Olive Educational Solutions

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  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions



    Plot No: 7, 1st Floor, Subammal Clovis Street, Netaji Nagar - 1, Upplam,Pondicherry 605001, Ph: 9578960189/8825110200

    E Mail: [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsDear Sir / MadamDear Sir / MadamDear Sir / MadamDear Sir / Madam

    A warm greeting to you.A warm greeting to you.A warm greeting to you.A warm greeting to you.

    The growth of an institution depends on the Placements of theirThe growth of an institution depends on the Placements of theirThe growth of an institution depends on the Placements of theirThe growth of an institution depends on the Placements of their

    students. The youngstudents. The youngstudents. The youngstudents. The young aspirants, whoaspirants, whoaspirants, whoaspirants, who come out of the portals ofcome out of the portals ofcome out of the portals ofcome out of the portals of

    knowledge, often find themselves tough to get well placed. Theknowledge, often find themselves tough to get well placed. Theknowledge, often find themselves tough to get well placed. Theknowledge, often find themselves tough to get well placed. The

    reason for thisreason for thisreason for thisreason for this is the gap between their knowledge and theis the gap between their knowledge and theis the gap between their knowledge and theis the gap between their knowledge and the

    industries requirement.industries requirement.industries requirement.industries requirement. OLIVEOLIVEOLIVEOLIVE EDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONSEDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONSEDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONSEDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONSoffersoffersoffersoffers

    a bridge to fill this gap and makes the students employable througha bridge to fill this gap and makes the students employable througha bridge to fill this gap and makes the students employable througha bridge to fill this gap and makes the students employable through

    the various modules offered by its training division. A wide rangethe various modules offered by its training division. A wide rangethe various modules offered by its training division. A wide rangethe various modules offered by its training division. A wide range

    of programs are beof programs are beof programs are beof programs are being offered for the benefits of the students ining offered for the benefits of the students ining offered for the benefits of the students ining offered for the benefits of the students in

    order to get them selves geared up for the future challenges.order to get them selves geared up for the future challenges.order to get them selves geared up for the future challenges.order to get them selves geared up for the future challenges.

    Equally important are the mentors who shape the future of theseEqually important are the mentors who shape the future of theseEqually important are the mentors who shape the future of theseEqually important are the mentors who shape the future of these

    students. We have programs specifically designed for them too.students. We have programs specifically designed for them too.students. We have programs specifically designed for them too.students. We have programs specifically designed for them too.We request you toWe request you toWe request you toWe request you to fix an appointment at your convenience for fix an appointment at your convenience for fix an appointment at your convenience for fix an appointment at your convenience for

    further talks. further talks. further talks. further talks. Given an opportunity wGiven an opportunity wGiven an opportunity wGiven an opportunity we would love to extend oure would love to extend oure would love to extend oure would love to extend our

    services to your Institution.services to your Institution.services to your Institution.services to your Institution.

    Looking forward to a bright and mutually fruitful relationship.Looking forward to a bright and mutually fruitful relationship.Looking forward to a bright and mutually fruitful relationship.Looking forward to a bright and mutually fruitful relationship.

    With RegardsWith RegardsWith RegardsWith Regards


  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsOffers

    SHAPE YOUR DESTINYSHAPE YOUR DESTINYSHAPE YOUR DESTINYSHAPE YOUR DESTINY- a Personality development programa Personality development programa Personality development programa Personality development program


    To make the learners discover their SELF.

    To make the learners realize the importance of SELF. To inspire the learners to develop their SELF.

    Workshop Plan:

    Morning Session:

    - Defining Self: Individual Task- Identifying Qualities: Individual Task- Great Personalities: Secrets uncovered, Group Task

    Afternoon Session:

    - Super Stars: Sharing experiences, Group Task- Life Motivation, Group Task- Goal Setting

    Total Hours : 6hrs

    Batch Strength : 50*

    Requirements : 1 Hall or a Class room with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Fee / Student : Rs. 200/- or

    Fee / Batch : Rs. 10,000/-

    If the strength exceeds then an additional payment @Rs.200 /Participant has to included

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsOffers

    Job placement preparatory programJob placement preparatory programJob placement preparatory programJob placement preparatory program- Let the jobs hunt for youLet the jobs hunt for youLet the jobs hunt for youLet the jobs hunt for you


    To make the learners aware of job market.

    To make the learners understand the nuances of job hunting. To make the learners realize their true potential. To make the learners prepare their resumes and cover letters. To make the learners understand the importance of company

    research. To create awareness on Networking.

    Workshop Plan:

    Day One :Job market in the present day scenario, Nuances of Job

    Hunting, Identifying job traits.

    Day Two :Resumes: Chronological & Functional, Qualities of a Good


    Cover Letter: Need for a Good Cover Letter

    Day Three :Company Research; Post Research; Networking and its


    Total Hours : 10 hrs (5 hrs / Day)

    Batch Strength : 50.

    Requirements : 1 Hall or a Class room with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Food + Accommodation for the resource person

    Fee / Student : Rs. 600/- or

    Fee / Batch : Rs. 25,000/-

    If the strength exceeds then an additional payment @Rs.600 /Participant has to included

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsOffersTUNING COMMUNICATION SKILLS (TCS))

    - Communicate to winCommunicate to winCommunicate to winCommunicate to winObjective:

    - To create an awareness on the need for- Improving ones communication skills in English.- To motivate the learners to practice LSRW Skills in English.

    Workshop Plan:

    Day One : Motivation & Importance of Communication Skills in


    Day Two :Listening Skills: Activities based on Video Clippings, Audio


    Day Three :Speaking Skills: Speaking Task, Individual and Group


    Day Four :Reading Skills: Reading Task, Individual Level

    Day Five :Writing Skills: Writing Task, Individual and Group Level.

    Total Hours : 5 Days (6 hrs / Day)

    Batch Strength : 50

    Requirements : 1 Hall or a Class room with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Food + Accommodation for the resource person

    Fee / Student : Rs. 500/-

    If the strength exceeds then an additional payment @Rs.500 /Participant has to included

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsOffers


    - aaaa Group Discussion ExperienceGroup Discussion ExperienceGroup Discussion ExperienceGroup Discussion ExperienceOBJECTIVE:

    To introduce Group Discussion: Needs and Types. To provide hand on experience on GD.

    Workshop Plan:

    Morning Session:

    - Ice breaking- Introducing GD: Need for GD and Types.- Rules of GD, Dos and Donts.- GD Demo.

    Afternoon Session:

    - Ice breaking- GD hand on experience- Summing Up

    Total Hours : 6hrs

    Batch Strength : 60.

    Requirements : 1 Hall or a Class room with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Food + Accommodation for the resource person

    Fee / Student : Rs. 200/- or

    Fee / Batch : Rs. 10,000/-

    If the strength exceeds then an additional payment @Rs.200 /Participant has to included

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsOffersSOFTEN UP YOUR SKILLS (SYS)


    This program will help the participants to:

    Become more potential through better understanding of soft skills Stay on Top of professionals by identifying nuances through

    business etiquettes.

    Manage multiple demands, tasks and projects with a proactiveApproach

    Stay on top of Callers by identifying tactics through telephoneetiquettes.

    Workshop Plan:

    Day One : What do we mean by Soft skills?

    Active Listening skill

    Need for Social Grace

    Importance of Leadership skill

    Day Two : Interpersonal Skills

    Business etiquette

    Telephone etiquette

    Total Hours : 2 Days (6 hrs / Day)

    Batch Strength : 50

    Requirements : 1 Hall or a Class room with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Food + Accommodation for the resource person

    Fee / batch : Rs. 10000/-

    If the strength exceeds then an additional payment @Rs.200 /Participant has to included

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsOffersHARDWARE & NETWORKINGObjective:

    - To facilitate the learners to get the knowledge of Hardware andNetworking.

    - To make the learners self sufficient in trouble shooting a system.Workshop Plan:

    Day One : Introduction to HARDWARE & NETWORKING

    Day Two :Hardware Essentials & Network Essentials

    Day Three :Hardware and Network, Interview Tips

    Total Hours : 3 Days (6hrs / Day)Batch Strength : 50.

    Requirements : Computer Lab with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Food + Accommodation for the resource person

    Fee / Student : Rs. 500/- or

    Fee / Batch : Rs. 20,000/-

    If the strength exceeds then an additional payment @Rs.500 /Participant has to included

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsOffersWORKSHOP ON CISCOObjective:

    - To facilitate the learners to get the knowledge of CISCOPROGRAM.

    - To make the learners upgrade their networking knowledge inCISCO environment.

    Workshop Plan:

    Day One : Introduction to CISCO

    Day Two : IP addressing, Sub netting,

    Day Three : V-Lan, VPN, VTP, Switching

    Day Four : Routing

    Day Five : WAN ProtocolsTotal Hours : 5 Days (6 hrs / Day)

    Batch Strength : 50.

    Requirements : Computer Lab with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Food + Accommodation for the resource person

    Fee / Student : Rs. 1000/- or

    Fee / Batch : Rs. 50,000/-

    If the strength exceeds then an additional payment @Rs.1000 /Participant has to included

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationalducationalducationalducational SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutionsOffers


    - To facilitate the learners to get Trained and Face CampusInterview.


    - Five days of Intensive Training and Assurance to participateInterview for an MNC.

    Workshop Plan:

    2 Days: Technical

    1 Day: Company Research, Position Research, Networking, Cover Letter , Resume

    Writing and Interview Preparation

    1 Day: GD

    1 Mock Test cum Mock Interview

    Total Hours : 5 Days (6 hrs / Day)

    Batch Strength : 50.

    Requirements : Computer Lab with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Food + Accommodation for the resource person

    Fee / Student : Rs. 5000/- or

    Fee / Batch : Rs. 2,50,000/-

    If the strength exceeds then an additional payment @Rs.1000 /Participant has to included

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions


    OOOOliveliveliveliveEEEEducationducationducationducationalalalal SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutions

    OffersStress management for teachersStress management for teachersStress management for teachersStress management for teachersOBJECTIVE:

    To introduce and try out Stress Management techniques amongthe teachers.

    To make the teachers feel fresh and make them activecontributors in the growth of the institution.

    Workshop Module

    Morning Session:Getting Started

    Understanding Stress

    Creating a Stress-Reducing Lifestyle

    Altering the Situation

    Avoiding the Situation

    Accepting the Situation

    Afternoon Session:Using Routines to Reduce Stress

    Environmental Relaxation Techniques

    Physical Relaxation Techniques

    Coping with Major Events

    Our Challenge to You

    Total Hours : 8hrs, One DayBatch Strength : 50

    Requirements : 1 Hall or a Class room with LCD & Audio facilities.

    Photocopies of the resource materials.

    Fee / Batch : Rs. 10,000/-

  • 8/8/2019 Olive Educational Solutions




    Plot No: 7, 1st Floor, Subammal Clovis Street,Netaji Nagar, Upplam,Pondicherry 605001,

    Ph: 9578960189 / 8825110200

    E Mail: [email protected]