CHAPEL COMMUNITY Michaelmas Open, Inclusive, and Welcoming Archangels, angels and non-angels all Equally welcome.

Open, Inclusive, and Welcoming Michaelmas

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The Chapel at Lady Margaret Hall
The Chapel at LMH is an open and inclusive community and
everyone, and ‘everyone’ really does means everyone, is wel-
of college, staff and student alike. He is part of
the welfare team and is happy to meet or assist
any member of College and can direct you to
sources of help and guidance if needed.
He can be contacted on:
Phone: 07813992559
Email: [email protected].
The Chaplain’s Brunch takes place every Thursday lunchtime
at 12.30pm in the Chaplain’s Room – Deneke 62 (second floor
above the Principal’s offices). All are welcome to an informal
sandwich lunch and guest speakers are occasionally invited
He is also to be found having breakfast in his room on Monday
and Friday mornings from 8.30am and welcomes visitors.
The Chapel itself is part of the Deneke set of buildings and is
hard to miss on the outside, but its entrance is easy to walk past
if you are heads down and heading for the dining hall. Look left
as you enter the main building and it is at the end of the corri-
dor just past the Accounts offices.
The Chapel is open every day –whether you wish to pop in for
a prayer (if you are the praying type), for some peace and si-
lence, to light a candle or just to sit and rest for a moment.
Chapel Services take place regularly and all members of Col-
lege - Fellows, undergraduates, graduates and members of staff-
are welcome to attend services in Chapel, as are members of
the public. These are Christian services, including a termly Ro-
man Catholic mass.
Sundays in full term. 5.30pm Choral Evensong
The service is followed by drinks in the SCR and then a meal in
the Jerwood Room, which all those attending the service are
invited to attend.
Morning prayer is said Tuesday and Thursday mornings at
8.30pm by the Chaplain in Chapel and everyone is welcome to
join in for this short (15mins) said service of readings, psalms
and silence.
Other services are notified on the Chapel noticeboard on the
Deneke corridor opposite the Bursars rooms.
Other faith communities meet within the college regularly and
there is information about University wide organisations on the
Chapel pages of the College website.
Term Card Michaelmas 2019
Choir Taster session and rehearsal 5pm
This is an open call to any and all singers in the College who
would like to come along and try out for the Choir. The choir
is unauditioned, and includes a healthy range of skills and ability.
In addition there are Choral Scholar roles.
Week One -
Welcome Service - Choral Evensong 5.30pm
This is the first service of the new academic year, and is a wel-
come service for those new to college, and for those returning.
We will also welcome Paul Burke, our new Director of Chapel
Music and any member of the college who enjoys singing is invit-
ed to attend for the rehearsal at 4.00pm in Chapel The service
will be followed by welcome drinks and supper.
Other events:
(Monday First Day of Sukkot)
Thursday 12.30pm Chaplain’s Brunch The Chaplain will
be available for breakfast on Monday and Friday in his room
from 8.30am
Week Two -
Choral Evensong 5.30pm
guest preacher. Lindsay Mackie was trained
as a journalist in Scotland and joined The
Guardian as a reporter. She is a partner in the
New Weather Institute, a cooperative which
addresses environmental problems and their
solutions, and ways in which hyper-capitalism
might be restrained. She has also been Direc-
tor of the Diana Princess of Wales Award for Young People and
expanded and strengthened it so that it now has over 40,000
award holders. She was a co- founder of FilmClub, now in 7,000
schools, She is married to a former editor of the Guardian
Other events:
(Monday Shemini Atzeret)
(Tuesday Simchat Torah)
Thursday 12.30pm Chaplain’s Brunch.
The Chaplain will be available for breakfast on Monday and Fri-
day in his room from 8.30am
Week Three -
Choral Evensong 5.30pm
Br Stuart was raised on the West Cum-
brian coast and trained for ordination at
in Yorkshire, his ministry including both
parish work and chaplaincies in hospitals, university and a large
motorcycle club.
In 1989 he joined the Benedictine community of nuns and
monks at Burford and was elected their leader in 1996 – an of-
fice he held until 2017. Always a passionate ecumenist, he re-
joiced that the Community was founded to pray for the unity of
the Church. He has for many years been a member of the
‘Advisory Council’ – which links the Religious Orders of the
Church of England with the House of Bishops and is involved in
nurturing many of the emerging expressions of community life.
Other events:
Thursday 12.30pm Chaplain’s Brunch.
The Chaplain will be available for breakfast on Monday and Fri-
day in his room from 8.30am
Week Four -
(20th of Trinity)
Choral Evensong 5.30pm
manner is instantly recognisable on Radio 4.
Caroline reported on war and global affairs
on TV and radio for over 25 years as a
foreign correspondent for BBC News.
In 2014, Caroline moved from reporting on
defence to covering global religious affairs, to examine more
closely the role of religion as a powerful force for both division
and unity in the world.
Since being diagnosed with MS in 2015, Caroline works as a pre-
senter for the BBC Radio 4 PM news programme, as well
as From Our Own Correspondent, and World Service Ra-
dio's The World This Week.
Other events:
Thursday 12.30pm Chaplain’s Brunch.
(Friday Intersex Remembrance Day)
The Chaplain will be available for breakfast on Monday and Fri-
day in his room from 8.30am
Week Five -
Choral Evensong 5.30pm
pool where he has responsibility for 119
schools. He has been a Secondary and Primary
Headteacher in inner city schools as well as
previously a school chaplain and parish priest.
Richard is the founder and leader of an inter-
national community of Anglican priests com-
mitted to holy living.
educational theory, economics, and poetry. He lives in rural
Staffordshire with his partner and their dog.
Other events:
Thursday 12.30pm Chaplain’s Brunch.
8pm Choir Drinks
The Chaplain will be available for breakfast on Monday and Fri-
day in his room from 8.30am
Week Six -
Revd Canon Dr. Rosemarie Mallett.
Rosemarie is the Vicar of St. John’s
Church, Angell Town in Brixton London,
and also the Anglican Diocese of South-
wark’s Director of Social Justice and Pub-
lic Policy.
She is Chair of Governors for the local parish school, an Equali-
ties Commissioner for the borough of Lambeth in London, and
also Chair of the Big Local North Brixton, a Local Trust spon-
sored community hub that connects local groups working for
the empowerment and enhancement of the local ar-
ea. Rosemarie is deeply interested in issues of Faith in Public
Thursday 12.30pm Chaplain’s Brunch.
Thursday 7.15pm Susan Wollenberg’s 70th
A life in music Holywell Music Room (ticket needed)
The Chaplain will be available for breakfast on Monday and Fri-
day in his room from 8.30pm
Week Seven -
Choral Evensong 5.30pm
sion Area around Ruthin in North East
Wales. He formerly worked at the
Anglican Communion’s Continuing Indaba
conflict transformation and reconciliation
(ed) theology of reconciliation at Cardiff university.
Other events:
Wednesday (Transgender Day of Remembrance)
7pm TDoR Service. Hertford College
Thursday 12.30 Chaplain’s Brunch
6pm Roman Catholic Mass
The Chaplain will be available for breakfast on Monday and Fri-
day in his room from 8.30am
We have it all, some come along and sing
a Carol or two as we decorate the Chapel
tree in time for Sunday
Week Eight -
Sunday 1st December —Christ the King (Also World Aids Day)
Carols by Candlelight 5.00pm
The perfect way to end term in a traditional service of readings
and music for the Christmas season. Do join us as we welcome
(admittedly a little in advance) the birth of the Prince of Peace
and Son of God.
Followed by the Drinks and mince pies in the Monsoon
A collection will be taken for Charity
Thursday 12.30pm Chaplain’s Brunch.
The Chaplain will be available for breakfast on Monday and Fri-
day in his room from 8.30am
Chaplain: Fr Andrew Foreshew-Cain