On Touch

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  • 8/13/2019 On Touch


    We are overwhelmed by pictures. They are everywhere, they construct our "picture of the world"

    picture of you, picture of ourselves. We are thinking in pictures. Our dominant sense is sight.

    Our gaze is pushed out our sense for touch. But it is only one sense which does not divide our

    relation with the other subject into active and passive, dominant or inferior, and on the end

    subject or object. Every time when I touch someone I am at the same time subject and object of

    that touch, I touch and I am touched. I can not be hidden while I am touching. Oxford dictionary

    defined the term touch as : "come or bring into mutual contact".The promise of the sense of

    touch is community. For Aristotle the sense of touch is the main sense for our existence For

    since the living animal (zooion) is a body possessing soul, and every body is tangible, and

    tangible means perceptible by touch, it follows that the body of the animal must have the faculty

    of touch if the animal is to survive The organ which receptive for the touch is skin. At the same

    time it is also the border, the place where we are bounded with the world. It is the biggest organ

    of our body. Wisdom is inspired by touch. To be open for the touch of the other always mean

    endlessly open subject and sense for the hospitality. To be open for the guest is the measure of

    our subjectivity. Our guests could be guests by coincidence: when your hand touched my hand

    in the public transport while you are leaving your seat that had been next to mine. Response is

    always present in the touch. There is a specific phobia called haphephobia: the fear of touching

    or of being touched. It seems that this phobia became a paradigm of our society - a need to

    protect our own space is developed it into a pathology. On the other hand pornography is present

    everywhere, in every corner, in every institution. Pornography: a need to transform subject into

    an object - long process of desubjectivation relayed on the certain dominated structures. In my

    film there will be a scene where the main character is trying to pet the subject that he loves but

    he will not be able to touch her. Here I will try to show that impossibility of inbreak on the

    territory of the other and otherwise I believe that is also the way to represent longing to touch

    and being touched. To discover your own body in the moment of touching. In that scene he will

    pet her just over her body while she is sleeping but it will be also his dream what he will discover

    when he wakes up. Here we have double dream. When the subject is sleeping while he or she is

    touched than he or she is not aware of this action but still could express the pleasure, it is not rare

    happening when a mother is petting her child. Somehow our skin as border is able to recognize

    touch or pressure. Where is touch there is temptation to hurt or to be hurt. Touch is the concrete

  • 8/13/2019 On Touch


    truth. It is the way to reveal someone, to meet him or her. It could be our personal strategy to

    deconstruct given identities and to start to think in wise way.