A.S-clasa a VIII-aFaza județeană 4 aprilie 2009 SUBIECTUL I (10 x 1 points) Fill in the gaps with words connected with travel . 1. Max is going on a business next week. 2.I'll just check the _ to see when the next train goes. 3.Go and wait in the __ for your flight. 4. I think my flight leaves from one. 5. Please _______two hours before your flight. 6. You'1l need your ___if you want to get a visa. 7. I can't swim so I'd hate to go on a in case the boat sank. 8.The train leaves from _ten. 9. William was stopped at _and they found 5 litres of whiskey in his luggage. 10. We went on a very interesting of Buckingham Palace yesterday. SUBIECTUL II - (10 x 1 points) Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: Do you remember your first love? Mine (l) (be) a boy who lived in our block of flats . His name was Michael and he was really good-looking! We (2) ___________(meet) every morning and walk to school together . After school we often (3) ___ (go) to the park to talk about our day. Then one day he asked me if (4) __________ ( go) on holiday with him. Of course I wanted to, but my parents were very strict and they said that I (5)__________ (can) go unless Michael's parents were going too. So that was that! Soon afterwards Michael's family (6) ___________________(move) to a new house which was a long way from our neighbourhood. He went to a different school too so we stopped (7) ______________(see) each other. I (8) _________(make) any effort to see him, unfortunately. If only I had been older, maybe things (9) ________________(be) different. Now I'm used to (10)________________(live) with my regrets ! SUBIECTUL III -(10 x 1 points) Read the text and choose a word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space: When John was 12, his father was offered a good job in Sydney, Australia, so the whole family emigrated. At (1) ____________John was homesick because he (2) _____his friends. They had left so quickly(3) __________he hadn't had time to say (4) _______ to everyone. But slowly he started to (5) ______ his new life. He used to (6) ____________swimming in the sea every day and he took (7) __________surfing too. He made lots of new friends and he (8) ___________about his old life. Now he's been there (9) __________ 20 years and he's very happy. He says: '(10) ____________my father hadn't had the job offer we wouldn't have moved here and I would have had a very different childhood. I used to think that I would go back to England, but now I think differently' . departure lounge platform cruise trip terminal tour good bye go that up if missed for first enjoy forget Varianta 1

Olimpiada de limba engleză Clasa a VII-a

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Page 1: Olimpiada de limba engleză Clasa a VII-a

A.S-clasa a VIII-aFaza județeană 4 aprilie 2009

SUBIECTUL I (10 x 1 points)

Fill in the gaps with words connected with travel.

1. Max is going on a business next week. 2. I'll just check the _______ to see when the next train goes. 3. Go and wait in the ______ for your flight. 4. I think my flight leaves from ____one. 5. Please __________two hours before your flight. 6. You'1l need your _______if you want to get a visa. 7. I can't swim so I'd hate to go on a ___in case the boat sank. 8. The train leaves from ______ten. 9. William was stopped at _____and they found 5 litres of whiskey in his luggage. 10. We went on a very interesting __of Buckingham Palace yesterday.

SUBIECTUL II -(10 x 1 points)

Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:

Do you remember your first love? Mine (l) (be) a boy who lived in our block of flats . His name was Michael and he was really good-looking! We (2) ___________(meet) every morning and walk to school together . After school we often (3) ______________ ___ (go) to the park to talk about our day. Then one day he asked me if (4) __________( go) on holiday with him. Of course I wanted to, but my parents were very strict and they said that I (5)__________ (can) go unless Michael's parents were going too. So that was that! Soon afterwards Michael's family (6) ___________________(move) to a new house which was a long way from our neighbourhood. He went to a different school too so we stopped (7) ______________(see) each other. I (8) _________(make) any effort to see him, unfortunately. If only I had been older, maybe things (9) ________________(be) different. Now I'm used to (10)__________________________________(live) with my regrets !

SUBIECTUL III -(10 x 1 points)

Read the text and choose a word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space:

When John was 12, his father was offered a good job in Sydney, Australia, so the whole family emigrated. At (1) ____________John was homesick because he (2) _____his friends. They had left so quickly(3) __________he hadn't had time to say (4) _______to everyone. But slowly he started to (5) ______ his new life. He used to (6) ____________swimming in the sea every day and he took (7) __________surfing too.He made lots of new friends and he (8) ___________about his old life. Now he's been there (9) __________ 20 years and he's very happy. He says: '(10) ____________my father hadn't had the job offer we wouldn't have moved here and I would have had a very different childhood. I used to think that I would go back to England, but now I think differently' .

SUBIECTUI IV (5 x 2 points)Make nouns from the adjectives in brackets to complete the sentences:

departure lounge platform cruise trip terminal tour

timetable check in passport customs

good bye go that up if missed for first enjoyforget

Varianta 1

Page 2: Olimpiada de limba engleză Clasa a VII-a

1. I value my .......highly, and so I enjoy living alone (independent). 2. The ...........was a great success and the audience enjoyed themselves (perform). 3. The noise from outside spoilt his of the concert (enjoy). 4. Scenes of. .......on television can have a negative effect on children (violent). 5. The invention of personal computers was one of the greatest. of the 20th century (achieve).

SUBIECTUL V 10 x 1points)Choose the correct answer:

I . "Where ….... ? In a village near London." a) lives your uncle b) does your uncle live c)your uncle lives

2. I speak Italian but ... French. a) I speak not b) I'm not speaking c)I don't speak

3. "Can you drive?" "No, …... a car but I want to learn. a) I never drove b) I'm never driving c) I've never driven

4. I saw Lisa at t(he station when I was going to work this morning but she ... me.

a) didn't see b) don't see c) hasn't seen 5. How long …... English?

a) are you learning b) do you learn c) have you been learning 6. …., a party next Sunday.

a) We're having b) We have c) We'll have 7. There's a programme on television that I want to watch …... in five minutes.

a) It starts b) It's starting c) It will start 8. There's a swimming pool near my house. I go ..... every day.

a) to swim b) to swimming c) swimming 9. That bag is too heavy. Let me ….. you.

a) help b) to help c) helping 10. Would you like …. ice cream?

a) some b) any c) no

SUBIECTUL VI -(10 x 1 points)Rephrase the following beginning as shown:

1. "This is our house." They said ...................................................................................................... .

2. "I have finished my work here." She said ......................................................................................................... .

3. "Is anybody at home?" He asked ....................................................................................................... .

4. "Don't call me until after 7." Mother asked me .......................................................................................... .

5. "Go away!" He told me ..................................................................................................... .

6. "What is this?" She asked .......................................................................................... ............

7. "I will come if you ask me to." She said ......................................................................................................... .

8. "I know you married him." Laura said ...................................................................................................... .

9. "Don’t forget to move everything out of the hall!"She reminded us

………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 10. "I don’t believe what you’ve done. "

Jeremy said to his sister ………………………………………………………………………………………………… . SUBIECTUL VII -(10 x 1points)

Rewrite the following in the Passive, beginning as shown:

Page 3: Olimpiada de limba engleză Clasa a VII-a

1. He published his first article in 1990. The first article .......................................................................................... .

2. Mother has made some coffee. Some coffee ............................................................................................... .

3. The detectives did not catch the man. The man ..................................................................................................... .

4. Tourists always visit this museum. This museum .............................................................................................. .

5. He hurt his leg in an accident. His leg ......................................................................................................... .

6. People speak English all over the world. English ........................................................................................................ .

7. Nobody heard a sound. Not a sound ................................................................................................ .

8. The author will finish the book next month. The book ..................................................................................................... .

9. You must write the answers on a paper. The answers ................................................................................................ .

10. The young girl writes letters every other day. Letters ........................................................................................................ .

SUBIECTUL VIII -(30 points)

Write a composition between 150 words, starting with the following words and give it a title:

It had definitely been a horrifying experience and I was lucky to be alive………..

Page 4: Olimpiada de limba engleză Clasa a VII-a

BAREM -Faza judeteana 04.04.2009 -Clasa a VIII-a -Varianta 1







1. ... that was their house. 2. ... she had finished her work there.

3. ... whether there was anybody at home. 4. ... not to call her until after 7. 5. ... to go away. 6. ... what that was. 7. ... she would come if he asked her to. 8. ... she knew she had married him. 9. ... to move everything out of the hall.

10.. he didn’t believe what she had done

SUBIECTUL VII1. ... was published in 1990 by him. 2. … has been made by mother. 3. ... was not caught by the detectives.4. ... is always visited by tourists. 5. ... was hurt in an accident. 6. … is spoken by people all around the world. 7. … was heard by anyone. 8. … will be finished next month by the author.9. … must be written on the paper by you. 10. … are written every other day by the young girl.

1. trip 3.departure lounge

5. check-in 7. cruise 9. customs

2.timetable 4.terminal 6. passport 8. platform 10. tour

1. was 3.went 5. couldn’t 7. seeing 9. would have been

2.used to meet

4.would go 6. moved 8. didn’t make

10. living

1. first 3.that 5. enjoy/like 7. up 9. for2.missed 4.good bye 6.go 8. forget 10. if

1. independence


3. enjoyment 4. violence 5. achievement

1. b 3. c 5. c 7. a 9. a2. c 4. a 6. a 8. c 10. a