The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line Origin Connections PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Six Steps to Living in the Moment MARCH HOROSCOPES RELATIONSHIP ADVICE The Healing Power of Anger Psychic Booking Lines UK 0808 120 9695 USA 1800 963 0094 AUS 1800 333 007

Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - March 2012

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Insightful and Fun Monthly Magazine for spiritual and personal growth. Monthly Horoscopes, healing through anger, how to protect yourself from negative energy

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The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line


PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTSix Steps to Living in the Moment


RELATIONSHIP ADVICEThe Healing Power of Anger

Psychic Booking Lines

UK 0808 120 9695USA 1800 963 0094AUS 1800 333 007

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March - And St Patrick’s Day is looming! Whilst we haven’t directly focused on himself in this edition of Connections, my wandering mind couldn’t help but think a little about the phenomenon which is St Patrick’s Day, across the western world.

The reality of the Diaspora has resulted in parades, green beer, and joyful Irish music being found in far flung regions of the world on March 17th. This isn’t just peculiar to St Patrick’s Day. We human beings love to belong, to identify with our roots, our culture, our music and our language, even if we no longer live (nor perhaps ever have lived) in the place with which we identify.

Our need to belong is, I believe, an expression of our interconnectedness. We feel a sense of knowing almost ‘in our bones’ about who we are and where we belong. We recognize places we’ve never visited before, as if the footsteps of a past life guide us with a knowledge which defies rational thought.

In our contemporary world, we travel faster than ever before, and we communicate with others on different continents - we develop friendships with people we perhaps may never actually meet in the flesh. Yet the irony is that for all our science and technology, it’s the old ways which help us to feel secure, which guide us to a more confident sense of who we are and what will bring us happiness. The aching melody of an old folk song, the inexplicable emotion we experience in a beautiful landscape - the language of our identity is something which we simply know. We just need to learn to listen for it. Don’t worry - you’ll recognize it - it’s unmistakable.




The aching melody of an old folk song,

the inexplicable emotion we

experience in a beautiful

landscape - the language

of our identity is something which simply

know. We just need to learn to listen for it

- you’ll recognize it -

it’s unmistakable.

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The Healing Power of Angerby Lynne Leslie

Origin PsychicSpringtime has arrived, and brings with it the burst of active energy which sees plants start to grow after being dormant for the winter. This creative growth energy affects us all in different ways - for some it is the time to spring-clean the house from top to bottom, for others it brings a feeling of frustration and the need for change.

This rising of spring energy can also bring emotional issues to the surface for expression and healing in the form of anger.

Anger is often seen as a negative energy - I prefer to see it as an gift and an opportunity for transformation and healing - as it brings to the surface something that requires our attention. Changing our perspective on anger can be a truly empowering experience, converting a situation where we feel disempowered into one where we can take steps to improve our life.

Being angry is an emotional energy reaction which can be showing us that perhaps somewhere within there is

an old belief which no longer serves us - for example - a comment by someone may bring up our belief that someone else has all the power over our life - and the anger that rises up says to us that this needs to change. Or perhaps there is an old hurt within us which we have carried for a long time and which needs to be healed, and the parties involved forgiven so that the anger energy can be released.

The key to turning anger into empowerment is in understanding what the underlying issue is. Perhaps someone has overstepped your personal boundaries, and it has brought up the anger you hold from all the times you allowed this to happen in the past, of times you were unable to stand in your own power, anger which may have festered over a long period - sometimes since childhood.

Perhaps there is the need to look at communicating these boundaries more clearly, understanding that it is acceptable to express these boundaries. This can take a little practice, so we need to be gentle with ourselves and celebrate all the small steps we can take along this path, as long-suppressed anger can be a scary monster to face - which we fear could erupt in a big explosion if we don’t keep it well stuffed down. The good news is that when we do turn to face it, and release it in a positive way, we clear energy blocks which have been


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preventing us from being our best possible selves. It takes a lot of energy to keep anger down, and once it is released it frees up the flow of energy to allow us to move on in our lives.

The object of our anger may be an innocent party in the experience, acting purely as a catalyst for this expression of energy - for example they have said something in the passing which was a reminder of an argument with our ex. Or it may be a mutually healing experience, with the other person releasing their anger energy towards you because they know they can do so safely. They are unconsciously working out their stuff with us, and knowing this can help transform our anger at them into forgiveness and compassion. In this way we help our own healing and theirs. So as soon as we find ourselves becoming angry about an exchange, a situation, whatever it might be, we can choose to take a few seconds to think and feel what it is all about, and make a conscious choice as to how we react - and this is the start of our healing process.

Opposite is an exercise which I have found helps let go of anger. It is amazing how quickly this works to heal relationships - whether healing means letting go so that you can move on in your life, or just arriving at a compassionate understanding of where you both are at, forgiving past actions, and understanding the circumstances from both points of view - allowing you to move on emotionally.

If you would like to try this exercise, set aside some time when you won’t be disturbed, make sure your phone is switched off and that you are comfortable and warm, and perhaps light a candle - and while lighting it ask that this candle be dedicated to your own healing. Some soothing music might a l s o h e l p c r e a t e a r e l a x i n g environment.Expect relationships to start to change for the better after doing this exercise. It releases old energy connections, and allows us to create new, positive and empowering ones.

Healing Practice - Releasing


With your eyes closed, imagine you are surrounded by a circle of light, and directly in front of you, also surrounded

in light, is the person you have anger issues with.

Try to sense if there are any energy connections between you, this might feel like a rope, or you may have a vision in

your mind’s eye of a tube, or even a large branch - it’s not important what form it takes. Then imagine cutting this cord

at the point where it is connected to your body, and also cut it where it connects to the other party, and allow it to dissolve

into a cloud of positive pink energy. If you prefer to work with earth energies, then you might prefer to see it burn in a healing


Placing your hand over the area on your body where you have cut the cord, imagine sending healing energy and seeing the “wound”

healing. whatever you need to, to the other party, and allow them to do likewise. You might be surprised to hear what comes back. Then,

with love, release them into the universe and see them float away. Then do the same with your partner. You may need to do this several times if

you sense more than one cord. Once you feel the process is complete, take the time to say whatever you need to, to the other party, and allow

them to do likewise. You might be surprised to hear what comes back. Then, with love, release them into the universe and see them float away.

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Tarot Card of the Month for March - TemperanceB y C a t h y C o xI remember when I was first becoming acquainted with the Tarot, having some very strong emotional responses to certain cards. This of course is one of the most useful techniques in learning to relate to the Tarot - to be able to discern what’s going on within oneself. The Temperance card was one such card I had some difficulty with - most of the books I read told me it was a message about PATIENCE. And it was usually the last thing I wanted to be told I needed to find!

Yes, Temperance can be a message about having patience, but it is oh SO much more than that! It is one of the most soothing and beautiful messages from the Tarot, and inherent in it’s imagery is potent advice about how to effectively manage, and bring about, change in our lives.

You add water to something to dilute it, to make it less potent, perhaps less strident and harsh. This is the technique many of us miss when we want to change something. We want our lives to be different NOW. But change is rarely easy or simple. The Temperance card guides us just now to take our time with what needs changing, perhaps even to give ourselves time, and a chance to let the processes of the universe work their magic. Things will ebb and flow - let them. Gently begin to bring more and more of what you seek into your life - before long it will become a potent force, powerful enough to overcome the old patterns, the things we would like to see subside. This is true of anything - our diet, our relationships, our finances, our creative projects.

But there’s another message here too. I regularly use a number of different Tarot decks, and in my current

favourite, the Temperance card is call ‘The Couldron’. This message speaks of the alchemy which can take place in our lives when we allow the time and space for change to take place. The universe operates on alchemical processes - everything and everyone is connected, and our connections allow an infinite number of possibilities to flow between and among us. Given time, the message of Temperance, new, positive, dynamic and creative energies can build up, and in compounding, they create a spontaneous change in our lives, almost imperceptibly!

So the next time you receive a message to give a process some time, try to resist the urge to become frustrated. Take a really deep breath, and let go of your perfectly understandable anxiety. Change can happen seemingly suddenly - it doesn’t actually take long in ‘real time’. Let change happen in a gentle way - drop by drop. You’ll hardly notice it happening. And before you know it, the gentle persistence of the Temperance card will have done the hard work of change for you.


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The Art of MINDFULNESS - Six steps to Living in the Moment

B y L i n d a M c C a r t h yLife unfolds in the present. But so often, we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved, squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about what's past. "We're living in a world that contributes in a major way to mental fragmentation, disintegration, distraction, decoherence," says Buddhist scholar B. Alan Wallace. We're always DOING something, and we allow little time to practice stillness and calm.

When we're at work, we fantasize about being on vacation; on vacation, we worry about the work piling up on our desks. We dwell on intrusive memories of the past or fret about what may or may not happen in the future. We don't appreciate the living present because our "monkey minds," as Buddhists call them, vault from thought to thought, like monkeys swinging from tree to tree.

Most of us don't undertake our thoughts in awareness. Rather, our thoughts control us. "Ordinary thoughts course through our mind like a deafening waterfall,"

writes Jon Kabat-Zinn, the biomedical scientist who introduced meditation into mainstream medicine. In order to feel more in control of our minds and our lives, to find the sense of balance that eludes us, we need to step out of this current, to pause, and, as Kabat-Zinn puts it, to "rest in stillness—to stop doing and focus on just being."

We need to live more in the moment. Living in the moment—also called mindfulness—is a state of active, open, intentional attention on the present. When you become mindful, you realize that you are not your thoughts; you become an observer of your thoughts from moment to moment without judging them. Mindfulness involves being with your thoughts as they are, neither grasping at them nor pushing them away.

Instead of letting your life go by without living it, you

awaken to experience.Cultivating a nonjudgmental awareness of the present bestows a host of benefits. Mindfulness reduces stress, boosts immune functioning, reduces chronic pain, lowers blood pressure, and helps patients cope with life-threatening diseases. By alleviating stress, spending a few minutes a day actively focusing on living in the moment reduces the risk of a whole host of ‘modern day’ illnesses.

Mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure. They generally have


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higher self-esteem and are more accepting of their own weaknesses. Anchoring awareness in the here and now reduces the kinds of impulsivity and reactivity that underlie depression, binge-eating, and attention problems. Mindful people can hear negative feedback without feeling threatened. They fight less with their romantic partners and are more accommodating and less defensive.

Mindfulness is at the root of Buddhism, Taoism, and many Native-American traditions, not to mention yoga. It's why Thoreau went to Walden Pond; it's what Emerson and Whitman wrote about in their essays and poems.

"Everyone agrees it's important to live in the moment, but the problem is how," says Ellen Langer, a psychologist at Harvard and author of Mindfulness. "When people are not in the moment, they're not there to know that they're not there." Overriding the distraction reflex and awakening to the present takes intentionality and practice.

Living in the moment involves a profound paradox: You can't

pursue it for its benefits. That's because the expectation of reward launches a future-oriented mindset, which subverts the entire process. Instead, you just have to trust that the rewards will come. There are many paths to mindfulness—and at the core of each is a paradox. Ironically, letting go of what you want is the only way to get it. Naturally, most of us would admit to wanting the benefits of mindfulness, so here are some steps to help you along the way...

1: To improve your performance, stop thinking about it (Unselfconsciousness). I've never felt comfortable on a dance floor. My movements feel awkward. I feel like people are judging me. I never know what to do with my arms. I want to let go, but I can't, because I know I look ridiculous.

"Loosen up, no one's watching you," people always say. "Everyone's too busy worrying about

The Six Steps...

* Unselfconsciousness

* Savouring

* Breathe

* Flow

* Acceptance

* Engagement

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themselves." So how come they always make fun of my dancing the next day?

The dance world has a term for p e o p l e l i k e m e : " a b s o l u t e beginner." So I decided to get some lessons. I was surprised when my dance teacher suggested that the most important thing I needed to learn wasn’t ‘body awareness’ but rather ‘present moment awareness’! ‘Be right here, right now,’ my teacher would say. ‘Just let go and let yourself be in the moment’.

That's the first paradox of living in the moment: Thinking too hard about what you're doing actually makes it worse. If you're in a situation that makes you anxious - for me it was dancing — focusing on your anxiety tends to heighten it. Focus less on what's going on in your mind and more on what's going on in the room, less on your mental chatter and more on yourself as part of something. When learning to dance, to be most myself, I needed to focus on things outside myself, like the music or the people around me.

Indeed, mindfulness blurs the line between self and other, explains Michael Kernis, a psychologist at the University of Georgia. "When people are mindful, they're more likely to experience themselves as part of humanity, as part of a greater universe. That's why highly mindful people such as Buddhist monks talk about being one with everything."

By reducing self-consciousness, mindfulness allows you to witness

the passing drama of feelings, social pressures, even of being esteemed or disparaged by others without taking their evaluations personally, explain Richard Ryan and K. W. Brown of the University of Rochester. When you focus on your immediate experience without attaching it to your self-esteem, unpleasant events like social rejection—or your so-called friends making fun of your dancing—seem less threatening.

Focusing on the present moment also forces you to stop over-thinking. "Being present-minded takes away some of that self-evaluation and getting lost in your mind—and in the mind is where we make the evaluations that beat us up," says Stephen Schueller, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. Instead of getting stuck in your head and worrying, you can let yourself go.

2: To avoid worrying about the future, focus on

the present (Savouring) In her memoir ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, Elizabeth Gilbert writes about a friend who, whenever she sees a beautiful place, exclaims in a near panic, "It's so beautiful here! I want to come back here someday!" "It takes all my persuasive powers," writes Gilbert, "to try to convince her that she is already here."

Often, we're so trapped in thoughts of the future or the past that we forget to experience, let alone enjoy, what's happening right now. We sip coffee and think,

"This is not as good as what I had last week."

Instead, relish or luxuriate in whatever you're doing at the p r e s e n t m o m e n t — w h a t psychologists call savouring. "This could be while you're eating a pastry, taking a shower, or basking in the sun. You could be savouring a success or savouring music," explains Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychologist at the University of California and author of ‘The How of Happiness. "Usually it involves your senses."

When subjects in a study took a few minutes each day to actively savor something they usually hurried through—eating a meal, drinking a cup of tea, walking to the bus—they began experiencing more joy, happiness, and other positive emotions, and fewer depressive symptoms, Schueller found.

Why does living in the moment make people happier—not just at the moment they're tasting molten chocolate pooling on their tongue, but lastingly? Because most negative thoughts concern the past or the future. As Mark Twain said, "I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened." The hallmark of d e p r e s s i o n a n d a n x i e t y i s catastrophizing—worrying about something that hasn't happened yet and might not happen at all. Worry, by its very nature, means thinking about the future—and if you hoist yourself into awareness of the present moment, worrying melts away.



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Oops! I did it again! R e p e a t i n g P a t t e r n s I n O u r L i f e , B y N a t a l i e A r k i n s

You ever find yourself going about your day, happily or not, and have a sudden insight or realisation that stops you in your tracks. You realise you are in a repeating pattern, and you didn’t realise or see it until that moment. The pattern could have been a thought pattern, relationship pattern, emotional pattern even a physical pattern in the body. If you have been on the healing path for a while, there is always the second thought after the insight, “I thought I cleared/healed/cut from this pattern! What is going on here???”

No you are not going crazy, you are just becoming aware of the fractals in your life - the patterns that weave and stream through every part of our life. I like to call them emotional fractals, because in essence they are patterns played out in different planes of our existence (mental, physical, spiritual) but they all lead back or get expressed through our bodies as emotions, and that can trigger us too, thus my term of emotional

fractalization. It’s almost like we think we are going upwards and away from our problems, habits or patterns, and then bang! We are right back where we started from (for those science buffs like me, this is called a “Strange Loop” and discussed by philosophers such as Escher and Hofstadter). These patterns and loops are characteristics of Fractals.

‘To understand is to perceive patterns.’ Isaiah

BerlinTypes of Fractals Fractals are interesting, because they represent a fundamental concept of life: self repeating patterns. The variety and scope of these self-repeating (or recursive patterns) found in nature is astounding -snowflakes, clouds, leaves, blood vessels, coastlines, DNA, crystals, earthquakes, mountain ranges, etc etc!

But not all fractals are natural or based on nature. Computer modeling is coming up with many different types of fractals based on sound, electrochemical patterns, circadian rhythms, random or time dependent fractals.


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Emotional FractalsSo, fractals explain or define a lot of natural phenomenon, so why not use them to describe the emotional roller-coaster we all experience in our daily lives, even through our lifetime? Where I feel the healing can come for humanity is from realizing that we are following a fractal - stopping, and changing that fractal to another pattern that may be more positive or supportive of us is incredibly healing. Indeed, it may not be that we need to change the fractal, it could be just realizing that we are currently in a fractal process, and even though we are feeling like we are back to square one, have the insight that we are another level of this pattern/fractal.

We are not going to be fractal-free, emotionally or otherwise. Fractals and the patterns they represent are here, but just like us, they are evolving. We don’t have to spend all our time in the same emotional fractal. If you don’t like this one, just switch out of the pattern to a new fractal, or to another level of the fractal. The difficult part is not the switching of patterns, it is allowing the mind to be quiet enough so that you can have the insight that you are inhabiting or are “in-a-habit” fractal that doesn’t really work for you.

The relief that comes with ‘AHA’!Healing comes from the AHA moment of “I see the pattern” and the emotional fractalization is clear, you have the breakthrough in that moment. You could even express this fractal by drawing it out - there are dozens of fractal generating computer programs that you can use to visualise your own emotional fractal. Then you can work on altering the fractal to one that is more appealing to you. For some people, connecting with the fractal pattern on a visual level is the most healing way of clearing the pattern. For others, using Tarot and other psychic tools helps them to feel or see the pattern they are using at the moment, and give guidance on ways to change this emotional pattern.

There is no negative or bad emotional fractal. What is supporting and nurturing for one person, can be devastating for another. The lesson is to find the pattern that works with you, allows you to grow, and achieve the goals that you want to achieve. When you are ready to change your fractal pattern, you will get clues, the

universe is always good at giving us clues. We may not always be good at picking up or identifying the clues!

Once a pattern is not working any more, you start to notice your body getting sick, your immune system running down, tiredness setting in, maybe even feelings of depression, anxiety, or anger, a sense of things not being right in your life. These are the clues that a change is needed. Asking for guidance and insight into these patterns during a Tarot or psychic reading is an important tool to changing these patterns. This allows the emotional fractalization to become an emotional breakthrough. Guidance can also help you to see that while you may feel that you are back where you started, you are further along the fractal pattern than you realized.

The following are a few examples of mental, spiritual or physical repeating patterns that can be expressed or represented by emotional fractals:

Anxiety or Paranoia: caused by mental thoughts such as “this person does not like me”, “this person or people are consciously hurting or harming me”, “ these people are watching me like a hawk, analyzing all that I say”, “I am being judged”. Can also be caused by past physical trauma still held in the body.

Feeling a lack in your life, depression: can be caused by a spiritual energy of not wanting to be present on this earth because it is too painful; mental thoughts of not having enough and focusing on lack and deficits in your life; physically by holding tension in parts of your body that stop of the flow of energy or chi, causing a lack or depression in the physical body.

Fear of success, self-sabotage: mental thoughts of not being good enough, not deserving success. Spiritual block to receiving the positive benefits of life; physical blocks in the body causing tiredness and sickness so that success is not attained.

Finally, our own happiness lies in our hands, because it is up to us to decide which pattern we want to live and adjust the pattern accordingly. We may have learned our patterns from our family, society or by just on our own initiative. But by taking responsibility to see the pattern and change it, we are empowering ourselves and able to become happier.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY PISCES!Happy Birthday Pisces! Neptune has recently entered into the sign of Pisces and will be there for quite a while. This means that for this month Neptune will be traveling along right next to your Sun sign in Pisces. This can manifest in a couple different ways - first and foremost this could be a very enlightening month for you, both spiritually and physically, as many new opportunities will be coming your way. It is your choice as to how you approach these opportunities, hopefully with the clear intuition of your sign. This is also a good month to clean up your finances and paperwork, with a Mercury Retrograde (in Pisces) beginning on March 12th. In the area of love, you could easily be swept off your feet this month! Just take care not to get to caught up in creating a fantasy around it all.

AriesHello Aries - this month may start out a little slow and calm for you, but that will all change after March 12th, when the Mercury Retrograde period begins. It will start out in the sign of Aries, and retrograde back into Pisces, so many of the projects you are doing may be stalled, and not come to fruition in the manner you would like or in the time frame you’d like. This is not a great time to start new projects, but instead a time to tend to the things in your life that need to be put in order. Financially, it will be a comfortable month, not any major changes in either direction. In the arena of love, you may feel the need to make major changes, but this would not be a good time to do so. It might be a bit uncomfortable, but see if you can sit with things for a little while yet.

TaurusMarch is likely to be a very rewarding month for you Taurus, and in a number of different areas of your life. Of course March 12th and the Mercury retrograde will cause some upheavals and possibly blockages, but it will not be as difficult as you might imagine it to be. You will actually be feeling a degree of solidness and calm, and feel as if you can achieve what ever you like. This is true, but it just might not be the best month to do so. Actually, this month is a good time to write down and get in order all the things you want to do, and then start the action

process next month. Your finances will stay at a steady flow, so no upsets there. In terms of your love life, it will be a very peaceful and fulfilling time for you this month.

GeminiMarch could throw a few challenges your way Gemini. The Sun, Neptune and the retrograde Mercury will all be in Pisces, and all three of these planets will be in a harsh aspect to your sign. You’re likely to feel as though everything you attempt to do is being blocked in one way or another, which, energetically is partially what is happening. So the best way to approach and deal with these aspects this month is to relax, and try to “go with the flow” as much as possible. This is not always easy for you, as prefer to get “into action”. Financially, keep your money close to you, and don’t go on any spending sprees if you can help it. In regards to your love life, it is best to slow down, really look at your love life, and appreciate what and who you have in your life.

CancerMarch is likely to be a very smooth flowing month for you Cancerians. With the Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, this will be a time for you to work on any residual emotional issues you may have. The placement of these planets will aid you in these issues,


Your March Horoscopes

Drew Barrymore - Celebrity Pisces

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once and for all. This ought to be a period of ease and relaxation for you, which will ultimately be for your “highest good”. By the end of the month, you’re likely to be feeling very peaceful about your life. Financially, it will be a good time in the first two weeks of the month to make decisions, even some investments. Your love life is looking very positive indeed, with many new opportunities on the horizon for you.

LeoWhat a great month this will be for you Leo! Non-stop changes and opportunities are coming your way, especially during the first two weeks of March. So step on it, and take care of whatever business you may have been putting off for the last few months. Yes, that is right, take that fiery Leo energy of yours, and start working on your personal projects. You will see the fruits of your labor for months to come if you start this process now. This also applies to your status financially. Once you buckle down in this area, you will be surprised with the results. In regards to love and romance, you’re rarely afraid of going for what you want. But that doesn’t mean that once you have what you want, it’s okay to discard it. Try to remember that this month Leo.

Virgo March could be a bit more challenging than you’ve experienced lately Virgo. With the Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, this is a time to face any unresolved emotional questions swirling around. You must now take those strong Virgo earth qualities that you possess, and take charge of those anything still plaguing you. It would be best to tackle these in the first two weeks of March, as you will have much help from the planets. These issues also include your finances, and how you are distributing your money. Take your time Virgo, and consider all your choices. In the love area, you may not have much time or energy to tackle much this month, so it may be best not to make any major changes. “If it works, don’t fix it”, applies here this month.

LibraThis month Libra, you’ll have so many bright ideas and things that you would like to start. This is fine and dandy, as long as you do this in the first two weeks of March. In the latter part of the month, you won’t see a speedy or easy completion of projects. You’ve recently been seriously working on getting your business and work life in order. So, you don’t have time for a lot of outside influences or situations requiring your attention. Nothing is wrong with taking care of your needs first, as the saying goes, “fist things first”. And, this especially applies in the area of your finances this month. In the area of romance, you are often the hopeless “dreamer”. Try not to let your dreams confuse you this month Libra.

ScorpioYou will meet the month of March with much ease Scorpio, if you work to make sense of why you are feeling all these emotions. Not to worry, it is just the Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde and Neptune in Pisces all at the same time, which is making you feel this way. This is a good time for you to sort through all those feelings you have been trying to ignore for some months now. It is time for you to get down to business, face them and then discard the extra garbage. Doing this with yourself this month, will help you in all the areas of your life, both financially and romantically. So hang in there Scorpio, and take care of your emotional business as it comes up.

SagittariusMarch may bring a few challenges with it for you Sagittarius. Not to worry, you just need to take and complete “one step at a time” and keep your head above all the water of your emotions. You will have some of that pesky Pisces energy in harsh aspect to your Sun sign this month. What can you expect - Mercury retrograde, the Sun and Neptune will be in Pisces, forcing you to really look at your life. Whether you like it or not, you will be challenged to take stock of many situations you had thought you had taken care of. In the area of finances, it


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would be best to re-examine things and stay grounded – not a time to take risks. In the area of love and romance, you may actually experience a “breath of fresh air”, in the midst of your more trying emotions.

CapricornMarch will be way more free flowing than you might have expected Capricorn. This will actually be somewhat of a relaxing time for you, where you will be catching up with friends from the past. You will actually be doing catch up in almost all areas of your life this month, which won’t be such a bad thing. After the second week of March when Mercury goes into retrograde, you will truly have the time to catch up on all sorts of things. Financially, it is extremely important that you go through this process and maintain an easy comfort zone for yourself. In the area of romance, you may not actually be certain of

what you want or need just now. So it is important that you take a step back, to look at all your possibilities during this period.

AquariusMarch will be a month of new opportunities and good fortune for you lucky Aquarians. Many new situations and offers are coming your way. So take your time, and consider the facts, and first and foremost, “listen to your gut”, for it won’t fail you. Often times you make the mistake of taking all that is offered to you, at face value, “look before you leap” applies here this month. Financially, you will be surprised at an influx or money which you weren’t expecting. In the area of romance and love remember, “all that glitters, is not gold” this month Aquarius. Try not to let the flush of romance blur into fantasy.

Neptune - Planetary Ruler of Pisces...

Neptune is known as the Greek God Poseidon, the Lord and ruler of the sea, in Roman mythology. And Neptune is the ruler of the sign Pisces. He is known as “the dissolver”, - you

could say “the brightest light casts the deepest shadow”, as Neptune rules the next dimension, the astral plane, and the etheric planes. All things that are not earthbound. It is much like the fog

- nebulous, always moving and taking different shapes and forms. Often, people with a strong Neptune influence in their chart are not strongly anchored in the material world much of the time.

The positive qualities of Neptune in a person’s chart are having wisdom beyond their years, extreme sensitivity, creativity, a poetic nature, highly developed intuition, and they might be clairvoyant and musically gifted. Pisceans are the dreamers of the zodiac, the creators in a sense - when they are in tune with their higher selves and the higher realms, they can reach the heights of their genius, in whatever they pursue. To the Pisces person the “real seems unreal” and the “unreal seems real”. They are able to access the higher realms of consciousness, something many of us

find difficult to do. Because of this, they often feel out of tune in the material world. When Neptune and Pisces go with their lower, less positive energies, they are prone to negativity, confusion, vagueness, fearfulness, self-indulgence, sensuality and even obsession or addictive tendencies. When Pisces is going with the higher octave of it’s energy, they can be very spiritual, strong-minded, bold and have healing powers. Actually, as for all of us, the choice is there for every Pisces, and the way in which they choose to best use their energies will determine their growth and progress in life.

by Sandy Johnson

Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her readings. Clairvoyance, Tarot, and Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. With over 35 years experience in working in the psychic arts, Sandy brings a real passion for working with people in their interpersonal relationships, decisions, and the spiritual growth they seek. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.

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The Solar Disc of Protection!

B y S h e i l a J o n e sMany clients ask me during the course of a reading how they

can protect themselves from negative energies. They may be noticing a lot of negativity at work or at home, or in a situation

where they previously felt comfortable but now the energy has changed and they feel drained, tired or even wiped out by going

there or even just thinking about going. Many of us have used the expression “they completely drained me” and what is referred to is

the feeling of having our energy depleted by another.

Other peoples’ anxiety, fear, distress, anger etc may all be absorbed into your solar plexus chakra so that you feel some disturbance. Sometimes we

are a target for other peoples’ negative thoughts and emotions. These are powerful energies which we should avoid absorbing if we can. Equally, we

could be in a situation such as a crowd or a meeting where these kinds of energies are moving about. Being sensitive means that you can absorb them

easily, but also you can use your sensitivity as a positive attribute and take appropriate precautions.

The solar plexus chakra is the main point of entry for emotional and mental energies. When these are negative, the chakra needs to be protected. It is

common to see people clutch their stomach when under emotional or mental attack or when they feel uncomfortable. This is the instinctive urge to protect

the solar plexus.

It is easy to lose a lot of energy when you are feeling in an emotional state yourself. You can take steps to prevent this by putting the Solar Disc in

place. It is important to release the energies you are generating. This can be done simply by releasing them through your throat chakra. This can

be done by blowing, sighing or even singing until you feel you have released the build up of emotional energy, and also stops you from

getting involved with the negative energy at a base level ie. Joining in with the negativity!

Remember that often the discomfort you feel in the presence of others is simply due to incompatibility between your energy field

and the other person’s. As the chakras start to process the energies you sense this as discomfort. If this happens the best

thing to do is just relax and allow the full spectrum of energy to enter your system, put the Solar Disc in place and release

your build up of energy, gently and let your energies come back into balance once again.

Here is an exercise to use as a protective cushion for the solar plexus.

To prevent the entry of any

negative energies in the solar plexus chakra, visualise a golden

disc of light covering it. Put the disc in place as soon as you enter an

emotional atmosphere or when any negative thoughts are being

expressed in your presence.

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It is known that the past affects the present, this is causality: cause and then effect happening, in linear time. In physics and disciplines such as quantum mechanics, reverse causality or retrocausality has been tested (Science vol.332, p1170. Science vol. 315 p.966) and shown to exist, but only at the quantum level. In theoretical physics, the idea that the future must equally affect the present, and the present affecting the past has also been studied- this is the basis of quantum entanglement theories. Basically, can a future event that has not occurred have an impact or change in the present or the past? What theoretical scientists are discovering is yes, it does. The jump to showing this in non-quantum levels, i.e. in the material world we inhabit where everything is larger, is harder to test and study. There are more and more scientists willing to do this type of research, and specifically psychic research with the actual testing of precognition in humans.

Daryl Bem, of Cornell University of New York published some interesting results that are statistically significant and show evidence of precognition (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol 100, p407), where they concluded that people could “feel the future” and this affected the choices they made in the present (New Scientist no.2847). But his work was criticised by other scientists, who cited statisitical “massaging” of the data. However, almost all research, in any field is doing exactly these types of

things- massaging data statistically, changing variables that are compared, altering the tests as the experiments go on when it doesn’t look like the correct or positive result is happening. The biggest impact this research has had is not to convince science that precognition exists, even though his studies showed statistically that this was happening in his experiments, but to start a dialogue with researchers on how they set up experiments and analyze experiments. Even if they don’t believe in precognition, there are ways in which they are unconsciously (and maybe psychically) altering the data so that the result they want to see, are seen. Unfortunately, if they don’t see what they want, they do not publish these “negative” or “unfavourable” results. More scientists are arguing that this whole mindset needs to change, that experiments should be set up beforehand and followed rigorously, with no changes midway, and the results declared, whether they are positive or negative. I think science as a whole is ready for a breakthrough, and about time! Reverse causality is doing its job and helping bring down these old mindsets and thought patterns that no longer support good, innovative and productive research.

by Natalie Arkins Ph DOrigin Senior Psychic


DID YOU KNOW? Research into psychic

phenomena & precognition is

helping to change the thinking of how

scientific research is done in general...

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And finally, a spotlight on our team



Cathy Cox Merle Hurley Natalie Arkins

Sheila Jones

Sandy Johnson

Manisha Godbole Lynne Leslie

Charli Haynes Mike Muratore

Linda McCarthy Charles RussellCat Muratore