One Life for Cardiff HENRY OLONGA was the youngest player and first black cricketer to play for Zimbabwe when he made his international debut in 1995. He achieved international recognition (along with team mate Andy Flower) in 2003 by wearing a black armband in a Cricket World Cup match to protest against the policies of Zimbabwe’s government. SEE INSIDE for more details where Henry Olonga will be speaking. June 2012 GOOD NEWS PAPER I Couldn’t find the truth Page 2 A Lot of RUBBISH! Page 3 I wanted to read but i just couldn’t Page 4 The Truth that stands the test Page 5 Afraid to Die Page 7 Black armband protest Published by: St Mellons Baptist Church e Bay Church Emmanuel Baptist Church Contact: Andy Christofides (07886 892984) Ian Parry (07956 895818) John Woolley (07787 092214) SATURDAY 16TH JUNE 2PM TO 5PM @ WILLOWBROOK PRIMARY SCHOOL, ST MELLONS GAMES, BOUNCY CASTLE, QUIZZES & MUCH MORE... HOT DOGS, DRINKS, CAKES... ONE LIFE!... What? Andy Christofides “One Life! … What’s it all about?” Not one of the 7 billion people on planet Earth asked to be born, but now we are here, most of us are keen to stay! We want to hang onto life and do what we can to extend it (healthy eating, gym membership) and make it more comfortable (money, relationships, hobbies, travel…). Yet for many of us, deep down we have a sense that we are “missing the point”; what IS life all about?! I said that not one of the 7 billion of us currently on this planet asked to be born, but uniquely around 2000 years ago there was one walking this Earth who did exactly that – he asked to be born! He existed from eternity in heaven, he is the creator of the universe, even now he keeps the entire universe in existence. So, why did he come to our planet? He states his purpose clearly and it is recorded in John’s gospel, chapter 10 and verse 10: Jesus said “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. Quite a statement – whatever it is we feel deep down we are missing, he came to supply! Later on he defines what that “something” is in John chapter 17v3: Jesus said “Now this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” at “point we are missing” is not something, but someone! It is God himself. is newspaper gives the accounts of a number of ordinary Cardiff folk who have come to discover this to be true – we hope you find them interesting and helpful. You will also find details of special meetings, being organized by three of Cardiff ’s many churches, to tell you more about this – why not come along and discover what life is all about? one life... “More than a THURSDAY 14TH JUNE 7.30PM @ THE GATE ARTS CENTRE www.facebook.com/onelifecardiff FAMILY FUN AFTERNOON! FREE FREE

One Life for Cardiff

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Page 1: One Life for Cardiff

One Life for Cardiff

Henry OlOnga was the youngest player and first black cricketer to play for Zimbabwe when he made his international debut in 1995. He achieved international recognition (along with team mate andy Flower) in 2003 by wearing a black armband in a Cricket World Cup match to protest against the policies of Zimbabwe’s government. See inSide for more details where Henry Olonga will be speaking.


I Couldn’t findthe truth

Page 2

A Lot of RUBBISH!Page 3

I wanted to readbut i just couldn’t

Page 4

The Truth thatstands the test

Page 5

Afraid to DiePage 7


Black armband protest

Published by:St Mellons Baptist ChurchThe Bay Churchemmanuel Baptist Church

Contact:andy Christofides (07886 892984)ian Parry (07956 895818)John Woolley (07787 092214)


Games, bouncy castle, quizzes & much more...hot doGs, drinks, cakes...

onE LIFE!... What?Andy Christofides

“One Life! … What’s it all about?”not one of the 7 billion people on planet earth asked to be born, but now we are here, most of us are keen to stay! We want to hang onto life and do what we can to extend it (healthy eating, gym membership) and make it more comfortable (money, relationships, hobbies, travel…). yet for many of us, deep down we have a sense that we are “missing the point”; what iS life all about?!

i said that not one of the 7 billion of us currently on this planet asked to be born, but uniquely around 2000 years ago there was one walking this earth who did exactly that – he asked to be born! He existed from eternity in heaven, he is the creator of the universe, even now he keeps the entire universe in existence. So, why did he come to our planet? He states his purpose clearly and it is recorded in John’s gospel, chapter 10 and verse 10: Jesus said “i have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. Quite a statement – whatever it is we feel deep down we are missing, he came

to supply! later on he defines what that “something” is in John chapter 17v3: Jesus said “now this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true god, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” That “point we are missing” is not something, but someone! it is god himself.

This newspaper gives the accounts of a number of ordinary Cardiff folk who have come to discover this to be true – we hope you find them interesting and helpful. you will also find details of special meetings, being organized by three of Cardiff ’s many churches, to tell you more about this – why not come along and discover what life is all about?

one life...“More than a



FamilyFun aFternoon!



Page 2: One Life for Cardiff

i couldn’t findthe truth!Parvin Ziaei

nineteen yearS agO in a HOSPital in teHran a MOtHer WaS giving BirtH tO Her CHild. SHe Had an allergiC reaCtiOn tO tHe anaeStHetiC. Her liFe WaS gOing tO end! SHe WaS aBSOlutely deSPerate and SaW HerSelF dying!

Before that time she had hardly thought if she would need god’s presence in her life. She strongly depended on her own abilities, talents and strengths.

For a moment her life was shown like a movie before her eyes. But god graciously had another plan for her and gave her another opportunity to return.

at that moment for the first time ever in her life she wept and pleaded with god to help and intervene. She cried out before god with her whole heart and a powerless soul. “Please save my life lord! not just for my sake, but for my daughter’s. i will spend the rest of my life with you, i promise!” she said.

The lord heard her plea and saw her broken spirit and sorrowful heart and tears. He was so close to her and answered her. The miracle occurred and every one was cheered in the hospital as she had been brought back to life!

That was just me, Parvin! a Persian who was born Muslim. it was the beginning of my Christian journey. i could feel some inner changes which challenged me to seek the true god and to know Him. i began to search for god through reading the Quran properly, practising my religion in the way i was expected to - praying, fasting, wearing hijab, participating in pilgrimages, spending whole nights in prayer and reading the Quran without ceasing ... but i couldn’t find the truth!

One night in ramadan i was praying hard with about a hundred people, seeking god’s mercies and acceptance. i was trying to translate the meaning of the arabic prayers in Farsi (my mother tongue) as we kept repeating them. They were all about people who had been dead for centuries and sending curses to them!!! “is it really my responsibility to curse dead people? and why in arabic? does god

only understand in arabic?” These thoughts and questions crossed my mind and challenged me to think of the concept of prayer.

i met with Jesus through reading books. Once i took a book from the library. The title was not about Christ as Christian books are forbidden in iran, but the gospel message was in it. The Holy Spirit opened my heart to the truth of how god Himself stepped into the world as Jesus, how he lived for us and died for us and offered his precious life on the cross for us and rose from the death to bring us a new life and cleanse us from our sins, giving us eternal life.

Connect with us.you can FInd us on facebook and twitter

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Sunday ServicesSuNDAy MORNiNG

17th JuNE

Morning 10:30St MellOnS (CaerSaleM)

BaPtiSt CHurCH

Morning 10:30CHurCH @ WillOWBrOOk

PriMary SCHOOl

Morning 10:30tHe Bay CHurCH

Morning 11:00eMManuel BaPtiSt

CHurCH, gaBalFa ave.

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for more details about thechurch locations and

contact details.

got questions?

come to any of our events and ask,or Just post your questions viatwitter and facebook.

Page 3: One Life for Cardiff

A Lot of RUBBISH!Alison Wilhelmsson

My name is alison, i have recently qualified as a nurse and this is the story of how i came to know Jesus as my Saviour.

For the first 18 years of my life if anyone asked me if i believed in god, my response would have been a firm no. i had no ‘religious’ upbringing having only attended a church a few times in my life. What i knew about Christianity i had been taught at school and to be honest i thought it was a lot of rubbish and that the Bible contradicted itself.

in 2002, at 18 years old, i came to Cardiff to university; it was here i met and became friends with Miriam, a Christian. We had several discussions about being a Christian but my thinking really was, well that’s nice for her if that is what she wants. i did attend church a couple of times with Miriam and on one occasion the pastor preached on the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. learning this made me realise what it really was that Christians believed. This was that god created a perfect world but then sin entered the world and tainted it. Human sin is now unfortunately very much part of human culture, but it only has one result and that is condemnation to hell. We do not know what hell will be like because its horror is unimaginable. The only answer to this is to be saved, and this was done as Jesus Christ died on the cross, he sacrificed himself for our sins. knowing this got me thinking but i was still happy with the way my life was going and felt i did not need Christ in my life.

in december 2005, Miriam became really ill and was in hospital for a month. Throughout this period Miriam was inundated with people from all over the world saying that they were praying for her and her family. Their faith in god gave them such strength and support that i myself lacked. The whole episode made me think a lot more about god and i even went to church on my own.

Thankfully Miriam got better and when she was well enough i started attending emmanuel Baptist Church, gabalfa, with Miriam and also reading the Bible for myself. i

my search for JesusAlbert Griffiths

in 1959 i was living in Pontypridd when my mother died and i went to stay with a Christian family. They took me to their local church for the Christmas eve Service. i was very impressed but couldn’t get over my mother’s death.

On Friday 21st October 1966 i found myself and hundreds of men on a hillside in South Wales trying to divert sludge and mud away from a school, ‘Pant glas’, at the bottom of a hill. The place was aberfan. i asked the lord and myself, why did so many children have to die on that day? 116 children and 28 adults.

On 7th June 1969 i married Joyce and we have two daughters and four grandchildren.

Armyin 1982 i was a member of the Mortar Platoon 1st royal regiment of Wales, which was part of 5 infantry Brigade. at the time when the battalion was getting ready to move to germany to take over from 1st royal Welsh Fusiliers, the Falklands War broke out and we were replaced in 5 infantry Brigade by the 1st Battalion Welsh guards. They suffered many casualties whilst on board the rla Sir galahad. Those who were mostly affected were the mortar platoon. Was this good luck, or was god looking after me!?

Illnessin 2007 after nearly two years of illness i was taken to Queen elizabeth Hospital for a liver transplant. Four years later i can read, write, talk and walk with a stick. My wife was told by the doctors that because of my age and problems i was lucky to be alive and that ‘someone up there’ must be looking out for me!

Churchin February 2011 i was walking my dogs and saw a sign for St. Mellons Baptist Church starting at Willowbrook School on the first Sunday in March. So with my hands shaking with nerves i attended on

thought the Bible would be hard to read but i know that god helped me to understand it. it was clear that all my previous ideas about being a Christian were wrong. now i knew the true foundations of the Christian faith. However, it still took me a little while to put my trust in god because i was scared of being different to my family and friends.

One morning however i woke up and what scared me most was the fact that i could die that day and that i wouldn’t have made things right with god. There and then i confessed my sins to god and i was forgiven, i was reconciled with god and i immediately knew that i had done the right thing, i had formed a relationship with god that would last forever.

i have now been a Christian for 6 years and i am continuing to grow in the faith. Things are not always easy and i still make mistakes and do things wrong because i am not perfect, but i have the assurance that god loves me and will forgive me. god has definitely challenged me in the past 6 years and made me grow as a person. i lacked a lot of confidence in myself but through god i am given the strength to do things i never thought possible, for example going to Cameroon, africa, by myself to carry out some medical missionary work.

in March 2011, i went to Finland for three months as part of my nursing degree. Whilst out there i met my now husband, Miska, at the church i attended there. We got married in april this year and are enjoying married life and looking forward to our lives together. We know that things may not always be easy and straightforward, but we know that our god will never leave us or forsake us and He will be with us in all that we do.

the first day and was given a warm welcome by tim, gill and tracey. i sat down for the service with Ben and Catherine while Pastor andy preached. Over coffee i was introduced to rachael who took me off to the evening service at the chapel. i haven’t looked back since then, attending both Sunday services as well as Wednesday night Bible study and prayer meetings.

i began reading the Bible and praying every day, wanting to know more and to find a personal relationship with god.

Conversion The lord entered my life on Sunday 15th January 2012 while Pastor andy was preaching on John 13:19. i am a young 67 and my life has changed for ever. looking back i wonder what my life would have been like if i had become a Christian in 1959 instead of being a doubting Thomas.

i thank all the members of St. Mellons Baptist Church for finding me in the wilderness. Through their teaching, knowledge, guidance and kindness i was brought to the lord. in fact looking back and knowing what i know now, i can see the lord was always with me. But when i believed, he showed himself to me.

i have been given a second chance of a new life and i am going to hold onto it with both hands!


Page 4: One Life for Cardiff

I wanted to readbut i just couldn’tSteven Fisher

in 2004 the Cardiff Bay Church set up a stall next to me in Splott Market. While i was working on my own stall i would help the members set up every Saturday morning.

i got to know ian the Pastor and some of my new family to be. after a while i began to ask questions and was happy with the answers given. But there were answers that were much bigger than the questions.

i started to feel some new feelings. i would take booklets intending to read them and never did. i wanted to but i have a reading problem (i would only read headlines and not small print) i guess you could say a stumbling block. i mentioned to ian and in 2007 he got me an niv large Print BiBle. i wanted to read but i just couldn’t. after a year i had not looked at it.

Well i was going on a holiday and thought ‘i will take the booklet gospel of John to read on the plane’. i kept reading Jesus saying ‘i tell you the truth’ and then in John 9:37 Jesus said to the blind man, ‘do you believe in the Son of Man? He is the one speaking with you.’ Then i read it all again and believed every word since. also it was about that time my daughter gillian said god was talking to her and i believed her.

i loved the stories about Jesus and soon the Scriptures opened up god’s plan - Christ the Saviour. Then on 16 September 2008 gillian passed on peacefully. That’s when i found out about god’s grace and the Holy Spirit. i found out then that the more trouble you are in the more help you get. as Jesus says ‘i tell you the truth’ i can say the Holy Spirit will be helping you, like me.

i know that god has a plan for us because i now believe it. it is only through our saviour Jesus Christ and worshipping god that his plan

A SPECIAL mAnDavid Bowen

david BOWen SayS gOd giveS HiM PeaCe in liFe – and He iS nOt aFraid OF deatH.

He is a man who is very knowledgeable about horses, and he has a great love of greek mythology, his mum Peggy says, “ i don’t know what i’d do without him”. david has downs Syndrome. david is a Christian - let him tell you in his own words about his Christian faith.

When i reached my teens, i read a verse in the Bible (John 3: 16), which says: “For god so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” i then realised i was a sinner and that i needed Jesus to lead me in my life. His presence is always felt and He gives me peace in my life. i gradually grew closer to god as i read my Bible more and more.

i know that when i pray to god, He hears me and helps me with difficult

Chief constablerOBin Oake is a former Chief Constable, having served in the police force in london, Manchester and elsewhere, mainly in connection with terrorism and public order.    He lives with his wife in Shrewsbury now and they had three children one of whom, Stephen, was also a police officer. Whilst in Special Branch in Manchester, Stephen was killled in a terrorist incident. 

The family has been able to cope with this through their faith in Jesus Christ and robin will share about this during our special meeting at the redrow Suite of Cardiff City Stadium on Sunday 17th June starting at 6pm. (See advert on the back page for more details).

will work for us. My wife alice sees a change in me - she says she loves me more and more. you will have to ask her yourself.

My old life was leading me to a certain death and my soul would die with my body. Once you have the knowledge and your eyes have been opened and you want to walk in the light and have eternal life with your creator, you must change.

all my years before now i have been walking in the wilderness, living with a hard heart and selfish ways.

My pledge when i was baptised in front of the whole church and god is a covenant with god the Father and a new conscience. My relationship is of me worshipping you god and you fill me up.

Praise be to god.

things in my life. god recently helped me when my father died in april last year. i knew god was with me through that time.

i have a relationship with god by praying to Him and reading my Bible every day and it’s great to know that i will go to Heaven when i die. it is great to know that god’s son, Jesus, died for me even though i am a sinner. i would recommend Him to anybody because you can find true happiness in your life.




, ESV“I came that they may have life

and have it abundantlyI am the good shepherdThe good shepherd lays downhis life for the sheep”

Page 5: One Life for Cardiff

The Truth thatstands the testSarah Street & Family

 Christianity is not just a ‘fair-weather’ religion. it can survive the trials and shocks of real life, because it brings new life: eternal life. This is not only the certain hope of heaven in the future; it begins here and now, and gives assurance and strength. Sarah Street speaks for all the family as she tells the story of Jack, Sam and Molly. My husband andrew and i were both brought up in Cardiff. as children we were taken to different churches and went to most of the meetings, but it wasn’t until we were teenagers that we became Christians. god showed us that the wrong things in our lives separated us from god. We came to believe that Jesus’ life, death and resurrection for us both could restore our relationship with god. We got married in 1997 and in 2002 had twin boys, Jack and Sam. twelve hours after they were born, the doctors told us that Jack had down’s Syndrome. This came as a massive shock to us both, leaving us upset and with lots of unanswered questions. despite these feelings we were both assured of god’s comfort and his strength enabling us to trust him with the situation. We immediately felt a deep love for Jack

and a trust in god for all that was to come.

Jack needed heart surgery at five months old. again, we were made aware of our helplessness and once more found confidence in god. He not only provided us with all that we needed, but even more than we could have imagined. We were blessed with new friends, kind nurses and skilled doctors. Jack’s operation was successful and he made a good recovery. The doctors concluded that Jack’s down’s Syndrome was not passed on to him by us, his parents, but was a one in a thousand event. There was, therefore, no increased risk of our having another child with a genetic problem.

in the summer of 2004 we were expecting our third child. We arrived at the 12 week scan excited about our new baby. Our emotions quickly changed when we were told that the baby had a swelling at the back of the neck. This suggested a genetic problem and further tests detected a heart condition. We were offered invasive tests and an abortion, but we were constantly assured of how precious this life was to god and also to us. each scan revealed more problems, cysts on the baby’s kidneys and a blocked airway. Our baby had edwards’ Syndrome and, even if it survived birth, its life would be short. The following months were

long and both emotionally and psychologically draining. god continued to teach us that he was in control and had a purpose in all that was happening around us, however unclear to us                                                                                                The only TruthOur daughter Molly was stillborn on January 25th 2005. it was heartbreaking leaving the hospital with nothing, as though a part of you was missing. Being Christians didn’t make our pain any less but it did give us a real hope - hope that Molly was with her heavenly Father and that we would meet her one day in heaven. We knew that people were praying for us and we experienced an inner peace which we knew was god given.

Since we became Christians in our teens god has never let us down as individuals or a family, no matter what we have had to face. He has always been with us, leading us, comforting us, giving us his strength. as Christians, the events in our lives may be the same as those experienced by others in this world. The real difference is the resources at our disposal. Without god we could only rely on ourselves, but as god’s people we freely receive his comfort, peace, hope and security.  god has been very kind to us and we are only weeks away from expecting a new baby. We don’t know what lies ahead but god does, and we will continue to trust Him. P.S. Since these words were written, Sarah and andrew have received the gift of of a healthy baby son.

“You created my inmost being;you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eye saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them. Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.” (Psalm 139:13-17)




‘One Life - you are never too old’Senior Citizens Lunch

Come along & enjoy a free lunchin the company of Henry Olonga

– former Zimbabwean test cricketer

Henry will sing and talkabout his career in cricket

& life beyond sport

Tuesday 12th June 1pm

Emmanuel Baptist ChurchGabalfa Avenue, Cardiff

Younite‘One life - are you ready for it?’

Page 6: One Life for Cardiff

owen BroadMy name is Owen Broad, i was born and raised a Welshman here in Cardiff and have recently graduated from u.W.i.C in Sports Coaching. i am also a semi-professional rugby player playing for newport r.F.C on the wing.

as well as being a passionate Welshman and rugby player i have come to trust that the Bible is god’s word and that in it he communicates his will for us his creation. a clear message is given to believe that Jesus Christ was his son, and that Jesus sacrificed himself so that we could have eternal life as a result. in my teenage years i came to believe this and it has completely changed my life!

Henry olongaHenry Olonga was the youngest player and first black cricketer to play for Zimbabwe when he made his international debut in 1995. He achieved international recognition (along with team mate andy Flower) in 2003 by wearing a black armband in a Cricket World Cup match to protest against the policies of Zimbabwe’s government.

Henry has re-released the single called “Our Zimbabwe” as a download and is currently working on a gospel album for release later in 2012.

i am being interviewed by Michael Ots at The gate arts Centre on Thursday 14th June @ 7.30pm, come and hear more of my story!

Henry became a Christian at a youth camp at the age of 16. now 20 years later he enjoys sharing the story of god’s mercy in his life. Wherever he gets invited he tries to use his story and song to convey the good news of Jesus Christ.

29,220 daysMichael Ots

29,220 days. if you live till your 80 that’s all you’ve got! So what should you do with your one life? The advert for a computer games console carried this strapline: ‘life is short – play more!’ But if this life is all there is then what’s the point? What’s the point of all our studies, achievements and relationships if none of them are going to last? We might advance humanity, but what’s the point of that if humanity itself will one day come to an end?

But what if there was more? The massive claim of the Bible is that there is something more. That because Jesus rose from the dead, death is not the end. not for us

and not for this world. There is a life worth living because this is not all you’ve got. But how do we know that it happened and what difference would it make? We often spend our lives on fast forward that we never stop to press pause and ask some of the big questions. Why am i here and where i am going? Why not come along to find out more.


with Michael Ots“One Life - Have you cracked it?!”

Saturday 16th June 8.30amEmmanuel Baptist Church, gabalfa



An informal evening with refreshmentsat which michael ots will speak on

the way to know REAL life!


Cricket & BBqFamily eveningwith Henry olonga

Tuesday 12th June 7pm@ Lisvane Cricket Club



Page 7: One Life for Cardiff

There was nothingI could do, Jesus had done it allHadeel Cassinelli

as a child, i went to Sunday school for a number of years and believed the Bible to be true and also believed in Jesus. But then i turned away from god as a teenager and rebelled against church, school and my family. i didn’t think i needed god and i was happy doing what i wanted. Over the years i started to feel very guilty about the way i was living my life and thought that i needed to change my life before i could approach god. i was convinced that god would not accept me until i had sorted out my own sins.

However hard i tried to do the right thing i didn’t have any peace and i still felt worthless and guilty. i attended the Catholic church and later studied with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, but i still felt that there was something missing.

looking back i can see how god was leading me to the church at St Mellons and i started coming to the church in 2008. i enjoyed hearing the Bible preached clearly and was grateful for people’s time in answering my questions which were many! i wanted to learn as much as possible about god and the Bible and i attended

the Christianity explored group. i gradually came to understand how Jesus had died on the cross to forgive me, but i struggled to accept his forgiveness and still felt i needed to do something myself. i tried to pray and read the Bible, but my prayers didn’t seem real. Over time however, i felt god’s presence with me and after listening to a sermon i realised that i had to just accept god’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ. There was nothing i could do, Jesus had done it all.

i now know that god not only accepts me but he loves me personally and i have the assurance of knowing that i will be with him one day. i know that i am nowhere near perfect, and i will continue to sin daily, but i know that god has forgiven me and the burden of guilt has been taken away.

How long have I been going to church? Since before i can remember. i’m told i had been causing havoc there since i started crawling. i’ve been attending services twice on a Sunday for my entire life. it was when i was 19 that god started to touch my heart. i understood that if i died that night i would go to hell. i prayed for several weeks that i wanted to become a Christian but they were halfhearted prayers. i felt no change in my heart.

eventually one night i sat on my bed and started to say my prayers. These usually took between 2 to 3 minutes (i was never known for my eloquence). This night i prayed for around 40 to 45 minutes and the presence of god was absolutely overwhelming.

after this i would love to be able to say i went on to become a strong Christian and upstanding member of the church. But the truth is i couldn’t give my heart to god because i wanted it for me. Maybe my character was too weak to stand out from the crowd, maybe i didn’t want to give up the habits i had started. i would not let my heart go.

in my life at this point i was preparing to go to university. i was living as a Christian for about 70% of the time and 30% for me. i wanted to stand as a Christian and tell everyone about god.

university came and i learned an important lesson about the Christian life: unless you give your whole heart to god you’re wasting your time. after the first few months i just wasn’t living a Christian life. all i had told people was that i had been to Church a few times. i’m sorry to say this continued for the next three years.

However, even though i was not saved, god had given me one thing to ensure i could never forget him:

i was terrified of dying. i had heard it in Sunday school and in sermons many times; you could go out of here and be run over by a bus and where would you go when you die? But i was smarter than that. i was good at crossing roads. My problem came with the promise in the Bible that Jesus will return, like a thief in the night. This i had no control over. if he returned today i knew i wouldn’t be leaving with him. This scared me.

Three years later i had the opportunity to spend a summer in america working in a Christian bookshop. i was joined there by a young Christian called rob. in the evenings we would talk for hours about Christian things. after around four weeks worth of evenings like this i finally let go of my heart and was prepared to give it to god.

One evening i prayed and asked that god would accept me as a Christian. My heart was right with god. i knew from that moment on i would one day be in heaven and i feared the second coming no more.

it’s a big transition when you change the way you are living your life, from the wrong way to the right way. it doesn’t always go smoothly and there were a few battles in the years that followed. it still surprises me the way that god worked in me, especially in the first few years when there was so much that needed to change. god continues to work in my life in many ways and i still long to know him more.

Afraid to DIEAndrew Carey-Jones

WAtCh ONLiNE, videos with answers:www.christianityexplored.org/tough-questions

Ladies Pudding NightWITH SPEAKER: mICHAEL oTS


‘One LifeTaste&See!’


Page 8: One Life for Cardiff

Emmanuel Baptist Churchwww.emmanuelcardiff.org

Location:gabalfa avenue, Cardiff, South glamorgan CF14 2SH

The Bay Churchwww.thebaychurch.org.uk

Questions or comments? Let us know

Location:On Sundays at St Cuthbert’s School which is on letton road off lloyd george avenue in atlantic Wharf.

St mellons baptist churchwww.stmellonsbaptist.org.uk

Location:ty’r Winch road, Old St Mellons,Cardiff, CF3 5uS



CHRISTIAnITy ExPLoRED is an informal 6-week course for people who’d like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up on the basics. Looking at Mark’s gospel, it explores who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him.

you won’t be asked to pray, sing or read aloud, and you can ask any questions you like. Or, if you prefer, you can just come along and listen. Christianity explored has been around for over a decade now, and it’s been designed to suit different age ranges and people.

Christianity explored is primarily for anyone who wants to investigate Christianity informally with a group of other people. Whether you have previous experience of Church, Christians and the Bible, or none at all, this course is for you. everyone is welcome - from the most sympathetic Sunday schooler to the convinced atheist.

Courses startingtuESDAyS 7.45pm. June: 19th, 26th. July: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th.@ emmanuel Baptist Church, gablfa avenue, Cardiff.For any questions, contact: John Woolley (07787 092214)

thuRSDAyS 7.45pm. June 21st, 28th. July 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th.@ St Mellons (Caersalem) Baptist Church, St Mellons, Cardiff.For any questions, contact: andy Christofides (07886 892984)

Where’s god in the bad times?

A warm invitation to the final meeting

of the “One Life” series of events!

Sunday 17th June, 6pm to 7.15pm @ The redrow Suite,

Cardiff City Stadium, leckwith road, CF11 8aZ

Hear Michael Ots address this subject and understand

how Jesus Christ is so vital to us, especially in the bad

times! The event will include an interview with ex-Chief

Constable Robin Oake whose son, a serving police

officer, was murdered by terrorists.

Crèche available for pre school children

Refreshments after the service

Organised by:The Bay Church,

emmanuel Baptist Church,

St Mellons Baptist Church.