OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

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Page 1: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It


Page 2: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

30th June 30th – 25th August 2017


[email protected]

Local Plan consultation

Page 3: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Consultation Stages

Page 4: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Later Stages

Page 5: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

The preferred options document

It is a consultation document

It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues

It also shows alternative and rejected approaches

People have the chance to say whether or not they agree with our proposed approaches

It includes an overarching vision and strategy, preferred options for future development management policies and potential sites for allocation

Please comment- as groups and individuals

Page 6: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Consultation methods

Leaflet and short questionnaire-

delivery to all households in Oxford,

distribution to leisure/community centres.

Copies are available for distribution around community groups etc

Online comment form linked to the

main document or freeform


[email protected]

Page 7: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Consultation methods

Exhibition and maps at events, with opportunity to comment on post-it notes

Pop-up shop 10th-14th 11am-2pm

Chat to officers

Through social media

Page 8: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It


Facebook and Twitter

Media stories

Posters to community notice boards

Bus adverts

Door-to-door delivery of leaflet

Direct mail-out to all those on our database (includes those who responded last year)


Please help spread the word!

Page 9: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

The vision

Page 10: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Oxford in 2036 is…

• Healthy homes, quality living standards

• Access to excellent healthcare• High participation in sport and

recreation• Provision of healthy travel choices• Significant improvements in air quality

• Reduced inequalities• Range of housing types and sizes• Employer housing• Easy access to wide range of

facilities and services • Diverse and cohesive community• Sense of civic pride

Page 11: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Oxford in 2036 is…

• Exemplar for low carbon development• Reduced private car travel • Good network of safe and accessible cycling

and walking routes• Zero emission mass transport system

• Enhanced historic environment, townscape and landscape character

• Access to high quality green spaces, cultural and community facilities

• Continues to attract many visitors, who stay longer and spend more

• Conflicts between different users in city centre are reduced

Page 12: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Oxford in 2036 is…

• Key contributor to national economy• A global centre for research, education and

healthcare• Home to high tech companies, start-ups and

spins-offs• Diverse employment opportunities

• Well educated workforce• Businesses and institutions can access skills

needed• Local people able to fill jobs created• Training and apprenticeship opportunities

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A pleasant place to live, delivering new housing

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Page 15: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It


To deliver as much housing as possible while balancing other important needs of the city’s residents and businesses

To deliver affordable housing that meets needs

To plan for an appropriate mix of housing sizes, types and tenures

To ensure new homes are adaptable

Page 16: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Summary of key preferred options

Prioritise the delivery of social rented affordable housing (ie rented from the City Council or a housing association). Require on-site delivery of units for developments of 10 or

more units.

Require contributions from developments of 2-9 units

On some sites, allow employers (such as hospitals and universities) to build affordable homes for their staff, not those on the Council’s housing waiting list available for a cross-section of the workforce

affordable in perpetuity

Page 17: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

Summary of key preferred options

Balance of Dwellings (BoDs) – requiring a specific mix of dwellings sizes, ensuring family dwellings on sites of 25+ units (not below)

Allow new purpose-built HMOs (with the same restrictions on concentrations)

Limit new student accommodation to existing and allocated sites, and city and district centres

‘reset’ target for students living outside of University provided accommodation Differ for each university Base on existing situation and reduce over Plan period Apply to Full-time taught degree course students only

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Continue to use Area Action Plans for sites in those areas

Sources of sites- map survey, all green sites, planning interest, call for sites, already allocated, Growth Board

Criteria for rejecting

Criteria for deciding on appropriate use (based on strategy)

Page 20: OXFORD LOCAL PLAN 2036 PREFERRED OPTIONS STAGE · The preferred options document It is a consultation document It sets out the approach we think we should take on various issues It

30th June 30th – 25th August 2017


[email protected]

Thank you