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  • 8/10/2019 Page 9 and 17


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    Presley feel that some if the circles are so huge and complex that it's difficult to comprehend how people could have madethem. He says, "There's one [in particular] here, just over on the hill -Milk Hill- it's so enormous, that you can't even seethe other side of the crop formation." He then explain that the formation measures over a kilometer in width. Presley thinkthat people couldn't have made such an enormous circle without other people knowing about it. At what time of day couldthe crop circle makers have created it without being seen? How could they have done it without leaving any evidence?Presley doesn't know, so for him it remains yet another mystery about crop circles.

    Presley also points out that these kinds of formations appear not only in England, but all over the world. Similar circlescan be found in a number of materials, from wheat, to trees, to ice. However, all of the world wide appearances share onedistinct characteristic: their curious circular shape. Presley tells of Vancouver, Canada. In this arrangement, the trees werebent over and shaped in a circle. It is particularly remarkable due to the fact that, according to Presley, only the top twometers of the trees were bent. The trees were not broken suddenly and quickly as one would expect. Instead, they werebent over - without breaking - and arranged in the same circular spiral manner as the crop circles. Presley has also heardof ice circles, in which a circle of ice is missing from a body of water but the area around it remains frozen. Presleybelieves that a connection almost certainly exists between all of these mysterious circles.

    Presley siente que algunos de los crculos son tan grandes y complejos que es difcil comprender cmo las personaspudieron haberlo hecho. l dice, "Hay uno [en particular] aqu, en la colina -Leche Hill- tan enorme, que ni siquiera sepuede ver el otro lado de la formacin de los cultivos." A continuacin, explica que las formaciones tienen medidas dems de un kilmetro de ancho. Presley piensa que la gente no pudo haber hecho un circulo tan enorme sin que otraspersonas se dieran cuenta. A qu hora del da podran los fabricantes de crculos de las cosechas crearlos sin ser vistos?Cmo lo podran haber hecho sin dejar alguna evidencia? Presley no lo sabe, as que para l los crculos de las cosechassiguen siendo un misterio ms.

    Presley tambin seala que este tipo de formaciones aparecen no slo en Inglaterra, sino en todo el mundo. Crculossimilares se pueden encontrar en una serie de materiales, en trigo, los rboles, en hielo. Sin embargo, todas las

    apariciones mundiales comparten una curiosa caracterstica distintiva: su forma circular. Presley habla de VancouverCanad. En este lugar, los rboles fueron doblados y conformados en un crculo. Es particularmente notable debido ahecho de que, segn Presley, se doblaron slo dos metros de los rboles. Los rboles no se rompieron de repente nirpidamente como uno esperara. En cambio, fueron doblados - sin romperlos - y dispuestos de la misma manera espiralcircular, como los crculos de las cosechas. Presley tambin ha odo hablar de los crculos de hielo, en el que falta uncuerpo de agua, pero el rea alrededor de ella permanece congelado como un crculo de hielo. Presley est casi seguro queexiste una conexin entre todos estos misteriosos crculos.

    Page 17

    Matthew then explains that crop circle design and creation often become a kind of competition. Teams of artist anddesigners sometimes challenge each other to see who can come up with the best designs. An enormous crop circle canhave a huge impact on people. The designers also want to impress and amaze the public by showing what they cancomplete in an evening. Thats the challenge of crop circle design, and thats also why it is so interesting and appealing tothe designers.

    Timing, however, is one of the biggest challenges for these crop circle artist. Designing and then making crop circleswithout being seen is very difficult; but, its not impossible and its certainly not a mystery. Matthew explains how itsdone. The basic principle is that teams have to work very quickly and efficiently. They must do so in order to avoid beingcaught and getting into trouble with the authorities. As Matthew describes the process, its obvious that its exciting for

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    him. It is a bit like a military operation, he explains. Youve got to get in, do the job, get out, [and] not get caught, you

    know? He then adds, Its SAS, I suppose. Who dares wins.

    Matthew explica entonces que el diseo y la creacin de los crculos de las cosechas a menudo se convierten en unaespecie de competencia. Equipos de artista y diseadores a veces se desafan entre s para ver quin puede ser conocidopor los mejores diseos. Un enorme crculo de las cosechas puede tener un enorme impacto en las personas. Los

    diseadores tambin quieren impresionar y sorprender al pblico al mostrar lo que pueden completarlos en una noche. Esees el desafo del diseo del crculo de la cosecha, y tambin por eso es tan interesante y atractivo para los diseadores.

    El tiempo, sin embargo, es uno de los mayores retos para estos artistas de los crculos de las cosechas. Disear y luegohacer crculos de las cosechas sin ser visto es muy difcil; pero, no es imposible - y ciertamente no es un misterio. Mateoexplica cmo se hace. El principio bsico es que los equipos tienen que trabajar muy rpido y eficiente. Deben hacerloevitando meterse en problemas y ser capturados por las autoridades. Como Matthew describe el proceso, es obvio que esemocionante para l. "Es algo como una operacin militar", explica. "Tienes que entrar, hacer el trabajo, salir, [y] no serpillado, sabes?" Y aade: "Es SAS, supongo. 'Quin se atreve gana".


    3. Reg Presley suggest that crop circles are created by:

    A. PeopleB. AliensC.

    Both people and aliensD.


    8.According to Matthew, why do artists create crop circles?

    A. To impress peopleB. To make puzzles for artistC. To trick other artistsD. To show that artist can have fun

    9. What do the letters SAS stand for?


    Special Airforce Services


    Special Alien ServiceC.

    Special Air SearchesD.

    Special Air Services

    10.According to Matthew, why is making crop circles like a military operation?

    A. Because its serious

    B. Because its dangerous

    C. Because its secretive

    D. Because its apocalyptic