presented by One Earth Financial, LLC

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presented by

One Earth Financial, LLC

The most significant advancements for humanity have been

possible due to our ability to harness new energy technologies.

Fossil Fuels (coal and oil)

Steam engine

Internal combustion engine

Natural Gas

Electrical power grid

Nuclear Energy

Jet engines



6/21/2011 2Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

89% of U.S. energy today is

generated from technologies

nearly 100 years old

Like our bridges, our current

energy infrastructure and

grids are simply antiquated

Our outdated energy systems

impede progress humanity

could otherwise achieve

Meanwhile other industries

like Information Technologies

have advanced as a result of

updated or new technologies

Thus next generation energy

technologies are long overdue

6/21/2011 3Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

Our primary source of power has numerous disadvantages:

Mountaintop removal for coal extraction is highly

destructive to the environment. In addition to the loss of

beautiful mountains, the streams along with their aqua life

are smothered to death by silt runoff

Oil drilling, coal mining and ―fracking‖ of wells all lead to

various forms of contamination, spills and other irreversible

damage to our land and water. Accidents are inevitable and

the risk of environmental disasters is simply too great

Fossil fuels (non-renewable) currently provide 83% of our

nations energy and they are running out

Volatile pricing causes economic disturbances

Any lack of supply directly threatens our national security

6/21/2011 4Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

We need a rapid reduction in Global Warming to avert the massive

devastation scenario presented by our very own Pentagon.


For decades now an intensive effort has been underway to

develop green, renewable power sources, primarily:



Electric cars

As promising as these technologies may be appear to be

they all suffer from severe limitations:

Electric cars can become coal-fired cars when their electricity

is generated by a coal fired electrical power plant

They have range and speed limitations

They cost far more than their gasoline driven counterparts

6/21/2011 5Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

Both technologies have significant disadvantages:

May not be cost effective to fossil fuels

without major government subsidies

Are plugged into our nations existing

antiquated electrical infrastructure

Power lines can adversely affect health

Both are costly and require installation

Their power sources may not always be consistently reliable

Cannot be adjusted to meet the power demands we have today

Today 83% of our nation‘s energy comes from fossil fuels, 9%

from nuclear and only 8% from renewable power sources


6/21/2011 6Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

Nuclear power once had hope of solving energy problems, however it

has its own extremely significant problems. Some disadvantages:

There is no good way to deal

with radioactive byproducts

No truly safe way to transport

Nuclear Waste currently exists

Danger of leaks, accidents and


Terrorists can attack Nuclear

facilities or use nuclear waste

Generally people do not want a

Nuclear Waste Storage Facility located anywhere near them

Availability of nuclear power may lead to the use of nuclear

weapons by hostile nations

6/21/2011 7Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

Energy supplies and fuel are becoming more and more scarce.

Meanwhile, pollution is at an all time high with the burning of

fossil fuels contaminating the air we breathe. The effects of

Global Warming have become apparent.

Our need to immediately advance into a new clean alternative

energy has become imperative to us all.

The United States MUST lead

the world in these advanced

energy technologies.

One Earth Financial, LLC

will emerge as the leader

in facilitating the global

green energy market our

future is dependent upon.

6/21/2011 8Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

Super storms, droughts and flooding are happening more frequently. We

need to stop dispersing chemicals into our environment and atmosphere or we

potentially risk passing the environmental point of no return.

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Global Warming is creating an entirely new set of problems since

our antiquated energy infrastructure utilizes land based lines:

Droughts brought on by Global

Warming are causing massive

wildfires that threaten to create

extensive power outages

Vast areas of flooding are also

causing mudslides that can wipe

out large transmission lines

Super storms packing 200 mph

winds can destroy electrical

lines, disrupting power for

extended periods of time

6/21/2011 10Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

Cold Fusion once seemed like the answer to our prayers; the

Fleischmann-Pons experiments in the late ‗70s held out hope of an

infinitely renewable source of energy

Unfortunately, F-P was not able to fulfill its promised

results since they were unable to replicate their energy

demonstration in other labs during the peer review process

Their approach was deemed to be theoretically unlikely since it

went beyond what is currently considered to be the proven,

therefore ―acceptable,‖ theory. The US Department of Energy

investigated, and concluded that F-P approach was unconvincing

Because of the failure of the F-P methodology, Cold Fusion has

been viewed as a ―pathological science‖ by the scientific


Our inventor has stated, ―Fleishmann-Pons simply got it wrong.‖

However, that was then and this is now . . .

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The US Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center

Several ongoing projects in India, including Bhabha Atomic

Research Center and National Institute of Advanced Studies

Scientists in Italy, Germany and the U.S.

Rossi and Focardi of the University of Bologna developing an

―Energy Catalyzer‖


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Power generation is big business

Electrical retail global sales

2011 dollar value - $1.9T

Transportation retail global sales

2011 dollar value – $2.5T

Ray Op Tech global valuation

2011 dollar value – $3.2T

A new, infinitely renewable source of

unlimited ―green‖ energy that doesn‘t

generate pollutants of any kind

Zero-cost energy for both electrical power

generation and transportation industries

6/21/2011 14Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

10g of Deuterium (which can be extracted from 500 liters of water and 15g of Tritium produced from 30 g of Lithium would produce enough fuel for the lifetime electricity needs of an average person in an industrialized country.

6/21/2011 15Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

A vortex of hydrogen is trapped in the

center of a chamber. It is then shot with

a laser igniting the Hydrogen which is

centered to hold the mass Plasma Sphere

(the power). Hydrogen inlet tubes then

pump hydrogen gas into the water

chamber, doubling the size of the sphere

creating enough mass to harness what is

described as the Power of the Sun

Using high power with low amps, a Tesla

Coil Power in a tri-pod set up with a

sphere in the center grabs hold of the

energy that runs the ―Energy Plasma


This process allows this technology to be

safely secured in satellites that that can

ultimately power everything from homes,

businesses, vehicles, trains and planes to

space stations via single signal receivers

6/21/2011 16Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

Some advances that EPR technologies will bring to humanity:

A clean unlimited energy source will unlock a wave of new

technologies that will collectively advance our society while

creating millions of new jobs

A major global economic boost resulting from a significant energy

savings realized by businesses and consumers around the world

An elevated level of global safety and security—thus eliminating

the need for future wars over oil or clean water

The ability to optimize and therefore advance medicine

EPR technologies will spur economic development and help reduce

poverty in third world countries

6/21/2011 17Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

The following valuation summary covers just two of five of the primary

industries for one of three primary energy technologies.

The global retail electrical power sales (2011 dollar value) is

estimated at 1.9 Trillion USD

The second industry is transportation, which includes energy/fuel

costs for ALL forms of transportation such as trains, planes,

automobiles, trucks, buses and ships etc. The total retail

transportation (2011 dollar value) is estimated at 2.5 Trillion USD

This creates an initial business valuation for Ray Op Tech

estimated at over 3.2 Trillion USD

Current projections for all three primary energy technologies

across all industries is expected to exceed 11 Trillion USD

100% clean and safe energy technologies can change everything.

This is why One Earth Financial, LLC contracted with the inventor

that we believe has unlocked these incredible technologies

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For individuals interested in creating a

more humanitarian legacy, this is your

opportunity. We are seeking qualified

individuals who would like to help

advance the next generation of energy

technologies while safeguarding our

global environment on Earth

This project will unlock a myriad of

other green technologies

Imagine a totally clean energy

technology that can be implemented

globally in less than five years

6/21/2011 20Copyright2011 One Earth Financial LLC

At this point we hope you realize that this represents a once in a

lifetime opportunity to support game-changing energy technologies.

This is why individuals within our Energy Department view this as the

Mother of all inventions.

One Earth Financial, LLC looks forward to working with you on this

environmental endeavor and welcomes you to the team.

Managing Partner [email protected]

Energy Technologies

Ray Op Tech rayoptech.com

Andrew Tait [email protected]

Skype i.d. theenvironmentalist

Phone (501) 545-9979

One Earth Financial oneearthfinancial.net

Media Requests [email protected]

Energy Technologies

Earth Media Network earthmedianetwork.com

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