INMM Central Region Chapter Fall Training Event Gary Mays, Group Leader Advanced Reactor Systems & Safety Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory [email protected] Oak Ridge, Tennessee September 24, 2013 Overview of Small Modular Reactor Research at ORNL

Overview of Small Modular Reactor Research at ORNL · current materials in SMR designs ... – The NRC noted the need for regulatory guidance ... Developing Licensing Basis for AdvSMRs

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Page 1: Overview of Small Modular Reactor Research at ORNL · current materials in SMR designs ... – The NRC noted the need for regulatory guidance ... Developing Licensing Basis for AdvSMRs

INMM Central Region Chapter Fall Training Event

Gary Mays, Group Leader Advanced Reactor Systems & Safety Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory [email protected] Oak Ridge, Tennessee September 24, 2013

Overview of Small Modular Reactor Research at ORNL

Page 2: Overview of Small Modular Reactor Research at ORNL · current materials in SMR designs ... – The NRC noted the need for regulatory guidance ... Developing Licensing Basis for AdvSMRs


ORNL has become DOE’s largest science and energy laboratory

2 Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy

$1.6B budget

World’s most intense

neutron source

4,400 employees

World-class research reactor

3,000 research guests annually

$500M modernization


Nation’s largest

materials research portfolio

Most powerful open

scientific computing


Nation’s most diverse

energy portfolio

Managing billion-dollar U.S. ITER


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3 INMM – Sep 24, 2013

Weinberg Study* (1985) Introduced the Notion of Smaller, Simpler, Safer Reactors – Foreshadowing of SMRs

Main findings: – Incrementally-improved, post-TMI LWRs

pose very low risks to the public but investor risks and high, uncertain capital cost may limit market viability

– Large LWRs are too complex and sensitive to transients – Inherently safe concepts are possible and should be pursued,

such as: • The Process Inherent Ultimately Safe (PIUS) reactor • The Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHTGR)

*A. M. Weinberg, et al, The Second Nuclear Era, Praeger Publishers, 1985

Motivated by lessons learned from the first nuclear era

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Understanding DOE’s SMR Programs First To Provide Context for ORNL Roles DOE SMR Program Mission: Expansion of nuclear power to a broad range of customers and energy applications by demonstrating the affordability, flexibility, and economic competitiveness of new simplified SMR designs

DOE SMR Program divided into two principal elements: • SMR Licensing Technical Support (LTS) ($452 over 5 years)

Objective: Promote accelerated deployment by supporting design certification and licensing requirements via cooperative agreements with industry partners and support resolution of SMR generic issues.

• Advanced SMR R&D Program – Initiated FY12 Objective: Conduct R&D on capabilities and technologies to support development of advanced SMR concepts for deployment in mid- to long-term future => innovative concepts using non-LWR coolants such as liquid metal, helium, or liquid salt.

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DOE LTS Program Has Reached One Agreement with Second One TBA Shortly on Facilitating Deployment of SMRs

• m-Power America Partnership first awardee – B&W / TVA / Bechtel – LTS target commercial – 2022 – FY12: $67 M; FY13: $65 M

• Second award to be announced soon – Focus on innovative

technologies – LTS target commercial – 2025

• ORNL support for LTS – Programmatic planning – Addressing generic issues

Cutaway View of m-Power 2-Unit SMR

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DOE Advanced SMR Program Has Distinctly Longer-term Focus Program Objectives:

Advanced SMR Program Structure:

• Conduct evaluations of advanced SMR designs • Support improvements in the safety, performance, and

economics of SMR designs • Conduct R&D to support licensing and deployment of

advanced SMR designs

• Develop assessment methods for evaluating AdvSMR technologies

• Develop/testing of materials, fuels, and fab methods • Resolve key regulatory issues • Develop advanced I&C and human-machine interfaces

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Integral design features * Enhances safety and smaller footprint * Increased reactor coolant inventory in vessel * Increased pressurizer volume * Smaller radionuclide inventory * Increased height-to-diameter aspect ratio facilitates natural convection cooling of core and vessel * Underground siting enhances resistance to seismic and security issues

Intrinsic Design Features of iPWRs Offer Safety and Economic Incentives

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ORNL Leads AdvSMR Instrumentation, Controls, and Human-Machine Interface (ICHMI) Research Pathway Coordinating Work w/DOE Labs

• Unique Operational and Process Characteristics – Unconventional dynamic behavior and distinctive

architectures – Extended operation and longer fuel cycles – Different coolants and more extreme environments

• Assured Affordability – Lower capital costs – Reduced plant operations and maintenance costs

• Enhanced Functionality – Multi-unit plant management – Multiple product streams – Flexible operability

ICHMI research is needed to meet unique challenges and opportunities of Advanced SMRs

ORNL Lead: Richard T. Wood

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AdvSMR ICHMI Pathway Consists of 9 Research Projects

• Johnson Noise Thermometry for Drift-Free Temperature Measurements • In-vessel Optical Measurements for Advanced SMRs • Concepts of Operation for Multi-Modular SMR Plants • Framework for Human-Automation Collaboration • Supervisory Control of Multi-Modular SMR Plants • Impact of Active Control on Passive Safety Characteristics of Advanced

SMRs • Prototypic Prognostic Technique Demonstration for SMR Passive

Components • Enhanced Risk Monitors with Integrated Equipment Condition Assessment • Modeling Tools for Dynamic Behavior Simulations of SMRs

ORNL Projects

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Measurement and Control Projects Conducted for AdvSMRs at ORNL

Johnson Noise Thermometry Develop and demonstrate a drift free Johnson noise-based thermometer suitable for deployment near core in advanced SMR plants Project activities are to demonstrate: • Auto-calibrating temperature measurement

capability • Implementation of dual-mode resistance and

Johnson noise thermometer in a rugged, integrated prototype form

Supervisory Control for Multi-Modular SMRs Develop and demonstrate functional architectures to enable integration of control, diagnostics, and decision for highly automated multi-unit plant operation Project activities enable: • Definition of supervisory control requirement • Establishment of a functional architecture • Generation of baseline supervisory control functional

elements • Demonstration of supervisory control capabilities for

a simulated representative multi-unit SMR plant

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ORNL Leads AdvSMR Materials Research Pathway Focus of Materials Pathway is to conduct: • Basic R&D on new materials to enable new innovative SMR


• Applied R&D to fully develop, qualify, and demonstrate current materials in SMR designs

Objectives are to: • Address long-term design needs for advanced materials

• Reduce unnecessary conservatism in design methodology

• Gain understanding of long-term degradation mechanism • Support code qualification activities of candidate materials

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Current AdvSMR Materials Projects Fall Into Four Primary Areas R&D to support • Alloy 617 code case activities

– High temperature design methodology – IHX for HTGR at 900 C – Low temperature aging evaluations at 650 C (creep / fatigue)

• Advanced ferritic/martensitic steels – Improve creep-fatigue design methodology – Material evaluation on aging effects to 60 years – Thermal aging effects on fracture toughness – Creep fracture of structural alloys

• Design code development for composite core components for high temperature reactors (SiC-SiC)

• Develop & maintain Gen IV Materials Handbook as repository of U.S. and international VHTR structural materials

ORNL Projects

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Two-Bar Thermal Ratcheting Test Setup for Alloy 617

Two-bar thermal ratcheting test enables development and verification of material models for inelastic analysis; and verification of E-PP strain limits code case

• Two servo-hydraulic test machines are coupled electronically to allow for:

- Equal amounts of elongations at all times - Sum of loads equal to preselected total load at all times



Bar 1 Temp.


Bar 2 Temp.


Constant Load P

P2, u2

Bar 1 Temp.


Bar 2 Temp.


P1, u1

P1+P2 = P

u1 = u2

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ORNL is Engaged in AdvSMR Safety and Licensing Support Pathway

Focus of Pathway is to conduct: • Resolve key regulatory issues as identified by NRC and


• Development of analytical tools and assessment methods to model SMR that reflect design differences

Key research areas: • Severe accident heat removal testing

• Advanced reactor framework development

• Probabilistic risk assessment • AdvSMR site screening

• Safeguards and Security ORNL Projects

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Need for a Licensing Framework for Advanced Reactors Identified

• During 2012 DOE instituted an Advanced Reactor Concepts Technical Review Panel (TRP) process to evaluate viable reactor concepts from industry and to identify R&D needs. – TRP members and reactor designers noted the

need for a regulatory framework for non-light water advanced reactors.

• Also in 2012, in response to Congressional direction, the NRC provided a report to Congress on advanced reactors. – The NRC noted the need for regulatory guidance

for non-light water reactor designs.

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Purpose of Licensing Framework Initiative is to Reduce Licensing Uncertainty • 10 CFR 50 requires the establishment of principal design criteria derived

from the General Design Criteria of Appendix A.

• Since GDCs in Appendix A are specific to light-water reactors (LWRs), this requirement is especially challenging for potential future licensing applicants pursuing advanced (non-LWR) technologies and designs.

• DOE-NE and NRC agree that consideration should be given to pursuing the following objective: Develop generic GDCs (derived from Appendix A of 10 CFR 50) and develop

technology-specific GDCs for at least one reactor type (TBD) to supplement the generic GDCs for compliance with § § 50.34.,52.47 and 52.79.

• Webinar to be held tomorrow (Sep 25) to – Describe the initiative – Explain how industry can provide input and participate

• Collaborative effort among DOE labs: INL, ORNL, and ANL

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ORNL PRA-Related Support Focusing on Developing Licensing Basis for AdvSMRs • Development of Surrogates for Core Damage Frequency and

Large Early Release Frequency for AdvSMRs • Evaluation based on accepted Defense-in-Depth Approach

– For LWRs and most advanced reactors – Physical barriers

• Fuel/fuel cladding • Primary system boundary • Containment

– Operational barriers – Emergency response

• Generate preliminary list of initiating events for HTGRs and SFRs that challenge plant control and safety systems

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OR-SAGE Site Screening Tool Applied for Evaluating Potential Sites for SMRs

Oak Ridge Siting Analysis for power Generation Expansion (OR-SAGE) Applies Geographical Info

System Tools & Models • Adapted using EPRI 2002

Siting Guide • Uses 28 GIS datasets to

scan 1.8 B acres • Grid structure – each cell is

100 x 100 m (2.5acres) => 27% of U.S. candidate area for SMRs for a 50 acre footprint

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Examples Show Wide Range of Analysis Capability SMR Hypothetical Plant Placement Using ORNL Siting Algorithm

Composite Map Shows Degree of Potential Siting Challenges

Adding Layers for Electrical Transmission Transportation Systems is Straightforward

Identifying Suitable SMR Areas Versus Projected Increases In Population - 2035

Yellow => SMR-only base map Green => Base map for all reactor types Red => Area of population growth 2010-2035 Blue => Area of population decline 2010-2035 Based on select input values

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Characterization of CRBR Site for SMR Using OR-SAGE

CRBR Aerial View Screening Criteria Applied

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ORNL Leading Analyses to Evaluate Reality of Anticipated SMR Economic Benefits

Scope • Define and model the economic characteristics of potential small reactor

deployment compared to gigawatt-class reactor deployment – Based on iPWRs to generate baseline for future advanced

reactor systems

• Evaluate effects of – Standardized factory fabrication and modular construction – Economies of volume (build more) versus economies of scale (build bigger)

Principal Elements: • Develop economics model framework for SMR effects such as

– Serial construction of multiple units – Time-dependent capacity factor to reflect generation of operational experience

• Collect input from industry (utilities, fuel cycle facilities, construction firms) to inform the model parameters – Important for multiple unit construction

• Perform economics analysis on SMR deployment scenarios

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Quantifying Factors Offsetting the Economy of Scale Penalty (Source: C. Mycoff, WEC)

Plant Capacity (MWe)

Plant Design


Multiple Units

Build Schedule & Unit Timing



e S




ht C


0 300 600 900 1200 1500


1340 4 x 335

Economy of Scale






Economy of Scale: Assumes SMR is scaled version of large plant

Multiple Units: Cost savings for multiple units at same site

Learning: Cost savings for additional units built in series

Build Schedule: Reduced interest during shorter construction time

Unit Timing: Cost savings from better fit of new capacity to demand growth

Plant Design: Cost savings from design simplifications

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SmAHTR Design Shows Promise for High-Temperature Heat Production

• Small, modular Advanced High Temperature reactor (SmAHTR) has been designed for modular, factory fabrication, and truck transport – 125 MWth – Plate assembly fuel – Cartridge core – Integral primary heat exchangers

• Technology development requirements for small and large FHRs is virtually identical

3.6 m

9 m

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ORNL’s SMR Concept –SmAHTR - is A Cartridge Core, Integral-Primary-System Fluoride High-Temperature Salt-Cooled Reactors (FHR)

Parameter Value

Power (MWt) 125

Primary Coolant 27LiF-BeF2

Primary Pressure (atm) ~1

Core Inlet Temperature (ºC) 650

Core Outlet Temperature (ºC) 700

Core coolant flow rate (kg/s) 1020

Operational Heat Removal 3 – 50% loops

Passive Decay Heat Removal 3 – 0.25% loops

Reactor Vessel Penetrations None

Overall System Parameters

ORNL is lead on R&D program for developing large 3400 MWt central station AHTR (TRISO fuel – salt cooled)

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DOE’s Oak Ridge Reservation is an Attractive Demonstration Site

• Support ORNL in helping DOE reduce GHG goals

• Dedicated secure source - power island for grid security

• Meet increasing power demands

Jo Will replace

Clinch River Site

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• Approved unanimously by NRC Commissioners

• Represents a significant change for NRC in licensing future reactors

• Provides a framework for a graded approach to review systems, structures, and components (SSCs)

– Safety-related – Nonsafety-related

• ORNL contribution – Led intra-DOE lab team in evaluating the

two leading iPWR SMR designs to categorize SSCs

– Successfully applied new approach for selected SSCs

Staff supported NRC in developing new risk-informed approach for licensing Small Modular Reactors

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Backup Slides

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Summary Design Info1 Shows Commonalities in iPWR SMR Concepts

Design Parameter/ SMR m-Power NuScale West. Holtec NGNP Alliance

Reactor Power, MWt

530 160 800 469 625

Electrical Output, MWe

180 45 225 145 --

Outlet Temperature

609 F 575 F 566 C


Light Water Light Water

Light Water Light Water


Fuel Design

Std PWR2 Std PWR2

Std PWR2

Std PWR2


particle Refueling, years

4 2 2 3+ 417 full power


Licensing Plan

Design Certification

Design Certification

Design Certification

Construction Permit

Construction Permit

2 Nominal half height 17x17 bundles 1Source: Briefing by Mike Mayfield, NRC-NRO to DOE SEAB

on SMRs, May 30, 2012

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Interest in Smaller Sized Reactor Designs Based on Positive Value Proposition and Multiple Potential Markets • Benefits

– Reduce capital outlay – Improved fabrication (quality) and construction logistics due to

modular designs – Enhanced safety (robustness) and security – Operational flexibilities (broader applications) – Can meet increased electricity demands incrementally

• Applications – Smaller utilities – Replacing/repowering older coal plants – Countries with financing or infrastructure constraints – Distributed power needs (e.g. military base islanding) – Non-electrical (process heat) customers

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ORNL Is Indirectly Involved With Potentially First SMR to Be Deployed by TVA

Source: John Kelly, DOE-NE

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Staggered Build of SMRs Reduces Maximum Cash Outlay (Source: B. Petrovic, GaTech)

LR Construction











0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

Years From Start of Construction






SMR Construction


Max Cash Outlay = $2.7B

Max Cash Outlay = $1.4B

Based on simplified model

Comparison of 1 x 1340 MWe Plant Versus 4 x 335 MWe Plant

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Size Specific Issues Suggest Re-examining Regulatory Approach

• Simplifies design by eliminating loop piping & external components

• Enhances safety—eliminates major classes of accidents – No large pipes in primary circuit means no

large break LOCAs – Increased water inventory means slower

response to transients – Internal CRDMs means no rod-ejection


• Reduced source term • Improved decay heat removal • Compact containment enhances siting

and security

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Policy Issues* That NRC Staff Have Reviewed to Provide Info to NRC Commissioners

NRC SECY Document SMR Policy or Technical Issues 11-0184 Security Regulatory Framework for Certifying, Approving, and Licensing SMRs

11-0181 Decommissioning Funding Assurance for SMRs

11-0178 Insurance and Liability Regulatory Requirements for SMRs

11-0156 Feasibility of Including Risk Information in Categorizing Structures, Systems, and Components as Safety-Related and Non Safety-Related

11-0152 Development of an Emergency Planning and Preparedness Framework for SMRs

11-0112 Staff Assessment of Selected SMR Issues Identified In SECY-10-0034

11-0098 Operator Staffing for Small or Multi-Module Nuclear Power Plant Facilities

11-0079 License Structure for Multi-Module Facilities Related to SMRs

11-0024 Use of Risk Insights to Enhance the Safety Focus of SMRs

10-0034 Potential Policy, Licensing, and Key Technical Issues for SMR Designs

* Source: http://www.nrc.gov/reactors/advanced/policy-issues.html

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Deployment of SMRs With Multiple Modules Presents Unique Issues to be Evaluated

• Identification of shared systems • How to employ PRA • Implementation of control

system architectures • Reactor operator requirements • Control room design/layout • Licensing of construction and

operation of subsequent modules with operating modules

• ITAAC • Define Design Basis Threat with

several small reactors operating at one site

Multiple deployment options for modules

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Economic Benefits for SMRs Focus on Affordability • Total project cost

– Smaller plants should be cheaper – Improves financing options and lowers financing cost – May be the driving consideration in some circumstances

• Cost of electricity – Economy-of-scale (EOS) works against smaller plants but can be

mitigated by other economic factors • Accelerated learning, shared infrastructure, design simplification, factory


• Investment risk – Maximum cash outlay is lower and more predictable – Maximum cash outlay can be lower even for the same generating


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FHRs Are Important to the Nation as a Potential Future Primary Electricity and Gasoline Energy Source

• Large FHRs have transformational potential to provide lower cost, high efficiency, large scale electrical power

– May be cheaper than LWRs due to higher thermal efficiency, low-pressure, and passive safety

• Small, modular FHRs can be cost effective, local process heat sources – High temperature, liquid cooling enables efficient hydrogen production – Domestic oil shale based gasoline production requires large-scale, distributed

process heat

• FHRs have a high degree of inherent passive safety – No requirement for offsite power or cooling water – Low-pressure primary and intermediate loops

• Plant concept and technologies must be matured significantly before the potential for FHRs can be realized

– Lithium enrichment must be reindustrialized – Tritium extraction technology must be developed and demonstrated – Structural ceramics must become safety grade engineering material – Safety and licensing approach must be developed and demonstrated – Structured coated particle fuel must be qualified

April 2012 CAS Visit 36