...... -- !or the Exploration cf tee Sca /. co ••-,. 1 .1 his papör nt)t tD CH \::ithout.-..!?1:ioI' reler':.'!nce tc antu<.","";,_. eH 1976/B:21 . Gear & cttce ,. b"": , .. c S R Priestley' Abcrdeen '. , . -1:HE 1:3ASIc.rn:rimIPLES OF.: eiosEr> cmCU"ri SYS!DtS :Fort ,i,\OORAToRY. /UID 'p'riu> . usi; n. . . .' (Presentcd Tecb.."lical Sp. .... leES: vioridng G.rOUPt 'Hull UK; . 1976,' lIobr.ervi'ng methods B't· sen ror fish 'and ' Iiitröduction uaed deve16ped and recently, same advnnces :been mhdo' \;hich are of' grc.'J.t:·!rril'ort.1nco to I::Ilrine ncientißta: . Thc vidicon tuoe- (/u1on1968) t,iupplied.' i12:·ourveilla.nce cameras'wlls, evolve'd bCCil'J.SC'of its . good pancbromtic'properties,' tb3t is, it tilrncd a bcü.cmced coloUred . BCino, black and whito,imnge'with' iin expected' contrzWt: Tbe scientist -working fiah in, :'aquarii, or'3O m deep,in ·the sea', !illc'iS tM.t this tYPe o! c8.D2em .does not 'work all weIl unlecs·bright used; ver,y örten . diGturba 'tho behav!oUr cf th'etish nnd invalidates the 'I'he ·prC;blcms ol recordlng Witli :rum in· fisheries research were tlefined by, .' I;Ien=ings (1972), who'related the propertiea of' trat1S:Iiiesion of light by the \,(ater to the ehS.racters inherent iil thc!" film emulsions. basic propertieaof'light,' dcneribed by Reocmirigs, (1972), apply', also to erision used in ,',the target in the vidicon TV tube and thc TV tube cor!'asl'0nd emulsion. ..' in fUm:eameras... Tlie specific propertiesof the tarset.s and photoeathodes uoed camerus var.r. !rem the nntimony.triaUlphide. nbove, to the mnny special targets an1 photoeathodes ' each with its Specträl sensitiTlty and otherdjnamic prcporties. <ScbleCki and \la:njUer1972). Recently devclopmentor the . silicon umy target J!en.'lett 19(0), MS led to cameraa will aili ted tc', tll:0··lement' red and inrra-red light i relevant in aq,uari;m"behaViour "änieeamera' tube \l1th'an llssociated photo- c!'.th9de:intensificrr (RCA' eleetronic' compdnents,' 4804 camera' tuba. family) h:is given: an· id'e'al 'camern-' obsem tion, usiilg tbe naturBl illuminatiön in'the 'see. down to, .a' lig.l-,.t level.· .. Other priiiciples öl telev ision,ciu'be exploited avo.ilall;te tö!levlsion npV:1rntus' and. the Prescnt !,oper attcmpts to outliile' the ci! clo?cd circurt .,!ha norma1.'· CCTI/' 51st em :The bUeic.clQscd·eircutt system commercial1y cuFPlied as a surveUlancesyatem, uses ä. calncrli'to forr.l ü c:odcd television irage cf anöbäcrved ouject'and passe.e tha ntandard form, via a c&ble, to'ti telefision moriitör,which accurately'decodesl:he electronic wave form. and:preccnts an,imase oftheobject ,to :A permanent record'o! thi'ff" image COOl be ,byrecording simultaneously tee coc1ed wavc form usiiig ä ,video' tape recorder. The scene' rccorded. 'on tape can then be replsyed vta,thomonitor at any ether time, and can:be easily eopicd ., L 1

OORAToRY. 'p'riu> usi;n. R ~tJoint Doccuments/1976/B/1976_B21.pdfBCino, prOper17:illU:inatod~·into·an exP~ctcd black and whito,imnge'with':'aquarii,iin expected'contrzWt: range~

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Page 1: OORAToRY. 'p'riu> usi;n. R ~tJoint Doccuments/1976/B/1976_B21.pdfBCino, prOper17:illU:inatod~·into·an exP~ctcd black and whito,imnge'with':'aquarii,iin expected'contrzWt: range~

......------------~~---~- --

Intern~tional'Cöuccil!orthe Exploration cf tee Sca/.

co ••-,. 1.1his papör nt)t tD CH ~i'tcd \::ithout.-..!?1:ioI' reler':.'!nce tc tt~e antu<.","";,_.

eH 1976/B:21 .Gear &De~~viou: cttce

, . b"":, ..

c S W~rdle ~~d RPriestley'M~riue Ia~~rat6rj

Abcrdeen'., .

-1:HE 1:3ASIc.rn:rimIPLES OF.: eiosEr> cmCU"ri 'l'EIEimIO~j SYS!DtS

:Fort ,i,\OORAToRY. /UID 'p'riu> .usi;n. Fi:SImÜ~ k~~faCH.. .


(Presentcd ~tJoint Tecb.."lical Sp.....~ion' leES: vioridng G.rOUPt 'Hull ~ UK; ~..o .~'Mar~h 1976,' lIobr.ervi'ng methods B't· sen ror fish 'and gear")~: '


'The~iübe~ uaed in:televlciion'ca~eras'nre'conttnuaI1Ybeing deve16ped andrecently, same advnnces 'bAv~ :been mhdo' \;hich are of' grc.'J.t:·!rril'ort.1nco to I::Ilrinencientißta: . Thc normäl·ilntirilotiy·tri5ulphide·~ vidicon tuoe- (/u1on1968)

,:co~oDly t,iupplied.' i12:·ourveilla.nce cameras'wlls, evolve'd bCCil'J.SC'of its. good pancbromtic'properties,' tb3t is, it tilrncd a bcü.cmced coloUred .

BCino, prOper17:illU:inatod~·into·an exP~ctcd black and whito,imnge'with'iin expected' contrzWt: range~. Tbe scientist -working with',li~e' fiah in,:'aquarii, or'3O mdeep,in ·the sea', !illc'iS tM.t this tYPe o! c8.D2em .does not 'work~at all weIl unlecs·bright daylight:il1~ination,ißused; ~hich ver,y örten .diGturba 'tho behav!oUr cf th'etish nnd invalidates the ~Ä1'e:d6cnt.· 'I'he

·prC;blcms ol recordlng Witli :rum in· fisheries research were tlefined by, .'I;Ien=ings (1972), who'related the propertiea of' trat1S:Iiiesion of light by the\,(ater to the ehS.racters inherent iil thc!" film emulsions. ThefH~ basicpropertieaof'light,' dcneribed an~'illustratedby Reocmirigs, (1972), apply',also to ~elerision used in ,',the ,5eb.~The target in the vidicon TV tube andthc phctocathoda.'.iD,th~'intel'!-Gifie~ TV tube cor!'asl'0nd t~~h~' emulsion. ..'un~ in fUm:eameras... Tlie specific propertiesof the tarset.s and photoeathodesuoed in~tcreviäicn camerus var.r. !rem the ~~ncbrömatic nntimony.triaUlphide.target,~entionednbove, to the mnny special F~pose targets an1 photoeathodes 'each with its o~n ch~cteristic Specträl sensitiTlty and otherdjnamicprcporties. <ScbleCki and \la:njUer1972). Recently devclopmentor the .silicon ~iode umy target (Wool~,a~d J!en.'lett ~ 19(0), MS led to cameraawill aili ted tc', tll:0··lement' nnalYBis~ u~ing' red and inrra-red light i relevant inaq,uari;m"behaViour studi~ß.'The- "änieeamera' tube \l1th'an llssociated photo­c!'.th9de:intensificrr (RCA' eleetronic' compdnents,' 4804 camera' tuba. family) h:isgiven: an· id'e'al 'camern-' ~or lmderwatEll~~' obsemtion, usiilg tbe naturBl gre~nilluminatiön in'the 'see. down to, .a' pl·~ctical1.ow lig.l-,.t level.· .. Other priiiciplesöl television,ciu'be exploited by:th~acienti~t ~kinguGe or,co~~erciällyavo.ilall;te tö!levlsion npV:1rntus' and. the Prescnt !,oper attcmpts to outliile' themore'r~lQvant:~ropertieaci! clo?cd circurt televiGi~n 6ystems~

.,!ha norma1.'· CCTI/' 51stem

:The bUeic.clQscd·eircutt teievi~i~n system commercial1y cuFPlied as asurveUlancesyatem, uses ä. calncrli'to forr.l ü ·~tandaI"d c:odcd television iragecf anöbäcrved ouject'and passe.e tha ntandard cciQedv~ve form, via a c&ble,to'ti telefision moriitör,which accurately'decodesl:he electronic wave form.and:preccnts an,imase oftheobject ,to ün.obGerver~ :A permanent record'o!thi'ff" image COOl be t!a~e ,byrecording simultaneously tee coc1ed wavc form usiiigä ,video' tape recorder. The S3!l1~' scene' rccorded. 'on tape can then be replsyedvta,thomonitor immedintc~Y"orat any ether time, and can:be easily eopicd•.,

L 1

Page 2: OORAToRY. 'p'riu> usi;n. R ~tJoint Doccuments/1976/B/1976_B21.pdfBCino, prOper17:illU:inatod~·into·an exP~ctcd black and whito,imnge'with':'aquarii,iin expected'contrzWt: range~

r---------------------~------- - -----

..Sö~e' video tape equip::ient 'ia designed, so tlurt the scene cun ce replayedfra.moby frame~ thuo allo\dng careftil ?.7JA1ysis ci! :::ovement etc•.. For 'inov~mezit

~~ysis the..inscr~i~n.o~ r.n.a:::9.\irc.te ~U~tal clock, int!J ..tbe video taperccord a110w3 eXact·tir.ting·of-evo'i:y frame; .Tl-.:o'ditfcrent views"of thc Same­sub.iect can.be cQmbin~d..b:r.a.,mi~ipg·w;iton one,Q~ tl'N :fi:~r;;co,' or th~ silte

- di~tal clock C<ln be 'added. to (ach of:the.aynchronise-d ianges tl.nd. these ,canbe recorded separetely on two video tape reccrdcr3~. Thapossibilities foran8.lysis~ or illustrative purposes.; using t,elevision, are numt:roun;; .

• •.. , t.

'!he.television wa"lefor:u'-- ..._-- .

The, at.nndard closeet circuit TV picbre ia .trans!ornied to an electric~ wavt:pattern .in the ce.merä. tub.e~ ... t'eing, t~s 925. ;Linetelevisiön. cy~te6.C0m:::1oli'+7·uaed in Eurcl'e witli a 50 Hz niaiila frequmlcy, .the irlage fi~ld cD. th.e.TY ~ubeisscanned 5Ot1mcB,per seeond.The ttmetaken by the.eleetron b~aQ tosean' ,the tube (eamora arid monitor) is18~4·ms änd the beam returns.to.thQ,~tartoftha. iieit seM. dliriIig 1.6 ins.; The beam crosses the imäge ficld 'oltring -the·18~4msin,287.5:.parallel hOl'i::::ntal: lines.and.:~len re,turiis,.t9.the·'Btnr~.~f,~~etl~xt,

. ~. _.6~n~urinc' ~~e. ~ilj2~_ for 25 Jincs' .~]\actly_., ~e .. stprt. oi' each lino,. nenn ,i~ .sePa:rated 1?Y:6~ lUG•.: . The ,p~si~iQri: of. thc. Pj.cturf: i6 JrA;nt~jneo bS .t~?accurate ti:ning' 0.1' ,.the.~line and fi~ld scan b:Cg. G".rrichronised· pulse. generator.~ote tba,.t::~a~h f~c;td:l~u;;t.8.20, cis or ?O,<JpOJus;, 'f}.~C~ liJ?e lnats. 6!~l!3{ .t.1~~ear~ there!o;,e:i!l'prac~ice }12.5li~cs per.. 1"iel~. ?5,~r(r~Wt.t?l?nned.,:.~~e

c01nplete TV~'frar:~:is'~~chD.ica.l.ly acbiey~d by 2 ;;c~. o;t.ightly~di13placci4 {+o th3.t. the·J.ines intcrlace in ~lt:erna~,~··field.s~ns,~vi!lZ r,ise to :the;625 l~~ .:framewlwre, in, tac t ,50 lj.ncsare not: ßca~ed l~vil1g 575 lint?n.:~ .9,~p.e~ line standardshave.n SimilAr.liJ.sic. fom.;.: For, urialj~ic~l:work where siriglo fi.cld8 are '. ,relovaxit,.it, in imporb#t to roo.li6~, tluit:+1 singl.e. usabl~.pictur~ is li:#~~dto on11 :287.5:.line~.on 0:925 lirie c;Yate:i1.' ~ 11: shou:td also. bc realised t~la.ttlie spot 1145 ä. .ccnritait diameter i.o...o. monitor 9.r Cürn~ra, anc1..a liDe ron ~nlyfiuctuate in, brightness.and-cannot ...be cplit 10ngi~.udinal1y.,ai::dso verticnlresolütionoo is,licih1d, to 28?...5,.horizontal'liueß on wiy Gingle field.' It··shoU1~ als~ ~ b~ ,noted. ~'hat ..thc!. te1-~vis~onc::iincrD., has n.o ohut~,~·· arid;1igbt:"..~.,arrives on,.the· front of the 'camera tu}·, it an· timeo 50. that thu. image., .picked up,'by: ~he.· 6;~n reaUJ,ts from',tiie ,ccUm~atiön o.r,li~t· 9~i;1g 1/50:· öt,

, . n scco!ld•.

'nie, camera·

'. The·,:imäge.in~.the:cacer~·'i~.·:f~~C!.d.op~ic..ü1Yby.i Gui,b.ble'lez:t~ 'IIh$.~h'foc~sseB. the: imag{t ·of· the, object. thrc_ugh~ tlle: cnd...:w.indo~ ~t:. t!le, camem. tube

, Qri·,t~ ·,!:he sensitive targe.t eurfc:ü:e."\",.~:Tbe:.-9.ualitj.. or...~hi6 foc'lJ,ssc.d" i~.ag~ is,dependent on tha,lcllf.l and just as in fi1.Cl..camcras the umount~01' liGht:.depth or, focus·,a:nd. ii:1age quality, ar~- dependent ~ni th~ f.1p'crture oi. ;tbo,lens.· "There urö variouG aiies· ,of end windov 01' television CaUlera. tub~s

'.,~ngi~o .from:i!I1uP.tc) 1~1:~f:· ,'l\ibe,Win~9ws~~rc ,circular,~!i:Fhe'wi'iidO,,!": .diameter. is therefore rel'at'p.d.. tothe..MXw\imdiigonal' t}-oAt-.can. hc fitted intotbc circle ror äzi image' "r'ectanglu' witll' sine~' in' tlie' rc.Üo·,3:l.~· ,An i~ierectangle with units 3 by ,l+fits n, circle having.5 tinits cf.diameter.;,. It -isiMporttmt, to have a lenG designedto pt-oject än imtlse' ·with· a' dÜlt'leter' cf ätleast that of the cndwindow of the ~m~ra tubewhan the objcct i~ ~t infinity.,~is 16 rior~liy 5pccifi~d'.a:s the:.i~6~'·P'r"ojcct,ion anglE; o'r the' iriiäg'e, "',, mxinn~, fi~ld si~.o~: tro~~ \:t,~le:.:h:io.l1. C'..araeraG are fitt~d,with :i. tCInO\U1~, 'this

aimply indic::at.ec til."lt .the,.lens wil,l·.fit.:the c. moupt thread und the·.!oclismarkings engravcd onthe lens mount should havc, Dome meanini;: ~\'"C.rn6u..'1t

..1enswUl not, nece3i"irily.· sene:i-at~,.~ccuräl;e ~m.1.ßes on t.\ 1~fl end ~indo~.:' ..16,rw:lcino.film carric.s.i~n.iin?ge.with a 12..mm diagoml. ,16.I!l:1, filt1.e.::ttner!i'tenues :ire. thercfor~ ,only de6igned for ueß ",h~rc' it"~Gc field~ "arG %16. möre._,~bnJi ~" or 12 Cltl in di.."\meter; '1'0 avoid 105s o·! tnll.X'ginaJ. rcsolution selection


Page 3: OORAToRY. 'p'riu> usi;n. R ~tJoint Doccuments/1976/B/1976_B21.pdfBCino, prOper17:illU:inatod~·into·an exP~ctcd black and whito,imnge'with':'aquarii,iin expected'contrzWt: range~

r. ,"


I" ."

: ,I

. of the ~c~rec~'l~no ~ill boccne p;rtic~arly,i~örta.~t whcn .USiDb TI" ~im~ras. :fittedwithtuof,'.l with'a·target l.'lrSer'th:mJ-u, (12 rmn), diameter:. This, '. =.

.~arginaJ. detcrioration'cau~ed by.uning,unsuitable lenseo c~n bccome particulnrly,..notic~a,ble \lith 'widcariglä:~e,nsQswith' short, fbcal'lengtliß. . . .


, '..


.fueB. cf e~mer<i. tube . :',

': -The v~(:iicon 'tube ~iit'h an' ~nt'iriony: tri;~phide target b8.'~,b'ec~ uo~d. ..in thci"~Ujority or 5urvcilJ.an~e carnc!-lis;', !ntroduccd.in·1954 it.ol1o'Wcd the ,dcsi~;n

of sro.."Ül 'cQn-geni~nt 'IV ca::lcl'll.!;. Thc\!Ord Hvidiconll , describes the :f<lrticclar. . electrönic'. methcd'. cf':c'ollcctin~ the" p:i..chire ",'3.'l'O form froci, tho. fZice 6f. thc ..

tube, alt~rriätiv~ me~hods:are-o.eacribcd .by th'e. words:.J'orthicc;mtl. aad tlicocou";o • In: all TV: c.:i:noro.s t.hl.~ 'preci'1lo1y ccntl':ol1.ed' elcctronic bC~!ll SC~l.US,the ir;:.::tge.' a.-rca of the, target 'tl~ deöcribed. u.ndt;r' w:;i:l1c'· fOl.'rn, ar,o~·e. Th;;: tm'get in: tue. ', . b.orina1·'v'idicou ,is .. n;;idc ,a! ma7ly. POJ.YOl':'I~taJJ.i.ne layero ·oi.,.a.ntimc;mr. trisUlpnide.',: An' illumiriated: öbject .fcicuSsed· asan·:image: on .this.,to.rget: üep;Lc:teri zoii~s .o,! .... electroris,:, th~:der;ree'of ·depletio~.depepding ott:the. inten'sity cf ,the l~ght•

.. ' eile iniportan\;·J;:Iropei·tJ" of D.pcl:r~ryctnllina tnrr~et. reatt;rjn) ,ir; ,t? l:cop thiu'. .. ,·?epl'eted.. z~~e;, llu:'..nt:i,tat;ivfl'tmd ;precie-~'{lad 'not nllQW.l?-ter.41· lr.o·..er:lt:l,t .:~i'::> ._ ne1ghbottring eloctron5: un-:il· this ZOllO is ..~ef'i.l~~d.: l);;~ t.hEt nCftuning clcctron'

• " .,' bcam.'·T'tle; bet'.m· of: el~ctröi)s i:s :·8can.~od o;ler .tl'le, irJal3e·t~ri-i aZId ~;cnSt;S .. ~. " :,;zones satur:J.t'cd·~~itli t'.l€'ctrons '(darlt .area~) .a.ndzcr.eo..depleteJ. of: c:lect.ro;1:i. ' .. ' (vell:J.itC'.l·e~o)\·thc lioletJ.are thus,r;jfillcd 'by the,sc~r.ning 1.:ca~l~, The. ," . "cMnging current:' in' thc Eolectron beac' cause:d b~' thu crOz.singof' full <:.na

'emptyhol~s is dotcct~c by a ,conductiu6 layer in contact'with tl~,t~set,wlrichdctccts chane;c~; in ciirrent; ", '~'l:ic~o .-changcri ar~ ted d u'cc!:ly to b.. -,tineo . ...

. ampli:ri~r close to the front, end or the tube~ Thc voltl:t!p pat.t~rl1s originating. ,: 'as' c\U'renl:; cha."lges in. th~ elcctron. .lH:~o.ta l.l.re linl:cd to tue, field etnd l.ine timing

" ',' . '.. ,:~' pulses origin..'J.tiri~,ix'om- .thl~ ßyllc.hionisocl pull:ie generator. fL.'1d ~: co;npcsi te ,,:rive'. .' .' - form is tliua proc en~c:d and 1;::1G~;ed froi:i tlte .6t.mera. , Tha ~lord..,id'teon r Eifers ... _', to .this mcthoclcf tr,ihcfE:i'ring the clQt.:tronhole pattern into :=on elcctronic'.. \fave form. The orth.icon ,method is to collr3ct: thl} brolil. reilech,:d' frani the.. :....... target' lind ",oal{(l U::l~, Qf .the· !at:;t '~liat the !'eflcott-:d be.:,m i 6 sb6rt 'of ,, .' .' ~lectron5'\-Jhen' filling electron holes nud' rieb in' eloctt;onu \.;!lr-n reflectcd

" ' f'roDi dark areas.· In. t'hc 'isoccri' tube thc electronn r;~-itte!'ed \·!hen· the b~lDl .. ". strikes the ',tar50t.are collectcd in a. mode. rflthor. likti·:.l photo-muJ.ti.plier,

: :- aeaiii the sco.ttc:r ,varieo i,.rith ·tho imngepattorn on tho ,t<::rcet., Z:...ch muthod ''~: . l'.a.o. advarlt~ißeß t>,nd, dii..'ldV'DJ.1trig~$~ Buch as cli:ninritu1c lloisoin i:h:: blaclt al'eno ..

" ~.. " ,,'inthe'isocollf \-;hich i5 a problem in thc inol"e5enaitiv~~ orthic:on~ hcwev~:,.tllG. . • ' :. vidic:on mode ~o :l;econ1o' widcly uscd e>:.cept in seme, speciAl app~licat::'o~s~ . ., ~ : .;;, .":". "." , .,-, I' " •• ',~",~ •• _~, "," •• ,'''''•• ' • ~ , .. '.: " ' .•

VariatJ.ons, ell t}lt>.,.!l.:'onertl.cs cr· v.l.d:tE.~rgec~, .

\ '

. .' .. "The'iniage, cit an objectis ':f~cusöcd c-pt:I.C.:liiy thi-ouGlt the 610.03' end'Windo1ol '

., of tha TV camera tube~onto,the sensitive target lDy~r., Thcno~1n~l vidicon.tnr6et' is ~ntim6ny 'tiisUlphidc, another.$uc~eo€iul.vidicon'trirget'useo l~~doxide' (ret;istercd ut a 'Plumbicon 'l>y ·PhiJ.li·pt.;). Reccntly, cince 1970, .

'"., stlccessful v:td1.con tari)ol:u' havo been ctchcu fro:n Gcrni",:,conductc~ rr.aterinls to ,,', forni" the silict:m' dioda arro.y. t~ü'ects;: II;,16 there!ore ·,essel1~iaJ. tö. uriderstar..d

. '.' somo o! 1:.nQ spccific -pro,pcrt:1es of, these targets in orderto unuerstarid their .optimum oppliciltion~ .·.·These propci~ties can be dtl.'llt vi th undf:!' '~~lect!'al

sensitivity, rapidHy of" r~Sl?Cl1::.e or lüg, <.Ull"a.Z()-~hil.it~r.and ca."l'.r.!D.or· contrastrepröduction~:' .. , .

, .~. ..-- '.

Spec-l:rriiop.nsitivÜy dependsentirclJ' '()n the r!~011f7~tic5 'Jf the· br,=t~t ' ..uated..!ll.; ,Thc npi~L1<ll antimon:;' tl~iE:;ulphidc'vidicon tub~ ·is ric~r .'pv:nch."'Ol""..-:.tie ,and mntchris the h!.ltittiri cye, but the, 1.cau odde, i}J !"') t ncn~itive to wnveler.~ths

grenter tlrin 6oo~n..'l1· :.ind, is' usefttl,for, ßrcor., blue' an1 ultraviol~tri.nd is moresensitive to a.ll 3 th...n ·tno ant;it1~my tri~i\tlphirle. 1"he fJiliccm diode D.rr~y i8

, .'.' ." ~. '

l',., ......., '


.~ ".... . ~....~.'-

Page 4: OORAToRY. 'p'riu> usi;n. R ~tJoint Doccuments/1976/B/1976_B21.pdfBCino, prOper17:illU:inatod~·into·an exP~ctcd black and whito,imnge'with':'aquarii,iin expected'contrzWt: range~

r·II ... ,




more ,sl;ll1sitive to all visible w.:\ve1.engl:lw und i5 not8.bl~ ,c>c:anith'p. in,red nnd'infra-·red l:eSionu Hp to. wayeler.gths of 1000 r...ll.. 'l'ht>..,e ttrlded rcgious in red 3ndinrra~red whicn.Q~e not seen by the other vidicon tubesroake thi~Particu~lJ

suitable f'or·beh..'\vicur observations where s:lall.amoüots of red light are '. .least.disturbing to the bbser-,Ted animalS. ;''l'he 'silicon array is also oeruJitiveto x-rays and electrcnn nnct ici,idenl'as ü caco~d ~t~ze in n p~otocathoda 'intensifieu ~mcra. Iiotc that tho opectral ~ensitivitY·iniritensifiedcamerasisnot' relnted ..,to; the target property hut to'the extra pho'tocathoce; aiid again ,a wid~ rnnge·of·phetoCäthode materials are'uscd W!th speci!ic spectral 'responses (Sobieoki and Wa~ulcri1972)~ .

, Slowncss oi Tl~spo1?se'l'or UiegH, in .t.hc arit:i~16r,y tr'iriulphide V;;"Q:\.cou is ver,.. noticcable it:hen ob:;erVing. movi:lsobjccts, ,l)?:rti-::t~l<:Lt'lyölS th~ light level

becomet,j ·clooe tö, the minit.\..m usef.u1.. to. thn cit.mcrb.~ In' no=m~.l ßccd lightingthis i,.a.lesn serioüG ui'J1.f:lOa an-ilyoin.·ot: ~:)~;tr.a~.cbjer.:te 18 i!;!portn.ut;·P1Umhicontiare.bot~erintpod li8ht:but~deteriorgteaoliglit is·reduced but,tbc silic"n diode vidiebno" are ccn:.-;iatently. the bcst;"The: ,l3.g propertie:i cf a.

.Cat:ler-a~..n be 'csaUy dcmC>tll3truted by m.-inginGa .bright· white per..dt1.luci across L\.

dark backgrmmd ~r a dro-k penduluu ovel" a p,ttterned bacl:p:.f'ound euch an &' ;. .

tt::stcard pluoe,a,'·in·frcnt. ef thtJ" cQ,Ui~ra,' .1)<-pico.1J.i, ir.. thl~ autin':):J:r tj-io.ulphi,da.or lass' so in 'th~ lead 'oxid~ v;\.tlicon, tlle' it1<:toe '01' t:h'l: 'elOl'lng 6bj~C~ h'a·'ofl c\wbite t!"!iJ.l acros'Sth& Gcrt!e-n~ tbC, d.a.r1~object nppeai~ quit1:' tr~n::,;.p""L:,ent'· .. 'o.gaiiu.t the li~t~ p.~r.t. or th" static b:lckßl'ound. In t'.'ClJ:1e· hj frame i~~J1tlisit,ean be Goen·th:-,t 'het\tet>.n':lO - 20 eean5.of,th~ bright}:stdll1rt: l~cql.\ir~'

, bo!ore tho :u::cGc i~' r€J:'loved trom the catnern tubo. Tbe [;co.~lj1l$ beam iri not nble'to 1111 the el~ctrQn eoleD eauocd,by.the brj~lt ~hite area, i~ th~ eloctricalcaimoity of thctnrget io too- high~ . 'l"nQ Dllicon died", target ß.:l13 '" i'ach slI'lülercupacity and li11)st., highliihts ur~ oleared ':from the t1'1rg~t: \ov-:,ttü:t 2 01' 3 scal'lG crthe :i.roage. This aur~r1or }lI'Opcrty cr tlto silicon. <liode 1\:.--r3.j i:3 invaluablein movement a~lysiö; 6mc~rinß bocomes ne~G.gtble ~nd ehosting ~d tral\~Cncyof, inovi~ß' obj~cts ifi I?ct seriouB even at high .5!)F.-eds.. . ,

. Tlie ant:i.!riony;tritiulphide vidiccm is .....ell kuo\m for :tts propt>rties uf :L~pr:lntine:a pcroancIit (burntou) i:r~ge if leit with t\ bx-if.;l1t chject focut:l~ed ('i"l thacamer~·tubc while thc G~\n.iG switched ~fr. In th~ 196~ rooen ~~!dingtte ~~~ern

was ,Ml'.1'!ßcd by F'Jinting tow-;al'US tho rilill.· T;r:.s unci:nonl t.r.i!>ulph.id~ vidicc&'l \'lhen'Used \llth atito~t1c e;aitl~ can also be,<.lazuvßi'!d if left G"Wit~hcd on ·"HE th'; leiu::cap on," or iri. 'tao: J i ttle light, this ia be<~s.1t~le thc' eCl!sUivity ic Aaue -toincrease auto:nn:tieSlly ai;·t.he lieht drops, by incrcaaing the volb.lE':e tH~rcnsthe t3.r~(!·t. Tlie i~ad exid~ vidicön 15 siw.il~~ 'in t1.11 rc~pocto,'to !;he al'!dl~Onj'trislllphide vidicon. The ciliccJll. diodl) vidic()tl hmmvet', ,i~l nc-t ·(,'k'1lU<.\ged. by iin­pririting; canno::' ba fitted with the ~).u~;\)C!a~ic UJ.in oyst€m antl 't:(lJ or,ltG5 Jirect ,bright light~ ThiG tube ~l..:.!.o:~ey'~l?p~d·:Iol'.U:;;~ in the pict.~e telt:',i,ho::lc unuwas used on the subscqucnt mcion 'trips becClus~ '-ai' 'Ha cxeept'i6r.aJ. elldurane:ä(vloolg3.I' and Benne.:.c 1970).

The imace contraat. is tccr.nic!iily speciiicd 1:; t~(!' sar:11T'3 of, t~(,> cO!:t,~r..l e.nd:La particularly j.~port:ant wh~n denlin(! \-1ith mcnoc:hro:nat,ic, lig.~t ~uch ~~i3 iR' ,found' in' deep \'!ater er in experimental. condHimlC_· 'rho antinl<:U:; tr.iculphidevidicon,,'ovcr 'its "10rldng rang:;! of light intensitj·, k.s ci. gCL"1l~ of 0.6,5 (ror100% change in light illtennity' the oignal cui.·;,·c:;t cl::lrlses trxough 6;i%).Howcvur, the TV %l1onitor shO\~'s' a. c(jmpl~llent~1.'1 f..;nJ:;r.J.:L 'C\t.id th'J.s gi\"e~ .",' tr~msrcrwhieh in 1:1 .. ' Ti1.~ siliconätode ha:::: a. nigh€.r l;'))~r;."3. cf 1 untl';ln'Ilrnct1co thiGmcana tho.t 'tbe :dlicon diode tube ainpli.fi.c~ the C~r.I;!,;1Sl of n c.:rallcr (6,5Jt:)portion of t'he lJh.:ldcii. betweeu wlJite anti bluck p:n-:neute-d by tr.c .:m,timonytri6U1phide Cl.l.!iH~ra. In thi3 wa::{ tl'iri COUt"t':'3 st ol an al1r;.-r:ey tKan c: ,Ü~ mueh

. enhanced bj thü ~i.licori diode vid:.con.. Various circuita ,c.:ln be' fitted to, ' sUicon diode c<"\r..erns t6 co:~trol thio cont.r~st (.'.~plification;..


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r; ., ', '



The nccuro.cy of ,thc>' pictl.~,a, ,~h~p'~, an~1:hö detail 'withi."l the.llicl;ul·e :iro ,,' ,m:lintained in televinioll as discuused. ünC:fer' the"tetevisiö~ \iUvefcrrns.: 'Triere.are 'in cach analysable field 237.5 lina3'oach ~ollowing the:other,by c~ct~i64/us:: , Tho spaciitg of these line::; and the rate nt' \ihich. the clcctrcm be~" ': ,Beane th~ width 6fth'c ·s6r~en,1s not howe'iter, c.xnctly,tir;wd. Mond iG·l).prn..oxima.tel~'

, . controlled by- lnacy different: techUict'~'t inagnctic' or elecb'o~tnt,io:.s;ystcmG~ ,:,:' ".soIlle are expensive: ~nd more l\ccurate 'tlw.n others which are cheap '::.nd cru~a.;,

',:.' Thc' setting'up of~'the gool:1etry inthc ca::iern arid '~helltorJ.tor c,:).n bc tediolls',: ',imd difricult. ·tt.~hou1d be-notcd th.:"i.t for. zi1r.ple surv-eil.h~nc~,:cr eyel;i ,

, ',,' domest.ic TiJ pur110SCl>; ri. hrrio' cicgrec', cf distcrtion cvu' betolernted anl ~V'cn

not noticoo;. but ·.fOl' '~ny scientific purposos the accUl'~\'C;)~:of the gcorJctry' i5.~ all, imPortlint nnd: c:m be tec}micall~t li.oiting. lt i5 pcnsible that 'whcl~e

• _'äccUiate'geom~try io important cow~ercially.availnblanurv.eillance.cameraodo';iöt h:we sufficü'ntquality' in the gncmetry control and 'a rntrpO!3C b-::.ilt;reseai~h camera iri-ncedcd,with this pnrt?f thc camera ~~rticularlywell 'aelected nnd detrelopetl .. ·. f... British·sto.ndard,e~istß'!or dOGcribi1ig andllltlsuring'

~ '. the' seoruetric distortion. in the TV monitor .(!\non t: 196}). A~ .eltictronic" gr~d.. ,'.' insertion devic~'is invF.ilunblc for settinGup ~nd chccldnc; .tho GGol'liet~i of a

TV :3yatem.' '. " ,

•., Resolutiori is b.inlY i1J:.ited by the qualit) of th~.:, c1(>ctronic c:~l."'cuit;s inthe diffcl."'mlt piece~ or'appa~atus ueed.to proceC.s '~he wavc!.orms. In '

'a system ucing video1:aIlQ it i8 Ilormally ,thc. video. tapo recorder \'ih.ic:, limÜ~ thc;resolutioii of· th'''3 r;ss-ta'ci~ Ar; mcntiotlC'd ,in the Gection :::'CO'l6 on t:l11evision

" ,~vcfoi~ri; :,a single anal:rs~ble'fieldhas 287.. 5 lincs, tho scannil:tß ripot MO11 finite 'size und codes illforci~tiön only .witilin ,its Oi-m. '·lidth~ Thus in al1Yvertical strip of a sinrrl~ f'ield 'hiere ctln or.ly bc 287.5 :pos~libl~ ch:mze5 ofd('nsity. In the, properly interlaced moriitored imszc thcre cot'lc1 appe;:a' to

, .,the:eye t.wice this n\lmber'. o~ vertical cr..3.n~eG~ th..-it io 575 1?ctmihle vertic.ul .'chanees i.!l dcnsity, rcprescntcd 6n the SC J:"E:en.; , The ~pat ero=rH~13 tho 'width·o.f'

'tho field fromone sld!l,to'.tho othe:r.··in 59.2/us and tnkee Ji.8Lus to return.for. the ·ncxt line start • .'. ':rho rate at, which 'the Gpot c~n chanee fl'om black. to' ,

, white 16 limitcd by ,thc contrallin5 electronics.. ' If tha electro:iic, circuits, '.:can' ccip~ with 10".0)0,000.. chane;es per scc ,(10 HHz)' or 10 tir::ee '!wr,1;uo,. the

spot· can ba made,to repreaent 592'changes'from black to ühlte durihg n singleline traverrie. '. I[ tlic frequerlcy responne ol thc television, systi':::2 ,1.s·:tochilic.:ally st1.ltE:d as 10 ,lü!z,:' 592 wow.d be the"l:la.rlmnm ntre1ber of Cha.ilgi::~ that

, the, system could resolve' in' the, picture width. TV reöcluticll i:s ~lor~ll:.,:'e' 'expreGsed iri'linos ~pcr picturc height and thiß fötslld3rd ,refcis 'to nconditi.on where a ,lin~' and. 'sprice are ,equnl, in si~a anJ. this l:-\"t eX:ir.:ple

.uould .be statcd',as a, 'h'o,rizontal" resolution o:t:"l~4lt lines. (io the hcigh~ to", " width ~f-tio x ~92r;.·:!" ~e'sol:lt'ioh :in; most f)1.ir\r~llj.~c'q J;al!i~ro;;' i,fi goöd und' the

_ rrequE.nicY responsed ':noroUY \iell c.vcr 10 }!1!z. . Vi~e~ t~tio rf.'ctlr=:'c:rs us~~ly, .', '.' demonsti-ate 'no more 'tfu:n' ,5HHz 'responac "ihon rcplajirig' the reccretid. wa.veform

",' : . Md verjr. orten ire'~peeified'aalow aE 3!'U!z.. Iil pract:ice, tlm resolü~ioii. cf.. a sing:J.e fielc1rcplayed oy a -;; l-iHzvidco tDpe recorder is licited }::1 the .. : recorder to'28?5 horizontnl line3 'and 296 "lertical lÜ16S reI\rcsontirlf; n

" limit cf, 28'1.5 X 296= '170, '200 poc:1ible picti.u-e 'clements. Note hci...evar,'. that. ·rcsolu·tion, of truly _hor.5 :oncal,lines 'is o.!fect:cd hy. the cx:tz:..tl!nce cf'

: '. ,'the horIzontal' TV linen nnd variouci intcrIcrence nrtilact.~, Oilf;~ \-lith the, other, can occur.' " Intorference artifncts of D. diffe:t'onl: type C!l.n ','ccur with.the diode' el~mcnts etched lnto,the im~go'platc of tao ,silicon diodo urray ­vidlcon~, Thl1re ura in, thc Dilicon diode' vidicon diocrote nut::berr; cr. silicon'diodes ctched into the face plate e:'lch ttcting tts,a. llicture '~lt:rntmtt l1arr.agoddiodes are'visiblo 4\3 blä:ck or ,white upotö peruo..''lt'.mtly in the picturo'- As ci.rou~l griide'there.~~ be adiodc.pitch:of,64 p~r mm'of tube.tnce spRceu 14/ume.p:lrt •. Araster :Ln a 1 tf (25 It::t). (:o.l:'~rn t.llUo of 12.? l'r.'ti x 9.~; n:m ~cntain:; 0'12 :(

'608 ':: IIT;, G)6 uiod~~~ (\-!oolf~;j..:" ";:l~' B~~rlt'et. 19(0).

'. '.

"' .

" .-.. .. . ,.'

5.. '-

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. Recent develonme~~z'in iow1i.ßht ~clovis~~n .eamer~

T.:ie gene:hü' opin'icn of 'u~crß appe:lfs t~ be t~t io, U:ldo::'i{atcr ,t.J."'7. there ,ha"lonev~r,~~en au~h.good rcsults as ~uve recently b~en obt~uledu~inga ccimeru,fitted with' the 1\0'\ Sit cancra tube (ROA. 480ft.},;, Tb.o RCA Sit tube !:.S.D now

.' -been' iitted"by' several cO:3norciul firms into unöcrwntex- TV.c-~~eras (,e~ H;"dro-products,' UDI, Eil),;, ; '?na Sit "tube is a oi~icon diode v.idicOI1 \lith an ' .

.. ~ interi5irier'ßtaße~ Tho i~~gg is for.med Viaa fibre-optic'face:plate,cu a.Na-K-Cs-Sb . (e.t.lti-a~~a.ki) ph6tocathoc!o .which ba$ a pe<J.l.(,1ight s~nsith..:tt~ in. tbe greena't 420 + 50' nc. Thc"nicturo information ie tr;mzf~rr,~;i Dnd ", amplified onto' th'; silicon diod.e' o.rra:; tllrget an:! thcn Bcanri~d in -ehe, nOr:T..:ll

vidic'o'n mode. "The tube ch:ii-v.cteristics relevtuit· to th'; Ul'wr a::c; pr!:sr.::.-.ration'01' the,lo,'l lag rcS"~tinb'in vcry little ?IlO:~t'ing of l:lovinc h5.ghJ.ights.'even utthe lowest light levels; a' gtl.'!i:r.a or, unity \lhiehrc~:u1to in'CUh'J.llced eon'traatci! images llhich art'_ tYr>lcally- öf lew contrast u.nderw~,ter; tb.? p~cl1: ::>cnsitivity

"at the rii6str~le'l.?.!lt '\oIavel~nsthfer naturn.l~ illu.-niItation in th~, !;~a., 'Whnn'tMs 'tube is l::uilt ioto !t. Otll,histfca ted 'C:lI1'!t:ra 'having automatie ccmÜ'ol of dieltnts, iris' E\nu suittl'ble ,filters, . thon thc Etd·rancage of the tube' s d)Il1.\ciic.. 'iMge from hright: d:l;,ylieht to nco.r moonlight sC::loiti'\"itj bcco::neo ideat~ tor .,operation by, a. diver. Intensifier 5ectionG h:l.v~ teen fit-tcd to.' other t~~e:::-cf came~ tube but·tr.ernajor problem h~5 alwnys b~en thc serious in6r~~so i~

lrig or sme:.iriii&'~hen the licrht level of: thc objcc:t' is recluccd. APllliro.tion ofthe silicon 'fHode arrz..y in ths'Sit tube hila Rülved this problt'r..'t und 11.6.~ lodt6 a ncw', family cf iow licht cmnerua usaful in h:ccrdirig' pictu!'e3 cf mo\-ins'objects~, Thair Ij r.:-:tl: lC\'t}l pUl' Icrmance i6 'UprrOzl.ll'latcly p1\l'~llP.l to the h:..t':'.:lneye, thol~. contl,'n.st 8.i:'plii'ica.tion :in 6.1.nY eil' cü~ot3li.Ce5 g;t\.-on slight ir.:rrrovemcilt',O::l the divers view.. "

Other ~;"ir~ ~r ~!,p,t.el~i.n~.:e.icturen. io~; inov~!US'nt..mla1J_~~.ilThe e:mct 'timing 'lnhcrent 'in· the TI 5~mtci:1 ic lnv:lluable in scientiiic

:D.:Daly:iisof 'n:ovemeot•. ' 'l11e, major disadvan~~,sc ia tho lacl: o:f a "huttcr er, thc. ~l.cam~ra:,so th3t n b:l.~r:d i.map,& iti.!o·cr::ed,o! ;:\ ,~cn~tantiy'lit rr.o\'i.!lf~ objcc;t. A

simple way to o.voJ.d th~s 3..3 ·toarraDGt"~ a rotatin~ diec in front \lf the c<lClara.

with slitoallo\.,ing lisht ,tc entf;'r thc lenr. fot' n 8hoi-t pe~~od cr say 2 ms (Wi!scm- 1970). ,.'Thn target, eJC.potie.ü in this ""ay.~cmodse.s,the1t.tr·ozen" i!nt'lge until i.t is ,. sca:;medoff Uj th", eleclron booU:. It ia pracHcal to rotate thc dine us;,ng"'amotor' E:~lich:'oniB~d t6 thc tuiua .AC fTP,9,.ueney GO, tha.t .the tar~~et,ic f.;x~~eÜ .

.' once, twice or" .cavcral tit1'ea tor each fi-:-ld scail. Electronic' flash tt\bt:~ ,z\!'caVa~lablQ ,;hieh givo b:dcf:fiashos('lOLU~),:,t ,:·ütci:J. U~~~('(,ti'l.."tn 100, peX' secnnd' control Gyste~s cnn lJe u~ed to s~m~hronl.n~, the flash wJ.th t1H: 'lr'v' r:;Cl\nrate (Wilstm ..1970). ' Tlt(;' pro't'lema of, usihg' url;lfi.cial lisht,~ u::ider'",ater':tre'discu5sed by Rem:ninga('!9'72) ... Slrnl)~ tubeaaf a low 'P?w(j~ 'outP\lt. ~11, gi~,c "excellent r~::lülts 'f!llEfH illnmin.3,tinif a. ln.re~ ot:udy arp.3. it" tlnc~d' i."'l' con~'ul1ctiönwith scre€'~r. coa tc1 with rerl~: 'X'cflector n::a:t'..lriul (CE; tr..'l tC'l~ial uSi;d. in . ,rerle'ctir.g rocid .s{~n5);';· .. Roflex r't-floeto:" 1:::lbirfuls l'et1.lrn light· to, thö :;ot~e~,so that by p1l1cinS' the ,sti'öbti light next t()-th~ c:1.t'!~m lcri.s n .prn:::ti'c!:J.l returnto the lens 01' over:9\1;t.. 01' the strobe licht atrLl.(j.1lg Um. screen,is c\chicved.:; ;a principl,c used iIi':'th-i ciucll".t.. inJust;ry (Vl:thOi~1972).. ror öli-,,·..ll)'Gie or fastmoving !ish, i'r",mc: rates' ui: to 200 p~r 6ccbnd..aro l'ct}uired. , 'Ihe pictul'c 1"atc

,in ,TJ.orlO'll T'W ~~rci~elnri if"';"'> :"::,~lds per HflCQIH.1., !Arid v:s.r.l.C"ls ~et'J:lOds e..l'C po~sible

for incrcc.r.ins thi.;; rnte \ldug a ottUHJard t:losetl circuit 'lV cyntf':m. 1'h..isuGually meano cutting down; tho JlUL1berö cf 1.ineo available ror pictUr'o .iniorm3.tiou by· reGcanning thc 'ilhole of. tho c,'lrner"l target r'1Ör~) f ...~eq'J.~tlY \·tithfeHer 'linus (\~ilson 1970). or rcoc".\::ninL~ n" 'Gm~~ll, Dcc:t,iorl cf tho ~nr:gC1.t mora .

'f'rcqüently prosari'in~ tha linc d~ncity. : This·lu.~t ul",thod h<.!:3 prc..,cd p!'<lctical.ror analy~;in~ fisti cwir.:ming rnovc:nenl;r,; at thf: Abcrl1f:~n Harinc I".qbCoruto}'y~



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• ~,' '. . ~. • a '" "'<f . . .

At' Aberdeen an acia-ptation cr the' rcutinö"di~er observ-J.ticn;J cf '::ishiz:; geilrsh'lB allowed· th~ diver held 'television eamern' t,:, be nuccer>sfül1y u$ed c.ll tl~e

seine net and trawl ~~r. , ,The uormal divcr obnerv~t~cnc ar-e ro~de .by t.hrt';edivel:'c~ two free' Sliir.:mins 'and on~al\1l?yo:in contact 1;;:r a telephone fror.! theheadline to a rubbcr:divers' bcqt abcve the nct at the ourfncc, with ~. VI~;

l";;:.dio 1i1'J: to the towing shi.p (Hain e.tld G.::.pgster. ~976).. In order to ~fel.;­

operate. tha telQvlsion ciiloera on the geal"', Cl 6. m. covered motol'"' bcnt '.roplncc6the divers' rubber ,l::c'a't,. tha .tclevinion, eable with integrnl ,t~lcphona..:'conductora r·epla.ce:s the nOl·::::.::.l telerlhc~c' c~ble ül1:l 11 frce length cf {'-üble l:.llo~s

. '. thc divers. tö range up tri 20 m either sido of thc hc;).olint't lltt:l.cl~ent poir.t.'A pärtr'Able .;}Il video t~r.c reco:'der; a monitor, a cloclc 'IV ir.zcrticn t!.."'1it, and a 'transvcrter p·:>~:e:r ur.it thi.t ,(l110~'IS thc. ope:ratiOI~ of thc TV usirie two car ' .

. biltteriep supplying ;24.v.olts nc, are nIl houned ill'tli." c.:lbin cf th'3 :lioto:- boat., Using a COlllpe'lct underwater. ·c."l.!!:ora ritt~'d with an Re;. Si,ttub~ <~nd complt!te. autorr..'1ti~n o! tha expcsure control, useful rc:a tir.lo video t:1P~ ~·I:c.ordci h~"ü

been mad~ illustrating r.:o.ny it'lJ'lOrt.'J.llt f€~.d;ures ol fishing p';<.:"CU'!;l '~;'::;:l::2lin~d. A ,further ~succenßful dcvelop:nent of this t.;chni.quü i~ tc ril:: the 'i'V ccrr..ciU.r.icatiohca'bl~! from the stern of the towing ship. ThiEl zrrrangerr:;;-nt will D.llo,." rccord3e ,to bc made of dC::'iel's:Jl: ond pelagic trat·!ls 'tawil'1!~ at lüglier speedo•. 'l'h~ problems

. .cf thc divers in t;.il~SO aituntiom.i.:\nd hQ~ thcy ~n he sol\'cd are cllsct4~sp.d b:,' 'Mnin '.::.nd !Sa!Jgsl eI' (1976).;' .


~otogt?:ph:v: of TV ;fram~g :J .

In o!"deri to ano.l~toa rnovome.nt or niake":pel'ean~l1t ,Ül'.15tl'"a.tioI.\~ of. r.N ima~s it

is possible to copy dircct i'rom a. TV r.:orii tor onto rUm. To pre.r.l'11"\Te geo'Xetr:; .the picture Oll tbc mOld tor t:hould bo ~lt lC~t~d; 307: '..mdcr:;cl..'mlleil ~:o tho.": the image only

'. occupies' the relativeI:; !laI: centre part 01' thc f.'lonitor tllbe. DUf~ t.o the,constant: spot ei~'.:! und thus con$tnnt: li::te thickr.:.ls~, ,thc bcz,t· :::izl'J öf TV

. pic~ure ~o:- I>l1otoGrnp"ny. 18 Cl 23 - 33 cm (c1inCol1aJJ pict\.u'e O~ .1. 5{)-70 elf.. serGen. ;The sinsl<.:.fiold Bcan' takes 1/50 sccond ~nd i.t i8 diffict.:lt:, tosynchron!oethc film c~mera shutter ~ith tbc senn. Th~ bost rcsulta ar~

.. cbtained :.by photo(';raphin~ a ~.dnB1(,\· frrur:.t! nr:lrl <)!I~t r~:plr.-,yc<l fl'ort; a video. recorder and. making an expooure ~f lIlf necond~ . The une of uhorter exponut'e ti:.ces .'results in ~ stripe nC!ross the copied.ncgativ.e w~~re P::t~·t of the }Jic(;ure isscalmed.Qnce~d~nother t~t twice bythc electron b~~m. A 1/4 second

, . axpOtsurE: .a.llows time ror about 12 scani3 \ihilr.: the shutter is open and the ..'e .rolati.ve e!fect on' tha exposure of a.l'l ovcrl!\p of tlw first nnd lnst 8c..'i.nS

i~ neelig'3.ble~,

'. Cinefilm of a short.sequ~nce can be ~~de from single TVfic1ds in th~ s~ma

I·,. : manncr with a suitablo CCl1l'lara. I. real time. Ttl 5t'qucnce can be copi~d usinsa reflcx,cino camera at 25 frnmca per second by adjunting tho running bpeed

; so tr.at n h\)rizontal bar i~ secn at.the· top Cl" 1:')""0(' r~dG': of the' f1'"~ne se.;-n. ·in thc' vicwfinder. S!t5.l1 is needcc1 to keep thi:; bnr lwrf,~cny I":til1.; In this

., '. ca::.e it· wHJ. bE:: found thnt c\'cry oth.er 'rV field :i H Iili::;t,;i~g nnd thic r-r?cessi':> not suit"~:'l(l if ul1 tieid:; ure required for anüly:'iis. .



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••• J ~ ,

Refc:t.'enC~6---.... ...-linon (1963). ErU:ish Stot.;,J.r.rd No.. 13s}':'~;'9: Met:h~~~ fOl" !Jloo.s'.l:;,~ing 1.I.';1d

e)wressing ~hepcrfo~~?oecf TV re~civers~

."Anon (1968) ..

Hemmings, C.. C.. · ("1)72).. UnderwateF r:hotography in fic'.lUel'ÜlL'i rcscarch~.. C 'f"'" k U 34 (':öt) f t;r 1 "1tI. ,ans. ~n·;" ,:..,q)'.or. ner., ;" , h.)t)-·-K~=ta

.:~. •• ~ >- •• -

&lbieski .. ··s..·k..nd W~:P1C;',' E~ J. ('1972)~;' Aljv:m,~'ed.t;lectro-olltical ·imag-:...ngtechniq\J'es; 126 pp. Proceedingfi cf. a" S:rm'pcs~üm hdd at NI..:JA' n$a.dqu,,,,rterspl~blish6d ~by Ua:l:h;öJjl Aerouau~ic5 and Sp~~~. Adrilinistr.<ltic'n, \:azh.in.~on DC.

Wilf:lon, A. (1970). A hi;hspe-e~ täevhdon rt'~ording s:tstem w-:.th ~lov' 2.l1.1.

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'Ban!::;. , '. .' , .,

Woolgar, "f.•• J .. and Bennet,' C. J. (1970). Silicon rlioik-:;1,r.:-t.\V tubr':s al1d tar~ets.

. ~P]al. T.:.2..~~i2..1L!,'?c~etiJourr~!, 1i· (?), 53:-;>8.:,

Vlahos, P. ('l9,'2). ~'h~ front p!'Ojectio~! prt:'~ess of CD~p(ls:ite p~tcr,ra"ph;r:tu BriHr;h t-=-i.nematico Senmc\ :::ind Te:tevj~:ion JWlt4D.t'Y 1'),'.2, r •• 14-16~........ .. _......_---.._..._~-v__ ~ r

fA.ain, J. and ~anester, G. 1. (1976). ~t'ht~ Al:;erdeen 'Ot.'al' .JJivine; Tec'h.rll.q,ue;. Contrilmt:i.o~ "\;0 :tC'ES, joint 6cGsion~ Ol.oerVi;1!5 m~tc.orl[; at. sc1;. lor

" t:ish ami ge.;;.i;.. eH '19/6/B:20 Gear and B,~ha."iour ':o:r.~r.ittc(·~

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