^REST GROWS ORPSW-JAtt MEDIULPLAN $5^ M«»Jmgif»for SiekntM. Accidwrt; $50 DMlucHblt^PUn fjS ANGELES. 'Since its re- Vni isiroductkie. iotmct fa«s been ,^%i>rr9id io the mA>0' medical rsiUi •» cAerad to aU men- (n uf the Pacific Svutt>«n^l Aca. District CetBcil, acconlinc . Ihniraai'c Co^ un- rrarhtrrs. ' t««ni mm IS*kM -OVBt 50^ READRS- stttw cuss nsTACi PaS At LOS ANeCLES CAUT. AUALlSHEO WEEIO.V EtCCPr LAST WEEK OF TEA* PACIFIC CITIZEN VOL. SI NO. 13 FRIDAY, lAARCH 20. 1*64 I (mt d ^ b^ith pi«h has bees noticed Mil'.jo £. Edwaid*. wbu outiininc wweiatc. ^ plan aL •elliDcd carru-.; a drductibie and ite compaa? s vLi.vs 10 prt of any and ail nerfd expeaeCi ftir aeodeot or to a ttnuBura od SS.OOO. Obct acetrptad. te foHo bolder . . . . :>■ ho: caoenfioi^ All Uft covered to n«e 70. >'uU pa^L and ........... - ' 1|»< be .>! Lite afenu JACLcTx to their reapecUve topter> Otbrr ateou who have been at. hical JACL .retotss ito. Juittobe. MiAa -^TMhL Oecne Onai . Went AmAi. I _KS STSSiK Is Your Name RecLXd? I UK ANGELES A set of seven bouiu cooaia.uk| the compiete ad. dreaa fSie ^ Pacific Cituesi nib- *criaer> haa be«e subjected to aL maaecto Yjki Ka- mayatau has been d^iceotly mark- -»■ a "-red X" <B aie face of Ihoae addreisoes wtoi have re- bewid tbeir JACl. neemberahip lew UH. Similar' "red X" mark.s b.ivr been placed oa Tbuusand <T1ub- ben whose excaratiOB date-^ are after April.'itM: oo Boiwne.r.l.r sub'cribei.. wbo>e eapirau.n date- are after April. IM4: and uthtn aoi *ubjed u> the Mareb Jl PC culofT' policy. Tbe "r«d X" wiU indicate to tbr .niaileri baodlin^ tae PaciLc Cttiare. when they («A the wt ol _ (even booki during the firri weiJlt first ML.Mrsa.tL»iHiP Wr*l lot Ao#eL, JACL s^uTWl :U firit of .April, that these cufasenbm are membirKhip from Aubrey Austin 'ceoten. president of tbe Santa •Uie" and are not to be removed Utxu>:a Chamber of Commerce At hi* side are Mrs Thy Kanegal Only the unmarked ones. 'iboM- chapte.-- prt-Mdeot: and Jayne^Taniinura, "Miss West I. A." wlL> have failed lo renew by the in lavt vest s Nim-i Week iiueen rxwiti- Mar 31 PC cutarfi datrl are 1.. the Santa Mntm a lL.uk ManrianA adoph dronger paUk accopModalNK ANSAPOUS. Md-The C»-orra1 Assr.mbiy last Saturday pasiwd a cuu-wide equal publir aceomino- ^stanu taw. fBOkiog It toe flnt ■Ute below the Masoofiix^ Urn to dn so . , H.- a »3 voir, toe »-mao mvi Ok i^.wteumd with House amend- mi-nt-. putting aD 23 eoMtou- and «ii- A-i.v of Washington Newsktter: by Mike' Mese^ JACL seeks clarification on cMI rights bill and Buddhists WASHINGTON. Does Ow civil-tire lor an i-m.k^v. f u. irfuM ti ristad objec ngtiv. bill rasped b.* the' House hue and anj perua be- L:gp and now^peiMinf ic to*^ Senate caaw of said person'; atheistic Brwrwen o .anctaui di«cratunauun io'eenpA'y. practwws and bi-iwf- " 'fa proposa- agamsi theee of the Buddhist Berao.-.e of Ihi* atneadmew, Tv unoeWwaa:} hand, A«totong the hauntiw to> WasAdigtun JACL xto acroun: -i his t ( at Wm . reli^iMi toa-s »< i ,gam. DC JACL _ boae tratBytog auppurt of the ociciAal b^ affret ina n cowrtiea.) ■Dw House awBwved the maa*- un B3d0 onfy minutes earber. tew.ag h> toe srtshes id Gav. 3. Millard Tawes t1 wfil bnn sUte- ■UiB in hArL<. mu- by "tt toys Uu< itoeism and retifiito^ ^ _____ _ ... ____ L,______ * Ki-iweaentabVT- mocf the Hsm^ ito l«un. aalausal iwigoi »>k g. b> a ir k. to vjtr mar. nwut i-mpl..jrers and laU>t ate »uw--.si-a. lem.s e«. gso. aiMtm-d an am.-odmeal of- while, on the .4her hnad. jwaiL- «« ^ 1^- of ijui Ui. Min Asbbrenk of Ohio. , ai««p«cd a par. irf Title VII. toe su-nalM Dso-m the debate, la.r or equa) emplorm* oppor- defiaitoto id toheiain. or tuiutses tertioo. juswi^as toi- idw twactu>-» « briH loas / wiitotMTed ''Nutwith)CtandMC.>ny other pns visi.m of Uui THlr. tt idiaD on* that this tar an unlawful (haiduynweit pra>. wa tad s ulUk. 6r Mub SI ipee-.fw 4/flWnii r of atoe- toto«ftj I'wf,. ... VS"* »e n- . aluu iwesuksil .if flnur mnnapert torUD end! n«lU l.girtitoto. jii-t .-*11 V fe : Oairmaa StnanaH OUer. «#* pai^lar dtentoaseat Y.wk Oatonerat. aad raakac^ eded'k. ai-rst.pii-A ctu- o<wii.> mrmbn Wiihnm HcQi^ ------------------------------------- ka-li. CItoo BeiadJieaa. «« tm ftouo^ Jwtocisr? Coitimiltoe to> he rs-muv«d fmm toe "Uvr the "bold' niis simple scheme will losurr 111 National Headinanvrv i SsLr __ plan betog efier^ to the •STDC it avanaUe only to J.ACL toe district council. W interested are wged to xnplete an application as saia pouible fo that the effective 'r can be definitely determined Ihvi X>ial. .. Ibi. tune W tnsurr unink-rropted Use chatAer memtarrship gra't*. speedy removal of JACL subucre autiM-nplam sir»-H*. toerefore. is whM-h appeared m last wes* s PC. bers who fail to renew on Tthm iMat acute at Uiac with 10 .show, perfurnsances in I0di» dl their membership, aceurding to **woikiBg" da>-s rematninc pereeotsgi-over the previous year: Mrs. Kamayariu 27>r lag Utit was -rtd X" a aigrited upua Ku- white "upeo ' Ime laChcaUBg obv-nus In prrviouv yearv will be noUficatkn from Headqtarter.- tbe 190 performane* over ttS. whjiUy aloesi Aftto memberabip ftHs loA. and the nuclT -dark" Ime report- mitoies are moetved at Natrmal ing Ok- IMS percestage over 290. Headguartnd. another day or tw About this graph, n was Dr. elapM* before the "red Xpn>ces» Mnira s hops toil evm^ chapter's <^cars. •dark" hne would streak aerdto Currtott JAa-ers wishing w re- llie graph beyond the Pcl UW. new. but who may have been Cumplrte renewal of liO meta- overhxWal by a ctaapter member- berthi** w«rfd assure this, he es- ship sdUcitor. are advised to call pUmed. their thapier »m»editu-ly. find He called for rwwaU to are and to made today, either by catBag toe to chapter chapter president or the ehastor membership chairman Bona vote may^ force June initiative SACKAMtelTO -A tug u- wa>^^ Ui to ttw mtodle has SAN J0S£ CHAPTR HtTS AETTIME HIGHt 1.012 SAN JOEE -An aU-Ume hV> i& mentoership wa> anaouneed this past Veek by Stn Jom JACL. *rbe Ully IS 1.012. accoriting to Henry Uyeda. chapter pceaidait. Re also said plaos tor a voters educatkia and reflstntkni cam- paigB will be started here soon. .. _____ pulitical AlUsrjgh to.- Oiiv»-i-*i>r f.vwi. fund, a Ooverbor Brown tor faU. he said the decisum may fund- I been waged no; be his to make entirely be- b>aid >si initiative designed to c»u»e of a pn^need sUte srii^ v.-mber nullify the Bimdoid Hnostog Act cuostructioe txmB is.vue for toe be * dualilied IWLtoe haliot last mootb. Juto ballllL " Those to Taw Of fair heostoc Tbe Dtonocratic rtate central .. referNouembw because- cornmittee vote was U-JJ. wbitoLn*t wMk. to. Stale AOncato-s 1 -FeWer prrtotos tom out for came after snmc debate, (toe com- Board contod.mt» of primary etoettoas in June. after of tor -would rneci the tBAatwe -Iimr or November, fctt toe anti- st.l! anuthcr » t An adriiuate discussioo iJ the bowag iaiUativ* would sacrifici tog appreval.- mesiuri- would hr denied becauw educatxa Another claiaed post- forces have not had pfeiiitg tbr school hood what toe submit the immint chairman. '3(f tk ^Odd By lalto tkaamala. N«. CaM.-Waat. Me«. »C Otokmaa NOTHING LIKE 'CITY BY THt OOLOBN GATE' liX niANOCD.As chairmu ter programs, such as your annual if tb Northern CaUfeniA-Weslaa kistoUatton dimer or picnic. Of Knsds District CouBcU and onr coursa. 1 realise funds are Uraitcd i tm reoent addiiipas to toe Ns- but an additional few dolUn aeal Board, may 1 take this this direction is oftentimes HtoTtaiiity to extend greeOags spchl we San Francisco to my fellow AOm throughout toe asUon Although 1 he a USUe aL after _ _____ Out buftoest sestkm was high- recent wtouni to lidded with our very able Wash- aM New Oty. ihftan RepresealaUve Mike Masa- _i eoavthced Chat .toe City by <«*briofmg us up to date on to Ciddeo Cato" fs the only pUcc fte important legislntiie issues of civil right!, and immigration. Vitk the ^ce aBocstad through -ibc council approved a n Ms columo. I weald like to .a- tioti to strongly suppot toe pas- tew «r 97 impressions, sage of the Civil Bi^te bOl now nenu relating to our re-, before toe U-S.'Senate snd to said eat first quarterly district coun- the same lesoiuBufi to Jeados of 'i tateting. the U5 Smste and the s to nun of you alrtisdy knew, from Califoniia. to gHhering was hlghli^ted b.v Tbe council atoe unan naxessfvr testLmcBial banquet approved > 20 YEARS AGP, PRIDE tiM HOE FOR NISEI j}T^TTIESBURG,*Miss-U Tor- *■*rcit Count.' here, out of 7.4» Negroes ol vo-ang age 12 are regtnrred. according to the U.S Civil Right.- Cornmissinn Since Jan. 22. a campaign to have ow m Negroes register U thus 9^ing with niccesA ac- c^diagSo Jehn Lewis, chair man of aa Btudeni-Non-.-iOleat krfaa Thomas H. Xncbel. support of toe Romford Housing ................................. WJkrdy of repeal dunag the forthcomi Art. whifch win be- to > dh fhi, , WUC EBanONB e I became affUiatod Oh this suh)ecL may ■y^boa aoTO m ^ ^ ^ It has been my firm j^cLer, ^ CaUfornu i write respecUve state Wembly- men ami nesaiors to aqnest tbeir Strang support on thU very vital is&ue affecting all CalKomians. Remember that we. Nisei. eiW that «M «J the I *tan: gnnls or rcsponxibilitief of AO- is to toe ana <d public re- , lti®.^ *bre spertficAlty. external P.B . *ere toe proper or Just image _ _ ______ L".n. «1.UI still far.from being free of « e dirertly .w one becomes a district ehair- indn-iduato not bav-iag the ^ becomes snore apparent Wortunlty to CMier getting u ibr importani role Matoitd via, V persooaUy or by dupter {wesidenU fading about jdayed by dupter yresu JACL. As chairman of tot Wdh » cha^ Thousand Guliber*. whose rocm- ership lapse this morlh. may re- Fw'tortrtly with Natkmal Head uarW\by sending-SS- MAgg Member oJi National Memlteiwhip chairman. >r. Dave Miura. reminded -.hat wHh M.m a$ the 19M goal. Coordioauag Cc Lewis more than Jan 22 wit _____ . n'liusters an rabbis ia a "Freedom Day" vol registration exerciw. Haltu-sburg is wril-known I Japanese Amcncans for it 1 the site of Camp Shrib mg ramp of the M2nd .7 mg World War H.' tirll^ . train- nd ,RCT dur- NARUO ISHMARUNAMB TO SAN MATEO HUMAN RBATKMS ROOT SAN ktATEO Active JACLer Ha- ___ Ish-unaru has been appomied to toe n-member San Mateo Coun- ty CDcniBisrioB oo Human Rda- tioos. It wa.' announced this pasi' 1 by James V. Pitagerald. liamnan of the count) box supervisors. James P Mitchell. Secretary d Labor on the Euedtower cal At terving as adviser to the com mittcc. Now an Insurance ageoLJAi- f. det.i. kd and Bsw haag avatlahto. U toe ue IS postpoxed mlta Ma- -Venemaa .said Ihwv wtS ____________.wds avaflahie tor appiica- tton ^ Mtocol ^airtctt fnr at toast I •nittiun are awsii- 3 MoreR iwt.' wfll I Tbeae reasois e Demts in constructioii. bOB sdtool CM to the governofi piuiuna , _____ ____a full tag degrees « ratowk lie when he urged that achwii aid. eoastrurtiis bonds tw 1 mlHtoief to whisto this as mesr. erndd be pvt. such as by wnpfciym d aO 1 1 jpar. I I is eva arm mm wax 1 week by Unn NAACF ass pmsidaBL and toa-Acv. John :. who fKLIbat if toe laitiatite ^ , chairman Another bill caibng fcw 1 D-Reedley Asnrmbly Eduratato CooiiBit- _ istredured Gov Brown's W1 miUton state cc peri «f the Rumtord art ■.% aln»rt..*jeh would lAnee toe bimd issae »««. moetly lot hi»^ edotqtn* ermbi of passage. on toe Nov 3 general etoetton 01! ewpacted to be ■Brw- Both d««red the prospect o( fe, -na, .ntoe mea« the Gwser-ducod later in to^ ^ by »«• several state boad issues being aor ha- decried to ptoce the in-Wslter Sden (DJ3ak*ei placwi 00 toe June ballot, which iu,tav« on the fitavember bnltol the November baUot automatically would pof the tnita- A»'«nbl.'nan Jeton C Vroeman Bond Us«s require ttn on the ssitif ballot. iB-Modestoi also jntradutxd a thirds majority tot spsnvai With - ------------ - gMa-miUton school ctristtwetioo fewer voters parse mnmrn wum iwxcmner ^ ^ ^ pnmarwi ite po« MiUer 'sari the Oovwwor "is sin- June balk*. It mutt be ligned by !**>** i jr B ------------ . ...... --------------------1. to Jung. I chairman airi No Caid JACL re- on the imua'-ivc. but "b< sto.ws Apfwoval of a band gsMiri Omew. Be also assists fir s^ of giving in to tonne whn toe Amntoly raquires a fessiocial Gardetwrs Foderato* i wa« toe twods cm tbe June bal-toads maj«lt,T <d S4 »«« TV Nortoero CaWoniU and the krt". DemoerwU presenfiy coMrol with e Oiamber of Com. Scouting sdiokirship LOS ANGELAS.Roger Shfroatsu. 20. has been awarded Service kchnlardup A canvass ef sute Irictslators a SD-28 atowt-mm.1 of them favor pUevng vatancie* toe initiaiive io toe June baUA. Remibbcai Miner and Burt boto said. MiUer added that SenMor tag Mn •f ewanmii wet ctiOo remxQr. g There ire twi Atsembtymxn Doo MuHord R- rtossd wito toe Bapubltcnn that toe AMmedal. toairman of tor Bnpub-i tnanager fee erri be goUcr- bean caucusftady decUred Senate November balM proposal, --qwrr U gome to be no budget Amewg toow itoo niMliiptol h»tore prm-ried toe> east a swtet party oU of Stcram«to omtl the bmris^ tois hmcfetMi srgm There are This means that s can block tor | Lnif^ ignorod dunhg ton 4 Hjntorfc-anr '-peakuig an athaM a gte aceepted Amancna exan^ steM «e <me who dri ant bafitne n a toxweme Beteg. as HlH n tor catewtiniu sad the JgM. And. face tor gcxeroi nxito- itanduw u ttoi Buddhism not pmxcfe toe doctrxw n( dXe Sivxeme Bsmg BudtouM M h flf toe intefmg eiTfi rtMM evM tonsMi this nxt have hMX tor imetrird fori «f thorn wte sunponed the saMd- L exwe ef ton fear torn Bxto I...supreme court ebal'eng- line v-oU against B. are cn toe June balk*". fJerry Enmnom First »>gU^ Scoutingjing ihr Vga'at) of the initiate Tbe GOP caucus « pti record The threat <d BepdbUfasi btMrB Vue PiieldiM. Tsxe llsMi. *► ___________professional scouter it the soo of Southwest L.A. JACL liresrira-. and Mrs Masaki Shima- of this month. district Fbr toe above reuax. t was ijnpoihible to coordinate oi ■-■hcularty impmsMl arito the any kind of program -iih- W*t»ndinf job d* public reUtkxis ^ poUcitiag assistance from ench s.. .------- ... ^ every chapter prwrienL ttotiv Dutnrt programs such as vole: registratMi. oratcrical and essay toe support of varstois rwuHed btm e) tertitiKwla! This *Mrain rnceivad excelient newi •Pte. rodio aad Wlevislex _____________________ _ -- - le toroughout toe San Francisco le^jriative programs, etea., T actually have to be sr*"*" I must admit that toU particular, ^ chspier leaden *Mram gave us a Mddax eppor- ^ centiiiue to hme ai >*'-y but toe true crgdft of our („«,Bttatloii »«qf success must be ftven to dupter pretidrot twben of the host San Fran- -dj j rroliae ton tocal commu- »eo JAIX ehapner baaqont com- proiect* aSooe can keep - For It was tiutoigh their buiv but pteate do J^ave and cacellext planning ^ ^ p,rture. ^ made it possible fee tens ij^ NC-WKDC presidnfiu. J g thou,^ d renders and „*ke ttls special appeal. Ptess. « to «riL ste and hnar about terifreetocalionmeterajp assistance as s member of toe **•>- I take this xocaston to «n- Board. nach astrtet npnncfl and ^ eoxcl«*i. we art roasta^iy *•»«• to mtk every w*»tonit7 far new and iliflerent rieas J^wkgtoen XV (MbBc itoatams programming and orgaai- t, ^ BS ftrorture Therefore, toe suggastlii is to- btrite as JSattonai Convenbon in De- maiinxt^pgrteto » -^ tro«. July 1-1. will be toe pr^ to IfjRjga vartaxs chap- ^ discuss surti issue*. Plan to aftosk express th««i personniJy ■el|Bnll^Mare ^ 0,^011 tx pass tonm ox ID ywir Mar.tlWcMUMt c 18lh Biennial National Convention SOUVENIR BOOKLET The JACL Convention souvenir booklet, containing the greetinfs from district coitnciJs, chapters, individuals and business finns. F»and« as ready reference lor years to come There are pictures galore, special messages and feMures ' w-bich make each national convention dwtincUve, as th>- souvenir booklet u ill show. Some of the most talented wrilws and artists of the host chapter Contnbute many manboore to produce 1 graph ic piece of artabout the only UngdJle item to be cherisbed bv ddegates through tbe vears. it is preseoled to ever>- registered delegate to asaist him in eojoving fuUv the hosptUlil) of the city tbe friend- ^ip of fellow mem^ and the knowledge that JACL has wide su{^ri The souvenir booklet committee has announced an Ap ril 15 deadline for advertisini. The rates are: Inside I^es l*Oo»or 2-Coto« FuU Page ................................... »l» »1M Half Page.................................... «> Quarter Page - y-.................. dS E^hlh Page . >___ 25 90 axteenth Page ......................... IS. l4 Detroit's Japanese communUy is adndtledly smkfi; hence tbe urgenct of strong support from other chapters iTan absoliile necessity if tbe conventioo is to be suceess- fuL Cofrt- and roonev- may be sent to the JACL Conventfc* Booklet OMnmiltee PO Box 5725. Detroit.' Hkfa. 4B239 Remember tbe April IS. 1964 deadline. Lant Saturday. «te Demoerxtie haw rvparted schoiA ofeistnictM •AttU- Ccolrxl OommiUc* urged fund* beycad April are hisiimcicxt. tor GtwMXor to veto aoy tod) Evte if tor i.- tarid m wbicli w«ikl ptecr tor mtiialiw Joar. Vnwtoan added day* will 00 Jhr Junr tialkrt. rxpin- WtWTra Itoauld hr ruled opoB by ttw «xd g, umr of putfing ah hexd uaxes boyori wa* madr 0 tor Juar txIlM. - Tbr D<RDoerat» have a Home BuBS- er» of Sacni aiutted'* riBtrmrot was tiaked Uw dscifiax made by Mr OOP cauni* ce Mar hr- uftaat Naifaqal Treaiaror. fetaB \M- YcAimura. Chxwwtaa cd aw Bfe with I tor "laitisnvr esn br Vraexvaa sari tor urgexcy - Junr. but it wUl be the mexsxre hr* ia tor tact that JACLen urged to tell dale legiddon to have iniliative on November ballol 'T CaUoiwu should have aa earty c-haace to took over taese taoadx' Tbe bo^ proposal* smausl to tm miluax-«Be milUie tor stale uai- versitr,' ccdJrgr* sad otow stele l*rililwxs urn mOlKW for kiam to tucal sefedol dlslriri: far schaul .•.rt-tfurtewr sad SIW miUirw far dt-wSwriwmt of fwrk> aad hratfee* teixal PuUlr ice. a^ Mas Batow. Matfexxl SB- weU a* Steve ObL 9Wd Saa Fraaeisro Chapter PHrtdt. all of JACL TW BeaaVte. rwr wifiM M Tanforan track toUtorbonskig SAJI B*r>'0 - The TaMw recr -.rs's orir-:. burse rxtM eval b> tor Wrs. has kxaa Bwl far a K.ltewe to Suasc*. IA tkioal PeUvJrum Cnrp.. xH drelia; d K S plr. _ to yiw » b.;!. axd rxpkx, sL-neke Hugh M B.rtu - Ftr>au>. presricwl pr^tom «f tor SAN FR.ANCISCO Tbr CiUifor- r.-r jr.-vrod j.iann* "iw tsjod firaale. and AasemhiroiXB JxiM far Fair Frarticri.. i-.'ih-' oo tbr N.wrmbrr ballot. M Itoruh 04aglaawri'. .paahri- of whirii thi- Japanrw Anirriran Bui j va>- majorrt' .U tor IsgiilB- of tor Aaseototy. bad Busgs*- CitiB-Oi Tu^.«- 1- a particijistiM t.#' 'e.io iprliaed to prrfrr tor ingv aMuC a»r srM texd Tirmbrr. thir wrwk orgrri JACT. miliuUvr <*i tor Jam- haiku Sir rdte-r Jimr -< Na>wahw h^ mernlMT' ui/!iw -latr to urgr JACLsT' *vrr ekiwrtod awir KoaXCn aad asseniblymai tecf thru asscmbl.vmro Sacramrsno) fa tort hiinrdwtely. have tor Inri fssues on tor Ko- ru»»n tor Ouv MXbrr balVr. -plafe tor Ismd I'wr-. ox tor No- taw. 'There u fe*l danger tori toe vt-mher baUrt »ri Cxrt* saM hr reafkw'. mftiauve wUl hr Placed TV CCFP Vs taken xa-oRirtM rote »?**?*** tefwtd to -T-f190. i ro toe Junr rata than tor No- poutMO oe tor hood isaurs - retort toaa w- Jaxr. towns saM--------- 1?^. ^ a wmter Vilot.'.' JACLcrs -ere JACLer, were also expected to V -role yurt a, «w tair ;t ri * fcdd by CerP Chalniiaa C L. IM- ecxtect tor Oororeor. iadMtixg to Janr .aad m * ann kims. -.'U this orciorrd ac would him toe pr«rit) nature of toe ... t confronted with aa altnoet in- ioibabvw: aidung him to go *It-»sl , Big^ fto^ iwmvwatator U*k as wr trek it* U> grUing tor iailiattvy oo to No- ANCUagS - Nrw V>«1i C.*v •toat •• wmbar Vital even H *i» means Bockefeaer has bitchod his Cab TV CCFF exjdained that if any hu vrteteg ao> measure that |*w»arr r.mpniga fa end of toe three propotad bond iasue* w^ Vv* toe mrtiatlw ox tor ^ began scumfa^ *• '3 sritoo; aad t park* aad racrea- Jua^^^^ ttax) art placed oa jlte Ju* r-w------------------ - tat. toi> make, h a iqierial elec- /U that Fair HiMfeg CMitenna been discsusiag wito tewt. la toat evanU tor m.'jative i* tor hey wroe ia MM. h CMW Ku*h*i strategy to keepag tot •onld automabcajli V on tor V »*iTtfii-ad to aajr xtoer omeere (jW» from V tm fewnal elertiew after n quali- TVs must V made Hear te ror tferu 1 Be* ^slsfarv aad to toe Governor." TV Gotwreor has pledged « brllum- itacUred iCaatiWiM an V5 Weeks to 'Go Detroit in 64ISrii Biennial JACL Nari Conrentwn July 1-4 Sheratsn-CaJiHae Freociaro hay i taJfeted In tor statiir* neV M toe ^iwkiw i u>ad as i immkMWm a


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^REST GROWSORPSW-JAttMEDIULPLAN$5^ M«»Jmgif»for SiekntM. Accidwrt;$50 DMlucHblt^PUn

fjS ANGELES. —'Since its re- Vni isiroductkie. iotmct fa«s been ,^%i>rr9id io the mA>0' medical rsiUi •» cAerad to aU men- (n uf the Pacific Svutt>«n^l Aca. District CetBcil, acconlinc . Ihniraai'c Co^ un-rrarhtrrs.

' t««ni mm IS*kM-OVBt 50^ READRS-

stttw cuss nsTACiPaS At LOS ANeCLES CAUT.



I (mt d^ b^ith pi«h has bees noticed Mil'.jo £. Edwaid*. wbu h» outiininc wweiatc.

^ plan aL •elliDcd carru-.; a drductibie and ite compaa? s vLi.vs 10 prt of any and ail

nerfd expeaeCi ftir aeodeot or to a ttnuBura od SS.OOO.

Obct acetrptad. te foHo bolder. . . . :>■ ho:caoenfioi^ All

Uft covered to n«e 70. >'uU pa^L and ........... ‘ - '

1|»<be .>!

Lite afenuJACLcTx to their reapecUve


Otbrr ateou who have been at.hical JACL


ito. Juittobe. MiAa -^TMhL Oecne Onai

. Went AmAi. I_KSSTSSiK

Is Your Name RecLX’d?

IUK ANGELES —A set of seven bouiu cooaia.uk| the compiete ad. dreaa fSie ^ Pacific Cituesi nib- *criaer> haa be«e subjected to aL

maaecto Yjki Ka- mayatau has been d^iceotly mark- -»■ a "-red X" <B aie face of Ihoae addreisoes wtoi have re- bewid tbeir JACl. neemberahip lew UH.Similar' "red X" mark.s b.ivr

been placed oa Tbuusand <T1ub- ben whose excaratiOB date-^ are after April.'itM: oo Boiwne.r.l.r sub'cribei.. wbo>e eapirau.n date- are after April. IM4: and uthtn aoi *ubjed u> the Mareb Jl ‘ PC culofT' policy.Tbe "r«d X" wiU indicate to

tbr .niaileri baodlin^ tae PaciLc Cttiare. when they («A the wt ol _(even booki during the firri weiJlt first ML.Mrsa.tL»iHiP — Wr*l lot Ao#eL, JACL s^uTWl :U firit of .April, that these cufasenbm are membirKhip from Aubrey Austin 'ceoten. president of tbe Santa•Uie" and are not to be removed Utxu>:a Chamber of Commerce At hi* side are Mrs Thy KanegalOnly the unmarked ones. 'iboM- chapte.-- prt-Mdeot: and Jayne^Taniinura, "Miss West I. A."

wlL> have failed lo renew by the in lavt vest s Nim-i Week iiueen rxwiti- Mar 31 PC cutarfi datrl are 1.. the Santa Mntm a lL.uk

ManrianA adoph dronger paUk accopModalNK

ANSAPOUS. Md-The C»-orra1 Assr.mbiy last Saturday pasiwd a cuu-wide equal publir aceomino- ^stanu taw. fBOkiog It toe flnt ■Ute below the Masoofiix^ Urn to dn so • . ,

H.- a »3 voir, toe »-mao mvi Ok i^.wteumd with House amend- mi-nt-. putting aD 23 eoMtou- and «ii- A-i’.v of

Washington Newsktter: by Mike' Mese^

JACL seeks clarification on

cMI rights bill and BuddhistsWASHINGTON. — Does Ow civil-tire lor an i-m.k^v. f u. irfuM ti ristad objec ngtiv. bill rasped b.* the' House hue and anj perua be- L:gpand now^peiMinf ic to*^ Senate caaw of said person'; atheistic Brwrwen o .anctaui di«cratunauun io'eenpA'y. practwws and bi-iwf- " 'fa proposa-

agamsi theee of the Buddhist Berao.-.e of Ihi* atneadmew, Tv unoeWwaa:}hand, A«totong

the hauntiw to> WasAdigtun JACL xto acroun: -i his t

( at Wm. reli^iMi toa-s »< i

,gam. DC JACL _ boae tratBytog

auppurt of the ociciAal b^ affret­ina n cowrtiea.)

■Dw House awBwved the maa*- un B3d0 onfy minutes earber. tew.ag h> toe srtshes id Gav. 3. Millard Tawes t1 wfil bnn sUte-

■UiB in hArL<. mu-

by "tt toys Uu< itoeism and retifiito^^ _____ _ ... ____ L,______ *Ki-iweaentabVT- mocf the Hsm^ ito l«un. aalausal iwigoi

»>k g. b> a ir k. to vjtr mar. nwut i-mpl..jrers and laU>t ate »uw--.si-a. lem.s e«.gso. aiMtm-d an am.-odmeal of- while, on the .4her hnad. jwaiL- «« ^ 1^- of ijui Ui. ■

Min Asbbrenk of Ohio., ai««p«cd a

par. irf Title VII. toe su-nalM Dso-m the debate, la.r or equa) emplorm* oppor- defiaitoto id toheiain. or tuiutses tertioo. juswi^as toi- idw twactu>-» « briHloas / wiitotMTed

''Nutwith)CtandMC.>ny other pns visi.m of Uui THlr. tt idiaD on* that this tar an unlawful (haiduynweit pra>. wa tad s

ulUk. 6r Mub SI ipee-.fw 4/flWnii r of atoe- toto«ftjI'wf,. ... VS"* »e n-

. aluu iwesuksil .if

flnur mnnapert torUD end! n«lU l.girtitoto.

jii-t .-*11 V fe : Oairmaa StnanaH OUer. «#* pai^lar dtentoaseat Y.wk Oatonerat. aad raakac^ eded'k. ai-rst.pii-A ctu- o<wii.> mrmbn Wiihnm HcQi^-------------------------------------— ka-li. CItoo BeiadJieaa. «« tm

ftouo^ Jwtocisr? Coitimiltoe to>

he rs-muv«d fmm toe "Uvr the "bold'

“niis simple scheme will losurr • 111 National Headinanvrv i

SsLr __plan betog efier^ to the

•STDC it avanaUe only to J.ACL toe district council.

W interested are wged to xnplete an application as saia pouible fo that the effective

'r can be definitely determined

Ihvi X>ial... Ibi. tune W tnsurr unink-rropted Use chatAer memtarrship gra't*.

speedy removal of JACL subucre autiM-nplam sir»-H*. toerefore. is whM-h appeared m last wes* s PC. bers who fail to renew on Tthm iMat acute at Uiac with 10 .show, perfurnsances in I0di» dl their membership, aceurding to **woikiBg" da>-s rematninc pereeotsgi-over the previous year:Mrs. Kamayariu 27>r lag Utit was -rtd X" a aigrited upua Ku- white "upeo ' Ime laChcaUBgobv-nus In prrviouv yearv will be noUficatkn from Headqtarter.- tbe 190 performane* over ttS. whjiUy aloesi Aftto memberabip ftHs loA. and the nuclT -dark" Ime report-

mitoies are moetved at Natrmal ing Ok- IMS percestage over 290. Headguartnd. another day or tw About this graph, n was Dr. elapM* before the "red X” pn>ces» Mnira s hops toil evm^ chapter's <^cars. •dark" hne would streak aerdto

Currtott JAa-ers wishing w re- llie graph beyond the 1» Pcl UW. new. but who may have been Cumplrte renewal of liO meta- overhxWal by a ctaapter member- berthi** w«rfd assure this, he es- ship sdUcitor. are advised to call pUmed.their thapier »m»editu-ly. find He called for rwwaU to ►

are and to made today, either by catBag toe to chapter chapter president or the ehastor

membership chairman

Bona vote may^ force June initiativeSACKAMtelTO -A tug u- wa>^ ̂Ui to ttw mtodle has

SAN J0S£ CHAPTR HtTS AETTIME HIGHt 1.012SAN JOEE -An aU-Ume hV> i& mentoership wa> anaouneed this past Veek by Stn Jom JACL. *rbe Ully IS 1.012. accoriting to Henry Uyeda. chapter pceaidait.Re also said plaos tor a voters

educatkia and reflstntkni cam- paigB will be started here soon.

.. _____ pulitical AlUsrjgh to.- Oiiv»-i-*i>r f.vwi. fund, aOoverbor Brown tor faU. he said the decisum may fund- I

been waged no; be his to make entirely be- b>aid >siinitiative designed to c»u»e of a pn^need sUte srii^ v.-mber

nullify the Bimdoid Hnostog Act cuostructioe txmB is.vue for toe be * dualilied IWLtoe haliot last mootb. Juto ballllL "Those to Taw Of fair heostoc Tbe Dtonocratic rtate central ..refer Nouembw because- cornmittee vote was U-JJ. wbito Ln*t wMk. to. Stale AOncato-s1 -FeWer prrtotos tom out for came after snmc debate, (toe com- Board contod.mt» of

primary etoettoas in June.after

of tor -would rneci the tBAatwe-Iimr or November, fctt toe anti- st.l! anuthcr »

t An adriiuate discussioo iJ the bowag iaiUativ* would sacrifici tog appreval.-mesiuri- would hr denied becauw educatxa Another claiaed post-

forces have not had pfeiiitg tbr school hoodwhat toe

submit the immintchairman.

'3(f tk ^OddBy lalto tkaamala. N«. CaM.-Waat. Me«. »C Otokmaa

NOTHING LIKE 'CITY BY THt OOLOBN GATE'liX niANOCD.—As chairmu ter programs, such as your annual if tb Northern CaUfeniA-Weslaa kistoUatton dimer or picnic. Of Knsds District CouBcU and onr coursa. 1 realise funds are Uraitcd i tm reoent addiiipas to toe Ns- but an additional few dolUn aeal Board, may 1 take this this direction is oftentimes HtoTtaiiity to extend greeOags spchlwe San Francisco to my fellow AOm throughout toe asUon Although 1 he a USUe

aL after _ _____ Out buftoest sestkm was high-recent wtouni to lidded with our very able Wash-

aM New Oty. ihftan RepresealaUve Mike Masa- _i eoavthced Chat .toe “City by <«*“ briofmg us up to date on

to Ciddeo Cato" fs the only pUcc fte important legislntiie issues of civil right!, and immigration.

Vitk the ^ce aBocstad through -ibc council approved a n Ms columo. I weald like to .a- tioti to strongly suppot toe pas-

tew «r 97 impressions, sage of the Civil Bi^te bOl now nenu relating to our re-, before toe U-S.'Senate snd to said

eat first quarterly district coun- the same lesoiuBufi to Jeados of 'i tateting. the U5 Smste and the sto nun of you alrtisdy knew, from Califoniia. to gHhering was hlghli^ted b.v Tbe council atoe unan naxessfvr testLmcBial banquet approved >

20 YEARS AGP, PRIDE tiM HOE FOR NISEI’ j}T^TTIESBURG,*Miss-U Tor- *■*“ rcit Count.' here, out of 7.4»

Negroes ol vo-ang age 12 are regtnrred. according to the U.S Civil Right.- Cornmissinn Since Jan. 22. a campaign to have ow m Negroes register U thus

9^ing with niccesA ac- c^diagSo Jehn Lewis, chair­man of aa Btudeni-Non-.-iOleat

krfaa Thomas H. Xncbel. support of toe Romford Housing.................................WJkrdy of

repeal dunag the forthcomiArt. whifch win be- to >

dh fhi, ,WUC EBanONB

e I became affUiatod Oh this suh)ecL may■y^boa aoTO m ^ ^ ^It has been my firm j^cLer, ^ CaUfornu i write

respecUve state Wembly- men ami nesaiors to aqnest tbeir Strang support on thU very vital is&ue affecting all CalKomians.

Remember that we. Nisei.

eiW that «M «J the I *tan: gnnls or rcsponxibilitief of AO- is to toe ana <d public re- , lti®.^*bre spertficAlty. external P.B .*ere toe proper or Just image _ _ ______

L".n. o« «1.UI■ still far.from being free of «

e dirertly.w one becomes a district ehair-

indn-iduato not bav-iag the ^ becomes snore apparentWortunlty to CMier getting u ibr importani roleMatoitd via, V persooaUy or by dupter {wesidenUfading about

’ jdayed by dupter yresu JACL. As chairman of totWdh » cha^

Thousand Guliber*. whose rocm- ership lapse this morlh. may re- Fw'tortrtly with Natkmal Head uarW\by sending-SS-

MAgg Member oJi National Memlteiwhip chairman. >r. Dave Miura. reminded -.hat

wHh M.m a$ the 19M goal.

Coordioauag Cc Lewis

more than Jan 22 wit_____ . n'liusters anrabbis ia a "Freedom Day" vol registration exerciw.

Haltu-sburg is wril-known I Japanese Amcncans for it 1 the site of Camp Shrib mg ramp of the M2nd .7 mg World War H.'

tirll ̂. train- nd ,RCT dur-


SAN ktATEO —Active JACLer Ha-___ Ish-unaru has been appomiedto toe n-member San Mateo Coun- ty CDcniBisrioB oo Human Rda- tioos. It wa.' announced this pasi'

1 by James V. Pitagerald. liamnan of the count) box supervisors.James P Mitchell. Secretary d

Labor on the Euedtower cal At terving as adviser to the com mittcc.

Now an Insurance ageoL JAi-

f. det.i. kd and Bsw haag ■ avatlahto. U toeue IS postpoxed mlta Ma- -Venemaa .said Ihwv wtS

____________ .wds avaflahie tor appiica-tton ^ Mtocol ^airtctt fnr at toast

I •nittiun are awsii-

3 MoreRiwt.' wfll I

Tbeae reasois

e Demts in constructioii.

bOB sdtool CM to the

governofi piuiuna, _____ ____a full tag degrees «

ratowk lie when he urged that achwii aid. eoastrurtiis bonds tw 1

mlHtoief to whisto this as mesr. erndd be pvt. such as

by wnpfciym d aO 1

1 jpar. I I is eva

arm mm wax 1week by Unn NAACF asspmsidaBL and toa-Acv. John

:. who fKLIbat if toe laitiatite ^ , chairmanAnother bill caibng fcw 1

D-ReedleyAsnrmbly Eduratato CooiiBit-

_ istredured Gov Brown's W1 miUton state cc peri «f the Rumtord art ■.% aln»rt..*jeh would lAnee toe bimd issae »««. moetly lot hi»^ edotqtn* ermbi of passage. on toe Nov 3 general etoetton 01! ™ ewpacted to be ■Brw-

Both d««red the prospect o( fe, -na, .ntoe mea« the Gwser- ducod later in to^ ^ by »«•several state boad issues being aor ha- decried to ptoce the in- Wslter Sden (DJ3ak*eiplacwi 00 toe June ballot, which iu,tav« on the fitavember bnltol the November baUotautomatically would pof the tnita- A»'«nbl.'n‘an Jeton C Vroeman Bond Us«s require ttn on the ssitif ballot. iB-Modestoi also jntradutxd a thirds majority tot spsnvai With

- ------------ - gMa-miUton school ctristtwetioo fewer voters parsemnmrn wum iwxcmner ^ ^ ^ pnmarwi ite po«

MiUer 'sari the Oovwwor "is sin- June balk*. It mutt be ligned by !**>** i jr B

------------. ...... --------------------1. to Jung. Ichairman airi No Caid JACL re- on the imua'-ivc. but "b< sto.ws Apfwoval of a band gsMiri Omew. Be also assists fir s^ of giving in to tonne whn toe Amntoly raquires a

fessiocial Gardetwrs Foderato* i wa« toe twods cm tbe June bal-toads maj«lt,T <d S4 »«« TV Nortoero CaWoniU and the krt". DemoerwU presenfiy coMrol with

e Oiamber of Com.

Scouting sdiokirshipLOS ANGELAS.—Roger Shfroatsu. 20. has been awarded Service kchnlardup

A canvass ef sute Irictslators a SD-28 atowt-mm.1 of them favor pUevng vatancie* toe initiaiive io toe June baUA. Remibbcai Miner and Burt boto said.MiUer added that

SenMor tag Mn •f ewanmii wet ctiOo remxQr. g

There ire twi Atsembtymxn Doo MuHord R- rtossd wito toe Bapubltcnnthat toe AMmedal. toairman of tor Bnpub-i tnanager fee erribe goUcr- bean caucusftady decUred Senate

November balM proposal, --qwrr U gome to be no budget Amewg toow itoo niMliiptol h»tore prm-ried toe> east a swtet party oU of Stcram«to omtl the bmris^ tois hmcfetMi

srgm There are This means that s can block tor |

Lnif^ ignorod dunhg ton 4

Hjntorfc-anr '-peakuig an athaM a gte aceepted Amancna exan^ steM «e <me who dri ant bafitne n a toxweme Beteg. as HlH n tor catewtiniu sad the JgM.And. face tor gcxeroi nxito-

itanduw u ttoi Buddhism not pmxcfe toe doctrxw n( dXe Sivxeme Bsmg BudtouM M

h flf toe intefmg eiTfi rtMM evM tonsMi this nxt

have hMX tor imetrird fori «f thorn wte sunponed the saMd-

Lexwe ef ton fear torn Bxto

—I...— supreme court ebal'eng- line v-oU against B. are cn toe June balk*". fJerry Enmnom First »>gU^Scoutingjing ihr Vga'at) of the initiate Tbe GOP caucus « pti record The threat <d BepdbUfasi btMrB Vue PiieldiM. Tsxe llsMi. *►

___________professional scouterit the soo of Southwest L.A. JACL liresrira-. and Mrs Masaki Shima-

of this month.


Fbr toe above reuax. t was ijnpoihible to coordinate oi■-■hcularty impmsMl arito the any kind of program -iih-W*t»ndinf job d* public reUtkxis ^ poUcitiag assistance from enchs.. .------- ... ^ every chapter prwrienL

ttotiv Dutnrt programs such as vole: registratMi. oratcrical and essay

toe support of varstois

rwuHed btm e) tertitiKwla! This

*Mrain rnceivad excelient newi•Pte. rodio aad Wlevislex _____________________ _ -- -le toroughout toe San Francisco le^jriative programs, etea.,T actually have to be sr*"*"I must admit that toU particular, ^ chspier leaden

*Mram gave us a Mddax eppor- ^ centiiiue to hme ai >*'-y but toe true crgdft of our („«,Bttatloii »«qf success must be ftven to dupter pretidrot“twben of the host San Fran- -—dj j rroliae ton tocal commu- »eo JAIX ehapner baaqont com- proiect* aSooe can keep -

For It was tiutoigh their buiv but pteate doJ^ave and cacellext planning ^ ̂ p,rture.^ made it possible fee tens ij^ NC-WKDC presidnfiu. J g thou,^ d renders and „*ke ttls special appeal. Ptess.« to «riL ste and hnar about terifreetocalionmeterajp

assistance as s member of toe **•>- I take this xocaston to «n- Board.

nach astrtet npnncfl and ^ eoxcl«*i. we art roasta^iy *•»«• to mtk every w*»tonit7 far new and iliflerent rieasJ^wkgtoen XV (MbBc itoatams programming and orgaai-

t, ^ BS ftrorture Therefore, toesuggastlii is to- btrite as JSattonai Convenbon in De-maiinxt^pgrteto » -^ tro«. July 1-1. will be toe pr^

to IfjRjga vartaxs chap- ^ discuss surti issue*. Plan to aftosk express th««i personniJy

■el|Bnll^Mare ^ 0,^011 tx pass tonm ox ID ywir



18lh Biennial National Convention

SOUVENIR BOOKLETThe JACL Convention souvenir booklet, containing the

greetinfs from district coitnciJs, chapters, individuals and business finns. F»and« as ready reference lor years to come There are pictures galore, special messages and feMures

' w-bich make each national convention dwtincUve, as th>- souvenir booklet u ill show.

Some of the most talented wrilws and artists of the host chapter Contnbute many manboore to produce 1 graph­ic piece of art—about the only UngdJle item to be cherisbed bv ddegates through tbe vears.

it is preseoled to ever>- registered delegate to asaist him in eojoving fuUv the hosptUlil) of the city tbe friend- ^ip of fellow mem^ and the knowledge that JACL has wide su{^ri

The souvenir booklet committee has announced an Ap­ril 15 deadline for advertisini. The rates are:Inside I^es l*Oo»or 2-Coto«FuU Page ...................................»l» »1MHalf Page.................................... «> *®Quarter Page - y-.................. dSE^hlh Page . >___ 25 90axteenth Page ......................... IS. l4

Detroit's Japanese communUy is adndtledly smkfi; hence tbe urgenct of strong support from other chapters iTan absoliile necessity if tbe conventioo is to be suceess- fuL

Cofrt- and roonev- may be sent to the JACL Conventfc* Booklet OMnmiltee PO Box 5725. Detroit.' Hkfa. 4B239

Remember tbe April IS. 1964 deadline.

Lant Saturday. «te Demoerxtie haw rvparted schoiA ofeistnictM •AttU- Ccolrxl OommiUc* urged fund* beycad April are hisiimcicxt. tor GtwMXor to veto aoy tod) Evte if tor i.- tarid mwbicli w«ikl ptecr tor mtiialiw Joar. Vnwtoan added • day* will 00 Jhr Junr tialkrt. rxpin- WtWTra

Itoauld hr ruled opoB by ttw «xd g, umr of putfing ah hexd uaxes boyori wa* madr0 tor Juar txIlM. - Tbr D<RDoerat» have a Home BuBS-

er» of Sacni aiutted'* riBtrmrot was tiaked

Uw dscifiax made by Mr OOP cauni* ce Mar

hr- uftaat Naifaqal Treaiaror. fetaB \M- YcAimura. Chxwwtaa cd aw Bfe

with I

tor "laitisnvr esn br Vraexvaa sari tor urgexcy - Junr. but it wUl be the mexsxre hr* ia tor tact that

JACLen urged to tell dale legiddon to have iniliative on November ballol


CaUoiwu should have aa earty c-haace to took over taese taoadx' Tbe bo^ proposal* smausl to tm miluax-«Be milUie tor stale uai- versitr,' ccdJrgr* sad otow stele l*rililwxs urn mOlKW for kiam to tucal sefedol dlslriri: far schaul.•.rt-tfurtewr sad SIW miUirw far dt-wSwriwmt of fwrk> aad hratfee*

teixal PuUlr ice. a^ Mas Batow. Matfexxl SB-

weU a* Steve ObL 9Wd Saa Fraaeisro Chapter PHrtdt.all of JACLTW BeaaVte. rwr wifiM M

Tanforan track toUtorbonskig

SAJI B*r>'0 - The TaMwrecr -.rs's orir-:. burse rxtM eval b> tor Wrs. has kxaa Bwl far a K.ltewe to Suasc*. IA tkioal PeUvJrum Cnrp.. xHdrelia; d

K S plr. _ to yiw » b.;!. axd rxpkx,

sL-neke Hugh M B.rtu - Ftr>au>. presricwl pr^tom «f tor

SAN FR.ANCISCO — Tbr CiUifor- r.-r jr.-vrod j.iann* "iw tsjod firaale. and AasemhiroiXB JxiM far Fair Frarticri.. i-.'ih-' oo tbr N.wrmbrr ballot. M Itoruh ■ 04aglaawri'. .paahri-

of whirii thi- Japanrw Anirriran Bui j va>- majorrt' .U tor IsgiilB- of tor Aaseototy. bad Busgs*- CitiB-Oi Tu^.«- 1- a particijistiM t.#' 'e.io iprliaed to prrfrr tor ingv aMuC a»r srM texd Tirmbrr. thir wrwk orgrri JACT. miliuUvr <*i tor Jam- haiku Sir rdte-r Jimr -< Na>wahw h^ mernlMT' ui/!iw -latr to urgr JACLsT' *vrr ekiwrtod awir KoaXCn aad asseniblymai tecf thru asscmbl.vmro

Sacramrsno) fa tort hiinrdwtely. have tor Inri fssues on tor Ko- ru»»n tor Ouv MXbrr balVr. -plafe tor Ismd I'wr-. ox tor No- taw.'There u fe*l danger tori toe vt-mher baUrt »ri Cxrt* saM hr

reafkw'. mftiauve wUl hr Placed TV CCFP Vs taken xa-oRirtM rote »?**?*** tefwtd to -T-f—190. iro toe Junr rata than tor No- poutMO oe tor hood isaurs - retort toaa w- Jaxr. towns saM--------- ”1?^. ^ awmter Vilot.'.' JACLcrs -ere JACLer, were also expected to V -role yurt a, «w tair ;t ri *fcdd by CerP Chalniiaa C L. IM- ecxtect tor Oororeor. iadMtixg to Janr .aad m * w« ann kims. -.'U this orciorrd ac would him toe pr«rit) nature of toe ...t confronted with aa altnoet in- ioibabvw: aidung him to go *It-»sl , Big^ fto^iwmvwatator U*k as wr trek it* U> grUing tor iailiattvy oo to No- ANCUagS - Nrw V>«1i C.*v •toat •• wmbar Vital even H *i» means Bockefeaer has bitchod his CabTV CCFF exjdained that if any hu vrteteg ao> measure that |*w»arr r.mpniga fa end

of toe three propotad bond iasue* w^ Vv* toe mrtiatlw ox tor ^ began scumfa^ *•'3 sritoo; aad t park* aad racrea- Jua^^^^ttax) art placed oa jlte Ju* —— — — —r-w------------------ -tat. toi> make, h a iqierial elec- /U that Fair HiMfeg ■ CMitenna been discsusiag witotewt. la toat evanU tor m.'jative i* tor hey wroe ia MM. h CMW Ku*h*i strategy to keepag tot •onld automabcajli V on tor V »*iTtfii-ad to aajr xtoer omeere (jW» from V ‘tm fewnal elertiew after n quali- TVs must V made Hear te ror tferu 1Be* ^slsfarv aad to toe Governor."TV Gotwreor has pledged « brllum- itacUred iCaatiWiM an

V5 Weeks to 'Go Detroit in ’64’ISrii Biennial JACL Nari Conrentwn July 1-4 • Sheratsn-CaJiHae

Freociaro hay i taJfeted In tor statiir*neV M toe ^iwkiw i

u>ad as i




^—^ATinc rntjw ^ 2-TH^ lUrr* a. II

pacific citizenwrrx Of Ti« r*Al , C«a„ MA *-4*71Tinrl*^ I*.

rorrip*?r p« 7^minr-- '■( to* r-»« »mi» fc> w o«fc« u» *



a*a-a> KAi*Ay*n7 .

(fc &AoiiJiakFUTURi STATUS OF PC .

While the Tacifiv Citiicrn ^itjnUmwd lo operate in the -btKk ' dunnfi 1963. some lorebodini omciB coocenijii* pt"* fuanctal health are eA Uiein'. So much that the PC txnrii land some National JACL Board roembersi is seriously think- iii« <rf redudnf ihe numher of issues j»r year — as mudi haU — to mainain PCs aif-suataining posture

So that chapter ddeiprtes to the National Convention •iU know hos* to act on his propletn. the PC Board is meet­ing next week to survey the enlire finanttal scene as it mijglil appear 1965 A sunimuy v'iU be herenext week with possibic iim^rocnls from PC Board Chairman, ]>r. Rm‘ Nishikawa.

'Hrwgh wv personally nolild not wish it. the future status of the P^ifk Citneii may weft be one of Itie main is­sues at.the 1>etrail convention this summer.

Casting the dariiesl shadow on PC finances is the matl^ of serond class posUl rates, in 1962. U cost 27.5 cehU a year to maH the PC to “oat of county ’ sohsertber* 'nial has hern increasing annually, so that from 1965. it will be 526 crnls a year ineariy 100 pvt locrraM-’ And five-sixths Of PCs readerriiip lives “aiil of county”. Hiu get^raptaical distinction is important because maUjnj cost per year to subscribers “within «Los Angeiesi county” has been 7Vi eerts and will go up only '* cent from 1965. PC is fortun ^.e in that its greatesl circulation. c«»nly-w'ise is in Los Angeles. '

Hk “within couidy” posUl rate svslem. for instance, gives the Japanese vernWulars an advantage over Uwir CDunterparl in San Fraoctsco We m Los Angeles have at

crIt Sayw ‘Only tS Mar* Wesks—Go Detroit in '64'

Masaoka-iContiaiird I I rvM rage)

Eb~r Ojw»

NorthwestPlctnreHowna »••«<

rr< Hniti( fl( 2tUe Vlf tad Ihr c.-vii

SEATTLE - T».^r --

rm tt*a«s siModmeot »a* dr-fe*Md to « 2 to 1 vcd*. *WwieUf n »>'Vftae Aectr>' uoU«r

> Ac •L«l. k)

and tint we ( 'simmer ” 3tw:r win the traprrt «4

are? that I

,• T>ui:.> tiM- de- I ^ aot

•Gad' «t Uk Bwm>-

Graator Ua AsfolM! »r<Wr .li., U 1 S

, Petenm tt»« l»nk'nfMIQM •''— lure.-" bul tm»3u»«l a wrvey tt (OMtiaucO *rmn- RMt Pa*cJ rs«-s! rrpr»-.ematjt>n.' aniBOg em-

lUW. lair ho«*ma ia* theroUesm Of Sa. GoWaatcr are and eve.' » lav.s ther^er Be *a.v

w>rtiiif hart for lU r»»»al ' The wrcewd rympathy wOhl«^Ur«J h^«l(heee ar«n. and wdi-

aE fuD.v aaahiat di«.-rim^.-i—hut aiso axaimri iawr'ieABi* to ^^ffevent a He tavori. he aai said. *aA tA bai* conaA hw to ^U»tV7 aeUon. ' .-.anaard. or funuaa

Su bid On the threat to la.- material Rumfred Art ksB before «»e Ne- ' i..fro nmmmto ben that IHrkr «r. Warartaw .uuested leUcr tattee e>-rf«»Uy ate havint »»“*"•ome ruorern onin* Hegiw whs «T». are Demperats to re-re*iattr

■ and added;

least a 45-fnilc tQadius. whereas the San Francisco papetg are restricti'd to within iO miles This may expUtn why the |»apcn! up north haw higtiw subscription rales.

The gradual increase of “out trf county" rales may ex­plain wh> anme national n-orkires an- reducing the number of issues per year — or haven't you nolic^? r fSnee Mv.-ond-tiaiis rales anr the most ectmomical one Van iibdcTKtand wd>v nuMpapen and magaaiaos arc careful to coftimn itjjtosial regulation — seeing that addresses are zqped and evet^ually ZlPc-oM; that in cities or towns wheertbere are fewer than fiveSwbsmU-rs. each copy is wrapped tungly^ that the'address labels appear “upside dmn”. that MIC publish the number of issues a year as advertiwd: that we promote no kdterv' or drawii^: that wt hfjve a

• “paid* list <»f subscribers; that the subsci^kiiujile^for special subscibers be not lower than half of t^ regular rate; that nuUcr not paftyf the roguiar ttewspaper is pro hilnted (that is «*e couidn'iittsm a handbiH for some chap- tir w Mtiog to rt-arb thedr own membersfaipi: and ma^ more

BepuWie«a.-u. ho«i bwiinrt. to*d*T‘ - - •Sx E«»*ll». t«««o li 0« rrtD^Jxx ! prtm.rtT., «~Ard «»»■•»•... ««rd rmpi»>-ib«m opportusilv b»

-----------------AAcd UkJDC b rtaud in tb«SAX ra-VlClSCXl-Mrs CaBorn imtath-eH W«rsrtS». stttr rXPC chair; w**cb Ibe CaWaaiua HcaJ E.>^ man. S,^ dh«c.t«i ”~j« •-bi«i»rss Baders” ow-r repeai '.J -•««* trren- i«D ear Sta^c ate IhuBfoid HanaiBi Act Uto AOlnwan a c.-r«srical l^bwuto ,*-«t«a ihtuauvr **ai«at.afl fortw. rf rtmaVownrttoThe SUUMKB was cpnlained in l«o>l*tJoe « tauaaas-, .

N T»rt.v to an icUrr Lweek ta.T BudDli^pn-Eideiil of the BaMi ol

toc.j-Jc relifiow. tbe creator sad o* -J»* Vnisersc regardrtJ as

viernal. bifaiiitr. aS-poMrtul anJ iosjwKi*: Suprema Beai*: Al-

•• <Wrt*»'» New *«»4 D;ctK«i*rT. PMV Brv- Tiuji states further tha*

'Bjddaiim <k<r» W. deny the m-oiiesce of GoV but it nues*i'.eu. Uus complex ctec^- m to. c-nn

br God Meinahe M nit.- irate rMOitr. BuddBistn aftirm< Uus Ibe Soddhist Ged it >as- jvrtoaal. We »ar that H U so jrcat that it IS beywiid the c«a- prebedaiae ol matt We can netibrr debne. daautoa. aor uaefoib^ dis- c-Tif ttie'natui* of that wbx* » aetauanlT beyoBd the ompre- b mtioB of -JUT fuiue roMcfoos- Bcss" Hanc«. it i* somatime* calM the Nametnsarss "

On bebaif (d bis oD-retixamito of the Boihlh'.st faitb. Rev Tiusi rtoctoies: “We toel tu-> u mould be mast -.intsir ciunmale agaiut a petaoi c*v>c be dae* not wtesvret arcnriia* to the

r«to *d Wit -I™" '***” ”***iilm-bii-i1 captof. to- be resiaead Rectd.estvab to CMm*l t*“»**» Ottm 0*« ■»««* Ibwthe 1-it-T' tsAw c4 iPtortA w

niiMity xnw*w Uui of -rth' UsUe has been said abewt th«- or •lAf" hM*M w *wa to f.rr** Civil R^U Um dela»i to • *6|A«i Wfw. was paasml » 1«4 b ^ad «wre caasAdarrtfc nn^P- merit, and is wiVh? W 'b-uxh. tail aWGt tarns as u- «h*i wi!- m fmaOenag 'bat to &> neat Le the xttofosaU id the vawrs' sAiJve the houswix Frtft£s-m dausaMr md adl ito luatoAir w hi Ore»m. an realur «»r i-*r»A« bXssiM aQuaU} rt«r beeaihe a eaxaxrt a the twiwps ol • ell^d-ad s^ ____ or rmaae can dwCTRmiBate *>e «w

•IWaa ^ tt> ate have Aid ii basis eS rase, rebate, color or T cells a! thsuxtr. aatama] on*in Pnvije tacane can-t V to the varioos as{torts of the er, are not c-^s’mrt^ hr .tbe-'af .I -f-M etacroversarv ̂rertom and My *er or not sell their tlUDgs wen to be pi^coBlfid to homes o*> ait.v baXts they wish • » hsetier dexrer .:f ciaMy. If the realtor knoata that fte hwzMi

lalineatatlM owner mtesds to dtserubaato.. I ^ n,v« then be canoot accept the tousx

i th;r ’̂'^St^*X*uast Tb* Cfrrxon StAtr Bureat. of Ua

Fkra-er Vte* Gardeet Flortgi JbClJI *e<«WT *« rt «to. ’in

9t0 ( la St. ail • Uk «.f»l

J,W Maes'* *«1 Ue

\ mksi HMmatTi T|kb

was not aecesurily **v ' « Uw principle of date I

It was very to o 'SS___ _ CK-tTsM* raaes have1 celv a W a*ri*st W mriM tAwotod by »Briliatoo\ Mtteto r ni^ved ate a rteribao ateiut described m the law TOe law ;t- , Ssoste^frpe rf le^^ keir.lw* »»''* *»« cbaBewgad on » rich mould allom one citiaen to cowtitutiaeial x^vads MtaBy iaipiw hi* will od atethcr Houmax aittoc « ont the itis>u . UM ate ibQir drasuc pcaaKiea problem. MmtwUy' groupc eUier kt t?o-raBtar«*t»n , than Sexro haVe made leatotic•Thifv u. .i.'x. l.~.bt ttoit sosM (mgrvss ttir*(Xh berirr edacaUin

o' the t 3 ..on* ate cjoGh-u ere- ate .i.-npeteed crwwnmic opporU- s*d •--• myek of ihe cam- nity. mbwh mUl in turn eticouraxejEsOT v-tx-lcd fwaspert* of an a dixBif-.rd ■tv.iaeh to the iiol»- 0 erail'jnsitise perspeetoe wfaicb icnu at band. futild be bewad jrincvaUy on renpesHpa. HBderstondnx- totor- aiee. teiKWliia. and the very r eat banc need of ccmiaui im- t svestent-SutwU. everyooe onderstate*

wMh the

IM S kwttt i«i - H 4-7««Hows tTEgn* - Xian-. - I'mn XtfiS W Jettniw M IlXi K 1-to]

‘SJiL.nn ■ iot> St - «: •-*;}

Impoixi UDCt stei • 7?mc «w Ss ra<i.s ns

(hnac — fte Triaa.. Mw

Nerror kuixi> Ktortty which has watted

b- make auch URle mxress ate !-• demates » ab irry. U aweins that the ntuatinn riw i^uim a little more pa- rienoa and uaderstaadaf Iroai Uma iliartwr.

port—are virta*U.v ait Ibe bank was named as a "Discrtsuniitory barriers la

protete Urget te «vil rigkU teu,(M. <n.;mirvor. ofVn utetrurt dvinonsuaunas Uue week Um ntevnrs of fair-miaded eta-• —:--------------------------- ■ pfoyery to tntoxraie theit * w*EaStBT kcyiMter forces. T« atiiufr exwtlax boosiax

PORTl-AND-fbc Cre.-.-r PortI """ a

' Knl only because tb... amend- ] otam n»T discrimraate aggitist Aioeneaas the Buddhist faith, a* weS ns many ether grtwl rcli- steu d the world, ate niaDy won Btedbict ABipricaa.< such as Utost wte. belies'c in'the Ethical Union, rtc.. but aUo because this amcivl- fweal enn'-sins Uw seeds for harasA

au. newawen


aat~r. Uctarno s «ntHeteeT -ivm l9fc &l«t 711 m. TTR Tf-. tK iro n

^ MA G10M —for riaw M l-*4«

Memorial CiAxseu® «7*Vfcly

VOS ANCEIXS. - Tbe tsa Aa- busi- xwMs Presbytery Us: arert vried

a-t^K-b TO- agritoi the anti-hoosiax mitUtive-

Analyzing PC cost* for 1962. wc found that it coat $1 712 . a yea< Ui pay for the paper and mailiog charges. awage paid <utuUtion that year was wbout 13.325 per we<4[ For

- 1963. with the .Bierage'paid circulation up tu 13.850 per wwk.^same casts, jumped to f2.175

the Cbrisuap Layi iies»-*Bd«»ay group ,j»nr»«>M tar Easter service three The artKa .b> about year* ago attatelBX tte rioshsf winter *es-l*n .Tear, saair 8JBB attended' ana of the bo>- n-iterwtad ah c4L-

JACL ha.A assuinte tbe toadcnihJi iB wrtltig rittet to outright re- Twri if possible or. if the risrlia meotofy situaticB dors not pennb .-ucb aa artirti. aperific legislative language to mate clear that this araddnyot docs aot refer to

av <d foe grtetwhr«d ate I* n

I aU of the ^ I be blamed

1 ere made last four rcadAfs

2 addmto'filf

on postal rates K'.rwjuirwJ a fufl-Ume circulation manage;, because of the increase woit load and ineffecUvaneas o< part-time .help.

Bdiei-e h or not. about 6.000 new plates were made yrar. tlor rough gams is that one out of every four mined last year Anyway. 40 pci of U» 1962 underwTnl .<iomc kind »r change necessitating a new piale

.Assumin.1 we hold the s|N-nding line in 1964 except for those iiKTca-ses due to added ctrculatiui] laboul S00> and blill nsuiR. posttl cost* this year 119 cents more per out-of- county subscTiber per yeari. ct?st of paper and mailing will he abuM S2 222 per ycaf By 1965. it wtU be dose to $2.30 further assumin.r circulation only iiKrease* by 40U ityen

PC with Membership began in 1961: *2 of the national menibership dun; f^wesefdtng the PC subsenptum For the i.wirATar period <196l-64i. J.Aaxrs will have paid 68.00. For the bke period cost of paper and malliag totals to 37.99. iSuu-e we- (ailed to mantion the'1961 paper-mailiftg <SW1 abnn-. it was 61 882 i it can be said jXn^rs and K' art p\rn on this score.

^hen.- IV henefUed wa.s in tbe added circulation whirh dtrailrd a gnwtw volume of advertising during the year ' to help pay lur addiitotul expensrs not covered by gub- fcrt{>l^7rviinto. such as editorial and some overhead items, fjf enuTNe. 1963 (igum show that the regular advertistng lecurW durm- tiie « af did nol nipeJ PC expenses and that the liofiday IsHir'iniODte maifa- up the difference and kqit us n -bryblack '.

I Itjx ‘ adiertiwig averaged about 40 pA each week. Hfiliilay ls.«ue »rt income (around S6.000J would be

Team. Bril 49 jwi. of a four-page weeUy doesn't efler onich eaihaj; maierisl. Thi* past year, ttic advmlisiiig avenige

V.WS about 80 pet.Now that car admifaiog nfanager Oiaiies Kunayatsu

if diligeoiK sendax.»n Uw Us Cousty Graad iary(meets at leust three days t weekt ft w-tU be a to question, ^rihetha PC MfdwUtns hs iP pet. adrertisins sv-e^ge through the yaan. And wiUi cost «f paper wsd raaiLng* stepfang op lo Sho^ per the big qusation to faceeoartirtoB delegates OeWoit u whether to rotse suhsmp- Hte lilit’ fulfill fill r. the naliOB^'meaberdup dmsi or to jpdMC ol 'isMics vrhhuil ihaakiiu; wulwwriptiuni|B(te ■ - -

We iMidd ^iprwi^lM^ tom the aaamhsn on &US. tofotofoi ace ate wetcoahe...

Slocb - Bonds • tafesbneitl Secwtteit s<«ai *0* »-

Y. CLIFFORD TANAKAitm •« ••wirui

SHEARSON. HAMMUl i CO3324 Wilfhire Bivd„ Lai Anpatas S, CaM.

. OUnkirit 14355 Mwtowi w M atw rot Site Sterna

<M akw MBS ttanf mt cmwwmAw wteMW

tmt y « ’] It*.. UWashingtan, O.C

Kuaou tstHaxwi * asucum ■

Ask For . . . 'Cherry Brand'Hmiu. samv co.

faMi« MmeailHi' ate tun, - Ibrtoite

* Kt UA'MKS lam-mt 4SM Cmtmu Am . Im A*ssn M


Add the magic of JAL M no extra fare!

lapan Air LinH' unique encha h the gra*cous w^come of your kimono-clad hosftn. (n the dassk Japanese atmosphere of your let Cornier cabin she attondi youreverywish...asistswiththed)ildren...<en«srebed)- maoD and tasty drikacie5.honi sake and tsumamimano to

' continental cuisine. In either Economy or FifS Class JAL offers you a warmly personal service unique iti jet PaweL JiA airline Jet fares ate die same, so' lAL costs no more. Yel |Al offen so much mofc. with grabOMS Japarmse hospitakg.

^^ssicsumHindings.afwi service that anticipates every wish.

Now 11 DC-8s every week to Tokyo, comenientaxwiectiqns with major odes, both In the U.$.andtean.'-

'^.Fly from San Ffandsco early afternoon on Motj^.Wednes-1 day, Friday. Sunday; from Los Ai^eies every morning except Monday. AU flighu speed you to Tokyo the very samd evening of your JAL departure.'Or you may stop over la Honolulu to vnii relMivei^and friends at no cMra fare. See. your travel agent or ^


L« A-WHtl • AX 1-2511Swr hkAn Mte IcMteS

fatM llMMT* ItetoM




m ---------


1^iric CdUGN ^ ■ Friday HUrch ». 1964

By BHl Hosokowo

Fr^m th« Frying Pan

. Denver. Colo. ^,000 i^YAL-T«ES — No Turks are among my cur- j^uainuoces, but I do knoM- a few pemns of Greek a ixvcral of tben have been bending my ear lately thc ngbl and wrong of the Cyprus crisis. One of an elderly gentleman who came to the Un^ SUtc«

Greece more than 40 yyars ago, yet be becomes h^ notional when he talks '^bout the injustiees imposed ^ 'urkish minority on the Greek majority on that unhappy 1 of Cyprus.tlu pcilonaance is poignantly reminiscent of the eoM>- [ connic-ls the Usei experienced back in UU «haa the ^ed Manchurian Incident flared, apd again in 1937 when (Sing fracas at Marco Pcio feiidge outside Pddng start- ewar that led ultimately to Japan’s military downfall. Must thoughtful Nisei were inclined to take a somewhat tifw of Japan's armies defemhog the homeland by cap- peking. Tientsin, Sianghai.'Nanking. Hankow. Canton flock of lesser cities, and clobbering Chun^cing with

l«n on a regular schedule. But the Issei then, just as (keek inypigam groups today, were awfully hard to tf that you don't make a friend by belting him aooss eeUi. Sentimests ran deep. U took a war b^wees the hi Suites and Japan to show the Issei that their hearts in the country of their ad<^on.MME-OKOPPINC — Among those risiUng-the Los 95 SoeoUfic Laboratory at Los Alamos. N.M.. last month HueclioQ with National Science Youth Day were Mlfcio

Arthur Tafcayama and Danny Chang. Los Angdies school students. They were given an expense-paid fly-

. Furniture by George Nakasfainu of New Hope, »as featured in a recent issue of the Wtfhington PaeT* mac Magazioe. Nakashima. architect turned furntture r. was quoted regarding his chosen trade: "in a woM e fine manual skills are abunned. we bej^ e in them

even be a qumdioo of regaining on^ own soul." aid reared in SeaUk. Na^shima studied in France, d as an architect in India and Japan ■ ■ ■ The name d Wakabayashi showed up in recent Mocis about tbe >rsity of Michigan hockey team. WakahayaMd is the trines' high-sewing sopbonume center. He scored Mi­l's first goal, and lA I8lh of the season, while his was bowing to the University of Denver, 6-2, in tbe m Collogietc Hocke>- Association ebampiopsfa^ game cckcnd at Ann Arbor . . . ITic Newack (NJ.) News ^ magazine recently published painting of the twin '^Archilect Minoru Yamasaki of Detroit is designing

pa of the Worid^Trade Center lor Urn Port of New fathority. The towers will be 100 Mories and 1.390 feet ad have the world's largc$d and fstest-levators. Va-

ikL tww b’Z and cerUinb one of the nation’s best-known Ifrts. regards the World TYadc Center as a living

of- nun's dedkation to world peace . . . Kiyoriu , t Togasaki. a direclw of Rotery iBteniationql. wiB be ang at Rotary gatherings next month in Hilo. Hawaii; City. Mont.; Denver, and Cidmnbia. Mo.

HOBS FEDERAL. JOBS — A recent Uldte House report Negroes held'301,B&0 federal jobs, or IS per cent of tal. which is an increase of S per cent over the pre­year In the top grades — jobs paying 19.475 to $20,000 u number of Negroes increased nearly 39 per cert. nl employment among other minority groups also rose, a: Spanish-qKoking. up 2 pw^ cent; American Intoaa. S percent. OrienUi] Americans, up 8 pq- cant

t^TearsiialHMCflfflicollege to MdSMivUaar 'i»j|a>c;ss.vr..-Ma.*'i -•'i-W' f.-

^rtJsr' '•TV.1 BI i nf

£u“'.,"'Sru.S.’S fia—a

Ertujis C-.Hic«c. •■ :sf T.i>t6' p.-c’

ta-«V •h Of • >ri , a in »

MEirS tEAM cmjutnowa - lUwiii P«timislS-.an »i!Z a 3287 slian<-re(i J.4C1. Nauacia} Ki­ri Boaiimt Tounu-TTin; reconl of 3O0B a; Sacra- meoto t Couo-v-?- Ciu-.> Laxws. From left att Gary Siuidh. Mc-flf Kidosjctu. Taro Miv-a-uto. Ji.n .^> sak: UBd A'. Tarft ami eo to wiD reaular »U-

rvcfrtt at mt and t^oamr overaU eventf at ^ is rrcoiU-temlnat faataon A! r;41pd 746 is rafume <kHibl» atlb A»bky Ht.ns ^ 757 lor a ISflJ »«r>e.. ahjcb liioak! ftand for a- loni at sltr 1411 rreonj Rt in ias3 tn Fuzty So.xaoa aod Georse QfiS-


leOMBK-S TEAM CEAMnOKS-^lobday Boar! of U» A«eiei defended ;u J.4CL Na-jojial Niaai Boal- ina Taumamen-. tj-Jc a;U> a rerord-aetUh* »«3. Prom Icf: are OjLyo Taahima. Dusty Mtzunw, Ma­

ri ilatsucaaa. Judy SakaU and Alice jNa»-Alice war abo 4-gamc sweeper champioo with a siaiias m. aociUim nea biCb. Judy aitk 26H won Utc 13- fame ^omen's taerall ev-eeVT.

stc«: u oamad aad feat three CAittTB.Itaeu^nM tee hu last Msaesrt of cveeiu ciasaea at tJw w»>, veruty. and wkUe most atsdenu; si£. enToU far as avara« of 1 S «wr»w. 1k*i u laJun* sa eoursos far m credfax

Ttafc: If as admAbtratiyc kaaist-

fa anwal ofaw we*v«ra.He B an artia? »»a*5w ^

Afaha 1 "-I-*- Zrta. farfartid. fa Dadu Ifa IMfa. j|

sm-Miy Am tuifam » BuAi^aUBO and CaenMroo etfaBe bas iww* brm praafamt ^

fae CSwfannti JACT^ •Toki says fa* fasui »fr

ban) <. fas wifa a: «»iw Mfast ifa *ay» ."faerT-s we eeiifae

. tia- Ifi: br twee B»«f yssr ^

rukiupe^ wUh . tomorrow -st Wa»Jua*w Sebex^ miU local Jr JACLer: is c.karge

Th< cisSr. JACL <»isptoT leairi.It San JofcT- S^n FraiKiR-.v locfalBi. Saa Eatso. Cooua 0»-.a Diz>it» . faklaod. SaviainrtitD asd Brr C.iUrai-' ckr* j---------Pir-t round-samr* Kwtxbt tarj t 7 at Carbeld and Burimk'

ScSuolt Scmi-bnnlr and fmal' are I flstad frum 4 p.n. at WiUard' and BuAuilik stfand «yms.

B fae tsumaiBetit comR.dtr<- j'.ro

..-Muir . ;l - -.he . :l.v and r


R faiK. n-. .i« Mi*S;“.S

Nsel In Ui. chfl service coBllBues to me.11.’.'. — vt'l"

for minority c-mpfavee* lo Uii- Federal fovcmnwai are fetung better evwry year. Pxcudeett Jobn- loD ravMfad fau past week In releasnut fae third cetuaw of mi- nomy croupa in fae VS. OvQ iSersdce.

Emplonnsal statisUcs far fae eruds June 30 in im.iee and IMS sti^Orienul A.uer- iMiu ‘mostly Nia^and SasseH wwkmx ior fae fcderkl. nwsm-

on fae three Pacific Ooart increased by S3 pet. to a

new fatal of tO.Ui lad paar.Impressive *ams in fae number

of hifher-paid Jobs filled by Ne- and ofaer miouriucs

also sbowo.

gram fcty^iv seMiid surceiaivr yvar.' “Tltis is far result of aHirmatiw

and persistent eKorts by the Fed- el*] agencies to fare, train and

lutr solely on fac basis merit wiUvwt iroelevan: considera- tlons'of race )or\ancestry.-'sad. I X;*i;-.iU.atic<fi •tudic> sT~uu. U-gin

the prngrm dncl-wed od potential amiaui eur

cmj^nyocs Vluch bad

changes in fae nunority empfay- meat {scBire do not reflect special privilege. They are fae result of in«irteone by President KenoMly. fae ComintUse oo Equsl Employ, ipent OppMtuaity. khieb 1 beaded

Vic* President, and far agea- Cies

Aray MP biDchMdrt mrii *wm piper m Wiitotin

C'HIC.tt.U -- ilriiTil vi.il:*r h--lC »ai farmer Oucaguan George K. '•Jntai'- Naks.T.urH frtun Tokjv. A biurhemisl wifa fae US. Army MUitary P&i-f. Dr Kskamurs was invitsd to rend fas mMg on "Karrotiea'* nt the meeuagof .fae Arnerirsn Academy of PbrensiC Snewers which met recently fae Drake-Ho'tel.

He was gjrri at fae home of tbe Arfaur Uorunitsus. UNO Qub-

Cmcer resewther seeb ikpertitiMi stay hr mUs

ST. IXiL'lS —Dr Jiai.ftxh. Kawasa­ki, a Canadian sul-'>ci.-i bit a Jaiia* nese a:icts under AincV;.; becauw- of fat Asia-Pacific Tnaiv- gte. hopes to avud departaum and oontiinir bis studies at Wasbrngfan -Univer.'ily here.

Bisi ‘rifasias Curtis

bas bcoa jn fae Stales under an exchange proernm bis las: \ measxa ran out tor fae last faBe fais past sueuner.Dr. E. Ogtira. chief of

.fae research pnwram. «nid fas ague was "uhiqufay*’ quail

fkd to carry <n fas twesest work. vtHild take another farce years ftad taksUd people to Uiu

tlonko SeimeaLm Aapekt


uiLT Ufa vratL4 M S r M OJtl-T — PAILV

Stoira»"T»xwuTS.Tro,» D.i««i she . Want Ctow Eftiw u SHsB Ftsa

D.« - Duct .'Cactudh tUUVAKI • MOAKK IHMS

«;« £ ri-ti Si Lc: s-sicwi • HA 4-S02V

TW Aniatial <* C* i« fW«

I L. A.tas; T3i-ivee —

tum.iwai. nrrc«B1012 S. $» Fn^ L. A.

IB.: T4T-am

iTrSto m4 Ms Th

C*t"* Ow-e-4 >•- HaBs^Oaal »•» 4 4

Berkw Mf iii'bmhip BOi Mar :;i PC CuI-OfT

Lem’f CadeS20 C. IB-St Us AfB«i FfcoM Ordws Jltm

MA 4-39S3



Empire Printing Go.

114 Wnlier St., L«t Anonkt 12

growing pains?LEI us HELP you EASE


The Sumitomo Bank^ OF CALIFORNIA

iwwoito—»*> Fn«*CT-3Ccv»«a -rvlliw " SacrnmeotpOtBc* • i«® rount ttr-n • 4r»twi

SanJnaaOfac* • i!5 IHit* test SUFri • 7*41*4Lea Angtoes OMan • 179 Stea • * ‘"'1CrwahaeOMe* • 3U4 thHdhto |M » 4 • CardenaOtto- J»l W fafaada fw* •"! ' » »»*> Oakland OfSe* • *ai « B* n»»' 'o'-*



HoimJ mm> >Mfa-«.4afa« —«mAOi

44111 >«s M 4$

Fwkwi Mortuary'-fHItek UNCMT10N9 or CXPUiOCE ’

•qiCUl IlKLI 4AMU KAhauaiia

Shimitsui, Ooita & Kubota MortuarywrsstDv Msti!

911 Vnnicn Blvd., Lm An^etet IS — BI 9-1449arh -DiB*-’ OsslA- Mdir I SUIauba. h TutskA Kahaas

Dr. Seiko WadaIc W-Tiirr RB tM Wathlwti Bf eliF rrr»< Tili.UR Muut

Hail Baer aa -Hr.US. lane LiIp »«>« Mapj«a»n«-__l*-li wA. 1-4 .A-: SRrnMAl nrAbat A CsBAaenos- W«d..-Bea.


Tht riMH H HWto fwsirtlfal 3420 W. Jiftarw M.

Ua *wfa> U — K l-7au Tak’s^i

Flien b C»-»w to* Jwaw* C

Sugh) Bar — Spreul LsodKoes -> Diflaact

am i ttmm. Fscaun Fw 1

fer S^ttnyLtts ^

$H* of FKifK lCmcV NM Bowlinq Tournamg At^tisl 14-15-16, 21-22-23, 1964

HOLIDAY BOWL—henV ti« Mars—

ITJO X'f-.ram BM Ln Aijnes 16 AX.


t>«roratB<] CwSa fAMY’S PASTRIES

•mmu BIT*. a»< iw. Aa«t t TOOO ClAKT MAWOTi

Hmner F«4fisl OwM biswtoU Urfar*fac

LOWEST RATES!■r- ------- w


SAI FtMCSeO MS SB emez o 44 s««to Strm • ru 1-1200 US4MSU$ 4.F. AFU CFTSa HUMCM f BMCWmto 4 S«Litr S‘.l • Fi b-T60ti

Jim BR4MCM • iSM> k fi'.i Sum y Siiin. 2VS 24St raw LIN MAIOt * l*i< he'* SvWt W ftoro- H«u M4 nun

MAIPI • la'Se. Sw N«a Staai • HA«-<M1 341? • Jtowuu M • « l-7i>4

mm • fA '.-04C2 Mi fa. Haw Sc • Kmmt S11-22T1

■H» 9 3*1^ a ( • 14401 Se t


Oorum* Cnf*m S eaa Pafaa fa-. Ua dngfaM


SAPAjntsP ccssun awo ewewafa. L»vm«m

Hiffl the new moon____ ____

a bcoce M 912 Sto Fa»v Swaw. Lm AMtmm . . lyas Mipim

n m^ OiinMn Dnhw

Wt FaA tmt To Ttoa 0«4*23 W



Af CAirrowcn cnaiM

fanato C«.-.kuiu. naoKuei MB.T TO------------------

wu CnMhn. Lm A* s«»0

Wtao b SB. . .. SUfi e ib. nmOfStockmen*$


h, HaHSq RldiK oM ISrN*-$f«id«0«»

iirfta. ssjo >M 10 - t«BHi - suae



4-^ACIFlC CJTjreM Prkby, Mardt 90. 1«M

Go Detro^Jinj’64^EWoil I

Wi8) inf tt*n JS week* to lo.i Ite Coa\TOtwB Boanl i: men tk^a

Uti -4(n>:a'..A< prrtsusr o! fMBlnc loffther a fucewrfol and mirTli riMiiw confab. 7Ui wO^ be the fim unie » JACL luftorr

Rivw. yTeo person, 'plu^ the reeretary ^ 0*anuvr) ecutitute tte futt %hCise reeponstbUit; it u to inntrr a »jtTW»ful eofu-eotioo. pwip, lomied ia IMC. u m '2t past irmdcntf Tktr •MM* »ko have hep* the Detroit Cbajttr alive.Keadutf tte ConveiiUoa Boanl

U a 86-year^ aupereiaory «»• ■iftoer lor Keticy Hayea. Fraafc taiaaitr. OriciuUy trocn Saed-ko. Calif- ft*** w » »*tma cumlaudr craduate ia machacura] «n- dpeMlIK from the Uaiv. of De- Mtt aad hai hu ILS. tron Wayne Stale Uaivernty vidcly trs-v«id meartk tmgianr (more tCa 0»MB milet > b married u> ^ tanner Kaifaret Uakl of Ban Praacuco aad PresBo, a^ UC. fraduatc narae They haw a

Fujicka The «-y«ar-5kJ iapphire pia reo^t wat mnnanenta] la dte tasnatloa of tte Detndi Chap-

la IMI He u an Aui Omce Uanaaer of the Dctro.l

omce of Molual of Omaha MB-an msuraiM apem The ISui

nw Clubber baa also served btJMOC Publicity Chairmaa balds aa A-B in aoolocy from UQ>. Married to the ferffur paaes Pujuavs «< L.A.. be has

: Wally Ka*awJ: WaUy » an

tnrrc; <iu.iChui.. '.he eldest if a fmhmas at Dc Paine Uafearsitp. A*e- raoai- fium IMS OOMal Ewnta:

and Miyo OTieUl arehitret m pnvate praruec Since tettiitc hu Ua>trr. la ArchitcoCun- ftom' the Umv. <d llbaau in -«T. b ha> bern a rendebt of Del.-u:'.. baviBf morkad at one bin Mmoni Yamasaki IJir 4*.y.raroid

siian ii. mamed.'to, the former Yor: Yemanaki of Modr*»j. Cali! Yon ba. been *-orkina as a nurs ma ruperviMir n;>a that tbc.r <h.: dren are.old enoufb. They hav« two too. mod ooe daaffetrr Wall.

completad jwe at MDC Program Ovurmah.Miyo liaM OTfeill. the only

nefflruui pan president. U oriamr! ly frocB SacrameBlo, Califi She. at- icBdcd SacrameoiD Jonior Ccl- kse and Wayne Bute Usivendty. Takibf care cf her biuband. Bit'.

is a chemist at EStyl Cocp ami her two chiidmi Ricky. 7 aad Abb. 5, keeps her pretty buiy. She betaocs to Uu Phi Epailoe. .1 womas's netkoal Una amt garden B.siiciaticei She 11 a |iast pmu deal of the Pembroke Uaaor oranrh She also sensd at the MDC leveL

ad Sikdati Roy Kaneko Is- vtdwd la tte <d mm-veatioa busiaeas u this M-year-old Saa Fyaaciacae. It aeents aatural

Roj sSice be has been Guardian Life Insurance repre- scatauve for the last U yearsyouth, kpep him acuve 10 many

He is a deacoB inPTA.

Commissiuci. Chairnian DPtnat Chapter's Speakers dub aad u«4he Far Bastera Oivuiob of ^NiepubUcan Onb. .Be is married to. the former Sami Rental of DaavUle. Calif and baa- four chJdree. ages It-21

lOOOaub ReportMar. M mi>irt; .Kabocai Head-

quarteri aefcooviedged U nc« and renea.. IWW C'..!.- n-.t-miier'-hip.-. mcUahni it from Tulare County JACL this »eek as foitous:

Miiamvni vkaa__ muicaryi — Dr Toauji HadiTulare Ceiirnr — Kenii TaaluroKUe-Mi ^*WUuS^’kTuauv Cuur.ti — Teen SnimaM

TWELm 1 k*a" ‘ ■ss.-.sum ■— ilaW

K NaaaUs

Caraena Vallrr - Kaowirhi Kut

Ben baniooe — Tamm Viniada StUe-Hi - Mu»td Vaaul

r-iKusn - S"2?,e''SSrularv C'-onty MUw tnmia. : II.I laUyeda. BS KaaaU. Hn Ttstu.'.. Hmo TaOM

IM-Tament" — Akity tCaiakl I

Sao rVaMim — Takw Umit-i rr ISirtiai Dr Cror«a H b»v-i Mr^_tCaiTl» UrviTwta. rrank V.

kacKTn Ti

tM> alluii VaS^— D»

‘^aRij«Tn‘^in3&'^' raMOana - Kumka rukiAakiluiara CBusty — aeiaslu MiUlam KotutflS CaM* UaUnabe

.Tiuaet- - CaJ.To C biuea wn Juar - Hartr lAUSalR


tanruiaiv Cnuntr — TM bMii. waua (ta Mon Ocau. WUbam Bliiba f. — Of caeraa S Hjvsu's^^zsssasssi

oranc* CcMORy — Dr Riid K &

Pngraai. Coo

pirot and has beco arbve for the last loane«a years ta one capacity

• or aaothcT. ia a rrurial year tor__ _________ Jt. JACLers, he and Shirley Sauh

t Caw, laa are reapoDsible far putiing to-bema fctber. the youSi .ptofram. Bud.

AKBaM Vaabtasaa. * fjai originally from Moolerev, Calif.. £S!S ^ b a ta* taspeclor lor Oeaeta!

S:ba»>*m ijape. Winyiica. Local 14M6. aod ir mar

SAB. - Tammaiwni. rtad to Ac former Joaa Matsushita«ar a <MAar> of Salma. Ckltf Their sm John.

'©TfcSSi.TS*'?!.•'b*.-- -- - - The ats

rL^TIS- 'Btai It Mr Artvntaia'. Board

'TtSrrTTI" •“ ■“ »*■»half of the CcevcatioB

The withers »-ill be coi a Utcr issue. Memeahile.


LOS A.NGELES —-ifisci • icemen be UCLA's


Center fund drive remind' od Mar. « as Ok ckMiag date, bopiag that more'.iKMild parties pate irrespecDve of Ae amount of the gif. Conrnbubo«i are being

leltorrna. I.-oc .Angrlet 26Aaek a ffaatayt

Df*. — Pettuck supper. Ah Bi -'-fi Ckurrti


rnkM/ft WHtcfc 9mP

lilr-Hi — StJkr ^atlUii Ml CMvmpiu — Shmeki tbMe G-:r»y — Shw Ytnuar .

ekanr — FniiUi ftaiysHi 'utUr — r«ed Y tnuuiuhlacer Couoli HotrnrO Nekae

l^>arwene — Srnelu Mob* uyt^ VtUry - TTeenm T Sklia-

^ _Arvil - — Prank Wtu ■tcM — Key Yanm

Soskr tbyer prank Ymk.

Non-wellve sMe dropped brJASC

CiiirtGO-The .'s.anefe Amee-:riu fc«-rvi--f CofrmjUee hat cur tailed t. actik'i'iei in aao-veUare kr-i< by .lr<-ijking its aUenbOB tbe social welfare needa of 1 ioca! Japaaesc .tommuaity. eaet. t:ve ditwctor Yoyi pzafci announced Uiiv pa t weekThT'hcw puUcy wai tte

■ ■! JASC Bbard actaai last y*aJ .be« U became rvidcat rwraormc;

•km»demamled aticatM it al top prtariy-The bdtawAg oagoiag arrvtee;

are to be retained1 Individual esM demuBSUa

lag a clear avtfar* Bead aaon Use. N-.ei Saase: Japanesl ao dicr bndes. recent immicrsaM aad g^udeou fiPB Japan—eg-.Mkl. tamOr. school. empioT beabk. immigration2 Emptaymea: aad boueiag.3 Itsei Work Cei^. Use So­

cial Center, baei Lecture Sarie.Croup Obcussam Seitea pr»

_»!«»• Nisei parenu, baei. Japaaeae brides.nitj tea

S Ubiiiafi

studiet. lisei leisur*. geoml pbb- lic. and

C IftigHA and citiaRiMibi

fafLA.CBWiHpB»tLOS ANGELES - The appofat-

uf Hmry T ShjR-.anuuchi a. Japanese consul graeral here was coofirmad Mar. IS, the consulale .ammimcad. Thd SS-yecr-oid Cali- Waia educated diplomat win

Aped 0. S:SB pm na Japan Air Lines Ris family waPinfa him Uler.

R« has been iDYttad to be gaest rpeakcr at the Hollywood JACL initaUatnn Apr. M at Man Jea Low.

Chapter Call BoardHBlIywMd JACC

date: Acuv.tie- I - tv year : been u,. BuU,

I w«f Ut An»i(« MCLJACL asM at» BMhtai Atty

Frank Ciumian. immediBte past JACL. *Bfc»rdmg to Mr.. J*Ch leesaieai. w.-I

Vuki Kamayatsu. jwrsidenl CJos- (* ' JACL and Civil Bights'ast will be Che iastallatkm baaquet Apr-J M at Maa Jen Low,Tbougb date, wen not specified.

there will be a gradnaies party m June, beach party m July, par- UeipBtkm in ISbei Week in Au- Mst. steak bake ic Sep«cniheT. Issei party in Oetober aad riec- iiou m November.

Orwifh CMNWy iACLtaler Break Hap: The Orange

C'Aiatv JAY. sportf dance fw hgh schew! aod college studenU will be held a; Buena Park Mcr- chant:. Auditorium tomorrow from t unul 12 30 a » Tie* are re­quired for the be^-s DohaUae at tae Alor u being a.krd to defray

for the ball and

tlw suWecl of tins year's aatte-1 nrakawaLeatay cnoiest. at the West LA JACL meeting wmight

Bow- aad Arrow RestawaatDinner starts at 7 Youth liter S. mure-ted m 'h.

conte.;.jre being urged S. allyndmeSi ng.W. OW« ISO.

dljvtraled talk Argentina aad adjacent - coun­

tries trv Miss Naomi Reeve, wii! be inclikiid on tae M; Olympus .JACL ageada. wrbeji the chapter me«-U Mar M. 7 SO r m . at the SouA Salt Lake Rail

Mi-vs Reeves has }uft reiuroei lu^ severk! year. 11. Helen Omki and Ua e m !+»rgt of ariang.-

be mco'-' • .held in the aortheast area of Tlnrlrtwn «Af» 'Irvme Pai* from ;» pm u-siur- SOOCWMi dAtJ.

ta tbairmn Min J^aamt POkiilte: Stac'cumNitU Assisting wiB be the OC. JACL. Auxibar. will have Mr- JAYt. Jonathan Pearce .peak on Jspn

aese euquette a', the hoijr<?T Mr

MB fW*eiSCf''S ____uaomg scwo. C0 rwB»

th a z m. o r e

studioof dress

CSiot. MCI. MsaesMy’ Oi«:ago Jr. JACl, laainaf tar a baU on May • BeimoBt Hmri's MarbJe Room.

Pr««ram chairman Richard Yl mada IS caJliA ibe dance 'Hes' ^v" wiA Del Ruyal’s band )

.New wrtakle tor the dance will tM- aa "ad tek". ta be disuteted.1 M.> w«>»w\ I 01 iwiM wewr-rtisu

.11 —6 bMwwra - X - WalWe Ttaa

tnu TkAkCieM-o-TrouldsW - K taufcr fltver - Jsy D ?

ur. Kirasu Ik Valirr - E

. atarW KlgMIRl - WiBlani Koroki

hsH iMk* CTlT - Dr_________

Bonmis Ctamty — MkrUn »m

Skit Lkkr CUT — T«»

pL^-*sr^im> Mikkkk Tubber

Sko rronrueo — tlrtkuro Ureda

Rgfww Your Membership



340 L FRST ST. LA. 12 MA«»W 4-6601 <2. ). 4)

Mm HirN tl Mveh 31StAJM rSAIUM

Turin ^an at Kyotoftamiakikd (or 8>ai Pltai of Vaar ai tatk Aaaukl Ackdmiy Aw«i*>

CO-FLA TVRtHorakiri

Csmes rum I

KA4UKI THEATERA4aan ai Crnktaw

Tat T>4g362 — fita Fatemm Sbewifis Ta Mar. 24haw Ccfw wiu CkM Sih-TMRZongaiu MonoootoriCOMFAXIOS rtATtUg

Hitotiodo Boton

I . LA.. K 4-1140


a GM M fte oriaeta4 «4ikkte MU4 fcte ^ Oddm Kaata bhriw bte iBolaadAi 4f Ml Fuji MaDoawd M ihwiM Mhm 4^ had Umdad B d« MMte rf *0 teid-a waal wbakwa aiaf Kjte hy\B«0wF.Lid.EMablabad I89B

SUNTORYm tkmk wmkr J^\wkk,—. —1 ... k^. w..

Yamato Spring Cruisa 9o JapanLeaving Mirth 23 vio -P « Ckhient Lues (hiiao

LeaviQi April 3 vio Japan Air Lioes '

Yonato TmvelBapeai11! t nm St. Sdt^

Loi Aai^ 12. C4W. MAdiM»449M


Itrnhfaaa Taro'UM at Sob Rafoei Wfb twka

SAN RAFAEL—Original caat Sac Francj>cc Jr JACL'> mu* production of "Uradi:

•esented by the JimkirTaro’

priTheater of Mann at Saa WwWwiwill be I

2 p.itie TS-ffluuiie |a«cram «tan

Tom Yee as Urasbima Taro and Pkt Nakamura aa te TutOe. Ea'tracle billing uf Jov Niadah baOet ouaiber aad the HokuBJa Folk Singers have ben reuine^ Unugb other mudeta aumberi had lo .be omilled because of sebeduta diAlbuj&es. aecording to direcwc

U AtAruyama.Proceeds of the show win be ■ad to teod a Jr. JACLrdelcgau I the Nauooal maventKW m Da- nit. July 1-4.

cents aad up sn S tor full page.Rumford Act intiting

UCTG BEACH —Communiiy lead ers tepreaekUng varimu areas w mtereit wul joa Dr John Kasto wabara. muderalie of a'paael A.- eusska on ihe'Runifurd Fair H>u:s- lai Art at Uw- Loog Bekch-Karour Dtrtrm JACL mee-ing Mar 2i. T 30 pm., at the Harbor Cummu- aity Ceeter.Mfctiag Chairman

win be aaatsted t»

Richard 7 ter St.


cd Bars, prop*:

age daughu-r. I


m CvcTtef Ate PbMQHbTfrty

T1toi« 1.044

ClASSifUP ii



Owe FMMr arisr. Twu Fkieen

T.v . KiuiKk-

KoOt. a

will close thu coming wt Oraage County, according t Sbi.-nazu. chapter membersiup cbaimiaa. who hopes to top te 2QP figure Onage County ta

edged '.be P5WDC challengeatsad against Vcdtura Coemr.

Both ehapteri had some 17* mem- hers las: .vear

STUDIO111 Bte Rnf Steal




HOBN'S—Eastar Spccialf—ssrxjs; »Jis

L-«)«te-^iiii^aiiPWi»»HCiiraitiij» Kjli.. Gkjsee. ArrkMorWk

ril W kOBM Bll«. LA Df s-t*

224 e rvk St. iMi s-ai4S

CCM TsBste)Toyo Printing


AndOHwr Fina Fur»

Sab Matsumoto M. Jacques706 Sonh Hdl St

S«ord.r«w . S.w'212 - V. LA.

*70 tA.r^N iS TO MCRir


nu»lu<-7<MEen:ieaa.te(^^SUurdij^: 10 La. to S



SUPERVISORMost be expcrienctd in Bank­ing Operations Mu:--, uodersuad

Japanese- ai Perwta - .

BANK W TOKYOof Colffomio'


Aageies Cahf RE 1-7334

(A) range Cir.WeST ORICKT

REALTYKm HayMhi. RmHot

2133 S Wkftcr &..« Arake.o CaC-' (4 Bwcki Souir W D-vmM.

TH !714 JE T.4»:;I * Fkwe « J-0366

Takai Realty Co.S20e W JtHtnm BM Lki AwHn la. Cam

hn AX )-MS2 tC 1-3117c- K 2-7173



■taaer Fitauti. - htawi • LaM

SAH1WANA- htaf Eaag -

2MS TfwaW St M $.3«4 Iks AkikMs 26 £w CA 1-4204

Eaa LA - MwnfbH). -

NartST H Tara.3273'. E bnw* BM. LA »A 3 TfM (m ) AM 2-7137

■as** ■* *f5rauf^ Sa-'m


TCi NN.^ triw A '«mM

Nitet American Raahy

SBln MHET K.VB. LX MWsUko h teV«U KMcmW; WwfF :»e>

Fw 4eii Says Cwika Us


■ kamiyamahi

-• 1402$ r Wirnm At.., 6 Ilk FA l-MM

• n'.’.JTST.J-

• -Sr Jia-A K.JW-.y u>n> AdKM rrws» T hjs; KSL. !SJL~n



54 tee'^.M Akt W


if YOKOI Kadty Co.


127SS M • Cwkri: (taaf Fwlikfd 0>«ta» «72»

W B«4|

FUJI-3400 W Ohww Skd. LA It

TH 4£ 1-2372 SWii J (F.A) hko. Pn

i N-s Nakamva Rea^

33MteeSt »wkte<M FWw 044-2714

Eagle ProducemMl S. Sm Fted SI. MAM101

Boated rornwritean Hmteiilg > Wbokaiie Fndti tad VefeuUca »


Boated CoamtogtoB MerchtBls—Fruiu ft V^eaaM CaanrM Ate L. A. Wteteolo Tonaftwf «

MA 2-am. MA y-Tsat. ma

your credit unionieriisisE-iii'iTUi: '.srscriT.. srs iSMbTiGM STUOro*"

Pm ^ ttw AM

CoSomia Artim MotariohCJteacw « Ftak An State

3420 ■ T* St Las Ate* 37W S-24S4-M tte. Otet Ma