Our Town May 19, 1928

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 19, 1928


    s. Horner,303 N. Narberth Ave. Narberth. Fa


    : \ : \ I ~ B E R T H


    Driscoll. l' h 0 a c:!h. ....... -.. 0 1 :! 0 0Gilfillan. S ~ ........... 1 ;! i :! ~ ~Burns. c. ............. I 1 1 0 0Scott. rf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 1 0wcll. If. . . . . . . . . . . . : () :! 4 0 0Ieck. cf.. p. . . . . . . . . . . I 0 a :I 0Blessing. :lb. . . . . . . . . . . () 1 0 1 1Davis, lb ............. () 1 :l 0 1Babb, p.............. 0 0 0 :1 ()Hampshire. c. . . . . . . . . 0 :! -1 0 0Bendere, :lb. . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 ]Graham. d . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 :! 0 0

    Independcnt haseball made a n i nauspicious start last Saturday on theCommuni ty p layg round when theJ ew is h Wor ld Club o f Phi ladel delphia administered an 8 -4 d ef ea tto the 1\'arberth Club. The sixthinning proved to be disastrous forthe boroughites as their opponentsllt1l1ched t he ir h it s t o c ol Ie ct s ev enn l l ~ s . ~ a ! J b : Narberth pitcher, wasretIred I I , tl lls inning in favor of V.Fleck. Jhe number of hits madeby both teams was the same. II . butJ. D e ~ g a n . . Jewish \\7orld hurler,kept ?\ ar!Jerth clouts scattered while~ h local moundsmen were not sotortunale.


    Jewish World Club Turns theTrick; Dunkirk Winson Wednesday.ROXBOROUGH



    Building With Year'Round Facilities IsAim of Club.START

    This week sees the ince]ltiun of -1 11 :! i 10 5a campaign by t he Narhe rth Ten- JEW1SH WORLDn is Club whose ~ ' o a l is thc modern H k" rho a ear IIlS. 11. .. 1 1 ] 1 0two-story cl uh house pictured Coope r. s s () 1 :l :! 1alllwe and a . t! rc at l) ' increased H\V: kDeegfan, If 0 1 1 II II" IC S. c . . ,.......:.! 1 :! 0 0membership. Th e club intcnds to ;"lcGrillis. c ... 1 ' : o 0 0

    k tl 1 'I I' '1 1I f Gihson, lh 1 () 7 (I ()ma e 1e )t1! e I I lg a \"

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 19, 1928







    19cDutchCleanser3 Cans

    FRESHLb. 57 e


    Can 1ge

    Breast-O'-ChickenFANCYTUNA FISH

    7-nz. 23ccan

    19cScottTissue2 Rolls

    The Sign of the Bed Meats

    "Truly America's Finest."Sold and Ccntrolled by Indellendent Grocers.

    TETLEY'S TEAOrange PekoeYl-Ib23cPkg.


    You Are Invited to Open a Charge Account

    11 A charge account at Bradley's is amark of distinction; it indicates discrimin at io n a nd g oo d t as te i n t he selection ofmeats that are consis tently good.11 Fo r fifty-two years this house ha smaintained its reputat ion for t he b es t o fmea ts i n Philadelphia.11 You are i nvi ted to tast e for yourself .Our delivery truck reaches the homes o fyour ne ighbors twice a day.

    NARBERTH 4050WE D E L I V ~ R

    2 1 c


    SCHLORER'SMayonnaise8-oz. 1ge.Jar

    IS c

    P. & G. CHIPSO IVORYSOAP Large SOAP4 Cakes Package 4 Cakes


    Urcd From F arm t o Your Table

    Cotter's Market

    NarberthCoal CompanyTELEPHONE 86752845

    FurniturePOLISHBottle1 9c

    ConvenientFortunate 15 the house posseSSing In the ir "Hub" one thoroughly versed In all !lnes of Grocerydom.one who has acquired his knowledge In the "School of Experience," where he was dlsclp!lned and drilled In allbranches, qualifying him to pass JUdgment on all purchases for stOCk, censoring all qualities, establishing pricesand watching the general conduct of the business from the beginning to end, No proposition Is too big. and nodetail too small, to reeeive attention and JUdgment. Errors cannot escape notice and mistakes correction. Ourwhole organization Is tuned to see that satisfaction of the customer Is the first consideration.

    PALE GOLDENClicquot ClubGINGER ALEBottle ISc

    Case 2,t Hots. $3.45 !


    Phone: Narberth 3854

    DELICIOUS FtAYOR"UNITY BRAND"BOSANT COFFEEDaily Testing Assures Uniformity.- - - - - - - _ . _-- .. .

    - - - - - - - - - _ ._ -_ . --------------------------------MOTHER OR QUAKER Pkg. IOe SNIDER'S SWEET 3 CansOATS VARITY PEAS-One Can, 18c-_ . - ---------.---------PRUNES (Large Santa 2 Lbs. 19 PARIS GENUINE 6 CansClaras), 30-40 Size e MAINE CORN (Crushed)SNIDER'S PURE - - i 6 : 0 ~ J a r - - 2 S One C.....n-:"_1_5.:..,,c:--:::::----0-PRESERVES (Asst.) e BORIS RED RIPE 3 Cans 2SeLIBBY'S--QUEEN Quart Ja r 4ge . = . . ~ - = - ? G : : , ; . ; ~ ~ A T ; ; : T : . . . . ; ~ = ~ ~ ~ : - : : : N , . ; - . ; D ~ - - : ; ; L : - - a - r g - e - - = c - a n ~ - : : : S - = - -OLIVES TOMATOES I CMARROW B E A N S = - - ~ f L b S : - 2Sc CONEWAGO EXTRA Can 29~ e l l g ~ ~ d e d , c 1 e a n , ~ h ~ ~ _ b e a n ~ _ _ REFUGEE STRING BEANS eAUNT JEMIMA PAN- 2 Pkgs. 2Sc BLUE LABEL SMALL Can 23eCAKE FLOUR RED BEETSLOG CABIN MAPLE- '-C3i127e- SALEM CO. GREEN Can 3 8eSYRUP [ASPARAGUS

    All Gold and Quality are synonymous, as only selected mature fruit is packed under our All Gold label.Our extremely a tt rac t ive price and guarantee of ent i re sat isfact ion go with every can.ALL GOLD ALL GOLD I ALL GOLD IAPRICOTS PEACHES Crushed Pineapple ILarge 27e Large 23e Can 1ge ICan Can II3 Cans 80c I 3 Cans 65c 3 Cans 50c I 3 Cans 55c


    We would lIu....ellt that orderll de . lr e d tor earl , . Sat. dellver'7 be I n FrI., P. M., wb leh w i ll .. reaU,. lmproYl! our lIervlee.

    ..... - . _ - I JEDDO HIGHLANDCOAL

    Ii ~ I........... ,+,, ,+,,. , .

    When Dissatisfied TryHEWIT ' S

    Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers234 Haverford Avenue

    A Timely Suggest:onFOR MOTHER'S DAYA b ox o fReymcr's Famous CandyLarge ~ e ! e tionof ia'1.(,\' l'o':esexcluslvelv nt



    A P ~ ( \ ) f ! f flOWERING Cf1EI?RIEJ;(tllNtrf f L O W E R I N ~ APPLE,PLUM AND PEACH.100 variehe.r, thea r q ~ J t c o l l e ~ H t O n In'he nltedJ ,a e.J: it-- !113 . i n . t h ~ I ( J . - , . , -O/..r" f3 comp/eklineof/lir;/lf/rade IYlJr.l'eryhock.5C>Acre.tAf:WON lERIowner,the G.ARDtN NURftRIEJ.'Montqomery Clvenue,Narberth.Pen n.l'v1va nia.

    WILL S H OW FO LK LO REPic turesque detai ls a re planned forthe International Cross Roads Fete tobe given commencing 2.30 P. M. tomorrow at the War Tribute House,Merion, under direc tion of the International Students of Philadelphia. Itis expected that 450 students from 56countries will participate in character.istic folk songs, dances and demonstrations,

    Charles Johnson, Montgomery coun.ty Republican leader and Secretary ofthe Commonwealth, was e lected secret ary o f the Repub li can S ta te Commit tee a t i ts organizat ion meet ing inPhilade lphia Saturday. Miss NancyH ighl ey , o f No rr is town , who w:asel ec te d an a lt erna te del egat e to thenat iona l convent ion a t Kansas City inthe recent primary, was made assistantsecretary.


    He Talked

    J. ALMAN, TailorDui ly p re ss ing F1'ench dry cleaningDyeing Repah'inylG5 Essex AvenueNarberth

    JOS. F. McCUE2130 North 63rd St.PHONE: BELMONT 3300

    Formerly witltRaymond & Wilitcornb Co.

    MAYNLYNETRAVEL BUREAUAt Overbrook Sta-tlon



    Individual and Condl/eted ToursLa lid C 1 ' 1 t i s e ~DRIVE YOUR OWN CARLet us outline a trip to any of thewonderful scenic places In theUnited States and Canada,Send tor Individual Itinerary.

    Steamship & RaiZ,oaci. TicketsHOTEL RESERVA'rIONS

    Main Line Associations in District Meeting a t B ry nMawr.



    TAXI SERVICEP. F. DONAHUEResidence, Station,Narberth 4031 Narberth 4007Raggage Called f or and Delivered108 CONWAY AVENUE NAR8ERTIIw. Chas. Stanley, D. C.

    CHIROPRACTOROFFICE: 221 CONWAY AVENUEHours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday7.30 TO 9.30 F. M.AND BY APP01NT'MENTPhone, Narberth, 2 ~ 6 3

    l\'lain Line public l ib ra ri es a tBala-Cynwyd, NarlJerth. Ardmorea nd B ryn Mawr were representedat the dist r ic t l ibraries meet ing thatwas helel \Veelnesday a f te rnoon a tthe Ludington l \ I e m o r i ~ 1 Library in iB ry n M aw r. It W ~ l S an all-day:meeting and luncheon \Vas served:by the \Voman's Clu? of .B:ynMawr in t he conununt ty bU11d1l1gadjacent the library.The meet in g bcgal1 at 10, I 5'A. M., and first on the program. was Miss Lois .\. Read. l ibrarian Edward W. Ehmann, assistantC 11 I 'b m, nager of the Main Line DIvisionof the Bryn l\lawr 0 ege -

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 19, 1928



    *o. I-Buick's world.famous Palfle-in-HeadEngine deU'YeTs m O J " ~pOffleT for it! s i ~ e t"anany ot"er automotrvepoa'erplant.

    ARDMORE 1890..

    _" . !L


    ALLAN C. HALE, Inc.Main Line DistributorsTELEPHONES

    Keep in mind,when buyingyour newcar, that more thant h r e ~ . q u a r t e r s of all the Buick cars pr, 'uced in the lasttwenty-five years are stilI serving their owners.Buick endures-Buick stays young-Buick stands up andgives its best over a longer per iod than any other car because it is endowedwith an extra.rul!ged double-dropframe-Buick's world-famousSealed Chassis and TripleSealed Engine-and th e most near ly perfect oiling. system ever developed-You'll prefer Buickbecause it leads in beauty and luxury:and you'll preferit, too,because it is the most durable ofcars-and therefore the most :>aying investment.

    All Buick ",,,rfels ha'Ye LO'YejC''Y Pydraulic !hockabsorbers, [ro"tand rear, cIS si...,.darJequipment


    New Route

    The pa trons o f the line will receive our bes tefforts in rendering M. B. C. stand':trd service.

    Leaving Time /1'om each end-.S.55, 6.25 A. M. and every half hour until11.15 P. M. (from Bryn Mawr) and 12.2S A. M. (from Philadelphia).

    The Montgomery Bus Company, Inc., operators of the Philadelphia Suburban Transit Company, announce an additional,directly communicating line between Bryn Mawr, Haverford,Ardmore and 63d Street Terminus.The new line will operate from Morris and Montgomery avenues, Bryn Mawr, east on Montgomery avenue to Wynnewood avenue, to City Line, to 63d street,to present terminus, returning over the same route.

    Effective March 11, 1928

    ~ " " . " " " ' ~~ ~ " " ..,~ : 2 ) live years of service~ isonlyastartingpointfor BUICK-- Skilled engineeringand rugged construction make itthe mostdurahle ofmotorcars!

    Lancaster Avenue Line-From Philadelphia to Rosemont.Strafford Line-From Rosemont to Garrett Hill.Gladwyne Line-From Montgomery and Anderson avenues, Ardmore, to Gladwyne.MontgomeryAvenueLine-From Montgomery and Anderson avenues, Ardmore, to Philadelphia via Narberth.Short Line-From 54th and City Line to Narberth via Bala-Cynwyd.


    SEDANS $1195 to $1995 , , , COUPES $1195 to $1850" SPORT l\"'ODELS ~ 1 1 9 5 to $ 15 25 4111Jric!.t; ct. ,.. F';"t. MicA.. ''''''''''f" "",. td' to "''' ,.d,.'rJ. T" f r:.M..A.C. ' f I t t " C ~ ettrt, tIN .011 . .inJ611,I .. . ~ 6 " .

    4 GREAT PRO OFS OF BUIel '- t,u.PL.l,-IOR1TY

    WAYNE 400


    II II I,I


    IiI'I 'II


    USE IT!Th e Bell

    Telephone Companyof Pennsylvania

    The?Xew ENLARGEDClassified CBusiness'Telephone 'Directory is out.The new page l ayou t.type set-u"J and classifications m ~ k e it a simpleand easy matte r to findat a glance just whosells th e things youwantto buy.It will save time andtrouble for you.

    from the Carolinas an d the Gulf States-ealled"The Wood Eternal," o ne o f the best fo r Flower Boxes, and Benches in greenhouses. Generalout-door uses.

    Advertisement Number Four

    Open Friday Evenings f rom , unt il 9 o 'Clock

    A BUILDING is no t ,"epaiJ"edby blowing it up ; and a man isnot made by blowing in all heeaJns.

    The Narberth National Bank

    IT'S OUT!

    LONG LEAF YELLOW PINE-from Florida and Georgia-it 's p it ch and s lowgrowth make it a good wood f or A rb or a ndPergola work where it comes i n c on ta ct w it hthe ground.


    HIGHWAY REPORT'New Gas Ma in a nd C le an in g of

    Haverford Dealt With.T he r eport of the Highway and

    S ew er C ommi tt ee o f C ou nc il a s r ea dat t he l as t meeting of that blildy onMay 14, shuws that a permit has beengranted the Gas Company fo r a ma into go uncler Sahine avenue. A publichearing was held by the commit tee andthe property owners peti t ioned thecommitte l' tu have the main laid underthe s t ree t. The borough will collect agood s ized fee f rom t he Gas Companyjor the work.The report also deals with t he p roblem of cleaning Haverford avenue. The

    Boa rd o f Trade brought the matter tothe attention o f t he commi tt e e and thecommi tt ee poi nt ed out that the con-ditIOns deplored were largely the re-'suit of merchants sweeping out andunloading merchandise a ft er t he s tr ee thad been cleaned early in the morning.The committee recommended that rea-sonahle action be taken ij store ownersco-operate by removing" debris fromthe rear of some places of business.The SUll1mer collection schedule isagain listed. The complete report follows:"On :\p ri l 20, your conunittee I ~ e l d apublic hearing in order to ascer tam thewishes of the property owners onSabine a ve nu e a s t o whether t he n ewgas main should be located under t ~ sidewalk or under the cartway. ThIShearing revealed that t he p ro pe rt yowners were unanimously opposed to

    ha vi ng th e ma in go under the sidewaIk. i ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~They deposited wi th your committee a i:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i t f ~ ~ ~ i t i ~ : ~ r ~ f o r t ~ ~ a t i n ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ i e d Y 1 \ 1 ~ If DIFFERENTuperintendent oj Public \ iVor ks t o II JUST .ssue a permit for t he mai n to go under . ..he cartway, provided the Gas Com -pany should give t he b or ou gh a n in- Idemn it y bond. guaranteeing to con- In th e e ar li er d a ys o f r e ta il lumbering an d building ofduct all details oj this work in a man- p'ncr satisfactory t o t hi s committee in- houses th e usual assor tment o f n at iv e White me ,c1uding the restoration to their original H e m l o ~ k , O ak a nd C he st nu t c o ve r ed p r ac ti c al ly a llcondition of all s tr ee ts o r sidewalks th e l umbe r requi remen t s.o pe ne d b y them. Such a bond hasbeen provided. approved hy t he B or - Today -w i t h t h e d e si re o.f home . I.over.s to g e r e ~ 1ough Solicitor and is transmitted for I I tItt he bo rough records with this report. beauty of design a nd a st mg qu a l tl es ! n .m a en a s, 1The jee whi ch t h e Gas Company will r e qu i re s s el ec ti on f r om a n a lm os t unhmlted numberp ay t he horough for t hi s p erm it will of woods.amo un t t o a bo ut $.;()Oo."This committee has r ec ei ved a v er - S om e s er ve better f or e xt er io r w or k, an d others fo rbal request from a representa t ive of interior. We h av e t he m f or al l p ur po se s a nd f rom a llthe Narherth Board oi Trade that f hgreater efforts should he made t o clean par ts 0 t e country.

    the Haverford avenue pavement in t he REAL SOFT WHITE PINEbusiness section. \Vithout deSiring to -evade any clear responsibility for such from Penns ylva nia, Can ad a and Idaho-thework, your committee t ook t he oppo r- I kind that responds to the touch. Use it fort tm it y t o point out to the representa- . \Vindow Screens and Trellis.tive oj the Board of Trade th at thel i tte red appearance oj Haverford avenue is la rge ly caused by thc merchantsw ho s we ep t he ir s to re a nd si dew alkdehris i nt o t h e gutters after the streethas been c leaned early in t he morningand also b v t he j ac t that several of themerchants' usc t he pub li c s idewalk asa p lacefor uncrating merchandise. Discussion also brought ou t the fact that 'at the rear oj s ome o f t h e s to re s, especially those operated by chain synd:cates .. rubbish of a ll k in ds i s permittedto accl1lllu!ate in a manner whi ch hasrequired admonitions jrom both the RED CEDAR SHINGLES-fire chid and the Board of Health.Your committee. therefore. sng-gested protect ~ ' o u from the elements and travel allthat if the merchan ts wou ld o f their t h e way from the State of Washington to do i t .own initiative jormulate a program jar 0111' busincss-it's Iruc-is 10 sell LU1llbel', but mOl'e than that,the hetter disposal o f t he dehris which i s to rccommend and stand back of the kind and quality sold you.i s c lear ly suhject to thei r pr iva te and !personal juri sdic tion and present such WE DO ia program to this committee. we would 'Iin turn recommend that Council should Itake reasonable additional steps for Shull Lumber Company 1;cleaning the Haverford avenue pan'-men ts . i j neces sa ry . \Ve r e commend Iin t hi s connl'ction that i t he recorei t'das the opinion of Council that t he Bur - The Link Between Forest and Home Igess should employ the pol ice power IIdrasticalh. if necessarv. in order tf' I 29 BaJa Avenue, BaJa-Cynwydimp re ss t he nec e s, it y o f better contli-tions upon those merchants who have " ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i C ~ Y ~ N ~ W ~ Y ~ D 5 6 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! S !jailed to respond to the more courteou, !!! _me thod s whi ch t he Burgess has prev;- Iously employed."Durin/S t he pa st month, it was de- !cided b y t he B ur ge ss a nd this com.mittee that t he w in te r collection oi !!ashes should cease on May 1:2; that theweek o f j \l ay 14 should be Clean-up\Veek during whi ch t ime t he horoughmen and trucks would o pe ra te o n t hewinterschedule to carry away all kindsof debris and t h at thcreaiter t he summer collection schedule would he effective in the jo llowing weeks : June 4-U,July :2-7, August Ii-II. September 4-8.The winter collection schedule will be'reSllllll'd on September :!4."During April trouhle developedwith the main sewer on Gra):ling an'.nuc between P ri c e and \Voodbine. Itwas caused hy w il low roo ts . As excavation was necessary t o l oc at e andcorrcct t he t ro ub le , we dec id cd to extend the Grayl ing avenue sewer northe rl y from its old te rminus about ;30fee t to connect in a manhole wi th thenew sewer w hi ch w as la id o n P ri ceavenue three years ago. This willc au se t h e s ewage in the northerly partoj Grayling avenue to f low north into IPr ice avenue re licving congest ion and IimprO\'ing the service."\Ve r ccommend t ha t t he pavemenlon \Vindsor avenue be given a newtop dress ing of one-quarter-inch stonc.\Ve a lso recommend that a ncw concrete gutter be installed a t t he c or ne r Iof Forest and Ha\'crford avenues m Iplace oj the prl 'sent brick gut t er a t atotal'cost of $175."During the month oj April we purchased Bucki te a t a total cost of $40.95

    and used i t for repairing ditches. Laborexpenses d ur in g t he mon th w er e a sfollows: For collecting 874 cubicyards of ashes, $829.88; for street cleaning, $219.92: for s t ree t maintenance$16.20: for operating t he r ol le r w he nrented. $4: making a t ot al l abor expenditure. $1070. During April, twopermits were issued jor upening- thepublic highways and the fees therefrom amounted to $46. In addition,two permits were issued for depositingm at er ia l o n t he p ub li c highways andthe fees t he re f rom amoun te d to $4.The total amoun t o f t he se f ou r permits ($50) was collected, tu rned overto t he Borough Treasurer an d hisreceipt was ta ke n therefor."

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 19, 1928


    P.4GE FOUR


    Five chussls-sn:es and eights-pr ices belo1inning at $860.Ca r illustrated is Model 619,five-passenger Sedan. with 4speed transmission. (standard&ear shift). $1595. All priceaf, 0, 1" Detroit.

    Is Pleasing,Economicaland a Good Investmellt ,

    l ' ~ o n e : Narberth 2800Office: Corner Montgomery and Woodbine A v e n u ~ "

    All. this is fo r your protection. Freedomfrom anxie ty is w or th t he s ma ll r en ta l fee.Y ou a re i nv it ed t o i ns pe ct ou r vaults at an yt ime.

    [;I;J HE heavy steol doo," of om vaultsstand guard a g ai n st t h e c le v er n es s ofthieves an d th e ravages of fire. Insideth e vaults h ig h r ow s o f s te el drawers

    contain th e valued possessions of th e people oft he M ai n Line - Jewe l s , Life I ns ur a nc e Po licies, Wills.

    M ay w e do your g rading , l a nds c a p ing , macadam,concrete or asphalt roads, maSQD.or:y or concretework?Make yow' walk, p01'ch or drive a / flagstone,'

    ,it is beautiful, permanent and dl 'f ferent.



    Steel for Your Protection






    "' ' I TE invite you to ride band drive theVV new Graham-PaIge modeb-wlthJour speeds forward. You will find thIS fourspeed transmission (standard gear shift) justone ofmany instances of advanced design andsubstantialvalue inGraham-Palp;e motorcars.

    NARBERTH 3843

    ANew MotoringExperience





    HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice flf the Peace

    FOR GOOD, CLEANPaperhallgillg andPlasterillgCALL A. HOLTZ37 N. Millick st., Phila.PIIONE: SI lERWOOD Uf i>

    31 N, NARBERTH AVEl' iUE

    Real Estate MortgagesInsurance

    Fire Insurance-Best Cornpaniel!.Phone 4049W 115 B ........rd An .

    Saturday, May 19, 1928

    SUBSCRIPTION PRICEOne Dollar and Fifty Cents Per YenrIn Advance,

    IO 11 suit i s hrokel l glass along the street i ~ ---.UR ~ ~ :, gutters a,nd the e d ~ e s of the s ~ d e w a l k s , : * " ' f ~ ', W J . when thIS stage IS reached It means '-/ about________________ cut a l ~ d p u l : c t ~ l r e d a u t o m o b i 1 ~ t i r e s . ' , ~ ~ ; JI wish to bring your attentIOn to one: r ,tC;- t'kA C o ~ o ] J e r a t i t ' e COllllllunity News-' specific case. on the southeast corner .;, - 'l-. Ileaaper founded in 1914 by t he Nal '- of E ssex a\'enue and Chestnut a\'enue,1 ' \ I ~ ar enbel.tlL Cit'ic Association and published where broken glass has just been lying I : every Saturday at Narbath, Pa. for se\'eral days, ' I ' : Trusting that you wil l give this mat-I ~ 'JPublished by the I ter your prompt attention, [ a m, I .. U\'I:IlGSTO:ll PvnUSHl : I ln co:m',\:-;y' MayO. l!l:!H, 'The Delphinium-America's FavoritePlIILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON. EdItor i Dear Sir: I Perennial.ROBERT MOORE CAMERON \\'e arc h a\ 'in g a great deal of IAssIstant Editor trouble with the milkmen leaying hot- I Suppose you could ha\'e in your gar-om('e. 2511 Haverford ,\\'emll' : t le s on tht, puhlic highway and \'acant den a plant that was perfectly hardyPhone. Narberth 2545 ' lots, and f ro st p roof , a plan t that would in-If no answer, call Ardmore 3100, \ Ve h av e ta ke n t he matter up w it h crease in t he quantity of b lo om e ac hthe d if ie rcnt m ilk supply houses and: yea r, a p lant that wou 'd bloom in mi,:Ithey a ~ s u r c us t ha t t he y wi ll do a tl in, June wi th f lowe r s pi ke s two t o three

    t he ;r power to abate t he nui san, ce .' f ee t l ong on a plant that stands sixThey ha\'e gone so f ar a s t o state th,at feet h i g - ~ 1 . ,the", witl d ,charge the driver i i we can I Color , Ah! He:e, hes t.he charm \Ifcatch him, ,the h y b n ~ delphlll:um. Its color ISIf at an\' time vou sec a dri\'er' blue, not j us t o ne shade o f b 'e e butthrowing Ijottles OIi the highway or I a l ~ \ ' s h a d ~ or comb, inat ion o f b lues: " aC' ln t l at s. I wit l appreciate' it if you \\ 'I th t he Ir c ompan .l on c ol or s. thei witl gh'e me t he number o f the wagon, mauves. la\:enders. 'plIlks, purp les and Bon. Clinton N. Howard, GFORGF R SUPLEF ,eVe!l sometlme'i whIte, " . . ', ,J , _ >.. , , ;. '" 1 he plant that carries most beauty Mr. H ow ar d, T he Litt le GIant at II t ~ l t l J r e r 'fltendelnt 01 f Publtlcl \\,o:kl's, of c olo r and f orm. more statuesque the Ame ri ca n P la tf orm, " who w il li. lere ore, lee l oves a res!( ents I , 'y ' ff ' d ' i ' of \'arl, 'r h t _ . . .. I 'I lelgh,t t,?r garden e cd an IS reason- speak 111 the meetlllg a t the P re sbvte-Entered as second-class matter. October 13.' " e 1 ,0 ,co OJlcrate \ \ It ,I ., r. able 111 first cost has the great advan- , . ~ ~ ~ , 1 : e r ~ f , e t ~ ~ t ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ c ; , ~ ~ 7 : . a r b e r t h , pa,.; ~ u P J c e ,to, mll1lm!ze, or h e t t e ~ sulI" ~ 1 ~ - tage of blooming success\'ely through- nan church t ? m o r r o ~ \ ' evenll1g, ~ M a y II________________ ' sOllltt;l) stop thl.s dangerous pradlce out thc summer at inten'als o f f rom :!O) at 7.45 0 clock 111 defense ot the I 1

    :f nlllkme\n tl!ea\l'lIlg gl la ss bot tl es l ay - fou r t o s ix weeks . lour peony or iris Constitution of the UllIted States oi '1:::===========================:::::= ----.::.;,ng al'OUIl( Ie lOroug 1. 110 0 II I'll ~ 0 It e II I r ts f -==. ---J. \\'. DARVI LL E. : 1., IS, -' ,a r r, 111 a . (. es . or Amcrica, He i s s a id t o have addressed, ' I 1.. months \\iLle the delphll1ll1m IS an more people for t he p as t q ua rt er of aA Worthy ProJect i e\'er-bloGmer and onl)' s tops for hard i century than' a ny o th er l iv ing man ,e7M. FIREC'IDE I frost. ., . 1 Bryan cal led h ll n t he "Modern Apos-This week sees the publication o f th e -.I.. oe t.:) , 7 D,cJ phll1ll1ms h ~ \ ' ? heen g r o w l ~ . 1!1 tIc." .Hi".-, patriotic lecture. "The \ \ 'or ld INarberth Tennis Association's plans i ~ . n g l a n d for ma!lY )" ears ,and the L ~ l g - on FIre. was heard by more than Ifor the expansion of its membership Mr. a nd ?l1rs. John 1. Con\\,av. of ,1,sh ! , r ; ~ ~ r l e n ( ' , ~ , .. J'lI1ks n o t h : n ~ of paYI lg, : ! , O O O , ~ o o p e o p l ~ during the \; ar , Theand a new clubhouse. The proposed _ \ \ ' . > , I C ' > > - frol,n $., to $,,:, f or a p lant ot a fine IH, \ \ \Vashl11gton office of the NatIOnal Rednew building would make i t a year- I ) nne\\ OO( OUI t. entertall1erl at vanety, hut 111 our country the del- C , t " ~ H ' d ' 't' , ',I . IOU d I b 'th b r h I nd"e re "ntl t tl . I I ' I" I b ' ross \I ro e r, 0\ \ ar IS POSI 1\ e )I' n c u WI ow mg, s qu as or , J , ~ y a letr lome. t l eiI" P 1 1 l 1 1 ~ m las ~ l ? t een grown s u c c e ~ s - thc grea tes t speaker that we ha\' e ever:handball fo r those athletically inclined' guests hell1g' Mr . a\l(l ~ I r s . Toseph ful ly 111 quantltle;;., only th, rough a lack heard. He will do mor e g oo d than'durnig the..v.:inter mon.ths,. and note- Simons, ?III's. Paul :\1. ? lI as to n \1 l' of knowledge 01 Its reqUIrements ~ 1 . 1 l 1 ! any other man in America," Mr,worthy faclhtles for SOCial hfe; name,ly 1:\1" " ".'.' a lack of study of , p r o p ~ r grow,I,lg I Howard's tpic tomorrow e\ 'cning is3: large hal l f or dances, card and bll - : ;-till I ~

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 19, 1928


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 19, 1928



    MAIN LINE AWNING co.49 East Lancaster AvenueCall Ardmore 1770

    When Should I OrderAWNINGS?FORESIGHTED people ar e answering the question now, thereby eliminatingthe Spring r us h. T he awn in gs t he n maybe erected at your convenience.ASK FOR ESTDMATES

    PHONE: NARBERTH3666fly theOld Meeting House

    l I I I I I I I I I I I I I i l J l l l l J l l l ~ m m m l l l U l l l l l l ! n l m ! P ! . I I I I I ! I I l I I l I M l l l l l l l l l l J 1 l l d j i ! l J ! . m d l l ! l l a l l l l l l ! l l l l l b l ~ i l l l l l l W l D l l / i I l l i i l i l i l 1 l l \ l


    FunFor theKiddiesA Sand Box f il le d withWhi te S eashor e S and willbe t he f av or ed s po t o f th eGarden al l summer.SAND BOX $10.004 f ee t s qua reSEASHORE SAND--$1.00100-lb. bagCANVAS COVER - $2.25

    NarberthCoal CompanyTELEPHONE ::I:

    REPLATEBRASSY WORN-OFFBath Room FaucetsBrassy Auto Parts, ReOectors, etc.With Pure Silver


    I t S il ve r-Pl at es . Use It as a Pol is hLOOK LIKE NEW!

    Yz Pint, $1; Pint, $1.65FOR SALE BY LOCAL DEALERSandHansell Bros. Service Station!\Iontgomery Ave. bel. Narberth Ave.

    For PennanentSatisfaction

    BUY ASmedley'Built Home

    Wm. D. & H. T. Smedley

    J'U I 'T AI3()UTIA W ~ ~ I \ L ~ t = T -IIt i s Get ting High Time fo r Planting

    Trees and Shrubs'" AZALEAS

    FLOWERING TREESI = = = = ~ = = = = = = ' I AND SHRUBSEarly summer's extreme heat is forcing thefoliage to such an extent that planting must bedone at once.Th is hea t in turn is good for our greenhouse plants which you will bewanting to plantin your garden.


    J O H ~ u 1 L 1 3 ' R , f : C H T : A ( C J ~ C 7 \ l e s

    ..~ l l 1 1 1 m n m m l l t l l l l l l m , m , , " n n m l l l 1 l n l 1 l l l J l l l l m ' n i l l l l n R J n J I I I , m l l l l l 1 l l 1 J l l l m m i l l n n n 1 1 l i l l l l l i l l l ! l l m m l l l n m l l m r n r n l l " i 1 1 I I l 1 1 a n u m m m l l i l l l m _ i I I R J n J l b l l l l l l l l m n l l l m l l l n m U n l l l l l l l l l l l J l J J

    O U R ~ r O W N

    Wayne 1328

    Skilled work plus skilledmechanics equal satisfactionTry the


    Our Service Station is clean, well l ighted andcompletely equipped. We use only genuineDodge Bro ther s pa rt s, and all our work isguaranteed.Our men are courteous, efficient and dependable mechanics who work on Dodge cars and

    Graham trucks exclusively. They have beenwith us for yea rs and are all residents in ourterritory.

    Consider these i t ems when buying your newcar or t ru ck . T he y are o f val ue t o you as anowner of a motor car.




    I ~ ~ I u W ~ S ~ ~ s c l a ~ e k e : : ~ i ~ : ~ o h o ~ a g ~ l-N- .......t ~ F - - -t-t----The ~ u h j e c t for the Bible lesson ser.- 0 orgo enmon for Sunday, May 20, is "Soul andBody;" but merely neglected, is the

    installation of that light,switch, or receptacle that isneeded f or your home.During housecleaning, now

    is the t im e t o l et u s do thework.


    CHURCHRev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor.Sunday, May 20:1l.45 Jt . M.-Rible school.11.00 A. M.-The service. Theme:"For Thy Name Sake."1;'45 P. M.-Seni'or and Juniorl,eagues. .-7. 45 P . }. .I .--The Vesper Service.Theme: "The Church of the Reformation."May :!1-:!4--Synod meeting at Pottsville,. Pa.Friday, May 25-Plays by t he cho irill the hasement of the church.

    Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. ,Meetings for 1Iay 20: I0.45 A. M.-Bible school. Rehearsals,for Chi ldren' s Day. I1 A. M.-Morning worship. Sermonon "The Chris tian' s Holy Day."11 A. ~ L - J l 1 n i o r Chu rc h, led b yIMrs. Digby.. tiA;; P. M.-Junior Endeavor meet-,ing . Leader, Louise Kersher .(iA5 P. :- ' l .-Senior Endeavor meet-,

    i n ~ . Leadcr, Carrie Louise Douglass.METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH .A 5 P. M.-Mass mce ti ng t o be ad-o. dressed b y H an . Clinton N. Howard,~ e v . Samuel MacAdams, ?llJllIster. "The L it tl e G ia nt o f th e Amc ric an::im.lday, May ~ o 1928: Rcpublic." Subjcct: "The Rock of the11.4., A. M . - B l b l ~ school. . Amcrican Republic." A message in11 A. ll.-:M Orll111g worship. Scrmon def en se o f the Constitution of the!heme:.::Does Prayer Have Any Valuel Un.ited States. Everybody invited. 241 Haverford Ave., Narberthj odayt Nex t Wednesday evening at the. G,45 P. .-Epworth League Devo- Praycr Meeting there wi ll b e an i nt er - PHONE: NARBERTH 4182tlonal se rv i ce . . . . e ~ t i n g symposium of the Great Psalm T' G' P t'A 5 P. :-'I.-Iwelllng worship. S.er- of Love 1. Cor. 13 in which nine per - The E!'-RA W1nS ~ v ro"!pman t ~ , ~ l 1 1 e : "I s the World Geeting sons wili p a r t i c i p a t ~ . Electncal and RadlO ServI ce .

    B ~ t t e r . . . Next F ri day n ight an important] ~ ),!!d-week P r?yer and PraIse mec' ing of all the officers and teachers IservIce Will be ~ e l d 111 t h church l?n of thc Bible school. _ __\Vednesday evcnlllg at 8 a clock. TillS Iservicc is brief, bright and brotherly.\ "ou will e nj oy it if you come.

    First Church of Christ, Scientist.\Vomen's Club Building.(Dayl igh t S av ing T imc. )11.110 A. :\I.-Sundav scnices.11.110 .\ . :\I.-SulldaY school.\Vednesday eveni ng , t es timoni almeeting at 8 o'clock.Reading room, 19 \Vest Lancaster

    Merion Friends' Meeting.Sen-ices for :\Iay 20:]0.00 A. M.-First day school.11.00 A. :\J.-!\Ieeting for worship .

    BAPTI ST CHURCH OF THEEVANGELRohert E. Kcighton, ~ inister.Sunday, May 29:!J,45 A. !'.I.-Church school.]1 A. M.-Morning worship . Ser mon: "Grcat Tex ts F rom Amos V Treasure Seekcrs," P. !\-I.-Young People's DevotionalHour. Top.c: ..Values and Dangcrs

    011 Recreation."; . ~ . 5 P. ll.-Evening worship. Ser-man: "Char ac tc rs From 'Pilgrim'sProc:ress" \' I-Talkative."\Vcdllcsday, May 23:" P. If.-Prayer Ser vi ce . Top ic :"Two Lessons in Tolerance."


    Nomodern home is completewithout1his quiet, e c o n o m i c a ~ healthful refrigeration

    I I

    that makes for economical buying:Imporrant, to every woman, is the factthat this reftigerator is onethat needsno oiling .. . that has no drain pipe orconnection, nomechanismunderneath.AlI itsmachinery is hermetically sealedin one steel casing, intact and testedin the factory . .. never touched afteronce i t leaves. Come inand see thevarious models. Study them fromeverypossible angle. Your interest will bewelcome. Time payments, if you wish.

    Foodsfull-flavored andluscious. Foodskept healthily cold and dry . No t achance for bacteria to multiplythey flourish in moisture and warmth.The wise woman of today recognizesthe importance of serving food that notonly tastes good but is thoroughlysound and fresh.In theGeneral ElectricRefrigeratorchereis the scientificaUy correct temperaturethat makes food spoilage impossible.There is, too, the generous shelf area

    cz _Exclusive Main Line Distributors

    Write for II booklet which gives full descriptions.


    The< S t ~ 1 ) d ~ r de J f p p l t ~ c e (301JJPeuJjI

    i E. Lancas ter Ave.Ardmor-e. Pa.

    Every Unit of This Wonderful Line Now on Display at


    Philadelphia's Largest Distributorl of Fresh,Rich, Wholesome Milk and Ice Cream


    "I NOTICE the r ich Bavor- just like that I drinkevery day down town."We all like it so much- a nd it is so good for u s and so safe - I suggest you have the SUPPLEE-WILLSJONES milkman leave two quarts every day."GOLD MEDAL Cream Buttermilk

    A wonderful spring tonic for business men-schoolchildren-everybody. Order by 'phone, or from thedriver of ou r wagon which passes your home. Also atsoda fountains and restaurants.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 19, 1928



    - - = = = = = : . . . = : ~ - ~ : ; ; . - _.-=:-:_-:_-'_._----..-._--.... :_-

    STROEHMANN BROTHERS CO., Norristown, Pa., have replaced almost completely the SchoellerBakery which we acquired last February. We have remodelled this Old Landmark; we have added a

    new building; and. we have installed new and modem equipment.a great deal of valuable information . Natural ly weformed some ideas of ou r own as to wha t k ind CJf aBakery we should have in Williamsport.

    * "*" 1-Here is where our affiliation with Quali ty Bakersof America proved of great value to us.This organizationmaintains a Service Bureau whichretains men and women experts who are qualified by

    experience to advise members on all matters that enterinto the baking business.Their services are available to all members as theyare needed.We had th e benefit of their advice in .the construc..tion an d equipment of ou r Williamsport Bakery, an d

    we have hadithereinmaking ou r B a ~ ( e r y in Norristo"ovncompletely modern and efficient in all details.Following th e teachings o f our f at he r- ke ep in gopen..minded and always willing to learn from others- we are no t making any m.istakes.We know that group talent , founded on p r a ~ t i c a lexperience and success, is far more effective t han ind i..

    vidual ta lent-no mat te r how exper t or brilliant itmay be. * 0$- 0$-We feel that we are spl endidly equipped in 0Ur'NorristownBakeryto rendereverybody in this te.'ritorvsatisfactory service, bu t this does no t nlean that we lel.":going to st0p looking ahead.If anything comes along-SOUle new invention thatproves practical and win improve our Bakery-we shalllose neither time no r spare any money in installing it.We are here to serve you with the best product weor anybody else can bake.That's fair an d square, is it not?

    During three months of strenuous and costly activi..ties we have had in mind always the completion of abakery that would be a c redi t t o t he old and stable aswell as the Largest Borough i n t he Uni ted States.

    Now, we are ready to operate in a building thatgives us every facility to insure the people of this sectionof a service they are enti tled to receive from us, andwhich we shall always do ou r u tmos t to render totheir satisfaction.

    And right her e we wish to say that a t any t ime anyof yo u personally, _.or anv-organizations ~ t h a t are -in ..terested in checking u p ou r production methods - feelinclined to visit ou r Bakery, it will be ou r pleasure toopen wide its doors and. let you inspect every nook an dcorner of it.

    We do a lo t of checking on ou r own account of allth e factors - human and mechanical- that enter intoth e operation o f ou r Bakery, a nd we welcome a check..up of ourselves by th e public.* 0$- 0$-We admit that we have a hobby as to t he k ind ofBakery we operate.This hobby was drilled into us by ou r father underwhose guidance we acquired no t only ou r technicalknowledge of th e baking business bu t who t augh t usth e necessity of keeping ou r ears to the ground foranything n ew th at came along t o impro ve bakingmethods a nd t o insure htrter production.Himself a progressive of great i n t e n s ~ t y , he was

    always quick t o adopt innovations that would helphim to serve the public with as good products as it washumanly possible to ma!-e thenl. Th e public - t he con..sumer-always h ~ h ~ nCb consideration.He always emphasized th e need ofou r takingcounselof experts in al l th e branches of the baking business, sot ha t when we thought we had some good ideas weshould submit them, and then we would quickly learnwhether they could be convertedinto definite, concrete,practical plans.

    We wish yo u WOUld t ake not ice of ou r fleet ofautomobiles as theymove over th e highways in makingdeliveries.

    And not only take notice of th e automobiles bu t ofth e men a t th e whee l -ou r salesmen.Th e character o f a n institution is wholly measuredby its personnel-its equipment-its service.Therefore, when we started in the baking business So far as we are able you are going to get co ..ordina..on ou r own hook at Williamsport, we remenlbered tion of these factors-and, yes, you a re going to getour father's advice. We ha d visited many up .. to .. date co .. operation, too, all along th e line _ no t just "say so"

    Bakeries in different sections of th e country. We gained co ..operation, bu t practical, helpful, sincere co ..operation.Kew ..Bee Bread, now being served to the people of this section, is the loaf that members of Quality Bakers of America agree is the bestloaf that their united talents and experience can produce. When you know, aswe do, howgood the Kew..Bee loaf of bread is, you'l,f, thankus for locating our Bakery in Non'istown, from which central J,:Jint we are equipped to serve all homes for 25 miles around or more.

    Stroehmann Brothers.Company757Kohn St. 'Bakers ofKew..&e Bread "...- -NortiStoWn,pa.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 19, 1928



    Narberth 3973-M

    As Advertisedin The

    Saturday EveningPostSold by

    Get Your May Special NOW

    White Flannel Time Is ComingAloe Yours Ready?

    The Time Is Here

    The range is beautifully finished in gray and whiteenamel, has a f ul l 16- in ch ename l- li ned oven, f it te dwith t he t ime and labor-saving Heat Control device,standard 5-burner cooking top, utility drawer and otherup-to-the-minute features.

    Heat ControlGas Ranges


    Only $4 Down-Balance Monthly

    SAVE $10.75

    $70 InstalledInstead of $80.75the former price


    35 North Narberth Avenue, NarberthSlip Covers Made to Order

    We spe('lallze In remodeling ladles' garmentsALTERING :: REPAIRINGIVe call and delivel' .. Phone Narberth 2488

    s. P. Frankenfield SonsFUNERAL DIRECTORS

    A Saving of $10.75-andt! len t he very easy t erms :

    are going fast at theamazingly low price of


    158 Merion Ave.

    Soon the advance guard of flies, mosquitoes and n ightflying beetles will be upon us. Have your screens put innow-built to o1'der of the proper materials. Let me estimate.

    Get my figures for building that new garagethis spring.

    ~ l I I 1 1 n n U 1 l 1 m m l l l l l J l l l l m m l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 l T I m l l l l l l l l l l ~ l I I i U l I 1 h i U n l l l l l l l l l i i n h i U l l n t I 1 l I 1 I l I I m l i l l m I l l 1 T I l 1 T I I 1 I 1 T I I I T I l i U n l l l l 1 D l l l 1 l U m 1 l l T I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 D I I U m l 1 C l l 1 J l l l l l l l lIIIi

    Paoli. Pa.


    Swimming Club

    1J1uurral itrrrtnrs

    The Oldest Store in Narberth224 Haverford Avenue




    Careful, experienced drivers.Liability and passenger insurance.

    QtQurlrli :11. ~ t u u r ~ & ~ n (C. Wallace Stuard)104 Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.

    Telephone at any t ime of day or n igh tArdmore 243

    Four Generations Since 1822

    When You Get Off the Train

    The p rima ry obj ec t I n J ol nl ng a c lub of t hI s k ind Is thatone may go there tor a couple ot hours In the evening for somereal exercise and relaxation or enjoy a Whole day I n the greatoutdoors.Spring Lake, because of Its accessibili ty to the Main Lineand Its natural beauty. makes It Irresistible. The location, combln1ng the attractions ot woods and fields, provides Ideal picniCspots . The l ake afl'ords qui et . s ha ll ow wat er fo r c anoe ing.The re Is a beach f or timid swimmers and beginners. and forthe more advanced swimmers and divers every taclllty for watersports. tennis. basketball and other sports Is offered. The yearround membership InclUdes Ice-skating privileges.There Is health In the great outdoors-health In Its fullestsense-physical, mental, spiri tual. Our late President Roosevelts ai d: "To be fit men ta ll y, one must be f it physica lly. " Thisexclusive little place wlll serve the latter purpose.Adults, $10.00; six to sixteen years. $6.00. Children undertwelve years ot age must be attended by adUlts. ouest, accompan1ed by member. 50 c en ts . Speci al r at es f or f am lll es .SW1DlD1lng lIIatructlons, sIX lessons tor $5.00.

    CALL NARBERTH 3772215 Haverford Avenue

    Step in White 's and cease worrying about your dinner. Our delicious pies, cookies, tarts, French pastry, and ou r own ice cream solve your problems.



    ~ CROMkDWHITE'S SWEET SHOP 8. ( { X i t F E 6 1 M S l I ~Phone, Narberth 4005 I

    219 Haverford Avenue Narberth I

    ,; - up qii '

    PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN-COUNTIES GASI & ELECTRIC COMPANYI Bryn Mawr 327 Upper Darby-Blvd. 1600MEMBERSHIP LIMITED Phone-Malvern 543 Ardmore 3500 Wayne 3 Hilltop fU

    just drive in

    I f yo u wou ld lik&to know th e dif f er en ce b et we ena f il li ng s ta t io nan d a SERVICEs ta t ion ,

    Sunshine ServiceMontgomery Pikeat Narberth Ave.

    Narberth Theater~ A I U J E R T I f :\"E:"{;l;Narberth, Pa,


    ComedyBeauty Parlor Ser ie s, No. 10Pathe Review, No. 18NewslaffSATURDAY

    Claire Windsor in"Blondes by Choice"One of screendom's most bewitching blonde stars in a comedy that wil l c ha se the darkclouds away_Hairbreath Harry Comedy"Dirty Work"Fox Variety-USea Breezes"Fox News FablesSaturday Matinee OnlyuMasked Menace"

    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingNARBERTH. PA.PHONE, NARBERTH 3652-M

    THURSDAY and FRIDAYAlice Terry in"The Garden of Allah"A Christian love story in theshadow of the Mohammedanmosques.

    Program-Week of May 21MON., TUES. & WED.H . B . Warner in"Sorrel l and Son"A dramatic X-ray of a father's heart and a son ' s devot ion.Fox Animal Comedy"Follow the Leader"Fox News Topics of the DaySpecial Children's MatineeWednesday at 4 P. M.

    SATURDAY, MAY 19Shirley Mas on a nd Ben Turpinin"The Wife's Relations"Comedy-"Wedding Yells"Fox News Aesop's FablesAdded-uBuffalo Bill's LastFight"

    Ncw York dcpartment store advcrtisesthe Genc Tunncy shirt . Has anyone exploitcd the Lindbergh ~ a n d w i c h ?

    FOR n E ~ T - R o o m and board. Two Iyoung men preferred. Phone Narberth4142-J.FOR SALE HawaIIan guitar. threequa rt er met al bed wit h s pri ng s. mat t ress ; a ll brand new. Reasonable. CallNarberth 3815-W between 4 and 8.Fun S A L F ~ M a r t l n fur neckplece. $15.Phone Narberth 4043.LOST-Black bag containing laundryj).,tween Anderson and Narberth avenueson Mon tgome ry pike. Reward. CallNarberth 2465 or Bryn Mawr 38.FOUND-Small gold watch. open face.engraved back. key wind. Fo un d o nHaverford avenue. Narberth. Apply 49Rittenhouse place. Ardmore.FOR SALE-Tomato plants. 40 cents adozen, Three dozen for $1. Asters. zlnn1as and other plants. 339 Dudley ave-nue. (6-23-28.)FOR RENT-Ideal apartment, fiverooms, hal l a nd bat h. Convenlences .Big closets. Must see to appreciate. $70a month. 103 Chestnut avenue. PhoneNarberth 3784-M. tf.LIGHT LOCAL HAULING-Ashes andruhblsh removed, jobbing, cellars cleaned.Five years experience. A. Wallace. Bryn~ a W T 1488-3. (6-26-28)SEWING MACHINES-All makes reopaired. Liberal allowances on old machi ne s f or new Singe r. Phone :Merion

    FOR . R E ~ T Two private gagages.Montgomery Arcade. Se-? John A. Caldwell. opposite Narberth station." '. -\S'fEI) A young girl to take babyout In afternoon. Phone Narberth 2674.FOn REl"T-Favorable apartments atreasonable rentals. Narberth 3818 after6 P. M.

    LOST-Stiver bag cOlltalnlng keys.money, etc.. on Essex avenue betweenHaverford and Windsor or on Windsor.Narberth 2537.

    CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSRates: 2c per word; additional c?n-secl/tive insertions of same adverttse-mellt, 1c per word. Min imum chargeper week, SOc.

    W . - \ ~ ' f l ; n - T r l c y c l e . In good condition.for 3-year-old cht ld . Phone Nar1>:rth3881-R.

    FOR SAI ,E Underwood rebutlt No. 5typewriter; good as new. $35. 103 NorthNarberth avenue or caIl Ardmore 3100between 9 and 5 oclock.


    C O : " T J ~ l i B n P I { ( ' ~ I TI m 10 ns T PAC.II:\ nH1!"ical t ea was g iv en by th e

    ~ I u s i c Study Class on Friday.i'day 11, at the ho me of ~ [ . r s .Arthur Staples. 1~ - \Voodsldeavenue. Soprano solos by ~ [ r s .Harry B an ks . a cc ompa ni ed b y~ I r s " 11. G. \' enemann: contraltosolos bv ~ l r s . J o hn H ipwel l, ofP hil ad ei ph ia , ac co mpa ni ed b y:VI rs. H. S. Hipwell: piano d u ~ t ! "by ?vIrs. Venemann and r.'1rs. Hlp,veIl with recitation by ~ I r s .EvelYn Patton \Veaver formedt he en ter t a inmen t. ~ J r s . CharlesH. S haw p ou re d tea. which w ~ served by members of th e musICcommittee.On F r id a y e ve ni ng . : 'I a y lJ. att he h om e o f Mrs. Robert J. ?\ash.t h e J un i or De pa rtmen t entertained t he Boa rd of Direc to rs and theExecu tive Board of th e club ~ amusicale and br idge. Th e artIstswere ;\ ina Prettyman Howell.v io li ni st : L ew Howe ll , b ar it on e.an d 1ea n Howel l . t he ir daughter.pianist. Violin solos and bariton.esonlrs a nd a ri as were followed byt w o ~ i n t e r e s t i n g re ci t at ions by Mr.I-lowell. "The Highwayman" by;\,1 eyes. with music a rr an ge d b y:'Irs. Howell. and "Rose"'., ofYesterday," a t ra ns la ti on t romTtlTgerief, with music a r r ~ n g e d byNicolas Doutv. Th e J ul1lors pre~ e n t e d }! rs . Boileau , chai rm.an.with a fine h lu e g la ss wa te r J t 1 ~as a part ing gift. There werese\ 'en tahles of hridge and laterre fre shment s and prizes.

    , TelLS OF UTILITIES I r - - - - - - I IEhmann is Balcynar Rotary Speaker . II FOR TEAS II ,R. F. Wood SCheduled Nex t.IE ;

    dwin W. Ehmann, Main Line I; PARTIES Ii: \ s ~ i s t a n t l \ Ianager of .the Philadel-!I I.ALL ARE HERE phla Suburban-Count ies Gas and i OR DESSERTSL'b Patrons Share All the Ad Electric C ompa ny a nd m embe r o f I I , PHONE: ARDMORE 9 ARDMORE, PENNA.

    IV : ~ ~ ~ g e $ 0 f the New Boo k CIubs. the 1\1ain Line Ki w ~ is Club, was =i I ' ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~. can read the current book the speaker at a meetmg of the Bala- t h e r e is no t h i ng f in er t h an de l ic ious pas t r i es . ! ::a d ~ ~ r t ~ \ : I ~ g pages wi thout b e c O l n ~ n g ~ y n w y d - ~ a r b e r t h Rotary Club held II Iawarc 01 tne \'anous boo!' clubs w h l c l ~ I uesday 111 t h e Cynwyd Club.. He; T h ey 'r e f r es h a n d wholesome , an d inexpens ive ,cacll montl1 maKe selections from t ~ Jiscussed government ownershIp of Icurrent hooks to recommend to theIr . '1' . d hI' f OJ'I I" 1e st k l10wn o f t he se pubhc utI It les, an t e re atlon 0 5 tOO. 5l11ell1l>Crs. 1':) I SCltillS are Ihe " l 3 o o k . - o ~ ; t h e - m o n t h gas and electrICIty t o t he commu.m- ~ Club," the "Literary .Gtllld ~ n ~ 1 n o ~ \ ' ty. Another feature of t he meetmg ! Ithe "Cr.m.e Cmll" whIch spCClahzes ti l was a talk on "Mother" by Rev. I The Narberth Pastry Shop Imystery :tones. . . Frank S. Gray. i-\. anc w 11 c 1e ., . \ I -N ' 1not always foHow blindly Ihe selections Phllhps. of the f re more atlOna.of Ihcse c luhs , i t is usual ly t rue tha t Bank.the b o o k ~ which they do. s c l e l ~ b t a r Robert FelIows \Vood . Narber th,t ho sc whIch a ny p ro gr ess Iv e I r a ~ ) ..would be buying, and which. any ,(!IS- adyertlsl1lg manager of t.he .\utocarcriminating reaucr would deSIre. I hc Company , Ardmore. wllI be thecluhs tl.1ercfore d? r en de r a g . e n : ~ a ~ ~ p e a k e r at Tuesday's luncheon, Iservice In that their competcnt Jt!d,.,e" '1' I 'Il b ' I f R Iph Sfrequcntly indicate with accurate J t ~ d g - \\ HC 1 ~ V 111 C large 0 a :-. Il11el1t a book which many pcople mIght Dunne s Busll1ess Methods Comnlltotherwise disco\'er in a s lowc r and l es s t ee .ccrlain way. _ .For example. the :\arberth L l b r ~ r ynow has a\' al lablc for readers the 101l owing s cl ec ti on s f or t he 1110nth of).Ia\,: I'"Thc Closed Gar dcn. " b .. Ju IanGreen (Book -o f- th e-mont h) . . IC ath erinc Paris. " by Pnncess) .I art hc B ibe sc o {Li te ra ry Gu il d) . .Gore Browne (Cr ime Club. ) 'I

    "1n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N a D ~ i l ; ~ ~ ~ ~ N Robert, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~