Parish Mission: We are a Roman Catholic Parish located in northeastern Redding, California, made up of multi-cultural, multi-generational, faith-seeking peoples. We are nourished by Gods grace and Sacraments, forming the Body of Christ. To the best of our ability, we seek the will of God by worshiping Him, loving each other and serving the greater community through ministries of love, worship, prayer and service. 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2016 “Take My joke upon you” says the Lord, “ And learn from me, or I am meek and humble of heart.” Matthew 11:29 Rev. Mario Valmorida Parochial Administrator Rev. Eric Flores Parochial Vicar Parish Office Hours - Parish Hall Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Sunday Masses Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday, 3:00pm - 4:30pm Anointing of the Sick Baptism that is offered on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. Marriage OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH Our Lady of Mercy – 2600 Shasta View Drive, Redding, CA 96002 Mary Queen of Peace – Shingletown Ridge Road, Shingletown, CA 96088 Phone - (530) 222-3424 Fax - (530) 221-5717 WEBSITE: www.olmredding.net & FACEBOOK: Our Lady of Mercy Redding Father’s Reflection Readings for the Week Mon 1 Cor 2: 1-5; Mk. 6: 17-29 Fri 1 Cor. 3: 18-23; Lk. 5: 1-11 Tue 1 Cor 2: 10B-16; Lk. 4: 31-37 Sat 1 Cor. 4: 6B-15; Lk. 6: 1-5 Wed 1 Cor 3: 1-9; Lk. 4: 38-44 Sun Wis. 9: 13-18B; Phmn 9-10, 12-17; Thur 1 Cor 3: 18-23; Lk. 5: 1-11 Lk 14: 25-33 HUMILITY CONNECTS HUMANITY In today's readings, Jesus teaches us that Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.Jesus states here a divine policy as the point highlighted in the gospel story. We may smile when we hear the Lord noting how people seek the first plac- es at table. But this still remains true in our present time. How many people want to take the front places nearest the Pope during a papal audience? Jesus ties up His lesson on humility with a lesson on generosity. Generosity means being open-hearted and open-handed to those in need. Thus, we should be generous not only to those who can return the favor to us, but to those who need our help. On the other hand, humility consists in acknowledging our talents and quali- ties in a spirit of gratitude, and thankfully connecting them with their source, which is God. The humble person will say, or at least think: I am good look- ing? Thanks be to God, who gave me my looks. I am bright? Thanks be to God, who gave me my intelligence. Humble people rejoice in their gifts be- cause they see themselves truthfully. Also, they see others truthfully, too. Consequently, they also rejoice in other people's gifts, virtues, and qualities. Why is it hard to be humble? Do you practice humility in your dealings with other people? How do you recognize false humility? Just asking!

OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH...2016/08/28  · Contact Lee at 244-1905 for more information. There will be NO First Friday Healing Mass the even-ing of Friday, September 2 due to the Labor

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Page 1: OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH...2016/08/28  · Contact Lee at 244-1905 for more information. There will be NO First Friday Healing Mass the even-ing of Friday, September 2 due to the Labor

Parish Mission: We are a Roman Catholic Par ish located in nor theastern Redding, California, made up of multi-cultural, multi-generational, faith-seeking peoples. We are nourished by God’s grace and Sacraments, forming the Body of Christ. To the best of our ability, we seek the will of God by worshiping Him, loving each other and serving the greater community through ministries of love, worship, prayer and service.

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 28, 2016

“Take My joke upon you” says the Lord, “

And learn from me, or I am meek and humble of heart.”

Matthew 11:29

Rev. Mario Valmorida Parochial Administrator

Rev. Eric Flores Parochial Vicar

Parish Office Hours - Parish Hall Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Sunday Masses

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday, 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Anointing of the Sick


that is offered on the first Tuesday of the

month at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall.


OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH Our Lady of Mercy – 2600 Shasta View Drive, Redding, CA 96002

Mary Queen of Peace – Shingletown Ridge Road, Shingletown, CA 96088

Phone - (530) 222-3424 Fax - (530) 221-5717

WEBSITE: www.olmredding.net & FACEBOOK: Our Lady of Mercy Redding

Father’s Reflection

Readings for the Week

Mon 1 Cor 2: 1-5; Mk. 6: 17-29 Fri 1 Cor. 3: 18-23; Lk. 5: 1-11

Tue 1 Cor 2: 10B-16; Lk. 4: 31-37 Sat 1 Cor. 4: 6B-15; Lk. 6: 1-5

Wed 1 Cor 3: 1-9; Lk. 4: 38-44 Sun Wis. 9: 13-18B; Phmn 9-10, 12-17;

Thur 1 Cor 3: 18-23; Lk. 5: 1-11 Lk 14: 25-33


In today's readings, Jesus teaches us that “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Jesus states here a divine policy as the point highlighted in the gospel story. We may smile when we hear the Lord noting how people seek the first plac-es at table. But this still remains true in our present time. How many people want to take the front places nearest the Pope during a papal audience? Jesus ties up His lesson on humility with a lesson on generosity. Generosity means being open-hearted and open-handed to those in need. Thus, we should be generous not only to those who can return the favor to us, but to those who need our help. On the other hand, humility consists in acknowledging our talents and quali-ties in a spirit of gratitude, and thankfully connecting them with their source, which is God. The humble person will say, or at least think: I am good look-ing? Thanks be to God, who gave me my looks. I am bright? Thanks be to God, who gave me my intelligence. Humble people rejoice in their gifts be-cause they see themselves truthfully. Also, they see others truthfully, too. Consequently, they also rejoice in other people's gifts, virtues, and qualities. Why is it hard to be humble? Do you practice humility in your dealings with other people? How do you recognize false humility? Just asking!

Page 2: OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH...2016/08/28  · Contact Lee at 244-1905 for more information. There will be NO First Friday Healing Mass the even-ing of Friday, September 2 due to the Labor

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Could you not watch one hour with me? The Adora-tion Room has openings for Adorers. Please consider taking one of the following available hours: Sunday 12am, Wednesdays noon, Thursdays 11 pm, Fridays 11 am. Contact Lee at 244-1905 for more information.

There will be NO First Friday Healing Mass the even-ing of Friday, September 2 due to the Labor Day week-end holiday. First Friday Healing Mass will resume Fri-day, October 7 in the main church beginning at 7:00 pm with praise and worship music, and Mass at 7:30 pm.

Knights of Columbus Breakfast Date Change! Due to the Labor Day holiday weekend, the Knights of Colum-bus have changed the date of their monthly breakfast to Sunday, September 11 after the 8:30 am Mass. Come enjoy great food and fellowship in the parish hall.

Yard Sale for Mercy High School in Red Bluff: Dona-tions Needed! Mercy High School annual yard sale is fast approaching. The date is September 17 from 7 am to 1 pm at Mercy High School, 233 Riverside Way, Red Bluff. They are accepting collectibles, clothing, toys, sports equipment, books, etc. Please no electronics. You can drop items off at Mercy, or pick-up is available for large items. Please call or text Annette Bennett (530) 521-0719. Thank you for your support of the Mercy High School Athletes!

CD Lending Library will be available next weekend after all Masses. Borrow educational and uplifting CDs and DVDs from a wide variety of speakers and educators. Choose from English and Spanish for adults and children.

High School Teens are invited to join the ON FIRE Nor Cal Jam 2016 on Saturday, September 17 at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo. The $88 fee in-cludes chartered bus transportation with St. Joseph youth, morning programs, Mass with Diocesan Bishops and 4,000 Catholic peers, all-you-can-eat lunch buffet, nacho bar, dinner, extra 2 hours of exclusive ride time, plus awesome Catholic speakers and musicians. For season ticket holders the fee is $60 (or $71 with nacho bar din-ner.) Check out the details at http://www.onfirenorcal.com. Questions? Contact Janan Light: 222-3424, ext. 150. September 2 is the sign up deadline with the fee and a signed Youth Activity Permis-sion/Medical Release and Parental Consent form turned in at the parish office.

Teen Ministry Core Team: Have a soft spot for teens? Core Team members are needed to plan, implement, lis-ten and mingle on the 1st and 3rd Sunday program from 6:00-7:45 pm. A Core Team planning meeting will be held on Monday before the 1st Sunday at 6:30 pm. Con-tact Janan at the parish office or text: 941-4072.

Second Collection the weekend of September 11-12 is the Diocesan collection for priests’ retirement. Your gen-erosity is greatly appreciated.

Choir Practice will r esume Tuesday, August 30 at 6:00 pm in the Church. New and returning members are most welcome.

What are Catholics all about, anyway? Come and find out Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the church hall! Our year-round RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is forming a new inquiry group as we contin-ue our faith journeys with those who joined us last spring, or earlier. Call, text, or e-mail Charlene at: (home) 530-242-9236, (cell) 530-356-2184, [email protected].

New Bible Study Class! The Book of Revelation: Class begins Thursday, September 8 at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.. Rm. 6, and will continue for 11 sessions. You will need a Catholic Bible (Recommended Revised Standard Version – Catholic (RSV-CE) or New American Bible (NAB), and a Catholic Catechism (Catechisms available at class for $12.50.) Remember, the Bible is at the heart of our Catholic Faith, and our relationship with God.

Children’s Faith Formation will begin on Sunday, September 11. Classes will be each Sunday from 9:45 to 10:45 am, followed by 11:00 am Mass. There will be no Wednesday evening classes. We are still in need of more volunteer catechists. If you are interested, call Michelle at 222-3424, ext. 130. We will be having a meeting with all volunteers on Wednesday, August 31 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the Church Hall to review details and answer any questions.

The Evangelization Center is Open: You are invited to visit the new Evangelization Center, where the book store was previously located. There you will find a dis-play of CDs and books available for a small donation. Choose from a great variety of Catholic speakers and au-thors to enrich your faith and inspire your spirit.

Ministry Days 2016! Presented by the Diocese of Sac-ramento. Save the dates! Friday, September 23, and Sat-urday, September 24, St. Francis High School, 5900 El-vas Ave., Sacramento, CA. See the poster in the vesti-bule of the church, and for additional information visit: www.ministrydays.com.

OLM Respect Life Group: Election time is coming, but it is always time to be politically informed and to pray. Pope Francis says: "We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true; good Catholics im-merse themselves in politics by offering the best of them-selves so that the leader can govern." Morning medita-tion in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Mon-day, September 16. Pray for politicians that they govern us well. (See full text at: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/cotidie/2013/documents/papa-francesco-cotidie_20130916_politicians.html.



Would you like the birth of your baby announced in the bulletin? Your wedding or wedding anniversary? A spe-cial birthday? Call the Parish Office at: 222-3424.

Baptisms: Congratulations and blessings to the Mar-tinez-Gutierrez family on the recent baptism of Isabela Gutierrez-Angel, and the Wolcott family on the recent baptism of Louise Allen as we welcome the newest mem-bers of our parish into the Family of God.

Wedding Anniversary: Congratulations and blessings to Wally and Kathy Sweet on their 62nd wedding anniver-sary August 28th.

Page 3: OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH...2016/08/28  · Contact Lee at 244-1905 for more information. There will be NO First Friday Healing Mass the even-ing of Friday, September 2 due to the Labor

Mass Intentions

Sick & Homebound

Week At A Glance


Page 3

Almgren, Joanne Lay, Steve & Karen Sachwitz, Scott

Berblinger, Ellen Lewis, Maria Sampson, Edward

Blake, Eve Mantoani, Tim Schmad, Chris

Brissom, Patricia Murphy, Patrick Sharrock, Patty

Cox, Ester Nielson, Clifford Paul Sutfin, Baby Boy

Crique, Paul Nielson, Cliff & Millie Swett, Cindy

G., Evelyn Nielson, Crystal Tumelson, Lisa

Goekler, Kathy Nielson, James Tussing, Angie

Hays, Dave Pepping, Cindy Valmorida, Constancia

Juarez, Elia Sachwitz, Paul Wailes, Walter R.

Mon. 8/29 7:30 AM Jo Deaver +

Tues. 8/30 7:30 AM Cornelis Koot +

Wed. 8/31 7:30 AM Elsa Preston, SI

Marie Karb +

Thurs 9/1 7:30 AM Dr. Robert Morgan, SI

Fri. 9/2 7:30 AM Soul Most in Need

Sat. 9/3 5:00 PM Charlene Koenig, SI

Sun. 9/3 8:30 AM For the People

10:30 AM Barney Uphus +

11:00 AM Chester Templado, SI

Sister Bernadette Jaeger +

1:00 PM Pedro Estrada Ocampo +

Mon 8/29

Tues. 8/30 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pantry Volunteers Hall

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Church Directory Mtg. Conf Rm.

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Called & Gifted Group Conf Rm.

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Choir Practice Church

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Spanish RICA Rm 2

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Spanish Baptism Class Rm 5

Wed 10:30 AM - Noon Bible Study Rm 4

8/31 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Legion of Mary Rm. 4

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM RICA - Spanish Conf Rm.

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM RCIA Rm. 4

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CFF Catechists Meeting Rm. 5

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Reunion de Catequistas Rm. 2

8:30 PM - 10:30 PM Basketball Hall

Thurs 9/1 -

Fri 9/2 -

Sat 9/3 -

Sun 9/4 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Hispanic Music Rehearsal Conf Rm.

21-Aug Collections

OLM: $6,573.78 MQP: $506.87

2016 Projects

Parking Lot Stained Glass Grand Total

Estimate 162,894 3,000 165,894

Donated 2,961 2,710 5,671

% Donated 1.8% 90.3% 3.4%

Thank you for Your Generosity !

Page 4: OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH...2016/08/28  · Contact Lee at 244-1905 for more information. There will be NO First Friday Healing Mass the even-ing of Friday, September 2 due to the Labor

Contact Us: Email bulletin articles to [email protected] and send announcement requests to [email protected]. Submissions must be received by 7:00 am Tuesday for that week.