Ontology Learning. An introduction simonetta montemagni [email protected] Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale - CNR

Ontology Learning. An introduction - Managing Legal ... School LEX2009 - Ontology in the Legal Domain - ONTOLOGY LEARNING 10 September 2009 Why learning LEGAL ontologies from texts

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Ontology Learning. An introduction

simonetta [email protected] di Linguistica Computazionale - CNR

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PART 1 Ontology Learning: basics

Why How Evaluation

PART 2 Ontology Learning in the Legal domain

Prior work Feasibility study carried out in the legal domain Open issues

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Why learning ontologies from texts

The problem “…manual acquisition and modeling of ontologies still

remains a tedious, cumbersome task resulting in a knowledge acquisition bottleneck” (Alexander Maedche, 2002)

A possible solution Data-driven knowledge acquisition

• semi-automatic ontology development, extension and tuning from domain text analysis

• reduces ontology development time and costs• extracted concepts are

“well adapted” to textsOLOL

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Why learning LEGAL ontologies from texts

The current situation a number of legal ontologies have been proposed

• mostly focusing on upper level concepts • hand-crafted by domain experts

The need realistically large knowledge–based applications in the legal

domain need more and more comprehensive ontologies, incrementally integrating continuously updated knowledge

A possible solution techniques for automated ontology–learning from texts can

play an increasingly prominent role in the near future relatively few attempts made so far to automatically induce

legal domain ontologies from texts

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Ontology Learning from texts as Reverse Engineering

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Text (implicit knowledge)

Structured content(explicit knowledge)

Ontology Learning from texts : the general approach

Linguistic analysis


Dynamic Content


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Ontology Learning from texts: how

carried out by combining Natural Language Processing technologies with Machine Learning techniques dynamic and incremental process

following the Balanced Cooperative Modeling Paradigm semi-automatic development/extension/tuning of ontology

with human interventionontology


candidatenew concepts


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Ontology Learning “Layer Cake”(Buitelaar, Cimiano and Magnini, 2005)

disease, illness, hospital

{disease, illness}



cure (dom:DOCTOR, range:DISEASE)

∀x, y (sufferFrom(x, y) → ill(x)) Axioms & Rules

(Other) Relations

Taxonomy (Concept Hierarchies) 

Concept hierarchies




The knowledge acquisition process organised into a “layer cake" of increasingly complex subtasks

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Linguistic analysis “Layer Cake”

Il presente decreto stabilisce le norme per la prevenzione dell'inquinamento da rumore. In particolare, […]

Il | presente | decreto | stabilisce | […] | dell‘ | inquinamento | da | rumore | .



[NC Il presente decreto] [VC stabilisce] [NC le norme] […] 

MODIF(decreto,presente) SUBJ(stabilire,decreto) OBJD(stabilire,norma)

Dependency analysis

Shallow syntactic parsing (chunking)


Concept hierarchies

Morphological analysis


Sentence Segmentation

decreto DECRETO#S@MS#

OL systems differentially exploit different levels of linguistic annotation of texts in an incremental fashion

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terms are the linguistic representation of domain-specific concepts basic prerequisite for more advanced ontology learning tasks terms may consist of

a single wordform so-called “simple” (or one-word) terms, e.g. law two or more wordforms, called “multi-word” (or complex) terms, e.g. public

administration term extraction process articulated into two fundamental steps:

identifying term candidates from text filtering through the candidates to separate terms from non-terms

term extraction systems based on two different types of knowledge, namely linguistic, statistical, or a combination of the two

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Typical term extraction architecture

INPUTtext file

NLP Analysis

extraction of candidate terms

statistical processing

OUTPUTlist of selected

domain-relevant terms

Linguistically analysed text (e.g. POS-tagged,


statistical measures

(mutual information, log-likelihood, TFIDF etc.)

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Synonyms identification of semantic term variants denoting the same concept

within the same language: synonyms across different languages: translation equivalents

methods for the automatic acquisition of synonyms clustering of distributionally similar terms

• The Distributional Hypothesis (Harris 1968): two words that tend to co-occur in similar linguistic contexts will be positioned closer together in semantic space

mutual information association measure on a very large corpus (the web) with a medium-sized co-occurrence window

• synonyms appear to have a tendency to occur in the near of each other

methods for the automatic acquisition of translation equivalents similar as with monolingual terms, but depending on translated

contexts (i.e., document collections)• Parallel Corpora: Pairs of translated documents• Comparable Corpora: Pairs of documents in different

languages on the same topic

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Conceptsconcept learning can be approached from quite different perspectives

Ogden & Richards (1923) semiotic triangle

From a purely linguistic perspective, conceptual classes can be induced from the set of associated linguistic realizations emerging from texts (term extraction, synonym detection)

Intensionally: a concept is a description of its intension, i.e. 

the set of properties that characterizes it or its 

relationships to other concepts (definition extraction and 


Extensionally: a concept is learned by identifying its 

instances in texts (ontology population)

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Taxonomy (Concept Hierarchies) (1) Basic methods used for taxonomy extraction

Lexico-syntactic patterns (Hearst 1992)

• Pattern: NPo such as {NP1, NP2,…, (and | or)} NPn

• Matching context: All common-law countries, such as Canada and England …

• Extracted relations:• HYPONYM(Canada, common-law country)• HYPONYM(England, common-law country)

Definition analysis (’80s MRD literature) • Definition: Ai fini della presente legge si intende … e) per - responsabile - la

persona fisica, la persona giuridica, la pubblica amministrazione e qualsiasi altro ente, associazione od organismo preposti dal titolare al trattamento di dati personali;

• Extracted relations:• HYPONYM(responsabile, persona_fisica)• HYPONYM(responsabile, persona_giuridica)• HYPONYM(responsabile, pubblica_amministrazione)• …

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Taxonomy (Concept Hierarchies) (2) Basic methods used for taxonomy extraction

Co-occurrence Analysis• based on Harris distributional hypothesis • exploits unsupervised hierarchical clustering techniques which typically

learn concepts at the same time as they also group terms into clusters of semantically related terms. The hierarchies produced by such clustering approaches can also be used to automatically derive term/concept hierarchies from texts


• Modifiers typically restrict or narrow down the meaning of the modified noun

• Hyponymy relations induced from head-sharing terms

• HYPONYM(commercial_activity, activity)

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(Other) Relations

exploiting linguistic structure Part_of, meronymy

Part_of(wheel,bike); holonymy(bike,wheel) Qualia roles

Constitutive(blade, knife) Formal(artifact_tool, knife) Telic(cut_act, knife) Agentive(make_act, knife)

Other relations Located_in Author_of

More complex relations cure (dom:DOCTOR, range:DISEASE)

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Evaluating Ontology Learning results

Evaluation approaches comparing the ontology to a “gold standard” in terms

of • Precision: percentage of correctly acquired items with

respect to all acquired items• Recall: percentage of correctly acquired items with

respect to all items in the gold standard using the ontology in an application and evaluating

the results (task-based evaluation) involving comparisons with a source of data about

the domain that is to be covered by the ontology evaluation is done by humans who try to assess how

well the ontology meets a set of predefined criteria, standards, requirements, etc. (manual evaluation)

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Ontology learning in the legal domain

relatively few attempts made so far to automatically induce legal domain ontologies from texts

ontology learning experiments carried out in the legal domain mainly focused on concept extraction

among them:• Walter and Pinkal (2006): focus on definitions in German court

decisions from which legal concepts are identified together with relevant terminology and relations

• extraction of domain relevant terminology from which domain relevant concepts are derived together with relations linking them

• Lame (2000, 2005): French• Saias and Quaresma (2005): Portuguese • Völker, J., Langa S.F., Sure Y. (2008): Spanish

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Feasibility studies carried out in the legal domain with T2K

T2K (Text–to–Knowledge) ontology learning system Institute of Computational Linguistics (CNR) and Department

of Linguistics of the University of Pisa (DellOrletta et al. 2006) offers a battery of tools for Natural Language Processing

(NLP), statistical text analysis and machine language learning, dynamically integrated to induce ontological knowledge from texts

Two case studies in the legal domain Corpus of environmental laws (Venturi 2006)

• 1,399,617 tokens• 824 institutional and administrative acts by EU, State and

Piedmont Region• time span: from 1997 to 2005

Consumer Law corpus (European DALOS project)• including EU Directives, Regulations and case law on protection of

consumers' economic and legal interests• 292,609 word tokens

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Ontology Learning with T2K

Domain terminologyDomain terminology

Terminology extractionTerminology extraction



Morphological Analyser

POS Tagger


Dependency Analyser


ontology learning



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Ontology Learning with T2K

Semantic structuringSemantic structuring



Morphological Analyser

POS Tagger


Dependency Analyser


ontology learning



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Starting point texts annotated

with basic non-recursive syntactic structures (i.e. “chunks”) by AnIta

The result includes single terms

• Es. autorità, inquinamento

multi-word terms• Es. beni culturali,

sistemi di gestione e controllo

terminological variants

Term repository

Terminological variants

Ontology Learning (1) Terminology extraction

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partial taxonomical chains reconstructed from the internal

linguistic structure of terms simple and complex terms

structured in a vertical hierarchy


riduzione dell’inquinamento 

acusticoriduzione delle 

emissioni inquinanti

riduzione dei consumi

riduzione dell’inquinamento

riduzione della produzione

riduzione delle emissioni …








riduzione dell’inquinamento 

acusticoriduzione delle 

emissioni inquinanti

riduzione dei consumi

riduzione dell’inquinamento

riduzione della produzione

riduzione delle emissioni …







clusters of semantically related terms inferred through dynamic

distributionally-based similarity measures

using a contex-sensitive notion of semantic similarity

computing the most relevant co-occurring verb/subject and verb/object pairs in the dependency-annotated text vj




Ontology Learning (2) Organisation and structuring of the set of acquired terms

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Achieved results

Environmental corpus 4,685 terminological units vertical (hyponymy) relations

• 2,181

• concerning 272 terms semantically related terms

• 3,448

• concerning 665 terms

DALOS corpus 1,443 terminological units vertical (hyponymy)

relations• 623

• concerning 229 terms semantically related terms

• 1,258

• concerning 279 terms

Two­faced terminology: in both case studies acquired terminology includes both legal and regulated domain terms, environmental and consumer 

protection terms respectively

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Evaluation of achieved results in terms of precision and recall

reference resources selected as a gold standard Legal domain

• Dizionario giuridico, Edizioni Simone (6.041 entries)

• the thesaurus of DOGI Archive Environmental domain:

• Glossary of the Osservatorio Nazionale sui Rifiuti (1.090 entries)

• the thesaurus EARTh (Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus)

precision 75.4%

through manual checking the percentage of correctly acquired terms grows to 83.7%, e.g.

• anidride carbonica • beneficiari

reference resources selected as a gold standard the thesaurus of DOGI Archive JurWordNet

precision 85.38%

recall wrt relevant 56 European Union Legal Concepts (EULG) 80.69%

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Open issues

semi-automatic identification of the domain-relevance for each acquired term, wrt the legal or regulated domains

semi-automatic induction and labelling of basic ontological classes from the acquired proto-conceptual structures

extension of the acquired domain-ontology with concept-linking relations (e.g. events)

identification of definitions and extraction of the embedded domain knowledge

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semi-automatic identification of the domain-relevance for each acquired term

Two-faced nature of acquired terminology Depending of the usage it may be useful to discriminate

between the two term types First experiments based on a contrastive analysis of term

collections bootstrapped from different corpora

kwid termine valore lemma









kwid termine valore lemma












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semi-automatic induction and labelling of basic ontological classes




1) definition of root concepts 1) definition of root concepts 2) definition of sub-concepts2) definition of sub-concepts
























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ontology extension with events (typically expressed by verbs) as connecting elements between concepts

automatic acquisition of clusters of semantically related verbs on the basis of distributionally-based similarity measures

semi-automatic bootstrapping of predicate-arguments structures from texts {centro servizi}

{ aiuto, prestazione, servizio }

{aiuti di stato, …}

{fornire, offrire, eroga}

{servizi per l’impiego  servizi alle imprese  servizi integrati   …}ISA



{controlla, autorizza}

extension of the acquired domain-ontology with concept-linking relations (e.g. events)

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2. Ai fini della presente legge si intende … e)   per ­ responsabile ­ la persona fisica, la persona giuridica, la pubblica amministrazione e qualsiasi altro ente, associazione od organismo preposti dal titolare al trattamento di dati personali; … [ [ CC: U_C] [ FORM: per] [ POTGOV: PER]]




identification of definitions and extraction of the embedded domain knowledge

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References Ontology learning

Buitelaar, P. Cimiano, P., Magnini, B. (Eds.) Ontology Learning from Text: Methods, Evaluation and Applications. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Series, Vol. 123, IOS Press, July 2005.

Cimiano, Philipp Ontology Learning and Population from Text: Algorithms, Evaluation and Applications. 2006, XXVIII, Springer, 2006.

Maedche, Alexander Ontology Learning for the Semantic Web. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Ontology learning in the legal domain

Cimiano, P., Völker, J. Text2Onto - A Framework for Ontology Learning and Data-driven Change Discovery. In Montoyo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB). pp. 227–238. Springer, Alicante, Spain, June 2005.

Lame, G. Knowledge acquisition from texts towards an ontology of French law. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks (EKAW-2000), Juan-les-Pins, 2000.

Lame, G. Using NLP techniques to identify legal ontology components: concepts and relations. In Benjamins et al. (eds.), Law and the Semantic Web. Legal Ontologies, Methodologies, Legal Information Retrieval, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3369: 169–184, 2005.

Saias, J. and P. Quaresma A Methodology to Create Legal Ontologies in a Logic Programming Based Web Information Retrieval System. In Benjamins et al. (eds.), Law and the Semantic Web. Legal Ontologies, Methodologies, Legal Information Retrieval, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3369: 185–200, 2005.

Walter, S. and M. Pinkal. Automatic extraction of definitions from german court decisions. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-2006) “Workshop on Information Extraction Beyond The Document”: 20–28, Sidney, 2006.

T. Agnoloni, L. Bacci, E. Francesconi, W. Peters, S. Montemagni, G. Venturi, 2008, A two-level knowledge approach to support multilingual legislative drafting, in Joost Breuker, Pompeu Casanovas, Michel C.A. Klein, Enrico Francesconi (eds.), Law, Ontologies and the Semantic Web - Channelling the Legal Information Flood, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Springer, Volume 188, 2008, pp. 177-198.

Alessandro Lenci, Simonetta Montemagni, Vito Pirrelli, Giulia Venturi, 2008, Ontology learning from Italian legal texts, in Joost Breuker, Pompeu Casanovas, Michel C.A. Klein, Enrico Francesconi (eds.), Law, Ontologies and the Semantic Web - Channelling the Legal Information Flood, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Springer, Volume 188, 2008, pp. 75-94.