Worshippers are invited to come forward for personal prayers with elders/pastors in the front pew. VOL XXXXX NO. 35 (FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY) ORDER OF SERVICE 9.00 am/11.00 am 27 August 2017 Worship Leader: Chew Leong Ho Speaker: Rev Oh Boon Leong Prayer: Rev Toh See Kiat Scripture Readers: Joyce Go/Goh Swee Hong Silent Prayer & Meditation Prelude Call to Worship Opening Songs The King of Love My Shepherd is Wonderful Grace of Jesus Opening Prayer “Gloria Patri” Responsive Scripture Reading Mark 8:31-38, 10:43-45 Worship in Songs He Is No Fool Give Them All to Jesus My Heart Longs for You The Love of God Offertory & Thanksgiving Prayer “Doxology” Choir Presentation: O For A Thousand Tongues Congregational Prayer & Announcements Scripture Text Ezra 1:1-11; 2:64-70 Message Hallmarks of Spiritual Renewal Closing Song Shepherd of My Soul Benediction “Three-Fold Amen”


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Worshippers are invited to come forward for personal prayers with elders/pastors in the front pew.





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ORDER OF SERVICE 9.00 am/11.00 am 27 August 2017

Worship Leader: Chew Leong Ho Speaker: Rev Oh Boon Leong

Prayer: Rev Toh See Kiat Scripture Readers: Joyce Go/Goh Swee Hong

Silent Prayer & Meditation


Call to Worship

Opening Songs The King of Love My Shepherd is

Wonderful Grace of Jesus

Opening Prayer “Gloria Patri”

Responsive Scripture Reading

Mark 8:31-38, 10:43-45

Worship in Songs He Is No Fool

Give Them All to Jesus My Heart Longs for You

The Love of God

Offertory & Thanksgiving Prayer “Doxology”

Choir Presentation: O For A Thousand Tongues

Congregational Prayer & Announcements

Scripture Text

Ezra 1:1-11; 2:64-70

Message Hallmarks of Spiritual Renewal

Closing Song

Shepherd of My Soul

Benediction “Three-Fold Amen”

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The Psalmist once prayed: "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?" (Ps 85:6)

3 hallmarks of spiritual renewal:

I. Sovereign act of God

II. Restoration of worship

III. Commitment to God's work & giving

Hallmarks of Spiritual Renewal Ezra 1-2

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Come, join our prayer warriors in Room #03-06 on Wednesday @ 7.45 pm !

CHURCH Mandarin Worship Service (MWS): The MWS will celebrate their 28th Anniversary next Sunday, 3 Sep. Praise God for His faithfulness and grace on the ministry! Pray for their Thanksgiving service and for the Lord to continue to work mightily in their midst, building faith and reaching out. Thank God for bringing Ps Goh Ngiam Heng & Ps Ng Eng Chye to serve in MWS and the newly formed the MWS committee. Pray for unity of heart and mind, and spirit of cooperation and collaboration towards kingdom purpose. Ask God to fill each MWS member with spiritual wisdom and understanding, growth in the knowledge of God and His Word, and bear fruits in every good work. Children Ministry: Thanksgiving for 117 co-workers serving in Sat KidSparks and Sunday School this year. Pray for wisdom, strength, teachability & teamwork amongst co-workers, and good partnership with parents & guardians. Pray for wonderful and blessed time of worship, learning and fellowship at the retreat and teacher’s day celebration next Sat (2 Sep). Pray for the speakers Alan Wong (National Director of CEF) and staff Lorita Lim as they speak on "Elements of a Life-Changing Lesson."

Alpha course (18 Aug to 10 Nov): Seven guests came for the first session on 18 Aug. Continue praying for the rest of the 30 sign-ups to come and explore the meaning of life and the Christian faith. Ask God to speak to their hearts and draw them to Him. Pray for wisdom & strength be upon the committee headed by Dn Jerry as they organize, co-ordinate the weekly meetings and look into details. May the Alpha course be effective in it’s outreach efforts in bringing seekers into God’s kingdom!

Jubilee Fund (JF): Thank God for Carmelite volunteers (83 so far) who will help in the distribution of vouchers to needy households under West Coast RCs & Breadline, migrant workers under HealthServe care, and food distribution to Boys Brigade. Pray for all volunteers to turn up for Breadline briefing this Saturday (11am) and HealthServe briefing this Sun (1pm). Pray that through the distribution of JF vouchers, the needy recipients will feel God's presence and love.

Overseas Missions Ministry (OMM):- Pray for OMM Committee annual retreat in Indonesia (31 Aug – 3 Sep). Pray for journey mercies. The agenda includes discussion on 5-year plan for Missions, spirituality enhancement through listening to messages on Missions. Pray for unity and harmony in their discussion and fellowship time. Lift up the following countries & partners before the Lord. Myanmar: Laval Yau (B4T in Yangon) — Pray for this pastor who is cheating with his business. May the Lord bring a realization of repentance so that he can be restored; Pray for the devastated owner of the pig business that had to close down temporarily because of swine flu virus. Nepal: Ps Kiran (Grace Church) — All glory, honour & praise to our God for His wonderful work in and though us! Pray for :- School of Pastoral Ministry (SOPM). Training session that starts from 4-7 September next month

and also dedication service for the building (SOPM Center) on 8th September. May the Lord bless the 60 pastors & leaders who are coming for this session. Pray too for their preparation. Pray for the funds to buy book stands and books for SOPM's library in Nepalgunj. Do continue to pray for the building of the second level of SOPM Center.

Pray for our church planters those are working on the mountains, asking for blessings upon their work, protection and for their family. There is severe flooding in Nepal, India and Bangladesh.

Pray for God’s intervention to save lives. Pray for Ps Kiran who is in Bardiya to minister to the people affected by flood.

Creative Access Nation: Remember Paul and Lydia who were unable to join the recent Missions Festival in July. Pray for God’s sustenance for their ministry. OMM has tried to introduce a model for Paul's sustainability. May God bless the ministry!

PRAYER PAGE ““””“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that

I fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.” Ephesians 6:19

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JULY 2017, INDIA TRIP PART 2@DELHI, 18-23 July 2017

From Mussoorie which is up in the mountains at 6,500 feet above sea level, our next stop was Delhi, from 18-23 July. Here is the background.

Last year, the President of EAST (East Asia School of Theology) Singapore met me and Pastor Peter to request for help. Prior to this, one of our members, Dr. Rob McEwan, who was on the faculty of EAST, had been instrumental to open the door for me to first speak at their chapel in 2014, and then to speak at their faculty and students’ retreat in 2015. That was when I first met Dr. Chan Chong Hiok, their President.

One of the key partners of EAST in India is DL, whom God had used to plant some 6,000 home cells across northern India over the last ten years. If you remember, we invited DL to speak at our Mission Conference at Carmel last year. As a result of their phenomenal growth, DL felt that the time has come for his key leaders to receive formal theological training from EAST. For this to succeed, EAST needed partners. This was where EAST asked if we would be willing to help – to teach one module a year for the next four years.

In September last year, Ps Peter and I met DL again in Delhi, to further explore this possibility. We visited the hostel where the students would be staying, and where some courses are taught. We also visited their office in the main business district, not far from the airport. Ps Peter also personally visited a couple of home cells to have a personal feel of their situation.

The final conclusion from all this is that we gave a commitment to partner EAST in this project to train leaders for kingdom growth. We agreed to teach a module once a year, for the next four years. That is why I was at Delhi recently, from 18-22 July, to teach the Book of Ruth to 33 key-leaders from DL’s group. They would eventually graduate with BA in Christian Ministry, conferred by EAST.

Since this is a formal level seminary training, it has to come with assignments and written papers. I was told that besides the 20 students who are on the BACM program, 5 others will be studying at the Masters level, while the others are auditing. Guess what? They turned out to be some of the keenest learners I’ve ever met! These are hands-on leaders, most with only a basic level education. But they were so hungry to learn, so quick to ask questions, and so spontaneous to attempt an answer when invited.

Their hunger for God’s Word was clearly evident from Day-1: they seemed transfixed with the subtle plots and sub-plots as the story of Ruth unfolded. Many of them testified how they were enjoying the slow-cooker, verse-by-verse approach, as we unpacked the story of Ruth. Some admitted it is the first time they had studied the Bible in this way. I also heard from DL that when they got back to the hostel in the evening, the students were constantly talking about the

lessons from the day.

My game plan was to cover only one chapter a day since we had to translate from English to Hindi. Our lessons would last from 9 am to 3.30 pm each day, after which the students would spend the rest of the day to finish their assignments. They had to prepare a one-page teaching or preaching outline after each chapter, which would be graded. Subsequently, they would

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have to turn two of these outlines into full manuscripts for a thirty-minute sermon (or Bible study).

As I reflected over what happened over this week at Delhi, I am convinced that this is the right approach, moving forward. It has become increasingly prohibitive for foreign students to come and study in our seminaries in Singapore due to our stronger currency. One way to mitigate this is for seminaries in Singapore to train students overseas in their native countries. EAST has already started this in another unnamed country, hence their partnership with DL makes sense.

As to the multiplier effect of this training I was told by their administrator, Mr. Augustine, that each of the 20 students who are on the BACM program actually shepherd ten to twenty home cells (which means they oversee some 200 to 400 members). Now that is something!

Please pray for this initiative to go well. The key to the health of the church lies in the quality of her shepherds. On a personal note, I see this as a real privilege for Carmel to be a partner in a movement that is already making a difference in the lives of so many, and that contributes to kingdom growth in India. I’ll leave you with this personal “thank you” note from the President of EAST, Dr. Chan:

“Dear Pastor Daniel, I was with DL and the Delhi cohort last week and they were deeply blessed by your time there with them. I believe the Lord used you to speak to their needs from the study on Ruth. Thank you for your ministry in love. May the Lord continue to use you for His glory even as your heart is well centred in His for missions and the Great Commission. We rejoice to be able to partner in this strategic effort.

My heartfelt thanks to you and Mt Carmel.

Warmly in Him,


Indeed, I echo the words of Dr. Chan in thanking the members and leaders of Mt. Carmel who have so generously seconded your pastors to be partners with EAST for the sake of kingdom-growth! Such partnership would not be possible without the prayers and blessings of a visionary church. May all glory be to God.

Ps Daniel Chua (to be continued with Part 3)

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Editor’s note: On 12 August, major floods have hit Nepal again. Many families have lost their homes and some churches were destroyed. Our partner in Nepal, Ps Kiran Das, is appealing for help. Among the partner churches in Singapore, The People’s Bible Church has committed to send SGD 12,000, while Leng Kwang Baptist Church has committed SGD 9,000. On our part, our BOE has approved raising SGD 15,000 to help in flood relief work. Please have a word with me if you wish to donate. You may also write a check to “Mount Carmel B-P Church Ltd” and specify on the back of the check: “For Nepal Flood Relief”. Thank you. Signed, Ps Daniel Chua


Dear Pastor Daniel Chua (Mt. Carmel), Pastor Daniel Fan (TPBC) & Sister Susan (Mission Chairman-LKBC) Singapore.

There are things God allows to happen that we don’t understand. I don’t know why it happens again and again in Nepal. The prophet Daniel, in his book, constantly repents of the sins of his forefathers and countrymen. He also prayed for the forgiveness, restoration, and prosperity of his own people. 12 August 2017 was another dark day for Nepal when floods and landslides devastated many parts of the country.

As I am writing this letter, statistics from MoHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) confirm that more than 123 people were killed. More than 35 are still missing and many are injured, with 4,000 houses destroyed. About 34,000 houses were inundated. Countless livestock and paddy fields and food grain were destroyed. There are few safe places to live as settlements and land are covered by water. As a result, people are facing lack of food, shelter, clothes and drinking water. There is a great risk of water-borne diseases spreading because of the flood.

Banke and Bardiya districts of Western Nepal are at high risk. Every year, it floods in these areas. As a Church, it is our responsibility to be salt and light to our community. We sent our teams into three different places to find out how we could help the flood victims. Since some NGOs are already working in Banke district, we sent our teams to Bardiya. Most of our churches are also in Bardiya. Pastor Hem, Bijay and team went to Gulariya and Gurjana. Pastor Khadka and Krishna went to Surepatuwa and Thakurdowar. Chandra and Ramsingh and team went to Jabdi, Kusumdanda, Padnaha, Guruwagaun.

Today, we had a meeting where all our teams reported what they had seen and how we could help the people. At the end of our meeting we were able to finalize the strategic planning for relief work. This is what we have planned to help the flood victims in Bardiya.

1. Rescue: We don’t have to do much in this area, but we need to do more for relief work.

2. Relief: Right now the urgent need is for relief. People have no food to eat and no water to drink. We are planning to provide food for about two weeks for some 1000 families, and also medicine and spiritual counselling to the affected families. We will buy the goods and make a family package for each family. The following will be included

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in the family package:

We will be adopting Gujurana village which has a large community of displaced people and Guruwagaun village, and Thakudowara village. There are more than 500 families there, including our own members who were affected (20 have lost their houses completely).

3. Rebuilding: Rebuilding work has to be done in a very strategic way so we need much research. We are looking at three different categories: (1) Fully destroyed homes, (2) Partially destroyed homes, (3) Minimally affected homes. We can confirm that 3 churches have been fully destroyed. But for the houses, we have not completed our visits to all flood affected villages. The rebuilding work will be the second phase for helping the flood victims.

Dear Pastors, this is an emergency situation in western Nepal. We have no funds to help our people. But we believe that our God has enough to support. We need your prayers and your support. On 21 August, I am meeting our pastoral team again at Bardiya to provide updates. We hope to have good news from you.

With much prayer in Him,

Pastor Kiran Das.


Particulars: No: NPR:Cost

1 Rice 25 kg 2,000.00

2 Dal 5 kg 800.00

3 Cooking Oil 3 Litters 450.00

4 Salt 3 kg 75.00

5 Cooking Spaces 1 pack 100.00

6 Washing Powder 1 kg 100.00

7 Bath soap 2 piece 75.00

8 Toothpaste 1 piece 200.00

9 Toothbrush 6 pies 100.00

10 Medicine (Paracetamol, Matroni-dazole, Rehydration)

30 Tab 170.00

11 water drop for water purify 1 piece 60.00

12 Total 4,130.00

13 Total Family Number 1,000.00

14 Total 4,130,000.00

15 Goods Transportation 200,000.00

16 Admin Expenses 150,000.00

17 Grand Total 4480,000.00

18 Total in SGD @ 73 61,370.00

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Copies of "Our Daily Bread" and "Our Daily Journey with God" for September to November 2017 are available at the EFU Welcome Corner today.

Heartfelt condolences to Steven Wong, Sharon and family. Steven’s mother, Mdm Loo Oi Wah was called home on Sunday, 20 August 2017.

Please note that the Church office will be closed on Friday, 1 Sept (Hari Raya Haji public holiday). All announcements for publication in the Carmel Weekly for 3 Sept are to be submitted to the church office by Wednesday morning (30 Aug).

For members born in Aug, please collect your birthday gift AFTER the service today (27 Aug) at 10:30 am and 12:30 noon, outside Hope Sanctuary. Please bring your identity card (for scanning purposes) in order to collect your birthday gift. Alternatively, you can call Angelica at 67795077 to make your own arrangement to pick it from her during office hours at Church Office Mon to Fri.

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● Please make all cheques, including those for the Development Fund, payable to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd (exact payee name must be stated on the cheque).

● Please note that NO receipts will be issued for cheques received by the Church below $5,000 except upon request.

● All Offerings and Pledges to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd is not tax deductible.




Ushers Youth D’Vine CG

Refreshment Bt Batok CG

Worship Leader Dn Adrian Wong

Congregational Prayer Rev Jabez Chia

Musicians Shirley Yeo

Scripture Readers Karen Er Kim Kijin

Welcome Corner Tan Choon Kiat Sim Chui Hoong/Joyce Lin

Librarians — Library Closed —

AVA Crew Yu Ta Wen/Lee Sin Yee Chan Wen Hui/Christie Phua

CSSS (Care, Share, Study, Serve) meets every 2nd & 4th Thursdays from 11 am to 1 pm in Room #03-01. All ladies are welcome to join us as we share & learn from one another, and care for one another. We also study a book together. This 24 Aug, we started on the first session of "Freedom in Christ" by Neil Anderson & Steve Goss. This 13 week discipleship course is designed to help every Christian become a fruitful disciple. Participants will learn how to:-

take hold of the truth of who they are in Christ resolve personal & spiritual conflicts become a fruitful disciple make following Jesus a way of life

Interested? Please call/text Lee Luang by 30 Aug.

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Senior Pastor Rev Oh Boon Leong

[email protected]

Missions & Strategic Planning Rev Peter Teo

[email protected]

Ladies, ConnexUs & Rhoda Ps. Assoc. Ang Lee Luang

[email protected]

Children Ps Asst Margaret Ong [email protected]

Youth & Family Rev Jabez Chia

[email protected] Young Adult & Youth

Ps Asst Marianne Wong [email protected]

Pastor-at-Large Rev Daniel Chua [email protected]

SEMS Ps Asst Joyce Goh

[email protected]

Mandarin Service Rev Goh Ngiam Heng [email protected]

Rev Ng Eng Chye [email protected]

Remnant Korean Service Rev Ezra Jang

[email protected]

BOARD OF ELDERS Eld Bruce Lockhart

(BOE Chairman)[email protected]

Rev Oh Boon Leong (Session Moderator)

Eld Yeo Siew Yam [email protected]

Eld Ho Peng Kee [email protected]

Rev Peter Teo

Rev Jabez Chia



Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

Rhoda Fellowship ACE Room 11.00 am Worship Leader: Tita Speaker: Ps Assoc Ang Lee Luang - Our Ever-Present God

Youth Service Chapel 12.15 pm Ps Jabez Chia - Ezra Series: Renewal Begins with God (Ezra 1-2)

Remnant Korean Service Chapel 2.30 pm

SEMS Service Sanctuary 7.45 pm

Ushers: Albunus Ng & Team/West Coast CG Refreshments: Shalom CG AVA: Timothy Chiam/Fiona Chee/Daryl Tan/Loh Kum Hoe Welcome Corner: Tan Mun Kiat/Dn Jonathan Lum/Sunny Yap Librarians: — Library Closed — Thanksgiving Flowers: Cyndi, Louis & Sheena Goh Mr & Mrs Siow Cynthia


English Services Hope Sanctuary 9.00 am/11.00 am Speaker: Rev Daniel Chua - Renewal is the work of the Community (Ezra 3)

Rhoda - Combined Service Hope Sanctuary 9.00 am/11.00 am

Youth - Combined Service Hope Sanctuary 9.00 am/11.00 am

Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

Remnant Korean Service Chapel 2.30 pm

SEMS Service Sanctuary 7.45 pm

Wednesday, 30 Aug 7.45 pm ACE Room: Prayer Meeting Chairperson/Devotion: Rev Daniel Chua Musician: Elizabeth Yeoh

Thursday, 31 Aug 10.00 am ACE Room: Thursday Men’s Group (TMG)

Thursday 8.00 pm Hope Sanctuary: Choir Practice

Saturday, 2 September 5.30 pm Chapel: SES Worship Leader: Andrew Tan Congregational Prayer: Tan Thien Choon Speaker: Rev Daniel Chua - Renewal is the work of the Community (Ezra 3)

Dear guests, we trust that you have a meaningful time of worship. We invite you to join us for Welcome Tea in the Fellowship Hall.