Idea for opening scene Genre: Spy-Thriller By Amber and Jamie

Opening scene ppt

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Idea for opening sceneGenre: Spy-Thriller

By Amber and Jamie

Page 2: Opening scene ppt

Film Synopsis

A corrupt Spanish government sends an important top secret message to the Russian president who intends to activate a doomsday weapon called the Project Nemesis. 1 week later the corrupt government then send the component that translates the code for the weapon on a plane to Moscow. Agent Boyer sneaks aboard the plane and tries to take control of the plane to retrieve the component and stop the weapon being activated.

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Narrative of whole filmEquilibrium: The corrupt Spanish government get in contact with the Russian president and organise for the component to be sent to Russia by a plane so they can active the weapon.

A disruption: Agent Boyer who is working for the British Government, sneaks aboard the plane to retrieve the component as they don’t want the weapon to be activated. She takes control of the plane and tries to retrieve the component but unfortunately crashes the plane.

Realisation: However, after the plane crashes, we realise the important code translating component is missing.

Attempt to resolve: Agent Boyer is captured and threatened to be murdered by the Spanish Government as she was the cause of the component being lost. The tension also begins to build up as people across the world start to worry because they think the Weapon will be activated. 2 Agents called Agent Thorn and Agent Swift are working for the Russian Government and are set a mission to find the component as well as this being Agent Boyer’s mission in the first place for the British Government.

Resolution: Agent Boyer manages to escape with the help of the British Government. The component is found by the 2 Russian Agents, Agent Swift and Agent Thorn.

Twist: Agent Swift betrays Agent Thorn and murders him to retrieve the component. She then finds Agent Boyer and they destroy the component.

Re equilibrium: The narrative is back on track and everything is back to normal. Agent Boyer finds her sister being held hostage by the Spanish (the audience now realise the who the woman in the opening scene flashback is and it all comes together). Project Nemesis wasn’t activated, it was destroyed.

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Characters Main Character:Agent Boyer (female protagonist)- Works for the British Government and tries stop the Doomsday weapon being activated.Personality / Skills: Strategic Mind, Martial Art Skills, Independent and Intelligent Clothing: Black Business suit often worn with black sunglasses and sometimes black spy uniforms are worn as well.

Other characters:• Russian President (male antagonist)- Referred to as Mr PresidentPersonality / Skills: Cruel, Harsh, Passionate, Dominating, Powerful and a Good Public Speaker.Costume: Suit

• British Prime Minister (male)-Characters Personality / Skills: Strategic Mind, Fair, Curious, Passionate and a Good Public Speaker.Clothing: Suit

• Agent Swift (female)- Works along side Agent Thorn for the Russian President. She then betrays Agent Thorn to join Agent Boyers

Personality/skills: Independent, intelligent and good memory.

• Agent Thorn (male)- Works for the Russian President to try and activate the Doomsday weapon.Personality / Skills: Aggressive

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Opening scene IdeaCharacters involved:• Agent Boyer• British Prime Minister• Agent Swift• Agent Thorn

Agent Boyer falls asleep in the back seat of the car and has a flash back of her Ex Spy sister lay cold in an empty white room. She had been captured by the Spanish Government.Agent Boyer wakes up but the audience don’t know it was her sister in the flashback until later on in the actual film creating an enigma.Agent Boyer is on her way to retrieve a briefcase from the British Prime Minister that contains the strategies to retrieving the component. However, what Agent Boyer doesn’t know, is that Agent Swift and Agent Thorn are watching her every move…

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Men and women both working and lower class. This is because there is an equal amount of male and female characters. The female character is the protagonist which will appeal to men as she may be seen as a glamorous and sexy which proves the male gaze theory. It also appeals to women because it shows female power and independence.

The age range for this film would be people ages 15-30 as the characters in it will be young so they may be able to relate which will make it appeal to them more.

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Spy-Thriller Conventions in our Film

Narrative• Involves a Protagonist (Agent Boyer) and an Antagonist (Russian President)• It involves working Institutions- Spanish government, Russian President and British Government• Contains violence• Plot twist which the audience wouldn’t expect• Murder• Threat of death

Setting• Set all across the world as the Agents travel to get to other countries to retrieve the components and escape from threats.• Darkness in scenes to create a sense of mystery• Normal environment to show realism.

Themes• Murder• Espionage• Hostage• flashbacks

Characters• Agent Boyer is seen as a sex icon as Alfred Hitchcock included this in a lot of his films• Agent Swift and Agent Thorn dress in suits and take their job extremely seriously• Russian president is very demanding

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Stereotypes in our FilmGender:Women are often portrayed as the ‘’damsel in distress’’ in films, and are seen as powerless and innocent. They are very rarely seen as authoritative figures that have power over male characters.

However, our film defeats some stereotypes of women:• Agent Thorn (male) is murdered by Agent Swift (female)• The protagonist (Agent Boyer) is female which shows independence and bravery

On the other hand, our film does show a stereotype of women as Agent Boyer’s sister was captured which shows helplessness and innocence. But, in a lot of films, the women is usually ‘saved’ by a male (usually protagonist) but in this case, she is saved by her own sister.Also, even though having a female main character normally defeats the stereotype, the male gaze theory is very stereotypical about women when it come to this as it states that women are only usually seen as the main character in films for their sexuality.

Stereotypes of Men are involved as they are at the top of the institutions involved which show their strength, power, dominance and control.

Class:• In typical spy-thrillers, important, high class people wear suits. For example, people who are part of an

institution such as the government. Our film conveys this stereotype as Agent Swift and Agent Thorn wear suits and also the Prime Minister and Russian President as they are all high class, show dominance and are powerful.