On Statistics of Production and Use of Mineral Fertilizers in the Russian Federation Deputy Head of Department of Agriculture and Environment Statistics E.E. Obychayko Head of Department of Agriculture and Environment Statistics M.P. Klevakina

On Statistics of Production and Use of Mineral Fertilizers in the Russian Federation

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On Statistics of Production and Use of Mineral Fertilizers in the Russian Federation Deputy Head of Department of  Agriculture and Environment Statistics E.E. Obychayko Head of Department of  Agriculture and Environment Statistics M.P. Klevakina. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OF STATE STATISTICS. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: On Statistics of Production and Use of Mineral Fertilizers in the Russian Federation

On Statistics of Production and Use of Mineral Fertilizers in the Russian


Deputy Head of Department of Agriculture and Environment Statistics

E.E. ObychaykoHead of Department of 

Agriculture and Environment StatisticsM.P. Klevakina

Page 2: On Statistics of Production and Use of Mineral Fertilizers in the Russian Federation



Statistical activity in Russia is governed by the following documents:

Federal Law “On Official Statistical Accounting and State Statistics System in the Russian Federation” (dated November 29, 2007 No. 282-ФЗ) Federal Law “On All-Russian Agricultural Census” (dated July 21, 2005 No. 108-ФЗ) Federal plan of statistical works (dated May 6, 2008 No.671-р as amended)

_____________________________________________________________________________________Federal Law “On Agricultural Development” (dated December 29, 2006 No. 264-ФЗ) Government program on agricultural development and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets for 2008 – 2012 and 2013-2020 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2010 No. “On Approval of Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation”

_____________________________________________________________________________________Federal Law “On Development of Small and Medium Business in the Russian Federation” (dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-ФЗ)Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Procedures of Sampling Statistical Observations of Activities of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Entities” (dated February 16, 2008 No. 79)

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ⱱ Federal Law “On Safe Management of Pesticides and Agrochemicals” (dated July 19, 1997 No.109-ФЗ)

ⱱ Federal Law “On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare” (dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-ФЗ)

ⱱ Federal Law “On Government Regulation for Providing Agricultural Lands Fertility” (dated July 16, 1998 No.101-ФЗ )

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Program of Generation of Official Statistical Information

According to the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, collection and processing of statistical information about state of agriculture:

are mainly centralized in Rosstat System

in Ministry of Agriculture of Russia – current information (including about a delivery of mineral fertilizers, a progress of implementation of federal target program “Preservation and Restoration of Fertility of Agricultural Lands and Rehabilitation ofAgro-landscapes as Russia's National Heritage for  2006 - 2010 and up to 2013”)

in Russian register – information about availability of lands and their distribution by categories, holdings and users, state and use for agricultural production

in Federal Customs Service – information about export and import of goods, including mineral fertilizers.

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System of Statistical Indicators on Production and Use System of Statistical Indicators on Production and Use of Mineral Fertilizers Includes the Following of Mineral Fertilizers Includes the Following


production of mineral and chemical fertilizersproduction of mineral and chemical fertilizers

application of mineral and organic fertilizers by agricultural application of mineral and organic fertilizers by agricultural producersproducers

salesale of mineral fertilizers by wholesale tradersof mineral fertilizers by wholesale traders

prices andprices and price indicesprice indices

exportexport, , import of goodsimport of goods

balance of commercial resourcesbalance of commercial resources

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no less than once per 10 years − All-Russian agricultural census

in intercensal period − universal accounting or sampling observations − depending on a category of household

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All-Russian agricultural census 2006 is a

framework of agricultural statistics

Formed federal information resources about principal characteristics and structure

of agriculture

Developed new system of formation of general population by all categories of

agricultural producers

Development and improvement of the sampling observation system

Recalculations of time series

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Categories of Agricultural ProducersCategories of Agricultural Producers

59.2 thous of agricultural organizations and enterprisers


• 15.4 thou – large and medium organizations

• 32.8 thou – small enterprises

• 11 thou – subsidiary plots of non-agricultural organizations

201.6 thous of farms

103.1 thous of individual entrepreneurs

22.8 mln of personal subsidiary plots and other individual households of citizens


• 14.8 mln – in rural area

• 8.0 mln – in urban area

80.3 thous of non-profit associations of citizens that include 13.8 mln of plots of land

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Agricultural organizations Combination of universal accounting and sampling observation (depending on a type of enterprise)

unrelated to small business enterprises Crop production and livestock production –

Monthly universal accounting on brief program (integrated accounting); annual accounting – using a wider program.

small business enterprises

small enterprises (except for micro-enterprises)


Sampling observationCrop production – twice per annum

Livestock production – monthly

Crop production and livestock production – annually

Farms, individual entrepreneurs Sampling observation – annually

Crop areas and crop production;Livestock inventory and livestock production;

Economic indicators.

Population households Multipurpose sampling observation – monthly

Crop production, livestock production and economic activity

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Sampling Observation SystemSampling Observation System

personal subsidiary plots and other individual households of citizens

farms and individual entrepreneurs

agricultural organizations – small business enterprises (including micro-enterprises)

horticultural and garden non-profit associations of citizens

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Переход на новые версии ОКВЭД2 и ОКПД2

Currently existing in Currently existing in statistical systemstatistical system Transition periodTransition period


Planned to be Planned to be introduced since introduced since January January 11,, 2015 2015


OKOK 029-2007 029-2007

((KDESKDES RevRev. 1.1). 1.1)




withwith cancellation of cancellation of doubling classifiersdoubling classifiers


ОК 034-2007ОК 034-2007

((KPESKPES 2002) 2002)



OKPD as related to OKPD as related to productsproducts


withwith cancellation of cancellation of doubling classifiersdoubling classifiers

Transition to New Versions ofOKVED2 and OKPD2

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Rosstat Internet-site (table materials, graphics, maps, data bases, including OLAP-cubes, current information, official publications, including the outcomes of ARAC, methodological guidelines)

Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System (annual and current data on agricultural and environmental statistics)

Monthly report “On Socioeconomic Status of Russia”

Topical bulletins and collections

Rosstat official publications that include agricultural statistics:• Russian statistical yearbook• Regions of Russia. Principal characteristics of RF constituent entities• Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators• Small and medium entrepreneurship in Russia• Russia in figures• G8 in figures• Russia and European Union member countries• Belarus and Russia• Statistical survey (journal)• Collection “Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry in Russia”

Results of All-Russian Agricultural Census 2006, including Atlas with the results of census

• Russia, RF constituent entities – 12 books• municipal regions – 2,500 books

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Distribution of Statistical Information via InternetRosstat central web-site

82 web-sites of Rosstat territorial authorities

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Распространение статистической информации через ЕМИССРаспространение статистической информации через ЕМИСС

Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System ((UISISUISIS) )

1 Rosstat2 Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

3 CB of Russia

4 Ministry of Natural Resources

64 Ministry of Labor

Entities of official statistical accountingEntities of official statistical accounting

Federal Plan of Statistical WorksFederal Plan of Statistical Works

((Approved by the Government of the RFApproved by the Government of the RF))

Слайд №39

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Scheme of Information Interaction with Users

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Plan of Actions of Global Strategy on Improvement of Agricultural Statistics

1. Development of minimum set of basic indicators on agriculture harmonized for UN FAO countries .

2. Integration of agriculture in national statistical system to satisfy both current and future needs in data.

3. Employee further training (vocational education, including the development of training materials, reference books, on-line courses, etc.).