Our Town December 21, 1918

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 21, 1918




    Y. M. C. A.


    T. S TU ART C O WI N,206 Merion a \enue.

    Phone Narberth 347 R.


    Save and BundleYOUR NEWSPAPERS

    For the Y. M. C. A.,

    Tw o cents 'per word each In.ertlon. ca.- 'In advance. No advert isement accepted UD -Ieee c a sh a c co m pa n l ea ' copy.

    Ll't yonI' ehilt lren learn J Jl us ic . C ompetition is a wOllllerful stimulant.' f he r pf o re l e t t h em join t he c la ss (limit

    ed to six an d none~ - o u n g e r

    t ha n s ixyears of uge) which s ta r t s the seeondwc ek i n . la nu ar y. Do no t neglect tonotify me at o nc e, o r t he c la ss w il l IJefilled.

    in g t he I '0 s si hi li ti es o f t he 1Il0rrow, an dfond parents in 1 l I ~ ' s t e r i o u sconsultationahout thp distribution of g-ifts, selected\\'ith snl'h lo\-ing care.

    And Ihi, .\l'al' t hp d i ,' p lay is particu.larly appl'opl'iat", as thl' dawn of worldI,,'a,., l,,',"olllt ('olllpall.\,. Firstpaymen t Ilup Il,',,,!! Iwr 2l,

    ~ [ i s ~IlPth H ( l n ~ t o l l ,of EIIll T"rral'p,is r c c o \ " l l J i l l ) . ~ from l l l f h l P I i Z i l .

    H a n ' ~ ' o n j 'aid ~ " o n r \Var Che,-;tpledge?

    THE FIRESIDE]lon't forgl't to light th " ('an,lles all

    Chri>tlllas ]o;\,e.

    Do yonI' Christnllls shopping wi th anI'Town ad\ertisers.

    Pill yon I'l'epiv(' ~ - o u r"Thank Box "?If n ot , Il ot il '. v E dw. S . Ha\l's.

    La yin a plentiful supply

    of Christmas eundles. Le t t hi s b e tho merriest,hrightest an d g r e t ~ t o e s tcand'le poweredChri s tmus t l l a t Narberth hus ever had.






    l u te n 's t d u ng es on Bonds .Interest l'harg

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 21, 1918



    What Have You Overlooked?

    Th e Brightest Spot in NarberthA Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense o f the Term

    LEE'S GARAGE Essex Ave. abo HaverfordAvenue Narber tb1605


    L . C . S H A H A N



    Da y .n d N

    Of course, wedeliver - anyp l a c e - a D Y

    t ime.


    Will give my customersevery attention in every res pe ct . Wor k g o od ; p r ic e sreasonable.

    French Dry Cleaning,D)e ing an d Pre61ling


    Have Removed 10 myNe w Address

    234 WoodbineAve.Narberth, Pa.

    Pbone Narberth 305



    P b o ~ e ,Ardmore 967 W



    JOHN MARMORAHauling and Moving


    Ratell Reallonable ARDMORE, PAl


    Telephone Narber th 1633




    Raymond Wei.s. ProprietorGASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES


    Before buying anything as

    important as a home, lookth e following over

    No. 5 0 0 Wo o d s i d e" 6 l i n w o o d" 1 4 Av on R o ad" 1 6 Av on R o ad

    an d th e White ColonialHouse on Anthony'. Road.


    Why Go To City?

    af Buy Your

    ~ c. >.

    V I C T ~ ~ L




    A New Meat Market

    H. C. FRITSCHPrtpertles For Rent and Sal.

    Fire InsuranceBell Phone 86S W.

    ".aU BnlIding. Narbertllt Fa.

    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

    an d HeatingN A R B E R T H . PA

    A t Y o u r S e r v i c e

    Prompt a t ten t ion g iven all orders.Estimates Cheerfully Given.


    Hauling Trunks, Baggage an d Freight

    Lots of good things here to complete the l is ts- a choicea rra y o f excellent gift-articles I Tonet Waters, exquisitePerfumes, Extracts, Powders, Shaving Equipments, Novelties,Cigars in holiday boxes, Candies well worthy of th e occasion,particularly those in the red-wood packages-and no end ofXmas Cards of superior an d extensive selections. H owar d i sright ready for t he l a st minute calls I


    Frank CristMEATS & PROVISIONSH i ~ hGrade Butter

    Telephone-Narberth 644 A.

    P I C T U R E S F R A M E DAt reasonab le pr ices

    Telephone: Narberth 1261-W fo r pricesan d t o s ee s am pl es .

    C H A S ~T. WE AVE R334 Dudley Avenue , NlUber lh


    GEO. B. SUPLEEPlumbingEstablishment


    104 Forrest Ave.

    Will he Opened .1

    2 0 5 H a v e r f o r d Ave .Deceanbe r fI th

    To give th e people th e bel t grade ofmeats nt th e Lo"' .f'PO.f.slbl. Pric .r.

    WATCH F OR O UR CIRCULARWe will make it w or th y ou r t im e tocar ry it home.

    JOHN B. HERTZTERStone in Darb)', Swarthmore aDd PbiIa.

    P R O G R A M

    Red Cross wool distributedat Red Cross Workroom in Y.M. 'C. A.,Tuesday. and Wednesday.

    Douglas Fairbanks- I N -

    Commencing Monday, December23




    The co-operation of t he p u bl ic i s desired in tho h an dl in g o f t h e Xmas mail.

    Observance o f t he following simple condit.ions will help:

    Ful ly prepay postage on a l l pa rce ls .Address all parcels plainly.Place name and addrcss o f s en de r 011

    all matter.Pack carefully and wrap securely, but

    do not seal them, a s s ca le d p a rc e ls aresuhject to postage at letter rate.

    Mail parcels early. They may bemarked, ,',Do not o p en t il l Xmas."

    Insure a l l va luable parcels."Merry Xmas," " Happy New

    Year," "Best Wishes" are permissible a dd i ti on s t o f o ur t h class mail .

    In order to relieve SOmo of the congestion at stamp window, p a tr o ns a r crequested to purchase stamps in quanti ty duri ng t he holiday season. I t ismueh better to huy 10 stanlps at onetime t ha n t o come to t he w ind ow telltimes buying one s tamp each t ime.

    By observ ing these s imple regulationsthe comfort and pleasure of t he Xmastimo m ay b e g re at ly increased.


    A R C A D I ACUESTNVT.Bel.U1l1\ SIFlnelill 010 I. y Tbe. t r e o r a : s fze I n I b eEntire World.

    P . . . . l o p . ~ . - C o n l l n u n _1 0 A . M. 10 I1.S8P.M.

    P h U . . . . P ..

    CALDWELL & CO.R e a l E s t a t eI n s u r a n c e

    s o U ~ r t i ~ d ; t a l i o nNARBERTH, PA.



    22. Monday-W. D. Smedley.23. Tuesday-H. C. Obdyke.24. Wednesday-To N. Butler.25. Tlmrsday-Charles E. Kreamer.26. l! 'riday-T. C. Trotter.27. Saturday-A. J. Lees.29. Monduy-J . G. Foote.30. Tuesday--H. C. Gara.31. Wednesday-C. V. Noel.


    MAIN P R OD U CT. ON S TA RTS AS N E A RAS P O SS I BL E T O 10,15 A . M., 1 2 .0 0 . 2 . 00 ,

    3.45, 5.45, 7.45, 9.30 p. M.

    Mrs. Charl ton Yarna l l, of Main LineBranch N o . 1 , of t he ,Amer ican RedCross, has appoin ted Mrs. AlexanderBrown'tQ lead the Christ.nl1ls roll call.

    ~ r i s sE'l izabeth Shipley, Vice-Chair-

    Mrs. William ~ I c C a l l ,Office Manager.~ I r s .Will. J. Clothier, 1\1rs. George B.

    Rea, Mrs . Joseph F. Pagc, 3 rd , Mr s.Henry C. Ernshaw, Publicity.

    With the following us Diyisional ],fun-agers:

    ~ [ r s .Oswald Smith, Merion.~ [ r s .Fletcher Stites, Narberth.~ r r s .Wm. 'Vattles, Wynnewood.~ r r s .Richard Eo Norton, Ardmore.Mrs. Harlan 'C. Niclwlson, Ardmore.Mrs. Ensign, Ardmore.Mrs . .T. Kenton Eisenbrey, Rosemont.Mrs. John R. Maxwell, Villa Nova.Miss Margaret Tenney, Haverford.Mrs. Dayid Ramsey, Bryn Mawr.Headquarters will be established at

    809 Lancaster a\-enue, Bryn M a wr, a ndwill be open from 9 A. 1\1. to 9 P. M.daily.



    Fo r W E E K E ND IN G DEO. 15.


    To ta l f or wl'ek, 2.38 inchesTot al f or m on th to date , 2.40 inehes

    ~ l o r ethan half the ~ r a i nLine boyswho went to eamp last April ha\'e beenkilled ( ) l ' woulldl'd.

    ' l'his is aSserted by Charles D. Thorman , o f Narbe rth, . i n a letter to CaptainJunH's J. Donaghy, chief of police, Lower ~ [ e r i o nTowllship, and chairman ofthe Ardmore Draft Board.


    Narberth Soldier Writes Half of All

    Called Have Fallen.

    To dute the n lonth i s t he w ar me stDecemher since that of 1913.

    Hi gh . Low.

    Baroml'!er, sca Ie"e\. , . . . . 30.43 29.90Thermometer . , . . . . . . . . . 63 2.J,Humidity, [1l'r cellt , 100 64

    The regular meeting of the LowerM er io n To wn s hi p Commissioners washeld on Tuesday evening with 11111 members p resen t , excep t ing Mr. BaTker, whois still ill , and Capta in Evans , who isin France.

    The roport of the Finance Committeeshowed a balance of $61,563.19 in theg en er al f un d. Re po rt s o f o th er committ ees were read und approved.

    A resolut ion was adopted instructingSolicitor Williltms to t ake an appeal

    frOm the decision of the Public ServiceCommission in the lletiHon of the town,s hi p on th e w at er rat es for f ir e purposes.

    A letter was read from the ArdmoreCham ber of Commerce stating that :J.resolution had been passed commendingthe Commissioners f or t he ir action inpurchasing a site for a public dump andurging that. an appropriution be made.in the h ud ge t f or n ex t y ea r to providefor the removal of ashes from the buildings in the township.

    Another resolution from the Al'llmoreChamber o f Commerce r eq ue st ed t heCommissioners to provide labor to keepL n n ~ a s t e rpike clean in the business sect ion o f Ardmore .

    On mot ion of ~ r r .Hamilton the secre.tary was instrnded to inform the Chamher of Comml'ree that the township hadno jurisdiction on ' r t he p ik e a nd t he ywould have to take the matter up withthe S t at e H ig hw ay D ep ar tm en t. T hemotion was oppo'H'd hy ~ r r . Frankenfield, who s ta te d t ha t i t was about timothat the taxpayers that r es ide a longLancaster avcnue should receive somer ct ur n f or the JIloney that t h e y p a j 'i nt o t hc township treasury. They recei "e prac t ica lly no th ingf rom the township, and now t he y a re told that theycanllot even h av c t h e h ea lt h o f the comlllunitj' p ro te ct ed b y h a\ ' in g the streetin the business section kept e1ean so 'lSt he d ir t \riII not be e::fl'ied in to th estores hy t he , vi nd a s h as b ee n the casein the past.


    Hceent M a in L i ne c as ua lt ie s includemany from Ardmore. Among them were.Toseph 1\L Driscoll, wounded; AntonioDurante, wounded ; Douglas s Perry,wounded, and Orlando H. D. King, thef i rs t negro frol ll Ardmore to be killed.

    , 'I um one of t ho l uc ky olles whopalllP through." he writes. " B u t I amsorry to suy thut i f we had to returnto Ardmore to muster out, you wouldnot se c o ne -h al f t he boy s you d id whenwe went awaj'. They all proved to betrueblue Americans a nd f ou gh t likeh - - . "

    The Borough of Narberth will receivesealed bids for th e Collection of Garb ag e i n t'he Borough during the year1919 up until 12 0 ' c lock noon Monday,Deeember 23rd, 1918. . '

    All bids should be addressed CharlesV. Noe l, Borough Secretary, Narberth,Pat ,SpecifiCations and'information maybe secured f rom th e Borough Secretary. ,

    S en d a ll letters a nd n ew s items toP. O. Box 966.

    S e nd a ll a d ve rt i si n g copy to P. O.Bo x 39.

    M ak e a ll remittances to P. O. Box118. _

    Our Town is on sale at the depotlewsstand, and at the store of H. E.!)avis.

    Entered as second-class matterOctober 15, 1914, at the Post Office atNarberth, Pennsylvania, u nd er t he a ctof March, 1879.

    MAIZIE J. SIMPSON,Cllsll1er

    SATURD\Y, DECEMBER 21, 1918

    M rs . R oy E. Clark A. J. Loos'1Il. T. Melchior H e nr y R o se

    AssocIate Editors

    EMERGENCY PHONE CALLSFire, 350Pol ice, 1250

    HARRY A. JACOBS,Editor.


    Owned and Published every Saturday'ly t h e N a rb e rt h Civic Association.

    S u bs c ri p ti o n p r ic e ODe dollar pe rl ea r i n advance.

    In another column we print an ap:{lool f or t he observance of tho beautifulcustom of plac ing l ighted candles inthe windows of our homes on ChristJuasEve. We heartily commend this a,ppeal,an d hope there will he a. response fromevery Narberth h01lle.

    An Experiment In Co.operathooIoQl'nallsm-No Paid Workers.


    It is to be regretted that there a re inNarberth "souls S

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 21, 1918



    OUR TOWN will gladly printany neW8 Item about auy subjectthat III of Interest to NIlrberthfolks, but in o r ~ e rto mel ' lthe printing sche4ule, all "'cu)I!"-manuscr ipts-must re ac h t beeditor b ~ ' 6 P. 1'1. Monday eacilweek.

    D on 't F or getTo Sa ve an d Bundle Your


    Y. M. C. A. Collection-Nov.30th

    S A V E

    A p ri l 9 - Ar d rr n or e Y. M. C. A., atWayne Men's Club; B ry n M aw r F ir eCo., at Radnor Fire Co.; RosemontMen's Club, at Autocar C lu b; P ao liMen ' s Club, at Narber th Y. M. C. A.

    April 1 6 -R n d n or F ir e Co., at Ardmore Y. l'L C. A. ; Narbe r th Y. 1\L C .A., at B ry n M aw r Fire Co.; AutocarClub, at Paoli Men's 'Club; Wayne1 \ I en ' s C lub, at Rosemont l \ I en' s Club.

    April 23-Ardmore Y. l\L C. A., atHosemont Men ' s Club; Bryn Mllwr FireCo., at Autocar Club; Radnor lo'ire Co.,at Narber th Y. l \ L C . A.; Paoli 1\Ien'sClub, at Wa yn e M e n' s Club.

    April 30-Narbert.h Y. M. C. A., atArdmore Y. M. C. A.; Autocar Club, atRadnor Fi re Co.; Wayne Men ' s Club, atB ry n M aw r F ir e Co.; R o se m on t M e n 's

    Club, at P a o li M e n ' s Club.

    your old n e ws p ap e rs u n ti l th e last

    Saturday of e ac h m on th . T h e L ad ie s'Auxiliary ~ s p lann ing to collect an d

    seU t h is o t h er w i se w a st e d m a t e ri a l flso ne m ea ns t o c ov er th e Y. M. C. A.coal biLl w h i c ~it ha s so ably me t inth e p ast . H av e y ou r b un dl e o f n ew s

    p a p e rs n e a tl y t ie d o n tha t day, ready

    for call .

    T HE WAR C II ES T FUNDy,our p le dg e f o r t he W ar Chest

    Fund is due an d p ay ab le to theTreasurer. Chas. V. Noel, or th eMerion Title a nd T ru st Company,at Narber th .

    If yo u pay by eheclt, makechecks payable to th e Wa r ChestFund , or mail d ir ec t t o Chas. V.Noel. Treasurer.

    Coming Year


    During the




    Second Half.

    Ja l luary 2!J -Ardmore Y. 1\I. C. A ., atPaoli Men ' s C lu b; R os em on t Men '8Club, at B ry n M aw r Fire Co.; WayneMe n '8 Club, at Radnor Fire Co.; Autoca r Club, at Narberth Y. J\I. C .. A.

    Februa ry 5-Autoell . : Club, at Ardmore Y. M. C. A.; Narber th Y. l\I. C.A., at Wa yn e M e n 's Cluh; Hadnor lo'iHCo., at Rosemont Men's Club; Bryr,:\Iawr Fire Co., at Paoli : \Ien's Cluh.

    Februa ry 12-Ardmore Y. l\I. C. jt.,.at B ry n M aw r Fire Co.; Paoli ~ [ e n'sClub, at Raullor Fire Co.; Rosemont1\Ien's Club, at Narberth Y. 1\I. C. A. ;'Vayne Men ' s Cluh, at Autocar Club.

    Februa ry l l l - 'Vayne 1\Ien's Cluh, atArdmore Y. 1'1. C. A.; Hadnor Fire Co.,at B ry n M aw r Fire Co.; Autocar Club,Ill. Rosemont Men ' s Club; Narberth Y.M. C. A., at Paoli l \Icn's Club.

    Februa ry 26-Ardmore Y. ::-.1. C. A.,at Radnor Fire Co.; Bryn :'IIawr FireCo., at Narberth Y. 1'[, C. A .; P ao liMe n '8 Clu\), at Autocar Club ; RosemontMen ' s Club, at 'Wayne Men ' s Club.

    March 5-Rosemont Men ' s Club, atArdmore Y. M. C. A. ; Autocar Club, atBryn 1\Iawr Fire Co.; Narber th Y. M.C .. A., a t Radnor Fire Co.; 'Vayne ::-.ren'sClub, at Paoli Men ' s Club.

    :l\Iarch 12-Arumore Y. M. C. A., atNarberth Y. 1\I . C. A. ; Haunor Fire Co.,at Autoear Club; Bryn Mawr Fire Co.,at Wayne Men ' s Club; Paoli I\[en'sClub, at Rosemont Men ' s Club.

    Murch 19-Paol i Men ' s Club, at Ardmore Y. l\I. C. A .. ; B)'yn M a wr F ir e Co.,at Roseraont Men ' s Cluu; Radnor Fire

    Co., at Wa y ne M e n 's Club; Narberth Y.~ L C. A., at Autocar Club.

    March 26-Ardmore Y. 1\I . C. A., atAutoear Club; Paoli Men's Club, atBryn l'Iaw)' Fire Co.; Rosemont Men ' sClub, at R a dn o r P i r e Co.; 'Vayne ]lIen'sClub, at Narber th Y. 1\1. C. A.

    April 2 - B r y n Mawr Fire Co., at Ai'llm or e Y. 1\I. C .. A.; Rallnor Fire Co., atP ao li M e n 's Club; Narber th Y. l\I. C.A., at Rosemont Men ' s C l ub ; A u to c arClub, at Wayne Men ' s Club.

    January 8-Radnor Fi re Co., at Ardmore Y. l.L C. A.; Narber th Y. M. C.A., at B ry n M aw r F ir e Co.; AutoearClub, at Paoli Men ' s Club; WayneMen ' s Club, at Rosemont 1\Ien's Club.

    J a n ua r y 1 5 - A rd m o r e Y. l \I . C. A., atRosemont Men ' s Club; Bryn 1\Iawr FireCo., at Autocar Club; Radnor Fire Co.,at Narber th Y. 1\I . C. A. ; P ao li M e n' sClub, at Wayne Men ' s Club.

    January 22-Narber th Y. M. C. A.,at Ardmore Y. M. C. A. ; Autocar Club,

    at Radnor Fire Co.; Wayne 1\Ie11 's Club,at Bryn M awr Fire Co .. ; Rosemont1\1en's Club, at Paoli 1\Ien's Club.



    The liconse 1'01' ,logs in Narberths ho u ld b e p roe l lr c rl I l l' f o re .Tanua ry ]5,

    'l!JU), a nd d ur in g t he y l' ar a ta g to beworn on th e

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 21, 1918


    ~ 1 IJ.IiSt."ullI 'u\\ '(,1l Uulrleh. P h on e . P r es t on 2 3 9 ~

    t'iee ulMplay a d ve r ti s em e n t I n th is Issue.MUSIC

    T. Stuart Cowin. 206 M e ri on a v e.See d i s p la y a d v e r ti s e m e n t In this Issue.

    Lous. F a n n y U. P l a no t e ac h er .8tu(;lo, Arcade Bldg. Phone, 316.J.

    SJoholm, JlII.s Ebba. Music ' reacher an d Accompanis t . 22H I on a a ve .. Narberth.

    NOT,Un' r U B L I CJl'lferles. J. U. 111 Narbertb ave.

    Phone. 666-111.T 3 " ~ { ) n ,' ~ ? a r r e nR. :0 0 \'Viiodbln" &.v.,.

    Phone, 1202-W.O l ' T I C I A ~ 1 S

    ],"'nton, Carl Ir. 606 E s s ex a v e, Phone. 638-110P h l l a . a d d r es s , 1806 C h e s t n u t s t . L o c u s t 518.

    I 'AINTERSCule, Junles ft.

    246 H a v e r t o r d ave. P h on e . S p ru c e 1638.W. G. C u mm e r. P h on e . 12-62 W.

    ~ 1 0 Elrnwoopresentati \ 'Cs asfollows:

    Cakc--:Mrs. Haws, Presby te r i an .Candy-Miss :Mazie Simpson, Ba p'

    tist.Fancy Articles-Mrs. C. h Smith,

    Methodist.f.rhe thanks of the Woman's Aux

    i1iar:}" is h e re b y t e nd e re d to Mrs. Odella nd h er helpers an d to th e bazaar workers, together with all who b y t he ir cont ri bu ti on s h el pe d t o m ak e t he e ve ni nga s uc ce ss no t onl J fiuancially bu t socially.

    B y t he w ay, o ne o f th e p oi nts o f interest was th e homelike setting givento th e whole a f fa i r b y Mr. K r ea m er , t h ePresident of ou r Association, as he sa tby the table in one o f t ho se comfort,:able rockl}rs an d read th e Bulletin hyth e l ig ht o f that attractive -librarylamp.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 21, 1918




    Classes ar e offered to suit all purposes .

    offers you an opportunity to accumulate a fund for Christmas, or to save a certain amount out of your earnings during theyear. It is open to everybody. There is no membership fee, or other cost to join.

    All that is necessa ry is to ca ll at o ur bank, make your first club deposit, and secure a depositor's card.Make a small deposit every week from no w until the matur ity of th e club, an d yo u will receive a check for th e full amount

    due yo u next December (about t w o w ee ks before Christmas), j us t a t a time when a l it tle ready money will come in handy,

    Yo u will never miss th e small deposit weekly, an d will be agreeably surprised to se e ho w easily you have saved a nice su mof money for Christmas.Deposits ma y be made weekly ( or i n advance).'Club is now open to receive members.

    J O I N T O D A Y !

    G et You r F rien ds to J o in E v e r y b o d y is WelcoJne



    Organized 1765-Ardmore, Pa.

    Rev. Cbarles Walker Anscbu tz, D. D.,Pas tor

    S er v ic e s e v er y S u nd a y..Morning at 10.45.Evening, 7.45.Sunday school at 9.45 A. lVl.Chr i st i an Endeavor meeting at 7.Prayer meeting Wednesday evening

    at 8 o'clock.You ar e most c or di al ly i nv it ed t o

    c om e a nd w or sh ip w it h us ; t he p ew sar e al l free; you will be m os t w elcome.


    Merion Meeting House is opened forw o rs hi p e ve ry First-day at 11 A.M. Visitors ar e cordially welcome.. A registry book is kept fo r v i s ito r s.Al l ar e a sk ed t o reg i ste r the i r 1I1ames.


    Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector.

    The services at All Saints ' P. E.Church, Montgom1lry and Wynnewoodavenues, for n ext S un da y ar e as follows:

    8 .00 A. :M:.-Holy Communion.9:45 A.M.--Sunday School.

    11.00 A. M.-Morn ing p ra ye r a nd sermono

    Any Episcopalians who have no t affiliated w it h a ny o th er Church are re

    .' q u es te d t o deposit their letter at AllSaints. '

    The Rector will be very glad to callupon strangers or a ny new comers int h is v ic in i ty.

    T he w in te r work of t he S un da ySchool is progressing n i c e l ~ ' ,an d it isurged that p ~ r e n t sseo that their children attend regularly.

    Try an d follow the Brotherhood ofSaint Andrew plan and make an efforte ac h w ee k to bring some person toChurch o r S un da y School. I f we allwould do this All Saints ' would h av e t obe enlarged to twice t he presen t capacity.

    The Church 'bus l eaves Narberth andWynnewood Stl1tions at 10.40 o n S un -day mornings.


    Rev. R. F. Co"ley, Rector

    Early Mass" o n S un da y fr om A pr il1 to Ootober 31 at 7 A. M. FromNovemJber 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M.Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. t h ro u gh o ut t h ey ea r. M as se s on holydays, 6.30 a.nd8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. EvenIngdevotions and other services at regula r times.


    "The L i t tl e O h u re h on th e Hill."

    Rev. F. l\rf. Gray. Pastor.

    Sunday, December 22nd:9.45 A. M.-ehristmas exercises in the

    Sund'8.Y School session. Everybody welcome. A Christmas ' o ffer ing will beg i ve n f o r t h e A n ne ni an s .

    11 A. M.- l \ Ioming service, with sermon hy the Pastor on " H i s S tar." Th eves ted ch i ldrcn ' s cho ir will sing at thiss er vi ce a nd h av e i ts Processional an dRecessional, u nd er th e leudei'ship ot~ l r s.. Joseph F. Barclay.

    3 P. l \I .-Children's Church, with object talk hy th e Pastor a n d s in g in g byt he v ( 's t ed children's choir.

    i P. 1\L-Epworth League Christmasservice.

    i.4-;j P. 1\1.--Evenlllg sernce, with('antata, "The Story of Christmas," byH. 1\L Stults, gi\"en hy t he s e ni or choir,nnder the d i rec t ion of :Mr. L. W. Nickerson, organist, an d :Miss R u th P r es e ot t ,leader. Th e Pluitor will give a briefChristmas message.

    \Vednesdar, Decembel' ~ 5 t h ,ChristmasDa)--Early Christmas serdce, 6 A. 1\I.,in t1le church. i n c ha rg e o f the Pastor.Come like the shepherds in the l'arlyIllol'lling to worship the C hri st . A n in"pi ring service fo r all.

    :Monday, December 30th, at i.30 P. 1\1.the Sunday School will h ol d t l\ (' irChristmas entertainment. A cantatacalled "Santa ' s Substitute" will beg iv en b y m an y of the scholars of ourSunday School, undl'r t he d ir ec ti on o fl\lrs. Joseph F. Barclay. Everybody isi nv it ed t o e nj oy t hi s h ap py evening.

    This Church wishes all th e readers ofOur Town a MerIT Christmas and aHappy New Year.


    Avery S. Demmy. Pastor.

    Christmas week, December 22-29:Sunday morning, 11 o 'dock-Worsh i ] \

    with Christmas Anthems and sermon byt he P as to r, "The Birthday of .Joy,"Luke 2: 1011.

    Sunday a ft er n oo n , 2 . 30 - Ch r is tm f lsexercises of the. Bible School wi th ea rol ssung b ~ the school. Address, " T h eBirth an d Life of Christ," i l lustratedby candles and chart, given by Mr.Art1nlr A. ChalkCT.

    S u nd a y e ve n in g 7 a 'clock-B. Y. P.U. meet ing . ' Sub jec t , I" Tho Star ofBet hlehem." Star making and acrostics wi th Scr Ip tu re verses conducted byt he P a st o r.

    Sunday night, i .4 5 -Wo rs h ip w i thChri s tmas pagean t , " T h e Heart of th eBells," including orchestra chimes playedJ by M rs . T. O. L an e. A n u nu su al opportunity will also be ,given t hose p resen t to hear Olle, of th e leading reader son the platform t o duy . M r. JamesManning wiII b e p r es e nt and give readi ng s a pp ro pr ia to f or t he occasion. Mr.Henry Webbeking, a wounded sailorf ro m t he N av y Yard, will also ' be w it hus and w il l t el l his ex;perience of fivet im e s o v er seas, including a b a tt l e w i tha Gernl!ln submarine.

    Thursda,y night, 7.45-ChristmasFestival in church par lo r s. Mr. Keith

    Cherry, t he F un Doctor from Glouster,wiII b e t h e e n te r ta i ne r. He is a masterin th e ar t of humor. Hi s entertainmentwill please and delight both y o un g a n dold. All ar e invited to come with a bigbroad 5IIlile.

    Next Sunday-The Pastor will preachi n t he m or ni ng o n t he s ub je ct , " W h e nYesterday Comes Back," text Ecc!. 3:15. In th e evening it i s expec ted plan!!,will be completed t o h av e an i11ustl'l8.ted

    sermon on "The W or k o f t he R ed Crossi n t he W or ld Wa r. "

    \Ve most cordially invite all no t regularly attending Divine worship elsewhere to join "'ith us in these services.



    l\lorning and E\'ening P ro gr am u n de rDirection of Mr. '1'. S. Berry, Organist.

    The musical numbers for both nlOrni ng a nd e \' en in g meetings are as follows:

    11.00 A. :M:.

    Organ Prelude-" Scotch ChristmasCarol" Guilmant

    An them-" Sin, 0 Ilea \"('n" .. MuunderBass Solo-"Bi r thday of a King,"

    Neidlingerl 'horus--" BethlellClll" BartlettOrgan Postludc-" Grand Chorus,"


    7.45 P. M.O rg a n P r el u de - -" M a rc h of the ~ I a g i , "

    DuboisAlto Solo-Christmas Song PerryQuar te t te -"O C om e A ll Ye Faith-

    ful " _ : . . .. NovelloChoi r- " Come to My Heart, Lord

    Jesus" AmbroseOl'gan Postlude-" To rc h li g ht P r o

    cession" GuilmantT h e q u a rt e tt e consists of M is s G ra c e

    Vandiver, soprano; Mrs. William McK in st ry , a lt o; Mr. G. W. Rossman,tenor, a n d M r. C. H. Chatfield, bass.


    Rev. John Va n Ness, Minister.

    To-morrow, Sunday, December 22,' theg la d a n ni ve rs ar y o f t he I nc ar n at io n o fo ur L or d will be f i tt ingly ee leb ra ted insermon, story I1nd song. Thero will bespecial Christmas music and messagesat all t h e m ee ti n gs , w hi ch will be heldas follows:

    9 .30 A.' I lL-Men '8 Bible


    ard A. Banks, Litt . D., teacher.10 A IlL-Sunday School. Christmas

    songs.11 A. lIf .-Public worship. The Pastor

    will ,preach II; Chri s tmas se rmon on th etheme, "God ' s Goldl'n Service Star."Th e Church' Quartette wiII render special Christmas music.

    7 P. IlL-Christian Endeavor meeting. Top ic t o be considered, "Peace onE ar th ." T h e S en io r S ec ti on o f t he Society will be led by Miss Augusta B.Witherow, and th e Junior Section byMiss M ab el E . K i r ~ p a t r i c k .Mrs. Will i am McKins t ry will s in g i n th e Juniormeeting.

    7.45 P. M.-Evening worsh ip . Chri s tmas mess8lgo f ro m t he Pastor on I' TheBirthday of the King." The ChurchQuartette wiLl r ender spec ial Chr is tmasmusic.

    Church Notes .

    A Pra ise Service will be held in thischureh on 'Christmas mornin.g at 9.30a 'clock. All cordially invited.

    The Christmas entertainment f or t hePrim'llry Department o f th e SnndaySchool will be held n e xt F r id a y s:fternoon, December 27, at 3 a ' c lo ck . Th el i t t le p e o p ~ ewill, have:theiraongs andexercises an d a Christmas t re e a nd 'a

    Santa Claus. It promises to be a mostinteresting o cc as io n. A ll ar e invited.

    Tho Christmas entertainment for theMain School an d t ho . Junio r Departmentwill h e h el d n px t Priday evening at 7.30o'clock. Each class w il l h a ve a p ar t i nthe exercises, th e nature of whicl t remains a s e cr e t a s fa r us sec re t s a rc possible, u n ti l t h e e v en i ng o f t he entertain- .!IIent. The off ering o f t he school inhoth g if ts a nd monl'y will be for th ePresbyterian Orphanage.

    P re p ar at io n s a re b ei ng made fo r a"Wat"h Night" meeting to be held int hi s c hu rc h o n D ec em be r 31, beginningat 8.30 0 'clock. The first e\"ent will bethe a dd re ss o f lIfr. G e or ge W. Bradenon his experiences in the war work inI ta ly . T hi s will be followed by a n h o urof entertainment furnished by th e Westminster Circle, and this by a social hourin charge of the Ladies' Ai d Societ),who w il l a ls o se rve re f reshments. The.l as t h ul f h ou r of the old year will bes pe nt i n a devot iona l se rvice conductedhy 1\Ir. Va n Ness.

    E XT RA CT O F DOG LA W OF 1917.(Act No. 317.)

    Section 2. * * * T h e w o rd " owner," w he n a pp li ed to th e proprietorship of a dog, s h al l i nc l ud e e v er y person having a right of property i n s uc hdog, and e v er y p er so n w ho k ee ps 01h ar bo rs s uc h d og o r h as it in his care,a nd e ve ry person who permits s uc h d ogt o r e ma i n on o r a bo u t an y premises occupied by him.

    Section 3. T he t er m " k e n n e l " shallmean an y establishment .wherein orw h er e on d og s are kept for th e purposeof breeding, sale, o r s p or t in g purposes .

    Section 4. On or before the 15thd ay o f January, 1918, and on o r b e fo r et he 1 5t h da y o f J an u a. r y of each yeart he re af te r, t he o wn er of an y d og sUtmonths old or o ve r s ha ll a pp ly t o th eCounty Treasure r, either o ra ll y o r inwriting, for a license for each such dogo wn ed o r k ep t b y h im .' S uc h application shall state t h e b re ed , ~ e x ,age, color, and m ar ki ng s o f s uc h dog, an( l thename a nd a dd re ss o f t he last previousowner; and shall be accompanied by n.fee of not less than one dollar, no rmore t ha n tw o dollars, for e ac h m al edog and e a ch s p ay e d female dog; an nby a fee of no t less than two dollms,no r more t ha n f ou r dollars, fo r eachunspayed female dog. Th e license fee * * shall be the only license orta x required for th e ownership o r k ee pin g of said dog or dogs.

    Section 5. * * * All licenses shallb e v oi d u po n th e 1 5t h d ay o f J a nu a ryo f t h e f ol lo wi ng y e ar , 1919.


    President, Mrs. C. P. F ow le r.Vice-President . M rs . C ha s. W. Young

    Corresponding'Secretary, Mrs. EdwardC. Batchelor.

    RecordIng Secretary, Mrs. Harry AJacobs.

    Tl'OOilucr-er, Mrs. Edgar H. Cockrllt

    Chairmen of CommitteesFOOd Conservation, Mrs. A. B. RossHospitali ty, Mrs. Charles A. Verna.Legislwtlon. Mrs. William H. RuseellMU&lc, MT6. Joseph A. Ba.rcI8y..

    Spanish Influenza ca nbe prevented easier thanit can be cured .

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    Standard cold remedy for 20 y e a r s - i n tab le tform-safe , sure, no o p i a t e s - b re a k s u p a coldin 24. h o u r ~ r e l i e v e sgrip in 3 days. Moneyback . l l t falls. Th e g e nu i n e b o x has a Red to pwith Nor. 1-311s pictu:-c. At An Drug Store ..


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    S p e e l a l .. G u e r D s e y " MERIONMilk WYNNEFIELD

    (Robe r t s ' &: S h a r p l e s s ' BALA-CYNWYDai r i e s ) NARBERTH

    Cream B u t t e r m i l k ARDMORE

    Ta b l e aD d W h i p p i n g WYNNEWOODC r e a m .

    SCOTT-POWELLDAIRIES45th an d Parrish Sts.


    MEATS ofQUALITYY . M . c . A . B U I L D I N G

    vm Greatest AtothiJr in the mrld

    Join theRedCross

    '7!1l o/ou.A&?d l s a % a r tllnd a Vo l l a r

    GARAnteed Roofs

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 21, 1918



    R ed Cross


    Chris tmas Roll Call.


    DECEMBER 1623, 1918Have. Y0 0 Joined Yet? Make Narberth 100 per cent.

    week's issue of " Our Town" to see how we grow.


    22,000for changed

    to that of

    Line Branch enrolledSection enrolled 1, 150

    Watch for next

    The Christmas Roll Call

    the National Membership from.

    22,000,000. The Main

    12,000 Members; NarberthMembers In the 191 7 drive.

    T his Page has been contributed to the Red Cross and p ai d f or by. the following organizations an d individuals of Narberth:


    tuberculosis ~ u s tbe . ta ke n u p w i th r en ew ed energy.76 ~ u b e r c u l o ~ l shospItals have been completed andal:e m o p ~ r a t I o n ,bu t requisi tions have been made fo r9 l ~provIsIonal hospitals, all to be in operat ion before" : I ~ t e r .Th e R ed C ro ss ha s adopted as a slogan "t oVISIt e ve ry b ab y in France." I t is estimated that80..000 French babies died last year, 40,000 of whom~ I g h thave been saved. One of th e immediate obJects of the Red Cross is to save those 40 000 babiesIn 1919. '


    The Chr is tmas Roll Call f or t hi s y ea r 1918 is th eo n ~great an d universal call to th e people 'o f th eU ~ l l ! e d ,States t ~ e n r o l lthemselves in t he g ra nd e stm lD ls hy o f Service that th e world ha s ever known.

    Behind th e purpose of w ar t ha t would combat an dd ~ s t r o y ~ ~ e r emust be the complemental force thatwIll conCIlIate an d renew. That force s p ri ng s f ro mth e soul ~ f th e Red C r o s s - i t i s t he N at io n mObilizedfo r ServIce.

    . Th e Uni!ed States e nt er ed t he w ar f or the vindi~ a h o nof an Ideal. Th e Red Cross is founded on thatIdeal.. . I t is th e G ~ ' e a t e s tMother in th e Worid, becauseIt IS th e embodIment of unselfish mercy-and unsel~ s h n e s sis t he t es t of Brotherhood-as BrotherhoodIS the te st o f Democracy.

    I ~ the days that are to come, when th e conflicta h a y x ~ gended, th e world faces th e vast work of re

    buIldIng wha.t ~ a r ha s destroyed-of ga thering thescattered, bnngmg succor to the weak, establishingl a ~ and. o r d ~ r ,where chaos an d confusion haverelgned-:-It wIll be th e Spirit of th e Red Cross inc a ~ n a t eIn a world-wide minis t ry of Service, that ~ h a l lgUIde. the feet of th e nations along th e pathway ofendurmg peace. .

    ,To enlist ou r people-all of ou r people-in thismIghty Evangel, is th e purpose of th e Christmas RollCall. To have a part in this propaganda of philant h r o P ~ - t obelong to t his Crusade fo r th e commonw.eal, IS a benediction alike t o h im w ho g iv es an d to111m who takes.




    Th e i ro n c ro ss is a boastful cross a nd m ar ks a warma d slave;

    Th e wooden cross is a d um b, d ea d c ro ss a nd g u ar d sa sha ll ow grave,

    B ut t he Red Cross reaches ou t it s arms to solace an dto save.


    Call fo r Wide Expansion of Relief Resu l ts f romGerman Retreat

    In France th e r eb 'e at o f the G er ma n a rm ie s a ndth e redemption of wide territory ha s produced a tremendous expansion of all Red Cross act ivi t ie s . Th eGerman retreat widens th e sys tematic dest ruc t ionno t only of cities an d villages, bu t of practicallyevery th ing in th e evacuated terri tory. Houses thatremained were roofless, windowless; th e furnitureha d been removed or destroyed and in th e countrydistr icts farmhouses, h ay -s ta ck s a nd supplies ofgrain were b u rn e d; a g ri c ul t ur a l implements an deverything of possible use to re tu rn Ing iahab it an t sruthlessly destroyed.

    I t wil l be necessary to provide a t once for th e housin g of homeless refugees in the devastated areas an din th.e at least temporal'y reconstruction of villages.It wIll b e n ec es sa ry to provide c lo thing , c loth an ddressmaking supplies, sewing mach ines , in additionto foodstuffs an d medical supplies throughout all thisterritory.

    With th e coming a ga in o f w in te r, th e fight against. .

    T he i ro n croSs is a kaiser's cross al d narrow is itsclan,

    Th e wooden cross is a soldier's cross ar d mourns its

    partisan,B ut t he Red Cross is the C ro ss o f O ne w ho s er ve d hi sfellow-men.

    Written an d dedicated to th e Christmas Roll Callof th e American Red Cross b y -

    - E d m o n d Vance Cooke.


    i ~ J C ~ ; j , i A' j 6 J ' 1 N ~ R ~ ~ ~ R B R A N C H ;dtt,WOMAN.'.:SUFFRAGE., ! ; , t ~ - H 1' - l ~ ) .L : ~ ~ ; ; j 1 ; ' i ')1'. '

    The reason fo r this new policy is logical. Th e RedC ross now is so widely known an d so strongly approved that th e goal of th e CHRISTMAS ROLLCALL is nothing short of "Universal Membership."

    In other words, th e census figures will be th e nation's


    The Weel{ of December 16-23 wil l see this apparently formidable task accomplished because there willbe an eager spirit of co-operat ion. More than22,000,000 p re se nt m em be rs i n t h e United States willa ns we r " He re ," a n d it is th e hope of the Red CrossWa r Council that treble or quadruple that numberwil l join, and so permit a C h ri st ma s E ve cable toEurope that the Amer ican people ar e solidly behindth e Red Cross spirit.

    T HE R ED CROSS CHRISTMAS ROLL C AL L i sno t an effort to raise money an d no o ne will b e asked

    fo r contributions. Th e annual membership cost fo ran a du lt i s only one dol lar.

    Th e United States undoubtedly ha s as many dollarsfo r th e Red Cross a s t he re a re a du l ts i n population.

    Fixing quotas ha s been such a fami l ia r fea ture ofprevious campaigns to sell bonds o r r ai se welfare andrelief funds that th e failure to assign q uo ta s i n th eRed Cross CHRISTMAS R OL L CA LL is arousing



    Th e iron cross is black as d ea th a nd hard as humanhate;

    Th e wooden cross is w h it e a n d still an d whispers us"Too late";

    Bu t th e Red Cross sings of life an d love an d headsregenerate.