P2P Overlays for Scalable P2P Overlays for Scalable Service Access Service Access by George Exarchakos George Exarchakos & Nick Antonopoulos Nick Antonopoulos

P2P Overlays for Scalable Service Access George ExarchakosNick Antonopoulos by George Exarchakos & Nick Antonopoulos

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P2P Overlays for Scalable Service P2P Overlays for Scalable Service AccessAccess

by George ExarchakosGeorge Exarchakos & Nick AntonopoulosNick Antonopoulos

© George Exarchakos 2008 2

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

George’s Short Bio

PhD in P2P Computing, University of Surrey, UK (2005 - 08) Co-editing a handbook of research (Nick Antonopoulos,

Maozhen Li, Antonio Liotta) Member of Int’l Program Committee of 2 Int’l

conferences Preparing 2 accepted book chapters 3 journal and 5 conference articles

MSc in Advanced Computing, Imperial College, UK (2004 - 05)

BSc in Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens, Greece (2000 - 04)

Teaching (software agents, p2p, object-oriented programming, artificial intelligence)


© George Exarchakos 2008 3

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Research Area

Network Workload workload: number of user queries a node receives within

a time unit may depend on the topology, user behavioural patterns,

distributed application, etc…

Network Capacity number of user queries a node can receive, process and

reply within a time unit

Workload Fluctuations overloaded: more workload than the available capacity underloaded: much less workload than the available



© George Exarchakos 2008 4

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Research Focus

How to efficiently relieve network nodes with remote network capacity?


© George Exarchakos 2008 5

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Important & Timely

Important for academia and industry HTC is expensive and/or non-adaptive Peer-to-Peer architectures are application

specific video streaming providers suffer from flash

crowds exceptional events make content unreachable

Timely topic industry needs a cheap or profitable solution no concrete solution yet proposed


© George Exarchakos 2008 6

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Client-Server Model

Powerful central entity to host: all network’s resource instances the whole resource index global management of resources (i.e. access rights etc)

Direct server-client & indirect client-client communication Low cost in messages for discovery Increase of clients may degrade the quality of service


© George Exarchakos 2008 7

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Why (not) Client-Server Model

Advantages: Fast and guaranteed discovery (if resource exists) Easy to deploy and charge system-wide services Easy to retain resource consistency Facilitates configuration for maximum security of

delivered servicesWeaknesses:

Single point of failure High initial installation and maintenance cost Performance bottleneck – scalability issue

Preferable in small environments Good in relatively predictable growth patterns.


© George Exarchakos 2008 8

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

P2P Overlays

No central entity: distribution among all nodes of all resource instances the whole resource index global resource management (i.e. access rights etc)

Direct communication between nodes Each node acts as both resource requestor and provider

Application specific networks Increase of nodes may improve the quality of service


© George Exarchakos 2008 9

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Why (not) P2P Overlays

Advantages Robust and fault-resilient architecture Low installation and maintenance cost Enables inexpensive resource redundancy

Weaknesses Slower not always guaranteed discovery Frequent join/leave actions of nodes Heterogeneous node capabilities High discovery cost– scalability issue

Suitable for large systems unpredictable growth patterns


© George Exarchakos 2008 10

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

P2P Overlay Classification

Level of Centralization Hybrid: node grouping with central index Pure: no centralised entity – equal nodes

Resource Location Unstructured: any node may host any resource Structured: resources are hosted by well-defined nodes


© George Exarchakos 2008 11

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

P2P Discovery

Forward a request from node to node to locate providers. Structured P2P Networks (DHTs)

Guarantees to find the resource in logarithmic number of steps. Links to neighbours are set by a well-defined algorithm (not random) Each node hosts a specific range of resource names (key space). Hash a resource name to map it to a node id Allows exact matching only. Expensive maintenance to keep good neighbour lists.

Unstructured P2P Networks Resources are randomly distributed among all nodes. Not guaranteed discovery but supports complex requests (e.g.

wildcards). Links to neighbours are random and may even be broken (no

explicit algorithm for maintenance) Forwarding stops after Time-to-Live (TTL) hops.


© George Exarchakos 2008 12

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Search in Unstructured P2P

Informed Techniques: hints/accurate information on each node about the

location of requested resources (low adaptability)

Blind techniques: random forwarding from node to node. Flooding: forward to all the immediate neighbours (many

messages) k-Walkers: initially forward to k random neighbours and

then to one only (unstable & low success rate)

Use hidden network statistics: priority to highest degree neighbours to quickly locate

famous nodes (high latency)


© George Exarchakos 2008 13

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Resource Types

P2P known for sharing replicable resources Availability increases with replication Resource lifetime usually longer than that of providers Resources allow multiple simultaneous access

What about resources with the following features? Non-Replicable: only one instance (e.g. computational

resources) Exclusive Access: allow exclusive only access and must

be released by a task before used by another Mobile Access Rights: certificates migrate from providers

to requestorsUnpredictable Availability

Depends on their failure rate, uniqueness, exclusive usage


© George Exarchakos 2008 14

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Problem Specification

Network nodes/services: have limited accessibility and/or exhibit intermittent behaviour if famous, become hotspots.

Search is faster in small networks Too small networks may

frequently become overloaded lose their fault-resilience/robustness

Principal idea: keep the network size minimum and all nodes normally loaded add more nodes on-demand (node overloaded)

Not uniformly distributed load among nodes Overloaded nodes may get help from others within the network

All nodes of the network are busy Nodes from other networks may help (?)


© George Exarchakos 2008 15

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Problem Approach

Control Service Accessibility (Workload) each service publishes Access Rights Certificates number of simultaneous accesses equals to number of those certificates

Each certificate is a node (used interchangeably) represents portion of service host’s network capacity

Use of certificates a requesting node consumes another certificate and republishes it once it has finished with the task job submission procedure is network- and application-



© George Exarchakos 2008 16

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Methodology: Intra-Network

A publishing gateway per Underlying Network/Cluster initially a service joins by publishing its certificates (nodes) under-loaded certificates publish themselves there overloaded ones consume underloaded ones and republish them Intra-Network Access Rights mobility


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Methodology: Inter-Network

Unstructured Overlay of Network Gateways multiple interconnected gateways forward the same request to other gateways move certificate to the requesting network republish certificate on the requesting gateway


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Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Gateway Components

Neighbour List applies the forwarding policy among gateways only blind techniques are used refreshed in every answer or periodically with queries

Pool of certificates internal queries reserve any capacity; the remaining is

queried from the overlay external queries must be fully satisfied safety capacity used for internal queries only

percentage of the requested capacity within a time frameQuery Processor

caches all incoming queries to stop loops and revisiting nodes

responds with the discovered capacity


© George Exarchakos 2008 19

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Certificate RegistrationArchitecture

© George Exarchakos 2008 20

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Query for a CertificateArchitecture

© George Exarchakos 2008 21

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Gateway Response

Discovered nodes join the underlying network application-specific process


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Searching for Certificates

Requested features of discovery mechanism Support of complex queries Frequent join and leave actions of nodes Low latency Search in both provider and requesting gateways Low message cost Other application-specific requirements

Rule of Thumb Bidirectional graph Blind search

Try both incoming and outgoing links Trace certificate movements

frequent rewiring from requesting to provider gateways Existing techniques

Firewalks Scale-free FloodWalkers Scale-free Walkers


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Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Tangible Benefits

Why move of access control certificates? avoid gateway hotspotting adaptable certificate distribution

Why republish to requesting server? fasten discovery short-lived task-oriented networks

Security issues exist but are not the focus ensure that certificates cannot be replicated ensure joining/leaving policies for network nodes etc…


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Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Avoid Hotspots

Famous service registered with a fixed gateway → more links on gateway Service gateways are not always the same Multiple simultaneous gateways per service


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Reduce Latency

Avoid repetition of same discovery processSmall workload fluctuations may produce

many queries on the overlaySolution: locally available, once discovered,

certificatesCertificates gather around high workload



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Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

Task-oriented Networks

Created with the aim to complete a specific task

Disappear once task is completedReturning certificates back to providing

gateways is not always possibleExample application

Video Streaming communities


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Methodology Publish access control certificates into a

gateway Move certificates between gateways on demand Consume certificates Republish certificates into requesting gateway

Benefits Hotspotting Improve search efficiency Resource distribution adapts to workload



© George Exarchakos 2008 28

Introduction ConclusionApplicabilityArchitectureBackground

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