OTIS SKINNER. WEBER & FIELDS AND MARION HARRIS COMING 0 kr. hopwood on fin ERICAN WII/ES Author of Dramatic Preach¬ ment, "Why Men Leave Home," Draws Distinction Between Ideal Wife and Type He Hits on Stage. (rtlTHKX I chose for n>v new \f\ est play the huIO'11''. » * 'Why Men he a v <. Home,' I reuli>cd that, in the Ian* guage of thi- classics. I might lie 'atarting aomethlng,' especially when I revealed that, in my opin¬ ion, many American mtii leave their home* because their wives force them to do HO." deposes Avery Hopwood. "I wish it clear- ly understood, however, that 1 am not bringing such an accusation against American wive* in general. The majority of American women make the liest pals and helpmates that a man can have. Hut there Is a select but spectacular minority, who belong to a species that 1 have -Jiristened 'The (Sreat American Z."a; J»ecause you don't find any¬ thing just like them in other coun¬ tries. And the reason you don't is that you don't find the men who would be foolish enough to put up With them. "Why do inen leave home? I think that in many canes It is be¬ cause their wives leave home first and stay awav so long that their husbands, haven't any homes to leave. Or clue, when this type of woman does stay home, she injects so much jazz, spirit into the home* life that the husband goes away Just to get a rest. .'I have always been a believer in woman's rights and ( have only admiration for the modern wife in so far as she is truly modern .the economically ind"pendent rrtner of a fifty-fifty marriage, don't believe that a woman's only place is in the home. "I believe in the American wife in business, in politics or in any professional or artistic career which she chooses to follow and Which contributes something con¬ structive and vital to the world. She is, I repeat, playing fair.. "But the woman whom I have called "The Great American Wife." and who seems to me increas¬ ingly numerous in large sections of our society. Is neither one of these types. This type of wife is the parasite type. She won't have children. She travels so much that if she ever had an in¬ fant it' would have to be born at a house-party or on an ocean liner. She won't stay in her honte long enough to n it a real one. She makes her husband wait on her hand and foot. She demands rill the monry that he can make -md Is impatient with him because he can't make more. She »r>enda her summers abroad and her winters at Palm Beach or California, while hubby stays at home trying to make more money for her to squander." PALACE. "June Madness." ^"IOLA DANA comes to I View's Palace Theater Sunday after¬ noon for a week's engagement in "June Madness." In which she is ¦upported by Bryant Wash¬ burn and a brilliant cast Including Ger¬ ald P r 1 n g, I,eon Barrv, Eugenie Bes- serer, Snitz Edwards, Anita Kraser and many others. "June Mad¬ ness'' depicts the madcap ad- Ventures of a a p r i g h t- ly young miss who breaks away from her own wedding ceremony, leaving a million-dollar bride, frooin behind, to elope with th» Jazz-king of an orchestra. Th ?y elude their pursuers by land and water though they are harrtiv out of one entanglement until they are in another. There Is a charming scene at a roadhous", where, attired in a picturesque costume. Miss Dana offers an in¬ spired "Wedding n*tice" which Is one of the delights of the picture. Gl 'Dover Road" Coming. JtJTHBIE McCLINTIC bringi to the Shubert-Garrick The¬ ater on November 20 his produc¬ tion of "The Dover lload," a Comedy by A. A. Milne, author of "Mr. Pirn Passes Bv," with Charles Cherry at the head of an excellent company, which include# Molly Pearson, Kathleen Comegya, Heginald Mason. Lyonel Watts, George Riddell, and others "The Dover Rood" played ten months ¦t the Bijou Theater, .New York, breaking the record for long en¬ gagements of that house. It was the firat English play ever to have had its premiere In America, .nd holds the record for con¬ tinuous performances of any Eng¬ lish play ever produced In New York. panting. OLOVBR'S. (I) il<t. PrlvMl* loaimna. Tie; « P" .><" « «»..« 15 W_|||* MR STAFFORD I'ICM BEKTON.* orm»r partner te OertrmU lloffmna. Ma, Murray, ethera. I»««nr, .n dm/, lag Studio, 1160 Hlltmoro *t Col. Mil. Week Night*. ft:M to It ARCADE NOT A "DANCE HALL" . .BUT. A PERFECT PLACE TO DANCE MATtJtl *** Wl a(f % ««T rioort i'»n i <n run r* otkiiti > v«on N"'» I'reJNiee f>c «.<.»? Mm ft nn .Vn » * ... . /. . ertginal mRi! i otnii «i iiipiurii'H CYKII. SCOTT it "The Man oil the HnleoHii" this week of the Cairtrk ami onee lu ste/tK from the bulrany to im- Iffnifit 11 hu h iiial urt there in a yreat pot-pourri of event* reuniting. cyA/i sco/r Strand Promises Attractive Bill ANOTHER excellent ^ogiam of vaudeville and picture ut tractions is announced for showing at the Strand for the week beginning Sunday next, the first half of the hill being headed by William A. Weston and his company coming direct from the New York Hippodrome, presenting .their latest I(roadway hit. "The Attorneys." Others appearing on the all-star bill include Frear, Bag- gett anil Krear in "Baseball Idio¬ syncrasies;" .lini Connors and Ha zel Boyne in a humorous skit with melodies, dances and sinib g en¬ titled. "A Bit of Ij*ce& Olive Bayes and Jack Smith offering "Keep On Singing;" and Olga and Nickolas giving spectacular and artistic "Dance Creations." The photo offering will bring to the screen a modern expose of crooked politics and the law of doubt entitled, "The Lying Truth," featuritMi a cast including Noah Beery, Marjoria Daw. Tully Mar¬ shall. Pat o'Malley, Charles Mailes. Claire McDonald and Adele Wat¬ son. Selected short-film subjects and special orchestral numbers ar¬ ranged by Arthur J. Manvell will complete whfit promises to be an¬ other bill far above the average. Forrest Stanley In New Picture iirriK PRIDE OF PALOMAR." I plcturlzed from P-»ter B. Kyne's story of the same name for Cosmopolitan Produc¬ tions, is now undergoing the fin¬ ishing touches preparatory to re lease in December. The picture, adapted for the screen by (Jrant Carpenter and John Lynch, was filmed In California under the di¬ rection of Frank Bor*age, who di¬ rected Cosmopolitan's "Humor e*«j«je," amidst the very scenes where the author conceived and wrote the story on the picturesque ranch of S'nor Cave Coutts. Woven around the romance of an ex-soldier and the pretty daughter of an Kastern capitalist, who has annexed his ancestral estate, "The Pride of Palotnar" offers aygreat deal in the line of thrills. Including one of the most exciting horse-race scenes ever filmed and a hand-to- hand encounter that Just bristles with action. The fast-moving plot carrim with it the atmosphere of the old Spanish settlements in southern California. Forrest Stanley, who plays Charles Brandon with Marion Davles in "When Knighthood Was in Flower," portrays the role of the young S|>anlsh American hero In "The Pride of Palomnr." Stan¬ ley is surrounded by a brilliant cast. Including Joseph Dowling, who won fame in creating the title role in "The Miracle Man," who appears In the picture as the capi¬ talist. Majorie Daw ap|>ears as the heroine, and Warner Oland, the greatest interpreter of Japa¬ nese rob a in motion pictures, has the part of Nkado, a scheming Japanese. Others In the cast who appcur to advantage arc Alfred Al¬ len, Tote de Crow, Oeorge Nichols, James Barrow and Edward Brady. Was With Irving. T ILL.IAN BRENNARD, who is api»earlng in Frank Smith- son's production, "The Man on the Balcony," was a . member of Sir Henry Irvlng's company during his last «ngaKement. She was also with Margaret Anglln In "Caroline," has appeared In a long list of plays Including "Lorn- liardi Ltd." and "A Bill of Divorce¬ ment." . Price of Realism. A BEAl'TIFt'L Carved door ¦*"* with a real antique lock that cost $1,20(1 was shattered to pieces In the cause of realism during the production of "When Knighthood Wiis In Flower," the Cosmopolitan production In which Marlon Davies Is achieving th** great photoplay tr.uniph of her career at l^oew's Columbia this week. o Postpone 'Malini W T N tl to unforeseen events the performance of th« Hindu pln.v "Mnllnl" A'h«>duled for Sunday, November S, has been postponed lo a date to be an¬ nounced later The production Is sponsored bv the Washington chapter of i he t'nlon of Bast a ttil Wist 4Smilin* Through' /Vexf Offering at Mew President AltVMI'K I.KHMK SMITH and lltmy Duffy will priwnl si Il'ie».di-nl Theater unl Sumlav nluht. a week's engage mini *>f iIn- third rcpurtolr* pro tlui'tlun of tin- President players. "Miiulin' Through." tin' famous .I.iim' <'owl stage mici-ch* l>v Allan Lampion Marl in II I* a fantastic comedy 411 I lu ce tnl" whlrli achieved a Ki'iul lurri'M in N»-w Vork and elsewhere Eileen Wilson nnd Henry linffv. the leading members of ihe Prul- dent players will have Hi* ihlrf roles of the production. supported bv a company that includes Ouy D'Knnny, Hubert Lowe. Hel<>n lllttir. Irving Krtinnlv unit others. It has bMn staged b> I'n'U Owen, who hiiH already contributed two flue production* to the repertoire of the Prcsid«nt pUvern In "East In West" and "Turn To the Right." The stoi'y revolvea ulmut the young girl ward of an old man whose life has been embittered by a tragedy that robbed him of hit sweetheart. When he learns that .'.e irlrt In lo»e with the son of the man who In restmnsible for hi* own un h i opines* he order* the youth olf the premise* and blocks the course of true love with hi* own hatred The storv re. veals bow the old man eventually iqili. to nee the Injustice of his stfcnd and how his object ons nielt in the fire of love * young dream. The production wiil be present¬ ed every night at K:.in p m., be¬ ginning next Hunday night. with regular matinees on Wednesda y and Saturday and 2:30 p m. Smart Play Bill Coming to Keith's AUROITP of stellar attrac¬ tions. headed by Marlon Harris in "A Record- Rvraklng Musical®." will hold forth at R F, Keith's Theater next week commencing with th« Monday matinee. Robert Em met t Keane and Claire Whitney, the film celebrity in pwson. will arraign "The <io*. slpy Sex." A1 Herman. "The Black Laugh." will dissiiiute grief and remorse. Milton Aborn will present "The i""hina Rlue Plate." a musical legend, emploj^ng i noteworthy cast The J>nris Humphrey'* Dancers will intro¬ duce their new spectacular dance series.. Freda and Anthony will insert their smart novelty. "Rertche-Kalloop." and others will he the Lime trio. Kovac and Ooldticr in varied virtuosity, and the usual house additions Next Sunday at 3 and *>:1.1 o'clock this week's bill with the Pansinoa and May Wirth. will In- given its last performance? RIALTO. "Human Hearts." A DOl'RLE feature bill of un- usual interest and merit ia an¬ nounced for Moore's Ralto Thea ter for the week begin¬ ning Sunday next, the con¬ cert offerings being marked by the ap¬ pearance three times daily as guest conduc¬ tor of the fa¬ mous Rtalto Orchestra, of Oreata Vessel- la. world re¬ nowned com¬ poser. director and hand-lead¬ er and kiown mav /v/// a,* <l0 al1 Amer- rtAf PWLB/tf vih from hia appearand .s each summer at At¬ lantic City for the past sixteen years. The photodramatlc offering will bring to Washington for a pre¬ mier showing. I'nlversal'a lat¬ est special production "lliiinan Hearts." a great, wholesome und intvresting p-cture by Hal Held, father of Wallace Reid. with House Peters. Mary Philbln, and Oertrude Claire in the sti-llar roles. Others uptie.'trlng Include Russell Simpson. Oeorge' Hackathorne. Edith Hullor, Ramsey Wallace. Wilton Taylor, and Ramsey Wal¬ lace. A selected program of suhskliary . features nnd a special Interpreta¬ tive orchestra score will complete the hill. Great Keith Rug. 'T'HE largest rug In the world. which is to be placed In the grand hall of the R. F. Keith Pal¬ ace Theater. In Cleveland, has completed Its Journed from the lit¬ tle town of Maffersdorf, Cs*che- Hlovakln. to Cleveland The rug Is forty by sixty-seven feet in size, and. according to Stevedores who have unloaded the crates and boxes from ship*.. It was the largest they have ever seen. This massive t-ug will add to the beauty of the new 5S.000,* Otift theater, a monument to the energy of E. F. Albci\ the president and chief owner of the Keith cir¬ cuit and by long odds the fore¬ most figure In the world of vaude¬ ville. Press to See "49ers" First TIIR first performance of the -*¦ "49ers" In New York next Mon¬ day night, November #, will he given exclusively "for representa¬ tives of the press. No tickets will he sold for that performance. The public premiere will take place, as ndvertlsed, the following night The nuthora whose works will make up the opening Mil will be Montague Glass. Heywood Ilroun, l'ranklln P. Adams. Ring Lardner, Robert C. Bench ley, Dorothy Par¬ ker. Oeorge f Kaufman. Marc Connelly, Morrle Rysklnd. Walt Kuhn. Howard Diet*. Rertrnm Rloeh, Deems Taylor. Lewis Oens- ler and Arthur H. Samuels. The list of players will Includ" May Trwln, Roland Young, Beryl Mercer, Sidney Tolcr, lisnman Maley, Howard Lindsay. Sol Fried¬ man, Ruth Olllmore, Albert Car roll. Allta, Margot Myers, Devah Moral, Angela Ward, Clyde Hunne well. Allen Fagan, Philip Msnn, Gladys Rurgetta. Frank Lyon. Easton Yonge, Ira t'hr, l^wts Har¬ rington. Ward Fox. Monica Moore. IxmIse Hunter Jeanne Cbaralier* and llrenda Itotid. UNUSUAL. MOVING SATIRE. IS NEW INSECT CO/1EDT AS VIEWED BT ALAN DALE H> ALAN DALE. Belasco Card Has Noted Duo WKHKlt & riKI.DS. tin- fa inous tram of rnntpdlalif. ri- united for ii toil! of the Shuhort vaudeville circuit, will he the attraction at the Helasco next week. openinK with the mati¬ nee Sunday. "Re-I'nlted" in the title of the production which the we I known fun makers will provide as a set- tinr for their own frivolities, which lire still recalled with de- llKht l>y playgoers of a genera- tiun axo. The attraction in in two acts und sixteen scene* and introduces iiesides the stars a number of gilt-edge vaudeville specialties. Weber A Fields will he seen in their famous pool table scene and in their hilarious diversion, "The Oladtators." Assisting in the vaudeville por¬ tion will be i.ynn Cantor, a statuesque prima donna with a repertoire of popular numbers. Sid Oold ami brother will lie seen in a musical specialty featuring comedy and up-to-date melodies; Bent A <°1ure are two clever Kirls with a line of putter; the l^udellas will present an acroliatic diver¬ sion; the C/ilf (ilrls is an enter tainlng ensemble number while "Tu'lp hand." a «forir«»ous spec¬ tacular act introduces a Weber & Fields beauty chorus of eigh¬ teen Rills. ftlfflitli Meniteii "Star Merles" Flr»t Concert Kridty afternonn, Norrinhrr It. 4:30 "I PASLIACCi" I'rfrrilfil by \mrr\cnn "An Hour ll#fov* th« (trk Crawi" PRKftlDBNT THRATRR Tlrk«*t». $1.5*. tt. $1.50. 91 ami war tat. T. Arthur HntMh, Inc., ISM O Ht. . Habsrribers' Ticket* Vow Heady NEW YORK, Nov. 2. 1 ulwaj unit lion at Jol^on's theater Czecho-Slovakia, by no less thai we were U'Ctles, i-rifklt*, ic flies of the worst sort, ants and in 4 A NN PUNNING TON, of ** the Aim pled knee* aiuI bewitching unile, it taking a hrief tour in vaudn'ille pend- infl the time a new plily for her in mudr ready by (leorye White, producer of the "Scan- dalt" ttriet. /f/y/y nrtkirt&To# Hubscriberm' Tickets Now Ready iitt-mt PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA l.rOPt>M» flTOKOtMRl fdHNrlnf KIKST CONCKRT OK SKAHON PRESIDENT THEATER Pa. Ave. ami llth ». Tuesday, Nov. 7, 4:30 T. Arthur Nmtth. Inc.. I*M O Nt. TAMir L*T C«ntrarMJfli 1 UniUll 1 ScKool. 830 Waihinfton Choral Sociaty «r»nwe*l> Natiaaal (mnintnltj rkinial t'has. «. WeaffN. I nn4nelor W. P.. Hralttiwalte. Umi Cnnitsrtar THE ROSE MAIDEN Tleketa os sale at T. Arthar Hmith « and at rl#or fiiYETY ?h v'»'» UN I ¦¦ I Mtnoktnc I'eemWIetl RADIO GIRLS rt 1.Ml HTM .HrHIUMKNT >Ml w«ek."HI MHI K Itl HMI.B" r* said that w«rf all uornu, we wera informed, straight from mii authority than Jon ph Caprk, hnpumon fliea, parasites butter .t-its in general. TillM was (tie philosophy of I he liiueh di«<u*»ed pkiy i-nf.tl.d "The World We Wve In," produred by William A firudv (jnd watched with it»*niio interest by a I'us- rinatod Hintlciice the eurUtUH nffmr started with it m tinted I'lirtuiria and a roller!ion of fantastically arrayed men und women Uuttering hII over the stage and making strange, in¬ ner! v noises, I imagined that jtei haps JoHef and Knrel t'apek were Kolnu to peter ou! at O.e. ho tilo itkian 'foil as,' and let |i j>o at that Hnl the » ene wHh !he Init- terfliew wan merely a preliminary disappointing preliminary. and the follow) ,g episodes were wr ously philosofthicui inordt natelv Muaiot. f ll«-.» «4th literary precision (hut wehdly enough. had not heen lost in th. adapta lion, and dw'd»<llv unusual. In the forest glade the "huwin" note wai> assigned to the Vagrant, a kind of compere. who watched the antics of the Inserts. i*>mna-ed these with the almost similar yntli * of men and grew slightly apologetic for tliem all The Va *rant suw In the pin unit* ,if .|| the curlftu* typ. s net forth In the plav the very same traits that ne |M»t rf i ved in hi-- own specie* There wi re the crickets proving 'itv>n lower type* for the preserv* fion of their own lives there was the lehnentiion flv preying upon the crickets for the same reason; there were the h. ,.»|es making their pile" only to find that some nth- '¦r lieetles hud a pproprinteil It. "ml ho on. In the hee(try evidently we *¦«» 'he lowest form of Wa4J Street, rind the Vagrant might have mention- . d thi*, hut being t'z»rho glovakln. he wotted onjy of Wall Street's equivalent. An at) it went The Insects lived their small live* as we live ours. Ttvev murdered, and they stole and they purloined, "nd they «»e themselves full, and .hey were horn nnd thev dWd iuat ..is We do. and with the sane- ¦nnnrent reasonlessnesu Th^i was very po'gnantlv nnd t'r.plntrlv s< forth fiv thei afM»jk* Til- ant hill epiaode of the third -et was strikingly stigei). and the <-eas.>|ers maneuvers of the nnt soldiers wire very graphically shown Throughout, the philosophy of 'he thing made one squirm » hit. If was s>. eonv'nrlngly explained! and so mordant in Its satire. CrandalVs Has I Good Film Trio IUKNK t'AHTLK, not^d dancer and. fashion arbiter. will he the pictured star at r'randair* Theater today In "Slim Shoulders." The story roneerna a voting woman's struggle to maintain the family fortune against thr machii.a- tlona of a hand of clever crook* The added eom««ty offering for ihe midweek will be "Thr Sleuth " On Friday and Saturday ftara Kimball Young will auererd to tfce stellar position on the bill In her picturizatlon of Hlchnnl Washhurn Child's story of "The Hands of I Nara." Two exceptional bookings are an noumed for next week at < randall a. Beginning Sunday afternoon at 3 and continuing, the major offering through Tuesday will be shown Mark Sannett's mammoth melodramatic comedy, romance, "MoUy-O," |n which the title role is played in her moat '.harming vein by Mabel Norma nd. Beginning Wednesday and com¬ pleting- the Week, the Fox super- production of "Monte ("riato" will Ih* the chief feature. rint I'liMtrt M«t«» rtontsl Hertes jaMtr LHEVINNE "The rvrfeet Ptanlst" ¦ AtONIC AUDITORIUM. Uth I N. V. *». Tfenrailar. Rranlag. Nor. 9. 1:1.1 12 M. tt. 11 M II ««r t». T. Arthur amttti. I nr., IMA ft at. p>.B< aniMiiiia «»«! ¦ . a t VI M.AY LOEWS ^VMIOCVILU I ' STRANf): NINtH AT-» Br | Continuant from 12 Xot S ACTS BETTER VAUDEVILLE o%d MAIY WLE? MIITEI | "m m«tT sptciuisr i «wci*usr g imiccori g ..ai* -trtfkt. _ a shows roil Mat* -Papular Saala Htghr g l«e.»»« Me.Mr 1 ¦ m mwxm o ¦ ai« A MARION DAVIES WAS IN FLOWER COLUMBIA UAMTONPM POPULAR PRICES Otis Skinner in 4Mister Antonio,' Gar rick Offering WAHHIMITOS thi'iHw-Kwrii are looking forwuI'd with lilnixuj'iiUv until ipation to the ipin'irnnir of oil* Skinner ill lh»* Hhutmrl'liiirrlrk Theater mi Mon<l;i.v evening next In IiIh comedy »ncr«*«. "Mister An tollio." which Wan written t'X piously for liiui liv Month 'Park Inirt'in. "M later Antonio" In a liluv lluii i-rpri'Mi iiIn whai in of iho best 111 the American theater No deep, abstract problem in offered for notation. i>ut u story simple Mini true .«. life itself Kubblint.' over with . lean ruinedjr. the play KWit'tw nn to n com lu slon whleli Ih an imiuant UH " bui urisii 0 litis Skinner has found In the role of Tony <'uiriuradout. the cheerful, iihilowi^ihiial oitfaii- Kl'liider. a character that Well worthy of bin irr<n' histrionic ability. In his flawless character¬ ization of this* part. Mr. Skinner adds another *r>at performance to thy Ion w lint of his notable success**. and one that, perhaps, has a warmer place In the hearts of his audiences ihiin any other Mr Skinners cnKAKcment will be limited to one week with matinees on Thursday ami Satin- da v. Mr. Skinner is playin* the SIluberMinrt i< k Theater by ar¬ rangement with Harry Uapley, owint: to the ln< umpW'tlon of the National Theater METROPOLITAN. "East Is West." /XlNSTANt'li TA l.M A DCS K oirupy the screen CranlaUV Metropolitan Th coHjr/nta mmAC6f will at ater next week be- KiiirunK Sun¬ day afternoon at 3. in one of the best ve- hide* of her career. "Kaat Wl st This e i kh t reel «|>eeial |>roduc- t i o n Was adapted from the play by Samuel Shl|>- r.-ttt and John B. Ilymen by francos Mar¬ ion. who was responsible also for th" con¬ tinuity of "The < Internal Flame." Mini: Toy fun- Niwis her first to sustain char- the action of be ranked In the rob- of stance Talinadcr real opportunity aiter t hroiiR hoitt a picture that must among the more pretentious under¬ takings of the year "East Is West" offers unusual possibilities as a medium of displar of genuine artistry in acting and material in¬ vestiture. In both respects the most lauilable results have been achieved by the starvand her as¬ sociates. The supporting ootn|>any includes rhllK- 2sO - Sffilter shrdlutao Warner Olnnd. Nipel Barrie, Winter Hall and Edward Burns, in the role of Billy Benson. MOORK-* RIALTO II A. M . I.ABT S IIAVH.1» P. M A COifBltr OF YOl'TH lip Special Arrangement With U(ir»hmll S et Ian WESLEY BARRY Tkl l.ovable Jvvenllr (crew Stnr in RAGS TO RICHES M'tth on EXCEPTIONAL CAST l)R( IIKSTKA Ml RSIIH ARIF.n METROPOLITAH F AT TFNTH" UHT TURKIC DAYS I0:*» A. M TO II r. M. Mr\T WKRk CONSTIRCC TAlVltfC IN IIKR flHKATBMT MrTt RK "EAST IS WEST" F Ok HE ST STANLEY. mow fjImif'HU brumIon in "When Ki'iyhtkitoii ll'u < in Flint*?,'' to <i S pit a if h-A mi i i- ran I. no in ('.¦xmnpnl t'an'n film, "The Hi life uf Hal- omit i," whirl' briny /,/.«- dueea mm' m % <\ > A \ ' %. %' '.( "* \ P*. . > Mil" t JT>" V;.y ; "i ¦* V' % J i. / fOA REST SJftULtV Women and Song on Gayety Bill VyHKN William K. Well*' big ' l'url< s<111. ivvuf, '' Itn. >. Itu>' Me." <i|ii n-» ai the Guyi tv Ti'-iiii-r in xi week. lomnieniln;; Smxlay afitrnoon, one of th> i-ntertainin;; fiwlun-M will bv tin' sinmiiK of 1.1Ilian n»-nn<tt. a enmelv xoiiiv woman who Hints < v< r>'11<11:u from >izz 10 trmml opera e<|fl.i] \ wi Tilts In first weapon in l>u lrK|in- afti r a sin ewxful .:ii" r.in vaudeville. The Lon- Siar Four will !><. an other attrai tion. This i|U»nett>' I* unii|u«> in that it cons;sls of three men anil one woman linth fiibhs i* the feminine member, while Ralph Vernon. Paul Orth nnd T/eslle Barry are the tral"". .foe Freed la the featured conn iliaiv of the show PLOEW'S (pi ALACr MWh'i tfrt 1 f 1 y- m, I..^T THIVKK DAY* WALLACE REID .IN. "THE GHOST BREAKER" WITH I.I LA L KK MfflniUnc SumUy VIOLA DANA In XgdiifM" ft bHuLthT |f uarricA Wat. today. 50t to |l.M. Night*. 30c to $2.Hit Dirrrtioit ¥ WI. Shul»P< The Man on th« Balcony A Ceotcdy-Oraora by Hertwrt Hall Winntow add t mil Nyitray with CYRIL SCOTT A ad a Ca»t. >EVT Ml)mi Cy.Vk.\t~now 4 .... >vvruif<uc5n<Uhrw t* rWV ft* * sr -*?< r' OTIS SKIKNEI 1 f MISTER AtfTOHIO BOOTH TA(?K'N6tO M*M«. %0r to $*..%« Nat*. Thar. \ NhI. A*- U *1 "KNIGHTHOOD" IS flAIUNG RECORD Cosmopolitan s Famous Filmi Starring Marion Daviesj Goes Into Th rd Week at Co¬ lumbia.Box Office History^ Being Shattered by Famous j P:cture. IMAKI1 ».N HA VI KM. tlif fainoua IhiiuI) of the Herein will presented hi I.III W k l'oliimlou Th- ati r f<*r h third yrcitl Ih'kIi nihil next Mil winy. in When Knighthood Win |n ?"lower," th' splmdid iiml mu^riifii i in I'oHinn- Itolilitn piodii' lion of I'liuiles Major's famous si uy of love un<l chivalry In medieval Kmrlaiid Thin mighty offering has Immmi snutti i int{ all n oi<N at I.im »' a Co liimhta nine*- tin- "f it" I'liKUKi'iiii'iit nearl) two wiiUh ago. Ulld ll !IIOII|Ih<H to IrfilllhC otic of i hi' (reulis' photoplay pial union* of ili<> generation. "Wh«*n K n.K h' Ii<kxI Was i'i ?"lower" wax ilirtt l«l hy UoIm ri .N Vlgnola from the scenario hy l.ulhir H>h|. anil h" has brought to MI-is Davits support urn of ll;. most fnmoua phuUipUy mill tha* j has rvn1 arac iil a wreen l.yn Hurtling. Kori ' «' HtanU y. Thaihi j .Maxwell I'onovet. Kuth Shipley K. next (; leiidiiihing. I'edio I'or- 4 do I.a ami inuny ethers Thf net- ' lings wen diKitn.d hy the famous Joseph Vrhan, while thf costun .ire macti pin * of coi'ifeo'iB j beauty anil art. Tin slorv rev a Is Ihf love of I'ri n- eiHH Mary Tudor for a hold an'l dehi.nn.t i. kni«ht. for whom sin not only defies kiftfa. rotirta itrd ( the tradition of centuries, hut death ilselt. In (he end they ij. t.iblish a kingdom of their own :n the true love that has sustain d them through iill their trials I' is a massive and thrillltiK Mot > that give« Martin liivles in th< role of I'rineess Mary tie m-ates; part of her career. B.F.KE.TH'Si5;, Csiiy SundayHolidays RASE TREAT --HERALD the cm\m In "Fantasia Rspanola" Kigllt llnnee Sensations. MAY WIRTH Willi rilll. and the WIKTII ? AMII.Y, in Their Wonderful Arenic Kxplnits WELLS. VIRGINIA & WEST. BURT GORDON & GENE FORD, , KBBNB & SPEER. WILLIAM ERS. RHOL'ES * WATSON. YOST & CLADY. OTHERS. ¦bwumwh NEXT PERFORMANCE FRIDAY ISIDENT \ M*l»l. Hi Mai. Sal.. ?:30 nllli Kllern M il^Mi 11 ». it r \ Huffy TODAY, 4:30-8:30 TIIK MONT rolM I.AH MISMM. KVKNT OK TMK MKASON I law ftaann J«w Pwii»3«*»a. Cowovcro* A/IATIOAiAL Ifl^TlTUTI0/f l*rlce«. 91.00. 91.AO, 52.00, phi* tux HKATH NOW ON KAI.R AT TIIKATK* Sauvanir aroar«i» caatRinlnt lar«a pf> otnfrapft .f It. Cammaadrr John PMlip Siuu and auto¬ graphed wit% the bar* af the Hifh Srhor Cadat Mareti and Tha Wathl»»ft©a Pout Marrh.. ..Itfc an Intaraatina itary of Mr. 9»u«a'» tifa. pre*, at- ed at tha matinca aad nifM prrlormancr*. MAT*. Ml 9:li . MTU* n( A:l& TAKE THEI* WORD FOR IT .'Raal artist** art prp*rnt Navtr atops moving " C 1. Mi-rvdlth. Thn Tlma* "Th# dollar 'a worth (h» iimimfn^nt world run «»ff*r l.oonaid Mull. Thr "ApprnltmatM tha *ntart«itnrnant at lha Follf* lt*r®er* Y !* . !i#ar, Th# Pwrt "WanhingtontHna who enjoy food (lancing find romnlv, don t Want to ml*a It." Let* Honiara. Tha tfornW. "Fillfd with brlljluntlv MhrhI numhrra" .1 ft K*ll*r, Thr Star. GtRTKUL/fc MOJ-f fWAMM a»hI i *ni|niMv of Fifty In the Ritffliirulnr Rem# "HELLO tVfcHYBODV" with Harry and Willi* Lander Funnlj^t of Amrrlrnn t nni^llim .leaa M«*.'.»> *ml KmIpIi Vt niton.4 Wa.v. ftmnon find Marr.Tom and ttott* Wiitar*.L<%n Huflf-tWla* t'ontf.Hilly Hliode* and +mr. womiVkh i HorrMANN n\>< im.jiiiim irt»;25c-soc r,:;:,:;', w.u«. 25c-$i * 15nvr wrr.K.*r«t« viJT-V kxtm tnninx\rv WEBEN A FIELDS "Tie-United" % frltnlan* V*»wl*Tllla I iw-fctull with A "W^hfr A KI« IH*" ' *»#»».».

OTIS WEBER FIELDS AND HARRIS...Harris in "A Record-Rvraklng Musical®." will hold forth at R F, Keith's Theater next week commencing with th« Monday matinee. Robert Emmett Keane and

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Page 1: OTIS WEBER FIELDS AND HARRIS...Harris in "A Record-Rvraklng Musical®." will hold forth at R F, Keith's Theater next week commencing with th« Monday matinee. Robert Emmett Keane and


kr. hopwood onfinERICAN

WII/ESAuthor of Dramatic Preach¬

ment, "Why Men LeaveHome," Draws DistinctionBetween Ideal Wife and

Type He Hits on Stage.(rtlTHKX I chose for n>v new

\f\ est play the huIO'11''.» * 'Why Men he a v <.

Home,' I reuli>cd that, in the Ian*guage of thi- classics. I might lie'atarting aomethlng,' especiallywhen I revealed that, in my opin¬ion, many American mtii leavetheir home* because their wivesforce them to do HO." deposesAvery Hopwood. "I wish it clear-ly understood, however, that 1 amnot bringing such an accusationagainst American wive* in general.The majority of American womenmake the liest pals and helpmatesthat a man can have. Hut there Isa select but spectacular minority,who belong to a species that 1 have-Jiristened 'The (Sreat AmericanZ."a; J»ecause you don't find any¬thing just like them in other coun¬tries. And the reason you don't isthat you don't find the men whowould be foolish enough to put upWith them."Why do inen leave home? I

think that in many canes It is be¬cause their wives leave home firstand stay awav so long that theirhusbands, haven't any homes toleave. Or clue, when this type ofwoman does stay home, she injectsso much jazz, spirit into the home*life that the husband goes awayJust to get a rest.

.'I have always been a believerin woman's rights and ( have onlyadmiration for the modern wifein so far as she is truly modern.the economically ind"pendent

rrtner of a fifty-fifty marriage,don't believe that a woman's

only place is in the home."I believe in the American wife

in business, in politics or in anyprofessional or artistic careerwhich she chooses to follow andWhich contributes something con¬structive and vital to the world.She is, I repeat, playing fair.."But the woman whom I have

called "The Great American Wife."and who seems to me increas¬ingly numerous in large sectionsof our society. Is neither one ofthese types. This type of wifeis the parasite type. She won'thave children. She travels so

much that if she ever had an in¬fant it' would have to be born ata house-party or on an ocean liner.She won't stay in her honte longenough to n it a real one. Shemakes her husband wait on herhand and foot. She demands rillthe monry that he can make -mdIs impatient with him because hecan't make more. She »r>enda hersummers abroad and her wintersat Palm Beach or California, whilehubby stays at home trying tomake more money for her tosquander."

PALACE."June Madness."^"IOLA DANA comes to I View's

Palace Theater Sunday after¬noon for a week's engagement in"June Madness." In which she is¦upported byBryant Wash¬burn and abrilliant castIncluding Ger¬ald P r 1 n g,I,eon Barrv,Eugenie Bes-serer, SnitzEdwards, AnitaKraser andmany others.

"June Mad¬ness'' depictsthe madcap ad-Ventures of aa p r i g h t-ly young misswho breaksaway from herown weddingceremony,

leaving a million-dollar bride,frooin behind, to elope with th»Jazz-king of an orchestra. Th ?yelude their pursuers by land andwater though they are harrtivout of one entanglement untilthey are in another. There Is acharming scene at a roadhous",where, attired in a picturesquecostume. Miss Dana offers an in¬spired "Wedding n*tice" whichIs one of the delights of thepicture.

Gl'Dover Road" Coming.JtJTHBIE McCLINTIC bringi

to the Shubert-Garrick The¬ater on November 20 his produc¬tion of "The Dover lload," a

Comedy by A. A. Milne, authorof "Mr. Pirn Passes Bv," withCharles Cherry at the head of anexcellent company, which include#Molly Pearson, Kathleen Comegya,Heginald Mason. Lyonel Watts,George Riddell, and others "TheDover Rood" played ten months¦t the Bijou Theater, .New York,breaking the record for long en¬gagements of that house. It wasthe firat English play ever tohave had its premiere In America,.nd holds the record for con¬tinuous performances of any Eng¬lish play ever produced In NewYork.

panting.OLOVBR'S. (I) il<t. PrlvMl* loaimna. Tie;

« P" .><" « «»..« 15 W_|||*MR STAFFORD I'ICMBEKTON.* orm»rpartner te OertrmU lloffmna. Ma,Murray, ethera. I»««nr, .n dm/,lag Studio, 1160 Hlltmoro *t Col. Mil.

Week Night*. ft:M to It



DANCEMATtJtl *** Wl a(f % ««T rioorti'»n i <n run r* otkiiti > v«on

N"'» I'reJNiee f>c «.<.»? Mm ft nn.Vn » l« * ... . /. .

ertginal mRi! i otnii «i iiipiurii'H

CYKII. SCOTT it "The Manoil the HnleoHii" this week

of the Cairtrk ami onee luste/tK from the bulrany to im-Iffnifit 11 hu h iiial urt there ina yreat pot-pourri of event*reuniting.

cyA/i sco/r

Strand PromisesAttractive Bill

ANOTHER excellent ^ogiam ofvaudeville and picture uttractions is announced for

showing at the Strand for theweek beginning Sunday next, thefirst half of the hill being headedby William A. Weston and hiscompany coming direct from theNew York Hippodrome, presenting.their latest I(roadway hit. "TheAttorneys." Others appearing onthe all-star bill include Frear, Bag-gett anil Krear in "Baseball Idio¬syncrasies;" .lini Connors and Hazel Boyne in a humorous skit withmelodies, dances and sinib g en¬titled. "A Bit of Ij*ce& OliveBayes and Jack Smith offering"Keep On Singing;" and Olga andNickolas giving spectacular andartistic "Dance Creations."The photo offering will bring to

the screen a modern expose ofcrooked politics and the law ofdoubt entitled, "The Lying Truth,"featuritMi a cast including NoahBeery, Marjoria Daw. Tully Mar¬shall. Pat o'Malley, Charles Mailes.Claire McDonald and Adele Wat¬son.

Selected short-film subjects andspecial orchestral numbers ar¬ranged by Arthur J. Manvell willcomplete whfit promises to be an¬other bill far above the average.

Forrest StanleyIn New Picture

iirriK PRIDE OF PALOMAR."I plcturlzed from P-»ter B.

Kyne's story of the samename for Cosmopolitan Produc¬tions, is now undergoing the fin¬ishing touches preparatory to release in December. The picture,adapted for the screen by (JrantCarpenter and John Lynch, wasfilmed In California under the di¬rection of Frank Bor*age, who di¬rected Cosmopolitan's "Humore*«j«je," amidst the very sceneswhere the author conceived andwrote the story on the picturesqueranch of S'nor Cave Coutts.Woven around the romance of an

ex-soldier and the pretty daughterof an Kastern capitalist, who hasannexed his ancestral estate, "ThePride of Palotnar" offers aygreatdeal in the line of thrills. Includingone of the most exciting horse-racescenes ever filmed and a hand-to-hand encounter that Just bristleswith action. The fast-moving plotcarrim with it the atmosphere ofthe old Spanish settlements insouthern California.

Forrest Stanley, who playsCharles Brandon with MarionDavles in "When Knighthood Wasin Flower," portrays the role ofthe young S|>anlsh American heroIn "The Pride of Palomnr." Stan¬ley is surrounded by a brilliantcast. Including Joseph Dowling,who won fame in creating the titlerole in "The Miracle Man," whoappears In the picture as the capi¬talist. Majorie Daw ap|>ears asthe heroine, and Warner Oland,the greatest interpreter of Japa¬nese rob a in motion pictures, hasthe part of Nkado, a schemingJapanese. Others In the cast whoappcur to advantage arc Alfred Al¬len, Tote de Crow, Oeorge Nichols,James Barrow and Edward Brady.

Was With Irving.T ILL.IAN BRENNARD, who is

api»earlng in Frank Smith-son's production, "The Man onthe Balcony," was a . memberof Sir Henry Irvlng's companyduring his last «ngaKement. Shewas also with Margaret AngllnIn "Caroline," has appeared In along list of plays Including "Lorn-liardi Ltd." and "A Bill of Divorce¬ment."

. Price of Realism.A BEAl'TIFt'L Carved door¦*"* with a real antique lock thatcost $1,20(1 was shattered to piecesIn the cause of realism during theproduction of "When KnighthoodWiis In Flower," the Cosmopolitanproduction In which Marlon DaviesIs achieving th** great photoplaytr.uniph of her career at l^oew'sColumbia this week.

oPostpone 'MaliniW T N tl to unforeseen eventsthe performance of th«

Hindu pln.v "Mnllnl" A'h«>duledfor Sunday, November S, has beenpostponed lo a date to be an¬nounced later The production Issponsored bv the Washingtonchapter of i he t'nlon of Basta ttil Wist

4Smilin* Through'/Vexf Offering atMew President

AltVMI'K I.KHMK SMITH andlltmy Duffy will priwnl siIl'ie».di-nl Theater unl

Sumlav nluht. a week's engagemini *>f iIn- third rcpurtolr* protlui'tlun of tin- President players."Miiulin' Through." tin' famous.I.iim' <'owl stage mici-ch* l>v AllanLampion Marl in II I* a fantasticcomedy 411 I lu ce tnl" whlrliachieved a Ki'iul lurri'M in N»-wVork and elsewhere

Eileen Wilson nnd Henry linffv.the leading members of ihe Prul-dent players will have Hi* ihlrfroles of the production. supportedbv a company that includes OuyD'Knnny, Hubert Lowe. Hel<>nlllttir. Irving Krtinnlv unit others.It has bMn staged b> I'n'U Owen,

who hiiH already contributed twoflue production* to the repertoireof the Prcsid«nt pUvern In "EastIn West" and "Turn To the Right."The stoi'y revolvea ulmut the

young girl ward of an old man

whose life has been embittered bya tragedy that robbed him of hitsweetheart. When he learns that.'.e irlrt '» In lo»e with the son

of the man who In restmnsible forhi* own un h i opines* he order*the youth olf the premise* andblocks the course of true love withhi* own hatred The storv re.

veals bow the old man eventuallyiqili. to nee the Injustice of hisstfcnd and how his object ons nieltin the fire of love * young dream.The production wiil be present¬

ed every night at K:.in p m., be¬ginning next Hunday night. withregular matinees on Wednesda yand Saturday and 2:30 p m.

Smart Play BillComing to Keith'sAUROITP of stellar attrac¬

tions. headed by MarlonHarris in "A Record-

Rvraklng Musical®." will holdforth at R F, Keith's Theaternext week commencing with th«Monday matinee.

Robert Em met t Keane andClaire Whitney, the film celebrityin pwson. will arraign "The <io*.slpy Sex." A1 Herman. "TheBlack Laugh." will dissiiiute griefand remorse. Milton Aborn willpresent "The i""hina Rlue Plate."a musical legend, emploj^ng i

noteworthy cast The J>nrisHumphrey'* Dancers will intro¬duce their new spectacular danceseries.. Freda and Anthony willinsert their smart novelty."Rertche-Kalloop." and others willhe the Lime trio. Kovac andOoldticr in varied virtuosity, andthe usual house additionsNext Sunday at 3 and *>:1.1

o'clock this week's bill with thePansinoa and May Wirth. will In-given its last performance?

RIALTO."Human Hearts."A DOl'RLE feature bill of un-

usual interest and merit ia an¬nounced for Moore's Ralto Thea

ter for theweek begin¬ning Sundaynext, the con¬cert offeringsbeing markedby the ap¬pearance threetimes daily as

guest conduc¬tor of the fa¬mous RtaltoOrchestra, ofOreata Vessel-la. world re¬nowned com¬

poser. directorand hand-lead¬er and kiown

mav /v/// a,* <l0 al1 Amer-rtAfPWLB/tf vih from hia

appearand .s each summer at At¬lantic City for the past sixteenyears.The photodramatlc offering will

bring to Washington for a pre¬mier showing. I'nlversal'a lat¬est special production "lliiinanHearts." a great, wholesome undintvresting p-cture by Hal Held,father of Wallace Reid. withHouse Peters. Mary Philbln, andOertrude Claire in the sti-llar roles.Others uptie.'trlng Include RussellSimpson. Oeorge' Hackathorne.Edith Hullor, Ramsey Wallace.Wilton Taylor, and Ramsey Wal¬lace.A selected program of suhskliary .

features nnd a special Interpreta¬tive orchestra score will completethe hill.

Great Keith Rug.'T'HE largest rug In the world.*¦ which is to be placed In thegrand hall of the R. F. Keith Pal¬ace Theater. In Cleveland, hascompleted Its Journed from the lit¬tle town of Maffersdorf, Cs*che-Hlovakln. to ClevelandThe rug Is forty by sixty-seven

feet in size, and. according toStevedores who have unloaded thecrates and boxes from ship*.. Itwas the largest they have everseen. This massive t-ug will addto the beauty of the new 5S.000,*Otift theater, a monument to theenergy of E. F. Albci\ the presidentand chief owner of the Keith cir¬cuit and by long odds the fore¬most figure In the world of vaude¬ville.

Press to See "49ers" FirstTIIR first performance of the-*¦ "49ers" In New York next Mon¬day night, November #, will hegiven exclusively "for representa¬tives of the press. No tickets willhe sold for that performance. Thepublic premiere will take place, as

ndvertlsed, the following nightThe nuthora whose works will

make up the opening Mil will beMontague Glass. Heywood Ilroun,l'ranklln P. Adams. Ring Lardner,Robert C. Bench ley, Dorothy Par¬ker. Oeorge f Kaufman. MarcConnelly, Morrle Rysklnd. WaltKuhn. Howard Diet*. RertrnmRloeh, Deems Taylor. Lewis Oens-ler and Arthur H. Samuels.The list of players will Includ"

May Trwln, Roland Young, BerylMercer, Sidney Tolcr, lisnmanMaley, Howard Lindsay. Sol Fried¬man, Ruth Olllmore, Albert Carroll. Allta, Margot Myers, DevahMoral, Angela Ward, Clyde Hunnewell. Allen Fagan, Philip Msnn,Gladys Rurgetta. Frank Lyon.Easton Yonge, Ira t'hr, l^wts Har¬rington. Ward Fox. Monica Moore.IxmIse Hunter Jeanne Cbaralier*and llrenda Itotid.



Belasco CardHas Noted Duo

WKHKlt & riKI.DS. tin- fainous tram of rnntpdlalif.ri- united for ii toil! of the

Shuhort vaudeville circuit, willhe the attraction at the Helasconext week. openinK with the mati¬nee Sunday.

"Re-I'nlted" in the title of theproduction which the we I knownfun makers will provide as a set-tinr for their own frivolities,which lire still recalled with de-llKht l>y playgoers of a genera-tiun axo. The attraction in intwo acts und sixteen scene* andintroduces iiesides the stars anumber of gilt-edge vaudevillespecialties. Weber A Fields willhe seen in their famous pooltable scene and in their hilariousdiversion, "The Oladtators."

Assisting in the vaudeville por¬tion will be i.ynn Cantor, astatuesque prima donna with arepertoire of popular numbers.Sid Oold ami brother will lie seenin a musical specialty featuringcomedy and up-to-date melodies;Bent A <°1ure are two clever Kirlswith a line of putter; the l^udellaswill present an acroliatic diver¬sion; the C/ilf (ilrls is an entertainlng ensemble number while"Tu'lp hand." a «forir«»ous spec¬tacular act introduces a Weber& Fields beauty chorus of eigh¬teen Rills.

ftlfflitli Meniteii "Star Merles"Flr»t Concert

Kridty afternonn, Norrinhrr It. 4:30

"I PASLIACCi"I'rfrrilfil by \mrr\cnn

"An Hour ll#fov* th« (trk Crawi"

PRKftlDBNT THRATRRTlrk«*t». $1.5*. tt. $1.50. 91 ami

war tat.

T. Arthur HntMh, Inc.,ISM O Ht. .

Habsrribers' Ticket* Vow Heady

NEW YORK, Nov. 2. 1 ulwajunit lion at Jol^on's theaterCzecho-Slovakia, by no less

thai we were U'Ctles, i-rifklt*, icflies of the worst sort, ants and in


A NN PUNNINGTON, of** the Aimpled knee* aiuIbewitching unile, it taking a

hrief tour in vaudn'ille pend-infl the time a new plily forher in mudr ready by (leoryeWhite, producer of the "Scan-dalt" ttriet.


Hubscriberm' Tickets Now Readyiitt-mt


l.rOPt>M» flTOKOtMRlfdHNrlnf


Pa. Ave. ami llth ».Tuesday, Nov. 7, 4:30T. Arthur Nmtth. Inc.. I*M O Nt.

TAMirL*T C«ntrarMJfli1 UniUll 1 ScKool. 830

Waihinfton Choral Sociaty«r»nwe*l> Natiaaal (mnintnltj rkinial

t'has. «. WeaffN. I nn4nelorW. P.. Hralttiwalte. Umi CnnitsrtarTHE ROSE MAIDEN

Tleketa os sale at T. Arthar Hmith « andat rl#or

fiiYETY ?h v'»'»UN I ¦¦ I Mtnoktnc I'eemWIetl


>Ml w«ek."HI MHI K Itl HMI.B"

r* said that w« w«rf all uornu,we wera informed, straight frommii authority than Jon ph Caprk,hnpumon fliea, parasites butter.t-its in general.

TillM was (tie philosophy of I heliiueh di«<u*»ed pkiy i-nf.tl.d "TheWorld We Wve In," produred byWilliam A firudv (jnd watchedwith it»*niio interest by a I'us-rinatod HintlciiceA» the eurUtUH nffmr started

with it m tinted I'lirtuiria and aroller!ion of fantastically arrayedmen und women Uuttering hII overthe stage and making strange, in¬ner! v noises, I imagined that jteihaps JoHef and Knrel t'apek wereKolnu to peter ou! at O.e. ho tiloitkian 'foil as,' and let |i j>o atthat Hnl the » ene wHh !he Init-terfliew wan merely a preliminary

disappointing preliminary.and the follow) ,g episodes werewr ously philosofthicui inordtnatelv Muaiot. f ll«-.» «4th literaryprecision (hut wehdly enough.had not heen lost in th. adaptalion, and dw'd»<llv unusual.

In the forest glade the "huwin"note wai> assigned to the Vagrant,a kind of compere. who watchedthe antics of the Inserts. i*>mna-edthese with the almost similaryntli * of men and grew slightlyapologetic for tliem all The Va*rant suw In the pin unit* ,if .||the curlftu* typ. s net forth In theplav the very same traits that ne|M»t rf i ved in hi-- own specie*There wi re the crickets proving

'itv>n lower type* for the preserv*fion of their own lives there wasthe lehnentiion flv preying uponthe crickets for the same reason;there were the h. ,.»|es making theirpile" only to find that some nth-

'¦r lieetles hud a pproprinteil It."ml ho on.

In the hee(try evidently we *¦«»'he lowest form of Wa4J Street, rindthe Vagrant might have mention-. d thi*, hut being t'z»rho glovakln.he wotted onjy of Wall Street'sequivalent. An at) it went TheInsects lived their small live* aswe live ours. Ttvev murdered, andthey stole and they purloined,"nd they «»e themselves full, and.hey were horn nnd thev dWdiuat ..is We do. and with the sane-¦nnnrent reasonlessnesuTh^i was very po'gnantlv nndt'r.plntrlv s< forth fiv thei afM»jk*Til- ant hill epiaode of the third

-et was strikingly stigei). and the<-eas.>|ers maneuvers of the nntsoldiers wire very graphicallyshownThroughout, the philosophy of

'he thing made one squirm » hit.If was s>. eonv'nrlngly explained!and so mordant in Its satire.

CrandalVs HasI Good Film TrioIUKNK t'AHTLK, not^d dancer

and. fashion arbiter. will hethe pictured star at r'randair*

Theater today In "Slim Shoulders."The story roneerna a votingwoman's struggle to maintain thefamily fortune against thr machii.a-tlona of a hand of clever crook*The added eom««ty offering forihe midweek will be "Thr Sleuth "

On Friday and Saturday ftaraKimball Young will auererd to tfcestellar position on the bill In herpicturizatlon of Hlchnnl WashhurnChild's story of "The Hands of

I Nara."Two exceptional bookings are an

noumed for next week at< randall a. Beginning Sundayafternoon at 3 and continuing, themajor offering through Tuesdaywill be shown Mark Sannett'smammoth melodramatic comedy,romance, "MoUy-O," |n which thetitle role is played in her moat'.harming vein by Mabel Normand.Beginning Wednesday and com¬pleting- the Week, the Fox super-production of "Monte ("riato" willIh* the chief feature.

rint I'liMtrt M«t«» rtontsl HertesjaMtr

LHEVINNE"The rvrfeet Ptanlst"

¦ AtONIC AUDITORIUM. Uth I N. V. *».Tfenrailar. Rranlag. Nor. 9. 1:1.1

12 M. tt. 11 M II ««r t».T. Arthur amttti. I nr., IMA ft at.

p>.B< aniMiiiia «»«! ¦ . at VI M.AY LOEWS ^VMIOCVILU I' STRANf):NINtH AT-» Br |



MAIY WLE? MIITEI |"m m«tT sptciuisr

i«wci*usr gimiccori g..ai* -trtfkt. _

a shows roilMat* -Papular Saala Htghr g

l«e.»»« Me.Mr 1¦ m mwxm o ¦ ai« A




Otis Skinner in4Mister Antonio,'Garrick Offering

WAHHIMITOS thi'iHw-Kwriiare looking forwuI'd withlilnixuj'iiUv until ipation to

the ipin'irnnir of oil* Skinnerill lh»* Hhutmrl'liiirrlrk Theatermi Mon<l;i.v evening next In IiIhcomedy »ncr«*«. "Mister Antollio." which Wan written t'X

piously for liiui liv Month 'ParkInirt'in."M later Antonio" In a liluv

lluii i-rpri'Mi iiIn whai in of ihobest 111 the American theaterNo deep, abstract problem inoffered for notation. i>ut u storysimple Mini true .«. life itselfKubblint.' over with . lean ruinedjr.the play KWit'tw nn to n com luslon whleli Ih an imiuant UH "bui urisii 0

litis Skinner has found In therole of Tony <'uiriuradout. thecheerful, iihilowi^ihiial oitfaii-Kl'liider. a character that i« Wellworthy of bin irr<n' histrionicability. In his flawless character¬ization of this* part. Mr. Skinneradds another *r>at performanceto thy Ion w lint of his notablesuccess**. and one that, perhaps,has a warmer place In the heartsof his audiences ihiin any otherMr Skinners cnKAKcment will

be limited to one week withmatinees on Thursday ami Satin-da v.

Mr. Skinner is playin* theSIluberMinrt i< k Theater by ar¬

rangement with Harry Uapley,owint: to the ln< umpW'tlon of theNational Theater


oirupy the screen

CranlaUV Metropolitan Th




next week be-KiiirunK Sun¬day afternoonat 3. in one ofthe best ve-hide* of hercareer. "Kaat!« Wl st Thise i kh t reel«|>eeial |>roduc-t i o n Wasadapted fromthe play bySamuel Shl|>-r.-ttt and JohnB. Ilymen byfrancos Mar¬ion. who wasresponsible alsofor th" con¬tinuity of "The <

Internal Flame."Mini: Toy fun-Niwis her firstto sustain char-the action of

be ranked

In the rob- ofstance Talinadcrreal opportunityaiter t hroiiR hoitta picture that mustamong the more pretentious under¬takings of the year "East IsWest" offers unusual possibilitiesas a medium of displar of genuineartistry in acting and material in¬vestiture. In both respects themost lauilable results have beenachieved by the starvand her as¬

sociates.The supporting ootn|>any includes

rhllK- 2sO - Sffilter shrdlutaoWarner Olnnd. Nipel Barrie,Winter Hall and Edward Burns,in the role of Billy Benson.



A COifBltr OF YOl'THlip Special ArrangementWith U(ir»hmll S et Ian


BARRYTkl l.ovable Jvvenllr

(crew Stnr in


M'tth on







F Ok HE ST STANLEY.mow fjImif'HU brumIon in

"When Ki'iyhtkitoii ll'u < in

Flint*?,'' to <i Spit a ifh-A mi i i-ran I.no in ('.¦xmnpnlt'an'n

film, "The Hi life uf Hal-omit i," whirl' '« briny /,/.«-dueea mm'

m % <\> A \ ' %.%' '.( "*\ P*.

.> Mil" t JT>"V;.y

;"i ¦* V' % J

i. /


Women and Songon Gayety Bill

VyHKN William K. Well*' big' l'url< s<111. ivvuf,

'' Itn. >. Itu>'Me." <i|ii n-» ai the Guyi tv Ti'-iiii-rin xi week. lomnieniln;; Smxlayafitrnoon, one of th> i-ntertainin;;fiwlun-M will bv tin' sinmiiK of1.1Ilian n»-nn<tt. a enmelv xoiiivwoman who Hints < v< r>'11<11:u from>izz 10 trmml opera e<|fl.i] \ wiTilts i» In first weapon in l>ulrK|in- afti r a sin ewxful .:ii" r.invaudeville.The Lon- Siar Four will !><. an

other attrai tion. This i|U»nett>'I* unii|u«> in that it cons;sls ofthree men anil one woman linthfiibhs i* the feminine member,while Ralph Vernon. Paul Orthnnd T/eslle Barry are the tral""..foe Freed la the featured conniliaiv of the show


MWh'i tfrt i« 1 f 1 y- m,





In XgdiifM"

ft bHuLthT |fuarricAWat. today. 50t to |l.M.Night*. 30c to $2.HitDirrrtioit ¥ WI. Shul»P<

The Man on th« BalconyA Ceotcdy-Oraora by Hertwrt Hall Winntowadd t mil Nyitray with CYRIL SCOTT

Aad a Ca»t.

>EVT Ml)mi Cy.Vk.\t~now

4 .... >vvruif<uc5n<Uhrwt* rWV ft* *sr -*?<




M*M«. %0r to $*..%«Nat*. Thar. \ NhI.

A*- U *1


Cosmopolitan s Famous FilmiStarring Marion DaviesjGoes Into Th rd Week at Co¬lumbia.Box Office History^Being Shattered by Famous jP:cture.

IMAKI1 ».N HA VI KM. tlif fainouaIhiiuI) of the Herein will l»

presented hi I.III W k l'oliimlou Th-ati r f<*r h third yrcitl Ih'kIinihil next Mil winy. in WhenKnighthood Win |n ?"lower," th'splmdid iiml mu^riifii i in I'oHinn-Itolilitn piodii' lion of I'liuilesMajor's famous si uy of love un<lchivalry In medieval KmrlaiidThin mighty offering has Immmisnutti i int{ all n oi<N at I.im »' a Coliimhta nine*- tin- "f it"I'liKUKi'iiii'iit nearl) two wiiUh ago.Ulld ll !IIOII|Ih<H to IrfilllhC otic ofi hi' (reulis' photoplay pial union*of ili<> generation."Wh«*n K n.K h' Ii<kxI Was i'i

?"lower" wax ilirtt l«l hy UoIm ri.N Vlgnola from the scenario hyl.ulhir H>h|. anil h" has broughtto MI-is Davits support urn of ll;.most fnmoua phuUipUy mill tha* jhas rvn1 arac iil a wreen l.ynHurtling. Kori ' «' HtanU y. Thaihi j.Maxwell I'onovet. Kuth ShipleyK. next (; leiidiiihing. I'edio I'or- 4doI.a ami inuny ethers Thf net- '

lings wen diKitn.d hy the famousJoseph Vrhan, while thf costun <»

.ire macti pin * of coi'ifeo'iB jbeauty anil art.

Tin slorv rev a Is Ihf love of I'ri n-eiHH Mary Tudor for a hold an'ldehi.nn.t i. kni«ht. for whom sinnot only defies kiftfa. rotirta itrd (the tradition of centuries, hutdeath ilselt. In (he end they ij.

t.iblish a kingdom of their own :n

the true love that has sustain dthem through iill their trials I'is a massive and thrillltiK Mot >that give« Martin liivles in th<role of I'rineess Mary tie m-ates;part of her career.

B.F.KE.TH'Si5;,Csiiy SundayHolidays


the cm\mIn "Fantasia Rspanola"Kigllt llnnee Sensations.

MAY WIRTHWilli rilll. and the WIKTII? AMII.Y, in Their Wonderful

Arenic Kxplnits




ISIDENT\M*l»l. HiMai. Sal.. ?:30

nllliKllern M il^Mi11 ». it r \ Huffy



Ilaw ftaann J«w Pwii»3«*»a. Cowovcro*A/IATIOAiAL Ifl^TlTUTI0/fl*rlce«. 91.00. 91.AO, 52.00, phi* tux


Sauvanir aroar«i» caatRinlnt lar«a pf>otnfrapft.f It. Cammaadrr John PMlip Siuu and auto¬graphed wit% the bar* af the Hifh Srhor CadatMareti and Tha Wathl»»ft©a Pout Marrh.. ..Itfcan Intaraatina itary of Mr. 9»u«a'» tifa. pre*, at-ed at tha matinca aad nifM prrlormancr*.


.'Raal artist** art prp*rnt Navtr atops moving " C 1. Mi-rvdlth.Thn Tlma*

"Th# dollar 'a worth (h» iimimfn^nt world run «»ff*r l.oonaidMull. Thr

"ApprnltmatM tha *ntart«itnrnant at lha Follf* lt*r®er* Y !*. !i#ar, Th# Pwrt

"WanhingtontHna who enjoy food (lancing find romnlv, don t Wantto ml*a It." Let* Honiara. Tha tfornW.

"Fillfd with brlljluntlv MhrhI numhrra" .1 ft K*ll*r, Thr Star.

GtRTKUL/fc MOJ-f fWAMMa»hI i *ni|niMv of Fifty In the Ritffliirulnr Rem#

"HELLO tVfcHYBODV" with Harry and Willi* LanderFunnlj^t of Amrrlrnn t nni^llim

.leaa M«*.'.»> *ml KmIpIi Vt niton.4Wa.v. ftmnon find Marr.Tom andttott* Wiitar*.L<%n Huflf-tWla* t'ontf.Hilly Hliode* and

+mr. womiVkh i HorrMANN n\>< im.jiiiimirt»;25c-soc r,:;:,:;', w.u«. 25c-$i*15nvr wrr.K.*r«t« viJT-V kxtm tnninx\rv

WEBEN A FIELDS "Tie-United"% frltnlan* V*»wl*Tllla I iw-fctull with A "W^hfr A KI« IH*" ' *»#»».».