Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

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Page 1: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing
Page 2: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Orchestrating A Career for Leadership

Angela Barron McBrideDistinguished Professor-Dean Emerita

Indiana University School of Nursing

Page 3: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Overview of Presentation

• Developing leadership

• Leadership=full career

• Five career stages and mentoring needed at each stage

• Final thoughts

Page 4: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Developing Leadership

• Leadership as personal qualities—self-aware, creative, resilient, responsive, analytic, values-driven

• Leadership as goal attainment—interpersonal and communication effectiveness, resource development

• Leadership as transformational—strategic vision, innovation, altering organizational realities

Page 5: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Nursing Leadership

……a process whereby the leader (either emergent or formally designated) catalyzes/inspires others to achieve shared values and goals in an environment where the meanings of health and aging are evolving, thus the need to design new ways of doing things……

Page 6: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Leadership and Research: The Overlap

……clear statement of problem, team building, understanding the demands of the larger environment, thinking in a fresh way about issues, strategizing, designing processes to achieve goals, obtaining resources, evaluating outcomes, and using any successes in furtherance of the next round of goals……

Page 7: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Leadership=Career Development

• Benner, P. (1984). From novice to expert. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley.

• Care, N. S. (1984). Career choice. Ethics, 94, 283-302.

• Dalton, G. W., Thompson, P.H., & Price, R. L. (1977). The four stages of professional careers: A new look at performance by professionals. Organizational Dynamics, 6, 19-42

Page 8: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Five Career Stages

• Preparation

• PI Stage

• Development of Home Setting

• Development of Science

• Gadfly (Wise Person) Period

Page 9: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Career Steps:From Novice to Expert

Center Grants (P30, P50, P60)

Research Training Grants (R37, T32)

Research Project Grant (R01)

Planning or Exploratory Award (R21)

Mentored Career Awards (K01, K08, K23)

Small Pilot Grant (R03)

Post-Doc (F32)

Pre-Doc. (F31)

developed by Dr. Taylor Harden



Page 10: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing


Central Activity: Learning

Primary Relationship: Student, Teaching/Research Assistant

Major Theme: Assimilating values, knowledge base, and inquiry skills important to specialty and to development of excellence

Page 11: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing


• Obtain formal education (undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral research training) and appropriate additional credentials

• Seek socialization experiences, including joining professional organizations and working as a teaching and/or research assistant

Page 12: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

• Develop the habits of precision (e.g., time management, bookmarking internet sites, organizing files and lists of contacts)

• Attend to information technology (IT) learning needs

• Learn to network

• Observe/analyze the successful, and seek their mentoring

Page 13: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

• Find workable strategies for personal stress management, so you can manage the “long run”

• Begin to build CV with “validating” outcomes, e.g., funding, refereed presentations and publications, honors, committee service

• Honestly analyze strengths and limitations

Page 14: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Stage I Mentoring• Model values and practices

• Encourage problem solving

• Help set short-term and career goals

• Connect to resources

• Guide to experiences that build skills and expand vision

• Welcome to profession and identity as a scholar/leader

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Central Activity: Moving from fledgling to competence

Primary Relationship: Colleague

Major Theme: Dealing with the inevitable gap between ideals learned and the realities of work setting

Page 16: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

PI STAGE• Establish program of scholarship

• Build collegial network, clinical connections, and research team

• Develop as master teacher (developing NLN’s Certified Nurse Educator competencies)

• Take full advantage of strengths, opportunities, and aspirations of home setting

• Join “discourse community” of field as first author and peer reviewer

Page 17: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

• Obtain needed resources, e.g., RWJF’s Nurse Faculty Scholar Program

• Figure out how to turn all investments into outcomes and to juggle tripartite academic mission

• Participate in governance• Learn anew to give and get criticism• Learn to articulate the “meaning” of your

work in a range of groups• Mentor less experienced/educated

Page 18: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Stage II Mentoring• Help navigate inner workings of institution

• Open doors of opportunity

• Direct to resources

• Facilitate networking

• Provide feedback so teaching and research improve

• Keep focus on meeting institutional benchmarks of success

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Central Activity: Facilitating home institution while moving from competence to expertise

Primary Relationship: Mentor, Committee Chair, Administrator, Supervisor

Major Theme: Assuming responsibility for development of others and of setting

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• Expand purview of own work, e.g., establishing multi-site and/or multidisciplinary collaborations

• Learn to juggle multiple grants

• Develop junior colleagues

• Lead curriculum and program initiatives

Page 21: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

• Engage in strategic planning

• Build home setting’s infrastructure, resources, and image

• Develop political savvy and a tolerance for ambiguity

• Serve as advisor/officer in organizations• Obtain additional leadership training, e.g.,

RWJF Executive Nurse Fellowship

Page 22: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Stage III Mentoring• Ask clarifying questions• Share successes, failures, tips• Provide feedback regarding strategy and

tactics• Suggest possible “next steps”• Discuss how to improve mentoring• Help person make best use of others• Nominate for local/regional honors

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Central Activity: Shaping health care, profession, specialty

Primary Relationship: Leader, Board Member, Administrator

Major Theme: Exercising power of authority and creating a vision for the future

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• Consult in area of expertise

• Articulate research agenda of specialty/field

• Participate in consensus endeavors

• Influence translation of research to practice and policy

• Work with other fields to achieve common goals

Page 25: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

• Build profession’s and/or specialty’s infrastructure, resources, and image

• Establish reputation/legacy, e.g., new programs within a professional association

• Leadership in interdisciplinary efforts and organizations

• Prepare successor generations

• Consider positions beyond discipline-specific; prepare for that leadership

Page 26: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Stage IV Mentoring

• Provide tips on effective board behavior

• Recommend for opportunities

• Expand vision

• Help strategize

• Sponsor for national and international honors

Page 27: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Stage V. GADFLY “Wise Person” PERIOD

Central Activity: Continue to shape health care and profession

Primary Relationship: Coach, Leader, Board Member

Major Theme: Exercising power of authority when no longer constrained by institutional obligations

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Page 29: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing


• Serve as a consultant to regional, national, and/or international efforts and organizations

• Speak and write provocatively about issues of the day, so as to push dialogue and challenge to new ways of thinking

• Expand appreciation for complexity of human condition

Page 30: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

• Function as a wise, affirming (wo)man, e.g., recommending colleagues for honors/special experiences

• Take on special projects that require synthesizing skills and high-level integrative abilities

• Coach today’s leaders

Page 31: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Stage V Mentoring

• Assist in envisioning post-retirement opportunities

• Discuss how to help today’s leaders

• Sponsor for national and international honors

Page 32: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

Final Thoughts

• Preparation for interdisciplinary leadership increasingly important

• We live each day suspended between maximizing strengths/opportunities and ruminating about limitations/ problems; focusing on the former will energize while focusing on the latter will drain

Page 33: Orchestrating A Career for Leadership Angela Barron McBride Distinguished Professor-Dean Emerita Indiana University School of Nursing

CAREERCareer—résumé lines,but more than a long list.What’s core is the sum total of meaning.

Mentored, then mentoring.The challenge is to giveaway self as you build substancein place. ABM