P9 Adam Martin Portfolio

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This is my Portfolio with all of my art projects for this semester

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    Adam Martin

  • Adam Martin:697 Trejo St. #321Rexburg, ID [email protected]


  • MontageLetterheadBusiness CardBrochureWeb PageImaging Event Ad FlierLogos

    Table of Contents

  • Description: A picture trying to emphasize the scripture how the temple is a great place to be as its built upon his rock, and how we are his flock, while in the light our darkness can be overcome.


    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr

    Program(s)/Tools:PhotoshopGoogle Images

    Objectives:Merge three different images together to make one image

    Process:I opened the three images into the Photoshop program. I then I inserted two other images into the mountain background. Using the mask tool and the lighten color selection with feathering I have the temple you see now. I then at first used the mask tool to try and pull out the image for the bird, but instead I used the lasso tool to pull one bird to another layer while leaving the original alone. Then using the blur tool and the burn tool with a slight opacity setting appears with the bird you see in the ray of light now. I used the text tool to create the words.


  • LetterheadDescription: Business letter for Animal DaycareDate:2/28/15

    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr


    Objectives:Implement a logo in a letter

    Process:I used illustrator to create the monkey and heart. Then copied it over to InDesign where I created the letter with the text. In illustrator I used the ruler and the line that comes down from double clicking on the ruler to use as a guide line. I then created half of the monkey using shapes. I then used the reflective tool to mirror image the monkey half to create the other half. I then did the same thing with the heart only I used the pen tool and the curvature tool.

  • Business CardDescription: Business cards for Animal Daycare


    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr


    Objectives:Implement a logo on a busniess card

    Process:I used illustrator to create the monkey and heart. Then copied it over to InDesign where I created the business card with the text. In illustrator I used the ruler and the line that comes down from double clicking on the ruler to use as a guide line. I then created half of the monkey using shapes. I then used the reflective tool to mirror image the monkey half to create the other half. I then did the same thing with the heart only I used the pen tool and the curvature tool.

  • BrochureDescription: Fold out brochure (like a map) for Onaqui Bison Ranch


    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr

    Program(s)/Tools:InDesignPhone Camera

    Objectives:Use your combined skills to create a brochure

    Process:I created logo and borchure using InDesign. The logo I made simply half of it with the pen tool and the circle tool. Then mirriored it with the reflect tool.

    I made my brochure by using inches and spliting it into 3 sections and two pages using the guides. I got the pictures from live buffalo off of my dads ranch and in the brochure I gave them a grey shadow background.

  • Onagui Buffalo

    Our Herd:This is our buffalo herd out on the ranch. We have babies, teens, and adults available for viewing. Buffet, Bullwinkle, Maggie, Daisy, Haywire, Holly, Little Willy, and Billy Jean.

    We accept everyone to come down and view them.

    Miracles:There have been many exciting things when we decided to make this ranch. One being the birth of Daisy whose mother is Maggie. Being able to watch the family grow is a remarkable things that everyone should be able to witness.

    Events:In Spring you can come down and see the new additions to the herd. Also during the fall you can experience the single Onaqui Buffalo Burgers and

    This will be an adventure you will not want to miss!

    What are Buffalo?Buffalo are strong mammals that used to cause a problem because they would knock down telephone poles and charge through fencing. There are a lot of good uses that you can have for buffalo after harvesting: cut meat, jerky; make clothes, bows, bedding, and many other things. So they were hunting so mankind could progress. Now they are endangered. There are around 35,000 buffalo in the United States.

    Facts:There are a over 600,000 cattle ranches in the United States. Out of those only a handful have buffalo ranches.We welcome all to come and see these magnificent creatures out in the wild with plenty of acres to roam and live life in peace. They are tame enough to be able to feed them out of your hand though the fence once they get to know you better.

    front front-middle front-right

    back back-middle back-right

  • Description: A picture trying to emphasize the scripture how the temple is a great place to be as its built upon his rock, and how we are his flock, while in the light our darkness can be overcome.


    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr


    Objectives:Display logo online and using scripting

    Process:For the logo I used Illustrator. I used the pen tool for the mouth, arms and bow tie, the blob tool for the frosting on the arms, the circle shape tool for everything else in combination with the pathfinder tool.For the website I used a combination of HTML CSS and JavaScript. HTML I just inserted the words and the tags needed for new paragraphs and where the images were. CSS I changed the text style, the colors, position, and added borders on certain tags. JavaScript I did something fun, when you hover over my Gingerbread Man logo it seems to appear in a different spot, and text appears saying You cant catch me I am the Gingerbread Man!. Also if the website is small the text appears below the double border.

    Web Page

  • Description: Picture of baby that has delivered mail for pacifiers


    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr

    Program(s)/Tools:PhotoshopLG G2

    Objectives:Use a picture that you took in artwork

    Process:Using a phone camera the picture was taken, then with help of Photoshop I was able to create the message as well as photo edits. I used a combination of the shape tools and color selector, paint brush, and adding text to the image to deliver the message intended.


  • Description: A picture trying to emphasize the scripture how the temple is a great place to be as its built upon his rock, and how we are his flock, while in the light our darkness can be overcome.


    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr

    Program(s)/Tools:MicroSoft WordGoogle Images

    Objectives:Use word to make a poster for art

    Process:Used word for placing my image and used text to get my message across. I used black boxes to cover areas of the original image that I did not want.

    Event Ad

  • U T

    Feb 28, 5:00 p.m. at Game Pulse

    Save our environment by playing Halo! Come play for only $5 for the whole night. All money

    goes to the National Forest funds

  • Description: Flier for Graduate Leadership Conference


    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr


    Objectives:Use supplied words and image to create your own style of flier

    Process:Program: Indesign. Tools: computer, color, move to background. Skills: design, knowledge of functionality


  • Graduate Leadership Conference

    October 218 a.m. 5 p.m.Lincoln Convention Center

    Do you want to have compititive edge in busniess?

    Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership Conference.Vouant Communicaitons is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day semnar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while culticatingattributes of leadership that will martket to any employer.

    Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

    Registrastion and more information is available at http://www.vouantcomm.com/leaders

  • LogoDescription: Three logos for Flash Clothing


    Course/Instructore:Comm 130 Section 02Cory Kerr


    Objectives:Logo for a clothing company

    Process:I used Illustrator to create the three logos. I used the pen tool to help create the lighting. I used a mix of the pen tool and shape tool to create the shirt logo. I look at examples of logos to help get some ideas that would look good on shirts and on posters. I found that using the grid to be very useful when trying to align things.