Olivet Baptist Church Hawaii Dec Newsletter

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Monthly Newsletter for Olivet Baptist Church in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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Page 1: Olivet Baptist Church Hawaii Dec Newsletter

Olivet Prayer Ministry details inside (page 5)

Volume XL

No 12

December 2014


Page 2: Olivet Baptist Church Hawaii Dec Newsletter

Wednesday Night Bible Study

John’s Letters - led by Pastor Tim, co-ed study Deuteronomy: Law of Love - DVD study by Beth

Moore, women’s study Bible in Action - children’s study WEDNESDAY NIGHT SCHEDULE: 5:00pm—Catered Meal (by donation) 6:00pm—Prayer 6:30pm—Bible Study for All Ages


Herb Oshiro

Each month, in case of emergency, prayer concern, or need, there is a deacon available 24 hours a day.

The deacon on call for this month is Herb Oshiro. He can be reached directly at (808) 235-1107.

Announcements 12/6 Tidings of Joy 9:45am at Olivet 12/7 SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING - Following Service 12/7 Merry Widows & friends Support Group - Fellowship 12:30pm at Olivet Lower Auditorium

12/13 Annual WMU Shopping Spree 8am 12/13 Hawaii Baptist Academy Soldiers of Light Concert 6:30pm Olivet Sanctuary 12/14 Senior Adult Christmas Party 11am at Olivet Lower Auditorium 12/14 Children’s Christmas Musical 11am

12/21 Blood Bank of Hawaii Donor Day (Young St. location) Sponsored by Olivet 6am - 2pm 12/21 Choir Cantata 7pm at Olivet 12/24 Christmas Eve Service 7pm at Olivet

Lottie Moon Offering thru month of December Olivet Goal: $14,000 (left) Christmas Cantata 12/21 at 7pm Soup and dessert fellowship following the program (right)

Announcement On December 14, during the 11am Sunday Service, the Olivet children’s choir, led by Lillian Kinoshita, will be performing a Christmas musical, the Christmas Present. Everyone is welcome!

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Contact Information:

Senior Pastor Timothy Morita

Office Phone: 808-946-6505

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.OlivetBaptist.org

Dear Family and Friends, How many of you know that Advent is the beginning of the Church Year for most churches in the Western tradition? It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, which is the Sunday nearest November 30, and ends on Christmas Eve. The celebration of Christmas was not very old when the need for a period of preparation was sensed by the early church. Originally, the season for Advent was forty days – the same as Lent. Then at the beginning of the seventh century, the Western church limited the season to four weeks.

The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ in His First Advent (coming), and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in His Second Advent. It is celebrating the truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ, whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. Our scripture readings for this year’s Advent season will reflect on the Second Advent. It will include themes of the following: *Advent 1: God Molds Us (Isaiah 64.1-9) *Advent 2: God Comforts Us (2 Peter


3.8-15) *Advent 3: God Shows Us the Way (Isaiah 61.1-4, 8-11) *Advent 4: God Gives Us Hope (Luke 1.26-38) While we wait for the Lord’s return, we are to be patient. However, waiting for the Lord’s return does not mean that we forget our responsibility as a people commissioned to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “love your neighbor as yourself.” During this Advent season, celebrate His coming in the flesh at Bethlehem, praise Him for coming into our lives, and look forward to His future coming in glory. So pray, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”


Pastor Tim

Be sure to follow us on social

media for the most up-to-date

information, events, and

outreach opportunities.

Olivet Baptist Church



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Japanese Dept. Schedule

12/7 (Mon) 11::00 a.m. Baptisms for Rieko Shibuya and Taeko Funakoshi 3:00 ~5:30 p.m. Association of Hawaii Japanese Christmas Service at Kalihi Union Church 心に光をクリスマス (カリヒユニオン教会)

12/11 (Thu) 7:00 ~9:00 p.m. Japanese Bible Study at First Baptist Church, Wahiawa ワヒアワ聖書研究

12/13 (Sat) 8:30 Association of Hawaii Japanese Christian Church Trustees’ meeting at Makiki Christian Church ハワイ日本語キリスト教会連合理事会

12/16 (Tue) 9:30 ~ 10:30 a.m. Maluhia Care Home Christmas Program with FBC, Pearl City, Pali View Baptist Church マルヒア ケア ホーム クリスマス慰問プログラム

12/21 (Sun) 9:30 a.m. Christmas Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Special Christmas Event 12:00 p.m. Christmas Potluck Luncheon 12/28 (Sun) 1:00 p.m. Japanese Dept. Cleaning up day

Maki to Watanabe

Japanese Language

Assoc ia te Pastor

Makito Watanabe 渡辺牧人

Japanese Language Pastor

Office: 808-946-6505 Direct: 808-380-7612


[email protected]

Japanese Worship Service: Sunday, 9:30-10:45am

Japanese Sunday School:

11:10am - 12pm

Japan Department R E L A T I O N S H I P S | L I F E |


Merry Christmas! クリスマスおめでとうございます!

We Celebrate the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Luke 2:9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone over

them. They were terribly afraid, 2:10 but the angel said to them, "Don't be afraid! I am here with good news for you, which will bring great joy to all the people. 2:11

This very day in David's town your Savior was born-Christ the Lord! 2:12 And this is what will prove it to you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a

manger." 【TEV】

We welcomed Tokyo Baptist Church (English Speaking) into our Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention at the annual convention meeting at Kihei Baptist Chapel on November 6th. Now we officially have Koza Baptist Church, Okinawa, Yokohama International Baptist Church, and Tokyo Baptist Church in our convention. God is doing something in our convention. I do not know exactly what God is doing with us through this, but I will continue to pray to find out what God is doing with us, so His will may be realized. However, one thing I know is that it is good news because God’s will is to save people from darkness. The shepherds did not know what was happening when an angel of the Lord appeared to them. They were even afraid of what was happening to them, but the message was good news. The message was that salvation had arrived. Jesus was born as the Savior of this world. We can continue to proclaim His grace, love and hope. May you have a wonderful Christmas season with Jesus!

In Christ’s Love and Peace, Makito

Your Japanese Language Pastor

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Preschool Christmas program will be held on

Dec 19 at 10:30am!

Olivet Baptist Preschool 1775 S. Beretania St. Honolulu, HI 96826 (808) 949-7548

This past month, the children of Olivet Baptist Preschool received a special visit from the Honolulu Fire Department as well as the Honolulu Police Department. Children got to meet, ride, and interact with the community service personnel. Even the teachers got to share in the excitement!

A Visit from the Service Men

Olivet Baptist Preschool

Why Pray?

There are many reasons to pray. On November 29, 2014 a group led by Ruth Fujimoto, under the guidance of Jason Hew, started an Olivet Prayer Team. They gathered together on a wet Saturday morning and canvassed the neighborhood. Teams broke up in different directions praying for our church, the community, and the brothers and sisters in our neighborhoods. Ruth says, “The prayer walk turned out to be a blessing for those who came out to walk. We prayed out loud and sometimes silently as we meditated while we walked, but prayed as the Holy Spirit moved us to pray. Some of the prayer walkers talked to people along the way and had a chance for a face to face connection with those in our neighborhood. As we prayed for the Lord to bring peace and blessing over the neighborhood surrounding the church, we as prayer walkers felt a renewed love and closeness for our dear neighbors.” If you feel called to be part of this wonderful ministry, please contact the church office for more information. The next prayer walk is scheduled to be held on Saturday, December 27 at 10am. But why pray? Over the next few months, we will highlight some of the many reasons prayer is important. We would love to hear how prayer is working in your life and we would love to share those stories with our church brothers and sisters. Please send us your stories by email ([email protected]), by mail, or even a hand written note. We want to hear how God is working in your life!

Reason to Pray #1: God's Word Calls Us to Pray We pray because God has commanded us to pray. Where does the Bible call us to prayer? It can be found all throughout the Word. · "Pray for those who persecute you." –Matthew 5:44 · "And when you pray …this, then, is how you should pray …" " –Matthew 6:5-9 · "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." –Romans 12:12 · "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." –Ephesians 6:18 · "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." –Philippians 4:6 · "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." –Colossians 4:2 · "Pray continually" -1 Thessalonians 5:17 · "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone …" -1 Timothy 2:1

Prayer is an act of obedience. God calls us to pray and we must respond.

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Always Loved Never Forgotten




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2014 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Week of Prayer for International Missions

November 30—December 6 Here is an example of how your contributions are helping. Speaking to Hearts in Southeast Asia For the Iron Pea* people, hearing worship songs and Bible stories in their heart language can be a powerful experience. The Iron Peas are a minority people group with many who do not speak the trade language of East Asia. In 2004, IMB missionary Bradford Wotzke,* other missionaries, and national believers began using the “Scripture planting” method with the Iron Peas — and the Gospel has spread among this unreached people.

Scripture planting involves creating and recording biblical resources into the Iron Peas’ language. This includes Bible stories, worship songs and testimonies that they share through a radio program and distribute with MP3 players or worship music DVDs. Before this ministry, if believers wanted to sing praises it had to be in the national language. “It was coming out of their mouths, but not in their heart,” Wotzke said. Now he has seen people with stoic, conservative personalities “get all excited and giddy like a 5-year-old with a box of candy” when they can hear and sing a song in their language. All of these resources are recorded on a $3,500 desktop computer with a fast processer and through a $1,000 audio interface with eight inputs — bought with Lottie Moon Christmas Offering funds. The radio program is broadcast throughout the mountains. In Iron Pea homes and churches, people tune in and gather every night to listen. Iron Pea believers use the resources to evangelize and disciple their own people. The Scripture resources that have impacted so many lives are recorded “all on this equipment right here that cost a lot of money, but that’s paid off in so many ways,” Wotzke said. *Names changed. This year, the Olivet goal will be to collect $14,000.

The Christian Spirit

“Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man, that he didn't, didn't already have.” These lyrics are from a 1974 song called “Tin Man” performed by the band America. It references a character from the movie “The Wizard of Oz” and summarizes the outcome of the Tin Woodman’s journey. In search of a heart he learns that he had one all along. It is my belief that there are many that call themselves Christians that are seeking the Holy Spirit. Even outside of the church there is an increase in people searching for “spiritual” things. After Pentecost Peter delivers a powerful sermon and includes in his conclusion a call to response in Acts 2:38, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Jesus says directly to his disciples in the 14th chapter of John, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” God reveals to us the truth of the gospel of salvation. His grace is offered to us. It is that kindness of God that leads us to repentance. We acknowledge that we are depraved, sinful beings and we need God’s grace. We then turn to Him. Baptism is that proclamation of our faith and commitment to Christ. Our actions are only obedience, not initiative. Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Through our obedience we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. If you have done these things, the Holy Spirit dwells within you. The Holy Spirit teaches you and reminds you of God’s commandments, John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” The Holy Spirit strengthens us and connects us to the Father, Romans 8:26 “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” The Spirit bears good fruit, Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” The Christmas spirit may be around for the holidays, but the Christian Spirit (the Holy Spirit) dwells within us for eternity. Beware brothers and sisters in Christ, for those things that can lead you astray. Do not go searching for the Spirit, for if you have truly repented and committed your life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the Spirit is within you. Instead, recognize the Spirit that dwells within. Stop searching outwardly. Learn more and more everyday to recognize inwardly the Spirit’s direction in our lives. This gift of God is priceless and eternal and one that we will be unwrapping all our lives. -jason

Jason Hew Minister of Outreach & Education

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Olivet Baptist Church Blood Bank Donor Day Olivet Baptist Church, in cooperation with the Blood Bank of Hawaii, will be participating in our first Blood Bank Donor day. On December 21, 2014, from 6am-2pm, time slots will be available to walk or get shuttled over to the Blood Bank on Young St 1 block from the church. A representative from the blood bank will also be available to answer any questions after service on December 7 to ease any fears you may have of donating blood. Here are a few facts you should know about donating blood:

Each whole blood donation can potentially save 3 lives.

An individual with cancer may use up to 8 units of blood platelets per week.

You can donate whole blood every 8 weeks.

1 in 7 people entering a hospital need blood.

The rarest blood types in Hawaii are AB– and B- (both <1% of the population).

An individual in a car accident may use up to 50 units of red blood cells.

For every 10 to 12 pounds of weight, you have 1 pint of blood.

Blood cannot be manufactured; it can only come from volunteer donors.

Blood type O+ is th emost common blood type in Hawaii (39% of the population).

Eligibility to donate: Be in good health, at least 18 years of age (or 17 years with signed, parental consent),

weight at least 110 pounds, and have a valid photo ID with date of birth.

“This was my first time donating because I was always too nervous to donate in the past. After I was done, I realized I was scared for no reason - it didn’t hurt at all! Also, in addition to saving 3 lives, I got ice cream when I was done!” Arielle A.

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Spreading The Christmas Spirit The Christmas season is a wonderful time to spread the love of Christ through giving and serving others. Olivet members continue to share that love we have for our church family, our neighbors, and our community.

There will be many opportunities to spread the love that Christ shared with us with others around us. Here are a few throughout the month of December. Tidings of Joy - For the past 2 Advent Seasons, Olivet members, led by Dean Morihara, have gathered together on the first Saturday of December (12/6) to put together gift baskets of useful household items and distributed them around the neighborhood to share the Good News with those in our community. Anyone can come and help put together baskets, make a donation, or go out and deliver baskets.

The annual Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) Shopping

Spree is on Saturday December 13. What a wonderful time of

ministry to the residents of Oahu Care, Island Nursing Home, and

Artesian Vista, as our Olivet family provides them with the

opportunity to do Christmas shopping for their family and

themselves for free! Anyone can volunteer to be a personal

shopper, entertainment, efficient gift wrappers, or serve

delicious food. All served up with warm smiles, many hugs, and

joyful hearts.

For the first time, there will also be a Blood Bank donor day on

Dec 21. You can be responsible for saving 3 lives! Details on page


For those who enjoy singing, a group of Olivet members gather

together to form a Christmas caroling group, and singing to

many of our home bound seniors and other church family

members. If you are interested in participating, please contact

the church office for more details.

As always, there will also be Oahu Care ministry on Dec 7,

International Student Lunch on Dec 11, and food pantry on

Dec 27.

For additional information, please contact the church office.

An Invitation to Heaven 1:1:1

By Lorna Hu Have you ever waited expectantly for an invitation to a wedding, a birthday party, the prom or even a lunch event—and the invitation never arrived? There were many events in my life that I thought I should’ve been invited to-but the invitation never came. All I remember feeling was disappointment, shame and sadness with the realization that for whatever reason, I wasn’t important enough to obtain that invitation. About a week ago, I met a young woman and we instantly had a connection. She shared some intimate details of her life and I knew at that moment that she needed Jesus. I invited her to attend Olivet with me the following day- Sunday. She was surprised at the invitation and said, “I’ve always wanted to go there—but I didn’t know anyone!” While she accepted the invitation, I committed to pray for her as I wasn’t sure that she would visit. She excitedly showed up to church and brought her daughter for early worship. What was even more amazing was that she returned the same day for second worship and brought her mom. I’m not sure if she will return-but I’m thankful that she accepted the invitation to attend. I have thus covered her with prayers daily with full confidence that she felt the Holy Spirit during the Worship at Olivet & will continue to be open to Jesus’ invitation in her life. We are in the midst of launching our 1:1:1 campaign. We would like for each and every one of you to pray for one person to share the love of Jesus and invite him/her to worship or Sunday School, once a day, at 1:00 pm. Remember this event-is an event to Eternity-an event that should include everyone-a grand celebration in Heaven! May I ask you to begin to pray? Who is the one person that God has placed on your heart? All you need to do is commit to pray for one person, once a day, at one o’clock. You will be amazed and blessed that God has already prepared their heart for that special invitation! 16 Rejoice always; 17 pray without ceasing; 18 in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18New American Standard Bible (NASB)

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Coming Up:

4 5

1 2 3

Tidings of Joy December 6, 2014

9:45am Olivet Baptist Church

WMU Shopping Spree December 13

8am Olivet Baptist Church

Children’s Choir Christmas Musical

December 14 11am Service

Blood Bank Donor Day December 21

6am-2pm Blood Bank, Young St.

Choir Christmas Cantata

December 21 7pm

Olivet Baptist Church

December 24 7PM

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Hannah Tomita Minister of Youth [email protected] Rebecca McGuire Preschool Director [email protected]

Makito Watanabe Japanese Language Pastor [email protected] Jason Hew Minister of Outreach & Education [email protected]

Timothy Morita, Senior Pastor [email protected]

Contact Us Church Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8am-4pm Phone: 808-946-6505 Fax: 808-946-6507 Address: 1775 S. Beretania St Honolulu, HI 96826 Web: www.OlivetBaptist.org Email: [email protected]