University of North Texas July 11, 2016 Online Course Syllabus Blackboard Learn 9.1 Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Redesign

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University of North Texas

July 11, 2016

Online Course Syllabus Blackboard Learn 9.1

Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Redesign

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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2015

2 CLEAR | University of North Texas



Course Information | Tech Requirements | Access & Navigation | Requirements | Communications |

Assessment | Academic Calendar | Course Evaluation | Scholarly Expectations | Resources |

Course Policies | UNT Policies | Bibliography

COURSE INFORMATION Media Ethics/Media Arts Department

Summer 2/2016

RTVF 4455.001/3 credit hours

Online: Login Monday-Thursday for class discussions

Professor / Instructor Contact Information

Marjorie Lewis, MFA, MA, Adjunct Professor

RTVF Building, Room 225


Office hours: Online by appointment

Email address: [email protected]

About the Professor / Instructor

I am beginning my fourth year as an adjunct professor of Media Ethics at UNT. Before coming to UNT, I taught at

The University of Tulsa, The University of Texas at Arlington and at Richland College.

Before moving into the classroom, I worked in both broadcast and print media. I began my career working at the

CBS affiliate in Phoenix, Az. I moved to Dallas a year after graduating with a Bachelor of Science. degree in

broadcasting from Arizona State University and began working for a local production company specializing in

television commercials and industrial films. A year later, I moved into print journalism and built a career in sports

writing having spent a combined 20 years writing for The Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

During that time, I earned a Master of Arts degree in Journalism and English Rhetoric and Composition from UTA.

I also have a Master of Fine Arts degree from Southern New Hampshire University and a certificate in Social Media

for Business from Southern Methodist University. I also have an American Bar Association approved certification in

legal assistance from SMU.

While a sportswriter, I was the first woman assigned to cover the Dallas Cowboys beat, which I did for three

seasons. While on the beat, I covered all home and away games, training camp, the team's first trip abroad when

they played the Chicago Bears in London, and all daily practices and news events, including the strike season,

contracts, the draft, and so forth.

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3 CLEAR | University of North Texas

Away from teaching and reporting, I enjoy singing (I was with a label in Nashville in the late 1990s). I enjoy reading

and writing (I have one book, an anthology of memorable stories published by The Dallas Morning News, called

SportsDay Bound co-edited with Morning News sports columnist Kevin Sherrington. And I have an agent

representing my first novel). I've written and sold one screenplay.

I have been married for 35 years and have two grown children.

Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions

Must be an RTVF or CM major in good standing.

Materials – Text, Readings, Supplementary Readings

Required Textbook: Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning, 9th ed, Christians, Fackler, Richardson,

Kreshel, Woods, Jr.

Required Reading: Introduction, Parts 1, 2,3, and 4. Chapters 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, and 17

Additional Required Readings: Current articles posted to Blackboard as current events unfold.

Course Description

Examines ethical questions and dilemmas faced by journalists and other media practitioners, with a strong emphasis on how to implement and use an effective ethical decision-making process in the newsroom. Includes extensive use of case studies, class discussions, role-playing, research and writing.

Instructional Methods: Online lecture material will be posted for reading. Daily discussion questions will

be posted. Assignments will be shared. Cases will be evaluated.

Goals / Rationale of the course:

This course is designed to help you apply ethical principles to situations you will encounter as

professional communicators and as media consumers through a critical process of reflection and

deliberation. You will explore on-the-job problems and moral dilemmas in journalism, advertising,

marketing, entertainment programming, organizational life, and between persons --working toward

ethically justifiable and biblically responsible solutions

Learning Objectives (Should be provided for overall course, as well as each unit, module, assignment)

As a result of this course students will:

1. learn to recognize ethical issues present in professional situations; 2. develop analytical skills through application of decision-making techniques; 3. learn to tolerate disagreement as to “correct” procedures and techniques; 4. investigate process of moral development and reasoning; 5. seek to understand the impact of media decisions on society; 6. derive more complete understanding of various philosophical orientations to ethics; 7. develop an understanding of key ethical issues facing journalists, as well as advertising,

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4 CLEAR | University of North Texas

public relations and entertainment media professionals; 8. formulate strategies and guidelines for confronting ethical challenges in journalism,

advertising, public relations and entertainment media.

Teaching Philosophy

This class will be highly interactive – a true learning community. The more interactive the class, the more

everyone will benefit. I like to pose questions based on the reading material that may have current-day

application, and discuss how it was handled and how each of you may have handled it. Answers must be

based on the Potter Box method of reasoning explained in the textbook. Two weekly quizzes must be

completed on deadline and will be the material that will drive the week’s discussions and assignments.

Students will be responsible for answering each of my questions and for responding to a minimum of

three student responses per question. This will help move the discussion and could result in prompting

me to post an additional question. I will post a minimum of one question per day. Plan to spend at least

two hours per day in reading, discussing, completing quizzes, and posting assignments Monday-

Thursday. Additional work on the interview assignment and final project must be completed outside the

expected two-hour daily commitment. Two tests will also be given.


The following information has been provided to assist you in preparation for the technological aspect of

the course.

UIT Help Desk: http://www.unt.edu/helpdesk/index.htm

Hardware and software necessary to use Bb Learn: http://www.unt.edu/helpdesk/bblearn/

Browser requirements: http://kb.blackboard.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=84639794

Computer and Internet Literacy: http://clt.odu.edu/oso/index.php?src=pe_comp_lit

Word Processor

Minimum Technical Skills Needed: Using the learning management system Using email with attachments Creating and submitting files in commonly used word processing program formats Copying and pasting Downloading and installing software Using spreadsheet programs


The University of North Texas UIT Student Helpdesk provides student technical support in the use of Blackboard and supported resources. The student help desk may be reached at:

Email: [email protected] Phone: 940.565-2324

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In Person: Sage Hall, Room 130

Our hours are:

Monday-Thursday 8am-midnight

Friday 8am-8pm

Saturday 9am-5p

Sunday 8am-midnight


Access and Log in Information

This course was developed and will be facilitated utilizing the University of North Texas’ Learning

Management System, Blackboard Learn. To get started with the course, please go to:


You will need your EUID and password to log in to the course. If you do not know your EUID or have

forgotten your password, please go to: http://ams.unt.edu.

Student Resources

As a student, you will have access to these resources:

Locate the “UNT Helpdesk” tab at the top of the Blackboard Learn window, which provides

links to student resources of technical information and instruction, and how to contact the

Help Desk for assistance.

Take the Blackboard Learn Student Orientation. It is recommended that you become

familiar with the tools and tutorials within the Orientation to better equip you in navigating

the course.

Blackboard’s On Demand Learning Center for Students . It is recommended that you

become familiar with the tools and tutorials to better equip you to navigate the course.

Student Academic Support Services

Links to all of these services can be found on the Academic Support tab within Blackboard Learn.

Academic Resource Center: buy textbooks and supplies, access academic catalogs and programs, register for classes, and more.

Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities: provides Code of Student Conduct along with other useful links.

Office of Disability Accommodation: ODA exist to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability and to help students reach a higher level of independence.

Counseling and Testing Services: CTS provides counseling services to the UNT community as well as testing services; such as admissions testing, computer-based testing, career testing and other tests.

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6 CLEAR | University of North Texas

UNT Libraries: online library services Online Tutoring: chat in real time, mark up your paper using drawing tools and edit the text of

your paper with the tutor’s help. The Learning Center Support Programs: various program links provided to enhance the student

experience. Supplemental Instruction: program for every student, not just for students that are struggling. UNT Writing Lab: offers free writing tutoring to all UNT students, undergraduate and graduate. Math Tutor Lab: located in GAB, room 440. Succeed at UNT: how to be a successful student information.

Being a Successful Online Student

-What Makes a Successful Online Student?

-Self Evaluation for Potential Online Students

How the Course is Organized

This course will be offered in five parts – one for each week of the summer semester. Within the five

parts, there will be four folders, each containing the learning modules for each day – Monday-Thursday.

Each module will include the required reading materials, quizzes, assignments, discussion requirements,

tests and deadline dates and times. Modules are built around required textbook readings. Discussion

questions will go beyond the textbook and include current issues and events as they relate to media


What Should Students Do First?

To begin, click the “Start Here” module and follow instructions. We will begin with class introductions, a

syllabus question and a discussion question. You will also be required to send me your contact

information via the email tool.

How Students Should Proceed Each Week for Class Activities

Begin each week by clicking on the weekly module folder “Week 1” “Week 2” and so forth. Once you

open the file folder, you’ll see a list of modules. Read each module first so you will know the weekly

expectations and due dates. Then begin with the first module (Monday) and complete the

requirements. Each module, at a minimum, will include lecture material for that day, the quiz due, any

assignment, and discussion questions.


1. The student will access and follow all course instructions found in the weekly/unit content area

of the Blackboard course.

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7 CLEAR | University of North Texas

2. The student will read all online lectures provided in the contents page of the weekly modules.

3. The student will complete the assigned ‘online’ exams/quizzes by accessing the Blackboard

course under each corresponding weekly content page.

4. The student will respond to posted online course discussion questions using the Blackboard

discussion tool.

5. The student will complete and submit assignments electronically using the Blackboard

assignment drop box tool/tab.

6. The student will complete an on-going semester project in accordance with the instructions

given in this syllabus and the online course.


- Announcements: If necessary, all announcements will be posted to “Announcements.” Which also links

to student UNT email addresses.

-Contact: Email me at any time via my UNT email account.

-Discussions: Topics will be posted daily (Monday-Thursday) and posts/responses will be credited for

attendance/participation on a daily basis.

Interaction with Instructor Statement: Please send personal concerns via email. I will check my email

daily and will respond within 24 hours. All test and quiz scores will be posted to the Blackboard

gradebook once each has been submitted. Potter Box papers and final projects will be graded within a

week after submission.

All students are required to begin a discussion thread daily and to respond to at least three (3) other

student threads daily for full attendance/participation credit. All new discussion threads must be original

and thought-provoking to receive credit. Responses must be substantive. Responses, such as “I agree,” or

“great point,” and so forth will not receive credit.



“This course is made up of a series of assignments and assessments to assist you in achieving the course learning objectives/outcomes. Each week you will work on various combinations of assignments, activities, discussions, readings, research, etc. which will be made available to you by each Monday and close on the following Sunday.”

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8 CLEAR | University of North Texas

The course requires daily attendance and participation via discussion boards on Blackboard. Testing will consist of two timed, open-book tests and eight timed open-book quizzes. In addition, two Potter Box papers, each based on movies also discussed in our textbook case studies, will be required. The course will culminate with a final project and ethics project log. Refer to page 10 for assessment details and points values.

Learning Objectives

As a result of this course students will:

1. learn to recognize ethical issues present in professional situations; 2. develop analytical skills through application of decision-making techniques; 3. learn to tolerate disagreement as to “correct” procedures and techniques; 4. investigate process of moral development and reasoning; 5 seek to understand the impact of media decisions on society; 6. derive more complete understanding of various philosophical orientations to ethics; 7. develop an understanding of key ethical issues facing journalists, as well as advertising, public relations and entertainment media professionals; 8. formulate strategies and guidelines for confronting ethical challenges in journalism, advertising, public relations and entertainment media.

Assignment: Final Project presentation/Project Ethics Log

PowerPoint and/or Video with PowerPoint Potter Box research presentation: 220 points (22% of overall grade)

Project Ethics Log: 100 points (10% of overall grade)

Course Objective/Learning Outcome #1: The learner will describe and synthesize learning, theory, educational technology and instructional design as it relates to teaching and learning through empirically based research. This research presentation is assigned as a means of recapping your previous learning in other coursework. By presenting your research in PowerPoint form, you will demonstrate your ability to describe and synthesize learning, the theory associated with learning, and how instructional design relates to teaching and learning. You will also demonstrate your Potter Box analysis and research skills.

Assessment Method: A rubric posted to Blackboard will offer clarity for assessment.

Final Project: A PowerPoint Potter Box presentation on a topic of your choice but approved by me. The

project answers the question: What is the state of media ethics today? The project will focus on a micro

topic through the lens of a macro issue. Perhaps you choose to research the ethical issues related to

advertising to children. Complete a PowerPoint Potter Box presentation answering the question: What is

the state of media ethics today as it relates to advertising to children. Present your case using the Potter

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9 CLEAR | University of North Texas

Box to guide your thinking. You will not be required to present a Potter Box in the form of the four

quadrants, but rather, create a PowerPoint and/or video to explain your conclusion and final assessment

of the issue you choose to research. The PowerPoint and/or video will be posted to the discussion board

and will be the basis for discussion on its due date. Presenters must also be available the day of

submission to interact/question-and-answer session with classmates regarding their final project.

Ethics Log: Each student must keep a log of three ethical issues encountered while working on the final

project. Issue might be in regard to using copyright materials, the use of research materials, and so

forth. Essentially, what ethical issues did you personally encounter as they related to your project and

while working on the project? How did you handle those issues? What values, loyalties and/or principles

did you invoke in making that decision? Each issue must be defined followed by a paragraph on how the

issue was handled. This log gives students the opportunity to experience applied ethics after having

studied the principles of ethical.

Assignment: Potter Box Analysis

Two Potter Box Papers: 50 points each (10% of overall grade)

Course Objective/Learning Outcome #1: The learner will describe and synthesize learning, theory, educational technology and instructional design as it relates to teaching and learning through empirically based research. Each Potter Box analysis is assigned as a means of recapping your previous learning in other coursework. By presenting your analysis within the four quadrants plus a concluding paragraph, you will demonstrate your ability to describe and synthesize learning, the theory associated with learning, and how instructional design relates to teaching and learning. You will also demonstrate your Potter Box analysis through research and evaluation skills.

Assessment Method: Based on the Potter Box method of ethical analysis

Potter Box Topics: The first Potter Box paper will focus on having watched the movie, All the President’s

Men and reviewing the same case study in the textbook. The second Potter Box paper will focus on

having watched the movie, Thank You for Smoking and reviewing the same case study in the textbook. I

will provide you with the quadrant format to complete each of the two Potter Box assignments.

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Evaluation: Two Tests/Eight Quizzes

Tests: 300 points. 150 points for each of the two tests (30% of total course grade)

Quizzes: 80 points. 10 points for each of the eight quizzes (8% of total course grade)

Two open-book timed tests will cover the required textbook reading and the content of the

online printed lectures. Complete the tests online by accessing the Blackboard link within the

weekly contents section. The tests will be timed and grades made available to students

following the submission of the test. Eight open-book timed quizzes will cover the material to be

discussed the day of and after the quiz has been taken. Complete the quizzes online by

accessing the Blackboard link within the weekly contents section. DO NOT USE ON-CAMPUS

UNT COMPUTERS TO TAKE THE TESTS OR QUIZZES. The on-campus UNT computers, for some

reason, tend to kick the user out after one or two questions and submit the one-time-only work.

There is no way to go back and finish once you have been kicked out of the system. If you

experience any issues while taking the tests or quizzes, you must contact the Blackboard

Helpdesk immediately so that your issue is documented with a helpdesk ticket number.

Considerations regarding exam issues will be made by me on an individual basis based on the


Assessment Method: Multiple Choice and True/False Exams. Each exam will have 30 questions worth 5

points each for a total of 150 points per exam.

Online presence: Attendance and Participation

Discussion Forums: Daily questions related to case studies/lecture notes (minimum of two/week for four weeks) posted for discussion up to 20 points/discussion/day plus week five daily discussions on project presentations = 200 points

Course Objectives/Learning Outcome #2: The learner will be an active and engaged participant in

discussion forums within his/her learning community by analyzing, constructing/creating, and evaluating

information presented within the textbook, external readings/resources, student research, and class


The discussion forums are related to the chapter readings, external resources and activities. Upon

completion of the assigned readings and activities, you are expected to engage in an ongoing

discussion/debate with your learning community peers. Your contributions to the discussion forums will

be graded for quality and quantity, timeliness of your contributions, and a detailed analysis of linking

together theory (readings) to application (activities). Required: You are required to respond to each

question I pose (participation), create your own thread, and respond to at least three classmate-created

threads per day.

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One major piece of advice for this assignment....Complete the readings before you begin to engage in

the discussion boards. Best to take the quizzes early, too.


Total Points Possible for Semester = 1,000

900-1000 = A

800-899 = B

700-799 = C

600-699 = D

599-0 = F

Grades will be determined as follows:


Final Project 22%

Exams (2) 30%

Potter Boxes (2)

Log with responses


8 Quizzes





Accessing Grades

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12 CLEAR | University of North Texas

Assignment Submission Instructions

All assignments must be posted via Blackboard submission links. All daily deadlines for tests and quizzes

will be 11:59 p.m. on the due date. Submission links will disappear and no longer be available as of 11:59

p.m. Discussion links for each week will be open from Monday-Thursday night at 11:59 p.m.

Online Tests/ Quizzes

You can access quizzes/tests by clicking the Content link for that week on the course menu. Each

quiz/test is timed and can be accessed only one time within the scheduled time window. Please read the

on-screen instructions carefully before you click “Begin Assessment.” After each quiz/test is graded and

released, you will immediately receive your grade.


Except for the fifth and last week, each week begins Monday at 12:01 a.m. and

runs until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Tests and quizzes must be completed by the

weekly Sunday 11:59 p.m. deadline. All case-study and lecture-related discussions

must be completed each week by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. The last week ends on

Friday, August 12 at 11:59 p.m.

Please schedule yourselves to discuss case-studies the day it is posted and the

day after to maximize discussion within the class and to receive credit.

Week 1:

Topic: Orientation/Overview/One Case Study/Two Quizzes

Chapters: Introduction/Ch. 3

Activity/Due Dates (due at 11:59 p.m. on listed due dates/Point Values:

Discussion: Course overview/Q&A 7/11-7/14 (10 points)

Discussion: Introduce yourselves by 7/11-7/12 (10)

Discussion: Lecture notes/Chapter outlines 7/11-7/14 (10)

Quiz: Introduction due 7-11-7/17 (10)

Quiz Ch. 3 due 7-11-7/17 (10)

Discussion: Case #13 7/13-7/14 (10)

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Week 2:

Topic: Two Case Studies/Two Quizzes/Test #1

Chapters: Ch. 6/Ch. 7

Activity/Due Dates (due at 11:59 p.m. on listed due dates)/Point Values:

Discussion: Case Studies – 7/18-7/21

Weekly readings review daily 7/18-7/21

Discussion: Case #26 7/18-7/19 (20)

Case #28 7/20-7/21 (20)

Quiz Ch. 6 due 7/18-7/24 (10)

Quiz Ch. 7 due 7/18-7/24 (10)

Test #1 due 718-7/24 (150)

Week 3:

Topic: Two Case Studies/Two Quizzes/Test #2

Chapters: Ch.11/Ch.12

Activity/Due Dates (due at 11:59 p.m. on listed due dates)/Point Values:

Discussion: Case Studies – 7/25-7/28

Weekly readings review daily 7/25-7/28

Discussion: Case #48 7/25-7/26 (20 points)

Case #55 7/27-7/28 (20)

Quiz Ch. 11 due 7/31 (10)

Quiz Ch. 12 due 7/31 (10)

Test #2 due 7/31 (150)

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Week 4:

Topic: Two Case Studies

Chapters: Ch.16/Ch.17

Activity/Due Dates (due at 11:59 p.m. on listed due dates)/Point Values:

Discussion: Case Studies – 8/1-8/4

Weekly readings review daily 8/1-8/4

Discussion: Case #74 8/1-8/2 (20)

Case #75 8/3-8/4 (20)

Quiz Ch. 16 due 8/1-8/7 (10)

Quiz Ch. 17 due 8/1-8/7 (10)

Potter Box: All the President’s Men due 8/7 (50)

Week 5:

Topic: Final Project Presentations

Chapters: None

Activity/Due Dates (due at 11:59 p.m. on listed due dates)/Point Values:

Final Project Discussions: 8/8-8/12

Up to Eight Projects posted daily 8/8-8/12 (220)

Project Ethics logs due 8/8 (100)

Discussion: Projects 8/8 (8 points)

Projects 8/9 (8)

Projects 8/10 (8)

Projects 8/11 (8)

Projects: 8/12 (8)

Potter Box: Thank You for Smoking due 8/12 (50)

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You will be asked by the university to complete a SPOT course evaluation toward the end of the

semester. In addition, I welcome constructive evaluation in conversation. Online education is new to

me, but it may or may not be new to you, so I encourage you to tell me what works and what does not


SCHOLARLY EXPECTATIONS All works submitted for credit must be original works created by the scholar uniquely for the class. It is considered inappropriate and unethical to make duplicate submissions of a single work for credit in multiple classes, unless specifically requested by the instructor.


Links to Academic Support Services, such as Office of Disability Accommodation, Counseling and

Testing Services, UNT Libraries, Online Tutoring, UNT Writing Lab and Math Tutor Lab can be located

within Blackboard Learn on the “Academic Support” tab.

UNT Portal: http://my.unt.edu

UNT Blackboard Learn Student Resources: Technical Support: http://www.unt.edu/helpdesk/

UNT Library Information for Off-Campus Users:


UNT Computing and Information Technology Center:


UNT Academic Resources for Students: http://www.unt.edu/academics.htm

Computer Labs: [provide information if departmental labs are available for use to students]. General

access computer lab information (including locations and hours of operation) can be located at:



Assignment Policy

Review calendar for all due dates. Review instructions for each assignment where they are posted

above. Save and submit all assignments as .doc.

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Examination Policy Tests and quizzes are timed and open book. There will be no make-up quizzes or make-up exams

without a doctor’s note. Contact me in advance. As mentioned above, if you lose Internet connection

during a test or quiz, contact the Student helpdesk and document the remedy ticket number before

contacting me.

Late Work

No late work will be accepted in this class without a doctor’s note.

Class Participation

Students are required to login daily -- Monday-Thursday -- to the online class site. A tracking feature in

Blackboard will be utilized to monitor student activity. Students are also required to participate in all

class activities such as discussion board, chat or conference sessions and group projects in order to

receive participation/attendance points for each day.


No grade of Incomplete (I) will be given in this course.

Policy on Server Unavailability or Other Technical Difficulties

Copyright Notice

Some or all of the materials on this course Web site may be protected by copyright. Federal copyright

law prohibits the reproduction, distribution, public performance, or public display of copyrighted

materials without the express and written permission of the copyright owner, unless fair use or another

exemption under copyright law applies. Additional copyright information may be located at:


Online Course Attendance/Participation Policy

You are allowed two (2) absences this semester. Ten (10) points will be deducted from each subsequent

absence. An absence is equal to not beginning a posted thread on a given day. Remember, you are

required to post a new thread two days per week, every week but week five, unless announced

otherwise. Participation is equal to three (3) substantive responses to classmate threads per case study.

So each week you will post a total of two case study opening threads and six responses (two case studies

with one thread each and three responses to classmate threads for each of the two case studies).

Because you are allowed two absences, you are also allowed two participation absences. After two, you

will be docked ten (10) points for each subsequent participation absence. We have thirty-two (32)

students in the class, so with each case study, there should be 32 new student-produced threads posted

on the reading assignments. Each of the 32 students must respond three times to any of the 32 threads.

The three responses may be a three-response conversation in one thread or a constructive response in

one to three different threads. To receive credit, all discussion posts must be substantive and related to

the assigned material.

Information about the University of Texas’ Attendance Policy may be found at:


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Syllabus Change Policy

Changes to the syllabus, course information, due dates will be stated in “Announcements.”

Policy on Server Unavailability or Other Technical Difficulties

The university is committed to providing a reliable online course system to all users. However, in the

event of any unexpected server outage or any unusual technical difficulty which prevents students from

completing a time sensitive assessment activity, the instructor will extend the time windows and provide

an appropriate accommodation based on the situation. Students should immediately report any

problems to the instructor and also contact the UNT Student Help Desk: [email protected] or

940.565.2324. The instructor and the UNT Student Help Desk will work with the student to resolve any

issues at the earliest possible time.


Student Conduct and Discipline: Student Handbook.

Please refer to the UNT Faculty Handbook or your department regarding the Student Code of Conduct


Academic Honesty Policy

Please refer to the UNT Faculty Handbook or your department regarding the Academic Policy.

"You are encouraged to become familiar with the University's Policy of Academic dishonesty found in

the Student Handbook. The content of the Handbook applies to this course. Additionally, the following

specific requirements will be expected in this class: (enter specific requirements). If you are in doubt

regarding the requirements, please consult with me before you complete any requirements of the


ADA Policy

The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities.

Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA)

to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with an accommodation letter

to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may

request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as

early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a

new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to

implementation in each class. Students are strongly encouraged to deliver letters of accommodation

during faculty office hours or by appointment. Faculty members have the authority to ask students to

discuss such letters during their designated office hours to protect the privacy of the student. For

additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation website at http://disability.unt.edu/.

You may also contact them by phone at 940.565.4323.

Add/Drop Policy

Please refer to the UNT Faculty Handbook or your department regarding the Add/Drop Policy.

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Important Notice for F-1 Students taking Distance Education Courses: Federal Regulation To read detailed Immigration and Customs Enforcement regulations for F-1 students taking online

courses, please go to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations website at

http://www.oea.gov/index.php/links/electronic-code-of-federal-regulations. The specific portion

concerning distance education courses is located at "Title 8 CFR 214.2 Paragraph (f) (6) (i) (G)” and can

be found buried within this document: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2012-title8-vol1/xml/CFR-


The paragraph reads:

(G) For F–1 students enrolled in classes for credit or classroom hours, no more than the equivalent of one class or three credits per session, term, semester, trimester, or quarter may be counted toward the full course of study requirement if the class is taken on-line or through distance education and does not require the student's physical attendance for classes, examination or other purposes integral to completion of the class. An on-line or distance education course is a course that is offered principally through the use of television, audio, or computer transmission including open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, or satellite, audio conferencing, or computer conferencing. If the F–1 student's course of study is in a language study program, no on-line or distance education classes may be considered to count toward a student's full course of study requirement.

University of North Texas Compliance

To comply with immigration regulations, an F-1 visa holder within the United States may need to engage

in an on-campus experiential component for this course. This component (which must be approved in

advance by the instructor) can include activities such as taking an on-campus exam, participating in an

on-campus lecture or lab activity, or other on-campus experience integral to the completion of this


If such an on-campus activity is required, it is the student’s responsibility to do the following:

(1) Submit a written request to the instructor for an on-campus experiential component within one

week of the start of the course.

(2) Ensure that the activity on campus takes place and the instructor documents it in writing with a

notice sent to the International Student and Scholar Services Office. ISSS has a form available that you

may use for this purpose.

Because the decision may have serious immigration consequences, if an F-1 student is unsure about his

or her need to participate in an on-campus experiential component for this course, s/he should contact

the UNT International Student and Scholar Services Office (telephone 940-565-2195 or email

[email protected]) to get clarification before the one-week deadline.