ANNALES HISTORICO-NATURALES MUSEI NA7 IONALIS HUNGARICI Tomus 75. Budapest, 1983 p. 327-338. Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari), IV. by S. MAHUNKA, Budapest Abstract The description of 6 new species from Tanzania and some new data to little-known species from this region are presented. Species of the genus Oxyoppia BALOGH et MAHUNKA, 1969 are studied and one new genus (Separatoppia gen. n.) is erected. With 33 figures. Continuing the exploration of the Oribatid fauna of the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region, I present herewith the occurrence of 9 species, among them 6 new to science, from the soil samples collected by DR. T. PÓCS in Tanzania. — For some species it was necessary to give complementary diagnosis or figures, and on account of the systematical problems encointered, I revised the genus Oxyoppia BALOGH et MAHUNKA, 1969 with all its species. In connection with it, I also erected a new genus (Separatoppia gen. n.). List o f l o c a l i t i e s Afr. 175. Tanzania, Mts. Uluguru, 2100 m, 1 January 1980, leg. T. Pócs. — Berlese sample from litter with humus from stones. Afr. 178. Tanzania, Mts. Kilimandjaro, 2850 m, 19 September 1972. leg. T. Pócs. — Berlese sample from Sphagnum of Erica arborea wood, near Umbwe. Afr. 181. Tanzania, Mts. Uluguru, Mnyera peak, 211 m. 1 January 1973, leg. T. Pócs. — Berlese sample from dwarr forest, from epiphytic moss. Hermannia sculpturata sp. n. (Figs 1-2) Measurements — Length 486-564 u.m, width 212-277 u,m. Dorsal side (Fig. 1): Rostral and lamellar setae originating on small tubercles, both pairs laterally equal in length, all setiform. Prodorsal surface with chitinous laths ornamented, laterally small tubercles too. Interlamellar setae slightly dilated, phylliform. Sensillus long, bacilli- form, its distal end barbed. In the interbothridial region two large field framed by chitinous lath strongly punctulated. Notogaster with irregular polygonal sculpturation consisting of foveolae of various length. Sixteen pairs of short but phylliform notogastral setae, all squamosely barbed (Fig. 1). Setae in the posteromarginal position much smaller than other setae of notogaster. Ventral side (Fig. 2.): Epimeral setal formula: 3-1-3-5. Apodemes thin, ap. and ap. 2 curved 2. and 3. epimeres not connected medially epimeres 4 fused, on surface of epimeres, on apodemes a line of tubercles in opposite position present. Nine pairs of genital setae of various length, among them g 9 nearly as long as g 7 . Two pairs of minute aggenital setae arising in paragenit 1 posi- tion. Around genital opening fine rugae present. Two pairs of anal and three pairs of adanal setae, latter ones in paraanal position present. All thin, simple and short. Material examined: Holotype (765-HO-82): Afr. 175; 12 paratypes from the same sample. Holotype and 10 paratypes (765-PO-82) are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, 2 paratypes in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève. Remarks — The new species is well characterised by the sculpture of notogaster, by the ornamentation of epimeres and by the two pairs of aggenital setae. This combination of features had been unkown among other species of the genus Hermannia known so far. Uluguroides trichosus MAHUNKA, 1983a (Fig. 16) — The original figures were published without the characteristic ornamentation of the notogaster. I rectify this omission now (Fig. 16). Oxyoppia BALOGH et MAHUNKA, 1969 The genus Oxyoppia BALOGH et MAHUNKA, 1969 was based on the type species of Oppia spinosa HAMMER, 1958, and assigned to this new taxon also O. saskai BALOGH, 1961 and O.

Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

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Page 1: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

ANNALES HISTORICO-NATURALES MUSEI N A 7 IONALIS H U N G A R I C I Tomus 75. Budapest, 1983 p. 327-338.

Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari), I V .

by S. M A H U N K A , Budapest

Abstract — The description o f 6 new species f rom Tanzania and some new data to l i t t le-known species f rom this region are presented. Species o f the genus Oxyoppia B A L O G H et M A H U N K A , 1969 are studied and one new genus (Separatoppia gen. n.) is erected. W i t h 33 figures.

C o n t i n u i n g the e x p l o r a t i o n o f the O r i b a t i d fauna o f the eastern pa r t o f the E t h i o p i a n

R e g i o n , I present h e r e w i t h the occurrence o f 9 species, a m o n g t h e m 6 new to science, f r o m

the so i l samples col lected b y D R . T . P Ó C S i n Tanzania . — F o r some species i t was necessary

to give complemen ta ry diagnosis o r figures, and o n account o f the systematical p rob lems

encoin tered , I revised the genus Oxyoppia B A L O G H et M A H U N K A , 1969 w i t h a l l its species.

I n connec t ion w i t h i t , I also erected a new genus (Separatoppia gen. n . ) .

L i s t o f l o c a l i t i e s

Afr . 175. Tanzania, Mts . U luguru , 2100 m , 1 January 1980, leg. T . P ó c s . — Berlese sample f rom litter wi th humus f rom stones.

Afr . 178. Tanzania, Mts . Kil imandjaro, 2850 m , 19 September 1972. leg. T . P ó c s . — Berlese sample f rom Sphagnum of Erica arborea wood, near Umbwe.

Afr . 181. Tanzania, Mts . U luguru , Mnyera peak, 211 m . 1 January 1973, leg. T . P ó c s . — Berlese sample from dwarr forest, from epiphytic moss.

Hermannia sculpturata sp. n . (Figs 1-2)

M e a s u r e m e n t s — Length 486-564 u.m, width 212-277 u,m. D o r s a l s i d e (Fig. 1): Rostral and lamellar setae originating on small tubercles, both

pairs laterally equal in length, all setiform. Prodorsal surface wi th chitinous laths ornamented, laterally small tubercles too. Interlamellar setae slightly dilated, phyl l i form. Sensillus long, bacil l i -form, its distal end barbed. I n the interbothridial region two large field framed by chitinous lath strongly punctulated. Notogaster wi th irregular polygonal sculpturation consisting o f foveolae o f various length. Sixteen pairs o f short but phyl l i form notogastral setae, all squamosely barbed (Fig. 1). Setae i n the posteromarginal position much smaller than other setae o f notogaster.

V e n t r a l s i d e (Fig. 2.): Epimeral setal formula: 3-1-3-5. Apodemes th in , ap. and ap. 2 curved 2. and 3. epimeres not connected medially epimeres 4 fused, on surface o f epimeres, on apodemes a line o f tubercles in opposite position present. Nine pairs o f genital setae o f various length, among them g9 nearly as long as g7. Two pairs o f minute aggenital setae arising in paragenit 1 posi­t ion. A r o u n d genital opening fine rugae present. Two pairs o f anal and three pairs o f adanal setae, latter ones in paraanal posit ion present. A l l th in , simple and short.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Holotype (765-HO-82): A f r . 175; 12 paratypes f rom the same sample. Holotype and 10 paratypes (765-PO-82) are deposited in the Hungarian Natura l History Museum, Budapest, 2 paratypes in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève .

R e m a r k s — T h e n e w species is w e l l characterised by the sculpture o f notogaster ,

by the o r n a m e n t a t i o n o f epimeres and by the t w o pairs o f aggeni ta l setae. T h i s c o m b i n a t i o n

o f features h a d been u n k o w n a m o n g o the r species o f the genus Hermannia k n o w n so far .

Uluguroides trichosus M A H U N K A , 1983a (Fig. 16) — The original figures were published without the characteristic ornamentation of the notogaster. I rectify this omission now (Fig. 16).

O x y o p p i a B A L O G H et M A H U N K A , 1969

T h e genus Oxyoppia B A L O G H et M A H U N K A , 1969 was based o n the type species o f Oppia

spinosa H A M M E R , 1958, a n d assigned to this new t a x o n also O. saskai B A L O G H , 1961 and O.

Page 2: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

scalifera H A M M E R , 1 9 5 8 as new c o m b i n a t i o n s . L a t e r they themselves described t w o new spe­cies ( 0 . mastax B A L O G H et M A H U N K A , 1 9 7 7 a n d O. cubana B A L O G H et M A H U N K A , 1 9 8 0 ) ,

b o t h f r o m S o u t h A m e r i c a . M A H U N K A ( 1 9 8 3 ) pub l i shed a new species f r o m E u r o p e , t o o . T h e f a m i l y Opp i idae was recent ly revised by B A L O G H ( 1 9 8 3 ) , and accord ing t o his concept the genus Oxyoppia belongs t o the subfami ly Opp ie l l i nae .

I n the present ma te r i a l I have f o u n d three species, w h i c h were c o m p a r e d w i t h the o ther Oxyoppia species k n o w n so far. T w o o r three groups can be d is t inguished, a l l very near to each o the r , however a m o n g t h e m I observe essential differences as f o l l o w s : 1 . n u m b e r o f geni ta l setae, 2 . setae ta present or absent, 3 . s i t u a t i o n the iad p o r i , 4 . shape o f costulae a n d o r others p r o d o r s a l c h i t i n i z a t i o n .

T h e type species is characterised by the f o l l o w i n g features: 6 pairs o f geni ta l setae, ta present, iad p o r i o r i g i n a t i n g d is tan t f r o m ana l open ing i n s l ight ly opposi te p o s i t i o n , cos­tulae no t connected w i t h t rans la th . T h e o ther t w o species, described f r o m S o u t h A m e r i c a , have on ly five pairs o f geni ta l setae and other type o f sensillus. T h e o n l y E u r o p e a n species stands close t o the type species.

I n the n e w l y observed m a t e r i a l I have f o u n d a species, w h i c h is r ead i ly referrable t o Oppia africana E V A N S , 1 9 5 3 , bu t , o n the o ther h a n d , stands very near t o O. bituberculata B A L O G H , 1 9 5 8 . T o solve this p r o b l e m I was compe l l ed t o examine and redescribe some speci­es. A s a result o f this I have erected a new genus, Separatoppia gen. n . based o n O. africana, a n d I described a new species, Oxyoppia struthio sp. n . F u r t h e r examina t ions are necessary t o establish the exact systematical p o s i t i o n o f a l l the Sou th A m e r i c a n species.

Oxyoppia bituberculata BALOGH, 1 9 5 8 — The figures (Figs 3 - 5 ) are based on a paratype. Oxyoppia saskai BALOGH, 1 9 6 1 — The figures (Figs 6 - 7 ) based on the holotype.

Figs 1-2. Hermannia sculpturata sp. n . : 1 = dorsal side, 2 = ventral side

Page 3: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

O x y o p p i a s t ru th io sp. n . (F igs 8 -11)

M e a s u r e m e n t s — Lengths 220-229 u,m, width 114-119 ptm.

D o r s a l s i d e (Fig . 8) : Rostrum widely rounded. Rostral setae finely ciliate, longer than the other simple and smooth prodorsal setae. Costulae weakly developed, their margin strongly indented,, connected by a transverse lath. A pair o f robust lateral chitinous lath laterally and one pair tubercles-in the interbothridial region. There are two pairs o f large spots. Lateral part o f prodorsal (Fig. 10) granulated. Sensillus (Fig. 11) wi th an asymmetric fusiform head, on it 5-7 strong branches. Anter ior margin o f notogaster w i th the typical tubereles laterally, close to origination o f the short but ciliated ta. Altogether ten pairs o f short, but slightly incrassately obtuse and ciliate setae.

V e n t r a l s i d e (Fig. 9) : Apodemes well developed, bordures broad. Epimeral surface wi th large spots and foveolae. Six pairs o f genital setae present, adanal setae originating in typical posi­t ion : adz far from anal opening.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d — Holotype (766-HO-82) : A f r . 175 ; 5 paratypes : f rom the same sample. — Holotype and 4 paratypes (766-PO-82) are deposited in the Hungarian Natural H i s t o r y Museum, Budapest, 1 paratype i n the Museum d 'His tor ié Naturelle, Genève .

Figs 3-5. Oxyoppia bituberculata B A L O G H , 1958: 3 = dorsal side, 4 = ventral side, 5 = sensillus

Page 4: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

R e m a r k s — The new species stands very near t o Oxyoppia bituberculata BALOGH, 1958, however , i n the la t te r species the p rodo r sa l costulae r u n m u c h far ther f r o m each other a n d the sensillus has m u c h m o r e spines t h a n i n the new one.

Separatoppia gen. n . D i a g n o s i s — Family Oppiidae. Ros t rum rounded, rostral setae arising on the dorsal sur­

face o f prodorsum. Costula well developed, lamellar setae originating on a separate tubercles before the costula. A pair o f short interlamellar setae present. Sensillus long, asymmetric-fusiform, unilate­rally spinosa. Short crista present, setae ta absent. Nine pairs o f setiform notogastral setae present. Apodemes normally developed. Six pairs o f genital setae present. Setae ad1 postanal, ads preanal,

>pori lad paraanal position. T y p e - s p e c i e s : Oppia africana EVANS, 1 9 5 3 .

R e m a r k s — T h e new genus stands near to Oxyoppia, however , the l a t t e r is w i t h 10 pairs o f no togas t ra l setae (ta present) , and the p rodo r sa l ch i t in la ths are m u c h stronger than i n the species o f the genus Oxyoppia.

Separatoppia africana (EVANS, 1 9 5 3 ) (Figs 1 2 - 1 5 )

M e a s u r e m e n t s — Length 2 0 9 - 2 2 6 [xm, wid th 1 0 6 - 1 2 3 u.m. D o r s a l s i d e (Fig. 12 ) : AU prodorsal setae th in , simple, setiform; rostral setae much longer

Jhan the other ones. Costulae connected wi th the similar transline, in front o f them the prodorsal

Figs 6-7. Oxyoppia saskai BALOGH, 1961: 6 = dorsal side, 7 = ventral side

Page 5: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

Figs 8-11. Oxyoppia struthio sp. n . : 8 = dorsal side, 9 = ventral side, 10 = prodorsum f r o m lateral side, 11 = sensillus

Page 6: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

surface excavate (Fig. 1 4 ) . Laterally on pair o f 0-shaped chitinous formation, their inner parts wi th great spots. In the interbothridial region a pair o f strong teeth, directed to the dorsosejugal line and between them 2 pairs o f lighter spots. Sensillus (Fig. 1 5 ) fusiform, unilaterally spinose. Crista short, combined wi th a small tubercles on the dorsosejugal suture. Notogaster wi th 9 pairs o f simp­le, roughened setae, setae ta reduced, only by their alveoli present.

V e n t r a l s i d e (Fig. 1 3 ) : M e n t u m wi th unpaired spots in median line. Apodomes weakly developed, without sternal ones. Sejugal apodemes wi th strong chitinisation laterally. Surface o f epimeres wi th secretion. Epimeral setal formula : 3 - 1 - 3 - 3 , e p i m e r a l setae diversein length. Six pairs o f comparatively long genital, one pair o f aggenital setae. Latter two originating far from each other much farther than setae ad3 situated in preanal position.

Local i ty: A f r . 1 7 5 : 8 Ex.

R e m a r k s — O n g r o u n d o f the generic diagnosis the new t a x o n stands far f r o m a l l

o the r congeners.

Teratoppia ciliata W A L L W O R K , 1 9 6 1

N o figure o f the lateral part o f prodorsum was given in the original description. On the basis o f the present material this deficiency is remedied here (Fig. 1 7 ) . I have not found any difference between the West and Est-African specimens.

Eupelops pocsi sp. n . (F igs 1 8 - 2 0 )

M e a s u r e m e n t s — Length 5 7 9 - 7 0 5 u.m, wid th 4 1 6 - 4 5 7 urn.

D o r s a l s i d e (Fig. 1 8 ) : Ros t rum elongated, w i t h slightly rounded simple apex. Rostral setae originating laterally near to apex o f large tectum. Lamellae wi th foveolae ornamented, cuspis long, sharp. Lamellar setae thinner than rostral ones (Fig. 2 0 ) . Interlamellar setae very wide, leaf-shaped wi th short ciliae regularly in two longitudinal rows. Sensillus short, its head clavate, barbed. Anter ior part o f notogaster wi th two hollows, middle part straight anteriorly. Pteromorpha large. Ten pairs o f spatulathe, thick notogastral setae. Their distal half barbed.

V e n t r a l s i d e (Fig. 1 9 ) : Pedotecta 1 large, outer margin rounded, their surface smooth. Midd le part o f epimeral region with spots ornaments. Epimeral setae thin, simple. Six pairs o f genital, one pair o f aggenital and two pairs o f anal setae thin, simple, among the adanal setae, adt and ad2

slightly dilated, ad3 t h in . A l l legs tridactylous. M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d — Holotype ( 7 6 7 - H O - 8 2 ) : A f r . 1 8 1 ; 2 paratypes f rom the same

sample. Holotype and one paratype ( 7 6 7 - P O - 8 2 ) are deposited in the Hungarian Natura l History Museum, Budapest, 1 paratype in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève .

R e m a r k s — T h e new species is w e l l character ised by the shor t , clavate sensillus

and the d i l a ted no togas t ra l setae. O n th is g r o u n d the n e w species is closely related to Eupelops

foveolatus E N G E L B R E C H T , 1 9 7 5 f r o m S o u t h A f r i c a . H o w e v e r , the lat ter species has a n ano ther

no togas t ra l scu lp ture , m u c h th inne r a n d c i l ia ted no togas t r a l setae.

Galumnopsis clavata sp. n . (F igs 2 1 - 2 3 )

M e a s u r e m e n t s — Length 2 4 2 - 3 6 3 f im, wid th 1 2 4 - 1 6 6 \LVCI.

D o r s a l s i d e (Fig. 2 1 ) : Rostral apex sharply pointed. Rostral setae long, much longer than other two pairs o f prodorsal setae (Fig. 2 3 ) . Sensillus gradually thickened, club-shaped, smooth. Body surface wi th very small foveolae latter sometimes hardly visible. Notogaster wi th three pairs o f areae porosae, but only anterior pairs well recognisable. They are much larger than the posterior two pairs. Ten pairs o f small alveoli present.

V e n t r a l s i d e (Fig. 2 2 ) : Apodemes weakly developed. Epimeres wi th large spots. Only few pairs o f epimeral setae discernible, all short. Anal and adanal setae minute. lad po r i in praeanal position, before setae ad3. Setae adi and adz in postanal position.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d — Holotype ( 7 6 8 - H O - 8 2 ) : Af r . 1 7 8 ; 4 paratypes f rom the same sample. Holotype and 3 paratypes f rom the same sample. Holotype and 3 paratypes ( 7 6 8 - P O - 8 2 ) are deposited in the Hungarian Natura l History Museum, Budapest, 1 paratype i n the Museum d 'His­toire Naturelle, G e n è v e .

Page 7: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

Figs. 12-15. Separatoppia africana ( E V A N S , 1953): 12 = dorsal side, 13 = ventral side, 14 = prodor-sum from lateral side, 15 = sensillus and lamella

Page 8: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

R e m a r k s — T h e new species stands very near t o Galumnopsis sellnkki B A L O G H T

1960, however , the surface o f the la t te r is s m o o t h , i ts sensillus longer and first o f a l l , t h e

distance be tween the iad p o r i and the geni ta l o r ana l open ing is equa l , whereas i n the new

species th is distance is different , p o r i iad be ing s i tuated m u c h nearer to anal o p e n i n g t h a n

to the geni ta l ones.

Pi l iz i tes csoengeyi sp. n . (F igs 2 4 - 2 8 )

M e a s u r e m e n t s — Length 636-717 u.m, wid th 410-422 u,m.

D o r s a l s i d e (Fig. 24) : Prodorsal setae, interlamellar one very short and slightly thickened. Sensillus short, its head clavate, distinctly barbed o n its outer margin. Prodorsal surface weakly, notogaster strongly and pteromorphae very strongly punctulated, latter as i f pock-marked, except for latter ornamentation not striking. Ten pairs o f short but stick-shaped notogastral setae.

V e n t r a l s i d e (Fig. 25) : Ventral surface wi th different types o f foveolae ornamented here and there. O n mentum (Fig. 27) foveolae touching, on epimeres and in anogenital region situated farther f rom each other, the latter ones much larger than former ones (Fig. 28). Anterior margin o f genital plates waved, genital setae different in length, anterior three pairs much longer than others. Ana l and adanal setae short and simple, adz standing far f rom anal plates in paraanal position.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d — Holotype (769-HO-82): Af r . 178; 10 paratypes f rom the same sample. Holotype and 8 paratypes (769-PO-82) are deposited in the Hungarian Natural His tory Muse­um, Budapest, 2 paratypes in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève .

Fig. 16. Uluguroides trichosus M A H U N K A , 1983: dorsal side. — Fig. 17. Teratoppia ciliata W A L L W O R K , 1961 : prodorsum from lateral side

Page 9: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

Figs 18-20. Eupelops pocsi sp. n. : 18 = dorsal side, 19 = ventral side, 20 = prodorsum from lateral! side

Page 10: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

R e m a r k s — T h e new species is w e l l characterised by the very different o rnamen ta ­t i o n o f i ts b o d y . O n this g r o u n d i t is sat isfactori ly di f ferent ia ted f r o m a l l o f i ts a l l ied species.

I . dedicate the new species to my friend M R . K . CSÖNGEY (Budapest).

Taeniogalumna tanzanica sp. n . ( F i g 2 9 - 3 3 )

M e a s u r e m e n t s — Length 276-303 [xm, wid th 136-141 fzm. H a b i t u s : Body from lateral view (Fig. 31) very high, nearly hemispheric in shaped. D o r s a l s i d e (Fig. 29): Rost rum triangular, but its apex slightly rounded. A l l prodorsaf

setae reduced, represented by their minute alveoli. Sensillus (Fig. 32) setiform, smooth. Pteromorphae wi th radiate irregularly branched ornamentation. Notogaster smooth, wi th three pairs o f areae poro­sáé (Aa much larger than other two pairs) and ten pairs o f alveoli.

V e n t r a l s i d e (Fig. 30): Apodemes weakly developed, epimeral surface smooth. Typical transversal band before genital opening well visible medially, but disappearing laterally. Epimeral setae represented only by minute alveoli. Genital plates (Fig. 33) w i t h a longitudinal line and six pairs o f alveoli. A n a l and adanal setae also reduced.

iFigs 21-23. Galumnopsis clavatasp. n . : 21 = dorsal side, 22 = ventral side, 23 - prodorsum from lateral side

Page 11: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d — Holotype (770-HO-82): Af r . 178: 4 paratypes from the same sample. Holotype and 3 paratypes (770-HO-82) are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History M u ­seum, Budapest, 1 paratype in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève .

R e m a r k s — U p t o n o w the genus Taeniog alumna h ad been k n o w n o n l y f r o m its type

species (T. sphaerula B A L O G H , 1961). T h i s new species is d is t inguished f r o m the la t te r by

the s m o o t h and se t i fo rm sensillus a n d by the shorter and weakl ie r developed transversal

b a n d before the geni ta l open ing .


B A L O G H , J . (1960): Oribates (Acari) nouveaux d'Angola et du Congo Belge ( 2 i m i - série). — Publ. cult. Co. Diam. Ang. Lisboa, 5 1 : 13-40.

B A L O G H , J . (1961): The scientific results o f the First Hungarian Zoological Expedition to East A f r i ­ca 4. Acarina: Oribatei. — Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nat. hung.. 5 3 : 517-524.

Figs 24-28. Pilizetes csoengeyi sp. n . : 24 = dorsal side, 25 = ventral side, 26 = prodorsum from lateral side, 27 = mentum, 28 = genital plate

Page 12: Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari ...publication.nhmus.hu/pdf/annHNHM/Annals_HNHM_1983_Vol_75...Oxyoppia bituberculat BALOGHa 195, —8 The figures (Fig

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M A H U N K A , S. (1983a): Oribatids f rom the eastern part o f the Ethiopian Region (Acari) . I I . — Acta zool. hung., 2 9 (1-2) :

M A H U N K A , S. (1983b) : Oribatids f rom the eastern part o f the Ethiopian Region (Acari) . I I I . — Acta zool. hung., 2 9 (3-4) : - .

Author's address : D R . SÁNDOR M A H U N K A Zoological Department Hungarian Natural History Museum Budapest, Baross utca 13 H - 1 0 8 8

Figs 29-33. Taeniogalumna tanzanica sp. n . : 29 — dorsal side, 30 = ventral side, 31 = habitus, 32 — prodorsum f rom lateral side, 33 = genital plate