dX 1 4- q 0 p I ISta ii 4 I OTNGSYiLLE OUTLOOK OUTtOOK PUBLISHING CO calf l t IOWINGSVILLE KY l > fi PER YEAR IN ADY ANCEj 1lC flt t AtdresaII communications to feTiix OUTLOOK PUBLISHIHO Co or to to- t t JOOR W> HoHAKEBi Owingaville M C s Ky r kSubicribers desiring a change of o j 1 always give previous address when writing t Correspondents when out of stu jttlonery should mention fact on a jfe epnrate slip of poperp Ik f > JNo commission D ss body oh BtitfecriptionB t TOE OUTLOOK is vent one year for one dollar six months for sixty cent three months for thirtytlve cents 4 d U THURSDAY DEC 7 1905 = > 1 1 JOHN SDARP WILLIAMS of MREb Thi eis8iRpt will be thu 1 aflyV spokesman in the Houte i of CungruHS fur the next two years 2 t11 hoped that he will say t uuu i I goodWoTie I 7 Vw 1 1 UMOLB JUSEVU OAKNON was rc J elected Monday to rule thu U b 1 17 > UOUBO of Representatives and per a < 1 wit such legislation by tiie peoples g 1li Itlelegatea as he thinks Ot and is pp < proper When it comes to auto b c cracy sour Uuco Jo i a wore S genuine snide titan the Czar of I i ttussia Ct i AFFAIRS in Russia are going i rapidly from bad to worse Scant 4 hews has como from there since r the Itrike of telegrapher but FPs Centuries of despotic misrule have t borne their legitimate fruit and t IE 1 7 there may bo a reign of terror to 1 4 urpeven that of the French 1I 3 C Revolution I v- v > i 1 j t THE courtmartial acquitted I rz Cadet Merriwether of LouUinnu r it < of the charge of killing 1 Branch of New fork at the An ¬ s 01 napolis U S Naval Academy but A E i recommended Merri wethers dll 1 i rLN11 c t + loissal from the Academy fur f Breaking the rules of the josh Jt < Tfiiit would be an injus of ti fpr according to the evi ¬ t dence lIe riwelher was compel ct i Felfniefenca to pursue thi I hcKjuldv owing to the I u 2I1iL re an 1 Jt 1ti lct 1 7I 1 QRRESPONDINL t I eSpringfield 0 h were ln Mt Sterling Saturday Fleming E 0 B Spratt ought H sow And J six pigs of John H Crow for 22 Miiies Ethel Fleming and Anna i Brokagbvi6ited at Kuob Lick 11 t tII i 1 Thuridy Berryt t < 1 > mountains onia hunting trip BIrs Katie Bnyd and son WH llaa Borland Miss Lutie Smath lL ITS Visited h Owlngsville fro > Wednesday till Friday J Tb little daughter of Mr and ktMrs Jhe Foley ded Sunday of r 4 diphtheria We extend our sym pathydo the bereaved parents f t1t tI HlllJbbro J 8 RMoBobi sold to John Call > vtwo epWB atE35per owL 4 0 leyofMysvlUe1HvJlllf i J TTAfeRoborts Bold to M I Ic BaBHders 8ve 1009lb BteerB at 3J < 0 perlb Mra Gardiner visited rela p iyesat Orawgebarg from Monday r Yrlda f t 4 l < eitl 1JtstJU r Madl80n In w4J oviii hsthterMriM A Dii1o Thursday k r JVsCrHurlfy was called toM re iJl t the darigeroaa 111 4JI new of his slater Mrs WB Parker v 3MiiiKaAtchIionwhobas been 1 attendlngschoolatRlchnondspe nt 1h a lklii Y slater MrsS t l A Dod q- 1 i Kewt HoiIenld poBBlonerdlod I FrldaYoroldagead a8bnrhd F eSaturdayat Phelps graveyard MI jg Miss Lellaii Waltda arid Alvin S > 4t K X uaUwer8mardedMonday eve 4V Isg r at the rasiden fWiIrvnTiey left immediate 1L 3M ulsvlllelndClnolnnatITbeyt I itts thenr lie ere good r wl te and wWi them auto time of 4 A prosperity and happiness J 4 > v t J s < r > Odessa I F It r i t j J L Darnell completed a course > Y r in Ji btlliaeecolleg at Lexington cf t F jlijr 1i v j8and returned home next r iJ k I A cJP ae on time Dec 1 4 4 ji aa < ia crossed his f ury each day 7with Hiteisaow on the aorn1 > liefatLllt > rz r t J S lttt r of1 bought tbeepot MlJ j i > t tea edlt a dftI dam also spotti f > T t ftLjllj last week paylpg 1 1Qor the two t7f < 1 AnRGnJotllotdber- r 1ittl rarlBal1dboDlect oIdPItt t ti 9 fey rjj properly J last week tuZIarI 1 u i i lsrfor8OO z t l JMiL1h closed out the last Id1oO yo J le fam last week K t r > tj l ndOddBrumagem 1 i k at Itrefp coB from flip t- or1 x > k i12Jpethead j r i 4 tV Walter Aaderion and farailywho > i C k it had c hen living in Hoopeston III T Z ij I Y5f rt H push two yee returned i 1 I laitoprseK to live witli the fbrei r a Z t > eGeorge Andersorr and wjfe t 1It i JJm Wlkerwho IrMusatly asf- J 1 f eipleiuaIIy Hakes inquiry or IrstofalRjiltiis if Barkley has I i I iF OB jfcekr When told that he has r 1wet htS ye 1 will stop awhile f 1 r tKi u LbtI hare I can j Lgetawsywitk saeiy c n a 1 1 jf ofr o < 1 J 1YI r ii a cH I1io > r < J IUpp t f E B Stond und wife of near Carlisle iited RL Stone nod ile several days last week Alfred Carter went to Mt Ster ¬ ag Sunday to see hid oiotherMrs Mary Carter who is not expected live U Lyter accompanied him i r West EndM J E PiersallMrs Howard Hash und Mrs Aquilla Duniel ure sickS3 L R Hensley has resigned his osition with Wm Boone inowns Hogkilling is about over here Hogs were well failed Luc gene rilly M small being young hogs Salt Lick had a 20 ft rise Satur ¬ Say dnuiago toforn and fodder in theW low lands Richard Eroth and ihe Cornwall who went io Oregon twi months ago write they are well pleated It was reported that Dick SHI in the chimney corner and cried nil day Howard and Glenn Piercall re- turned Saturday romClark count where they had been rabbit hunt ¬ ing Paul Pier ull In getting ovei- fence accidentally discharged hu- un and his hnd was entirely toriw otr Tho wound IP painful doing well Grange City Born to Wes Royse and wife aIi boy Wes Royso bought a horse MS Havens fur 115f Simps Walton bought a horse ii I Fleuiingsburg for 125 6L Havens sold a yearling colt to Dr W E Phillips for f 200 Mrs Ma Walton and children of near Flemingsburg are visiting R R Walton Faus Johnson sclda bunch of hogs to Turner Anderson of Bat 4Ict Bud Colliver bought of 1rln Hawkins of Hillsboro u pair of taufes for 210w Miss Emuiii Colliver vitc George Colliver and family at Popt iur Plains Fridayt Mrs L G Rigdon and son Thou visited Mre Jus Riddle and tam ¬ ly on White Oak- ForrestWllIeroy andjvife visitI m AndvrlKl and wlfe at Wy ¬ v ming Thanksgiving T R Ratliff Co sold a bnnc of hogs to Herbert Grabnis ii Flemingsburg 4o Miu Lolla Willeroy returne last weekafter an extended vici It to relatives in Virginial Miss Bess visited LG Rigdon and family from Wednesday until Mondayl Miss Sallie Estill ing school at Riohmond Madiso Institutecame home for a visit to- e her parents Wm Estill and wife Miss Minnie Walton left Tues i day for a visit to her brother in Grant county She will visit and relatives at Lexington an Wilmore Taylor Bradley and family of Wyoming moved to the house va oatcd by Wen Royse Wes movc to the farm he bought near sons Ford v Stepstono W J Lawson and wife left Sat spondD a Mrs Ohs eRIIy spent Sunth wlEh her parents Joe F Wilson u dwIfeontLieLane farnr We are told that ire will have to extend congratulations soon to t p- other couple How about itWG Well we are having a touch good fashion ofolataaii wln just now and while it makeegood hogkilling still it is pincby Alex Karrick wife and child of Flat Creek spent from Saturday till with his fatherinlaw JE Colmiohaeland tam ily Wm Carmichael says he hoe t1 be- coming years moat bung up ni sitce across e e theyLeat it N I Yes VeiltEfldIiWtsuR Salt RTer bere were no niggers with us this time They almost all voted under the rooster the last time Mrs GW Blevins aged afeout 48 years and a sister of Mrs J R Dwiundllaale day nightat her home near Eiring ton ngG W Eldridge who was aC die bedside of his brother Jim at ford liomed the same which wag justVnliye with very little chance for him Richard Cairo tt Jr has rented 011the W T Turley farm for another year and says to that lady fde rid that sent him that out bachelors card from Wyoming he will guar antee that he will not stay in that dan long if she lisa good looking as the postal says she is and will only wake herself known E A Flynn the night yardmasi ler at Mt Sterling stole a man e It Inonear o r neighbors Sunday a week ago and took oIF bodily MlPS Lena Parktr the only daughter or Mrd MaryiParker and gr nddaug h PityrThey I 4pared where they will he found by all friends We extend eongratula t ons c ff7T V FalrviaW John Boyd bought some hogs at 1c Several hogs were killed in this part last week a J W Hendrix bought n steer of RKincaid fur 30 I s George Kirk and family visited Nick Rodgers last week li Marshall Emmons returned from Hoopcston Ill lust week viJerry arion Indiana lust weekla William Anderson bought of 1a8 Woodard two shouts for 8 Wm Jackson of Wyoming win this part on business last week Miss Carrie Hawkins visited ti vary day I Snot Lee Perkins nnd Jiloon b eek returned from Illinois laiH c James Woodard of Sirabble Ridge bought some corn at 2 perI blfrcls Flat Crooko Etna Smoot spent Thanksgiving day with Mary Steele hDoss erul days lust week with Wm Gar ¬ c ner II am ife Lee Sietlc sold Edward moot 5 shoaU and Owens Myers two ut 4 J cents a pound Emery Cannon of near MtStsr ine spent Thursday night witbI Edward Smoot John Chandler and wife spent t rqm Thursday until Sunday with Mark Donaldson and wife Mm Raukins and son Creth o Mt Sterling rpent Sunday and Sunday night with Mrs SallioI Smoot Austin Royse and wife and Mr8I Tom Royec of Mt Sterling were gilests of Mrs Wm Garner VedI 1nelduy night Arnold Cannon and Jauies Car ton of Nicholas county stop ped over Thursday night on thel aytoSuitLick 1Mrs Mary Metcalfe and daughX ens Pickott Maud and Ora pent Thanksgiving day with friends In Mt Sterling Crooks J O Wood was at Abhland Sat urduy and Sunday David Gilbert of Midland City was hare Monday on business Itf ire elot Jueldu Conner of OwingsV cIvilleis visiting Miss Siellu rliowa Wilson Hendrix shipped n car ¬ of cattle to Cincinnati Tuea dayPeed Li th ram rhippod a r- oad ¬ of cattle to Cincinnati Sutur dyn Sam Ralliff and wife of Salt Lick visited relatives here laot week Miss May Barnes came hoc p Ipendd Jim Pendleton and wife of Itnu bon county visited Clyde Pcrgratn and wife last Week LoulsuI par¬ ents D S Nixon and wife You are cordially invited to at- tend ¬ the box supper at the Peeled Oak Union Church given by the SlturdyulgbtDecember IYlJrP Arthur Barnes entertained the little folks Thursday from two oclock until four Refreshments were served Quite a good time was bad by nil present StoOD5in lea been feverd A One crop of possums JIB the product of this vicinity Bridges Bros lost by death a fine weanling colt valued at 200 Miss Sallie McDonald spent It week with relatives at MtSterIr perlIleC The height of some peoples am billon doesnt reach above tb head Mrs E L Fassett and children have returned from a weeks stay at Bethel tlybere killing time The only business that needs no advertising is that of being good that talks for itself Mrs L E Grljtgs of Ashland and Miss Mary Gillasple of Clark county visited here last week Too often will it bo the case wh Opp6riunity knocks nt our door will be knocking at the door of Eternity Some of pur farmers are orci fallen over the tobacco aesociations failure The only thing the farm ers can succeed at is contributing to the trusts profits GOT Jell Davis entry into Arkansas Senatorial race was marked with a pretty lively seth dfsplayedhis advantage We predicted that Jeff would makfl hinI8WlrmlJe is politicianJ THOSJ 1 JONES Livery FeedraTS Ui Stable OWINGSVOiLfri KY uwt1a with Presion Station rP S Navlors Branch John T Lnthrnm sold a hog to Sup1 burn Nov 27 toWoodeon Norrls nd wife a daughterIii Josh Coyle of Woodford county yuvisiting Charlie Horseman and wife via hoed eral days last week Ed Jones and wife of Stilt Lick I the lattere parents George und wife several yste st week Mrs Annie Warner anti little daughter Mary Lee of Owingsville C and Miss Nannie Leo Pierutt of IMeaont Valley visited WW War cer ek nt the residence of anti viy ov 30 at 8 oclock Miss Mollie arber and Mr Thomas Hart The jummuaity to hear of the wedding although drome tlau hlpr of Silas Barber nndwkfIt f 1IllIr9 Brunch helutiru11111d nccnmpluhcd yovvng lady and in loved by all who knoV er She is very popular in soibal Tho groom is the youngeit son uf J T Hart und wilt of thn and 0t ul1 worthy of tho bride he has won They were attended byMi811c Mamie Barber sister of und Roll Munley They returned to the home of the brides parents where un elegant supper was serv ¬ ed and many of their friends were present We hope their lives tony be long happy und prosperous nnd hat flowers may bloom in thoirI pathway forever A fCralgs The people hero are about done killing hogs Mrs Angeline Tincher is better her illne s Thomas Craig sold F F Varrt n calf fur 10 bi LI1Claud irBuddie Jones bought a cult of for 8 l George Halton bought afnl hog of Jim Snedegur fur Ik George Hunt sold Addie Jones two steer calves for 30 Dr B F Wells bought two fut hogs of Dave Bushfiird at 5e Smith Thompson houpht a I hog of Tliott McGlothin fur 10 DJck Mullu und son sold Lite HaiL u pair uf work mules for if 325 f tThuma Craig sold his lipueo undj here to Arthur Rogers fur 125 Mrs Alien Toy nnd children we guests of Mrs Attn Warren Sow r day v Dick Munloy und sun bought a pair of mules of William Hart for 275 Miss Annie Smoot of Sherburne is visiting tile family of lUc 111 Ferguson Thomas Craig of Muysyillv v ited relatives here Tuesday and Wednesday Henry Craig of Suit Lick visit ¬ ed his grandparents Win Cruig rand wife Sunday Robert Warren wife and child- ren spent Sunday with Lawn ICtnt Tlxuiiut near Olympia Henry Warren of Preston sold and delivered some corn to his fa thcr F F Warren ut 2 a barrel Jumes Toy sister Miss Ama land Mrs Eliza HarrS visited Williu Atchison and wire ut Suit Lick Saturday night and Sunday Salt Lick Net McCarthy sas return home from Mt Sterling X Bqrn to Milford Cox and wife nee Leona Maze Nov 30a BonJ Bro Durham preached thanks ¬ giving sermon at tho Christian Churoh Mrs Press Jackson and Ionof Burns spent Thanksgiving with re iatives in Ashland Mae daughter of ierrylcCur thougbtIgebe Misses EWe Kring and Maud Aifrey of Riverside pent Thanks¬ giving with relatives here DAtthi8 writing we have not learned whether there will bo any church entertainments or not 8 Hobert Cassity of Yale I who has been working in New York for the past three yeurs1came in lust week on a visit jf Lost week a little child of Clint 1 it1death house and when found was burned to a crisp The box supper the1 ladies tended to gIYon was on account illJ MreRrtndaLowroy epentThanks giving with her aunt Mrs Kit tie stUlery on Peeled Oak Mrs Ulery quite an old lady is active and spry for her years and served a fine dinner to her guests lire Combs who hail been hold thehe During the meeting Bro Combs baptizede taking others into the church I AUCTIONEER I If you want the services ofn1 auc ¬ tioneer call on me Terms reason able GEORGE H GUDGELL Odessa Ky I 1 1 < z l- r I l i J iti 4 < Olympia V C H Graves went to Ewington ndayIi Mrs H 0 Irwin was n MtSter of g Friday Herbert Cosligan was inOwings ir le Saturday W B Swnrts and wire returned me Tuesday John L Jackson went to Spencer Sunday to visit friends Amanda Swarms visited her sis re at Salt Lick Thursdays Mrs Carl Blevins of Salt Liukis Iy visiting her stater Mre Paris Mc artyw Martin Spencer ofWcstVirginin ame here last week and took ten men basic to work mtLittle sited her aunt Mrs HortoiiofMt last weekI Jim W Jackson moved from thm W Penix property to Jeff Jack eon property Thursday i Mrs Julia Cronan of Lexington aho er returned homo Sundayt Mrs Ellen Darrell and Miss Jell nio McGlothin of MtSterlin wcre Quests of their father Charles Mc Gtythio Tuesday 0 Died Kov 28Granville Staton t the home of his father Meuc 5tatonlof rheumatism nnd pneuJI onia He leaves a wile threo beverni sisters and brotlt ers and n host of friends to mourn their loss His death was u great surprise us ho was sickonly a CewI day Fairviow Born to Oscar Evans and wife 2 a girl G BCaywood sold a pair of work mules for 300 J W Hawkins new house near town is nearly completed T S Robertson and fumByflppnt Thanksgiving in Cincinnati Turkeys have dropped to lOolb here Eggs are 24c per dozen Tom Arnott bought the Lewis Hbrdin home near town for 2000 C M Ratliir IB at Murtinsrillc aid for treatment for rheumatism J W Clinkenheard and Walter Whuley were in Mt Sterling Satur lilt The gun club irethad shooting match Thursday and another Mon day- k UITulD Crouch sold one of his mures to Mr Royco of Kansas fur ji225 Dave Crouch hits bought David Myero farm un Little Flat Creek for if2300 spentc Arrafinitli Winter set in for sure llaiink givins day when we hint the tIn snow of the season A R Robertfio n Is buildingIn nilditiiin to his tobacco wiirclionfe dnnd will pui in another screW JIIWCPIs at Longview Cemetery Sunday Wm Scott antI daughter of Leb iinon Ind ore visiting friends and relatives in this and Sherbur niighborhuods I Robert Irvin who had been sick his hume near SI oo re Hold T sometime has been visiting I Its sister Mrs J S Vice Okia Hog killing is the order of the day There was an abundance of ra last week Mrs JM Hedtick isjmprovtog very slowly from her illness ledThere was a sraden change in the weuther Saturday night with know arid very cold Sunday night ndtThanksgiving Sunday afternoon She was ac companied by Albert Quisenberry near Ewington Tilmon Riddle moved into the house which he purchased of Ed Anderson on the farm of the widow Goodpnster deceased He is re- pairing ¬ the firm building n new barn and talking of building a new house in the near future J off Stephens moved into the house va ¬ xIcated Grace the fivoyearold daugh terof Tho3 Donton met with a painful accident one day last week Her father was sprinkling carbolic acid on the floor of the room where the childs grandndthrjis ill with itvpboid fever and ahran bef Ire him and a part of the contents of hiFoara may be destroyed y J Mrs Janice Grain gave n birth dny dinner Friday Dec 1 in honor whoIn was fifty eight und Mrs Eliza Cram mother of James and Tay- lor Grain who was eighty years of age It is quite an unusual coin oiclence that a mothers und two soils birthdays occur on tho same day of the month Several of the nearest relatives and friends were present and spent a pleasant day Many the trio live to enjoy many more birthdays TuBIUGUT SIDERound er says that sleeping out of doors is healthfulRounder is an optimist What has that to do with it His wife him out if he isnt home byteniHouston Post A REMINDER Why have you gat that string tied about your fin ger Henpeck That is to remind me that Mrs Henpeck is visiting her mother and that Tarn going to make a night ofItHoulton Post ib i3Jf f J iSotmis WosncuruL PnrcKEFS It Ecum to us that nub of the opt remarkable timid gratifyingex ¬ ibtis in Mr Wilsons list is that the South with its en ton crop valued ut 575000000 We worn whit elderly gentleman who twentyfive years ago were rnving the bloody shirt think of this re cord Is it not helter for the South ie it nut better fur us is it not better fir thu world that these sister States of ours should be mis ing littlE u billion doll irs worth of otton annually than that they be bound Ion sx thousand i in the chains of partisan late The growth of the South in ealth 111111In earning power is wonderful The people of the Southern States laud nothing nt tho close of the war they were absolutely impoverished But that nut floughThtywele punished n the pot tb lIum days more cruel Iyund for a longer time than al must any vanquiHlied people in his- tory The ill advised laws which n part from the must unworthy motives of vengeful resentment nd in part Ion political advantage he Republicans of the North put upon the statute books during the reconstruction period raised and- o kept aflame the negro question For more than twenty years after the war was over the Southern pee pie wero engaged in u struggle to nvert the perils of negro domina ¬ S Once freed from the peril that beset U and from continual politi ¬ cal hectoring tjio South went to work with ustonishing industry and success It has in very large port worked out its own commercial in dustrial and tinancial salvation It has not been built up by Northern money as thu West was built up by Eastern money And now it bus come to n state where its chitf crop tunings it in 575000000 in one year lint that itt Only the begin- ning ¬ of the story The new mama ¬ trial activity ot the South is a pIle ¬ nomenon wore notable even titan the increase in its cotton cropI There are factories every whereund their number is yearly increasing The cotton and the tobacco of the South are nianufucturcdaa it were in the fields wherethe plants grow The furnaces aroinlhc very hurt of the mining districts that supply their urea Resources ore nluioHt houndlerB nothing is wasted in the transportation of raw material la ¬ bor is cheap climate favors and the spirit of the people is eager to ruue the South to tile indumiul plane where the North stands It is down there in the years to come that miracles of development antI proiluctiori will be wrought New Yiirt Times LOUISVILLE NEWS Rnbl > its are reported source inSouth Louisville Our streets are taking on a livelyS Iire1u rat U CC plOhllloly Christmas U only 23 days away Due Baker will tie our postmaster fur hoar cuts more Were fur- s i ou De- ft The roof garden on the S < ebneb Intel has shut down for the wintcr The cixieenth largest pumpkin nure j cloth lacked half a pound of wei hingns much a9 the Just liirg8l oar Frank Wilson will show ut the Opera IIOUFC ujiuin tonight Lots of beet people in town were out lus night to see him lieAnn EVil Kay tiilil Mary Jones last Saturday night that she would ha married before tha year U out Ah theme Marv rlIortetruding is n little dullLum Simon unit Max EJrlranth have bet n dickering a littl > but nothing has come of Ityer- Thanksgiving promises to ho n glad occasion for everybody except the turkey inThe trade in Long Life Bitters has fell oF a little sluice the govern ¬ went said it contained only 40 per cent of alcohol Most everybody in these parts thought it was the real stuff nnd hnvezone back to patronizing the blind tigers Messrs Lon und Sun Jones lire building a ten story addition to their lot on Jdfu sun street llallie Nockols was seen nt daneS ing school lust night with Skujjgs Lookout Ben Brown JD McVnugh has painted his barn nt Fifth and Hill streets and says it is pretty as a speckled pup under a red wagon Now is the time to subscribe Tax collecting will begin in about two weeks Several live coons were seen on Gray eon street last week- S Joe Stalleui promised to pay lii Bubsciiption when he got on the town conetables force JOehassent yeti time ir almost at hand Bill Huldemitn has gut out his cards fur the U S Senate Here a luck Bill Put Shark y has painted his neu Emponiumutt Sixth and blight red PatalwnysMvas upltll snuff Election returns from theTwelfth word are a little slow in cowing in Aunt Sally Slocum from Fern Crick dropped in last week Aunt Sally predicts a long and hart winter R E Peater and Feverul of his friends who dropped over from St Louis for the election have return- ed home Some of our young folks attend ¬ eda dance ut Phoenix Hill las l night and made merry until the wee smu hours rho Suit River steamboat has postponed its regular trip being tied up by proceedings in courtnnd at this writingwe ore unable to say who the passengers will be Falls City Bugle Louisville Post = = Get The Outlooks prict oh Job Work of every kind and see samples > and you will see we can do better work at lower prices than you can get elsewhere > C S i 1 4 i u 1V 4 S < Ud P1 rr 5 d i J + 01 S 4 tJ triB = r T 1 tflii fJ i f > > 0 j < 1i P 0 1d Vnginia Sereeiied Ltimpi It and Pluto Cannel c C OkkVRITE ROSE RUN IRON cq OLYMPIA J KY HCOWALLOW ITEusRIlZ Barlow is gettlng to be eo shim It is a waste f eyesight to look at him Tbo postmaster has aidaway his rntirups until next spring He is thinking of using them for orion traps thU winter The ddor at the poptofflce hat nut been put up and several customers have took cold It is probable that the Government will be sued Beau hi is good in tItle community Severn people however are not feelintt well The hair on the norlh side of Tpbe iMoseeys haw s are turned the wrong way this your This Is Saul to be a certain indication of iSa1i passedniuti spoke to cucjf other I oflIpellklng foul but is able to bo up utter hl81 free application of BatSuithe juiceR i Barlow will leave next Wed nedHy fur ii trip down the Gimlet cnek lane 10 look fur his limit that bluwcd lilT u few dlll gn The deputy collectable accunipanied latin Snow is predicted Inn few days Tul piovide fur this Frieby Hancock I had tlel1l1l1CIr his geeses feff Up until they can been tuti acclimated to JYsm mule lust Sunday mitt befcro hi put on a dlnhirtlf line not mind it much howcver i4the i bscoming nccnstouird to the b T J knocks of the world Through this uliunnHC the pnt muster bus been inforniel iltst hristnuip will t 11s vr full mi ibt last of DrceinbQr lie lass nsiel IIJIII notice on the stove In the of feet thut Chii > linn must be recoji niziil in Hogwullow IhNypiir iIIlUkrlUle his mule i 1 antler a II in immon tree Thurilnj iveniiij tutu while giithiriig frail the uniinnl wiiked out frIHullulr him He spilled u large biivkit ni perain man but thertvii o epcipeil bndilv injury ILlst Ueilnesdiiy little Fldiiv became interested in the pursuit uf a fruwg und fnliiureil it In I ii the large muilhole in frnnt nt Sums house Fidity was soon rca uuuil but the fruwg made good its escape Poke Eazley linn bpen listurhed several times this uetk by sow l midnight prowlers lie hits an idea thut a drove or hajJ have took up steeping quarters under the house Buddy Hicks n trifling young man of Bounding Bill wn has been given the Job of leadiing the Wild Octon school He is I in to Fletcher Uenetcp and FletthEot him in byti little political jylre pulling Buddy dont know any more about running a school than a huwg does about INIiinjr but we wib him much success in his new ventu reS People who live in sfone hntipes should not throw glaeaeshiog wallow ICentuckian 0 O RAILWAY Trains 22 nnd 23 carry Dining service Meals ulncarttv TIME CARD EFFECTIVE SEPT 27 1903 TIUE o TRAlNS ATLRtSTONSmTIoS r Eastbound- No 26 954 a m No 22 1249 P m No 24 1005 p m Westbound- No 21 648 a m No 23 143 pm- r No 25 344 p m Nos 26 and 23 daily ex ¬ cept Sunday all others daily agazines Review of Reviews 300 Cosmopolitan ioo Womans Home Com- panion ¬ ioo Total 500 I will get you all three a year for 250 Success nagazine may be added for 75 cents I can get you any maga zine published a little cheaper than any sone else Mail orders promptly fill ed ifaccompaniedbycashLutEs Owingsville Ky BOTU TELEPHONES 0 i I 1L OIIllli DENTIST Over Outlook Office and dwliiR vlllo UankliiK Companys Building J OWINGSVILLE KYJI 5 = = zc HFHil8nmeye Sons BLUIC GRASS Nurseri e8l LEXINGTON Ky Offer for full of 1905 ufull stock ofs friilt mid nrnninenial trees iifapa vines asparagus smnll fruits rhu- barb f shrubs etc Vfc employ no agents but sell direct to tile plant er Untiilogue on npplicniitin JOB PKINTIKO Kemeafber that TilE OUTLOOK is prepared to print letterhead noicheuds billtteadFii sturtltlOlltil PitVehlPlPttenruh labela4 receipts ill 1t liCH iinri lilt Flit nf hijjiiue 8intimii ry inthe beti jiork in tuvtrfiH style ut the nosj rctiFoiiabla prices Compare our workwith tl tturnertout by anyj jnh iifllce M nd yon will find it tiVi yil1rL1aistnitr t j > have us do your work > JIIJ print posters dodgeri IU In ami everything usually nrned out bIt cminry job ollicf- Ue liave iii > linnil fear sale mnatnyir iiniittv blank deftln mortgiigeJ f il 1IItI I1I111rlMIfI S n F 60 GivenAw Christmas Subscribers for s Sub crib rs to the Courier Journal The W ifcly erlr 1lnl i lltnry Vit MMHI 8 puerwnuims Iii loire hf prntitH of t liiu llfIIptII jenr with its ibLTiti r It pro pllllllI I tive tuwsy InellhClon finS prestnti pinning Iruu 100 to 20 uiuitiiitiiij toliUUinjjll liiero will be flOur izetiralS 100 f50 30niijyl lIutliXleti utin Sennepfee Texas Al Usuiiri Virgin fu lind Alabama The plan is fairs v ami simple Write to than Courier r Snurnal Co Loufssillc Ky for a Jourllrlnl e Commissioners Sale 5 The Jeffrey Mfg Company V8 Uilliiitq Alexander Uy virtue of a judgment nod air der of Pale rendered In the Bulb Circuit Court itt the October term urns in the abovcPtyled cueef the undersigned Commissioner willon SATURDAY DEC 16 1905 about 1 oclock p m proceed tarot fer for salo to the liijjlicet bidder at = public unction near Suit Lick Ky the following described property It tnwit Ono combined incline and horizontal conveyor for linndling staves und ship timber U60 No 531 t cable chum x5 1 head shaft 2 15 16xTU 22 1516 pillow blocks 22 15 lGlvoolUri2 6TNn2 r 531 Adjus able flungfd ti plate centprT i iVlii KO in4 L One Spur sear 47 i6x 11 x49 x 2 15 1C K 0 2 I 1 foot Shaft 2716 xGOyS 2616 tleh D tukeitp2276cuthhurs s 220 No p31 broad flat facev t- Ethers bore 271B S S with drum h 30 Counter Shaft 27lGx 8 < 0 0227lG G tlll llickp2 27lG cnlliirf 1 Spur pininnOibo x 11 X < f 4x27l6KO2 36x8x2716 T L Pulleys U F7KeyslKnucklu- Shiaft 1Il10x6 2 11616 t Solid boxes 2 11516 collur 2 21 < No 531 lint face tdlersbnre l15 1C S S 3 iytr Shafts 11516 s 61 01515 Soljd boxes G 11516 collars 620 No 531 hrond Hue face Idlers U 11516 S S or cnouuh thereof to produce the sum of 302 00 being the nmotintdf plaintiirs debt Intel est unil cost Terms Sale uiI be made on a credit of three months The puf rlmser will b required to eXQCiitu bond with approved eecriy1or the purchuee price naytble 11 > fh lUnletFigned bcuring 65 intereVt from date of t ale until pnjd said bond to have the forofr end ciltct of 11 judgment A lieu will be re tiiined on sale property to PecUre the pujnietil of tlupurcliasc iiinley j 11 S GOODPASTEIi Iaster Gamutli Q 0 Rile k liogg Attys All The News Si Per Year I


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Page 1: OUTLOOK M weekI tb ROSE RUN cq II aho · dX 1 4-q 0 p I ISta ii 4 I OTNGSYiLLE OUTLOOK OUTtOOK PUBLISHING CO calf l t IOWINGSVILLE KY l > fi PER YEAR IN ADYANCEj flt 1lC t AtdresaII




ISta ii





1lCfltt AtdresaII communications tofeTiix OUTLOOK PUBLISHIHO Co or to to-

tt JOOR W> HoHAKEBi OwingavilleM C sKy r

kSubicribers desiring a change ofo j 1 always give previous

address when writingt Correspondents when out of stujttlonery should mention fact on ajfe epnrate slip of poperpIk f > JNo commission

Dss body oh BtitfecriptionBt TOE OUTLOOK is vent one yearfor one dollar six months for sixtycent three months for thirtytlvecents 4

dU THURSDAY DEC 7 1905 =




Thi eis8iRpt will be thu1 aflyV spokesman in the Houte

i of CungruHS fur the next two years2 t11 hoped that he will say t uuu


I goodWoTie I


1 1 UMOLB JUSEVU OAKNON was rcJ elected Monday to rule thu U b

117 > UOUBO of Representatives and per a

< 1 wit such legislation by tiie peoples g

1li Itlelegatea as he thinks Ot and ispp < proper When it comes to autob c cracy sour Uuco Jo i a wore

S genuine snide titan the Czar ofI i ttussia


AFFAIRS in Russia are goingi rapidly from bad to worse Scant

4 hews has como from there sincer the Itrike of telegrapher butFPsCenturies of despotic misrule have

tborne their legitimate fruit and

t IE 1 7 there may bo a reign of terror to1 4 urpeven that of the French1I 3 C



v > i1 j t THE courtmartial acquitted

I rz Cadet Merriwether of LouUinnur it <

of the charge of killing1 Branch of New fork at the An¬

s01 napolis U S Naval Academy but

A E i recommended Merri wethers dll1 i rLN11 ct + loissal from the Academy furf Breaking the rules of the joshJt <

Tfiiit would be an injusof ti fpr according to the evi ¬

t dence lIe riwelher was compelct i Felfniefenca to pursue thiI hcKjuldv owing to the

I u 2I1iLre an 1

Jt 1ti lct1 7I1 QRRESPONDINLt I


h were ln Mt Sterling SaturdayFlemingE 0 B Spratt ought H sow And

J six pigs of John H Crow for 22

Miiies Ethel Fleming and Annai Brokagbvi6ited at Kuob Lick

11 t tII i 1 ThuridyBerrytt <

1 > mountains onia hunting tripBIrs Katie Bnyd and son WH

llaa Borland Miss Lutie SmathlL ITS Visited h Owlngsville fro >

Wednesday till Friday JTb little daughter of Mr andktMrs Jhe Foley ded Sunday ofr 4 diphtheria We extend our sym

pathydo the bereaved parentsf

t1t tI HlllJbbroJ8 RMoBobi sold to John Call> vtwo epWB atE35per owL4 0

leyofMysvlUe1HvJlllf i

J TTAfeRoborts Bold to M I

Ic BaBHders 8ve 1009lb BteerB at 3J < 0perlb

Mra Gardiner visited relap iyesat Orawgebarg from Mondayr Yrlda f t

4 l <eitl 1JtstJU r Madl80n Inw4J oviii hsthterMriM A

Dii1o Thursdayk r JVsCrHurlfy was called toM re

iJl t the darigeroaa 1114JI new of his slater Mrs WB Parkerv 3MiiiKaAtchIionwhobas been

1 attendlngschoolatRlchnondspe nt1h a lklii Y slater MrsS

t l A Dodq-

1 i Kewt HoiIenld poBBlonerdlodI FrldaYoroldagead a8bnrhd

F eSaturdayat Phelps graveyardMI

jg Miss Lellaii Waltda arid Alvin S >

4t K X uaUwer8mardedMonday eve4V Isg r at the rasidenfWiIrvnTiey left immediate1L 3M ulsvlllelndClnolnnatITbeytI itts thenr lieere goodrwl te and wWi them auto time of4

Aprosperity and happiness J

4 > vtJ s

< r > OdessaI

F I t r it j J L Darnell completed a course> Y r in Ji btlliaeecolleg at Lexington

cft F jlijr 1i v j8and returned home nextr iJ

k I A cJP ae on time Dec 1

4 4 ji aa< i a crossed his fury each day7with Hiteisaow on the aorn1> liefatLllt >

rz r t J S lttt r of1 bought tbeepotMlJ ji > t tea edlt adftI dam also spotti

f >

T t ftLjllj last week paylpg1 1Qor the two


1 AnRGnJotllotdber-r 1ittl rarlBal1dboDlect oIdPItt

t ti9 fey rjj properly J last week tuZIarI1u i i lsrfor8OO

z t l JMiL1h closed out the lastId1oOyo J le fam last week

K t r> tjl


1 i k at Itrefp coB from flip t-or1 x

> k i12Jpetheadj ri 4 tV Walter Aaderion and farailywho

> i C k it hadc

hen living in Hoopeston IIIT

Z ij I Y5f rtH push two yee returned

i 1 I laitoprseK to live witli the fbrei r aZ t > eGeorge Andersorr and wjfe

t 1It i JJm Wlkerwho IrMusatly asf-J 1

f eipleiuaIIy Hakes inquiryor IrstofalRjiltiis if Barkley has

I i I iF OB jfcekr When told that he hasr 1wet htS ye 1 will stop awhile

f 1 r tKi u LbtI hare I can jLgetawsywitk saeiy

c na 1


jfofro <

1 J 1YI r ii acH I1io

> r <


IUppt fE B Stond und wife of near

Carlisle iited RL Stone nodile several days last week

Alfred Carter went to Mt Ster ¬

ag Sunday to see hid oiotherMrsMary Carter who is not expected

live U Lyter accompaniedhim i


West EndMJ E PiersallMrs Howard Hashund Mrs Aquilla Duniel ure sickS3

L R Hensley has resigned hisosition with Wm BooneinownsHogkilling is about over here

Hogs were well failed Luc gene rilly M

small being young hogs

Salt Lick had a 20 ft rise Satur ¬Saydnuiago toforn and fodder in theWlow lands

Richard Eroth and ihe Cornwallwho went io Oregon twi

months ago write they are wellpleated It was reported that DickSHI in the chimney corner and criednil day

Howard and Glenn Piercall re-

turned Saturday romClark countwhere they had been rabbit hunt ¬

ing Paul Pier ull In getting ovei-fence accidentally discharged hu-

un and his hnd was entirely toriwotr Tho wound IP painful

doing well

Grange CityBorn to Wes Royse and wife aIi

boyWes Royso bought a horse MS

Havens fur 115fSimps Walton bought a horse ii I

Fleuiingsburg for 125

6L Havens sold a yearling coltto Dr W E Phillips for f200

Mrs Ma Walton and children ofnear Flemingsburg are visiting RR Walton

Faus Johnson sclda bunch ofhogs to Turner Anderson of Bat

4IctBud Colliver bought of 1rlnHawkins of Hillsboro u pair oftaufes for 210wMiss Emuiii Colliver vitcGeorge Colliver and family at Poptiur Plains Fridayt

Mrs L G Rigdon and son Thouvisited Mre Jus Riddle and tam ¬

ly on White Oak-

ForrestWllIeroy andjvife visitIm AndvrlKl and wlfe at Wy ¬ v

ming ThanksgivingT R Ratliff Co sold a bnnc

of hogs to Herbert Grabnis ii

Flemingsburg 4oMiu Lolla Willeroy returne

last weekafter an extended vici Itto relatives in Virginial

Miss Bessvisited LG Rigdon and familyfrom Wednesday until Mondayl

Miss Sallie Estilling school at Riohmond MadisoInstitutecame home for a visit to-

e her parents Wm Estill and wife

Miss Minnie Walton left Tues i

day for a visit to her brother inGrant county She will visitand relatives at Lexington anWilmore

Taylor Bradley and family ofWyoming moved to the house vaoatcd by Wen Royse Wes movcto the farm he bought nearsons Ford


StepstonoW J Lawson and wife left SatspondD a

Mrs Ohs eRIIy spent SunthwlEh her parents Joe F Wilsonu dwIfeontLieLane farnr

We are told that ire will have toextend congratulations soon to t p-

other couple How about itWGWell we are having a touch

good fashion ofolataaii wlnjust now and while it makeegoodhogkilling still it is pincby

Alex Karrick wife and child ofFlat Creek spent from Saturdaytill with his fatherinlawJE Colmiohaeland tam ily

Wm Carmichael says he hoe t1be-

coming years moat bung up nisitceacross e etheyLeat it N I

Yes VeiltEfldIiWtsuR SaltRTer berewere no niggers with us this timeThey almost all voted under therooster the last time

Mrs GW Blevins aged afeout48 years and a sister of Mrs J R

Dwiundllaaleday nightat her home near Eirington

ngG W Eldridge who was aC diebedside of his brother Jim at fordliomedthe same which wag justVnliyewith very little chance for him

Richard Cairo tt Jr has rented011the W T Turley farm for another

year and says to that lady fde ridthat sent him that out bachelorscard from Wyoming he will guarantee that he will not stay in thatdan long if she lisa good lookingas the postal says she is and willonly wake herself known

E A Flynn the night yardmasiler at Mt Sterling stole a man eItInonear o r neighbors Sunday aweek ago and took oIF bodily MlPSLena Parktr the only daughter orMrd MaryiParker and gr nddaugh

PityrThey I

4paredwhere they will he found by allfriends We extend eongratulat ons




FalrviaWJohn Boyd bought some hogs at1cSeveral hogs were killed in this

part last week a

J W Hendrix bought n steer ofRKincaid fur 30 I s

George Kirk and family visitedNick Rodgers last week li

Marshall Emmons returned fromHoopcston Ill lust weekviJerryarion Indiana lust weekla

William Anderson bought of1a8 Woodard two shouts for 8

Wm Jackson of Wyoming winthis part on business last week

Miss Carrie Hawkins visited tivaryday ISnot Lee Perkins nnd Jiloon b

eekreturned from IllinoislaiH

cJames Woodard of Sirabble

Ridge bought some corn at 2 perIblfrclsFlat CrookoEtna Smoot spent Thanksgivingday with Mary SteelehDosserul days lust week with Wm Gar ¬ c

nerIIamifeLee Sietlc sold Edward moot 5

shoaU and Owens Myers two ut 4 Jcents a pound

Emery Cannon of near MtStsrine spent Thursday night witbIEdward Smoot

John Chandler and wife spent t

rqm Thursday until Sunday withMark Donaldson and wife

Mm Raukins and son Creth oMt Sterling rpent Sunday andSunday night with Mrs SallioISmoot

Austin Royse and wife and Mr8ITom Royec of Mt Sterling weregilests of Mrs Wm Garner VedI

1nelduy nightArnold Cannon and Jauies Car

ton of Nicholas county stopped over Thursday night on thel


1Mrs Mary Metcalfe and daughXens Pickott Maud and Orapent Thanksgiving day with

friends In Mt Sterling

CrooksJ O Wood was at Abhland Sat

urduy and SundayDavid Gilbert of Midland City

was hare Monday on businessItfire elotJueldu Conner of OwingsV

cIvilleis visiting Miss Siellu rliowaWilson Hendrix shipped n car¬

of cattle to Cincinnati Tuea

dayPeedLi th ram rhippod a r-


of cattle to Cincinnati Suturdyn

Sam Ralliff and wife of SaltLick visited relatives here laotweek

Miss May Barnes came hoc pIpenddJim Pendleton and wife of Itnu

bon county visited Clyde Pcrgratnand wife last Week

LoulsuIpar¬ents D S Nixon and wife

You are cordially invited to at-tend

¬the box supper at the Peeled

Oak Union Church given by the

SlturdyulgbtDecemberIYlJrP Arthur Barnes entertained

the little folks Thursday from twooclock until four Refreshmentswere served Quite a good timewas bad by nil present

StoOD5in lea beenfeverdA One crop of possums JIB theproduct of this vicinity

Bridges Bros lost by death a fineweanling colt valued at 200

Miss Sallie McDonald spent Itweek with relatives at MtSterIr

perlIleCThe height of some peoples am

billon doesnt reach above tbhead

Mrs E L Fassett and childrenhave returned from a weeks stayat Betheltlyberekilling time

The only business that needs noadvertising is that of being goodthat talks for itself

Mrs L E Grljtgs of Ashlandand Miss Mary Gillasple of Clarkcounty visited here last week

Too often will it bo the case whOpp6riunity knocks nt our doorwill be knocking at the door ofEternity

Some of pur farmers are orcifallen over the tobacco aesociationsfailure The only thing the farmers can succeed at is contributingto the trusts profits

GOT Jell Davis entry intoArkansas Senatorial race wasmarked with a pretty lively seth

dfsplayedhisadvantage We predicted that Jeffwould makfl hinI8WlrmlJe is

politicianJTHOSJ 1 JONESLivery FeedraTS Ui Stable

OWINGSVOiLfri KYuwt1awith Presion Station


Navlors BranchJohn T Lnthrnm sold a hog toSup1burn Nov 27 toWoodeon Norrls

nd wife a daughterIiiJosh Coyle of Woodford countyyuvisitingCharlie Horseman and wife viahoederal days last week

Ed Jones and wife of Stilt Lick I

the lattere parents Georgeund wife several yste

st week

Mrs Annie Warner anti littledaughter Mary Lee of Owingsville Cand Miss Nannie Leo Pierutt ofIMeaont Valley visited WW Warcerek

nt the residence of antiviyov 30 at 8 oclock Miss Molliearber and Mr Thomas Hart Thejummuaityto hear of the wedding although

drometlau hlpr of Silas Barber nndwkfItf 1IllIr9 Brunch

helutiru11111d nccnmpluhcd yovvnglady and in loved by all who knoV

er She is very popular in soibalTho groom is the youngeit

son uf J T Hart und wilt of thnand0tul1 worthy of tho bride he has

won They were attended byMi811cMamie Barber sister ofund Roll Munley They returnedto the home of the brides parentswhere un elegant supper was serv ¬

ed and many of their friends werepresent We hope their lives tonybe long happy und prosperous nndhat flowers may bloom in thoirI

pathway forever A

fCralgsThe people hero are about donekilling hogs

Mrs Angeline Tincher is betterher illne s

Thomas Craig sold F F Varrt ncalf fur 10

biLI1ClaudirBuddie Jones bought a cult of

for 8 lGeorge Halton bought afnl hog

of Jim Snedegur fur Ik

George Hunt sold Addie Jonestwo steer calves for 30

Dr B F Wells bought two futhogs of Dave Bushfiird at 5e

Smith Thompson houpht a Ihog of Tliott McGlothin fur 10

DJck Mullu und son sold LiteHaiL u pair uf work mules for if 325 f

tThuma Craig sold his lipueo undjhere to Arthur Rogers fur 125

Mrs Alien Toy nnd children weguests of Mrs Attn Warren Sow rday v

Dick Munloy und sun bought apair of mules of William Hart for


Miss Annie Smoot of Sherburneis visiting tile family of lUc 111


Thomas Craig of Muysyillv vited relatives here Tuesday andWednesday

Henry Craig of Suit Lick visit ¬

ed his grandparents Win Cruig

rand wife SundayRobert Warren wife and child-

ren spent Sunday with Lawn ICtntTlxuiiut near Olympia

Henry Warren of Preston soldand delivered some corn to his fathcr F F Warren ut 2 a barrel

Jumes Toy sister Miss Ama landMrs Eliza HarrS visited WilliuAtchison and wire ut Suit LickSaturday night and Sunday

Salt LickNet McCarthy sas return

home from Mt SterlingX

Bqrn to Milford Cox and wifenee Leona Maze Nov 30a BonJ

Bro Durham preached thanks¬

giving sermon at tho ChristianChuroh

Mrs Press Jackson and IonofBurns spent Thanksgiving with reiatives in Ashland

Mae daughter of ierrylcCurthougbtIgebe

Misses EWe Kring and MaudAifrey of Riverside pent Thanks¬giving with relatives here

DAtthi8 writing we have notlearned whether there will bo anychurch entertainments or not 8

Hobert Cassity of Yale I whohas been working in New York forthe past three yeurs1came in lustweek on a visit

jfLost week a little child of Clint 1

it1deathhouse and when found was burnedto a crisp

The box supper the1 ladiestended to gIYon

was on accountillJMreRrtndaLowroy epentThanksgiving with her aunt Mrs Kit tie

stUlery on Peeled Oak Mrs Uleryquite an old lady is active

and spry for her years and serveda fine dinner to her guests

lire Combs who hail been holdtheheDuring the meeting Bro Combsbaptizedetaking others into the church



If you want the services ofn1 auc ¬

tioneer call on me Terms reasonableGEORGE H GUDGELL

Odessa KyI

1 1<




l iJiti 4


Olympia V

C H Graves went to EwingtonndayIiMrs H 0 Irwin was n MtSter ofg FridayHerbert Cosligan was inOwings irle SaturdayW B Swnrts and wire returnedme Tuesday

John L Jackson went to SpencerSunday to visit friends

Amanda Swarms visited her sisre at Salt Lick ThursdaysMrs Carl Blevins of Salt LiukisIy

visiting her stater Mre Paris McartywMartin Spencer ofWcstVirgininame here last week and took ten

men basic to workmtLittlesited her aunt Mrs HortoiiofMtlast weekIJim W Jackson moved from thm

W Penix property to Jeff Jackeon property Thursday i

Mrs Julia Cronan of Lexingtonahoer returned homo SundaytMrs Ellen Darrell and Miss Jell

nio McGlothin of MtSterlin wcreQuests of their father Charles McGtythio Tuesday 0

Died Kov 28Granville Statont the home of his father Meuc5tatonlof rheumatism nnd pneuJIonia He leaves a wile threo

beverni sisters and brotlters and n host of friends to mourntheir loss His death was u greatsurprise us ho was sickonly a CewIday

FairviowBorn to Oscar Evans and wife

2 a girl

G BCaywood sold a pair ofwork mules for 300

J W Hawkins new house neartown is nearly completed

T S Robertson and fumByflppntThanksgiving in Cincinnati

Turkeys have dropped to lOolbhere Eggs are 24c per dozen

Tom Arnott bought the LewisHbrdin home near town for 2000

C M Ratliir IB at Murtinsrillcaid for treatment for rheumatism

J W Clinkenheard and WalterWhuley were in Mt Sterling Saturlilt

The gun club irethad shootingmatch Thursday and another Monday-

kUITulD Crouch sold one of hismures to Mr Royco of Kansas furji225

Dave Crouch hits bought DavidMyero farm un Little Flat Creekfor if2300spentcArrafinitli

Winter set in for sure llaiinkgivins day when we hint the tIn

snow of the seasonA R Robertfio n Is buildingIn

nilditiiin to his tobacco wiirclionfednnd will pui in another screW

JIIWCPIsat Longview Cemetery Sunday

Wm Scott antI daughter of Lebiinon Ind ore visiting friends andrelatives in this and SherburniighborhuodsI

Robert Irvin who had been sickhis hume near SI oo re Hold T

sometime has been visiting I Itssister Mrs J S Vice

OkiaHog killing is the order of the

dayThere was an abundance of ra

last week

Mrs JM Hedtick isjmprovtogvery slowly from her illness

ledThere was a sraden change inthe weuther Saturday night withknow arid very cold Sunday night

ndtThanksgivingSunday afternoon She was accompanied by Albert Quisenberry

near Ewington

Tilmon Riddle moved into thehouse which he purchased of EdAnderson on the farm of the widowGoodpnster deceased He is re-


the firm building n newbarn and talking of building anew house in the near future J offStephens moved into the house va ¬xIcatedGrace the fivoyearold daughterof Tho3 Donton met with apainful accident one day last weekHer father was sprinkling carbolicacid on the floor of the room wherethe childs grandndthrjis ill with

itvpboid fever and ahran bef Irehim and a part of the contents of

hiFoaramay be destroyed

yJ Mrs Janice Grain gave n birthdny dinner Friday Dec 1 in honorwhoInwas fifty eight und Mrs ElizaCram mother of James and Tay-lor Grain who was eighty years ofage It is quite an unusual coinoiclence that a mothers und twosoils birthdays occur on tho sameday of the month Several of thenearest relatives and friends werepresent and spent a pleasant dayMany the trio live to enjoy manymore birthdays

TuBIUGUT SIDERound ersays that sleeping out of doors is

healthfulRounder is an optimistWhat has that to do with itHis wife him out if he

isnt home byteniHouston Post

A REMINDER Why have yougat that string tied about your finger Henpeck

That is to remind me that MrsHenpeck is visiting her mother andthat Tarn going to make a nightofItHoulton Post

ibi3Jf f


iSotmis WosncuruL PnrcKEFSIt Ecum to us that nub of theopt remarkable timid gratifyingex ¬

ibtis in Mr Wilsons list is thatthe South with its en ton crop

valued ut 575000000 We wornwhit elderly gentleman who

twentyfive years ago were rnvingthe bloody shirt think of this record Is it not helter for theSouth ie it nut better fur us is itnot better fir thu world that thesesister States of ours should be mising littlE u billion doll irs worth ofotton annually than that they

be bound Ion sx thousand i

in the chains of partisanlate The growth of the South in

ealth 111111In earning power iswonderful The people of theSouthern States laud nothing nttho close of the war they wereabsolutely impoverished But that

nut floughThtywele punishedn the pot tb lIum days more cruel

Iyund for a longer time than almust any vanquiHlied people in his-

tory The ill advised laws whichn part from the must unworthy

motives of vengeful resentmentnd in part Ion political advantagehe Republicans of the North put

upon the statute books during thereconstruction period raised and-

okept aflame the negro questionFor more than twenty years afterthe war was over the Southern peepie wero engaged in u struggle tonvert the perils of negro domina ¬


Once freed from the peril thatbeset U and from continual politi ¬

cal hectoring tjio South went towork with ustonishing industry andsuccess It has in very large portworked out its own commercial industrial and tinancial salvation Ithas not been built up by Northernmoney as thu West was built up byEastern money And now it buscome to n state where its chitf croptunings it in 575000000 in oneyear lint that itt Only the begin-ning


of the story The new mama ¬

trial activity ot the South is a pIle ¬

nomenon wore notable even titanthe increase in its cotton cropIThere are factories every whereundtheir number is yearly increasingThe cotton and the tobacco of theSouth are nianufucturcdaa it werein the fields wherethe plants growThe furnaces aroinlhc very hurtof the mining districts that supplytheir urea Resources ore nluioHthoundlerB nothing is wasted in thetransportation of raw material la ¬

bor is cheap climate favors andthe spirit of the people is eager toruue the South to tile indumiulplane where the North stands Itis down there in the years to comethat miracles of development antIproiluctiori will be wrought NewYiirt Times

LOUISVILLE NEWS Rnbl >its arereported source inSouth Louisville

Our streets are taking on a livelySIire1u rat U CC plOhllloly

Christmas U only 23 days awayDue Baker will tie our postmaster

fur hoar cuts more Were fur-

s i ou De-ft The roof garden on the S < ebneb

Intel has shut down for the wintcrThe cixieenth largest pumpkinnurej cloth

lacked half a pound of wei hingnsmuch a9 the Just liirg8l oar

Frank Wilson will show ut theOpera IIOUFC ujiuin tonight Lotsof beet people in town were out lusnight to see him

lieAnn EVil Kay tiilil Mary Joneslast Saturday night that she wouldha married before tha year U outAh theme Marv

rlIortetruding is n little dullLumSimon unit Max EJrlranth havebet n dickering a littl > but nothinghas come of Ityer-

Thanksgiving promises to ho n

glad occasion for everybody exceptthe turkey

inThe trade in Long Life Bittershas fell oF a little sluice the govern ¬

went said it contained only 40 percent of alcohol Most everybodyin these parts thought it was thereal stuff nnd hnvezone back topatronizing the blind tigers

Messrs Lon und Sun Jones lirebuilding a ten story addition totheir lot on Jdfu sun street

llallie Nockols was seen nt daneSing school lust night withSkujjgs Lookout Ben Brown

JD McVnugh has painted hisbarn nt Fifth and Hill streets andsays it is pretty as a speckled pupunder a red wagon

Now is the time to subscribeTax collecting will begin in about

two weeksSeveral live coons were seen on

Gray eon street last week-SJoe Stalleui promised to pay lii

Bubsciiption when he got on thetown conetables force JOehassentyeti time ir almost athand

Bill Huldemitn has gut out hiscards fur the U S Senate Here a

luck BillPut Shark y has painted his neu

Emponiumutt Sixth andblight red PatalwnysMvas upltllsnuff

Election returns from theTwelfthword are a little slow in cowing in

Aunt Sally Slocum from FernCrick dropped in last week AuntSally predicts a long and hartwinter

R E Peater and Feverul of hisfriends who dropped over from StLouis for the election have return-ed home

Some of our young folks attend ¬

eda dance ut Phoenix Hill las lnight and made merry until the weesmu hours

rho Suit River steamboat haspostponed its regular trip beingtied up by proceedings in courtnndat this writingwe ore unable tosay who the passengers will beFalls City Bugle Louisville Post

= =Get The Outlooks prict

oh Job Work of everykind and see samples >

and you will see we cando better work at lowerprices than you can getelsewhere


C Si 14 i u




Ud P1 rr5d iJ + 01

S 4 tJtriB =r T1




> 0j <1i P0 1d

Vnginia Sereeiied LtimpiItand Pluto Cannel




HCOWALLOW ITEusRIlZ Barlowis gettlng to be eo shim It is a waste

f eyesight to look at himTbo postmaster has aidaway his

rntirups until next spring He isthinking of using them for oriontraps thU winter

The ddor at the poptofflce hat nutbeen put up and several customershave took cold It is probable thatthe Government will be sued

Beau hi is good in tItle communitySevern people however are notfeelintt well

The hair on the norlh side ofTpbe iMoseeys haw s are turnedthe wrong way this your This IsSaul to be a certain indication ofiSa1ipassedniuti spoke to cucjf other


oflIpellklngfoul but is able to bo up utter

hl81free application of BatSuithejuiceR

i Barlow will leave next WednedHy fur ii trip down the Gimletcnek lane 10 look fur his limit thatbluwcd lilT u few dlll gn Thedeputy collectable accunipanied latin

Snow is predicted Inn few daysTul piovide fur this Frieby Hancock I

had tlel1l1l1CIr his geeses feff Upuntil they can been tuti acclimatedtoJYsmmule lust Sunday mitt befcro hiput on a dlnhirtlf line notmind it much howcver i4the i

bscoming nccnstouird to the b T J

knocks of the worldThrough this uliunnHC the pnt

muster bus been inforniel iltsthristnuip will t 11s vr full mi ibtlast of DrceinbQr lie lass nsielIIJIII notice on the stove In the offeet thut Chii > linn must be recojiniziil in Hogwullow IhNypiir

iIIlUkrlUle his mule i 1antler a II in immon tree Thurilnjiveniiij tutu while giithiriig frailthe uniinnl wiiked out frIHullulrhim He spilled u large biivkit niperain man but thertvii o epcipeilbndilv injury

ILlst Ueilnesdiiy little Fldiivbecame interested in the

pursuit uf a fruwg und fnliiureil itIn I ii the large muilhole in frnnt ntSums house Fidity was soon rcauuuil but the fruwg made good itsescape

Poke Eazley linn bpen listurhedseveral times this uetk by sow lmidnight prowlers lie hits an ideathut a drove or hajJ have took upsteeping quarters under the house

Buddy Hicks n triflingyoung man of Bounding Bill wn

has been given the Job of leadiingthe Wild Octon school He is I into Fletcher Uenetcp and FletthEothim in byti little political jylrepulling Buddy dont know anymore about running a school thana huwg does about INIiinjr but wewib him much success in his newventureSPeople who live in sfone hntipesshould not throw glaeaeshiogwallow ICentuckian

0 O RAILWAYTrains 22 nnd 23 carry Dining

service Meals ulncarttvTIME CARD EFFECTIVE SEPT


Eastbound-No 26 954 a mNo 22 1249 P mNo 24 1005 p m

Westbound-No 21 648 a mNo 23 143 pm-

r No 25 344 p mNos 26 and 23 daily ex¬

cept Sunday all othersdaily

agazinesReview of Reviews 300Cosmopolitan iooWomans Home Com-


iooTotal 500

I will get you allthree a year for 250Success nagazine may be

added for 75 centsI can get you any maga

zine published a littlecheaper than anysone else

Mail orders promptly filled ifaccompaniedbycashLutEs






Over Outlook Office and dwliiR vllloUankliiK Companys Building J




Nurseri e8lLEXINGTON Ky

Offer for full of 1905 ufull stock ofsfriilt mid nrnninenial trees iifapavines asparagus smnll fruits rhu-barb

fshrubs etc Vfc employ no

agents but sell direct to tile planter Untiilogue on npplicniitin

JOB PKINTIKO Kemeafber thatTilE OUTLOOK is prepared to printletterhead noicheuds billtteadFiisturtltlOlltil PitVehlPlPttenruh labela4receipts ill 1t liCH iinri lilt Flitnf hijjiiue 8intimii ry inthe betijiork in tuvtrfiH style ut the nosjrctiFoiiabla prices Compare ourworkwith tl tturnertout by anyjjnh iifllce M nd yon will find it tiViyil1rL1aistnitr t j > have us do yourwork >

JIIJ print posters dodgeriIU In ami everything usuallynrned out bIt cminry job ollicf-

Ue liave iii > linnil fear sale mnatnyiriiniittv blank deftln mortgiigeJ fil 1IItI I1I111rlMIfI



60 GivenAw

Christmas Subscribers for s

Sub crib rs to the CourierJournal

The W ifcly erlr 1lnl illtnry Vit MMHI 8 puerwnuims Iii

loire hf prntitH of t liiu llfIIptIIjenr with its ibLTiti r It propllllllI I tive tuwsy InellhClonfinS prestnti pinning Iruu 100 to

20 uiuitiiitiiij toliUUinjjll liierowill be flOur izetiralS100 f50 30niijyl lIutliXletiutinSennepfee Texas Al Usuiiri Virginfu lind Alabama The plan is fairs v

ami simple Write to than Courier rSnurnal Co Loufssillc Ky for a

Jourllrlnl e

Commissioners Sale5

The Jeffrey Mfg CompanyV8

Uilliiitq AlexanderUy virtue of a judgment nod air

der of Pale rendered In the BulbCircuit Court itt the October termurns in the abovcPtyled cueef theundersigned Commissioner willon

SATURDAY DEC 16 1905about 1 oclock p m proceed tarotfer for salo to the liijjlicet bidder at =

public unction near Suit Lick Kythe following described property Ittnwit Ono combined incline andhorizontal conveyor for linndlingstaves und ship timber U60 No 531 tcable chum x5 1 head shaft 215 16xTU 22 1516 pillowblocks 2 2 15 lGlvoolUri2 6TNn2 r531 Adjus able flungfd tiplate centprT i iVlii K O in4L One Spur sear 47 i6x 11 x49x 2 15 1C K 0 2 I 1 footShaft 2716 xGOyS 2616tlehD tukeitp2276cuthhurs s

220 No p31 broad flat facev t-

Ethers bore 271B S S with drum h30 Counter Shaft 27lGx 8 < 0

0227lG G tlll llickp2 27lGcnlliirf 1 Spur pininnOibo x 11 X < f4x27l6KO2 36x8x2716T L Pulleys U F7KeyslKnucklu-Shiaft 1Il10x6 2 11616 tSolid boxes 2 11516 collur 2 21 <

No 531 lint face tdlersbnre l151C S S 3 iytr Shafts 11516 s61 01515 Soljd boxes G 11516collars 620 No 531 hrond Hue

face Idlers U 11516 S S orcnouuh thereof to produce the sumof 302 00 being the nmotintdfplaintiirs debt Intel est unil cost

Terms Sale uiI be made on acredit of three months The pufrlmser will b required to eXQCiitu

bond with approved eecriy1orthe purchuee price naytble 11 > fhlUnletFigned bcuring 65 intereVtfrom date of t ale until pnjd saidbond to have the forofr end ciltctof 11 judgment A lieu will be retiiined on sale property to PecUrethe pujnietil of tlupurcliasc iiinley j

11 S GOODPASTEIiIaster Gamutli Q 0

Rile k liogg Attys

All The News Si Per Year