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Oreo Brand Analysis

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Page 1: Oreo Brand Analysis


Brand Statement

Oreo’s have been America’s favorite cookie for 100 years. The friendly and fun cookie

is more unique than any other and will continue to be the tastiest and most pleasing cookie on the


Brand Positioning

The Oreo cookie may be some of consumer’s number one choice when it comes to

sweets. I have done some research on your famous Oreo cookie and some of your competitors

and have found some very interesting results as to why your cookie has been this nation’s

hgfavorite. The cookies I compared the Oreo to were Chips Ahoy, Fig Newton, Dunkaroos,

Keebler’s Vienna Fingers, and Girl Scout Cookies. The research I did was to find which cookies

had certain personality traits. Using blogs and forums I observed the different personality words

being described for each cookie. First I will give you some findings on your Oreo cookie and

then I will compare the results to the other competitors. I have provided you with perceptual

maps at the end of this letter to clearly show where certain cookies would be when being

characterized by personality traits. One thing Oreo’s have over all the other competitors is they

are fun cookies to eat. A blog post by raegal is all about “Five Fun Ways to Eat an Oreo

Cookie.” The author describes no matter what kind of person you are there is always a fun way

to eat an Oreo cookie. The author says there is no wrong way to eat an Oreo which is which

makes it that more fun to try new ways. Another blog post I found interesting was by Jack and

Erin which was “What’s Your Favorite Cookie Say About You?” This post says people who eat

Oreo’s are the center of attention telling people funny stories at parties. The person who

everyone is usually getting all the attention is a friendly person who everyone likes, which makes

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the Oreo a friendly cookie as well. Other ways I characterize Oreo’s in my perceptual maps are

trendy, casual, and silly. Oreo can be described as silly because like raegal said there is no

wrong way to eat one. A serious cookie on the other hand would be something like the Fig

Newton. The post by Jack and Erin said Fig Newton eaters are quite, reserved, and mature. Just

by looking at that one sentence you would know Fig Newton’s are a serious cookie. Oreo’s are

trendy because they are known as America’s favorite cookie. Unlike Oreo’s, Girl Scout Cookies

are unfashionable. They only come around once a year and even though they are still popular

Oreo still wins the favorite cookie award. A thread I found about Girl Scout Cookies goes on

and on about how amazing Girl Scout cookies are and how many boxes people order. This

proves that they are not as trendy as Oreo’s because you can only get them at a certain time of

the year. The people in the thread all say what their favorite Girl Scout cookies are, how many

they bought, and how long they will last. The Girl Scout Cookie boxes themselves are

unfashionable as well. There is nothing on the box that makes the consumer want more of them.

Oreo’s on the other hand always have some kind of creative packaging and something fun on

them such as different ways to eat an Oreo. Something I found very special about Oreo’s is there

is no specific age group that eats them more than others. Consumers of all ages like this cookie,

however some of your competitors don’t have it this easy. Dunkaroos for example is a

children’s cookie. I found a blog post about Dunkaroos saying they are the greatest after school

treat ever. On the opposite side of the spectrum you have the Fig Newton which is primarily a

more mature adult like cookie. Last I want to compare Oreo’s to Chips Ahoy. Chips Ahoy is for

the most part a regular cookie that has nothing really special to it. In the post about what your

favorite cookie says about you, it refers to chocolate chips cookie eaters as American as apple

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pie. Oreos on the other hand are much different. Oreo’s have a way of style and can bring

excitement to the table instead of an ordinary cookie.


A recommendation I have for you is keep Oreo’s as exciting as possible. They are

America’s number one cookie for a reason because they are fun, exciting, and trendy. Some

things I would take from this letter and my maps are keep coming up with new creative ideas for

the Oreo. Within the past few years you have some up with some very creative forms of Oreo’s

such as double stuffed, Oreo cakes, mint Oreos, backwards Oreo’s, and many more. It is

important to keep up with these types of changes because it gives consumers a reason to buy

their favorite cookie even more. Having a different variety of Oreo’s gives the consumer a

reason to stay away from the competitors and still try something new.

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R ef e ren ces

# 7 9 du nk a ro os a r e t h e g r ea t e s t a f t e r s ch oo l t r e a t ev e r . (20 1 1 , J an u a r y 5 ) .

R e t r i ev ed f r om h t tp : / / t h i n gs9 0s k i ds r ea l i z e . com /2 01 1 / 01 /0 5 / 79 -

d u nk a ro os - a r e - th e -g r ea t e s t - a f t e r - s ch oo l - t r ea t -ev e r /

G i bso n , D . ( 20 1 1 , Feb r u a r y 1 6 ) . Li l wa yn e c r u mb le s o r eo ' s ho p e f o r wo r l d

r eco rd [ Web lo g mes s age] . R e t r i ev ed f r om

h t t p : / / w w w. b l ack web 2 0 . co m/2 01 1 / 02 /1 6 / l i l - w ayn e - c r u mbl e s - o r eo s -

h o pe - f o r - wo r l d - reco r d /

J ack & Er in , ( 2 00 9 , O c t ob e r 5 ) . Wh at ' s yo u r f avo r i t e co ok i e s ay ab o u t yo u .

R e t r i ev ed f r om

h t t p : / / sh in e fm af t e rn o ons .b lo gs po t . com /2 00 9 /1 0 / wh a t s - yo u r - f avo r i t e -

co ok i e - s ay- ab o u t . h t ml

R ae r a l , . ( 20 11 , J anu a r y 1 4 ) . F i v e f un w a ys t o e a t an o r eo coo k i e .

R e t r i ev ed f r om h t tp : / / w w w. go ur m et - co o k i e -

b o uq ue t s . com /d es i gn /2 01 1 / 01 / 14 / f iv e - fu n - wa ys - t o - ea t - an -o r eo -

co ok i e /

R ead e r M, ( 20 11 , Feb r u ar y 1 1 ) . Gi r l s co u t co ok i e s . R e t r i ev ed f ro m

h t t p : / / f oo tb a l lp ro s . co m/s ho wt h r ead .p hp /2 87 9 -G i r l -S co u t -C oo k i es