Dear Friends, September/October 2016 Our U.S. Dollar has been zombified! Global currency wars along with our irresponsible Fed and the escalation of digital cash have all but killed it. Still, the dollar somehow keeps getting back on its wobbly feet and shuffling on carrying the disease of more and more debt with every rotting step. When the day comes that the U.S. dollar no longer holds the #1 place globally; What does it mean to you and me? I means several things and none of them give that warm and fuzzy feeling. Jim Rickards and the Daily Reckoning are among those of us of the belief that One World, One Bank and One Currency is in the plan and there is little to nothing that we can do to stop it. However, we are not helpless. There are things we can do to immunize ourselves from the invasion of the money snatchers somewhat…. It is possible to not only preserve your wealth, but to actually grow it! The following is from The Daily Reckoning –Addison Wiggon nearly two years ago. It never rang truer. You can probably guess what one of his recommendations is already: Go on your own gold standard right now, the rest of the world’s governments be damned. “A fixed exchange rate is not essential to gold’s role in a contract money system,” he said. “It is necessary only that the citizen be free to buy or sell gold at any time. Any citizen can go on a personal gold standard by buying gold with paper dollars…” He says our Zero Hour remains a distinct possibility — in which the price of real gold you hold in your hand runs away from the “paper price” quoted on CNBC. He thinks it could even be the trigger for the next crisis. “As long as [gold] holders remain in paper contracts,” he writes, “the system is in equilibrium. If holders in large numbers were to demand physical delivery, they could be snowflakes on an unstable mountain of paper gold. When other holders realize that the physical gold will run out before they can redeem their contracts for bullion, the slide can cascade

Our U.S. Dollar has been zombified is - buysilvernow.combuysilvernow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Septemper-2016... · Our U.S. Dollar has been zombified! ... Gann Global Financial,

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Dear Friends, September/October 2016

Our U.S. Dollar has been zombified! Global currency wars along with our

irresponsible Fed and the escalation of digital cash have all but killed it. Still, the

dollar somehow keeps getting back on its wobbly feet and shuffling on carrying the disease of more and more debt with every rotting step.

When the day comes that the U.S. dollar no longer holds the #1 place globally;

What does it mean to you and me? I means several things and none of them give that warm and fuzzy feeling. Jim Rickards and the Daily Reckoning are among

those of us of the belief that One World, One Bank and One Currency is in the plan and there is little to nothing that we can do to stop it. However, we are not

helpless. There are things we can do to immunize ourselves from the invasion of

the money snatchers somewhat…. It is possible to not only preserve your wealth, but to actually grow it!

The following is from The Daily Reckoning –Addison Wiggon nearly two years ago.

It never rang truer.

You can probably guess what one of his recommendations is already: Go on your own gold standard right now, the rest of the world’s governments be


“A fixed exchange rate is not essential to gold’s role in a contract money system,” he said. “It is necessary only that the citizen be free to buy or sell gold at any time.

Any citizen can go on a personal gold standard by buying gold with paper dollars…”

He says our Zero Hour remains a distinct possibility — in which the price of real gold you hold in your hand runs away from the “paper price” quoted

on CNBC. He thinks it could even be the trigger for the next crisis.

“As long as [gold] holders remain in paper contracts,” he writes, “the system is in equilibrium. If holders in large numbers were to demand

physical delivery, they could be snowflakes on an unstable mountain of paper gold. When other holders realize that the physical gold will run out

before they can redeem their contracts for bullion, the slide can cascade


into an avalanche, a de facto bank run, except the banks in this case are

the gold warehouses that support the exchanges and ETFs.”

Even Warren Buffett — that tireless critic of gold and its inability to throw off cash flow — has bought something very similar to gold, says Rickards. “Buffett has been

known to disparage gold, but he is the king of hard asset investing, and when it comes to the mega rich, it is better to focus on their actions than their words.” ~ End ~

Gold, Silver and Palladium: ~ by David H Smith ~ "Pay me now, or pay me (much more) later."

In November, the vicious bear markets in gold, silver and the mining stocks were

drawing to a close. The last of the discouraged bulls, many having held on since the May and September 2011 tops in silver and gold respectively, were throwing in the

towel. The December, 2015 capitulation marked the almost-certain end of the bear market in gold, silver and the miners - not to mention commodities in general, that

got underway when silver prices topped near $50 in May, 2011, and gold printed $1,920 later that year.

Gold fell 44% and silver 70%, shaking out all but the strongest hands. The best

mining stocks dropped 70-80%, and many exploration companies cratered 90 - 95%.

Weekly Nearby Silver (Courtesy barchart.com)

In December, the metals formed what chartists call a "rounded bottom", visible on

the attached chart. Unnoticed by many, silver had actually struck a $14 bottom a


year earlier, bounced up above $18 and then gone back down to re-test that 2015

low. As you can see, silver (and gold) then proceeded to make a very strong multi-month run to the upside, so far peaking at $21.25. At this writing, during what

looks like the first significant (and necessary) correction, silver has traded as low as $18.80 the ounce.

While the physical precious metals (including palladium and platinum) were making

a very strong run, the mining stock sector staged a massive rally. The key date of the panic bottom for most of these stocks was January 19. One of a number of the

miners this writer was following (and whose properties the author has personally visited), was Impact Silver - a low-profile silver miner operating at the Royal Mines

of Zacualpan Silver District in Mexico. Months earlier, stock buys were made at $0.35 and $0.27. Imagine the feeling that

day when the price declined to $0.22 cents! Consider that less than 5 years before, this company's share price hit a high of...$3.20!

This turned out to be a capitulation event, with prices closing on heavy volume that very day, back up into the 30 cent range. Not long after, a rocket launch got

underway, virtually doubling the stock price. As we get into the longer term sessions of the gold and silver secular bull run over the next few years, expect this

kind of violent action, both up and down, for the physical metals as well.

Impact Silver daily (courtesy StockCharts.com)


What took place over the last 8 months for this stock and scores of others was a series of stair-step rallies which caught almost all of the "experts" by surprise by its

intensity, duration and size. No less than 6 "corrections" lasting from a few days to a couple of weeks took place. Just about every newsletter writer either

recommended that readers get out at the first sign of weakness, or tried to jump in and out with every chart squiggle. One writer actually told his readers he watched

the entire run from the sidelines, to see if it was legitimate. For this advice he charges $3,000 a year.

One of the largest 1st leg bull market runs in history has just taken place

In research for his market letter, Gann Global Financial, Jim Flanagan spends a

great deal of time comparing the size and duration of hundreds of bull and bear legs across many stock and commodity sectors. He found the speed and size of the

initial 2016, to be far from ordinary, to say the least. The conclusion he reached

was that, "The 175% Advance in Gold Stocks in 5 Months, 22 Days Now Places Us As the 11th Greatest 1st Leg Up in Any Bull Market in Any of the Tangible Assets

During the Past 150 Years. In Other Words, it is the Elite of the Elite."

Many new investors have come to appreciate the precious metals story and are now holders of physical gold, silver and palladium, in addition to the more volatile and

speculative mining stocks. But for those who have not, or who have deferred adding to their positions in recent years as prices kept making new lows, the time is nigh

when they might want to give serious consideration to changing that behavior pattern.

Mining stocks are now in a multiple week "intermediate term correction." When

Fibonacci numbers are applied to the decline, the possible percentage retracement levels to look for would be 38, 50 and 67%.The current environment may offer the

best, and perhaps last significant opportunity since the 2015 lows were printed.

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...

You could have (should have) bought some - or more - physical gold, silver and

perhaps palladium in late 2015 or early 2016. Perhaps you did not. If you conclude that you were "wrong" in not doing so, then you can do one of two things. Either

"stop being wrong" and accumulate precious metals, or just keep watching and wondering.

The feeling that people have when they fail to take action because they have

"missed the bottom" is well described by David Morgan at themorganreport.com He calls it "The Amateur's Perspective." He says,

"The problem with a lot of people is that they have an amateur's perspective -

which means that they think that if they didn't get in at the low, they've missed the


move. Actually the best traders and the wealthiest people on the planet just take

out the middle. In other words they may not even get in the market again until it's past $26 (at the time DM made this statement, silver was trading at below $21.)

and ride it from 26 to 46, get out and take massive amounts of money from the market as silver goes up to a hundred. They know what they're doing; they're not

trading in hindsight."

This kind of "perspective" - if allowed to dominate a person's thinking and actions - is a sure recipe for either watching the rest of the precious metals' bull run from the

sidelines, OR waiting until late in the game and THEN jumping in at much higher prices---most likely, right near the top.

”Buying low is never easy..."

Adam Hamilton, in his excellent Zeal Speculation and Investment letter -

subscriber-based, but which also has quite a bit of commentary in the public

domain on locations like 321gold.com on September 9 that:

Buying low is never easy. When selloffs snowball to major levels, there’s always a chance they will cascade even lower. So it’s very challenging psychologically to

fight the thundering herd and buy when everyone else is selling. It feels terrible buying into capitulation selloffs, almost nauseating. The only way to build the

fortitude necessary to do it is to stay exceptionally informed, which helps frame selloffs in context.

Brent Cook, a highly respected geologist and analyst speaks about the mindset of

his newsletter subscribers, by way of an interesting analogy, saying:

I don't think we're going to see a capitulation moment; I think it will be more gradual. I see it in my newsletter subscribers. Most of them have been around for a

long time, but in the last few months, people who have been with me from the

beginning have started falling by the wayside even though we had a 16% gain last year and we are not doing too awfully bad so far this year. They all say they will be

back as soon as the market turns. This is what it starts to look like on the bottom.

I envision it as a band of pioneers walking across the salt flats in July, one by one dropping to the side. One day, we'll turn around, look back and notice the hills are

starting to get greener. That's how we'll know capitulation happened, by looking behind us at the wasteland and desolation we crossed.

Insurance vs. Profit

This fall, David Morgan and this writer are working on a book on metals and mining,

titled Second Chance: How to Make and Keep Big Money from the Coming Gold and Silver Shock-Wave. In one of the introductory chapters, which supports the idea of

holding precious metals as insurance first, profit second, we write:


The Japanese have a saying, "It's an ill wind that blows no good." When the financial tsunami shock-wave that's headed toward us engulfs the global economy,

it will precipitate the greatest wealth-transfer in the history of humankind. Assets will move from one group - the unprepared, to another set of people - those who

paid attention to the storm that was forming, and took appropriate action....

The same financial wave that will be so destructive to most asset classes, also contains within it a parallel wave. This ground swell, based upon simple supply-

demand metrics, will drive gold, silver and the mining stocks to levels many times higher than was the case in 2016. As an antidote to the collapse of an old financial

order and the rise of a new one, this subset of the resource sector offers those who understand how to work with it, "sky high profit potential...

By acquiring some "hold in your hand" precious metals, you will have established a

financial underpinning that can help protect at least a portion of your overall

monetary holdings. Gold and silver prices tend to move in a contrary manner to most other asset classes. When confidence falls, the economy struggles, inflation

(or deflation) gets out of control, people tend to change their financial perspective. They move from what the trade calls "risk-on" assets like real estate, bonds,

Treasury bills and the broader stock market, to a "risk-off" posture, wherein physical gold and silver are eagerly sought.

While you're at it, don't just think of precious metals as a "fear trade". They're also,

as Frank Holmes has aptly framed it, also a "love trade"- the cultural affinity for precious metals in China, India, SE Asia and the Middle East. Millions of Chindians

(people from China and India) are buying gold and silver for dowries, in jewelry, and for "in the ground" savings accounts. Demand from these sources will push

precious metals higher over the coming years, regardless of the level of stress in the financial system.

Hypocrisy: The world's central banks trash-talk metals, and buy mining stocks.

It turns out that Deutsche Bank, Germany's (and the EUs) largest, is holding well

over a billion dollars in mining stocks, in an apparent effort to offset its otherwise shaky finances. Sovereign wealth funds in Switzerland and Norway have also

invested billions.

Mac Slavo comments on what may turn out to be a trend, remarking,

It’s been suspected for quite some time that central banks are actively taking positions in collapse-related assets like gold and silver. We now have

confirmation that at least two of them have done it. There are likely more. There can be only one explanation. Our monetary masters know without a shadow of a

doubt that their policies will fail and they have lost confidence in their ability to


stabilize the system. Consequently, they, like billionaire investors and major

financial institutions around the world, are rapidly shifting their worthless paper money into the world’s historical assets of last resort: gold and silver.

A short review of recent U.S. monetary history

The Old dollar represented accumulated wealth, backed with gold. Additional dollars

were created only insofar as there was sufficient gold to back them. (Slightly oversimplified, because Congress had set expanded parameters by which the

money supply could be raised, so that a rough link, rather than an exact 1:1 value ratio to the amount of gold in storage was maintained).

At Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944, the 44 attending nations agreed to

accept the dollar as the world's reserve currency - only because of the promise that it would always be exchangeable by member nations for gold. This "worked" for

awhile, but as the U.S. became more profligate about printing money, foreign

nations started demanding gold for their excess dollars, taking U.S. reserves down from 20,000 to 8,000 tons of gold.

After Nixon went off the gold standard ("closing the gold window") in 1971 - no

longer allowing convertibility by foreign nations, we had the New dollar, which was based upon debt. Printed out of thin air, with nothing to back it, the fiat currency

became nothing more than credit. This made it possible for businesses large and small, for individuals - and for the government itself, to go deeply into debt. All that

was necessary was to print more dollars, buy foreign goods, and let those dollars slosh around on overseas shores as "lubricants" for the global economy. This

excess was in part what led up to the almost-fatal global financial shock-wave in 2008.

Unfortunately, the systemic issues causing the 2008 melt-down have not been

addressed. Indeed, they have only become more severe. As a massive holder of US

debt, China' whose GNP has now surpassed that of the U.S., became increasingly concerned. So it, along with other nations demanded that a new type of accounting

be undertaken to aid in "stability."

The new approach (which has existed in limited form for a number of years) will be accomplished by greatly expanding the use of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the

International Monetary Fund (IMF). SDRs are in effect a new reserve currency, calculated and posted daily in USD. They consist of the four primary global

currencies - the (U.S.) dollar, (EU) euro, (British) pound and (Japanese) yen. Last year the executive committee of the IMF voted to admit the Chinese yuan into the

basket of currencies into which an SDR is convertible. Soon - officially on September 30 - inclusion of the yuan will thus make it five. A weighted commodity

component, most likely gold, will also be included.


In July, the IMF called for creation of a private SDR bond market, utilizing market

SDRs (M-SDRs), as opposed to official SDRs (O-SDRs). This will enable private bond issues - and help slow the drain on money seeking to flee China, where it ends up

in the West, being placed into gold and foreign real estate.

The effect of having the SDR as a default reserve currency, as opposed to the US dollar in that historic role, will be to cause a surfeit of dollars to flow back into the

U.S., with profound implications for Americans. Their purchase power could decline by as much as 50% during coming years, at the same time that inflation is surging.

The dollar may still be regarded as primus inter pares - "first among equals", but it will no longer be the global reserve currency.

Jim Rickards has some very specific thoughts about this, which you would do well to

seriously consider. Recently he said,

If some scenarios play out, you are going to see the price of gold go up… a lot. And

it may go up a lot in a very short period of time. It's not going to go up 10% per year for seven years and the price doubles... It will have a kind of a slow grind

upward - and then a spike - and then another spike - and then a super-spike. The whole thing could happen in a matter of 90 days -- six months at the most.

When that happens, you're going to have two Americas. You're going to have an

America that was not prepared. Paper savings will be wiped out; 401(k)s will be devalued; pensions, insurance and annuities will be devalued through inflation…

Because remember, it's not just the price of gold going up.

It's like putting a thermometer in a patient, getting a 104-degree temperature and blaming the thermometer. The thermometer's not to blame; it's just telling you

what's going on. Likewise, the price of gold is not an economic object or aim in itself; it's a price signal. It tells you what's going on in the economy.

….I suggest you buy your gold at current levels -- around $1,220 -- and ride the wave up to these much higher levels ($4,000-5,000 an ounce) and then assess the

situation. Be nimble.

Gold revaluation may be "written in the rocks" 800-494-4149

In one of this writer's recent letters, accessible in the buysilvernow.com Archives, we discussed the concept of a "gold revaluation", wherein much of the world's

paper financial instruments would be backed by gold in an effort to maintain confidence in the global financial system. This is not the same thing as a gold

standard, where people would trade gold as currency. But should revaluation occur, it would have a profound effect on all of us. For those who hold gold, the price

would rise by several thousand dollars an ounce, perhaps overnight. For everyone else, the change would be even more profound. Hugo Salinas Price who believes

this event is highly likely, says:


For the US, the revaluation of gold means an end to its ability to obtain any goods it desires, in any quantity, in any place, at any price by simply tendering today's

mighty fiat Dollar in mock-payment, in exchange for those goods. The US economy will have to suffer a huge and also painful, wrenching adjustment to its new

situation in a different world, where balanced trade and balanced budgets are relentlessly imposed by the new status of gold as international money. On the

positive side, US manufacturing will immediately spring to life to supply the US market; employment and incomes will surge with the rebirth of US manufactures.

Once all currencies are "gold-backed" by revalued gold reserves, then gold is once

again the international money, and the Dollar becomes nothing more than the national currency of the US, as quantities of gold become the international means

of settling trade. We need not worry ourselves about how this will take place, because that it will happen is a certainty. All prices of goods and services around

the world will really be gold prices, since all currencies will be redeemable at sight,

in gold. Such is the significance of the coming revaluation of gold.

The "war on cash" will precede the "war on gold".

You may have heard or read about Federal Reserve talk about taking larger currency bills out of circulation - in the U.S. specifically the $100, and perhaps even

the $50 bill, supposedly in order to "fight the drug traffic." In addition to driving interest rates down into negative territory, this results in a figurative war on cash.

The government wants to be able to track how and where you use your own money. The next "war" will be on gold, forcing supplies to dwindle and prices to

rise. Doug Casey has long watched this evolution, and issues these cautionary statements:

I expect, as the subtle war on both cash and the transfer of capital across

borders gains momentum, that gold coins are going to become the next focus of

attention. So I suggest you act now to beat the last minute rush. Have a meaningful

percentage of your net worth in gold coins.

There's a profoundly large financial shock-wave headed our way. As you does your own research keep in mind Jim Rickard's admonition. He says,

“The time to act is now… A new crisis is a mathematical certainty, but I can take it

further . . . what you don’t hear is this will be exponentially larger than any financial panic in the past… The next time, the Fed is going to be in trouble. They are already

insolvent on a mark-to-market basis. Each bailout gets much bigger than the one before. The Fed has a 10-foot seawall, and they are going to get hit with a 50-foot



Luke Burgess of Wealth Daily:

The Federal Reserve is getting pulled deeper into the currency wars waging among Asian

countries. It can't allow the U.S. dollar to appreciate very much from here. And several key

members have stated on numerous occasions over the past several months that inflation is

below their target rate. So I don't think there's anything stopping the Fed from keeping its

monetary policies loose for the time being.

With that in mind, I'm strongly urging investors to own physical gold bullion as well as

equities right now. Major gold producers like Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX) and GoldCorp

(NYSE: GG) look to be in great positions. I like the upside to the slightly smaller

companies, like Newmont Mining (NYSE: NEM) and Yamana Gold (NYSE: AUY), right

at the moment.

I expect to see gold prices immediately jump next Wednesday following the

announcement to hold the overnight rate. And after that, I see gold continuing higher.

So I strongly urge you to buy gold and gold stocks now. Luke Burgess ~ Wealth

Daily ~

The Following is an excerpt from Crawford Perspectives : Aug 29/2019

The GOLD (chart at right) made its high for the year so far in early July at $1377.50. It has

now traced out a sequence of higher lows and lower highs. In other words, drifting

sideways in a narrowing range. On Friday it managed a large gain, then fell back losing it

all, perhaps tinged by Jante Yellen‟s speech. She is once more promoting the idea of one

or two more rate rises this year. That makes some GOLD holders nervous. We doubt that

rate rises will occur as difficult astro patterns suggest more economic problems worldwide.

We would not want to hold speculative positions on a break below 1290. A close above

$1350 could generate another leg up to our original target of $1440. Hold Long-term

positions for much higher prices. Keep some for life! Last month we wrote that “Some

sceptics mention that the Dollar could lose its Reserve Status at some point, and some

nations are becoming nervous about holding large quantities.” There are some

prognosticators who are very nervous as we approach the U.S. fiscal year-end September

30. We are not privy to the inner councils of the IMF but they have threatened for several

years to lessen the importance of the U.S. currency in their Drawing Rights which do serve

as a rudimentary form of world currency. Some very dynamic aspects to the New Moon

could bring revolution to U.S. streets


In case you are new to this newsletter or to Resource Consultants, Inc.:

Who is Resource Consultants, Inc.?

Welcome to the R.C.I. family. Let us begin by introducing ourselves and explaining why

we feel we are different. Unlike other large firms with a commissioned based sales force ,

all of our associates are salary based. We do not have a room full of sales people calling

you with the “Deal of the Day.” A quick surge in the market does not always equal

financial success. That is why we promise to give you direction based on your needs, not

our sales goals. With over 35years of industry experience, our commitment to our clients,

and following our principle of “Education Before Acquisition” we have built a referral

based clientele that we are proud of.

Resource Consultants was started by Pat and Linda Gorman. They wanted to build a

financial organization whose foundation was secured with the values of a modern day

“Mom and Pop Shop, ‘and the expertise of the precious metals commerce since 1981.

President, Pat Gorman, a consumer advocate, had been educating the public on the current

economy and the metal markets on the longest running financial radio program in Arizona,

“Hard Money Watch.” which he hosted for 25 years until December of 2010. Linda

Gorman, Vice President of Resource Consultants, Inc. balances out the company with her

35+ years of involvement and knowledge and experience in managing the inner workings

of the precious metals and coin brokerage industry. Together they have assembled a well-

balanced team committed to your success.

We understand that everyone has different reasons for investing in the precious metals

markets, so we have created a free newsletter with current information and interviews with

some of the most respected minds in our field. We believe that “one Size” does not fit all,

so please take some time to read our newsletters and decide which category fits you best.

Better yet, call us and speak with one of our knowledgeable staff members. We will

answer any and all of your questions to help you make the best decisions for you!

Our services include:

Buy or sell Gold Bullion Coins or bars.

Buy or sell Silver Bullion Coins or Bars

Buy or sell Platinum Bullion Coins or Bars

Buy or sell Palladium Bullion Coins or Bars

Buy or sell semi-numismatic U.S. Gold or silver coins

Buy or sell PCGS or NGC graded numismatic Gold or Silver US. coins


Collector Coins

Precious Metal IRAs

Tracked and Insured Shipping Nationwide

Recommended storage facilities

Competitive pricing and unbeatable customer service

Free newsletter to our clients

Please call 800-494-4149 for current recommendations and availabilities. We are

here to help YOU at YOUR pace to reach YOUR financial goals and hopefully, we

can help you in other ways as well. Now, on to the recommendation part of this





Resource Consultants feels that the most important part of your portfolio is Gold and

Silver Bullion bars and coins. These offer a store of wealth and purchasing power which is

based on the value of the metal. If you are new to the physical metals market, you might

have the idea that only the very rich can afford Gold or Silver Coins. Nothing could be

further from the truth.


Gold coins from United States, Canada, Austria, South Africa and several other countries

are available in 1oz., ½ oz., 1/4oz. and 1/10oz. sizes.

While many pick up rolls of gold coins, these coins are available from Resource Consultants in any

quantity that fits your budget. With Gold spot price at about $1315.00 you should be able to purchase an

actual Physical one ounce of Gold piece for approximately $1355.00 for a bar or Krugerrand to 1386.00

for a full one ounce U.S. Gold Eagle or Buffalo coin. The prices and premiums can and do fluctuate until

the trade is locked in with the market when you place your order. Quantity discounts could also apply.

You will be surprised how quickly you can accumulate a nice store of portable real wealth by just putting

away a coin or two each payday. The physical metals prices of Bullion coins will move as the spot prices

fluctuate and premiums may also fluctuate with supply and demand.

South Africa first minted the one ounce Gold Krugerrand in 1967. It was struck in 22 karat gold and

contained exactly 1oz of pure gold. It weighs slightly over an ounce because it is mixed with a small

amount of copper for hardness.




We have always loved the U.S. minted older coins such as the $20 Saint Gaudens or Liberty in XF

condition as well as the $10 and $5 Indian or Liberty. These Beautiful American coins have a small

premium over the bullion coins while offering the added value of being a piece of history and beauty that

is no longer minted.

Other choices in this category include the 20 Franc, containing .1867 fine gold or British Sovereign

which contains .2354 troy oz. of fine gold.

These above mentioned coins come in different designs which make them fun to collect and offer a way

to hold older gold coins at close to bullion prices.

Call Resource Consultants at 800-494-4149 for current prices, availability or recommendations!



The only numismatic coins we recommend are Minted by the United States Mint and third party graded

by PCGS or NGC. This speculative category can be a very satisfying part of your portfolio once you have

taken care of category one and two. Although, many of our clients have done very well with this category

and love the pride and privacy that owning the older and more rare coins provide. This category is just

now beginning to pick up again but has not moved as much as the bullion “yet”. Those of you who love

these more valuable or collector coins can take advantage of this market before they too regain the values

seen before 2008. Call us for current prices, availabilities or recommendations. We can help you put

together beautiful sets!

You can put physical Precious Metals in your IRA! Resource Consultants can show you how easily you

can own Gold, Silver, Platinum or Palladium in your Precious metals.

A word to the wise… We recently heard that a company had gotten someone into the wrong items for

their Precious Metals IRA. Be very careful, especially if you have the kind of account that allows you to

take possession of your IRA account metals. There are strict rules re: which metals and coins are IRA

acceptable. Collector coins of any kind as well 90% silver coins or as the South African Krugerrand are

not IRA acceptable Call Resource Consultants, Inc. 800-494-4149 and we will help you put together

the right IRA package to fit your needs.

When you choose to invest in or liquidate some of your metals, Resource Consultants, can and will offer

advice and follow your wishes but no one here will EVER push you or snoop into your business. Our goal


is to help you achieve your goals. We are a company built on happy customers and referrals. We work

very hard to keep our relationships with our client friends the best in the business!



Silver is the most affordable of the precious metals. If Gold is the place to store your wealth for the future

like a precious metals savings account, then Silver is where you store your purchasing power for the

everyday things and you can look at it as your precious metals checking account. If Gold at some point

goes to 10,000.000 per ounce and many believe it can and will, then, that would place the value of silver

at about $500 per ounce! What if it only went half that high in value? Still not bad, right? Where do

you think the currencies will be in one year? Two years? 10 years? It does not give us a warm and fuzzy

feeling. Silver, on the other hand is like Gold, real money. We strongly encourage you to pick up as

much It could just be the best investment you of this white metal as you possibly can on a regular basis.

It could just be one the best investments you will ever make!

Pre 1965 U.S. circulated 90% silver coins or “junk silver” have become more available for the time being

largely due a little liquidation by holders who have been waiting for the recent rise in silver prices. The

90% silver is sold by the face value and a $1000. face value bag will contain approximately 715 oz of

actual silver. Resource Consultants makes these coins available in $1000. $500. $250. or $100 face

value bags. The prices fluctuate with the spot prices of silver.

1oz Silver Eagles, Philharmonics, Maple Leafs and the new 2016 .9999 1oz Silver Austrian Kangaroos

are the favorite bullion silver choices as are the 1oz Silver Rounds. These items are available in rolls or

20 or 25 ounces and Resource Consultants will pick up the shipping in insurance charge for orders of 300

oz. or more. Monster Boxes of 500 ounces offer the best discounts.


Other metals to consider adding to your precious metals portfolio or IRA are Platinum or Palladium bars

or coins. We will be happy to assist you in putting together a great collection over time.


Don’t wait to start or add to your portfolio only to realize the dollar has died and you no longer are able to

protect your purchasing power, or you have lost the opportunity to get in at the current low prices. It does

not and should not be an all or nothing decision. An abundant life is all about balance. Just get started

and stay steady in your acquisitions. When the time comes to liquidate, we can also help you with that.


Recommended websites: and newsletters:

http://rogerwiegandpredictions.com (NEW)




Thank you again for your business, friendship and referrals!

I believe in miracles and have witnessed several just in this past week! Including a plane falling from the

sky while we were out to dinner! All survived including the couple in the house that it fell on! Life is

precious and amazing. It’s important to be diligent in creating the best possible outcome and stay on the

good path, not necessarily the easy one. BE SURE TO GET OUT AND VOTE!

God Bless and Keep You,

Linda & Pat Gorman