On Becoming Things an Interview With Axel Honneth

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  • 8/13/2019 On Becoming Things an Interview With Axel Honneth


    On becoming things: An interview with Axel Honneth

    September 1st, 2013 Relate !ile "ner

    #ensen S$ther

    %lat&p$s Review '( ) September 2013

    On #$l& 3r, 2013, at the *oethe "niversit+t in !ran-$rt, *erman&, #ensen S$ther

    interviewe Axel Honneth, irector o- the !ran-$rt .nstit$te -or Social Research an a$thor

    o- n$mero$s boos an articles, on behal- o- %lat&p$s/ heir conversation -oc$se on the

    problem o- rei-ication, or the tenenc& -or processes o- trans-ormation to appear as, an be

    treate as i- the& were, static obects o- an imm$table nat$re/ Rei-ication was the theme o-

    several writings Honneth elivere as the anner 4ect$res at 5erele& in 200'/ hese lect$res

    are compile in the boo Rei-ication: A 6ew 4oo at an Ol .ea 76ew 8or: Ox-or

    "niversit& %ress "SA, 20129/ hat -ollows is an eite transcript o- their isc$ssion/

    *eorg 4$;cs in 1(13

    #ensen S$ther: .n &o$r 200' anner 4ect$re series, &o$ arg$e that *eorg 4$;csing that, pace 4$;cs, -or whom rei-ication is generate b& the commoit& -orm,i--erent sets o- social practices give rise to rei-&ing behavior an no one gro$p, class, or

    social movement can be sing$larl& assigne the tas o- abolishing rei-ie social relations/

    However, rei-ication has historicall& been an important concept -or the 4e-t/ ?o &o$ see the

    criti@$e o- rei-ication as necessaril& le-tist How, i- at all, oes &o$r contrib$tion to the

    isco$rse on rei-ication relate to the 4e-t

    Axel Honneth: his is a s$rprising @$estion, one . wo$l not have tho$ght to as, so m&

    answer comes ver& m$ch a hoc/ . o not believe that concepts belong to an& speci-ic

    political comm$nit& or gro$p/ he egree to which concepts help $s explore something or see

    something new, the& sho$l be taen as an instr$ment potentiall& available -or ever&one in

    societ&/ So, in that sense, . o not believe that rei-ication is an a$tomaticall& le-tist concept/

    =oreover, in terms o- the histor& o- ieas, . am not even s$re that rei-ication is necessaril& a

    concept evelope onl& b& le-tists/ !or instance, the !rench =arxist thiner 4$cien

    *olmann so$ght to emonstrate the similarities between the approaches o- 4$;cs an

    Heiegger/ 8o$ can -in in Heiegger an iea o- rei-ication, which alrea& inicates that

    rei-ication was a concept also $tili>e b& the right, or on the right/ here are man& problems

    with 4$;cse, namel& b& wa& o- a ver& pec$liar set o- bacgro$n ieas, let

  • 8/13/2019 On Becoming Things an Interview With Axel Honneth


    social str$ct$re o- realit&/ 4$;cs relies on a in o- !ichteanCHegelian metaph&sical concept

    b& which all h$man societ& is tho$ght to be gro$ne in a certain in o- worlCconstit$ting

    activit&, an so 4$;cs thins that the onl& class that can overcome rei-ication, which is seen

    as the estr$ction o- that worlCconstit$ting activit&, is the class which is representingDeven

    $ner alienate or istorte conitionsDthat in o- praxis/ here-ore, we have this almost

    -antastic piece within the whole st$&, wherein 4$;cs wants to reveal this one moment o-

    the overcoming o- these istorte conitions/ !or 4$;cs, this moment loos almost lie this

    one revol$tionar& actE . mean, &o$ almost get the sense that in one secon all these estr$ctive

    conitions are overcome/ .t

  • 8/13/2019 On Becoming Things an Interview With Axel Honneth


    it/ How oes this imension o- rei-ication -ig$re into &o$r acco$nt Or, to p$t the @$estion a

    i--erent wa&, what are the limitations to the immanent anal&sis o- rei-ication

    AH: . o not see that, .ations/ .- &o$ tae

    rei-ication literall&, which . thin 4$;cs wants to o, then &o$ cannot reall& sa& that all

    economic exchange, even exchange irectl& involving the labor -orce, is rei-ication as s$ch/

    6ot all practices involve in the pro$ction process necessaril& re@$ire that the h$man

    potentialities o- the worers m$st be exacte -rom them/ Fapitalist pro$ction as s$ch entails

    the $se, as a commoit&, o- the h$man potentialities o- the labor -orce, b$t onl& in somespeci-ic cases oes this -orm o- pro$ction also exhibit the oppositeDnamel&, an ignorance

    o-, or isregar -or, h$man potential/ Onl& in these partic$lar cases oes it mae sense to

    spea o- rei-ication/ .n the sex trae, -or example, we have a clear case o- rei-ication/ 5$t

    rei-ication oes not obtain in all -orms o- capitalist pro$ction/

    #S: .n an essa& &o$ wrote that concl$es the Fambrige Fompanion to Fritical heor&,

    entitle A social patholog& o- reason: on the intellect$al legac& o- Fritical heor&, &o$

    arg$e that the process o- social rationali>ation, or what Hegel wo$l have calle the historical

    $n-oling o- -reeom, has been interr$pte, an that it is the tas o- Fritical heor& to thin

    thro$gh the contraiction between capitalism an the aspirations o- bo$rgeois societ&/ 8o$

    claim that this interr$ption poses a moral or ethical challenge, whose resol$tion oes notnecessaril& re@$ire the s$blation o- capitalism, an that histor& has emonstrate that the

    =arxist wing o- le-t Hegelianism was wrong, since the woring class i not

    a$tomaticall& evelop a revol$tionar& reainess/ 8o$ arg$e that, in light o- the -ail$re o-

    =arxism, ps&choanal&sis ma& o--er power-$l tools -or anal&>ing social irrationalit&/ .n &o$r

    view, what wo$l be the signi-icance o- ps&choanal&sis -or a revitali>e emancipator&


    AH: .t is a ver& complicate @$estion/ !irst, . wo$l not claim that =arxism as s$ch has

    -aile, b$t that it has clearl& erre in one respect, namel& in its conviction that the proletariat

    or the class o- the labor -orce will a$tomaticall& evelop a critical perspective/ An empirical

    o$bt o- that premise ha alrea& been -orm$late b& the earl& !ran-$rt School/ heir

    starting point, in a wa&, was hesitation as to precisel& that premise/

    . thin Aorno an some o- the other representatives o- the !ran-$rt School relie mainl& on

    ps&choanal&sis as a wa& to thin thro$gh the emancipator& mechanisms alrea& immanent in

    capitalism/ .n certain passages Aorno s$ggests that a certain component o- o$r ps&chic li-e

    simpl& resists the existent capitalist conitions beca$se o- the element o- s$--ering implicit in

    these conitions/ However, i- &o$ -ollow !re$, s$--ering pro$ces certain ispositions, not

    -or emancipation, b$t -or enlightening nowlege/ 6onetheless, Aorno, $ntil the en,

    believe in that in o- ps&chic mechanism/ ith =arc$se it is completel& i--erent/ =arc$se

    arg$e there are certain rives that permanentl& resist the capitalist -orm o- rationali>ation,which wo$l point to a completel& i--erent $sage o- ps&choanal&sis/ 5$t, regaring how .

  • 8/13/2019 On Becoming Things an Interview With Axel Honneth


    thin ps&choanal&sis might contrib$te to emancipation, . wo$l give several answers/ !irst, .

    am most intereste in obect relations theor&, a certain strain within ps&choanal&sis/ .n brie-, .

    thin this strain, an the wor o- ?onal innicott in partic$lar, is ver& help-$l in orer to

    thin abo$t emancipator& moments in normal h$man li-e/ =ore generall&, one element .

    wo$l tae -rom ps&choanal&sis is a eep s$spicion abo$t the completel& rational actor/

    %s&choanal&sis is one traition among others that helps $s to see that h$man beings are riven

    not onl& b& their p$rposive rational interests, b$t also b& their $nconscio$s wishes/ . tae this

    insight to be necessar& -or an& anal&sis o- emancipator& potentialities within a given capitalist


    #S: .n a recent interview, &o$ anno$nce &o$r s$pport -or the .nstit$te -or Fomparative

    .rrelevance 7.nstit$t -Ir ie Jergleichene .rrelevan>, or .v.9, $st be-ore the b$iling it has

    occ$pie -or nearl& a ecae was sei>e/ .n a !ebr$ar& 2012 ispatch entitle, Fritical

    hining 6ees an aes ime an Space, available on its website, the .v. writes that it

    sees itsel- as o--ering an alternative -orm o- politics base aro$n a sel-Corgani>e space

    within which it is possible -or participants o- an& age, gener, or ethnicit& to achievea$tonom&/G2 ?o &o$ thin this sort o- alternative political proect reali>es, or at least

    approximates, the in o- m$t$al recognition an eCrei-&ing behavior that &o$ call -or in

    &o$r wor Aorno arg$es in several places, most notabl& in his late essa& Resignation,

    that attempts to resc$e enclaves o- immeiac& in the mist o- a thoro$ghl& meiate an

    rigii-ie societ& amo$nt to pse$oCactivit&, obsc$ring the nee -or change on the level o-

    societ&/G3 How wo$l &o$ respon to this criti@$e

    AH: . wo$l hope that the notion o- m$t$al -orms o- recognition can help to mae a little bit

    clearer what Aorno ha in min, act$all&/ Foncerning the .nstit$te -or Fomparative

    .rrelevance, . thin one sho$l s$pport it, simpl& beca$se this is one expression o- the

    interests o- st$ents to have alternative spaces -or their own wa& o- thining, within a nonCreg$late, nonChierarchical -orm o- $niversit& e$cation/ An . thin it is a goo sign -or a

    generation o- st$ents i- the& evelop interest in creating s$ch spaces/ . o not thin that these

    spaces represent another -orm o- li-e/ .n the .v.

  • 8/13/2019 On Becoming Things an Interview With Axel Honneth


    1/ Aorno, heoor, Re-lections on Flass heor&, in Fan One 4ive a-ter A$schwit> A

    %hilosophical Reaer, e/ Rol- ieemann 7Stan-or, FA: Stan-or "niversit& %ress, 20039,


    2/ he -$ll text o- Fritical hining 6ees an aes ime an Space 7Lritisches ?enen

    bra$cht$n nimC mt sichCMeit $n Ra$m9 can be -o$n online at Nhttp:ivi/cop&riot/com$eberC2P/K

    3/ Aorno, heoor, Resignation, in Fritical =oels: .nterventions an Fatchwors, trans/

    Henr& / %ic-or 76ew 8or: Fol$mbia "niversit& %ress, 200'9, 2(1

