On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization

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  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    Ogic4 Imhgice C`)Igsrn

    Egtc4 Omvcikcr ;6th ;67;

    J`mkg`nzgtnmo1 Uhc [cgsmo goe [gtnmog`ntyKchnoe Nt/

    Enslussnoj whcthcr j`mkg`nzgtnmo wcgacos thc ogtnmo stgtc goeuoecrinocs ogtnmog` lmotrm` mvcr thc clmomiy/ Emcs nt `cge tm jrcgtcrsmlng` goe clmominl nocqug`nty no g smlncty= Mr emcs cvcrymoc kcocbnt

    brmi j`mkg`nzgtnmo=


  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    J`mkg`nzgtnmo ns mbtco usce tm ecslrnkc thc nolrcgsce notcjrgtnmo

    goe notcrogtnmog nzgtnmo mb clmominl gbbgnrs bgln`ntgtce ky rgpne

    tclhom`mjnlg` lhgojcs no nobmrigtnmo jgthcrnoj goe lmiiuonlgtnmo

    (Urcik`gy, p/;5>./ Go cxgip`c mb thns ecslrnptnmo mb J`mkg`nzgtnmo

    lmu`e kc thc lrcgtnmo mb thc Zmr`e Znec Zck (ZZZ./ Uhc Zmr`e Znec

    Zck ns ecbnontc`y go nolrcgsce notcrogtnmog`nzgtnmo mb clmominl gbbgnrs

    g`` grmuoe thc j`mkc/ Zc lgo g`sm `mjnlg``y l`gni thgt thc notcroct ns go

    cxtrcic`y rgpne tclhom`mjnlg` lhgojc no nobmrigtnmo jgthcrnoj goe

    lmiiuonlgtnmo/ Nb wc lgoomt uoecrstgoe thns cxgip`c, thco `ct us tgac

    g imrc spclnbnl cxgip`c sulh gs Bglckmma, g smlng` iceng wck)sntc

    thgt rcvm`utnmonzce thc cotnrc wmr`e, `ntcrg``y/ Nt hgs lmoocltce pcmp`c

    tmjcthcr snjonbnlgot`y goe jgthcrs cxtcosnvc gimuot mb nobmrigtnmo mo

    g `grjc ouikcr mb pcmp`c grmuoe thc j`mkc/ Uhns ns whgt thc prm)

    j`mkg`nsts kc`ncvc no gs g sullcssbu` kusnocss bmr thc kcocbnt mb thc

    j`mkg` clmomiy, g kusnocss thgt lmooclts goe jgthcrs notc``njcolc/ \m

    nt ns sgne, ky thc prmpmocots mb j`mkg`nzgtnmo thgt cvcrymoc kcocbnts no g

    j`mkg` clmomiy (Urcik`gy, p/./ Nb thgt ns tm kc truc, thco thc rnlh

    stn`` emcs jct rnlhcr, thc pmmr emcs omt jct pmmrcr, thc prnvgtc rnjhts grc

    rcspcltce ky g``, goe imst nipmrtgot`y, dustnlc goe thc ru`c mb `gw iust

    g`wgys prcvgn`/ Ocvcrthc`css, nt sccis thgt thns ns omt whgt igoy mb us

    grc usce tm hcgrnoj, mr cvco usce tm sccnoj/ Zhgt wc grc usce tm,

    lmu`e kc thc pmnot mb vncw thgt, rgthcr thgo prmimtnoj clmominl sc`b)

    subbnlncoly goe prmspcrnty, j`mkg`nzgtnmo hc`ps ignotgno thc clmominl


  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    ecpcoecoly mb ecvc`mpnoj lmuotrncs no thc j`mkg` clmominl systci

    (Urcik`gy, p/

  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    brmi j`mkg`nzgtnmo nb hc-shc eclnecs tm gllcpt nt gs g ocw wgy mb `nbc

    goe thc mo`y wgy tm kc lmoeultnoj kusnocss/

    Gs Hc`e goe IlJrcw cxp`gno, thc gutmomiy goe smvcrcnjoty mb

    ogtnmo)stgtcs hgvc kcco cl`npsce ky lmotcipmrgry prmlcsscs mb

    clmominl j`mkg`nzgtnmo (Urcik`gy, p/

  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    igonbcstgtnmo mb thc ogtnmo)stgtcs lmotnounoj rm`c no thc mrjgonzgtnmo

    mb lgpntg`nsi (Urcik`gy, p/

  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    tm lmotrm` thcnr mwo lurrcolncs goe omt tm icotnmo thgt wc`bgrc ns omw

    imrc no dcmpgrey gs stgtcs strnvc tm lrcgtc g bgvmrgk`c novcsticot

    l nigtc no thcnr lmuotry (Urcik`gy, p/

  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    bn`is, iusnl, goe tc`cvnsnmo shmws (Urcik`gy, p/

  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    lmotrm` mvcr nts clmomiy ns uoecrinoce goe thgt j`mkg`nzgtnmo emcs

    `cge tm jrcgtcr clmominl nocqug`nty no g smlncty/ \m ns nt rcgsmogk`c tm

    pursuc thns j`mkg` clmomiy= Zc``, nt ns thc `gw bmr huigo kcnojs, whnlh

    ns g``mttce ky Jmes mrecr gllmrenoj tm thcnr lmoentnmo thgt thcy glt

    gllmrenoj tm rcgsmo (Gujustnoc, p/;3./ Uhns enbbcrcot pcrspcltnvc `mmas

    gt j`mkg`nzgtnmo brmi gomthcr goj`c, `mmanoj gt nt gs thc trcc thgt Jme

    tm`e Gegi goe Cvc omt tm cgt brmi/ Zhco Gegi wnthercw brmi Jme hc

    bc`` sukdclt tm hns scosc gppctntcs/ Uhns g`sm hgppcos no pgrtnlu`gr tm

    cglh huigo kcnoj thc imrc thc noenvneug` hgs wnthergwo brmi rcgsmo,

    sm thgt thc noenvneug` rcscik`cs kcgsts whm grc lgrrnce gwgy ky thcnr

    scosc gppctntcs (Gujustnoc, p/;3., no mthcr wmres, lmosuicr)lntnzcos

    thgt grc lgrrnce gwgy ky gppctntcs, ecsnrcs goe thc `mvc bmr lgpntg`/

    Hgvnoj thgt sgne, gs nt ns no goy jgic, mo`y thc mocs whm eclnec tm p`gy

    ky thc ru`cs, hgvc g lhgolc tm wno/


    Ugntu Hcrmo, Ocm`nkrg`nsi goe thc Cxcrlnsc mb Huigo Gjcoly,

    Notcrogtnmog` Dmurog` mb Vm`ntnls goe \mlncty, ;6 (;668.4 83)767/


  • 7/28/2019 On the Reason and Rationality Behind Globalization.



    Gllcssce mo Omvcikcr 78, ;67; mo


    [ntg Urcik`gy ct g`/, Igppnoj thc Vm`ntnlg` @goeslgpc4 Go

    notrmeultnmo tm pm`ntnlg` slncolc, (Oc`smo Ceulgtnmo, ;668., ;oe ce/

    Gqunogs, Mo @gw, Imrg`nty goe Vm`ntnls, trgos/ [nlhgre D/ [cjgo

    (Hglactt Vuk`nshnoj, ;66;., ;5);3/

