Good Friday 22 Apr 2011 Old Rugged Cross 古舊十架

Old Rugged Cross 古舊十架 Seremban Weslay …mypowerhouse.net/photo.pdfGood Friday 22 Apr 2011 Old Rugged Cross 古舊十架 Seremban Weslay Methodist Church near Seminary Theology

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Good Friday 22 Apr 2011

Old Rugged Cross


Presentation Notes�
Seremban Weslay Methodist Church near Seminary Theology Malaysia. God moved and healed me with this song�

Nasi Lemak & Durian 早餐

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Durian : King of fruit Mangostine : Queen of fruit Durain Tree : 30 meters high and 7 years to bear first fruit. Long time !!!�

Paul Barker为林家祷告祝福

Presentation Notes�
Front row: Poh Aik 15 yr ago had a motorbike accident , severe brain damage,could not talk or walk. Mum aged 80. Has been looking after Poh Aik last 15 yrs, insists on looking by herself, shows a greatest love of a mum Question ? How much longer my mum can look after Poh Aik? Sister Kim Aik asks God for longer life, Tiam Aik will employ someone to look after from compensation fund etc Tiam Aik has 4 children at school and not in the photos Why blessings? 1 Many temptations amidst economic prosperity , 你 们 的 仇 敌 魔 鬼 , 如 同 吼 叫 的 狮 子 , 遍 地 游 行 , 寻 找 可 吞 吃 的 人 (1 Peter 5:8) 2 First to know Christ, walk in faith and love for family.�

Lunch at Batu Pahat

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Durian : King of fruit Mangostine : Queen of fruit Durain Tree : 30 meters high and 7 years to bear first fruit. Long time !!!�


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Oil palm : 2 years to bear fruit for 25 to 30 years Uses : Vegetable oil for cooking, different extracts/refined for different uses etc�



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God confirmed that it was the right time to visit mum. Used to shared my testimony and gospel over the phone from Australia Talked to eldest son Ah Sim about prayering for gugu’s salvation �


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Durian : King of fruit Mangostine : Queen of fruit Durain Tree : 30 meters high and 7 years to bear first fruit. Long time !!!�


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Kim Aik (adopted): Addicted to heroin. 7 years in and out of jail. All revenues exhausted to help him. God listened to my kneeled prayer and granted mercy upon him. Physically stronger and fitter than me working in oil palm plantation owner by Malaysian Government RISDA�


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Kim Lee : Although adopted but has good communicative relationship , 4 boys all grown up and Brother in law has grown in spiritual maturity recently from his prayers WeiXiong works in Singapore: Many local from my hometown end up working in Singapore for better job opportunities and higher wages Treated to a river side seafood.�


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Bee Yong (blood sister): matured in spirit , 2 grown up boys, husband used to be a f/t navigator pastor for uni campus, Shared and prayed together with sister Bee Yong. God revealed to us in our sharing and prayer how to love our mum,Tiam Aik but hate their actions unpleasing to God Eldest son got a US univ scholarship and heading for US soon etc take after samuel�

梁弟兄1980 年带我信主耶稣

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Bro Neo 1978 came together to Australia 1980 led me to Christ. Local bank IT manager . He is attending AOG church in BP. Church building in a converted from a shop fronts. Retires in 3 yrs. Invite him to work for the LORD fishing on the net.�

Happy Birthday 生日快乐

Presentation Notes�
Front row: Poh Aik 15 yr ago had a motorbike accident , severe brain damage,could not talk or walk. Mum aged 80. Has been looking after Poh Aik last 15 yrs, insists on looking by herself, shows a greatest love of a mum Question ? How much longer my mum can look after Poh Aik? Sister Kim Aik asks God for longer life, Tiam Aik will employ someone to look after from compensation fund etc Tiam Aik has 4 children at school and not in the photos Why blessings? 1 Many temptations amidst economic prosperity , 你 们 的 仇 敌 魔 鬼 , 如 同 吼 叫 的 狮 子 , 遍 地 游 行 , 寻 找 可 吞 吃 的 人 (1 Peter 5:8) 2 First to know Christ, walk in faith and love for family.�

Happy Birthday 生日快乐

Presentation Notes�
Front row: Poh Aik 15 yr ago had a motorbike accident , severe brain damage,could not talk or walk. Mum aged 80. Has been looking after Poh Aik last 15 yrs, insists on looking by herself, shows a greatest love of a mum Question ? How much longer my mum can look after Poh Aik? Sister Kim Aik asks God for longer life, Tiam Aik will employ someone to look after from compensation fund etc Tiam Aik has 4 children at school and not in the photos Why blessings? 1 Many temptations amidst economic prosperity , 你 们 的 仇 敌 魔 鬼 , 如 同 吼 叫 的 狮 子 , 遍 地 游 行 , 寻 找 可 吞 吃 的 人 (1 Peter 5:8) 2 First to know Christ, walk in faith and love for family.�

Happy Birthday 生日快乐

Presentation Notes�
Front row: Poh Aik 15 yr ago had a motorbike accident , severe brain damage,could not talk or walk. Mum aged 80. Has been looking after Poh Aik last 15 yrs, insists on looking by herself, shows a greatest love of a mum Question ? How much longer my mum can look after Poh Aik? Sister Kim Aik asks God for longer life, Tiam Aik will employ someone to look after from compensation fund etc Tiam Aik has 4 children at school and not in the photos Why blessings? 1 Many temptations amidst economic prosperity , 你 们 的 仇 敌 魔 鬼 , 如 同 吼 叫 的 狮 子 , 遍 地 游 行 , 寻 找 可 吞 吃 的 人 (1 Peter 5:8) 2 First to know Christ, walk in faith and love for family.�


Presentation Notes�
Front row: Poh Aik 15 yr ago had a motorbike accident , severe brain damage,could not talk or walk. Mum aged 80. Has been looking after Poh Aik last 15 yrs, insists on looking by herself, shows a greatest love of a mum Question ? How much longer my mum can look after Poh Aik? Sister Kim Aik asks God for longer life, Tiam Aik will employ someone to look after from compensation fund etc Tiam Aik has 4 children at school and not in the photos Why blessings? 1 Many temptations amidst economic prosperity , 你 们 的 仇 敌 魔 鬼 , 如 同 吼 叫 的 狮 子 , 遍 地 游 行 , 寻 找 可 吞 吃 的 人 (1 Peter 5:8) 2 First to know Christ, walk in faith and love for family.�

Kuala Lumpur International Airport

Presentation Notes�
Front row: Poh Aik 15 yr ago had a motorbike accident , severe brain damage,could not talk or walk. Mum aged 80. Has been looking after Poh Aik last 15 yrs, insists on looking by herself, shows a greatest love of a mum Question ? How much longer my mum can look after Poh Aik? Sister Kim Aik asks God for longer life, Tiam Aik will employ someone to look after from compensation fund etc Tiam Aik has 4 children at school and not in the photos Why blessings? 1 Many temptations amidst economic prosperity , 你 们 的 仇 敌 魔 鬼 , 如 同 吼 叫 的 狮 子 , 遍 地 游 行 , 寻 找 可 吞 吃 的 人 (1 Peter 5:8) 2 First to know Christ, walk in faith and love for family.�

祷告 多方

: 探亲三星期, 准备八个月



: 母亲,所有骨肉弟兄姐妹,一些亲朋好友, 见面,祷告祝福



: 1 更亲进,仰望,依靠,神的带领,信实和大能,


2 得到 4 个圣灵 果子: 仁 爱 、喜 乐 、和平 、 忍 耐

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8 months preparation: 家人很难作见证,传福音等等 4 out of 9 fruits of spirit, still fails???�