofJ;ui J842.\to the 2«th day of Jan., 1842. t» Men—39 Wdtneu—52 Boys-65 Girls. Total 193 DIOSASKS—ApopIesW l; Aitkina l; Asphyxy 1; Abscess I; deeding t; Bleeding from stomach 0; Bleeding from lungs 1, . ..._ or scalded2; Casualties I; Cholera Infantum 0; Cholera M.-rmuO, Car-terO; Colic 0; Consiunptii n."2 v Ctnrulsionst0; Cn'umor Hives 5; Debility 0; Delirium trt-mtns 4; Diabetes 0; Di irmoe, 1, Death from Poison 0; Dropsy 4^ Drotjiy in head 14; Otop^y iu the chest Ji Drowned 1; Dysentery S;Erysipelas 4; r> , 4fleps> •; Fever 3;do.scarlet 12, do typhoid 7; do. pourpi- rat it do. remittenl I; do.bilious 1; do.inrlammatoo 0; do inter- mittent 0; OravelS; Hip Disease 0; lutemperance 0: luflau- 0, do. ol liver 0; do of womb 0; do. of brain 7i do. of ti 0; do of cheat 10; do. of lungs 20; do. of bowelat; do of 3; Jaundice o. Killed or murdered 1; Locked Jaw a VrnemO; Mortincatioa 1; Matforraaiioa I: Mara<ma* isles 2, Old age l>; Organic disease of heart 4, Palsy a; s-tisni 0; Spina' disease 0; Scirrhus 0; Suicide 0; Sprue all Pox 11; Scrofulas; Teething l; Tumor 0; Unknown eration of throat 0; Ulcers 0; Vainiloid 0, Wnoopm* Cousjh 10; Worms 0. 4o«%-Of 1 year and under. 43; betweent and a.i0;2 and 8. 3 ; 5 ami 10,7; 10 and 20, > 3; IS and 30. 30; So aad 40.2i; 40 and SO. If; 50 and «0.•; (0 and 78,4;TSand 80,3; 80aad 90.1; »0and too,*; 108 and upwards,0; unknown,0. " e KS (.rtNAilvirr—Umted States 148; Ireland 25; Knghtnd tlaudi; Switserland •;$"rance I; Holland0, Britishloa- s, N. A- !; West Indies l; Portugal.0; Germany 8^. u 0; Wales*: AlricaO; Spain 0; Kassia 0; Italy 1; b _.iea o; Unknown I• _ _ FaoM-Alma House. Betlevue.l: Hospital do. 9: FeverHoa- pital do.o; I'emtentiary 0; Blaekwell's Island 5; Small Pot Hossatal 2; City Hospital 5; New Jersey 4. Westchester 1; Loss Island 3. red ^wiLUAM A. WALTERS .City Inspector, y lu«v*clor's Office. Jaa 29.18«s. am i. Passengers galled. IANOON-ShipMediator-F .' Pf.fferle.New Ycik; Henry Rosrd. William Royd. Canada; Vr an. Wyndr.am, and »«r- vas|, (iucbec; Mr Arncld. New \ork; William C McL tavKarooi.—Packet shipSou'h America—Oeo S Mawsosi FsssMWMsL New York; Lyman Perkins, Bvtown tlanada; ti'^rt;' WjBnwitk.Oanada: Wm Mtt "uii,.iiiiiitre_,aodcue C-S1£— Packet ship 8t Nicholas— H Bossai,i;e, Mr Mai'in. \ J ai *»,f % law OKLEA«»-Ship Huntsiilli-MrT II Volt, and Mr R P D..n«herly,of New York; Mr H Moiaan and R O Fray, iiigm On eans. Forelfrn Iinpos-tatlona. .. .ro\—Schr Chattahoirhe—6710 piece< dv e wood 95.- Oaf It ' ireu7 brlsold eld copper 2059 hides IS- biles skins Boo u«l. (irate* & Co. EBr.wia—"ehr Fawn—338 bags cocoa io toni logwood t hag tuitlc shtll 40 lbs old copper A C Rossirre. »f wi«. all » ailing wind. General Reeerd. VII i if..(-»•— Iu'4awer loa Ic'terirmn Baxaevilte, Mass.. as- niji.lor intormalsok rawtive the »i>i,. Qlobe, of Port land. we run inere'y stmte thit the barque li ot-e, Catrfaia 8il«by. of Po -llaB'i.arri- ed at this |M rl on llir S h of Au«ust !s*t.firti, Il.rllfp ol, Eneland Ju c It, eia Wtateta Llvds. Julv IS; aad tint on I lie 1Mb ult- she " M at New Orleaaa dactiarg Spssatest. J»co > Pennel.Nsw Orleaia for Boiton, Jan 33 l»t 24 5s; 77 25. Alexandria, New Orleaaa for Hsvre, Jan U. 79S8. / Ji__ A ship with a bl>i* csoss, hound dew a the gulf, Jaa m Vat S4 21 N, lou -3 13 W. ' M f l U n i t e d S t a t e a Porte. F Asrrroar, Jan 24-Sld Rebeeca, (uew. IW t«n%lB«lii BIIOTIIBST, Jan 27—lo poll, id rJulia k Marija, lm W is cssast for Cubs. t £ l'oiiri.*su. Jan 2S-CW Burmai,Hsvata; KrsS-ml (new, 199 tons) Porta Kieo. ' f „ . <ii.MI u-ii.a.Jau „-Arr achrs Peru. Wkit»o#«, Newlu- ryport; »t John. S"R ^-.tli—Arr H nry^ tsesssSssS Bat—M, Jm27—Slid Hamiltoo. Africa. * _ BosT"X,Jaa31-\rr Smyrna. N Orleans; Empress. Fast River, V« CM Kmperor, Havsnigtmoctaw. ttsnyr a; Ha'- lewetl,Mobile; I iu-rty. Kichinoiid: fid Edelisss a. Khr*. N Orteans; Chatham. Bait hsMM f'* " _- ,. rRoeu>K?iee,Jan 2s—Arr lan'lora. Middletor, NC; Hone. NVork. 30th—Arr eViseverance, NYoik. Nothiig sailed. Mediterranean, f. r N York, has not Bailee. B»tTiM.'Ki-,.l.in30—Air E%ert»vd, CBrem) Breoien; At- hwuc. Turks island. C'd Eliae (Brem) Brtmen. SU John Mnrahall. I iverpo< I; Baltimore, boston. CHABLSSTOK. Jaa 2S—Arr Olympic Havre, lo the OHII-K. Fanny, (Br) Liverpool. 27—arr (ieo Caaaiat, (Brl Poiu- mpuih. Erg; John C Calhoun. Kine.tou, Ja- Bid Caroline, ( t r ) Havre •.VASNAH.Jaa S«— An-New Yoik, New York. Cld Sa- v^nuah, chapter, do; Philana, UrasW, do; Seuotnr, Boiton. n*aiK!», J.n 24-Arr New Jerrey, Brwwn,N York. 25-r-air Alexander Mitchell. Pratt.do Naw URi.CA.vs, J»u2l—<Vi Moscow, Boston: Anbnru, Dor- fey, New r York; Lalayelte, Hsvn; Porpaiar, I adii Air Pandora, Nalchex; Valhalli, for Boston, returt.el for repairs; also, tha Bachelor, for Richmond—both having been in con- tact. -—.... . r i »t*r r s sr«B.te t'HOMAff K U dtmsssMrii* *v.:'n:r '••• WEDNESDvt ' ..,_ **t*1 «"e»ert n i V S a w ny<t«. . *ii londid rn-aiterr. kr —An svt»R*iv« and Pfser-Ov ss-on- nwntoi »eeoo<l heed «. A MR fmsurwe of all drwriptsr.m Iron- (ssiiilsts remcrv'tg Si'. Also, large I i of ai din«atl»*tocd lanl f.-rMiters. sy'et- dsu a*«e* ef new tsty srade en, sad k* virtae of aS , .f» i-ii!.'. 10 -ofe* t ptanofer ea,» a»..-.-U lep UMaa, ssM saadiy i,tt>erar«assss of cabmet at»s. ALo ihe »a'-j*p> fa nitnre leetused fresa proehlrs. aod A»««. a rat—If tl eacatleat roraitarc from Srsokrt aas) sslsewhere. _ F R I D S.Y. At 10 o'«<oefc, iu the Satee Roots. Fstra Fale of valuable dry goods, ehMh ms. >*•*•_>• POKTUOCESE FEMALE PILLS. Sat ar-tamed auu c< lebrated pi Its, Sssr.five, to be obtainrd is this c t "tsww Ai on th* la«t coluMnor fourtli oasre T HESkjttar-lanted auu c, lebrated pill*, fiom Portugal, are we flitf.rive, to be obtainrd is this country Se« arf>er d3* te. is D K. T A l L O K ' s oAi.SA.41 UK UVnKWoKi.-Um ceitili^s that I have b:tu ex losed 'O sudden changes from great heat to cold; I have l«og beiu suljrct to distiesaicg and dau.erots cough, wttb pain iu the side and chest. Dr. Taj lot's ls;'!< un of Liverwort, t torn 24l Spring street, always giies m< it l.» l. and by its u e I cm continue in my laborious and is- posed busiuess *XlAS LEWIS, 7 Clark at. or eoiutr <f Wishington and Warren sis. , , at T read well's llaaery I certify that I have been comjidled by extreme bad healih to make use ot Dr. 'tailor's Oalggm ol Lirerwert for niauy >ea-s and that the medicine I uow use is identically theaatre as ilnt 1 formerly obtained, aud that it ia made by the same ptrsou now.at 241 Spring stieet, who formerly made it at 375 Bowery. JON As B E t K M A N . 3«l Pearl St. The sufcseriber hereby certifi'a, that heh.s had acoug railing of llood and matter from the lungs—severe lann through the ch-st and HI <bt sweats for sis years or more The Balsam of Liverwort has such a hapiy tfleet upon all uif complaints, that 1 truly believe I could not have livelto this time witnout it. Knu.erly I have obtaioed Use medicine from 375 Bowery, but lately fiom 211 Spring st. whicf. is now li eie.-uleiice of ihe Proprietor, n ho is the same person .hat made the medicine for me ai first intSie Bowery. ALEX\NDLR SMITH 181 Forsyth at Savton ••i'll.e Rev. Mr. Matttiea '* Church, ( hrj sliest. Stephen Dolkeer, IS Broome ,te< I e >r»erirf*Maugio, made use of this medicine some yea-s ego Horn S7S Bo Were, and of lately from 241 nnrssj stnet, with great i.drantsz;aiidsati*- fa, t ion. Ills luiuuhed at 241 Spting street, by 'he id-mie ,| t'crn'u who made it at '-'J Bjweiy. .l-.hn Uemncd, 137 Wil- li in street, witi m* to lh - same fact- in his family,and can eer ti'y irom his own kuow 'e ge thit ihesame p-isnu is now »t 211 Sprurf stret'. who fntiuerlv made the inejiciueat No. 373 lloivtri ,a»d is 'lie trtien"opii;tor. Mr. .Morton, hudson siree•, et riser of Noith Moote; Mr. Ooodspted, 6th avetue; Mr. Hoidvldste, druggist, 288 Bowery; Mr. Ltty, Broadway, eerier, ol Bheeser sireet; and many hundrids of ths ui-\*t n •pertab e pro, Ie in the (ity and coim- try are iead> tec rtifv to ihe most surpr sing tffe Is of this medieiue ana that Ihe only genuine now made from the orifci- nalMcipe i« »' 211 *liij< street. Ob»eive :—Tne pnee of ihis nedicme is as follows—Large bottles $J; utx size §1 smaller size 50 ei.ts. S«id at the proprietoi'» es abushment 241 »|aing street, near Hudson. SJdin CNew ark, at 116 and 246 Broad street; also 26 YWIriui st. r l •>"' lAiVil lU L.'.AO(,-III. Miitu. ,„«i t > , .,-• Apply vt the Coal Office of Wil.iasns & Keieusou. corner M-'l ?.>u sad Jefferson streeu. f2 31* / I5S Menroe street SUPERFLNE .DRESS COATS. he THK BfcSTjtirALlTY. b itii as fo workmanship and materials,for TWENTY-FOUR DOLLARS; also Pantaloons Ttn Dollar*, at PHILIPS' Cash Tailoring (iiabiislun-.nt. 143 Bro:,dway. N. B —The above garments are guaranteed to be equal to every respec- to tho-e roide by the roost eipeuaiee iiouses sa tin rily 1 li-i is no I mptv guarantee, but OM ihitme adver- t-ser pledg«s himself to fulfil. Garments of second— y <|ua- litr prcpor_Honab1y lower. ^ aj jlS TJAlR CCTTINW AND URESsINti !—OlOVAN> 1 IT pERRARI. formetl, of No.« Astor House. Broakwvy r. spcctfully btes leave lo announce ii.,i he hai'o «o-d a new a'ld elegant Hair Uie.-sin-,' Silooi. ai No 4 Vesey s'. Astr.r Housa, which srill be found repltt» with e«eev comfort and c iB'eoitnde. alsS where h-iwitl at all li-sn-s be htppy to wait ou Ui'^egeutlemiu M bo may please lo honor him witS th'tr eomniands. 2i I in* n \OUEsTRETiTVps'. I'OHTRA 1 1'S-taktn in luim.ia XJ bieitjle at BUTLER'S Rooms, Ne, 7| B.wery, coraT of Division st. . Instructions given, and app- ralusfi»roi«h»d. is nsnal. 21 it AT is-NT "fit E sEtt V E D MHJAI'S A S U SOU PS— w ar- tha kfrtaaee of t h t h. u ./k.e; i g artM-K irott H»»jaersS»r st, forming »sdesribte tn as*orticest as ksa We a offered pu' lie s-1' f«e soar time plet'ged articles, gioeeries. tMrdwsre. ke. WalcWa essfct silver ever,detached aad rkeietoe. do do. Alan rioe Trish Li- B<au. silks aatiiS.eslieoes, mus'ir«. «isg'•»«>" hesi". .rlivsa s>ikwU,rittt-. u >, nad a variety af valaakle gcods ot eariovM rsai iinltiias SATURDAY. At ia. oVWk. ia th« Wales H'v>m-*fles_i«' Foraiiare. ^,»,» ,%, it. n "sIMPMsN, AwHa-aer."" S\tf _^ALUAtk_ OOLDAND SILVER WATCH _a?_' * ,OL0 JEWELBT.m-.~J_C«I». PL ATT will sell ihis day a> 11 o'clock, at u.t store No. si Piatt street , without reserve, the stock of a dealer wf-o M retinal from ha siness. 900 ladws'and gentlemen,' ( old aid silver f_aat La- yer, Aacby. Ese*p»i»tDt. lEiir*. Cgllader. DurJev, Haat- tag, ard other Watches. lro„, f, „T Ut»irt*wn bul-s )• wellsat. *V,L?1 ! _ _ _ _ * __**' "J-^™!- HPK •_!•'«' sswH^mesu of Oats) Jeweller, soeta a. P,«». BCTOCH a. ¥i«g». Br .Hants. EarRukgs.fnld Fob ;.i d tin rd « l.nms. <...ia h- . Pencil _?__**• **• The above is wtll wenky the aitrsrtVi af theiradr. •Teroillof Sale-Frar B oaths for vll twos utcr fiirj. f., r approied ;.ut eavsorsed not, a. ft ,,. SIXTY MILKS SttORTBR YHAX ANY OTHER ROUTS., THE MOST EXPEDITIOUS BOUTE • TO ALBANY, trs* BRIDOEPORT-Fara £&.< S. rs MARITIME HERALD. »KT O F M K W YORK. FBBRUAttY ., ' ,";. r.."-sr"i at '••' ..r:_—• -;;'' S >m .-SI ••• •••» I i TS. . . . . . . -• •• 5 0 I stoon sets . ai«a WATCB- 1 93 To Heaters of Vessels. Coinni.mdera of vessels will eonf-r a favor by hariag a lisi ef their eaigoes, passengers, a>id a report of veasela left at t port whence they sailed, and the vessels spoken, nsdy tiie ir arrival hare for Commodore BASSCTT, ..f our fleet af i.t»i sesmoesrs. Hs wiU board them immediately oa he:r » m v _ . / Claai •hip /otoff,Merry Havana.T I^vtd, h tare ruffles.Iflavw lfti>te.Jno OgJen; E»'in, St Audie»». NJ. Wm «»<«»c''*- amra >* A Apprttou, t IdriYge,Boston; Juo Lwalas, tUlli.rS, tmeUu. Arrtwet. Jlehr t:h iiUt.oochi. tmaae, IS dayi fe Curacoa, Bo. er, —saw" k • A J_ I *sth B c k r Fawn.Ftfttro, 13 ds fm Jeremie. St Doming... jvi'h eft- M. &-C to a C {Ssam Lefl brig Jos Atkins, liggiaa,. Jwr ton 14 is Js; schr Daniel i r^ncis, -rasll. for do *• slays, ol.ly Am vesTeU. 21st J»u ..If Wattis«s Island, spoke tehr ube.fn A"* __*rW forBosio-i. -< t B,whlon^l»l>id», fm Yoik R vr, with corn. U b ' . r ' c U WalltrT|j«»i«s. Br-'wu from Ik* •.reek of |a*KipFru*««rt. She rtmaisa i s th« eoaditam aa sast is- i- '' A. tmWeat i U h pa SoaiH AmeviiS. Llveri-H)!; Mediaior, Lor,d- a; CsJ- •kt i. 4h*r!e-loe. Marine «)«WTea|ioiiiIenee. On HS: or 'in H nuns- lsi »Moia.| iVeirassrf.Jaa t*. 1MB. i la r . i'u« >icua. 13 ds fus MManias. S»il%d is «<» *it« k-tk .LfPcViland,ferU-mb U fg. Lefiat MaanatW it h 5^ Dm •f""* 1 ^ 4 '*' '1 hes». |-rO*isions posses* great advantages ori r every o'her •Use iptkuvofseastore. They are a valuable nibs.i.ate for live stuck.* hich with il* provenderand I resh Water, occupy- so much room on lenj vov ages, is subject to disease, and re- nuir.sso nbch ctrein bad weather 'J hey are always ready for use, may be taten cold, i r if preferred. warm»d in a few uiiii'ius. therefore require very lit-L fuel, and no c viking, aii I afford indulgmee ia a number el luiunes at sea thnt no ctre orenpense cmldin any otlwr way procure. Apply 101 Wjil- liivmst. * QLIL. \T EKlSOH 1 -VlsANKLiN COFFES, HOO^ET M viinSa V l.ane, and 13 Ced«r street —Several fine Baddhs of Vehi- son will bedresstd this day and **i v. il up in the usual sty!', attest. pUte. Ready at U o cloek.^ p ROW , MIBLO'8 GARDEN-TO THE LOVERS OF KLORA. IN Messrs. N1BLO & DU.SL AP would most respectfully 1 n- fermer title men wanting b->uu,u- t-i. that they are fully prepared to suiiply order* to anv client, and on reasonable terms. The couservatoey and greenhouses at576 Broadway, andjat Harlem, will convince any l.'s or gemli man who will the proprietors are prepireu loeiecute orders, which Will b: stall time* attended to »ith neatness and Despatch. Lai'i ggiv-ng soirees or lull- ran brturptitd w'tH plants of large or smalt SIT.*. A'so.cut ll iwcrs. Which will be arranted IO the mm t tasteful manner by Mr. T. Duntap,who has be.n long and favorably known to the lovers ofplaul*. The f.'onaervatory «t Niblo*s (rardenwill a ways he oiie.a to il,e ladies for premeuMle, an 1 every attention uaiJ them— Uiercaw now IV. us and* of that spVmlid rlo*er,ihe ('ainellia. coming into bloom, »r.ouy af which a-re of the best siat to pu-i ui to tiie ladies for de«er»tiWtheir windows, and wbkn w ill be sold „t moderate pricts, withtverjawther article io their V resh Bird 9re Is. Odd Fish Globe* Ice. it* U NITED Sl'ATEW HOTEL,—The under-i*nev aive* tw 'lite to Ihe taibtic that the Unit d ^ta'ca Hotel, forntcrfyf ket>tby David Oorranee. Es»t. aud whi*h has b=*u cloaed ff»r uowanlseftveo -oaths.hss b-eti put in completeeriVr.eTery tv,rt of the extensive tuiliiog h«viag been evpored to thj-e-esm .x4iiniuation,andme»p.ii8' has been sparedI to wtke erery rt, the Uuitevl Slates, wi'hout « * * { • £ * , , n ,___,, , I am haoov to sBinmace »h»t I hive ma.e »n arr^ag. m ^i i i.h Mr Xlonro Reed, the lute well known. a«mne4.ir of the Sf*____ S„' .. Sew York, m all and aasitt 1-1 iTi * OF EXCHANOE—•;« all part of Etsfland. Ireland B ,nd Scollaad. i" seam ol «S JU*. Jt* JMTJNB. •s'saif H J. Si_V_HTi-.it>a, 21 Wa I «». aad is Br i_w»e. amount—'e-rsde -t fRUlT—-r>te«m B-rk< 'arum I. k-xtrly eip tied ttom Ha, - vaua vvilba lull earg > of feuit. Per< imd-siona if jur- f.-.au'i-' wUl tdease make initner'iste SM-lva i-m to c._»«ug,wu»i CLOVER _ McWUBRAY. *5j lasftaest-ert. E \OLlS.i"vttlK f.n- For fou-di-Jier aud «j lioder m___aaa Btanulaciurid frt m the I ureal metal f< r sale bv rl a I Ps.ttSSE k BROOHS.CI Liberty B ILLlXriTls—•Oris FIEL- will te napvy ii a eail »rorn I friemto at Baasfom'a Billiard Rwnt», ov«» Oei'linitv K , •; I Ii- -*, vv i.t ri-arr e , :ii »| Ir-ndil t b l - , . »im slate aad nmrbl. h>_. tadia rubber cWth, and spring steel o_i_-,ne— <roi SB I m»h g-wio fiasnrs. Ktitrauce- its Fultons-aet, aud 1| Ana street. Ta)>kes and rt. tS.for sata. _>»!»* c fp - L H R ' - N I ' vti.1 , r . 1, of.villi ainus, pu-e'«_'~- _ tbf *. J.SYLVESTrM, '•• *t market rat •*, by i\V. >\), ir. in ,N» r"> w * rt ** *"* ' 3 *_*; _*__[ P A<;K y. t'^HII'i t - . Z nj.ir- iii , \ . •> v a n « _ _ » . i, -vCJiai ing at (MMM wha-f, f-ot -rf W*ll steeet. Ca-assssaftS \«i 1 i |c.«» attend to lb* rrfii't t l Ui.i-ui. I, oi-Cliatg _J S*e»et. C*»« , ef tht > rood* immtit'ate!; . The steam mat C KO l'ON or the Nl VI ROD. leaves Cathe- rine Matktt slip, East River side, fur BraVeport. *v#ty sasea- ing eitWt Sunday, at 7 (/clock. From Brn'gepe rt, j: A—sagess wdl be forwarded by the H iwatomc Railrsad to North Ca- naan, thence to West Mock bridge (*• assies) by stsae- aad tiieoee to Albany (.* miles) by Railroad. Ths em are w%JJ furnUheii and w -rn ed ft^» For ptsssge or fretghf apply an hnard o f the best, or a* the York House. No. S CouHiandt strut. tSlas PA8SAOE r U h N S W OK_r.A.NS—tmiy s_t> gidir Line —The tpleaskd fast sailing pueket sassy _ ^ A L A B A M A , Capt. Banker, sails rc-sitis-Jg- oa the f th r ebriai y. her rtf alar day. Th' skip* of this fine aail every ive dsre, ar pae*s*T« free, having .,Undid ac-oinmocaticus for c_'io - - -uu ca- bin, and steeri(t» . p*_se>«ers. ror psuge.saHy -pi-, .tion sssoiil'l be tu tde on board, i' ,ot o* Wall it. ••»(<> W. at J T . TAPJMOTT, _,. .. ^ . . . .'•*•? »' h street, or U lack Blip. The packet sl.i p O* MI' LtiEE w il: succ rd the Alabama, and saw oa Ihe loth F»bmary. fl FOR LlVEllPOOL— New Line—Regular f>aeket the 251k r hrua- v — T»e aplendid fast sai ing liarker ship OAltRICK. <apt. William .Ski-ldy a7la_» tote, will sail as above,her regular day. •- F. i freight or passage, having accommodaticas apaapfhil for splendor ot coailort, apply on board at 4Mesas wharf. E. E. COLLINS I LQ. of Wail st. arts PIT e of passage f 100 5* South sWeet. The packet ship HOH'HJ*. Opt. John CoHiss. of 10SS titis will succeed the Gsrnck, aud sail oa the '15th Match, her tegular day. Tassengers may rely upon the ships of this line s&ilmg pwac tasljy as advertiied. ft. FOR NEW OrtfcEANH, LuUtilAS'A AND NEtV YORK L I N E - T o sail the l i b F-kr< . Tl„ siilenrtia {_t aai'iae facket Ship OC OEE, f apt. Leavilf, will nmn'itely mil as above For _ or aasSSBB, I aving sphmhd furnished B'commodatloM, _, ply ou board, at Orleans wharf, mot n> Wall street, or te E. K. COLLINS k fcO. i 5* South street, fireat care wi|! be taken to ha*e Hie giod* by this line eo»- rectly maasured. ; Agept in New Orteaas, Jaeaos C. Woodruff, who wstt promi tly forwatd aM got da f o his address. The packet ship ( i ASTON. Ca,t. t.aiham. will swerved the Ocmu'gee, a-.d sail U e 20th February, her i»gu sr jay. £•_ FOK LIVEItPOOlT— 1 he superior Srat JatS_; splenrtiTa- \s sailing rhip SCOTLAND. Robin on, alaatra, »• _ba< •; immediate dispatch lor tha above port llsi—sj, splendid a-commndatious for e kin, iccond rahta, aad steer a _ e M a n gers. Ptrsous about embaiking should make tarw apphcalion to GLOVER A McMURRAY. * 160 Pine street, e merof South «r. °.—Per*' ns wiaking to send fbr their fiien'S resydio the old C' untry. can have th<m brought out by th* assure I to leave Livei pool ou the l*th March, aad provided with pea. " r»ta urma, by vision« b> lie, if nou red, on the m-st B-V- I- imp M I .1 rve fir h(P l-i f r n o d n a i d t = *: FiR l.iVEhPOOL-Posiuveiy oa the M 'as.— m _ . 'ABKHILL. Car-'ain WOtt. Will Lrvtrpoul as above. Thia apleudid ship h The cuivrier lint class fast Battens ear ks4 sisss __JW. Host wilT ssidcs^atcked for . •• ship haa coipmodatioos for ctkiu, aceuad cabta, ami afeersge . gerk, who will lie lakeaata moderate rate. A| ply oa board •Ins, at i r 13 _ast River, or to JOHN HERDMAN.siBeutki _ N B— \rrnncrmeuts cau. as aaoaL be mads with the sub- scribe for i-s-sage from Liverpool, of those who saay be seal fork tkiirf.i'B b»ra. Drafts can also be furnished for aay amount, payable throughost Great Briuia and IrslaasL SB ay- ply sag as skova II _ I'AsSAti- l-OK Ln/_lt"P<H>L-rke ., last suing Packsl Ship SCOTLAND.Caat. _ on. is now loadiBs.sua will sheet witk taw despatcu This shin has splendid accomrrodaUoaa tar second cabin and steerage paaseagers. For aasmge early sa> plication s'lO'ild he made on bo«rd. Pier o.pvss.e tfl seath at W. k J- T . TAPSCOTT, 4»Po«th street, ase 4 S Peck BUD. Person* wishing to send far thsir fticads ess have taasn hrnueht oat in this ship, or say other of the tesjttitar line. Bail- ing from Liverpool tv, ry week, on very fatorabtcteima. *a_ draft* for auy amount ran be had. payable oo demand ia all ike principal towns of th: United Kingdom,kg sptdymg maker* V. (" -- avgig. FOR LlVEllPOOL-fPeHilivery tn sail oa Iflth | r l e | k hibrurv)—TU" 'iip-rior fir't c'ass ship SOLON, sjp-*__t'ai>t Cteevrr. will po i ively aail as abave, aad can hmdsotne'y occommmaleafew rabin. 2 I cabin aad * tee rage passenger, st moderate rate* if early ariil(CJition is wade to v fi JOHN HERUMtN.ti Seaih at. N. B. The ship GEN. BARK 1LLI. sada pofitirely oe Wtdueaday, JdFeb.and canaci-oasn oiate afew more pmara J5ef»_ _^ , P C ITY DESPATCH POST.-The I*uhtie isr«_j*ctfully is- formed, that the City Ui-ia^ti Post wiU gj into <pers- tion on MONDAY nef, tSe 7tb of rebra-rr. TV. -R-gu'ation- may te scan at the i rii_ii.il ffu». No. 4* William street where frveslimi* »nav be purchtaed. A complete list ol the Branch offices wdi be advertised ia's few day». , fl I f I ?OR SALK. or evchai'ge, or to reut—Lani in Lycoming county, Penua. title good—Also, ten lots in Bergen county. N J- halfamilefrom Newark—Alaoto sent, a FaratinEli- «abetlil"Wn. N J., consijiineoi 4 aires, ham. indgool .ra'er, rest only $120 ; I hourSnde from New York, r or particulars BiW'y H _ _ * I BMITH.3Nms_iat Jmm* KKO.vt HAVANA.—(a_ C'Tf.ASl B \ K K « LtHtOll O signres of Merchandise by ll.i< viasel will please esad their |«rrpiisonb -ard, loot ol Jones's laae, or tu ihe office of tletub-ci ers, as alt good* n«-t permitted mfne days must unavoidably be *• nt io the public store. I'hiljlAN-NT E»rA__WH*t^NT, IN NEW YORE. M OSS. MALLAN k SONS, Barg-eon DeasJaU, Ws. tn Bo dw ay, and at Loadsn an_ Pails, :.form tae Public ol New York, and its vicinity, that in const luenee of their very extensive practice, they have, at length, hcen induced to open a remanent Establishment, w here they may be consulted at No. 37-1 Broadway, between Fracklin and White streets, in all cases eppertaiainf te their professian, in which they bare been so sueesafal, in consequence of their celebrated discoveries and im- provements io the art of Dentwtry. Mons Mallan returns thank* isr the very' s_Mh_l pat rouag* he has receired, and continues to recr-ire, far ticularly to the Medical profession of N e * York, tor their kind recommendation*, aad advocating Mons M.'e improvemfnt in Dentristy, CELEBRATED MINERAL r»a FILLING DECAYED TEETH! Mons. M. continnes to restore decayed Teeth. howerer large or small the cavity ; making a stump intj a sound Tooth, instantly curing the Tooth,howevr r painful ar sensitive, matching; in point of color, tbe natural cortes or enamel of the Tooth. The Minatal ia applied In sew seconds, wilhaut the slightest pain, heat, or pressure, and lasts far many yeats. prtveoting the n»ces»ity st Extracting, which is au Injm ions to tbe Human Frame- that painful and disagreeable operation has seek a ten- dency l". shatter the constitution of delicate and aerroaa persons. INCORRODIBLE MINERAL TEETH:::. Mons. M. calls ths attention of the Public snJ JL of the city of New York and its virisiti-e to hui brated liscoaaewaua Mtassaa. Ts-TH.whsch resist ths deleterious eli ctsof acid*, and are not feeble ts cmn*mm or discoloration from Medical Prescriptions, er *-. y othsi kl T_e n v C "ver break or become loose-they kav^ as ua- natursl elsss-am lirml) fised witkoutwiressr ligatures - n o bulky substance- in th* saowth-aad m e er> psrtl- cu*ar resemble tbe a.fjoiolngJVHh, In cor.f-vrmtty af Iban* and minutest shadeof color, pfajed ftW-eaete, eesapMa st-', open tae above impresed and te.entite in i-cii le th*-y are guaranteed te answer every purpaat ef Masticaiaoa and Artmulmien^anicularly the inability to give tbe proper sound to the d. ntelmg ual donble csm- Kotiant T H . They *re so natural in appe>arsnce,and as ligatures being used, and stilt «o firm io the mouth, they d-ly detection by the closest observer. Lv>OSE TEETH securely and effectually fastened, visingeitL H '. «sa the u«- of medicines or any other cause. *J^ ARTIFICIAL 'ALATES replaced upon a sure and sciei tiftc method TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. SCURVY IN TffEOUMd I Cored an 1 prevented by • Lotion which can t* for* el to any part orthe United Stat.-*, with prepet direetipa for use, and guaranteed te ansa er. Al»o, a arevetstjea and cure for the moat violent TOOTH A t i n . TO THE PUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES. Mons. Mellon is happy ia being enabled te aanenace, tht* ley t h e kind consent af Three Hundred of the Bret ts•-' : i:e- cf the United States,centssting 11 the i ekantt, Medical {irofesaion. Clergy aad ptivate C* it ens, to w horn be can refer a* to tke * iprnui it> of MOM. M.*S eel. In ated Mineral in prt fexence to any other they have . v l i n . t, t i i . mtbeir opinion the beet that ever aa*_e under thtir pu'ice. Hia ether imprevements teed ne coar meet. INVALIDS A'tended by Mons Mallan, Janr^ at their awn Eata- iilihment , _ _, THE FACULTY A^fD PUBLIC s- r.irticulsrty invited ts pay Mana Mallan s visit, an s«. the epeeimews of hia new diseoveri e in D*_*is_T. MONft. M A L H V S<mV^ \Say be ocnsuRed daily.from IS till » « £ _ _ » J i A w betw-een FswsAWesM w_st» strswssv CII4ROF.S slOSW* 1 * JU4T rTJ*U*BBO. rttmVmtm T k e . i s w i s m ^ . - J I ^ - ^ ^ j j a . y ^ tlv Structure sad Dssss-eaas «—• ft Un* 1 t •> i \i o r , HSJI i ,. n U ^ ^ Z f e &ra£^U?JXrtto!£ ,T^ J!, n rheir 4Vb«< end d»-S U % l a e X . & ' » • ' • « ~ »*—' disci. H « » WUh in the » as* ' " ' ^ ^ r f j j i o R r . , 4«r»ey sa ham. , ui MSsnw_»-r«et. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 14/New York... · * *t • 'mmmMmmmmmmmm^mF ._jn : 1 i» w.t i IMS *Jie_M_o< g**»»—Ms* >•»•»* ' t« notice? the sad (twntmilti

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 14/New York... · * *t • 'mmmMmmmmmmmm^mF ._jn : 1 i» w.t i IMS *Jie_M_o< g**»»—Ms* >•»•»* ' t« notice? the sad (twntmilti

* *t

• 'mmmMmmmmmmmm^mF

. _ j n : 1 i» w . t i IMS *Jie_M_o< g**»»—Ms* >•»•»* ' t« notice? the sad ( t w n t m i l t i w h i c h h*«' •***

P» sent to us ay she honorable Senate. K tell* • * Z< • pure * * » " k M » M ^ <S I h r a b - t h a t a * i » e b e a d b,„ ( , a*«.l to th i n k - 1 ft at a life of vi n « « « ***»**"**!?. k*J held on in a o W o k e n he s l ik and «*• f ui««»* t» »«***" „ 4 hale old age, haa ,:uw. m tbe midst ef w b l w toils,

. in t i^ t - that the .pir.t which « ! * 2 * S 5 K h l S j i w t - 4 it t e .11 that th* cu lwate .1 iMt laew of » « * » « "

> , * na lur . p m i n j to h . good,an* W n > * * « * • * * •

•ongeuial d*Min>«a which are tt»lo#

ldeii?,J"_ „ i - u B » ^ m o r t a l i t y . It tell* «». tan, that, "****• « 2 2 £ | ;h.*« hall*; end ta* our rtwagfct faculties, »od «nb«rk

u»K l a t e r . * . wh.cn M M ledssaaad thea . rflacts, there . aa snaeea r\»wer amongst ua, •» » * • » " I****"** • " the power* of man a w bu> »« a stcbble and ashes— w h o

.»< tit silently to touch either the atlvered c r e w n of •Af or the Aral and conndoal brew of earlier manhood, a_l, instantly s o d equal ly , they rs lU- tbe eloquent Mogee *• » « • * »«M* ' h e k e t e l n g bosom M tt i l l . Mr. •.seeker, w e r e it not that the notices appropriate to t i a» melancholy occasion * moat of aeceeeity *,be brief, l * >ul l gladly sp ak of tha deceased Senator (< olon* I 0,v »••} mora largely tnan i shal l n o w allow my sell to ja I would am *X of him w i t h the privi lege of one w h o „r t i d i l y thirty years has enjoyed his friendship ; w h o t i s t w a associated with bias in professional and in is-leg illative labor* ; and w h o , in any eitbrt tot the issj-rovement of the laws and institution* of his State.

Mid lor the advancement of whatever w a s thought*. iwoJoette to the psrmanet prosperity of hia fal low __ teas—always re ly ing upon h im aa amongst the ( sxrmoa-- i iet»r relied upon him in vain. T » moat of the -members of this House, h e w a s probably i. • * •. oaly in h i s publio station. T o thoae dia> uaguishod Senators whose nearer acquaintance his waa m hoj'py as to eajoy , (aa<l he could not at joy that with-¥'•• • - . -Tii.g »!•« tii.-ii alf. ctiait,) it wouhl be superfla-•u> to enlarge npon the traita ot that modeat anil bland tut at the same t ime sfrong, energet ic , inflnential cha-racter. which marked him in his individual and social aa «- aaiin h iajomcta i rei* ions to men and things . r <oA few opportunities may have occurrtxlto turn

hereWTthe developmeut of all hia qualit ies, yet 1 b«Hava IBS- nis quick and accurate power of observation—the afesftasMMtf his panetmjioa—the aoundnessof his A— i oerata J idgment— h e constant santh ine of hia cheerfai •- . • o l e n . - e - h i s t e i e n e p . t ionce under trials and vexa-r . - • in, »isB|>le.he*rt. J truth th« t m n a ^ r . n t honesty, of hi* dsMrosaud purposes—the boldness of his asseition oi iha right—the enduring firmness of hia resolution— the clear integrity and the h igh toned honor of his d-i ly •n pu'Utr-—these, 1 bel ieve , h a r e not b e « . | without their * . . ••ars here But i w i l l not attempt tugroup all t h e

• i istgfand clear and beautifo! qualit ies of niind a n d h e a t •hi icoaat i tatodin him ability in action and in counci l , v. i invested him with a moral iiula.-i.i-e, (of greater n i t tuan al l talent,) wh ich added i*s just force to every , tf>rt of hia inteli. ciual strength. Sweetness ci djspoM-tson and power of iutel lect w e r e in hlmbbnde«l in that u • ,'(,>' and harmonious union, without wh ich neither ceh re oi distinguished value to the posiesaor or vothe world. Il,i aterlmg character, noob'rasive and unsmbitiou* of daily dUatinction, was o a e of those reaerved moral re-t ,ureas of wh ich this nation Has many—though few, it a y mor- marktd *nd aurethan he , on whlcl*, in the tea mg t imes of trial that cal l for the better power a of • a -be m g it d r s « , wi th a confidence that need not tui er. for thr esmsMi vation of all that may be in peril. I am aot aware that he ever m a l e a profession of Cbrla-lu iuty accoidiug to ske forms of any c h u r c h ; but his lit.; w as a continual profession of truth and divine e x c e l lence of its preceptt. Hia respects for its solemnities a 11 love of its warship, hia ready aid in the promotion of its in te te su .h i s humble and conscientious perfoinwnce .. the duties it enjoir>s,his untiring exhibition of all the chir i t ieaof life wuich-it inculcates , are evidence , that r he postponed a more prrciae demonstration, it was • • . the very sprit of Christianity w h i c h wrought in his Imitem and regulated nis act ions . T h e history of our St.it* wi l l not be without its testimonies to his character aiul services , and it is there where he was best k n o w n that km leas wi l l be most truly appreciated and deeply

. ,< i , . i T h o u g h born in the a. j> i ; .ug Sti.taof Con-i. ticut, h e early selected Rhode Island for education arvi ciiixanakiff grle g iadastea with honor from the col-I ^e w h i c h i s n o w Brown University , at Providence, A I after cemptetinsj his preparatory study oi the l aw in

rti -•• of Jtufge t i i ! I r U at Norwich , h e commenced » t .rjctke whictt soon became extensive in both States, aii i male hia peimaoent re'id* nee in Rhode Island. He w- - tiret breaght into public life by an election to the 1 4 slatttre of that State ; and sucn waa the estimation in v h i c h h e was held by the c i t izens of hia immediate c »nmuiiity,tka' at th ir ty four succe t s ive elect ions t h y c • . . . i*l to r, tu i. km a * their rtpreseatative. During this period he waa a ptemiaent and active participator in . I the important transactions of the body, and his last e;f »rt there waa in behalf of the then doubtful and ob at cted,but now triumphant eauseoftemperaacerefordnt

...< thence again to private l i fe ,he occupied himself in the honorable pursuit of his profession, in the pros, cu-II.MI of important ;»u > ie works, in kind attention to the l i t , <es a of others, and in the affectionate officrs that en-,l-are«] him to a happy home, uniil, in 1*W without his o% ii • ohi.itatiou or effort, h e w a s elected by the legisla­ting to a seat in" the Senate of the United States, for the term commencing in Match, le*3». It i s gratifying to tlu citizens of hia State to perceive that, in that body o t tii-'inguiahed men with whom h e became thus associa­te ! , a j ait appreciation of his worth has been manifesteJ, t ,>h by the assignment to htm of importent [o; i hiuui in relation to the pjiblic business, and by tha kindeit peisooal demonstrations of reanectful regard. I i the IIM harge of every Senatorial duty h e was vigtlaut an.I constant, ar*i unsparing of himself, until h i s labors w era interrnpted at the present session by the" first and c.n.y Jiaease th.it, v. r in his life reduced him to his bed;

,ai. J this has now prove I iatal. On Saturday last, at i,.' tu, at the age of aixty-seveu yeara, in tha full posit-a-IKI.I of 'melon 1. d faculties, with patient and ever cheer i .1 resignation,and with humble hope, he died. T h e u« t h o f a S a iter f so muchfintel a tu .1 superior.»y and moral worth is an event for tno wiile and deep regret of it*.-nation. T h e abrupt I •»* of their I m g loved and haiMtya 1 fullow c i ' i ten wil l be felt and deplored hy the cit 1 . . u , of h i s o w n State with a sti l l keener and deeper gttei . B it. air, there is a circle to which this all unanticipated blow haa carried bittern* • , and agony w h i c h it were a* vain as it w o aid be obtrusive th attempt to depict. T h e >,j row s i n the hearts o f that c ircle are too new and too «.rrt<l tor any comment here, except to refer to the fact th 4 there are such to sulf r. T o the widowed survivor. . ! the bereaved sons an j daughters, 1 can trust my«elf , . 1 ) to say, that, in all « incantj »i true »j mpathy and

• , t v»e corutii i.,l them to that Power which alone i out! d*al the blow, and ak>ne can imptrt tkecon&ola-ti HIS • hich may con vert it into mercy. »a

^ir. T. then s u b m m - i t h e fo l lowiug resolat ions ,which w > rv aaanimoutly a<loptrd :—

Kf*olv«»!. That 'b« , 1 - i n i received with ds/p t*nutnaiy tlie eoKSBUttualiou f n m the «sa>M »u:iou 'fi u : lie dr..iti of the ituu. > « n t * f 1 t •. i w*s DIIOM, a Seaator fiom the State ot K.r>< tit laiauo.

Heaolved That, i i t: hen of sincere tad h.gh respect for the rarniaiy of the etc* used, this Home wi 1 it.-ad his fnaeralob-• 1'tios to-mono*. *: thr n u ^ i - . i it .I t*j thr Seuate. and witi wear era te asassj the I ft a.--<« aa laontniug t ,•, thirty days; •»d aa a further as ' k o i n n ' * t,

!•-,-• v.M1, That ii= 11.>u • e d > now v ' u . r r . j The reso lut ionshat i . ig been agreed 11, f i e l lou^e ad

j 'iri,e4.

sammmammmmmammmaaffaaammvya ^ na> >> o o « g-wtHrXsaaastl v ssiei wSSk tM»#«»*tft« tnea, ref me ir>-d«y lor ialte any • paper ¥01 cf the city b s i k s

i-:v.chan.g» on Xtw Ymk w «*Utng aif| , and if the ul«s4tt™"arfaiaf«n?nt got» into full effect. kM trtrtoa Week wiltst>e tlua rate cunstdembly reduced. Thn roust Beeesmnir *** *o» f°*lfcl* b t t n k 9 will no? dare to disconat much for fear of iuits on iheir is-•or*, as well as tear of compulsory measures on the *eore of resumption. Our currency wilf therefore b •* otr e scarce and more tralaable.

The Bank of Penney varna ia »ot open and the 8 ate interest is not paid—at least not the American h ilJera of the stock, taoQgh rumor says that the packet which satla today from your city carries out the amount requisite to meet the interest on the stock held in Europe—the Bapk ot Pennsylvania having purchafted bilk on England for the piirpuae previous to failure. The balance of the interest fund in the keeping of the bank it ia said ia composed al­most entirely of Gintrd Bank notes and the relief ift-uei* of the ^tate. Itather a poor show this for the payment of the interest within the current year, without a retroit to loans, which is not very pro-babe.

Governor Potter yesterday made a requisition upon such of the banks of the city and county as have not eoraplteriwiib. the law, to pay the balance of the 5 per cent loan requited under their garter , •sccording to the act of assembly, to aid in meetinjr the balance of the interest due 1st February. As there are are but a small amount coniiBj/ from the bittilu,it is not likely that they will soon have to pay —there not being enough to enable the State to pay the interest.

At an adjourned meeting 0* the delegates from thefeverahoaak*, held last evening, at the Philadel­phia Bank, 1 learn that the arrangements between the city and County banks, as to the issue oi notes, A:c , are nearly completed, and that in the mean­time the paper of all these institutu nt will be receiv­ed on depotite or in payment of debts by each of he bsnks. The Giraril, the Pennsylvanm, the Uni­

ted States, and the Schuylkill Banks, ot course, are not included. All tae others have come into the arrangement, and have deposited the requisite amount of security- All the trustees have ne: yet been named, nor will the banks itnmtd.ately pay oat iheir own notes, lor the reason that one or two of the banks, having destroyed all their old ones, re­quire a little time to prepare new. All these ar-ranuemeiits have retereace to a full resumption of specie payments on the lot of Auguat next. Ano­ther meeting ia to be held this afternoon. The mo-t,on to app.nnt a receiver lor the Bank of Penn. sylvania to-day being resisted by the bank, was fur­ther deferred until to-morrow.

The transactions in stocks to-day were to a me­dium amount at an improvement in prices. State rives sold at SO; Pennsylvania Bank nutes 2U per cent'discount; U..S- Bank-16, Cnrard 30.

A resolution has been introduced into the Legis­lature, requiring the banks to pay coin foi their is­sues instauter. .«

^]jr- K-'Utts o » s a a ~ Ar« tumiiinj* to pircra all over >he country. T h e Bankrupt Law shouW include cor "Orations and then w e should h ave a sonnd currency.— The jrooxl would stand, whi le the poor ones would cea*«* I«I remain aa an incubus upon the country. Sherman's L<> xrages regulate al l the ph vsical bodiea, c a r s couahs . co ld and headaches . Hot thev cannot restore strength to the rotten banks as they <!o s'onntfness and hei*wb »• the consumptive . T h e Doctor's warehouse is at lfifl Nassau street—Agents . •» South Third street, Philadelphia, and No. 8 State street, Boston.

w hxr«BTS ee TMR i m r . t ! L'.IITKO Si » n *

l » « .

MM'S I 141.it*

(ft?- l lM»i«F.o»Di8irdi iM»niM in buy ins; Uorehoucd Candy. T h i s caution ia asjeeasaty, now that this mar­ket is so aluttcd wi th spurious and counterfeit articles under this name, w h i c h are compourd of vil lainous drugs and must he unhealthy and pernicious. H a w e s Hyge ine Horehound Candy is warrant' A to be innocent and aafe, w h i l e its curative powers are attested by a multitude who h a v e Obtained relief from cot'gh, sere throat, hoarseness, and other effects of exposure. Be sure to obtain the real H r g e i n e Horehound Candv, at 432 Broadway, corner of Howard ft.

The Washington Globe status that news has been received in Kentucky by Gea Combs, from the United States Consul at Chihuahua, that ha had had aa interview with hia ton (a prisoner with ninety others) at that place, (six hundred miles 1 n tbetr march from Santa Fe towards Mexico,) and that he was ia good health; and that a letter has been reeeiwd by Gen. Combs from he Minis­ter of the United States at Mexico, informing Gen. Combs that assurances had been given by ihe Mex­ican Secretary of War (Gen Tornel) to Mr May­er, the United States Secretary of Legation, that, as far as was in his power, every indulgence should be extended to his .-t-n.

BsUil aware. f Ifcinrreaposdenee of the Herald]

i i t ivrtMOHE, F e b . f, 1S-12. Nik h o s t o * : —

^ m c e the l a t e e x c i t e m e n t t o u c h i n g t h e c u r r t n e y t

I n k * , sti in plaster i ea , fires, r o w s , f ights , Arc . m a t ­t e r , h»v-- b e e u ra ther s ta le . T h n b a n k fai lures in I h i i a d e l p h i a s e e m to afiord ti ie m o s t prol if ic t o p i c s • ' 1 t ivcr-at i i iu jaat a t t h i s t i m e . S o m a of our broker* and s h i v e r * h a v e had the ir i n g c r s froated the " d a r u d e e t . " n o t o a t y in p u r c h a s i n g f o r e i g n In a i s , b a t b y d i p p i n g t .0 d e e p l y i n t o t h e R a i l r o a d orders , w h i c h , i a e m s e q u e u c e o f a bi l l t h a t has 1 -ed ho ik b r a n c h e s ot t te C i t y C o u n e i t , a u t h o r i -'* <* t h a i s s u e of ;»jOl.tt K) C i t y b o n d s for t h e f a n d -i«g of that a m o u n t , h a v e i m p r o v e d a l r e a d y t e 13 p* ©eat, w i t h a v e r y p r o s p e c t o f g e t t i n g bet ter T h e W e s t e r n M e c h a n i c s ' S a v i n g s l a t l i t n t i o a has had aa a p p l i c a t i o n o f a g a l v a n i c b i t t e r y s i n c e t h e run, and k e e n r e v i v e d aga in i n t o n e s / l i f e . T h e 1 "• -apeak* Liaak has sus ta ined i t se l f b e y o n d t h e 1. >t sanguiaw s x p e c u t i s a a o t t b o p e o p l e . T h e Vn 1 i e u t , J . S . G e t t i s g s , has , I must s a y i a j u s t i c e 1» h i m , s u s t a i n e d h i m s e l f and t h e b a n k t h u s far, both n o b l y and h o n o r a b l y . M u c h s y m p a t h y ia f . l t for t h e i n s t i t u t i o n , a n d e o n f i f e n c e in it i s fast b e i n g res tored-

A r e p n t t w a s c u r r e n t l y c i r c u l a t e d a c t a y e s t e r ­day , t h a t f u r i o n * d e p r e d a t i o n s had b e e n c o m m i t t e d the d a y p r e v i o u s , b y a m o b in H a g e r s t o w n , M d . Lator l a i c l h g e a c e a iatea that t h e ru.uor is e n t i r e l y w i t h o a t I .undot,t> 1

Amusements are beginning to took up a little. Mwa Clifton and rlari.ii, will open the llolhday »*»"«** Theatre t..-tun ro., nigbt, with the comedy «»• 'The Ri aU ' They bare bought on an ex-csilent stock company fr.wn I'hilaaeJphia Oar c tieens bail t hi - aanetineemear with itreat plea »are. Burton ia first ra'e, and Miss C. is first rsie.er.

>l.-a .•usbmaii haa an engagement at the Front street. She will do, hut the »ioek company tbt re M mifcrable., and Ike h >u-e badly anstaiaed—aa well though as the e» j.« deserves 1 wonld advise V emyss toeagags the • Kumgnmlio Ovnrds."

Oempster, the vneaiist, has asaoaaced a concert a* 'he Aaaembly Keoma lor Wednesday next, and v> , icheil, the celebrasd .1 uiiic, ia perfoimin^ at the Mnaanm

l>»vid Panl Hrotrn, K-q. of Phil.Jtlphia, ia to sectare this evening befaic lb* Maicautile Library A">'-«;;siti>-n. a.

EtchanR-ea ar e y e ' n l s a t t t c d 1 quota on N e w >t<rk at 4 p r t u . u i s ; V r j n i i t ti i l i . c u u t ; P h i l -

de lph ia , 2 . a 3 di«c>iant 1 loaf e o n i a a e * vt i thout • ."««• 1 he n c s t h s r t h i s m o r a t n i a g a i > l ike s n m -» « ' • Vonrs, Tw ia r

grJ^FscTS W O R T H KJSOWIRO.—A positive stay for the hau tailing out—or to restore it ia bald places.

A certain cure for all Rheumatism and swe l l ed Limbs —no exceptions.

A certain and positive cure for the Tiles in all cases . A warranted cure for a l l Bruises, Scalds and other

sores, and soi e 1 y es A positive cure for the Salt Rheum. A ueauuful Dye for the Hair—will not color the «kin.

Warranted. A certain cure for Coras.

, Each of these to be had at 71 Maiden lane, and such prooisvf these facts as w i l l convince al l who wi l l ca l l or send for them, gratis.

The public if»y rest assured there is no fancy in these KKaeitious. / x ^ - . ,

JrJ- A L L MAV T a v IT Far.L or C H A R C E — T h e Compound of Oranr'jean is employed with great success in the radical cure ot all diseases ot the hair, baid heads, tie. It is a b o a powerful deaolvent, and admirably decomposes tne fcubsiance w h i c h causes the hair to turn gray.

-- During the ten years w h i c h I have resided in America, 1 have observed, and my profession compels me to deprecate the erroneous applications resorted to in the treatment of the hair. 1 wi l l make a itetement in the case of children } they resemble the t inder plant, wnich increases in strength and beauty, according to tbe degree of care or cult ivat ion it receives in early growtu- T h e c u t t o u i o i washing the h e a l s ot children in cold water, with whi skey , brai.dy, eau de-colngne, m m , &c., is most injurious to the hair. Tiiey r ,quire the occasional aso 01 some generous compositiuu, in preference to a; plications of such corrosive and spiritu­ous liquids. Water, the mildest, and perhaps the least likely to anVct tbe hair , i s very injurious. It dries the hair, and turns it red ; it mades it coarse, and causes it to fall, and l ikewi se destroys the roots . lastly, it creates 1 i.n'.uiitic \ an;* , in a word, water,and all spirituous liquids, are extremely destructive to the hair.

1 think 1 may state with certainty, that out of a htm drea families, ninety five are in the habit of employing one or more of these > pints. But do we not frequently meet with young persons of e ighteen or twenty years, and even prior to this age, w h o , ms tea l of possessing the full and glossy t ing le t s adapted to youth, have, by these injurious applications reduced their hair to pale color, wn ich is tn« surest evidence of decay ? And w h y should a bountiful and indulgent nature have deprived the in­habitants ot this country of so beautiful aud valuable an oruameut 1 Is it natural then, at this early period ot their existence, they should be compelled to have re­course to artificial expedients 1 How much (lieud and dismay must they net eapei l ence at the thought of wear­i n g a iv ig or of dye ing the hair ! Oi dy eing the hair '.— L'udculitediy this is your on)) remedy, unless you have the good fortune to meet wi th an artist, who by his close imitation oi nature, is enabled to deceive th«"tiost pier c ing eye ; if not, you w H be compelled to make use of whatever the most infamous (packet y Can invent. Be lore you resolve to dye the hair, in imitation of those dark e y e brows, reflect that all these powders and li­quids contain the most injurious substance*'.

But these crue l inventions, though applied with the str icteatcare,are inevitably discovered .-y t b e d i t i e n u i shades they present. T o apply this infernal composition. we must, once a month, call in the assistance of an asttpt ot t his dreadful art. By omitting to do this , the h ir, in­stead of retaining its g lossy t inge , assumes the most in d«scribsblecolors , red, b lue ,v io le t , green, mid in some cases the color of the flame of burning spirits. T h e con­sequences have now unfolddethemsehes . T h e disease of gray hair is brought on by a few causes ; tea'', or sud­den fright, grief, and fractures of the skul l , which are someumea covered with gray hair. I could cite many examples in proof af this statement, il a truth so w e l l k n o w n required any. Tkere are few persons w h o have aot seen ,or beard the tact, that the hair has been chan­ged from black to whi te ia the course of one night and that it has been caused by sudden fi ight. In the third exception, t h e fall is produced by a variety >f causes , most of w h i c h can be guarded against ; by in­temperance and ixcesa of all kinds—by severe study to a late hour—by the use of s o , p and water, and al l spirituous liquids—by w e a l i n g caps—and by frequent application of tbe curl ing irons—by neg­lecting to cut the hair, and thus weakening the roots— also, by those diseases w h i c h effect the vet d u a l column, the t tomwsi .nr "he i>r»*n—and last ly , by too frequent a use oi the brush. Partien ar attention should he paid to t i e c n o i c o i t h i s article. T h e hard brush, usual ly preferred, lain reality suited to very few. It certainly cl.-ar* the head of a large portion of dandrifT, but in what manner? it forces it from the skin b fore it has arrived at a proper hea<r> the v io lence of the remedy produces a fresh irritation, w h i c h increases the loss of the hair, and fatigues tbe roots. T h e truth cf this is evident, from the fact, that after c learing the head of the daadritf hy the use of tha hard brush, au increased quantity ia sura to spring up in the course of two or three days. * * » » •

l e a n convince tho«e that are desirous of consult ing me, that this can, in most cases , he avoided.

Private room for la.li.-s, .Vo. 1 Barclay street. Pfivate room the gtntl»-m*ii, No. IJ Barclay street, Astor House.

I»hl n.t i I p l t l * .

>Cetie<poa*teace of the Herald.) I'mi vi.n 1 w i , Feb. 1,1K42.

j : r\-,i*i*w»t aisftttdsag-atato ktfmmt psnd tofbrWgn nnsf nee* to ..-fmtrieaa Uatdtn cf Soet— Bank rhted —'tttsjissisvissm of sssS (»..>.•.."n<M —SlMks, AT. |* ..-.•. ta a delightful d*y, sad'' c«n-iiier t\> y mure

buiiaetwjoiiiig thaii yesterday; m 'th* h ian. nl c;r cleatlmw iacvstnperaiive quiet 1 all Ubsjnf ofT n*ai ci'y t a,;i,-, wjtn tk- 'Xivption«i:'!be four brukeu baakf, are «t a cav-oaat of firan 6 tn 1 -per cent Aa it is *-.MJ»I-*0 ,»d tint nii '""y bin it* «#Vr to laomiw w-i; t- ' iaceive : *<• i.o"-» !>• any <n* tbe eewMrf beaka M iHye tNrt gn Tiencj- f v rhsrior r-tif np- -r h*t*n

1 " * i „

80r- S i LKKOlO E » « l . i a H t"*«« vv.xii*. — flit.ill Si ArCUl t -rious w i l U e l l ibis (Wednesday). Thursday, and Friday evenings , at half past 6 o'clock, in ther large sales roomr, 304 Broadway, corner of Duaoe street, by catalogue, a at 1 n.iid col lect ion of engravings , just imported from Loudon, by Mr. Hay ward—cansisting of the I) - p u t a t e of the Israelites from Kxypt, do. Crossing the l ied Sea, Opening the Sixth s e a l , Bolton Abbey in the olden t ime, Shipwreck oi St.- Michael'i Mount, Distinguished Mem-her of the Humane Society , Destruction of Jerusalem, Pope l ions 7.h, engraved dy Cousins, t i eo t l e SheppcrJ, l^sily Uaveraud i n l l d Cooutes»U>wer and do , Sui iday , rVt Lsmh, First C s r R i n g , Sunshine of L i v e , r ire at the T o w e r s ! Loixton P o m aits of U >ieen Victoria, Duke of Well ington, Sir R. Pee l , S ir W . S c o t t , Rl Burn*, and a areat^variety of other favorite tngrav ings , many of H'hi< h ar 4 uo w in the market, but too nilmeroua to par-ucnlorssss, T h e whole wi l l n e o n public v i e w , a n d c a t a -Wgnsa t e a i f , s n the morning of s . l e .

{!t?- ^ i s e o r i s o C e e o i i . asm Ma ISLES - T h e s e t w o dis eaaaa t n v w » U y follow tacn other, and both require all the care and attention that art can supply. From the . •»<•»«• ' w h o o m n g c s o g h t h e t r a u i of m«ny diseases is «**! jo war theprospeetsof e t s l y l ife, hy lay ing the toandatiun of ear l , and rapid co innrnpt ioc . ' In both at ^ £ * ! * a f e * * « r t b * ^ » f f « e m a Jt fry or p u l m o n *

| : » l i l S ? i f i S l A i 2 L ^ » M « h e . l _ t h o lttngS kept pl iant , the bowels a n i e n t , and M hoarseness, w h i c h « S j , i f neglected, h teome ftatod- -carefully guarded

j against. | . oeerv smse, PeoaaS H*rrhr.und CaSdy haa h-en tmm ••• *am, speedy and ettioacions remetfv , as • •wirinf ell irritatioa and feverish symptoms, and V . its t s f t H s and miM aperatMa, producing , , v ^ alk-via-tism f i e m a l l thedanfet'eusramaiMa of the aw fed dis S i t * ? - T H P l ^ i ? * 1 •*•*•"•» •«*•*«• and iSsaher'a, m f>brk •«. Philadelphia 1 C u r n i k Co, 13 Exchange nUc* VV V^eMMaTi y 'SnhsM>n,'' left B a h f e o r e street, Baltf."

^ >

M O X K V M A H K I I . t u e a t l n y . F e b , l — « P . M .

There was an increased dispositiou to se l l stocks stj the Board this morning, and rates in consequence g a v e way hsmvily. Delaware and Hudson, 1 per c e n t ; In­diana a's, I per c e n t ; Illinois 'i'-, | J per cent ; Mohawk Rail Rosd, 1J , Long Island, i ; Harlem rose , . It is un­derstood, that Mr. Brooks, _who has long been the pre siding officer of this institution, has resigned. Sales of New York State 6'a, ISSOand 1861,, sold at79, a fall of 9 per cent. Sales of bil ls on Philadelphia, J l ; Baltimore, 4 per cent •, Mobile, 6 per cent .

T h e fo l lowing gent lemen have been appointed re reivers to the Morris Canal and Banking Company:— D. 8. Gregory, Esq., E . D. B. Ogden, S. J Britton.

T h e St. Nicholas , for Havre, carries out 1*3,000 in spe­cie . Money is very t ight, and the government financ* a daily becoming worse . T h e government drafts are dis­honored at»he Bank of Commerce, in common with all other claims upon it. Even the salaries at the Custom House due to day, remain unpaid, the money appropria­ted to that purpose hav ing been used to protect some Treasury notes, that otherwise would have been pro­tested. Another specimen of government finance, w i l l be found in a some Florida operations. It appears that the government is paying out in Florida, for liabilitiea, or near $390,000 due in that quarter, Merchants 'Bank 1 of Boston notes. That institution it wi l l be remem­bered, was constituted a fiscal agent , at the same time of the Bank of Commerce in t h i s c i t y . T h e opera­tion of paying out its notes in Florida, is probably t o g i v e t h e B a n k t h i r t y t o f o r t y days t ime, as they wi l l comeback directly upon it. W h i l e the government is in this disgraceful position, Congress is spending its time listening to the vagaries of a monomania .

T h e fo l lowing ia a statement of the Bank of Louis­vil le : —

BANK or LOVISVILLK. KV Jan. 1810. iM'i.

Loan'. Specie, Circulation, D«iHMits,

1,4. s 39* iat.853 3MJSSS


i.m.Taa 160,114 337.01S So,61.'


3* 2S9 41,189

Dtcr' 99,«i«

n,ss>3 W e yesterday mentioned the se i iuru of the assets of

the United Btatea Bank at N e w Orleans. It appears the atttachment was made under a fi. fa., issued f i o m t h e United States Court at Philadelphia, directed to the Marshal of N e w Orleans District. All the assets assigned by the Bank of United States were seized, to satisly a judgment in favor of the Government for $951,000, most of w h i c h assets were in the vaults of the Merchants 'Bank,for safe k e e p i n g ; and an attachment was issued, under process from the Commercial Court of New Orleans, on a suit entered by the United States, for the sem of nearly t w o mil l ions of dollars. Under the fi. fa. the Marshal threatened to seize, the assete be­longing to the Merchants' Bank. O.i application, however , to the United States Court, Judge McCaleb at once g ianted an injunction to stay all proceedings against the Merchant's Bank uuder the fi. fa.; and Judge Watts issued a similar injunction under the at­tach i ent. In the m e a n t i m e the assets assigned by the Bank of United States were taken»by the Marshal, and lire now in his charge, and the Meichanta' Bank and all her business and assets remain in her o w n possession, and her business goes on as yet . T h e question as re gards the asaets assigned to trustees by the Bank of the United States, w i l l of course undergo the usual and regular judicial invest igat ion.

A very numerous meet ing of the cit izens of Mont­gomery County, Illinois, was recently held, E. Whit-ten, E>q- in the chair, to take into consideration the financial condition of the country. T h e meeting was addressed by Messrs. A. k i tche l l , H Rouutxee, F. H. Hereford, W. KucheU a n d C . B. Blockbuiger , when the fol lowing resolutions w e r e unanimously passed :—

1. That we wil l hereafter support no man for National or Stateothce , w h o is in favoroi a Nntional debt—or of "increasing our o w n State indebtedness—or of issuing any more State bonds lor any purpose w h a t e v e r - o r of taxing the people at tais t imes sing.e cent j or tht payntm of tnteiifsl or pittlcipat on Iht vartou$ demand* note ai'ai'iit the Stair,or at any oi Kir It mt far fe payment >'/ demand* Imtktr than the peopl? Kavt received an adequate and. aiwitie consideration.

•i. That w e wi l l not support any candidate for olfic», State ot National, who wi l l not declare himself in favor oi com f i l i n g all banking institutions to au immediate and continued payment, on demand, ot their not'is in gold and si lver coin.

These resolutions conUin the spirit of the repudiating doctrines that are ao fast, and so rapidly spreading throughout the west and south. Lord Askburton wi l l find it difficult to meet this disposition among the people,

The Bank of Pennsylvania, it appears, has been closed under an injunction, issued at the suit of the Governor, on behalf i f the S'ate, as one of the depositors. T h e mo­ney deposited was said to be funds appropriated to the payment of the interest due to day, and which had been more tharihalf used »y the institution, to me t its o w n necessities; andcunseqnen'.ly the State has tailed. T h e whole affair is a very mystet ious one. It appears the Governor was in the bank, and in daily correspoti lence with it before this explosion took place; and that the bank actually closed its doors on a notice from the G j -veruor, before the injunction was i s sue! , th .reby thow ing a secret understanding.. Similar tiansaetions took place in relation to the United Stales Bank, in ths fall of 1839. It is h ighly improbable that if the 11 ink of Penn sy lvania had the cash en hand to pay out to the holder efjState s t o c k , t h e othet hank* would have discredited i l^butif it waa to pay out its o w n irredeemable pape*, and thus flood the c i ty , they would, of course, try to prevent it; T h e fol lowing is the last return of the Bank of Pennsylvania made public.

BANK or Pestssvwawis , J\n. If40. LimhilUU*.

3 393 998 Capital. 93 344 Contingent,

370,491 Circulation, 90,000 Discounts, & c

906,333 Interest, 13.SI0 State S o c k ,

naoHo Due State. 313 393 ' Batiks 163,01* Deposites.

tU source: Loans, Bonds, Real Estate, O.her Loans, State Stocks, Expense, s i c , Due from Bank, Bank Notes, Specie,

2.0OO.OOO 300,1100 6»*,3ia

93,093 i7iJ32

93.100 37 098

900,457 799,133


6,'ir>0 3,750

05» 9H Si

w Uis 1,604

$9,500,000 l,il KIOTO)

993.210 ll,9JO 16800 95,a>e 66 900

609 000

$4,666,0*7 Since this return waa made, the concern has largely

increased Ha State stock, and has absorbed $1,400 000 ot its active means in U. 8 . Bank post notes, on which a loss of fully 61 per cent, wi l l be sustained. T h e stock of the Bank has been held as fo l lows • — Whole number of shares, Held*by State,

, ; l>y Females, '* by Executors , " by Guardians, •' by Trustees , 'J by Benevolent Institution!, - other individuals,

These stockholders are mostly residents of Ohio and Massachusetts, and they w i l l sustaiu an entire loss . T h e State is a loser to the amount ot $1,600,000 at least, and in all prcbability w i l l lose its deposits. Some of the other Philadelphia institutioni are as badly situated, and must inevitably stop sooner or later.

T h e bankrupt law goea into .operation to-day ; in all directions w s hear of assignments , failures, and suspen­sions in preparation for the event . Philadelphia, Balti­more, N e w Orleans, Louisvi l le , Nashvi l le , and.iu short, a l l quarters of the Union furnish their quota of stoppage In this c i ty an immense number of assignments have been ma ie prior te the operation of the law, in order to se cure preferred debts, and then trust luck to get a dis­charge . T h e mast of hank assets are rapidly melting away belore this operation, and thn close of tho year wiU present a frightful havoc in bank property. In Jan 1*41, the aggregate Bank loans in the Union was $460,-sooooo. At the csmmeaeement of the present y e r it was not tar from $400,00s,000, at its c lose it wi l l be" redae. e d t o 96iJ>0OJMM. Many practical men est imat- the effect of the law upon bank asset* at fully 60 per cent . There­fore, a great numb, r of the weakest institutions must stop altogether. T h e great ihrtuulty is, that Bank re p e t s are sued*«e • •Mam that the public are m able t> udge of the petition of any institution. Henoe their a s

aire toavoid all- T h * only way is for the strong banks to volunteer statements of their o w n affairs, in order to retain the c o o n J e u c s e l theii stockholders.

The state of sffairs w i l l etfectralty prevent any move­ments of taw banks to war la encoiu aging imports o ' fe r ign goods, * hereby adetaand for ip v i e wi l l be creat­ed ; s a d tae jweepact now is , that the close of the year wil t eahibft an •«%«*• »f imports in specie. T n e lel-

W i u * ia an et&ciaj h U . s f lh« imports and ex | o i l* of tb»' las* j WW :-r

i >

Ml.T.U.» IN t»lK

l>3S 44 510

USS'O 1 0T6.IM* 4 4-0 91«

$tT.i47an $ m \i6

1.KM US US9-J i.u 3 978 074

47-2.941 :is»s.'.


I M . ' t 9Ji t lu3l


2,83^ 0^3 1.468 300 1 6;i,Mvi

1941. . i3t.ri ' 974 S S

t OSS 316 S.401 *90


2S42.738 S4I <l«3


3 808 041 9 T S 7 U 9,3*9 31S 10.0)0 044 M i o v e , tJ,747.lt« S,Sa>t7« 8 . 8 W 1 3 4 9Q9 49I

J4,iS9,{i70 — JI3.4S6 — " — 4,181.547 - - S . l l l SS»

the year closing October 1st. T h e demand as then at its height at this point ; and, pre-

000 left after that period. T h e demand haa d, and from the low state of exchange , and the contraction of the currency, with thepr tpa-

reiume, it i s h ighly probable that the current set this way . Affairs are thns in a fair train,

s of Ohio are to res tme on the 4th of Match ne \ t ; thS banks of Michigan immediately, those of Penn-l y l v a n i l on the 4th of August next, and the other insti­tutions that are able to do so, w i l l shortly follow, and those that are unable wi l l go out of existence, whi le the specie nwdium of circulation w i l l increase.

T h e fol lowing is a table of the movement of specie in States up to the 1st of October, 1841, from the

the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance lui ion of the Senate :— i i descensus averoi,

lira Iuni r<-f- * e hoc opus, hie labor est !** n "-xroBTpr THK I k i t i o e s MKTAIS.KKOM O C T .

t, ikM TO O C T . 184i. Impart. Erp-rt. Ere. Iinr- Eire. F.rp.

5 IftSJMa S'3,673 4 S9I 915 — 134,SS8 174 14441239 20 223 9Ji —

lion, 9 835 941 991,291 8,b64 631 — 131,873.803 104 304 218 27 3t8.S83

' 'Uio , >«% f«r FaibMktuhw; i , » , l « i i . « l W # * - t . * « l " ; < jnW«r , fW Port l (u4; U n a : » f - r d e ; W « o H < a r y . tor W w -7 a ; iTHi<ci#. dis;i Lasirtl. ' askaw, and Riwraid, r«* Pia»i-t.n.?i J***C«d«»s»i- ir.» Warren. )a»fa-«*rr Byrene. In villi BMosas roiat fw f, rt \di«i» Riei,/.. O.nire t* H< of»

« New V a n u>r rt • id»»re. In port PU.*. for Phi »4.

< J .Id B cvolu C Silver S i l i e r <• Am. coisjebut. 13,308,4*7 — 13 30S.1S7

181501,510 133.759 910 810J0U57 13 308,487 Anoma&Tii ConvaoK or THB U.IITKO STATICS, raon 1*W

li.Md. S i l ver , I Copper, I

Branch iainta.

TO J * S . 1ST 1842. Prices.

5 77*^99 1«4 957 949 SS870 743

• i . r . s e M i i

Total coin Deduct Alport of ArflfeifSiu coma - e ^ t i .

1'dfne. 27 t-31310 j 1.6-3,611

931 504

-1416 693 2,740,930

$8« 187 631 12,308 4-.T


Fiom these data we may form the following estimate ef the g u a a t i t y o f precious metals now in the United States. The ' imports date from the year 1990 , at that time t i l l official reports of the Banks showed that they had on hand '£90,000,000." W e may therefore assume that the amiant in tha country at that time, was $30,000,000. The r a p e supplied from the United States mines, is esti-m * t P T * , 0 ' 0 W ' 0 0 0 > a c c o r , H l » e I t o the latest rete.ms. T h e a m o u n | wi l l then stand thus : — On h a j p in ls-20, f.-Wl.Oe OOO Excessfof import s ince that period, 81,040,087

Amerii expl

l . s t i i i u

Total, un coin and bullion led, ed supply from mines,

13.308,487 10,000 000

$111,050 (*7


It amount in the country , $107,741,600 Th i iaraount of specie , assisted by sound individual

mercantile papei is amply sufficient to transact all the business of the Union. A very large portion of i t ' « now hearded, stuffed into stockings and butted iu the R r o " n » A natural result of the want of confi lence occa­sion, dfcy the atrocities that have been developed among financiers during the paat few years . Sweep the banks and th f whole host of fraudulent bonowera f iom exist­ence , and the specie wi l l pour into the channels of cir ciilutism, and acquire an activity that wi l l restore trade to Die fcighest state of prosperity, without danger ol re-v u l s i o L * *

Salsa at tae Stock Exchange. 25 share* Muhawk R H

U A t K t l 8 H I P G * K K K ; K Horn Liverpool —4^.»sgs*ra A v ill please sand iheir permits on board, at Orleans wnarf, foot or Walt street

Ail roods not permitted ia five days must UDavordibiy he sent toj^ublie store _ rvHs-Ar* t)RV 0»HM>8 ! :-ArNoT~eS .Cahsrine at rest — V> BKOWN-&. U K Q U H A R T have just received, at th«ir store, seveial lors of dctirable New tiouds, which iltey offer at exiraordtuary low tiricea. '

Uood Mousscline At L'aiue. new s'y Us, i s ad, 9s and 9* 6d, Freuch do warranted all woul, •_ 6tl.iiJ 3s. Some very prttty small patteias, inbiue, riuli aed lilac,sui­

table for cluldreu, 2s 6d p»r yard. Mi uruirg de Lames, neat siylea, 2s per yard. SILKS.— Several lh'u 'and yards ol figured, chiuie aidplain

silks, being part of a bankrupt stock, stlling cssttsStralus u • der original c ist '. '.'.

Broclie Shawls caclunere shuw «.si!k>hawla, damask sat in shawls, and velvet lo ig and point sfiawla— the belt assortment to lie loiuitt at auy retail store in New r . ik. aid very cheap !

An entirely new asso.tniculol stnlliug calicoes, fsst colors and tuperiurs ylis

lloimstlcs of all kinds, at greatly reduced priees. We also offer all our WTinter Oooss at cost, being desirous

to tl iat them off. to m ,ke ronm for the i ew Spring stork. B l tOWN s t t ^ R Q l f H A R l ' d

_ One frice Storr, N o 50 0 tha rine s t, _fs3t» L___r___L_2____ M - M O R A N D *.— -lav.ig *eeu cap.am oe.nue s »i«ie._i.t

m y. ii r paper of the _ t h , about the sailing from New Or leans, and from the Bar between He t»-t/>u and the I rentou, and also se< io< he is not yet satisfied, I will now try to satisfy him by stating all the particulars to one hour. The • rentou left Orleans on the 4th, the tiaston i.n Ihe 7th. When down to the Bar feund it foggy,and also ibun'l the Trenton there. On the morning of the lltli from 9 to 11, was forced out on the bar, with a stronj; wind from N. W., and iben.as l thought, saw the Trenton also bjund out—since th«n understood from r> e captain of the (i.;t on and his males, and from on hoard the i remou alto, that tneTrentoB w;is ou he bar between 1 and 2 P M ; and at 4 r. M the Gaston was aground on the bar. and then the Trenton wasOut of sight at sea say 4 hours dif­ference in leaviug ihe bar—still il » as blowingstiong When ihe Oaslon was 53 hours out she was near in under Matatu&ii onthef thwas all day iu compear vi ilh the Trenton, or in smhtof her an>l sa* no 'i.ore of h e n i l l after we had been hue abjut 17 hours; then she u aie herappevance. It mattcis

"riotwheti-er it had bean I hour ..r I" to n e ; all sufficient if this statemeat does not #ii well, assweryour own hereafter

ft If K. LATHAM. MaaW

Hi 2ll

*7i00lhdima Bouds Si S *jw«) do 2ti $B0 0 * do ihw 211 $luoO $7000 $2000 $30(0 tioou $voo $4000

$sata $2il(0 $2000 $1000 S.ooo SlOfOf «1300f $2000

do d . » i j

'do F ' 9 21 V 6 Per Cent . 1862 78 V 5) P e r L e n ' , '45 90 V 6'a. 1960 78)

do 78 lioois Bom's, 2t

*r> go} do alO 20 do S1V 201 •to thw sol do 201 do *»[ do 20

»hires M o h a n k R R 55

54 531

107 25 871 t-2 «5 91 94 91

l B^uk ol N Yotk toLalay tteflank 2> do 11 Bink of Coin (full) 12 D< 1 t& Hudson 25 d i -.")

140 do 25 do 1'10 25 do e.20 *L>i 25 Farmers 'Lo»u 24t

22> Harlem Rai lroad 7 . 1(10 do HO 8 500 Long Island R R liso 53, 5 0 do sio 53 100 do S3) I N do ti60 53) 50 Catcrson Railroad s30 47

S e c o n d B o a r d t4mcs



?! 91


fiO Long Island 50 do

IvO do 100 d > 150 do

t-I0 51 s l 5 53 160 53', 160 .'3

13 SS

2i H»slf m R R 25 | do 25 do so a> 95 I do

lob L i e ; I I md S t a t e o f T r a d e .

A s m s —A sale ef about 40 barrels of pots in repotted at a little leg* than $7 50 barrels of pearls have been dis posetlof s ince our last at *a7o . Hol lers genera l ly ,how-everjnsk $6 COTTON—The sales yesterday amounted toSOwrialrs Ktotra—Canal Hour is firm at $6.12^ fof common brands, and sales are made at that price—> Michigan an I Troy are wanted iu good or4er at $8 j e r >>arrsj|. There is no change in other descriptions of rlou

# ( . .'._• ! • ! ._ ..." H a r r i e d .

O l t h e idth ult .by the Rev. Mr. Starr, M R MICHSKI M ('•P0?' to Miss ELIZA, daughUr of Michael Rt^ney, V. i cm all of this c i ty .

D i e d . Osftlie 31st ultimo, aged32 years, Mrs. ELISABETH G

H I D B A B T . and child, wife of Benjamin G. Huddart, per-formtr. of Stockton, England, and late of Baltimore.

Osfthe 1st instant, after a protracted i l lness, H S K B I Mi fJkoin. aged 32 years.

Hsfrelativi s and friends, in particular the gliders, are retpactfully invited to attenii b is funeral tomorrow after temeon. at two o'clock, from his late resilience No. 41 Orj fa i 1 street, (rear.)

W e e k l y R e p o r t o f I n t e r m e n t * in thsCity and Comity of New York.fi o n the 22J day tof J;ui

J842.\to the 2«th day of Jan., 1842. t» Men—39 Wdtneu—52 Boys-65 Girls. Total 193

DIOSASKS—ApopIesW l; Aitkina l ; Asphyxy 1; Abscess I; deeding t; Bleeding from stomach 0; Bleeding from lungs 1,

. . . . _ or scalded2; Casualties I; Cholera Infantum 0; Cholera M.-rmuO, Car-terO; Colic 0; Consiunptii n."2vCtnrulsionst0; Cn'umor Hives 5; Debility 0; Delirium trt-mtns 4; Diabetes 0; Di irmoe, 1, Death from Poison 0; Dropsy 4^ Drotjiy in head 14; Otop^y iu the chest Ji Drowned 1; Dysentery S;Erysipelas 4; r>,4fleps> •; Fever 3;do.scarlet 12, do typhoid 7; do. pourpi-rat it do. remittenl I; do.bilious 1; do.inrlammatoo 0; do inter­mittent 0; OravelS; Hip Disease 0; lutemperance 0: luflau-

0, do. ol liver 0; do of womb 0; do. of brain 7i do. of ti 0; do of cheat 10; do. of lungs 20; do. of bowelat; do of 3; Jaundice o. Killed or murdered 1; Locked Jaw

a VrnemO; Mortincatioa 1; Matforraaiioa I: Mara<ma* isles 2, Old age l>; Organic disease of heart 4, Palsy a; s-tisni 0; Spina' disease 0; Scirrhus 0; Suicide 0; Sprue

all Pox 11; Scrofulas; Teething l; Tumor 0; Unknown eration of throat 0; Ulcers 0; Vainiloid 0, Wnoopm*

Cousjh 10; Worms 0. 4o«%-Of 1 year and under. 43; betweent and a.i0;2 and 8.

3 ; 5 ami 10,7; 10 and 20, > 3; IS and 30. 30; So aad 40.2i; 40 and SO. If; 50 and «0.•; (0 and 78,4;TSand 80,3; 80aad 90.1; »0and too,*; 108 and upwards,0; unknown,0.

" e KS (.rtNAilvirr—Umted States 148; Ireland 25; Knghtnd tlaudi; Switserland •;$"rance I; Holland0, Britishloa-

s , N. A- !; West Indies l; Portugal.0; Germany 8 . u 0; Wales*: AlricaO; Spain 0; Kassia 0; Italy 1; b

_ . iea o; Unknown I• _ _ FaoM-Alma House. Betlevue.l: Hospital do. 9: FeverHoa-

pital do.o; I'emtentiary 0; Blaekwell's Island 5; Small Pot Hossatal 2; City Hospital 5; New Jersey 4 . Westchester 1; Loss Island 3.

r e d ^ w i L U A M A. W A L T E R S .City Inspector, y lu«v*clor's Office. Jaa 29.18«s.

am i. P a s s e n g e r s g a l l e d .

I A N O O N - S h i p M e d i a t o r - F .' Pf.fferle.New Ycik; Henry Rosrd. William Royd. Canada; Vr an. Wyndr.am, and »«r-vas|, (iucbec; Mr Arncld. New \ o r k ; William C McL

tavKarooi.—Packet shipSou'h America—Oeo S Mawsosi FsssMWMsL New York; Lyman Perkins, Bvtown tlanada; ti'^rt;' WjBnwitk.Oanada: Wm Mtt "uii,.iiiiiitre_,aodcue

C-S1£— Packet ship 8t Nicholas— H Bossai,i;e, Mr Mai'in. \ J ai *»,f% law OKLEA«»-Ship H u n t s i i l l i - M r T II Volt , and Mr

R P D..n«herly,of New York; Mr H Moiaan and R O Fray, iiigm On eans.

F o r e l f r n I i n p o s - t a t l o n a . .. .ro\—Schr Chattahoirhe— 6710 piece< dv e wood 95.-

Oaf It ' ireu7 brlsold eld copper 2059 hides IS- biles skins Boo u«l. (irate* & Co.

EBr.wia—"ehr Fawn—338 bags cocoa io toni logwood t hag tuitlc shtll 40 lbs old copper A C Rossirre.

»f w i « . all » ailing wind.

General Reeerd. VII i if..(-»•— Iu'4awer loa Ic'terirmn Baxaevilte, Mass..

as- niji.lor intormalsok rawtive t» the »i>i,. Qlobe, of Port land. we run inere'y stmte thit the barque li ot-e, Catrfaia 8il«by. of Po -llaB'i.arri- ed at this |M rl on llir S h of Au«ust !s*t.firti, Il.rllfp ol, Eneland Ju c It, eia Wtateta L l v d s . Julv IS; aad tint on I lie 1Mb ult- she " M at New Orleaaa dactiarg

Spssatest. J»co > Pennel.Nsw Orleaia for Boiton, Jan 33 l»t 24 5s;

77 25. Alexandria, New Orleaaa for Hsvre, Jan U .

79S8. / J i _ _ A ship with a bl>i* csoss, hound dew a the gulf, Jaa m Vat

S4 21 N, lou -3 13 W. ' M f l U n i t e d S t a t e a P o r t e .

F Asrrroar, Jan 24-Sld Rebeeca, (uew. IW t«n%lB«lii BIIOTIIBST, Jan 27—lo poll, i d r Ju l ia k Marija, lm W is

cssast for Cubs. t £ l'oiiri.*su. Jan 2S-CW Burmai,Hsvata; KrsS-ml (new,

199 tons) Porta Kieo. ' f „ . <ii.MI u - i i . a . J a u „ - A r r achrs Peru. Wkit»o#«, Newlu-

ryport; »t John. S"R ^-.tli—Arr H nry^ tsesssSssS Bat—M, Jm27—Slid Hamiltoo. Africa. * _ BosT"X,Jaa31- \rr Smyrna. N Orleans; Empress. Fast

River, V« CM Kmperor, Havsnigtmoctaw. ttsnyr a; Ha'-lewetl,Mobile; I iu-rty. Kichinoiid: f i d Edelisss a. Khr*. N Orteans; Chatham. Bait hsMM f'* " _ - , .

rRoeu>K?iee,Jan 2s—Arr lan'lora. Middletor, NC; Hone. NVork. 30th—Arr eViseverance, NYoik. Nothiig sailed. Mediterranean, f. r N York, has not Bailee.

B»tTiM.'Ki-,.l.in30—Air E%ert»vd, CBrem) Breoien; At-hwuc. Turks island. C'd Eliae (Brem) Brtmen. SU John Mnrahall. I iverpo< I; Baltimore, boston.

CHABLSSTOK. Jaa 2S—Arr Olympic Havre, lo the OHII-K. Fanny, (Br) Liverpool. 27—arr (ieo Caaaiat, (Brl Poiu-mpuih. Erg; John C Calhoun. Kine.tou, Ja- Bid Caroline, ( t r ) Havre

•.VASNAH.Jaa S«— An-New Yoik, New York. Cld Sa-v^nuah, chapter, do; Philana, UrasW, do; Seuotnr, Boiton.

n*aiK!», J.n 24-Arr New Jerrey, Brwwn,N York. 25-r-air Alexander Mitchell. Pratt.do

Naw URi.CA.vs, J»u2l—<Vi Moscow, Boston: Anbnru, Dor-fey, New r York; Lalayelte, H s v n ; Porpaiar, I adii Air Pandora, Nalchex; Valhalli, for Boston, returt.el for repairs; also, tha Bachelor, for Richmond—both having been in con­tact.

-—.... . r

i »t*r r s sr«B.te t'HOMAff K U dtmsssMrii* *v. : 'n:r '•••

W E D N E S D v t ' . . , _ **t*1 «"e»ert n i V S a w ny<t«. .

*ii londid rn-aiterr. kr —An svt»R*iv« and Pfser-Ov ss-on-nwntoi »eeoo<l heed «. A M R fmsurwe of all drwriptsr.m Iron- (ssiiilsts remcrv'tg Si'.

Also, • large I i of ai din«atl»*tocd l a n l f.-rMiters. • sy'et-dsu a*«e* ef new tsty srade en, sad k* virtae of aS , .f» i-ii!.'. 10 -ofe* t ptanofer ea,» a»..-.-U lep UMaa, ssM saadiy i,tt>erar«assss of cabmet a t»s .

ALo ihe »a'-j*p> fa nitnre leetused fresa proehlrs . aod

A»««. a rat—If t l eacatleat roraitarc from Srsokrt aas) sslsewhere. _

FRID S.Y. At 10 o'«<oefc, iu the Satee Roots.

Fstra Fale of valuable dry goods, ehMh ms. >*•*•_>•

POKTUOCESE FEMALE PILLS. Sat ar-tamed auu c< lebrated pi Its,

Sssr.five, to be obtainrd is this c t "tsww Ai on th* la«t coluMnor fourtli oasre THESkjttar-lanted auu c, lebrated pill*, fiom Portugal, are

we flitf.rive, to be obtainrd is this country Se« arf>er d3* te . is

DK. T A l L O K ' s oAi.SA.41 UK U V n K W o K i . - U m ceitili^s that I have b:tu ex losed 'O sudden changes from

great heat to cold; I have l«og beiu suljrct to distiesaicg and dau.erots cough, wttb pain iu the side and chest. Dr. Taj lot's ls;'!< un of Liverwort, t torn 24l Spring street, always giies m< it l.» l. and by its u e I cm continue in my laborious and i s -posed busiuess * X l A S LEWIS, 7 Clark at.

or eoiutr <f Wishington and Warren sis. , , at T read well's llaaery

I certify that I have been comjidled by extreme bad healih to make use ot Dr. 'tailor's Oalggm ol Lirerwert for niauy >ea-s and that the medicine I uow use is identically theaatre as ilnt 1 formerly obtained, aud that it ia made by the same ptrsou now.at 241 Spring stieet, who formerly made it at 375 Bowery. JON A s B E t K M A N . 3«l Pearl St.

The sufcseriber hereby certifi'a, that heh . s had acoug — railing of llood and matter from the lungs—severe lann through the ch-st and HI <bt sweats for sis years or more The Balsam of Liverwort has such a hapiy tfleet upon all uif complaints, that 1 truly believe I could not have l ivelto this time witnout it. Knu.erly I have obtaioed Use medicine from 375 Bowery, but lately fiom 211 Spring st. whicf. is now li eie.-uleiice of ihe Proprietor, n ho is the same person .hat made the medicine for me ai first intSie Bowery.

A L E X \ N D L R SMITH 181 Forsyth at Savton ••i'll.e Rev. Mr. Matttiea '* Church, ( hrj sliest.

Stephen Dolkeer, IS Broome ,te< I e >r»erirf*Maugio, made use of this medicine some yea-s ego Horn S7S Bo Were, and of lately from 241 nnrssj s tnet , with great i.drantsz;aiidsati*-fa, t ion. I l l s luiuuhed at 241 Spting street, by 'he id-mie ,| t'crn'u who made it at '-'J Bjweiy . .l-.hn Uemncd, 137 Wil­li in street, witi m* to lh - same fact- in his family,and can eer ti'y irom his own kuow 'e ge thit ihesame p-isnu is now »t 211 Sprurf stret'. who fntiuerlv made the inejiciueat No. 373 lloivtri ,a»d is 'lie trtien"opii;tor.

Mr. .Morton, hudson siree•, et riser of Noith Moote; Mr. Ooodspted, 6th avetue; Mr. Hoidvldste, druggist, 288 Bowery; Mr. Ltty, Broadway, eerier, ol Bheeser sireet; and many hundrids of ths ui-\*t n •pertab e pro, Ie in the (ity and coim-try are iead> tec rtifv to ihe most surpr sing tffe Is of this medieiue ana that Ihe only genuine now made from the orifci-nalMcipe i« »' 211 * l i i j< street.

Ob»eive :—Tne pnee of ihis nedicme is as follows—Large bottles $J; utx size §1 • smaller size 50 • ei.ts.

S«id at the proprietoi'» es abushment 241 »|aing street, near Hudson. S J d i n CNew ark, at 116 and 246 Broad street; also 26 YWIriui st. rl •>"'

l A i V i l l U L . ' . A O ( , - I I I . M i i t u . ,„« i t > , . ,-• Apply vt the Coal Office of Wil.iasns

& Keieusou. corner M-'l ?.>u sad Jefferson streeu. f2 31*

/ I5S Menroe street


B f c S T j t i r A L l T Y . b itii as fo workmanship and materials,for T W E N T Y - F O U R DOLLARS; also Pantaloons Ttn Dollar*, at PHILIPS' Cash Tailoring (iiabiislun-.nt.

143 Bro:,dway. N . B —The above garments are guaranteed to be equal to

every respec- to tho-e roide by the roost eipeuaiee iiouses sa tin rily 1 li-i is no I mptv guarantee, but OM i h i t m e adver-t-ser pledg«s himself to fulfil. Garments of second— y <|ua-litr prcpor_Honab1y lower. ^ aj jlS T J A l R CCTTINW AND U R E S s I N t i !—OlOVAN> 1 I T pERRARI. formetl, of No.« Astor House. Broakwvy r. spcctfully btes leave lo announce ii.,i he hai'o «o-d a new a'ld elegant Hair Uie.-sin-,' Si looi . ai No 4 Vesey s'. Astr.r Housa, which srill be found repltt» with e«eev comfort and c iB'eoitnde. alsS where h-iwitl at all li-sn-s be htppy to wait ou Ui'^egeutlemiu M bo may please lo honor him witS th'tr eomniands. 2i I in* n \OUEsTRETiTVps'. I'OHTRA 1 1 'S - taktn in luim.ia XJ bieitjle at BUTLER'S Rooms, Ne, 7| B.wery, coraT of Division st. .

Instructions given, and app- ralusfi»roi«h»d. i s nsnal. 21 it A T is-NT "fit E sEtt V E D M H J A I ' S A S U SOU PS— w ar-

tha kfrtaaee of t h t h. u ./k.e; i g artM-K irott H»»jaersS»r s t , forming »sdesribte tn as*orticest as ksa We a offered pu' lie s-1' f«e soar time

plet'ged articles, gioeeries. tMrdwsre. ke . WalcWa essfct silver ever,detached aad rkeietoe. do do. Alan rioe Trish Li-B<au. silks aatiiS.eslieoes, mus'ir«. «isg'•»«>" hesi". .rl ivsa s>ikwU,rittt-.u>, nad a variety af valaakle gcods ot eariovM rsai iinltiias

SATURDAY. At ia. oVWk. ia th« Wales H'v>m-*fles_i«' Foraiiare.

^ , » , » ,%, it . n "sIMPMsN, AwHa-aer."" S \ t f _ ^ A L U A t k _ O O L D A N D SILVER W A T C H _ a ? _ ' * , O L 0 J E W E L B T . m - . ~ J _ C « I » . PL A T T will sell ihis day a> 11 o'clock, at u.t store No. si Piatt street , without reserve, the stock of a dealer wf-o M retinal from ha siness. 900 ladws'and gentlemen,' (old aid silver f _ a a t L a ­yer, A a c b y . Ese*p»i»tDt. l E i i r * . Cgllader. DurJev, Haat-tag, ard other Watches. lro„, f, „T Ut»irt*wn bul-s )• wellsat. *V,L?1 ! _ _ _ _ * __**' "J-^™!- HPK •_!•'«' sswH^mesu of Oats) Jeweller, soeta a. P,«». BCTOCH a. ¥ i«g» . Br .Hants. EarRukgs.fnld Fob ;.i d tin rd « l.nms. <...ia h- . Pencil _ ? _ _ * * • **• The above is wtll wenky the aitrsrtVi af theiradr.

•Teroillof Sa le -Frar B oaths for vll twos utcr fiirj. f.,r approied ;.ut eavsorsed not, a. ft , , .


• TO A L B A N Y , trs* BRIDOEPORT-Fara


S. rs


., ' ,";. r.."-sr"i at '••' . . r : _ — • -;;''

S • > m .-SI • • • • • • » I i T S . . . . . . . -• •• 5 0 I

stoon sets . a i « a W A T C B - 1 93

T o H e a t e r s o f Vesse ls . Coinni.mdera of vessels will eonf-r a favor by hariag a lisi

e f their eaigoes, passengers, a>id a report of veasela left at

t port whence they sailed, and the vessels spoken, nsdy tiie ir arrival hare for Commodore BASSCTT, ..f our fleet

af i . t » i sesmoesrs. Hs wiU board them immediately oa he:r » m v _ . /

C l a a i • h i p /otoff,Merry Havana.T I^vtd, h tare ruffles.Iflavw

lfti>te.Jno OgJen; E»'in, St Audie»». N J . Wm «»<«»c''*-amra >* A Apprttou, t IdriYge,Boston; Juo Lwalas, tUlli.rS, tmeUu.

A r r t w e t . J l e h r t:h iiUt.oochi. tmaae, IS dayi f e Curacoa, t« Bo . er, —saw" k • A J_ I *sth

B c k r Fawn.Ftfttro, 13 ds fm Jeremie. St Doming... jvi'h eft-M. &-C to a C { S s a m Lefl brig Jos Atkins, liggiaa,. Jwr

ton 14 i s Js; schr Daniel i r^ncis, -rasll. for do * • slays, ol.ly Am vesTeU. 21st J»u ..If Wattis«s Island, spoke tehr ube.fn A"* __*rW forBosio-i.

-< t B,whlon^l»l>id», fm Yoik R v r , with corn. U b ' . r ' c U Wal l trT| j«»i«s . Br-'wu from Ik* •.reek of

|a*KipFru*««rt . She rtmaisa i s th« eoaditam aa sast i s -i- '' A.

tmWeat i U h pa SoaiH AmeviiS. Llveri-H)!; Mediaior, Lor,d- a; CsJ-

•kt i. 4h*r!e-loe. M a r i n e «)«WTea | io i i i Ienee .

O n HS: or ' i n H nuns- lsi »Moia . | iVeirassrf.Jaa t*. 1MB. i

l a r . i ' u « >icua. 13 ds fus MManias. S»il%d i s «<» *i t« k-tk .LfPcViland,ferU-mbUfg. Lefiat MaanatW it h

5^ Dm


'1 hes». |-rO*isions posses* great advantages ori r every o'her •Use iptkuvofseastore. They are a valuable nibs.i .ate for live stuck.* hich with il* provenderand I resh Water, occupy-so much room on lenj vov ages, is subject to disease, and re-nuir.sso nbch ctrein bad weather 'J hey are always ready for use, may be taten cold, i r if preferred. warm»d in a few uiiii'ius. therefore require very lit-L fuel, and no c viking, aii I afford indulgmee ia a number el luiunes at sea thnt no ctre orenpense cmldin any otlwr way procure. Apply 101 Wjil-liivmst. * Q L I L . \ T EKlSOH1 - V l s A N K L i N C O F F E S , HOO^ET M viinSa V l.ane, and 13 Ced«r street —Several fine Baddhs of Vehi-

son will bedresstd this day and **i v. il up in the usual sty!' , a t t e s t . | « pUte. Ready at U o cloek.^ p „ R O W ,

M I B L O ' 8 G A R D E N - T O T H E LOVERS OF KLORA. IN Messrs. N1BLO & DU.SL AP would most respectfully 1 n-fermer title men wanting b->uu,u- t-i. that they are fully prepared to suiiply order* to anv client, and on reasonable terms.

The couservatoey and greenhouses at576 Broadway, andjat Harlem, will convince any l . ' s or gemli man who will the proprietors are prepireu loeiecute orders, which Will b: s ta l l time* attended to »ith neatness and Despatch.

Lai'i ggiv-ng soirees or lull- ran brturptitd w'tH plants of large or smalt SIT.*. A'so.cut ll iwcrs. Which will be arranted IO the mm t tasteful manner by Mr. T . Dun tap, who has be.n long and favorably known to the lovers ofplaul*.

The f.'onaervatory «t Niblo*s (rardenwill a ways he oiie.a to il,e ladies for premeuMle, an 1 every attention uaiJ them— Uiercaw now IV. us and* of that spVmlid rlo*er,ihe ('ainellia. coming into bloom, »r.ouy af which a-re of the best siat to pu-i ui to tiie ladies for de«er»tiWtheir windows, and wbkn w ill be sold „t moderate pricts, withtverjawther article io their

V resh Bird 9re Is. O d d Fish Globe* Ice. it*

U NITED Sl'ATEW HOTEL,—The under-i*nev aive* tw 'lite to Ihe taibtic that the Unit d ^ta'ca Hotel, forntcrfyf

ket>tby David Oorranee. Es»t. aud whi*h has b=*u cloaed ff»r uowanlseftveo -oaths.hss b-eti put in completeeriVr.eTery tv,rt of the extensive tuiliiog h«viag been evpored to thj-e-esm .x4iiniuation,andme»p.ii8' has been sparedI to wtke erery

rt, the Uuitevl Slates, wi'hout « * * { • £ * , , n , _ _ _ , , , I am haoov to sBinmace »h»t I hive ma.e »n arr^ag. m ^i

i i.h Mr Xlonro Reed, the lute well known. a«mne4.ir of the Sf*____ S „ ' . . Sew York, m a l l and aasitt

1-1 iTi * OF EXCHANOE—•;« all part of Etsfland. Ireland B ,nd Scollaad. i" seam ol « S JU*. Jt* J M T J N B . •s'saif

H J. S i_V_HTi- . i t>a , 21 Wa I «». aad is Br i _ w » e . amount—'e-rsde -t

y » fRUlT—-r>te«m B-rk< 'arum I. k-xtrly e ip tied ttom Ha, - vaua vvilba lull earg > of feuit. Per< imd-siona i f jur-f.-.au'i-' wUl tdease make initner'iste SM-lva i-m to c._»«ug,wu»i CLOVER _ McWUBRAY.

*5j lasftaest-ert.

E \OLlS.i"vttlK f . n - For fou-di-Jier aud «j lioder m___aaa Btanulaciurid frt m the I ureal metal f< r sale bv

rla I Ps.ttSSE k BROOHS.CI Liberty

B ILLlXriTls—•Oris F I E L - will t e napvy i i a eail »rorn I i« friemto at Baasfom'a Billiard Rwnt», ov«» Oei'linitv

K , •; I Ii- -*, vv i.t ri-arr e , :ii »| Ir-ndil t b l - , . » i m slate aad nmrbl. h>_. tadia rubber cWth, and spring steel o_i_-,ne— <roi SB I m»h g-wio fiasnrs.

Ktitrauce- i ts Fultons-aet, aud 1| Ana street. Ta)>kes and rt. tS.for sata. _ > » ! » *

cfp- L H R ' - N I ' vti.1 , r . 1 , of.villi ainus, pu-e'«_'~- _ tbf *. J . S Y L V E S T r M , '•• *t market rat •*, by

i\V. >\), ir . i n ,N» r"> *» w * r t ** *"* '3 *_*; _*__[

P A<;K y. t ' ^ H I I ' i t - . Z nj.ir- iii , \ . •> van«__». i , -vCJiai ing at ( M M M wha-f, f -ot -rf W * l l steeet. Ca-assssaftS

\«i 1 i | c .«» attend to l b * r r f i i ' t t l

U i . i - u i . I , o i - C l i a t g _J S*e»et. C*»« ,

ef tht > rood* immtit'ate!; .

The steam mat C KO l'ON or the Nl VI ROD. leaves Cathe­rine Matktt slip, East River side, fur BraVeport. *v#ty sasea-ing e i tWt Sunday, at 7 (/clock. From Brn'gepe rt, j: A—sag ess wdl be forwarded by the H iwatomc Railrsad to North Ca­naan, thence to West Mock bridge (*• assies) by stsae- aad tiieoee to Albany (.* miles) by Railroad. Ths em are w%JJ furnUheii and w -rn ed

ft^» For ptsssge or fretghf apply an hnard o f the best, or a* the York House. No. S CouHiandt strut. tSlas

PA8SAOE r U h N S W OK_r.A.NS—tmiy s_t> gidir Line —The tpleaskd fast sailing pueket sassy

_ ^ A L A B A M A , Capt. Banker, sails rc-sitis-Jg- oa the f th r ebriai y. her rtf alar day.

T h ' skip* of this fine aail every ive dsre, ar pae*s*T« free, having .,Undid ac-oinmocaticus for c_'io - - -uu ca­bin, and steeri(t» . p*_se>«ers. ror p s u g e . s a H y -pi - , .tion sssoiil'l be tu tde on board, i' ,ot o* Wall it. ••»(<>

W . at J T . TAPJMOTT, _,. . . ^ . . . . ' • * • ? » ' h street, or U lack Blip. The packet sl.i p O* MI' Lt iEE w il: succ rd the Alabama,

and saw oa Ihe loth F»bmary. f l FOR LlVEllPOOL— New Line—Regular f>aeket

the 251k r • hrua- v — T»e aplendid fast sai ing liarker ship OAltRICK. <apt. William .Ski-ldy a7la_»

tote, will sail as above,her regular day. •-F. i freight or passage, having accommodaticas apaapfhil

for splendor ot coailort, apply on board at 4Mesas wharf. E. E. COLLINS I LQ. of Wail st. a r t s

P I T e o f passage f 100 5* South sWeet.

T h e packet sh ip H O H ' H J * . O p t . John CoHiss . o f 10SS titis will succeed the Gsrnck, aud sail oa the '15th Match, her tegular day.

Tassengers may rely upon the ships of this line s&ilmg pwac tasljy as advertiied. ft.

F O R N E W OrtfcEANH, L u U t i l A S ' A A N D NEtV YORK L I N E - T o sail the l i b F-kr<

. T l „ siilenrtia {_t aai'iae facket Ship OC OEE, f apt. Leavilf, will nmn'itely mil as above For _ or aasSSBB, I aving sphmhd furnished B'commodatloM, _, ply ou board, at Orleans wharf, mot n> Wall street, or te

E. K. COLLINS k fcO. i 5* South street,

fireat care wi|! be taken to ha*e Hie giod* by this line eo»-rectly maasured. ;

Agept in New Orteaas, Jaeaos C. Woodruff, who wstt promi tly forwatd aM got da f o his address.

The packet ship (i ASTON. Ca,t. t.aiham. will swerved the Ocmu'gee, a-.d sail U e 20th February, her i»gu sr jay. £ • _

FOK LIVEItPOOlT— 1 he superior Srat

JatS_; splenrtiTa-

\s sailing rhip SCOTLAND. Robin on, alaatra, » •

_ba< •; immediate dispatch lor tha above port llsi—sj, splendid a-commndatious for e kin, iccond rahta, aad steer a _ e M a n gers. Ptrsous about embaiking should make tarw apphcalion to

GLOVER A McMURRAY. * 160 Pine street, e merof South

«r . °.—Per*' ns wiaking to send fbr their fiien'S resydio the old C' untry. can have th<m brought out by th* assure I to leave Livei pool ou the l*th March, aad provided with pea.

" r»ta urma, by vision« b> l i e , if nou red, on the m-st B-V- I- imp M I .1 r v e f i r h(P l - i f r n o d naid t = *:

F i R l . iVEhPOOL-Posiuveiy oa the M 'as.— m _ . 'ABKHILL. Car-'ain WOtt. Will Lrvtrpoul as above. Thia apleudid ship h

The cuivrier l int class fast Battens ear ks4 sisss __JW. Host wilT ssidcs^atcked for

. •• ship haa coipmodatioos for ctkiu, aceuad cabta, ami afeersge . gerk, who will lie lakeaata moderate rate. A | ply oa board •Ins, at i • r 13 _ast River, or to

JOHN H E R D M A N . s i B e u t k i _ N B— \rrnncrmeuts cau. as aaoaL be mads with the sub­

scribe for i-s-sage from Liverpool, of those who saay be seal fork tkiirf.i 'B — b»ra. Drafts can also be furnished for aay amount, payable throughost Great Briuia and IrslaasL SB ay-ply sag as skova • I I

_ I ' A s S A t i - l-OK Ln/_lt"P<H>L-rke ., last suing Packsl Ship SCOTLAND.Caat .

_ on. is now loadiBs.sua will sheet witk taw despatcu This shin has splendid accomrrodaUoaa tar second cabin and steerage paaseagers. For aasmge early sa> plication s'lO'ild he made on bo«rd. Pier o.pvss.e tfl seath a t

W . k J- T . TAPSCOTT, 4»Po«th street, ase 4 S Peck BUD.

Person* wishing to send far thsir fticads e s s have taasn hrnueht oat in this ship, or say other of the tesjttitar line. Bail­ing from Liverpool tv, ry week, on very fatorabtcteima. *a_ draft* for auy amount ran be had. payable oo demand ia all ike principal towns of th: United Kingdom,kg sptdymg maker*


• ( "


avgig. FOR LlVEllPOOL-fPeHilivery tn sail oa Iflth | r l e | k hibrurv)—TU" 'iip-rior fir't c'ass ship SOLON, sjp-*__t'ai>t Cteevrr. will po i ively aail as abave, aad can hmdsotne'y occommmaleafew rabin. 2 I cabin aad * tee rage passenger, st moderate rate* if early ariil(CJition is wade to v fi JOHN H E R U M t N . t i Seaih at.

N. B. The ship G E N . BARK 1LLI. sada pofitirely o e Wtdueaday, JdFeb.and canaci-oasn oiate afew more pmara J5ef»_ _^ , P

CITY DESPATCH P O S T . - T h e I*uhtie isr«_j*ctfully is-formed, that the City Ui- ia^ti Post wiU g j into <pers-

tion on MONDAY ne f , tSe 7tb of rebra-rr. TV. -R-gu'ation- may t e scan at the i rii_ii.il • ffu». No. 4*

William street where frveslimi* »nav be purchtaed. A complete list ol the Branch offices wdi be advertised ia's

few day». , fl I f

I?OR S A L K . or evchai'ge, or to reut—Lani in Lycoming county, Penua. title good—Also, ten lots in Bergen county.

N J- halfamilefrom Newark—Alaoto sent, a FaratinEli-«abetlil"Wn. N J., consijiineoi 4 aires, ham. indgool .ra'er, rest only $120 ; I hourSnde from New York, r or particulars BiW'y "» H _ _ * I B M I T H . 3 N m s _ i a t J m m *

KKO.vt H A V A N A . — ( a _ C ' T f . A S l B \ K K « L t H t O l l O signres of Merchandise by ll.i< viasel will please esad their |«rrpiisonb -ard, loot ol Jones's laae, or tu ihe office of t letub-ci ers, as alt good* n«-t permitted m f n e days must unavoidably be *• nt io the public store.

I'hiljlAN-NT E»rA__WH*t^NT, IN N E W YORE.

MO S S . M A L L A N k S O N S , Barg-eon DeasJaU, Ws. tn B o dw ay, and at Loadsn an_ Pails, :.form t a e

Public ol New York, and its vicinity, that in const luenee of their very extens ive practice, they have, at length, hcen induced to open a r e m a n e n t Establishment, w here they may be consulted at No. 37-1 Broadway, between Fracklin and Whi te streets, in al l cases eppertaiainf t e their professian, in which they bare been so sueesafal, in consequence of their celebrated discoveries and im­provements io the art of Dentwtry.

Mons Mallan returns thank* isr the very' s_Mh_l pat rouag* he has receired, and continues to recr-ire, f a r ticularly to the Medical profession of N e * York, tor their kind recommendation*, aad advocating M o n s M.'e improvemfnt in Dentristy,

C E L E B R A T E D M I N E R A L r»a

F I L L I N G D E C A Y E D T E E T H ! Mons. M. continnes to restore decayed Teeth. h o w e r e r

large or small the cavity ; making a stump int j a sound Tooth , instantly cur ing the Tooth ,howevr r painful ar sensitive, matching; in point of color, tbe natural cortes or enamel of the Tooth . T h e Minatal ia applied In • sew seconds, wilhaut the sl ightest pain, heat, or pressure, and lasts far many y e a t s . prtveot ing the n»ces»ity s t Extracting, w h i c h is au Injm ions to tbe Human F r a m e -that painful and disagreeable operation has s eek a ten­dency l". shatter the constitution of delicate and aerroaa persons.


Mons. M. ca l l s ths attention of the Public snJ JL of the city of N e w York and its viris it i -e to h u i brated l iscoaaewaua Mtassaa. Ts-TH.whsch resist t h s deleterious eli c t s o f acid*, and are not feeble t s cmn*mm or discoloration from Medical Prescriptions, er *-. y oths i

k l T _ e n v C " v e r break or become l o o s e - t h e y kav^ a s ua-natursl e l s s s - a m lirml) fised wi tkoutwiressr l igatures - n o bulky substance- in th* saowth-aad m e er> psrtl-cu*ar resemble tbe a . f jo io lngJVHh, In cor.f-vrmtty a f Iban* and minutest shadeof color, pfajed f t W - e a e t e , eesapMa st-', open tae above impresed and t e . e n t i t e in i -c i i le th*-y are guaranteed te answer every purpaat e f Masticaiaoa and Artmulmien^anicular ly the inability to give tbe proper sound to the d. ntelmg ual donble csm-Kotiant TH. They *re so natural in appe>arsnce,and a s ligatures being used, and stilt «o firm io the mouth, they d-ly detection by the c losest observer.

Lv>OSE T E E T H securely and effectually fastened, v i s i n g e i t L H '. «sa the u«- of medicines or any other cause. *J^

ARTIFICIAL ' A L A T E S replaced upon a sure and sciei tiftc method

T O C O U N T R Y P A T I E N T S . S C U R V Y IN T f f E O U M d


Cored an 1 prevented by • Lotion w h i c h can t* for* e l to any part orthe United Stat.-*, with prepet d i r e e t i p a for use , and guaranteed te ansa er. Al»o, a arevetstjea and cure for the moat violent T O O T H At i n .

T O T H E PUBLIC O F T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S . Mons. Mellon is happy i a being enabled t e a a n e n a c e ,

tht* ley the kind consent af T h r e e Hundred of t h e Bret ts•-':i:e- c f the United States ,centsst ing 11 the i ekantt , Medical {irofesaion. Clergy aad ptivate C * it ens, to w horn b e c a n refer a* to tke * iprnui it> of M O M . M.*S eel . In ated Mineral in prt fexence to any other they have . v • l i n . t, t i i . m t b e i r opinion the beet that ever aa*_e under tht ir pu'ice. Hia e ther imprevements t eed n e coar meet .

I N V A L I D S A'tended by M o n s Mallan, Janr^ at their a w n Eata-i i l i h m e n t , _ _ ,

T H E F A C U L T Y A^fD PUBLIC s- • r.irticulsrty invited t s pay Mana Mallan s visit , an s«. the epeeimews of hia n e w diseoveri e in D*_*is_T.

MONft. M A L H V S<mV^

\Say be ocnsuRed daily.from IS till » « £ _ _ » J i A w

betw-een FswsAWesM w _ s t » strswssv CII4ROF.S s l O S W * 1 *

J U 4 T rTJ*U*BBO. r t t m V m t m T k e . i s w i s m ^ . - J I ^ - ^ ^ j j a . y ^ t l v Structure sad Dssss-eaas «—• • ft Un*1

t •> i \i o r , HSJI i , .

n U ^ ^ Z f e &ra£^U?JXrtto!£ ,T^ J!, n rheir 4Vb«< end -» d»-S U % l a e X . & ' » • ' • « ~ »*—' disci. H « » WUh

in the » as* ' " ' ^ ^ r f j j i o R r . , 4 « r » e y sa ham. , u i MSsnw_»-r«et .

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