Ontology Engineering Relationally Jaroslav Pokorný, Jana Pribolová, Peter Vojtáš Tech.Report No 2009/2 April 2009 Charles University Prague Department of Software Engineering Malostranské náměstí 25 118 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic

Ontology Engineering Relationally Jaroslav Pokorný, Jana

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Page 1: Ontology Engineering Relationally Jaroslav Pokorný, Jana

Ontology Engineering Relationally

Jaroslav Pokorný, Jana Pribolová, Peter Vojtáš

Tech.Report No 2009/2 April 2009

Charles University Prague

Department of Software Engineering

Malostranské náměstí 25

118 00 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Page 2: Ontology Engineering Relationally Jaroslav Pokorný, Jana
Page 3: Ontology Engineering Relationally Jaroslav Pokorný, Jana

Ontology Engineering Relationally

JaroslavPOKORNÝa, Jana PRIBOLOVÁb and Peter VOJTÁŠa

a Department of Software Engineering, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republicb Institute of Computer Science, P. J. Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia

Abstract. The retrieval problem is one of the main reasoning problems for ontologybased systems. The retrieval problem for conceptC consists in finding all individ-ualsa which satisfyC(a). We present ontology transformation which can help toimprove evaluating queries over (sublanguage of) OWL ontologies. Our solution isbased on translating retrieval concepts into relational algebra expressions and con-sequently to SQL queries over a database constructed from the original ontology.Ontology transformation into database is ontology-dependent but fully automaticand it is provided by system TORQue.

Keywords. Knowledge base, Ontology, Relational database, Query,Query evaluation


Ontologyis a knowledge base that can describe concepts, their instances and relationsbetween them. Definitions of concepts and relations are formulated in an ontology lan-guage, for more detail see Section 1.2. One of the main kinds of inferencing for knowl-edge based systems is so-calledretrieval problem[2]. The retrieval problem in ontologiesis equivalent to querying in relational databases.

In present there are lot of methods and tools for creating, designing and reasoningthe ontologies. Some of them have been influenced by techniques of relational databases,e.g. [8]. However the problem is an effective maintenance and reusing them through therunning queries. There exist some open source systems that can handle ontology withlarge amount of the data. We have an experience with Sesame [23] within the projectsdescribed in [7,10]. But we have found out that query evaluation is very expensive. How-ever the problem is not just problem of Sesame but also of other systems. To speed upthe evaluation of some specific queries (those known in advance) the transformation tooptimized indexes is very effective [11].

In this work we would like to present a model of ontology storage based on rela-tional databases without loosing any ontological advantage. Combination of ontologiesand relational databases has the advantage that all query optimization techniques pro-vided by relational database systems can be used. This makes possible to work with hugedatasets. We also present test results and compare them with other systems to considercontributions and disadvantages of our approach.

There are some research groups interested in storing ontologies into databases. Oneof the prominent projects is realized by the system HAWK [19] and its predecessorproject DLDB [12]. These systems work similarly to ours, i.e. they recompute IS-A hi-


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erarchy of concepts and store it into a database. Ontology queries canbe then translatedinto standard SQL queries. After that the queries are evaluated by the relational databasesystem. Unfortunately, the problem of these systems is that the query answers are notcomplete [9].

Another remarkable approach working with OWL-QL language and a relationaldatabase is described in [13]. The translation process of OWL-QL queries to SQL queriesfor the class-based relations can be found in [14].

For RDF [22] data, the simplest variant of relational approach to ontology engineer-ing is to load all RDF triples into one table with three columns as it is in the case ofSesame version 1 in some kinds of its repositories or in the system called DataPile [3].Sesame upgrade – Sesame version 2 has some other improvements. Instances names arestored out of the mentioned triple-table to speed up join-queries. This system also storestriples into more than one table to spread out large amount of triples.

Other approaches have a small number of tables, each to store concepts names, rolenames, individuals, and assertions about concepts, respectively. This systems are similarto the previous ones because all instances are stored into single table, for more detailssee [9,18].

There exist other experiments to improve ontology querying based on reasoning withlogic databases [5,4]. They combine description logic expressions with logic programs(LP) and create the description logic programs (DLP). They adapt LP reasoners to runDLP. But this approaches need to find efficient means for implementing the approach asa whole.

The rest of the report is organized as follows. In Section 1 we present a short in-troduction to relational databases and the description logic we deal with, namelyEL-description logic [1]. In Section 2 we present the framework for mapping an ontologyexpressed inEL-description logic into a relational database. As a result we obtain a re-lational database scheme and extensions of relations. In Section 3 we provide a mappingtransforming such abstract database into SQL language. The resulted SQL database willbe composed from tables and views. Observations about ontology vs. conceptual mod-elling are presented in Section 4. Section 5 is devoted to experiments with our imple-mentation called TORQue (Translation of Ontology into Relational Queries) and com-parisons withsystem Sesame. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.

1. Ontologies and Relational Databases

Since our appraoch extends relational databases with ontologies we first remind termi-nology of relational databases and ontologies.

1.1. Relational Databases

First, we remind database notation. Arelational schemeR(Ω) describes a relation namedR with a set of attributesΩ = A1, A2, . . . , An, n ≥ 1. Alternatively,R(Ω) can beexpressed directly asR(A1, A2, . . . , An). Every attributeAi is associated with a set ofvalues calleddomainDi. A relation associated withR(Ω) is a subset ofD1 × D2 ×. . . × Dn. We denote itR∗. If it is evident whetherR∗ is a relation or its scheme, wecan omit the symbol *. A relation consists oftuples. A relation scheme can be associated


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with severalcandidate keysfrom which oneprimary keyis chosen. Each key is a subsetof Ω. In our approach we will suppose only the primary key of relation. The primary keyattributes will be underlined.

A relation database schemeD is a pair(R, I), whereR is a set of relational schemesandI is a set of integrity constraints overR. A relational databaseD∗ associated withD consists of the relations associated with the relational schemes ofR. The database isconsistent iff it satisfies the constraints ofI.

Now we will present a few operations enabling to build new relations. Such a set ofoperations is calledrelational algebra. Its most important set operations includeunion,intersection, anddifference. For database querying we need mainly(natural, θ, equi)join, projection, andselection. These operations (except difference) are specified in rows3–7 of Table 1. Row 8 – 10 explain some usual predicates over relations.

Table 1. Relational algebra syntax and semantics.

# Name RA syntax RA Semantics

1 Extensional relation R(A1, . . . , An) R∗ ⊆ Πni=1


S(B1, . . . , Bm) S∗ ⊆ Πmi=1


2 Actual domain Adomi Adomi ⊆ Di

3 Intersection R ∩ S R∗ ∩ S∗, where

n = m and∀i ∈ [1, n] : DAi= DBi

4 Union R ∪ S R∗ ∪ S∗, where

n = m and∀i ∈ [1, n] : DAi= DBi

5 Natural Join R ⋊⋉ S (x, y, z) ∈ (R ⋊⋉ S)∗

if (x, y) ∈ R∗ and(y, z) ∈ S∗

5a θ-Join R[θ]S (x, y, z, w) ∈ (R[θ]S)∗

if (x, y) ∈ R∗ and(z, w) ∈ S∗ andyθz

6 Projection R[A] x ∈ (R[A])∗ if ∃y, (x, y) ∈ R

7 Selection R(σ) x ∈ (R(σ))∗

if σ(x) = TRUE andx ∈ R∗

8 Inclusion R ⊆ S R∗ ⊆ S∗

9 Equality R = S R∗ = S∗

10 tuple in relation R(a, b) (a, b) ∈ R∗

In practice, relational databases are stored and maintained by arelational databasemanagement systems (RDBMS).

1.2. Description Logic vs. OWL

We describe an ontology through the Description Logic (DL), for more details see [2].In this work we deal only withEL-description logic without role constructors and roleassertion constructions (see [1]).

In Table 2 we list some constructors and possible assertions, their syntax and se-mantics in the columns DL Syntax and DL Semantics, respectively. In practice we depictan ontology as OWL[20] (Web Ontology Language) document, therefore in the Table2 there is a column to describe constructors and assertions in OWL language with itsDL equivalent in the same line. Note also, we do not deal here with concrete domains


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Table 2. A part of OWL 2EL andEL-DL Syntax and Semantics.

# Name OWL Syntax DL Syntax DL Semantics

1 Atomic concept owl:Class A AI ⊆ ∆I

2 Atomic role Property R RI ⊆ ∆I × ∆I

3 Functional role owl:Functional R RI : ∆I −→ ∆I


4 Top concept owl:Thing ⊤ ⊤I = ∆I

5 Conjunction owl:intersectionOf C ⊓ D (C ⊓ D)I = CI ∩ DI

6 Full existential owl:someValuesFrom ∃R.C (∃R.C)I = a ∈ ∆I |

quantification ∃b.(a, b) ∈ RI ∧ b ∈ C

7 at most number owl:maxCardinality (≤ nR) (≤ nR)I = a ∈ ∆I |

restriction |b.(a, b) ∈ RI | ≤ n

8 at least number owl:minCardinality (≥ nR) (≥ nR)I = a ∈ ∆I |

restriction |b.(a, b) ∈ RI | ≥ n

9 Definition owl:equivalentClass A := C AI = CI

10 Inclusion owl:subClassOf A ⊑ B AI ⊆ BI

11 Atomic Concept rdf:type A(a) aI ∈ AI


12 Role assertation Property R(a, b) (aI , bI) ∈ RI

and do not distinguish among object-data variants of syntax (e.g. ObjectMaxCardinality,ObjectMinCardinality, ObjectSomeValuesFrom) in OWL2 ([21]) ontology.

Basic elements of DL areconceptsand roles. Elementary descriptions areatomicconcepts(denotedA,B) andatomic roles(denotedR). Concept constructions can bebuilt from them inductively according to the syntax rules denoted in Table 2 (rows 4 – 8).Concept constructions are denotedC,D, which we consider to be nonterminal symbols,these are not names of concepts.

We divide names of concepts, roles and instances into categories as follows:Label Set of all ConditionNC atomic conceptsNFR atomic functionalrolesNNR atomic non-functional roles NNR ∩ NFR = ∅NR atomic roles NR = NNR ∪ NFR

NI instances

In this work we use the word concept instead of concept names for short.In order to define formal semantics of concepts and roles, we consider an interpre-

tationI that consist of a non-empty set∆I (the domain of the interpretation) and an in-terpretation function, which assigns to every atomic conceptA a setAI ⊆ ∆I , to everyatomic roleR ∈ NNR a binary relationRI ⊆ ∆I × ∆I and to every functional roleR ∈ NFR a functionRI : ∆I −→ ∆I (Table 2, rows 1 – 3). The interpretation func-tion is extended to concept descriptions by the inductive definitions shown in the Table2, in rows 4 – 8.

A DL knowledge baseusually consists of a set ofterminological axioms(calledTBox) and a set ofassertional axiomsor assertions(often calledABox). TBox axioms areshown in Table 2, rows 9 and 10, and axioms of ABox are described in rows 11 and 12.InterpretationI satisfies axiomα if it satisfies the condition in column DL Semantics.


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ThenI is called amodelof α. We writeT |= α (or A |= α) whereα is terminological(assertional) axiom.We denote the set of terminological axioms byT , the set of assertionswe write asA. Then a knowledge baseO is specified asO = (T ,A).

In DL equivalence (equality) of concepts (concept constructions) is usually denotedby ≡. In our DL we consider only special type of equivalence. The equality whose left-hand side is atomic conceptA is called a definition ofA. In this report we denote defini-tion equality as the symbol:=. We assume, there are no cycles in definitions.

We emphasize that, all important concepts have a name, i.e. all of them are atomic.Non-atomic concepts – concept constructions – can only help to define some of theatomic. For example atomic conceptStudent can be defined asPerson who takesCourse. The situation is also the same in OWL. All atomic concepts have an URI. Non-atomic ones are in OWL called blank nodes and do not have any URI. They can haveonly internal unique name. Non-atomic concepts would be denoted by non-terminals ina formal grammar.

Let us note that we understand both ABoxA and TBoxT , as sets of assertionsabout concepts or individuals, respectively. The set of assertions can be divided into twocategories. One, denoted by subscriptE , includesextensional assertions, the second onecomprehends as set of additionallydeduced assertionsand it is denoted by subscriptD.The setTD is derived with respect to (symmetric, transitive) properties of the assertions:= and⊑. For allT sets the following holds:

• T = TE ∪ TD,

• TE ∩ TD = ∅.

Also mention thatA = AE ∪ATD. The setAT

D depends on the TBoxT , because wederive assertions on basis ofAE and TBox assertions. If it is evident whichT inductedAT

D, we omit superscriptT . We note the set of TBox subsumptions asT⊑ and the set ofequalities asT:=.

Example 1.1 Let us have a knowledge baseO with the following setsNC = Org, Univ, Faculty, Person,Employee, FStuff, Student,DeanNFR = hasName, hasEmail, andNNR = headOf.

Figure 1. IS-A hierarchy with respect toTD .

Org, Univ andFStuff are abbreviations of Organization, University, and Facul-tyStuff, respectively.

Assume that we have following assertions inTE (see Figure 1):Univ ⊑ Org, Student ⊑ Person,

Employee ⊑ Person, FStuff ⊑ Employee,

Dean ⊑ FStuff, Univ ⊑ Faculty,

Dean := Person ⊓ ∃headOf.Faculty


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Assume that we have following assertions inAE :hasName(P1, Name1), headOf(P2, F2), Employee(P2),hasName(P2, Name2), headOf(D1, F1), Person(P1),hasName(P3, Name3), headOf(P3, F3), Person(P3),hasName(S1, Name4), Student(S1), Faculty(F1),hasName(U1, Name5), Dean(D1), Faculty(F2),hasEmail(S1, Email1) , Univ(U1), Faculty(F3),hasEmail(D1, Email2),

Figure 2. IS-A hierarchy with respect to the wholeT .

The TBoxassertions that belongs toTD are shown in Figure 2 as dotted arrows. Allconcepts are also subsumed by top concept also. We can derive the following assertionsof theA


D from the subsumptions:Org(U1), Org(F3), Univ(F1), Person(P2),Org(F1), Employee(D1), Univ(F2), Person(S1),Org(F2), FStuff(D1), Univ(F3), Person(D1).

If we take definition of the concept equalities (in our example it isDean definition) intoaccount, we receive the following:


D = Dean(P3)

Finally, if we take all assertions ofT into account, thenATD contains:

Org(U1), Univ(F1), Employee(P3), FStuff(D1),Org(F1), Univ(F2), Person(S1), FStuff(P2),Org(F2), Univ(F3), Person(D1), FStuff(P3),Org(F3), Employee(D1), Person(P2), Dean(P3),Dean(P2).

Also assertions of the type⊤(I) are omitted.

2. Mapping From O To D

The ontology translation creates database of relations that satisfy integrity constraints.Nevertheless for optimization task we need to define so called potential domains andpotential ranges of roles.

Definition 2.1 Let M ⊆ A. A conceptA ∈ NC is said to be apotential domainfor roleR ∈ NR with respect to the setM if there isR(a, b) ∈ M such thatA(a) ∈ M. Theset of potential domains for roleR with respect toM is denotedPD

MR . If it is evident

whichM induces potential domains, we omit superscriptM and denote them asPDR.


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Note, that definition of potential domains depends onA.Algorithms 1,2 use potential domains with respect to theAE therefore the following

example takes into account onlyAE assertions.

Example 2.2 According to Example 1.1 and the Definition 2.1 the set of potential do-mains for roleshasName (grey soft-boxes in Figure 3),hasEmail (depicted as rectan-gles around the soft-boxes representing concepts in Figure 3) andheadOf are:PD


hasName = Univ, Person,Employee, Student,


hasEmail = Student,Dean,


headOf = Person,Dean.

Figure 3. Potential and valid domains.

Example 2.3 Accordingto Example 1.1 and the Definition 2.1 the set of potential do-mains for roleshasName, hasEmail andheadOf are:



hasName = Org, Univ, Person,Employee, Student,




hasName = Univ, Person,Employee, Student,



hasName = Org, Univ, Person,Employee, FStuff,Dean, Student,



hasEmail = Person, Student, Employee, FStuff,Dean,




hasEmail = Student,Dean,



hasEmail = Person, Student, Employee, FStuff,Dean.

We divided concepts and roles into various categories. The reason is that we willtranslate them from different categories into relations (attributes) in different ways.Searching for the domains of functional properties helps us to translate this propertiesin the attributes of relations representing domains instead of translating them into newrelations. But we decided to do experiments also with reducing a number of the relationswith the attribute representing functional role. We used two observations. First, if thereexist assertionsC ⊑ D andC(a), thenD(a) can be deduced as well. Second, if knowl-edge base includes the assertionsD(b), R(a, c) andR(b, d), then it is not necessary en-code the functional roleR into an attribute of both, relational scheme representingC andrelational scheme representingD. We choose so called valid domain to encodeR. In ourcase it is only relational scheme representing the conceptD. But if the knowledge basedoes not consider any assertion of the typeR(b, d), then the functional roleR is encodedas attribute of the relational scheme representing the conceptC.


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Definition 2.4 Let M ⊆ A. A valid domainfor role R ∈ NFR with respect to the setM is a potential domainA ∈ PD

MR with property that does not existsB, B ∈ PD


so thatA ⊑ B ∈ T andA ≡ B 6∈ T , as well asB ⊑ A 6∈ T . The set of valid domainsfor role R is denoted asVD

M,TR . If we are interesting in valid domains with respect to

wholeT , we can omit the superscriptT .

Example 2.5 According to the facts from Examples 1.1, 2.2 and the Definition 2.4 weobtain the valid domains of the functional roles:VD


hasName = Univ, Person, VDAE

hasEmail = Student,Dean.

According to Example 1.1 and the Definition 2.4 the sets of valid domains withrespect toAT:=

D , AT⊑

D andATD are:



hasName = Org, Person, VDA


hasEmail = Person,




hasName = Univ, Person, VDA



hasEmail = Student,Dean,



hasName = Org, Person, VDAT


hasEmail = Person.

The mechanism of choosing valid domains of the roleR from the potential ones issimple. The potential domains of the roleR are divided into maximal groups linearlyordered by subsumption. For each pair of the potential domainsA,B of such a group,eitherA ⊑ B ∈ T or B ⊑ A ∈ T . It is possible that the intersection of these groups isnot empty. The reason is that a concept can be subsumed by two other concepts.

Then for each such a group we choose the most general concept with respect tosubsumption hierarchy. This ideas are validated by the following claim.

Claim 2.6 For eachR ∈ NFR and for each maximal groupA1, A2, . . . , An ⊆PD


R so thatA1 ⊑ A2 ⊑ . . . ⊑ An, only for An



holds.Moreover, for everyi < n so thatAi ⊑ Ai+1 ⊑ . . . ⊑ An




Definition 2.7 The roleR ∈ NFR is said to be arole defined on the conceptA withrespect to the set of assertionsM if A ∈ VD

M,TR . We denote the set of all roles defined

on the conceptA asisInVDM,TA . Similarly as in Definition 2.4 if we use all assertions of

T , we can omitT and denote the set of all roles defined under conceptA asisInVDMA .

Example 2.8 In the running example of this paper an interesting point is to compute e.g.isInVD




Person = hasName


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Definition 2.9 A potential rangefor role R ∈ NR (with respect toA) is a conceptAfor which there existsR(a, b) ∈ A andA(b) ∈ A. We denote the set of potential rangesof roleR asPRR.

Let us illustrate how to find out potential range for roles supposing situation shownin Example 1.1.

Example 2.10For rolehasName the set

PRhasName = String,

similarly for hasEmail the set

PRhasEmail = String.

For roleheadOf it is the set

PRheadOf = Faculty.

Now we will show how to create a relational database scheme from the ontology. Byresource we denote the attribute whose domain contains some identifiers, e.g. OIDs,URI, etc.

Algorithm 1 Let O be a knowledge base with TBoxT and ABoxA. T , A, concept’snames, and role’s name are translated into relational databaseD = (R, I). HereR de-notes a relational database scheme consisting of basic relational schemes and view defi-nitions using relational algebra expressions (RA expressions).I denotes a set of integrityconstraints. The translation is done by induction as described below.

First part of translation depends only on the language, the second part depends alsoon ABox and the last depends on the TBox, too.

Note that names of attributes are motivated by RDF(subject, predicate, object)andresourceterminology.

The construction is based on the following steps:

First translation steps are based solely on the description logic language.1. For allA ∈ NC we add toR new relationTA with schemeTA(resource).2. For all R ∈ NNR we add toR a relation schemeTR(subject, object).

Following translation steps depend on the ABox (and deduced valid domains)

3. For allR ∈ NFR for whichVDAE

R = ∅, we add toR a new relational schemeTR(subject, object).

4. For all A ∈ NC for which isInVDAE

A = R1, R2, . . . , Rn, n ≥ 1 we modifyTA(resource) ∈ R to relationTmod

A ∈ R with schemeTmod

A (resource,R1.object, . . . , Rn.object)

Thefollowing translations depend on the TBox. First we deal with definitions:


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5. For allA ∈ NC such thatthere is a concept constructionC with A := C ∈T we add toR a new relationT view

A with schemeT viewA (resource) and view

definitions sothat (SD andSE are defined in step 6):

• If C := D ⊓ E thenT view

A = TA ∪ (SD ∩ SE)• If C := ∃R.D andR ∈ NNR or VD


R = ∅ thenT view

A = TA ∪ (TR(subject, object)[TR.object = SD.resource]

SD(resource))[TR.subject].• If C = ∃R.D andR ∈ NFR andVD


R 6= ∅, n > 0 thenT view

A = TA ∪ (SrecR (subject, object)

[SrecR .object = SD.resource]SD(resource))[Srec

R .subject]whereSrec

R is the RA expression for reconstruction of the roleR from appro-priate columns ofTmod

B tables

SrecR (subject, object) =



TmodB [resource,R.object]


wereD andE are concept constructions. Each atomic concept is also a con-cept construction by definition. Here we assume that this is a lossless encodingof all ABox information aboutR.

6. A concept construction can be an atomic conceptA. In this caseSA = TA. Fora non-atomic concept constructionC such that there is inT no definition withright hand sideC andC is a subconstruction of a concept definition inT , thenwe create a new RA expressionSC with the only attributeresourceso that:

• If C = D ⊓ E thenSC = (SD ∩ SE)

• If C = ∃R.D andR ∈ NNR or VDAE

R = ∅ thenSC = (TR(subject, object)[TR.object = SD.resource]SD(resource))

[TR.subject]• If C = ∃R.D andR ∈ NFR andVD


R 6= ∅ thenSC = (Srec

R (subject, object)[SrecR .object = SD.resource]SD(resource))

[SrecR .subject]

7. To transform axioms inT , we add the following integrity constraint toI:

• if C ≡ D ∈ T andC,D are non-atomic concepts constructions, thenSC = SD ∈ I,

• if C ⊑ D ∈ T thenSC ⊆ SD ∈ I.

Note that for a functional role the attributeR.objectcan be added to more than one rela-tion of the typeTmod

C . Then dataR(a, b), R(c, d) of such a roleR can be split up intoseveral relations with the attributeR.object, e.g. it can happen, thatTmod

C1(a, . . . , b, . . .)

and TmodC2

(c, . . . , d, . . .). If VDR (and equivalentlyPDR) is empty (typically whenthere are no concepts with ABox axioms witnessing non-empty intersection with thesubject attribute of the roleR), data inR is handled in same way as for non-functionalroles.


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Example 2.11According tothe previous examples and Algorithm 1 we acquire databasewith this relations (we omit in the table theT in theTA, T

mod/viewA , TR notation) created

by the Step 1:Org(resource), Person(resource), Dean(resource),

Univ(resource), Employee(resource), Student(resource),Faculty(resource), FStuff(resource).

The Step2 creates following scheme:

headOf(subject, object)

There areno results of the Step 3. However the results of the Step 4 are:Personmod (resource, hasName.object),

Univmod (resource, hasName.object),Studentmod (resource, hasEmail.object),

Deanmod (resource, hasEmail.object).Step 5creates relation schemeDeanview(resource) for which the following holds:Deanview = Dean ∪


Person ∪ (headOf(subject, object)

[headOf.object = Faculty.resource]


The right-hand side of the equality is a construction created in Step 6. Finally, Step 7defines the following:IT = Faculty ⊆ Univ, Univ ⊆ Org,Dean ⊆ FStuff, FStuff ⊆ Employee,

Emplyee ⊆ Person, Student ⊆ Person

In our work the computation of valid domain is done with respect toAE . We use nei-therA


D , AT:=

D norATE for it. Supposing computation of valid domains were done with

respect toATE , top concept would be only one valid domain per each role. It means that

the table representing top concept would have as many columns as the number of func-tional role is. Or without considering top concept as a valid domain for every role, eachfunctional role would be transformed into database as attribute of all direct successorswhose at least one instance (with respect to wholeT ) participates on the role.

Suppose computation of valid domains were done with respect toAT:=

D , therewould be one or more tables to transfer only one role assertion. This situation seemsto cause redundancy. Imagine ifa was the instance ofA known as extensional factandB known as deducted fact and instancea took part in roleR as assertionR(a, b).Both A and B would be valid domains of the roleR what would mean that either〈a, b〉 ∈ Tmod

A [TA.resource,R.object] or 〈a, b〉 ∈ TmodB [TB .resource,R.object] or


Lemma 2.12 For all TmodA (ΩA), Tmod

B (ΩB) ∈ R so thatA ⊑ B ∈ TE andA ≡ B 6∈TE , as well asB ⊑ A 6∈ TE , the following equality holds:

(ΩA \ resource) ∩ (ΩB \ resource) = ∅

We created a relation scheme. Finally we can handle the data e. g. assertions fromABox A. In fact, this data is translated into tuples of the associated database relations.


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Algorithm 2 Suppose thatT , NC and NR are translated into database schemeD.ABox A is transferred intoD by induction as follows:

1. If B(a) ∈ AE ∪ AT⊑

D and alsoB ∈ NC, then〈a〉 ∈ TB .2. If R(a, b) ∈ A andR ∈ NNR, then〈a, b〉 ∈ TR.

3. If R(a, b) ∈ A andR ∈ NFR, then one of the following items:

(a) if VDAE

R = ∅ then

〈a, b〉 ∈ TR,

(b) if there existsA ∈ VDAE

R so thatA(a) ∈ AE , then

〈a, b〉 ∈ TmodA [TA.resource,R.object],

(c) if there existsA ∈ PDR \ VDAE

R so thatA(a) ∈ AE , then there exists amaximal sequenceA = B1, B2, . . . , Bn ∈ NC so thatBn ∈ VD


R andBi ⊑ Bi+1 ∈ TD for i = 1, . . . , n − 1 Then

〈a, b〉 ∈ TmodBn

[TB .resource,R.object].

In fact, according to the rule 2 in Algorithm 1 we obtain in step 3b in Algorithm2 a tuple〈a, x1, x2, . . . , xn〉, where somexi are possibly empty. This is expressed indatabases by introducing a specialnull value. Similarly, we can consider result of 3c.

Note also, that in order to have loss less transport of data from ontology into arelational database we have to deal with the case whenVD


R = ∅. This can causeproblems in querying, when one tuple of relationR is in TR another are inTmod

C .One possibility is to assume that for allR ∈ NFR

a : (∃b)R(a, b) ∈ AE ⊆⋃

a : B(a) ∈ AE & B ∈ PDAE

R (1)

Assumption 1 guaranties that steps 3b and 3c of algorithm 2 suffice to cover all datafrom a functional roleR. We do not discuss this further in this paper.

Example 2.13According to all facts mentioned in previous examples and steps 1 and 2of the Algorithm 2 we obtain the following relational database storing our ontology:

Org = 〈F1〉, 〈F2〉, 〈F3〉, 〈U1〉, Employee = P2, D1,Univ = 〈F1〉, 〈F2〉, 〈F3〉, 〈U1〉, FStuff = 〈D1〉,

Faculty = 〈F1〉, 〈F2〉, 〈F3〉, Dean = 〈D1〉,P erson = 〈P1〉, 〈P2〉, 〈P3〉, 〈D1〉, 〈S1〉, Student = 〈S1〉,headOf = 〈D1, F1〉, 〈P2, F2〉, 〈P3, F3〉

Using step 3b we modify just the following relations:Univmod(resource, hasName.object) = 〈U1, Name5〉,

P ersonmod(resource, hasName.object) = 〈P1, Name1〉, 〈P3, Name3〉,Studentmod(resource, hasEmail.object) = 〈S1, Email1〉

Deanmod(resource, hasEmail.object) = 〈D1, Email2〉Finally we apply step 3c with the following changes:Person(resource, hasName.object) = 〈P1, Name1〉, 〈P2, Name2〉,

〈P3, Name3〉, 〈S1, Name4〉.


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Let us mention that the relationDeanview looksas follows:

Deanview = 〈D1〉, 〈P2〉, 〈P3〉.

ABox assertions correspond to relational algebra constructions given by the Table 3.

Table 3. Translation of DL Syntax to relational algebra.

# Name DL Syntax RA construction

1 Concept assertation C(a) 〈a〉 ∈ TC

2 Role assertation R(a, b) 〈a, b〉 ∈ TR

Theorem 2.14LetO be afinite knowledge base,A is a concept anda be an individual.We have that

〈a〉 ∈ T ∗A[resource] =⇒ O |= A(a).

Proof.Assume〈a〉 ∈ T ∗

A[resource] butO 6|= A(a). It means there exists interpretationI forwhich aI 6∈ AI . It is necessary to find out why individuala should be in relationT ∗

A.Inserting the tuples into relations representing concepts is done in Algorithm 2 eitherin steps 1, 3b or 3c. Hence there is only one potential insert where it could arise anunsoundness, namely insert in the step 3c. Other cases contradict because in 1 and 3bthere is assumptionA(a) ∈ A and this is true if and only if for any interpretationIaI ∈ AI holds.

Let us assume that statement of Theorem fails due to a data record obtainedin the step 3c of the algorithm 2. LetA be a concept such thatA = Bn and∃B1, B2, . . . , Bn−1 ∈ PD


R : B1 ⊑ B2 ⊑ . . . ⊑ Bn and〈a〉 ∈ T ∗A[resource]. Then

in all interpretationI which are model ofO we haveaI ∈ AI .

3. Relational to SQL mapping

A relational databaseexpressed in SQL consists usually of definitions of basic relationsand views. Each relational scheme and its associated integrity constraints are representedby a standaloneCREATE TABLE statement. One possibility how to approach the con-structions obtained by Algorithm 1 in SQL is based on the strategy to assign oneCREATETABLE for each schemeTA(resource) andTR(subject, object), respectively. The samewill be hold for Tmod

A (resource,RA1 .object, ..., RA

n .object). NULL values in its rowsfor thoseRA

i .object attributes for whichA(a) holds anda 6∈ RAi [subject]. The relations

coming from defined concepts will be modeled by views in the SQL database. We re-mind that views in SQL are virtual relations defined by aSELECT statement inCREATEVIEW definition. Sometimes views can be materialized, i.e. they look like basic tables inthe database. Obviously theSELECT in a CREATE VIEW definition can contain otherviews, etc.


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We will use here a little different approach to express the rootSELECT in CREATEVIEW directly withnestedSELECTs andINTERSECT operations.

A decision which method to use in practice depends on real data used in the ontologyand performance considerations.

For purposes of this report we will call the set of operations projection, equi-join,intersection and union as arelational DL-algebra. Our next steps are directed to find-ing rules for translation of expressions of this algebra to SQL language. Particularly foreach expressionE which has been generated by Algorithm 1 we show that there is oneSELECT-FROM-WHERE statement implementingE. To do this process as straightfor-ward as possible we start with two lemmas that let us to modify the original expressioninto expressions with more convenient properties. First we will propagate all inner∩s tohigher∩s in E.

Lemma 3.1 Every expression of relational DL-algebraE is equivalent to a set expres-sion composed of∩ and operators and operands containing no occurrence of∩ and∪.

Proof.We prove the claim by induction on the number of intersections inE. The basis, zero∩sor∪, is trivial. The only one place where∩ and∪ are nested in a relational subexpressionof E is TD(resource) in the right-side of an equi-join.

Let TD = TD1♦ TD2

, where♦ is ∩ or ∪. SinceTDihave fewer♦s thanTD, we

can suppose that they fulfill the statement. Then, due to the additivity of operators♦,

TR(subject, object)[TR.object = TD.resource]TD(resource)

can be replaced by equivalent expression

TR(subject, object)[TR.object = TD1.resource]TD1

(resource)♦TR(subject, object)[TR.object = TD2


We have omitted projection in our consideration since it does not influence these settransformations.

The second case concerns nested expressions given byTD(resource) looking like

(TR1(subject, object)[TR1

.object = TC1.resource]TC1


for C ∈ NC andR1 ∈ NR. We show how to replace the whole expressionE by asequence of equi-joins of all participated relations followed by a projection. Such ex-pressions can be easily transformed to the SQL language.

Lemma 3.2 LetD = (R1(A,B)[R1.B = T1.C]T1(C))[R1.A]. Then

(R(A,B)[R.B = D.C]D(C))[A] ≡((R(A,B)[R.B = R1.A]R1(A,B))[R1.B = T1.C]T1(C))[R.A]


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Proof.After asubstitution forD we obtain(R(A,B)[R.B = D.C](R1(A,B)[R1.B = T1.C]T1(C))[R1.A])[R.A] ≡(R(A,B)[R.B = R1.A](R1(A,B)[R1.B = T1.C]T1(C))[R1.A])[R.A] ≡((R(A,B)[R.B = R1.A]R1(A,B))[R1.B = T1.C]T1(C))[R.A]

Remark: the distributive laws for union and intersection

i. A ∪ (B ∩ C) = (A ∪ B) ∩ (A ∪ C)ii. A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C)

We can adjust the our relational expressions into a standard form, i.e. either intersectionof unions or union of intersections of atomic relational expressionsEi, each of thembeing composed from equi-joins and projections.

Theorem 3.3 (relational DL-algebra→ SQL transformation). LetE be an expressionof relational DL-algebra. Then there is an SQL-expressionS defining under the sameinterpretationI the same relation.

Proof.By Lemma 3.1 and 3.2 we can assume thatE is an intersection of unions. ThenE istranslated to SQL as an SQL-expression composed fromINTERSECT operators, simpleSELECTs, union ofSELECTs andTABLE R, whereR is a relation associated with anatomic concept.

Each simpleSELECT arises from relational expressions considered in Lemma 3.2.We will construct them as follows. Suppose the expressionE1 = (R(A,B)[R.B =D.C]D(C))[A] whereD = (R1(A,B)[R1.B = T1.C]T1(C))[R1.A]. The resulted SQLexpression is obtained easily from the expression equivalent toE1 according to Lemma3.2 asSELECT R.AFROM R, R1,T1WHERE R.B=R1.A AND R1.B=T1.C

Obviously, the relational expression with equi-join can be further nested. By induc-tion it is possible to prove that it means to add other equalities to theWHERE clause.

Example 3.4 Let tables PERSON(RESOURCE), HEAD_OF(SUBJECT,OBJECT),andCLLG(RESOURCE) be defined by associatedCREATE TABLE statements. Abbre-viating the respectiveresource, object, andsubject, we will to transform theconstruction (here we assume thatTDean = ∅)T view

Dean = TPerson ∩ (TheadOf (headOf.subject, headOf.object)[headOf.object = Cllg.resource]


for the conceptDeanas follows:


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To do the database scheme complete we need to transform integrity constraints intoSQL CONSTRAINT statements included inCREATE TABLE expression. Subset con-tainment and equality of two setsC andD can be expressed by referential integritiesbetween two tables, ifC andD are inNC.

4. Ontologies vs. Conceptual Modelling

Now we mention some observations on different approaches to database modelling.The approach to build a database dependent only on existence of a knowledge base iscompletely different from that one in the world of usual transactional databases. Suchdatabases arise mostly from a conceptual scheme that says, e.g., that entitiesStudent

and Course participate in the relationshiptakesCourse. In any conceptual modeltakesCourse(S1, C1) impliesStudent(S1) andCourse(C1). In the world of ontolo-gies the assertionStudent(S1) holds if S1 is a person, i.e.Person(S1) should hold.According to definition of theStudent concept, forStudent(S1) we can deduce thatPerson(S1). But such a student need not be enrolled in any course. The same is usualin transactional databases. On the other hand, we can havetakesCourse(S2, C1) in thesame ontology without assertion thatS2 is a student or even a person. AlsoC1 need notbe in the list of courses.

Consequently, any similarity of ontology construction to conceptual modeling isonly partial. Often we define new concepts representing an entity type via other con-cepts and roles, i.e., via other entity types and relationship types (see, e.g.,Student viatakesCourse). It reminds so called reverse engineering in which from relationship typesparticipating entity types are recognized and defined. In fact, this knowledge is partial,since the notionCourse only belongs toPR

AtakeCourse. Maybe yet something else can

be characterized by the roletakesCourse. These phenomena can be explained with thehelp of notions of close world assumption (CWA) and open world assumption (OWA).Theclose world assumptionimplies that everything we do not know is false, while theopen world assumptionstates that everything we do not know is undefined. The pres-ence of OWA in our considerations results also in situation that usual principles knownfrom ISA-hierarchies do not work here. For example, attribute inheritance is generallynot guaranteed. The reason is that the existence of an entity attribute can be not deducedonly from extensional assertions using roles.


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5. Experiments

5.1. SystemSetup

To verify the real query evaluation cost we have designed and implemented the systemTORQue – Translation of Ontology into Relational Queries. The TORQue is an imple-mentation oftheoretical ideas described in previous chapters.

In experiments we wanted to evaluate scalability of our system and compare it withnon-commercial system. As it was said we have had an experience with the systemSesame, therefore we have chosen it. For this propose we used the TORQue in version1.0 and the Sesame in version 2.2.1. We used MySQL version 5.0 as the underlyingRDBMS.

We have done the tests on desktop computer with1.83 GHz Intel Core2 CPU,2 GBof RAM, 80 GB hard disk, Windows XP Professional OS, and Java 6.

5.1.1. OWL Datasets

Test data is extensional data created over Univ-Bench ontology [6]. The data, that isgenerated by UBA generator, has synthetic origin. Each dataset can consist of one ormore OWL files. The datasets are calledLUBM. To identify the datasets LUBM we usenotation LUBMn, wheren is a number of universities contained in the dataset. In ourexperiments we created 3 sets of the test data: LUBM1, LUBM5 and LUBM10, whichinclude OWL files for 1, 5 and 10 universities, respectively. The largest one has over 100MB size of the OWL files with instances saved on hard disk.

5.2. Loading Time and Repositories

In this section we want discuss loading time of the different storages. In Table 4 we listeddata loading time for both systems, Torque as well as Sesame. For each dataset we shownumber of files that belong to the dataset and their total size on disk. Also we presentnumber of triples of every dataset, loading time of the repository and repository size ondisk.

Table 4. Data loading parameters

Dataset Number Total Number of Load Time Repository

data of Files Size (MB) Triples (hh:mm:ss) Size (MB)

SesameLUBM1 15 8.1 103 397

00:02:20 19.1

TORQue 00:33:18 18.7

SesameLUBM5 93 50.5 646 128

00:49:37 117

TORQue 10:07:35 82.1

SesameLUBM10 189 103 1 316 993

03:07:02 240

TORQue 40:26:11 185.5

The TORQue system seems to be economical considering database sizeon the diskthat it takes. On the other hand, the loading time is much more worse than the loadingthe Sesame repositories. We should notice that loading time of the database created byTORQue consists of the time spent on computing things like potential domains and valid


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domains, time spent on communication with the database and time spenton commu-nication with the Sesame. Communication with Sesame cost us a lot of time. For nowwe ask the system Sesame everything about the ontology (names of the concepts, roles,subsumption and equality assertions, concepts assertion, and role assertions).

Let us mention that Sesame offers repository based on an RDBMS but we decidednot to use this kind of repository. The reason is, that this repository does not provideany reasoning tasks. We remind also that Sesame does not find answers to almost all testqueries. Even the memory repository is not usable in practice. So, our experiments useonly native Sesame repository.

5.3. Test Queries

Our set of test queries consists of the12 queries,10 becomes from LUBM benchmarkset, namely queries 1 – 8, 12 and 14. We preserve the numbering of the selected bench-mark queries. The rest of queries are constructed by us (numbers 15 and 16). We havedecided to add these queries to our sample because this queries use functional proper-ties. The LUBM queries are presented in SPARQL language [25], what is a standardlanguage recommended by W3C Consortium. However, we want to provide the tests ofSesame also with language SeRQL [24], what was, for Sesame, the first supported querylanguage.

5.4. Query Response Time

The test system receives the test set of the queries (in SPARQL language) andid of therepository that should be tested. It runs query by query from the test sample and repeatsthemm times. The numberm is in this case10. For each query, each system, and eachdataset we compute average response time. Figure 4 shows the graphs with test resultsfor all datasets.

Each figure consists of two graphs. The graph on the left-hand side informs aboutall our test queries. The right-hand side one concerns the queries with complete answer.Order of the queries presented in all graphs is defined by the number of tuples in thequery answers.

To verify completeness of query answers we used results presented in [6]. The reallyimportant feature of the system TORQue is that it computes the complete answers in allcases. However, the system Sesame returns (independently of the query language) only91% answer in case of the query 7, 83% for queries 6 and 8. Even for the query 12 itdoes not find any answer though it should return some answer.

6. Conclusion

We have proposed a model of translation of the ontology to relational database and de-veloped the system TORQue.

DBMSs with their wide scale of query optimization techniques offer us a lot of abil-ities to improve our system. One of them is a technique which speeds up query evalu-ation through indexing of some columns. It helps with relational joins. To further im-prove the indexes there is an idea inspired with Sesame 2. All names of concepts, roles


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Figure 4. Test results for LUBM1, LUBM5, LUBM10.

and instances refer to numeric indexes instead of to their origin names of string type. Indatabases it is more effective to join tables through numerical columns.

In the introduction we mentioned projects (described in [7,10]) which we are partic-ipated in. As we mentioned, required information in the systems was static. There wasfinite number of query types over the ontology. Therefore we could store ontology in-formation into fixed index structure and the rest of application could work just with theindexes, what is really fast. But if we want to modify object of our interest we have tomodify a configuration file (add or modify query that creates index). In future work wewould like to supersede this ontology information retrieval with the system described inthis work, i.e. the system TORQue.

To increase usability of our system, we want to implement SPARQL-compiler aswell. Hence the query language SPARQL is a standard ontology query language basedon RDF triples. Finally, we remind that relational databases offer additional operators tooperators mentioned in Table 1. Therefore we also plan to go behind theEL descriptionlogic and to develop algorithms for translations of these extended constructions. Conse-quently, providing experiments with a wider class of description logics will be possible.


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The work presented in the paper is supported by Slovak project VEGA 1/0131/09, Czechproject GACR 201/09/0990 and IS 1ET100300517.


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