• rnwiB s u m SW YORK. SATURDAY, JULY ll 1863. PRICE ONE QB*m eSghtiog listed rest cf the war, The enerayce xed 4ft000 prf*. SEWS, v red at th* &ffM ins item*; - lulySth.basths shit the never re made be? toll rypso*.-e*Sofh<.r tntaitJieled auc- elastic ground, come, tourists step* to rare ige, which have U>rjthera leader, iVlCtOtyaBdCQ- now rapidly ap- i of war arebe* to disperse until ie Ay. Lveatrt- ins the way'to >t the&otenae" «that it will be UBOWftthtOSOf s more inglorious ce the invention b, givesthe ftl- **%.,...' . *d yesterday, wo ee.wereet-.Bur- a* on it* retreat etedverratrong- unkey riv*-, to ry of shear bar* lovemeateoftae since thelralRC-J Silurdar tuVht, i idea of further ond from, that unanded at the t the lalattoo igades, end after il-ed,aad finally ferenee to. their with that pub- r teerosMd the Information ob- thatthey pasted the: Inference Is ra and Fortress ag on Vtckiburg, n. Jeh&staniaat r Grant's army, er.andaa Kirby from the other it our hopes ate or stirring new* wcially alccethe me of Braahear an Yickabarg or rt f rora reliable ay that a courier, c m e n t progress- id ourforcesnear i enemy are cot t* July 5.—Yes* ie cc^alry croased od kdvenood into I by Wbitefields river. A courier entire command Block last night. r. Gen. Great is regard to events i very little firing w bow little they id t o l l y occurred heororeatOiyha the Yankees in Pittsburg and a The former waa .; A commissary toent says that veil provisioned. •.Smah and Ma- rnier. Geo. Tay- ter* and oveneers ie retnrn of the a upon the charge ball the Sooth- theoathofallegi- That President 5 military caniu* usta the manage- rs ae Lee, Beau- Jstreet and Bill, litary gennb of nious inactivity; who could have we, perhaps in a ienee would have rtn the Yankees nd Seward; cap-' York and Boston; ie top of lfznisr ident Davis avait- rygenins? •.-•;. »lTtb publishes a committed by tbe Bis Bear Creek total amount of aatl,SS7,600dol~ rtantcreraof rice and com wereput'iugforh their leave*. Cspt-Cuvefa company landed »t Tar Bluff and destroyed several Urge steam tice mills, three cotton gins, end a fine sawmill, together with an itn- mease amoont of other prep rty. C»pt. Boyt landed at Combabee Ferry, and d.etroved the bridge and all the adjacent property. Tbe expedition then returned, without ;be tots of a man, bavins destroyed property toth»gm°antof two millions of dowrs, and bringing back SOOvaluatle slaves. - T"~ sraiMion to remain ty V or taking tbe oath of received not**, secored givice.tbarcuo.u-ed securii aUtglinee.,, i,.;..-/- : :.<»••/•< luw-**V7x : ± \ A *rsriciocecbiJ»etermikins around tbs. Federal ramps waa arretted last Snrday at Fredenck»bnrg, He «e*e bis asm* as Wra. BIcaardson, oi B*JtlmoM>. In bw boe-t* were found crmplete drawings of the de- fence*, ofBaltimore, with infonneUoneoneerntoit H» strength abd movement* of tha Armyjof the Poto- The Florida off Gay Head. Per telegraph to Gilpin's MwebaaU* Exchanges Bcfion, July 10.~Pirate Florida ta e=ea yeat£2- *»y$9:2!!s5eo*tbe**ief Gay Heid, Shaw**) tbqn bornlng a trig endfishingschooner. .•-; . ; ' . ' ; ITox>f«17o;4Jultfl<X.-Tben>btegKbeoaer'Citizea' arrived bete to-day. 1 ! She reports a bark-ritgtd rebel eteamer yesterday GO miles soutbeatt of Gay Bead. 6he bad burned a bri&end then madefora Froyinca. towa fishing echcoaer, and binned her. The crew of tbe fiibyrman escaped in tbe bsata to a fleet of mackerel fiehenneni A number of fithing ecbooners are coming into Turpentine Coro to day, to cscapo the pirate. " i , ^ /; : : ;-!'• ""::':, ; ' i Botton, Jutv l?.-Capt.Thorni*or», of the Britteb schooner Agnes Ross, arrived ber* this morning from Tfestport,N. 8,48tb ultimo. Cftpt. Thompson stated that a rebel barque steamer of 600jton», waa. ertufiog in the Seal Island fishing grounds. - A Urge sbirx loaded^^with deals, and reported as belonging to Keor nebunk. Mo., wan seen burnt to thewaterted.re, sbe being at the time in tow of a fisherman on Grand Manan Bank. .'••• ^^ , - v-.-'s-.. : More Yeawela Dispatched After she Privax- i ' : .- teen. — • ,..-.:.;.. : Orders were reeebred from Wa»bington yesterday, directing Admiral Paulding to dlipatch to tea at once inch vessels, of proper tonnage, as were at bis dispov eal. I n a f e w btmratbe corvette Marios; with mid- shipmen en board, and tbe yacht America, were sept off, fully manned and equipped. Tuoor'tbreo regular navy built tteamen are preparing rapidly tofoltow them, and before a week five at six vessels will be on their track. •. ..^.-...'V;. : ,:'•;'-...:;';.": ;'.:u; ,'.V" ' :-'..,' ———— anil.ii ii »• ••••;••> ; lf~ r 7 " ••'.] ----- , Freaa Meslee. ; . Steamship Corsica, Captain Le M*wurler, arrived yesterday from Havana, July 4th." By'.tela arrital we have some later intelUgenoe from Mexico, embrac- ing chiefly edicts of General Forey, jpretcriblng the mot? of ROTemiDg the city, under the no» order of things. All persons who are hostile, to the French are to be banished, condemned to work in the mines or upon the railroads. The property of all each offend- ers is also to be sequestrated, to;defray the expenses of theneweovemmeat. Thopsopli are to be aer- mitted. to cheese their own mrroidjpal and other offl- eerTs. •Vcording to their feelings and wishes.** Wo hoar nothing fur her as to the movements ef Juares or the Mexican army. : ~* ' t * '?,. S i n l^arwt'sco, Jury O.—Crty of Mexico dates via Acapulecsaretothe 10th«it."' ; /. ; .;. /','.:,.{ l^-}i.'~"n-4'^ Joatc-K arrived at;8an Jjaii Potett on the Ttb. and* eataMlthed the seat of rove;oment there. The late gani«on of the city of Mexico, numbering 19,000, are distributed at the most Important points west of. that city . A portion of the French army entered the city of Mexico en the 8th. It was believed that Gen. Foray had sent a cornnraalcation. urging Juares to accept tenna of peace. - » mse; aho passes from Gens. Eweli and Johnson, Be confessed hi* guilt, and was bung en Monday mom- iag.' ••.'.,.'• Ms-WOLtn^caj-JidateforCamtm ihtbeJ^ooja vUied^ct,Ky^wa.s:«Reeted oaThursday t>?-tbe eaiclung ofileexa in 0*en county, and eent to Gen. Barcside at dncltmati, in- contecneBce- of .these words, used inaspeecbtolb'i people ©f_Owen: "IhU is a John Brown raid,* w»r sgainst aUyeiy.epdbc hoped every true Kent ackiah would sue tn armtln bpposition to it. lie wasfor•eeesslooi sepattUoni or •aytbltiK against it. . .\i -.if. :'•.-••: ••;••.-,i l . .-••>! { Tn«firstd»yjrf1th«drsAlnPitt*b5ugwwen^^ nesday. TheEnrollment Oommls»ioaer, vtltebujiiy engaxed drafting other*, waa blmeelf so fortunate as to*MAwaprize. u Oneofthaclexkawesaltodrafted, as was the <x-Frovv>et Marshal.; Oca. .man. v»ba bad been enrolled in two wards, waadraiUdin.both. la some io«t*!to»a two ycuus raeo wero drawn fioiu the same family.. This was the case with a tailor, and James BamiU, cbamp-on oar.msn, (.whois now >Q *he East ptCenaiios for bin Contest with Waid) and hia brotherJabu.. ; . >••,« "•-••••. .•"'"-;' I.W'T :•'-•'•* r 1^ correspondence respecting pteccdencoof rank among the M*joe Gemrals is no w ay Wished.. Gen. BtcCIcllan argues thus s -By refenlcg t».the history oftbeuresentwarttwUlbe found that.prior, to the date upon which Gen. Butler, erronvousir says that 1 waaap6«ujted.l»bad, as M«]or Utn«»Xcf tho Be- guiar Aunr, orgameed an army and. conducted a *uc- ccssfol campaign, by which Wettern\irgmiawaare- KorodtotbntieB«ralG«»8rnmeot» sad ormy of tbe enemy destroyed.: x had supposed that wery general orli«r knew that I held a commission .during that campaign. Geo. s Ballecs.'s argumeaU are. in bonformSy with tbe finding of the Board. ,• • -• f :.-.•<? .;...^...:;. •' , - " "";• .!.•- .'-.'.•'•';;. :.« •.-•-- I y,': ; ''"-^;'''S5^S^^tov»Orle8«BX 1 , ;^Vf / .... 'l >p : [ I The Vnited Siat'eesteamerai^ontlnvafal and George Washington arrived yesterday from Mew Orleans, with fitea to July 4tb. »Tbey contain nothing of bu- portance. < The siege of Port Hudson .waa. progressing, but no newa is allowed to transpire^ ! = . » ' . - . . - ••'• ••-• - : - : . ^ . . - : . ' - KKW YOBK AMD TBB YICINITT. The Draft la Blswsachaaetta. Botton, Jwtv 10.—Tbe drafted men of MaMacbu- retts, some 4,800 in number, will rcnSesvous, it isre- ported, at Springfield, under the command of General l>evecB,whoIar lonville, IMVBES. who i. recovering from wounds received at POSTSCRIPT. . N E W YO&K 8OT» 0 « I C B , V ^ Saturday, July 11—4 A. M.. /. _•- lVeelsj Arasy.-.-.•. ".• .>-- CftamBer«o«rff, P A , Jafs/ 10^-Mews from W0- Uamrport shows that the rebels have lost two eat of three ferry boats by tbe late high/water. Very little of their traasDOriiition had reached tbe Virginia shore but the most of their wounded have sot over. Stragglers and desertersfromLeo's army still COB-' tlnue to arrive in large numbers. Lee's headquarters are still at nagtretown. "• / ; ., ; CAam5er«ourffft, July 10, triaSftipz>en»B«r<r.—The •••'•• ,,-.,t. -i'"••; .;.'.'> •:'.'••, ti••- > 't.j -.:- !.:;> .-'f :•-: > ' rebel pickets and ours meet at Greencastle. General Couch Is at ibis point. A battle Is looked for at any moment. It is thought we • have Lee completely, 'hemmed la-.i"-;;'' ;d'X I- ~ : ^Wci-^S?*. ••, THE DRAFT.—HOW I T I S "BKIHO MADB.-^" •WHAT TUB Parous Sav ABOUT IT.—One of. the moat 'abjorbiugtopica of interest in the city yesterday waa tbe approaching draft. This question seemed to ab- sorb the attention ci nearly every abTe-bouiedcitizen, 'exovpt, perhaps, those whose wealth rendered them comparatively secure trom being obliged to serve, If crafted.' £veh these men felt some' sort of a mis* jgiving, lest they might be behind time in paring In', their "gieeiibaekB." or lest some aafdreseencircam- stance might enable the Provost Marshals to take, their persous, instead of their money;' Bat it was 'amonc the bard-working classes that this greatest feeling prevailed. Some of our noble mechanics, with a proud toss of. their beads, and tba brave utterance of genuine American citixens, declared "that tbey; ;didn*t mesa to ahlrk;•» "if they- verb .called fc* under the Uw, they woelda'^ try! to^et out of it by pajiog in the; greenbacks; These men; argued that they bad just as much interest In whipping the- rebels and preventing tbe establishment of a Southern Confederacy s i the most wealthy citi- sen of the Union. It did-tbe soul of our toyat re- porter good to 'bear these hard fisted philosophers 'utter thrdr terse logic, not with rhetoricsl iflourishes; butintbe hpmelylanguage of those.accustomed to claim all rights and privileges of American cltisens. One of these scenes centred op town in tbe neighbor- hood of one of car bfrgu ship yards. After tome of the workmen bad disposed of their noon day meat the conversation began by a brawny blacksmith * b - eerringtooneofbUcornpsiiions: -...'.-A-f 1,-;. •••Well, Med. this ere draft catches yon under the fifthrib.Eh I old boy." •••'• - . •. *' Bow do you make that out t* ' - • •. : "Ktuy enough. Yon arnt married, you're abTe- bodicd,andold enough te answer the *firstcall,* and eugh to plead the * baby act ;* besi' ~ but yourself and ycur swest heart .„ !ook after. If yon get drafted, nothing but the * green yon out.'" ' carpenter's abop, wbare over foity men are em;*>.ye V , , someeailiescf sharp wit c<cirredbetweentxcM>f tbtsV^ Journeymen* which will tUustrste bow too* excmpV, ticn dodges wiii be carried on Timothy toy bov, your IJckXe wiMvrBntyoal«f<jrs> yen're a month older! ^- • . . . . « '• - TivMth>j.-Vm be» Where did yen rt joue knowledge from Larryt Cues* j e n *>u*t r e ^ t b e - ^Sirr»v3boati read'TBOtStw scadibU'e;«w*J»' f0 T^eftyl-»> do I; and .ain't It owte tten two - moatb* ago that Beach published the §«£$?. £«n.- eralw list of c er a bunored diseases and other I binsa that *xemp»ta men from perying under the <i^\- > My wiw cut it out and put it *«y»««**.t?^?i*5s . YeWrdaylwat. r«adir% ltever. and by boker_all . pvecottodo into have half a dozen teeth paCed out, abd Pro bunk for this abolition War. . . ufctW-i-tH*'* betoe sure of that Timothy-.-The dentist that poStAsfm-UsOka^tbMM^k» fQurp , seeoreeiTa(omewbere else that wouU"ntc«i r^:*Av^-I«u«eaI«9l4 fini iinan that would. runth^kTforafivedou^WlL -s • j - . : /<OTtf^SoyoutntehL|u^«htretepleatyof_;tbo»e> > booSfiXltuikiig ebout^w^roik C'ty, u A £•»* body but apoorpueUlatfmoua popthat would try sueh sUIaniouspupt " ; S'wojhV.^dtdu't^yTau^d. did U i*U.inasbr your head in if yon in innate any such tMag I 7 Lorry.-Doat«,ethuffy. Tim.-1 have toowa»ca long enough not to believe fou would try eucn e. tmuv ^"rimofhv.—You'd better, believe I>*S nl4n "*rK 1 '? : shiw ontne Savings Bank totf and . t e f c o m t t o r ^greehbacks." The money would do the Union cause* , ( i^i%ou^T^: ^ say Tad more about it. '• j Similar •incildente, varying in detail*' occarrerl * throughout tbe eity: illustrating v the difforeat Jlls- pueltlona of men e.uglhie : to'.tns draft. The pstrioV- ism of some being <iuite lis cbntrasttrith the sutsyw ill-concealed opposition of others. f-,•'- J ; Tc-d»ytheenroUoen: in all the districts wUl prob- ably be complete. The Provost Marshal baa net yet? . accurately ascertained how many men will actually - be drafted In this city, although the number will not k foil far abortof twelvethoujaud.Aa the.d'a^s^ , listinenU wiii be cr»id Itcd to the city, and those e'f t h » ; past moath added therotcs it bi p^wihie that veryftw' nflm will actually be drafted.' It U tald that a draft f wiii actually take place this morning In the rllnUa : District, and on Monday in thoEIghtb District. ! The operation will be as follows: The name of every persdnenroUed will be written on, e> slip of ps^cr. Tbiswili bo roiled ui» andfiimly.'bound"wrftbV \ ka. india rubber baud. L TbewHttlo roils willtbei» r be>: placed in a revolving wbeeHike box, placed et as 1 high pUtform In frontof the Commissioners and the* public All being ready the wheel will be tum.-d sev- eral times and thenstopped.. A little girl, blindfold- -. ad will then be led forward. .She wiii throat a beredV. arm and band Into the box and draw forthone of tha. '•roHs. 4 * This wiii be opened,'^ real end properly sir i . cordedupon the books of thoPrcrc^ KJtribai: i*&.*± etber revolution of the wbeet, another'dlp cf the)' young lady's band, and another conscript sarrbltooV' Bothe cperaUon will eontioue nntll the specifies -' number bis been drawn.': Afterwards t h e eontcrIpk'> will he notified. He will then be allowed «c you've nob look after, if yc backs'will help staliation, tasBJcfasnoBd. bmoud DisraTca Prison yet terday, iptains among tbe oof their number x>tlng of Captains iw, by Gen. Burn- 51b ef May last. oom at 12 o'clock, of the prison, and re around a table, n. Winder. Sh'ps cfoneof thcolfi- > and deposited on medtnentntbtt ased to draw tbe ra would Indicate !rawn by the Rev. tdeath-:ike. The lecfCspt.Ueury r Jersey Cav#Iry; i,cftheMttIndi- uteutioa has not aoat«omfry t wlth board the gaoboat tod proceeded tip tt ra&rolr.y. Oae ! btr tronw were tofielMtttgtfnSry ee, and dirpeelng farmer tbaa the--. Uageef A-h«poo lots&try end one t!. An c-..fi.\£e- Adttnsr/'nltso^ line tbt ffbris o ncM tt etro'tt, :;i'a, and tamed tVycsat*cr , *v. to b*l-,tt to r->o- crcitore and Tare ground. \"Mr.I..c sed<cri«txdtkele- >d|«io.t!ogrotre sn;rr aiil*. Tie :e tlave p>pa'a- vtry dca %nsua- ree rice boojr*, ienutla ticks fa fatat kinds, wtre r».aadeTe»th!ng sesct*. 6:alMs end brcwdcouds HBffbsfot* lasu- KacoBraging New» frosa Gen. ^^ : : i; ' :l •; Departsnenr. "..'*".',' JS&tht&le, Term.* July lO.-Cftlcens of Frankltn end Spring Hill report the country north of tbe. Tennessee Kiver filled with desertars from Brsgg's army—mostly Tennessoetns to the cumbeTof from 10,000 to 15,000. They refused to leave the State, Gen. Bosrcrans- army retains Hi positioo, the line of the Elk Biver. The campaign U virtually ended. ' '•.'•_« H .' :•:! •: i : :r- Tie Drafk. i. '•; :^.>:.';,'"\!\.'i" WbiMtiffton, JuIt/10.—The draft Is pregretsmgia all the Mew EngUnd States and. Pennsylvania and Mew York as thu enrollment Is completed. In each of the various districts a certain proportion of men to designated. It Is certain that the entire nrrrrm?r to be celled out ta all the States has cot been desig- nated. • .. • ••' • The Iovstsioa of lediaea.cVc. ': LouUtiUe, JuTt/lO.-Martlal law wac declared in Louisville fo-day. The l u t advices at headquarters pistes the canny between Corydoa and Mew Albany, Ind., about 15 miles from the Utter, with oar forces under Hobeon in clotx-pursuit. '-'=*, ! "i vv* : **r\' : ' : '*',*'J''-:" .*/:• TelegrapMo News Items, ftp. KusAt>MtaAt.WuxjuUamongtherecentaiiivaIs alWashinricn. /•* Tnt draft Is to commence ca Monday cert in Con- peetTCut. The adsslCiUotatsT.tJOOtoOBehalf: half will be added'tocover exempts, so that 11,500 names 'will ba drawn.'• - "t"W!«Ge».Ksgte«i r»ort!nje>t bsx^trferiwlth troop* fr«a Grn. F^tet** Ncnh Csrot^t, "commaBd*. Gen- Meade i omidiauiy assigned bixa to » command at Hsrpa's Ferry, .f^ ';'.;;••'; Abrirw per Corsica nport the arris.*.! of tbe rtota- ers Alice. K^cooa.Kat', Aatonica. Etisabelb, W>% and AriDie, and Bta.uecard, ft>m SJbc.r>s:oo: and theBanthoe. Tistic, Here, Fstny, and Chwlceton from vTilaiastoa ; all at Swu A.s^stbe.rasn/ t.r;*'cs of General' Moadcsvic- tesy bought by Coicn«i ^chrircf to VVa Miicgcn, are the relcl Gcnnal B.uWales j«wd ind SI battle rUsssndHsndards. Tbiwtxl Ceacrtl ArmlsKA'*, oah-sdeUaUdrjid he thought therclwllDa was* Md e*o?» (tnfl wi* Mtty b9 tsd crer t afc :a tart in it, Bven arrivri frcra !l\tj.r.e*« hitn^hattbewar la Vtaczyls Uhynota^xj'.wrr. IRTBIrtxlionbad ttokencnt. la Valencia, rv.*r:nC*V;lo at \9 Litxita. la the latter place sO»r. Olivo bnd .lo Uoytdtbe rivfrsat/tatjDaterUls. taksn the smmottloa. seized to* concfftBcase, and dcclvcd for Ota. O ordVro. Tns Dccoocr^"*' SUle Convcniioa cf lout s »Rcr an exci:ed nad »!o:a/ *r*»K>n, Bdxonwd y cstjsday. J fa: s:la I* Fbhtt, of Clayton county, was ox >mlaaitd f<* G^TBior, and JJT. rjrtncVKob* of Wttattt' WW Jfs f«M«leT)sntnoveTnor. Mr. Fitter was wotedJoT trVRtbateysBta. ThoGoau&iica wssbthlstDes ; SoxsJotdrcJsof AttxacdrratVb.) a«en?«tSiU,of bo.hretM.etr.lstkcd en board o? a ste»tr>bo»t frcta n Thundsy* to be vcijt 8 " for stsnint tbe odcr *n» m not young enough te plead the * baby act ;* besides •body but yourself and ycur swe«t heart so AVd-WeU. I'm agteeaUe ; my sis (sseethoart) tare she wouldn't many me no how if 1 wasn't man- enough to shoulder a musket and shoot at. some of thtse-Seceshers—when I am wanted for the work; and I just wsnt to tell this crowd that Med Symsbas got the greenbacks to psy bis stay out, but I just aiat going tode it.- PU take mychancc*,andifmyname is called yon can shoo* me if I don't putontbenni> form. T'other day, when some of yon fellows was spouting round here about the draft, and teUUgtbat old Boss J would pay the scot of all bis good bands rather thaniet them go: {didn't say holhioftbut J made up my mind that If Uncle Sam drafted me I wonldworkforhim quicker than the BOM-'cause why, I was bore In thia country, and I wouldn't feel myself worth a cots if I didn't do my share towards keeping t.pthe honorof that oldflag[pointing to the Btsrs and Stripes, floating from a liberty poi» near o y j „•::.-.. ,.;,., •..:•: .;. ,-,•.. -;•.,,. :-. : .-- ; , Cheers greeted the eoncltwlpn of this speech, and in that crowd there was not a man hardy enough toex- prces any contrary opinion; although several of tbe men wands edaway to talk over tbe. nutter among themselves. Our reporter beard, the remarks of one, man as he left the crowd, speaking to Us neighbor. Hessid: ;;':.Y..t = ; :;. ;: <'•;..' : ;;•'": ••:.•;.. ; -..:•;•-•.v Med Syma* mighty brave before the time comas, but I reckon he will sing eofcer if he should beuclocky cnonth to be drafted.' Mow. asformc, I ain't arxious togoInto the army when I am gelling better paid here. Iwoutdn't mind that to much If that *«re Stanton would put go%d generals in command and let the bays fight when there Is a good chance. Biscompanions "Seemed to coincide' with the re- marks of this genius bat our reporter did not cironl- e'eth:remark*,as he moved awity to b saw mill, where hefoundanother email knot of men discussing the *'draft.'" As he came up be beard a little sharp. featured mantoldins 4oTth as foUow*. : ••Tbe law don't exempt memt^orCongrc»,nor any- body *c<pt tfco I'te<Men;andhis Cabinet; and poor men who ate the only support of aged parent*, or ycoog brothers and sisters, or who have loaf their wives and. b.weRf»miiy of yonag children: and lis all both for BiilvYheti'r to say Irishmen ere free. ho. tur. If they have -decided their inUailonV* they erebon B d to come in er itsve Uie country, •coidm'' to the Pretlt dtntwnotice. I w t t t r M U w t S> A l a *£^i^ contoiplicn isw, 'cause 1 tborl It kinder bora bard eap>or?«lks,butl cwn'tiste i t * * j to muc*^for rich folks WCJI d get clear sstaebofr. ir they, srantedto.AU «bcUwyct*,"ndmiaUler*, and doctor*, afldnlgstr*, baves>itog^UilGoteiiiots.c*SWc,sv^t^*sdI, for oae, am glad ihey can't draft Seymour. _CB»e tbrte cheer* *rue sSVea fc* Seymour, with rkul good will.) u« 1/ja»t the man p see that they don't ^- pote upon *ny of us, If we ate unlucky enough to be c^teov I beHsve-" be lYeiident won't want the drafted army very tour, btcacse them rebels bslnl Kottaacb show, alter the thrashing Meade and Grant btu, cause for exemption, or make known, any cUsanuity. v lalitho .exempts of this drawing betog.cUsooyereuV. another drawing vim take place if it should appear*. that tberequlrcd quota of serviceable menthss not beenobtaiued,' Although rumors are prevsieBt'that' eflorts'will bemsdd to test tbe constitutionality otc- the Conscription act.' they vrill not Interfere with th*- drawing to take place early next week '• ^' - | WosntA's LoYAt. LEAQOB>-Tbis body, met •yesterday afternoon at the Cocp»Iristitute,:Mr*. FJisabsth Csny.Btstrtop In the chair, aadMJM Ssaaai; JkAuthony, Secretary. There were, present t«»an*r teenUoieasndonegenUeraan,Mr. Oliver Johnsoa,? Of the"AwTr^Lavxar Sri^ntan.,' .Mn- .8t*nton. oa ^ taking the cbaif, "requested tome one to" pray," where* upon Mis* Gale knelt and offered up a prayer, i n whlcbshethankedGedfoTthe Mcent w i ^ t » , . a a « prayedfora sp«*jdy.*eturp. of peace, but ; *»tboi*, ;<ompromlsing OUT principles. ••_ :. ..'..;: " ..- ' Mr*. Stanton! then requested that those, present ' vartou Oneof these. obj BCfi right to emancipate slaves; she certainly tbourut. 'they bad, but as Mr. Jcbnaon was present, she wculcj - rather hear bis view* on the subject. .:='-. .*jr: i g&. OlivBFjohtson, after some hesitation, said) that the best authoritiee were In favor of the sroundl taken by thePiwrideuVJobn OulncyjAdame aaidi that In time oftrar the President had sf right over elavery, and Congress bad tbe. war power: indeed* r eminent men bad come to the conclusion tnt4 Con-. ^ b a d % v r r y right in the matter: 'jberewt*. however, notime tor xuueh sarsniB^fcthirg should. '*%2g^&SES8telh*-€l**m bad a right to make lavs, tsad. cerUtnly wbea it was con- sidered that slavery was the cause of this war. thero was no doubt Congress bad a sight to.*bolWi that cause everywhere In loyalandditloyslSUte*.an. createphblfcsentiment. _ ! , * li: ; ^:,vii ., Miss Susan B. Anthony offered two resolutions, il~- x reeting the City to be divided Into districts, and com- mittees appointed In each for thei purpose of soliciting subscriptions and.signatures, these committoes^to bavecredeatlaU signed by the officers of the League* and no otherstobe conside sredasthslr agents. idopted,and B u s An then raid that they did not know : tb» vTards vsiy- Tbeae rtweiaUeaawsjo adopted, and KMS Anthony andaIadylS"pVotnise¥tocaaTaa.65thstreet intb*> "Alt^ASibonyaald that armmber of Icttera badf l>eenreceJv1SftromUdiM0f various rJace*. to*bonv circulsrs bad been rent, es regarded V i S 0 !?? 1 ^ cat but there was one wbic She would read, and tbe be* - Bar- Tha that city ea Thundsy*tobe *t3Jt Soutb, tat *H.tbJ» beat S»dforstsntng the odcr '#te suipet^cd.Trbtta tbtirfitlesds, Ab»ii3aof if^wioiiad vnHyUiy ablg ready for the rtb.U," This ssuy wss gtected with UngbleT, saa s fterwsrds vsriratep'Dloas were cxprcwred, the general ttoorcf tbeooarcTtaiioa being ibc cbaaces cstb oae hs J of Ottsping tbe chsfi; c« Ms upedtl lisbilltf to terre If esuvafeft InoibeipUsei* snotber el our rtporttrs ttdaaopp^fcaity cf be*ri:t« tbe coaect.piroa Uw dUe,t»Md*ts>yrxins. So»9 wanted sn tbe tagger* drafted fint, others wanted Horse* Greeley, end the ••hyenas" carried cff. Msoy more tbcugbt tbe cxp- Pttfct»«* oajbt to take a band IB, list to learn a little p«rioUtmtbai«otb!ttb*p»;rio-A objette^argalng tUl^bt*»ttrptaisw«a:dbetray their coafilryaay- bow, w sad tbty bad better not be *iv*a tbe OTportu- aiiy cf disgracing Unrte Sao'e cmtfoftn, Tbiooghout tbe dty,w near es can be judged by the tsptwtsef btOf adoxcarcportern.ehjatcl.cdto various point*, there arrears a dccWcJ tenitccy. aoaagall tUtses, to Uke tbe tbsaces, which era tc tily greater tbaa are' Eu^*»»^c«*ty«p««-csUoi'tbeUwiu«X At oae lieved the author *boaldbatokcn c>.ar«or by Bar- nraD,a*,Infut.Bbewuwortbyof exhibiUon. Tha roKowingistheletten - ^ ._ CnaBt-ssrowir, N. D., Jaly «*t,^^ffi{S , *h2 Feeing no sympathy wbalerer with ttepetl^Uc-ns the L. N. L propo^stoadJreesto Conrres*.bot,oa thw ex«txary.adecIdedclit*r^oT»Jrfth«B^J^ liberty to return the papers recenU/ sweeiysd from. .^^^U^^^-'^aa'tfDi Swsssav- 3Tb the SetTdeavoftht Wem/m's L; Bf. Zr.J . Als^rtrJeUcSt^t the'«*<ffl^S 1 &J5 pt>.t«d. bat the- major.tr ht-J J*i*ijS?W , t n «* a »* w&«lhero*aorww»OT.*boaidtaknowB^^ - Al»d» a*k*d*be^ecittary what -bad- necomocs l»t\tVoft*lhe^i^^ city,wbiebbadovet 1.00 •Igastores. aUte Anthony iiiebaa^oasbYor men.tmt horrlbje for women. S^rMMcdovWeia*li*e«.'«i«wko tadfort hi* Sifc!b.t obwqacnilr Uved with a favorite tlavt. by Ii«XL*dttL-cecaushj>ra. to whop betadoftta pressed f.-te^r-ra.totflledsnddtnty. TbocMher MBTP«1 '«> tbeeUv»pt«K»b*t*Jldl^ # cbiidrsB *£$•* rVnaithey re» tutotp, end then snllctltb|rnvlth» SLA^sadtubtocpently killed bet self. So* f*c» she WuthtehooM b»»«^awUe &«»%*& ^ mmM Ut*. J*hn*oa rpoke of a colored womsa «»»•€, csjTcd the "Motea^of tnaftwtb, tjnd who « « « « * tbe rame ereitt at Joan of Arc. She bad UKjimr» r*l slave, thtoagh tha «?««»««?/L.7i5i^A*5 C«ntds,acdwa*nowempToyedIa tblsw*r*sl«daw •'Mi&SoraaB. Aalbooy offered s te*mV»«51f« c« saebmsmber. cf.cWets « *mX&JSgX •ritntioa»c:cuo<:slo fr«kU)»lr £ l W°,.»,.°*!5VA! dooitioa to lbs teWt&V&ttS&t&SPV}? guvtrxiaeat aadthtmtelrceat tbe ssme D M C*x- ^Mits AMbwty then <!ft»a "g&ft.^SSSsln! all who frit in fs/tref tbe f^f«rj».«« J '•« *&£ «c«d repsrltjprtitrl CT« 8CW ebe _. want- thetBHUagscV was one hewgoiu. «o. Tbarero.aU TftRRR WltT, BB XCttO * I U » Othtral P*»fc» t>«*yai4o'c5«kP.»I. Fucg ACA»wir.*-1Tie papHs cf tbl» Iostitn* Mea b»d en eawrtsio mart la tsit* speiklaf last csrs- aiagetlrsi^HsUl^drtaniry lute »s*Beac*j*jf Udltts end tsaUmea. The «*te5*c» wsta *»"*« with exceucatsiailebyDo^torthwBwd. T^pnta* srin be tlecUred oa TastSsy acxt. IC« nUnvci ca Fwrth iVfe.J THE NEW YORK SUNa SATUKDsW MOKNING. JULY 11,1863. •Ote sVcrion Areatea la the Sooth. Tur captoxe of Ylckaboig <rto*orxerta eM the •rebel iisrjiia tbe Soathweet, ancrif wellfoaowed op v-dfl result i a 4 b * ts^e^y'«unp<efisIoa of tie o^telnoolntbat cegian. "it ltb*rabn'tte imments •srmy csXletjersa <iu*irr, aad enables it to co~ |ts>esj9f*)-vraM General BAMX» at Po.-g Hudton, Jsr4t4to»ab Soesx-BAKs on? the line of the Ten* gssssa, l&s-t-sr Ge2era3joj»^c™KSTO* 1 bUarmir <tf tehta one, ienotUkelytogive much troutle as ft^iustelit7w>ta2sesb«slr^ oreven yeteia General Gxuiva operations eufSciectly yrove. Tha rebels evideatly csnoot place another j*riD*tothefieMlathe South. JouNBros-bas a 3n3it*ay Teputatlcua ecsree!/ second to that of Gen. tjLin, butsheprest'gei of hia name, aided by all the trbjore of a remorseless conscription, tailedtogather amor* than a fear shous*nd men together; snd it will •berdgt^vuua blunder on the part of our militarj tauthoritiee if these are<oot speedily dispersed be* tforetbey canbelaoorncxatedinBsAGG'aarmy. 8o Jar as tie Southwest ie concerned.- we have the tc&me in our own bauds, add shall bo diseppoiated i f it is cot ekufoUy plejed, The only formidable rebel force south or the *?0> 4omao le Gen.'BsACju's army* It Is located at Chat- tUnooga,aa important- strate^io point command* fivg tbe border slave acd-free Bute*, as well aa the cotton 8ute», and has been stronglyfortified*~&ut It can be turned, audits defenders ground between theucperand uether rnlustou* of the two great Jfcloa-ar-nies. UoxoAK'a raid wrsa evidently » flreconnoissarceforaaacoadriaTasion of Kentucky, «iniiItjr>tof«hxtotlaBt tall, wtlth a tt-ew io draw 'BOSKO*OLH3 from Tennessee* .* But tbo news of "rtho fail of Vicksburg will eooacompsl him ta ga* crsatif Gsn.BcBMStDEdoeBnot force bim toil* r . . . —«•t> The Draft. In our city coJumas will b*foundan intereetlng .account cf the foellrg in this City yesterday* conse- quent upon the near approach of the enforcement «)ftbePe<IeT*I Conscription Act. It La gratifying t o be able w> record the general acquiescence cf all classusinthe necessity of some active raeaaure* sbeing taken to fill tbe depleted ranks of our armies in the field ; and although the Conscription law -oas folly canvassed by the'grumblers, no deter. mined opposition wta any where manifested. byGeaeralMerde.it ii* eteevt \lt'rious cam* : ^ gal iv;u, th ^; tikt Ae Aai cut ueek of- ttnemi larrasted action* Uewas appoi&udto thec^m* tuandof the artoy, tuarcbed at one? against tbe enemy, sad had *<>a a great victory before anv of theeup«rJ*>rvic€ab!o outside adiUemtf the Presi- dent bad timetomake a soggection or annoy bixa with their view*. Teat vrasansdrantagecoGen* eraJwitbin abort reach uf such gentry ever tad be* fore since the va.rtx.gv~ and to* result is apnee- leas victory. In view of such a £tct and such a re- sult, why is not General Meade lift to bis own judgment and fcctiou* Be knows willtbe ros*j- nitode c£ tbo veo'fc rxfore him. Be eeea the stroiu; position therctela occupy: he know* their uucuer- ical strength: and be, tetter tban alt tuo si-eet cor- aer orators, snd better than all the toxjeririicel news write**, and all the perambuiatlog official* in the?acd.kooKsnh*t s<Ttofacd>n ie required to shwart-Le'soetigoB. If l t h possible *«to bag" tbe rebel army, and ho has the materialfora sav.k suf- ficiently broad antrdeep. that army will be "bag- ged." If t e baa*Ji*jjow«r to destroy it e« an army, it will be destroyed. £yt Ascoaaa all tAUtbett Iff Ddngtet atone t Mnacelal Btaarts* OTarkets, tfce.. > i giUYcrk. Frf<?o^v'«lylO,6P.!f.~Stceka have fluctuated to- some extent to-day, but tbe market cl«ed strong and eetlve with higher price*for*ome eorta. Gold has ranged between 133>i a 13IJt. Ster- ling exchange wss higher, with mere buslneas. V?e quote bankers' bills at l»X. and commtrclsl at 1«t a 14U«*. Honeycontinues easy a t 6 a 7 per cent, ...;:.';„;..-•...'!. s/rflcaeaixa^sissTMssiCi.-:::--;.:.'^^.. 100Oimee,'SUreg.lO3; a 5»PaeiBeaI.8-...lW 11000 -do?...... Tr.l04 do...lS&J,al8S 10000 V.B. Ss.'8].cpulC0 250 N.V. Can. B .... ll» 10DOCS.CAtJr.rg..!(»;». "•«> do.* .... M ..lioX 15COU.8.«-,r>?0>C.10I -SOOStteB..... .S5X •1000UAbs,n4,e-».OT «» do..... «0}.*9aV 11000 do. »rk*&9«. SOEriePref. 103 13000 Tree. T 3-10.. .IOCS 60 co .......... l03is: £000 Teon. os, *90... e& «0O Bud. Bv. B 1TO 4000RC.«*...^u.ilO t»0 do..... l69alTiJ< 83000Mo.e* ...... i.. t&C 60 BarIemB,.- .... 10t 10000 do ..... O\aTO 1020 do..... l03al03H 4000 N.Y.Cea.«u,.lie)a- 200 Barlem PT...... 100 8000 do .......... 118 SOO Beading B....*..l0«j< 1000Hud.SdM ISO . 1000 do?. 104Si 1000HiCh.C.c«,lst.ltO A SOO Mien, Ce&.B. ^10» 800O «o .......... ll» i '- x«C0Mlca.8o.SM..M3 •000 AXftT. B. 2 Pf 901f WO0OChi.«;N.W.8r».i2 UOOO TobftWab. 8 &1K 2000 pft.vr.ft c.i..io«*« Sl'KCflAI* XOT1CKS Pswt OtBeo Jfetlee. — Tbe Mails United Kinrdco eodthe Continent.viaQB sn^Uverpocl, psrstoaraer CITk* OF BAL' andfortbe German States, via atLmburs* i er Bavari*. willclc*» at this otbeeon Sat llthc^yrfJul>-»at*0«o'ck)cic, A.M., e IJ B-:owneis.UoiisasfoUov-,vis:— r'i Station* A and B ..V..9.45A S!4ti«aaCa&dl>................ V.tWA T»* *5>»*»Tlvlg *5*"w* w- •.•••t*i-i*>«'«»****e»i» , ->*t « v . w A Stations P a a d G .................. vA . ABKAH WAKEMAN'.P..M, ttt-adsuartera First Division N.' G- Ke* Torlr,July lWb. ISW.-Sp^lsJl Ocd --The Tenth Beclment S. Y. S. N O . . und« maud of Lieut.Colonel MISaiNOAWiUles* row t<* Baltimore, andwiit report to Msjc SCI1ENCK. command'Bc tha* deaartmeo Colonel MI$$iMiwUl report his whole for row morales; to tbe Mscor Geaertl, and wil e*Ive a rcoul-itlorf tor tnuiporatloa. B" or General. CUAS. W.SAXDPORD. J . I L \ l>*wi»loo lurpeetor. lteaduuarterw 10th u«gisaeBt N.' —Goacral Oc'er So. 3.-Iu eomi'liaueesr order So. £6, from Division Beadiuatters, mentwul assemble at tbe Arsenal cornet JV bite at*, to-morrow tSaturdayi at 3 o*c!< Lsce will form at S« otSoek P.M. JOHS 1 Lieut. Cob Comd'g.* J.C. RODRlQUlg, •fan hTeanberaerthe Father Mnti A. 3 . Society No. 8.of Brooklyn, are re meet at the* Ball, comer of Pulton and et-. on Sunday, 12th Inst, at l P . M . i a ft for tb« parpoae of proceed arc to WiiUamsba aist In ertaniaing a F-.ther Matthew Soclct der,JAMK&BABBr, Prea't, JOHN T K e c S e e . * '..•.::.:...:_:_:_.;.._:_....:..... .*he> FatherMathew U. B.T. A. B will bold, their regular public meeting o evening, 18th tart, at Vi o'clock, at theb Broome *t. Speak*rs-M«ssr». Carey. Stele eraon; 8lnriag by Menr*. Wilson and€ Mu'icbyCaariealli 80N, Prea't. endle.tv-ij. GEOKCEI EDWARD MULVANY. Kec XOO M.8.ft N.Ia.g.116 800M.S.ftN.Ia^... TOV 1000 .c«.., ....... 100? •ke Freaeh Esnperofa Caaase or " Base.** The promptness with which tbe French Emperor conformed to the pepulsr feeling manifested In the Into elections, by direilwing those members of bis cabinet whose sets have brought discredit on bis government, - shows that he baa no disposition to Imitate tha reactionary policy of she King of Prus- «ua. In adopting this course, Lotrrs NSPOLXON must have* xnade a considerable sacridce of bis per. •tonal Inolina'tionB, a s two of the ex-Ministers—M. a>aPssaiOBT and M. WALBWBKI—were thoroughly devoted to him through good and evil fortune. "Tbey were fellow conspirator* together, and one of I them, M. ins PXBBIQNV. waa his agent in the I •^rkworkofclearing, with the point ofthe bayonet, I She Ball of RepresenUtlves of the Freaeh Deputies jSn Dtcember. 1809. and since then has done all the 'airty wort of imprisoning editors, gagging news-' P*per*» end. corrupting ballot-boxes.; Of course, tho Emperor must have experienced deep regret at parting from such congenial spirits; but he was far *oo Bhrawd-to mako tbeconcession a worthless one. I t is understood to be tha Initiatory step towards' snaking the rnmisters responaible tit their con- duct, in accordance vrtth the Eogiiah system. This plan wollia reality increase r.ther than diminish btopower, wbUS) itenables him to get rid ofblunder- lag mmi-geninore readily* and thus relievo bim- sntfttorn whatever popular odium ttuy attachto theiractfc; :: ; 1 i ; ,,' : v_JL; : :';.' : ;. r '^".:"., -vii^, •The Bmpsror bis also adopted the plan or hav- ing-vorMagand "Ulldng" Mlnlrters. The formar are assigned to bureau duty^ and hold portfolios; while the bitter appear in tha Corp* Legislative, de- fend and explain the policy of the Qnvem»nt and inake eloquent speeches. This division of duty appears highly judicious, and if adopted tn tha United States would probably wc«k*4v*ni»gebtu> \7- Indeed it might bewail to amend the Const!- tutloa, and' have adrathsy of Presidents, one of wbomebouldaasudtotbe official duties, and tbe «lheTlox)kouttoare-*IoctIoa, -It. would probably simplify matters ama-Jagiy and correct many gUr. Ipgebnses. -•>.• ; " : -'; : -; ••• T i e Situation to "ffarylafld. The Fhlladslpbia INQVIBKB sums up the strength cffJSneralLxVs*xuiy,andtieposition of the op. podngforces, as follows: .. The best estimate cf Lee's original strength snakes bis whole forces* north of the Potomscabout (bghty^aeven thousand strong, as they stood before their defeat at Gettysburg. How do tbey stand howf On Tuesday night last the prUontra registsiei by the Provosi-Mar- ahsl of Baltimore, numbered over eleven thousand. In addition to thtsv, about two thousand have been captured by General Eilpatrlca's cavairy.snd there are about as many more captured In srcall squad* and detaebmenu in the Cumberland Va'. ley. snjnnung up in all about fifteen thousand prisoners, The killed and wounds! of the Kcbel army, from what we hear from t i e field, cannot be lees tban seventeen thousand, and the atraggera through the various Cuuoiies or Pennsylvania and Maryland, and those who bars already found thtir way across the Potomac, are probably five thousand, i V.- •• Tbe account of Lee'A forces that can be brought IfitobMt:o,ttcrcforAsUndsaboutthu8: S7.090 I^SV , ?S! 6 2* w v"»' ---~..;.i5,Oio Lost lotted and wouoded. w ...,«„n.OO t,tr*ggUrs..^... w ^...^, -- „- M . . ^ . MOO COOOMlss-ftM-L-G.. CO 160 Bk. Commerce. .W3 *$ 60Am.Ex.Bk ..... lOT IB Bk. Sta'e N.Y..T03 TO Bel. ft Hud ..... li3V 100 do .... .M4 82000 Am. Gold 133 100000 do...l32« 1 el32r; 150 Canton eo ...... 27» 400Cum. CoalPf .... 21. 1 800 QnlcksitTer M... 39 \ 150 Bocks Co. Ld_.. X% 400 Am. Coal Co .... 65 [ 600 Canada Cop.-Co. IV :-."]?•• :"•'"'.':'"":••''•. excotrnBoaxn," 2S00 -..* do;....18j^aTO: ST PanamaR....... 1S3 800IU.Cen.6.F .... «8 100 do 8TJS 10OIJl.CeB.B.8p...l06^ 600 . «o...l0o>»al06». 600 Ctt.ftPitts. B.. C&X SOO i do—.-6->}ai8G 63QGaLftCaLB... 88 ieOCM.tK.I.K...84X 33 MilftP. daC... B5 2665 do boifaSS 300 P. Ft. W.ftC... CT 150A1.&T.H.B... 4* 100 Al.ftTiB.Pf.. 11X 10OChl.ftrf.W.B.. 29 10l» do 29X 150 CbLftAlton K.. 65 100 ChLftAlton Pf. 91 ! ^. .V„--,T- :*.^T.'sV. - . . - - : ,^- _ Dlarrbrea and Dysentery immediately ci TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. It 1 atthlssea-on.. No taraUy should be wlthou 26cent*.,- Warranted perfectly harmless 1 ternaUy. SoMbyaUcxugdrts. . ... Mrs. Wtxtftow*a tsaethiag Svruo theehUdfxompah-,fa»bjorateathestomacl els, correct* acidity, and gives tone' and vi whole sy.tem. 86" eenttla'bottle. TBADK lwOTICES. . to Baherw-A meeting of the Jou Bakers* Protective Unien. No. 2,will be 1 Ave A on Saturday evening. Jnly 11th. 1 o'clock. By order, of FBJED. WOLF, Pi 8PEU)EL,See. . / i- = > Notice te> the United Tin Plate, and ebeet Iron workers, A ' regular meet; Association will be held at Dramatic Ball, East Houston tt, on Monday eveaiar, Juii o'clxkprecisely. BycrdercfP.G.H.SCH H. J. CAMPBELL. Preaideats. 6000 C.8.6*.*81,reg.l04 w 15000 G.eL&,'31,c.l05« 40000 U.8.C*,ly.n. 98*4 10000 Mo. Cs„ ....... 69% 10000 Am- Gold. ...AASH 11000 do...l33Xal33'a 650 Cum.Coal Pf... 2D* 76 PaeWe M.B..... 187H 200 do...l8IJial89 100 N.Y. C«n.B....11S*tf SO do ..... i .... 118.»i 600 KrieB..... ' ...... 9SH. 200 a do. baw »5Ii W Bud. Bv. B- ..... 17I 250 do..... l70al"« 60 do .... ;i .... lT» 600 , da ..... ll5alli»« 100 Harlem B.-^T. .103 "' 1400 do......".5i..l03W 200 BeadinKB...... 10a 100 MicbTcan. K....109J, «0O M.8.ft N.Ie..;.: » S00.'L:dO.i.; .... i.i9)i 10OM.8.ftN.Is.g.U5 SCO III. Cen x . SP.:. - - .10S V 200 .^'» do..-.-.i ... . 106Js5 300 CI*,ftPitts. K.. ST -.. 600 .-;. do..:..6fi«aS6?i 100 Gal.* ChL B... W»i 800 i : do.-.-.; ...... 93 SOO Cle. ft TobBi..ll0 60O2UL&P.cTnC... 60 250 -: P ao-.-.i...i > ...*63 •STUB ataaxwe KXTaramcsB. \ -i 1 - '• - M*wYOBX, Friday. July 10. '" ! BttteAsr Jfeafs. vcr 16.—Roasting pieces. ItalO. Bound steak*.—al9^ Sirloin do,"—al4. Porter bsuse do,—alt. Foup. 6s3. Mutton. 6*12. Veab Tal4.. Pork. 13.-Corneddo_.ll. Lambs,tb, ltalO. Corned txsaf.talO. :..::..^^-\: :-' I..:! S.;4 u-Cf i- :-,-^. LJ-.«,..; Smoked Meat*, per lb.—Hama. —alSc. Shoalder*, lie. Beet 12c. Bacon, 123*c; Tonguat, —aSIc. each. Glear^pork, lSKc. •' tsely. BycrderofP.G.H.SCI __PBELL, Preaideats. J. BECK H.JBEIA3P, Secretaries.. i T*>TnitoB-r--Noilce—Tbe\Vorkln« Trade Protective snd Benevolent Union eecOnd Quarterly meeting this (Satnrday July 11th, as-the balance of accounts"w tented for the past quarter, the election for the ensuing term, and therurtherenceo coming grand picnic. A fullmeetingof th Is podrively expected. Br order of the ! 1M i ! CENTBAL COM1 To Baiters—Tfee New' York Jon Bakera' Protective Uuion, No. 1. »!U hole meeting at Mililman*- Ball, comer ot S6tl Tthavenue, this evening, .July 11th. Alt who means society and the'rngh'ir, are n attend ewlv as business cf importance nrll acted. JOI1N B U £ Y , Bresi C. PEAR RKsLI«IOUS ZVOTIC1 FitK ver a*,^-i- Wolte Fish. 12c' Ballbut, —a!2ev ; BIr» Pish, 6a _ ^ipedbase. -al2e.,Cod. 6c. Floun- ders.ee. Mackerel. 10al5c. each. Salmon, S5*—c. Por- 8e. Eefe, - a l S c Striped baas, -al2e.,Cod. 6c. Flonn- . ckerel.10al5e.eacb. Salmon, 55a—e. Por- ,6a.Sea Bsn,8sl0c. Kingflsh, 12c. W'k Fitb.8-.10. Spanish Mackerel, LOO. - Lobsters, 6aTc Oysters* per 100. OOcagl 00. Clams, 40a50c Soft shell, dcsiSalBe. Do. Crabs.dos., 1.85 -Smoked Mackerel, lOalle. Do. Eels. 18c Dried Codfisb. 6a Te. Salt Salmon*. ISalSe. Do..Mackerel, lOaISc Smoked Salmon, lfialP.' Do. Herrings, 5 for lOe.' 8ar- dines,box. 20a33c. Pickled Cod,Be. SmoksdStur- geon, 10912... : .••;',-... '..> ,;:.!.;;7-'~-; ^..>. S'tqtXalUi.—NewPotafoe« f peTbfp , k,ST:Bnckeye*v 12c M*rcers,l4c Peach bIows,12c. Bermudat, —a«k, hsad, ^8cv: Badishe** bunch, la2C Tomatoes, oA S8c" '• Leeks, bunch, 10*18. Bhuburb, bunch,8c. Asparsgu-,bumb. 26*30. Miat, bunch, 8c. Cauliflower*, each! 18a30. New Feaa, l i e . half peck. Cucumber*. 8s—c each. Kohlrabi, bunch, 6c. SUing Beans, half peck, 12c. Butlrr. dc. per ».-Butter, 16a82c. Che*ae,13a 18c Eng.D*tey,26c aV«7*,trtah, 8tor85c Duck Esjn, OlorSbc. Lard, lie •;.-- ••-.;•'- : .. Pririf*, vtr ib.—Dried sppieaTaSe. Peaches, 18a22c Cherries, 8al8e. Figs - a l 8 c Prunes, 15a-. .Or- Bugc do*-, BTaTS. Lemons, doa., 80a37e. Strawber- ries. baiketa. 8c. Pins Apple*, each. ISBKOC Pea- nnts.busb.e2 SS. Cocoannt*, each, TalOc. Currants, lb.6*Tc Goo**bexries,cit, 18c. whortleberries, qt, SOc-'.-rS'i'.; '••<•.• ''.'.;.-^= -'r-, r ,.,'i."-:.tvVf~' v.-.v : LAST DAT OF GEN. TOM THCMB. WIFB, AND Com. MDTTatBABNUlPS. They are already ad- vertisedtoappear elsewhcro Monday. So this Is the last chance Hanford*- Minstrels at 3 and %K P. M.402 FOS THB HAIB, BARRT'S * TBICOPBBROt9. -The best and cheapest article. Sold by drocgittsiSOl SPECtTAI* NOTICES. ;';-. Z.yon r s -•. 4 , ..; MAGNETIC INSECT POWDER. T h e otTjrtrial an* certsin Vermin Exterminator. The extraordinary effects of this arttelo for killing Roaehet, Ante, Bugs, Fleas, &c, and for preserving Fnrs, Cloths, Furniture, &c* irom Moths, has been totted for 20 year*, and warranted reliable. I t I* free rem Poison. m . ,-,-.. , Beware of imitations end counterfeits. Each flask hastherignaturcof E.Lycn,, Lyon"* Bat Pills, certain death Co Bats and Mice. Sold by all Droggtsl* and Furniture dealers. v ' DEMASagABNEJACO^ Agents. 400 Ka 208 Broadway* New York. . St. Ann's Church, 15th srt Beat- 5 Rev. THOMAS GALLAUDET, D-D., R< vices at 10^, 3 ^ and 8; the afternoon Deaf Mutes. To-morrow th* Rector will each service., 8^atatr»*.:- .. i .>-.-•> - <»reeae at. M. K. Church,- betweei and Spring »ts. Bev.G. B. WABDLE. 1 preachto-morrow,at 103a o'clock A. "Conquering and to Conouer.". Sacramen P. M., and prcaohiht; at %%, o'clock P. U on Wednesday evening. Prayer meeting evening. 8—ts free. •-; Set] specially Intereetei *»«,*»«»»««*t. 87,090 Tolsl lotscs .... ^.^; Total force teraairung.^^.^.^; 60.0C0 J5?SS'-i k ? B .v U># . bcw ««tce» of iaformailoa at nmraand,b thseirenglb of tbe rebels nnder Le*. brer Uttle, tbey will, without diabl, Qgbtwith all SS^^^SiSL** *&» Wa*w?;«S arms cf men indtsptrate «-»!!«. ._.__,. _. Ine rmllic should observe thai It is en* tobe SD- proschei withcsuUoa. It Is a dtuaUoa that no psneral of expetltme will run againrt with thst batidc«tdld«rK«»h»tUlUvttiHliiwe^^^ an assault we will ,becert* : ntowin,batio?!JI PC*dbl* adverse resuHstoUke care of tbrrastfves. w e trust General Meade nlil do DO such thine u I* til very easy for the great *»uoo«i;pltd pi!bH**» w l o crowd tbe theroughrarts cfour Isr .o c.tits, ia- taa^ninf and demonstrating c.liitjry rrotlims o-.thepav«mtats,itlssll very easy for them end for their epokesmen smeng the lr.e*pe;lcnctd V™£VQ* knenewspaper preti to talk alouf-bii*. frfngw the wLol* of Lee's .army, and ""anuibiUtift*.-' .•Ue^sarmy.-tadslltbat. 8achp4ep1eUkw:tVnt xnucht)(flectk3,eTr*;certky ri-vcTetc-ptoCtfiN* atsIL Tbe same style cfnndlokingdclamailon ftavs^toa large extent, stooag tbe r«rarabulat. lag-8raa»rs, the hineratios; Govtrcors, end the .wagtaat ""boss politictaaa*' thai we contunUy bear ef as arriving at Waslingtca togrrcedvkea&d ••hurry e a u * wx». , » -• Is it not time tba*. sach ridiculous abraraitlcs ts,»c«A*ed,aodtUl tucb mrscbUf-msking «l*m* , arers ware mcoaunt ally g*$;c J . ^egjrest. tU ia-?»la»b;» gi TM t»ge posstttcd The saesabcra of the Father Matthew T. A. B. Society «f South Brooklyn are recuest-d to meet tn regalia at thebr Balboa Sunday, 12th Init., at UK o'clock, to proceed to Williamsborf, to assist PATRICK EO AN. S e c 106 Great Tesnpcraoco Deuenstratlo w.Fangb- a-Ballagb.-All the Father Matbew Total Abttlnsnce Benefit SocleUcs, are coming to the South Tth street Ferry, Brooklyn, K. D-, to-morrow. t8und*y> aiter- noon. st 8 o'clock, to Inaugurate the New Father KatbewT. A.B.Society, Ho..8 of Brooklyn,E.D. Frorothe Ferry tbey will march with band* and ban* nerslhioufh tbe street* laid down lathe route to tbe place of meeting. After the Temperance addm-es and sepgs. they will proceedtothe New Father Mat- thew Total Abstinence HSU. cor 7th and Grand sttu ™**Jte*S\* JVtMng »od -Jsrinr, there t^ircmE t tat Fobilc Meeting at the H«ll la tbe evvafag, at ^clc*k.^Ex-Ksyor GKOKGEnAI.L, B*b7ll -pART,Bto~Jthe Pr*»Met)V of the lire Father Hathew T. A. B. Society, and other*, will usitt io the lasororaiion. and addres the rneetior. MS'trs. PARK.10U*, WII^ON. McKENSY. NASH. GAL- LAGHER, IlAGUERTYand others, will slat "Come in oat Of th* Draft." Ailrae.tibtrsofth'-So. 3 8o- « H y trill meet as above THOMAS JOYCE. Pre*. DANIEL MANNING, R*C SiC. t^ T *V?L itjf '. Tfao Mrtnbcre of the Father Matfaew V.IL T.A.B.Societywe^rejutsledto*t-emblela tonw- td;s tt tbebrhalV861 Broome at, oa Saaday Btitjbe Ktb intt, at IP. M, for the pttipnt «f p-oeddics to W««ttB»bargb*t!ds«t-!tll»-si s!ic lntamf*tl«j ofs Fsthtr Wathiw T. A. B. Society tn that locality. An which 101 The Jittabcr* of the Fatbcr ATattbevr T. *.']?« 1*!.*?? *»• StN.Y-iatt. btrcby oc45€cdtora et fifiW^*5-*3 '«•/**! stco&a. .TotrooecJ toi«T«k* *F°tE.D.j,fo» the paTpcseofanlitlngoar s.tict yo- SiSi^cSL^* 1 ^ »M»TI5W arsottCT FstbcrMst- ^•^^-^I^netw-mlerlaHtoWWrvtBl. By ScC, DAN ^E GAtL-t- AUth Church, in the corth-eae tenTKCtion of th find plessant thtrreft'aeeorhrnoi-ttlon in t ton ave. Presbyterian Church COId Schc 46th st. Bev. J. SANDERSON, tha Past< every Sabbath at 10Jt7 and*X P. M.. Sabt at2.P.M. .A.-i—!S •T'-'---'a~^'^-'-' Notice.—A aaeetrBg.' will b e be Church of th* Puritans,, Union Square, evening, at IX o'clock, at which Rev. Dr London, delegate from the Ann-slavery Minister* in Manchester, v.ill present thi T&Ofrsneh Prctstase Pastor* to the mini Gosp-1 in Great Britain on Slavery and tb of Sia-ehblders In America—fo?ether w; sponee of 4,000 m.nisters of the Gospel In sin. Abo an address from the same to tt and Pastor* of the United States of Amer which still be presented aK'jp-msc to the for the edoptionof tbe meeting assembled, tlans and ministers are invited to atl CHEEVEB wiU preach in the mornir c^clock. , ,, '••...•....;...;.. ft ..:.;•.(•: ..... ,, Opposition to SpiritunllsBi—Eld BERICK, of Bo-ton, will continue his : Wednesday and Thurrdayovenines of Jn ISth, at theBall No. 84 Cooper Institute, c at eight.o'clock* Allaroin-jted. Seats! Cbriatiaa Alliance Tabernac Broadway—Sunday School Monthlv Cone evjning^So'clock. LUCIUS BART.B.] TON LEE; and Rer. C. C. GOSS. will ts the exercise*. Sieging by the Chlldrer monies.| : ' : •••'-.••- •"•••;:• • : tMcond Advent Church, Botanic East Broad way.—Preaching to-morrow, (! ElderRUFUS WENDELL,*!I0» A. M. The Error of Sadduceeiam and its Refutat Lord. At3P.M : . <, Howarethedeadrai3 with what body do they comer* All ai Invited. Stat* free. wKATHs. CARROLL-On Thursday. Jaly 9, Os son of John' E. Carrol?, townlsnd of Lori Colman'* Well. Co. Limerick, Ireland. The friend* cf bis brother Timothy are i attend the funeral, this (Saturday) aftei ll-at 8 o'clock,fromtbe residence of hi* I of west 12th and West sts,witbout farthe DERBY-On Friday moraine, July 10, by, the oaly daughter ofJohn and Sarah 1 the Parish of Tay Holloa, County Moo land, sged 20 year* and 5 month*. Tbe funeral will take place from tbe 1 ber parents, 333 West 30th St. The frient tlves are respeclfolly Invited. _;- - PINLEY-Oa Wednesday, July l,on sbipNoithern Light, on his way from S»t CaUto New York, of conrampUon,Gcori ley, in tbe &2d year or bis age And oh, dear father, and must I gi Thee up to Hern tbe deep teas; T i s bardtopart with oae so dear. To think I no more your a c e co.Jd Philadelphia snd 8*n Francisco (Cal.) p copy." ..'. :;''-;','• j;. '•':.. : GALLAGHER-On Friday. Jaly 10th,o palotbl liiacsr, which be bote with Chrl tode, Peter, second ton of Patrick aadth Gallagher, a«edv9 year*, a nativoor Fa sbannoB, County Doners', Ireland. The friend* of the family, and those of Patrick, are ntpettfbllriaviudtoattend or. Saaday afternoon, lSthinst.atSo'cIc lab rts-dcace, ISO Molberry tt. GO.*MAN-On July lOtb. Ann Germ Nicholas Gwman, a native ot County \ Dniag-aaJytatr. , - Ber relative* and friends are retpectfc to attend the foncral, this (jatordsy) af;< o'clock, frcti cor. el Huden and John to: lya. To be buried at Futbuth Cemetery. HORNE-On Friday. Jaly 10, William, •ttcoaorW.Ilism end M. Home, aged sr>d*d*y*. The funeral will take tftce on SnnS.«.< iStb IMT, at 8 o'clock, from W2 W©~*!eT\ JOHSSOS-Oa Friday, Joly 10, Jam.« SON seed V3 yea: r- :'- The friend* ol the furaily.alfo bis fr> CiaatOtatC^.Std thoseoThis brcther, J too,Jr.,ttnd tbft.New York a u a ^ a y ] are rerpctfaify latitvd to att,«ad the Sar.dsy trfrrtoo&a oext, at S o'clock,tn residence, Rl Msxket«.,; ML-R?HY--On.TI»t»r»4ay. Jnlr P. J second essgMtr ef Patrick and Catbari egrtl 4 ye>rs acd 2 rat albs, Trie trtendicrtbe Umily are rcrt-xt? to tltena tb*tantta',t?.l»(:>*tcT**y.>att oVwck, Lom the residence of btr ptrcals, PHKtt-3-Oa JoTr 9th, Mr. William Seed 41 year*. His frlf-nc** and re^Urcs arc re-ptxtfa!! tutad theiunaal,oasacd»v, July i-.-.t retue.ee. «or. of AUaaUc sad Ka a th* E Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 9/New York NY Sun/New York N… · me of Braahear an Yickabarg or rt f rora reliable ay that a courier, cment progress-id our forces near

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 9/New York NY Sun/New York N… · me of Braahear an Yickabarg or rt f rora reliable ay that a courier, cment progress-id our forces near

• r n w i B

s u m SW YORK. SATURDAY, JULY l l 1863. PRICE ONE QB*m eSghtiog listed rest cf the war, The enerayce xed 4ft000 prf*.


red at th* &ffM ins item*; -lulySth.basths

sh i t the never re made be? toll rypso*.-e*Sofh<.r tntaitJieled auc-elastic ground, come, tourists step* to rare

ige, which have U>rjthera leader, iVlCtOtyaBdCQ-now rapidly ap-

i of war arebe* to disperse until ie Ay. Lveatrt-ins the way'to >t the&otenae" «that it will be UBOWftthtOSOf s more inglorious ce the invention

b, givesthe ftl-* * % . , . . . ' . *d yesterday, wo ee.wereet-.Bur-

a* on it* retreat etedverratrong-unkey riv*-, to ry of shear bar* lovemeateoftae since thelralRC-J Silurdar tuVht, i idea of further ond from, that unanded at the t the l a l a t t o o igades, end after il-ed,aad finally ferenee to. their with that pub-

r teerosMd the Information ob-

thatthey pasted the: Inference Is ra and Fortress

ag on Vtckiburg,

n. Jeh&staniaat r Grant's army, er.andaa Kirby from the other it our hopes ate or stirring new* wcially alccethe me of Braahear an Yickabarg or

rt f rora reliable ay that a courier, cment progress-id our forces near i enemy are cot

t* July 5.—Yes* ie cc^alry croased od kdvenood into I by Wbitefields river. A courier • entire command Block last night. r. Gen. Great is regard to events i very little firing

w bow little they id to l ly occurred

heororeatOiyha the Yankees in Pittsburg and a The former waa .; A commissary toent says that veil provisioned. •.Smah and Ma­rnier. Geo. Tay-ter* and o veneers ie retnrn of the a upon the charge bal l the Sooth-theoathofallegi-

That President 5 military caniu* usta the manage­rs ae Lee, Beau-Jstreet and Bill,

litary gennb of nious inactivity; who could have we, perhaps in a ienee would have rtn the Yankees nd Seward; cap-' York and Boston; ie top of lfznisr ident Davis avait-rygenins? •.-•;. »lTtb publishes a committed by tbe Bis Bear Creek total amount of


rtantcreraof rice and com wereput'iugforh their leave*. Cspt-Cuvefa company landed »t Tar Bluff and destroyed several Urge steam tice mills, three cotton gins, end a fine sawmill, together with an itn-mease amoont of other prep rty. C»pt. Boyt landed at Combabee Ferry, and d.etroved the bridge and all the adjacent property. Tbe expedition then returned, without ;be tots of a man, bavins destroyed property toth»gm°antof two millions of dowrs, and bringing back SOOvaluatle slaves. • - T " ~

sraiMion to remain t y V or taking tbe oath of

received not**, secored givice.tbarcuo.u-ed securii aUtglinee.,, i,.;..-/-: :.<»••/•< luw-**V7x:± \ A *rsriciocecbiJ»etermikins around tbs. Federal ramps waa arretted last Snrday at Fredenck»bnrg, He «e*e bis asm* as Wra. BIcaardson, oi B*JtlmoM>. In bw boe-t* were found crmplete drawings of the de­fence*, of Baltimore, with infonneUoneoneerntoit H » strength abd movement* of tha Armyjof the Poto-

The Florida off Gay Head. Per telegraph to Gilpin's MwebaaU* Exchanges Bcfion, July 10.~Pirate Florida t a e=ea yeat£2-

*»y$9:2!!s5eo*tbe**ief Gay Heid, Shaw**) tbqn bornlng a trig end fishing schooner. .•-; . ; ' . ' ; ITox>f«17o;4Jultfl<X.-Tben>btegKbeoaer'Citizea' arrived bete to-day.1! She reports a bark-ritgtd rebel eteamer yesterday GO miles soutbeatt of Gay Bead. 6he bad burned a bri&end then made for a Froyinca. towa fishing echcoaer, and binned her. The crew of tbe fiibyrman escaped in tbe bsata to a fleet of mackerel fiehenneni A number of fithing ecbooners are coming into Turpentine Coro to day, to cscapo the pirate. " i , ^ /;:: ;-!'• ""::':, ; ' i Botton, Jutv l?.-Capt.Thorni*or», of the Britteb schooner Agnes Ross, arrived ber* this morning from Tfestport,N. 8,48tb ultimo. Cftpt. Thompson stated that a rebel barque steamer of 600jton», waa. ertufiog in the Seal Island fishing grounds. - A Urge sbirx loaded ^with deals, and reported as belonging to Keor • nebunk. Mo., wan seen burnt to thewaterted.re, sbe being at the time in tow of a fisherman on Grand Manan Bank. .'••• ^ , - v-.-'s-.. :

More Yeawela Dispatched After she Privax-i ': .- t e e n . — • , . . - . : . ; . . : Orders were reeebred from Wa»bington yesterday, directing Admiral Paulding to dlipatch t o t e a a t once inch vessels, of proper tonnage, a s were a t b i s dispov eal . I n a few btmratbe corvette Marios; wi th mid­shipmen e n board, a n d t b e yacht America, were s e p t off, fully manned and equipped. Tuoor'tbreo regular navy built t t e a m e n are preparing rapidly tofoltow t h e m , and before a week five a t s i x vessels will be o n their track. •. ..^.-...'V;.:,:'•;'-...:;';.": ;'.:u; ,'.V" '

: - ' . . , ' — — — — a n i l . i i ii »• • • • • ; • • > ; lf~ r7" ••'.] •

- - - - - , Freaa M e s l e e . ; . Steamship Corsica, Captain Le M*wurler, arrived

yesterday from Havana, July 4th." By'.tela arrital we have some later intelUgenoe from Mexico, embrac­ing chiefly edicts of General Forey, jpretcriblng the mot? of ROTemiDg the city, under the no» order of things. All persons who are hostile, to the French are to be banished, condemned to work in the mines or upon the railroads. The property of all each offend­ers is also to be sequestrated, to;defray the expenses of theneweovemmeat. Thopsopli are to be aer-mitted. to cheese their own mrroidjpal and other offl-eerTs. •Vcording to their feelings and wishes.** Wo hoar nothing fur her as to the movements ef Juares or the Mexican army. : ~* 't * '?,.

S in l^arwt'sco, Jury O.—Crty of Mexico dates via Acapulecsaretothe 10th«it."';/.

;.;. /','.:,.{ l^-}i.'~"n-4'^ Joatc-K arrived at;8an Jjaii Potett on the Ttb. and*

eataMlthed the seat of rove;oment there. The late gani«on of the city of Mexico, numbering 19,000, are distributed at the most Important points west of. that city . A portion of the French army entered the city of Mexico en the 8th. It was believed that Gen. Foray had sent a cornnraalcation. urging Juares to accept tenna of peace. - • • • • » •

mse; a h o passes from Gens. Eweli and Johnson, B e confessed hi* gui l t , and was bung e n Monday m o m -i a g . ' ••.'.,.'•

Ms-WOLtn^caj-Jidate for Camtm ihtbeJ^ooja vUied^ct,Ky^wa.s:«Reeted oaThursday t>?-tbe eaiclung ofileexa in 0*en county, and eent to Gen. Barcside at dncltmati, in- contecneBce- of .these words, used inaspeecbtolb'i people ©f_Owen: "IhU is a John Brown raid,* w»r sgainst aUyeiy.epdbc hoped every true Kent ackiah would sue tn armtln bpposition to it. l i e was for •eeesslooi sepattUoni or •aytbltiK against it. . .\i -.if. :'•.-••: ••;••.-,il. .-••>! { Tn«firstd»yjrf1th«drsAlnPitt*b5ugwwen^^ nesday. TheEnrollment Oommls»ioaer, vtltebujiiy engaxed drafting other*, waa blmeelf so fortunate as to*MAwaprize.u Oneofthaclexkawesaltodrafted, as was the <x-Frovv>et Marshal.; Oca. .man. v»ba bad been enrolled in two wards, waadraiUdin.both. l a some io«t*!to»a two ycuus raeo wero drawn fioiu the same family.. This was the case with a tailor, and James BamiU, cbamp-on oar.msn, (.whois now >Q *he East ptCenaiios for bin Contest with Waid) and hia brotherJabu.. ;. >••,« "•-••••. .•"'"-;' I.W'T :•'-•'•* r 1 ^ correspondence respecting pteccdencoof rank among the M*joe Gemrals is no w ay Wished.. Gen. BtcCIcllan argues thus s -By refenlcg t».the history oftbeuresentwarttwUlbe found that.prior, to the date upon which Gen. Butler, erronvousir says that 1 waaap6«ujted.l»bad, as M«]or Utn«»Xcf tho Be-guiar Aunr, orgameed an army and. conducted a *uc-ccssfol campaign, by which Wettern\irgmiawaare-KorodtotbntieB«ralG«»8rnmeot» sad *» ormy of tbe enemy destroyed.: x had supposed that wery general orli«r knew that I held a commission .during that campaign. Geo. s Ballecs.'s argumeaU are. in bonformSy with tbe finding of the Board. • ,• • -• f : . - . • < ? . ; . . . ^ . . . : ; . • ' , - " " " ; • . ! . • - . ' - . ' . • ' • ' ; ; . : . « • . - • - -

I y,':; ' ' " - ^ ; ' ' ' S 5 ^ S ^ ^ t o v » O r l e 8 « B X 1, ; ^ V f / . . . . ' l >p:[

I T h e Vnited Siat'eesteamerai^ontlnvafal and George Washington arrived yesterday from Mew Orleans, wi th fitea to J u l y 4 tb . »Tbey contain nothing of b u -portance. < T h e siege of Port Hudson .waa. progressing, b u t n o newa is allowed t o transpire^

! • = . » ' . - . . • - • • • • • • • ' • • • • - • • - : • • • • • • - : . ^ . • . - : . • ' • • • • - • •


T h e Draft la Blswsachaaetta. Botton, Jwtv 10.—Tbe drafted men of MaMacbu-

retts, some 4,800 in number, will rcnSesvous, it isre-ported, at Springfield, under the command of General l>evecB,whoIar

lonville, IMVBES. who i. recovering from wounds received at


^ Saturday, July 11—4 A. M.. / . _•-• • lVeelsj Arasy.-.-.•. ".• .>--

CftamBer«o«rff, P A , Jafs/ 10^-Mews from W0-Uamrport shows that the rebels have lost two eat of three ferry boats by tbe late high/water. Very little of their traasDOriiition had reached tbe Virginia shore but the most of their wounded have sot over.

Stragglers and deserters from Leo's army still COB-' tlnue to arrive in large numbers. Lee's headquarters are still at nagtretown. "• / ; ., ;

CAam5er«ourffft, July 10, triaSftipz>en»B«r<r.—The • • • ' • • , , - . , t . - i ' " • • ; . ; . ' . ' > • : ' . ' • • , t i • • - > ' t . j - . : - ! . : ; > . - ' f : • - : > '

rebel pickets and ours meet a t Greencastle. General Couch Is a t ibis point . A batt le Is looked for a t a n y moment . I t i s thought w e • have L e e completely, 'hemmed la-.i"-;;'' ;d'X I- ~: ^Wci-^S?*. ••,

T H E D R A F T . — H O W I T I S "BKIHO MADB.-^"

•WHAT TUB Parous Sav ABOUT IT.—One of. the moat 'abjorbiugtopica of interest in the city yesterday waa tbe approaching draft. This question seemed to ab­sorb the attention ci nearly every abTe-bouiedcitizen, 'exovpt, perhaps, those whose wealth rendered them comparatively secure trom being obliged to serve, If crafted.' £veh these men felt some' sort of a mis* jgiving, lest they might be behind time in paring In', their "gieeiibaekB." or lest some aafdreseencircam-stance might enable the Provost Marshals to take, their persous, instead of their money;' Bat it was 'amonc the bard-working classes that this greatest feeling prevailed. Some of our noble mechanics, with a proud toss of. their beads, and tba brave utterance of genuine American citixens, declared "that tbey; ;didn*t mesa to ahlrk;•» " i f they- verb .called fc* under the Uw, they woelda'^ try! to^et out of it by pajiog in the; greenbacks; These men; argued that they bad just as much interest In whipping the- rebels and preventing tbe establishment of a Southern Confederacy s i the most wealthy citi-sen of the Union. It did-tbe soul of our toy at re­porter good to 'bear these hard fisted philosophers 'utter thrdr terse logic, not with rhetoricsl i flourishes ; butintbe hpmelylanguage of those.accustomed to claim all rights and privileges of American cltisens. One of these scenes centred op town in tbe neighbor­hood of one of car bfrgu ship yards. After tome of the workmen bad disposed of their noon day meat the conversation began by a brawny blacksmith *b-eerringtooneofbUcornpsiiions: -...'.-A-f 1,-;. •••Well, Med. this ere draft catches yon under the

fifth rib. Eh I old boy." •••'• - . •. *' Bow do you make that out t* ' - • •. : "Ktuy enough. Yon arnt married, you're abTe-

bodicd,andold enough te answer the * first call,* and eugh to plead the * baby act ;* besi' ~ but yourself and ycur swest heart .„

!ook after. If yon get drafted, nothing but the * green yon out.'" '

carpenter's abop, wbare over foity men are em;*>.ye V , , someeailiescf sharp wit c<cirredbetweentxcM>f tbtsV^ Journeymen* which will tUustrste bow too* excmpV, ticn dodges wiii be carried on

Timothy toy bov, your IJckXe wiMvrBntyoal«f<jrs> • yen're a month older! ^ - • . . . . « '• -

TivMth>j.-Vm be» Where did yen r t joue knowledge from Larryt Cues* j e n *>u*t re^tbe -

^Sirr»v3boat i read'TBOtStw scadibU'e;«w*J»' f 0 T^ef ty l -»> do I ; and .ain't It owte tten two -moatb* ago that Beach published the § « £ $ ? . £«n.-eralw list of c er a bunored diseases and other I binsa that *xemp»ta men from perying under the <i^\- > My wiw cut it out and put it *«y»««**.t?^?i*5s . YeWrdaylwat. r«adir% ltever. and by boker_all . pvecottodo into have half a dozen teeth paCed out, abd Pro bunk for this abolition War. . . ufctW-i-tH*'* betoe sure of that Timothy-.-The dentist that poStAsfm-UsOka^tbMM^k» fQurp,seeoreeiTa(omewbere else that wouU"ntc«i

r ^ : * A v ^ - I « u « e a I « 9 l 4 fini i inan that would. runth^kTforafivedou^WlL -s • • j - . : /<OTtf^SoyoutntehL|u^«htretepleatyof_;tbo»e> > booSfiXltuikiig ebout^w^roik C'ty, u A £ • » * body but apoorpueUlatfmoua popthat would try sueh

sUIaniouspupt "

; S 'wojhV.^dtdu't^yTau^d. did U i*U.inasbr your head in if yon in innate any such t Mag I 7 Lorry.-Doat«,ethuffy. Tim.-1 have toowa»ca long enough not to believe fou would try eucn e. tmuv •

^"rimofhv.—You'd better, believe I>*Snl4n"*rK1'?:

shiw ontne Savings Bank totf and . t e f c o m t t o r ^greehbacks." The money would do the Union cause* , ( i ^ i % o u ^ T ^ : ^ say Tad more about it. '• j Similar •incildente, varying in • detail*' occarrerl * throughout tbe eity: illustrating vthe difforeat Jlls-pueltlona of men e.uglhie: to'.tns draft. The pstrioV-ism of some being <iuite lis cbntrasttrith the sutsyw ill-concealed opposition of others. f-,•'- J

; T c - d » y t h e e n r o U o e n : i n all t h e districts wUl prob­ably be complete. T h e Provost Marshal baa n e t yet? . accurately ascertained how m a n y m e n wi l l actual ly -b e drafted In this c i ty , although the number wi l l n o t k

foil far abortof twelvethoujaud.Aa t h e . d ' a ^ s ^ , listinenU wiii be cr»id Itcd to the city, and those e'f t h » ; past moath added therotcs it bi p^wihie that very ft w' • nflm will actually be drafted.' It U tald that a draft f wiii actually take place this morning In the rllnUa:

District, and on Monday in thoEIghtb District. ! The operation will be as follows: The name of every persdnenroUed will be written on, e> slip of ps^cr. Tbiswili bo roiled ui» and fiimly.'bound" wrftbV \ ka. india rubber baud.L TbewHttlo roils willtbei»rbe>: placed in a revolving wbeeHike box, placed e t as1

high pUtform In frontof the Commissioners and the* public All being ready the wheel will be tum.-d sev­eral times and thenstopped.. A little girl, blindfold- -. ad will then be led forward. .She wiii throat a beredV. arm and band Into the box and draw forthone of tha. '•roHs.4* This wiii be opened,' real end properly siri. cordedupon the books of thoPrcrc^ KJtribai: i*&.*± etber revolution of the wbeet, another'dlp cf the)' young lady's band, and another conscript sarrbltooV' Bothe cperaUon will eontioue nntll the specifies -' number bis been drawn.': Afterwards the eontcrIpk'> will he notified. He will then be allowed «c

you've nob look after, if yc backs'will help

staliation, tasBJcfasnoBd. bmoud DisraTca Prison yet terday, iptains among tbe oof their number x>tlng of Captains iw, by Gen. Burn-51b ef May last. oom at 12 o'clock, of the prison, and re around a table, n. Winder. Sh'ps cfoneof thcolfi-> and deposited on medtnentntbtt ased to draw tbe ra would Indicate !rawn by the Rev. tdeath-:ike. The lecfCspt.Ueury r Jersey Cav#Iry; i,cftheMttIndi-uteutioa has not

aoat«omfrytwlth board the gaoboat tod proceeded tip tt ra&rolr.y. Oae ! btr tronw were tofielMtttgtfnSry ee, and dirpeelng farmer tbaa the--. Uageef A-h«poo lots&try end one t!. A n c-..fi.\£e-Adttnsr/'nltso^ line tbt ffbris o ncM tt etro'tt, :;i'a, and tamed tVycsat*cr ,*v. to b*l-,tt to r->o-crcitore and Tare ground. \"Mr.I..c sed<cri«txdtkele->d|«io.t!ogrotre sn;rr aiil*. T i e

:e tlave p>pa'a-vtry dca %nsua-ree rice boojr*, ienutla ticks fa fatat kinds, wtre r».aadeTe»th!ng sesct*. 6:alMs end brcwdcouds HBffbsfot* lasu-

KacoBraging New» frosa Gen.

^^::i;':l•; Departsnenr. • " . . ' * " . ' , '

JS&tht&le, Term.* July lO.-Cftlcens of Frankltn end Spring Hill report the country north of tbe. Tennessee Kiver filled with desertars from Brsgg's army—mostly Tennessoetns to the cumbeTof from 10,000 to 15,000. They refused to leave the State, Gen. Bosrcrans- army retains Hi positioo, the line of the Elk Biver. The campaign U virtually ended. '

'•.'•_« H .' :•:! •: i: :r- T i e Drafk. i. '•; :^.>:.';,' "\ !\.'i" WbiMtiffton, JuIt/10.—The draft Is pregretsmgia

all the Mew EngUnd States and. Pennsylvania and Mew York as thu enrollment Is completed. In each of the various districts a certain proportion of men to designated. It Is certain that the entire nrrrrm?r to be celled out ta all the States has cot been desig­nated. • .. • ••' •

T h e Iovstsioa of l ed iaea .cVc . ': LouUtiUe, JuTt/lO.-Martlal law wac declared in

Louisville fo-day. The l u t advices at headquarters pistes the canny

between Corydoa and Mew Albany, Ind., about 15 miles from the Utter, with oar forces under Hobeon in clotx-pursuit. '-'=*, !"i vv*:**r\':':'*',*'J''-:" .*/:•

TelegrapMo News Items, ftp. KusAt>MtaAt.WuxjuUamongtherecentaiiivaIs

alWashinricn. /•* T n t draft Is to commence c a Monday c e r t i n Con-

peetTCut. T h e adsslCiUotatsT.tJOOtoOBehalf: ha l f will be added' to cover exempts , s o t h a t 11,500 names 'will ba d r a w n . ' • -"t"W!«Ge».Ksgte«i r»ort!nje>t bsx^tr fer iwl th troop* fr«a Grn. F^tet** Ncnh Csrot^t, "commaBd*. Gen- Meade i omidiauiy assigned bixa to » command at Hsrpa's Ferry, .f ';'.;;••';

Abrirw per Corsica nport the arris.*.! of tbe rtota-ers Alice. K^cooa.Kat', Aatonica. Etisabelb, W>% and AriDie, and Bta.uecard, ft>m SJbc.r>s:oo: and theBanthoe. Tistic, Here, Fstny, and Chwlceton from vTilaiastoa ; all at S w u

A.s^stbe.rasn/ t.r;*'cs of General' Moadcsvic-tesy bought by Coicn«i ^chrircf to VVa Miicgcn, are the relcl Gcnnal B.uWales j«wd i n d SI battle rUsssndHsndards. Tbiwtxl Ceacrtl ArmlsKA'*, oah-sdeUaUdrjid he thought therclwllDa was* Md e*o?» (tnfl wi* Mtty b9 tsd crer t afc :a tart in it,

Bven arrivri frcra !l\tj.r.e*« hitn^hattbewar la Vtaczyls Uhynota^xj'.wrr. IRTBIrtxlionbad ttokencnt. la Valencia, rv.*r:nC*V;lo at \9 Litxita. la the latter place sO»r. Olivo bnd .lo Uoytdtbe rivfrsat/tatjDaterUls. taksn the smmottloa. seized to* concfftBcase, and dcclvcd for Ota. O ordVro.

Tns Dccoocr^"*' SUle Convcniioa cf lout s »Rcr an exci:ed nad »!o:a/ *r*»K>n, Bdxonwd y cstjsday. J fa: s:la I* Fbhtt, of Clayton county, was ox >mlaaitd f<* G^TBior, and JJT. rjrtncVKob* of Wttattt' WW Jfs f«M«leT)sntnoveTnor. Mr. Fitter was wotedJoT trVRtbateysBta. ThoGoau&iica wssbth l s tDes

; SoxsJotdrcJsof AttxacdrratVb.) a«en?«tSiU,of bo.hretM.etr.lstkcd en board o? a ste»tr>bo»t frcta

n Thundsy* to be vcijt 8 " for stsnint tbe odcr *n»


not young enough te plead the * baby act ;* besides •body but yourself and ycur swe«t heart so

AVd-WeU. I'm agteeaUe ; my sis (sseethoart) tare she wouldn't many me no how if 1 wasn't man-enough to shoulder a musket and shoot at. some of thtse-Seceshers—when I am wanted for the work; and I just wsnt to tell this crowd that Med Symsbas got the greenbacks to psy bis stay out, but I just aiat going tode it.- PU take mychancc*,andifmyname is called yon can shoo* me if I don't putontbenni> form. T'other day, when some of yon fellows was spouting round here about the draft, and teUUgtbat old Boss J — would pay the scot of all bis good bands rather thaniet them go: {didn't say holhioftbut J made up my mind that If Uncle Sam drafted me I wonldwork for him quicker than the BOM-'cause why, I was bore In thia country, and I wouldn't feel myself worth a cots if I didn't do my share towards keeping t.pthe honor of that old flag [pointing to the Btsrs and Stripes, floating from a liberty poi» near

• o y j „ • : : . - . . , . ; , . , • . . : • : . ; . , - , • . . - ; • . , , . : - . : . - - ;

, Cheers greeted the eoncltwlpn of this speech, and in that crowd there was not a man hardy enough toex-prces any contrary opinion; although several of tbe men wands edaway to talk over tbe. nutter among themselves. Our reporter beard, the remarks of one, man as he left the crowd, speaking to Us neighbor. Hessid: ;;':.Y..t =;:;. ;: <'•;..': ;;•'": ••:.•;..;-..:•;•-•.v

Med Syma* mighty brave before the time comas, but I reckon he will sing eofcer if he should beuclocky cnonth to be drafted.' Mow. as for mc, I ain't arxious togoInto the army when I am gelling better paid here. Iwoutdn't mind that to much If that *«re Stanton would put go%d generals in command and let the bays fight when there Is a good chance.

Biscompanions "Seemed to coincide' with the re­marks of this genius bat our reporter did not cironl-e'eth: remark*, as he moved awity to b saw mill, where he found another email knot of men discussing the *'draft.'" As he came up be beard a little sharp. featured mantoldins 4oTth as foUow*. :

••Tbe law don't exempt memt^orCongrc»,nor any­body *c<pt tfco I'te<Men;andhis Cabinet; and poor men who ate the only support of aged parent*, or ycoog brothers and sisters, or who have loaf their wives and. b.weRf»miiy of yonag children: and lis all both for BiilvYheti'r to say Irishmen ere free. ho. tur. If they have -decided their inUailonV* they erebonBd to come in er itsve Uie country, •coidm'' to the Pretlt dtntwnotice. I w t t t r M U w tS>Ala*£^i^ contoiplicn isw, 'cause 1 tborl It kinder bora bard eap>or?«lks,butl cwn'tiste i t * * j to muc*^for rich folks WCJI d get clear sstaebofr. ir they, sranted to. AU «bcUwyct*,"ndmiaUler*, and doctor*, afldnlgstr*, baves>itog^UilGoteiiiots.c*SWc,sv^t^*sdI, for oae, am glad ihey can't draft Seymour. _CB»e tbrte cheer* *rue sSVea fc* Seymour, with rkul good will.) u« 1/ja»t the man p see that they don't ^ -pote upon *ny of us, If we ate unlucky enough to be c^teov I beHsve-" be lYeiident won't want the drafted army very tour, btcacse them rebels bslnl Kottaacb show, alter the thrashing Meade and Grant

— btu,

cause for exemption, or make known, any cUsanuity. v lalitho .exempts of this drawing betog.cUsooyereuV. another drawing vim take place if it should appear*. that tberequlrcd quota of serviceable menthss not beenobtaiued,' Although rumors are prevsieBt'that' eflorts'will bemsdd to test tbe constitutionality otc-the Conscription act.' they vrill not Interfere with th*-drawing to take place early next week • '• ^' -| WosntA's LoYAt. LEAQOB>-Tbis body, met •yesterday afternoon at the Cocp»Iristitute,:Mr*. FJisabsth Csny.Btstrtop In the chair, aadMJM Ssaaai; JkAuthony, Secretary. There were, present t«»an*r teenUoieasndonegenUeraan,Mr. Oliver Johnsoa,? Of the" AwTr^Lavxar Sri^ntan.,' .Mn- .8t*nton. oa ^ taking the cbaif, "requested tome one to" pray," where* upon Mis* Gale knelt and offered up a prayer, in • whlcbshethankedGedfoTthe Mcent w i ^ t » , . a a « prayed for a sp«*jdy.*eturp. of peace, but ;*»tboi*, ;<ompromlsing OUT principles. ••_ :. . . ' . . ; : " ..-' Mr*. Stanton! then requested that those, present

' vartou

Oneof these. obj BCfi right to emancipate slaves; she certainly tbourut.

'they bad, but as Mr. Jcbnaon was present, she wculcj -rather hear bis view* on the subject. . : = ' - . .*jr: i g&. OlivBFjohtson, after some hesitation, said) that the best authoritiee were In favor of the sroundl taken by thePiwrideuVJobn OulncyjAdame aaidi that In time oftrar the President had sf right over elavery, and Congress bad tbe. war power: indeed* r eminent men bad come to the conclusion tnt4 Con-. ^ b a d % v r r y right in the matter: 'jberewt*. however, notime tor xuueh sarsniB^fcthirg should.

'*%2g^&SES8telh*-€l**m bad a right to make lavs, tsad. cerUtnly wbea it was con­sidered that slavery was the cause of this war. thero was no doubt Congress bad a sight to.*bolWi that cause everywhere In loyalandditloyslSUte*.an. createphblfcsentiment. _ ! , * l i : ; ^: ,v i i . ,

Miss Susan B. Anthony offered two resolutions, il~-x reeting the City to be divided Into districts, and com­mittees appointed In each for thei purpose of soliciting subscriptions and.signatures, these committoes^to bavecredeatlaU signed by the officers of the League* and no others to be conside sredasthslr agents.

idopted,and Bus An then raid that they did not know:tb» vTards vsiy-

Tbeae rtweiaUeaawsjo adopted, and KMS Anthony

andaIadylS"pVotnise¥tocaaTaa.65thstreet intb*>

"Alt^ASibonyaald that armmber of Icttera badf l>eenreceJv1SftromUdiM0f various rJace*. to*bonv circulsrs bad been rent, es regarded V i S 0 ! ? ? 1 ^

cat but there was one wbic She would read, and tbe be* - Bar-


that city ea Thundsy* to be *t3Jt Soutb, tat *H.tbJ» beat S » d for stsntng the odcr '#te suipet^cd.Trbtta

tbtirfitlesds, Ab»ii3aof if^wioiiad vnHyUiy

ablg ready for the rtb.U," This ssuy wss gtected with UngbleT, saa s fterwsrds

vsriratep'Dloas were cxprcwred, the general ttoorcf tbeooarcTtaiioa being ibc cbaaces cstb oae hs J of Ottsping tbe chsfi; c« Ms upedtl lisbilltf to terre If esuvafeft InoibeipUsei* snotber el our rtporttrs ttdaaopp^fcaity cf be*ri:t« tbe coaect.piroa Uw dUe,t»Md*ts>yrxins. So»9 wanted sn tbe tagger* drafted fint, others wanted Horse* Greeley, end the ••hyenas" carried cff. Msoy more tbcugbt tbe cxp-Pttfct»«* oajbt to take a band IB, l i s t to learn a little p«rioUtmtbai«otb!ttb*p»;rio-A objette^argalng tUl^bt*»ttrptaisw«a:dbetray their coafilryaay-bow,w sad tbty bad better not be *iv*a tbe OTportu-aiiy cf disgracing Unrte Sao'e cmtfoftn, Tbiooghout tbe dty ,w near es can be judged by the tsptwtsef btOf adoxcarcportern.ehjatcl.cdto various point*, there arrears a dccWcJ tenitccy. aoaagall tUtses, to Uke tbe tbsaces, which era tc tily greater tbaa are' Eu^*»»^c«*ty«p««-csUoi'tbeUwiu«X At oae

lieved the author *boaldbatokcn c>.ar«or by Bar-nraD,a*,Infut.Bbewuwortbyof exhibiUon. Tha roKowingistheletten - ^ . _

CnaBt-ssrowir, N. D., Jaly « * t , ^ ^ f f i { S , * h 2 Feeing no sympathy wbalerer with ttepetl^Uc-ns the L. N. L propo^stoadJreesto Conrres*.bot,oa thw ex«txary.adecIdedclit*r^oT»Jrfth«B^J^ liberty to return the papers recenU/ sweeiysd from.

. ^ ^ ^ U ^ ^ ^ - ' ^ a a ' t f D i S w s s s a v -3Tb the SetTdeavoftht Wem/m's L; Bf. Zr.J . Als^rtrJeUcSt^t t h e ' « * < f f l ^ S 1 & J 5

pt>.t«d. bat the- major.tr ht-J J*i*ijS?W,tn«*a»* w&«lhero*aorww»OT.*boaidtaknowB^^ -

Al»d» a*k*d*be^ecittary what -bad- necomocs • l » t \ t V o f t * l h e ^ i ^ ^ city,wbiebbadovet 1.00 •Igastores. aUte Anthony

iiiebaa^oasbYor men.tmt horrlbje for women. S^rMMcdovWeia*l i*e«. '«i«wko tadfort hi* Sifc!b.t obwqacnilr Uved with a favorite tlavt. by Ii«XL*dttL-cecaushj>ra. to whop betadoftta pressed f.-te^r-ra.totflledsnddtnty. TbocMher

MBTP«1 '«> tbeeUv»pt«K»b*t*Jldl^#cbiidrsB *£$•* rVnaithey re» tutotp, end then snllctltb|rnvlth» SLA^sadtubtocpently killed bet self. S o * f*c» she WuthtehooM b»»«^awUe &«»%*& ^ mmM

Ut*. J*hn*oa rpoke of a colored womsa « » » • € , csjTcd the "Motea^of tnaftwtb, tjnd who « « « « * tbe rame ereitt at Joan of Arc. She bad UKjimr» r*l slave, thtoagh tha «?««»««?/L.7i5i^A*5 C«ntds,acdwa*nowempToyedIa tblsw*r*sl«daw

•'Mi&SoraaB. Aalbooy offered s t e * m V » « 5 1 f « c« saebmsmber. c f . c W e t s « * m X & J S g X •ritntioa»c:cuo<:slo fr«kU)»lr £ lW°,.»,.°*!5VA! dooitioa to lbs teWt&V&ttS&t&SPV}? guvtrxiaeat aadthtmtelrceat tbe ssme D M C*x-

^Mits AMbwty then <!ft»a • "g&ft.^SSSsln! all who frit in fs/tref tbe f^f«rj».«« J ' • « * & £

«c«d repsrltjprtitrl CT« 8CW ebe _. want-thetBHUagscV

was one hewgoiu. «o. Tbarero.aU

TftRRR WltT, BB XCttO * I U » Othtral P*»fc» t>«*yai4o'c5«kP.»I.

Fucg ACA»wir.*-1Tie papHs cf tbl» Iostitn* Mea b»d en eawrtsio mart la tsit* speiklaf last csrs-aiagetlrsi^HsUl^drtaniry lute »s*Beac*j*jf Udltts end tsaUmea. The «*te5*c» wsta *»"*« with exceucatsiailebyDo^torthwBwd. T^pnta* srin be tlecUred oa TastSsy acxt.

IC« nUnvci ca Fwrth iVfe.J


•Ote sVcrion Areatea la the Sooth . Tur captoxe of Ylckaboig <rto*orxerta eM the

•rebel iisrjiia tbe Soathweet, ancrif wellfoaowed op v-dfl result ia4b* ts^e^y'«unp<efisIoa of t i e

o^telnoolntbat cegian. "it ltb*rabn'tte imments •srmy csXletjersa <iu*irr, aad enables it to co~ |ts>esj9f*)-vraM General BAMX» at Po.-g Hudton, Jsr4t4to»ab Soesx-BAKs on? the line of the Ten* gssssa, l&s-t-sr Ge2era3joj»^c™KSTO*1 bUarmir <tf t ehta one, ienotUkely to give much troutle as ft^iustelit7w>ta2sesb«slr^ oreven yeteia General Gxuiva operations eufSciectly yrove. Tha rebels evideatly csnoot place another j*riD* to the fieM lathe South. JouNBros-bas a 3n3it*ay Teputatlcua ecsree!/ second to that of Gen. tjLin, butsheprest'gei of hia name, aided by all the trbjore of a remorseless conscription, tailed to gather amor* than a fear shous*nd men together; snd it will •berdgt^vuua blunder on the part of our militarj tauthoritiee if these are<oot speedily dispersed be* tforetbey canbelaoorncxatedinBsAGG'aarmy. 8o Jar as t i e Southwest ie concerned.- we have the tc&me in our own bauds, add shall bo diseppoiated i f it is cot ekufoUy plejed,

The only formidable rebel force south or the *?0> 4omao le Gen.'BsACju's army* It Is located at Chat-tUnooga,aa important- strate^io point command* fivg tbe border slave acd-free Bute*, as well aa the cotton 8ute», and has been strongly fortified* ~&ut It can be turned, audits defenders ground between theucperand uether rnlustou* of the two great Jfcloa-ar-nies. UoxoAK'a raid wrsa evidently » flreconnoissarce for aaacoadriaTasion of Kentucky, «iniiItjr>tof«hxtotlaBt tall, wtlth a tt-ew io draw 'BOSKO*OLH3 from Tennessee* .* But tbo news of "rtho fail of Vicksburg will eooacompsl him ta ga* crsatif Gsn.BcBMStDEdoeBnot force bim toil* r

. . . — « • t > T h e Draft. I n our city coJumas will b* found an intereetlng

.account cf the foellrg in this City yesterday* conse­quent upon the near approach of the enforcement «)ftbePe<IeT*I Conscription Act. I t La gratifying to be able w> record the general acquiescence cf all classusinthe necessity of some active raeaaure* sbeing taken to fill tbe depleted ranks of our armies i n the field ; and although the Conscription law -oas folly canvassed by the'grumblers, no deter. mined opposition wta any where manifested.

byGeaeralMerde.it i i* eteevt \ lt'rious cam* : ^ gal iv;u, th ^; tikt Ae Aai cut ueek of- ttnemi larrasted action* Uewas appoi&udto thec^m* tuandof the artoy, tuarcbed at one? against tbe enemy, sad had *<>a a great victory before anv of theeup«rJ*>rvic€ab!o outside adiUemtf the Presi­dent bad time to make a soggection or annoy bixa with their view*. Teat vrasansdrantagecoGen* eraJwitbin abort reach uf such gentry ever t a d be* fore since the va.rtx.gv~ and to* result is apnee-leas victory. In view of such a £tct and such a re­sult, why is not General Meade lift to bis own judgment and fcctiou* Be knows willtbe ros*j-nitode c£ tbo veo'fc rxfore him. Be eeea the stroiu; position therctela occupy: he know* their uucuer-ical strength: and be, tetter tban alt tuo si-eet cor-aer orators, snd better than all the toxjeririicel news write**, and all the perambuiatlog official* in the?acd.kooKsnh*t s<Ttofacd>n ie required to shwart-Le'soetigoB. If l t h possible *«to bag" tbe rebel army, and ho has the material for a sav.k suf­ficiently broad antrdeep. that army will be "bag­ged." If t e baa*Ji*jjow«r to destroy it e« an army, it will be destroyed. £yt Ascoaaa all tAUtbett Iff Ddngtet atone t •

Mnace la l Btaarts* OTarkets, tfce.. > i giUYcrk. Frf<?o^v'«lylO,6P.!f.~Stceka have

fluctuated to- some extent to-day, but tbe market cl«ed strong and eetlve with higher price* for *ome eorta. Gold has ranged between 133>i a 13IJt. Ster­ling exchange wss higher, with mere buslneas. V?e quote bankers' bills at l»X. and commtrclsl at 1«t a 14U«*. Honeycontinues easy a t 6 a 7 per cent, ...;:.';„;..-•...'!. s/rflcaeaixa^sissTMssiCi.-:::--;.:.'^^.. 100Oimee,'SUreg.lO3;a 5»Pae iBeaI .8 - . . . lW 11000 -do?......Tr.l04 K « do...lS&J,al8S 10000 V.B. Ss.'8].cpulC0 250 N.V. Can. B . . . . l l » 10DOCS.CAtJr.rg..!(»;». "•«> do.*. . . .M . . l ioX 15COU.8.«-,r>?0>C.10I -SOOStteB..... . S 5 X

•1000UAbs,n4,e-».OT « » do.....«0}.*9aV 11000 do. »rk*&9«. SOEriePref. 103 13000 Tree. T 3-10.. .IOCS 60 co... . . . . . . . l03is: £000 Teon. os, *90... e& «0O Bud. Bv. B 1TO 4000RC.«*. . .^u. i lO t»0 do.....l69alTiJ< 83000Mo.e*......i.. t&C 60 BarIemB,.-....10t 10000 do.... .O\aTO 1020 do.....l03al03H 4000 N.Y.Cea.«u,.lie)a- 200 Barlem PT......100 8000 do... . . . . . . .118 SOO Beading B....*..l0«j< 1000Hud.SdM ISO . 1000 do?. 104Si 1000HiCh.C.c«,lst.ltO A SOO Mien, Ce&.B. ^10» 800O • «o . . . . . . . . . . l l » i '-x«C0Mlca.8o.SM..M3 •000 AX ft T. B . 2 Pf 901f WO0OChi.«;N.W.8r».i2 UOOO Tob ft Wab. 8 &1K 2000 pft.vr.ft c.i..io«*«

S l ' K C f l A I * X O T 1 C K S

Pswt OtBeo Jfetlee. — T b e Mails United Kinrdco eodthe Continent.viaQB sn^Uverpocl, psrstoaraer CITk* OF BAL' and for tbe German States, via atLmburs* i er Bavari*. willclc*» at this otbeeon Sat llthc^yrfJul>-»at*0«o'ck)cic, A.M., e IJB-:owneis.UoiisasfoUov-,vis:— r'i

Station* A and B ..V..9.45A S!4ti«aaCa&dl>................V.tWA

T»* *5>»*»Tlvlg *5*"w* w- •.•••t*i-i*>«'«»****e»i»,->*t « v . w A

Stations PaadG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vA . ABKAH WAKEMAN'.P..M,

ttt-adsuartera First Division N . ' G- Ke* Torlr,July lWb. ISW.-Sp^lsJl Ocd --The Tenth Beclment S. Y. S. N O . . und« maud of Lieut.Colonel MISaiNOAWiUles* row t<* Baltimore, andwiit report to Msjc SCI1ENCK. command'Bc tha* deaartmeo Colonel MI$$iMiwUl report his whole for. row morales; to tbe Mscor Geaertl, and wil e*Ive a rcoul-itlorf tor tnuiporatloa. B" or General. CUAS. W.SAXDPORD. J . I L \ l>*wi»loo lurpeetor.

lteaduuarterw 10th u«gisaeBt N . ' —Goacral Oc'er So. 3.-Iu eomi'liaueesr order So. £6, from Division Beadiuatters, mentwul assemble at tbe Arsenal cornet JV bite at*, to-morrow tSaturdayi at 3 o*c!< Lsce will form at S« otSoek P.M. JOHS 1 Lieut. Cob Comd'g.* J .C. RODRlQUlg,

•fan hTeanberaerthe Father Mnti A. 3 . Society No. 8.of Brooklyn, are re meet at the* Ball, comer of Pulton and et-. on Sunday, 12th Inst, at l P . M . i a ft for tb« parpoae of proceed arc to WiiUamsba aist In ertaniaing a F-.ther Matthew Soclct der,JAMK&BABBr, Prea't, JOHN T K e c S e e . * '..•.::.:...:_:_:_.;.._:_....:.....

.*he> FatherMathew U. B . T . A. B will bold, their regular public meeting o evening, 18th tart, at Vi o'clock, at theb Broome *t. Speak*rs-M«ssr». Carey. Stele eraon; 8lnriag by Menr*. Wilson and€ Mu'icbyCaariealli 80N, Prea't.


XOO M.8.ft N.Ia.g.116 800M.S.ftN.Ia^... TOV

1000 .c«..,.......100?

• k e Freaeh Esnperofa C a a a s e o r " Base.** The promptness with which tbe French Emperor

conformed to the pepulsr feeling manifested In the Into elections, by direilwing those members of bis cabinet whose sets have brought discredit on bis government, - shows that he baa no disposition to Imitate tha reactionary policy of she King of Prus-«ua. In adopting this course, Lotrrs NSPOLXON must have* xnade a considerable sacridce of bis per. •tonal Inolina'tionB, as two of the ex-Ministers—M. a>aPssaiOBT and M. WALBWBKI—were thoroughly devoted to him through good and evil fortune. "Tbey were fellow conspirator* together, and one of I them, M. ins PXBBIQNV. waa his agent in the I •^rkworkofclearing, with the point of the bayonet, I She Ball of RepresenUtlves of the Freaeh Deputies

jSn Dtcember. 1809. and since then has done all the 'airty wor t of imprisoning editors, gagging news-' P*per*» end. corrupting ballot-boxes.; Of course, tho Emperor must have experienced deep regret at parting from such congenial spirits; but he was far *oo Bhrawd-to mako tbeconcession a worthless one. I t is understood to be tha Initiatory step towards' snaking the rnmisters responaible tit their con-duct, in accordance vrtth the Eogiiah system. This plan wollia reality increase r.ther than diminish btopower, wbUS) itenables him to get rid of blunder-lag mmi-geninore readily* and thus relievo bim-sntfttorn whatever popular odium ttuy attachto

theiractfc;::;1i;,,':v_JL;::';.':;.r'^".:"., -vii^, •The Bmpsror b i s also adopted the plan or hav­

ing-vorMagand "Ulldng" Mlnlrters. The formar are assigned to bureau duty^ and hold portfolios; while the bitter appear in tha Corp* Legislative, de­fend and explain the policy of the Qnvem»nt and inake eloquent speeches. This division of duty appears highly judicious, and if adopted tn tha United States would probably wc«k*4v*ni»gebtu> \7- Indeed it might bewail to amend the Const!-tutloa, and' have adrathsy of Presidents, one of wbomebouldaasudtotbe official duties, and tbe «lheTlox)kouttoare-*IoctIoa, -It. would probably simplify matters ama-Jagiy and correct many gUr. Ipgebnses. -•>.• ; " : - ' ; : -; •••

T i e Situation to "ffarylafld. The Fhlladslpbia INQVIBKB sums up the strength

cffJSneralLxVs*xuiy,andtieposition of the op. podngforces, as follows: ..

The best estimate c f Lee's original strength snakes bis whole forces* north of the Potomscabout (bghty^aeven thousand strong, as they stood before their defeat at Gettysburg.

How do tbey stand howf On Tuesday night last the prUontra registsiei by the Provosi-Mar-ahsl of Baltimore, numbered over eleven thousand. In addition to thtsv, about two thousand have been captured by General Eilpatrlca's cavairy.snd there are about as many more captured In srcall squad* and detaebmenu in the Cumberland Va'. ley. snjnnung up in all about fifteen thousand prisoners, The killed and wounds! of the Kcbel army, from what we hear from t i e field, cannot be lees tban seventeen thousand, and the atraggera through the various Cuuoiies or Pennsylvania and Maryland, and those who bars already found thtir way across the Potomac, are probably five thousand, i V.-•• Tbe account of Lee'A forces that can be brought IfitobMt:o,ttcrcforAsUndsaboutthu8:


I^SV,?S!62*wv"»' ---~..;.i5,Oio Lost l o t t e d and wouoded. w . . . ,«„n .OO t , t r * g g U r s . . ^ . . . w ^ . . . ^ , - - „ - M . . ^ . MOO

COOOMlss-ftM-L-G.. CO 160 Bk. Commerce. .W3 *$ 60Am.Ex.Bk.....lOT IB Bk. Sta'e N.Y..T03 TO Bel. ft Hud.....li3V

100 do... . .M4 82000 Am. Gold 133 100000 do...l32«1el32r; 150 Canton e o . . . . . . 27» 400Cum. CoalPf.... 21. 1 800 QnlcksitTer M... 39 \ 150 Bocks Co. Ld_.. X% 400 Am. Coal Co. . . . 65 [ 600 Canada Cop.-Co. I V :-."]?•• :"•'"'.':'"":••''•. excotrnBoaxn,"

2S00 -..* • do;....18j^aTO: ST PanamaR.......1S3

800IU.Cen.6.F.... «8 100 do 8TJS 10OIJl.CeB.B.8p...l06^ 600 . «o...l0o>»al06». 600 Ctt. ft Pitts. B. . C&X SOO i do—.-6->}ai8G 63QGaLftCaLB... 88 ieOCM.tK.I .K. . .84X 33 Mil ft P. daC... B5

2665 do boifaSS 300 P. Ft. W. ft C... CT 150A1.&T.H.B.. . 4* 100 Al . f tTiB.Pf . . 11X 10OChl.ftrf.W.B.. 29 10l» do 29X 150 CbL ft Alton K.. 65 100 ChL ft Alton Pf. 91

! ^ . . V „ - - , T - :*.^T.'sV. - . . - - : , ^ -_ Dlarrbrea and Dysentery immediately ci TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. It 1 atthlssea-on.. No taraUy should be wlthou 26cent*.,- Warranted perfectly harmless 1 ternaUy. SoMbyaUcxugdrts. . ... Mrs. Wtxtftow*a tsaethiag Svruo theehUdfxompah-,fa»bjorateathestomacl els, correct* acidity, and gives tone' and vi whole sy.tem. 86" eenttla'bottle.

T B A D K lwOTICES. . t o Baherw-A meeting o f the Jou Bakers* Protective Unien. No. 2,will be 1 Ave A on Saturday evening. Jnly 11th. 1 o'clock. By order, of FBJED. WOLF, Pi 8PEU)EL,See. . / i- = >

Notice te> the United Tin Plate, and ebeet Iron workers, A ' regular meet; Association will be held at Dramatic Ball, East Houston tt, on Monday eveaiar, Juii o'clxkprecisely. BycrdercfP.G.H.SCH H. J. CAMPBELL. Preaideats.

6000 C.8.6*.*81,reg.l04 w 15000 G.eL&,'31,c.l05« 40000 U.8.C*,ly.n. 98*4 10000 Mo. Cs„.. . . . . . 69% 10000 Am- Gold. ...AASH 11000 do...l33Xal33'a 650 Cum.Coal Pf... 2D* 76 PaeWe M.B.....187H

200 do...l8IJial89 100 N.Y. C«n.B....11S*tf SO do..... i....118.»i

600 KrieB.....'...... 9SH. 200 a do. baw »5Ii W Bud. Bv. B-.....17I

250 do.....l70al"« 60 do....;i... .lT»

600 , da... . . l l5alli»«

100 Harlem B.-^T. .103 "' 1400 do......".5i..l03W 200 BeadinKB......10a 100 MicbTcan. K....109J, «0O M.8.ft N.Ie..;.: » S00.'L:dO.i.; . . . . i . i9)i 10OM.8.ftN.Is.g.U5 SCO III. Cenx. SP.:. - - .10S V 200 .^'» do..-.-.i... .106Js5 300 CI*, ft Pitts. K.. ST -.. 600 .-;. do..:..6fi«aS6?i 100 Gal.* ChL B. . . W»i 800 i : do.-.-.;...... 93 SOO Cle. ft TobBi . . l l0 60O2UL&P.cTnC... 60 250 -: P ao-.-.i...i>...*63

•STUB ataaxwe KXTaramcsB. • \ -i1- '• - M*wYOBX, Friday. July 10. '"

! BttteAsr Jfeafs. vcr 16.—Roasting pieces. ItalO. Bound steak*.—al9^ Sirloin do,"—al4. Porter bsuse do,—alt. Foup. 6s3. Mutton. 6*12. Veab Tal4.. Pork. 13.-Corneddo_.ll. Lambs,tb, ltalO. Corned txsaf . ta lO. :..::..^^-\: :-' I..:! S.;4 u-Cf i - :-,-^. LJ-.«,..;

Smoked Meat*, per lb.—Hama. —alSc. Shoalder*, l i e . Beet 12c. Bacon, 123*c; Tonguat, —aSIc. each. Glear^pork, lSKc. •'

tsely. BycrderofP.G.H.SCI __PBELL, Preaideats. J . BECK

H.JBEIA3P, Secretaries.. • i T*>TnitoB-r--Noilce—Tbe\Vorkln« Trade Protective snd Benevolent Union eecOnd Quarterly meeting this (Satnrday July 11th, as-the balance of accounts"w tented for the past quarter, the election for the ensuing term, and therurtherenceo coming grand picnic. A fullmeetingof th Is podrively expected. Br order of the ! 1M i ! CENTBAL COM1

• T o Baiters—Tfee New' Y o r k Jon Bakera' Protective Uuion, No. 1. »!U hole meeting at Mililman*- Ball, comer ot S6tl Tthavenue, this evening, .July 11th. Alt who means society and the'rngh'ir, are n attend ewlv as business cf importance nrll acted. JOI1N B U £ Y , Bresi C. PEAR


FitK ver

a*,^-i-Wolte Fish. 12c'

Ballbut, —a!2ev ;BIr» Pish, 6a _ ^ipedbase. -al2e.,Cod. 6c. Floun-

ders.ee. Mackerel. 10al5c. each. Salmon, S5*—c. Por-8e. Eefe, - a l S c Striped baas, -al2e.,Cod. 6c. Flonn-

. ckerel.10al5e.eacb. Salmon, 55a—e. Por-,6a.Sea Bsn,8sl0c. Kingflsh, 12c. W'k Fitb.8-.10.

Spanish Mackerel, LOO. - Lobsters, 6aTc Oysters* per 100. OOcagl 00. Clams, 40a50c Soft shell, dcsiSalBe. Do. Crabs.dos., 1.85 -Smoked Mackerel, lOalle. Do. Eels. 18c Dried Codfisb. 6a Te. Salt Salmon*. ISalSe. Do..Mackerel, lOaISc Smoked Salmon, lfialP.' Do. Herrings, 5 for lOe.' 8ar-dines,box. 20a33c. Pickled Cod,Be. SmoksdStur­geon, 10912... :.••;',-... '..> ,;:.!.;;7-'~-; ^..>.

S'tqtXalUi.—NewPotafoe«fpeTbfp,k,ST:Bnckeye*v 12c M*rcers,l4c Peach bIows,12c. Bermudat, —a«k,

hsad, ^8cv:

Badishe** bunch, la2C Tomatoes, oA S8c" '• Leeks, bunch, 10*18. Bhuburb, bunch,8c. Asparsgu-,bumb. 26*30. Miat, bunch, 8c. Cauliflower*, each! 18a30. New Feaa, l i e . half peck. Cucumber*. 8s—c each. Kohlrabi, bunch, 6c. SUing Beans, half peck, 12c.

Butlrr. dc. per ».-Butter, 16a82c. Che*ae,13a 18c Eng.D*tey,26c aV«7*,trtah, 8tor85c Duck Esjn, OlorSbc. Lard, l i e •;.-- ••-.;•'-:..

Pririf*, vtr ib.—Dried sppieaTaSe. Peaches, 18a22c Cherries, 8al8e. Figs - a l 8 c Prunes, 15a-. .Or-Bugc do*-, BTaTS. • Lemons, doa., 80a37e. Strawber-ries. baiketa. 8c. Pins Apple*, each. ISBKOC Pea-nnts.busb.e2 SS. Cocoannt*, each, TalOc. Currants, lb.6*Tc Goo**bexries,cit, 18c. whortleberries, qt, SOc-'.-rS'i'.; '••<•.• ''.'.;.-^= -'r-,r ,.,'i."-:.tvVf~' v.-.v

: L A S T D A T O F G E N . TOM THCMB. W I F B , A N D Com. MDTTatBABNUlPS. They are already ad­vertised to appear elsewhcro Monday. So this Is the last chance Hanford*- Minstrels at 3 and %K P. M.402

FOS THB H A I B , B A R R T ' S * TBICOPBBROt9. -The best and cheapest article. Sold by drocgittsiSOl

SPECtTAI* NOTICES. ;';-. Z .yon r s -•. 4 , ..; •

MAGNETIC INSECT POWDER. T h e otTjrtrial a n * certs in Vermin Exterminator. T h e extraordinary effects o f this arttelo for ki l l ing Roaehet, Ante , Bugs, Fleas , & c , and for preserving Fnrs , Cloths, Furniture, &c* irom Moths, h a s been tot ted for 2 0 year*, and warranted reliable. I t I* free r e m Poison. m . ,-,-.. ,

Beware of imitations end counterfeits. Each flask hastherignaturcof E.Lycn, ,

Lyon"* Bat Pills, certain death Co Bats and Mice. Sold by all Droggtsl* and Furniture dealers.

• v ' DEMASagABNEJACO^ Agents. 400 Ka 208 Broadway* New York.

. St . Ann's Church, 15th srt Beat- 5 Rev. THOMAS GALLAUDET, D-D., R< vices at 10^, 3 ^ and 8 ; the afternoon Deaf Mutes. To-morrow th* Rector will each service., 8^atatr»*.:- .. i .>-.-•> -

<»reeae at. M. K. Church,- betweei and Spring »ts. Bev.G. B. WABDLE. 1 preach to-morrow, at 103a o'clock A. M« "Conquering and to Conouer.". Sacramen P. M., and prcaohiht; at %%, o'clock P. U on Wednesday evening. Prayer meeting evening. 8—ts free. •-;

Set] specially Intereetei

* » « , * » « » » « « * t . 87,090 Tolsl l o t s c s . . . . ^ . ^ ;

• Total force t e r a a i r u n g . ^ ^ . ^ . ^ ; 60.0C0

J5?SS'-ik?B .vU># . b c w ««tce» of iaformailoa at nmraand,b thseirenglb of tbe rebels nnder Le*.

brer Uttle, tbey will, without diabl, Qgbtwith all

SS^^^SiSL** *&» Wa*w?;«S arms cf men indtsptrate «-»!!«. . _ . _ _ , . _. Ine rmllic should observe thai It is en* tobe SD-proschei withcsuUoa. It Is a dtuaUoa that no psneral of expetltme will run againrt with thst batidc«tdld«rK«»h»tUlUvttiHliiwe^^^ an assault we will ,becert* :ntowin,batio?!JI PC*dbl* adverse resuHs to Uke care of tbrrastfves. w e trust General Meade nlil do DO such thine u I* ti l very easy for the great *»uoo«i;pltd pi!bH**» w l o crowd tbe theroughrarts cf our Isr .o c.tits, ia-taa^ninf and demonstrating c.liitjry rrotlims o-.thepav«mtats,itlssll very easy for them end for their epokesmen smeng the lr.e*pe;lcnctd V™£VQ* knenewspaper preti to talk alouf-bii*. frfngw the wLol* of Lee's .army, and ""anuibiUtift*.-'

.•Ue^sarmy.-tadslltbat. 8achp4ep1eUkw:tVnt xnucht)(flectk3,eTr*;certky ri-vcTetc-ptoCtfiN* atsIL Tbe same style cfnndlokingdclamailon f t a v s ^ to a large extent, stooag tbe r«rarabulat. lag-8raa»rs, the hineratios; Govtrcors, end the

.wagtaat ""boss politictaaa*' thai we contunUy bear ef as arriving at Waslingtca togrrcedvkea&d ••hurry e a u * wx».,»

-• I s it not time tba*. sach ridiculous abraraitlcs ts,»c«A*ed,aodtUl tucb mrscbUf-msking «l*m*

, arers ware mcoaunt ally g*$;c J . ^egjrest. tU ia-?»la»b;» giTMt»ge posstttcd

T h e saesabcra o f the Father Matthew T . A. B. Society «f South Brooklyn are recuest-d to meet tn regalia at thebr Balboa Sunday, 12th Init., at UK o'clock, to proceed to Williamsborf, to assist


Great Tesnpcraoco Deuenstrat lo w.Fangb-a-Ballagb.-All the Father Matbew Total Abttlnsnce Benefit SocleUcs, are coming to the South Tth street Ferry, Brooklyn, K. D-, to-morrow. t8und*y> aiter-noon. s t 8 o'clock, to Inaugurate the New Father KatbewT. A.B.Society, Ho..8 of Brooklyn,E.D. Frorothe Ferry tbey will march with band* and ban* nerslhioufh tbe street* laid down lathe route to tbe place of meeting. After the Temperance addm-es and sepgs. they will proceed to the New Father Mat­thew Total Abstinence HSU. cor 7th and Grand sttu ™**Jte*S\* JVtMng »od -Jsrinr, there t^ircmE

ttat Fobilc Meeting at the H«ll la tbe evvafag, at ^clc*k.^Ex-Ksyor GKOKGEnAI.L, B*b7l l

-pART,Bto~Jthe Pr*»Met)V of the l i r e Father Hathew T. A. B. Society, and other*, will usitt io the lasororaiion. and addres the rneetior. MS'trs. PARK.10U*, WII^ON. McKENSY. NASH. GAL­LAGHER, IlAGUERTYand others, will slat "Come in oat Of th* Draft." Ailrae.tibtrsofth'-So. 3 8o-« H y trill meet as above THOMAS JOYCE. Pre*. DANIEL MANNING, R*C SiC. t^ T *V?L itjf'.

Tfao Mrtnbcre o f the Father Matfaew V.IL T.A.B.Societywe^rejutsledto*t-emblela tonw-td; s t t tbebrhalV861 Broome at, oa Saaday Btitjbe Ktb intt, at I P . M, for the pttipnt «f p-oeddics to W««ttB»bargb*t!ds«t-!tll»-si s!ic lntamf*tl«j o f s Fsthtr Wathiw T. A. B. Society tn that locality. An



The Jittabcr* o f the Fatbcr ATattbevr T . *.']?« 1 *!.*?? *»• StN.Y-iatt. btrcby oc45€cd to ra et

fifiW^*5-*3 ' « • / * * ! stco&a. .TotrooecJ toi«T«k* *F°tE.D.j,fo» the paTpcseofanlitlngoar s.tict yo-SiSi^cSL^*1 ^ » M » T I 5 W arsottCT FstbcrMst-^ • ^ ^ - ^ I ^ n e t w - m l e r l a H t o W W r v t B l . By

ScC, DAN E GAtL-t-

AUth Church, in the corth-eae tenTKCtion of th find plessant thtrreft'aeeorhrnoi-ttlon in t ton ave. Presbyterian Church COId Schc 46th st. Bev. J. SANDERSON, tha Past< every Sabbath at 10Jt7 and*X P. M.. Sabt a t 2 . P . M . .A.-i—!S •T'-'---'a~^'^-'-'

Notice.—A aaeetrBg.' wi l l b e be Church of th* Puritans,, Union Square, evening, at IX o'clock, at which Rev. Dr London, delegate from the Ann-slavery c» Minister* in Manchester, v.ill present thi T&Ofrsneh Prctstase Pastor* to the mini Gosp-1 in Great Britain on Slavery and tb of Sia-ehblders In America—fo?ether w; sponee of 4,000 m.nisters of the Gospel In sin. Abo an address from the same to tt and Pastor* of the United States of Amer which still be presented aK'jp-msc to the for the edoptionof tbe meeting assembled, tlans and ministers are invited to atl CHEEVEB wiU preach in the mornir c^clock. , ,, '••...•....;...;.. ft. .:.;•.(•: ..... ,,

Opposition to SpiritunllsBi—Eld BERICK, of Bo-ton, will continue his : Wednesday and Thurrdayovenines of Jn ISth, at theBall No. 84 Cooper Institute, c at eight.o'clock* Allaroin-jted. Seats!

Cbriatiaa Alliance Tabernac Broadway—Sunday School Monthlv Cone evjning^So'clock. LUCIUS BART.B.] TON LEE; and Rer. C. C. GOSS. will ts the exercise*. Sieging by the Chlldrer monies.| : ' : •••'-.••- • •"•••;:• • : .

tMcond Advent Church, Botanic East Broad way.—Preaching to-morrow, (! ElderRUFUS WENDELL,*!I0» A. M. The Error of Sadduceeiam and its Refutat Lord. At3P.M:.

<,Howarethedeadrai3 with what body do they comer* All ai Invited. Stat* free.

w K A T H s . CARROLL-On Thursday. Jaly 9, Os

son of John' E. Carrol?, townlsnd of Lori Colman'* Well. Co. Limerick, Ireland.

The friend* cf bis brother Timothy are i attend the funeral, this (Saturday) aftei l l - a t 8 o'clock, from tbe residence of hi* I of west 12th and West sts,witbout farthe

DERBY-On Friday moraine, July 10, by, the oaly daughter of John and Sarah 1 the Parish of Tay Holloa, County Moo land, sged 20 year* and 5 month*.

Tbe funeral will take place from tbe 1 ber parents, 333 West 30th St. The frient tlves are respeclfolly Invited. _;- -

PINLEY-Oa Wednesday, July l ,on sbipNoithern Light, on his way from S»t CaUto New York, of conrampUon,Gcori ley, in tbe &2d year or bis age

And oh, dear father, and must I gi Thee up to Hern tbe deep teas; T i s bard to part with oae so dear. To think I no more your ace co. Jd

Philadelphia snd 8*n Francisco (Cal.) p copy." ..'. :;''-;','• j;. '•':.. :

GALLAGHER-On Friday. Jaly 10th,o palotbl liiacsr, which be bote with Chrl tode, Peter, second ton of Patrick aadth Gallagher, a«edv9 year*, a nativoor Fa sbannoB, County Doners', Ireland.

The friend* of the family, and those of Patrick, are ntpettfbllriaviud to attend or. Saaday afternoon, lSthinst.atSo'cIc lab rts-dcace, ISO Molberry tt.

GO.*MAN-On July lOtb. Ann Germ Nicholas Gwman, a native ot County \ Dniag-aaJytatr. , -

Ber relative* and friends are retpectfc to attend the foncral, this (jatordsy) af;< o'clock, frcti cor. el Huden and John to: lya. To be buried at Futbuth Cemetery.

HORNE-On Friday. Jaly 10, William, •ttcoaorW.Ilism end M. Home, aged sr>d*d*y*. „

The funeral will take tftce on SnnS.«.< iStb IMT, at 8 o'clock, from W2 W©~*!eT\

JOHSSOS-Oa Friday, Joly 10, Jam.« SON seed V3 yea: r- :'-

The friend* ol the furaily.alfo bis fr> CiaatOtatC^.Std thoseoThis brcther, J too,Jr.,ttnd tbft.New York a u a ^ a y ] are rerpctfaify latitvd to att,«ad the Sar.dsy trfrrtoo&a oext, at S o'clock,tn residence, Rl Msxket«.,;

ML-R?HY--On.TI»t»r»4ay. Jnlr P. J second essgMtr ef Patrick and Catbari egrtl 4 ye>rs acd 2 rat albs,

Trie trtendicrtbe Umily are rcrt-xt? to tltena tb*tantta',t?.l»(:>*tcT**y.>att oVwck, Lom the residence of btr ptrcals,

PHKtt-3-Oa JoTr 9th, Mr. William Seed 41 year*.

His frlf-nc** and re^Urcs arc re-ptxtfa!! tutad theiunaal,oasacd»v, July i-.-.t retue.ee. «or. of AUaaUc sad Ka a th* E

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