OM4Men - Complete Organic Skin Care System for Men

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Natural Skincare for Men | Complete Organic Skin Care System for Men

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Men, and those of you in their lives who make product decisions for them, it is time to get serious about male skin care!

72.8 million baby boomers are waking up, looking in the mirror and saying, “what happened?” Is there something I can do to turn back the hands of time or slow this down? The answer is yes, but it takes just a tiny bit of effort on your part. Introducing:

Organic Male OM4. OM4 is a complete organic skin care system for men. We balance ease with effectiveness to produce noticeable results.


•4color-codedproductsbyskintype–sensitive,oily,normalanddry. •4fastandeasysteps. •4minutesorlesstocomplete. •4menandthegender’sspecificissuesassociatedwithmaleskin.


You be the judge. What if you decided to mix, oil, water, antifreeze, and gas, and use it for every system in your car? Specific products produce specific results, and male skin benefits most from 4.

OM4 Skin Conditioning Program

Step 1: WASH, Step 2: BALANCE, Step 3: BIOACTIVATE, Step 4: DEFEND.

OM4’sskinfastandeffectiveconditioningprogramisdesignedto(1)defertheonsetofprematureaging,and(2)protectyourmostimportantasset - thefaceyouputforwardtotheworldeveryday,andmoreimportantly,howthatfacewillcontinue to look in years to come.

I invite you to learn more about why OM4 is changing the way men think about skin care. We know you will be impressed by our products, and the passion of the OM4 people who serve you. Bottom line is, we care about quality, sustainable organics, the world around us, and most importantly our reason for being, you!

Michae l Bruggeman | founder and ceo, organic Male oM4

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OM4 Difference....04

Company Overview....08

OM4 Innovations....10

Product Recommendations....14

SENSITIVE Collection....16

OILY Collection........22

NORMAL Collection..........28

DRY Collection............34

ENCORE Collection..............40

Shaving Tips....47

Skin Conditioning Programs....48

Product Ingredients....50

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oM4 D I F FerenCeWhatmakesOrganicMaleunique?It’sallinthenumber4.

4 PrODuCTSFormulatingsixteenproductsinfourcolor-codedcollections–Sensitive,Oily,NormalandDrydemonstratesOM4’scommitmenttomaleskincare.Webelievethereisadifferencebetweenshavingandskincareproducts.Wearefirstandforemostasmen’sskincarecompany.Therearefewinstancesinthemen’sgroomingindustrywhereamoisturizerorcleanserdidnotdevelopasanextensionofashavingline,oranadd-ontoawoman’slineinmasculinepackaging.

4 STePS4 steps are about simplicity. So why not three, two, or better yet one step if we are being simplistic? No matter how cliché, balance is everything. In the case of OM4, simplicity is balanced with product efficacy and results. Each OM4 bionutrient is suspended in the most beneficial medium or conduit, and is introduced at the appropriate step for optimal transdermal penetration. Appropriate suspension technology enables the skin to literallydrinkinandretainthebenefitsofearth’smostunadulteratednaturallyoccurringingredients.


4 P r o d u c T S | 4 S T e P S | 4 M i n u T e S | 4 M e n

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4 P r o d u c T S | 4 S T e P S | 4 M i n u T e S | 4 M e n

4 m InuTeS

We know your time is valuable and we believe the four steps have to be fast if you are going to keep using OM4! Your daily routine should not take longer than it takes to comb your hair.


4 men


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oM4 D I F FerenCeAre male and female skin really different?

Key D I F FerenCe 1 :Men’sskinisoilerthanwomen’sskinduetotestosterone.Astestosteronelevelsdecreaseovertime,thedifferenceinoilproductionbetweenmenandwomenlessens,asmennaturallytransitiontodrier/matureskinintheirlate40’sandearly50’s.

Key D I FFerenCe 2 : Despite male skin being oilier, men in fact have smaller sebaceous glands. Since absorption occurs primarily through the sebaceous glands, differing rates of permeation must be factored into product formulation. The medium in which to suspend each bionutirent, must be carefully considered..Key D I FFerenCe 3 :Men’sskinis20%-30%thickerthanwomen’sskin.Therefore,maleskiningeneral,tendstobemoreage-defiant.A key challenge is to factor slower rates of absorption into product formulation to ensure proper skin nutrition and care.

Key D I FFerenCe 4 : Higher oil production gives rise to a series of male skin conditions which must also be addressed in product development. Blemishes, acne, large pores and ingrown hair require advanced formulation. Targeted ingredients are incorporated to build “preventive skin maintenance” into each OM4 product.

Key D I FFerenCe 5 : Male skin is more sensitive than female skin for several reasons: •Historically,men’sskinhasbeenmoreexposedtothedamagingeffectsoftheenvironment. •Dailyshavingweakenstheacidmantel,thehydrolipidicfilm,negativelyimpactinglubricationandskinsnaturalprotectivesystem. •Shavingcancause,cuts,nicks,razorburnand/orPFB(PseudofolliculitisBarbae)orrazorbumps.OM’4’spHBalancerscontaincalming,antibacterialandhealingbotanicalswhichhelpaddresssensitivity.

Key D I FFerenCe 6 :Men’sskinagesdifferentlythanwomen’sskin.Maleskinbecomesgraduallythinnerwithage,about1%peryear,as opposed to female skin which changes texture and color due to decreasing amounts of estrogen.

Key D I FFerenCe 7 : Numerous clinical studies triangulate the fact that men experience higher incidences of skin cancer as compared to women. Melanoma of the head, ears, face and neck are only second to melanoma of the upper back in men. Sun Screen is important.

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are MALE and FEMALE SKin really differenT?


Shaving stresses male skin, giving rise to a series of razor related skin conditions.

Despite smaller sabaceous glands,men’sskintendstobeoilierthanwomen’s.

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coMPany OVerV IeWOrganicMaleOM4isacomplete,type-specific,organicskincaresystemformen.23productsaddresstheneedsofsensitive,oily,normalanddrymaleskin.Preciseformulationsoffoodgradenatural,andwheneverpossibleorganicandbiodynamicbotanicals,yieldOM4’sdistinctiveresults.OM4doesnotuseharmfulchemicals,parabens,SodiumLaurylSulfate,additives,andalessthan1%preservationsystem(asnaturallyoccurringaspossible)toensureaminimumshelflifeof18months.OM4benchmarksagainstWholeFoodsPremiumStandards-listofacceptableingredients.Wedonottestonanimals.Wearefairtrade,eco-friendlyandworldconscious.

oM4 mISS IOnAt OM4, we realize your first best impression is your skin. We are dedicated to bringing you the highest quality biodynamic and naturally occurring skin food to help you look and feel your best, at any age. We believe the science of skin care exists within nature and requires minimal human intervention. We take care in extracting each ingredient in its purest, most active state, and sustainably transitioning it to a finished product in harmony with the environment. Each OM4 product is “microblended” in small batches in our Pacific Northwest labs in line withourphilosophy--stayingconnectedwith,andcontinuouslyevolving,everyproductandeveryservice,everyday.

oM4 V I S IOnOrganicMaleOM4isthechoicefororganicmen’sskincareworldwide.

oM4 VaLueSIntegrityofingredientselectionandcare,businesspracticesandourpromise–tounderstandeachcustomer’suniqueneedsandcontributetotheir confidence, results, happiness and success.

Environmental Harmony describesourapproachtoOM4’ssustainablesupplychain,formulation,manufacturing,distributionandrecycling processes.

Continuous Learning and Improvement speakstoourcommitmenttoqualityineverythingwedo,evolvingstate-of-the-arttechnologies,andrelentless research and formula development. Learning also implies an inherent duty to share knowledge of what we learn with our clients to help them make healthy choices for their skin. Personal Connection means neverlosingsiteofthereasonwhywe’rehere.You!

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oM4 InnOVaT IOnSSerum Innovations -Cleansers,toners/aftershavesandmoisturizersarefamiliarmen’sproducts.ThedesignteamofOrganicMalebelievedthemissinglinkwasthethirdandmostimportantstep–Bioactivate.Serumspenetratethedeepestlevelsoftheepidermistonourishandpotentiatecellularrepairfromtheinsideout.Thisismadepossiblethroughthecompany’sadvancedsuspensiontechnology.OM4’sbioactiveserumssuspendpotentantioxidants,vitaminsandanti-agingbotanicals inamediumwhichpermeates inawaymoisturizersandproductsofotherviscositiessimplycannot.SerumefficacyisalsoattributedtoOM4’ssignatureOmega 3 Antioxidant Blend, an ingredient which makes its wayfromdownundertoOrganicMale’sUSlabs.Inclinicallydocumentedstudies,thepreciseblendingoftheworld’smostconcentratedsourceofall-naturalomega-3s-NewZealandGreenlipMusselOil,withSouthIslandSauvignonBlancGrapeSeedHuskExtract,createsanactiveofunsurpassedantioxidantandanti-inflammatoryvalue.AcommonmeasureofantioxidantpotencyistheORAC(OxygenRadicalAbsorptionCapacity)scale.OM4’sOmega3AntioxidantBlendmeasures12,000unitspergramascomparedtothenextclosestinvalue,theAcaiBerryat3,800unitspergram,morethan3timesmoreeffective.*

Omega-3 SOurCe anTI-InFLammaTOry VaLue green lipped Mussel oil 79.00 Potencyfish oil 0.50 PotencySalmon oil 0.32 Potencyevening Primrose oil 0.25 Potencyflax oil 0.20 Potency

SuPerFruITS - 1 gram OraC VaLuegrape Seed husk extract 12,000 units / gramacai Berry 3,800 units / gramMangosteen 3,120 units / gramgoji Berry 253 units / gramPomegranate 105 units / gram

* certificate of analysis completed by asureQuality, december 24, 2008 reference number: 971702-1; www.asurequality.com

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Vitamin C Innovations-OM4VitaminCformulationsaresuperiortomostCproductsonthemarket,duetoouruseofauniquelystabilizedingredientcalledStayC-50.StayC-50isawatersolublesaltformofSodiumAscorbylPhosphate,whichiseasilybioconvertedtoVitaminCbyskinenzymes.AcomprehensiveVitaminCprogramcanhelppreventphotoagingandtheonsetofmoreseriousskinconditions-pigmentation,the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, and in extreme cases, skin cancer.

Sunscreens are also important, but cannot do it alone.

TopicalVitaminCprovidesuptoeighttimestheskin’snaturalprotectionfromUVdamage.VitaminCcannotbestoredinthebody,andmustbereintroducedonadailybasis.AnampledosageofStayC50issuspendedineachOM4serum,amediumwhichdeeplypenetratestheepidermistofeedandnourishfromtheinsideout.StayC50helpsprotectagainstoxidativedamage--lossoftexture,elasticityandthenaturalmasculineradiance of healthy skin.

Water Innovations –OM4usesStructureMicro-CrystallizedWater (Aqua) inall formulations, a uniquedual processwater technology forpurifying and organizing water molecules into hexagonally structured, crystalline forms that deeply penetrate and hydrate at a cellular level. Step one purifies the water via reverse osmosis. Step two involves magnetically creating a powerful and visible vortex which increases the oxygen contentofthewaterbyupto30%.Oxygenatedwaterentersthecellsviamoleculartransferandbringswithitauniquebioavailablemineralcoreof tourmaline, coral, calcium, zinc, lithium, and a host of other beneficial minerals which nourish the skin.

Oily Skin Cleansing Innovations - Richmineral clays,aloeand the saponifiedoils of coconut, sunflowerand castor seedarewhipped tocreateagentlegreenclaycleansingmoussedesignedexclusivelyforoilymaleskin.Greenclaysgentlyexfoliateandabsorbexcessoilwhilethe botanical blend of Eucalyptus, Echinacea, Tea Tree, White Willow Bark, Lavender and Dandelion regulates sebum production and protects againstbreakouts.VitaminAnormalizesandstimulatescollagenproductionforahealthycleancomplexion.ThereisnooilycleanserlikeOM4’sGreenClayClarifyingCleanseronthemarket!

Each OM4 product is thoughtfully researched, and precise combinations of unique bionutrients are microblended into whole skin foods for advanced nutrition and repair.

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mICrOBLenDeD Sk In Care™The reason micro brewed beers have such an appeal is largely a matter of taste. Of course a somewhat quirky and genuinely passionate brewmaster also adds to the lore and intrigue of a brand. Our lab, much like a microbrewery is dedicated to quality and transitioning the purest bioactive raw ingredients into potent skin food for men. OM4, like the finest Belgian ale, is microblended with care and attention to detail. Blending in small batches in lieu of mass production gives the chemist the rare opportunity to interact directly with the lot. The ingredients arefresh--locallysourced,whenpossible,andinternationallysecuredwhenonlyahighlyspecificingredientwillyieldthedesiredresult.Ourmost loyalcustomersnoteslightvariations inproductasMotherNaturesubtly,andnot-so-subtly, influences theripeningof the ingredientswhich ultimately translate into the products you pull from the shelf. While these variations are within control limits, it simply speaks to the fact that if you demand quality and search for only the most nutritious raw ingredients, there will be inevitable nuances from batch to batch. Wild harvested natural, and whenever possible, organically or biodynamically farmed ingredients are different from precision manufactured synthetics. Fortunately, the earth just does not work that way. The impact of the elements, the condition of the soil, the variation in blend of tomatoes-perhapsmoreredsthanyellows,aretherawmaterialswithwhichourhighlyexperiencedformulatorscraftpotent,regenerativewhole foods for your skin. Read more about the bioactive properties of our ingredients and their origins www.OM4men.com.

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PrODuCT r ecoMMendaT ionSOrganic Male is designed to be easy. No hieroglyphics or secret decoder rings to figure it out. Simply select your skin type and select one of OrganicMale’scolor-codedfourstepskincaresystems.Whenindoubt,sensitiveskinisalwaysagoodchoice,especiallyifyoushavemanually.

SenSITIVe collecTion formenpronetoskinirritation,burningandredness.Effectiveforshaving-relatedskinconditionsandrosacea.

OILy collecTion effective for men who develop oily skin and shine throughout the day. Also suggested for blemishedskinandacneorothersebum-relatedskinconditions.

nOrmaL collecTion suggested for men who have clear, non greasy skin. Also recommended for combination skin–oilyTzone(noseandforehead).

Dry collecTion is appropriate for men who experience dry, patchy or flaking skin. Our dry collection is alsoeffectiveforsun-damagedandmatureskinneedingextrahydrationandbrightening.

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enCOre collecTionisaseriesofsupplementalproductsdesignedtoprovideintenseanti-agingsolutionsforspecificissues/conditionsassociatedwithmaleskinandthepreventionofprematureaging.EnjoytheseuniqueproductstoaugmenttheeffectivenessofOM4’scoreskincaresystem.

SOOTHINGHERBALSHAVINGEMULSION •Protectsagainstskinbarrierdamage •Softensandsoothesskinpriortoshaving •Healsandcalmsshaving-relatedsensitivity

CITRUSBAMBOORESURFACINGSCRUB •Exfoliatesdry,deadandflakyskin •Refinesfinelines •Brightensthecomplexion •Clearsporestopreventingrownhairsand maximize serum and moisturizer penetration

RADICAL FINE LINE ERASER •Coolingeyegel •Reducespuffinessanddarkcircles •Minimizesfinelines

EyEBRIGHTAGEDEFyINGMOISTURIZECOMPLEx •Eyecreamtoreducefinelines •Nightapplicationormoisturerichdaycream •Deeplyhydrates

HEALINGHERBALANTIFUNGALFOOT TREATMENT •Soothingfootmoisturizer •Antifungal •Athletesfootprevention

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TheSensitiveSkinCollectionderivesessentialactiveingredientsfromthewater,theworld’soceansandseas.Active phyto nutrients in marine based botanicals are especially beneficial to sensitive skin. Steeped in ocean marine ingredients, and exotic green tea, the Sensitive Collection is formulated, specifically, to calm and soothe male skin.


n Spirulina n Ocean Mineral Concentrate n Kelp n Chamomile n Dulse n Red Seaweed n GreenTea n Irish Moss


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This soothing antioxidant- and mineral-rich cleanser is specifically designed for men who experience razor burn and other skin irritations. green Tea, irish Moss, Marine Phytoplanktin, red algae and Kelp combine to seek and destroy free radicals while providing essential nutrients--naturally occurring vitamins, amino acids and rare trace elements which increase cellular energy transmission and repair.

Product size: 150 ml / 5.072 fl. oz.

GREENTEA - antioxidant, soothing, anti-inflammatory.

OCEANMINERALCOMPLEx - proprietary blend of over 92 ocean minerals which revitalize tired and compromised skin structures.

DULSE - red algae, seaweed with emollient and moisturizing properties.

ROSEHIP OIL - miracle anti-aging oil. heals skin irritations and calms sensitivity.

SWEET ALMOND OIL - relieves itchiness, irritation and softens skin.



VitaminE-anti-inflammato-ry, antioxidant, emollient.

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a soothing aftershave/after cleansing toner designed exclusively for male sensitive skin. gotu Kola, rosehip and chamomile are scientifically blended with our ocean Mineral concentrate and proprietary Marine Super food complexTM to protect, soothe and heal environmentally stressed skin. Soothing ocean Mineral Splash actively reduces inflammation, redness, blemishes and burns. excellent solution for male rosacea.

Product size: 125 ml / 4.227 fl. oz.

WITCHHAZEL- reduces inflammation and redness. calms chapped or irritated skin.

GREEN TEA - soothing anti-inflammatory, anti-aging agent. contains polyphenols and catechins - potent anti-oxidants.

OCEANMINERALCOMPLEx - proprietary blend of over 92 ocean minerals which revi-talize tired and compromised skin structures.

KELP - soothes burns and rashes. rich in iodine, trace minerals and vitamins.




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infuse your skin with marine phytonutrients and a powerhouse blend of vitamin a, B, c, and coenzyme Q10. Spirulina, a source of gamma-linolenic acid (gla), stimulates the intracellular synthesis of aTP and matrix proteins. Vitamin a normalizes and stimulates collagen production for a healthy clean complexion. This calming and nourishing serum penetrates deeply to literally feed the skin and prevent premature aging. also effective in the treatment and management of rosacea.

Product size: 30 ml / 1.014 fl. oz.

VITAMIN B - penetrates the lower epidermis to deeply moisturize, improve texture and treat the skin.

STAyC50 - increases collagen production, reduces fine lines and protects against uVa/uVB damage.

COQ10 - nature’s immune booster. Protects againt environmental damage and premature aging.

OMEGA3PROPRIETARyANTIOxIDANTBLEND - increases cellular energy and repair, and softens the skin. orac value 12,000 units/gram.





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guard and protect your skin from the impacts of stress and the environment with this soothing blend of essential botanicals from land and sea. Kelp and Jojoba, ingredients which most closely mimic the plasma content of the human body and sebum of the skin, are suspended in hexagonally structured water, which is instantly absorbed leaving the skin highly moisturized without heaviness. linden, high in flavonoids and tannin, acts as an astringent, reducing inflammation and redness, leaving the skin firm, soft and smooth. also recommended for rosacea.

Product size: 100 ml / 3.381 fl. oz.

SPIRULINA - blue-green algae, packed with phytonutrients. Spirulina is 60% all-vegetable protein, rich in beta-carotene, iron, vitamin B-12 and gamma linoleic acid (gla).

JOJOBA OIL - emollient high in Vitamin e.

SHEA BUTTER - therapeutic emollient. Protects the skin from the elements, sun and photo aging. eliminates superficial irritations and common skin conditions.

SWEET ALMOND OIL - relieves itchiness, irritation and softens skin.

CHAMOMILE - reduces inflammation and redness. Soothes and softens the skin.



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The Oily Skin Collection derives essential active ingredients from botanicals that are easily detected in the air. Eucalyptus, lavender, willow and a host of highly effective ingredients, are meticulously formulated to address the unique issues associated with male oily skin. The Oily collection is designed to thoroughly cleanse, regulate oilproduction,deeplynourish,lightlymoisturizeandpreventsebum-relatedskinconditions.


n Eucalyptus n Violet n Lavender n White Willow Bark n Dandelion n Echinacea n Tea Tree


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rich mineral clays and a light aromatherapy botanical blend are whipped to create a gentle cleansing mousse designed exclusively for oily male skin. eucalyptus, echinacea, Tea Tree, White Willow Bark, lavender and dandelion regulate sebum production and protect against breakouts. contrary to belief, over cleansing stimulates increased oil production, giving rise to blemished, and in some cases, acneic skin. Spirulina is a source of gamma-linolenic acid (gla), which stimulates the intracellular synthesis of aTP and matrix proteins. Vitamin a normalizes and stimulates collagen production for a healthy clean complexion.

also effective for the treatment and prevention of acne.

Product size: 150 ml / 5.072 fl. oz.

KAOLIN - mineral clay which absorbs oils and stimulates circulation.

EUCALYPTUS - antiseptic, antimicrobial. cools and soothes the skin.

WHITEWILLOWBARk-SALIxALBA - natural exfoliant found in the leaves of Wintergreen and bark of Sweet Birch. antiseptic and astringent.

COCONUT OIL - antibacterial, antifungal, easily absorbed emollient. high antioxidant skin softener.

VIOLET - soothing antiseptic. rich in vitamins a and d.

TEA TREE OIL - popular world-wide for its highly medicinal properties, including the treatment of: acne, burns, rashes, skin immune deficiencies and sebum regulation for oily skin.

ECHINACEA - astringent, bitter herb which helps regulate sebum production and normalizes the skin.






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oily male skin is particularly susceptible to breakouts and acne. after shave/after cleansing toning is doubly important in balancing the skin’s natural ph. White Willow Bark, Violet, and dandelion extracts are combined to create a potent antiseptic and antibacterial tonic to help to keep pores clear of accumulated debris. Tea Tree oil actively fights blemishes and acne.

Product size: 125 ml / 4.227 fl. oz.

WITCHHAZEL - reduces inflammation, redness. calms chapped or irritated skin.

LAVENDER - antiseptic, antibacterial that calms and soothes the skin.

COLLODIAL SILVER - powerful healing agent and natural antibiotic.

DANDELION - highly revered antioxidant which reduces cellular and dna entropy. Skin clarifier useful in acne prevention.



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drench your skin with bio active nutrients. rosehip, horsetail, chamomile and violet are blended in precise proportion to achieve a smooth and clear complexion. a daily dosage of Vitamins a, B, c, and co enzyme Q10 heals and protects the skin from stresses of everyday life. don’t forget, serum application is the most important step in preventing pre-mature aging and maintaining a masculine, age-defiant complexion.

Product size: 30 ml / 1.014 fl. oz.

VITAMIN B - penetrates the lower epidermis to deeply moisturize, improve texture and treat the skin.

STAyC50 - increases collagen production, reduces fine lines and protects against uVa/uVB damage.

COQ10 - nature’s immune booster. Protects againt environmental damage and premature aging.

OMEGA3PROPRIETARyANTIOxIDANTBLEND - increases cellular energy and repair, and softens the skin. orac value 12,000 units/gram.




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oily skin requires a moisturizer which is precisely formulated to regulate sebum production, correct ph, nourish and protect the epidermis and absorb quickly. Weightless equalizing Moisture complex packs the best ingredients into an aloe and jojoba amalgamation which penetrates deeply, leaving an invisible, ultra-light, protective matte finish. Shiny skin and a greasy feel just won’t do.

The perfect solution for all oil-related skin conditions, including breakouts, ingrown hair, blemishes and acne.

Product size: 100 ml / 3.381 fl. oz.

ALOE - heals and soothes skin. effective against acne. used medicinally for thousands of years.

JOJOBA OIL - emollient high in Vitamin e. Mimics the skin’s natural sebum for superior uptake and absorption.

TEA TREE OIL - popular world-wide for its highly medicinal properties, including the treatment of: acne, burns, rashes, skin immune deficiencies and sebum regulation for oily skin.

ECHINACEA - astringent, bitter herb which helps regulate sebum production and normalizes the skin.




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TheNormal/CombinationSkinCollectioncombinesmineral-rich,antioxidant-packedberries,grainsandwineextracts from across the Oregon vineyards and agricultural landscape. These earthy botanicals provide a solid foundation for normal male skin nutrition. Rich in polyphenols, the Normal Skin Collection defers the onset of fine lines and minimizes large pores. Designed for men with normal/combination skin.


n Acai n Alfalfa n OregonGrape n White and Red Wine Polyphenols n Red Raspberry n Pomegranate


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fields of red raspberries, Wild cherry, alfalfa, oats, and the Vineyards of the Willamette Valley are common sights across the oregon landscape. These ingredients are carefully harvested and “microblended” into a fine Belgian ale for the skin. oats are high in amino acids, and are effective in soothing and cleansing the epidermis. oregon grape and orchard fruits minimize fine lines and stimulate cellular activity. cheers to healthy, younger looking skin.

Product size: 150 ml / 5 fl. oz.

RED RASPBERRY - antioxidant, astringent, anti-irritant.

OAT - natural antioxidant and emollient. Soothes the skin while improving elasticity.

OREGONGRAPE - used to prevent disorders which originate below the skin surface--eczema, flakiness, chapped skin, irritations and other skin conditions.

CALENDULA - effective astringent and cleanser. calms and hydrates the skin.

WILD CHERRY - antioxidant rich. Minimizes fine lines and pores.




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Blueberry, Pomegranate and Witch hazel are key actives in this cooling, anti-inflammatory and regenerative toner. Wild cherry, red raspberry and wine extracts protect, firm and resurface the skin texture leaving a smooth and lively appearance.

Product size: 125 ml / 4.227 fl. oz.

POMEGRANATE - improves skin elasticity and protects against free-radical damage.

WITCHHAZEL - reduces inflammation, redness. calms chapped or irritated skin.

BLUEBERRY - high in anthocyanins - purple-red hued antioxidants that give blueberries their distinctive color. fights premature aging, and won’t turn you smurf blue.

OREGONGRAPE - used to prevent disorders which originate below the skin surface--eczema, flakiness, chapped skin, irritations and other skin conditions.



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allow your skin to drink the benefits of oregon grape, and red Wine extracts. grape seeds and skins are rich in polyphenols—powerful anti-aging, antioxidant agents, and resveratrol—a substance which increases the production of protein SirT1, known to slow the natural aging process, protect against dna damage and cellular entropy. Wine extracts also reduce inflammation and protect against damaging environmental impacts.

Product size: 30 ml / 1.014 fl. oz.

VITAMIN B - penetrates the lower epidermis to deeply moisturize, improve texture and treat the skin.

STAyC50 - increases collagen production, reduces fine lines and protects against uVa/uVB damage.

COQ10 - nature’s immune booster. Protects againt environmental damage and premature aging.

OMEGA3PROPRIETARyANTIOxIDANTBLEND - increases cellular energy and repair, and softens the skin. orac value 12,000 units/gram.




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The composition of male skin is unique. endurance Moisturizing complex is our signature microblend of the most nutritional, healing and protective ingredients known to man. Jojoba oil, aloe, vitamin a and c are frothed into a light, instantly absorbing moisturizer. Packed with restorative micronutrients found in alfalfa, wine and vines, endurance Moisturizing complex is one product you will never want to do without.

Product size: 100 ml / 3.381 fl. oz.

REDWINE ExTRACTS - rich in polyphenols, antioxidants and resveratrol—a substance which increases the production of protein SirT1, known to slow the natural aging process, protect against dna damage and cellular entropy.

SAFFLOWER OIL - an emollient high in oleic acid. nourishes, protects and firms.

ALFALFA - astringent, protectant that is high in amino acids. improves skin texture.

RED RASPBERRY - antioxidant, astringent, anti-irritant.



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TheDrySkinCollection combines hydrovitalizing ingredients fromdesert – succulent anddrought tolerantbotanicals capable of withstanding the fiery heat of the sun. Highly adaptive, these desert plants have evolved complex moisture retention systems which allow them to thrive in the most unforgiving environments. Oxygenating ingredients are also microblended to revitalize and detoxify thirsty and mature skin.


n Cactus n Sage n Yucca n Ginger n Desert Licorice n Aloe n Desert Chaparral n Stonecrop


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Men with dry and/or mature skin require added hydration without residual oil or heaviness. not surprisingly, the most naturally moisturizing botanicals are found across the desert landscape. cactus prevents epidermal moisture loss while yucca gently cleanses the skin. calendula is blended into a silky cleansing concentrate that effectively removes dirt and debris without stripping the skin of essential oils. Sage and desert chaparral reduce inflammation and heal stressed, thirsty skin.

note: ginger is a natural ingredient which stimulates cellular oxygenation. you will note a slight tingling/heating effect which may cause slight redness up to 15 minutes. This is the intended effect and should be considered normal. your skin is not being burned. The heat will slowly dissipate leaving a noticeably vibrant healthy complexion.

Product size: 150 ml / 5.072 fl. oz.

YUCCA - mild cleansing properties, anti-inflammatory.

STONEROOT - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, skin repair.

SAGE - astringent, cleanser, anti-inflammatory.

CACTUS - improves moisture retention at the deepest epidermal layers and immediately softens the skin.



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a hydrating and soothing ph balancer. desert licorice contains glabridin, a brightening and whitening agent which suppresses the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin discoloration. in addition to thier moisture retention and hydrating properties, Sage and Sandalwood have a powerful aromatherapy effect, alleviating stress and fatigue while energizing the mind, body and spirit.

Product size: 125 ml / 4.227 fl. oz.

DESERT CHAPARRAL - heals a wide range of skin conditions, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory.

SAW PALMETTO - skin conditioner, anti-inflammatory. heals skin irritations.

WITCHHAZEL - reduces inflammation, redness. calms chapped or irritated skin.

CINNAMON - astringent with stimulating and firming properties.



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Bathe your skin in moisture-rich desert botanicals, vitamins a, B, c and aloe. This hydrovitalizing youth serum contains horsetail, which strengthens capillary walls, and desert licorice and Stoneroot, potent cellular repair and skin brightening agents. naturally harvested new Zealand green lipped Mussel, suspended in sauvignon blanc grape seed extract, is then precisely microblended to provide the earth’s preeminent source of omega-3s as measured by the orac scale.

Product size: 30 ml / 1.014 fl. oz.

VITAMIN B - penetrates the lower epidermis to deeply moisturize, improve texture and treat the skin.

STAyC50 - increases collagen production, reduces fine lines and protects against uVa/uVB damage.

COQ10 - nature’s immune booster. Protects againt environmental damage and premature aging.

OMEGA3PROPRIETARyANTIOxIDANTBLEND - increases cellular energy and repair, and softens the skin. orac value 12,000 units/gram.




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Saw Palmetto, calendula and Jojoba oil are microblended with hydrating and healing desert botanicals – cactus, yucca, desert chaparral, Sage and a hint of ginger to increase cellular oxygenation. your skin will be bright, vibrant and perfectly moisturized without feeling greasy.

Product size: 100 ml / 3.381 fl. oz.

CALENDULA - antiseptic. heals and soothes chapped, dry skin.

LICORICE - contains glabridin, a brightening agent which suppresses the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin discoloration.

DESERT ROSE ABSOLUTE - soothes, tones and restores moisture to dry skin.

SEA BUCKTHORN OIL - unsurpassed natural source of vitamin a and e, carotenes and flavonoids. nourishes and effectively combats wrinkles, dryness, and other symptoms of prematurely aging skin.



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The ENCORECollectionisaseriesofsupplementalproductsdesignedtoprovideintenseanti-agingsolutionsfor specific issues/conditions associated with male skin and the prevention of premature aging. Enjoy these uniqueproductstoaugmenttheeffectivenessofOM4’scoreskincaresystem.

In the ENCORE Collection, proprietary botanical actives from each of the four core product collections are mecroblended™ to create highly effective problem specific solutions for all skin types.


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coltsfoot, cactus and Prickly ash are microblended into a protective, soothing lotion which is applied to the skin before shaving. Peppermint and lavender invigorate the senses, while Stoneroot and comfrey immediately soothe razor burn and heal skin irritation.

Product size: 150 ml / 5.072 fl. oz.

COLTSFOOT - soothes, heals and conditions the skin. high in the amino acids – cystine and silica.

PRICKLY ASH - detoxifying and healing agent. increases circulation and lymphatic activity.

COMFREY - known for anti-scarring and soothing properties. heals cuts and nicks.

TAMANU OIL - a remarkable topical healing agent -antimicrobial, antibiotic and antioxidant.




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dry feet and athlete’s foot are common conditions among active men. This unique moisturizing, antifungal foot cream is the perfect solution for both skin softening and athlete’s foot prevention.

Product size: 150 ml / 5.072 fl. oz.

LAVENDER - antiseptic, antibacterial that calms and soothes the skin.

PAUD’ARCO - retrieved from the inner bark of the Taheebo tree. antifungal, actively fights yeast infections.

BLACK WALNUT - antifungal, antiparasitic, antibacterial.

GOLDENSEAL - contains Berberine, having potent antifungal properties.

CALENDULA - highly moisturizing, antifungal, anti-inflammatory.




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evening eye hydration dramatically reduces eye puffiness and dark circles upon waking. eyebright, elderflower, acai and cucumber reduce inflammation while oxygenating and lifting the skin. Kukui nut and Jojoba oils are blended to deeply hydrate and rejuvenate. Botanicals from each of our four skin type specific proprietary blends are added to this potent bioactive eye cream, making for an amazing and lengthy list of ingredients. But, don’t let all that content scare you. This action-packed, comprehensive eye cream that will work its magic while you sleep.

Product size: 30 ml / 1.014 fl. oz.

EyEBRIGHT - anti-inflammatory, astringent. reduces puffiness and restores brightness to the eye contour area.

KAKUI NUT OIL - luxurious, highly absorbent emollient. used by Polynesians to prevent sun damage.

FENNEL - natural cleanser and detoxifier. improves skin tone.

KIWI - potent fruit acid high in Vitamin c. improves fine lines and minimizes pores.




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daytime eye protection is important in preventing fine lines. Minimize the signs of premature aging, and address common concerns associated with eye fatigue. eyebright, fennel, Silk Protein amino acids and rosehip oil protect, defend and help you look your best at any age. Botanicals from each of the four skin type specific proprietary blends are added making for an amazing and lengthy list of ingredients. But, don’t let all that content scare you. This comprehensive bioactive eye hydration gel is designed for daytime use and to work as hard as you do.

Product size: 150 ml / 5.072 fl. oz.

FENNEL - natural cleanser and detoxifier. reduces water retention and improves skin tone.

REISHI - detoxifies and boosts skin immunity.

SILK PROTEINS AMINO ACID BLEND - amino acids found in elastin and collagen. dramatically increases moisture while visibly reducing fine lines.

CUCUMBER - soothes, tones and tightens skin. locks in moisture.

ACAI - antiaging berry. high in antioxidants, omega 6 and 9, calcium and iron.





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exfoliation is an essential step in men’s skin care. ingrown hair, large pores and other male skin conditions are positively impacted by spending only 60 seconds exfoliating, bi-weekly. The regenerative properties of Tangerine detoxify and potentiate the formation of collagen and stimulate cellular repair. fruit acids are microbelnded with exotic hibiscus, neroli, Jojoba Beads and Bamboo to produce an amazing resurfacing agent that will turn back the hands of time. Bring your skin back to life by gently removing dull, dead epidermal cells uncovering a youthful new skin layer which readily absorbs and benefits from your oM4 core product system.

Product size: 100 ml / 3.381 fl. oz.

NEROLI - aromatic, antiseptic and skin toner. calms, soothes and normalizes skin.

BAMBOO - high in silica, a gentle exfoliating fiber.

HIBISCUS - high in antioxidants. exfoliant and anti-inflammatory.

TANGERINE - energizing and uplifting astringent. heals. detoxifies and tones.

ACAI - antiaging properties. high in antioxidants, omega 6 and 9, calcium and iron.



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ShaV ing T I PSThere are many opinions on male shaving methods. At OM4 we have done considerable research to identify best practice in daily shaving techniques. The following steps are a suggested guideline for superior shaving results. You may have developed alternative approaches to your shave and are always advised to do what works best for your specific needs.

Step 1: Hydrate Beard Growth - This is best done by showering andcleansing the face. The natural steam of the shower combined with the Organic Male cleanser for your skin type is a winning combination for softening the beard and preparing to shave. Remain in the shower at least three minutes to allow pores to fully open and beard to soften.

Step 2:LubricatetheFace-ApplyOrganicMale’sSoothingHerbalShavingEmulsion,acalmingorganic,alcohol-freesolutionmicroblendedspecificallytofurthersoftenthebeard and create a microscopic layer of protection against surface barrier damage. If you prefer to cleanse after shaving allow three minutes for shaving emulsion to prepare the skin. Shave in the shower when possible for optimal results.

Step 3: Gowith Flow - Start with a sharp blade and gently stroke in the direction ofyour beard growth. For best results pull the skin taught before each stroke. Rinse your razor frequently. If a closer shave is desired, stroke against the grain. If your skin is at all sensitive, apply a second layer of Soothing Herbal Shaving Emulsion before shaving against your natural hair growth. In general, it is important to be precise and use a few strokes as possible. Use particular caution while shaving within the vicinity of the chin and lips to avoid nicks and cuts.

Step 4:RinseandFinish-Rinseyourskinthoroughlywithwarmwatertoremoveresidualshavingproductsand debris. Finally, splash the face with cool water to close the pores before finishing your skin conditioning program–asplashpHBalanceregulatestheskinandcalmspost-shavingskinirritation,finishwiththe serum and moisturizer designed for your skin type to prevent premature aging and achieve healthy and great feeling skin.

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SK in cond i T ion ing PrOgramSDailyandWeeklyPrograms-Thetermscardiovascularfitness,endurance,andstrengthtrainingaremorefamiliarthanskinconditioning.Optimalskin health is a result of sound nutrition both in terms of what you eat and the amount of water you drink, as well as, the products you apply to, or massage into, your skin.

Da I Ly COnD I T IOn Ing P rograM Step 1: Wash.OM4’scleansersareformulated,byskintype,toremoveharmfulpollutantsandpreparetheskinfornutrientabsorptionandcare.Squeeze a quarter size amount into your palm and massage over face and neck. For best results use an Organic Male Micro Fiber Cleansing ClothorSoftBristleBrushtocompletelyremovedebrisandpreventingrownhairs.Thoroughlyrinseafter60seconds.Cleansingmaybedonebefore or after shaving. Research indicates manual shaving is most effectively accomplished after showering and cleansing. This allows the cleanserandshowersteamtosoftenthebeard,thusminimizingshaving-relatedskinconditions.Cleanseadditionallybeforeretiringforoptimalskin health.

Step 2: Balance. Squeeze a small amount of balancer into the palm of your hand, and gently splash/rub over the face and neck. Do this after shaving. For optimal results, and at least once per week, apply balancer to the corner of a wash or micro fiber face cloth and gently go over the skin to remove post cleansing and shaving residue. Women often use a cotton ball for this step, however, it is ineffective for men as the strands of cotton will stick to the face due to prevalence of hair/bear stubble.

Step 3: Bioactivate. Saturate your skin with an infusion of potent vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and food grade botanicals which deeply nourish and protect the largest organ of your body. Pump a pea size amount of serum into the palm of your hand and massage into face and neck.Theskinmayfeelslightlytackytothetouchfor20secondsuntilallbionutrientsarefullyabsorbed.Remember,alittlegoesalongwaywithOM4’spotentbioactiveserums.

Step 4: Defend.OM4’smoisturizersandhydrationcreamsserveadualpurpose: (1) toprovideanon-oily,shinefreebarrierwhichretainsmoisture,and(2)toprotectagainstthepenetrationofharmfulenvironmentaltoxins.Rubasmallamountofmoisturecomplexbetweenyourhandsand apply evenly to the face and neck areas. Organic Male moisturizers are concentrated. For a lighter application, add a few drops of water to the moisturizer in your palm and rub between the hands. Apply evenly to face and neck for an imperceptible finish. For extra hydration, apply a thicker layer in dry areas.

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WeekLy COnD I T IOn Ing PrograMResurface: The only difference in the weekly conditioning program from your daily routine is the addition of your exfoliant. For men, it is particularlyimportanttoresurfacetheskinaminimumofonceperweekandpreferablytwiceperweek.OrganicMaleexfoliantscontain5%multifunction fruit acids to gently peel away dry, dead epidermal layers. Exfoliation also reduces the number of ingrown hairs.Aftercleansing,massageinathinlayerofexfoliantinacircularmotionandallowtositwhileyoushampooandfinishyourshower.Gentlyrinseaway or wipe with a wash or micro fiber cloth to remove the exfoliating material.

Weekly resurfacing also maximizes serum and moisturizer absorption and enhances the effectiveness of your finishing products. Dry, flaking dead skin cells prevent optimal penetration of products and minimizes the results of your routine.

Please contact your OM4 service professional with any application questions, or should you experience any difficulty achieving the results you desire with the product. Service and your satisfaction are our priorities.

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SenS I T IVe ingred i enTSOM4 is proud to offer full ingredient disclosure. Learn more at www.OM4men.com

Marine Mineral and Green Tea Gel WashOrganic Herbal Infusion ofOrganic Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea), SpirulinaMaxima (Spirulina),OrganicMatricaria Recutita (Chamomile),OceanMinerals, PalmariaPalmata(Dulse),MacrocystisPyrifera(kelp),ChondrusCrispus(IrishMoss),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),DecylGlucoside,CocamidopropylHydroxysultaine,CocamidopropylBetaine (fromcoconuts),CocamideMIPA,DisodiumLaurethSulfosuccinate,DisodiumLaurylSulfosuccinate,OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis (JojobaOil),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),OleaEuropaea(OliveOil),OrganicCamelliaSinensis (GreenTea),RosaCanina(RoseHipOil),DesertRoseAbsolute,BoragoOfficinalis(BorageOil),CitrusAurantiumDulcis(OrangePeelTincture),OriganumCompactum(OreganoOil),MelaleucaAlternifolia(TeaTreeOil),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.

sOOThinG Ocean Mineral splashOrganicHerbalInfusionofMacrocystisPyrifera(kelp),OrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),SpirulinaMaxima(Spirulina),OrganicMatricariaRecutita(Chamomile),OceanMinerals,PalmariaPalmata(Dulse),ChondrusCrispus(IrishMoss),HamamelisVirginiana(WitchHazel),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),ColloidalSilver,OrganicCentellaAsiatica(Gotukola),PelargoniumGraveolens(GeraniumDistillate),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),JojobaEsters,OrganicRosaCanina(RoseHipSeedOil),FDAAllNatural Pure Botanical Fragrance Blend.

phyTOnuTrienT cellular repair seruMOrganicHerbalInfusionofSpirulinaMaxima(Spirulina),OrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),OrganicMatricariaRecutita(Chamomile),OceanMinerals,PalmariaPalmata(Dulse),MacrocystisPyrifera(kelp),ChondrusCrispus(IrishMoss),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensisLeafJuice(AloeVera),HyaluronicAcid,HamamelisVirginiana (WitchHazel), Panthenol (VitaminB5),Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM),SodiumAscorbylPhosphate (VitaminC),Carrageenan (RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,CoQ10,OrganicRosaCanina(RosehipSeedOil),Omega3Anti-OxidantBlend,SpirulinaMaxima(Plankton),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),EthylhexylGlycerin,Phenoxyethanol,FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.

sea essenTials calMinG MOisTurizerOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),MacrocystisPyrifera(kelp),SpirulinaMaxima(Spirulina),OrganicMatricariaRecutita(Chamomile),OceanMinerals,PalmariaPalmata(Dulse),ChondrusCrispus(IrishMoss),OrganicAloeBarbadensis(AloeVera),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),IsopropylPalmitate(PalmOil),kosherVegetableGlycerin,CetylAlcohol,StearicAcid,GlycerylStearate,OrganicCarthamusTinctorius(SafflowerOil),PrunusAmygdalusDulcis(SweetAlmondOil),Carrageenan(RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),OrganicSanguinoriaCanadensis(Bloodroot),OrganicRosaCanina(RoseHipSeedOil),ButyrospermumParkii(SheaButter),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),Panthenol(VitaminB5),Phenoxyethanol,EthylhexylGlycerin,Allantoin,TocopherylAcetate(VitaminEAcetate),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),OrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),CitricAcid,FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.SE







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As we experience life, we suddenly beome aware of the diminshing opporutny to be wowed. Surprise yourself and the people you love every day.

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OI Ly ingred i enTSOM4 is proud to offer full ingredient disclosure. Learn more at www.OM4men.com

Green clay clarifyinG cleanserOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicEchinaceaPurpurea(Echinacea),OrganicTaraxacumOfficinale(Dandelion),OrganicSalixAlba(WillowBark/SalicylicAcid),OrganicViolaTricolor(Violet),MelaleucaAlternifolia(TeaTree),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensis(AloeVera),kaolin,SodiumMagnesiumSilicate,MagnesiumAluminumSilicate,CelluloseGum,SmectiteClay,SodiumCarboxymethylCellulose,SaponifiedorganicoilsofCocosNucifera(CoconutOil),OrganicHelianthusAnnuus(Sunflower),andOrganicCastorSeed,TitaniumDioxide,Chlorophyll,LavandulaAugustifolia(LavenderEssentialOil),EucalyptusGlobulus(EucalyptusEssentialOil),VegetableGlycerin,OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis (JojobaOil),Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM),VitisVinifera (GrapeSeedOil),GuarGum,CitricAcid,RosemarySeedExtract,Phenoxyethanol,EthylhexylGlycerin.

purifyinG ph BalancerOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicViolaTricolor(Violet),OrganicTaraxacumOfficinale(Dandelion),OrganicSalixAlba(WillowBark/SalicylicAcid),OrganicEchinaceaPurpurea(Echinacea),MelaleucaAlternifolia(TeaTree),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),ColloidalSilver,HamamelisVirginiana(WitchHazel),LavandulaAugustifolia(LavenderDistillate),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),Chlorophyll,JojobaEsters,LavandulaAugustifolia(LavenderEssentialOil),EucalyptusGlobulus(EucalyptusEssentialOil).

ViTaMin a reGulaTinG seruMOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicEquisetumArvense(Horsetail),OrganicViolaTricolor(Violet),OrganicTaraxacumOfficinale(Dandelion),OrganicEchinaceaPurpurea(Echinacea),OrganicSalixAlba(WillowBark/SalicylicAcid),MelaleucaAlternifolia(TeaTree),OrganicMatricariaRecutita(Chamomile),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensisLeafJuice(AloeVera),HyaluronicAcid,HamamelisVirginiana(WitchHazel),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),SodiumAscorbylPhosphate(VitaminC),Panthenol(VitaminB5),Carrageenan(RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,LavandulaAugustifolia(LavenderEssentialOil),EucalyptusGlobulus(EucalyptusEssentialOil),CoQ10,OrganicRosaCanina(RosehipSeedOil),Omega3Anti-OxidantBlend,OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),EthylhexylGlycerin,Phenoxyethanol.

WeiGhTless equalizinG MOisTure cOMplexOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicTaraxacumOfficinale(Dandelion),OrganicViolaTricolor(Violet),OrganicSalixAlba(WillowBark/SalicylicAcid),OrganicEchinaceaPurpurea(Echinacea),MelaleucaAlternifolia(TeaTree),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensis(AloeVera),IsopropylPalmitate(PalmOil),kosherVegetableGlycerin,CetylAlcohol,StearicAcid,GlycerylStearate,OrganicCarthamusTinctorius(SafflowerOil),PrunusAmygdalusDulcis(SweetAlmondOil),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),Chlorophyll,Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),ButyrospermumParkii(SheaButter),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),Panthenol(VitaminB5),Phenoxyethanol,EthylhexylGlycerin,Carrageenan(RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,LavandulaAugustifolia(LavenderEssentialOil),EucalyptusGlobulus(EucalyptusEssentialOil),Allantoin,TocopherylAcetate(VitaminEAcetate),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),OrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),CitricAcid.O





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Men’s skin is oilier than women’s skin, as a result of testosterone production.

Sebum balancing botanicals regulate oil production to promote a healthy shine-free complexion.

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nOrmaL ingred i enTSOM4 is proud to offer full ingredient disclosure. Learn more at www.OM4men.com

MicrOBlended BiOnuTrienT face WashOrganic Herbal Infusion ofOrganicMahonia Aquifolium (OregonGrape),Organic Rubus Idaeus (Red Raspberry),Organic Prunus Virginiana (Wild Cherry),OrganicMedicagoSativa(Alfalfa),VitisVinifera(GrapeseedOil),VacciniumAngustifolium(Blueberry),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensisLeafJuice(AloeVera),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),LavandulaOfficinalis(LavenderWater),DecylGlucoside,CocamidopropylHydroxysultaine,CocamidopropylBetaine(fromcoconuts),CocamideMIPA,DisodiumLaurethSulfosuccinate,DisodiumLaurylSulfosuccinate,Carrageenan(RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,HibiscusFibers,RedWinePolyphenols,EuterpeOleraca(Acai),OrganicAvenaSativa(Oat),PunicaGranatumExtract(Pomegranate),OleaEuropaea(OliveOil),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),RosaCanina(RoseHipOil),BoragoOfficinalis(BorageOil),CitrusAurantiumDulcis(OrangePeelTincture),OriganumCompactum(OreganoOil),MelaleucaAlternifolia(TeaTreeOil),CitrusGrandis(GrapefruitSeed),OrganicCalendulaOfficinalis(Calendula),OriganumArctiumLappa(BurdockRoot),OrganicTrifoliumPratense(RedClover),OrganicRosmarinusOfficinalis(Rosemary),EthylhexylGlycerin,Phenoxyethanol,FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.

surface refininG ph BalancerOrganic Herbal Infusion ofOrganic Prunus Virginiana (Wild Cherry),OrganicMahonia Aquifolium (OregonGrape),Organic Rubus Idaeus (Red Raspberry),OrganicMedicagoSativa(Alfalfa),VitisVinifera(GrapeseedOil),VacciniumAngustifolium(Blueberry),RedWinePolyphenols,EuterpeOleraca(Acai),HamamelisVirginiana(WitchHazel), StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua (Water),Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Jojoba Esters, Citrus Aurantium (Orange BlossomDistillate), Colloidal Silver, PunicaGranatum(Pomegranate),MenthaPiperita(PeppermintEssentialOil),FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.

aGe-defyinG anTiOxidanT seruMOrganicHerbal Infusion ofOrganic Rubus Idaeus (Red Raspberry),OrganicMahoniaAquifolium (OregonGrape), Organic PrunusVirginiana (WildCherry),OrganicMedicagoSativa(Alfalfa),VacciniumAngustifolium(Blueberry),RedWinePolyphenols,EuterpeOleracea(Acai),OrganicMatricariaRecutita(Chamomile),OrganicEquisetumArvense(Horsetail),VitisVinifera(GrapeseedOil),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensisLeafJuice(AloeVera),HyaluronicAcid,HamamelisVirginiana (WitchHazel),Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), SodiumAscorbyl Phosphate (VitaminC),Carrageenan (Red Seaweed Thickener),CoQ10, Panthenol (VitaminB5),OrganicRosaCanina(RosehipSeedOil),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),PunicaGranatum(Pomegranate),EthylhexylGlycerin,Phenoxyethanol,FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.

enVirOnMenTal defense hydraTiOn cOMplexOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicMedicagoSativa(Alfalfa),OrganicRubusIdaeus(RedRaspberry),OrganicPrunusVirginiana(WildCherry),OrganicMedicagoSativa(Alfalfa),OrganicMahoniaAquifolium(OregonGrape),VitisVinifera(GrapeseedOil),VacciniumAngustifolium(Blueberry),RedWinePolyphenols,EuterpeOleraca(Acai),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensis(AloeVera),IsopropylPalmitate(PalmOil),kosherVegetableGlycerin,CetylAlcohol,StearicAcid,Glyceryl Stearate,Organic Carthamus Tinctorius (SafflowerOil), Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet AlmondOil), Carrageenan (Red Seaweed Thickener), xanthanGum,Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),ButyrospermumParkii(SheaButter),OrganicAvenaSativa(Oat),PunicaGranatum(Pomegranate),MenthaPiperita(PeppermintEssentialOil),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),Panthenol(VitaminB5),Phenoxyethanol,EthylhexylGlycerin,xanthanGum,Allantoin,TocopherylAcetate(VitaminEAcetate),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),OrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),CitricAcid,FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.N







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Dry ingred i enTSOM4 is proud to offer full ingredient disclosure. Learn more at www.OM4men.com

deserT succulenT hydraTinG cleanserOrganicHerbal Infusion ofOrganic yucca Schidigera (yucca),OrganicCactusGrandiflorus (Cactus),OrganicGlycyrrhizaGlabra (Licorice),Organic Larrea Tridentata(Chaparral),OrganicSalviaOfficinalis(Sage),OrganicCollinsoniaCanadensis(Stoneroot),OrganicZingiberOfficinale(Ginger),OrganicSerenoaRepens(SawPalmetto),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicCalendulaOfficinalis(Calendula),OrganicAloeBarbadensisLeafJuice(AloeVera),SaponifiedorganicoilsofCocosNucifera(CoconutOil),OrganicHelianthusAnnuus(Sunflower),andOrganicCastorSeed,kosherVegetableGlycerin,GuarGum,OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),Carrageenan(RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,VitisVinifera(GrapeseedOil),HippophaeRhamnoides(SeaBuckthornOil),SalviaLavandulifolia(SageEssentialOil),SandalwoodAbsolute,RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),CitricAcid,RosemarySeedExtract,EthylhexylGlycerin,Phenoxyethanol.

deserT sprinGs ph BalancerOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicSalviaOfficinalis(Sage),OrganicyuccaSchidigera(yucca),OrganicCactusGrandiflorus(Cactus),OrganicGlycyrrhizaGlabra(Licorice),OrganicLarreaTridentata(Chaparral),OrganicCollinsoniaCanadensis(Stoneroot),OrganicZingiberOfficinale(Ginger),OrganicSerenoaRepens(SawPalmetto),OrganicAloeBarbadensis (Aloe),HamamelisVirginiana(WitchHazel),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),JojobaEsters,SantalumAlbum(Sandalwood Essential Oil), Salvia Lavandulifolia (Sage Essential Oil), Sandalwood Absolute, Organic Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranberry), Colloidal Silver, OrganicCinnamomumAromaticum(Cinnamon),OrganicSalixAlba(WillowBark),OrganicZingiberOfficinale(Ginger).

WarM sands BOTanical yOuTh seruMOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicCollinsoniaCanadensis(Stoneroot),OrganicyuccaSchidigera(yucca),OrganicCactusGrandiflorus(Cactus),OrganicGlycyrrhizaGlabra(Licorice),Organic Larrea Tridentata (Chaparral),Organic SalviaOfficinalis (Sage),Organic SanguinoriaCanadensis (Bloodroot),OrganicZingiberOfficinale (Ginger),Organic Serenoa Repens (Saw Palmetto),OrganicMatricaria Recutita (Chamomile),Organic EquisetumArvense (Horsetail), StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua (Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensisLeafJuice(AloeVera),HyaluronicAcid,HamamelisVirginiana(WitchHazel),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),SodiumAscorbylPhosphate(VitaminC),Panthenol(VitaminB5),Carrageenan(RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,SalviaLavandulifolia(SageEssentialOil),SandalwoodAbsolute,CoQ10,OrganicRosaCanina(RosehipSeedOil),Omega3Anti-OxidantBlend,OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),EthylhexylGlycerin,Phenoxyethanol.

ThirsT quenchinG MOisTure cOMplexOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicCactusGrandiflorus(Cactus),OrganicGlycyrrhizaGlabra(Licorice),OrganicLarreaTridentata(Chaparral),OrganicyuccaSchidigera(yucca), OrganicSalviaOfficinalis (Sage),OrganicCollinsoniaCanadensis (Stoneroot),OrganicZingiberOfficinale (Ginger),OrganicSerenoaRepens (SawPalmetto),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensis(AloeVera),IsopropylPalmitate(PalmOil),kosherVegetableGlycerin,SodiumStearate,CetylAlcohol,OrganicCocosNucifera(CoconutOil),StearicAcid,GlycerylStearate,OrganicCarthamusTinctorius(SafflowerOil),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),HippophaeRhamnoides(SeaBuckthornOil),DesertRoseAbsolute,OrganicSerenoaRepens(SawPalmetto),VitisVinifera(GrapeseedOil),OrganicCalendulaOfficinalis(Calendula),Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet AlmondOil), Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter),Organic SimmondsiaChinensis (JojobaOil), Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot kernelOil),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),SalviaLavandulifolia(SageEssentialOil),SandalwoodAbsolute,Panthenol(VitaminB5),Phenoxyethanol,EthylhexylGlycerin,xanthanGum,Allantoin,TocopherylAcetate(VitaminEAcetate),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),OrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),CitricAcid.D





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enCOre ingred i enTSOM4 is proud to offer full ingredient disclosure. Learn more at www.OM4men.com

sOOThinG herBal shaVinG eMulsiOnOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicCollinsoniaCanadensis(Stoneroot),OrganicCactusGrandiflorus(Cactus),OrganicTussilagoFarfara(Coltsfoot),OrganicSymphytumOfficinale(Comfrey),OrganicZanthoxylumClava-herculis(PricklyAsh),MicrocrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicBarbadensisLeafJuice(Aloe),OrganicHelianthusAnnuus(SunflowerOil),GlycerylStearate,kosherVegetableGlycerin,OctylPalmitate,OrganicCocosNucifera (CoconutOil), TheobromaCacao (CocoaButter),CetylAlcohol,Carrageenan (Red Seaweed Thickener), Potassium Stearate,Organic Beeswax,Organic SimmondsiaChinensis (JojobaOil), Saponified organic oils ofCocosNucifera(CoconutOil),OrganicHelianthusAnnuus(Sunflower),andOrganicCastorSeed,Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),CalophyllumTacamahaca(TamanuOil),OrganicBoragoOfficinalis(BorageOil),OrganicLinumUsitatissimum(FlaxSeedOil),OrganicOenotheraBiennis(EveningPrimroseOil),OrganicRosaCanina(RoseHipOil),Panthenol(VitaminB5),Allantoin,OrganicArnicaMontana(Arnica),OrganicLavandulaAngustifolia(Lavender),OrganicCalendulaOfficinalis(Calendula),OrganicAnthemisNobilis(Chamomile),GrapeseedOil,MacadamiaIntegrifolia(MacadamiaNutOil),SodiumCarbomer,GuarGum,CitricAcid,RosemarySeedExtract,RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),Phenoxyethanol,EthylHexylGlycerin,FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.

ciTrus BaMBOO resurfacinG scruBOrganicHerbalInfusion,StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensisLeafJuice(AloeVera),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),OleaEuropaea(OliveSeed), JojobaBeads,HibiscusSabdraffia (HibiscusBuds),BambooFibers,Pumice, OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis (JojobaOil),Carrageenan (RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,VitisVinifera(Grape)FruitExtract,ActinidiaChinensis(kiwi)FruitExtract,PyrusMalus(Apple)FruitExtract,FragariaVesca(Strawberry)FruitExtract(GlycolicAcids),PunicaGradatum(Pomegranate),CitrusAurantium(PetitGrainEssentialOil),OrganicRheumPalmatum(Rhubarb),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminA),TocopherylAcetate(VitaminE),CitrusNobilis(TangerineEssentialOil),CymbopogonFlexuosus(LemongrassEssentialOil),CitrusAurantifolia(LimeEssentialOil),CitrusLimon(LemonEssentialOil),DesertRoseAbsolute,CitrusAurantium(Neroli),EuterpeOleracea(Acai),EthylhexylGlycerin,Phenoxyethanol.

radical fine line eraserOrganicHerbalInfusionofOrganicViolaTricolor(Violet),OrganicTaraxacumOfficinale(Dandelion),OrganicEchinaceaPurpurea(Echinacea),OrganicMahoniaAquifolium(OregonGrape),OrganicRubusIdaeus(RedRaspberry),OrganicPrunusVirginiana(WildCherry),OrganicMedicagoSativa(Alfalfa),VacciniumAngustifolium(Blueberry),OrganicyuccaSchidigera (yucca),OrganicCactusGrandiflorus (Cactus),OrganicGlycyrrhizaGlabra (Licorice),Organic LarreaTridentata (Chaparral),OrganicSalviaOfficinalis(Sage),OrganicCollinsoniaCanadensis(Stoneroot),OrganicZingiberOfficinale(Ginger),OrganicSerenoaRepens(SawPalmetto),OrganicSalixAlba(WillowBark/SalicylicAcid),RedWinePolyphenols,EuterpeOleraca(Acai),OceanMinerals,PalmariaPalmata(Dulse),MacrocystisPyrifera(kelp),ChondrusCrispus(IrishMoss),OrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),SpirulinaMaxima(Spirulina),OrganicMatricariaRecutita(Chamomile),OrganicJoeniculumVulgare(Fennel),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicEuphrasiaOfficinalis(Eyebright),OrganicGanodermaLucidum(Reishi),CucumisSativus(Cucumber),SilkOrganicAloeBarbadensisLeafJuice(AloeVera),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),ProteinAminoAcidBlend(SodiumL-PyrrolidoneCarboxylate,SodiumLactate,L’Arginine,L-AsparticAcid,L-PyrrolidonecarboxylicAcid,Glycine,L-Alanine,L-Serine,L-Valine,L-Proline,L-threonine,L-Isoleucine,L-Histidine,L-Phenylalanine),HyaluronicAcid, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Fruit Extract, ActinidiaChinensis (kiwi) Fruit Extract, PyrusMalus (Apple) Fruit Extract, Fragaria Vesca (Strawberry) Fruit Extract,Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),SodiumAscorbylPhosphate(VitaminC),Carrageenan(RedSeaweedThickener),xanthanGum,ButyrospermumParkii(SheaButter),kosherVegetableGlycerin,OrganicRosaCanina (RosehipSeedOil), Retinyl Palmitate (VitaminA), TocopherylAcetate (VitaminE),OrganicVincaMajor (Periwinkle),OrganicEthylhexylGlycerin,Phenoxyethanol,FDAAllNanturalPureBotanicalFragranceBlend.EN






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eyeBriGhT aGe defyinG MOisTure cOMplexOrganicHerbal Infusion ofOrganic yucca Schidigera (yucca),OrganicCactusGrandiflorus (Cactus),OrganicGlycyrrhizaGlabra (Licorice),Organic Larrea Tridentata(Chaparral),OrganicSalviaOfficinalis(Sage),OrganicCollinsoniaCanadensis(Stoneroot),OrganicZingiberOfficinale(Ginger),OrganicSerenoaRepens(SawPalmetto),OrganicSalixAlba(WillowBark/SalicylicAcid),OrganicViolaTricolor(Violet),OrganicTaraxacumOfficinale(Dandelion),OrganicEchinaceaPurpurea(Echinacea),OrganicMahoniaAquifolium (OregonGrape),Organic Rubus Idaeus (Red Raspberry),Organic PrunusVirginiana (WildCherry),OrganicMedicagoSativa (Alfalfa), VacciniumAngustifolium(Blueberry),RedWinePolyphenols,EuterpeOleraca(Acai),OceanMinerals,PalmariaPalmata (Dulse),MacrocystisPyrifera (kelp),ChondrusCrispus (IrishMoss),OrganicCamelliaSinensis(GreenTea),SpirulinaMaxima(Spirulina),OrganicMatricariaRecutita(Chamomile),OrganicJoeniculumVulgare(Fennel),StructuredMicro-CrystallizedAqua(Water),OrganicAloeBarbadensis(AloeVera),GlycolicAcid,Squalane,LacticAcid,IsopropylPalmitate(PalmOil),HydrogenatedCastorOil,kosherVegetableGlycerin,CetearylAlcohol,CetearylGlucoside,StearylAlcohol,CetylAlcohol,StearicAcid,SodiumHydroxide,AlphaLipoicAcid,GlycerylStearate,OrganicCarthamusTinctorius(SafflowerOil),PrunusAmygdalusDulcis(SweetAlmondOil),ActinidiaChinensis(kiwi)FruitExtract,PyrusMalus(Apple)FruitExtract,FragariaVesca(Strawberry)FruitExtract(GlycolicAcids),SodiumAscorbylPhosphate(VitaminC),VitisVinifera(GrapeseedOil),Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM),Panthenol(VitaminB5),OrganicEuphrasiaOfficinalis(Eyebright),OrganicSambucusNigra(ElderFlower),CucumisSativus(Cucumber),MelaleucaAlternifolia(TeaTree),OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis(JojobaOil),AleuritesMolaccana(kukuiNutOil),ButyrospermumParkii(SheaButter),CalophyllumTacamahaca(TamanuOil),RosaCanina(RoseHipOil),Ubiquinone(CoenzymeQ10),JasmineAbsolute,TocopherylAcetate(VitaminEAcetate),RetinylPalmitate(VitaminAPalmitate),PhyticAcid,Phospholipids,Tocopheryl (Antioxidant), Lecithin, PyrusMalus (Apple), CitrusMedica Limonum (Lemon), SaccharumOfficinarum (SugarCane), DipeptideDiaminobutyroyl BenzylamideDiacetate(peptides),CymbopogonSchoenanthus(Lemongrass),ButyleneGlycol,AscorbylPalmitate(VitaminCPalmitate),AcetylHexapeptide-3,SclerotiumGum,PotassiumSorbate,xanthanGum,Allantoin,Phenoxyethanol,EthylhexylGlycerin,BenzylAlcohol,CitricAcid,FDAAllNaturalPureBotanicalFrgranceBlend.

healinG anTifunGal herBal fOOT TreaTMenTOrganicHerbal InfusionofOrganicJuglansNigra(BlackWalnut),OrganicArtemisiaAbsinthium(Wormwood),OrganicThujaOccidentalis (Thuja),OrganicSanguinoriaCanadensis(Bloodroot),OrganicEchinaceaPurpurea(Echinacea),OrganicUncariaTomentosa(Cat’sClaw),OrganicTabebuiaImpetiginosa(PauD’Arco),OrganicOriganumVulgare (Oregano),OrganicResinaPropoli (Propolis),OrganicAlliumSativum (Garlic),OrganicCalendulaOfficinalis (Calendula),HydrastisCanandensis (Goldenseal),ColloidalSilver,OrganicBarbadensisLeafJuice(Aloe),OrganicHelianthusAnnuus(SunflowerOil),GlycerylStearate,ButyrospermumParkii(SheaButter),kosherVegetableGlycerin,OctylPalmitate,OrganicCocosNucifera(CoconutOil),TheobromaCacao(CocoaButter),CetylAlcohol,PotassiumStearate,OrganicBeeswax,OrganicSimmondsiaChinensis (JojobaOil),Mentha Piperita (Peppermint EssentialOil),Organic LavandulaAugustifolia (Lavender),Calophyllum Tacamahaca (TamanuOil),Organic BoragoOfficinalis(BorageOil),OrganicLinumUsitatissimum(FlaxSeedOil),OrganicOenotheraBiennis(EveningPrimroseOil),OrganicRosaCanina(RoseHipOil),Panthenol(VitaminB5),Allantoin,OrganicArnicaMontana(Arnica),OrganicAnthemisNobilis(Chamomile),GrapeseedOil,MacadamiaIntegrifolia(MacadamiaNutOil),SodiumCarbomer,Phenoxyethanol,EthylHexylGlycerin.