~PCESON AT COURT, ha ben i Government wo . r who they n , tattktirbar: s tawy'rs all ia di rcnaafanil, part with oar fathA,}* af yoar goad. s4 Ik* rops . uueeu i. or eaat. I * W BAT catatptre " 1 attire; i of the Pain, sull hold tat abas a» lac. act repine: "fight, " s sice. i vau i | beBrve, t t h . f j H : FiHiasts of Ears , ison-ril for.-iJ : i r •at; • p-sssiblv brin*- npbatka ce be tried. i^aVfijoaure. iiiLrt ^Q Gere. >EA-SIDB advertisement from t i e t Hi wife, aeaztr allied rat a— gr two LADIES vtafcina; ton a. ne» boars frsa cava . real u i u ay letter u , r edvantisanm *far to aay i of purity air aad samxtma c ae too caaiioea. TSAS sounds well : tad jet, fa I that there is nothing sor- aad hi- wife ire no near ; lodgers. They sire jaly " sail, were wa * two cc Jeeree of retaxioaabip he- ir and toe Home 0/ Lords. Liars' views ellowiir that, L to take payaaaat for board exact heraldry. H reever, u-enen: fall sooe know hoar 1 of the •fa'ifiiiiiiii'af lOTGHTS. raeaJ^a : oCed n i l it are I l i e ' the rarnspii A»r thai toiled eating. ay come to r o a r aasasraace 1 what •Mia he will take r ladies would like to beeio ':• the one which 1 . from harry, or firgsxial- - J » txdteaaeat. nuke hit 1 a aranoa firget hen ? a^ree, h M tie fatal gift of '. ba: tiie djmiaioas of ^ 1 ; N'apole-*i< baby has r-ceived" -f aim. bestowed by the Kic_j pciT farther Uvtictv no more Se allowed fiat babr to rrow * decoration. reAEi. 'adjing frm the t,-ree with / V n U ia the : shriinea,'' -arbed as it can ba*. *xtt»"» WD .— - Did '~>n er»r : -.riTels. Const r 9 'to: ti.-s t ~eiier - ^zrioafitlM err rear a Ur,re number it IT.nghsh only caa trav-1. £y>u call Tae Sjcaa: £«.; «a- "[ TOU I have CHen'fj.-tuaaie fcttin.j temBaX aaa.' *' rtin fareanuw Tapper ba i 1 poem, called Tv Opiam ma to iu purpose that, ere arear ?t;r in tae elata taark-t ificial fr>m America, oa the o be tneaiarM f^r a a;w . J to observe, br wiv of ; )t men."' The rslr-t trade stock, at least, bar in, beea was <;»noeie, in compli- I farther to mart a lirelr I wj attribute the drcam*- I.****** been ordered at the I dtizma wh, tnav v,uchsafe -leather polished befcre it ' St. Jaateas Palate: and I 1 dozen of toweU and J ordered br Mr. Dailaa t.>r 5 m a r •*! eWafaal to waea ot the Briisaers to kass last wwk 0M Drama has n- Its tn iralitr has I rta- state that ev-rr aaMfaaj weeks, a clean e ease of cotuaaiptioa—not It ia also ->or pleasant : aaa fcr a tine ceased, --s. - - • a ; - , .re Ttsera at -je B..ral Icahan The awaas, harin,' seen ri*.yfoatares. was prjperir ^enria* tae eril fpreadin*' r ieaqaanr haalthr. At e Tictiai to measles, nor I inJ»;a^a. is on the j l a r , the Elraavr is concerned, pa weicoTjj jlutige for taa | • isily conaaae aatH ) eiicraach septan oa -A faiitionable otaanaoa 'eiaouie tiolatk) •Os.' ran wahansr at a). aVar millioer. wno at? wsat \ woidt HeA | uzt oij I apr-aKtioa of La Taunt t-e Ec^ish 'aads actaallT ' • ' ' u moral'- > if eatrr „j!_7 looat, waea -<i-.<trj -ireto know that pt,on,filr. Eeart's Fra* . wss—a (w-«p. -Xa. the tcho.,1 naster >d down by a chimaev. 1 With a reftzaaaee! w-PaOi?^ rejv.: the •a the dxrtaen: that I turtaae. 1 Jaeqa*<. ww u where Tker throw Do raey, 13 w>rs« aire aar.rr t., otu 0 , . k ? own ^7 beiar 17—acu your aead ap— at aVity datoer to ! * , m j n • » « Had a V . • * » , tuair coaduaiua oae. - ' - ... jiuo ; —that oae My :hat the other half were •''iie; their wiraa. We toea who do act ._• * Tr: "7 at .. aaaaaaaj Jrtr i< tsx. frtataa- .ovv/xmtn nm nvocr MUM. BARNARD-CASTLE, MDDLETON, STAfKDROP, AND GAIXFORD ADVERTISER. 5 * No. 56.] BARNAWX-CAsSTLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY2Saa), 1856. [PMCI On PESKY. %• ^ftWiaeTruntti /or this paper rt- p to a hate komr every Tuetday A CARD. K B. T O T T S, HSO 3TJUXT, BAiVSAltD CASTLE. M PROCTia S 4a. SLACK TEA AIXTAIS8 its harh character, aad is in in- dearaaai MASUKI PLACE, IiUA>B BOOTS ASD SHOES. A LARGE A WELL ASSORTED STOCK o f B O O T S A SHOES, of every deacrip- tacaa, smtable for the Season, at OEO. MOOSE'S, BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. Orders punctually attended to. A CARD. MR. HARRISON" PROCTER, rrrBaraaai >»«», BARNARD-CASTLE. THY E. TIUTJRKS 4s. TEA, l\'Hk'H haa given so great satas£actaon in the T v countrv. ! CaMU. W. K U D D , Ifrr.T.wa sTf PROTTSIQW DtUUTa, BARNARD CASTLE, H AS on hand aquaotitvof I1TDIA5 MEAL, for Hone, Cattle, and Pig feed, at Is. id. per atone in quantities. Views of Barnard Castle. Baby Castle, and High Force. Letter Paper Soto do. ... Cards 2d. par Sheet. Id. - 3d. each. Baxaaxs CasTLi: J. A B . W . Arrrvsow. EDWARD T H O B V T O V E A T , IXiii aai rerroce, Bonuri Cattle. A CCOEDEON3, Flutmas, Conoertinaa (Eng- Lsh, French, A German), Harrooniuma, Act, Pano Fortes, Chnrch, i Chamber Organs, Repaired SCYTHES AND SICKLES. T. A. JACKSOI, i^eeaA-r, Irvmoaeer, Jrr., Barnard Cattle, {Oppeeite tie £mf'l Seed I»m), C AS o*-r to the Public, at smail profits, a large assortment of Liniev's first eases war- ranted SCYTHES A SICKLES. HARRISON'S HOTEL, B&DCAB. HEJfEY HARRISOS B EOS to intimate that his Establishment is fitted o p with every requisite for the comfort and ooerreaaienee of visitors. Refreshmerits supplied to Pleasure Parties and Eax-ursknists, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terras. A choice Stock of Wines, Spirits, Ale, Porter, 4c. Baraardcaatle, Bokeby, 4 Brigoal Baaka. AXNTAL MKET1XO of the BAR- XARD CASTLE MECHANICS' INSTI- TUTION will be held on FBIDAT, the 23th inst, by the kind permiseion of W . J . S. Morritt, Esq., on the beautiful rains of Eauarros ABBEY. The Grounds of Rokeby will be accesaihae. Excursion Trams will ran to Barnard Castle. Fee particulars see large BiUa. Barnard Castle Hagdalen Fairs. -fVrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES, that the ^\ Maayaalaa Fair on the 1st day of August next, will be adjourned to Wednesday, the 24th of September next, when there will be a Cattle, Horse, and general Fair as usual Wat. WATSOX, Steward A Clerk of the Fain A Markets of Barnard Castle. THOHAS CAREELL, DRUGGIST, GROCER, A S P I R I T RETAILER, Bank, Barnard Cattle, B EGS most respectfully to call the attention of his friends, and the public generally, to his choice stock of Dares, GROCSBIIS, A Spntrrs, of the best qualities, which he is offering at very T. C. has just received a large stock of PAINTS, COLOURS, ASD VARNISHES, of the best quality, ready for use, at moderate rates. MARGARET RAISE, (Widow of the late M a . J . S. aim) PAINTER, GILDER, PAPER HANGER, Ac., Market PUee, Barnard Cattle, M OST respectfully announces her intention of conducting the business so successfully established by her fate hnahand By employing competent and trustworthy work- men, and executing all orders with despatch, and on reasonable terms, she hones to merit a continu- ance of the patronage hitherto so liberally accorded. JwneZUk, 1856. GA1SF0BD, SEAR DARLINGTON. To Railway Contractors, Colliery Owners, and others. Importamt Sal* afmemrndt a/30 fommrfnl Draaekt Emm mmi Berne*. Ma Wnxxaat THwaiTaa, ArcTTOirrwa, Bxocaa, Begs to announce that he is honoured with instruc- tions from the Proprietor, Joan Anderson, Esq., . TO SELL BT AUCTIOS, On the Gaxxx at Gaurosu), on THrasTXAI, J EXT Slat, ISM, T HE Whole of his valuable and well selected STOCK of DRAUGHT HOBSES and PONTES, which have been employed by h i m fa the Construct ion of the Darlington and Barnard Castle Railway, and will now be Sold in ronseqoence of the Completion of his Contract. " - The Sale to commence precisely at 12 o'clock. The A r c n o s x r a begs to observe that the above offers to the Public an opport unit v of rare occur- •eaee, as the whole are superior asaawaafa, and fa excellent condition, eonaeajuwntly he feela assured that these who honour bias with their attendance at the esse, cannot (ail to pronounce the whole such aa here seldom been ottered for public Competition in the Scrth of England. Hif> Street, Bedcar, July 16th, 1,56. KISS LAKELAND B EGS to announce that the duties of ber School will be resumed on Tuesday, the 29th inst. Galea** Street. Gainford Academy, near Darlington. rpTHE next SESSIOS will begin oa TrxRDaT, X JrxT 29th, 1S56, when a punctual atten- dance is particularly desired. Trains leave DaxUngton for Gainford at 7'30 ajn, 12 10, and t -to p.m. si GATJTFORD ACADEMY, EEAB DAR- LINGTON. ^Triiaiimaa iMgi) - COSDUCTED B Y M R . BOWMAS. Assisted by seven Masters. For Terms, Ac., apply to the PrincipaL EDUCATION. " Edocmtion is too often confounded with iTastructioaa,'' HOC3EHOIJ> "VYGHDS. 11DDERID(.£ SCHOOL. HEIGHTSGTOS, B T D A B L 1 S O T 0 S . C OSDUCTED by the fate Bead Assistant at Earby Academy. Prospectuses on application to the PrincipaL Classical, Mathematical, ami Conimercial Education. QUEEN STREET ACADEMY, COSDUCTED BY M R . H . OASXEY. Tmaats:— Beading, Writing, Orthography, A Arithmetic, 7s 6d. pr qr. English Grammar, Composition, Ge- ography, and History, 10s fxL • Geometry, Mensuration, Algebra, Marhanica, Book-keepmg. Draw- ing, Mapping, Latfa, Ac., las Od. • - Collective femant on Scripture, Sornoe, Natu- ral Philosophy, Ac., with a view to de-relope the thinking powers of the children are statedly given. The French and Greek languages (extras) taught by the Ber. W. Daawxar. Hondertliwaite Common Inclosure. I THOMAS BRADLEY, of Richmond, in the County of York, the Valuer acting in the matter of the Inclosure of HuTiderthwaite Com- mon, situate in the Parish of Romaldkirk, in the County of York, hereby give notice, that I shall hold a Meeting on thelSth day of August next, at the Boss and Crown Inn, Romaldkirk, fa the said County of York, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving Claims in writing from all persons claiming any Common or other right or interest in the said Common, and such claims most state the several particulars ia respect whereof they are made, distinguishing the claims in respect of Freehold, Copyhold, Custom- ary, and Leasehold Property from each other, and mentioning therein :he places of abode of the res- pective Claimants or their Agents, at which notices in respect of such claims may be delivered. And I hereby further give Notice that this is the last Meeting which will be holden fa the matter of the said proposed Inclosure for the receipt of claims. Grren under my hand this 21st day of July, in the year of our Lord, 1SS6. THOMAS BRADLEY. DAVID M 'NAUGHT, Wmoleeale if Retail Dealer ia Bixxusaax A3~D SHEFFIELD GOODS, Cnrsa, GLASS, P O T S , A C , GALGATE, BABSABD CASTLE. S rSCERELY thanks his friends and the pub- lic generally, for the support he has received during the short time he has been in business, and he hopes, by keeping first-rate goods, at low prices, to merit a continuance of their patronage. As the whole of the articles he has in Stock are too numerous to particuiame, he begs to submit a few, with their prices, via.,— Sets of China, from 7s. per set. Gold A White do., with small plates to match 15s. per art. A great many other patterns in China equally cheap. Any article belonging sets of China broken, or any other goods, matched. A large assortment of Brown Ware, 70 dozen of Jelly Jars, different sizes, halt-price. S.B. Removed to the Shop, near Galgate Cor- ner, lately occupied by Mrs. Kellett. SHOULDER OF MTTTOS INS, BARNARD CASTLE. T H 0 M A S O LIVER, Cab Proprietor, R ESPECTFULLY announces that he has entered upon the shore excellent and com- modious Inn, lately occupied by M r Sevison, and hopes by strict attention to the requirements of his guests, to meet with a share of public patronage and support. A choice stock of Ales, Spirits, A c , constantly on hand. An Omnibus dispatched to the Railway Station to meet every Train. Cabs, Phaetons, Gigs, A c , art on Hire. Public and private parties waited upon with Conveyances on reasonable terms. M U S I C . MB. W. BAPEB, Organist of St. Mary's Church, Barnard Castle, /"'ONTISUES to give lessons on the Organ and \j Piano Forte, and in Singing. He also keeps on hand a select stock of new and standard Music, which he sells at low prices. He has recently re- ceived a well-selected stock of PlaJO Foavras, of superior quality ; Cottage, Semi-cottage, and Pic- colos, 6i Octaves, fa Rosewood, Walnut, A c , by axing low prices for which, he hopes to secure a share of public patronage. S.B. Old Piano Fortes taken in exchange. PIANOFORTES TUNED, Ac Street, October SO, 1835. GENERAL CABINET, UPHOLSTERY, A FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. GEORGE MONKHOTJSE, HOBSI MARKET, BARNARD-CASTLE, H AS always on hand, at his Show Rooms, a large selection of well-seasoned and well made F C R X I T C R E , In rosewood, rnahogany^ ^ H ? 1 *' A j M r k »» b « rc!l > A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP LOOKING GLASSES. Segravingt Framed m QoU Memiaeae, BinTt-eye Maple, Be—nod, Ire. LICENSED APPRAISER. JUST PUBLISHED, "TheFanTPoika," t/«, by T. Brandon; » The Pride of the North Walts, 1/0, by the same composer—May be had of Mr Brandon tad at the Tf title Afercary Odke. THE BEST WAY TO PROCURE GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING IS TO BUY If READY-IVIADE, BEISG BT 1\AR THB B>ADI»ST ASD CHEAPEST. GEORGE STJiPHEXSOV H A S O P E N E D T H E S H O P at the Comer of Newgate, near the Market Croat, B A B S A B D CASTLE, where he will keep on hand, aStarge Stock of Beady-made Clothes of every des- cription, suitable for all dasaea of Society, well aaade, of the newest style of Fashion, and cheaper than can possibly be obtained in any other Way. COATS OF VARIOUS PJUCB8, of eUfferent Sizes and Colors. VESTS, in all the prevailing styka. TROUSERS, Black Dnsaaias, Fancy.Colours of Yorkshire, Wast of England, Scotch laswatoanwaawrtireQL The Best Gents S I L K H A T S , Patent Pads, All Kinds of Cloth Carps, Cosam White Silk Handkeawhtrfc ,T_ vfllBRPROOF COAat, CAPES, OYER ALLS. Every Description of Gents and Working Mai 's Garments, made to Order at short notice. %• SERVANTS' LIYERTES TO ORDER. POPULAR AND VALUABLE BOOKS, 03 SALE AT J. k S. W. ATKI \S0 \'S. BOOKSELLERS. Ac, MARKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE. a> price 12a-, also every other Colour and Shape. Shirts A Fronts Collars, Gloves, Stockings, British Rural Sports, I thick volume pro- \ fusely illustrated / Teesdale Glossary . . . . Lewis Arundel - J a Great Battles of the British Army, illus-) trated . . - - - / Great Sieges of History, do. . Forest Lite, do. - . - . « Marrrat's Children of the Sew Forest, do. Esperanto, or Home of the Wanderer, do. The following, 9a 6d each, are illustrated with beautiful lithographs and wood cuts : Lift and Times of Sir Walter Rale ig a Duncan's History of Russia Ida Peiflers Visit to Iceland The Israel of the Alps Walton A Cottons complete Angler The Book of Enguah Song The Life of Edmund Burke The following popular works by Hi worth, are illustrated with numerous engravings on Steel and Wood: Tower of London - Crichton Old Saint Paul's - Jack Sheppard Lancashire Witches Windsor Castle - Miser's Daughter .Ballads . Aina- 't Elements of Anatomy, pub. at 10/6 Black's Treatise on Brewing", (new) pub. > | wUO/w . . . . . I The Beauties of Flowers, (new) pah. at 5/ Cooking and Confectionary Domestic Cookery (the cheapest and best \ extant . . . . f Culpepper's Herbal improved - New Family Herbal with 13S coloured plates Beady Reck oner (the most compendious \ published) - . J Johnson's Pocket Dictionary Walker's dictionary, svo . . . Do. Do. with Key - Oriental Fairy Tales - * Wolff's Fairy Tales and Stories . . . The Birthday Gift - - 4 Scott's Roke'bv (author'• edition > 1 Christopher Tadpole, by Albert Smith, cloth 3 The Sight Side of Sature !- - - 8 World and its Workshops . . . 2 Also a great variety of BOOKS of SOSGS sad RECITATIONS, at 6d and la. A large selection of REWARD BOOKS, from 6d to Ss. A Tast assortment of the POPULAR READING of the oar, in volumes at Is. and 2s. Compendious Mahogany and Leather W R I T I N G CASES, from la to 12a. De La Rue's Manifold LETTER W R I T E R , 5s. French PURSES, of the best M«awecx> Leather, fatan Is 3d to Gs. BOXES of COLOCR8, of the first quality, Sd to 5s.—Children's PAIXT BOXES, Id each. ENVELOPES of good quality mpj laafciqi colours, from 6d par hundred. A large aaais! I of Popular MUSIC.for the Piano Forte, Ac, at 3d and 6d each. LADIES' RETICULES, Morocco leather, 2s upwards. A splendid collection of CONCERTINAS, at low prices. BERLIN WOOLS, POTICHOMANIA MATERIALS, MUSLIN WORK, SILK CORD and TASSELS, PUBSE and FLOSS SILKS, Ac. HUNDREDS of BOXES are AXXCAIXY SOLD ot Procter'! K M Aperient Family Fills, Which are prepared from the recipe of an emi- nent Physician, for the cure of Costive and Bilious Complaints, obstructions of the Liver, Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, Loss of Appetite, Sick Headaches, Giddiness, Ac In Boxes, Tid., Is. ltd., and 2s. 9d. each, at J . PROCTER'S, Chemist, Ac, Barnard Castle. Mr. J. Monde*, Agemt for Middletoa. CHEAP GROCERIES. BUT YOUR TEAS ax GBEGSOS'S, BBOTHEBS. Establishments at BaXVaan CaSTTX, KraxBT SIKPHI3, APPLEBY, Waacop, and AIXOTBT. rTUTE largest and cheapest Stock of Teas in the I North of aatajaawS and not to be surpassed for strength and navour. 9. d. s. d. Good Congou . . . . 3 4 to 3 8 per lb. Fine Pekoe flavoured - 4 0 " Strongly recommended. Good Coffee lOperlb. Fine Jamaica ditto - - - - 1 4 " AN APPRENTICE WANTED. GEEIAH T E A S T . H. W Y L D E , lLurr ACTCKKB A IMPOBTSZ or Gnataw Yiasr, So. 11, Park Street, Darlington. E ESPECTFULLY announces that be has eom- menced business in the above line on his own account, and will be happy to supply all orders (wholesale, only) on the most reasonable terms. German Yeast being a perishable article, and moat of its usefulness depending upon its being perfectly fretk, H . W . has great pleasure in stating that be baa made such arrangements aa will enable him to supply his customers with Yeast of the first quality, in a state of perfect freshness and purity. FANCY REPOSITORY, MARKET PLACE, BABSABD CASTLE. Mal8. KELLETT R ETURNS her best thanks for the liberal patronage she has rcerved since opening the above establishment. Having just returned from the Markets, she respectfully solicits an inspection of her extensive stock of useful and ornamental articles. Bonnets, Caps, Mantles, and a choice assortment of articles of Ladies' wear. Register Office for Servants. Several Servants wanted for the quarter. MARKETS Newcastle, Jury 22.—The supply of beef com- prised 777 head; trade exreaarrely heavy, at prices 6d to 9d per at. lower than last week, and part left unsold. Number of sheep and lambs 9,120. Sheep sold slowly at Id. per lb. reduction from our last. Lambs were in demand, and sold freely at our quo- tations. Prices Beef, 6a to 8a Sd per stone of 141b.; Sheep, 6d to 7d.; Lambs', 7d to 7id per lb. Newcastle, Tuesday, July 22.—There was a small supply of Wheat. The trade ruled very dull, A the little business done, in either English or Foreign was at a decline of la to Ss per qr. on thee rates of this day weak. Bye unaltered. Barley very scarce, and 2s to 3s per qr. higher. Malt firm. Beans A Peas unchanged. Oats in moderate supply. Flour dull, without change in value. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Jnonymome commmnicatione esas am ae receive attention. £very contribution meat be authenticated (in confidence) wUk tie nana* of tie writer. larai unit d?rarrnl "ilmi TH« FOOTPITH FBOIC TEX MAIXXT-PLACI 10 THB B&IDCZ. A Correspondent says " It has long been a marvel that the inhabitants of Barnard Castle should hare been so neglectful of their inter- ests, as to allow their Yorkshire customers to tra- verse the most objectionable part of the town before they can reach the market. The proposed footpath would be of great utility to the numerous villagers on this side of the water, who walk to Barnard Castle on a market day, as, on arriving at the Bridge, a few steps would take them into toe heart of the town. There ia no doubt the inhabitants of this locality would assist with their subscriptions, if necessary, in accomplishing so desirable aa object." D IEIXXGTOW A Baa^iBD CasTLX RallwaT.— Lately, to celebrate the completion of this line, one hundred workpeople, through the liberalitv of the Chairman and Directors, were entertained' to Dinner at the house o f M r . J . Ten nick, innkeeper Gainford. SIVGTLIX CBiDrLrrY. A few days ago, a wo- man, who represented herself as a u fortune-teller," called at the house of a Barnard Castle tradesman, while the inmates, with the exception of a servant- girl, were absent. She informed the girl that she could foretell any person's destiny, by means of " ruling the planets," and the girl's curiosity being awakened, she waa mdnced to have the " planets ruled" in her behalf. The woman asked her for a half-sovereign and a five-shilling piece, and the money being produced, was first placed within a pack of cards, and then wrapped in an article of night-dress. The whole was deposited in the girl's box, which the woman locked, and then took pos- session of the key, which she promised to return in a few days, on the completion of her magical operations, when, she said, the planet would be found in place of the money! On the fortune- teller's departure, the girl determined to visit her box, and watch for the advent of the planet. With some difficulty, she burrowed a key, with which she opened the box, where "^*hrng of any conse- quence met her view. Her inquiaitiveness, how- ever, prompted bar to unclose the wrapper, when, in place of her money, she foundnot the planet— but an old brass button, which the woman had adroitly substituted. Her eyes ware now opened, and she gave immediate information to the police, and the result, aa detailed in our police news, waa the committal of the impostor and a male confed- erate. CaaCH UraaT.—A Hoaax a as EATTXO Horxx. —On Friday afternoon, while the horses were being unharnessed from the Durham coach, opposite the door of the Grey Horse Iran, Sunderland, one of the animals took fright at the antics of a boy who waa passing, and, wheeling rapidly round, broke his traces, at the same time throwing the coach smack upon its aide oa the •waxes. Fortunately, no one was it aril at the time, and those standing about succeeded in keeping dear of the smash, although a little girl waa within an inch or two of the wheels. The horse that remained proved himself a aeriaihle sort of brute, for he slipped dexterously from his harness, jumped right round, and the next moment bolted into Stonea'a eating-house, where he behav- ed in the most exemplary meaner, and was eventu- ally led out at the back door—Mrs Stones declar- ing that she would " for rasher aaa a nice horse come i n as s drunk man." AxocaBu REIATTOXS WITS Rrssia—MIX CHSVT SHIP SALCTID B T A SHIP or Waa. Dar- ing the recent voyage of the " W a r d Jaekaon," •crew steamer, to the great maritime capital of Russia, her captain became the hero of an adven- ture not unworthy of record. A boat carrying two officers, put off from the ship of a at Cronstadt, and boarded the aserci Tbe captain (Weatherkry) showed his tort the respect due to tftajr rank, invited them to his cabin, and, before they left ham, entertained them with the good Engbah fere with which ail the vessels of the West Hartlepool line are aa ex- cellently supplied. Nor were the Russian officers to be Outdone in courtesy by the British tar, at the sequel showed. Captain Weatherley and ha) offi- cers were honoured by being invited to return the visit of their newly-acquired naval friends, and did as. Several of the Rneaian ouVeers spoke Eaarjrsh fluently; mutual eongTitiilstinTM en the advent of peace, and mutual good wiehea en the prospects of the hopeful future were exchanged; and the entente cordial* was moat cardial!/ asad joyoualy r f awlli The parting incident in this plaisinxjnUuiawuai, ia the Baltic, however, remains to be tela. Ia the course of conversation, case of the p ~~— ofacers, who had impacted the " Ward Jackson," expressed his surprise at the aaaaber of guns and large quan- tity of powder on board, aad asked for an explan- ation of the eircnwistance Captain Weatharley, having no plot to conceal, gave the only answer of which the question admitted, " The powder! Oh, to salute our friends." "Then,'" iiapaailuil the Russian officer, recollecting that they had not been saluted, "are not the Russians friends?" "Aye, friends, indeed," replied the Captain, but (serious- ly) you know it would be quite an insult for a mer- chantman to fire a salute before an Admiral 's ship." And so it would. The Ruaanon officer knew that in naval etiquette such a perpetration ia iialawi I of. But he was not to be overdone in civility. Instead of a TOnfirmation in bis view of the case, Captain Weatherley received a gentle hast that a aahate would be considered the reverse of uncomplimen- tary. This was the evening before be had to return; and the next morning, in patting out of the Mala, his crew being kike baa ship—an excellent trim, he boldly fired an Admiral 's aalute, and raised the Russian colours to the fore. This was immediately followed by the hoisting of the British ensign by the Russian Admiral, aad, with stall louder ord- nance, the full and luminal reciprocation of the compliment. DEATH BT POEOTCTG AT DAXITTGTOH. An was held at Darlington, oa the 12th inst., Mr Thornton, deputy-coroner, on the body of a man whose name waa unknown. It appeared that he had come to the Baal any Tavern about 8 o'clock on the previous evening, and first had half s glass of brandy aad water. He then had his tea, and ate about a pound of lamb chops. He seem- ed fatigued and weary when he first cause, but did not complain of being unwefl. After he had his tea be asked to hare a bed, and said be would leave next morning by the first train. In the morning, at half-past six o'clock, he waa found dead in bed. The ostler bad slept in the same room, axel was much'disturbed by has violent snoring, dsaring the night. VAs soon as he was found ta Be. dead, afr Piper, surgeon, was Bent for, and tended. He found him lying upon has hia face being pale and ghastly, and that [allow stained with a liquid having a alight odour of Ian- danura. The pupils of the eye were much con- tracted, and there wss aioastuii over the whose body—indeed the whole face was bathed in per- spiration. These symptoms, together with the fact of his heavy snoring during the night, shewed that he had died from the effects of laudanum. A bottle was found in one of his pockets, having a small portion of laudanum n mainiag It waa sup- posed that be had taken laudanum aooa after he had gone to bed, to cause sleep, and the dose had been too large. A silver watch aad 3s 7d in money, to- gether with a shoemaker's ban, were found in has pockets. No information had been obtained aa to his name or residence. He waa a ante, healthy- looking man, apparently about 28 years of age. The jury found that the deceased had died from the effects of laudanum, but whether taken todes- troy himself, or to cause sleep, there waa ao evi- dence to shew. DECOTXXT or AV ILTICTT STTXX. On Monday night, about eight o'clock, an illicit whiskey-still was discovered in full operation, in a cellar, beneath the shop of M r Cruthera, bookseller and newsagent, Xelson-street, Xewcastle. The aeiaaie waa awaaanw by Inspector Grieves, of the Newcastle police force, and by M r Young, Supervisor of Excise. A man named David Clark, lodging in St. John's-Isne, waa engaged in the distillation of whiskey when the still was seized. He had only occupied the cellar for a short time, and had carried on the distillation under the simulation of manufacturing ginger beer Tax B r»vorrrxij} Mcann. Since the Dur- ham spring assizes, when the trial of the men charged with the murder of M r Robert Stirling, the young surgeon, of Bnrnopfield, wss postponed, pubsic attention has again been drawn to the sub- ject by rumours of fresh evidence against the accus- ed. Richard Rayne and John Cain, aliat " Whis- key Jack," a n the names of the persons ebatrred with the murder, and, from information recently obtained, there ia reason to believe that an addi- tional and important link in the chain of the evi- dence against Cain will be supplied. That person, it is said, is either feigning insanity, or has actually become insane; at all events, his d the prison is such aa to eoaiey that For a period of four moraths or so, he aaa deavouring to simulate the conduct of a lunatic— expressing hia belief in numerous strange delusions —such as that he was being poisoned, and that there was poison in his food. H e refused to eat hia food on this account, and sent it back, bat soon discontinued the practice when he found his victuals wen not again brought hack to aim. A watcher and two prisoners of good conduct an constantly with him in his celL He is described aa being anxious and troubled about has triad. The paascaau Rayne has conducted himself much to the satisfaction of the gaol officials ; and though, ap- parently feeling considerably the aerasaawaeaa of the accusation against him, by hia quiet demeanour and general conduct, conveys an impi laaaai of hia innocence. Of course the prisoners have separate cells, aad have never been allowed to ate each other since they entered the prison. Mr. John fltorkrlale, Staminas, joiner, now in hia 84th year, hat commenced cutting his aead of grass, upwards of two acres, and which he also in- tends winning wit hone xaaaa at a n y aaaaataaaea. The crop is remarkably heavy, and the mowing would be creditable to any aoikuaau in the prime of life. anU far £i« £K>; y mmt aai m W w ^ ^ r ~ J « wagh fair waa only erf a rwor description —the aaxeraxwn was exceedingly wet—waarh aleaoat put a etoo ta 1 ismin Several of the best cart horsaa shown brought from 246 to 130—the top price. 8TAXSDBOP POOR af what rm ( J . Caaamg". when J. Cawamg has rate on has bawl eaowgh a, aire as a pi - *» "r*7 Jaws** " T i to JliT^ " as, the Overseers aad «m» we ahaA not wake any. J. Celling may have te say dropRatmg. I- i f " ~ » -^^ _ true and correct as rpeciSed beabre tiat inaaraatsMiia we assert that it is strictly aa. Seat, as to the' prcTJerty occupied by George Simpson (J - tenant), we beg to observe that when waa overseer in 1862, he reduced « own authority, from £6 to ti. A < appcanted at that taae to equehar the rates, hat on referring to the committee they were net awwrs of Coning", rate being reduced £2 or they would not have allowed it to stand. The over- aeers who succeeded J . Coiling aad naihias, aawakt ***"**« which brought the rate to about the •an* as it was before the committee altered the rates, via, to Mr Watson's valuation. The town- ship of Stamdrop was valued by Mr Jamea WaUon. of Low Plains, Cumberland, in the year 16S3 We next beg to make scene remarks about J fmL. bug property, and than to do the saaae about our owna. Now, Mr Editor, J Culling ^ ramuil.'ahoaae, shop, and half of the garden"^ i eatnd at £8 a year. We eawaakfor the shmi ed muasatj would let far E l s a-year. Wa can prove he aaa had £10 - j Tin I far a, baa the S w - prafenat-aamt at £8 a-year, pay. lum the rates. Aiacaher tenant of J c £I a, next ooor to George Sunpaou, rents incnZt ao garden, pays his owa ratea, at £6 a-vear and is rated at £2 5a to the poor, a* thaak awash oa a level with the I Ovwrasara - r i m . Wamaa the last 7 yean, J . Coalang baa hia pa upas I • at least namfeesah ia value, i three tenants in front f- .1 » g a grod and j niodioea ahop,) where than were anihiaatj hat two. In regard to the property of Qeorwr V the 11 it II t Overseer, waaah Celhiig i £30 a-year, and only rated at £3 7, Sd, Pearson would he d a d if J . ~ person wv*aid grve bins £ 2 0 , the four cottages he names ai, . backward, at the bottom af the town - atheaaaw J the eaatre of the to-u. G. F m taw Vahi » book tfeaa,- £13 10a, 26 par sent late araaca the nee to £ » Ts 6d, givmg far ce«owdxt1ohe pfacsm to J Ca*! ling's remarks. J . Cofling". b c ^ a W , kr occm piedI br George Snxjwoo, itand ^T.~~l - aeafc £8, • per cent leas makes the rato&wxeen awwttnasmeeitheratoboci Sow George Pear- son would aa« object to be rated at raeatreaa, prc- Swbag J . CoUmg-. eraxertv was the '* I k_ —1 1 1 . .. they mnst be valued at what they actaaOv 1st aar a^rtaiat any rw i a. a mj mm, asad net aa J. Coasters' una of the overseers, ia rated 13a Sd_ a i r " i 'taste it waa three yean ago, and ao inaprovvaneaau aaawe oa it. The Lead m the pinmawiiii of the over- seers and imifiiil, stands at aad some over M r Watson's valuation. Caanauaaanr ixertavy the rente a * J - STAGSBAW Ban M IDS r a x xx Far*.—The sheep fair at this place waa held aa Thareday, the 3rd inst. Then waa aa aitiagu show, and prices wen high. Oa the following day there ana asm a few lots shown. One lot of really good half-bred hogs, in the wool, sold aa high aa £2 5a par head. The average pries of half-bred wether hogs waa from 36a to tSa each ; eaarrfota about 30a. The cattle fair waa held on Fridav fast. C waa all speaking this ia a good fair for Scotch aad Irish K vloes, but aa the present oeeaaiou then waa a bad show of Eyloe bullocks. Sowar of the three- year olds sold as high as £1* per head. The show of horned heifer Eyases waa ahw vary iaasiira they brought from about £7 10a to 10 guineas. Tawn wenja»a» pathwl l^faaa af sxeafi hfaed jatd ,and tho-ofani £13 per I however, .old far about £10, ferior qualitv as lew as £7 10s. Irish beasts waa pretty gooeV-they about £ 6 12s 6d to £8. Of ahcet-horned three- year-old bullocks about £17 per head. Macs good rated at £B 15a, M r Watson's valuation beu 10s, 23 per cent oaf, laaves the rato at £S 2a CaL J Cofling wishes to he rated lower than other people from the means he has Bead to obtain the aaaoaat of the Rentals, nod where he as frustrated be aaa amxad baa own value. See the eaaaasataon of J CoUing in the case of C. Hartley, who rents the Dunn House Quarry, fa the liieaahiii of Cfaat- lam; Colling told the overseen of the poor of that townahip, that if the rate waa not raised kr would report them to the -neiaia aiaan " Iaaak aatfajaptotun aad aa that.- The rat. pawm 0 ( Staindrop must make their owe eormzsravta. The wnatarat Overseer's liberal salary which J . Ceeafag we waa leave aanr amt to judge who •ads the duties "and trouble of the — The •alary is £10 a-vear, having tarar extra books lo areas ta give a hood of £300. There are above 3 0 0 ratepayers ; aad the teseaahip i isaa i to about three aailes west, and two miles aaa*. In eoaattaxaaa, the niimaii hag to aay they wfll far- leesry do their duty, without regard to Co Ding > private thnati of reporting them to the poor faw at the petty i - r them to the county court far anv over- eaarge ha may coasaklrr W kwa paad. WILLIAM HAREIS05, 1 . OTRISTOPHEK HARTLEY / 1 6EOKGK PEABSOS, IlliHl July 19th, 185*3. BABSABD CASTLE POLICE COCKT. Jaly Thaal Eefees the Rarv. G . D r e a m — H a g h D u y l , ^ Mary Aaa Safath, t n n f f i n g for- i aaaanaV, ebaxgtd Caatia,'jalv 31st. to the booae of corrvsstaoa at Durham, for three calendar aaoashe each, with hei G. EX OX, BIRTH8- At Bawaaad Castle, 19th aaat, taa wife of Jaasaa Eirwy, a f a , of a daughter; 17th fast, M n Lay- ton, of a daughter; 18th aaat, M n Mallh.wa, af At WyaiaaV, Jane 24th ult, M n Gnvea, af a At Greta Bridge, 17th mat. Mm Ward, afa At Bi.nr, aa the 16th aaat, the wife of Mr Oialaaa, railway aawaa, O l i f i i , a f a aaaghsar. DEkTHS. , 21st fast, M r B Mama, ' -.Waath- At Barnard Caatfa, aaat axet, Mr B aawdaw; —' * " . ' aaa af Mr J all, aead 7 yeara. Al Barnard Castle, 17ta asst, Mae M A aged 37. J. * E . W ATKISIOaT. STATIOSEBY BISDISO la sB its braachaa. Day Booka, Cash ~ aad ruled to any pattern STEEL PENS OF THE BEST QUALITY, from ti. par greaa.

ovv/xmtn nm nvocr MUM. - Teesdale Mercury Archiveteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1856/July-23/July-23-1856... · 2011. 12. 10. · GLASS, POTS, AC, GALGATE, BABSABD CASTLE. SrSCERELY

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Page 1: ovv/xmtn nm nvocr MUM. - Teesdale Mercury Archiveteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1856/July-23/July-23-1856... · 2011. 12. 10. · GLASS, POTS, AC, GALGATE, BABSABD CASTLE. SrSCERELY

~ P C E S O N A T C O U R T , h a ben

i Government wo . r who they n ,

t a t t k t i r b a r : s tawy'rs all ia di

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af yoar goad. s4 Ik* rops

. uueeu i. or eaat. I * W B A T catatptre

" 1 attire; i of the P a i n ,

sull hold tat abas a» lac .

act repine: " f ight , "

s sice. i vau i

| beBrve, t t h . f j H : FiHiasts of Ears

, ison-ril for.-iJ : i r •at;

• p-sssiblv brin*-n p b a t k a

ce be tried. i^aVfijoaure.

iiiLrt^Q Gere.

> E A - S I D B advertisement from t i e

t Hi wife, aeaztr allied rat a— gr two LADIES vtafcina;

ton a. ne» boars frsa cava . real u i u ay letter u ,

r edvantisanm *far to aay i of purity air aad samxtma

c ae too caaiioea. T S A S sounds w e l l : tad j e t , fa

I that there is nothing sor-aad h i - wife ire no near ; lodgers. They sire jaly " s a i l , were wa * two

cc Jeeree of retaxioaabip he­i r and toe Home 0 / Lords. Liars' v iews—el lowiir that, L to take payaaaat for board

exact heraldry. H reever, u-enen: fall sooe know hoar

1 of the •fa'ifiiiiiiii'af


raeaJ^a : oCed n i l i t are

I l i e

' the rarnspii A»r thai toiled eating.

ay come to roar aasasraace 1 what • M i a he wi l l take

r ladies would like to beeio ' :• the one which 1

. from harry, or firgsxial-- J » txdteaaeat. nuke hit

1 a aranoa f i r g e t hen ? a^ree, h M tie fatal gift o f

'. ba: tiie djmiaioas of ^ 1 ;

N'apole-*i< baby has r-ceived" -f aim. bestowed by the Kic_j pciT farther Uvtictv no more Se allowed fiat babr to rrow * decoration. r e A E i .— ' a d j i n g frm the

t,-ree w i t h / V n U ia the

: shriinea,'' -arbed as it can ba*.

*xtt»"» W D . — - Did '~>n er»r : -.riTels. Const r9'to: ti.-s t

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IT.nghsh only caa trav-1. £y>u call Tae Sjcaa: £«.; «a-

"[ T O U I have CHen'fj.-tuaaie • fcttin.j temBaX aaa.' *'

rtin fareanuw Tapper ba i 1 poem, called Tv Opiam ma to iu purpose that, ere

arear ?t;r in tae elata taark-t ificial fr>m America, oa the

o be tneaiarM f^r a a;w . J to observe, br wiv of

; )t men."' The rslr-t trade stock, at least, bar i n , beea

was <;»noeie, in compli-I farther to mart a lirelr

I wj attribute the drcam*-I.****** been ordered at the I dtizma wh, tnav v,uchsafe

-leather polished befcre i t ' St. Jaateas Palate: and I 1 dozen of toweU and

J ordered br Mr. Dailaa t.>r 5 m a r •*! eWafaal to waea

ot the Briisaers to kass

last wwk 0M Drama has n - Its tn iralitr has I rta-

state that ev-rr aaMfaaj weeks, a clean

e ease of cotuaaiptioa—not It ia also ->or pleasant

: aaa fcr a tine ceased, - - s . - - •a ; - , .re Ttsera • a t -je B..ral Icahan The awaas, harin,' seen

ri*.yfoatares. was prjperir ^enria* tae e r i l fpreadin*'

r ieaqaanr haalthr. At e Tictiai to measles, nor

I inJ»;a^a. is on the j lar, the Elraavr is concerned,

p a weicoTjj jlutige for taa | • isily conaaae aatH

) eiicraach septan oa

- A faiitionable otaanaoa 'eiaouie tiolatk) • •Os.' ran wahansr at a) . aVar

millioer. wno at? wsat \ woidt HeA | uzt oij

I apr-aKtioa of L a T a u n t t-e Ec^ish 'aads actaallT ' • ' ' u moral'-

> if e a t r r „j!_7 looat, waea -<i-.<trj -ireto know that p t , o n , f i l r . Eeart's Fra*

. wss—a (w-«p. - X a . b « the tcho.,1 naster

>d down by a chimaev. 1 With a reftzaaaee! — w-PaOi?^ rejv.: the

•a the d x r t a e n : that I turtaae.

1 Jaeqa*<. ww u where

Tker throw Do raey, 13 w>rs«

aire aar.rr t. , o t u 0 , . k?own ̂ 7 beiar 17—acu your aead ap—

at a V i t y datoer to

! * , m j n • » « Had a V . • * » , tuair coaduaiua

oae. - ' - . . . j iuo ; —that oae


:hat the other half were •''iie; their wiraa. We toea who do act ._•

* T r : " 7 at .. aaaaaaaj J r t r i< tsx. frtataa-

.ovv/xmtn nm nvocr MUM.


No. 56.] BARNAWX-CAsSTLE, W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 2 S a a ) , 1856. [ P M C I O n PESKY.

% • ^ftWiaeTruntti / o r this paper rt-p to a hate komr every Tuetday

A C A R D .

K B . T O T T S ,

H S O 3 T J U X T , B A i V S A l t D C A S T L E .


PROCTia S 4a. SLACK TEA A I X T A I S 8 its harh character, aad is in in -

dearaaai MASUKI P L A C E , I i U A > B

B O O T S A S D S H O E S .

A L A R G E A W E L L A S S O R T E D S T O C K of B O O T S A S H O E S , o f every deacrip-

tacaa, smtable for the Season, at O E O . M O O S E ' S , B A N K , B A R N A R D C A S T L E .

Orders punctually attended to.

A C A R D .

M R . H A R R I S O N " P R O C T E R , r r r B a r a a a i > » « » ,

B A R N A R D - C A S T L E .

THY E. TIUTJRKS 4s. TEA, l \ ' H k ' H haa given so great satas£actaon i n the

T v countrv. ! CaMU.

W . K U D D , Ifrr.T.wa s T f P R O T T S I Q W D t U U T a ,

B A R N A R D C A S T L E ,

HA S on hand aquaot i tvo f I 1 T D I A 5 M E A L , for H o n e , Cattle, and P i g feed, at Is. id.

per atone i n quantities.

Views of Barnard Castle. Baby Castle, and High Force.

Letter Paper S o t o do. ... Cards

2d. par Sheet. I d . -3d. each.

B a x a a x s C a s T L i : J . A B . W . Arrrvsow.

E D W A R D T H O B V T O V E A T , IXi i i aai rerroce, Bonuri Cattle.

AC C O E D E O N 3 , F lutmas , Conoertinaa (Eng -L s h , French, A German), Harrooniuma, Act,

P a n o Fortes, Chnrch , i Chamber Organs, Repaired

S C Y T H E S A N D S I C K L E S .

T . A . J A C K S O I , i^eeaA-r, Irvmoaeer, Jrr., Barnard Cattle,

{Oppeeite tie £mf'l Seed I»m),

CA S o* -r to the Publ i c , at smail profits, a large assortment of Liniev's first eases war­

ranted S C Y T H E S A S I C K L E S .

H A R R I S O N ' S H O T E L , B & D C A B .

H E J f E Y H A R R I S O S

BE O S to intimate that his Establishment is fitted op with every requisite for the comfort

and ooerreaaienee of visitors. Refresh merits supplied to Pleasure Parties and

Eax-ursknists, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terras. A choice Stock of Wines, Spir i ts , A l e , Porter , 4c.

Baraardcaatle, Bokeby, 4 Brigoal Baaka. A X N T A L M K E T 1 X O of the B A R -

X A R D C A S T L E M E C H A N I C S ' I N S T I ­T U T I O N w i l l be held on F B I D A T , the 23th inst, by the k i n d permiseion of W . J . S. M o r r i t t , E s q . , on the beautiful rains of E a u a r r o s A B B E Y . The Grounds of Rokeby w i l l be accesaihae. Excurs ion Trams wi l l r a n to Barnard Castle. Fee particulars see large B i U a .

Barnard Castle Hagdalen Fairs. -fVrOTICE I S H E R E B Y GIVES, that the ^ \ Maayaalaa F a i r o n the 1st day of August

next, w i l l be adjourned to Wednesday, the 24th of September next, when there w i l l be a Cattle, Horse, and general F a i r as u s u a l

W a t . WATSOX, Steward A Clerk of the F a i n A Markets

o f B a r n a r d Castle.

T H O H A S C A R E E L L , D R U G G I S T , G R O C E R , A S P I R I T R E T A I L E R ,

Bank, Barnard Cattle,

BE G S most respectfully to cal l the attention of his friends, and the public generally, to

his choice stock of D a r e s , G R O C S B I I S , A Spntrrs , o f the best qualities, which he is offering at very

T . C . has just received a large stock of P A I N T S , C O L O U R S , A S D V A R N I S H E S ,

o f the best quality, ready for use, at moderate rates.

M A R G A R E T R A I S E , ( W i d o w of the late M a . J . S. a i m )

P A I N T E R , G I L D E R , P A P E R H A N G E R , Ac . , Market PUee, Barnard Cattle,

MO S T respectfully announces her intention of conducting the business so successfully

established by her fate hnahand B y employing competent and trustworthy work­

men, and executing a l l orders w i t h despatch, and o n reasonable terms, she hones to merit a continu­ance of the patronage hitherto so liberally accorded.

JwneZUk, 1856.

G A 1 S F 0 B D , S E A R D A R L I N G T O N .

To Railway Contractors, Colliery Owners, and others.

Importamt Sal* afmemrndt a / 3 0 fommrfnl Draaekt Emm mmi Berne*.

M a W n x x a a t THwaiTaa, ArcTTOirrwa, B x o c a a , Begs to announce that he is honoured with instruc­

tions from the Proprietor, J o a n Anderson, Esq., . T O S E L L B T A U C T I O S ,

O n the G a x x x at G a u r o s u ) , on THrasTXAI, J EXT S l a t , I S M ,

TH E W h o l e of his valuable and well selected S T O C K of D R A U G H T H O B S E S and

P O N T E S , which have been employed by h i m fa the Construct ion of the Darl ington and Barnard Castle Railway, and wi l l now be Sold in ronseqoence of the Completion of his Contract. " -

The Sale to commence precisely at 12 o'clock. The A r c n o s x r a begs to observe that the above

offers to the Publ ic an op port unit v of rare occur-•eaee, as the whole are superior asaawaafa, and fa excellent condition, eonaeajuwntly he feela assured that these who honour bias with their attendance at the esse, cannot (ail to pronounce the whole such aa here seldom been ottered for public Competition i n the S c r t h of England.

Hif> Street, Bedcar, J u l y 16th, 1,56.


BE G S to announce that the duties of ber School w i l l be resumed on Tuesday, the 29th inst.

Galea** Street.

Gainford Academy, near Darlington. rpTHE next S E S S I O S w i l l begin oa TrxRDaT, X J r x T 29th, 1S56, when a punctual atten­

dance is particularly desired. Trains leave DaxUngton for Gainford at 7'30 a j n ,

12 10, a n d t -to p.m. si


^ T r i i a i i m a a iMgi ) -C O S D U C T E D B Y M R . B O W M A S .

Assisted by seven Masters. F o r Terms, Ac. , apply to the PrincipaL

E D U C A T I O N . " Edocmtion is too often confounded w i th

i T a s t r u c t i o a a , ' '—H O C 3 E H O I J > "VYGHDS.

11DDERID(.£ S C H O O L . H E I G H T S G T O S , B T D A B L 1 S O T 0 S .

CO S D U C T E D by the fate B e a d Assistant at Earby Academy.

Prospectuses on application to the PrincipaL

Classical, Mathematical, a m i Conimercial Education.

Q U E E N S T R E E T A C A D E M Y , C O S D U C T E D B Y M R . H . O A S X E Y .

Tmaats :— Beading, W r i t i n g , Orthography, A

Ar i thmet ic , 7s 6d . p r qr. Eng l i sh Grammar, Composit ion, G e ­

ography, and His tory , 10s fxL • • Geometry, Mensuration, Algebra,

Marhanica, Book-keepmg. D r a w ­ing , Mapping , L a t f a , Ac., l a s Od. • -Collective femant on Scripture, Sornoe, N a t u ­

ra l Philosophy, Ac. , w i t h a view to de-relope the thinking powers of the chi ldren are statedly given.

The F r e n c h and Greek languages (extras) taught by the B e r . W . D a a w x a r .

Hondertliwaite Common Inclosure.

I T H O M A S B R A D L E Y , of R i chmond, i n the County of Y o r k , the Valuer acting in the

matter of the Inclosure of HuTiderthwaite Com­mon, situate i n the Par i sh of Romaldkirk , i n the County of Y o r k , hereby give notice, that I shall hold a Meeting on t h e l S t h day of August next, at the Boss and Crown I n n , Romaldkirk, fa the said County o f Y o r k , at Eleven o'clock i n the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving Claims i n wri t ing from a l l persons claiming any Common or other right or interest i n the said Common, and such claims most state the several particulars i a respect whereof they are made, distinguishing the claims in respect of Freehold, Copyhold, Custom­ary, and Leasehold Property from each other, and mentioning therein :he places of abode of the res­pective Claimants or their Agents, at which notices i n respect of such claims may be delivered.

A n d I hereby further give Notice that this is the last Meeting which wi l l be holden fa the matter of the said proposed Inclosure for the receipt of claims.

Grren under my hand this 21st day of J u l y , i n the year of our L o r d , 1 S S 6 .

T H O M A S B R A D L E Y .

D A V I D M ' N A U G H T , Wmoleeale if Retail Dealer i a

B i x x u s a a x A3~D S H E F F I E L D G O O D S , C n r s a , G L A S S , P O T S , A C ,

G A L G A T E , B A B S A B D C A S T L E .

SrSCERELY thanks his friends and the pub­lic generally, for the support he has received

during the short time he has been i n business, and he hopes, by keeping first-rate goods, at low prices, to merit a continuance of their patronage.

A s the whole of the articles he has i n Stock are too numerous to part icuiame, he begs to submit a few, w i th their prices, v i a . , —

Sets of China, from 7s. per set. G o l d A W h i t e do., with small

plates to match 15s. per art. A great many other patterns i n China equally

cheap. A n y article belonging sets of China broken, or any other goods, matched.

A large assortment of B r o w n W a r e , 70 dozen of Je l ly J a r s , different sizes, halt-price.

S . B . Removed to the Shop, near Galgate Cor ­ner, lately occupied by M r s . Kel le t t .

S H O U L D E R O F M T T T O S I N S , B A R N A R D C A S T L E .

T H 0 M A S O L I V E R , Cab Proprietor,

RE S P E C T F U L L Y announces that he has entered upon the shore excellent and com­

modious I n n , lately occupied by M r Sevison, and hopes by strict attention to the requirements of his guests, to meet w i t h a share of public patronage and support.

A choice stock of Ales , Spir i ts , A c , constantly on hand.

A n Omnibus dispatched to the Railway Station to meet every T r a i n .

Cabs, Phaetons, Gigs, A c , art on H i r e . Pub l i c and private parties waited upon w i t h Conveyances on reasonable terms.

M U S I C .

M B . W . B A P E B , Organist of St . Mary ' s Church, Barnard Castle,

/ " ' O N T I S U E S to give lessons on the Organ and \j P iano Forte , and i n Singing. H e also keeps on hand a select stock of new and standard Mus i c , which he sells at low prices. H e has recently re­ceived a well-selected stock of P l a J O Foavras, of superior quality ; Cottage, Semi-cottage, and Pic ­colos, 6i Octaves, fa Rosewood, W a l n u t , A c , by axing low prices for which, he hopes to secure a share of public patronage.

S . B . O l d Piano Fortes taken i n exchange. P I A N O F O R T E S T U N E D , A c

Street, October SO, 1835.

G E N E R A L C A B I N E T , U P H O L S T E R Y , A F U R N I S H I N G


H O B S I M A R K E T , B A R N A R D - C A S T L E ,

HA S always on hand, at his Show Rooms, a large selection of well-seasoned and well

made F C R X I T C R E , I n rosewood, rnahogany^ ^ H ? 1 * ' A j M r k » » b « r c ! l >

A G O O D A S S O R T M E N T O P L O O K I N G G L A S S E S .

Segravingt Framed m QoU Memiaeae, BinTt-eye Maple, Be—nod, Ire.

L I C E N S E D A P P R A I S E R .

J U S T P U B L I S H E D , " T h e F a n T P o i k a , " t / « , by T . B r a n d o n ; » The Pride of the N o r t h W a l t s , 1 / 0 , by the same composer—May be had of M r Brandon t a d at the Tf title Afercary Odke .


B E I S G B T 1\AR T H B B > A D I » S T A S D C H E A P E S T .

G E O R G E STJiPHEXSOV HAS O P E N E D T H E S H O P at the Comer of Newgate, near the Market Croat, B A B S A B D

C A S T L E , where he will keep on hand, aStarge Stock of Beady-made Clothes of every des­cription, suitable for all dasaea of Society, well aaade, of the newest style of Fashion, and cheaper than can possibly be obtained in any other Way.

C O A T S O F V A R I O U S PJUCB8, of eUfferent Sizes and Colors. V E S T S , in all the prevailing styka. T R O U S E R S , Black Dnsaaias, Fancy.Colours of Yorkshire, Wast of England, Scotch laswatoanwaawrtireQL

The Best Gents S I L K H A T S , Patent Pads, All Kinds of Cloth Carps, Cosam White

Silk Handkeawhtrfc , T _ v f l l B R P R O O F C O A a t , C A P E S , O Y E R A L L S .

Every Description of Gents and W o r k i n g Mai ' s Garments, made to Order at short notice. % • S E R V A N T S ' L I Y E R T E S T O O R D E R .

P O P U L A R A N D V A L U A B L E B O O K S , 0 3 SALE A T

J . k S . W . A T K I \ S 0 \ ' S . B O O K S E L L E R S . Ac ,

M A R K E T P L A C E , B A R N A R D C A S T L E . a>

price 12a-, also every other Colour and Shape. Shirts A F r o n t s Collars, Gloves, Stockings,

B r i t i s h R u r a l Sports, I thick volume pro- \ fusely illustrated /

Teesdale Glossary . . . . Lewis Arunde l • - J a Great Battles of the Br i t i sh A r m y , i l lus - )

trated . . - - - / Great Sieges of History , do. . Forest Lite , do. - . - . « Marrrat ' s Chi ldren of the S e w Forest, do. Esperanto, or Home of the Wanderer, do. The following, 9a 6d each, are i l lustrated with

beautiful lithographs and wood cuts : L i f t and Times of Sir Wal ter Rale ig a Duncan's His tory of Russia Ida Peiflers V is i t to Iceland The Israel of the Alps W a l t o n A Cot tons complete Angler The Book of Enguah Song The Life of Edmund Burke

The following popular works by H i worth, are illustrated with numerous engravings on Steel and W o o d :

Tower of London -Crichton O l d Saint Paul 's -Jack Sheppard Lancashire Witches Windsor Castle -Miser's Daughter

.Ba l lads . •

A i n a -

't Elements of Anatomy, pub. at 10/6 Black ' s Treatise on Brewing", (new) pub . >

| wUO/w . . . . . I T h e Beauties of Flowers, (new) p a h . at 5/ Cooking and Confectionary • Domestic Cookery (the cheapest and best \

extant . . . . f Culpepper's Herba l improved -New Fami ly Herba l w i th 13S coloured plates Beady Reck oner (the most compendious \

published) - . J Johnson's Pocket Dict ionary Walker 's dictionary, svo . . .

D o . D o . w i t h K e y - •

Oriental F a i r y Tales - * Wolf f ' s F a i r y Tales and Stories . . . The Bir thday Gi f t - • • - 4 Scott's Roke'bv (author'• edition > 1 Christopher Tadpole, by Albert Smith , cloth 3 The S i g h t Side of Sature !- - - 8 W o r l d and its Workshops . . . 2

A l s o a great variety of B O O K S of S O S G S s a d R E C I T A T I O N S , at 6d and l a . A large selection of R E W A R D B O O K S , from 6 d to Ss.

A Tast assortment of the P O P U L A R R E A D I N G of the o a r , i n volumes at Is . and 2s. Compendious Mahogany and Leather W R I T I N G C A S E S , from l a to 12a.

De L a Rue's Mani fo ld L E T T E R W R I T E R , 5s. French P U R S E S , of the best M«awecx> Leather, fatan I s 3d to Gs.

B O X E S of C O L O C R 8 , of the first quality, Sd to 5s.—Children's P A I X T B O X E S , I d each. E N V E L O P E S of good quality mpj laafciqi colours, from 6d par hundred.

A large aaais! I of Popular M U S I C . f o r the Piano F o r t e , Ac, at 3d and 6d each. L A D I E S ' R E T I C U L E S , Morocco leather, 2s upwards.

A splendid collection of C O N C E R T I N A S , at low prices. B E R L I N W O O L S , P O T I C H O M A N I A M A T E R I A L S , M U S L I N W O R K , S I L K C O R D

and T A S S E L S , P U B S E and F L O S S S I L K S , A c .

H U N D R E D S of B O X E S are A X X C A I X Y S O L D ot

Procter'! K M Aperient Family Fills, W h i c h are prepared from the recipe of an emi­

nent Physic ian, for the cure of Costive and Bi l ious Complaints, obstructions o f the L i v e r , Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, Loss of Appetite , Sick Headaches, Giddiness, A c

I n Boxes, T i d . , Is . l t d . , and 2s. 9d. each, at J . P R O C T E R ' S , Chemist, A c , Barnard Castle.

Mr. J. Monde*, Agemt for Middletoa.

C H E A P G R O C E R I E S . B U T Y O U R T E A S

a x G B E G S O S ' S , B B O T H E B S .

Establishments at B a X V a a n CaSTTX, K r a x B T S I K P H I 3 , A P P L E B Y , W a a c o p , and A I X O T B T .

r T U T E largest and cheapest Stock of Teas i n the I North of aatajaawS and not to be surpassed

for strength and navour. 9. d. s. d.

Good Congou . . . . 3 4 to 3 8 per l b . F i n e Pekoe flavoured - 4 0 "

Strongly recommended. Good Coffee l O p e r l b . F i n e Jamaica ditto - - - - 1 4 "

A N A P P R E N T I C E W A N T E D .

G E E I A H T E A S T . H . W Y L D E ,

l L u r r A C T C K K B A I M P O B T S Z o r G n a t a w Y i a s r , S o . 11, P a r k Street, Dar l ington .

EE S P E C T F U L L Y announces that be has eom-menced business i n the above line on his

own account, and wil l be happy to supply a l l orders (wholesale, only) on the most reasonable terms.

German Yeast being a perishable article, and moat of its usefulness depending upon its being perfectly fretk, H . W . has great pleasure i n stating that be baa made such arrangements aa w i l l enable h i m to supply his customers w i th Yeast of the first quality, in a state of perfect freshness and pur i ty .

F A N C Y R E P O S I T O R Y , M A R K E T P L A C E , B A B S A B D C A S T L E .

M a l 8 . K E L L E T T

RE T U R N S her best thanks for the liberal patronage she has rcerved since opening the

above establishment. H a v i n g just returned from the Markets , she respectfully solicits an inspection of her extensive stock of useful and ornamental articles. Bonnets, Caps, Mantles, and a choice assortment of articles of Ladies' wear.

Register Office for Servants. Several Servants wanted for the quarter.


Newcastle, Jury 22.—The supply of beef com­prised 777 h e a d ; trade exreaarrely heavy, at prices 6d to 9d per at. lower than last week, and part left unsold. Number of sheep and lambs 9,120. Sheep sold slowly at Id . per l b . reduction from our last. Lambs were in demand, and sold freely at our quo­tations. Prices Beef, 6a t o 8a Sd per stone of 141b.; Sheep, 6d to 7 d . ; Lambs', 7d to 7 i d per lb.

Newcastle, Tuesday, J u l y 22.—There was a small supply of Wheat. The trade ruled very du l l , A the l i t t le business done, i n either Engl ish or Foreign was at a decline of l a to Ss per qr. on thee rates of this day weak. B y e unaltered. Barley very scarce, and 2s to 3s per qr. higher. M a l t firm. Beans A Peas unchanged. Oats i n moderate supply. F l o u r d u l l , without change i n value.

T O C O R R E S P O N D E N T S . Jnonymome commmnicatione esas am ae

receive attention. £very contribution meat be authenticated (in confidence) wUk tie nana* of tie writer.

larai unit d?rarrnl "ilmi T H « FOOTPITH FBOIC T E X M A I X X T - P L A C I 10

T H B B & I D C Z . — A Correspondent s a y s — " I t has long been a marvel that the inhabitants of Barnard Castle should hare been so neglectful of their inter­ests, as to allow their Yorkshire customers to t ra ­verse the most objectionable part of the town before they can reach the market. The proposed footpath would be of great ut i l i ty to the numerous villagers on this side of the water, who walk to Barnard Castle on a market day, as, on arriving at the Bridge, a few steps would take them into toe heart of the town. There ia no doubt the inhabitants of this locality would assist w i th their subscriptions, i f necessary, i n accomplishing so desirable aa object."

D I E I X X G T O W A B a a ^ i B D CasTLX R a l l w a T . — Lately , to celebrate the completion of this l ine , one hundred workpeople, through the liberalitv of the Chairman and Directors, were entertained' to Dinner at the house of M r . J . Ten nick, innkeeper Gainford.

S I V G T L I X CBiDrLrrY . — A few days ago, a wo­man, who represented herself as a u fortune-teller," called at the house of a Barnard Castle tradesman, while the inmates, w i th the exception of a servant-g i r l , were absent. She informed the g i r l that she could foretell any person's destiny, by means of " ruling the planets," and the girl 's curiosity being awakened, she waa mdnced to have the " planets r u l e d " i n her behalf. The woman asked her for a half-sovereign and a five-shilling piece, and the money being produced, was first placed within a pack of cards, and then wrapped i n an article of night-dress. The whole was deposited in the girl 's box, which the woman locked, and then took pos­session of the key, which she promised to return in a few days, on the completion of her magical operations, when, she said, the planet would be found i n place of the money! O n the fortune­teller's departure, the g i r l determined to visit her box, and watch for the advent of the planet. W i t h some difficulty, she burrowed a key, w i th which she opened the box, where "^*hrng of any conse­quence met her view. Her inquiaitiveness, how­ever, prompted bar to unclose the wrapper, when, in place of her money, she found—not the planet— but an o ld brass button, which the woman had adroitly substituted. Her eyes ware now opened, and she gave immediate information to the police, and the result, aa detailed i n our police news, waa the committal of the impostor and a male confed­erate.

CaaCH U r a a T . — A Hoaax a a s EATTXO H o r x x . — O n Friday afternoon, while the horses were being unharnessed from the D u r h a m coach, opposite the door of the Grey Horse Iran, Sunderland, one of the animals took fright at the antics of a boy who waa passing, and, wheeling rapidly round, broke his traces, at the same time throwing the coach smack upon its aide o a the •waxes. Fortunately, no one was i t aril at the time, and those standing about succeeded i n keeping dear of the smash, although a little g i r l waa within an inch or two of the wheels. The horse that remained proved himself a aeriaihle sort of brute, for he slipped dexterously from his harness, jumped right round, and the next moment bolted into Stonea'a eating-house, where he behav­ed i n the most exemplary meaner, and was eventu­ally led out at the back door—Mrs Stones declar­ing that she would " for rasher aaa a nice horse come i n as s drunk man . "

A x o c a B u R E I A T T O X S W I T S R r s s i a — M I X C H S V T S H I P S A L C T I D B T A S H I P or W a a . — D a r ­ing the recent voyage of the " W a r d Jaekaon," •crew steamer, to the great maritime capital of Russia, her captain became the hero of an adven­ture not unworthy of record. A boat carrying two officers, put off from the ship of a

at Cronstadt, and boarded the aserci Tbe captain (Weatherkry) showed his tort the respect due to tftajr rank, invited them to his cabin, and, before they left ham, entertained them w i t h the good Engbah fere with which ail the vessels of the West Hartlepool line are aa ex­cellently supplied. Nor were the Russian officers to be Outdone i n courtesy by the British tar, at the sequel showed. Captain Weatherley and ha) offi­cers were honoured by being invited to return the visit of their newly-acquired naval friends, and did as. Several of the Rneaian ouVeers spoke Eaarjrsh fluently; mutual eongTitiilstinTM en the advent of peace, and mutual good wiehea en the prospects of the hopeful future were exchanged; and the entente cordial* was moat cardial!/ asad joyoualy r f awlli The parting incident i n this plaisinxjnUuiawuai, i a the Balt ic , however, remains to be t e la . I a the course of conversation, case of the p ~ ~ — ofacers, who had impacted the " Ward Jackson," expressed his surprise at the aaaaber of guns and large quan­t i ty of powder on board, aad asked for an explan­ation of the eircnwistance Captain Weatharley, having no plot to conceal, gave the only answer of which the question a d m i t t e d ,— " The powder! O h , to salute our friends." " T h e n , ' " i iapaailui l the Russian officer, recollecting that they had not been saluted, " a r e not the Russians f r i ends? " " A y e , friends, indeed," replied the Captain, but (serious­ly) you know it would be quite an insult for a mer­chantman to fire a salute before an Admiral 's sh ip . " A n d so it would. The Ruaanon officer knew that i n naval etiquette such a perpetration ia iialawi I of. B u t he was not to be overdone i n civi l ity. Instead of a TOnfirmation i n bis view of the case, Captain Weatherley received a gentle hast that a aahate would be considered the reverse of uncomplimen­tary. This was the evening before be had to return; and the next morning, i n patting out of the M a l a , his crew being kike baa ship—an excellent trim, he boldly fired an Admiral 's aalute, and raised the Russian colours to the fore. This was immediately followed by the hoisting of the Br i t i sh ensign by the Russian A d m i r a l , aad, w i th stall louder ord­nance, the ful l and l u m i n a l reciprocation o f the compliment.

DEATH BT POEOTCTG AT DAXITTGTOH.—An was held at Darl ington, o a the 12th inst.,

M r Thornton, deputy-coroner, on the body of a man whose name waa unknown. I t appeared that he had come to the Baal any Tavern about 8 o'clock on the previous evening, and first had half s glass of brandy aad water. H e then had his tea, and ate about a pound of lamb chops. H e seem­ed fatigued and weary when he first cause, but d i d not complain of being unwefl. After he had his tea be asked to hare a bed, and said be would leave next morning by the first train. I n the morning, at half-past six o'clock, he waa found dead in bed. The ostler bad slept in the same room, axel was much'disturbed by has violent snoring, dsaring the night. V A s soon as he was found ta Be. dead, afr Piper , surgeon, was Bent for, and tended. H e found h i m lying upon has hia face being pale and ghastly, and that [allow stained with a l iquid having a alight odour of Ian-danura. The pupils of the eye were much con­tracted, and there wss aioastuii over the whose body—indeed the whole face was bathed i n per­spiration. These symptoms, together wi th the fact of his heavy snoring during the night, shewed that he had died from the effects of laudanum. A bottle was found i n one of his pockets, having a smal l portion of laudanum n mainiag I t waa sup­posed that be had taken laudanum aooa after he had gone to bed, to cause sleep, and the dose had been too large. A silver watch aad 3s 7d in money, to­gether wi th a shoemaker's ban, were found in has pockets. N o information had been obtained aa to his name or residence. H e waa a ante, healthy-looking man, apparently about 28 years of age. The jury found that the deceased had died from the effects of laudanum, but whether taken todes-troy himself, or to cause sleep, there waa ao evi­dence to shew.

D E C O T X X T o r A V I L T I C T T S T T X X . — O n Monday night, about eight o'clock, an i l l ic it whiskey-sti l l was discovered i n full operation, i n a cellar, beneath the shop of M r Cruthera, bookseller and newsagent, Xelson-street, Xewcastle. The aeiaaie waa awaaanw by Inspector Grieves, of the Newcastle police force, and by M r Y o u n g , Supervisor of Excise. A man named Dav id Clark , lodging in St . John's-Isne, waa engaged i n the distillation of whiskey when the st i l l was seized. H e had only occupied the cellar for a short time, and had carried on the disti l lation under the simulation of manufacturing ginger beer

T a x B r »vor r rx i j } M c a n n . — S i n c e the D u r ­ham spring assizes, when the tr ia l of the men charged w i th the murder of M r Robert St ir l ing , the young surgeon, of Bnrnopfield, wss postponed, pubsic attention has again been drawn to the sub­ject by rumours of fresh evidence against the accus­ed. Richard Rayne and J o h n Cain, aliat " W h i s ­key J a c k , " a n the names of the persons ebatrred w i t h the murder, and, from information recently obtained, there ia reason to believe that an addi­tional and important l ink in the chain of the evi­dence against Cain w i l l be supplied. That person, i t is said, is either feigning insanity, or has actually become insane; at a l l events, his d the prison is such aa to eoaiey that F o r a period of four moraths or so, he aaa deavouring to simulate the conduct of a lunat i c— expressing hia belief in numerous strange delusions — s u c h as that he was being poisoned, and that there was poison i n his food. H e refused to eat hia food on this account, and sent it back, bat soon discontinued the practice when he found his victuals w e n not again brought hack to a i m . A watcher and two prisoners of good conduct a n constantly w i th h i m i n his celL H e is described aa being anxious and troubled about has triad. The paascaau Rayne has conducted himself much to the satisfaction o f the gaol officials ; and though, ap­parently feeling considerably the aerasaawaeaa of the accusation against h i m , by hia quiet demeanour and general conduct, conveys an impi laaaai of hia innocence. O f course the prisoners have separate cells, aad have never been allowed to ate each other since they entered the prison.

M r . J o h n fltorkrlale, Staminas, joiner, now in hia 84th year, hat commenced cutting his aead of grass, upwards of two acres, and which he also i n ­tends winning wit hone xaaaa at any aaaaataaaea. The crop is remarkably heavy, and the mowing would be creditable to any aoikuaau in the prime of life.

anU far £ i « £K>; ymmt aai

m W w ^ ^ r ~ J « wagh

fair waa only erf a rwor description —the aaxeraxwn was exceedingly wet—waarh aleaoat put a etoo ta 1 ismin Several of the best cart horsaa shown brought from 246 to 130—the top price.


af what

r m ( J . Caaamg". when J. Cawamg has rate on has

bawl eaowgh a , aire as a pi - *» "r*7 *° Jaws** " T i

to J l i T ^ " as, the Overseers aad «m» we ahaA not wake any. J . Celling may have te say dropRatmg. I - i f " ~ » - ^ ^ _ true and correct as rpeciSed beabre tiat inaaraatsMiia we assert that it is strictly aa. Seat, as to the' prcTJerty occupied by George Simpson ( J -tenant), we beg to observe that when waa overseer in 1862, he reduced « own authority, from £6 to ti. A < appcanted at that taae to equehar the rates, hat on referring to the committee they were net awwrs of Coning", rate being reduced £ 2 or they would not have allowed it to stand. The over-aeers who succeeded J . Coiling aad naihias, aawakt

***"**« which brought the rate to about the •an* as it was before the committee altered the rates, via, to Mr Watson's valuation. The town­ship of Stamdrop was valued by Mr Jamea WaUon. of Low Plains, Cumberland, in the year 16S3 We next beg to make scene remarks about J fmL. bug • property, and than to do the saaae about our owna. Now, M r Editor, J Culling ^ ramuil.'ahoaae, shop, and half of the garden"^ i eatnd at £ 8 a year. We eawaakfor the shmi ed muasatj would let far E l s a-year. Wa can prove he aaa had £ 1 0 - j Tin I far a, baa the

Sw — - prafenat-aamt at £8 a-year,

pay. lum the rates. Aiacaher tenant of J c £ I a, next ooor to George Sunpaou, rents incnZt ao garden, pays his owa ratea, at £6 a-vear

and is rated at £2 5a to the poor, a * thaak awash oa a level with the I Ovwrasara - r i m . Wamaa the last 7 yean, J . Coalang baa hia pa upas I • at least nam fees ah ia value, i three tenants in front f- .1 » g a grod and j niodioea ahop,) where than were anihiaatj hat two. In regard to the property of Qeorwr V the 11 it I I t Overseer, waaah Celhiig i £30 a-year, and only rated at £ 3 7, Sd, Pearson would he dad if J . ~ person wv*aid grve bins £ 2 0 , the four cottages he names a i , . backward, at the bottom af the town - atheaaaw J

the eaatre of the to-u . G. F m taw Vahi » book tfeaa,-£13 10a, 26 par sent late araaca the nee to £ » Ts 6d, givmg far ce«owdxt1ohe pfacsm to J Ca*! ling's remarks. J . Cofl ing". b c ^ a W , kr occm piedI b r George Snxjwoo, i t a n d ^T.~~l -aeafc £ 8 , • per cent leas makes the r a t o & w x e e n a w w t t n a s m e e i t h e r a t o b o c i S o w George Pear­son would aa« object to be rated at raeatreaa, prc-

S w b a g J . CoUmg-. eraxertv was the ' * I k_ —1 1 1 . .. they mnst be valued at what they actaaOv 1st aar a^rtaiat any rw i a. a mj mm, asad net aa J. Coasters'

una of the overseers, ia rated 13a Sd_ a i r " i 'taste i t waa three yean ago, and ao inaprovvaneaau aaawe oa i t . The Lead m the pinmawiiii o f the over­seers and i m i f i i i l , stands at aad some over M r Watson's valuation. Caanauaaanr ixertavy the

rente a * J -

S T A G S B A W B a n M IDS r a x xx Far* .—The sheep fair at this place waa held aa Thareday, the 3rd inst. T h e n waa aa aitiagu show, and prices wen high. Oa the following day there ana asm a few lots shown. One lot of really good half-bred hogs, in the wool, sold aa high aa £ 2 5a par head. The average pries of half-bred wether hogs waa from 36a to tSa each ; eaarrfota about 30a. The cattle fair waa held on Fridav fast. C waa a l l speaking this ia a good fair for Scotch aad Irish K vloes, but aa the present oeeaaiou then waa a bad show of Eyloe bullocks. Sowar of the three-year olds sold as high as £ 1 * per head. The show of horned heifer Eyases waa ahw vary iaasiira they brought from about £7 10a to 10 guineas. Tawn wenja»a» pathwl l^faaa af sxeafi hfaed jatd

,and t h o - o f a n i £13 per I

however, .old far about £10, ferior qualitv as lew as £7 10s. Irish beasts waa pretty gooeV-they about £6 12s 6d to £8. Of ahcet-horned three-year-old bullocks about £17 per head. Macs good

rated at £B 15a, M r Watson's valuation beu 10s, 23 per cent oaf, laaves the rato at £S 2a CaL J Cofl ing wishes to he rated lower than other people from the means he has Bead to obtain the aaaoaat of the Rentals, nod where he a s frustrated be aaa amxad baa own value. See the eaaaasataon of J CoUing in the case of C. Hart ley , who rents the D u n n House Quarry, fa the l i i eaahi i i of Cfaat-l a m ; Col l ing told the overseen of the poor of that townahip, that i f the rate waa not raised kr would report them to the -neiaia aiaan " Iaaak a a t f a j a p t o t u n aad aa t h a t . - T h e rat.pawm 0 (

Stain drop must make their owe eormzsravta. The • wnatarat Overseer's liberal salary which J . Ceeafag

we waa leave aanr amt to judge who •ads the duties "and trouble of the

— The •alary is £10 a-vear, having tarar extra books l o areas t a give a hood of £ 3 0 0 . There are above 3 0 0 ratepayers ; aad the teseaahip i isaa i to about three aailes west, and two miles aaa*. I n eoaattaxaaa, the n i i m a i i hag to aay they wfl l far-leesry do their duty, without regard to Co Ding > private t h n a t i of reporting them to the poor faw

at the petty i - r them to the county court far anv over-

eaarge ha may coasaklrr W kwa paad. W I L L I A M H A R E I S 0 5 , 1 . OTRISTOPHEK H A R T L E Y / 1

6 E O K G K P E A B S O S , I l l i H l J u l y 19th, 185*3.

B A B S A B D C A S T L E P O L I C E C O C K T .

J a l y Thaal Eefees the Rarv. G . D r e a m — H a g h D u y l , ^ Mary Aaa Safath, t n n f f i n g for-

i aaaanaV, ebaxgtd Caatia, 'jalv 31st.

to the booae of corrvsstaoa at Durham, for three calendar aaoashe each, with hei

G . E X OX,

B I R T H 8 -A t Bawaaad Castle, 19th aaat, taa wife of Jaasaa

E i r w y , a f a , o f a daughter; 17th fast, M n Lay-ton, of a daughter; 18th aaat, M n M a l l h . w a , af

A t WyaiaaV, J a n e 24th ult , M n G n v e a , af a

A t Greta Bridge , 17th mat. M m W a r d , afa

A t B i . n r , a a the 16th aaat, the wife of Mr Oialaaa, railway aawaa, O l i f i i , a f a aaaghsar.

D E k T H S . , 21st fast, M r B M a m a ,

' - . W a a t h -A t Barnard Caatfa, aaat axet, Mr B

aawdaw; — ' * • " . ' aaa af M r J all, aead 7 yeara.

A l Barnard Castle, 17ta asst, Mae M A aged 37.

J . * E . W A T K I S I O a T .

S T A T I O S E B Y B I S D I S O l a sB its braachaa. Day Booka, Cash ~

aad ruled to any pattern

S T E E L P E N S O F T H E B E S T Q U A L I T Y , from ti. par greaa.