Overview of Software Engineering Principles

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  • 8/11/2019 Overview of Software Engineering Principles


    Overview of SoftwareEngineering Principles

    CSCI 589:Software Engineering for Embedded Systems

    August 25, 2003

  • 8/11/2019 Overview of Software Engineering Principles


    EngineeringEngineering is

    The application of scientific principles and methods

    To the construction of useful structures & machinesExamplesMechanical engineeringCivil engineering

    Chemical engineeringElectrical engineeringNuclear engineering

    Aeronautical engineering

  • 8/11/2019 Overview of Software Engineering Principles


    Software EngineeringThe term is 35 years old: NATO Conferences

    Garmisch, Germany, October 7-11, 1968

    Rome, Italy, October 27-31, 1969The reality is finally beginning to arriveComputer science as the scientific basis

    Other scientific bases?

    Many aspects have been made systematicMethods/methodologies/techniquesLanguagesToolsProcesses

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    Software Engineering in a

    NutshellDevelopment of software systems whosesize/complexity warrants team(s) of engineers

    multi-person construction of multi-version software[Parnas 1987]

    Scopestudy of software process, development principles,techniques, and notations

    Goalproduction of quality software, delivered on time, withinbudget, satisfying customers requirements and users needs

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    Ever-Present DifficultiesFew guiding scientific principlesFew universally applicable methods

    As muchmanagerial / psychological / sociologicalas technological

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    Why These Difficulties?SE is a unique brand of engineering

    Software is malleable

    Software construction is human-intensiveSoftware is intangibleSoftware problems are unprecedentedly complexSoftware directly depends upon the hardware

    It is at the top of the system engineering food chain

    Software solutions require unusual rigorSoftware has discontinuous operational nature

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    Software Engineering

    Software ProgrammingSoftware programming

    Single developer

    Toy applications Short lifespanSingle or few stakeholders

    Architect = Developer = Manager = Tester = Customer = User

    One-of-a-kind systemsBuilt from scratchMinimal maintenance

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    Software Engineering

    Software ProgrammingSoftware engineering

    Teams of developers with multiple roles

    Complex systemsIndefinite lifespanNumerous stakeholders

    Architect Developer Manager Tester Customer User

    System familiesReuse to amortize costsMaintenance accounts for over 60% of overalldevelopment costs

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    Economic and Management

    Aspects of SESoftware production =

    development + maintenance ( evolution )

    Maintenance costs > 60% of all developmentcosts 20% corrective30% adaptive

    50% perfectiveQuicker development is not always preferablehigher up-front costs may defray downstream costspoorly designed/implemented software is a critical

    cost factor

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    Relative Costs of Fixing

    Software Faults

    Requirements Specification Planning Design Implementation Integration Maintenance1 2

    3 410



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    Mythical Man-Month

    by Fred BrooksPublished in 1975, republished in 1995

    Experience managing development of OS/360 in 1964-65Central argument

    Large projects suffer management problems different inkind than small ones, due to division in laborCritical need is the preservation of the conceptualintegrity of the product itself

    Central conclusionsConceptual integrity achieved through chief architectImplementation achieved through well-managed effort

    Brookss Law Adding personnel to a late project makes it later

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    Software Development Lifecycle

    Waterfall ModelRequirements






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    Evaluate alternatives,identify, resolve risks,develop prototypes

    Develop, verifynext-level productPlan next phases

    Determine objectivesalternatives, constraints

    Software Development Lifecycle

    Spiral Model

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    RequirementsProblem Definition Requirements Specification

    determine exactly what the customer and user want

    develop a contract with the customerspecifies what the software product is to do

    Difficultiesclient asks for wrong productclient is computer/software illiteratespecifications are ambiguous, inconsistent, incomplete

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    Architecture/DesignRequirements Specification Architecture/Design

    architecture: decompose software into modules withinterfacesdesign: develop module specifications (algorithms, datatypes)maintain a record of design decisions and traceabilityspecifies how the software product is to do its tasks

    Difficultiesmiscommunication between module designersdesign may be inconsistent, incomplete, ambiguous

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    Architecture vs. Design

    [Perry & Wolf 1992] Architecture is concerned with the selection ofarchitectural elements, their interactions, andthe constraints on those elements and theirinteractions necessary to provide a frameworkin which to satisfy the requirements and serveas a basis for the design.Design is concerned with the modularizationand detailed interfaces of the design elements,their algorithms and procedures, and the datatypes needed to support the architecture andto satisfy the requirements.

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  • 8/11/2019 Overview of Software Engineering Principles



    DevelopmentDevelop generally applicable components of areasonable size and reuse them acrosssystemsMake sure they are adaptable to varyingcontextsExtend the idea beyond code to other

    development artifactsQuestion: what comes first?Integration, then deploymentDeployment, then integration

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    Different Flavors of

    ComponentsThird- party software pieces Plug-ins / add-ins

    AppletsFrameworksOpen Systems

    Distributed object infrastructuresCompound documentsLegacy systems

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    Verification and Validation Analysis


    Science Formal verificationInformal reviews and walkthroughs


    Dynamic Engineering White box vs. black boxStructural vs. behavioral

    Issues of test adequacy

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    Deployment & EvolutionOperation Change

    maintain software during/after user operation

    determine whether the product still functionscorrectly

    Difficultiesrigid design

    lack of documentationpersonnel turnover

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    Configuration Management

    (CM) [Tichy 1988]CM is a discipline whose goal is tocontrol changes to large software

    through the functions ofComponent identificationChange tracking

    Version selection and baseliningSoftware manufactureManaging simultaneous updates (teamwork)

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    CM in Action













  • 8/11/2019 Overview of Software Engineering Principles


    Software Engineering

    PrinciplesRigor and formalitySeparation of concerns

    Modularity and decomposition Abstraction Anticipation of changeGeneralityIncrementalityScalabilityCompositionality


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    From Principles to Tools





  • 8/11/2019 Overview of Software Engineering Principles


    Software QualitiesQualities (a.k.a. ilities) are goals in thepractice of software engineeringExternal vs. Internal qualitiesProduct vs. Process qualities

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    External vs. Internal QualitiesExternal qualities are visible to the user

    reliability, efficiency, usability

    Internal qualities are the concern ofdevelopers

    they help developers achieve externalqualitiesverifiability, maintainability, extensibility,evolvability, adaptability

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    Product vs. Process QualitiesProduct qualities concern the developedartifacts

    maintainability, understandability,performance

    Process qualities deal with thedevelopment activity

    products are developed through processmaintainability, productivity, timeliness

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    Some Software QualitiesCorrectness

    ideal quality

    established w.r.t. the requirements specificationabsolute

    Reliabilitystatistical propertyprobability that software will operate as expectedover a given period of timerelative

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    Some Software Qualities


    reasonable behavior in unforeseencircumstancessubjectivea specified requirement is an issue of correctness;an unspecified requirement is an issue ofrobustness

    Usabilityability of end-users to easily use softwareextremely subjective

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    Some Software Qualities


    ability of developers to easily understand

    produced artifactsinternal product qualitysubjective

    Verifiabilityease of establishing desired propertiesperformed by formal analysis or testinginternal quality

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    Some Software Qualities


    equated with efficiency

    assessable by measurement, analysis, andsimulation

    Evolvabilityability to add or modify functionalityaddresses adaptive and perfective maintenanceproblem: evolution of implementation is too easyevolution should start at requirements or design

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    Some Software Qualities


    ability to construct new software from existingpiecesmust be planned foroccurs at all levels: from people to process, fromrequirements to code

    Interoperabilityability of software (sub)systems to cooperate withotherseasily integratable into larger systemscommon techniques include APIs, plug-inprotocols, etc.

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    Some Software Qualities


    ability of a software system to grow in size

    while maintaining its properties andqualitiesassumes maintainability and evolvability

    goal of component-based development

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    Some Software Qualities


    ability to compose a system from pieces developed inmultiple programming languages, on multiple platforms, by

    multiple developers, etc.necessitated by reusegoal of component-based development

    Portabilityability to execute in new environments with minimal effortmay be planned for by isolating environment-dependentcomponentsnecessitated by the emergence of highly-distributed systems(e.g., the Internet)an aspect of heterogeneity

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    Software Process QualitiesProcess is reliable if it consistently leads to high-quality productsProcess is robust if it can accommodateunanticipated changes in tools and environmentsProcess performance is productivityProcess is evolvable if it can accommodate new

    management and organizational techniquesProcess is reusable if it can be applied acrossprojects and organizations

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    Assessing Software QualitiesQualities must be measurableMeasurement requires that qualities beprecisely definedImprovement requires accuratemeasurementCurrently most qualities are informallydefined and are difficult to assess

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    Software Engineering

    Axioms Adding developers to a project will likely result infurther delays and accumulated costsBasic tension of software engineering

    better, cheaper, faster pick any two!functionality, scalability, performance pick any two!

    The longer a fault exists in softwarethe more costly it is to detect and correct

    the less likely it is to be properly correctedUp to 70% of all faults detected in large-scale softwareprojects are introduced in requirements and design

    detecting the causes of those faults early may reduce theirresulting costs by a factor of 100 or more