July 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 1 Committee President Fred M Vice President Peter H Secretary E-J Editor & Treasurer Ivan Z 042 777 1728 Tour Master Mal F OPEN ROAD MOTORCYCLE TOURING CLUB July 2016 Club Objectives 1) To promote, encourage and co-operate with kindred bodies in fostering and maintaining motorcycling as a sport. 2) To organize and conduct social outings, competitions and to encourage good fellowship amongst members. 3) To maintain and keep up the prestige of the club and sport. ORMTC Postal Address: PO Box 714, Victoria Park W.A. 6979 Club Internet Home Page: Club e-mail address: Editor’s e-mail: http://ormtc.homestead.com [email protected] [email protected] Please use “ORMTC magazine” as subject Contact Details Cut off date for magazine articles is ONE (1) week prior to the meeting; if in doubt call the Editor! Disclaimer Comments and technical articles printed in this magazine are the results of member contributions and, as such, the views and opinions expressed DO NOT necessarily reflect those of ORMTC Inc. but are for general interest only. The ORMTC accepts no responsibility for accuracy of any comment, opinion or information contained in or omitted from this magazine.

ORMTC 2016 July

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Newsletter of the Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club, July 2016 edition

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July 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 1


President Fred M

Vice President Peter H

Secretary E-J

Editor & Treasurer Ivan Z 042 777 1728

Tour Master Mal F



July 2016

Club Objectives

1) To promote, encourage and co-operate with kindred bodies in fostering and

maintaining motorcycling as a sport.

2) To organize and conduct social outings, competitions and to encourage good

fellowship amongst members.

3) To maintain and keep up the prestige of the club and sport.

ORMTC Postal Address: PO Box 714, Victoria Park W.A. 6979 Club Internet Home Page:

Club e-mail address: Editor’s e-mail:

http://ormtc.homestead.com [email protected] [email protected] Please use “ORMTC magazine” as subject

Contact Details

Cut off date for magazine articles is ONE (1) week prior to the meeting; if in doubt call the Editor!

Disclaimer Comments and technical articles printed in this magazine are the results of member contributions and, as such, the views and opinions expressed DO NOT necessarily reflect those of ORMTC Inc. but are for general interest only. The ORMTC accepts no responsibility for accuracy of any comment, opinion

or information contained in or omitted from this magazine.

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Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club July 2016 Page 2


Page 01…………………………………..Club Objectives, Club Committee, Club Contact details

Page 02…………………………………..Contents

Page 03…………………………………..Editor’s Report

Page 04-05.……………………………...Meeting minutes from last month

Page 06-09…..………..…………………May Club Run article by Peter

Page 10….…..………..…………………Club finances

Page 11…………………………………..By-laws and Birthdays

Page 12…………………………………..Points table

Page 13…………………………………..Riot Act

Page 14-15…..………..…………………Member’s details

Page 16-19…..………..…………………Club Run article by Dennis

Page 20-22…..………..…………………Club Run photos by Mal

Page 23-26…..………..…………………Social Ride photos by Peter and Ivan

Page 27…………………………………..Merchandise

Page 28…....……………………………..Yearly ride planner

Page 29…....……………………………..Ride details for all three rides

Page 30………………………..………....Club Ride Calendar

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Editors Report

Hi all, This month includes Peter’s May Club Run article that narrowly missed getting into last month’s edition. It is a rare event these days but we’ve actually got a second written article in the magazine, so thank you Dennis. There’s also more than the usual contributors of photos this month, thank you Mal. Thank you too Peter for your ‘usual’ photographic support. On the photography front I have trialled my third option of camera, the one on my phone. It takes good photos and can be quite versatile but I discovered it is the most difficult to use for whipping out of my tank bag for a spontaneous shot while wearing gloves. I think I prefer my other two cameras, even though the phone will be with me too. My compact camera has buttons which I can manage to operate with my gloves on and is quite versatile. My clunky SLR takes the nicest photos but is slightly more cumbersome. Finances Nothing really to report this month apart from the Club balance: $3598.26. Ivan


May 50,390

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Club Ride May 15th 2016

Fine Riding It was a cool start to the Sunday at the Stratton Caltex service station. The sun had barely crept above the Darling Range and the forecourt was still in a chilly shadow when I arrived. Mike, showing willing, was already there with his new, blue Suzuki. All repaired now after the little lie down it took during the last ride. This is a popular gathering spot for riders. Every Sunday there is a collection of riders here. Not a club. They just congregate here knowing that someone will have planned a ride. This Sunday was no exception and a group of about 20 riders assembled across the car park from our much smaller gathering. There was only limited contact between the groups. One rider came over to admire the F6B. He told me that their rides were usually “quite fast”. Most of their bikes were sports bikes of one sort or another, even the V-Twins, most of their riders were older males. Bob, Eric,Fred, Nic and Nigel duly arrived. Bob came over and whispered that a “Familiar Green Friend” has arrived, nodding towards the fuel browsers. There, over in the shadows, were two familiar headlight eyes, a familiar green Kawasaki and a familiar rotund rider with camo trousers, fuelling up. Russell had returned! Russell explained that he had “invested” in his old bike. Earlier, he had sold the bike to a friend. This friend had ridden the green beastie (the bike, not Russell), to Darwin, returning via the more eastern states. Russell and friend then met up. I expect some volume of alcohol was imbibed. The friend told Russell that he was not riding the bike any more and Russell offered his friend a ridiculously low figure to buy it back. The friend agreed and as of a few days before the ride, Russell gained his old Kawasaki, making several thousands of dollars in

the transaction and probably losing a friend. It was great to see Russell, his old bike and his old camo trousers again on a ride. Nic read the riot act to an audience who could probably recite it from memory. It would be the first time Nigel rode as “Tail End Charlie”, about time too, also, it’s about time he organised a ride himself. Which reminds me, Nic told me that Nigel didn’t make it to the pre-ride. Fine!

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It was cold as we rode north past the Darling Scarp on the east and vineyards and horse paddocks to the west. There was a heavy autumn dew wetting the landscape and lycra clad cyclists clogging the straight road. Why did they have to ride more than two abreast? We turned on to Great Northern Highway with its trucks and Sunday drivers splitting up our group. So at the turn off to Chittering Valley at Bullsbrook, we re-grouped, to ride as a team through the wonderful valley, so reminiscent of the south west and so close to Perth, a real gem. The sun was now below the towering horizon, playing peek a boo between the silhouetted trees on the ridge crests. Shafts of misty light illuminating the citrus groves and She Oaks bordering the twisting road. Have I already said it was cold? The F6B was still to be fitted with heated grips. Why Honda, why? You put them on the Fire Blade as standard, if a sports bike warrants them surely so does the bagger. At the T junction, we stopped again, giving the oldest member of our team the opportunity to empty his bladder. Decorum prevents me from including the photo, but beware Bob, it’s in the archives for future humiliation. Like Nigel, the sun had decided to finally wake up and bless us with its presence. It was not yet warm when we stopped for the second breakfast at the Bake Haus in Bindoon. Even so, someone chose to sit at an outside table, Jeeze these motorcyclists are tough!

The Bake Haus is famous for their cakes and pies. It was too early for cake for me so I ordered a “Breakfast Pie”, only to be told that they had sold out. That was bad enough but it got worse when I learned that Nigel had got the last one. He proceeded to enjoy eating it in front of me instead of offering to share with my second choice of Kangaroo. Fine! Nic’s route then took us up the Great Northern Highway, eschewing the Dewer’s Pool road and taking the turn off further north to Calingiri. Russell, still getting back into the swing of motorcycle riding, rode right past Mike, the corner marker, seeing him only at the last minute and requiring an embarrassing 48 point turn. Fine! The road heads straight east from the highway, through the Julimar Forest and out on to the paddocks of Victoria Plains. The rolling scenery providing a picturesque backdrop for those not riding the “Full Monty”. The beautiful scenery we ride through, for me, is one of the attractions of motorcycling with this club. You don’t have to ride at 10/10 and nobody expects you to.

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At Calingiri, another toilet stop for the old bloke. Nic, showing true leadership, decided to join him in spirit, if not in location, walking well into the bush in the opposite direction. I mentioned to Russell that he would be getting a fine for missing the corner. He declared that I couldn’t fine him because he wasn’t a member. I replied that the fine was on probation and would be applied if he ever joined the club again, as if that would happen.

North to Bindi Bindi where the road joins the Great Northern Highway. Another re-group. Russell remained seated and kept the engine running. When the group rode off, a red light on Russell’s bike’s dash came on. Something he hadn’t seen before. Maybe because it had been hidden by all the accessories he used to have installed, he probably had never seen the naked dashboard before. So Russell stopped, I stopped, Nigel stopped and the rest rode off. First thing, out with the camera to capture any dramas, blue smoke or fire. Then adopt a concerned visage and ask Russell what’s wrong. Nigel and Russell were kneeling down at the front of Kawasaki. There were boiling noises coming from within the radiator even though the engine was now turned off. The coolant reservoir showed a normal level of coolant and there was no steam escaping, a pity, because that would have made for a better photo. It was decided that there may be thermostat issue preventing normal circulation of coolant. Riding the bike provided enough cooling but idling for a while caused the red light to come on as the heat built up. We decided the best thing would be to burn it and claim the insurance but Russell opted for the next best option. Ride the thing and see if the light (now off) comes on again.

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So we followed the others and headed south on Great Northern Highway, Russell leading and going at a sedate pace. The light didn’t come on again and the bike behaved normally for the rest of the day: - for a Kawasaki. The group had stopped at an intersection just before Walebing. This road goes north to join the Miling Moora road and is one not travelled by the club so far. Well done Nic, these roads are increasingly difficult to locate and work into club rides. It was a fairly straight road with a sharp left turn before the final T junction necessitating heavy braking and left leaning, the enjoyment of this section enhanced by loose blue metal. Bob needed to empty his bladder after that. At Moor, for some reason, some riders fuelled up at the first station and some at another, round the corner. Spreading the love? After a final re-group and bladder emptying before lunch we headed west, almost to Dandaragan and then north towards Badgingarra, turning west again to join the Brand Highway, riding through some beautiful country again. West of the Brand it was low coastal scrub and hills promising an ocean vista and then delivering more hills until the final hill allowed a view of the ocean. We passed a wind farm with all the turbines stationary despite the wind. Why?

We arrived at the beach side café at Cervantes a bit late for lunch. The cook was about to call it a day but stayed just for us. Unfortunately for a sea side establishment, they ran out of fish after one order, Fred’s. The president took the last fish and didn’t offer it to anyone more needy. Fine! It was a bit cloudy and windy when we arrived but inside it was warm and cosy. We sat outside in the intermittent sun and light drizzel. As Fred had ordered the last of the fish, I ordered squid and salad. Nigel was faffing about somewhere and eventually also ordered the squid. It took quite a while for the meals to come out. I momentarily left the table for a minute to return to see Nigel tucking in to a squid meal, even though he had ordered well after me. I had to wait, and wait until Nigel had almost finished (my squid!) before the second squid meal arrived. Fine! A lesson learnt here, never get between Nigel and food. It was now mid

afternoon and time to return. People had various commitments at various Perth locations. We all headed south along the West Coast Highway. This modern road has surprisingly few passing lanes which, combined with the weekend traffic, makes it less than ideal for our sort of riding. Before the Lancelin turnoff, Nic, Nigel, Eric, Mike and I turned east. Fred, Bob and Russell continued south. We were hoping for some coffee at Gingin but all the cafés were closed. Nigel and Mike turned east towards Bindoon on the lovely named Mooliabeenee road, Nic, Eric and I continued south on the Brand Highway to get home. A round trip of about 600 kilometres through a variety of some really very nice country. Good to see Russell back. I won’t forget the fine.

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This is to be read out at the start of each run

1. All riders are to be introduced to the Leader and Tail End

Charlie before the start of the run. 2. Do not overtake on the left – EVER!!

3. For rider safety a staggered formation is strongly


4. Do not pass the leader unless they say it is okay.

5. When turning you MUST wait on the corner where you can be seen until the person behind catches up.

6. When you see someone on a corner you will become the

corner marker unless they wave you through.

7. Ride within your own personal limits and be mindful of the road rules.

8. The tail end Charlie will always be behind the last bike, no

matter what.

Please complete the sign in sheet with rider/pillion details including an emergency contact name and number.

This riot act must be read out before the start of each run. If you

are attending the run and the organisers fail to read it out, please remind them to do so.

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Club by-laws as at August 2008

1. All motions need to have 2 months notice before they are voted on unless the 2 months notice is deemed unnecessary by the membership present at the meeting.

2. People on committees do not have to pay for an event that

they are organizing except for their own accommodation. 3. Only financial members of the club can vote. 4. No person is to spend any monies unless prior approval has

been granted by 2 or more committee members.

5. Any money spent and claimable from the club must have a receipt.

6. Members wishing to attend a club event must pay for that

event before it occurs.

7. If a member is unable to attend a Club event, refunds are to be decided by the committee organizing the event. 8. If the club organises any event which requires financial commitment, members who have committed to attending will be financially liable for their share of the costs unless they can find someone to replace them.


Tim 21 July

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June Club Run The Weekend Run to Prevelly I arrived at Macca’s on the Saturday Morning of June the Eleventh To Find Mal and his brother, Steve, being the only two besides myself waiting to start the ride. I had also arranged for an ex member “Simon Dow” to meet me at Prevelly so we could catch up with each other. Simon has given up Motorcycling except for a red postie bike that he uses when acting as back up for the Pemberton mail service. He sold his XJ 1300 by leaving it with me in Perth. He sold it for $5000 and it was worth every penny as I found when I drove it back from Pemberton one wild wet and windy night, That brought memories back of my Sunday night late returns to my army

barracks in Staffordshire UK on my BSA Gold star. Never leaving London till midnight Sunday arriving 150 miles away around 2:30am in the following morning almost frozen to the saddle still in the crouched position. The crawling into the shower fully clothed (less helmet) to thaw out... However I digress.

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Our party of three left on time at 8am and progressed towards Harvey where we made our first stop in the cafe near the river for coffee. I was a beautiful day for riding and very soon we were on our way further South. Just beyond Wokalup we turned up the Mornington road for about 6 kilometers then turned right heading down Martins road . This is a good fully bitumised road that runs through to Sandalwood Rd which is a good little used curvy road leading down to Brunswick junction. The it was on past Burekup up Henty rd and over the hills down to the Ferguson Rd. We travelled through the Valley at a steady pace bypassing Gnomesville then towards DonnyBrook turning left onto Charley Creek Rd through towards Kirup. Here we stopped for fuel and a leg stretch. Remounting we headed up the upper Capel Rd through the hilly farming country then onto the Lower Caple Road to Capel where we stopped for Lunch. at the small corner cafe and sat outside to eat our respective rolls and coffee. Mounted again we headed down the Busselton Rd through the Tuart Forrest (not a lot left) Turning left at Ludlow towards the Hither Green Rd on the other side of the Vasse Hwy. From there it was a good country ride till we crossed Sues Rd. Heading then via some short back roads we moved across and down to Payne rd. Along Payne Rd for some 15 clicks we turned down along the very nice curvey Jindong Treeeton picturesqe country road. Then onto Rosa Brook Rd to Margaret River. Travelling the few K's to Prevelly we can see on our right the inlet below for the Margaret River. Parking at the Caravan site office we meet up with Simon in his four wheel drive Nissan Ute. Here we book into a couple of Chalets known as cottages. Initially their appearance was a little disappointing and obviously very old. However after looking round we couldn't help noticing the bedding was fresh and clean along with the pots and pans and that a near new shower had been installed. So no complaints there.

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Later Mal and Steve sat around a well lit fire however there was no barbecue cooking plate to be found so I returned to the chalet to cook my tea. Simon did the same. So we were a little split up. A couple of times I walked over to Mal as they sat around the fire and we discussed the route home amongst other things. There not

being any other chairs I went back to the chalet for coffee. It wasn't till the next morning that I realised that we could have taken the chairs from the chalet over to the fire. Nevertheless we both managed to supp some wine and some very strong port, Thankfully not too much.

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Going to bed that night and putting a spare blanket over a thin doona I was very warm and the bed would have to have been one of the most comfortable I've ever had in such accommodation. All to soon it was morning so we went up to the cafe next to the camping ground office and had our morning eggs on toast and more coffee. I had asked Simon who was coming over from Pemberton to check out the Mowen Rd section on the other side of Sues Rd for any dirt. He said there was none and it was all sealed all the way to Nannup. so after a look at the river inlet we headed back via the Rosa Glen Road that leads onto Mowen Rd then across Sues Rd to Nannup. Mowen Road is just a large long swathe cut through the bush and very well cleared dirt sides so ideal for a bit of a blast which we remarkably resisted. Cruising about 120 130kph all the way. A very good and quick way to get to Nannup with very little traffic. From here we headed via some moss covered dodgy twisty bits to Balingup where we stopped for refreshments. Then it was back to the Ferguson Valley via Grimwade, A stop at the ever expanding gnomesville which is getting very big at least till the next flood, was a must then Back over the hills along Henty way then South West Hwy to Home. All in all it was a cruisey run and a very nice weekend ride, Pity about the numbers but we had a good weekend ride and travelled through a devious route to Prevelly almost entirely free from traffic until Margaret River. Unfortunately I didn't take many pics but I dare say Mal has some. Any way here's a few attached. Dennis

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June overnighter with Dennis

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Thanks Mal for the photos.

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Social Ride with Ivan and Eric

Riot Act indoors for once

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Thanks Peter and Ivan for the


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For the love of mobile phones

Cola Café in Toodyay for Brunch

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Stickers $3.00

Stubby Holders New Stock ! $6.00

Badges (Black and Gold) $9.00 Key Rings White $3.50 Iron-on Transfers full sheet $10.00 half sheet $5.00 Tee-Shirts—Short Sleeves Small $27.00 Medium $27.00 Large $27.00 Extra Large $27.00 2xExtra Large $27.00 Tee-Shirts—Long Sleeves Small $30.00 Medium $30.00 Large $30.00 Extra Large $30.00 2xExtra Large $30.00

Number plate surround $17.00

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Awards Night

Kalamunda Hotel

booked for Friday 22nd


No details available yet


Month Club Run Social Run

Lead TEC Lead TEC

July 10th Steve Bob 24th E-J Ivan

August 7th Frederick Peter 21st Robin Frederick

September 11th 25th

October 9th 23rd

November 6th 20th

December 4th (or

11th) 18th

Jan-17 8th 22nd

February 5th 19th

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Monthly Club Run

with Steve and Bob Sunday, July 10


Meet at Macca’s Midland

Arrive 7:30 for 8am departure

Bindoon for morning tea then on to Cervantes for lunch.

Call Steve for more information on 0418 450 760

July Social Ride with E-J and Ivan

Sunday 24th

Meet at Dome Kelmscott

Arrive 8:30 for 9am departure

lunch at the Wild Goose Cafe at Noble Falls

Next official ORATS ride Friday 15 to Sunday 17 July northerly ride to Mongers Lake and beyond.

Cheers Nic

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