Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases www.who.int/gard Outline of GARD action plan: a proposal Eric Bateman, GARD Executive Committee GARD General Meeting 30-31 May 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

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Page 1: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


Outline of GARD action plan:

a proposal

Eric Bateman, GARD Executive Committee

GARD General Meeting

30-31 May 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

Page 2: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


GARD action plan is

an instrument of the

WHO global strategy

for prevention and

control of


Diseases (NCD)

GARD action plan within WHO plans

Page 3: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


Components of GARD Action Plan


Strategic objectives



Expected outputs


Expected income



Intervention strategy

Monitoring and


Planned costs

Unmet needs

Business plan

Action Plan is a results-based

management document

Page 4: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


GARD Timeframe

2008-2013 (3 biennia) based on:

• WHO medium-term strategic plan

• WHO global strategy on noncommunicable diseases

2008-2009 2010-2011 2012-2013

Page 5: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


Vision, goal, purpose

• Vision: a world where all people breathe freely.

• Goal: to reduce the global burden of chronic respiratory diseases.

• Purpose: to initiate a comprehensive approach to fight chronic respiratory diseases – “Global surveillance, prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases”.

Page 6: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


General milestones for GARD

40%30%20%0%0%0%Proportion of participating countries in

which a consistent trend towards

reduction in hospital admissions

due to chronic respiratory diseases

is detected


Page 7: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


General milestones for GARD

40%30%20%0%0%0%Proportion of participating countries in

which a consistent trend towards

reduction in mortality due to

chronic respiratory diseases is


40%30%20%0%0%0%Proportion of participating countries in

which a consistent trend towards

reduction in hospital admissions

due to chronic respiratory diseases

is detected


Page 8: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


General milestones for GARD

70%50%40%30%10%0%Proportion of participating countries in

which essential medicines for

management of chronic respiratory

diseases are affordable and

accessible in primary health care

40%30%20%0%0%0%Proportion of participating countries in

which a consistent trend towards

reduction in mortality due to

chronic respiratory diseases is


40%30%20%0%0%0%Proportion of participating countries in

which a consistent trend towards

reduction in hospital admissions

due to chronic respiratory diseases

is detected


Page 9: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases



SO1: Advocacy: To raise the recognition of the importance of chronic respiratory diseases at global and country levels, and to integrate prevention and control of such diseases into policies across all government departments

SO2: Partnership: To promote partnerships for the prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases

Strategic objectives of GARD

Page 10: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases



SO3: National plans on prevention and control: To support WHO in assisting countries in establishing and strengthening national policies and plans for the prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases using WHO endorsed approaches and methods

SO4: Surveillance: To support WHO in monitoring chronic respiratory diseases and their determinants at country, regional and global levels

Strategic objectives of GARD

Page 11: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


1. Promote interventions to reduce the main shared modifiable risk factors for noncommunicable diseases

2. Contribute to the identification of gaps in knowledge and gaps in knowledge implementation, as well as priorities for research on chronic respiratory diseases relevant to its goal, and advocate for funding for research on these topics

3. Harmonize plans and activities against chronic respiratory diseases with WHO work plans for cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes, with a focus in primary care and the prevention of the common risk factors

Additional objectives:

“The broader context of lung health”

Page 12: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


4. Collaborate with WHO initiatives in the field of Health

Action in Crisis; Health Security and Environment;

HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases;

Information, Evidence and Research; Family and

Community Health and Health Systems and Services

5. Collaborate with the United Nations system in areas

related to its work – e.g. UNEP, UNICEF

Additional objectives

Page 13: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


SO1: Advocacy

a. Proportion of participating countries that have nominated a GARD focal point within an established unit for the prevention and control of NCD in the Ministry of Health and a GARD co-ordinator


70%60%50%40%30%20%Proportion of participating

countries that have

nominated a GARD focal

point within an established

unit for the prevention and

control of NCD in the Ministry

of Health and a GARD co-




Page 14: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


SO 2: Partnership

a. The network of GARD collaborating parties is maintained

b. The number of interested parties involved with GARD increases

c. Resources - both human and financial - needed to support the

work of the Alliance and to implement the action plan are


d. The GARD action plan is used to plan, monitor and evaluate the

work of the Alliance


Page 15: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


100000A final evaluation report is

published at the end of the period

covered by the action plan

101010A monitoring report on the

implementation of the action plan

is published every two years

1.5M1.5M1M1M500K500KResources to support the work of

the Alliance

>50%>50%>50%>50%>50%>50%The proportion of collaborating

parties that participate in the

annual General Meeting

10010090807060The number of collaborating




Page 16: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


SO3: National plans on prevention and control

a. Existing initiatives for prevention (smoking ban, reduction of indoor air pollution, reduction of occupational exposures) and control (WHO Practical Approach to Lung Diseases and WHO Integrated Management of Adult and Adolescent Illnesses) of chronic respiratory diseases are strengthened using GARD-endorsed approaches

b. Multisectoral national policies for major NCD including chronic respiratory diseases in conformity with the global strategy for prevention and control of NCDs are adopted

c. Systems of procurement and distribution able to deliver timely good quality and affordable chronic respiratory diseases medications and technical devices to health facilities are available and working in low- and middle-income countries


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Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


40%30%20%10%00Proportion of low- and middle-income

participating countries in which

systems of procurement of

medications and technical devices for

chronic respiratory diseases are

available and working

50%40%30%20%10%0Proportion of participating countries

that have adopted a multisectoral

national policy for major NCD

including CRD in conformity with the

global strategy for prevention and

control of NCDs

60%50%40%30%20%0Proportion of participating countries in

which existing initiatives on prevention

and control of chronic respiratory

diseases are strengthened using

GARD-endorsed approaches



Page 18: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


SO4: Surveillance


a. A framework for evaluating chronic respiratory diseases prevention

and control, including an electronic information system for

surveillance is developed and results are available

b. Recent epidemiological information on chronic respiratory diseases

are collected and assessed for the update of the Global Burden of


c. List of cost-effective interventions for chronic respiratory diseases,

gaps in knowledge and gaps in knowledge implementation is


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Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases



10Results of a consultation of

experts on cost-effectiveness of

interventions for chronic

respiratory diseases published

10GARD contribution to the update

of the Global Burden of Disease is


60%50%40%20%00Proportion of participating

countries whose information on

chronic respiratory diseases is

reported to WHO and published

70%60%50%30%10%0Proportion of participating

countries in which the framework

is implemented

1Framework is developed


Page 20: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


Business plan component

• Business plan component for 2008-2013

– Expected income:• Contributions from GARD participants

• Contributions from GARD observers

• Contributions from WHO

• Contributions from other donors

– Planned costs by strategic objective according to a core set of activities

– Unmet needs/financial gap Useful when meeting with new


Page 21: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases



Why an action plan?



Mobilize resources

Page 22: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


• a voluntary alliance

• of national and international organizations, institutions and agencies

• working towards the common goal of reducing the global burden of chronic respiratory diseases

WHO provides technical leadership

and secretariat support

Page 23: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


Participating countries


• Willingness to adopt the GARD proposed approach

• High burden of diseases

• Readiness to adopt the GARD proposed approach

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Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


Participating countries

• List of low- and middle-income countries in which

GARD approach has been proposed.

• List of high-income countries that have expressed

interest in developing GARD approach. These

countries may provide technical and financial

support to low- and middle-income countries.


Page 25: Outline of GARD action plan: a proposalGlobal Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases  GARD action plan is an instrument of the WHO global strategy for prevention and

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases


• Activities started in:





–Cape Verde

–Czech Republic*








• Other interested


– Bangladesh

– Bulgaria*

– Costa Rica

– Denmark

– France

– Greece

– India

– Islamic Republic of


– Kazakhstan*

– Morocco

Countries interested in GARD






–South Africa

–United Arab


–United States of


–Viet Nam




–Republic of Korea*

–People's Republic

of China*

–Russian Federation



22** Ministry of Health