ONE WORD SUBSTITUTIONS One Words Denoting Persons: Agnostic, Altruist, Amateur, Ambidextrous, Anarchist, Apostate, Arbitrator, Ascetic, Atheist, Bankrupt, Bigot, Bohemian, Cacographist, Cannibal, Carnivorous, Chauvinist, Connoisseur, Contemporaries, Convalescent, Coquette, Cosmopolitan, Cynosure, Cynic, Debonair, Demagogue, Dilettante, Effeminate, Egoist, Egotist, Emigrant, Epicure, Fastidious, Fatalist, Feminist, Fugitive, Gourmand, Gourmet, Henpecked, Hedonist, Heretic, Herbivorous, Honorary, Highbrow, Hypochondriac, Iconoclast, Illiterate, Immigrant, Impregnable, Impostor, Indefatigable, Introvert, Insolvent, Itinerant, Invincible, Invulnerable, Libertine, Martyr, Mercenary, Misanthrope, Misogamist, Misologist, Namesake, Narcissist, Novice, Numismatist, Omnivorous, Optimist, Orphan, Philanthropist, Philogynist, Polyglot, Pacifist, Pessimist, Philanderer, Philistine, Posthumous, Philatelist, Pedestrian, Recluse, Sadist, Samaritan, Somnambulist, Somniloquist, Stoic, Swashbuckler, Teetotaler, Termagant, Truant, Toper/Sot, Uxorious, Veteran, Versatile, Virtuoso, Volunteer, Verbose. One Words Denoting General Objects: Abdication, Almanac, Amphibian, Allegory, Anomaly, Aquatic, Autobiography, Axiom, Anonymous, Belligerent, Biography, Biopsy, Blasphemy, Chronology, Conscription, Crusade, Drawn, Eatable, Edible, Encyclopedia, Ephemeral, Epilogue, Extempore, Fable, Facsimile, Fatal, Fauna, Flora, Fragile, Gregarious, Illegible, Inaccessible, Impracticable, Inaudible, Incorrigible, Irreparable, Indelible, Infallible, Inedible, Inflammable, Inevitable, Indispensable, Interregnum, Intelligible, Lunar, Maiden, Mammal, Manuscript, Nostalgia, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Parable, Parole, Panacea, Pantheism, Pedantic, Plagiarism, Platonic, Plagiarism, Platonic, Portable, Potable, Plebiscite, Pseudonym, Quarantine, Quadruped, Referendum, Red-tapism, Regalia, Sacrilege, Sinecure, Soliloquy, Soporific, Souvenir, Swan song, Solar, Transparent, Venial, Verbatim, Utopia, Zodiac. One Words Denoting Places: Abattoir, Apiary, Aquarium, Arena, Arsenal, Asylum, Aviary, Archives, Burrow, Cache, Cage, Casino, Cemetery, Cloakroom, Convent, Crèche, Crematorium, Decanter, Dormitory, Drey, Elysium, Gymnasium, Granary, Hangar, Hive, Hutch, Infirmary, Kennel, Lair/Den, Mint, Menagerie, Monastery, Morgue, Mortuary, Orchard, Orphanage, Pantry, Portfolio, Reservoir, Resort, Stable, Sty, Scullery, Sheath, Scabbard, Sanatorium, Tannery, Wardrobe. One Words Denoting Professions: Anchor, Anthropologist, Astronaut, Calligraphist, Cartographer, Choreographer, Chauffeur, Compere, Curator, Florist, Invigilator, Lexicographer, Radio Jockey, Psephologist, Sculptor, Usurer.

One Word Substitutions

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English Substitutions

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Page 1: One Word Substitutions


One Words Denoting Persons: Agnostic, Altruist, Amateur, Ambidextrous, Anarchist, Apostate, Arbitrator, Ascetic, Atheist, Bankrupt, Bigot, Bohemian, Cacographist, Cannibal, Carnivorous, Chauvinist, Connoisseur, Contemporaries, Convalescent, Coquette, Cosmopolitan, Cynosure, Cynic, Debonair, Demagogue, Dilettante, Effeminate, Egoist, Egotist, Emigrant, Epicure, Fastidious, Fatalist, Feminist, Fugitive, Gourmand, Gourmet, Henpecked, Hedonist, Heretic, Herbivorous, Honorary, Highbrow, Hypochondriac, Iconoclast, Illiterate, Immigrant, Impregnable, Impostor, Indefatigable, Introvert, Insolvent, Itinerant, Invincible, Invulnerable, Libertine, Martyr, Mercenary, Misanthrope, Misogamist, Misologist, Namesake, Narcissist, Novice, Numismatist, Omnivorous, Optimist, Orphan, Philanthropist, Philogynist, Polyglot, Pacifist, Pessimist, Philanderer, Philistine, Posthumous, Philatelist, Pedestrian, Recluse, Sadist, Samaritan, Somnambulist, Somniloquist, Stoic, Swashbuckler, Teetotaler, Termagant, Truant, Toper/Sot, Uxorious, Veteran, Versatile, Virtuoso, Volunteer, Verbose.

One Words Denoting General Objects: Abdication, Almanac, Amphibian, Allegory, Anomaly, Aquatic, Autobiography, Axiom, Anonymous, Belligerent, Biography, Biopsy, Blasphemy, Chronology, Conscription, Crusade, Drawn, Eatable, Edible, Encyclopedia, Ephemeral, Epilogue, Extempore, Fable, Facsimile, Fatal, Fauna, Flora, Fragile, Gregarious, Illegible, Inaccessible, Impracticable, Inaudible, Incorrigible, Irreparable, Indelible, Infallible, Inedible, Inflammable, Inevitable, Indispensable, Interregnum, Intelligible, Lunar, Maiden, Mammal, Manuscript, Nostalgia, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Parable, Parole, Panacea, Pantheism, Pedantic, Plagiarism, Platonic, Plagiarism, Platonic, Portable, Potable, Plebiscite, Pseudonym, Quarantine, Quadruped, Referendum, Red-tapism, Regalia, Sacrilege, Sinecure, Soliloquy, Soporific, Souvenir, Swan song, Solar, Transparent, Venial, Verbatim, Utopia, Zodiac.

One Words Denoting Places: Abattoir, Apiary, Aquarium, Arena, Arsenal, Asylum, Aviary, Archives, Burrow, Cache, Cage, Casino, Cemetery, Cloakroom, Convent, Crèche, Crematorium, Decanter, Dormitory, Drey, Elysium, Gymnasium, Granary, Hangar, Hive, Hutch, Infirmary, Kennel, Lair/Den, Mint, Menagerie, Monastery, Morgue, Mortuary, Orchard, Orphanage, Pantry, Portfolio, Reservoir, Resort, Stable, Sty, Scullery, Sheath, Scabbard, Sanatorium, Tannery, Wardrobe.

One Words Denoting Professions: Anchor, Anthropologist, Astronaut, Calligraphist, Cartographer, Choreographer, Chauffeur, Compere, Curator, Florist, Invigilator, Lexicographer, Radio Jockey, Psephologist, Sculptor, Usurer.

One Words Denoting Kinds of Governments: Anarchy, Aristocracy, Autocracy, Autonomy, Bureaucracy, Democracy, Gerontocracy, Kekistocracy, Neocracy, Ochlocracy, Oligarchy, Panarchy, Plutocracy, Secular, Monarchy, Thearchy, Theocracy.

One Words Denoting Killings/Deaths of Persons: Cemetery, Cortege, Cremation ground/Crematorium, Obituary, Elegy, Epitaph, Filicide, Foeticide, Fratricide, Genocide, Homicide, Infanticide, Matricide, Parricide, Patricide, Regicide, Suicide, Uxoricide, Sororicide, Mortuary, Morgue, Postmortem.

One Words Denoting Marriages: Adultery, Alimony, Bigamy, Celibacy, Concubinage, Misogamist, Matrimony, Monogamy, Polygamy, Polyandry, Spinister.

Page 2: One Word Substitutions

One Words Denoting Time Periods: Annual, Biennial, Triennial, Quadrennial, Quinquennial, Decennial, Semicentennial, Centennial (Centenary), Sesquicentennial, Bicentennial (Bicentenary), Trientennial (Tercentenary), Tetra centennial, Pentacentennial, Sexagenarian, Septuagenarian, Octagenarian, Nonagenarian, Centenarian, Century, Millennium.

One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things):

One Words Denoting Science and Arts:

One Words Denoting Phobias/ Mental Disorders: Acrophobia, Aerophobia, Aglophobia, Altiphobia, Anorexia, Agorophobia, Androphobia, Androphobia, Autophobia, Bathophobia, Biblophobia, Cacophobia, Catrophobia,

One Words Denoting Young-ones: Ass, Bird, Butterfly/moth, Cat, Cock, Cow, Deer, Dog, Duck, Eagle, Elephant, Fowl, Frog (toad), Goat, Goose, Hare, Hen, Horse, Lion/Bear/Fox, Mare, Owl, Pig, Sheep, Stallion (horse), Swan.

One Words Denoting Distinctive Sounds: Apes, Arms, Asses, A person in agony, Babies, Bees, Beetles, Bells, Birds, Brakes, Cattle, Camels, Cats, Chains, Coins, Corks, Cocks, Crows, Deer, Dogs, Doors, Doves, Duck, Elephants, Fire, Flies, Frogs, Glasses, Goats, Guns, Hens, Hoofs, Horses, Silk, Hyenas, Jackals, Larks, Leaves, Lions, Mice, Monkeys, Nightingales, Owls, Oxen/cow, Paper, Parrots, Pigeons, Pigs, Ravens, Rain, Rivers, Serpents, Silk, Teeth, Tigers, Trees, Water, Whip, Wind, Wings.