Khalid Sherif, Sherry Bakhtiari, Ms. Muneeza Esani, M.H.A, MT(ASCP) Clinical Assistant Professor (UTMB).H.A, MT(ASCP) Clinical Assistant professor UTMB Department of Clinical Laboratory Science The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston TX OPTI-LION Chemistry Analyzer Validation Study O bjectives: To compare OPTI-LION Electrolyte Analyzerto VITROS5,1 fsChemistry AnalyzerandvalidateOPTI-LION form easurem entofNa + ,K + ,and Cl - . Design: A linearitystudywasperform ed to validatetheaccuracyofnew m ethod .UTM B reference ranges forNa + ,K + ,and Cl - were validated using non-param etricstatistics.A linearregressionwasused to com pareOPTI-LION to VITROS. Setting: Thestudyw asperform ed atUTM B CLSstudents’laboratory. Participants: Discardedpatients’serum samplesdrawnfrom thepatientsofUTM BJohn SealyHospitalw ere used. Intervention :Patients’sampleswererunwithin 48hoursfrom theinitialvenipuncture draw. Result:OPTI-LION showed linearityforalllevelsofstandardsusedNa + ,K + ,and Cl - .Na + revealed aslopeof0.919,ay-interceptof6.04,andabiasof5.16m m ol/L.K + revealeda slope of1.002,ay-interceptof0.05,and biasof0.04 mmol/L.Cl - revealed aslopeof 0.949,ay-interceptof4.82,andbiasof0.40m m ol/L. Conclusion: OPTI-LION Chem istryAnalyzerisclinicallyusefulinpoint-of-carelocation for m easurem entofNa + ,K + and Cl - .However,OPTI-LION showed significantly lowervalues forNa + .Based on the resultswe obtained in thisstudy,werecom m end thatchangesin referencerangebem adeto (126-141)mm ol/L,(3.3-5.0)mm ol/L,and (96-107)m m ol/L forNa + ,K + ,and Cl - respectivelyor appropriate factorsbe added to these electrolytes. Abbreviation: Na= sodium,K= potassium,Cl - = Chloride,UTMB= University ofTexas M edicalBranch,CLS= ClinicalLaboratoryScience,R 2 = Correlation coefficient. M esh:M ethodcomparisonandValidationstudies 1 Abstract Method comparison and reference range validation are performed for every new method that is introduced in a laboratory.The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA)of2003 requires allnon-waived laboratorymethodsmustbevalidated 1 TheOPTILION ElectrolyteAnalyzer(OPTIM edical)isintendedto beused forthem easurem entofNa + ,K + ,and Cl - insam plesofwholeblood,serum , andplasm a 2 . VITROS,(Ortho-ClinicalDiagnostics)Chem istry Analyzerusesa slide thatis am ultilayered,analyticalelem entcoated onapolyestersupportthatuses directpotentiometerformeasurementofionicelectrolyte 3 The objectivesofthisstudy w ere To determ inethe linearityrange ofOPTI-LION. To com pareOPTI-LION Electrolyte Analyzerwith VITROS5,1. To validatepatientreference range using OPTI-LION . 1 VITROS5,1 fsChem istry Analyzer OPTI-LION ElectrolyteAnalyzer M aterialsand M ethods 1 73 normalsam pleswere run forNa + 25 abnormaland 48 samples were in the UTMB’s normalreference range (135 –145 mmol/L). 73 normalsamples were run forK + ,24 abnorm aland the other 49 samples were in the UTMB’s normal referencerange (3.5 –5.0 mmol/L). 58 normal sample Cl - , 19 of the samples were abnormal and the other 39 samples were in the UTMB’snorm alreference range (98 –108 mmol/L). 1 RNA M edical Level(Control) Sodium (Expected) m mol/L Sodium (Observed)m m ol/L M ean Test (Observed) m mol/L Range (mm ol/L) M ean (mm ol/L) Test1 (m m ol/L) Test2 (mm ol/L) Test3 (mm ol/L) 2 102-112 102 105 103 104 104 3 129-139 134 130 131 132 131 4 152-166 159 155 154 154 154 Table 1 LinearityStudiesUsing RNA M edical (Bionostic, Inc.)forsodium 1 Linearity forNa + wasperformed by running E-LYTES cassettesand RNA Medical (standard) level2,level3,and level4 in triplicateusingOPTI-LION. RNA M edical Level(Control) Potassium (Expected) mmol/L Potassium (Observed)m m ol/L M ean Test (Observed) mmol/L Range (mm ol/L) M ean (m mol/L) Test1 (m m ol/L) Test2 (m mol/L) Test3 (m m ol/L) 2 78-90 84 79 83 80 81 3 92-108 100 97 95 97 96 4 118-134 126 122 120 122 121 Table 2 LinearityStudiesUsing RNA M edical (Bionostic, Inc.)for potassium 1 Linearity forK + was performed by running E-LYTES cassettes and RNA Medical (standard) level2,level3,and level4 in triplicateusingOPTI-LION. RNA M edical Level(Control) Chloride (Expected) m mol/L Chloride (Observed)m m ol/L M ean Test (Observed) mmol/L Range (m mol/L) M ean (m m ol/L) Test1 (m m ol/L) Test2 (m m ol/L) Test3 (m m ol/L) 2 102-112 102 105 103 104 104 3 129-139 134 130 131 132 131 4 152-166 159 155 154 154 154 Table 3 LinearityStudiesUsing RNA M edical (Bionostic, Inc.)forchloride 1 Linearity forCl - wasperform ed byrunningE-LYTEScassettesandRNA M edical(standard) level2,level3,and level4 in triplicateusingOPTI-LION. y= 0.919x+ 6.042 R²= 0.842 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 OPTI-LION(New ) m mol/L Vitros(refernce) m mol/L M ethod Com parison VitrosvsO PTI-Lion (Sodium ) Figure1 The linearregression graph forsodium resultdeterm inedbyVITRO Sand OPTI-LIO N. 48 norm al and 25 abnorm al serum sam pleswereused. 1 y= 1.001x-0.047 R²= 0.975 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 OPTI-LION(New ) mmol/L Vitros(reference) m m ol/L M ethod Com parison VitrosvsO PTI-LIO N (Potassium ) Figure2 The linearregression graph forpotassium resultdeterm ined by VITRO Sand O PTI- LIO N. 48 norm al and 25 abnorm al serum sam plesw ereused. 1 y= 0.949x+ 4.820 R²= 0.822 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 O PTI-LIO N(New ) mmol/L Vitros(reference) m m ol/L M ethod Com parison VitrosvsOPTI-LIO N (Chloride) Figure3 The linearregression graph forchloride resultdeterm ined by VITROS and OPTI-LION.39 norm al and 19 abnorm alserum sam plesw ere used. 1 •Only 58% ofnormalserum samples were within UTMB’s referencerange forNa + . •92% normal serum sam plesforCl - were within UTMB’s referencerange . •96% of normal serum samples for K + were in UTMB’s reference range. •None of the electrolytes except K + show ed Gaussian distribution. •Asa result,non-param etric statisticswasused to calculate thereference range. •Na + had areference rangeof (126-141) mmol/L. •K + had areference range of (3.3-5.0) m m ol/L. •Cl - had areference rangeof (96-107) mmol/L. (R 2 )w asacceptable forK + 0.976.Na + and Cl - had relativelylower(R 2 )of0.842 and 0.823 respectively. The slopesofthe best-fitlinesforK + and Cl - werecloseto 1.0 Na + had slightlylowerslope.Inclinicallaboratory,aslopeof0.90to 1.00is considered acceptable 4 . The biasforK + and Cl - were acceptable accordingto the CLIA’sallowable error ranges.Na + resultdemonstratedhigherbiasthanCLIA’sallowableerrorrange 5 . Totalsystem icerrorforK + and Cl - werewithin CLIA’sallowableerrorranges. Na + hadhigherthanCLIA’sallowableerrorrang 5 . The reference range validation forK + and Cl - were slightly lowerthan the UTM B.How ever,Na + showed significantlylowerreference rangecom pared to UTM B’s. There m ightbe anumberofotherfactorsthatcontributeto the significantly lowerm easurem entofNa + andrelativelylowerR 2 valuesforNa + and Cl - . Generally OPTI-LION obtained average lowerresultsof6 mmo/L and 4.8 m mol/LforNa + and Cl - respectivelywhen com paredto VITROS 1 Sample integrity probably contributed forthese discrepancies.Ourserum sam plesw erenotfresh sam plesdirectlydrawn from the patients. Oursampleswere collected afterJohn Sealy Hospitalcompleted analyzing theirpatients’sam ples.Thislikelycontributed to thelowerm easurem entsby theOPTI-LION m ethod. The majorlimitationsin thisstudywereto find enough abnormalpatients’ sam plesforK + ,and Cl - and budgetconstraintstorunlargepatients’sam plesin orderto have enough abnorm alsam ples. Based onthe resultweobtained in thisstudy,we recom m end thatchangesin reference range bemade to (126-141)mm ol/L,(3.3-5.0)mmol/L,and (96- 107)m m ol/LforNa + ,K + ,and Cl - respectivelyorappropriate factorsbeadded to these electrolytes. more studieswith fresh serum samplesneed to be performed formethod comparison and samples need to be run simultaneously to avoid lag in transportingthe sam ples. In conclusion,OPTI-LION show ed linearityforalllevelsofthe standardsused. OPTI-LIONshouldperformwellintraditionalorclinicallaboratoriesorpoint- of-care settings.Overall,OPTI-LION perform ed w ellexceptforNa + and itcan be helpfulto beused in point-of-carelocationsforthemeasurementof Na + K + ,and Cl - 1 1. W estgard J.O.PhD. FinalCLIA Rule. PartV: M ethod Validation Processand Procedures.Tools, Technologiesand TrainingforHealthcare Laboratories, W estgard QC W eb site. http://w w w.w estgard.com /cliafinalrule5.htm . Accessed on April24, 2003. 2. OptiM edicalSystem s,Inc.OPTI-LION Operator’s M anualPD7200.Rosw ell,GA: OPTIMedical.2007. 3. Ortho-ClinicalDiagnostics,Inc.ClinicalLaboratories VITROS 5,1 FS W ebsite. http://w w w.orthoclinical.com /enus/ProductInform ation/ClinicalLaboratories/VI TROS 51FS/Pages/Overview.aspx.Accessed on 2003. 4. Arneson,W,MS,MT(ASCP),BrickellJ,EdD,MT(ASCP),eds.ClinicalChemistry a LaboratoryPerspective.Philadephia,PA;F.A.DavisCom pany.2007. 5. W estgard, J. CLIA ProficiencyTesting criteria. Tools, Technologiesand Training forHealthcare Laboratories, W estgard QC W eb site. http://w estgard.com /clia.htm #chem . Accessed on February28, 1992 1 W e w ould like to appreciate people w ho helped usto accom plish thisstudy M s.M uneezaEsani,M .H.A,M T(ASCP)ClinicalAssistantprofessor(UTM B) M s.NancyBerry,BS,M T(ASCP)SC M edicalTechnologistII(UTM B) M s.Cam elliaSt.John,M ed,M T(ASCP)SBB Associateprofessor(UTM B) Allthe staff in John Sealy Hospital’s Clinical Chemistry Laboratory (Galveston,Texas)

OPTI-LION Chemistry Analyzer Validation Study

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OPTI-LION Chemistry Analyzer Validation Study. Khalid Sherif , Sherry Bakhtiari , Ms. Muneeza Esani , M.H.A, MT(ASCP) Clinical Assistant Professor (UTMB) .H.A , MT(ASCP) Clinical Assistant professor UTMB Department of Clinical Laboratory Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: OPTI-LION Chemistry Analyzer Validation Study

Khalid Sherif, Sherry Bakhtiari, Ms. Muneeza Esani, M.H.A, MT(ASCP) Clinical Assistant Professor (UTMB).H.A, MT(ASCP) Clinical Assistant professor UTMBDepartment of Clinical Laboratory Science

The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston TX

OPTI-LION Chemistry Analyzer Validation Study

Objectives: To compare OPTI-LION Electrolyte Analyzer to VITROS 5,1 fs ChemistryAnalyzer and validate OPTI-LION for measurement of Na+, K+, and Cl-.

Design: A linearity study was performed to validate the accuracy of new method . UTMBreference ranges for Na+, K+, and Cl- were validated using non-parametric statistics. Alinear regression was used to compare OPTI-LION to VITROS.

Setting: The study was performed at UTMB CLS students’ laboratory.

Participants: Discarded patients’ serum samples drawn from the patients of UTMB JohnSealy Hospital were used.

Intervention: Patients’ samples were run within 48 hours from the initial venipuncturedraw.

Result: OPTI-LION showed linearity for all levels of standards used Na+, K+, and Cl-. Na+

revealed a slope of 0.919, a y-intercept of 6.04, and a bias of 5.16 mmol/L. K+ revealed aslope of 1.002, a y-intercept of 0.05, and bias of 0.04 mmol/L. Cl- revealed a slope of0.949, a y-intercept of 4.82, and bias of 0.40 mmol/L.

Conclusion: OPTI-LION Chemistry Analyzer is clinically useful in point-of-care location formeasurement of Na+, K+ and Cl-. However, OPTI-LION showed significantly lower valuesfor Na+. Based on the results we obtained in this study, we recommend that changes inreference range be made to (126-141) mmol/L, (3.3-5.0) mmol/L, and (96-107) mmol/Lfor Na+, K+, and Cl- respectively or appropriate factors be added to these electrolytes.

Abbreviation: Na= sodium, K= potassium, Cl- = Chloride, UTMB= University of TexasMedical Branch, CLS= Clinical Laboratory Science, R2= Correlation coefficient.

Mesh: Method comparison and Validation studies 1


Method comparison and reference range validation are performed forevery new method that is introduced in a laboratory. The ClinicalLaboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) of 2003 requires all non-waivedlaboratory methods must be validated1

The OPTI LION Electrolyte Analyzer (OPTI Medical) is intended to be usedfor the measurement of Na+, K+, and Cl- in samples of whole blood, serum,and plasma 2.VITROS, (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics) Chemistry Analyzer uses a slide that isa multilayered, analytical element coated on a polyester support that usesdirect potentiometer for measurement of ionic electrolyte3

The objectives of this study wereTo determine the linearity range of OPTI-LION.To compare OPTI-LION Electrolyte Analyzer with VITROS 5,1.To validate patient reference range using OPTI-LION.


VITROS 5,1 fs Chemistry Analyzer

OPTI-LION Electrolyte Analyzer

Materials and Methods


73 normal samples were run for Na+

25 abnormal and 48 samples were in the UTMB’snormal reference range (135 – 145 mmol/L).73 normal samples were run for K+, 24 abnormal andthe other 49 samples were in the UTMB’s normalreference range (3.5 – 5.0 mmol/L).58 normal sample Cl-, 19 of the samples wereabnormal and the other 39 samples were in theUTMB’s normal reference range (98 – 108 mmol/L).


RNA Medical Level(Control)

Sodium (Expected)mmol/L

Sodium (Observed) mmol/L Mean Test (Observed)mmol/L



Test 1(mmol/L)

Test 2(mmol/L)

Test 3(mmol/L)

2 102-112 102 105 103 104 104

3 129-139 134 130 131 132 131

4 152-166 159 155 154 154 154

Table 1 Linearity Studies Using RNA Medical (Bionostic, Inc.) for sodium


Linearity for Na+ was performed by running E-LYTES cassettes and RNA Medical(standard) level 2, level 3, and level 4 in triplicate using OPTI-LION.

RNA Medical Level(Control)


Potassium (Observed) mmol/L Mean Test (Observed)mmol/L



Test 1(mmol/L)

Test 2(mmol/L)

Test 3(mmol/L)

2 78-90 84 79 83 80 81

3 92-108 100 97 95 97 96

4 118-134 126 122 120 122 121

Table 2 Linearity Studies Using RNA Medical (Bionostic, Inc.) for potassium


Linearity for K+ was performed by running E-LYTES cassettes and RNA Medical(standard) level 2, level 3, and level 4 in triplicate using OPTI-LION.

RNA Medical Level(Control)

Chloride (Expected)mmol/L

Chloride (Observed) mmol/L Mean Test (Observed)mmol/L



Test 1(mmol/L)

Test 2(mmol/L)

Test 3(mmol/L)

2 102-112 102 105 103 104 104

3 129-139 134 130 131 132 131

4 152-166 159 155 154 154 154

Table 3 Linearity Studies Using RNA Medical (Bionostic, Inc.) for chloride


Linearity for Cl- was performed by running E-LYTES cassettes and RNA Medical (standard)level 2, level 3, and level 4 in triplicate using OPTI-LION.

y = 0.919x + 6.042R² = 0.842









-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300


Vitros(refernce) mmol/L

Method Comparison Vitros vs OPTI-Lion (Sodium)

Figure 1

The linear regression graph for sodium result determined by VITROS and OPTI-LION. 48 normal and 25 abnormal serum samples were used.


y = 1.001x - 0.047R² = 0.975










-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Vitros(reference) mmol/L

Method Comparison Vitros vs OPTI-LION (Potassium)

Figure 2

The linear regression graph for potassium result determined by VITROS and OPTI-LION. 48 normal and 25 abnormal serum samples were used. 1

y = 0.949x + 4.820R² = 0.822








-50 0 50 100 150 200 250


Vitros(reference) mmol/L

Method Comparison Vitros vs OPTI-LION (Chloride)Figure 3

The linear regression graph for chloride result determined by VITROS and OPTI-LION. 39 normal and 19 abnormal serum samples were used.


•Only 58% of normal serum samples were within UTMB’sreference range for Na+ .•92% normal serum samples for Cl- were within UTMB’sreference range .•96% of normal serum samples for K+ were in UTMB’sreference range.•None of the electrolytes except K+ showed Gaussiandistribution.•As a result, non-parametric statistics was used to calculatethe reference range.• Na+ had a reference range of (126-141) mmol/L.• K+ had a reference range of (3.3-5.0) mmol/L.• Cl- had a reference range of (96-107) mmol/L.

(R2) was acceptable for K+ 0.976. Na+ and Cl- had relatively lower (R2) of 0.842and 0.823 respectively.The slopes of the best-fit lines for K+ and Cl- were close to 1.0Na+ had slightly lower slope. In clinical laboratory, a slope of 0.90 to 1.00 isconsidered acceptable4.The bias for K+ and Cl- were acceptable according to the CLIA’s allowable errorranges. Na+ result demonstrated higher bias than CLIA’s allowable error range5

.Total systemic error for K+ and Cl- were within CLIA’s allowable error ranges.Na+ had higher than CLIA’s allowable error rang5 .The reference range validation for K+ and Cl- were slightly lower than theUTMB. However, Na+ showed significantly lower reference range compared toUTMB’s.There might be a number of other factors that contribute to the significantlylower measurement of Na+ and relatively lower R2 values for Na+ and Cl-.Generally OPTI-LION obtained average lower results of 6 mmo/L and 4.8mmol/L for Na+ and Cl- respectively when compared to VITROS


Sample integrity probably contributed for these discrepancies. Our serumsamples were not fresh samples directly drawn from the patients.Our samples were collected after John Sealy Hospital completed analyzingtheir patients’ samples. This likely contributed to the lower measurements bythe OPTI-LION method.The major limitations in this study were to find enough abnormal patients’samples for K+, and Cl- and budget constraints to run large patients’ samples inorder to have enough abnormal samples.Based on the result we obtained in this study, we recommend that changes inreference range be made to (126-141) mmol/L, (3.3-5.0) mmol/L, and (96-107) mmol/L for Na+, K+, and Cl- respectively or appropriate factors be addedto these electrolytes.more studies with fresh serum samples need to be performed for methodcomparison and samples need to be run simultaneously to avoid lag intransporting the samples.In conclusion, OPTI-LION showed linearity for all levels of the standards used.OPTI-LION should perform well in traditional or clinical laboratories or point-of-care settings. Overall, OPTI-LION performed well except for Na+ and it canbe helpful to be used in point-of-care locations for the measurement of Na+

K+, and Cl-


1. Westgard J.O.PhD. Final CLIA Rule. Part V: Method Validation Process and Procedures.Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories, Westgard QC Web site. http://www.westgard.com/cliafinalrule5.htm. Accessed on April24, 2003.

2. Opti Medical Systems, Inc. OPTI-LION Operator’s Manual PD7200. Roswell, GA:OPTIMedical. 2007.

3. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Clinical Laboratories VITROS 5,1 FS Website.http://www.orthoclinical.com/enus/ProductInformation/ClinicalLaboratories/VITROS 51FS/Pages/Overview.aspx. Accessed on 2003.

4. Arneson, W, MS, MT(ASCP), Brickell J, EdD, MT(ASCP), eds. Clinical Chemistry aLaboratory Perspective. Philadephia, PA; F. A. Davis Company. 2007.

5. Westgard, J. CLIA Proficiency Testing criteria. Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories, Westgard QC Web site. http://westgard.com/clia.htm#chem. Accessed on February 28, 1992


We would like to appreciate people who helped us to accomplish this study• Ms. Muneeza Esani, M.H.A, MT(ASCP) Clinical Assistant professor (UTMB)

• Ms. Nancy Berry, BS, MT(ASCP) SC Medical Technologist II (UTMB)

• Ms. Camellia St. John, Med, MT(ASCP) SBB Associate professor (UTMB)

• All the staff in John Sealy Hospital’s Clinical Chemistry Laboratory(Galveston, Texas)