Our Town May 31, 1945

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1945


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1945



    NARBERTHElectric & Radio Co.

    I NARBERTH 182-:. Cor. Haverford & Forest Avet




    .'orrnrrly 30ZI . r n r i l l ~!\Iill Rr!.

    N ow C or.l I I o n l ~ o m e r y

    andL C l ' e r j l l ~

    1IIi11 Rr!.Next American store

    C ~ ' n w Y r !4HfiI

    '.' ~ " ' \ ' ! " . ' \ " ~ ' " " " . ,

    ..",:,,,;,,,' ~ . '

    ,', '. \" - ' , ~ ; , ~ . , , , :



    Pool Opens 3 FREE SUNDAY CONCERTSDolly 11 A.M. s Y LVA N HAL L 4 1 1 5 7 1 1 5 9145

    Allrac';V" Offln THE FROLICKERS, WI:lITEY FIUDS,Avai lable la LYNN FADER and Others

    S u n t n J u : t ~ 7 : , I I ,

    G and Olh'"I' Jack Steck 's Klddles ' Hour, 2 P. M.roup u nglFI REWORKS E VE RY F R ID AY

    l I u y M o r e Wa r ' o n d s - / n the MIghty'7th

    All Medical Need.



    Beautie/;! That's what our

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1945



    FENCES!Built Repaired

    .RobertH. EllioH2122 Darby Road

    Hilltop 1026

    All ,



    l \l ai l in g - A dd r es s ln cPublic Stenography


    urPER DARBYBLVD. 3046

    Gates - Radiator CoverlCarpentry

    Cabinet Work


    Gets CollegeP ~ 8

    '" ,Miss Nancy Stimson.'

    8 S ~son Rd., Ardmore, has beene l e ce d p re si de nt of the S tu de nt

    Christian Association at TempleUniversity, where 'she Is ajliniOrIn the religious education d e p a r t - \ ,ment of Teachers College. " "'::"


    ( ~ U H I I i \ NBUILDING, UPPERBoulevard 0188

    From Your SpringWe Will Buy Your

    R. \V .McCLATCHY


    T HE lovely island of Guernseyis'once more free afterfive ye,ars of Nazi occupation. Therefor hundredso f y ea r s a p ea ce l ov in g p eo pl e pursued quiet. do

    m es ti c l if e. A nd t he l' e w er e b re d f or genera t ions thea nc es t or s o f the world-famous pure bred GuernseyCattle, now so popular i n t h e United Sta tes .In ridding this l i t t le is land o f G e rm a n oppression. ad eb t h as b ee n p ai d, f or the farmers a n d b r ee d er s ofAmerica o.we m uc h t o t he peOPle and history of Guemsey a s t he source of the productive, p ur e b re d c at tl ethat bear i ts name. T h is n a me i s a h ou se ho l d w o r d I nAmerica in the t r a de m a rk of GOLDEN GUERNSEYMilk a nd t hi s r ich, wholesome food proves by i t s h i ghQuality the years of pedigree and care that stem backto the small Island in the English Channel.G ue rn se y i s f rc e. G ue rn se y f ol k can soon return totheir peaceful and f r ui t fu l ' wa y o f l l fe - lJ . w ay of lifefull of the mer i t which is reflected i n t h e healthfUl, richGOLDEN GUERNSEY Milk on American tables today.

    We h a y e s o m e v e r y R t l ra c t !, ' e R t R du a t io n I l l fl . f o r b o t hboys and girls. We'l\ be g la d t o s ho w t he rn to you.


    T;CYEGlass Shop7315 Wes t C he st er P ik eBoulevard 3082

    IS ~ E L Z E

    I( F o r m e r l ~ '

    With Riggs & Brother)232 BALA AVE., CYNWYD. PA. C3'nwyd 3250

    GrandfatherClocks Repaire d

    D .. F.

    As well as English. F rc nc h a nd Swiss Clocks.C lo ck s c al le d f o r and delivered. Estimates givenand a ll w or k g ua ra nt ee d. \r----GRADUATION PRESENTS:---




    EASY TERI\IS Phone or Wr it e f or F r ce Estimates


    Termite Rodent ConfrolBothered With HouseholdPests? Call the one,SURE Answer.- P h on e u s f o r q ui ck a ct io n.Confidential Service-No si rna 011 Our Trucks.Regular monthly scrvice.

    ROSE ExTERMINATOR~ l('HONES: WAL NU T 3 86 6 C YN WY D 3 31 3 RACE 33 "

    While you \re doing your Spring housecleaning whyllot laY aside the furni ture 01' other odds and end youno longer care f or a nd ca ll u s? We w il l g iv e y o u C AS Hfor what you don't want.

    Telephone Bryn Mawr 2901,

    Wall and l\fantel. Made to Orderand R es il ve re d. M ad e FrOIDGenuIne Pittsburl:'h Plate Gis .. .

    OLD MIRRORSRemodeled and Resllvered

    SPECIALWe Wil l O ve rh au i

    Y O U ~A dd in g M ac hi ne o rT3'pewl'Uer Complete for $12.50COLLINS

    3 ~ 9 0 r r ~ ~ ~ ~ r bpsai.

    ~ ~

    blI.\1 teama. During her senioryear she was president of theAthletic Association. .

    .. - -Vegetable Salad

    Cooled lef t-over vegetables forWinter sa lads taste best If marinated .

    5846 Market It .or Call

    ALI ,. 1450 - West 51"E"enlnn GRA, U2t

    RADIOSRepaired9rln" your radio to berepaIred. Yo u SAVEmoney Ilnd set MUCHQuicker lervlce. '

    35 rcara ExperIence

    DEVANEY,- 216 S. 6 0T H S T.

    PHILADELPHIAOPP. ImperIal Theatre

    All. 8125

    Store Your FursNow At

    Your Furs'Worst Enemy



    102 Forrest Ave., NarberthNARBERTII 2602

    228 Bahl. Ave., Cynwyd

    CYNWYD 0928


    , TAPE


    R O O F I N t ;S I D I N G !


    Turn your anutedl3'Jlewriter into money.We pay toP Juices, afl1blake.



    IHake YourBlinds Like

    New. Immediate Service


    BlindsCustom "Made

    MASS & SHANECall BAR. 7452F o r F r ee E s ti m at e

    7020 W. G u r e t t .d.Boulevard W t





    I~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~Q u ic k R e mo v alFair Prices

    C o u r te o u s M e nAlso Plano Mo"ln.



    Graduates On Mond'ayFrom Beaver College

    M is s J oY ce , M ar io n B lo gg et t,da.ughter of Mr. and Mrs. SamuelE. B lo gg et t, o f A rdm or e, w asg r ad u at e d f r om Beaver CoJlegei n J en ki nt ow n o n M on da y witha B. A. DegI'ee in physical education.

    During her college career MissB lo dg et t wa s a student government representative, a m e mb e r o fP en t ha l lo n, t h e G le e C lu b. and

    was on the hockey and basket-

    '.....'.....'TO' WED

    Long TermF. H. A.Mortgages

    Are Best


    Th e NationalBank of Nal'berth

    If you are refinancing yourhomebe sure to s ee t o it that you havea mortgage that runs

    ~ i f t e e n01'

    t w en t y y e ar s a nd n ot t hr ee 01'five. An F. H. A. mortgage willtake care of this for you.Consultus!

    Summer's crisp sleeveless dress need not beexpensive, but it must have the trim, look ofsmart designing and careful tailoring. Thismod.1 Is of rayon faille In -ibrant shades ofcoral or gold and comes in sizes 12 to 20.I\atching belt and buttons-$5.95



    Sto r. HOUri 9:30 to 5:30, MllY 31, Jun . 1 .n d 2SummerStore HoursBeginning June 4 ,9 :30 to S

    Da)'tlme Drelle., T hi rd F lo or

    Ceremony Took Place".t Home Of Bride IIn Germantown

    O U R T C ) ~, '

    Louise BruderWed May 26 toG. P. Sherwood

    At a very jretty home weddingSaturday, May 26, at 4 P . M.,Louise Thompson Bruder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RichardThompson, 3112 M id va le Ave "Qp'E'n Lane, became the bride, ofGeprge ' P. S he rw oo d, J r. , s on o fMrs GeorgeP. Sherwood. llO Kenilworth Rd .. Merion. Dr. Finnery.rector of t he F ir st PresbyterianChurch of Germantown. performed the ceremony. '

    The l iving ' rom was beaut i ful lydecorated with ferns . white Springflowers, and red rosebuds.The b ri de . wIto w as g iv en Inma1'l'Iage by her father, wore agown with a. full skirt ending in atrain. She wore white gardenias inher h ai r. a nd her brfdal bouquetw a s o f w hi t e r os es , g ar de n ia s andllliell of the valley.

    Miss Mary S co tt , o f Philadel- Miss Belledetta Tina Rieciar-phia. the bride 's only attendant, d i of B r oo kl yn , N. Y., will bewon a gown ofpowderblue

    p o i n t ~d e ~ s o l .

    and c ar ri e d a s ho we r b ou - m a rr i ed t o J o se p h M', D'Alonzo,Quet of pinkroses and delphinium. 304 E ss ex Ave ., N a rb er t h. on

    D r. L aw re nc e R . D av is o f N ar - J une 2 at 11 A. M, a t s t . Fran-berth. acted a s b e st man. I cis Xavier Church. 16th St . and

    Mrs. Thomson. mother of the Fifth Ave" Ne w Yor k, Theb ri de w or e a l on g d re ss of p ow de r i groom-to-be is the s on o f N i chblue sheer. with jacket of match- Ii ug l ac e. and a co rs age of p in k i olas D'Alonzo,president ofcamel1las and w hi te g ar de ni as . D 'A lo nz o- La nc as te r, I nc ., w el l-

    Mrs, Sherwood, mother of the known clothjng manufactur'ersb ri de gr oo m, w or e a l on g d re ss o f _of_p_h_il_a_d_e...:lp_f1_i_a_, _powder blue si lk jersey a nd a nd asorsage of pink camellias. Soaking Garments

    F or ty f de nd s a n d relatives at- Before YOu soak a~ a r m e n tt en de d t he ceremony. and w er e o ve rn i gh t I n s t ro n g w a te r to re

    joined later by 60 additional guests!move perspiration. decide whethera t t he reception, the fabr ic wil l stand the water.

    ,'" I





    Cynwyd 0662Closed NOON Saturday

    We frame OilsWe frame Water ColorsWe frame PrintsWe reframe and recond it io n p ic tu re s t ha t y ouwant rejuvenated.



    "A ' r l .ndl, Piae. 10 Worle"

    45 Anderlon Avenu., Ardmor.1631 Arch St r t. PhiladelphiaRoom 315, McClatchy Building

    (69th & M.rkef ItI.,. Upp.r Darlly)

    5759 I. Penn St., Norristown410 York Road, Jenkintown

    or call Interprll . 10100

    Please bring alongyour birth.cerclDcate or otherp r ~ f

    of citizenship.

    There is a real FUTURE, too, in these jobs.

    Bell Telephone offers positions in which you will beworking in a clean, safe , and pleasant a tmosphere . No

    experience is necessary. Friendly supervisors train you

    and are always ready to lend assistance. Quiet rest

    rooms offerc o ~ f o r t

    and re laxat ion . You may choosefrom a variety of in teres t ing jobs.

    Make arrangements to drop i n - r e a l soon-and le3:rn

    a l l a b ou t these opportunities. ,An interviewer i s r e ad y

    to amwer allyour questiol'!. Visit a n y o f these offica:



    A. n um b er o f p os it io ns a re now o pe n t o a mb it io usyoung ,women. They are jobs in which y ou w i l l b e con-t r ibut ing to the war effor t. They are jobs with goodpay

    , . ~ g u l a ri , . c , . e a s ~ s~ and many opportuni t ies

    to advance. You earn as you learn.

    Durable Harris Tweed Sports CoatsTailored By "London Weatherproof"

    They are meeting the requirements of the busy. well-dressedw om an o f t od ay. Conect for most Occasions in any weathcr.

    Smiling Couple

    L t. N or ma n S. Bemis,U ~ A ,

    and -Mrs. Bemis. are gettingready to leave the reception af ter the i r wedding which took placeSaturdaY. at All Saint's Church, Wynnewood. Mrs. Bemis is theformer Miss Dorothy S" Wagner, of Penn Valley.

    iii fIESYjjE ~

    I" ~ : ' t ; { : ~ ~ ~ : ~ : o ; : : , ~ ~ ~ :L,

    ~! ~ ~ U~, I ! & ~IO".n w"'

    , o n , ~ u ' t < dill th , Re-

    Miss Sally Lou Oaks, a Florence I publ ic of Panama. .

    Cowanova graduate , wil l give her I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipupils ' dance recita l a t t he Bala- ICynwyd High school on Saturday ievening, June 22. The proceeds Iwill be g iv en t o t he R ed C ro ss . !


    Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cowie, 1410:Surrey La" Overbrook Hills, Mer-Ii on , f or me rl y o f the WynnewoOd:Apartments, will occupy their new ihome on Merion Ave" e ar ly i n iJune. I

    E dw al 'd L . S m it h, w ho w as o p- ierated on last week a t H ah ne -:mann H os pi ta l, is i mp ro vi ng . IMrs. Amy Griffis, daughter o f M r. IS mi t h, i s

    a t t e n ~ ~ ~ g h e ~ _father. I

    Canning MethodThe best! method of canning i

    f rom standpOint , of accident pre- jv en ti on a n d f oo d p re s er va t io n i spressure cookinl/:.

    "'esternof the Sioux"-Tom


    -- _ ..-----

    Here and ThereContinucd from Page 1

    m J J ~ . 1J of ARDMORE



    GAR1I1ENTlaerecJlbly bou_Ille., beeutl{uU,.dee1Wlled to winperfed bo d ybalance, aDd Illpreme comlol1.E x p e l ' t { U t i l i r.. D d a d J u I ~ n t e l ' vice - COIUpl ..tjl I ' e p a l l ' hop.

    Bel".. ArterEMlLUJ


    , CW1 Ardmore au f o r u--. . ,- ,Aobtlua* .,

    AT E O F ELLEN A, WAFER (lale ore

    B o r o \ l ~ ho r N a rb e rt h , M o nt g om

    C o u n ty, P n .)e tt e rs Te st a me n tA r y o n the abOvete h a " e h e e n " r a nt e d t o t h e u n de r

    H'd. who H'QUest all pC'rsons havil l i tms 01' drmand' agaInst the EstAtethe decedent to m a ke k n ow n the

    me and All p e ro o ns I n de b te d t o theedent to m a ke p a ym e nt . w i th o u t)', to

    FRANCIS H, FEE. Executor.4832 Wa l to n Av e nu e ,

    5'24-61. Pblladelphla, Pa,AT E O F A GN ES M, WHEELAHAN,

    At e o f B o ro u l th o r Narberth. deceased,etters or Admlnbtrntlon on the" e e s t ot e hA"e been "ronted to theersIgned. Who l ' eQue" t a ll p e rs o nsIng clAIms o r d e ma n d . RltRlnst theAte of the d e ce d en t t o m o ke known

    same. Rnd a l l p e rs o ns I n de b te d tod er ed en t t o m ak e p ay me nt , with-delAl'. to '

    THOMAS E, WHEELAHAN. JR"338 rona Ave .. NarberUl, Pa.

    h,I'A t t o r n e ~ '

    Fox o n d M cT I gh e ,oseph W, O'Connor, 319 Swede Street,

    rristown. Pa. OT 5, 31-6 t.


    rdmore Choral Groupo Sing On Saturday

    Saturday SOI1g: Festival", fea

    ng musical o r ~ a n i z a t i o n sfromious war plants, i s a ne w s er ie s 15 COllltrr Avr., Ardmore Arrl. OR66-Subul'bl\n S quaremusical broadcasts which will

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ~ ~ ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! j ~ ! ! ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ~i ni ti at ed ove r r ad io station ~IL in Philadelphia on Satura ~ ' .

    June 2 from 2: 30 to 3: 00M.

    The A ut oc ar C h or al S oc ie ty o fdmore will appear on t he f ir stogram of the series. It is e xted t ha t t he cycle wil l brinRh participating organizationt h e p ro gr am e ve ry f ou r w ee ks .hreen E, Zollifofter will be t heois t for the f i rs t program.

    of t he few s ur vi vor s of Wesacre at the Alamo, and' thea Maria Catalina.

    The CiW of Trembling Leaves"l ter Van Tilbury Clark, Thel:>; of t hi s nO\'el is i n R en o,ada, but its spiri tual domain isouth everywhere. and.the evern g d re am o f c re at iv e f ul fi l lt.

    The Brick Foxhole"-Richardok s. T hi s n O\ 'e l i s a, literaryovcry. It h s t he s us pe ns e o f at class detective story. plus lity Quali ties which make it ak of tremendous power, andal sign1fieance for our timc.Home to India "-Sant l la Rama

    T he d au Rh te r of a Brahminilv "East of Midnight"-For


    Fallen Angel"-Marty Holland.arecrow"- Eaton K. Goldte.Trout in the Milk"--Hugh Hol-.Corner's Verdict: Aecident"-hard Keverne.Pointer to a Crime"-A, Field-

    e m ar ri ag e o f Miss DorothyWagner, daughter Qf Mr.Mrs, Earl G . WaR ne r. of

    ters Mill Rd" ,Penn ValleY. toN or m an stearns Bemis, USA.of Mrs. A n th o ny J . Bemis. ,,1worth, Ill.. a nd t he l a te M r.s . t oo k p la ce S at ur da Y. M a yat 6 P. M.. in All Saints'

    ch, Wynnewood. The Rev.Andrew J. Mutch and the Rev.Gibson Bell , off icia ted.ven in marriage by her fa ther.bride wore a white satin gOWll.med at the wrists and neckwith heir loom rose point laee.or on et of bouvardia held her

    vei l a nd s he c Ei ni ed a b ou -of white orchids , stephanotisbouvardia.

    ary Louise Wagner was maidonor for her sister, and Mr">.s Evans, of Lenoxvl1\e. Can

    was matron of honor. Thei l 'ns combined green lace bodicesskirts of matching net. Their

    d re ss es w er e of g re en v ei lT he o t he r a t te n da n ts , Nancy, of Boston: Margaret Gar

    es, of Wilmington: Doris Alexr and Katharine Burch worew gowns with matching veilheaddresses.aries Bemis served a s b es t

    for his brother.he b ri de w as graduated fromwi n S ch oo l a nd W he at on

    ege. She m ad e h er debut inand is a member of the

    or League.he bridegroom was graduated

    Phi1lips Academy, Andover.s .. a n d t h e Sheffield Scientificoo l, Yal e U ni ve rs it y, H e reY returned from overseas.


    mis- Wagnereremony Heldaturday

    Saints' Churchne of Lovely

    ening Wedding

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1945



    1'0111'l r ~ t r

    RfJlJd Quotail/tbe 7th is.'(Ca.,h Value)



    If you,.at.'erageiI/comB

    per mOl/tb is:




    let your dollars ioin the fight in theMIGHTYSEVENTHWAR L OA NI

    . "Select )'our iodi\'idual quota in the 7th WarLoan accordingto your income-then meet it!



    SUMMERlll TUBINGCOMPANYBRIDGEPORT, PA. _...'4iIilrM4"' ..... _


    I ! , .I



    We c an 't l et h im and all ourother fighting heroes down. Remember, lastyear we had two War Loan Drives by thistime. The Seventh is our pcr,sonal call to armstwo drives in one. That's why our quota is large. a We must meet i t -we will meet i t - for thehero of Iwo-for Victory-for pride in America.

    down the street. He can't ask you tobuy bigge1' bonds during theSeventh.He was kil led a few weeks ago onIwo, just.after he had led his assaultt eam to th e ed ge of an airfield weneeded desperately.

    e can" as



    " '. .' ~ ~ , 1/,

    R e al E s ta t e Insurance


    For Insurance on Lives and Granting AnlluitiesARDMORE, PA.

    M e mb e r F e d e ra l Reserve System-Fcderal Deposit Insurance Corp,


    IU' ""ER ,"N'S In til,

    OUI(U ) W ~r

    This AdveJtisement Sponsored by the Following BusinessO r g a n i ~ a t i o n s :

    He's an American hero. After:fighting bloody battles in the,Pacific,hewas home on leave two years ago. You may remember seeing hispicture. His name is John Basilone,Marine Gunnery Sergeant. He traveled all over America, urging everyAmerican to bu)' more bonqs. He said: " Yo u d on 't knoV;l-youcan't know-how much it meansto the boysout therewhen they hearthe folks back home have jus t putanother War Bond Drive over thetop." They gave h im t he Congres.sional Medal of Honor and offeredhim a commission. He didn't want it.' 'I 'm a p la in soldier," he said.

    ~ " Iwant to stay one." Well, he stayed a plain marine- l ike Joe and Bill and the fellows'

    ...:This is an official U. S. TreaJury adverti:iement-p1'epared under au;;pice8 of Treasury Department and War Advert is ing Counc.U




    1268 l\fonhl'omery Ave. DECORATORS HUNTER'S SERVICE STATiONU N. Narberth Ave. 105 N. N a rb e rt h M e .MAPES BenFranklin Stores GMi-OU,-SERYICE

    955 I\loutp;orncl'Y Ave. ""1228 Haverford Ave. H. A.8I D. M. FRAZER J. PAUL SHEA


    114 Dudley Ave.' COI\IPI,ETE AUTO SERVICEStation Circle JOS. P. TACCONELLICO. 929 Montgomery Ave. j

    PAOLINI'S MODERNFOOD Mkt. TIRE'RE-CAPPINGNASH REALTY CO. [ona & ,Woodbine Aves. Athens & Cricket Aves . Ardmore THREE SISTERS BEAUTY 1

    Narberth & Wynnewood

    RUSSEL SHINN SALON" ~NELSON'S 5 81 10 Stores; Inc. NARBERTHELEC. 81RADIOCO. TREE SURGEON PERMANENTS103 N. Narbel'th Ave. 104 Forest Ave. 728 l\'Iontgomery Ave. 235 Haverford Ave.

    ".. . / .' ,.~ . '

    --_ ....' --West'sToogh LuckRemains to Finish

    Th e disappearance oforganic an d functionaldisease, a s w el l as oftrouble in other forms,is continually recordeda m on g t ho se w h o h a veturned to ChristianScience f o r h e lp .

    Th e method o f s uc hovercoming of difficultyis p r a y e r - a spirituallysCientific manner ofthinking based on th eteachingof Chris t Jesus.

    What this prayer isan d h ow a ny on e c anunderstand it and use iteffectually in accordance with his need ar efully explained in theChristian S c ie n ce t e xt -book, -SCIENCE & HEALTHwih Key to the Scripturesby .ilifary Baker Eddy

    T h i s r e m a rk a b le book.other w or ks b y Mrs.Eddy, aud all otherauthorized C h r fa t ia nScience l i te r at u re m a ybe r e ad . b o rr o w ed . orpurchased at the Christian Science ReadingRoom. No. 8 Rittenh o us e P t ac e , A r d m or e ,Penna. .

    Open to the pubIc atthe followlnJr hours:

    V V e ~ k d a y s., 9 :3 0 t o 5 : 30Wednesday Evenings9:00 to 9:45

    Sunday aJternoons1 :0 0 t o 2 :4 5

    F i rs t C h ur c h o f Christ,Scientist, of A r d m 0 r e,Penna.

    Athens a.nd LinwoodAvenuell


    Suburban One LeagueThursday's Results

    Radnol '. 5; Haverford, 3.Upper Darby, 4; Cheltenham.!.Norristown. 1: Lower MeriQn, O.

    Monday's ResultsU pp e r D ar by. 1 ; L ow er Merion,

    O.Aoington. 4; Radnor. 2.

    . Cheltenham. 4; Norristown, O.Final Standing of the Team!>

    W. L. P.C.Haverford . . , .. 10 2 .833Norristown . . . . 7 5 .583Cheltenham . . . . 7 5 .583Upper Darby ' . . . . . . 6 6 ,500Lower Merion . . . 4 7 .364Abington 4 7 ,364Radnor .., , . , , . . . . . 3 9 ,250

    R ai ne d o ut o n S un da y a nd d etermined to get the game In Mon.day evening, Mickey Gavin's BrynMawr Good Counsel nine gambledi t s w i n s t r e ak o n t he weather andlost in the f i rst twilight contestof t h e M ai n L in e Boys' BaseballConference.

    T he G av in me n l 'a n s ma ck i nt oa tidy three-hit pitching choret ur n ed i n by Al E eeo re as thelast-place Narberth club won a1-0 decision in a w et f ra y stagedat the Genera l Wayne field.

    E tt or e a nd R ay Desert hookedup in a great pitching duel under


    skies. a n d E t t or ecame out on top due to someshoddy work by the Good Counseldefense, plUs one mis take by Deselt himself, D es er t s tr uc k outJ i m F r at a t on l to start t he N arb e rt h t h ir d, b u t t h e ball g o t a wa y

    .from catcher Pug McDermott andFratatoni reached first. He stolesecond, went t o t hi rd wh en t hethrow w e nt i n to c e nt e r field. thenscored w he n D e se r t c u t loose witha w il d p it ch .

    H a lt e d t h ro u gh o ut t h e g am e byE t to r e' s v a li a nt pitching Good.Counsel had a scoring c h an c e i nthe sixth when Desert s le dg e d atriple w i th t wo g o ne . Ettore purposely walked McDermott, got thenext battel' on an easy grounder.The game. the last two innings ofw hi ch w er e played in a steadydownpour. was called at the endo f t h e sixth.

    Both Ettore and Desert gave upthree hits. Desert struck oute ig ht , S tt or e fanned five.

    The Conference resumes with afull four-game schedule Sunday.t h e f e at u re g a me having t he u nbeaten Ardmore Optimists playi ng h os t t o Good Counsel at Ardmore. The first b ra ck et o f f ou rt wi li gh t c on te st s a re scheduledfor next Wednesday,





    Ettore Pitches 3 Hi tGame; ScheduleResumes Sunday

    BrynMawrLosesTo Narberth1-0

    Tough lucky IWY of t he S uburban Conference in basebal l wasBill West of Lower Merion H i g hand by a country mile.

    The misfor tune that dogged hish e el s a ll s ea so n reached a climaxwhen he finished o n t h e short endof 1 -0 s co re s in his last twogames.

    West allowed only t hr ee h i tsagainst Norristown last Thursday,but Meyer. the NOl'l'istown pitche r. a ll ow ed o nl y o n e and thus theEagles managed to sqUeeze out a


    1 -0 v e rd i ct at Norristown.On Monday Upper Darby walk
