;, 5V OREGON UNI O N TARIFF FOR REVENUE, INCIDENTAL PROTECTION AND SOUND MONEY. VOL. II. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1 1899. NO. 33. DISTRICT ATTORNEY BILL. MONUMENT TO MAINE HEROES. LATER NEWS. OEEGON'S S0L0NS. PARIS PEACE TREATY EVENTS OF THE DAY CLASH OF ARMS Ratified by the Senate by a Majority of Three. ADOPTED WITHOUT AMENDMENT " It Passed the Oregon House Almost Unanimously. In the Oregon house Monday the dis trict attorney salary bill was passed after amendment by the judiciary com mittee, by almost a unanimous vote, The bill as passed fixes salaries as fol lows: First district, $3,000; second district, $4,000; third district, $5,500 fourth district, $7,600; fifth district $4,000; sixth district, $3,000; seventh district, $3,000; eighth district, $3,500 ninth district, $3,000. Flagg's bill to require all executions to be held at the state prison andcon ducted by the superintendent- of the penitentiary was the first defeated, re ceiving only 29 votes, but upon recon sideration of the vote and a speech by the author later in the day it was passed by a vote of 36. Blackaby'a bill to empower county courts and olerks of .school districts to sell propertv and bid in for taxes was passed by 43 votes. - Other bills passed were: To lira appeals to the supreme court in money actions to amounts involving $200 or more, and to give street railway com panies the right of eminent domain; to amend the code relative to new trials so as to nullify the plea of former' jeop ardy and to require street railway com panies to provide cars with vestibules from Ootobei 1 to April 1; to prohibit the adulteration ol candy; to require the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company to fence its traoks between Portland and Huntington; to prohibit persons from running push cars or hand cars on railroad tracks without the consent of the railway officials; to appropriate $15,000 for bridging the south fork of the Nehalem river. This bill came up on a reconsideration of the vote by which it was defeated Feb ruary 2, when it received only 80 rotes, The motion to reconsider carried by 82 votes and then the bill was passed by a vote of 33. Grace's bill to extend the time in whioh a laborer's lien may be fi'ed from 30 to 60 days and contractors from 60 to 90 days was defeated, aa was also Stillman's bill to repeal sec tion 1890 of the code, providing for the observance of Sunday. At the night session the following bills were passed: To regulate travel over county bridges; to repeal the act of 1891 prohibiting driving or herding livestock along public highways; to fix the salaries of county treasurers so as to increase the salary of' the Tillamook county trettfe'Sror from $250 te $550; to fix the salary of ihe sheriff of Lincoln county at $1,800 and salary of clerk of county court at $1,250; to require the signatures of householders to petitions for saloon licenses instead of the sig natures of legal votes as under the present law; to piohibit the sale of li quor in private boxes or booths of res taurants; to amend the liquor laws so as to require a license foi the sale of any quantity, whether more than a gallon or less. Moody's bill to regulate the practice of horseshoeing in counties of 50,000 population and over and creating board of examiners to be appointed by the governor was snowed under by 80 negative votes aa against only 22 affirmative. The Oregon senate Monday passed unanimously Josephi's bill to make the cost of the maintenance of insane per sons chargeable against their estates in certain cases, and to provide for the transportation of insane patients to the asylum in charge of trained nursei from the asylum. Other bills passed were as follows: Charter of Dalles City (The Dalles); to amend the charter of the town of Du fur, to amend the law relating to ten ancy in common, and abolishing joint tenancy; by request, to give. preference to honorably discharged soldiers and sailors in all public employment; to amend the law so as to make records of official court reporters piima facie evi dence, and to authorize the settling and signing of bills of exceptions by snocessors of the trial judge; to require Multnomah county to take the city of Portland's lease of the steel bridge; to amend the oharter of Lebanon. INCREASED APPROPRIATIONS. The Washington Legislature Favoring the Normal Schools. The 'Washington- house appropria- tion committee has increased the Cheney normal school appropriation from $25,000 to $31,000. and Ellens-bur- g from $25,000 to $45,000. In the house Monday bills introduced were: For the publication of notices by posting in counties of from the 10th to the 29th class; for the relief of Mrs. J. H. Stahl; relating to the sufficiency and justification of bail on bonds; amending the constitution by permit- ting women to vote on a constitutional amendment, granting suffrage to wo- men; relating to dyke districts. During the afternoon session of the house Mr. Englebert occupied"-th- e chair. Speaker Guie received a tele- phone message announcing that the Paris treaty had been ratified by the Dnited States senate. The announce- ment was greeted with hearty applause by the house. Delayed by Trains. Only 21 out of 34 senators were pres- ent when the senate oonvened Monday. Senator Wooding is sick with grip at Seattle, and all of the east senators were detained by trains being late. Bills introduced were: Prohibiting the organization of corporations until all bills and claims are paid; amend- ing the revenue law by making person- al property taxes delinquent on 80 days' notice being given; permitting acceptance of taxes on any part of a parcel of land with reference to taxes due on other parts of same property; house bill, providing for the building of ferries to be ope'rataed on lakes as well as streams was because of objection to the condemnation lights J . : 3 .1 .u ouuisiuwi iu tiio uiu law. A fish cannery . combine has been formed on the Columbia rivei, with capital of C2, 000, 000. General Count von Capri vi," former chancellor ot the German empire, died at Siren, near Cxossen, Germany. The peace treaty was ratified by the senate by a majority of three votes over the required three-fourth- s. The treaty was ratified without amendment. Isaac Ofner, a grooeiyman, doing business in Portland, Or., was held up and robbed in his store about 8:30 in the evening by a lone highwayman. John M. Com stock, for 40 years chief of the customs division of the treasury department, died in Washing' ton after an illness of several weeks. A monster petition to President Mc Kinley and the members of the joint high commission is being signed, ask ing their assistance in seeming the re' peal of the alien exclusion act recently passed' by the government of British Columbia, in which the Atlin mining district is located. Farmers of Connecticut, New York New Jersey. Ohio, Indiana, South Da kota, Wyoming, Iowa, Nebraska, Kan sas, Missouri, Kentucky, Texas, Arkan- sas and California are forming state branches of the proposed new national farmer's party, and preparing to send representatives to the national execu tive committee's meeting, which is to be called shortly by the projectors of the new party. According to a recent dispatch, 19 iron add steel sheet manufactories in Pennsylvania. Ohio, West" Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana, controlling an aggregate annual output of 318,000 tons ox steel and iron sheets, are pre paring to consolidate. This action, it is added, is made necessary by the com- bination.)! tin-pla- te plants, and it is believed that the proposed consolida- tion will eventually be absorbed by the tin-pla- te trust. Local representatives at Tacoma ad mit that the street railway systems of that city are to be consolidated, with Eastern capitalists in control. A com pany capital has been organized to operatcall street-car- s and furnish power to manufactories. A water-pow- er plant will be constructed. Representatives of J. P. Morgan & Co. the Northern Pacific railway, Dnion Pacific and the O. R. & N., with local men, are interested in the deal. The 'two highwaymen who for the past two months have been holding up citizens and stores and terrorizing all Portland are safely lodged in jail. One of them, Harry Traoy, was arrested by Detective Weiner, after a shooting affray that stopped a passenger train and roused a whole neighborhood. The other, Dave Merrill, fell into the bands of Detectives Cordano and Ford Snnday, and gave the information which led to the capture of his accom plice. Both are and des- perate men. Iiis believed that the battle at Ma nila will hasten the ratification of the treaty with Spain by congress. . Two soap trusts are being formed one at Chicago, with $100,000,000 cap- ital, and one at Boston with $20,000,-00- 0. San Francisco is to have a world's fair in 1901. It is to be known as ths Pacifio Ocean and International. Expo- sition. Turkey is making military prepara tions in view of a possible Macedonian uprising. Bulgaria is also hastily or- ganizing and arming troops. President McKinley has presented to Charles A. Schott. chief of the comput ing division of the United States coast and geodetic survey, the prize recently conferred upon him by the Academy of France.' Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, found guilty by a San Francisco court of the murder of Mrs. John P. Dunning, has been sentenced to prison for life, the judge refusing a new trial. The case will be appealed. The commission to investigate the conduct of the war is devoting all of its energies to closing up its report. The rough draft is practically completed, and copies are being made of the docu- ment, so far as it is ready. It is said administration officials are urging the president to endeavor to en- list the services of Aguinaldo in the settlement of the Philippine question, as he has the services of General Go- mez in the pacification of Cuba. Lord Charles Beresford, the distin guished British naval officer and states- man will arrive in San Francisco on the Japanese steamer American Maru, due on February 11, and the chamber of commerce is arranging for a public reception to the Englishman. The situation at the mining camp of Independence, 18 miles from Aspen, Colo., is critical in the extreme. Star vation stares the inhabitants of the town in the face. Provisions and fuel Btipplies are nearly exhausted. Wood that had been cut and piled for winter use lies buried under many feet of snow, and cannot be reached. Roads leading to Aspen, the only source of supply for Independence, are impassa ble. Snowslides are so frequent be tween Aspen and Independence that it is almost suicidal to venture on the route. General Sheridan has compleeted ar rangements to send the third expedi- tion of troops to the Philippines. It will consist of 16 companies, taken from the 12th and 17th infantry regi- ments. A dispatch from Cokeville, Wyo., says a snowslide a mile long occurred, burying several men and teams. All the men were takeu out alive with the exception of Burt Handy,, who war dead when found. Resolution Adopted by the Lower House of Congress. Washington, Feb. 6. In the senate the president pro tempore presented a memorial from the Chamber of Com- merce of New York, urging ratification of tbo peace treaty. ' Hale, chairman of the naval affairs committee, favora- bly reported the following joint resolu- tion, and it was adopted: "The secretary of the navy is hereby authorized to have erected in Colon cemetery at Havana, Cuba, a suitable granite monument to the memory of the sailors and marines who ' lost their lives by the destruction of the Maine, and whose remains are buried in that cemetery, and to suitably inscribe and enclose such monument, and the sum of $10,000 is appropriated for that pur pose." Harris offered the following resolu tion, which he asked might lie on the table: "That the Dnited States hereby dis claims any intention or purpose to ex ercise permanent sovereignty, jurisdic tion or control over the Philippines and assert their determination when a stable and independent government shall have been erected therein, en titled to recognition as such, to trans fer to such government upon terms which shall be reasonable and just all rights secured under the cession by Spam, and to t her upon leave the gov ernment and control of the islands to their people. " In accordance with previous notice, Money began the discussion of .expan sion, speaking in opposition to taking the Philippines. Money conoluded at 2 o'clock, and Daniel then addressed the senate on the same subject. Opposition to Test Tote Washington, Feb. 6. The contro- versy in the senate ovei the vote upon the various resolutions interpretative of the peace treaty took an acute turn late today. The opposition to a vote first came from the . friends of the treaty, who held to the theory that it could be ratified without compromise. Those who apparently were then will ing that a vote should be taken today held an opposite view, and absolutely refuse to agree to a time for taking a vote. The contest occurred in the execu tive session, which did not occur unti a quarter after 5-- o'clock- .- xhe next hour and a quater was spent in a vain endeavor on one side to get an agree- ment to a date for a vote upon the resolutions, and on the other in a more successful effort to bring the day's ses sion to a oiose without allowing any thing to be accomplished in that di rection. After a general debate on the subject the senate adjourned. DYEA AND SKAGWAY. They May Be Ceded to the Dominion of Canada by Treaty. Washington, Feb. 6. If the report of their subcommittee is adopted, as seems possible if not probable, a slice of Alaska territory, embracing the en trance to the Klondike, may be ceded to Great Britain in treaty to be adopt ed by the Anglo-Americ- commission. ine suDoommittee 8 report, it is said, comes dangerously near to putting Skagway and Dyea under British con trol, leaving to the Americans, bow ever, the control of the headwaters of the Lynn canal, by which both of these supply towns are reached. To Kill All Foreigners. San Francisco, Feb. 6. In the sto ries of the murders of missionaries and foreign residents recently in China, de tails of a particularly barbarous affair at Chongan Chiang, involving the life of an Englishman named Fleming, and Evangelist Pan, have been wanting J. R. Adams, of the Chinese inland mission, visited the scene of the mur ders, and tells of a shocking condition of affairs, in the North China Daily News. He ascertained that the people of Chongan had determined to take the life of every foreigner in the place, and when Mr. Fleming set foot in the town he was a doomed man. At least 200 people witnessed the murder from the opposite side of the river. Evangelist Pan was suddenly and quickly out down. Mr. Fleming dismounted from his mule to go to his assistance, but he, too, was attacked and slain after a desperate conflict. A Court of Inquiry Probable. Washington, Feb. 6. Indications are that a court of inquiry will be or- dered to investigate and report upon the truth or falsity of statements al- leged to have been made by General Miles, in which the quality of beel furnished the troops during the late war was brought in question. Deadly Work of a Train. Pittsburg, Feb. 6. A two-hors- e wagon on which five men and a young woman were riding, was struck today by a Baltimore & Ohio freight train afRiverton station. Four men were killed and the other man and the young woman so badly injured that they will probably die. Hepburn's Canal Bill. Washington, Feb. 6. The house committee on interstate and foreign commerce today directed a favorable report on the Hepburn Nicaragua canal bill, with amendments, as a substitute for the Morgan bill, passed by the sen ate. Record-Breakin- g Voyage. Washington, Feb. 6. The Buffalo arrived at Manila today, having made record-breakin- g run from New York to Manila in 64 days. She has on board about 700 sailors to relieve the men in Dewey's fleet. She will be used as a regular transport for men and naval stores, making regular trips be- tween Manila and San Francisco. It is calculated that the men of Great Britain spend at least $25,000,000 every year on silk hats. Initiative and Referendum Passes the Senate Convicts to Be Worked on Marion County Roads. Eight bills were passed in the Oregon senate last Wednesday and two were recommittted for amendment. Four of the bills passeu were to amend the charter of Lakeview, Can yon City, Seaside and Hilsboro. Looney's bill to provide for working state convicts on about 125 miles of Marion county roads, between state in- stitutions, and appropriating $3,500 for superintendence and buying tools, passed by a vote of 127 to 7. The bill to make a person who vol- untarily charges a crime against an other before a justice of peace or grand jury pay the costs in case the prosecu- tion prove malicious or frivolous finally passed, as did a bill to prevent swine running at large in Sherman county, and a bill to reduce the salaries of Washington county officers. . In the House. The reconsideration of the Woodburn charter bill was the occasion for an- other spirited forensic battle at the ses- sion of the bouse Wednesday. The bill, however, passed by a vote of 85 to 15; absent, 10. A motion to recon- sider the vote by whioh the bill was de- feated January 27 passed unanimously. Other bills passed were: To amend the charter of Arlington; to incorporate Medford; to fix the compensation of the assessor of Jackson county at $1,900 per annum in lieu of per diem; to create a separate board of county com- missioners for Clatsop county. The following bills were introduced: To amend the charter of Medford; to incorporate Enterprise; to repeal the let providing for the payment of street and sewer assessments in installments. Initiative-an- Referendum. The resolution for an initiative and referndum amendment to the constitu- tion passed the senate last Thursday, having previously passed the house, nd is ready for submission to the next legislature. The American Bar Association's codi- fication of laws relating to negotiable paper passed both houses. The Curtis bill limiting the'number and salaries of professors in the state university passed the house after a sharp discus sion.- - . - - .;. Hill's pilotage bill, which passed the house a week ago, was reported by the senate committee on commerce and navigation with amendments striking out a large part of the bill and leaving it without direct bearing on bar pilot age and placing the appointment ol pilot commissioners in the hands of the governor. The amendments were adopted, and the bill passed, 21 to 5. The only change in the present law is to make river pilotage not compulsory. In the senate Thursday a resolution to authorize the exchange of the old blind institute site for a block adjoin- ing the present site of the blind insti- tute, owned by J. H. Albert, was the special order, and, after a vote carry- ing the resolution was nearly complet- ed, it was recommended on a state ment from Selling that he had just heard something about it that needed investigation. , The following bills were, passed: To constitute the county court a board of equalization for coiyity assessment; to extirpate Russian and Chinese thistles; to appropriate $4,000 for ths Oregon Historical Society. In the House. The greater portion of the forenoon session of the house Thursday was given up to hearing reports of standing committees. In addition to this, two bills were passed and eight new bills introduced. The bills passed were those by Cur tis, amending the salmon-fishin- g laws passed at the special session so as to conform with the regulations agreed upon by the joint fisheries committee, and by Myers, to apply to the military fund of the state all moneys that may be teceived from the government for transportation and equipment of the Second Oregon volunteers. Other bills passed were: To require that all claims against the state other than salaries and liabilities established by law, be incorporated into separate appropriation acts; to abolish the ex- pensive practice of copying assessment rolls for the state and to provide for transmission to the secretary of state summaries only; to provide for the re organization of the state militia; to re store to the military fund of the state $8,897.68 expended in the suppression of liots by the state militia at Astoria and Roseburg during 1896; authorizing the supreme court to employ clerical aid and appropriating $7,200 therefor; to codify the laws relating to negotia- ble instruments; to prohibit false label ing of Oregon productsapplying es pecially to salmon and Oregon fruits. Reapportionment Bill Approved. In the Oregon Benate Friday, Sena tors Smith, of Baker, and Dufur pre- sented explanations of their position with referenece to the reapportionment act, which was approved by the gover nor while they were speaking. Both opposed the double districting feature of the law. The following bills were passed: To authorize county courts to permit oon- - etiuction of logging roads along public highways; to prevent the unauthorized use of trademarks. District Attorney Bill Remitted. In the Oregon house Friday the ju diciary committee asked to amend the bill by substituting 1900 for 1902, claiming the 'figures were placed in the bill as the result of a clerical error. The following bills were passed: To define the duties of administration in payment of claims, and declare the or der of propriety of claims; to give farm laborers a lien upon farm products for labor perormed; to protect salmon in Alesea bay and streams emptying into it. and fixing the olose season: Serious Fighting Be tween Americans and Insurgents. THE FILIPINO LOSS IS LARGE Twenty American Soldiers Killed, and 175 Wounded Enemy's Iioss Runs - Into the Thousands News of the Battle Confirmed by General Otis. Manila, Feb 7. The long-expect- rupture between the Amerioans and the Filipinos has come at last. The former are now engaged in solving the Philip pine problem with the utmost expedi tion possible. '. he clash came at 8:40 yesterday evening, when three daring Jnlipinos darted past the Nebraska regiments at Santa Mesa, but retired when chal lenged. They repeated the experiment without drawing the sentries' fire, but at the third time Corporal Gieeley challenged the Filipinos and then fired. killing one of them and wounding an other. Almost immediately afterward the Filipinos' line from Caloean to suit, bmtlto asttv AlTtft. Santa Mesa commenced a fusilade which was ineffectual. The Nebraska, Montana and North Dakota outposts replied vigorously , and held their ground until reinforcements arrived. The Filipinos in the meantime con centrated at three points, Caloean, and Santa Mesa. At about 1 o'clock the Filipinos opened a hot fire from all three places simultaneously. This was supplement ed by the fire of the two seige guns at Balik-Bali- k and by advancing their skirmishers from Paoo and Pandacan The Americans responded with a ter rific- - fire, but owing to the darkness they were unable to determine its effect. The Dtah light artillery finally suc ceeded in silencing the native battery. The Third artillery also did eood work on the extreme left. The engagement lasted over an hour. The Dnited States cruiser Charleston and the gunboat Concord, stationed off Malabon, opened fire from their second ary batteries on the Filipinos position at Caloean and kept it up vigorously. At 2:45 there was another fusilade along the entire line and the Dnited States sea-goin- g double-turrete- d moni- tor Monadnock opened fire on the ene- my from off Malate. With daylight the Amerioans ad vanced. The California and Washing ton regiments made a splendid charge and drove the Filipinos from the works at Paoo and Santa Mesa. The Nebraska regiment also distinguished itself, cap- turing several prisoners and one How itzer, and a very strong position at the reservoir, which is connected with the waterworks. The Kansas and Dakota regiments compelled the enemy's right flank to retire to Caloean. There was intermittent firing at va rious points all day long. The American losses are estimated at 20 men killed and 125 wounded. The Igorotes, armed with bows and arrows, made a determined stand in the face of a hot artillery fire, and let many dead on the field. Several attempts were made in this city yesterday evening to assassinate American officers. Confirmed by Otis. The following dispatch from Gen. Otis confirms the news of the fighting: 'Manila, Feb. 7. To Adjutant-Ge- n eral, Washington, D. C: Saturday the insurgents opened attack on our outer lines at 8:45, repeated attack sev eral times during the night. At 4 o'olook this morning entire foroe was engaged, and all attacks repulsed; at daybreak advanced against insurgents, and have driven them beyond lines they formerly occupied, capturing sev eral villages and their defense works; insurgents' loss in dead and wounded large; our own casualties thus far esti- mated at 175, very few fatal." A dispatch to the London Post says: Many of the insurgents were driven into the Pasig river and drowned. Sev- eral hundred were taken prisoners. In a subsequent telegram the follow ing statements are made: Last night's and today's engagements have proveda veritable slaughter for the Filipinos, their killed being reported as amount ing to thousands. To Crush the Kevolt. Washington, Feb. 7. Instructions will be sent to Major-Gener- al Otis to- morrow, directing him to follow up his Victory over the insurgents and to crush the power of Aguinaldo in the - - Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES An Interesting Collection of Items From the Two Hemispheres Presented In a Condensed Form. Vine buildings covering half a block in the heart of the businesss portion of Columbus, O., were destroyed by fire, The transports, Ohio and Senator, bearing the Twenty-secon- d infantry to the Philippines have sailed from San Francisco. The second battalion of the Seven- teenth infantry are en route to Manila via New York. They sailed from that port on the transport Sherman. The largest combination of - whisky and distilling interests yet attempted baa been concluded in New York, un der the title of the Kentucky Distillers & Warehouse Company. - Negotiations for the consolidation of the leading pottery interests bave been concluded in New York by the. forma tion of the Ainer.can pottery compa nies, with a capitalization of $i0.000,-000- . 7 A now slide occurred on the Cana-dia- Pacifio at Rogeis Pass, in the Sel kirk range. The railroad roundhouse and other buildings were demolished. Nine persons are known to have been killed and two injured. Con ti acts have been let for the erec- .tion of a large beet-sug- ar factorv at Anaers. a small town west of Omaha, on the Dnion Pacifio. The men who are furnishing the money to build the factory are Boston capitalists. - The Dnited States transport Grant, which left New York January 19, hav- ing on board Major-Gener- al Lawton, the Fourth infantry and a battalion of the Seventeenth infantry, bound for Manila, has arrived at Gibraltar. Steamer Rhynland, from Liverpool. for Philadelphia, went ashore ' four miles north of Penwiok's , island life- - saving station. A heavy snow-stor- m . was prevailing at the time. There were 42 passengers and a crew of 79 on board, all of whom weie rescued.. ..... There lias been no' further general fighting between the partisans of the rival chieftains in the Samoan islands, since tiie last advices except that a party of Mataafa's followers was routed in the bush by Malietoans. It is ex pected, however, that fighting will be resumed, as Mataafa is arresting per sons who have been alreadv fined and released. The work of pillage con' tinues, among the houses looted being Vilima, the home of the late Robert Lou in Stevenson, the novelist. Iowa mineworkers are making an effort to have eight hours declared a day's work. .native troops ate to be utilized in Cuba and Amerioan soldiers gradually withdrawn. A syndicate composed of American, Canadian, English and French. capital ists, is making an effort to secure con trol of all the railroads in Cuba now building and in operation, and all to be' constructed hereafter. -- ' The bishop of Havana has declared that Preotestant services cannot be held over the graves of the Maine victims in Columbus cemetery, as it is consecrated ground. Americana were preparing to decorate the graves on the anniversary of the explosion. The Central ' Cable Company an- nounces that the Dnited States govern- ment in the Philippines has modified the recent prohibition of telegrams in cipher or code. Messages in secret lan- guage may now be accepted, subject to government cnesorshi p. The senate committee on naval affair! has decided upon favorable re- port on the bill providing for addi- tional pay to laborers in navy-yard- s who worked overtime during the emer- gency of war with Spain. The amount required is about $300,000, and about ' 6,000 men are involved. General Otis cables the war depart- ment, giving the number of deaths in his command since January 7. The total is 19, many of whom .died of smallpox. The greater number of deaths were of Kansas, Colorado, Cali- fornia and Pennsylvania privates. In the 1 ist appear the names of Allen K Carlyle, private, First Washington. January 16, typhoid; Earld A. Jeans, First Washington, January 36, ty- phoid; Wistar Hawthorne, private, Second Oregon, diphtheria. Cuban General Gomez refuses to disband his army unless paid nearly .$60,000,000. He claims to have 40,000 men under arms, for which he asks pay for three years' service, at the same rate as given American soldiers. For his own services in the past he wants $11,000 a year, the same as paid lieutenant-genera- l. He has about 200 brigadier-generals- , who de- mand pay at the rate of $5,500 annually for three years past, besides numerous other officers, whose pay aggregates $3,783,000. Minor News Items. The third regiment, infantry, has left St. Paul for New York en route to the Philippines. . A blizzard has been raging over Wyoming. A tecent dispatch says the deep snow has a hard crust, and there will be much suffering among stock. An Iowa syndicate, with $30,000,000 capital, has asked congress to grant a subsidy of $16,000 a mile for a railroad and telegraph line to the Yukon, via Copper river. Effect of the Outbreak In the Philip, pines Made Apparent Before ' Vote Was Taken. Washington, Feb. 8. Betore the senate convened today the leaders on both sides manifested great anxiety, . and all seemed to be very much in doubt as to the final result, ratification or rejection seeming to depend upon several doubtful votes. It was known Saturday that the treaty could muster, but 58 votes. Leaders of the opposi- tion to the treaty were standing as firm as ever. After the senate went into executive session it was reported that MoLaurin and McEneiy had come over for the treaty, giving the necessary two-third- s. . At the conclusion of the discussion on the subject, Davis moved an execu- tive session, and at 2:15 P. M. the sen-at- o went into executive session for final consideration of the peace treaty. McEneiy offered a resolution declar- ing that by ratification of the treaty it is not intended to make citizens of the inhabitants of the Philippines nor to annex the islands permanently, but to hold them until the islands are pre- pared for At 8:05 the bells rung for a vote on the amendment to the treaty. The amendment was to make the Philippine article of the treaty like that relating to Cuba. The amendment was defeat- ed, and the vote was then taken on the treaty. The vote in detail follows: Yeas Aldrich, Allen, Allison, Baker, Burrows, Butler, Carter, Chandler, Clark, Clay, Cullom, Davis, Deboe, Elkins, Fairbanks, Faulkner, Frye, Gallinger, Gear, Gray, Hanna, Hans-boroug- h, Harris, Hawley, Jones (Nev- ada), Kenny, Kyle, Lindsay, Lodge, MoBride, MoEnery, McLaurin, McMil-li- n, Mantle, Mason, Morgan, Nelson, Penrose, Perkins. Pettus, Piatt (Con- necticut). Piatt (New York), Pritehard, Quay, Ross, Sewell, Sboup, Simon, Spooner, Stewart, Sullivan, Teller, Thurston, Warren, Wellington, Wol-cott5- 7. . ' . - Niiys Bacon. Bate. Berry. Cafferr. CiiHtfcn, Ccckrell, Daniel, ML? f." Hale, Heitielt, iioar, Jones (Arkansas), Mai lory, Martin, Mills, Mitchell, Money, Murphy, Pasco, Pettigrew, Rawlins. Roaoh, Smith, Tillman, Tur- - ley, Turner, Vest 27. Absent, paired, Cannon and Wilson for, with White againat, and Proctor and Wetmore for, with Turpie against. THE NATION'S DEAD. List of the Killed in the Manila En. gagement. Manila, Feb. 8. The casualties ol Saturday night and Sunday were as follows: Fourteenth infantry. Cor- porals B. Soden and Henry F. Thomp- son, Privates Jesse A. Hale, Maurice L. Seeman, Louis Y. Dietz, James Harveymight, Charles W. Douglas, Frank H. Issinghausen, Charles A, Seitz, Alphonso Bonner and Peter N. Storment, killed. Sixth artillery Private W. A. Good man. First Idaho Major Ed McConville, Corporal Frank B. Calwerel, Private James Fraaer. First California Privates J. J. De- - war, Tom Bryan and Joseph Maher. . First Washington Corporal George W. McGowan, Privates Ralph Sim-mond- s, George B. Reicbart, Frank Smith, Mattias , Cherry, Sherman Harding, Edward H. Perry, Walter N. Hanson and Arnold H. Moyokel. First South Dakota Privates Hor-- ace J. McCraken, killed; Fred E. Green, killed; William Z. Lewis, killed. First Montana Corporal Hayes, missing, probably killed; Private John Sorenson, head wounded, probably fatal. First Colorado Ed. White, missing. supposed to be drowned; Elmer F. Doran, killed. Died ol wounds: Lieutenant James W. Mitchell, Fourteenth infantry; Private George W. Ball, First Idaho; Colonel William C. Smith, First Ten- nessee, died of appoplexy at the head of his command on the firing line. OTIS. ENEMY'S ENORMOUS LOSS. Two Thousand Dead and 3,500 Wound ed at Manila. Manila, Feb. 8. Careful estimates places the Filipino losses up to date at 2,000 dead; 3,500 wounded and 5,000 taken prisoners. The Vakiraa Volunteers. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 8. A North Yakima special to the Ledger says: Three of the Yakima boys are among the slain at Manila: Matt Cherry is the son of a well-know- n farmer of Se-la- h valley. George Reichart is of a German family located on Nob Hill, and the third is not known locally. He probably was enlisted in Tacoma. Frank Smith was of company I. of Walla Walla. Oregon Troops Engaged. Manila, Feb. 8. The Oregon regi ment participated in a sharp engage ment with the insurgents late yesterday afternoon, but drove the enemy back without losing a man. Drryfus Coming Back. Paris, Feb. 8. A dispatch to the Patrie, from Cayenne.capital of French Guiana, says that orders have been re. oeived there for the return of Dreyfua to France, with the statement that a, vessel has been Bent to bring him.

Oregon union. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or.) 1899-02 ... FOR REVENUE, INCIDENTAL PROTECTION AND SOUND MONEY. VOL. II. CORVALLIS, ... chief of the customs division of the

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Ratified by the Senate by aMajority of Three.


It Passed the Oregon House AlmostUnanimously.

In the Oregon house Monday the district attorney salary bill was passedafter amendment by the judiciary committee, by almost a unanimous vote,The bill as passed fixes salaries as follows: First district, $3,000; seconddistrict, $4,000; third district, $5,500fourth district, $7,600; fifth district$4,000; sixth district, $3,000; seventhdistrict, $3,000; eighth district, $3,500ninth district, $3,000.

Flagg's bill to require all executionsto be held at the state prison andconducted by the superintendent- of thepenitentiary was the first defeated, receiving only 29 votes, but upon reconsideration of the vote and a speech bythe author later in the day it waspassed by a vote of 36.

Blackaby'a bill to empower countycourts and olerks of .school districts tosell propertv and bid in for taxes waspassed by 43 votes.- Other bills passed were: To liraappeals to the supreme court in moneyactions to amounts involving $200 ormore, and to give street railway companies the right of eminent domain; toamend the code relative to new trialsso as to nullify the plea of former' jeopardy and to require street railway companies to provide cars with vestibulesfrom Ootobei 1 to April 1; to prohibitthe adulteration ol candy; to requirethe Oregon Railroad & NavigationCompany to fence its traoks betweenPortland and Huntington; to prohibitpersons from running push cars orhand cars on railroad tracks withoutthe consent of the railway officials; toappropriate $15,000 for bridging thesouth fork of the Nehalem river. Thisbill came up on a reconsideration ofthe vote by which it was defeated February 2,when it received only 80 rotes,The motion to reconsider carried by 82votes and then the bill was passed by avote of 33.

Grace's bill to extend the time inwhioh a laborer's lien may be fi'edfrom 30 to 60 days and contractorsfrom 60 to 90 days was defeated, aawas also Stillman's bill to repeal section 1890 of the code, providing for theobservance of Sunday.

At the night session the followingbills were passed: To regulate travelover county bridges; to repeal the actof 1891 prohibiting driving or herdinglivestock along public highways; to fixthe salaries of county treasurers so asto increase the salary of' the Tillamookcounty trettfe'Sror from $250 te $550; tofix the salary of ihe sheriff of Lincolncounty at $1,800 and salary of clerk ofcounty court at $1,250; to require thesignatures of householders to petitionsfor saloon licenses instead of the signatures of legal votes as under thepresent law; to piohibit the sale of liquor in private boxes or booths of restaurants; to amend the liquor laws soas to require a license foi the sale ofany quantity, whether more than agallon or less.

Moody's bill to regulate the practiceof horseshoeing in counties of 50,000population and over and creatingboard of examiners to be appointed bythe governor was snowed under by 80negative votes aa against only 22affirmative.

The Oregon senate Monday passedunanimously Josephi's bill to make thecost of the maintenance of insane persons chargeable against their estates incertain cases, and to provide for thetransportation of insane patients to theasylum in charge of trained nurseifrom the asylum.

Other bills passed were as follows:Charter of Dalles City (The Dalles); toamend the charter of the town of Dufur, to amend the law relating to tenancy in common, and abolishing jointtenancy; by request, to give. preferenceto honorably discharged soldiers andsailors in all public employment; toamend the law so as to make records ofofficial court reporters piima facie evidence, and to authorize the settlingand signing of bills of exceptions bysnocessors of the trial judge; to requireMultnomah county to take the city ofPortland's lease of the steel bridge; toamend the oharter of Lebanon.


The Washington Legislature Favoringthe Normal Schools.

The 'Washington- house appropria-tion committee has increased theCheney normal school appropriationfrom $25,000 to $31,000. and Ellens-bur- g

from $25,000 to $45,000.In the house Monday bills introduced

were: For the publication of noticesby posting in counties of from the 10thto the 29th class; for the relief of Mrs.J. H. Stahl; relating to the sufficiencyand justification of bail on bonds;amending the constitution by permit-ting women to vote on a constitutionalamendment, granting suffrage to wo-

men; relating to dyke districts.During the afternoon session of the

house Mr. Englebert occupied"-th- echair. Speaker Guie received a tele-

phone message announcing that theParis treaty had been ratified by theDnited States senate. The announce-ment was greeted with hearty applauseby the house.

Delayed by Trains.Only 21 out of 34 senators were pres-

ent when the senate oonvened Monday.Senator Wooding is sick with grip atSeattle, and all of the east

senators were detained bytrains being late.

Bills introduced were: Prohibitingthe organization of corporations untilall bills and claims are paid; amend-ing the revenue law by making person-al property taxes delinquent on 80

days' notice being given; permittingacceptance of taxes on any part of aparcel of land with reference to taxesdue on other parts of same property;house bill, providing for the building offerries to be ope'rataed on lakes as wellas streams was because ofobjection to the condemnation lightsJ . : 3 .1 .uouuisiuwi iu tiio uiu law.

A fish cannery . combine has beenformed on the Columbia rivei, withcapital of C2, 000, 000.

General Count von Capri vi," formerchancellor ot the German empire, diedat Siren, near Cxossen, Germany.

The peace treaty was ratified by thesenate by a majority of three votes overthe required three-fourth- s. The treatywas ratified without amendment.

Isaac Ofner, a grooeiyman, doingbusiness in Portland, Or., was held upand robbed in his store about 8:30 inthe evening by a lone highwayman.

John M. Com stock, for 40 yearschief of the customs division of thetreasury department, died in Washing'ton after an illness of several weeks.

A monster petition to President Mc

Kinley and the members of the jointhigh commission is being signed, asking their assistance in seeming the re'peal of the alien exclusion act recentlypassed' by the government of BritishColumbia, in which the Atlin miningdistrict is located.

Farmers of Connecticut, New YorkNew Jersey. Ohio, Indiana, South Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Texas, Arkan-sas and California are forming statebranches of the proposed new nationalfarmer's party, and preparing to sendrepresentatives to the national executive committee's meeting, which is tobe called shortly by the projectors ofthe new party.

According to a recent dispatch, 19iron add steel sheet manufactories inPennsylvania. Ohio, West" Virginia,Kentucky and Indiana, controlling anaggregate annual output of 318,000tons ox steel and iron sheets, are preparing to consolidate. This action, itis added, is made necessary by the com-

bination.)! tin-pla- te plants, and it isbelieved that the proposed consolida-tion will eventually be absorbed by thetin-pla- te trust.

Local representatives at Tacoma admit that the street railway systems ofthat city are to be consolidated, withEastern capitalists in control. A company capital has beenorganized to operatcall street-car- s andfurnish power to manufactories. Awater-pow- er plant will be constructed.Representatives of J. P. Morgan & Co.the Northern Pacific railway, DnionPacific and the O. R. & N., with localmen, are interested in the deal.

The 'two highwaymen who for thepast two months have been holding upcitizens and stores and terrorizing allPortland are safely lodged in jail. Oneof them, Harry Traoy, was arrested byDetective Weiner, after a shootingaffray that stopped a passenger trainand roused a whole neighborhood. Theother, Dave Merrill, fell into thebands of Detectives Cordano and FordSnnday, and gave the informationwhich led to the capture of his accomplice. Both are and des-

perate men.

Iiis believed that the battle at Manila will hasten the ratification of thetreaty with Spain by congress. .

Two soap trusts are being formedone at Chicago, with $100,000,000 cap-ital, and one at Boston with $20,000,-00- 0.

San Francisco is to have a world'sfair in 1901. It is to be known as thsPacifio Ocean and International. Expo-sition.

Turkey is making military preparations in view of a possible Macedonianuprising. Bulgaria is also hastily or-

ganizing and arming troops.President McKinley has presented to

Charles A. Schott. chief of the computing division of the United States coastand geodetic survey, the prize recentlyconferred upon him by the Academy ofFrance.'

Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, found guiltyby a San Francisco court of the murderof Mrs. John P. Dunning, has beensentenced to prison for life, the judgerefusing a new trial. The case will beappealed.

The commission to investigate theconduct of the war is devoting all of itsenergies to closing up its report. Therough draft is practically completed,and copies are being made of the docu-

ment, so far as it is ready.It is said administration officials are

urging the president to endeavor to en-

list the services of Aguinaldo in thesettlement of the Philippine question,as he has the services of General Go-

mez in the pacification of Cuba.

Lord Charles Beresford, the distinguished British naval officer and states-man will arrive in San Francisco onthe Japanese steamer American Maru,due on February 11, and the chamberof commerce is arranging for a publicreception to the Englishman.

The situation at the mining camp ofIndependence, 18 miles from Aspen,Colo., is critical in the extreme. Starvation stares the inhabitants of thetown in the face. Provisions and fuelBtipplies are nearly exhausted. Woodthat had been cut and piled for winteruse lies buried under many feet ofsnow, and cannot be reached. Roadsleading to Aspen, the only source ofsupply for Independence, are impassable. Snowslides are so frequent between Aspen and Independence that itis almost suicidal to venture on theroute.

General Sheridan has compleeted arrangements to send the third expedi-tion of troops to the Philippines. Itwill consist of 16 companies, takenfrom the 12th and 17th infantry regi-ments.

A dispatch from Cokeville, Wyo.,says a snowslide a mile long occurred,burying several men and teams. Allthe men were takeu out alive with theexception of Burt Handy,, who wardead when found.

Resolution Adopted by the LowerHouse of Congress.

Washington, Feb. 6. In the senatethe president pro tempore presented amemorial from the Chamber of Com-

merce of New York, urging ratificationof tbo peace treaty. ' Hale, chairmanof the naval affairs committee, favora-

bly reported the following joint resolu-tion, and it was adopted:

"The secretary of the navy is herebyauthorized to have erected in Coloncemetery at Havana, Cuba, a suitablegranite monument to the memory ofthe sailors and marines who ' lost theirlives by the destruction of the Maine,and whose remains are buried in thatcemetery, and to suitably inscribe andenclose such monument, and the sumof $10,000 is appropriated for that purpose."

Harris offered the following resolution, which he asked might lie on thetable:

"That the Dnited States hereby disclaims any intention or purpose to exercise permanent sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over the Philippinesand assert their determination when astable and independent governmentshall have been erected therein, entitled to recognition as such, to transfer to such government upon termswhich shall be reasonable and just allrights secured under the cession bySpam, and to ther upon leave the government and control of the islands totheir people. "

In accordance with previous notice,Money began the discussion of .expansion, speaking in opposition to takingthe Philippines. Money conoluded at2 o'clock, and Daniel then addressedthe senate on the same subject.

Opposition to Test ToteWashington, Feb. 6. The contro-

versy in the senate ovei the vote uponthe various resolutions interpretativeof the peace treaty took an acute turnlate today. The opposition to a votefirst came from the . friends of thetreaty, who held to the theory that itcould be ratified without compromise.Those who apparently were then willing that a vote should be taken todayheld an opposite view, and absolutelyrefuse to agree to a time for taking avote.

The contest occurred in the executive session, which did not occur untia quarter after 5-- o'clock-.- xhe nexthour and a quater was spent in a vainendeavor on one side to get an agree-ment to a date for a vote upon theresolutions, and on the other in a moresuccessful effort to bring the day's session to a oiose without allowing anything to be accomplished in that direction.

After a general debate on the subjectthe senate adjourned.


They May Be Ceded to the Dominion ofCanada by Treaty.

Washington, Feb. 6. If the reportof their subcommittee is adopted, asseems possible if not probable, a sliceof Alaska territory, embracing the entrance to the Klondike, may be cededto Great Britain in treaty to be adopted by the Anglo-Americ- commission.

ine suDoommittee 8 report, it issaid, comes dangerously near to puttingSkagway and Dyea under British control, leaving to the Americans, bowever, the control of the headwaters ofthe Lynn canal, by which both ofthese supply towns are reached.

To Kill All Foreigners.San Francisco, Feb. 6. In the sto

ries of the murders of missionaries andforeign residents recently in China, details of a particularly barbarous affairat Chongan Chiang, involving the lifeof an Englishman named Fleming, andEvangelist Pan, have been wantingJ. R. Adams, of the Chinese inlandmission, visited the scene of the murders, and tells of a shocking conditionof affairs, in the North China DailyNews. He ascertained that the peopleof Chongan had determined to take thelife of every foreigner in the place, andwhen Mr. Fleming set foot in the townhe was a doomed man. At least 200people witnessed the murder from theopposite side of the river. EvangelistPan was suddenly and quickly outdown. Mr. Fleming dismounted fromhis mule to go to his assistance, buthe, too, was attacked and slain after adesperate conflict.

A Court of Inquiry Probable.Washington, Feb. 6. Indications

are that a court of inquiry will be or-dered to investigate and report uponthe truth or falsity of statements al-

leged to have been made by GeneralMiles, in which the quality of beelfurnished the troops during the latewar was brought in question.

Deadly Work of a Train.Pittsburg, Feb. 6. A two-hors- e

wagon on which five men and a youngwoman were riding, was struck todayby a Baltimore & Ohio freight trainafRiverton station. Four men werekilled and the other man and the youngwoman so badly injured that they willprobably die.

Hepburn's Canal Bill.Washington, Feb. 6. The house

committee on interstate and foreigncommerce today directed a favorablereport on the Hepburn Nicaragua canalbill, with amendments, as a substitutefor the Morgan bill, passed by the senate.

Record-Breakin- g Voyage.Washington, Feb. 6. The Buffalo

arrived at Manila today, having maderecord-breakin- g run from New York

to Manila in 64 days. She has onboard about 700 sailors to relieve themen in Dewey's fleet. She will beused as a regular transport for men andnaval stores, making regular trips be-

tween Manila and San Francisco.

It is calculated that the men of GreatBritain spend at least $25,000,000every year on silk hats.

Initiative and Referendum Passes theSenate Convicts to Be Worked

on Marion County Roads.

Eight bills were passed in the Oregonsenate last Wednesday and two wererecommittted for amendment.

Four of the bills passeu were toamend the charter of Lakeview, Canyon City, Seaside and Hilsboro.

Looney's bill to provide for workingstate convicts on about 125 miles ofMarion county roads, between state in-

stitutions, and appropriating $3,500for superintendence and buying tools,passed by a vote of 127 to 7.

The bill to make a person who vol-

untarily charges a crime against another before a justice of peace or grandjury pay the costs in case the prosecu-tion prove malicious or frivolous finallypassed, as did a bill to prevent swinerunning at large in Sherman county,and a bill to reduce the salaries ofWashington county officers. .

In the House.The reconsideration of the Woodburn

charter bill was the occasion for an-

other spirited forensic battle at the ses-

sion of the bouse Wednesday. Thebill, however, passed by a vote of 85to 15; absent, 10. A motion to recon-sider the vote by whioh the bill was de-feated January 27 passed unanimously.

Other bills passed were: To amendthe charter of Arlington; to incorporateMedford; to fix the compensation ofthe assessor of Jackson county at $1,900per annum in lieu of per diem; tocreate a separate board of county com-missioners for Clatsop county.

The following bills were introduced:To amend the charter of Medford; toincorporate Enterprise; to repeal thelet providing for the payment of streetand sewer assessments in installments.

Initiative-an- Referendum.The resolution for an initiative and

referndum amendment to the constitu-tion passed the senate last Thursday,having previously passed the house,nd is ready for submission to the next

legislature.The American Bar Association's codi-

fication of laws relating to negotiablepaper passed both houses. The Curtisbill limiting the'number and salariesof professors in the state universitypassed the house after a sharp discussion.- - .- - .;.Hill's pilotage bill, which passed thehouse a week ago, was reported by thesenate committee on commerce andnavigation with amendments strikingout a large part of the bill and leavingit without direct bearing on bar pilotage and placing the appointment olpilot commissioners in the hands of thegovernor. The amendments wereadopted, and the bill passed, 21 to 5.The only change in the present law isto make river pilotage not compulsory.

In the senate Thursday a resolutionto authorize the exchange of the oldblind institute site for a block adjoin-ing the present site of the blind insti-tute, owned by J. H. Albert, was thespecial order, and, after a vote carry-ing the resolution was nearly complet-ed, it was recommended on a statement from Selling that he had justheard something about it that neededinvestigation. ,

The following bills were, passed:To constitute the county court a boardof equalization for coiyity assessment;to extirpate Russian and Chinesethistles; to appropriate $4,000 for thsOregon Historical Society.

In the House.The greater portion of the forenoon

session of the house Thursday wasgiven up to hearing reports of standingcommittees. In addition to this, twobills were passed and eight new billsintroduced.

The bills passed were those by Curtis, amending the salmon-fishin- g lawspassed at the special session so as toconform with the regulations agreedupon by the joint fisheries committee,and by Myers, to apply to the militaryfund of the state all moneys that maybe teceived from the government fortransportation and equipment of theSecond Oregon volunteers.

Other bills passed were: To requirethat all claims against the state otherthan salaries and liabilities establishedby law, be incorporated into separateappropriation acts; to abolish the ex-

pensive practice of copying assessmentrolls for the state and to provide fortransmission to the secretary of statesummaries only; to provide for the reorganization of the state militia; to restore to the military fund of the state$8,897.68 expended in the suppressionof liots by the state militia at Astoriaand Roseburg during 1896; authorizingthe supreme court to employ clericalaid and appropriating $7,200 therefor;to codify the laws relating to negotia-ble instruments; to prohibit false labeling of Oregon productsapplying especially to salmon and Oregon fruits.

Reapportionment Bill Approved.In the Oregon Benate Friday, Sena

tors Smith, of Baker, and Dufur pre-sented explanations of their positionwith referenece to the reapportionmentact, which was approved by the governor while they were speaking. Bothopposed the double districting featureof the law.

The following bills were passed: Toauthorize county courts to permit oon- -etiuction of logging roads along publichighways; to prevent the unauthorizeduse of trademarks.

District Attorney Bill Remitted.In the Oregon house Friday the ju

diciary committee asked to amend thebill by substituting 1900 for 1902,claiming the 'figures were placed inthe bill as the result of a clerical error.

The following bills were passed: Todefine the duties of administration inpayment of claims, and declare the order of propriety of claims; to give farmlaborers a lien upon farm products forlabor perormed; to protect salmon inAlesea bay and streams emptying intoit. and fixing the olose season:

Serious Fighting Be

tween Americansand Insurgents.


Twenty American Soldiers Killed, and175 Wounded Enemy's Iioss Runs

- Into the Thousands News of theBattle Confirmed by General Otis.

Manila, Feb 7. The long-expect-

rupture between the Amerioans and theFilipinos has come at last. The formerare now engaged in solving the Philippine problem with the utmost expedition possible.

'. he clash came at 8:40 yesterdayevening, when three daring Jnlipinosdarted past the Nebraska regiments atSanta Mesa, but retired when challenged. They repeated the experimentwithout drawing the sentries' fire, butat the third time Corporal Gieeleychallenged the Filipinos and then fired.killing one of them and wounding another. Almost immediately afterwardthe Filipinos' line from Caloean to

suit, bmtlto asttv AlTtft.

Santa Mesa commenced a fusiladewhich was ineffectual.

The Nebraska, Montana and NorthDakota outposts replied vigorously , andheld their ground until reinforcementsarrived.

The Filipinos in the meantime concentrated at three points, Caloean,

and Santa Mesa.At about 1 o'clock the Filipinos

opened a hot fire from all three placessimultaneously. This was supplemented by the fire of the two seige guns atBalik-Bali- k and by advancing theirskirmishers from Paoo and Pandacan

The Americans responded with a terrific-- fire, but owing to the darknessthey were unable to determine its effect.

The Dtah light artillery finally succeeded in silencing the native battery.The Third artillery also did eood workon the extreme left. The engagementlasted over an hour.

The Dnited States cruiser Charlestonand the gunboat Concord, stationed offMalabon, opened fire from their secondary batteries on the Filipinos positionat Caloean and kept it up vigorously.

At 2:45 there was another fusiladealong the entire line and the DnitedStates sea-goin- g double-turrete- d moni-tor Monadnock opened fire on the ene-

my from off Malate.With daylight the Amerioans ad

vanced. The California and Washington regiments made a splendid chargeand drove the Filipinos from the worksat Paoo and Santa Mesa. The Nebraskaregiment also distinguished itself, cap-

turing several prisoners and one Howitzer, and a very strong position at thereservoir, which is connected with thewaterworks.

The Kansas and Dakota regimentscompelled the enemy's right flank toretire to Caloean.

There was intermittent firing at various points all day long.

The American losses are estimatedat 20 men killed and 125 wounded.

The Igorotes, armed with bows andarrows, made a determined stand inthe face of a hot artillery fire, and letmany dead on the field.

Several attempts were made in thiscity yesterday evening to assassinateAmerican officers.

Confirmed by Otis.The following dispatch from Gen.

Otis confirms the news of the fighting:'Manila, Feb. 7. To Adjutant-Ge- n

eral, Washington, D. C: Saturdaythe insurgents opened attack on ourouter lines at 8:45, repeated attack several times during the night. At 4o'olook this morning entire foroe wasengaged, and all attacks repulsed; atdaybreak advanced against insurgents,and have driven them beyond linesthey formerly occupied, capturing several villages and their defense works;insurgents' loss in dead and woundedlarge; our own casualties thus far esti-mated at 175, very few fatal."

A dispatch to the London Post says:Many of the insurgents were driveninto the Pasig river and drowned. Sev-eral hundred were taken prisoners.

In a subsequent telegram the following statements are made: Last night'sand today's engagements have provedaveritable slaughter for the Filipinos,their killed being reported as amounting to thousands.

To Crush the Kevolt.Washington, Feb. 7. Instructions

will be sent to Major-Gener- al Otis to-

morrow, directing him to follow up hisVictory over the insurgents and to crushthe power of Aguinaldo in the

- -

Epitome of the TelegraphicNews of the World.


An Interesting Collection of Items Fromthe Two Hemispheres Presented

In a Condensed Form.

Vine buildings covering half a blockin the heart of the businesss portion ofColumbus, O., were destroyed by fire,

The transports, Ohio and Senator,bearing the Twenty-secon- d infantry tothe Philippines have sailed from SanFrancisco.

The second battalion of the Seven-teenth infantry are en route to Manilavia New York. They sailed from thatport on the transport Sherman.

The largest combination of - whiskyand distilling interests yet attemptedbaa been concluded in New York, under the title of the Kentucky Distillers& Warehouse Company.- Negotiations for the consolidation ofthe leading pottery interests bave beenconcluded in New York by the. formation of the Ainer.can pottery companies, with a capitalization of $i0.000,-000- .


A now slide occurred on the Cana-dia-

Pacifio at Rogeis Pass, in the Selkirk range. The railroad roundhouseand other buildings were demolished.Nine persons are known to have beenkilled and two injured.

Con ti acts have been let for the erec-

.tion of a large beet-sug- ar factorv atAnaers. a small town west of Omaha,on the Dnion Pacifio. The men whoare furnishing the money to build thefactory are Boston capitalists. -

The Dnited States transport Grant,which left New York January 19, hav-

ing on board Major-Gener- al Lawton,the Fourth infantry and a battalion ofthe Seventeenth infantry, bound forManila, has arrived at Gibraltar.

Steamer Rhynland, from Liverpool.for Philadelphia, went ashore ' fourmiles north of Penwiok's , island life- -

saving station. A heavy snow-stor- m

. was prevailing at the time. Therewere 42 passengers and a crew of 79 onboard, all of whom weie rescued.. .....

There lias been no' further generalfighting between the partisans of therival chieftains in the Samoan islands,since tiie last advices except that aparty of Mataafa's followers was routedin the bush by Malietoans. It is expected, however, that fighting will beresumed, as Mataafa is arresting persons who have been alreadv fined andreleased. The work of pillage con'tinues, among the houses looted beingVilima, the home of the late RobertLou in Stevenson, the novelist.

Iowa mineworkers are making aneffort to have eight hours declared aday's work.

.native troops ate to be utilized inCuba and Amerioan soldiers graduallywithdrawn.

A syndicate composed of American,Canadian, English and French. capitalists, is making an effort to secure control of all the railroads in Cuba nowbuilding and in operation, and all tobe' constructed hereafter. --


The bishop of Havana has declaredthat Preotestant services cannot be heldover the graves of the Maine victims inColumbus cemetery, as it is consecratedground. Americana were preparing todecorate the graves on the anniversaryof the explosion.

The Central ' Cable Company an-nounces that the Dnited States govern-ment in the Philippines has modifiedthe recent prohibition of telegrams incipher or code. Messages in secret lan-

guage may now be accepted, subject togovernment cnesorshi p.

The senate committee on navalaffair! has decided upon favorable re-

port on the bill providing for addi-tional pay to laborers in navy-yard- s

who worked overtime during the emer-gency of war with Spain. The amountrequired is about $300,000, and about

'6,000 men are involved.

General Otis cables the war depart-ment, giving the number of deaths inhis command since January 7. Thetotal is 19, many of whom .died ofsmallpox. The greater number ofdeaths were of Kansas, Colorado, Cali-fornia and Pennsylvania privates. Inthe 1 ist appear the names of Allen KCarlyle, private, First Washington.January 16, typhoid; Earld A. Jeans,First Washington, January 36, ty-phoid; Wistar Hawthorne, private,Second Oregon, diphtheria.

Cuban General Gomez refuses todisband his army unless paid nearly.$60,000,000. He claims to have 40,000men under arms, for which he askspay for three years' service, at the samerate as given American soldiers. Forhis own services in the past he wants$11,000 a year, the same as paid

lieutenant-genera- l. He hasabout 200 brigadier-generals- , who de-

mand pay at the rate of $5,500 annuallyfor three years past, besides numerousother officers, whose pay aggregates$3,783,000.

Minor News Items.The third regiment, infantry, has

left St. Paul for New York en route tothe Philippines. .

A blizzard has been raging overWyoming. A tecent dispatch says thedeep snow has a hard crust, and therewill be much suffering among stock.

An Iowa syndicate, with $30,000,000capital, has asked congress to grant asubsidy of $16,000 a mile for a railroadand telegraph line to the Yukon, viaCopper river.

Effect of the Outbreak In the Philip,pines Made Apparent Before

' Vote Was Taken.

Washington, Feb. 8. Betore thesenate convened today the leaders onboth sides manifested great anxiety, .

and all seemed to be very much indoubt as to the final result, ratificationor rejection seeming to depend uponseveral doubtful votes. It was knownSaturday that the treaty could muster,but 58 votes. Leaders of the opposi-tion to the treaty were standing as firmas ever.

After the senate went into executivesession it was reported that MoLaurinand McEneiy had come over for thetreaty, giving the necessary two-third- s.

. At the conclusion of the discussionon the subject, Davis moved an execu-tive session, and at 2:15 P. M. the sen-at- o

went into executive session for finalconsideration of the peace treaty.

McEneiy offered a resolution declar-ing that by ratification of the treaty itis not intended to make citizens of theinhabitants of the Philippines nor toannex the islands permanently, but tohold them until the islands are pre-pared for

At 8:05 the bells rung for a vote onthe amendment to the treaty. Theamendment was to make the Philippinearticle of the treaty like that relatingto Cuba. The amendment was defeat-ed, and the vote was then taken on thetreaty. The vote in detail follows:

Yeas Aldrich, Allen, Allison, Baker,Burrows, Butler, Carter, Chandler,Clark, Clay, Cullom, Davis, Deboe,Elkins, Fairbanks, Faulkner, Frye,Gallinger, Gear, Gray, Hanna, Hans-boroug- h,

Harris, Hawley, Jones (Nev-ada), Kenny, Kyle, Lindsay, Lodge,MoBride, MoEnery, McLaurin, McMil-li- n,

Mantle, Mason, Morgan, Nelson,Penrose, Perkins. Pettus, Piatt (Con-necticut). Piatt (New York), Pritehard,Quay, Ross, Sewell, Sboup, Simon,Spooner, Stewart, Sullivan, Teller,Thurston, Warren, Wellington, Wol-cott5- 7.

. '.


Niiys Bacon. Bate. Berry. Cafferr.CiiHtfcn, Ccckrell, Daniel, ML? f."Hale, Heitielt, iioar, Jones (Arkansas),Mai lory, Martin, Mills, Mitchell,Money, Murphy, Pasco, Pettigrew,Rawlins. Roaoh, Smith, Tillman, Tur--

ley, Turner, Vest 27.Absent, paired, Cannon and Wilson

for, with White againat, and Proctorand Wetmore for, with Turpie against.


List of the Killed in the Manila En.gagement.

Manila, Feb. 8. The casualties olSaturday night and Sunday were asfollows: Fourteenth infantry. Cor-

porals B. Soden and Henry F. Thomp-son, Privates Jesse A. Hale, MauriceL. Seeman, Louis Y. Dietz, JamesHarveymight, Charles W. Douglas,Frank H. Issinghausen, Charles A,Seitz, Alphonso Bonner and Peter N.Storment, killed.

Sixth artillery Private W. A. Goodman.

First Idaho Major Ed McConville,Corporal Frank B. Calwerel, PrivateJames Fraaer.

First California Privates J. J. De--war, Tom Bryan and Joseph Maher. .

First Washington Corporal GeorgeW. McGowan, Privates Ralph Sim-mond- s,

George B. Reicbart, FrankSmith, Mattias , Cherry, ShermanHarding, Edward H. Perry, Walter N.Hanson and Arnold H. Moyokel.

First South Dakota Privates Hor--ace J. McCraken, killed; Fred E.Green, killed; William Z. Lewis,killed.

First Montana Corporal Hayes,missing, probably killed; Private JohnSorenson, head wounded, probablyfatal.

First Colorado Ed. White, missing.supposed to be drowned; Elmer F.Doran, killed.

Died ol wounds: Lieutenant JamesW. Mitchell, Fourteenth infantry;Private George W. Ball, First Idaho;Colonel William C. Smith, First Ten-

nessee, died of appoplexy at the headof his command on the firing line.



Two Thousand Dead and 3,500 Wounded at Manila.

Manila, Feb. 8. Careful estimatesplaces the Filipino losses up to date at2,000 dead; 3,500 wounded and 5,000taken prisoners.

The Vakiraa Volunteers.Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 8. A North

Yakima special to the Ledger says:Three of the Yakima boys are amongthe slain at Manila: Matt Cherry isthe son of a well-know- n farmer of Se-la- h

valley. George Reichart is of aGerman family located on Nob Hill,and the third is not known locally. Heprobably was enlisted in Tacoma.Frank Smith was of company I. ofWalla Walla.

Oregon Troops Engaged.Manila, Feb. 8. The Oregon regi

ment participated in a sharp engagement with the insurgents late yesterdayafternoon, but drove the enemy backwithout losing a man.

Drryfus Coming Back.Paris, Feb. 8. A dispatch to the

Patrie, from Cayenne.capital of FrenchGuiana, says that orders have been re.oeived there for the return of Dreyfuato France, with the statement that a,vessel has been Bent to bring him.