7/26/2006 HACU Capacity Building Wo rkshop - Dr. Carlos Caban 1 Overview of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Carlos E. Caban, Ph.D., M.P.H. Office of Extramural Research, NIH [email protected] 301 435-2690

Overview of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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Overview of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Carlos E. Caban, Ph.D., M.P.H. Office of Extramural Research, NIH [email protected] 301 435-2690. Highlights. The NIH Mission & Budget How NIH is organized and functions 20 Ways to participate in NIH activities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Overview of the  National Institutes of Health (NIH)

7/26/2006 HACU Capacity Building Workshop - Dr. Carlos Caban


Overview of the National Institutes of Health


Carlos E. Caban, Ph.D., M.P.H.Office of Extramural Research,

[email protected] 435-2690

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1. The NIH Mission & Budget2. How NIH is organized and

functions3. 20 Ways to participate in NIH

activities4. How to find out about NIH funding

Initiatives and communicate with NIH

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1. NIH Mission The NIH mission is to uncover new

knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone -- to help prevent, detect, diagnose, and

treat disease and disability, from the rarest genetic disorder to the common cold.

NIH is committed to the highest ethical and scientific standards for HS research

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NIH Budget NIH Budget $28.59 Billion (FY2005)FY 2004: $22.9 Billion in Extramural Awards to the

research community(80% of NIH $) ~$ 2.3 Billion for Intramural Research at

NIH 10,052 Competing Grant Awards (all

types) 54,121 awards total (all types) 24.6% Overall NIH Success Rate ~30% Involve Human Subjects

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Research Project Grants

R&D Contracts

Intramural Research

All OtherRes. Mgmt. & Support

Other Research

Research Training

Research Centers

FY 2005 Budget $28.59 Billion

Research Project Grants 53%

$15.3 billion

Training 3% $761 million

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2. NIH Organization

27 Institutes and Centers (ICs) 24 ICs Provide Separate Funding for

Research Projects and Activities Office of Director

Office of Extramural Research(OER) Office of Intramural Research (OIR) OD Offices for Trans-NIH Initiatives ORWH; OBSSR: ODP; OAR;OC;

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Office of the Director *

National Instituteon Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism

National Instituteof Arthritis andMusculoskeletal

and Skin Diseases

National CancerInstitute

National Instituteof Diabetes andDigestive and

Kidney Diseases

National Instituteof Dental andCraniofacial


National Instituteon Drug Abuse

National Instituteof Environmental Health Sciences

National Instituteon Aging

National Instituteof Child Health

and HumanDevelopment

National Institute onDeafness and Other


National EyeInstitute

National HumanGenome Research


National Heart,Lung, and Blood


National Instituteof Mental Health

National Instituteof NeurologicalDisorders and


National Instituteof General

Medical Sciences

National Instituteof Nursing Research

National Libraryof Medicine

Center for InformationTechnology

Center for Scientific Review

National Centerfor Complementary

and AlternativeMedicine

National Instituteof Allergy and

Infectious Diseases



National Centerfor ResearchResources

Clinical Center

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities

No funding authority

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Institute Organizational Chart Model

NationalAdvisory Council

Board ofScientific Counselors

G rantsand

CooperativeAgreem ents

Contracts Peer Review

Extramural Programs(S c ien tif ic A re as F un d eda t U n ive rs it ies , R ese a rch

In s titu te s , e tc.



Intram ural Programs(In ves tiga to rsa t N IH L a b s)

O ffice of Director

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NIH Has Separation of Peer Review from Program


Center for Scientific Review (CSR) is independent of the Institutes/Centers receives applications reviews majority of Grants

Each Institute/Center has a separate Review Office

Program management is in each I/C

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Advisory Committees & Dual Review System First Level of

Review Scientific Review

Group (SRG, SS,SEP)

Located at CSR or IC Provides Initial

Scientific Review Makes

Recommendations for Level of Support & Time

Second Level of Review

Council/Board Assesses Quality

of SRG Review Recommends on

Funding Evaluates Program

Priorities & Relevance

Advises on Policy

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Extramural Program Organization in some ICs Research

Programs Division

Branch Research

Program Program

Director for Scientific Area

Extramural Affairs or Activities Division

Peer Review Branch Scientific Review

Administrator Grants

Management Br. Contract Mgmt.

Branch Committee Mgmt


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Applicant Institution

Authorized Institutional Official

Principal Investigator

Sponsored Research


The Research Partnership


Review Administrator


Grants Managemen

t Administrat


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NIH ExtramuralProgram Scientist



NIH Grants Management




PrincipalInvestigator &



ExtramuralScientists &Committees

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3:20 Ways to Participate in NIH Programs

Do an Internship or Summer Research Training

Do Research Training/ Career Programs (grant)

Participate in NIH Workshops by ICs

Get a Research Supplement to Promote Diversity

Be a Consultant on a Grant

Be Key Staff on Grants Be Co-Investigator +/-

clinical research site Be Program Director on

a Program Project Grant - PO1

Respond to RFA/RFP Be a Principal

Investigator on a Grant

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20 Ways to Participate in NIH Programs(continued)

Go to NIH Conferences, regional meetings

Participate in ORWH, ORMH, etc.,events

Go to NIH Presentations at Professional Mtgs

Be on Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

Be a Peer Reviewer (Regular or temporary)

Be on a Peer Review Committee

Be an Advisory Council Member

Be a Consultant to NIH

Do an IPA tour at NIH- (Intergovernmental Personnel Act)

Work at NIH (Employment )

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4. How to find out about NIH Funding Initiatives and

Communicate with NIH

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Communicate With NIH!

Find NIH staff at the NIH Directory & E-MAIL

http://directory.nih.gov/ http://ned.nih.gov/ Generic: [email protected] Phone and fax

Look at WWW Information


Talk to NIH Staff Listed on Notices,

RFA/PA, etc.

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Access Information About NIH on the Internet www.nih.gov

The NIH Extramural Programs are large, complex, and multifaceted.

There is so much information, it is often hard to find what you need

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GRANTS - Office of Extramural Research(OER) Website:


Funding Opportunities Funding Opportunities (RFAs, PAs) NIH GUIDE for Grants and Contracts NIH Research Training Opportunities Small Business Funding

Opportunities (SBIR/STTR) Types of Grant Programs NIH Roadmap Initiatives

Applications and Forms NIH Forms and Applications Submitting Your Grant Application Resources for Grant Applicants

Awarded Grants Award Data Search Awarded Grants (CRISP)

Grants Policy and Guidelines Grants Policy & Guidance Laboratory Animal Welfare OER Human Subjects Web

site Peer Review

Reviewers Instructions Electronic Research

Administration (eRA) Electronic Submission of

Grant Applications eRA Home Page NIH eRA Commons

About OER Introduction to Extramural

Research NIH Extramural Nexus Outreach Activities Help and Other Resources

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How To Find NIH Research Areas

Investigator has idea for biomedical or behavioral research - submits application

Institute/Center Homepage- Look for Research Opportunities

Grants –OER Home Page: Grants Information, Policies and Opportunities

NIH GUIDE Announcements Subscribe to get weekly table of contents


CRISP – Searchable database of all research funded by NIH – by topic, institution, PI, etc. https://www-commons.cit.nih.gov/crisp/

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NIH GUIDE on WWWhttp://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/index.html

NOTICES Policies, Workshops, & Other Information RFPs - Requests for contract proposals

REQUESTS FOR APPLICATIONS(RFA) Highest Priority Research Topic - $ Attached Special Receipt Date - Special Review Cmt

PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT (PA) High Priority Research Area - No $ Attached Regular Receipt Dates - CSR Review Cmts

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From: Grove, Susan (NIH/OD) [E] Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 3:08 PMTo: List NIHTOC-LSubject: NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices for July 14, 2006 (The NIH Guide TOC)

Weekly NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts

July 14, 2006Table of Contents (TOC)

Web Version

Notices NIH/AHRQ Reminder to Use Updated SF424 (R&R) and Agency-Specific Electronic Forms in Reposted

FOAs(NOT-OD-06-085)National Institutes of Healthhttp://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-06-085.html

Requests for Applications Mechanisms of Immune Modulation (R01)

(RFA-AT-06-004)National Center for Complementary and Alternative MedicineNational Cancer InstituteApplication Receipt Date(s): December 12, 2006 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AT-06-004.html

Program Announcements Behavioral & Integrative Treatment Development Program(R01)

(PA-06-486)National Institute on Drug AbuseNational Center for Complementary and Alternative MedicineNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismApplication Receipt/Submission Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-06-486.html

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Highlights RECAP

1. The NIH Mission2. How NIH is organized and

functions3. 20 Ways to participate in NIH

activities4. How to find out about NIH funding

Initiatives and communicate with NIH

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TOP TEN TIPS ABOUT NIH10. NIH homepage www.nih.gov & NIH

Institute Homepages http://www.nih.gov/icd/

9. Register Your Institution and PIs on the NIH Commons https://commons.era.nih.gov/commons/

8. PUBMED - NLM- your computer science library www.nlm.nih.gov/hinfo.html

7. CRISP - Research funded by NIH -Search many ways

http://www-commons.cit.nih.gov/crisp/6. Grant Writing Tips Sheets


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5. Research Supplements to Promote Diversity.... http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-05-

015.html4. Electronic Submission of Grant Applications

http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/3. NIH Research Training Site

http://grants.nih.gov/training/extramural.htm2. Subscribe to NIH GUIDE – Weekly - For new research opportunities

http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/index.html1. TALK TO NIH STAFF!! Find them at
